Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1858, p. 3

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Mme! LAND IN WSTERN C AD UÈ Subscriber havi etrmnd di 00&Ã'JlTY OF WELLINGT.O'N. ToitýSJfre OF LUTHux. Nu. 16, 1sit Con. 20Z Acres. CO UNTY OF GREY. 7, 1 5t : C n 140Acre CUTowsu" e Uni. No. 13, th Con. l 200Aers S.t ilAl 9, th - 10luu COUNTY 0ON ITORI, N(o. 11, ipit Cain 200 Aered • za dCon. 10 " COUN-'TÝ U lO TNG rowvnSnar or i>bUC West Y, " 0, 6thi Coli. 50 Aeres. For Priue and Terms of avment a y to Whitby,2tApi,17.4 DESIRABLE INVEMENT. $0e$00p $4009 8300e $2000 FOR :AL T OW N L O TS VILLA L 0 S, PAlRK -L OTS LOTS FUR BUSINESS PURPOSES, ,Lots for Privaite Resiaêendés, 1IN THIE TOWN OF WVHTid E AST O F BR OCK STIIEET&' T OTS No. 14 A-ND 33, EAST ØIPIdÃŽUCK' 12Street and South of Pollard's Hotel, a valuable property exteniding ,from Brock ta Perry Streets, Lots No. 177 and 1M0, East side of Drouli Street, iNorth.of Pollard'à Iloteh Parie desir- infiproperty onà the principal istreet in the Town wl find those I4ts àweli bituated, Lota203 and 24a corner blockounMaLe ansd Los7,72,Z,-4,7' 6, 77 andI78. Theae Ultltorin u lé anded byIerry Lot 37, West of Perry Street$ and direc.tly p podite the Steam lour XilL .Lots 64, 65, 66, 671 %.88,184 àoi;85 East ar Perry street, and nasonnaesteam I111pr0- perty on the North. .West of Brock Street. Lots 104, 10b 118, and 11itbounded by Cen- tre, Walnut ani Kent Streeta. These Ltàauar denightfüuy situated, and having a strýCt un tree sided, are well adpted to building pur- Ltou 121 and 125, corner of Ent antd Joha Lot NO. 135, East of Kent Street adbut.à few rodi North of Dundaw Street. The foreoing choice Lots were eý fruth a large number, with the viet ofhl 4tEen as aunimvestmaent, but are now oftred for Sl te flly wind up a large tranâaaetion. -A L S06: et fr EucHd r.....Los Palace Streff... .. s ilgh8treet........ ........... ]oA t .,1thJn1857. D. 0. Sz, 4, (a e. Q .5. INSPECTOR GENERAWL$OFFIE. Toronto, lath Oct., 1857, N TCisherchy given that Hia Excellaagy N theAdmtrorf the Govelrment i councid) ha been pleased, ünder the authobrity vesed mu, to order ti.îat LUnwrought stone- imort-d from Great Britamn, no w chargut-,wi th _y' dy.Of fifteen pINr Menam ad Valorent, a non emuâneraed iaclebu placea in-the Lit ot goods ~ ~ ~ ~~- pabgadt ftoadaulfper en- Mm oogf oi auad after'tis date, and thail be rated nco rue. By Iomad abh vt d iecmporanc i s the ihe. tl ati In eU > sýü organ, soth the ttentind telewisesth.y S i t c n e et i oth e la eeti n s ra nu b iu s0 'ri ouand ar e mred ndo rrl i ufed it()te od- %L p raneindsent of the vri uwho e isoreco mes• 4 York ity, gIs bwomth celebrtayte oest ine . d a were dOr aerred, assuothre ans hithe' A rme htnes m not oeu re ath ionrwcompi ave a r t ueoiofëcLnea fau d u f A- inCnda. Snoropr.,ime, . .aley, tiNewf c a ý OnKonti h ie-tyrf .1ewyr Forote n re T ""! nd a iorn e aorlm iu fecka it te uxury42 t HthingX . I u tit.eing bte ca4,»Mp) exiou l tMd Yrino wuu iTan, h e le rel es, uu Mar's a au isare ieablercp caances frim the sn fro. i a .ioldet>y au i>ru tistra. ess a e N~* ..axr tDu Sti,-I notice in that most flitn lie to= fôòr the pblicatio f a t municátions te Ontario T ne ia . n- tunicationi attacking ",Y lett'er to the rate- îUý >yer$of the Centre Ward When "t A of tentre- Ward Ratepayer" asks questions In his own propor name, and addresses him- lielf througl t o umns of a niewspae, as 1 have don, under hisow intuùreI ;10 shall feel inyself At libertfto reply to hlim. Uà It is neither m)y habit nor character to at- ip- tck anopponent under cover or behind or ataid to comue forward either persionally ori my own namne to account for my say. in do -P I sha11 gladi relyt qeiso hsanona u crblr Yours respectfully, R. FRANCIS K ELLER-. heo++ GREA T REVOL UTION ilT BUESINEM8 Dry Go BEG TO TENDER T11EIR ENTIRE STOCK OF Gods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, &e,, &o., BY RETAIL, AT W HOLESA LE NET CASPg RICES, s 0ac to ensare a suunary disposl of the samne PREVIOUS TO RÉMOV1,NG to thecir New Premises inmI bheig marea t praice w ic utyu u r a gwiumuiaàw :.Lu .frj v ril 00 MP LE TE C LE A RA NCE IN A F EW W E ERKS* Whitby, Janiuary 6th, 1858. L W:,1#- O -E L P. S.-L. & P., till further notice is given, will be founid lu the, First Store North of the Registry Office, Brock Street, Whitby, ever ready to aeccoinodate thecir numiierus fiends and usitomaers. SELL ING O"FF! SELLING OFF ! A T COST PRICEMit EG ~ ~ ~ K TREiNTI1( O THEIR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC Genraly fr pst avosand would say, thatowling to the tighitness in the Money Market FALANI) WINTER 1BE 8Cr0 0BES. Still an liand, and which they are dýturmin ed to t5eli ofr at ta great naoreio fufr ca. The Stuce conists of the lattestuand inewet ssyle0of Úress Gode Shawls!,2 Mantles, Furs, Flannels, Blankets, Factorys TickLings, shirtings, Carpeta, Damasks, Fur Caps and Hlate, BOAD mCLOTE S sEW Es,, FULLCLOTH, SATINETTfs. We cwould call special tte on iltou r StockL of -àiBeÈcI D W _ Ââ È men > - A o01 th DuzEcToRs OF.TH E POaR OrE & AN - SAr R,4rtway.--The follow,,ing gentlemen vere re-elected Directors year --- John Shuter Smith, T. G. Ridoubt, Jas. Smith, N. Kîichoder, E. Pl. Smith, F. Bea- -mish, R. WV. Waddell, WV. Fraser and C. Quinilan. These with the Rteeve of ops, the Rueve of Hlop, Mr. Rosevere and the Mayor of Port Ilope, and the Mayor of Peterborough, conistitute the Board.'NMr. Johns Shuter Stuith wvas unaimiiously re. £ILected Presîidenlt, Th. Ie Lindsay A dcocaite informis us that the new- look at that place is to bc corn. mucied forthwith. The planki audi lutnber -ecessary fur layig hlave been advertiýsed for, and stables aire in courseof urection