Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1858, p. 2

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Th onet niorth Ontario. pedr sleria otheYeu. aswell supported by the refed to sUbscrihers, but the reader lis rangemnen of b Riding. ptocure the journalta l g si advocacy ofth ned his support in Brock, Uxbridge, and locality. à cott Very much,i these- Towrnships bemng Last Year a Councih Wrminedly opposed to the proect. The --à ailwAy cry 'was taken up by his oppo- WhM"atever may be aag ams et and ased as a weapon agamnst Mr. merits of last -yeas tnil t ro lo ia in Reach li Rig dt iwerful in- ings had one recommendation oee unces were set -to work for Mfr. Gould. Body of the preceding--year. They [as. Currie, Button, ForemanWard, dignified. The proceedings; of the wb ;leading merchants of the locality; ex- Town Council for 1857 were fee from- rtin ai ther ifluene In his laver- sonal altercations, and were-- condue d lmMr. Gould boasted of haing a taajo- throughocut in a spirit of courtesy and goo* t it of 800 ; but, sowell did Mr. Gowan's breeding of members towards each otbe iends behave, that there were only e77 which failed t mark teproeedlin ï ters of a majoirity agakist him in Reach. the Body of te prev nsyca. 11 nUxbridge every man and boy that could nothing else, is some recommiendlatio t, etth poll fer Joe Gould Ws transacting the business of tht- Town, a rOgt out. Lases and tenancies *«reJpaying due attention to the iterests rod gon the instant and voted upon. their trusts, we know. of no teaso»nat ;ilg ots were tiut up and divided into charge that can be brought agamnst Ils lI maner of parts and parcels to make year's Council, as a whole. They- have y ou nvote forthe Goud-en calf." formed their duty to the ratepaysjuts rh imense majority obtained by Gould well--and perhapii m a more satisat nbi wn village, decided the election in manner to the citizens, than the Count l is avr The Catholio support given of 185o& They did it in a quieter maânne gGwnwas made a reason for exertk and without making so discordant a no ýtthe ",No Popery" cry against him. as their predecessors. It is easy to fin4 Rewa denunee byGould's party as a -fault and to blame the3 manner in'which1, Ilp sh LbtË wherever the Cy-ctild *public duty has been'performed-the âa: ec made effective-and it was-effetife In violus and dissatfied are always sure to n mall degree.' Four pap rt in this do so-but if individuals who cry outso sotnty attacked Mr. Gowah with all the1 loudly against the ctonduct of pubPiybý virulence which they could assume, Whl were temselves.,lcdi the would*ýt they at the same time supportedl his oppoý which these men occupy, thy wud nent. The Gllobe and Message were like- found doitig precisely that of which t q wise gp-ead about, to help in the work of complain. We dislike this sort cf lmeta MÉ. Gowaitts àddMture Ëten thé ald hole-'and-e rner whispering wîthwhi , of the notoqrious Nicholl's was called in unworthy -men occupy th-eumles in db. and hiisvindictive lies disseminatedamongst famning thte good niame of their fellow e- he electors. Every aid and influence iens and neighbork, by ýmssrepresentiii that could assist Joseph Gotild, And injur-e their actsïn the Council. This ham been Ogle R.~Gwan, was brought forward andi a good-deaithle case by those who take made use of--no matter how unserupui- ecpint ecnutofsm1fte lous and dishonorable in itself. With all mnembers of last year's Counci i when the these adverse influences, Mr. Gòwan hiad honest manly way would be to come for likewrise the disadvantage of being a non- ward and confront those whount they te resident, which fdld largely -against him, cuse behind their backs. Honorablemninds and in favor of his òpponent. No wonder will not be prcjudiced by the statemeisk then the resuilt. W. Gould's success has of thos'e-who have