Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1858, p. 2

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The foliéwirrr,, týe itate of the ' lit the late election OtCOunamen in - Wnt-. Boynton, IV. Ewers, Ttioýg. Paxton- Jaines Burnet't Wm. Warcý 261 George Currir, Robt, Ervin, ý 21() 219 J" C bell, - 192 rI - 163 Seý 98 Im" r -Sp ha;g'ý - brn; x 43 The above wil, serve ta show the served estimatîon in whieh Mes$ . Such gen men as rs Ewers and Paxton are held-» bY the- people Of this Township ; as al&Q - the-ftllen POsitiOll Of Mr. Geo Curi ie and his friends. It also proves (lie cOnsideraý tion given to the statement-s put furtý in- the iiiiserable sheet pliblLlls-.d U'i your Town, j-clept the Ontario by tbe people uf Reach. Yours aIývay.,4, Municipal Elections. 7 i- là,U- 1 the.bûildi'ng in repair. The £2150 was in & as uen-e net paid over. 'l'lie Town ûircil takfng,,everytliiný,, into account c »deredý"it'prudenttoexpendsorne$loo, ring.ýind' improving the Grammar 1 i ne atnaçnt received fr'oin the Clergy Ruerve Fund for 1857 %vas £2#34 15s 9d. With this it was proposed to pay the âinm«ý School debt, but the County Couneil net accepting the arrangement, the fund has since passed irito the general assets of the Town. Gentlemen, agniti regretting the èircum. stances which ýprevenw-d my addressili you personally, as 1 desired to do, an trustin- that our new Cottticil-who halé. every thin- plain and smooih beMrë thein, 'coffipared with the entrance to office of Inst year9à Council-wl'll do t1heïr duty- by the Town, and retrench our expenditure. 1 have the honor to reniain, Yours very respectfii 1 ly, FRANOIS KELLER. ý,,qrrfq-qù cil C C* Clear Grît Lyineg. Arrival aild Departure of Trains at the lvuitby station. GOINO EAST. J WUP of the-Chiviiide. Sinceour ûrst-.ap- pe*ranc%ý WC have never been' behi'nd-o»ur regular publication dey-,,--nor- h&ýe -we-itý, RDY tilne been guilty of the shabbiness 0( putting our read(rs off'with a hall 9heet,ý If trork eau du it the ' eople w a P ý ili ý dw y$ have thoir paper regtil . arly. Mle éin con. gratulate ourselves too, upon the «edita- ble appenranee of the Chronicle. [ta ty- pogmphical And mechanicle exceution, arc fully equal to the foremost -of oùr contem- poraries. Abroad atrangers judge of a Town by its newspaper. Shabby sir-.vbpiè- pers formerly disgraced this locâlityý but now, wu believe, outsiders cannot say thât ýVi-itby lias reuon to fuel ashamed of its CIIRO-',ÇICI.E. Upon all public questions-Rtîll.Ways as weil as Politie&-our course h&q been tho- rotighly independent. %Vhatever m ' ay bc said, or niay« bc assigned us, on accoutit id tho sîdes we havt t4ken; wu have acted solelv upon our own honest convictions free from all i'n'illi'enceq, and with the best intentions to serVe the best interests of the majorîty. Tri the honor and interest of the Town 1 of Whitby, we claien the firs ' t place. In the interest of the County -of Oritario we çhall continue toocetipy the fdreninst rank. As anLncotirageroi-capitàl-.-tn&ÈGP'Ulation. Fin-angst us, and ag'an fncéà tilvè- (o enter. prise, we give place to none. %ý é -çzllall Press, we have ever been.qppoged. Our. personal friends here And elsewhere,, kitow un as the dedared eaçemý of of the Sectal-y wliether Roman Catholie or Prot«Lant. , Notwit4stAnagài thip, thé ý nmej and its predecmor: the have UnçSgingly . migre- presented us, on the groand that we were a Catholic. Ig net the Catholi capable of entertaining as liberally enlîghtened an opi- nion tg hi& Protestant fellow in matters of self-government ?, , Is the bigetry et the Tima and, the paltry creNv çýh9 gather round it, so, great that they will deny the Rom-an Catholie the possemion of frec libe- M prfièciples, Eýterely because.of bis reli- gion ? We have yet to leurn that it loin- c.ompatabtd with a Roman Catholies reli- gious creed, tô bold whatever opinion -his qýrn,,coWience approves in becular mat- ters The many assertions of the 2"ttiteo and kindred lying spiriLs, that such in the case, is as basu as ît îs untrueý *WC have tr&yeled from our argument in defending our position against the..ç;lander. 