Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1858, p. 3

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-...~ 'i Te the Eitor of' the WWbttby ChrenIcie. ýz,-1fraring of!-certain -charges being I- circulation, regsrding my courseand toni4uo a.s treet Instpeitor cf thlâ ÃŽOWu, Usdlig to e pujudice histetnp spnatL ta,1be i favor through your journal, lù sak of those, who have se malgned nuy qhraçter, toe cther ashow imean epportu- y3ity oe splnnati on, b>' a prIvate or public iterview, (1 cars uct'which,) or elso ýte lay t)iir charges befdre tihe Couiicii Board, wheci1 tniy hcttr thîctu stated, and hi*e an opportumity'of explainiung what 1% mime. unidertood by unsny, or ?tilutltug *huLt hm noe foutndattion. 1I daitn this as a n ght fons those Iho have thns aaaiIed ine¶bc- hind! s> bakand hope that they will ece lile propricty of etther rctractILig whât tbey have said, mpý do0as above t.'iuestéà I An ready te atmido the test et an-ihvmti- r tion of il ny proccedting4 t3inco .1 have bad thee honor o nibcg Street luspector in this Tmvn; bjt t vcrybody ninst bc aware that 1 an> theu servant -3f the Town Coun- ýcil, and respensibie oniy to them- for tu>' hcts, anti I hope thut parti. s wiluet grant a Verdict nag-tîtiist imv charactcr until a tho- youghin jývts tigitiofl takes place, whicis 1 JM¶l ICiesINZ BElGOiII, Jr. NýVhitltb, 411î .anuary, 18518. Etýectioii Retorusst 5. ET1:1N- D 'trerMod1r10W. -p U'rotte (a 1. hi'. . niî . St. it~'aiîil lie. bu. V. iutei.. .. 'North Wi'tC A orit . . l.S. Muri. i T or.iW10 . ....... .lc.....tI. -%\,il oti . . 7 ,1.C..il, tir-a - . A'. 1. Dridgu.1 (J. .,o . Torumio . X~.~ lq bisibi t. ttiîbtit . .1 )Son .i... portluOirl .6.11rwtt . ,1.XA.iiiîs Green\ fl.'i . M.NV, il . Mîbiit tu..... 1..tuîi . i îeîuuî ... . .l. lrk . is ViuiieCi l l t r . te u e b Ver tiîiit i. , . .... . ie ... . .. Nîtrulu I.(;. 1).lOl... ie. li.u . - * « ** *t i. . 4ftlbuîii (ý ..... tIi ..l . W.blbri'.hr ... Eîîu'vI.. .. .. . I.uiis )n ... pOsition. i Tas tva.T ere , perliaps, no OI,» Oof N. YORK ADVERTISING ÂGENCY,* the huinan systeol no iuport.naii iicnno 85 I-LSL OCE rpitr al or bcm elrne, sethe lirer. 't i§ tida Oflléce-No. 48 Hudson Street, New York. orgn ýwhich seeretes the bile anid clemnes tihe blobd fron ail niopuritiem. 'But no tsoner dose tecouse toperforni itâ f ntionsa than nouions 41DVERTISIN(I DOINE particies are sbsorb.d ant oarrOd Io t i biOOd in ail parte <f thse UNrrun BirATS and CÂzsD.n whioh dis4orders the wiîole animal eeonouny, 1 PINRîTîN <> ILM CÃ"LECTED, subjeeting us to be attacked ut ay tinse by sonse Und promupt reutuncoil mode. dîsëeat4o or éthier On the otiîerlbond, wldile the liver continties in, tîathy actoweneod bhâve 3W P R I NT]I NG I N K,e no appIêeonsionu ofsikeseAirfan y kiid 0 f c'tWe vatioie Manxfatures, coonstantiy on bond snob 'vital importance ta t.he hoti,îy action of Printing lUaterials fuynuahed tht. organ, that the attention of the wisest Phy- on shonrt n tic sicians bas been attraoted to tlhe ubct, butiiot Rru~s.