Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1858, p. 1

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A lit w tic JO BME WBITBY CBROMM- rHURSDAY MORN"it4,*t îgging, Inayerhorét t coq BPOCX FTRPXr, r Next Door to the Rogistiv 09600o < IRE TFItitý,;-Olr SUBSCRIMON TO TUE W)Wtb Olraniek, will bc $2 jwle alinuins ëdgee Brotbefikôod. ÃŽelc 9tLly In, ativance. tiring Wlth calm Iltinted wordqp great thonghtq and un Plôgrent Knowl nÂ111111% OF ai iiiien fflâ uncier, ............. iêry IiIihmoquent iiiiiortion, (per lino).. 0 'à NVARY 21 18,58. A liheral dîseonnt allowed te Meroliants and- W ITITBY , C. W el TI! lier% tulvertising bý the year. V O L . 2. Vils prtlier lias alvendy an intnionigoeilvenlation hï ever - Sn s u *wgo beyond te bc cavalier tô the 1ated ft e pETER CAItrdlClffïî" -nid nid Gottlieb, wÃŽth his hitnd laid ycni,1111 él ntl -Y bit ýny 1ýn c1Ï1ý and îw vicinity, a better UC£IOX on the hoàd of Philip, whi3 h ve, in, ?«y way, it Hated--.by hiùj rý>-iiiterrilptel tilni%.ýq ilian in whitli, ad blont down lvùrtiging illediiiiii c4tila flot 1w,%ecnýç titis FM, &CI, WICK, TOWNSInP, -and then lie výrotO ïtion.., euntess with a bit we ,(1111 to nocive his bleming * ter laugh of an- A uf BroekI ie"Wà*rtd the R down in an account book thatiay bYýhiA tmnger.- on.'Iý «,iIoý wili plectre lyiso lie tiiiie in ibrwarding. te il notices., A. PRINGLEI, ADIEU TO INNISlèAM. sicle,,the surit of twzand-twenty dollars -thaý-IÃœNWRngcf that? ý Do Yeu Yes-he hateî, -ho despises th M ý-X STRM thi0kl dOile*#.Ge MYduty? Offwith 'oneqs. He-llàiieënùeail cquaî No paper *iII, bc qliaoontintied outil ail arreltz- ERCHANT T-ý,ILl).R, BROC that Ws son hall givén hiM. cducp_ you hi Ferorexul in aituni-Vina. Ail the coqt of vour k-elop ftnd FU_ put yen into the w ith her-itnd ý trestea hior %vith il ea [%M Pau illi, Wbitby. -ving a vice tu a neglect;.--;tnd &Il tMs fôr your fiake. -elosit, - tloni,-,TiownearlypaiduP. yourgavings cage- 4yir d are the only person. ho loves-to utters en IIZ If i-egii;wretl, will Ille lit Am-C-urirberi LaIbn. - n - - F te r4k of tho Publitillers %viieli tillairemmed DEVERBILlLg arnount to three huridired and seventee Thê'neVrý IM àtd4ý of theqtreets wIg1ked 'ft* hishand7--his héirt-a dyot: Ce. &c., (,REFN STREIST, flolial.se fur whiel, 1 have given you my ri- 4e C. W owy MR14 e7 NVII'itl)YI B Whithi., 9'. W. ceipL" becoming his c- him!', Swells lier bosolil tu the I tieen dollars!" off'CÇ4 lw4ilRý 4t, Ptirsuud bis wiy to a i Il Rovr comüs it, Prince, that yor And our barque froffi Inniýtfîul irec il indreil and seven '! 'jntended te tIý-aIe flint- code so warinly for Pilzou Y 'You d ILI, Botiiitis amav. ie the ela Mo i ty of a, llqTER*AtIONAL 110TF cr il ther, in the extreti) . F "Iý,,r ToRi)NTO.- 1,11ilip r__ 4 hait-frozen li0is over a lie se once." ëOOK AND JOB AST MA W hilo WC gaze ithy mliore, « t and then turning, to 14 PRINTING ESTABLI@Hr N(ztllltews, Proprietor. 42 amazonien That was because 1 did net lino Vint we noyer Zî,, g" more, with a voirc filli of tend~ eqs, l'Ali, l'hi- and still less t'ho wretchâness IlL., II,ýorjjjrýTojZs1 olé' TIM 'WIIITBY Alla the bliading t4-,artt flow n'or v grieve Ille. Yes, in- iFto.icu",.