for the horses to bce <mpiloyedý. (being made up on the premisbes,) which isnvery hieavy, and must be sold. . r-0 Call before puirchasing el.sewhiere, as decided Baurgains will be given fur Caýh. N' ýPéte*lhaving thecir accunJIts overdute, are requestetd to call and seLtteiae r TO Whitby, àdud Jan 185 W H L E SA LE A ND E E TA I L. LL the eonhbe Cookin-P, Parlor, and lienting Stuvs ni,%ilu Cast Ironups, Lead, Zine, Pip>e, Japanned Tinar:, &c. AGESERA L STOCK 0 F WI-VIV WGLlSX STEPHEN FULLER ý t-, iwood, F 'r tale i'Iin W ihy by . A Robilivn, Broek-- ---t Gtee GA. Haunliste"rD UnldaU S t rueetL W HSTRAY STEER. Strl. àrckStee. 1 te peiOf the s ubsdcnriber NWADVERTISIEMENTSi l... eId Ar'l"2" ^ t o (pein)g aunfcistockof DIPR TA N T BAE R a ouproin prpery nd e ·LA DIES DIIESS GOODS, ýýA NTLE &SiAW S FIEST (*Iýitby, Jan.AS. 1558. 521Also a large 1Assormnt t1i. "uiil lb r itgo. a r ,, T E GOLDEN PRIZE 1 11Y E ' and Other PrintS, Flannels, Blanket, Stripe ShirtilsanlTcknr. tiv- - SadT kns I-r fute aduaaeIo T. 0,c.% E The New York Weekly Golden Prize, : n renre roG EORGE GREGORY, ,a t e Aitb pri lot L.r F e.Iui:8! -T1HE GENTL E MEN'S DEP.Ai RTME NT s ulI il iigehlI pge, i o y coumus of chice vre l rpet ih the a h a o eur n mmed ately on receipet of the subscr i to mo caer Coalt a gs 'Tweeds & stiuettsPla d Raer. las Cps Ude Cotin & ViOri flU %le rthiuensis h t a -ro e i GAs - -:ýi* tuilojt ýl,; V jiu t. d nee»fi i m : t!lhan thlree thou a e lt3 opies, for onie year,................ 5e r eac aviicentt a end h m a 0 co ies r une year, .... .............1 RedRedRadRadteLüxt qfU a l.N G tn- Girf-Mt--G-aifts OVER COATS, UNDER COATS, VESTS AND PANTS9 at tli lig e, Ib 1u....... ePlin, Guld At prive, uhcn o o yb r d i a Thf'i.ed aedWach .... )0eah N o. 1 &2•Commercial IHuildin ;:, il; l.-t fr il li.t" - 1 7r fi . v-li t'harg - 25 " God W aelIce . .. ..... a et a er aw ist-I duo an the 100 .... ,I he en, b he d n. le fels ltat. u L de " ............. Só T r emb th cu - co sum ti 1, uo Silver Cased W atchle.,I........ 2i Nr cr% , aýniiogh> .- ·· ·· .. .. A10 1 ':. : l- oI, (;-41 Vesýt and Gu.,rd and Fieb DOCTOR VNCAS BR ANT, Chaine, .. ... ..... . .. ... 1otoo il beind l ýhe me " !. Inl it hand op- .aper ap- sae or ii every %e lemn both m i and its ud Who is dirty nanhl- rMov-. ry, the Il kniew Parliamenit isJiummiioned to mecet on the ý2hof February for the despatch of Lusi- 19 re-ported to have died fromn the eilfects of1 4ausvere! attack of d,,sentry. 