Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1858, p. 1

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'A Th sea WUl be bper aum, TeCli ý,6un alto t acansâî OL. 1eWHITBYI , C.W.,THURS»ÀY JANUARY .1858 N . 1 cm-c ba lyaire anenne roulationThris b«dt e i a ed y vèry-n- RCRICALThe Maaker's.- Corn Crib». -name e hv ntlar -Whiie ortt> ca h red oerthe bno aaete ors.W.O Wdedyngt ® e ib adIeiuta ho P &. miT HP a a be nte ai fstaigWy oteyliée 9tA", Hland and West Milliner, 'and ýthe eport ays tha h at esnfo hecutyto og b "Io adverti-,e or thInk well of do- of Brock. 19 walking on either -sidrof the thief, with a "l itemsar'forded ý some -amusemetoinsathStrngnHueedof A. PRINGLE, Te Song of the masons, Every night hie would go softly to the cib escape, and a souffle ensued. Dîrng the the charge -dor a crinoline shirt, atwebithcasaldyanwntobdataHmuga ywill bedinonthmeiid tntil 91a"ra H eANT TAILOR, BROCK 8 .Erand 811 htà bag with the ears that the struggL thewrthAeakniaroshreasaga.ndeeddbyd-esnbehuprfcysbr.Sm Pwlln nclosing anah, If egistered, wili li t by- meet upon the leve , and we parn upon the old Qnaker's toil had placed there EverY the abdomen of Mr Hladcuting his in- nying Miss Kate any protection Msa n iei h oreo h ih edem hsew the Publishiergwhen adldressed THOMAS DIEVERELIL, squawre, of precioui meaning tose words morning the old gentleman observed a di- tsiesmasochSane;adahotslvn hteetu1triainwd ta-e a nth alay1n ha ibliisa CO I LD E R, &c. &o., GREEN STREET, Mlaonie are 1 minuition of his crn This was very at the sane imstanth stabbed West iù the fear, fashionablo HIe at Ride terrace as h asrn f h rcwe e mg h nl hitb, r tby,C. W. C , ieiheten-they üam wor- annoying and tmuststo -but how ? neck. Both exclainietemp"I am stabb1 1'1water. . iigta ewsecpn rmtetra-gauly BOOK AN D J B INERNA TON AtHOT E, Witthghes t, ndte ows, ndte ars ànyaone would hav said, i" Take a gun anie wrei ke oieBTe hif hn urNe or yunawmn il lan ne«dngrllftdmh wndw n i aon te T N ESTB I RM NT.E AST at KE SQU RF rTORONO hyar ugt cne4yuref2ae uwittl ebroke lome and rn downthe street. Two a lesso om the -fats of Miss KateOrromithscndtryadlapdut Tepp PRPTORS ýOF THE tWIHITHY nsMthwPore.--- We mneet uipon the level-thbough fromn every comes and fire." Others would have said, men named Howard lnd PROb'inson wer mild iurisprudence may not put thmitùntesdwak;ado e eigaa-Fnnil tatey have procuredsomte of the inmt O RN FE R o F FRoNT AND GEORGE from abishomte, jail.-sie h ilibt hwh sae n rwul ot pnteadmk r easc' eadh nteopst n os o eofTi, are a1è red oin stret, Trono.For the one iaut leave his diadem outside the But the Quaker was not prepared to en-frmtenerhec igadjp-hmlokuntisbutulwrdihsdeftesreweeheasondylnenY AND JOB F t e i G MANHALA HMTEL, And the other get Is&tr 1e6 spect upon the ter into asny such severe measures. Hle ed into a ravine. la ti#i place he was unpleasat bars But they Maysujcacamnihssironystludemnyte les qiMriPorD e hekreofor-wntdpuis2he6ener nda t.pursued by a dog who brought -him down dear papa, to all that dreadful saendteiuncofMrhs-otokhm TeFn 1à io11asn leror mye at the lowet We part u n the aguare, for the world mustsaetmbrnaouhsrfratni and held him fâta ttiRobinson camne up the paterfatpîlies agonties