Arrivai of the ILuropa. mnighit bc aïlailaible fur ail journal;, nor aid appropriations of amy kind datring the pre- (Jounsty-and the modlern- "tableau' s cus- rown CoumeiL NEWYO!K, in any ilianner in lightaaing tlhù bitaden sont Session. pletei And, so it bas fared with Cayley, PRAjanaiary, 22, 1858. -Nla~r EWvcn dav Ja i25144. bornt- by thte eiterps[sing nowispaper pro- The election of D. 0. 1twett, Esq., ta SpaOnce antd Iortison! Because, like the Thet Council mett ait, the Town Hiall at We hve eve day lac.rnew-s fronîp., itor. Tho pubîlic pritnting falls into Europe, brou tht I!y lh-ctt'-aîniiiip Etaro- harads untaiiited With the f04l of laboring fill the Warden's Chair wuaavcry excellent infamous Colonel Chairtres, (wbo paid his four o'clock, P.. Worship the May- 1h ch lef Lî' ea'paul on il %i. !th, and unthanked for otiiers' gain. Anti the ad., choce of tbe Counicil. He as a gentlemani Seragiîo, at the rate of thre haif pence> 1. or in the chair. Meinberspresent, Mesars *nt&1 lit thts port yesterdax- ormo. tctisîtib, îvlich oit tisues seeius to excite in evcry respect %velI qualified te îlischarge hand, and tresilnsmr np~~ Rowe, Hlodgson, HIam, Mactionell, McPher- 1),tbc St ntiî iar tttVudr htti ftt iltatd-htde t thtdes of the Office with credit to laim,, certain brawlers, who swallowed pigdges 1 on buAten i l dwhich sailed froi-j loonrt tolit-fler it, outsidersý, antijudge slff nîthonor t h ony Nr ir iepahdegaue hi eue PETaTION&s Southainap u fr Nevr Yorlîa 1s ofD<,< te pr-lit-a- jces tîch:iitaby! The G ît Cut î levîk hdTcninc asn adMBin donrnoey nakt- W-S a s-li t- ti i ii tial avisina hao d oby City'juarett on bis election paid a juait tribute to followers that k.,attAylnew Mr. Macdoneil presentei petitions Of P. li aiîd biliecyyfr ahan he ne er .Clark prtaying, ta ho appointei(Ihief doir et-r ak-at tareuced the i-ank fiii hais t asiigistno tr.ahe attenta and blt of J. Li. Thoitijson, the true Pillairs of protesfantism.teCosal-O ae Wuat at t 1 te rte oflitte scalc roof-aderng evenalr. tAn s.the lteWaraden. During the :two aboya enumearated tried and skilful sevants PratYig the Counicil tissue debentures t tlrest fa-ot> e6prce!rseta Ph>ale rsing auountcvs ma. A n yeairs in whicb Mr. Tbompson was unai' h omowat eepu iieadthe amouint of £5000 for the pr of About $i5JÃŽttnin ,,.)d N, usit ' nits îvay thisavriigauutut.Adyt,1nn-- h oIOwat eeptai n 1 nusyelcedt teW mrving the Town, instead of re- T laehst retture of tho Ill iil of LaiaglanuI'and propricto-rs anti edtors aretnteveriesi as but ane opiioon as te tic mainner in tbru nt m their place. Snicb bas een the purpose,-Of the Fire Brigae praying t shows an incracae ina bullilaî of' ,I,,~237 eIisellea-r luiciginaîble! wnich hae filledl the office; blis entfeaaly fru-ta of this year's apidemie. Itwolb b.alwdilpoitctfthreg. pounida;the tçtîil anxacut hpid lclhing 12. 0i-tf ourse, these reniaarks are withQut the beaa-ing, courtecus mraea, efcec it ate fmrtrte hn otberwîe b eers, ind tugetafloinm ftheltrauioti a 043,19' ~pt>ndiirtiic-t-ieovei -j iallionsjra-naotest indi vidual application. Wrestaieefcet utte ofpaniiality, han thessc ,tue eieranrse ing ofte ro rigade.r of poia-tds îtcllng ii the .'lait-t of 5 wtte->. the siiacple trta-ah, and lt-ave ta others the infCiy fae ntwîvth gOberai com- bave tnarked the stages of thia national disW r.lodaanpesented thc petit.on of Conisolat clttxed in Londoa n n 1 8thin r- taisk of iaiicating its bearings. We are antdation on ail sides. cswr tntta uue0 ei» M. Georg scn p rin aba- iltant, at PC 1a 9'5 l-,Itil. Niwî.taala too ditlidenit tu dreaia of personalities in a The report of the-Co i itteeof R eue,- îaay e ialyner ateatu'ti reent poMraaeorgsessaior fer isyeir.t b tis F&vî';'rRblt- state ofitheh araket we lave enwcinlike tlli-tco 'highly bibed," imad'Bridges iii now undrcoaieti.bttns.Wehv fakyniin D.Hnprsne eitnS fAlx Pontpoi tu foIot îag failja-s tc txtaaascgionslvrcit faaed"tronge,'ri o rcotan-dsthe issue of debentures, for friandly tone, endeavonadte t point out the inlslr-fW .Rbnsnpa liitaaataaeoras Lîi>ic ilita, liaveiv aylarsnaal iaîttresî in tîae mîoral of £20,uond0,16. Caofmer o ton, Chiey-f CoWtab&, Rabingon fa t- Mithel. 