~wYr outil the discovory of r. 1asey s Forest Wine- New Yok New o Yurk nun, New vok and P'illelbas ay rernedy proved aanecf- !'iw ;York..ua47 Thouuuàsis are more or le;o taiffected wit i the de- Yrk7 rangement ni' the liver;- bot the disorder cornes on ngradnallv that wo are bot seldOM maware o ai] siE its existence ultil the blood beoomess Sa iniplire ~l that othor disorders, more dangeonus in charge G DY' AD ' B O ter, bofiuto treatofl ns. Dr. Iiawey, of New ~ E ' A YS B O York City, by wlîom the colebrated Forest Wine and Pillas were 4irieoyored, mesures uns that luh TÂ% T AR»~ remiedios will not oniy cure the liver Co)npiaint, J N A Y,- bot wili praveot niany otlier disorders, %Nlldcb o Sl a proeead ffironsa disordered stote of tiîis organ. For MN e NtIOhe ItE 'hulesate Agents jin Torout>-LyumuBrus.49 _______________itE. &C(o. Kusîul.W.lPatiner. At reluti luWItitb,.-isy M. S. ilobioson, and GRAND TRUNK RÂILWAy. 1 ait respectable Prngts and Mediine Deaterg in Canada. Suie Proprictor, G. W. lIalmev,.New York. Onc" Known Nee Frgoten. If our ré,ulêrs ", iiId îavr' a positive îîîxtirv ALTER.&TION 0F TRAINS. fur the ToieteIq.oe Btîîdgett*e§'PsooIÀN B-L,:' For Ctce.iiîg t ie Teet li,.Sli iug, Cla, potg. N AND AFTER MONDAY, DEC(EMBFRZ Bathiîîg, Ittaitify-iing the ('onipte'.îii0 l4tlî, tha Day Thirotugh Trait) foir Montroat ruiiugTau,1 peuFueekleg StijlMirkasviltcîiculuîe ltri> u itu oti eiat, îiireeîibîe apauuce n i Skiui auTrains wil rui astoit'o it lins ln etltil. Sold bval l>rlîiLi't. l. 1. Mised Trati Pà?-oseiger uod Freiglbtl for llLt>)GEJ.l k ('oP iri torm, t>gdeiîuuburgh, Kinigt.o und iuîîeriiuiede Sùuihns -wil t ve 1'. Y. Tu¶iust uryI cLxuir. Toronto Tite. For eitel kiVW11t1,1. iy W. 1.ken,,,i'oîBroekllîBay Street at ......................S 11.M. ,treeb :(G. A. Biiiiîi-ter, -Iluitis Street :ilW.iilNiglit Mail Traii lor Moutrcîl, gind Doel. Itroek Strtet.picpl toat. . . 4 85 11.111. IntL*uitugr Truiji forCi le iî,IBerlinî, jNEW ADVE.RTISEMENTS. ; &, t.'d...................SO .M -- 'uuscngcrTr.iinir .to do ArP.Il. TUE LAWI' CMilALL. 'tatonan NLL ACCUNTs DI'E T() TIE Sl bc utl su i l 't ort,. J>S.. DONALI)SON -k& I life Associatiirn of Sootit i SBSCIII:l)C.\>ITL,£44000 XNNUAI, INCOME, £1251,000 i .tD OFFICES: Sco land-]['dinbnrgh _12 llatiover Baglauud- London-20 Kisigiîtîn L'antida-Meontral-9 Gsreat StJ ar IIFll.i'c tîtA' citisiiti'iSreuttd whie jNuottrth tcrhcit-.4ta iticilai eniuurei iAct of Il>arlîiuiiuelt fuir I fr uAitOl.S l' t 'i li:iciit utti i tîtuleultsi iuiier ' 'i ii tu t;,aimurieuttu oa Rciidcuitsth tie. j 'ite u-u i i j itot Ill he iutîsi ex sut sti'îti-titt auutuithe tiBrit-lu t.-s Offiuces, mattît lioiteu ldeni inuIilue tit la.' etiu tr Ilits ut u ttht' lieudit of Illelii' tilittt btiice- triiuia.ttcd in(i O trital i t tiilandiuil atutti' clitli'n mýaiilt t lians I(%% tîtdltgatli(tllltuatrîullu l'f C1.ti i itu. tue uintu. iPutri acur etiflttg'tll .1 rib l"'57,tel /tut 5Wttui rlih li u) ivudîiaý itit ustuttiit u t t IIuitt'ltt.Tuer are tnt c frtyal ru, 1tility., tuii thtic-mtmue s,,tu r'd nie uiatiti A Stuire ai' te 1l ltitittiti lleBihiatu., cail eycumi i di trti-ilut.ttglttl tirs if flvc a-cear., -îaultîtuug, and t to ît(iilc iti îuu.ît heur iext I rtîuhisi. utA lange rne t itu ib irettsiiiutii tîeuti ti'tted. Ui eb titn iitas' î'.