wegld rnd hi otesainhue r ecniuddt nf na prieone OAW.OODKS O VMR W ainlitsah the multitude, a cola, unfHiend- psil.S eae oto rpcoeand gave him -a M ù@oggting. He wasinnocent tbosom- to awide extent.Wer-lrmnun hrng.Wolanke Fter repaetrshav arease on ocon w &d fr r Tototh hlethouh wic5te8anwoldthen takeon to the polidefce adlce pnltte aewrigfo ish etsr n rie rmtpal n anhte GLrE'C-AB PRESSES /1ae uyâhe inýuence of our gathering in mnemory thrust his arm mi getting the corn' up. Ie was recogetzed as a stone mason Kato Verity's fate, and'rerniember htt xlie oteplc h tag al.TeA ani a vEige1roNkof e-lt ndFw.ybads cente. unholy errand at the hour of midnight with lliland died on Friday çvening. His depo- the constable. l aoe.Hscohswr etfrt hp tB tilbpnr4e ( ttheet q adFDiiieR P t r ee .fCharge. There's a world where all arteegnal-we areIhutr tg n hand. ibUnsu seigz , e a thcrustsition was taken l sutice Hlet before tehtl hr eihdlf hmi i vEP Andlaut le shortest ifnlet - - - -- - - -rying t'ward it fo*t,;-hshn notecrbt ez ner this death. 'fhe-bOU* &of Keyes wasUue tts at lgt i saefo rcue ro 1uGulNs, MYROFR&Co , URON HOUSE, tsW f e anet 1 nteevwetl tee hntel! efudhmefunbet ihr searched, and a large quatity of stolen lmswsams iauos-Knso e bp s tùdofice, Witby, c.W. o ie I v n Y, * • .' shlanstand beforEe d rient, and Our Mal-it ! In vain lhe tugged and pulled, and fNTMsTERIoUS NURDER ON LAKE RE g mrecl LLloT 89to LEPRORIEOR. ter will be there sweated, and alternately cried and cursed. od onp seøtmtdt eslso h ----rmgsqar. , A friend, who hast returned fo h PILKEY1s HOTEL,lesitoy made it the more secur. Af- A amáfè ieIm ulrcae o atchet hihweoca adon ZACII s I À ~~~~Accommtiodation and attentive ostlers. Thoe'sa mn ticn ever ready for each trustinig, surably subsided. lHe gave over his use, Femiinine Însolvent would he esa% accu. a eysrnecrusacs hc otdsiia aueeitbtenaPiaep ors ena te ur lo e- - ING -TREET, O11AW A, C. W.GV Dis there, im. All was silence and repose. 'Good gant, and 4i kethe -ä 'r"c t ibn because Lk rie. Alay .' iyadndal ronca. hrtyafe hger EY NOLUN, inninodadun. \ho ha e met pon the level and been tried men were sleeping comfortably in their %we do nogef',aot h merly residents of this city, ha1 enprhsgtepgad lcn i nhsuo h FF OFII TTHE OTI ALONuo.ti qur.beds while lhe was compelled to keep a I ,)ITlio h qâr.matter. t ebsns this spending séereal months In St 1oiM-nwqates itnls ha w ek ht s sR 1 . WllTBY, JF SE VAN- Let us mee"t upo n thelevel, then, while laorngdreary, tdisgraceful watch through the re- article. ào ur.dha welre in eas n odblogngt alterlviginte ot 3ss. JOHN H1AM PERRY, BSLT E E, Proprittr. stthrn e slbr huhtelbrmidro htln n eiu ihAcertain »IW stoEiabeth: to en a ecreo reundt bv h ty cidnl elit h o-@33 ESTR AR. OFFCE ()N BRCKT.R.ALROAtHOT L e seere . ihndin ostalngpandomthpessureLondon, aged f % - ti truth- weeks sincoe gentleman krspeissrh i, ntaefeaig LvR WNNG. PRiPERTal R Bg l CKttet. (4 p ae wsensyteen i sof the clamp which held lit. Ilis tired fui te huet nomame Oofl a,wihalhiSttonavstepcpdlottepuynrdrsmstfhsrltve nAh il. J. MAODONýELL ih od6abigadatnive0To egatheup1our Mworkinig toolsand lhe tried limu, cmpeled t susainhis earybod ue r#pec pahave been of which was to collect certin wudhv oe see laegit e oJm RER K()F f1lE lEACE. F -A le tTe !ar. ld fa cnin elldsusn beneahmrny ale aebaehEliy hsougwsdet hm fe ehd ena-cmanadsoe hree' teninbe ih rt 11 . ~~~~~~~ONT ARIO IIOT EL, IIatalis roun<ii. vo faithtful Masons all, the brighit his heavy eyes would fain have closed in woma&n àa =,to ha.jgboern very unlike sent forsvrlas i ie oucnitstwt i ogs aue o ao u a strar oftlte Surnogute en ma attive stlèe. 