ç HOTÊL, WC lIrtiv. 01 1 It "Cil 1 M'offlil iliff)rlll the 111 Pd that ffl- AI; lie* %va-% eaMiu^ the doorofa splendid linviOlIr ctt"ý-ýed him. 1 swéay tO vo havc motité of the lllfwt 0RN1EIý (IF FIZONT AND GEOPUIE deed voit (In. Vil, had ruIV lulille that t1ley , - il) Ma miýwnmn 1 bc t1loil loilgr ri w for 3-otir.,,elf, . voit might have I)ntli'lit lýjalacCl bc W - * d' 11014 a hy a ocent-vou have nothing to for Nýele%"Ynrk Inaddi- C streets, T-milito. 41 p,,, ri in inn tI,;.ýhtetI 1! him-he hiti inifich tà forgive in yoi. tlieliotýct%, itiittare, prilpitred te) exectit(, 111 l lie qlleen land witliiiý nnel started as gal-dener oit sni:le;k wh ' o 12 1 frorn a çarriage. flush!" whispend the Carinelit -XANILLA HOTELI, 1 fi Vattle prutid and st rong votir ow Il n ncr-olitit, filid married Rosc- -- liiiii-p t1irfied-1ýÏ)unâ, and in a low whis- are watclied liere- coule froni this. ING 'AI As the ,eu' 1%littakeennifart, pering voice pskod wliat the stratiger 1 BOOK M JOB PRINT - AIZIII()ý, -Al BC saints thy Itill- replaced her iiiaslç and sto(A up. )11 lien. are üld and ftlOllle, lind Voit 1 wanteil. lind gll:lrftlltee that %vork Truc heroeli guard egeh hill- r)l üvoi-v Aud lturpa by ev'n. r.11 tipport ils loi) ".Nfy graCiôii-4 Itird,*'.,tii,.;wereil the maský 1 lierorni within Ilhilîlýi;, they rroie; will 1-4% (l'ilo Ili tltt,- lowegt, -- - -- l Will iloi listve te) .1; 9- tolIIIIII enit ý iigt -OAKWOOD 11OTEL, Stiniid free' el and lie in your ýpvvn,-you have pagsed the doon t liait 15,110 cntoredý&etide-room. Thi ')IIME170RI ý tess uttend many a-lomplaints agail W. BANIýzý. l'Et yoil thinking Will vouiyrojý,l -biglillffl>". et AKWOOD, frowilied a Il I%"11«lt lirrie _g 0 clix)(1 accommodation fur tntvt-Iler-. PIS Tho'rotintl lier ind'lexii liIw'rs, r'osr i-ý il) Ille W4 Illy ljfc, h!It 'I>lýhi(? _ÃŽ6ýàl hi;,"illle-" salil Philipe Chainfilerlain, but they were the cori 1 bc hand of tiaturr shoiv'r; (Ir" tfir,111 il> tlirli offl l'ard finit Cir- 0ýTAR1O l' TEI*# Thebrightomt bl(x,)zniiiit flow'T's zivil III)a 1111-1drud IZ0lýrsra t Iý(-T t Il *tri taiigtlîile 'l'I am no highn*qs. yen allie of nions love. The Brahniin .;o Ir. The%ý linve lit-scrf. lnil and rti.ý f çm ne timidly into the apnrtment. elibirs Ili fi If our lipliere; -tilier. or wish Vour inisti' crit litIllil Il ail Iow t'nrrtigoi tel liveIt si lioiir." and Il ini- 117119 a deep Mlence artiong the th, i Flimn Z*arti-, Vet flot tlie rhIlieýt r-v, , iortf-ii 1 t'y ail Tlig ma* lilâred regpe(-tftilly, the Countess dwilied away the te lwili'! blilight iit ýër i III a f-,reijzli clifilé that IxIîIvýs, 1. 6 ", viiii (;Iittit-il) cil to the 1.1l'111fâIlit litlekle in jhiliris MtýIetioiiéry, tý*,,., , I il%% est 111 6 MlIt Frpe (Il -e t1tu briër nt Ironie tititt Lri*,,%t Il, î,ý if 1 tron ci, An von, lind gathereil in lier ey . Plii rttte-I, lit t4 1 1 Freiiii the Pm i ],il, _es lovirig :111.1 loi, Ilfit ill flic cIlri%- ptiees and lit Ille sliilItmIý,t liolit.