1 ous misreprèsentatiôns of the Tinta. On the subject of SepArate Schoolà them is a Mat_ deal of. misapprchen"Mon and error ainongst Our protestant fellem citizens- 1 This îs offlï natural from the mîsrepresen- 1 l' tiens of su-éh, shects as the T(ine& IVe 1 arc not ù6w 'defendin- the necessity for 1 Separate Schoolc, but %ve will state faiets 1 lin le le), usuai tÏme- lie wvUld move an amnd ment that the amount bc $18o Mr. Perry said almost every,141ÃœI lcjpaqt.j &Il over the Proviqce had extended thi Mr. W&ý e»sé=dçd.the aiýqend1àmý :which wu W and carrito on W, YEm1ý--WAIIacé, Fruer, and Watson. Nàys--,Mmrs. PCM and Keller. Mr. Ilodgson, seconded by Mr. Kelle, moyed for. the appointment of ýa Oummitý tee of three te iovestiggte- the Chargu to bc mode against Mr. Bengougli, the committ« te consiïSt of the Mayor, Mr, Perry, and the mover. Mr. Watson took exception te the name of Mr. Hodgeon as one of the committee. Mr. Hodgson being Chairman of the Com- inittec under'whoin Mr. Bengough was employtd. Mr. watson'à own name was sub8tituted by consentof Air, Hodgon. Mr. Perry brought up the report tf the FinanceComntîttec reconimending payment of the accounts of Brown, Po-.:t & Co., Maclear L- Co., for poli books; P. M.Ciark High Constable, for surnmoning jttrors and witnesses, and attending the Coroner at the late flré investigation; and also " .ý- count of $92 2,5c. fer the Hall lampa and oil lately procureil. l'ho committee re- fused to remi meA anY reduction of J. Kilborn'a taxeg- Tha Our readers will obseYve from our ad-' that anotber BritishLite ý:4ssura»ce offléoý_.the Life Association of émti.atid-bas established a heïd offlée in busineà throughbut Cgnada.ý" Il Thé Asso- ciation was established in 18àý posseMes an incolme $620,000 per annute, and dur--;,- ing thé year ending Apill, 1657, the new, transactions of the Society exceeddd those of any other office in Europe. À Board of Directoré, of gehtlemeil of the highest standing has been4orrned at Montreai, and we haveno doubt that the Association ýwîllernéet with that success in the Pro- vince.which it appears to meriL -609- To thef Blectors di. the Centre Wàri of the Irow"f Tbe Beault. We adopt the following analysis of tiiii, Col,&n iet of the mèmbers elected tu thé ,Assembly: With the exception ôt à- ginile constýttÏu--' ency, Upper Canada la now complately, repr"ented in our list of electkon retms; and'içe arc therefore enabled,,to ardit e soinething like a -precise result with regard] to the relative strength of parties in the coming session of pRrliament. The gener- al results, as they Appear in the tabulated stàtemený show à largge agg't-egite tnijority in support otthe.ýldmînisýmtion; âftd,ýWO beli"e tbat a minute analysis %rould * pre sentconclusions bWI more f4ýorable' Fer tÉe purpose of preseniinà mcrý plainly the basis of the o:ýinion" thât théré will be a Ministerial tnnjirity in Upper as well as Lower Ca ' liada, we reproduce the names of the Upper Canada members ývhcîm we desienate decided suinnnrte-r-a ýr *h- loi r7l -W uculumu supporters oi the government. They are as followa: have te regret that cir- cumstances prevented my personal attend- H. Smith, M. Cameron, alleeIt your late IVard Meetings to select Morrison, Mecann CouTicillors. It was wy fuit intention to ie J. ýA. Xé Dénald G. B. Felleee-Q, be present in order to give yeu an accoui.t it 1. Buchanan, G. Benjamin, of iny Stewardship as your representative' J. Carling, G. Nfc.ýlick-en, the preeeding yenr. Su intich do 1 feel it R. W. Scott, J. SimWn, a duty 1 owe to the ratepayers of the Cen- G. Sherwood, il. M. Daly, tre Ward, that they should bc fully inform- d S. Sinith, M. Talbot, ed on all Town matters and on the manage- J. B. Robinson, A. W. Playfair, ment of their affaira. during my year of > 0. -Macbeth, 1). 