not the courage to came surprised every. oneiand, we- believe noe,' forward and mnake tIrc assertions publi>c one more than himselfý-knowing as hie did ly. Again we take' ft upon -ourself to.F how little hie deserved to be placed in the: sert that last year's Canncil deserves well position of a Parliamentary Represen- of the Town, and -that they did -the best tative for the North Riuing of Ontario- they could--lo to forward itä interests• The Twn Cerk*Municipal Elections. The outrageously insaltig tond ofthis coFct Ons R 1 ,Towx or mTir officei. towards the citizens with whom the.. duties of his office bring him into contact, Our c-tvic elections came off on 3onday han of late become so unbearable, that there and 'Êiuesday lastL The general-tel>ý is an aluost untanitffongly eXpfessed deter- for member for the Riding, taking place so mination. that ho shouald bemgaf, out of of- immediately previous lessened that publid, fice. He quarrels with every one with zest usually exhibited on such n'c-ýons' whom he has anything to do.; No iitizen 1aithdugh .to thosegged the intprest *kg can approach his office without suffering1 as great as ever.,, insult and indignity at his hands. "Lmee In the.Town>iof, Whitby the fZ ollon mr office, sir," is a- standing answer toa ll Councillors werereturned ; thosewiha inquiring citizenis at the office of Mr. Ben- asterisk *'served lastyer Sjamin Yarnold, Xl Itng ntances have come J afr under our own hmusediate notice, and in- North Ward. J.;. Ham rl numerable instances have been mentioned -jas. Hodgson.* to us, of the aggravating conduct of MI.-. W. H. Tremayne, -ejai . . - ente ardt H. J. M'doe BnanYald, in his capacity of Tw .Mchro Clerk. The violence of his temper and is Cnr overbearuing conduct exhibited upon every SuhWr. J ohnWton occasion totally unfit him for pertorming II. McBrieLý atxn the duties of the office. IIe has likewise TeSuh adebrwt behaved the patmin while acing as R-ByThacclam ation,. i we tuming Officer at elections; We ne on- yacamtm la'st year, and his open ýunseemly partiali- pl mteCentre Ward, three of thm= ty, while. acting as Deputy Returning -of- layrs;two, of the lawyera sr, ficer a the-late general el ection . Thitund condct isplys toal ufitesá n te .A fourth çflIdate in the person-o t -and tectizenasanthe ufrequencyiwith eatstd utbu.teote be taught that they are not the masteg fTwFo tickets ra t'O a Polland tira MenM but the servant of those who p'ay thewt- bers flat-foýotet ,the people; and that when their behaviou*r EST.,wRaT. towards the people is not what it should' 'C, Campbell,- James DrydeA be, the Press, the guardfian of the peoples andet', . T. Hrrnison,W.wsn rights, wUI hold up their conduct to..de-d e servedpubl-ic odium. W. Bartlett, J ,ýywký= .t cËf ëfýSMthand Pobclittl Mr* Trueman Pý White.-.L4 In the beat of ad eleCtion contest indi To the F- n circulat. tonadct a ni bg t Io ask of thl nity of expl their chari where 1iuma understoodi no foundat fr-om those-,» hnd my b- they 4ve Mton ofr the lh, t, 'andi a verdict il ough in, 1*' inburgh, after several days' examination, were incessantly êdannehaded throughout mnctosaapiet 0 i R6 eeayakin e PReUrnn O- é i a a r r a n t w a I s u e d fo r is a p p r e h e n - t h e 0 t r ty fo r u n d t r u hh s i a m s l d i y u n A c u o th e c o n t e st l k e d th e d i p aty r a r t Captain Sherrard Osborne, who has to gl turnmng OfRicer in the Centr i thé 1british Parliamient adjourned on the culivation, and the sudden interruption ke i hcestgter antytcm .MEAsUREs UsED To RETURN MB. Mowti. Tw fWibwsteol xeto. 19ï%the rostantultet hay of eru ry upoin or bgag isd urrar( in. It is necessary to toW these craft up dA sum of $10,000 in cash, -.as expend- IIere Wif orrison's Agents wereolgdS heaet, herylaenhaigbepri-norg)• for -ainst the north.east nidsoon, but it is ed among the eledtors