1-rEIREST ON D MANI) CENT, AT SIX Pa ("L-;r- SiloaT R eiw.ou lot Ts lo oth-Xthe $bY Ji the lnumbýler ,of mionths-, the product con ,idersd a> cents ,wil be,the aniswLer. E x. $10Q, for >ix moniths-at 6 pur $100) .uat Sidic 1re SreWhiby 18 WVhitby, April 14, 1857. re t i r ir 'iim rleve tEttons . &c., fron' thi beg tu btate thle thii Fall e r r1 nImmediately w u- recei t < tthe suibmcriptionimo,- n ·y, the Sulbeiber's namiie wm se eniitred tipoj. Young Hyson and Gunpowder Teas, ",tr suibscriptioni book, -elposite a numberr anid! b t e crrena")initgit tlinumbeiix»r will e Black Tea, a superior article. Ilerwrded Ict o his or he-r ade, Jtpadusco ado, Cru.shed & Loaf Sugars, Fruits, Spt Addre bE IRK KT & C., ulisherm, bubn a iivr t 25 extra fr rthyh jui4t r h d anl hp rtation o 4 '"' "a Uï-nýr" C- a" For a -x the by% the tniui er of I ,onmaiered as cents %, a l e tiv :assei- Ex. $100 for là da N s-at ýix per cetL qThe above nre stietvently closýef or ail síness purposs but, if 1tull em Y 0 T IC E . l>1,, n-l -r albouit thle 4th1ÃŽ instan 1t .ar note of a nær11ie bb ic n ( iliNer, oftl stoch. in iF, iràa : 1 1 :am r ut F W XjN MW W eL iA * E An D ET I . 1 Th LaTgest Stock in the Country of PurnitBre & House Tittinpo NlTIGof Drawing, Room, Parlor and Be-droomn sets, Cens and Wood Seated Chairs, Ta- cble:§, Dedàteads, Butrosus, Secretaries, l3idtboard.4, Centre, ýide, ILU and Tuilet Tables, IR ox o- TO FI VE DOZEN SO0FAA CONYSTANTL Y IN STOCK Law L ADIES' SCIIOOL. Bss RYA N WOULD R EPEef inuch irrow, rs not e. ous , .-- _ 1 1 11 1I ý % l 1 1 1 e - v L J v1 ; _ _ _1 ý &t - a eqirdth cnt o teprincipal inay 1 LT atn t aNnonet- thinhaitat-f Whit- No. 1 & 2, Commercial Buildin -e be brought m from ithe produict a ork d ato n b ud -ienlthat the purpos. e ening a e- 1rksre.wht ot :TI Subrbe rbl aeiavsn nedn ucaerta o attqaiyadPie as above for M nha ctoff two itirée, lePam t ch>,l fr the intr1la n > o g i u ineg .hi.s blishment cant be Com te wihyan otrHusinhe uny' to~~~a tuti , nd ro te rod e fr ýthenet.Aillthe En lish braniebe-e of Educi-l, WOODS AN D FOR ESTN. PAINTIG PPRHANGING, tut O fouir figures t o the righ t th F&uey% Need e work anud Music, will bc G LAZING, &C. frgures cut olffbemng part*,of a cenlt of t a e a acer, t-ueht lenoination and sifil Value are of ltle Por bitb Hron Sýtret, hitby., Dec. 1, 1b5 . 46 W 1 LL . 1A1 Mf D E V L I N .TU--- o IT cru a ndsDep.ramenit p'.;lu'n. over nioun&Robe n htby Aprl 14, 1857;13 B. leillon0 Esq,, is 'Malorcaetruction oml the rBr-kstree VtW it4i-. initesthe inha do efr ev fG ligw, L v tof N "'PIANO FORTE, ii iii i htlei4iewIrrt: ,tu d raea] 1i obet Snpsn. na Revefort e d ada conen ati r Fathier's mresidence, Byrun Street, W hitby hN . ns1 r a slr Ilunicerpality of Barrie. Johni Tripplin Ï- - -- -;ordier in Cotuncil, datedi the Foutrtveeth iustant sq., is Rteeve for 0Orilias e nsda',t-bruary, 3rd, 1858. 8-TOVE PIPES, W HOLESA LE AND ha, been pk1ýand to eo the oingts regu ,NU, ..---RETA IL• aion for thtu 1a1leto' Timbelýr Ikrthsr, ois the SI. and tO exeante the samne with de4patch, and up- UOL T A M NILM N< R is l .Muurive.territ. ry. to be hield outhu siXth Uc,ýo uo mda terumx. g to the preset opo enso .srr.Qfff tTber proximoi(. at Three lZiers: ikizvlimeof.rGnüning, Lettering., iee., donle TPE UÃ¥Rha'a ueue h tcita nhn # hFlten k re, the )iNe hr kelt1cen g 1l.