0 i-cai at taefll o ias ostrous ing that a portiaon ôf tae taxes paid b>' hima Ll-apprtoi, (~~> oua r tatlife'a-We sp p aapattyf orra-thieca> " TEt ofiicu Epdeme." epadernie; anti wëshai cordially rejaice be refaanded. chants. JohnLa.iE arie &t. >aid f the biaotsliett;and with partitcutia-re- when Oua- courtryinsa haeolhs Onmto Mfr. Macdonell, fecondet aaaaauh'ure-s,~2aitaca; iic il I XVlatt. rtect ily tu t tiost- wrhorn ilt-omcern-as. n bent n'ittire seemus tahave exempt- disasal naalady-ra-surne thair woated reeteermmyne, i etei, erhnt-nl it-Ici('O>, of I idia tI lialia inca-- J'lu tia»t liais corne, laowevera-.wactai tiis cd tht-se ccr haappy Canaidais, fa- arn y y, andi aeîf-rcîying qualitieg, and fling the&cprsnewaeoerttahhind l if.>co piartja-iy sho S o oosv-il ilieaae eaalat fb iI -by the Cita-k tathe respective Com- clitt 4aaa.tnt y *11u11&. 1aofsrn eepidenij e iswil r eftlfictions, fallaicies, adfbe f h o bemitices ta which tu-y miglibtlong, dur- Sti>'ir ai tdvita-tl ~aia ii>iiLit ~t~taiil-r.tto( Oa al its. 1IntIst beIlia ntny >therjparts cf the world. ln Our Feehies tothe winds. in conclisioa, shouit ing tht yeaa, without apecial motion for manin lladi tiî. -hlai b i ahiply aecipancal Obligations, or AttitMS Fliair aItclinel lraîi at;. '. îll',prbiIiciua011 i ll 'iersnasth a cko- what rude, but ta-uly splendid country amy prospect of.a-a tirnof ibis odious tuait pua-Poie. Faid.aîv,',-tb iîî,ttiit. ilcl-iltacîîaf iaalcbîclcess, or thce inaiebtecl 1flic inhaihitants entaa-t lacaltia. evenaiwhieaadistenper becone apparent, we woult aid- ADT L:î>'raaia'i'. iai lu-li htal a-- aO>->av>>e. Andi thteticar appaaoaiclîtut-glass denott-s 10 dc-ga--s btloi zero; vise tht-na teto ti7tLfor thmleFasr, anmd O oino a.Macimiacnit graplia'd îraaaîa siîtz il Loaaaaaa. liai tlla.- e- ilathcc-îayS'soiafforcîs thl, t ts nltehsaniii i-pt h-svaî t-ml ret~i e±gtçiieb>' Ma-. W'atson, IL H. lawydcr, Esquiie, ai' dates are t.ia> rc--t-i1 -.,, aPa-aait tat haiiiaýitthe atater ta an mfu itrstvry njvu a>>i a vcralîy h as apuointed ciao of tht- Auditors for the (hi Wii at> i li ii ~ t. iti~ict--,o-le for octet feel i-P- Rlgoa prescaît yeiar. T'le Mayor mounioiR '20011 it-i atl>- a jI - i>t it, '-t thl-a t--t îîsailjlid griouali. They s'%*e 1a-in Eilnt'"as lais atepping stone ta at-l)a- J. Wilson, Esquirea, as the second Auditor. -iaailtcic-trs oaa tie 21>r N,'Vý, -il,! il4!o-'. oiaatlhiatt ta- raaas lacsatell ais taethein jNotwitlastandiaig tht-se sdvanilage.s, aud tonal liotiens! SaachaitOnent- tau itsi e4r ataciAL tOi4T>TEK& wcae aatra-aia-ttra> ~l> --a a-I ii~ ,-l- lie aial1 1,aal.ail tlings, cuasial- the happcy absence of pestilence on famine, be aivey weak main, (,.iho btliezts in i r On nmation afM.M.acdoneul, secocadet b~ - 'aî-~at 1- -a îI 1lai. is a aa îa ahi.: tii pcara' talcI iîaa>~licalî-atî-saable-.t tonerI att- -thet' is aone distînder peculia teo tht- cent,- otn baîd reamaning: or aivea-y artftalarsi, Mn. WVaton, thc Council paoceede tetabai- teaagle tif 111att-ti(la l-, atP l tmaa. ar vlahich. aut ot-r-gent-ai t-letiion niakà esn'ho is laiugling ait yon for yaua-credulity.lota-speiloîrtt.f hemi- tut- ulula'raitiges, i i la îsaa th pi '-'a- >i l At.the.woa-aî niodeaaeiat e ie inone- Tit liai('aiait>îtll i r > h 1> aa1 -tees. T.e ballot resîalte'.i laveriof Oc Mssa-s - 5 naipiîlaîv anti infectsalaibîost ail nanksof thet- i okaaowimgly or uol400wiaiglv, exposes Maiedonell, Iiowe, atad Watson. Rqï-i 41'utii! aan- i .,iiafailarî ai' C- ~ apeople. WaM t l nîct strange la, thtithe- jhis cottntry e'aga n ad ovat i iiintt ao cf h hi o saata ai ai talala aiarta-t -f i --'i'nati-lves lhavio n aineatfor i-bis ,aa't-,,1issuan- postet-ai ail the- foolish opinions, dfltiailfiliteen anijautea i;ni d-à etu give thce Special tla&it aa att knwu n Erop, ttut bai pfs".ûflt- a'hch revîl n ilitCornanittet tine ta anake up tht-la-iacaport. obstavI t liet*Ill;lt ui t i -iîî,1îî-tiltY I a otce il mali hehend pfones--n-,- là îppt-asalve- the We have ul 1iIr c a hua)Z, pecially in Inelani. W'e have te etines i lai i hlit-apn elv-- itSADN of c'c-Itlcr.atcal i> Il ai i lis k ternit-t h tht -- Retligionis Epideniit-." The wihich is >villainsocîs, aaad shows a nos p- Ta~ao aignauut -aCar Male f-ii.a X : lMd- IaIuqual pc-a-lutof its necura-ence, ila a&s n-t-fulaI bito nt- -lv h dPt- Ma-. Macdonaill baouglit op the rt-port of taa i-,IIt -->>ai- icia.Scia m oaniat-ktave wo ad it tSpeelaîl Coiacînittev and moveti for its frcia li>- ai csi;ae.l ai ai ene-al u-ehiaaans,10 ccomliaa Saa-acrtly aadoption withcot guing into coaaaaaattec c t,-. Ia> e-a110j -f T t- ee is rat-ver kaaown tea- it iihicut an puaapnst-. tntrie hulci. loeîa~1ri ra-a.ia -oab-akc Ii la-e- ra n hp n'Mr. Ilodg4on, secandcd by Mr. Ta-e- '.iici>ia t-i -> ~ >~>. ~ a- Fa-stGasLife aiWhlb>- maync, mo-tin aitendieaut -luit tht 4ciil ifo-aiaothea-. Scerniaîgly diffeaent il iievcr th - (t>încîoil ito comarite cof ltme whale on Sua-ie > '. .