in order to secure to prôtst agatinst the Deputy.Rtrnn buily ie ote akIse ine nity The soldieadrs ftect egundhe charg creely worth whilo eiumerating thetac- 19 Avotes for NMr. Mowat. Votes were openly Oiers grossa Wiglitq and theioncR gitigbgaegad eev åtual arrivais, for they wid probably bie all z bought fromu $6 to $16 a pice, and at of his conduct was denounced onl ie, Lord Panmutte read a letter ft-om Sir with gallantry, andl tost somne brave of. f reda1horidstnc-o bythrsea- igher prices. Taverns %nd teams and as outrageous and unbecoming. r e.n lintt Campel ithe EnigtisIouse of ichcr ndmnsooig-onhwee or which takes this letter. þatriotic traders In politics, were subît- ry, the Returning Olflcer, wasobieto Lors oth da o prrogtin, n hic ofth troprsandputin to wo Tt is a pleasure to bie able to congratu-ai dized. Mowat-Money was the nirst influ- come to this poillOn the socon a oM ht-ee onctulldisedthe reorttatnihe dy w flight. ienff bytwo ilate our Admiralty. They may bc hon- %@ ence brought to bear upon the electors check the conduct of his Deputy1& had ~ ~ ~ gui benonfl enswthLrdCnnn Te wr inally drivn y'T etairudofth>ahiveen o teâm- and it worked well. The "l NoPopery" iNFLUENcEs. arCaidtt. gus of apteea Ohert slcebattery un- erador. On the miorning of the 28th that cry was hjideotusly howled from east th Yhe Whiitby meeting at whichMtH r.Miler ibsn ws leced embr toop hden macrchin t u e yslarly fine ship steamed into harbor in admira- Jiwest. People w ere told by Mowat-fana- shewe;d the white-feather by runinawy . poenit. , an tt hdbe rcie togi jeýsar optch tents; and per- of sixty-one days (at sea) fromt. England to .4 for the Pope 1" I" Morrison is in favor of blowatitEâý although proiing thmevs Detild acont hal ee reeiedthogh ncesar t pi4t Te assault Singapore. She brings,, 500 marines, and .oå4- giving all the power to the priests 1" the real cause of the disturbancemaea fro Idi, bt he d nohig orethn itthe t hlt n i<1t te 5t -which she brings out in firstrate condition. " Morr'ýson is in favor of endowing Nun- handle of it, to cry down theon f telegraph an Rid give no0 fresh news. On that miorning' our baggila hnder, it'etrdysepoede pteCn pense 1" Morrison has agreed to selt Ca- Mowat in the County. , ne-ha o lora ad rdre Fr nh egre ldep e d i e un Te 1st Bri- tont river to the Wantung, woebarcs aatotePoead-h4riss" nThe Honorable John. Simpson aep thn o eae ars iJauaydndtrve ner andJwe avanc' et . nal lead- have been provided, and where, lit is to be a1e Sone prophetic old lady went so far as to from Bowmanville to assist Mr.Mwt rope. ing, drove ILre elhad fiiny the Pope would be here mn afortnight, toe ietenm forifrat fncs No further iprogýress had been madle in gardens and walled en co reco i aniored. ehardenow iencegrexettono hetk osein fCndavoe oa ensrthanMr.fSimpsonfohaddovr$10 fhep lanho h ra atr ta-bythe brigaes w .,.blishied on the ca- arrival of -the sister ship, the Imperatrix, affocted not to believe all this, but, then, the in Ontario Banik notesq, to procuetas shpwohbidgew e Char Bog-h. Fromt supposed to be about three days behind Cattholics were going La vote foIr Morrison, for Mr. Mowat's voters. The Dan tsnuný,jjcil of StaIte hiadtholt- nal, at tht l edre odt the0 Residency hler. This mail will propably bring you ; and for thiat good reason, they sa4o, they TeRira u-er n h oe rized the Minster, flerr Krieger, to bring tis point, tdf hr were sure that there was somethmng imit,weeteohrifenspufradin in a bill for thlae101,1f £300,000, stelngl, lisa ltt le ,: hai w n s bti as mn tai n eer t at o ethnri.ow NwAdetirts we- n .wultoetheohr a.A al-Pc er nat itby pt'deatM. at 8per ent ecurd onthe nanc the d by liae at short intervals about tO be undertaken. We shall proba- Life Asoitio oScotland.