îî ti ttu.at tlbitecten i uttîltittl l atutli u ubthue ttiiiutidea1rttifrI Stitiiite PoittYbtt uluer v'I let uelrtrc iluw reutvliufi 3:> per cwituo f teprvtiiu MItveitlu i. ft.rî'llitiuiiu. )avluiT. 1tii t-'t Aluu' ii uilîr fuitris. Eq, 'At Ir tIctu. hh-tî - ut liirt 31lits Sus.tisiiu'. ibears T'inrtu e . tt Y- 'Wre t.ati ; ut t 1 I ï7trtu ets t a'tti UtXuchicdtr u'u 1ciidîh>tebigttitecuil li 010 t 'tti'urcutt ut. u uut u tile di'etîhtig e;tidiuIfttt friuthy tt tii .ttu'u tioutt, et for te tiluît uav l sa lttittiuntikotîCarega~ ts dubtfitd. At Whithsy1 (Iii tm 2hd inStitut, u lte Bev. Jaumesî'. lyrnu , Mr. (George Sônley, to 'M es. Santîh Shsstr, both of the Ïownshîp -SPeCIAL XOTICES. I TIEVNEW @ NE ]~LiOK IETTOWN OSF WIIITBYb' Fai t i itWlt r stock arriVaisîtîhuOle 1Ita, lu ev- inuiduie C I i1 o Mm ii' nettbyîIt coneîsMe sv t'5iiiitsl 1>r (oos t liîowe Fr"onîi lit Franchi tite' priittd anti pie1»> Rab RIY rare beaut v à ',a %nîctv. iseaFtr-su M r. lii' lu, tlitinery - S'how lion nust b. mcti t to e i't!yai1recbted. Evet>y lady ofi tisstiIlIprInonn i edisplay Qai hfluent, ilît tesv« , Clitki, Capaý, ileati Drüessp FY'oucit Flcouvins hutiti 'vttiue, ibions sund Tniniit'ng 4 mujýrW Thi duxiriiiittof Mr. Davix' actais- 114I(tbItug ei rmu.e te t PO3ftedlice ora5ad ln tisheato . a ulpeîskltsg ai' ltDavisu, Eeady-ti*ek lo ttbig lu wuuabûhiluahîto Ca 5V.thâsaitou~~k tIl)!.. Lmats t tthe, F airlat 4an ait ti~it ss heti#e the ProVine. §hies atitptd a tuw prinelple lu bu' ýceeaury one lnthèse tnas-thiat et' s Otueud4a t a enassUprofit oftem por mt onces at the New t.me A'IYîîît~ asîtnn i IIICE LEWIS& Plate amiers. A '<lt i ' :Ù Y of 1lasidnue l'ttuuruî ,LI. cen umtîsttturiuca.e jCosi Vasus, laeds tid Pdrot tA CII(lIE oftlui ti'te uttove1 a t.patîtîtid ud titidtii.iliowered. Ji Vcd ill uoiitr suiteil)' j RICE LEWVIS & 1 'rnys iTrnys lu G R EAT ttniu(ty ai' uuisstyles afi1 IIICE LEWIS 41 Ril! tie tt, corner ai' Tarot J.turuil Suqiie,, iy,1li e lc t e Waif.non's iHotelq Rrc ThtradltYýthe l4th Jaullai ut 1l n'vtuuuk, for tlic îuîunîoaeOf electi' fin the cuustiuag vea', atidtiseCauiuîtt en bustiesa luncnnécttOn seitistise Sa 185' uortiotf icPresibtent,Ri O)Sisasa, Deutt 29, 1S517. Q*tftCE is hcreby grivea, that It Ut .L~u Pltv Ctis the> tt Sesion of t lattîre tô âLýasvth Ie TOwusip of Mi tIse Ceutsioai ttntario, luto Cwo soîsit o,,iitiut, iy ntiuiug adiv!»OisIo in la NunCi, ut ttis ceitre o ai ai Tomr forboher pUr MeS meiiited thoee CCult 1g 7 M I1 ~RKA VO, IrIO IN N~!SELINGOFF! SELLING OFF! BEG TO TEN,,DER TIIEIU ENM 10CIt 'Ot3F Dry Goode, Groceries, (Jrockery, Gass*ares &c,, &o., BY RETAIL, AT ivroLESALF, N£T CASH Pltoc!g, sa~u toi ensure a summîiry disîis§ f tisa sainie PREVIOUS TO RENIOVING te tîieir Now CAILDWELL'S 'BLOCK, BROCK Si., WIIITBY, --. & P. arc naw in a postion ta exhlibit a Stock ehicli foîr Magitude, Nov1ty ME2aancÀ, Utuhity, sud Unifoni gond .aine, lA witlîout a paratiel iluthe Coonty ai' lutuino. Tiierefure let al osvail tiseniseives of thiis obikorttn!uîty ai' purctîasiug whlbe elle!] a rare chance us cfféred. Every articlte beiug muanketi at plils wlih uibtsut culsure a COXPLETE CLEARANCE IN A PEW WEEKS.j Wtîttby, January Cil, 1..IS. LOWES &- POWELL.-o 1' .I.&Ptilt firieur notice la givPtt,.