-el W:.1h, 1knaarFirst-Theetu h on4in g ra oAb with ne --amet . --Ug? flrSt6ok of,t .sereardalthrnesryatlsap ranig ote on the 8t of Janury, th7e, C E . ve up o agodtertu,. np tutleActivu, an d judged to the fpar- hand. spl Neasa h hretntc. N N.'B.-.the id %weather lhas commnenced, tic* hiddiug the h ighet mo f - nnalret All workeene nastsatr a erkhir Mtthepor ofCuy- 1 E BqtK0K F Tilf L A TE FIRM O0F teidrindwill attend to calls for puitting oVr the ordmairy grotu# t arXe; and mak- ner.. Alarge supply ofCýotins ke t cntnhr.l o rm igt le ovnee fate lâ ýwth iSomleeseventy par iots, for the &be iur ll lbe tpeilut a eir u psad Ie ceimd atevymaent ear'Il streut. W hithy. Getober, 1957g4-1y from the Cottatry, requiring them tahl or oie Oe of coniquerinig Canada. The iwaa- peeti#eea ird , eray1th, J HN B YA .,eon -TeBete o eofnui - - --- - aswaman teLa ws o atr hwha! upid'necounits will lbe WVhitby, Septemuber 2a, 1bZe aneote eea euains tGOEI c A steady par of Horses with eflDie unse ihteHas. lemerwas w rin, ui d t'le akete&& hando s (ýer t,-)the Cleérk of tht - easonl. uand u-%phncvithlthîe& t iln r.o(,tntil about Lthe 1st of l'ebruairy.-- Cirt foýr ee.T Arrah Mistress just stop 1itouil:ve h fiueo llcant eea R EÃŽI lf.alollarYoun HIyson.ilTea, jilst ro e-mnonths ot Deemibeir and Jauiiary F,.eir,,îFý)Fe rqjng etaMlùhoeLe Look into my shop le > ofliensie next year- eeL-ived. Other Teaà of %uporiv-.inality.FEASATENE TALPBS £T&9Tf1 3728. were veryllike the Decemuber and1:iil a At all thenice thiags take a blinkte or Third-.ll the Berthas dis ,"sed of, to be sulr AnAr excelleuit artiolu of Black Tea, dail) ex * - tilrY ofr 87-8 N. IL-A f*e w lry oods leil to lie sold ex- If thffl you dont likei jeet to an annuital charte ofT'eu.Potnnds8 curren-' ed. W hole and Grounid Cofues, best goal ets. Y E . _____ tren d le w. , A bargain yea'Irll .ey, fur every 1y1ysuperticial miler tand il'pr1- Lier1land Cnda op.Sgr oa- .M ry2 ye If you but take a peep atit e Tinker. >riu for zother areas)tf>r the bea1cfft of thic e it s h, SkCandles, Rice, Barley-, uateal M ARRIE D. ___. _luieRa ad hsaon en repe raCksBteApe,&.Lm Whitby A pril 15, 1857.rc tet ht I hibonte 4h nt.b teCORDW001). NEW TIN 8HOP. tin eof irruni rent. and tu beu td thia sscon, dily e eeed, In hiby e th lthînt. li -.-iç os norz-., warra. iand each scced g canon before the iasue of - ReY. James T. Byrne, Mlr. George WValters, 1)Al1mE-S requiring. Fire Wood can be sup- (ln Benjatin Bryanqs (Ad $turc and Thn licetwe. -CokrCia lswre,&. ltely fromn e.t sirEngland; to Janie, L plied in smn lr ge ý' tantities by 1UN* Ware Shop.) Furth--The lienses to teipsue to the buccesâ-.i ALso), the larget and mnost varied stock of idet dugterof m.Rundle, Esq., of in_ ordrs t1adtnan oet tre d N B Y N PoREO. fui cottmpt.titorb, within