>' >- ~-~-la î-îî-î sine.Il a gZra-aly ocsedtei-oorîgiciate W7t--aiitot-sed tht fia-at experaiieatin ata tht-report. i-îka îaaaî t :FI.;- t îin oontoa, saie wbcre in tht- raeigbboua-- ligais lighting in tiis'Town, cuta alua-day Tht- autnctlnentcarata On a division 4i Fa-tra>\ta.uatala > ~ '.îî> ~a j - - ~ at n Kia, ta--et 'lut-typMcftht ,dis- a.a....g last, ai- the- aca'iieace a! thetMo- M- acaya c h-thl- Sialuaca-, >-f liai' nia a I-e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ odca- is of a nîîîligiiant chaa-actera, andît utiat John H amrn eta- Eqire. The gais sas 'ra--tptpa,-th-ug oanilc 1th'. lt-it 'I aaî lt >,aaa>>m-litly ilistingiihed lîytht tank bro Te ept tua--ait-tcoimitc cltpa-a--asc-il. 111 for il>>> tur -i i, tant-in ai tîviikliaig evea-y part. t a-ais auaptet ais follots: aitdec li-ra lq1 tuItbeNht lart%afyanl troia- I -be paopagated th-oaagh the ieium ofjai-,wsbilial.ilmnitd Lih Ms-.HogoTeayadW-- ciatliaa~ ii Ailtiri, l:a".a I l-.-I -ta 'at>- inus sobatatices. Saw it lies concealed aboa-net front fantv' branches tha-oughout se". i'~staacaed eOettes cahat aîa~ta ~îîîathet- ciants > corne pontea-ous andthi-lIouat stt îg.intt get srtSEETAND IMasa'sVEMEqM'a steiIiiîg . I c tacaryI- latiîîg article. Again'it lurks in h~all a-t vaiigateai, andi paoduce a inost IMeaisM. Rowc, Mt-Phea-son, aund Im Ia-atnul Joa, .'.a> "Il ý th eatad - is dres o an beautiful tifeci when reflet-ted fa-cm thtellsaau to-t'int-s uitai k t"tlIai-ltut-ti(i:ai ilaia M-'- a oulîl be M. P. P's,-nay, it laas seine- stainet-glass daloris anti windows ait bei-ha Mss.MPaa-oiLltgmniM- tasva-a-asua id the 5iîi» aa:* Iits beat knoî-tu i-o -duce an appeain- antis of i~tehalL The gas ib a Brien. !. t;b. > riîtill iî a-li-al-j -.- , -1ý - - o rt-von i tetianhers aith p I-tume4 ., ra-ni oa st-caCoates patent; TOrs aiWatsIOn, ati a-on-l i a t of sal1e it lita ail-j.a aa-t>- rpit i-at-IfaOceîfectet, the- patients set-rm the tr ieagi-laof light isi fully cilcaiiat-ucal- ! ess a,%a.oan iroel aielaatateiI 11 t . lauri-ar- ala ni, - - a-tt-. sla-e tht-m uacual gaitty of disposition,1gais, anti in ils cleanalint-ss, gsiîliciîv anad I AND WATE5. tilnnsiieîtiai- laalîiat aru laîl aal - ..tht-yaissuinielooks of ainxiety and despomin bapa-opaa %fegetlpeta-bcj mrsas. lt-a-a-, Rowe, and Trea'mmyae. (I p-a ailialr ti-iîa- uet t -li a --~Ident-, ask tain tht- last htAPPLICATIue.ONS fuad -oh mdi r-~FUR OFFICEB. aed &., t3d a i,, s(l I-a- ta l, --aaa-lama -a- the day, for use. __lit hi found te be __ dat-ana-a- totith>- -anfil-11ia i,7,'.t,1 iai raia aa f-anti a-ce-ive no cocufari hut ic iheîghtcîcing thon t-anale-li-ht. The appiarat"s anti fit-.BMtssrs. iocigiun, Macioncîl, andi Mc- Dopa-tur Trataa(1tt- et-lailers a;s-t-i. It is pai-fecti>' ina- iings are, o! course, the> expansive part of -fti ocon-tnc.u atid bite s e tht a t'.. exat ra ir liai *%'hitbv $tatioti a - -r 1EATU itid Ba n atre ..4. 1 i r-. ail t a-. .aaWa-'. - jniaterial hon- a-caote or Itar, laow wt-ak or tt- pt-ce-s. TtCot-l fortient, ' u -tal-far ua i 1Ic-atauNeEAs. -poaî'oafultht- abject of -tenaor may be; Tht-May-on of Wýbithv's resicenct is, ave rc aaa.'!o AxR -NN 1t t--1araN,1iilanttrtn-al iitc laTiir----------------.a... -whcn once ihevrea--ai-et-e-ofa-a-ut anti be - -- . '-lypia';TIERADADHABRCOPNADT erbarl.- in o iYihacrade, t........ u2lae o p-te tiweîbng an thte TOWN. Inv - a2a a :3:----\v-te--- b>-a--6 faightenet., tht- tatea-e- absurdity will t-aie &Prov-ince lit wi-h gais ina a similar inmanea. Dr. Hain,secoittlt by Mr-. Tavmayne Pua-k îaiîhotao atiiîi' >o'-i t-.iba~teanatioîn aaisnma>. E r i ýI!,%-.a l a.t ........t-h.5 -pa-pr.jHloarsoon shahi we ho in a position taetiovadt aaMtuat lsa-a. Hotgson, Maidctil, - '. ai' ~>-, -Ir: .> T-.,aî--------. --.----.ta.....l...lO. .. . --- - ,- titans lais féea-, mtin tht- a-al danger 0f:!aima ounîci-lai i-e stiae '-s of Wahitby aira itI andti emvr capone pc Tht C uiia--l a ' a>>Eîaropaa, lira-ta-- - zthe fantasaýic abject, but, te thteta-t-atwhicb ha asCntloainesrnFae. t ttevmota, c oll iteti adSpCia >'acfthtPi>e "l filienir-- Past Offce- - a. ai>,wfltha tht- vit-ai cf arployimg cousel raueaIak c ibc rjOletiors ediscovta-s in i-he inventioný, andthei-estalsia liais mumnîttWCrbeliete t4 salahmi rw ni!~ a special case ta b. smbritet i i Wai Dy f- a i i. u tat -' p~ contaiat-a of thirs!In at-, wenof a Gas Comipany witb asuUie joint W toont- of t he Jutigeas-as taei-beiahîitiy of mbb.