û. Ili bel deur, MAY EIMOFFFIZ tô hon(w yotir fitther find Butel in whatever character you j knolîving liow to couellide Iiis ilite ilinther iq fi dl0ý, Il . Yo;it- noble lienring whitlly (iAVý W il 1 T Il V Tllo' Mity tic fi v(lil Il\- Gilld. ill betrilly botter, ]cd the Brahmin te the (el In sýlA vielles I.Ovgý>iiIi thc'lIVýn, NvisIic.ý to N 0111, 11-1- von. Nil-ill YIÏU- conde.,centl to icaI tf;e and Joined thoir hands tinerether, N'ut cver (;ra tittifi., of .1 IL ilitce the Doe-,ý yalir IIighoLýss s, in IE Far tIte lie sil.,111 1 wilil it intýI (1 to din 1 fle hiniself rettirned into the hall. artýkoflev,- 1 Iteavé, If n 1 - lit theelmàn liotirs ofi.,\e will ni-tU(I" vou rirh in vour oxvii brari. 1 To c Y% replied Phil-p% scInle- IV. *' le ÇTI,'I F11ý Ni uI ý Il î, Ni. M (;001 , ) ' qf it not' ton lonw for rriqr what buvril. IN .- ou sec 1, Ilive (liq tliv storl;lv Ajore tii y llere lie ivas addressed liastily Kimii,,Ii tiii stitititit,. ()stifrs. G arine satil-, -or il'vou bouts oit." A(lc"iIInýI i to s-i i - 1 Ca t 1 Il nieluke--" l'in glad 1 have met yc ro ilil g iv(l ilp tjjtý inq red the in k. ZACHE Ili as, p a74 ino. Tc; the Ense-girl in the sidc T 1 E () ÏTI 11 le il lie' Lr,ýONARj)IS 111OTEL, IIiit iticiii'rv (-'er the liollp, qtilllee,ý,4 1ý-' 1 have bronglit no inoney Witholit waitiiig for an answer, t %V*Ný For rI)ý;v is a IretIv tilIt c"I't be 'If- si t) Coltrts. 01lPe lit the (»,IIA\VAý C. N%«. (;0(il) j Ili lirr de , .1; and IlIom Il - re woIlist ilri th the wqmistant watchman. tnolukerushedintoit, but rettir s1l'. il 1 L-, 1 - My heqve cxc-laiinetl the stranger. i dontly. disappointed. (el. iRtLVN 1 i)'ertlt% Ni II)Z,, lie fin -%i-.iiit of Y;,Iewl , a.; t:r>,Nr linti!zelý(-Ppinfr Couiniand ]È'r ptirse-ali that 1 posîm Ailli I)rlllg Ille. wteeli*ýl in tears, linli One ivord with yotil Domino," VICTORIA Thtl de-ad tiower's ofother yelirle, if. at volir -seiwicC." linving this, lie fore- 'S Il, Weil lis-" and tell Pliitip into, a retillett win Ili itK Aiid wûil iiiàtq-o iiiý car-, - ed'a toit iIrf;ý in l'hilip% hand, 11,qlle recezs of a hall. ll,%,M IIIERI polso luis, to inari-y fil) ".Biit Sla yý1i 1-t-ow Who 1 am !'1 1 nqilire(l Il Ivilat (10 yoil want te' "ket (qý'yj(*k oN V IOCK ant Illlit jl.;sijýrî.îrnt. lierl Philip, and ýiÃŽeftéd the pursb. Et 1 STPA le 7 1 iltil.Rol) 110 1 si iimii loil r-ol r-Io:oý,Ig The in"- *bispared, with a boW of pro- le 1 ýIj yoll,,,rlo.pli th 11,111%,1Z sT. 11,:1 (% e a %vife witli, foiind lotir Royal Ilighness, L. ri ]'IV a boleril, - if 1 liait w-iIIý with ýgtthduer1 yet eegôlute voim, Il. J. MA CDO N L 1 - liitl;,ttiil , - Nvail(1ý1w Thi, thereftnen Prinqýe éjuliall." (IF ilky ctiè'rald is the ý Rose-girl Collrt MaN t -le meil livr ni-ýt!wr Will rtn! lot Il, At 'lhilip 'hê%Yil hiq d6 Pli. 