une inonth lfrui the date 'Confeettomtry in the County of Ohntario. H ih.. ) Thitby. arened to TH ~E SUBSCRIBER WOULD A.NNOU.NCE ,, ane cldt1oe isand ppv k-gs oll uve ed , eV. edfrApePraaa gs ol, o -o On the 21st inst., by the Rev. S. G MI. JOHN GO0DMIA N. I to the inihabitantr- of this Town and Counjty. .11h tehe là C a re t o et us unpseby -, 10- JOHNSTON Cauglie, Minister of the Scotch Churiich, Whitby, Jan. 11, Isas5. 1-Lf tha;t hle hais uopnedthe above fpremisies. Ail ýlàatn ,th t--- ofr e it ud e Whitbyu ,-ve. 8, 1857. 47 B GR SET U L YT N kiiiT -wr made and repaired. Brazie 1ii d t!fIet mate tu thecir Cusitomers inl te Pie ngG erg Beg, sq. Kinkarde;Fancy and Comic Valentines work or every description durne ndthee ,eutdttntoetu'uiter rireg vulaM.JH IKNSN ulegnralta hyhveSoe, e, n ett at toýids ChrîistùinaOgston, eldest dauigter of TePureori okn thc .e -A now ae, oru hh er a T ybifrReil". iSpringand Biater SteelIIorso Naila Alexatnder Ogsion, Esq., of the Township tolker who worksat his tra e and is nt EGWStreturnmanythanks to hitby. "s~1 hamied of it. Aillorders fur work executed Nr-The third rule la intended tu be ader-the uic rte aln l s ernJS-E EV DFluhMud v . DIED • m a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n ltradesmanLi-like manier and with tdolpaitch, dt nftr .dso h t aren oatclr o tervlal e- DE .F r'Salelat t he 1 Every eLscrifotionyuwrk made and ruepainuid nce im savhi s ffct &m hdirect fkom the ' At her residence, in the Township of and ure od and sound, t ße Brock, on the 4send inst., in her 7Tuth year NtEENerO S t1 indofit b wok done heapul"rTerdbe-iNSETRGNRLSFC.AnhâeD) e dahe oinform hePulithathe BRITISH AMERICANseTibesenetn.ey Sarab Elizabeth %widow of the late ilaior AT.l ENT11. e0 Ctcaoe oebyay cmrTnkrme ot adty sr"vecitoeo araeralg,&. Joseph Thomps),on, of Iler HMa-esty's 40th r l opr as rn otnadliten Cesrois D EPARTMENT,« themn in his business capacity as MAKTTER Reghinet, and tmother of John fiall Thoitup-COUT U OFoNT Ilm Y VIIÃŽTUE OF rag,;Sheep ki ,&c., ten inexchangre. 'PrDt, ThNetbel 7- W STli «R10J WLE& ô Esq Waren o theCount of n- . wri of t- JON BRAN. TICEis hreby iveuthatHis xcellncy achmnt sed ot-ot kerpýest1aB. unty Whitb Aprl Att16J. 1LX. B he Aminitratr of he Gvernentby Hving laie stçk o iND Cairt, dtetd thje N1ýwteeth dav of Augusi.t, cile ----an order iL Counciil beaLrinàg d.te the loth iinst., W ATCUBS ANDJ) ELR'r She fa Lv --dehthdrdadeyen,- stoveis, Tin, copper, and sheet 1Jin d-thý- 1:entlrI donf - 1- 1 .n TORONO M i KETS direeted, n t'tLe estate, rel ai well as pet-onR etrMrARLeUnei ae n hand, he Win exebauge the for Building e TO O T InKT.