$) ~êc.l<st-ta a .n~ 1 u nei-t emna-ini cgiiu osOiIstock ecapittal ataulti he a wspsuCcesful .-MTtwî -omilelrt rtin- - - __ a- aMof t isclf, until i-be silly dupes cf the witty setr atm. h crertôa'aadeoe the ana - x. Dr. Hami assai '.'.-r.p'.s>'~ ~t va The ccahrso fowwdd. d-Mme - ~ .fhe d>ris 4 ~havetlaiw- la1y itcctim OthéiOur1, iews bna llfiurbpuv taieconh aurýdeMesit, a utt- - "antidiain the 61scmd fo« hvhIi Epîdewz tiai-anitaj stock of suclu a cOan d itl n~e ee~a -a "., - 1 if trieTbo Jlati. unie"nota.sîinmatioia ---e1>0t-- mmpany Oui- sirces uffet-scawçly a abstai- lnnaiitatca Bkot In the "catiti woulti b. bt- s'ep. - for (r cn-iia hl.t Bie -egory. 1 îonsoflbcocWipint, are, a morbid tii-tad ttaeuyiglWnk -)i - aniansouta cl otelaigdw f pipeswhý*lawoud ksg ~ousa arteitwo T'it a-io apin1o a~j~. cf Popes, Pantiects, Catdinals, anti Priesis! ha attentad ith iiliveyltl-les terodae hefhonf # cc a- er ie e aa ni l %i a-'aî a iae -.-iaîneu XVasgu.Tht- distance, lack of power-, anti cuti-r ahb 1c 'hit-wasa iterot afte ierfaihpnof Ot> n~i.q~pae I aayi~cOt t-tLPhi sc> Sail sen-e f mens ii ht-s lainflet -~------- -has lacmat-anlie ver' ipor --------iai .-oa aîsalat-k.aït1ajid --t- -- ---- - a-tp pew abavaeai C«orr ilegislature. a!ofhaiingi-eqtiiosiildadmps 3uWasiligtn butit ai-t iaadlsjamaaiail aj Iesay t whm 'ivasrefeî-red the ridiiaous. tqeto e1eýadspo Tht "Hstiiga hareerre ht et utis vain i-o cleaciait-tht- coits nir- i edt iehe jgal axpatnae -on lI b. bornta national as ia-c'îîutaon ca> ta-y ga-cui(ail tîcîSelection of n .perl-eanexît Seat Aea, nwihhyies h-t-aili-voua-s if i-be Ibtntain itacif la. taii-etantijind ' Lheiaiat->ha-iîit-s cof lt {jveaiutii- ndofGoverr-nent for the> Province tht-fr atampis ti-t-ct tht- "Maîignanta,"impuîrt-.Like ht-gels ike. tithesjCptandaBoepiefatheupnas tt llaeat- i-litbraniescf te Ltctiieiet bodyof te peopleîit- sabec-, nt oplinai icquetin s lilas long bt-on, aiual yet i- h to etzîni profi- of Cantda, has arrived at, a d-ia -i- tl h-frceiitoueia tdep tiila -iftatJ ct-Pcame bt-tire i-huaCouancil' btforeat -l i-aIle assistant- folanaiilaeafetly ,la'i-tiîitt . - '.. -~ -~-their iteat coaaplaini. Faim ivoultissanie o e ve;i vain ta look, fat- püi-u i> apt-atset bis opinioa thai-tht- Town a va-- chanaeb. j.îcStnaî gve. ls~n cais ion l>au tat the City of ut o hs oltclwzali btkuoatht-bt-represeaitatives in parliaen-. tualîy in possession o! part of the rcad cri ai naeîaspaîale 'a nhllut, ut Ext-ti-c1 o tes pol- t wiarsi-wa cktapr I t w»iurged hy mamhars of he Company t-i-tiespai>' i-c 2.T-ta-ltincîttîtivca- a lia-s been choseîî. ti licancienci~tustom of iryig it-iit--t, Woaideriui cluanga. i-lati- iwoulti bu right teplate a ti-- vkrieýýlîi-aUy. Anditî brailn'aa-che-a cf 1 b>'tht- ait at-eal of "fia-tantdivatet-.» But, -gai-a oc>the surett; alhe ctravel ivont on Cunrs a lsu £ounîyt.7 UtVer he ebtu. las i-bis brigbt methoti cf asctrtaining tht-e oa 'r> eewlodnuct b odtoivarthe boGrand Tt-uîk Rail- repoa-tiîag aia an rhaaing iht Congres> loaI i-lclai hnruieb-sns a tt-n ira i-b asacnewhati-cl ramai-e, t-vu> for British t-tle anti English Sovcreigaty i way, anti niai-toar-tthe-bai-bar as for- tahates anti pa-otcelinigi..The jouonals i rho j b teConi u c h ibe ' Gothie (iol,"tht->' l>' taai-ber Irelait, ivitisfit-tthat col a d -Oavattr- matt-ftithea- dirt-ttt> or inairectly, front. if. question Ax-e baaaa fWl- e 1aI Tut-y siaeak -'iataaiei-do>' ibe ouncl u te ht-rimamar>', -o -has i-e copan tinitt ni ni ai-i-i tt ta or-ait î~At iiyw v-i Wtetyia.W-pbihtaci-ics. Tht>' galber iot-forces togetharl, tetfriHesnf'cn a 4;wohab-îe at-quiet-ced in i-be motion ; whicb wa ta- mo ltIl -ea-r-tis, aita ompetla-tpar- roina- ir yantibt-gin ywotrying tht- devat-t Mar eatuÇ a turalizot Yankee i"211eW te g ç eanti praonoatS r-<- aenlet t ticia aî rg itail t-t-nd a c. t-xtra eprs. w o ai tyrs of ihonail and progrcssive pric pies, jStat-s, and wvt-t ý tht---W l tigit 1antidsaO , oucs. Conta-ast sut-b an aspect cf enwspaper aif-ailcfias-t> l i }evt, si-on t-ver>' aide. If i-be vitimatî e 1 main ia k£ver of Repiublican bi-ttionsî, )os (ains m-tthati- alhb xisla in ita i--- - 1 0 nlia-. îlemoidbisson- mavnet,#O se-cit-47 fr. vinc. -1 Organâ" thare aine litae, ad ai-liait-eva o!fMia-a & Ramia.5was aIt-tted Wat-- tn nih-dtn-r niasgi orirtsA-- nbsYa twa ao-MPc-<î tttht-lceso etsge ileaa,anti, in tht- estiiatun of sotue -"ir(a t iden; anti the appoimîmmaunt o! the tiffea-ecit ft9ht41ih -a a nhm, ei us. ! lad iati-1d.' 1 yfri -htia-n-o!ibeCuclb -hfit-taaadthiaTut-tday scibeshoaifull proporin. hIf a village isiigCrmîcc> opc-tib u-nuanousl>' Iountiguultty î - - 1hac; ni iaudglaffly gieet thé in>.ach nionti, dctiag -the frstsix mozta lsxaapiisictec4cite ii, Setigands ii-l oiait.tOtacs-i > euite tUt I-- stlneto ieha.e-~.rasas-a-sxacockin tht- avedaiag.