--JOhn Ham roadcywslkws'o p gis h frio. irhole ýkmigdomi. tcr oses y pq be 11 l sopholed. Pro- bly wait the arrival of' the whole of the Perry, Agent,, Receiver Gieneral, mn Pickering and East TF'r LAHArtok -ý at Vienna annouince that Lord Stratford gress in this direct• NaPlateoWarmerss&th.---RicerLewise& Son- that Mr. Morrison had been brought out th de Radeliffle had Ruiteldthe Turkish ap.knteiclunpu.shed land deplored along coats are not a too numerous armny to Ntie.W. J- Ritson bth T 'rorn hitb becabruehe po-t treme Mowatites to have a granispa, ,j) api unted JunNotce.-t b th Ton ofWhibybecaiseliepro te nro road which skirts the left banik1 bring to reason an empire of 300,000,000 Great Revolution in BuŠiness.-Lowes& . but from somne cause it failed. W ol ta, nbor teLly sseae, ieiofte anl isadacews o srou-ofpope;1u so son as we have all we I Powell. msdt ul h aiwy;ta orsnent say that it was the slightes ra f ha sa d for i rt otf the Order of 'St. ly imipeded unti opposite the King's are to expect, we hope to be able to tell Selling off Selling Off.-Crawford & ul1auee rirvay sehemer, and that le provoking the " Whi'by rowdies"wih Vincent (Io Pauil we re abolit «, leave Pa- 1 alace, or Kissurah Blaghi, where two guns you that Canton is in our hands- The Last Call-J. S. Donaldson& Co. to build the railroad. Two printing prevenfed the brave. Oshawa owtes ris for Chinaand a body of mercenary troops were en- All our superfluous doctors and Comn- Sei Ntc-. .Ule.rse i h'ilnweekp on a from asemig. Tha ol.ntb. wnprziic faz krcietith tth trenchied. Fromt this entrenichment a fir isra mesaeoffrIda ti Trays ! Trays 1-Rice Lewis & Son. 1 Pruderice on their part, howver hy Porte the Frenh Ctoern t had ap of grTape and inuskifLeti y waës poured, under understood that General Ashburnhamn and Coal Vases--Rice Lewis& Son. and rug-ht afopla rds of t isuing lyin1 found to be, and adopted as thebetrptt pointed a Frenchi Consul at 1braila. in Wa. whIich nothinig could live. The artillery staff, and Colonels Wetherall and Paken- an1 aos(hrce,)nodrtobak f valor. A1t the hustinigs the(eung ahanth hub,, and trootps hiad to pass a bridge partially hami go by the net mail. General Stru- end M. iMorrison. aTeGlno?>er ne bpaper Officer declared thie can didate; M:Mwt It was 4saîlidtatthe K ing of lIbrtugal's under its influence, but they were shroud- ezermiswt s n erbtaddits slsanders eiiu4adSca5epae .velsigeecinsec. a~ ~~~~~~~ e rig1i)tkepaei pi et dy the butilding-s adjaenrt to the palace one -sentiment with respect to this officer.taanpeucswrexied The Mr. Farewell his oft-repeated sm-ake riienrv Snith Bright, forinerly alarge of FPharceid Buk-4h. H a mrse Hhr ihfllcni hTusa J 715 ere the! principal means used to secure haage1r ,D arak pk n r rhant at hll, hâd boeen sentenceet1 arkness was coming, and it was propos- dnc n i a aladrofeury n -th etr o M.Moa.,heasec8olr5Mrisnad hnkd tete eas p alsevti frfo- ed to lhait witin ithe court of 11is NMehal conduct, thretiVe eletctors and his tFfriends fR teree- to~rc*' te1er ea evtuefrfres-scionaHem, or the 'îou MILn. owr'scavs.. , . The ckea lertions hiad reýsulted in a for the night ; bull 1 esteemed it to be of \r.Soatuedtesaespeh wihtions mn his behalf. Mr. Trea1. lare insteia mjortyinfavr f hesuch importance nttto leave this beleagruer- The Leviathan's Launch' TeMretio uurs p te reen heha laredby roesatie allh his cavassWhite spoke as hie always does oety liberalpoic. There were 108 mnemnbers ed garrison, knwh ha ucr a t rmrm thl London ilniciq, DtheemTber 16.] give a ýnajoritr of teo t4o" in tavor ofmeig.I0osstdo ioe p and like an honorable man. Cer ee to) be elected -;of thiese, î tin ftenewdelphnthtIodee h mm.olyo h ore than a week bas elapsed since the the b p4arty, takhtg the returnis pa otepeuie ftepol gi shouted for Morrison and Moat ad he utis elog o te ibealsi'eandony th 1 Ilaladers and ithe reg-iment of Fer- 1s efrs ee aetomr ti vse. rm