ýuill abe und lu tbue Frirsit Store North of the Rogistry OffiCe, Broc'k Street, Whitby, ever roady ta aceoîuînimbiite ir mnleroîia friecuitâ ud icibiU Are îWopc ning; a MagniuilficextLmhuekoe lADIES DBFESS Gfl1). ANTLFJS &SiiAýWLS, AT COST PlUCE1! O Aans e ~CA MPBEU£ BEOORETTJI TIIANKS TO TI1É'IR 1NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND TTEE PUBLIC B" noraliy foraavors, andi wonl td ay, that wîuig tu ithé tiýltl]ts intse Money bMarket they bavea.la,r Stck ut Sibi l o at anwicî ayrD oterINedt sit it a t agit ucL ýO o sh.Ts tc OSIJi V AtEEI IPERRYrS- REAL ESYATE COL!JIN.i FOR SALEè rrE Sitvbscrlber havingDet ermlnedl t$' Tof thle fottowiOr Cz cê gim utr in varions parts of' the Coutitry1 offer., thons fur sule Clieap, and on easy ternis olpayinclit COUNTY- OF- WELINGT0N; T0W"8SU!P 0Fl;tiTtICK. No. l1t, Ist Con. 01~ Acres: ' 26, U " (ù " [C0UUY 0F GREY. Dresa Qooda, Bhawli, Mdauties, Furs, Flanels, Blankets, COUNTYIPOPF KEI- . Factorys, Ti king , Sisiringa, Carpets, D aon i k , Fuir Caps and îlots, Rea~it l 2i , l th Co .&04cr. BROAIY CLOTHS, CASIXERS, FILL CLOTHS9 SATINTTS. Weisti5e o adoon ttfl; "ol alobllatnto oorýtc-o 43, 100 ' " We wnldeaU pbcal ttenIon10 ur Sockai'COUXTY 0F ONTARIO. ~ T W SUI F OFP M AS - " Jî2'\2 Nî, î5tli Cou. 200 Acres. (Iseiîug îuad tilt o te promises,) wiuictu la v rv ic - , avso i tut b COUN,TY 0F VICTORIA. r.4- CatI before puretasing elbawhere, as de icled lkirg ahiis n ii lie giveti for C i . Ws itliy, enud Juiuury, 1858. i '.1,1tCn -______________- .h12, 2ud Con. T'à ,) ) STOVES YANID IIARD'IW ARE. Est 3,lUCouli>.trs WHO0LESALE AND :RETAIL. WsllOOiCi. iArs Weszt U 1., SOtl Apri.-)0 Acres. IQîîecu's W 'buîrf duilv. sT teAt' sltier i Asortiteit l tLLtî ., îthe î l tt a o nt îtuug Stv a naîv i F Fori S.rlw eatie. ABiDDEsct. j .lise (for CWl' U or Wood . -:0<0- - sLi,-t 511 -- - - - TIIE GEÈNTLEIýtE-N'S DEPARTMIENT CttIrnPuuui .ct, ic 'îî,.aiu.iîdTîvcn,&.1ý tnd I OOD NEIVS. lu rit tetu %ith  ENERAL STOCK OF IFVNDOW 46LASi T R Y T H E riINE BRUNI) fI8UII, UÀS8IMÈEK &ESTI'NGS1SEP, FLE I'ENITENTIARY BOOT AND 51E : ue îut--aTati uuii t'Ii , uuiu'i'%Vrai~, t4ats & Caps, t'ter Cbthiuig,&e f STOR 0tli r, liç-I atti -putttcr'jitt j .&e-ý B sui Side Brook .Street, WhJitlly ;BIIOCK STRIEET, WIIITLIy.Tie uuilrui. ..uiiiit.to>'r strtcku____i3 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M 1, '1- i' .It'NT1t eît tila 'I~A ,u Wliitby, April 14, 18517.1 stg. f ,i rlutu1cli-u1 suil arei fulie thluae w euifgftht"*r'$~r T~~~~ ." iii ,i i l'tu t elu li e v u îa c tii iu ti 't u~ ti f tu O bU , t h etlt i ' WItaN t. îtc' 1t. itiuît hiitt~ OVERCOATS, U NDERCOATS, YESTS AND PANTS, E * ~ ~ ~ S St h itijt'nru.ive-. targi tihtiti,nqi tu thiir iài lin et. . tiid Wiitin .it a'At<~'asiGei.cn t i-urt itt lue. o iY . \tlt e 't s 'O u .iiSit rest Boots and Shoos, 140. i & 2 ('o omercia ilin ldin"e ci leî cur is%«tl utà,- a tarte tipîi îuau i îuiifuetîti n iier Bun k iStrict. W litllt Brttî h Sli io.luetuis .