1ag . sleep for himi. There hie must stand and tat ' !y"_ ýbetm ion of this evensh awie tepr. estyy ( 13 rock >Street. - -- '- -- Oh' m Ihat w ,d- of precious meaning those wthtepogesolhiigt toc er ardent o t t by atth tme'she bn oekow;bt it so ad e- es y. II. ¶ IOMPSON, Ea 1. T T U O TFITE k.ýtul)ithwevel, and wu part upon the desire and dread the- return of the orn- a xius b 1actnede h1da6Zseth o tqea as o e oud adc RDN.11213ECECA NNGON Kinig stree aOhwt.M.Sh ping. Morning camle at last, and the Quak- r- by th cer btaties cof railwayoravl r- ." rock.n t dr toTal.n cariage elai cry er ookedout f thewindo, an foun he odestfema M o o- ne to rnee n i t&c. otenmtwha appars t be er faorit easir in - - - - ------ 4. hd cugit hema."anywhtere ex c h felsand bable failure of trainsto conet lcuo h o f i edbten coe t W. PATONJr..PRANKIN IOU1E*had augh theman.But, after a lapse Of more than n e' Á lileOFIC T1T1:E COURT u CtsA, .w What was to be donte ? Somte would quitte indispo eht, sv broaaadntrcii i as hnh isa et I ie mr F EFri o»iErR. 00M1FOR- id- the debt tef-) e 0 ù att, living sonable num ro4ysgwihgra araoanottddslaehrondrc Il.J.NTYCDNEWh itby Jan21, i18 The Year 1I57T. mg y stcu le stansB aashion, and lâmbecame intolerable, and inquiriswr aeuo i ak;adwe etkshspie f ' ea h at ue AIl 1RTLhauyi s made, first at his placaof depatradfosewlssowydwxi oet ydci JOJ.11R TE (;R AUnt'8, s801<OE STR EET, A very interesin crnoogcartae.Quker Schacors;ou hvesnt Toriean a sss" he log herut. botethtdasth tbanoetswthhi.;sarngbaotuhe' IIN XIIIER>Mwa, Wmia Madden, Poprietor-menlt of the principle events of the year, the man away embittered, and mutteringsicnrepsetsoeftheiqu-'"bddb "- ttà e which lhas just closed, lhas been published cursesorvng.Thte good old man hiur- atedg PristhwfeecvdineleceaS.etoak eueinaesnger e --- in the New York "Hlerald." The follow- ried on his clothes, and started at once to stuff, sifih - - ude te Louis, that a body had beenfonner....• L. FA IR H A FINKS B'rLt ET, 'NALOONTB ing is a sligh)t enumeration of the occur- ithe relief and punishmient of hispr ison- natmelesst htsemgttoe fLk Eiwihasee owt o not n hnh esahsmtn, T 131ti80e C:t'TofFFhtEtDAS STtBET, WllTBY. YSTEI not rise and iln)amIn the waygentl remoes he wrihthe sme vepool urt Ume DLost-., cc c rncesof tht meorast ye,:- ere am1t-ou- 1edescrptio o% hr huband.It ws liogishmembe. Heappeas towalk al of the"Nga. H1ArIAr, Jan. 2,-185& iship "l Niagara," Capt. Wieb en routefor Bostn lue at an early hour on SatUr-; là' steamship I'Atlantiefrn n the 5th uit., arrived at Liv4 e16th. by thi arrival, except in thé way, is«ofuule in>portance iothi g later fromn India u ifoenfipure of 6 per eent e North of Europe i but af; ffairs had begun to imraPove- nd Son, of LonddIn atl an, reousemen, had faitld Their ýe heavy. sh money market, howvever, gettmng