Canada, Vl'rhe rturns yet to Ppery, andh a phillpic po theoen- lcinws ta n. 38 to the ophn ozepore0 to asvnc% s our readers may remember, the efforts Ilbe made'h go largeloald increasing ment, awhich hie slandered, by alleg-ing it '------e-. Itws moeda ien ha es al Thiis coltitmn rihdon Nwith i d-peratonwr icotne ncosqec o h hsmaoiyheGegnknde rttob1 ne hedmno0o retyinl-Lbl0nWiba benrcieifromi Cons tan tinopt.e to the l ir.Ourm nmslf iute- great difBculty experienced in obtaining prints taking laim fkom this show -of ence. Mr. Mfowat and his friends sought . enrt tof the Porehih inedthe te- n-Cecninovryosmce stbih-moings Par loing tsothe inegvrvaaai ancsayta aMn insrf mns ed neighbos. ti Towun, losesnopportiyomsl- ty o th, hMinu afirout or he d-oitelfowii-zthi y eosue o e r .s ntin, dprl eas o h euiryitry sthohan aajoi n oUper C-they mii-ads-staed enrin. The toi gisctznad ieln h na- tisle f the manà;i, ini thev Danub,,ian 0- dense nature of the river bedt, which pre- nadian members It is gth the view evr1nueavnag fM. orsn' o shed honor of the Town ofWhtyIt Princ pùni ;ttthe trem trequiired 'eeeint o teîat-so my evented the anchlors penetratinIg more than of insinuating,"th etifnal doctrine sittood o hykp h replt-sems toetbe specially got uipfosuha conünouen o -easiy cnceve, tha deenbd ;buta foot or so in depth, it -was quite impos- that the Gear Grits rage the false is- clisusi h akgonadsuh purpose. -A meeting called by r oj ,,j dio ;tchfrnyTuinof the i 4th inist, t s1 no-uti henetivnig ha ible to make any effective Tute of this river sues they de-in thé present contest. It frspot nterlgiu0rjdiefteatt im this Town, and at whichthtgne- oc enè - ofiseý-sînn has just t1h o y rogn, ubisadtackle, which at the present state of- the i ihtiwew tey sekto ra h eol.Te irersnemr.Mrrsnian s over-zealous friends cause isu- tkl 'lle&ù1zwa.rrd4 witti si k and wudd conitinuially exposed to launch ha.- become absolutely ess-entialto Westerng,-agamt the r section of and his acts, in every possible manner- bance, has been grossly misrpteby taken place.1(le t db tet tc the heeey1cudb bogtits further progress. In order, therefore, United Üãnada. eor purpose they Te i obhn i ak n hnthe Tiene. The meeting hlas be hta- ntho a y theii 1o tl um se ihn hs ndoue uniteta aproper hold may be obtained, a re- ra;!c.the cry ?f I5Duw"n the Pope," at the Receiver General asked them to comie terized by it as one of 'rneode. people,'who camein rir n is to me' adjaetpc1o áredBkl. gular series of largePliles has lbeen drivntehsig W r l istaken in forward and make their statemnents t4his Tatfeeo of speech was Prevnead A lieng er ' o the aus1triannavhad rm . 7-uia notion o f thxe obsta-cleS over. nth ppsitlanif haivr-oeonJhnA Mc)nadwi e low imeffaeththemgh av hac o is ha toanrgnze n upoetopt caneoiof ar Cewile refere-e muit b mdetoth1te)ha, fMessrs. IHumphrey's yard, in the slightestto bebrasdbyth oithehe-iel lneigoaddownlMr. Mowatt -ad preventaern was sad ha h m e:u ed isti g, pr vi. was thoa t re eti t roofe d nd o l' a U Vn e tro d oc yrq E c ofth srcun s i G ve n en o T iis ,-snfde c o w s ch ra t ri ed by g nt em n y ea - do s1occnt in o e arile of t ut.it usy th of k yards of F ance and En .a . it' Canadi A blgis, as we have stated, a libel on the4Town0 h o1 o s e , e b f r n o- e ar a e o r f iEn gne l m st s m d r n t e n t h a n m j o it t e n s m i g , a o e n c n i d t u tftha n eree f h i b , n d a r ss c a u m y of it c - BÉ ls heFrnc sip ion e lred tr s rs, I a il -1wi" ur readh% u - arag m n o h ieoilc ev a- o g v rn C naI hre fourth id ind rsrig ot ecian rci-te n as. N d o n er ye t ml to W i- va mentioedas bke i;te(cd out at Tolo fr csofopraton hihdeane teefmasis for ethedaulicrmsithe y ard wthLowerGamdiaonstituencies, andonee y ii ooneCnt rert ywh a otalwd h re0ulc for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 