'l'What is the Rose-girl to me ONTARIO 110'rlÃŽi,, -il %vil. II lie flolie,4r -,ci Afteil %ve %vi4i. she gny., tri,- ty in aiIîý4oÃŽni' hgr Atreet callit- the hour, le Ilut to trio she is cverythin- (,)Il N V. il 1,11, i'M' IlN. (Io rio -good -, but 1 ilitter ;nd he beciiiiie aware of, hi.4 uletRulOrPI10- cd the other, whose surprise(i attell- 1 ian showed thnt froin lier, iiiiii III) il-ls li',olle-for we thitik qis. PriÙce Jul' , who was. Weil kttolevii ggit. t il de e. ri c ReKiýtrI il- -j, 1 j"'. q!jC1ý i'ý -il 1 t; (Iflivil tif 1 t AiIel wlirù thir IIS 1>",Lll a great detal J in the capital as a lively %vild and «ý00(1- a e in a du Iloir litel- solil ,Il Il* e re" , waq caTTvin- on %vith Mro.-t. 1 , 'Ï g,-ýod. ýý:uj ýo wo li:ivt, agret-il to iiiec-t to- heni-ted 1 f', ' r -R, i jtlëýinnn, Q been the ýeràiti me site is éverythil* (Il tin(j ý IIODDE 1 Alid on wini? (30, . lig. Site i% ni 11. TIIOýITI"iÃ" N", I 'l':11 (-ýI-TFt*rTFI'ý tNv,,Iv(, it tlie grreat elo-ir wâh whom. 4 hall changied El'q' 1 IA NT T Il 11.0 l' hig el ilheg - You will. _rnake me wretched, Il Ir t*%-r,,ý1,1)li"", N chtirrli, fi>r rolze il, bri- Now then,," thonglit Philip, Il as he NIN' lit l'ILIIlill'- Ckir -urt. PI1l-ýit.IT1 . ;12 As 1 sonr iihove the stýý& en-1jurc you di-ive me net te m el Erili dent tu in tire ycclr at a lintise in the noi , i- ciueLittiewatellulait.,bo well.l'll Sec iý i Think- of iny revife nô more ?" %V. Il;% XTON, Jr., FRANKLIN 11OUI'SEt l'orllooli ; and thon 1 %vill take hur honte-" f&,ýr one, halt.hour, 1 can't bc the prince. If j Il With rin rny héart," answert boi;l - il. . ., - lit the illidsz of slicli the 1 rn.%lke, > anY 1mistalie, lie hils Ilin'$Olr-tO drily - what have 1 te do v -Alew pped le red silken il, tlirce anil Philip bInrille for ît" , ra th 1 wile c. W, clocl, >*rLi ?11 F..IF.WET'r. IIWWUIFTOIý. tool, Ili..; grent colit. front the warni niantlè elcÉer 4mund Ilîm., took the offécred (.)Il, Prince, Prince?" excl. in .1tIii. 21. corner where Catisarine hall carefiillyliiiii- purâepit It -I in bies pocketi and fqaid,- 1 Nlameliikeý 'If am resolved on IK ()F 1710E t't)U NTY it, wrapt I.iii3, te 1. Il 1 will return your > duct, if it should cost me my lifL 0 Il IC 1 T! l lýt. oier c 1 F 1 self in it, and Lak 1 lit lan- Il Who arevou, rues 'S CZneih 011i'y III t lie Court 1 1lmse, 1 F 110TIRI., therii and eLlff, and %viAiiii- his parwiLs, grild NEW YBARIN NIMITI, $le ble with nie no longer, 1 have 1.4AT tiiZ-ý,11 \Nrs, ýTIZF.FT. gpod iiiglit, provecded to his post. ltbQ Ûhatâèriain 141zou. every thing. Hm- 1 look lit thii JOHN Silllýit, Nvi.:iiiii Mail (jFl,'I('E AT TIIE re-c the rra\ ùIlime litifflic, Viffl THE letter in), false iyife slipt into y( Out biviti,, liad time to opei C'Court Thoelianiberlain ôeYed, and trÃŽpt-up the ýi With or tnL ltlll nit att<.itti%,e 4,',5 Plillit) stalk-ed Ù11-0110, the inarblestairs, Philip, coming close beûlind - drpt it in t1ic ein 01(1 Catharine, the watchinan's wifé, al strens, lilitrt- Iýi IIIMIY fico- him. l:y àtend a niagýigcent hall, ' Philip tonk thenote. 'Tvoq IlliltiýEl .11les sALOON, OFFICE, IIN*lý.ýS'I'l'iýI.-ý--r,\\-Ili-lýt)'. nine o'cloel. on New ove, opotieil p!e i% ere stili vizible is in the inidille of iIltimirWtý,dý- With àt, thôur'.1ntl onhiliês and 1 perteil-Il Chan M e yournL-isk-. 