easier _; particularly discount houses. ications at the bank were night difficulties had arisen amnongst Imanufacturers. Cheeseboough )ne of the largest frms in tu )rksnjire, hav e sto nv edan rs were expecte ob novd chff Governmient has imposed a aeigns badhad been madë tO Latmp but Mwithout sucecul erican Sumarine Cmynken the attempt to raise te sune bastopol.InteLv ,o Moarket prices eclined i ticularly for the neW.d ~-Th >ed with Tather better dcmandï - week 28,000 bales. )OL BInEADsTUFr MARKET.-Rich- pence & Co., report flour,quiet y. Western Canal 23 @2 ýa and -Baltimore 20 Q·2OI 2 )8. Wheat firm and slightly rhe improvement bemng mamnly iner qúalities, Ited 6s ,)dg 7s id 10Od (& 8s. Corn firm. Mixed -ý Vellowv 3sGd ® 34. White g.7g aya & Co., Richardson, Spehnce& ,s McK(enzie and others, uote r, anid irregular. Pork dul. il and slightly lower. Lard hea- )minlal. Tallow quiet;i butchers oo01 PleoDUcE ARitET.-Suga ne r:r M-Ioney was slightly LLondon. Consols fr acco6unt 02J a 921& an Stocks were generly u! ýs unchaniged. anchester Market-was dull, and goods and yarns had consequet ed ;Iagara passed_ ape Race, her res havin been completed. ;iaw at 6 P. lm. yesterda,1sta p"d the 'Canada%,'ý hencefr SThe republics of Centra mrc we 1- -- - e an hod th ba, whle he ood old mani Well,the exmination before the Insol- smntvr osdrbe o huh oTeffhifnr, Itamero, Mnedne I J.DartneconLulsdLwithwarNditurbane durng filled It, interspersinig the exercises with vent Debtors' Court was, lot us assureyo, exceed $1,600,M" CpanPep' atreaewt re f El c D E MM 1 1 R1N theyear. y a cobinat n of te&en- the pleasntest conversation inaginable- most interMstin, Mâss KataElizabeth -aastn.nvosa xusI h omn r unn vr ribtCag courtlouse4>mb in ,,' Dhi ,nCourtAgenttral meric: Staes, nabe oe-all of which were like daggers in the heart Verity was there, eothd, no doubt, inousuerhstocmaes ftops 1 I L I A uM t D r g . o v C. e - r or t h o f A . D . W e ek sns t I i a i c r a g u a w s e n bl to e x -I n o f h i s c h a g r i e d a n d m o t u k d v i c t i m . - t ht v e r b o n n e t , s k i r t s , e t c , w h i c h w e r e o n am'w i h h, s o t t i t s e p c e d e w l l g tT e W I L L .UI POW IUT s tÉO6rie &ge. t . W .tpel en, Wsa leand his folloers. In '.l'he bag w as filled, t be string tied, and the the sut ect ofct vra.Sheevidently -The Bowmaalvile (Texas)Fagothaonsfey"Ateretrfomhelin NY EY.& Eli, k'.,an, a TH EltFOD & AUE R8, the ndrCsrtand asezdune iara-h th sufferer hoped soon to be out of the pre- intended to fasc inat M.Commissioner 19tth uit.,YS ays tatdreadfuaconsam uredtdonhe2hOtbr, I.:IE.sroEL) un rasi oueanTad wr nth Lgc o hstoretrbut a.anhs u-priégwoproved we regret to-gay, as;hv earcie fdpeaincr'a h aepaefo hc esp MEJ MIDY àN4D, AINO SR , & k. newgovenaenidtéfiaragawhniensru. poee mwas thwarted, will appear in the end, a Radamuntus ut. mitted by the, Indlasin Nv-enadpoetecmad i o ev~axe- st W N ills \ 1) TmbtllEl- 4 .oui> . 4K i ngStr eet West', T Wler agheCýn ý1cnsateptd o ind epru- "Stay!"'said the Quaker as theiman try'ùn se ceptbe fthein en sofr.Caul.Se ra fmlisfthNrt- e -pak ofhesle rar->ng roa .e - T a unan>ut.. Als,48 Kin stree West, - gleofntel Crale Aeiasotrmindepen. a about to hurry off, having muttered noline.