1'. lfel)ougall, Office, that I tuke this Means to lay the R. Fer.usor qt J. ýIULCoti, fact.s bcfoic the ratepayers. R(J101111, I)r. Church, The appropriationq made at the com - W. P. Powell, J. S. Ho-zun mencenient of theycar for Town purpose.S, J. IL Clark, ScOtt, werc wi folloti-ii- Street8 and improve- 1p tz 'rj ý1 .. tîvi mou teste OPPO Idvil ûwu ,to ou &kW the= ne fi The veracious 01oba ch-r-ed the Il un- derlin-s" at the Grand Trunk Station with purposely keeping back electioneerîng Packages sent to Mr. ýlowat'.,; agents dur- i ing the, latte election. The follon-ing lettur, speil- for thcuwcfve-s, and serve tu shoiv Wra- Stevrart, Jolin Gra-ný Cameron. T., P. WhiL- IL Richarddon, ; ct:uuulLmI oui we WIJL statu lacts K%,Iluuril a TMXC£4. 1 ne cùmtuîtteq-Uf their i! M H' Burton, B - Tett Co-u-t)t-y-,rà-tt-i 1 truly as they exist. report aise refused. ta recommend pà!Jýý s £4140; safari- S of Moriking Ti-21ill ............. ........ Jcý 30 continue tu do as tire have delle ; improv ment 1 L- 0- 'V'Ilbrittge, J- CaulerOn- Fire and Water £130; 1 ,k.N.ellilig du -, ................. 6 lm ing upon the experience 1 we have dcrived The Common Schools of Lower Canada of Ainos Bates' accourit for coustructing ' in this list, it *!Il bc observed, ive place Contingencies £100; and IL 401'.%,43 W v41ý two narrov side i the trames of S. Suiith, -1. W. Playfair, J. front the past. lit thç words of our mette i are net denominational. -walks at the Grammar, ri Mnrnýnz Trahi ............... 9 7 ý.3V - 1 had c , l4e ý 4à MeLead, sud J. S. Ilogan. all of whow are t'le bu k-a legacy lelt Eetllt),Lr .......... 2 49 itil enfin printed wierds, g'rcat't4,oughts, l'ho Protestants of Lower Canada were SChool, inasmuch as lie om up 1 1 year'q Cotincil on accotint and tintirin., industrv WC (shall corninue rite first ta ask for Separate Schools, and the work without authorit 1 clainied by Clear Grit prints. In arraying building-£250; or in rot CD v, and the char- thein, however, amongst the supporters ai New this w&k. to) nt,%-ocate Pence, lrogreâ,4,- ýnowlvdgc, the Roman. Catholics consented ta their ges made tau high. The ('ýOunCiI went into the Governuient, we do net act without ""' of Sot'le of sufficient warrant. We know that Mr. m Brotherhood and' if we des'erve it, let establishment. Committee zf the %vhole en the report, ýU have been compelled tu exe PhImn ogYn pli y -Wni. Ilillam. Ilogau has publicly detlared bis adhesion but on the wliole 1 do net Our frieuds Continue ta de es thev have Thp Roman Catholies of Upper Fraser in the chair. The report was lie Atînisterial party ; and we are equal- 'of Pýirtrierý,liip--Jos. Nourse done by ue. Canada d. On motion for adoption the te t expenditure will be Il ueh, & W. .1. Who ask for Separate Schools, only sc4--k fur 1 reporte 1 ly confident witla regard ta the position exces of the total a à inoui Application ta Parliailletit. the sanie priviloge enjoyed by the Protes- Mayor said that lie could not make out really occupied by the other niembers 1 rite L-ixes appear, and no The Sectairian School Cryj. clearly train the act w«ho were ta pal the nanied- Casli for Tomlinson & Co. tants of Lower Canada. Threc -(«onftrvative menibers are des ig hi,,Ià this vear, but 1 conce Take Nnt ire- Crmv font ýï- Campbell. There n; a class of disaffcctCý lit-fle de- Those who establish Separate School appolltea Iby nated doubtfui, naniely-- constableq fecs-tlie Town or the County. the Cotitiiil of 1857 are no Chroiticles Wanteil, Tire Coroner was ail officer that they did tliv ljest tht bpQCial IfRIýcý. magoguenfii the Province, Who consider have to sup;ort them, themselves; they 1- Burw(-11, Dr. Dorlatiff, r(,Wn"ùiider the circuinstar special sot if,'(l -'l'hoilias llol . rowav. thit it is onlv neccssary for theii te shout cannot tax the ratepayers of their munieî- the authority ut Governinent, And the açt J. ffoligiei4. The-ainoutit of our ('outil Dr. Monses Indiati Ro(it 11111,s. « aloud thi.ý; ciý*,.., ýs ) le pro id. d hov lie - %hould be pu id, but no Of whoni one may be c:tlcul-ttet.1 upon very largcý It Ls te sutue in the car g f the Ptii-plie, pality, Township, or'County-.77-one sing V. provision waà. made for paymetit of the with tolerable certninty as a friend of the altog-ether consequent tipoi Special S'. in order tl leu considered -patries. They sixpence for the purpose. 1[tirdvire--J. S. honaldson Co. Constable. 