Ch h ovet alce ad te f rts o t reth u a got roo nicpps. Th isefan lk tem tothy ae ot haf heeesiténie o U pe C nda sciee tiu p . r.Moriondonteep si t ont ofn se ties Th hb r- o rsl te ame evie n'ounded anp missing -t e ptn d, t c, unil t h lu eof every th r al's G Admfinisra o ,as a 'y casi n r . orr iso b gntlw a ò bli e o par-n toi u ,a d nted o e s r lete ro Prsaemo te 0h l. ate bin oude oli rs, wh oIr- t efe M elfan a ese ve s t ase alie that ity adlheneihorhoo. A on- mercileso-mon o4 fiers andf plwTe alyestrdaymrn ting and a meler ajriy fUperCaadanfrmalththelan ad orupin hag- Th lin pny-hitl pblshd t liL 0 tkn.lcebtwe teinbtnt eh:BrgdirGeealNipcmmn-,hin ndachrahlig ak h mo- ebesfo h pros.Iti ntane2ünthm ndte husn adon shwgldy eroueste uese- ofBeh le adth s o T m ri w ic nFre s t Braigaldv,;lMajorpr , command bu - ig y w il h L vah ni rg e U p rC nda ra Lwer Ca adian m-f ad ru acstos, sra h o f su t y, h aTi esa retune utigy c - ne man ws killedand seveal wound ed. ig Atillery ; L wieut eian ooel tBezely' wait a dub 9 l eprhs twardchs te iv' er, oty Cathatstor, btamao vonte thide omns of the lob, ande cdbtis the lyio mn strctues the hwa Cietolarasans of igis ere bInntoig toar- afolunofteer wth uthefoce aeiledTG-he se ur e d ang tem. sinthe rds tease mbly .oà ttnada osaysdthe theGis an ity prients inlover the Vindior, asndt blowthedfradma Lr i inthe conry.tterusipaem s crowdeloni ape l, omadetroometeent notdhelies tdobnow but thatvteet f Unon ; andlikseluoemraadas coune try he onoab Mr. Morrison dsrdt tatmphofstnadshnr- Cg ress h ýlinad ar ie ere cto viisitte d i ut en an ot usav locm uy-A - b y a en s expedl o ited. Uynd eur t e u a na y p erf a dia ajritis ovenmnu oud h veto e xiporsmidst ohslaendie ts.M t -lc. f o lt ve 8Pla c, tg th r itTagr at nu be isan t ldj utant G e d anerd v r l b t p e iousac arrn ge m nth w hih or dnary s ekttd h a i c n tt o n al.mç v oo a n.eve rsettiin ti u on u o f Re prte l Q the re a m an w it o l g de d of ~~ ~ lttc th w ft etheiusa hi so - n td ngr usy o nded l , a c o s e e us dt ol h oig, h n ra l w ud t b f r th m to a o n t onb se p ptao . n e W on ev to himself hath said, w A r a n at e d t dfr S r J sotr a m r e c ei v e d a fflt es h w o u n d t h e c h a ýi w r e l w a r e I a k ig*v e p nl4nf a o4f0 i s l u i n a t o c ' o l o t a o h m e f n f vt f r . T i s m w y n t v a d " The Isimlit, ofIn da, ivesfroma i thearm n te ealy prt f th actonwhenthe nchrs. thseleswere eding tansetio dosobyth hisiios eeptivean te eparatime SchndobiAc ; eause hnacidbgnteaetecaa- " th c omiad hng i o rment G Au eco n ear Char Bagh, buttin othing61 woul s u-anpltd cominyin fotrby fot. Whanchains curse-thear e davy oring t.o pr sueh blivdiiwuldb rs c fi- Te f i n mothistli e lyabd beis uelat A ra hefol wi g es rpt on de hBisgsp ie rt ath uh f mt fom l ss w ll stndn w th t h1a c or a e so u so itic e v ard nis P osan br t h r f g n f h s mr-t a n ng'ti t q a . oficlii Nen pa Saibet ofhi b lodhtcntnedt te n o h curedandcannhot yieldainbck he It was Wh or hthrepr pTtsethreLweaaadwonol b hOgetshawy adsgn ofterdrachaaterofa T h N na is f rt -t o ea s of ag , p rat n t i t on hiahor se, wch m h ed expectdht al th r a g m nt o l o t s o n o s ng t e , o n ySuffe ers by nsuc h e tai g pac e t a ll ne ws a e h c a s l , a d w f a - u hrl k, ' copeon ightaiiar whcrd ony dsmontdatth ationheR s b compltetvaha sdge perda iCtmetomae ap & Oer i his ma aaemtingsar.iors rs stsfiehsnit, misrepresi et tsonalit.he ln i arg y s an d a ond s eae. Heiun . d nc . sheha n w asumdth c m~ aoterefot omv;teLeseierlunteaesnpoaalthtq etinspulooimneml om e ce wt acoer nekig dC s o o o- t a oa r d ; h e i g h , v uit a d e e t i mth r e a r r ti e o a l l o u l p r h a e t o a d teho i geUf r t n t e y i v a ,i m . O n M o n a ya s te, ra t . t h ea om a t i o o f h t e c a u n w e r e d t