â tieruu, %&c . l ri o~~~~~ai ite liituttutiiluh. h 'tiitry ct.uittineuil r'JI ( IklWAe< iiis reoiiinO SIealeCOND PItie I cDy c f. AR R US OS FA TPaLU S, d j ti'liiritei. Auo u ît teiC t - fu -Ilc Ãœlucd 0,ldl. XiiuBY-L.AW, 1I Wtiuld beg to at iittl rFI soAof Or '<-r tsi nwýn i ulict ,ui]) n uîg n( iur ,:~ ~ [lautscd ýnd Peu'., 1;7 Yoûmg Hyson and Gunpowder Teas, Finest Java Coffee, ~ WH ES L I ttt T i.rUchtc idiiute'for) -Seldiuiythe' Black Tea, a superior article. Jaimaica Coffee.1 i ,Ll? fr lîu'titiu of' ireu'uuuabyPoo isks ii t uLodr '? / otliitu n!Muscovado, ('rnihed & I.eaf Sugarg, FruitAi Splinnas Ctsn&eia, Soapia, &c.9 &c. l' TheIatge9tStock iii the Country of Furniture & Rouie ittiflgs p Tliti. ('uhaiet. ~l .iti tr(e i rt lu. l o ita ior fti a u.Iso>cout br.adis nCNa a,'fDaigBo , alro ldr))nstCaeadW o 3atdCu ,T- im ai.li s blte i ... is, Iletsteadu,-Bircatui, Secretutrie.i, Sideboartit, Cutre, ,ide, tiall anti To'iet Tables. 11ttl- 1TIE ESTIIE )li*TIt'l OF TIF fI MP? n fA 'd v- R 2TJ O ut ne maVsitl Coiutiai. dii nut i)ais aîî lv uplrao- lU U L , tuQ1.J IVi -IO ET IE D OZEY' 8OFA S, C OYSTA YTIY IXVSTO K. t tte( ui t ut~ ritue lilulgie fi onnuicavlhet uug BASS, ANDI1)EDINBUILGH .AES & 0NIÃ"NPORTER. Thse Stihacrtlber fuels saoabuadv'taug intonuiia 1iurelu.sscru, titat for quntbly, quality andti Piv, te ,le i,i,- j N o4 1i u&uul2 , Cut ite utit C'o iptttIdÃŽo i th L iis E stablis h mt e t t e us ot lbe coulpett i soitth y ouy ther houais in the C o n tý 1ep, "'1" f Antd Wheitc ri u' i ut c t'ors l i te sai 't-ti N .i& 2 e m rii ulttg,~ aretii <.si .rh u di l uîuiiure'îtby theIte 56 un I. 'tuct, W Iili'. , 0tt 7, lu 57 , l..(,i)~. tiSel X;uMt elti a av*for theji - - - - - ITPE ULI ataity tutîteg('t. IleWOODS ANI) FORESTSN. PAINTNm,,PPER HNGIN uîtli uîîtutit iiiafer itu letingtuun t auîduiy luit ,4G N tli iwCi;i tfte lett tudhona il)c 7 pih.n.j LzING; & . 1 lii~ ilucifuin citueicd ~ tltP'trctarsiii' 'ii~ ~llWI L LLA M E VL I NWW1itL, ApLA MîD E Vs.L a1t 4., ast Sde Brak' Sreet4,7018571a .1. t. sa. Cu lmthtuiautt. tlui tte ue'ut Xnuut Mleeting 'ouf N13>1~. ; c.tlrrte- u h l u ît ti;. }IIIjiiý' l, rt îKwhitby', (titi Cro 'n ILands l)epttrtinelt. catl - ilitt a.i %or lainitmnu& Rouberts t 'i',-luy li mu4lt ieeirî3. tre, tiecnitStre W4lit4i .ilntritît tte lisi & ÃŽjh) pf\IjI.'Ja thetl I ti 'eirt lt fir tîiu y T185'8rtîcl 3,i'177 i hs i le T4 1 ~c of t'lnit a iii cO1 ops iEota i.cîtta ii seiie. it~"iI' vote lusti l' e tauktii by Batlot, and ttsat thise rder lun(Vannele datedth ie Fourtatet li itani, Paintinz, 'anerIanging, G1azi,&z., 7. W W t.ircvtuîrr toteie iirut yaaidtitii îe A dlc n eiebstr qtk i'ce o6 iui ,t711t- Mk I.. .I J I.. tuitliuPor t ebpr i;e. WATSON bisou lutoaseti toeussnetie-tt netluc fallelut îîi' rou- 'tath l'ont ~i <~ j<>fl~ WATSO iitus liset1iseSalte of Tinibctr tcrthsatbie$. ut t.e, 'Nut t - Stopt Iî.u. tîsdFePE PLZlis.as.trcsuedts tekixtsd4n titeu'ai ligsFUicn "hý6I tiuit" eturinttry, toisbc tîljou te SixtisOett,- 1 on niouicrtto uu ta'u. u. S4 tCistbng aof a large Btook e of 1isa, Iloarse anti uil athisi eesr ritaaprîxigt h bPeî/es. ier irox i oti f'îîoire i.rs: t ies i eiinL.tu4.lcnbg, &c-, (11to btie btlais:w idrs tt1 intincIltato tus public a t l ie l owp parad tei'uruishad futly ,JIJL Bi.EOW.eoutuuuutig ci ireaof bou wilî iceurui) aJ u'~anci. 5ppiY 1 une" unt t Éhdrt*xt natice,, JO L BI fifty suuîînr nîhsviee =l1 rut uetite., te. Lo tnt MIxati 1'uiuté aIsai khil c;sl e oustutv on S î S<-erduery. n~ipatl Publie