1 Ministry ; and as lietween thft others, the assessment. Instead of bei rint and bellow about their lerotestantistri, 1 probabilities are ut least equal. it îâ a ycar and a liali's Stray Xfeer-John Cotl'év. i There are very few Separate Schools in lfr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Ilodpen, ý,tnonpt Il e Opposition member-;, or Coqincil !iaviii- catised its fi as if the (ý.\istet)ce of the 1 -tant Reli- Upper cana,(k.' Out of the Legislativ ri ->rote,,, e moved that tue Council resolve itsell' i tu upr)n their ,Lrenth School Grant last year of only Committec of the Whole with ilistru those so cil ed, are -everal who ivill otter commence fronni Juste, iliste - 1 X etions no factiouq res*stance ta the government, as formtýrly. Thus the Tov of Nvind. Bv iliut offyilig aglinst Catho, of tu aitiend the report, liv strik-iiiý, out l'al 1 1 b a (£ 't Clard's accotint, whicli was '('Mrric4l* un m 1 1 £Goo ivere given the Separate Schools and in gencral'inatters' will accord ta it ing six inonths Couitty tas lifs thev expect tu 1 roclaiin plier i support. We place in this category- year. 1 do not think that Upper Canada. The Catholics of L' a division. Sound Pnýtpst.%f1ts. Tho sniAll fry of Ille (,allada gencrally spuakitie prefer sending assessinent w-i-ri made, the v r- YE.%ý,--Mes>rs. flodgson, Wallace, Fra- J. White, A Wrîcht, J perty would have been consi Wltitl)v, Tlitirsday. Janury 14, ISâS. 70MCN below-, u) titis cl Lik-e the inen- C« Allail, their children ta the Coliiiiion Schools- ser and VaIv. J. Rylliil, Property noir wortli littie, decant who ende-avors to attract, I)tjb"c fur the very best ai rensons, that they are Keller Pers-Y and IVat- i T. Short. valuable. 'rite tiilt(-s wure NOTICE FOR 1958. %-Illpathv l'y exhibiting t'ho Ioathsoi Others there ire, who, whilst more fre- 1 les obtained good wages, 1 'le- better and -Ileuper thail ally separate The report Was then amended by striki- of hi$ perbon, the Titacs stands for. j quently appearing in opposition. Will sepa- high prive, and ail around will find iii'this igstie their sclifflis thev rail pru-vidc. Where Catho- ing out the clau-le recoiniiietiding payaient 'in file ('rimia4ter-i art their t(:,t qti 1 ward disý_-ii.,Cnclv at e% erY street corner, lic children, -S' rate fro c-S- prosperity. At this time iii-courits ali-cady due tis, as also the ne- are net txiinted and insulte(], of P. M. Clark tionS. IVe do not err, we thirik, in styl- was made. Alinost ilitittelli; itq Pr(Itq1lstanti-ýIII-but -eq1lalÃŽtv' with Pro- ReýýoIutions were passed for payaient of folloivin., and are treliteil 01, ai, camu on, anà then, t7otints l'ýIr the vear. its fi lie, and panders testant childrell, thebulk of the population l"lance of salaries this year te Jiio. Lviic. i tle 11all-keeper, and A]ex. Caincron, Coii.ýta- NL Fuleyq J. S. Macdoilaid 60ILIO of tim tOQýevercIy-Nvl We have to retltiest of those te bigot lirejudices in order te obtain l1ro- ble, and on Illusion of Nfr. Iloti-son the S, Connor. IV. Il. lfow1arlýc sed condition of evcr)'tilitit-- testatpt It tacts fur of Upi)crC:ýriadaexlà;bit a ducided. prefe 0 Il. Merritt, IV. Patrick, Our quota of Cotinty rates illtlel)teLl to (Is, their prompt attention to rence foi- the Cutntnon Sollool. Couiicil adjournvd sinc dic. ve accourits forgirin- Ir conve : iiot, 1 utidertakc ta sair, bo the lý:tvrnint of thrîr respâcti S' -,rate Schools if an evil, and ire the W. Ponell, cook. CP Il. Munro, IV. Mattice. last yearâ' ainoutit, utile.s its lip-Protestantisin te the publie market floronerls laquests. qchciiie be bru xiltiKt"tgll the (Iiie by each may bc like un other inerchandize te bc, convert- ale-,,tract we do not detjy they are such, ii 1 To whom will probably lie added, D. A. ruad a coultutinity such as ours, are, taking all the County into the alimirhI %- duhar. Thesearc, the but sin-tP, in Gitl it amoulits ta e'i 1 An inquest was lield at Greenwood, in Macdonald, ivho contests flengarry. inatters into accourit, a very sfight evil in- ille cru- ien we Pickering, on the '2,Gtfi ult., hefore IL W. According te, this elah-sille-ttioti, be the case, and Li We cin ill af- fellows Who disgrace the iiamr of Protest- M %,% itituut hope uf escape. font tu lie 4ï;,t (J su a kiuni, at)ti.,Ill by traild1g on the wtcred naine of j dec Clark, Esq , M. D., -C-oroner, on riellr ()r, saders proper wili bc lis it d te thî 41 in L'pper J'anada. , arian SchO016 i r 'file School 'Erù.,tt.