h e m t u t h ll, a n d i n a oýp os t e i n - to e R i l watB-l a . t so f onl a mchas , kul ap c) ld c t amdmoe, as thwas ascrsrtnthtepriaertie got three percensthfortoe prvsai.n could prnotbliévertat a wictu, h e as no th M .t rat a oo ed os , it Shaughn)lel met m6) ar.Lnd on Tir. h n i h nis r ou nt n io feo - o th at . Th s t te e t s r ri e uditiow r as w ll a U p r a ad a s n 1,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sn WCamf bellthept1A has na favored irmem us e TplIn(ýlieIr-M"io bras nstil bt sragh, el saed A hageha cmeovr hepoicnoiencing operations at so late an hour. Be when we heard it made asBwe are sure iMrdaein .moil nosril, bt astrigh, eilshaed 1 cang ha, oul ovr te plîc t governing United Canada Unfortunately .. one.Ilie has aservant witli a cut ear, who the authorities in the South. The Frenchi this as it may, however, a tremendous will every ratepayer in the County. It' humuan nature is too prone to prefer pleas-wthhefloigprcuasfthsmt- niever leaves his sidle. 1Anibassador has arrived in the mnouth of pressure and strain were kept up -upon was the Airst time wueheardof such a thing , ing flsbehood- to the wholesome truth. ing. The Soiree tookt place onNwYas The, death of Colonel Thomas Sidney the Canton river. The projected North- both fore arid aft cradles for about ten WVeare really very desirious of having Men hadl unreasonably made up their ete and' was- he ndthefh l'ow elA1, C. B., who recentLly succeeded IMa- ern voyagesisdeiitlytaadoedeI inte itou mkngth salet m.smelih uonth ubec.haei b mns o eiee heflshodsd nditre haFreChrc i shur. Te nt. j'or Gieeral Sir IIenry H avelock, K. C. B. csreotd that the order has gone forth pression upon tho inert monster, though possible "ht the affim Of the CODnty.O quired no less than a miracle to open their ro fte'hrhwsms atflyd- ini the commnand of the Fifty-third regimlent that Canton' should be taken, and I mnust the force applied eventually became so Ontario are sao smnOnag&d. If s, wi eyes and ears to the truth. The power of' coraofte ihe esadbatfly Is conifirmecd as having taken place in anl returnt to my post of observation. I hope great as to drive the feed pipe out of onewhlisteba.Oforetegnt- truth is great, but trly, If we lookliheupnteocao.Abtfur action wvith a bodly of the Dianapore muuti to add a postcH ipt to this letter with a Hiong of the hydraulic ramis, and snap a river men who compose the FigaceCom te through the world, we shll find it tobe rdaoto f y i Kong date.mooring chain of 24 inches. These mis. in the Counicil. Will orReeadD-true that the power of erri till ln deros, l rge prop 'le Nagaratte poreBoston, arrived at When we have, settled our, differences haps being equivalent to about a day's puty, whoever they may happen to bc g tter. rsru r gm adet Liverpool on the 14th inist. wvith the Cantonese, the scene of action work, the pressure was then taken off yea, call for somemiivestigatimOtt oer-dgnlmnof the oaltyeWmHrrn, will be removed to those Northern ports, again, leaving the launchimg apparatus ter ?Mowat's emissares met ,e v oto -al u s. icagdtedte ftecaro Despatch from Gen. H-a velock at The Chiniese officials, or the "'Mada- minus the service of the rata and chain. eall those Whose votes were not aready te csq, isad the vocal erfac of Lucknow. rins," as it is the custom to call them, are Both these, however, can easily be repair- The Editor of the " Chrole 9antd purchased o r oawt me h shuncoraddgetyt h . . ~~~~~~~~f opinion that our decisive move in order ed and ready for work this day, when it Ihe Deputy RBeturning oficere aknts eetl fyuvdtre'yeto h etn.Taadck Bryoler-GuralIlreod,(Sef f heto coerce the Court of Pekin, will bie to cut is positively asserted tht the launching -- Morrison, you vote. for tePp n e , evdpetfl n n(e to . ftote nade-ntefr- f(tesupyfffodtoth-aptl.Teywllcmmne o