Aîucbon, autti ejut!ccc ii is u- bud - A large auppiy c<Cbfgfikeptnntatntty reacty fîr tnlni i t a t is oavauiente ef pae -. - - htîi tjdiig thîe lighia iiotint of uiuttuai nt eAîl worlt ecintutlinbua sutiuulctory mon-. lîute 4Couutry, roquirtcug then ut a iufliahunotite. misF KY N e,' te ordiuur.) troltidrelî uit'arg, ani tk- Der. A 115 .BYNIittte tvioienmu tt Ile finit yisurs reit5. Whitluy, octolier, 1857 4nÀyj stsaîly pair of Hersas witi a carefti Driver itruisbohd with the lea'1t. T Ç~~~io'NTINUES TO (ItîE IN 13t;i..Tt erthe 10 lbe ociu leut utin flicfîull- ________ esrcto i onthe,.. sna gutelrulatios urieng lte iret MM. KA.Y, 1 j F7 L TEDD. LLPRSO H OiTYJ i j ~~~~easani; andi non-vu,lt) lancec wittt titi'. condtionuu -- tCher Fuilte r's ctileiBIyron Street, Wtitby a'iooenx or '. I ur enaslîtIeî uiSEHEI I3LE LoîinSOVE PIPE ~WHOLIÈ1ALE AND . iss'-Ai e fTienuarot i',ta ha ie Iie stonstlie Idiof My.'hBrocl a >i~ETIL. tct teanuantiti uiotr o t.tî 1wtîtb ctees-up» n It iri i'Mtv 15, 1857. .3okSr. At. vv. for every fiftiy ttl Is til e, ,utiLbîn- *Ibeut pîcu as tt ad txaüiino A t .S N.etihun iforr nlter areai ertitt bctsefiefiii te St. hlie Spning Stock ai' the tut4x.t SON.I i 0IL A 14.V' M: YRutiFth elusatîiîttY t'irreýst>ce- ' anitd moiilletbitai to silibply C unty orcbitg ts . O i ' f ratitlrest, ari ui itilcitpaît i >Do1'. season,&ci ai' %, ttc, sao'ilics on îro tens.and allliaucoedîuug sBoitîtet Trijamith'-s, &.li I.1.idie Col ethe' 'asiciire Uc iiuu o i nMD (ie utîersigti 1 wiîI attend luoeals for utting ften ir tuirs, lit t , ti uîutîfuîuti oe. ie gotrs. cîncctlees ta iss-ue tu.t ie.stîceesem-B.,zruowluutu uisPit! te,ih tif)Stoves ant i pes, &c. of Sale, and tise igitîs ant i uri îttceeotd i,- GIOCERIES, &0. éG EPCTULY OIT JOHN BRY A N. unti the cunditlins anti rettite tian itiposéâ ~by j - m- BMTO 318,Okgmithl.O W'bitlly, Sscptemtster2.0, 1857. S4 attoitlicutsces,tohinse uery re,; ieiex&cliI t àt t ýSiI )Ale4ourYonu g ynTe%,jtist ne- ta tu theïr Cdarbutîiaranad thé 'fu~Bwds ad Ba rn a aas _ --regardistishe i t freiitu, tMue IotiFnd charge . cul'.ed. Otisar Teas 'fsnparbw quatitv. Public generally, tisat theybave pelgadBitrSlosialc Plbaiu, Jus- Aerah llitresà justii top 1atitsecn intf octitiatianthe tirst yaar, u xctut l.pea'Buaicit Ta%, <tatI>expe-ri ~ . iae iaRtsIiis Look mb my shopfor sbjee.t t t ue gertiml iîslier Iictulatbotîs a iias t Orunt Coacs, eTbactîs.JUST..I1JCEEYD olbIiiidAvl,~ At ati the nitea hings taile a b Ekr Ce. i'e' ni<~"8~a T1 ai~g aes sN. If theme von dont like, jeulia, 1'îstiî. Sli Cti, aBriey, Oatutlealod&pMa A bargain you'll strike, Nai"-Tise tiird raie . bitended'tltuse) catiîe- lire-a'.iuei, ic.Butter, ,ipplcu, &'e. L"ions -me JM h If Von but take a peep attthe Tink2r-. cd to !ii future Salesi ou tiue St. Mauricea. "A dasy extieettd-. -Ailes, Thble -kebNiathtansd .very beat Qui-Na_î - - -c.--Cralkery'5 Chins, GiasaWareî &di§ &c. 3IIH& MRUNdescipti0o 'csfrisgë tàiig &C. NtEW oa-TN Sural'. MSETR0N~RLSOFCj as, Chic isresit sud moettvarted stea e MRETS TofU__ --CP ON ROK-T. wiiTT.ENPEÇORGENFAL' OFIE, Ctin'ectlottirv iuntte (lousty ouiOntari. Hsgbi- _ - N M' SON, (Iu ibritjatuin Bry3au's otti Store andtiTin- -est price pauth'or Appias, Ietot,-esEgd, Fowus, p105T W"t2, 'T I0 5P 1 5 5 Ë lR@ Ware thlop.) CsnusDctAix.