£-Lq, thi is a new cry raised by tioÃŽsv tlemago-Uf-l.i have likewise tisade every 1 an(J iiiii.st inýist upon a piinctual settle They are 0w. pe:ts of sociullv (ÃŽle body of Robert Mosc-rove, who was CiOUS IlSt : for political purIéoses. Ruinait Catholicm foutid dead thut raornisi-, in au old lug tiuti in tlie SchZeul expune, who worge and fqttun upoi the strite and , 0 sci)(jui tas the etisttin;,, year went fro-ii all indeb(ed to m. LI seldoinsay anvthing about thein. Thecry %V. Notinan, 1). Christie, ., ng ta a mari rianied Vere G. Brown, J. Svatcherd, house, belonl' decreascd. fil rite paât year %ý'V ýNvislI it f unjurstood - that I)ittertit-cs they create aiiion,--,t friends of Sectarian Seltools is nltogettier a Clear 1 and rieiglibors. l ýNlct;aii, a druibken, inise!-.,tblefellow. De- J. C. Aikins, A. N[cKell.tr, afll()Iiltt appropriatud. Gi il, concern, and is tiscil by all Clear Grit ! J. Gould. J. ll.irtn)nn, %v,ý rejuir,2 ý:i1 siii-seriplions te bc paid in cea,,ed had been drinking witli tlii.ý, McGan The xpendit.ure ôf the F lu I:t:,t wi!ek'.,, T,»j;iiy, under the liead er.1, sk](il as the lîmex, ta gain a 0. Moivat, 1. Big-Ir, comillittetc t1w, Ipast year i_ý ; ; and Soute others, till lie full down on the 1 . 'l o Seetariztn WC are toLd that the political, or rather a fanatical end, by mis- 1 ! NI'. 1 Mac11,ý grtatesL ili exces.s. They Il 1 floor driiiik-, and the iii-lit being hitensely 1. -iizie. dulibled the amoulât appre our f,-ipti(li will find envelopcb differünce Ietween the Cortinion Schools of leading the publie. The Clear Grits in- 1 cold, and no tire in the ilovel, and the door INIe may thus recapitulate-- ecessary expense incurre( in %vhioli to i-vinit the animints of their res- Lowur CaTinikè, and the Coninioià Schools >i.fýt that tire sanie I.tv shali govern United 1 Il , wido Open, lie perisbed front, the effectâ of Moderate, or NfinL-;terial. . . . ..82 the Fire Engine and hose-i the former Canada-therefore if such unreasoning fa Ubtfül Comtervative 4 Hook and Ludder (ýouàpan.v p«Live Placing flicir naine, the t)f Ul'i't-1- C"ýtt'Illla' 's' t'lut '11 - 1 drunkenness and expostire ta týýt.,-nclemen. Do 5 ..tlle Catholic Reli,ýion L.- That naiies as the Tiwei had their way, the ........ them %vith a wag ors and ir, post oflicc Ind tlie amotint forwarded ou re- of the w&m4her. The jury renderdd a Qppouitiun cg thev are lier institutions for iiiiparting cy acdonald, inaking three m-elis 4-n-d.-ott tlàê-t.-tcu of ttic cavelope, will Save trouble the i-udilaçntî tif a commbli éducation, b 1 f». . . "ý> . . . . ill peul of the Separate School clause would verdict in. accordance with the abore filets' ............. apply ta the Protestant Sepàrate Schools Crusaders; G. Browo,-Ieader.. . 18 also ilistit4tion:s for the training Up ut the Another inquest was held on the, expenditpre Of Lower Canada and the Catholic Sepamte i ' 1 'file expeilào.of ýfrù9k i'children hi the peéUfi;ý.dOctrines and te- P îýk BL, near Clarenbont in 11%,,. Leavilag one lUpper Qanada lacane _gag ý=J - Jý9W With this nutill'cr we co nj3ý e n-é'.gý, ïtter t1w PlirPO';e but it would not answer the bigot purposes le bodY of George rrevrel tiong in r6-s-,er'vd' to'uclliil-gpuritatii ý:i111ë ont e esUblis7Wdfor IV'o6d, ged 111, who cal road Byýlgwt4ndth vras found in a, cow shed at the back oýIîj9 il Of givÃŽ"- the and Clear Grit pàritý'- W ël-écdon alfa iri4 vollimeof the IVItitby Chronicle. We a youtli a sotind English and of the stitnderous Timai ta stAte t4em,- 1 fer it ta o.