1 bel- little m-inili)%v, and put ont lier li;tii(l I,,ý rattIine in all (lay7.liiliêhandclîet S. k-Ilaws YOIL hiy husband xvat if it was fair. Tite sti(iv was falling il' direrti'ons, the were all brilliantlr of inuskemjpstled cach odier, M'ItRUS, Ila- Ile doles not knoiv in . If ou ent Ileave; flakes tipon t1ic street. 'She cent-, lie l-wig variAti... ý;p(xn gir4 i .%% - - 1 Y, 81 - - 1 kn observeil at tel, o'clf>ck, aud blew Iiis nuits czowd.q ol niagi ri t rtN,. ritenks Ilis v0rýes cý4nI8, go esses, Heml" tiftet'éd Phr1ip.ý horti lustil), ili the ),fédçý anil 1) (; (,ýjNAj),j SALOON, and fp), poliring out of varioiv, ersitins. l1ý11IP «a tliis-wag not wilitten te me;ý 17 CI. 1 Il wifix pinny a thought Suéh bit _y hee 2 STIRFT. NVIIITlýy, itli- Im. and and going teà tlit dailetc- lit rc li irfdéd 1. Fi ee 1.11 Il(.tq nt 11 1 and oùivr entertaùtteients with, which it is i on lZoFe. ho hei:iý ýne," ho ýýlid that. ainuffln'ent, We ?kfnrshal Bfài lie 1. TII-PMAY fre ke or twoý 1 ýor-efs ýtM rrw . d _ to you 'c cri a hil the scelle al"tn-. in 1- ý wh 0 1 ý.. di" , I il nose silo drew back h at twtdve n'eloek at 'fTië" Iiiil,-It to the 111111141c Cr licad, closed fa V ý t..tlt.1kli'l 14:1-ell, Palle Ale. 41 i Illic -'c - ni band. 0111 lie f' - éticîthe B . % 1ý- ,il when lie hall @;one lais rGLtud,ý tilt lÃŽiiCýf the f1ýoM known Il ý7 tbe'window, and Raid tO her A, tif, qelti Was 90 bQWiIdo retIý with the ptLL(;e. bl)#VN,ý.end'-Jet i-,ltlll-'.If-(l to Cle Ilouso agg, MI ilu to.lljght; loi' the :ýnûW Will 1()01,ed à the wigttlû%%-. N)tnçtimc.ý Ilosaw tfie S=O-thât lie could do little more, than M nrd ýT0 watli f h;s lwart beat nod.bis Üéad toithe varions mWlrmscs MAde i qiifàeýv,11.. el.\,;Cllcec nie forsayir lie. iltiil, .,I' a t kep en long, and ) oit kilo%%, the fêtuale ticgures at it, alld NV 'es serN-el lit lbo blinded ýYou If YO cola doo o Ir d. 'rite to him. s vour old bones il gort qui-à at the sizlit *K ANDERAON. rtreet-,; wiù bc alive ail Iliýilt-- 1'llere ho saw Rose iier:stlr; and soinetillies lie Il Will'yoil go the haiard table VIIig- m-t-il Neoii would, nëveéeusp'ect Who ýitéod b'eside 1- 1 give, you Mj t1irown ou t1le wili- e proceemn 11111at', i dancing and fý&;ting in Lvul.)- liotise, 11VU;- gttiffic-1 /-'idil hi ni, and whont Ili) îlip now saw - hoaor i pl'ilk, wili t'Il discover whid4i of theil) %vi- bc (Irgig 1 ilvill, never trouble yotir tkeFgdaughter hisý "treisit Lfter the marria.ge ; and thât e reaAônâ his suit had failed mr Royal Po* ry thingýý'-; etty story it is,11 sald philip-j er like that wolild Wa-dis- neunest-and indeed. 'Tis Impéissible to, meanl rr and v ulgarly thalk the y. - ýhe woman MQSt beý& aéious Prince, you MLst 9ayf' "e ructinn." the I)uk-e askod PhiliP-ý' told Ille be starW ZP 0à tory, and only aaked wjïem lig herv, then ?'1ý he lis at-play in the next r0oU1ý1ý ffibishOpýand the MirùsterýQf (ed with long %tops thrôùghý,-.,ý Vile eue required ronaidetsà ,Our iloyal Highnegs te PtO- - ýur own honor ùý at stah' e. make all strai-lit ; otherwim Cýàred ât the fir.,,&t intimation ol across the border. :To-mor- iPect your commands as tô to lool. for." e words the Negro took 