- The eidencewasvery strong ernu odr f hn.Sae aebe sm e ie rmta ot aig .1 O. E .uT W00 D, A. H &. --.dn efrle h iatostriainonce :nore his apoligies and thanks, I" Stay aginit Miss ateVrt.I 'ssonmreeadagetnme o ahsbe er rmo h rvosdy- I s CRf , -î elt , C'Ë 0N OIRCÉ MOtTT, f Walk-er's second enterprise is too fresh mRthhs rakat edyeethsi he hehd uoed'prvi"rsi"r aebenthrugl srppdogeey-tWehvea sm er ol eahr n so ... m.g .a.ur.dAPDdLi suAN D IIARN Ek MAKER n hLmns fou&eaeo.oreuref R usth not treak fgoing withot breakat . "threls o" n 1ùg hen s iW y eau t 3 tig n he -way-,fStocr dp roue w rtreladsnwsom.p le S iz C t eili nEatoEm. mwhere 1.koeer ther allusion in this place. The republics Cm ustnth is calling w ad asdichrgd.' akngbragem iv wme ad hre ehwee oingaimkiar iogodcodiio, Mrmn Dr. R..IW.C L A RK, 1a largetock on hand, saud carry en the butinems of Peru, Bollivia and Mexico were convul- Cme•th • lin 11an dvdsco e TnM " he avaied foNn 'icoloaýîâdo Parass w'ithhreeao n i dutn aebe atrdA URG A NVOUC11 E,1, &CoRON El taal1 t braciwe, the sauw masut my establi ed ihrvouinoratmtsa eot. This was almost unendurable ? This was all this hierative Commr@ iss ied ilis nd .catle, ho - ere -attce n 'b hetop.-a.Lus eulcn sa s Sar -- n a Mexico, president Comnionfort hadl to eagon w ngeacetoIn aerselôba-gr.faliti:oftcredi,adeed. - Anoer p at artgin hm Dr. 011E0K LEV, N. KLEINE WATCII ,,contend against two powerful and united vexcused oin Yainebe ae orbe el eased walked nt aametalties -the millinthd er; oMpii, mevït tyampfa‡hle oU.TeWr,"ob ebleegsw 1NV V it ut i &ERO N 'mNOF ITC LAG i factions, the one headed openly by the eWhuth ioinntiing, the Nesas rirves. A salgiment unde is a cori-uption of the name of one "Bor- et,ýh unVIt'. iili g, ig Sreet, w a nclergy, and the other stimulated by the fote Ûd ut ee th anis es t t ahenan e o te said withecarig ommaryu"of , m Al në i npr hs, er orp niiul h ville.wily parizans of Santa Ana As a na- tentttmit mort eof thisagangrieof:navages.aAllnithe pi- seineidtwenty yeam aghg or more, didPaMtre-lare an E N H K N B.-Watho, ocksandJewelry promýtl tinlsfgad ewcnttto a rio mn. T eQ ae wsmxrbe i pi it , s w nt r hát para of ia t cs hh au n ua t mnuu bslesiitey .o upy o J.OCMran o eprd.o ul fgaed ,a n w o t antirt ht I a rsn enws b edT o il.ws-u the prieress i-egoablona ingapp fBing a,$& o h e ngteg'a ws n prih lte 00t try otum siopranas wmJ. c. STERLING, Cmnfr wsclothed with the powers of Breakfast over, I"how," said the old far- aristocracy, and put p th ies ingstrutied of popertyand ieb.teI othet6iha'vs mun fcu- 6 xo W. noe a Oid. UMr. ;OýN R.A Din sales a kB00a ttDictator. England's rule in the East In- mer, as he helped the victim to shoulder cordingly. .S4 Miss *ho laiensin thqfos etaAfreo vroetretbl n$ttosbns hc e oe A MON W. CRONfe Mfrs loft at the e &'dies was threatened in the Most violent the bag. It thee noods anty more corn, riff lterrc ays Ye6 tend 1 gui fortosaindthor ste& gemenfaeen ag-vrhdn Íth(usd fte"fr- 1 T l E % l N E E R , A N wt n b a s r w i k d n.m a n n e r u r in g th e y e r b y a r e v o lt o f th e c o m e in th e d a y tim e , a n d th e e s h a lt h4 a v e r e a sfo r o n eap p aeë ' d M r , B a ck , fo rth a ni d h i som ig n h t h t t e a g s g tv«b