<,ie&., &e. to Street. CISOSDPRT4 T t e a JOHN BRYAN-PuapRtETop.'To~ronto, luih üOutaiter, 1837. RS+1HIS R N N mii USCRIBEL W'OULI> ANNOUINCE NOTI<'E ti liereb% given itittît Ii".Excelteucyl tuC , E. 87BS, QN 47e'islsdU~ LAZIERS Lto te iutabtatîts of Ibis Towa ntiCNuuC e«' lt CItuiîeLatr iA'tt Gvnuuscoby - Re - - SI,-~- tiatit is suopetuei tlue aluovepses. Alit1u Onîer in Cotnuel t tOitil e elot is t., M11.JP W<ILIliSONI, 'IXITÂ'~ Aic-,kiti& tisaiin-etiluadis tuanilpahreduati niuasdinecetet tsesu.aei.iust1Wtiu1 oMMatneYY Ialots, 01, varnuih, Glass, Patty -work ofi cvcry descriptioni doue on thé promes. IJohn Ruse & Peter >orgats, tÈcv-eutilîtans- E1loto retuirnsa t> iat ilIIJ 'ho Propetiirt a vaeigieua . on o lu ta aîiMest Dt)uî tulaftua a Cu ùI~lthép Public thfrandsiko sc'tn o,.tisîwiiefnsdte~ i>okHlf,t ikêr cbwil wrks at 1litantaant id 110ualted counties ai York Ontario sud 1 eand i ,]iriSt .albe ~ ~ " GTUlIRAM asiiandoit. Ait edumrs onwonk uxcted'Chat James )dc[>aucl, ~tquirc. île'.lmi't, t -viom it aiing ià affecta fnom tise uoâttonîplte in LEKE inataemmat-like inumuen anti with despatchi. tafor rthe ceune tilciain au oluse eCostutici 1 e ' fha~ i a. altuutahbt hta '*1~j<1~ 15, E very tdesciption ut work nmade anti replairet iehoplaiced in hi argeis oui to uadivisionis dur- l euwc0 _aCnea in u'lso sana " a ' Sade lu lieiat goaranteittigcotdlni sacuidu uug the suspeni i' Chosoier s n. lias si,çretd& i'7 . lhon heMm Pes orke, Bcytis.ejCradfIes, inut fothi- Al kintis ai'jottwonk-donc éheaper antiboit- Application for licettees atîtipuymteuts of<ii'bli Viretuti e, wlietre ho cuit 'ba und iwÀtuatoserveud nt Pret t alefy'ooi"titieo. - ilBk efrn t~hs oietyt tut than il eau bco douacisY auy ther Tiiker luinasuili have tierefore ta ha tîtade ta Mr. Me- Ihe(, lu L buuIesapicaBityaB -résf tow,î. ;Douehiuntil l'rtbctordeni. I/WA-TCHM,!ÀrÈR &LJUWÉLER, &B.U I Lb A> Zs 3 0-ON ~Olti copper, asut trou, cotton anti litnon limCînilusanti, stce'wiinaeruhgitli»a*ial sertry ae, Sheilp Sktus, &c., Ccken luiii xOisnc1 ' . S. Mi. BOUCHE I'TE,lljgwSOTm.a'i 5140 Cuuiaisiauîor af Cuatonsa CIU .NDJ'MTAY lugtuîVaittaI WUfiRua splex audt4 nOt6fl5fili St isiibyApil Us 857i1-i._ _ _ _ __ _ n ho4he wiUexabange tisonsfor Building gs p Ws s ifrejluers& tIr -P tiEtka H<k.Ina sdcN- >nt. --------- - D ~~~~~~D. 0 , .14, (16 1-4d. C(i> ,51.) stnaiermaI'ktiCne.'E ituetStoves, Ti.n Copper, mnd Shoot I IN$PECTOR CE'NERAL'S OFFICE M~e'- T'L,,.rzqtstlSOti akth-g 11 -oeveey description, foni;uie usteola- . ýckrin, lt » A splendid asi56itma>it etftaeandu rua Mutni- ~ ~ ~~ sio~ts eotlCs(cober, 1857. E 8 T Àil.7B L 1 $ HH ENI', ebrtauakets ~pxk$ettey llailuMetitl, and" frous Sot tÉ-Liib tnsoWitbysund Chie sur- XTOTICE la erebv gh'euthatltis Excu.aXuiEcr Direct' y apt44 e baa8iU l#itut.W OYWD~T liitro plad-warb& Of Us, tswast roang eS ountry, hat ha isas s ncisi- 1.E'AD r uts k nuier s'TUE Gavxuxasassussn Tt, TwUWY '"""« p AN» tuiT aSForo1ia exf rtie luim hsi ay u y a i;a o orasc ittseo ua au-tia , 8 o. < p iM~ Il.Chisy (i ofTaane exuot .g tin riceM tr-iais 1aud g ane &u ex èita itits .,t or5i T or o 0nto'a îo ero C st - ~D..Z'>1t6 "kÃŽfolu . 