--Oirred. attd if aîocg wiîîa i-le atvertharnaît, ap- IsîTht- stc"ntchai>'>' jîon w"a a ya-y --f Chataua4 ,-asda-aiWahe ». nia>ottl benrt4ees~er éil> a~o - OI -ihwuis ane cf m"e tia w ' * -e- la-,v-uotico Ibat ho woca aparaigragla friondtiu tta i-t cini-i--y sotaonac-iht-fe it i îèmmnittffl el'icg Shakatpe-.That unb<appy- wight watt- iiièv picgm nai 1e k- nmo :lae b !ttaù- in Im-i iaAmai tt-Cotncl $a-S e,'iýp-d tiho paper bau fovi-hwit lit-Id up i-o st-arn as Ioccupied in prpairingi- hein t-tpot-. b-ought bt-fat-tiht- great Onontia, Catit, of:b-Iloni reattli '8 $ r.orâ te aLlit.eaext.oeting ftheb isa~usîV an - ' argan," andi ils lut-kit-ss atite-, lont--Tht- foenoon Session o! Wedmesay wui-bai- a>'. Tht-st-tne t-sns tus: doeIaitt u Cndmi~ mtit.f leaia-atetaumaetpaai5oe sou, a ihaict a a-'coa-pîansi uta- ken np wl-b a IlhtiIcforma! busines,anti Sxrra-Ha-t-isi-haeOit-rh cf chaatmai; > i-eIt-idatg AndlsIlh.o tuhCnct.a-baim adia.n petbapsafter al oua-village fa-ents auight rat aîf-pasi-cleveî'hot adCoioie- ht-t-anwrite, antirt-ad, adsudtast étompi- a-ohvagIai-u-iiot-din dk ta be contentet- ;- foW-hough tht- wagt-s aifIjoua-nedtetaenable thée atmmuttees i-o gai- Iamanttraaat I - ba'Fb.. te raý"dlok ilîtir arganship bbuti-il . 0 per atnnum a-tati>. --- -Sîct-a-sWe tabk hbui, setti-i.f Bo ai-taihW uiwhs&hlYt- bIoih-t- asith-bOpposition abuses thrtswn iab'Wi'-Te krin snirboai y wa5bvop ~ - -fersucels.Ht- woud f iIsI*è of gratuity, thi-ch-expensesamaraproportion-nti èýîgte6ieoflw1adT#VÀýt#.W eB" » aîîy stxaall. Eýtli-r, prirntea-, publishar, andt -is (Wcd nestay) aftt-wnoowetpeci- CÂD-Hi;ga villan h1- ont cJO i a lh ô ut-t o la'tern. He ,~ e4o~dal coanaposi-am anti presînuan, a-oa aire uimtasc -lcgact uetonoeii.S-sln -Srumc- i bhic haoce, lt the n-th saj-i the Se- -' asl.q~l~iug~ bp acalei dinto ana; au-tone, surealy, cea lave baougbt up fat- discussion in ti à bp o: ç itilià o. of M t.iak.&Itlig i i W14 .in tu>. posta, an &tW c1p&04 aiyrLte !tiii scas-AilitteC oihai.- ai repart frouai iha Stacmcing auut n CADE- N i-Iah p~çeIu~lt- mst Uint.omupatioi t (io Gerge rel 4oêatwn tii asa Tt e# wi-I Ci-y- jotianab i-bet-ase is tiufernt- a '5tJi-it- fpudou a a ofaidt-zýRo 'I'cy t-i epec t fetimapn î-iat-, r u- assandi Bridges,. of which Mr. Baaazon Comne hither Sirrah -- aa& onIbia ava iaiifli exlancios. Thr-yinU eairit-tL What i-heComuuatte Will -:Dost tha.<mt-ei-owrbith ly tiame, osri ~~rttr>4tn*o t at t=Cali Pinsi-maintain testablishmaentsi-hat hart- neo. ilel>' ta vecèmauaed in- tht-fr a-tpou b-1hast tii-u à t'matrk. to tyoleïfIliIsc on binet--'ou>y>jl aý-fý Aival in cilie in4~nyiincas largua- i-an 'ta- la diMfcuhi- tea as'; a- ! e~É an? *w» vente.Fat-ur e speak adiaualy whenwç iro Mw DVrcm Sea ;thaivt bet-ira regard to -edutoria -w (o çgnr*ftlnottoa- ~ taukÃô rect'-portaiail set-vices, orth -e quanitCyai ibtI rvirii ip-pta.4 ~ kra hiit tti #-~' -ie hWMatt-v Putita type, i-be Torontto reomqmendet ie t nap tt açatcilim ici. -hé ib ara'exce-d-tla this Continen lt- ou'b. c iparativty aasLw. 4 hAènao4Mbw WV.. hrou-ascthahdl'lt-ow York, Kcw sunu of ta0,000 menti, eJ aiirwe ha~au~t~~ Mati900 mat-kt-ont-W eEPsln Vwig o! oAand shw ai a Ctnl-ah ht tt- >*,- tua oonkas. Hou ilthé ýai-Totoui- ito ldtthe.-h Couaci ,h t-*o--h r, noWpaat-puu~se ia-l ,09wol f dtII aaonit5i-a. - 1, - therlaUt-aa-'t-aainsaer-oreiley-aiwsa' - - - ---- -- antijit reatIcaii-bt-nt1lin .y- . e- b -ina P a l a e t a r y o-eta d t o ln n ar e e k t County ConxicilPromedings. F'IRST DAY. - M&oliu>v,.Januaq25, 1858. The mtntmbats of tht- Cotant>' Coneil mat ai- i-be Cclut-Houa., in tht- Town of Whi- byj shoa-thy aller tiva IcIocIL On motion o! Mr. Speaits, secontiet by Mart. McDougall, Hugh J.- Macclonclh, Esq., Clemk o!fi-lacCauncal it-ok h-e chair. Th- RaIl o! membars hatving bat-ai sallet aver Uic follewinig gentleman aiReredtot i-hait-names:- Massa-s. Batlait, Brabazon, Baynton, Caimpbl-l, Dry-ten, Ewars, Gacabla Galla- waR Hdgaan, Ht-watt, MeDauigall,- Rat- cJ1'Spalding, Spears, Thomapson, Tnt- mamyfia, Witieman, Warait- Tht- Clark t-aled tapota tht- Cauncil ta ait-ct i-hait- Warten, inforuaing tht- Couatcil i-bat ha moult aci- accot-ting ta parliamen- t-y usage, rcaining ail iht- nominations in i-'ao-fi-si- instance, anti tht-n submitting i-ht-m ta tht- Cotantil ici tht- at-ter rtcilvtt. Mr-. Ilotigson, secontet ha>' Mr NWite, mont-t lte nama o! D. (0. Heirett Etq.