a n f h i e s a d " B r h s . a r ý;c vrthe Coqrt lHousâe Whithy Sepoy soldiers, sering in the Bengal ar- it. . anothér, hoh-r ht$5b ule)TeNgsausf h etnpolfh t ahrrpd a . FROWD BEAV EN, 'àMOTL, yin consequence of an offence offered - With what shame and remorse did that silk mercer tctea adapopitd 1000 oihe1 h~i'ià,wu iiN onfeli a reesh Est a B]AT3E NH LBY. T 2£ E their religious prejudices by the milita- guilty man turn Nom the dwelling of the Icame to b b m of buht ctea ad pri daligtrp n lehdfMeigh oîh m p ada of e uring ork arefaly ,e s p Nort and °n ory authorities. An attempt was made to .pious Quaker i Everybody is T .eady !to say somethng 8 n going of 'o'ghese tt; an 'r# andu one ... araul giuloroe alwayseinmore losely unite England withthe United ta envraai raldteQutkeWsn- drau inly -thrug,-hefr'teriprtond eheStte "eg4-d 81ebilsn' il ihrtli 114,)sANDER .C LARK, inadanR? W YA Poreo.Sttes by means o6f aub arn 'telegaph cor eib, 1 have smtiga 1b e iet o eMs ad ajb t aou t erala tie s th&ilomoo f röä SnBL , 00UN TY NTARID. . unk i theAtlantic ocean, during the to tell you. 1He at onceî6pente an ret-- but hiefaU t;te haa f50tsencPbbou aré B n 1 seala te Muleir oga uAX IUnuAN MOTEL•. as eabut the enterprise ailefrthe formeand my informant'telIls me that h id' t1Wéc é trd aQueretaroad £to 0s:f4Aaå oeydatripoes ft z. moentowin to hé sddenbreaking of afterwardseadhunrelate, he;an experi- 3y41 èumgstyop tTh.irso eiii4dlfldE 0Ptintepomd DR M.8.RBIsN HNHADPOPIEOT 5THSthe wire cable when in -process of beig!) en eetn, the substaneeof te stry 1 the first 'uY " FRog n e N ethod ngg were seriMos. have related, andhe, attributed his conver-.'.Cona àiniyiebhu kSn Gmrl aerscha hail u.Y HEM8T,&c. e Ê a e em engWu y dstubedby a seovere financial revu. iounder CGod'sbesnt oresponded a tofga efenddthe pl-bxbts sad be moez à,a â orpubu l m p s _ on co e ue t n aaon y p ane. wh ch the'Q uaker had pu m aded to arrest hh n in wt d n G. A. BANNISTEEþ mmmenced in.-the United States and end- hsdwwrdcours. could nomiitd o d ed I00tWhe otfi4 T. »UQS AND CItEMICALS, th TLi usesgno 1 .oal ho eg4 aeteandfî st e &Am-utokpaein LUn.; chiester'uafon of: saturdan gves thepar-, 1;6g aabt ,NY ANA oa Lninhaî been f 'g-aregmad&dadtieulare of a traey hc edrd aybl na* EPAERBAGE ntue, a a w vntila e4 ß.%Pterbur, Wr rtosnea t h iage fingreFaW14sdboccesji b n sena wy n he rrva ofth Te deontt aperst at thevllaeotMfthi iagsm g ggA A0 R, cas M N e K rpi o enterd A e:orgrraeof iMy ndred M & beye sh wimý00ELMIONER Foquse arb.107 : em h goneswt freefrom thiMé a nd& látésilfjhaff af' b e - E h i Q aem a B e a c h , s p py0g.f i c e lB e Mty v B g e j l , e l i @ ¢ 7 0 ew Year's Day and that the de exile ,against General Bedeauan rnier- isq to e repealed. ecwret ChambÇ had passed A eed n favor.of a repeal of the usâr lWaI mnesty for political ofences an t4 [antit.pâssessions of Spain has been stated that -diplomatic rela!Ons *l e resumed between Prussi&M mportant victory ove t r e 2 3announced. Agfa ere kil4ed and inay of theit-,7 .re _burnî(. tmber of new and'impo6rtaýnt fil nounced. ernment propo"&tcboHd'iio lers tdassist 'dmer harts the North of' 4maee îa r »W.e 0 peIF ý4yüýý,-.Aýp. - PPý^tý bo

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