ýtal,.of flutzliLiý inton, an ab-ouding tr con- T c g etorvifor the East and W1 ivsos ftheOi aterial, on th MoIlibural ter 6 Ca--led i rr tlt be sit of Daivid Crawfo'rd and _ 'ted Counties ut York , Ontario and P'eel,ad aints Oll YrdshiOlss Puty W edcnesdtay, Jan uary *20, 18. Robert Cikn p bt!ll, ler the s- umiof thirt y-t wo L HlE Subscriber b< s to inform thm that Jamies Me Donell, I'.suire, Reile ne spec- R udYI!rushes.enWin.. hdat, 3s 9d, a 4s 4d ; Barley, Is 10 d Po " n i anupi [iljg, 1 have ecized ail the 0:a inhbabitants, of WV ht by and the sur- tur fur the centre dîviivmnutf the smie Cuues Y AG'CULURS B f ö ö O ; Pot et n o t d u t af r ic ktt wo litli t f il ur-1 Sa most T $1,, 411sd; Hays, I106, a 1-, idper o a $4,oo a d hlueW n-gteàuse brae s n h aeprmc.tueiu f tieo be madg Mr. E 8 TwnSP sArk Ayhe, ille a 1th etae ea a wlla asoa, fthesidrm te o pefriecemtluhountras yComn nahuRced,,fo tebs t550P;fEuf 4cIL NOTC otES, â, rsausteeoa ay be u t C A pI - W 0 A fur. .ice . B uC yitEntiete st 11 rEtySpUBCiBER EGTO i"INUTIftTE B ILDERSar necssavwil behed labl fr te bneitpay ad a% Foend n foturrte ola teen years orn 40 Co ' toitheainhabitants ftWhitby and theMp.blic met nstifaio4ostesad1elimaoyte a t ra eore 011Chene C.boaornomisineef utos ha e uopnd aley tbl t h hoewiladeertin nter earmn $15,rona u t on. r a y nts alproe engs agamat the.rope and rse o u ilb sromd-i anrD. o . 14, (6 futi crp. . l h ny o i ihtrodr. mgKt ari« ety Wllndaplndd-ssrmetoGu ROCK REET TO WN OF HITB yi sx tha willgne e tt as ent oC. INPECTO GENEAL'S FFICE catecarruenovo x e]ieRir S inlefs& M] fs Pitola Ua8ka Hodk, Lins, an evó alte"lt.eaNsVelsN.RoLDS, COOcèuâ e,- P i 1ARL AND BX STO4 VS ,%IE sdUte. carMryBmgS plentepdes egiie oSorig£ Mr.,1,.1A\ oha nowcomlete b heriff, C. ' Cu IS-rosMD. Bmtmelr hire. ~ L :E R - PEA Nvrtigintelr O IE. nedMeaittby, gus 20 157.f 8 C or h ievn e aRWO ra K N inE ADthemiTnaMoa of T)fE GovEytan thetpubnd ,ins, oran nd elsh udd, oborg .-mmadeyto order. herdlbealenfuenthe aeime LCK FINE0trtare s. ia Fren.h.Deuaneseprotedand laminRob the La)W RICaSntPUNCTUALITY ! r.orgeo,-«umuned t o.,of orno, duinbcstang to direct that Lithogi hic Pýnad îvoA4 namrDO P THE , ID e W ils.BrcOa nis Ever eet Pfien i itt-li P n or rese--Prinpiaceak and Ip ements orIndisEnvbrBltingmo. - boa tyvRA iti. La u-iiytkthpretad d rutok ND dbte i>y May 12th, H ToROnduater Vkinda , adi à to enptr feeofdainn . Flyâohi itttW rdrint & RolanCunlüah bfceý dofup c n Iom utbeGNElr SA iTgiSEACiugToION vta Em n $ aopnan o aeón'to b fullyNapreciate. EveryCadyK, -- CoOadANED BO" hST,1st Jly 285 2 ttewllrnounce the is p oy o oninet bOSE ishmg tieogrC.he0p pursases o R ZIK BUMHTTE MMO Flnowe r a d ethers, R ius and Trimigs Thmadenders o adrgeaokO m bain tetha lttof ob-, FIE- w ORE Town Lot.No.1i, CU Strees. Dcie lwth os tewhole Tow. QUEN s ET. Lot Nois fett font; Lot No. 8,Orne queen and P er¶Strects - ýLOt No, 9do.