> Ret-ve ot Mat-a & Rama, as Wardcn a!fi-ha Count>' o! Ontario for i-he yaar 18158. Ma-. Speats, seciontietb>'M-. Wititmam, movdt ihe- mamie o! Neih MeDagal Et-q., Rot-va of Thorab, as Warien. Mr. Ba-abazon, setonta b>' Ma-. Gtilla- ira>', novetheUt- amnt-o! J. H. Tlaarpson, Esq., Rat-va o! Bt-atk, (i-halaite Wartan) as Wa-den. On Mm. lewetCs motion i-be Yt-as anti Nays, hoimg calîct for vrecae- YaÂ.-aaas.Dry-ten, Hotigsom, Ta- micyne, lRatcliff,ý anti White.-5. N Ara- Massa-s. Balahazon, Boymtan, jBan-ltt, Es-ens, Gamabie, Caillota>', Camp. bt-ll MctDougall, Thomip son, Spalding, Spuaars. Whdnan.-l 2.-Loat. icHwct- ias excauset froan voîing. Ma-. Mt-lougall> rnotioaa mas likamise [ast. YEas-c!tssra. Ratclîi'f, Sjceaa-s, - Spalti. hmg, Witiman, Thampsan, Ewers-6. NAv~Measas. Trenaayne, Boynion, Ba-abayain, Hotgson, Gainbhc. Gauloirai>' Ileiret-, XWhite, Camrtpbell, Batitt, Dry- den-11. M-. Mt-Dougall iras lîkemisa excuatti voting. Thtermotion i-haitIfa-. Thcmpsgon ha War- deni was next yut anatiloà I upoci i-e faloir- ing diision: YSiAs-M-55a5. Es-t-t-t-,Boynton, c ain- hIe, Ba-abazon, Mt-Dougnlh, tiaihlowaiy, Spal- diii- Caiaph)ell. -S ýÎ.Ays-'Mess. Drydien, Trmaayne, Rat- cliW IiHoigsom. Speara, Rami-lait, Ht-wett, Whit-e, Witcmati. M-. Thompgon wuascalît-ilup onalavals atit volet witb the Nays. -10. Tht- iolloihng nominations arere naxi- taken Up: Mot-atb>' Mr. Spears, acondet b>' Mr. Witiemai, that J. P. Whaite. Fsq., lient- o! Pickering be Wat-dan for 18158. Moret b>' Mr. litDougail, sacontat b>' Ma-. Brabazon. i-bat Ma-. Gaîloaa>, Reere oaf St-att, ho Wsrden for tht- y-oaa-1.858. Mort-t b>' Ma-.Caiampbeu-l, secondaitb>' Ma-. Barttt. i-bat Jaines liocgsom, REsquire, -Reeve of Whii-by-, tb Waa-dan. D. G. fleweit, Esquiae.-Moved hy Ma-. jTa-ananyne, sacondeti by Ma-.hIlotigion. j James Dry-ten, Esquie.-.Move b>' Ma-. Hewcalt, secondait hyMm. Spahding. Tbe !oliowig irais thtea-cauli o!fi-ho vot- in-: For Ma-. Whitet-iht- y-tas irnt5. Ma-.Cg'ailctay withtrawrn. For- Mr. ladgsoi i-be aas warae 5. j For Ma-. lt-atit, y-osa 9; mays 9. A difficuliv at-ose in tt-citiimg upan ubo iras entitlad ta give thet-sing -rate; whcther i-li Rot-vo o! thc Township o! Pickering, or tht- lit-ve o!fi-hic Township o! WVhilby. The t- t-iso!fbte siatute pla- ciîîg tihemati-ar bcyand tht-aitislamoo tht- CIta-k. Tht- utatute enuactna ba- ibuiîo iha f roi-ca for Wa-ttn are cqualhy divitiat, tht- aReene cf i-ha Towrnship hai g -M i-ltragsst niaibea- o! Rattpaay-rs aini-assssaa roll, shahl have lte casting rote. IWhite anti Mr. Dryden bai-h contentiea t bis aigbi-on bh-ah! cf th-la- rcuei-iy Towncshipsi. On Ma-. Wii-trs site it ama aaaedt i-at t eowmiof W yav- în tbe Couity CeuiaihU,ý T= prs Phckcaing,-batitht-alau 't-gea'I1-w a-o- . Fat--1 Dr>r - - ai-t-a- haid, i-bat thint- o vare 'the aaeotroll oC i1ti 9 i-b, tat tLb04g no assassinent railH fan East- Whitb>r i-hapt-e-tding yaar, t ht-r-re ib-" oa ;lIr - et Wini- thyo!lhling tt pae -eotpiat, i-han hi £sef rein-tht- urhanity anti couaide- nration aiaray-atiisplay-ad boiri-ta ina b>' tbe iatmea-s of the Councit, situle. h. rt ba thi-e bonor te takohis sfltai-at tht- bWad, ho (ethue t atba-tht-y woaald, net-noirefuse ta extndtýihm tht- bt-ut-ft ùif i-r assis- tance, ln enabling ,a-lm i-to'discliai-ge it-e tsitics o!ft-espoNbe position in cih tht>'ha btplacet hiuzo Reacli-ti caiea-j aoua- tae gihe yi-a ,-tuapet t-e gemdmn whp bad - cêu him -(>fa-. Topaon,) a"ti uhea tilttht- o«!ccc wnth isueti pet-at uiiske-in itit- publie, anti9 sne greai- har to bîael! %idti-hae - Cocucib c Aif lue (Mr. Jfeweti-) et-oi o-iu' t-a-tin tallowing un i-lai. geuttls hmas n'stts t i ntqa-sta o! tiie Cotni- t iy woud experienc a oeaw I-. 