-ar readcrs full of reliaut conÛ- COIIIInereîat etitication." -1 4reibre, argues The Titnes quotes froin the TMO iritam, ent fathees barn, -hanging, by the nock., in the Mr. Brown choýqe to seÀt for' nîcntsý have not exceeded the det*e in theîr npproval ui ourpasti tabom another finatical rehfflous -like itself, bé secuted m Toro 01 1 the Tà»Iiies the necessity of Separate Schools afternoonottliepreviouaday. Theladlmd North 0ÏfhrcVînothýr Moderate vôte il , f entruazd them. T4e report eaten his ditiner with the fa .1 _,frý' nto., shows a total expondi and'>içitli a future of hopetuliiesi and hig mi y bçaxmlsl-- ewbiçh would appear fur Protebtants in Lf.)wer 'Canada, and the ut the Catholie side, publislied ât; Montreal There lis yet another const*demCio'ný' enqwtatiotie before us. 'Few local Jour. tinr(,,a,,onal)leiies,% and injustice ofCatholie IN e have had occasion ta quarrel with the and appeared well and i it' Usua "Dlrit8-; thy of remembrance. the Op- ri hi Seueral of Tn7 excesq, but, th is in real île-wa8discovered by bis fatherat Wîý-pâÏtý position si-its will be contested ai grounds case, fur wlicelbarrows, pick nâlîf,. if any, have been equally favored Sepùràte Schoola in Upper Capada. The opinions of the Irac Jleitnm before this. 3 o'clock, P. ta., qilite ectaý became permanent Town pr *itli*the TV1&i0 bý Chroeiiele, in recciving lÏmW argument looks "plausible," and' %Ve have ever been averse ta its extreme cold. - No rcaaon,,' and ripou evidetice thàt justify an exp the 1 ibo,'-ral support and substantial patro. i iiii-lit stand if the fac-t8 vere on could bc assigned for the rash ac , tien of Ministerial suc cess in quarters now been tirchased out of th6 C 'y tru'r-- dogmatic sentiments, and cais nu better L-.t-h'e Occupîed hy apportent sum Of£.bO ilà 10d has bcen Mawý of wArui fiiends. In the field of pub- 1 Ut)fýprtunatc-1v, *however, such is net the 1 r . hole family living 011 tire beît or jerffl Summing op th s express our dissent tram the opinions a w e whole matter, and'tak- thu Street Comtaittec in IM, lic'Widr-whotht>r front motives of libera- ý cAtse- The Conimon Schools of Lower Ca- that journal titan 'that ive hold them 'in tri, g a witli each other. The -jury brou- in' Brock Street, and oht in a the worst posSiblë vie* of results, *eý Pa" ri lity, or appreciation, or bothil-the Chro- iý nada aré net "institutions fur training up equal contempt and disregard with those veidiet of temporary insarlity. bolieve that Nfr. Mýaedbnntd will bc found of £30 lüs 4d in procurisig i îliduedittaiiieda viâ-orousgrowth. flic children, attending ýheni ïà -thepeculiar ta possess à small maority even amongst stene for the saine titreet, but of Our cotemporary the Ontario Tini«. 0 . our. done under special resoititior Although orly a twelve-mnntii in exist. doctrines and tenets of the, Church-of Brock Rond. Lpper Canada men) N. Availin- .selves of other mentis of jud 'ing of parties, the Coun,,-il, and is altogethui cricel -if£ circulation and advertising patro. Itoiiie." Th,ý teziets of the Roman Catho- Town Couneil. i 4 Premier will app-1 opriation The following was not forwardeil ta the we are led-to thinlç thit thot' made- for" str* ly largely in. advance of lie faith a-r not tau-ht in the Common 1 - at the be,,,,innin0ý, nagel- "-e 1 ea< e cOmmand an Upper Canada majority; of provemetath Last Tuesday evening the final meeting cigh for ten. Chronicle. We publish it as it appeared 1 1'tioamouiit expotided in t those of our urrouriding weekly coiempo. Schools of Lower Canada, that ever we in the Tiinei:- sus follows, and is in acSrdai rarieq wilo b ast of a lon,,g prior 1 existence. could learii ; and if they are tair-ht in any 1 of the Couricil of 185,7 took place, ail the Add ta thm, a majority of net les&tlmn The stim of £1500 being promised by x forty ftom Lower Canada, and the tact ho. relative assessments of each. Fer la liens, urfty we hezirtîly thank OUI, of the schools it ils withouý any legal au- ýunýber of parties for the purpose of auist. despite, of ail predie- memberx prejent. The %fayor in the chair. 1 contes apparent that EbVrir WAIÏD. friend. one and all. Ta those more parti. thor.ty or sanction for doing sa. There is Communications were, read train Ur- W- Ing in the construction or the Brock Gravel contrary, the Modemte paiet ý ýdý e tiens ta the . in bath se y Ta grading streets and mak- cola rly %vlio stood by us, and aidedour 1 not a single icord in the Act ithidi autho- 1 H. Do 1 requesting permiýision ta alter Road ta Epsom, a Meeting of the-parties will next sexsion preponderate c- sidéwal lis ............ càrIjý,efl orts, wo acknowled-O our la -ri" th-6 t,&,wliinq of the Rontan catholic, dWelling. From _L Russell, Fqq.t A". interested was convened at Hotick's flotel 1 tiens of the Province. C;ruding ýnd gr;kvulling on gratittfde. or an other relîgion, in the' tant, Commissioner of Crown Lands, in re- Base Liste. .......... 1 'y President, A. T.. Buffon, Esq., being To provide a newapaper des 1 erving of the Schooli of Lorer Canada, lation to authorized Provincial Land Sur- ta the Chair, ît was 0 called The Christi sage, Answered. veyg. and train U. J. Afacdonell, Esq., Mov Town tif Whîtby--one worthy ta be called The statement is an impudent falsehoodl ed by IL Dobbs, seconded by W. 0. Total expendityre in S. W.. Clerk- of the Peazè, with, a copy of the Bryant, that one colls-4--tor for thé whole 1 The precious Ti,-i)&e# does mot dire toi de- NORT11 WARD. the "IVUtTliV CituosicLr," has been our retailed ta: Upper Canadians by the Clear G three divisions bc appointed for 9 J(r imnd Jury's Presentment, inadhý§ at the collectin ny that it used the lahguagý "druhkéa Graiding atn>ets and makii't, desire. The-àuceR.-î which we have met, Grit pressý Of this anymné who' salies the ali manies due t t" line of road, and -to nl-1 'of 'the e ' ' is a proof that we have not wholly failed trouble idrexamine the Sçhool Act cam bc Quarter Sessions of the Peaee- pay the saine over ta the respective Trèâ&-- rowdîýs" towards a nieéti er Sidewalks on Dundas Street, of WIýtby held before the late election in tri the endeavor. Our success- has far i satisfied. $)ri the corstrary, Roman Cat-ho. Petitions were presented by Mr. Wal- urer.-Ca-rie(L Gmding,"àtid gmvtdling Dun- ex-eeded Our higheeçt expectations. - Ta lie& who contend for Separate Schoels, lace on bthalf of Ur. James Kilbome, pmy seconded by ýhe MechaW'cs' HKIL It did sa in the orm das. Stréet-ý-péôpôrtion of tlw libes-jalit of the publio we owe if, and complain that the Protestant Bible is in- ing for a remission of taxes By Ur. Ket.' Bryant, Thst A. T. Button bc appointéd 'of an extra publîFhed ý sitert day'after the North Wqrd ........ y collecter ta coli«t and, arrange matters meeting. Our, citizen - ' 1 1 s výho TotaIýexpoàdil;ure in N. W. the merit of our Journal. whatever ît may troduced into inanyof the CommOînSéhOoLS ler on béhalf of Mr. Moriarty, for a like connecteil with the sub«,riptiorL--Carri-, iuýludine -x- - behalf of ed. have a" those est knowliow toap-' proportion of br, is likevÃŽse tire result of the generous of Upper Canada, anitthat4he achool books puipose. By Ur. Ilodgson, on ' _ =1'ý 1 penditnro; on: Dundas St predate theveracityýofthc T-i»&Mlandýits [ibemlity with which we have been sup- used-the American- Geagitieby - for in Mr. J. Bengou- bfoved by J.Marr, s=nded by J.Dobbs, h, inre, î:raying that a cm. CÈNTItE WàRD. Rama niittee bc appointedto in That the Collector shall bo'effipo*erèd ta littiedevice of'ýI MOý re*ard" of sgtug brin- ported, - stance-revilo and disparage theï n vesUgUe the con- Teuw.ý ' > w'ent Te grâdip4ýýtreeLsý and- mak- exercisehis own judgtnèriÏ-,iii èoiiec*tinýg combe I' "Éubscriber." Mrhêý duct of the latter as Street Survever. Prèùd and hopefut were we at starting ; Catholic Religion and ita1ulnýýers. That, the Brock Road Line Subscription ' à 'É , i.ý - ý !ta ' - 1 r ïPi blish' we have-ptherctl strength and vigor, and - generally speaking, the-schoo!s, argtoo, ir. Mr. Wallaço brought u the report of alse that the said colfeÊMP sthillf etý)driýeiit"n Our war tinel ahuri Cjýs1 If, -Nelson Uý". pinan, J. V. spëziri. iv. widdifierci, wm. Ic, M Weller. scraon. Ilessrs. Joseph Reader, E. W.