Àe Not, 11, 12,l1314 and 7, 66 feet con tuinin one furth of an*= erueh. - bt 18, carnier of ,Queen and LI&fAStreetdnu""f one half ofan aer. Alo h f asnu on the Mac.Amnuodad, and arm ableha TJ A STRRET Lota 19 and ", córui·of laa nd North Streek NORTHg £f;l tide o orth trêit containing each, Qne tSUt Dt an am. 410jao,-o.1, W 4 ,north aides of the dame street, MA RY STREET, Loti No. 70, 83,85, on Mary.8 Sr.1, osanthl of an ac>re each. Lot Nôs 89, corner of water and Cinaer.11a àsta CINDERET.TA STREET. 1 ots Po0 0 104 i7 and 200, ânely situated fo« Buin patof LtNumber niwnat inthé . ell si li te-mv rrperty furw tuated di ito Town and Park Lots, And will be siold at suchà Pri"e and Torn #à le htby, mareh i,157. bu Orb. Thký de partrrwut of Mr. Davisl estaib- lbtaent, UMLa I the muperi itcnceo -alun ia the Province-. Sfeakingý of Mr. Davis' Ready-mnade Clothing innaiy be eno ugh to say, that he took the first ,rze for Dresis Coats at the Fair laut tal, and thgilrfor style, beauty, out finish and quaulity of Clothe hbcanMiljustly chalige the Province. ia i8lia.-'adopted a new prmile in bu- cesaryunoIn these timne--that of jQhi6 Gods at a small profit of ten per îdg-fur Cash., WCall at once at the New Store, j ?&assas-îo Moraas,-You know how iMgbtit ii for y our cldren that you should good ath. How freqautly do wu seet te dressed in mourng on account hof their belovedi eldldren. What a ag, whein, by proper care and roeeie, tialsand troubles cean be avoided.- ýW "bdh can be restored tu the parent an& ,pin1 esb to the child. . weature te tCInaýther and y oà obviate the nece- *rParagurie, Godficq's ConfU a another ôü,ýaswe desire to inprove the condition tproeure Dr. More's Almna and, .bw= e are enred in accordauce with â,M.Dnd tis ritiçul o eiod -and ýhern 1 the ,† TH E POETR Y OF BUSINESS MAY TRtU- lbe said to consist ln a'neat Card a taste- ful Citenlar or Sho)wbill. If in br' rht Colora the more emiblematic of taste and be uty.Ad Who despioathoso gracSd of civilized hfe i Go, then to the Clronicle Job Power Press lle VICTORIA BUIDINGS atýq ànglycheapPrices. AlsoStove Pipes A.I LOGAN GO AND SECURE BARG;AINS; HE MSubscriber begs to add that having bc- s tOWed a great part of h4.aUtime ,-, 1 of Å worar that of other tua mnn e, IBItCK $ TR M-, w" u: : , And show your appreciation of the beautifblby orderin somo, Faney Printing, embelUlsd d adorne with some of the mn pit ;. gravings to be found at the Es',tament. Thbe reretorâof the Gronia Ofice -em ploy -nonc ut th."'fastet"I workmen, and ana praeeal Priner themseves, consequently, they "a do Prnigneter, cheaper better and gnieker than any other am 'stbihe ti h . wOrder oni ttlie Country ce0 edwt tbo{grtest desuteh. oution Sale Bille rinted atan hour notice. TH E" MaTCHROICLE ^18 1*)Ïblished every Trhursday, by AT TrlEIR OFFic Tuaxa.6 per man, stricty in advace - - .,amu ,Finest Java Coffee Jamaica Coffee., ices, Candleu. Soaps%, &co,&C.O 4A tte chouicest brande in BASS AND EDINBURGH ALTES & LONDON PORTER.

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