1419- CONTMUFID IN OUIR NEXT. a Pearl gtyeet-ýeBffr-ning':t e--An Ex-PoliceMan IKIIIed,' .sisop-,ý.ttempt to finry the ýhoui an 1nquest-A Fu»Oral ýy the Coroner@, f hirl'),troii- lio-,ni(ýifle liRs it whieh promises -;c)-ne extra- velopments- The ciretimstàlil- ered frmrn the ,ýt-itenientg ofthe e (icéceLse(l, antj cher partie% with him, arc a-4 vrho r-,ý;iAcÃŽ t Xo. 7 meniher oi the old po- nent, with which lic--was em- thotit five venrs, up to the time tition in Ftllv 1ýinré that ; been out ný buginesc, nnd dilï'-ý t his prospn.cts, fell ilito SoThe -equentiri- l"'x groggeries alid àght of the 22nd ult, accordiff'.1 c-inent lie i."Rid to, laVe (Criven iefore his deftth, lie went into a tn thie corner of Pearl and-Doýcf pt by oýr- Back-ley, in company' men named Patriclî Altirmy and* ýxgan---mtlie name of the thiTd, sii;ter (Ine:, not remçh. lJer. Thev ffian to treat, whieh bc dit], add t offered a ý2 on the Shoe and ink. Ilie bar-keeper took-Aha ; ountez-ÉeiL- Sheehaii insisted ; izood, and told the bair-keeper- -keeper -finally handed-the bill' ýgan, wlio compared, or pretýnd- pare it %'Vith a bank note lis4,and xl it bad, and Sheehan again de- t it was aelie. At this -%Inrr*.Y n in the &Toiný- which fellêd -hini to the. ground. ue -ýv".thii.,;-Iying senséless, fa- we belieye, im also an ex-policeý, e hire by tne collrir-of his to" hands, and raLin,-, bim UPthruf-,t agAinst the floor WM great-vio- peatin'er the barbarous operatiott ;s Ofit. Lified with tfieiý sm'aze treàtnient - egs mn, ý the ftÀlo>es draggedilin, Uffl, papers1roni the weedixl t& light-tbeur about hi% han(Ls. Pitew; of paper-were ýtween hi-s fiagen ýnt1 Ilighted, and ï vero nearly burned oir his-feet -eatpýent,-portly Tevived the, Sn-- ;eed'-the victiim àùd tjýc 'Jep"'* 6ged bi tu bacli, to t'tic ba'-, aqë at- gin,,dtiwit his thmat. 'laid $hSha-11 tIPOI, & s0fu 'in Ilim, Up', wîih, bit% u)ori)ivg helwâ#3, -his frîends., lie tUen on.-ýThtai-, 8 o7clock in the inortillig. b,41y, it id " éonsider&blô di-n' 0, .ave 'i ýtif1 cxt, that the deSiud ît weu'd 8e"ý hm -F.le f9rre;, qkj 1W.-lUlUW- , . týV4 scanty pittance tney poiSselbâcu. 1 "Laili j býllllq'SL4 Li F gave bis services te the garderier for Ili,; 1 lilze vour phizihominy amazingly. %Vbere rm the puinber." 1)r. it. W. CLAHKi, Iltrle stj)t,ý* oi, ligna, iiild rry oo tilt, hti-itiet board and lodginge' and 1 qua hep fied afort 1ý', lad nothing but eh D-the lçaçtox-p dLýoDeule ut lity 0-ý%labILSIt- iieverigirm in, y are vou go il, ail its inelles, the tu Ille r5, - , -1 iq &,Warpd- enevay oft4q Ull(Il 0- 39 1 a"e hait tirin l', i nient al. Brtiolliti. what he ôceasionally received when he To) Street," replied Philipe 1 : i , , à arri enthal, and niade. ine prormp dýop nýr Wl IïiM, cd boule flowexa te the rich jleoplc of -lui going tý cail the hour there, M, KLEISER9 týje to%%,n; fl I1(ýood!" answered the mask. l'il acqüiiû&riëc. But think rtaat& Dic, 'You; r*auy fo WATCIV' c eroW4 ARGE fellow, o -and-twerity, and perhaps heur yoit do it; 1 Il gn -with von. Calliiig etýtnf$dýe, 'I'ltk.ET, TOWIN ()F 8iG1ý OF THE " L it ît