- Gambie, omon Frallick, Joseph gcllell, au.d erson. TO COltitESPO"qDE-NTS. lie absence trotu;Town or 3jrý Pi*ton, County Treasurer, bas prevented our ,iving a cÃ"tumunication exPlaininý as he tbree per cent paid f,>Ir endorziing the inty paper. A. B." must ex - cuse Our not inserting communication inrelation to the Town rL Vie object ive belîe Vie to be alrea. accomplished. In futuret we believe, tone of thatofficer towarcls, the pâlie be round to be semewhat dîfftrent--to ýt it bas been. Our et'ject has been te -ess a Public grievance.' We baie- -no ;onal fvelin- whatever in the matter. putilish anothèr correapondent's lettot lie saine subject. week. Thank yoiL_ ArrivnI of the Africit. Nevr York, Jan. 1JUÉ lie -'Africa!' arrivtI at-timi.,; portyester- mora n- %vith three-(L-ty.,q htter advicee i Euri)l)ï.* and hi-hiy important newî; India. ur commercial inteffil.ence is brîef 1- to no 1)(jsiiýess- boin- dune during holifjays. )iidon inuney ruark-et much easiér. ,te Bankof En-,I;tnd li-id reduced it4 of interest tu 8t'pçr cent., )nSiAs closéd on tFle -)Ith at 93J & 931, 'lit advance on former quotations. ie fiflures of M. C. 11aigh, woollert cr or Brandford, Marsher & Ï;Iltch nierchanLq, of Huit Stey-endon, nek-ein & Swttý uf _'1ýcwcastle, . arc i». 'd. te inanciai peè"ttre'wam M' tich lighter arriburg, and had abateil ir .1 - ustr'.4 len and Nerway, white Warsaw was sufferin- froin its ilidu'e"nee- iç news front Indi4 is dated at Bo»iý Dà the 4th of December. le En-li-,h garrison at Luckuow w red the'ý ps- ",ho,] Overn an ;ed lie Sî morning.' e re A forcëýs t *ith-.Gùch citer. id il termînati il IL-t tha'cônttietà 0ý Of fights lasted fur six dayle, whé:é'ý nutineers were routed > and Geu«x"b6--. lock with, bWcomma"d liwea ' - -,&,- - 1 4hese engagements- Sir Colin,; .-i waà woundéd'sligfitjy àqd-ýw pf bis officers killed and forty ôthiWï' vas stated thal ir Colin' CaM bon 2.000 nen under bis cominand, wifit, t force lie wo < march ta th'ý coîs- of Oude. ,,Iishreinforcements were pouring in 43ý SePoYs Lid beeridispSud et 3fum 1, Mehidgue, Malwa and Tohoj&iUe&ý ur- aleMbérsof -the ito ai &M. 'n'y ýy DCIJ9 a Po1ýërfÙl iÏbéJ-çWr_Ç ,en executed near DeU Ptinjaub was > quiet, e 1lut there - wlu bt risi,19 in ý' the touthern, 'Va1îý 'y- TiterqbellionifasýcSuddet»doý., PolÃŽtical intelligence from -t'ho con;- of Europe ýýy, tbi&, arrivai, is unim -ship ý11Wajjace," ftom Quebec ý t« W, was lost at SeIL Ile crew M [-On the waterlogged ahip for Il 'ithnothinx buta-bodyOf&dog to upon-310 Of them died. From tha jûAd,,.ý ,compare the means regorW, të by - ar Grits we BWI fin4 -tlýat tlwy, ý the YZUIt of the ekcùong.-'Iitüe Lo£ -Neyer perbiw'*e»- wa.- 1 tor tbe uommon schools of Vpp«ý rin ffi' J'ima the' Cà Ald--XtCgm-ý; ;Oa gr»uâd g out of'-' tbèw 0 em, àgUrel cë»tfnUýd ùW cmad& -, _ý1vh0 w - - ý Ommwood, or , ýthe -.Po»ý Of-,Roie --« -. 1.1 ýj . Our céliymâs bear ample evidence that We haye -ever been cénvinced of-ýthé' -Mr., Perry, tbé,bZ,ýý to Collet down ilie ptbtestmt,, ç mon in vre hrwe not been nogioceul of the inte- importànt-good -which, would r«Ult 2wý«, A»dýt0,, Lin ' ý I ý - "fi:, , .. I , - one Haye Street, rests'of afty locality in (ilouùty of On- inized nationaliV, 'andt4ized iget it, "4çs«yed ,ta et smething n, ear Y0uýg gento Lario,'whiere tho" cýt&Id be advanéod by conilüunity like that of'Caüada, by havi -thataMunt.ý Me tbey are, fï'r'àjâ, fflinst ag ver the Collector earnèd- tiue tunï or, ÏPM -"eu ouvadvoSty. Web«e-lflgewiailabored the y0ýtb' of -the counby ait at the - xxMé preient of yýý ne an Rie to PronfÃ"te the cea" interests of the desk in the schôol-i»oui, andl- thug grgw Up 'C0;IeýtQr' ýiH4,-Iiot -4em the rdt4payon te' whole Ceunty, and white doing 80,, bave on ternis of friopdahip and gogd will W- took 'of" Retjý Ua& Off a - Éùle Of guir extra, "thé "È«,ý - lé ý,i6 rz M ý>,-ç*! en ' deAvered- to conciliate and om" date W&«*&«àýotw The iNý !6- PMý tg eut4j -4, theqPi4iý»-And sentiments et Un publie lhgiom princip4 we bave always rogwrd-, The ý respondbility of ýtàe ýýUQlkcéw upoueque"ns*fp»Meoncern. la- ed as out9de the pro7vînce of tbe $ëbool- very gr«ý -Me àuum Vj' - multi, , ;C1 aidé and outaide the Couney ocý roproën- muter--an4, mie of the chief OUÙWÏëdthfi éa M. _bü te mi pu£ qeem tent .toi's 'dew pmvi Froute St. flvý 'Sherhýt North ý Teyr bo rlu"tc Cbtt*-,& jkwÀqdý%- we.i -% berlow r>puth ton., North wuru, moutru Ttn-unt-1) ý'ý PÏ

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