1-affed jhlm (Ma-. lIaei-i) greai-.satisfactioni t4ia j hele~nefit i hfr ètlv inieaanab B0Â05 ANDRI> Mics. Meamt-rt-. nSpt-aa-aanti Ewers. Metss. Militb, Rat-lilY anti (anible. Massrsa. (Wlhoma>', Bynton anti Bai-i-icit. Ma-. Hatgaom gave notice i-bat he araulti on la-maa-iow (i-bis ta>',) anove for tht- ap- poaient- o!an &uditur. Tht- usual motion pataset -authorizing i-ha Wartiem tu-lt-ave i-ht- Chair for ane houa- aitbal! pst- 12 a'clock and ti a- a'clot-k. Tht- Cotant-ilth-nadjourneti untui t-ai o>chack an Tuesta>' naing SECOND DAY. Januar>' 26i-h, 1858. Tht- Waa-titn taok tht- chair shartI>' aller taxa o7chock. AhI tht- membens pt-tsentj Tht- minutes of the pt--ions tay's pt-p. ceatingai mre rt-ad b>' i-e Clark ait con- fia-mat. Tht- following pttiions met-e pt-esetiet. By Ma-. Brabazon-Of George Wet-uom anti 22 ai-bans, prayimg for aid ta const-uc- tht- Cet-irt- Roat. O! Rit-hart We-lls anti 14 atbea-u, fan the- taime pua-pose. O! A. J. Browaruaacîi7 others, for i-ha sait- putpose. O! Peter Taylar anti 23 others, fat-tht- samne pua-posa. Mr-. Ratcliff callet attention ta the- anas- t-hon o! tht-mnae o! onea Cammittet fa-oaa i-le Standing Conanaitts-tbalt of tht-can- mittat- on i-hieHouse o! Indu6try> anti Gaoh muanagemnit. Tht- 'taartitnrepliedth -ai- ilit-appoint- mnitat o! soda camaittet- mais ai-pi-tsent ui]- usual-thera hohng nc Hanse a! Intiustr-y, andti e i-b e rtt duthas devolviaîg upon i-ha Commtte- anCotant>' prapetty. AtIa-ioR. Ma-, lodtgsom, st-contat b>' Ma-. Ralcalif, mort-t fan leav t io introduce a By-Iaia for tht- appuintient o! Cotant>' Auditons. Lt-ave grantat, anti tht- By.laî a- a-tt fia-st anti sot-ont tinat,(i-he 34i-h Rule being staspanteti for thait purpasa,) anti rt-fiante le cammuitte of it-eirbohe, M-. Barîlet- in tht- chair, mlacn t-enanies o!f(lto. Flint, Esq., of Oshawa, anti Robant Hiarvey> Lamten, Esq., o! Whithy. arrt-mut-ted as Aututors fan tht- year 1858. Oaa.amotion o! Ma-. Hatgsani, secondet b>' M-. Thompcon, iha 13>'.am was rt-ad a i-bird tut- anti passed, anti tht- Wadun audio- rize tolasiga tic sanie, and tiallait-b i-b -- parai-teal tht-rt-to. Mr a-. liîjinont-cifor leara i-o introtitaca a By-haw rcpealing By-lawm io. 9, appoint. ing Messrs. Gibbsa, Pt-ar>', Luniaiten, &c-., a Cammittea to supcrnmlnti ert-tton of Cotant>'Buildings, Gaoh iuapa-annmts, &c. Lt-ave grant-t, andti-ht- By-Iaim rt-aita st-t-nti anti third tua (i-li 34th Rlt-bahng suspendoti for i-lai- pua-pose) anti passeti. Tht- Warten a-tad lise falwing t-anmui. itiions: Fa-onu i-e Cita-k o!fi-ht- Peacet-wi-h a ca- py a!fi-hie Pa-eentuacat o!fi-licGrant Jury matie ai-i-ha- latL Quarter SessIons. Froni the Honorable tht- Pt-nvinciaI Se- crt-iar>' calliig tht- attention o! thteIVar-î dem ta i-be pt-avisions o!fi-he At-t passet lasi- Session a! Panliarnont raquiring the ap- pointnieni-ofa iCoapnittaa ai a Speciah Sesu- sien o! bbe Council, ta o be lti hforar tbe lI o! Ft-htuar>' ta arrange wibh thte(Ga- vra-meni- Inspectors o! Prisons as la alle-' rations anti aditi-onis in tht- GaI £2650 LXPnY-DIvClcz ON TELE NO'QUOt. Mr. Baazon, sacontet b>' Mr.Galloaray, moved for the- appaintuaient o! a special -comrnttecomsisiingo! Metssrs. Thanupsa,;oi Galloma>', Spears, Ewars, anti tht--movrt-t ta amqnha-e mi- ha expent-ure a! £250 aon tht- Nanquon 1Hil1 anti Ba-e.-Cariitt. The Cotant-il thec a atjouraiet untîl baill- ~at ana 'clock. titu i amen rcsuna,,, ý P. M ReprUeQin t'Enuzrisz o r ýiag ~ te y Engin--cmeinf CliSuog bndgta ôl~onsequoipîtof o efflnuesùiing-f tenabankmnttanti s-ecelWïa b"t--iu.Eaig'n 1'f - - ty.Aist- tinge lm t-. aen njua-et by tht- lt-tanti moi -t te, ha repait-et in tht-' Spt-inag.4t Talbot riverbritige bat bt-an nopaitet un0 a aatisfaei-ory maantnraint-tha an ana-ange- tîi hait bt-n mate with John Prnce groUe Ui-pening aid t-oeing of i-t-ebridge t-a as ta alloir hoats ta pasu m-bhoui injua- iaag it. Also utating i-bai- tht-contact bat boua hettout- fat-tht- contîion o!fi-ht-Nar- roirs Bridge ta Massa-s Whit-ney & MeCPhÃŽt-; tiait t-e dot - onUitheLac -up -Hotuse ait Bt-avrtion bat bt-n andedtt vea--,ta Mesurs Bayai-on anti Brough bat thtira contratt fart- at buildiing 'nan>' complet.. -et, anti bat receiveti at-tent-on samaont cf tht-ht coni-ract for $770; i-bat i-bt- maps pt-est-d. b>'Ma-. (ouaI totaiha Cotant-il bat bee ottauuntet, andti -at ct-er articles baci bot-n -purchaset, for t-e use efthle Court House, the accoutntsfatrmbicb wt-a- subinitatéd. Lett-a fa-cm tht- contratlot!ih.Scugag bidtge, stai-ing i-bai-hhbatexpentictiMare i-han i-ht- aitouai ha moult ateint-for bis contrat- -Uiaî t kmas irapossibit- ton hian i- finish bis cani-raiet, owing ta i-bé cota- iinuit- siking,anti r testiatiha Cona- t-il tae tt mai-t-r intaconsidaraion. Ltitra!f J. N. Agnoir, Esq., M D., t-- qoesting ta b. tiappoani-ét Local Saipe-i- tendent ot Sehooas in Pict-1ingita ce-t-f tae rasignation a!fE. Biaaaell, Esquirea. Mr. Dryt1den -obtin.;et ,learo ta pt-t-ent' flýe patition o! Wilson Pi-ta, pratyînagi-o -bu relit- r f-m bis contrat-t onithé Scugog- Bridge, ant-iatatting i-bai- --'hadat l-cuit> sutaait-t a 1lo8, o! £122 s 