teforh n lseTesrthu- r, vottinlrgea Piet f;otefrrowtan heQeeMoo r Svratoo ceandind reeed lac Telegraph inee na Ca frpore.e pitals -r.lmanoM» oeIï.cùnometr. An- Mowat, besides half a doxen agents, hai e -q nwRsdne et 0 8 h ren ccdnto hese logican, frmtm.REsTEDli. The circumstance(edetaled by likéwise a Toront* lawyer..at .eah polling i favor ofteTUeanecseyt Impno Rsie , Spt 3, 85. he reedt f helas wr;an, orLoss of Packet ship Northumberland- therTmes ar wholy untruï 'The Town paeeear nM. orsn sm laiggnl;e rsn. t gps hjr-eer1Si Jms ura avngoce a elined to adop the same con- Cek h atd sDpuyReunigCf om attrhwwlonreys'. Q spectabe ingtbfr h etn rk p l %it1 characteristic generosity of feeling, clusion, and from the same promises. In. From the Lomioá News, Dec. 16th. fcler fri he aCte Ward refuedotole er wor,wAll the Catholi rpcs wth-oehglalae it h.netimn n declared that 'the conlinand of the force our previous experience the Court was im- Tels fh hp n h avlosanyfof r.eMonrrisn'sbil isd te tee sor xctin Ohb) a g h prceemg should remiain in my hands, and tuat he moveable so long as we only killed, burnt, peevaano hrpsenesad rw onHl--hl Mr. ro a is ,iwiee ir- rotinexcepiscop%àali ans aPre- Prfn woud acoman itas ivi Cmmisla- ad estroyed in the provinces. Directly was announced at Lloyd'syesterda, 8he culated thfe th toWsan. h ei o bytin-oantheepsoae pin o te andeetr ar ef d0h uhtil a junction coufdldie effected we put a muzzle upon the mouths of thewas on a voyage from New York to-Ln fteCrnceteepndÉPtu n uee fWib neGenod Msrssepeshsr 'Wîihthe gaB4antand enduring garrison of populace of Pekm the Court was at our don, with 85 psenes n ovlabecicte MCr, or hraen ill inthe Halldvotqe, fororr-i The Md ethdssadi h aeaaso h etièWrta inform his Excellency (hé, otumander-in- [ulong Kong (oen aoq) Cor.,of London Timues.) ojBcers, mumbering,28 persons. - She waa noc b r3 roi Te.oeams o an, went g ïor Moyati an p ce it of he tW hefththi- purpose was efectled on Afe aid and mst comfortablepas- a gne ship, upwards f 1i,000tonsý,and was cste eey eie scindO ýTb execu the teorkd foamnwi n'teir pow er.-ýn th eenngo te 5t mt But 1 must sage of four daysI am backhome'* in one of the ileet whic loaded #rom the Lon- y eurin megeeipl Ascplng, d ha tace i the Bye on the 22nd instant, the bridge at forned of the only matters having the least berland left New York on the, 15th Novem-u.;- g Of upo i ë iM ý Bunnee having been broken. Onth2dimportance hich have occuredmsice ffy hr, rand on the 1st -instant ,and following de kuo.is-wmr I Mmd imyself in the presenice of the one- departure fo h ot.- -edy ecntrda tremedoushurricane, in a e had d d iontoSl rhi Ä y who had taken a strong position, hie Yutillhae har le mar yTdewicabrw er ve onhe b-meds left poSted In the enclosure of the Alum news from Singapore , tha&t t&&Aùdescluse Byse'utting away her Masts Éhe righted Acto.Wtiýhskoieg- B th' ad his centre and ieiâ ht w ' «-'.à. "u mân ate of ientnmi whitbyý -herbir Nrthn Toranton W - -Toý ro W, Stj 0 ýQuclx- »agn, anu i ce ra rigm oniow heîights. ' shle head of mdy column at frst suffered from thoe àre of hie guns, es It was com- pelled to pass along the Trunk road be- tween morasses; but as soon là my regi- mient ceould be deployed along his flront and his right enveloped by my left/victoy de- cided for u, arid we captuaed five gang. 'sir J.Otam, with hsa acenstomned gai-, lantry, pressed our advante close down to tidcýanal ; but as the enemy fired with bis and the FrenchPlenipo had. The day after 'the departare Baron Gros steamed intio hm polite or kindy haste, im± ceeded naccompanied to t out even~ Bnding iýôtide of The meeting of the two e cordiality of the non--otfici moniou meetingof-twoPr one of whom hd beeufset waiting and the+other - inia by his inanner and 'sËïÚii lqwý

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