ýViki , Wliel thý Qù t4t eyepr q nt of bis ntinS ie! t Qu'- u good look.., as well s luast bc capital ftln--no such jolly shé -ap. lrmpg)lz],Fl OF '%VATCý lieut purty;ýto. Fmudell, Fs 11) EN J ('K JIM & JEWET.F.RY, - Yeu aie. Uttilditig8, IÇI M bill taking manners, that bc reca pointeil ull;$;ývaiier te -thelitýronesià, 'Wh4t; i4théy arc ýéry M'ïü'ý'lï ü'1ý ýVltltby, C-1 lit% 1>1 llg '4treet, Bowinan- ived luck in the day tâne. Come, tip us the the bu you, 1týp14d ffimp, JL N'*iet4)ritL tra dollars from thzýzdies of a jýve, and do il, well ; for, t%),.irl, von, Vul Could l'do 9 li im, _p0ýýiýiç a ailswered j.. drU 11, o(,K t roofmind. Thegoodold ilào- a jild-e of inusîc. J)a çou sin- well (in the repltred 1 t il Cý h1rtfidaý '6f'-Ïbo' fidèriblé ï m,,Nétý4 ýât, ýIj,. Y, lx BR Str P over.j. OlIpolaito PýÎlip saw ihat his 'companion wu il a' forwl te gét oÃœt,' SW'Ã"hl ý'theykuowyouver wellai bouse te fetQh ber son, when humer for a jok-c, and C. STI&"]LlqGo thergardýnera;'y Put on hel R"Hvercd-e'l sing leà,-d *ho wsL4 instantly ébangeyop nwk, A DUPLICAV& 'BOOK bwtt(x- over a cup of ale i il a chi mney cor- Lowmy UCITI( he en eld tIl' little &P&rmeut did m% kr etir trial. Bpt lit JI giving tb dWilrè tb,, ùfb Ãœiy'kýuàbànd la Auetion Salcà, is L, II &%id -the young man, nur, than up te the kngýes in .înaw. en,11 said Plýilip, touched,ýf,1 ANDýtjjie0jfice Ail oilcre left lit the 6Yu*oýtic7fomce iple, le' tis enow- el take vani ENCTUSUR, hand They had now reliched Mary Street, and the ne, an(e to the old cotl 'tri- a isi 1 1 w1ll bc atieilde.]. to Nvitli the fttrirterlt plinctu n il muel, good to- Philip sang, and blew: the horn Bý thjR Pb!4.di5overed, Y-.tilto Aielit, of Sales fixed on idcneë-Cetitre t snow Won't dç tàge of tÈe pre,,éýt Joyeux àe:mcli. Street, n ne* yëw inikes ý1r' altýqu panion W u wera eur the Court lion", Whithy. yotir rheumatign 1 11 take the watch te- fla 1 thafm but a poor Èerform arrël& TE lb- Zý1r1 arIe yo rý Je FROWD B '*Give 'e îJ 01NF night, tnd Yeu cm 96t COMfOttablY, te exclaimed-the, maslr.ý d lmffl Iteilli'E('T AND CIVIL EN WyATTYB HOTBL, l'il wiWà you with r Thg%. ir,, xePliO ý,the, Brkhipfix sôen Fà-t.'tlnatem made Itlloulre a il said old Gottleib. el 'Il What is,ý 4here "t ý dm n TE SCRIPTURES, Will'rUy- 1ý111L good -boy.-ý alf die with delight. toi k uw paâsiiw North -t thte Il - ing." - e linýký ' 1 ..à ý - ý .1 j 1 e idnýÏ.-of uietu;itriiigàork -tàrefully attL St, F-0-st aüd Wer von- ýë:on4he1e And then Fve been think Philîp yielded te th s wi aria, lar, besi _ c 'the 'two stop ai this liotà. D do 1-1th, 1 iâ 1ýçw let Ili ig th, d bl . For laid Wi ýN idtb) tlnueaPhi4 " thst mtOemorfow en to elil always 111 lit sir 0 TerFes .9 ow JLILNNDNU DE. CLARRp pââgengers. Cemfoi Ostf YeWs day, 1 may eme and ýspend it witll, four or five tiitiëk" àll *iii'ýaone as if the -your Rigbnc.-.