5. E-4 iwe a il knda o>0 mrlriet Triua ti. LNSPE .TS. E * om 's ConOS ?rir, unut r tht'i-ff4 etre4 C - i o r(f QastM tIse ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lwy en rs ansD. 0.lM.I14, non Fiaert d nticis5.)pmeelihaa > TROTTEIL th Aniet dntyof theoeanis luihin ht tissu OF BUSINES MAY RU-lJON Cou be plear1>OlaM4fr-flauthori& fHE uO taJ* ?W.woeyMoyu12ts,1867. 17 eordlng P. DESIRABLE LNVESTMENT. 00O, $500, $400; $300, $200 TLLiI LOTS$, PiARK LOTS3 LOTS FOR BUSINESS juLMIOý5V9; Lots for Private Residences, FTRE TOWN 0F WIIITBY IN TUE dovNtITOF? rNçT4itjti EAST 0F BROCK STREET; OS No. 14 AND 83, EAST 0F EktdiCF -- Street and South ai' Palard's bole, u Juable praperty 'zxteudiiug frons BreA 'k crS~ Streetu. Lots No. 177 aundi190, Esat uide ai' BravI; ýc, Nouth oai'lltanulîa Mote. Parties uleaii liprttpcrty ut ise pninipil Stratinb the Tuwii ilb fini those Lots well mututateti: Lots 2A3 asndi204, A corner block on Maii &h erry Streets. Lots 71, 72, 73, 74, 7.5,76 77, and 7i. ThstÃŽ; ulut lits. arc bu anc B1ock, bondti by Perri ,lyCbîe.ý11lt ani Ash Streets. Lit ;17. W'cgt lui Perry Street, sud di.ectly oi!Z osite the Stearn Ftariitîu. Lots 64, Gie, 1, 67, 8:4>i, 84, anti 85 Eaat o! 'cr, Street, anti adjoiissng tisiStèaoat ,1111proJ erty ou ttîe Norths. Lois No. 641, Ettfai'Perrv Streot.Titis Lol well femiecti and otherwiBe imTp'oled. lVêst of Broçk Street. Lots 104, 105 118, andi 119; bondeti be Cen'- r, Wsiuut auà Kent Streets. Theme 1It» ara bigiitfuily sittatetianti lavma aStreet- on lec sidtic, are wttadiptedti tebnfldig pur:' >ses.L useýý roda nai et odmSet .t n Tise ioregabing choutee Lots worm salactet luni larget nîtfuber, seitthetusview of bctdiugnstt a au unvestnelt, butaneseuow offaratifur bSUUV filuly Nt-imiti p a largze trnsaction; -A LBS0-- Contre Street ................... tc4ti Kont Street ............... ......44os Iutclid Stroat .... .............. 3 lx.ts Ptiace Strçet ...... . .... -094 glt-h treeët............-o O iZ, lth Jaumis.. ipQ*,T P 19B IIr Count'! ofOu'tario; FOR SI Towno Lot No. 1, Cerner af Qoasu sud Watel Streets. DocidedlBy thea moat atal Lot Wa tisa shole Town. QUEN ,STREET Lot iN'a'7 afeet fir-nt ; LotN'a.8, &sener01 YucI'eri O~Péhi 90t6i t t N'ï,do -;L ti;' ýo.10,12, 15 id 24 I'; 66 lett' Kstire'11,t0=2 tainiug ounet'oerth et' su acre éah Lo1»,t $0*1 coner of Queean d Lila St-aets, nëâ«Tir .4Ju bal f'of i ace. AU of the o orgom augLosfront on tisa Maoatis.zed Reut, sudara valeabla bu4 tbinoas locations. LILLA STREET. Lots 19 gsud 56, eeener cf I pLds4, North Saui: NORTH STREET; LOU 21, ds;2%27, 28,8,18,81d4si mdola tB.,rtl eontaînuit ascii, oneflMWl of'au aono. Aise; 140. 6, M,, 58, n.rtk msu# of' Che amaeaStreat. -MARY S8 i" .o01 No. 70, 88,8ý, u MaryStreet, oes huxtlt oan acre Whei. 1WATER STREET. Lot Ne. 89, corner cf Water and CindeNhl" M CINDERELLASTREET; Lote ed, 5S 14, 107 sud 209, 1uîely sIita 4f Ean part of Lot Numb6T afinoteen,,Iu thOz etis (ouceasoos of Bach, 4 h-n2the Town i aal Pàùk ti; A.nd.wiiI bc soldattsstoh Pie« amidlTexns'às td unako It suobjsotte <apitalàta. ?lPP1to 'Whitby, Mareh i1857.St VATJBEBUOIj!ESSLOT FOR r k

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