4 iy i-he contLa-at-t 1The- Camantil tht-n'atjotatne t i-half-pest i-mo o'dgçk, uni-il i-en a-'cloek nazi- merci- ing, 60 as ta giire i-ht- ma'mbei - ftie tiffea- et-i Cammuttee i-mt -apt-t-pané i-ban e- ports. THIRD DAY. - Cotaitil wau vUeto enter b>r'th tht- p a! i-s f ht- -e, w ilil bis iu tw oIlant-per A mna JobanLVs suhucniptîon -tas a ga. i-ha>' aierexpaci-et to get IL Tht- filowîng lathe¶lasi- prodiuctiona c t-e enlighi-anet IL P- P., -arose ignoqm vulg-ant it tiaùannes&, disga-à ces i-ha.w pa-asestation oftNorth Ontario : SmUxbrîtge, 2nJi 88 Icoasoti int the t-matant ofyonr Ia fart-e -eChronicla for i-thait-t y.aar, mW hag that you wm -picase aiopa tint-O traIta iss utSineyou bae 4tewt Stoaiacg Calui'ny which Y,-u pi-t-q ta Contenu tilt1Ireta-acteti, Iinuittnt- Drpia papcr, as thai wusiitheoslyas itcIe lin yct-a- peper Desiat i-edo au (bot Do nuot sani t an>' more' JOB GO Tnt-CsmadÀ Intà This 'raluahie p-niodli tesieratain long requi-ad muai- prove a- vaituabla acq banker Utther ai, he nu ranc, Bw . lTht-r. i mue-t bO aepà ro-t,-uot iaa tii.> aniMes »=Walan a r, icentsrv cor)ss of repaieul cia - - - ' a5 U5~ j] q Thé Ontario Tis, bas endtieaae t-jta play a paa-t, aid is suifaiig 5taagulaiic from ils violent- efforts i-o liesuc& ssu-. Il laovar-toimgi-a part hintcavoaiia io exciîte .rel-igioli apa-tjuticsat-gainit i-t-e C/crioisatle. Sensible people hsugh ati m, as intitttiWC are pt-onet- -icdri ami-aitfIn- jtelligent arnem caca re-gsi-t lairaruiingbypa. cris>', mn-h no ai-ler feéc:hngs thaaai-hase o! r-hclcuIe andt coiîtenjpt. I)eRictbly loir maust be i-t-eini-electual stand&rdt o! a Journal, ulaich' unable ta boabi- a siagît met-ht o! ils oarn, relies upon i-he religiaus bigotr>' i-t-can enlis-li ils fayo- or urup. port. Tht- Tia-naaes-avas i-ha tension it provokes, and Wiro t-an won der. ' The Timm cot-i-mucitotab.und&e -e cont-ofa!Ma-.Chete-a-Draper, anti- ba- gentleman, me at-t as@unati, ittaitedti tiae ver> articulas -tenotant-ng ,Ma-. Onî-R Goatan, a.nt appealing ta atiembers cf tie Orange Ortica as B-oi-hcr Orangena1 This naay be titniat, but ire hava aeven>' ratson i-o holiena i-bt-fattûic be ais si-at-l Messrs. MatCaho & Çt-acnirod, i-ha appa- rent piopt-ieta-s dtavon>' lîttlt-. Mtü-4> corrects i-be spahling, pots in tht- capitals, anti points i-ht- sentent-as o! Da-apec-s rmin- uscript. Ma-. lia-ami, aimaih-a-manbet-o! thie t-ont-arn, pans tht- anali paragapbts, andtha bowing beaut>', J. H. Greenircat, dots i-be flnancinig pari- o! tht- cancan. Th- part playeti b>'Mn. Draper, on tht-e boards anti paamnptat b>' lim fa-oinbelilfu tht- stcnes, ha mitiaut questioni,-ho mos:t 'iniprteni- ont in iha Timel Lfat- 1«har mt t-an trace tibalnegà tiva untierbant É- poljtiom i-o projett, arhich Ma-. Drapiar ap- pt-tred opeail>'ta support for tînt sake 'of popuharit>', but ta uhici, iht-ha ievar>' reason i-o halle-e, ha mas -satreti>' hoteUW- la i ut ikttmise, w aracaadiscoven, hou m-un>' cf i-ho hast cliiens o! Wbii-hy hava bat-n nialigneti m-b a4 scua-ilous pon,,bath ini tuai editorial caluna Of i-ha papcr,'.aindt icc amaioymous commnunicaions. W- kal-w nom arha h- mas i-bat ahusdthi-lc"'WIiitlay OfficiaIs," iWho enia-oret tt- asit ohiqu>' on the nmne o!- R. H. Lausterç-ana Who triedti t ridicule ihat o! James liaie. No lal.ea thaci hat waek, are have-bhe Ticîaa tiaikens, -rying iiht-lants ai- tus dia- sort o! mark. Whan speakmng se imsîhi huagly of i-be gentlemen Who badthe-hamni-. nues ta sign i-be pt-oitsi- agmins M-. Mou-. ai-i>s rtu-caon at-cotant of bribe->, tht- Timst, or rai-ht-r Mr-. Draper-welI kmcar arbo Ma-. 1M6Baien aras, i-bai- he as mroT& anti respectit citizen o!fi-ha Towa-, affl ant of it s >'epresemi-atiras ia i-lit- Toaný Camant-il. That Thcomas Huston was age tlemntmal it-t-met, anti a! infiaijt-ly j ettea-rt-pute anti standing i-han an>û-ea. comaeçt aritb the- Timeas. Anti tha-i-be t-ame aiigbt be Btaid of alli-be athot- gentle- men Who signedt i-ai-prttst. Wc havae-'- sua- taktn up t<o<>a n-ith a-oom hua tt-ving i-ho Tis-m b weelba}row, aanti me sinceral>' promise -oua- reastant-na ta agaun menaiin tht- naineao! that prnm-ais long as aret-an avait tioing t-o Oiura-Got-i (au) subacribega.l -Joseph Gosaît, M. P. P., -forthe North Rutin" o! thîs Coutaxiy, anti bis bt-t-ht-v Ma-. John L, have ari-en i-o 4stop the paper." h l was ý,vcîy utgrxteful in bath. Joe uboulti not sa soan, have fon- gai-ten the poltit-a'lessans me naut-saýfecL for bis anientiment, anti John L., sbot-& hava tbdita4Q to emet-mbcv iuat tE ýk