ý' int«COWOn woùld itwu P p v , b t Viril Cý(ý)CNTY ONTARIO, D' P. WYAI &11 M-ther, PcàmÏtb bas D' t ln the' stranger had been a ïýàtchrnan ail bis Ige. ga 0 il,ý- t _h d 1 l Lll peut ér of Licenses i n ýC uunicipal 1 Ile dilated nio'$'t el6qnÉùily-bn t e jôys:o sentence-t C CIRret inýp!réà>î 1 MI on, and iniÀëlýÉilf»'Itid h walked f'ýé 'Cla Cbe Tovu of M'hithyý such an occupati me M yüuýw4rk &6 Not' inteiljt)t the inather, 11ý,wç7ve 1h of iý,; praîÈèý14, jrojjNjj%,,ý_D pROPRIFTQR TAKeTillg the rest of'thai Pound orvenison; an at theextr.vàýýnCes 1 e ti le e (Filou MVLL, EýWLAN-nI) d thait, sýil-itq hâd evid _ntly owed t o kinlalfgf*e ý,*nç1 u,, ý,W P0t-40-e3lýer a of their clevatioii to aii -extra quýntJlý" ,if(-riairuz his Frilýýndm alid'-I;lw ten y4> f ej iiiethod of i iiii àý;g fiý'ïïjjjy ClIF ýT, BTREET, genemlliý,I tjAt bc h&, commencea-bugi- and.aýlittle, rW (,w f-.,ýfs FWhitby. 1 Lelq - lie trtlifil thot'his champagne hl ileils in the above 1ýreM w,4A,1ý ýM 41, orte auýor»"I - t où- by wayd tà.wýl1 ààký next p mâané PD 1]e- attentim ïo his ý ed at his f mode of doing biiýmiliem y, "MI 1 1 wé nàéýA gneAts, willni il Slbfoitable ineat', Neat.ýveâ' oý - p Ký .. , »Ui ýýMnX10iàV" tu - dir Fil tell Yeu wha-t, my'friena, rve a sýîid I ofýpublic"trfflP - ---------- tho $e e wi U, ýgisT. DRU better4 -f«-,., wiii l'a great fancy tà!Wk4r&kýhffld'imyself for ;ttiff%, Colors, &c., AI Gîve nie yotir gre4t-egýat 14unw brî t 'jÏmethlng,ýt -Venison, roast Po 'wwMait auleirvt Dye' ta2 ait bopr or twQ. 40pài ,t; 4 ý 1 -4 ý, qï - Duiitlustytet, Whlthy 1 ING ST«ET WEST, TOROIÃŽM.ý1,TÃŽM -but" twé iow-;ioutw st K à1elriret a"Ig atià výid"tÃŽÃœi &'Ii# *iiid Uàé iny demi- il do. Goîn*«Innand-takee-ýIe un 0 utela walk froilin the ý4 Rot to mention lAurel ANNAM, p -r«r; aing, hm bSn,]Nýit , *hl sàk a tWo of bçcr' will bc en- 0 ÃœA ej- 1, bout IA»,, . ý< ý t8w 1, and 2 i4, Coule ýn.11 Rive &N'GÈR, rani ùùl-xtëý r4e and wen yg And $o it WH] 'Ton ghiýlUvë'ý4,cCôuüp«diua. iij AW 4LAZIER, MI th onýbw ý1ictiWi4iby-4mÏM Y. 'en ýh the dear motilere.. d phi- M"klPegetr,- o MüWC cWils, and $ttam lip; 'Cbut bave Yeu Pai.d -tbû Mkof tjie ut Phfiip wou a n ëbt., -IBAZZ,'OX ý]1r]M -É 1, 'L' Ur a cet et'r, .' À ; - - té" ,ý ý -ýth01 t TI - ge41is shouldýi&,, hdWüý,èr ït the sénëi of COM S8101«M POU Xýro14 1857, Attasvits iLn the quewié lkmhl theiable.. he:enterodýintoterum -Be,»gr" foÊ ýo fi ý Uf T110X_0ý k, C. W-ý 0 Tbére 1.CanýdQ ver qd'î JO]gÀZLF YIëen without whirb. iýculd 1iÀ1-ý CtMn?ýô, AND vli t at rock gâte 4>eýrypWs#Aand ýîi Il laie COLLAR TRun toke tbffl ggxiià,yzi ;ýunh âZ La Z& em«, mi Min tbm.",ter,,on, the neW 'u teMind iw th4 Ve-ýffl 'ï Ëi 'X tl qlquýý 3FMrwithmt -CXW gimm -p il, **14', eha,!in b ý a prcioffl. te whielt M vW6*ppy ie tbW y-ogr,.,. Àiid domine. P4U*paleo, tom femong, si fmaer ; -, ev" , àiing -clac W? in which lie w -And in !-M!w ,ai f, JA*118 GOULU" ýe inuéhaverl woýn. swSiny tbe4«4nea 9l'heaven,17 01M 0 , Vnam's, hond, they WM lind the opelution 'beh -~tel 24 Me rà 01tclé bmeýime t1W -Mqtbg Mylu Au -lad CA Dili %.- this Ist dàeýof Jàmi çomrgencedý7 bis ëf thé' ister, -n. 4n roiiiýr-âkpre , ýýebis nd ges ha smed YM '- 'l' e- , . st Reffligg,ýt, IpLý.fp ý GwinZLb&v*-ý Ife., lei nue ah -A growmg M Pa Imm owl

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