Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1858, p. 4

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àlpt i WN - F OU s.%I1lý' IN THIý« IN 11,1. \(il F 0 R 8 A L E -1 %ULA ll-ý--;, lin, IL flli l'i. ikivl U >ý Il iý lit-, l It Il 4 TAVEUN ý-TANI), Ivith I)ri%-iiig Iionme 1l"l'itil, i ý'i Ijýý 1;0 atill t- larlle Slit-ils. Thore i, ut- R.'%i'. Clark 11- D., Medical ReCeree. arc elt-areti. &tilt trýýiiiiiiý, týu tbe Port.4re L plali1-1 il ollciivl. NV l l 1 T l I y. utie lie, l N, - 1 ul Mill. '17livre ol iiii zklkloilitý 1'l'. olliert; uud alcarc, Fruit Tro,- Il W eil l:1, .11tablo, IN, illi l'illiq', i,11 tili. -itillit- -ýffl wr r 1 j,*ýlýý pot plirU. ii'.pil t I n i,ý iý ., - ý -, ý, 1. 1 i , 1 A ll ýN I.. w ithout Further Notice, 1). C.£MFRON. MLr roILýI il) t Il(- 'ri -lNil l)t* 1% . Viiiii,ý, I.ind"41% ond ileaN vrion, whit:ii lirtiliertN m il] [le molli on iII)t.- ille faut 1 April it 1- t Vil, Marvb -2.*, flià il %NIts ral terni,. F,,r teri&jý aità artionlarri Il, frt >1 il IN ý.;Ii fr.-in il ibn ow lier ai 'itýîl M,: S, 1 mil %VANTED TO, RLNT. jýrübeJjj j1j , ll,ý mq-1. slt%. T IILIS 0 ÊST 1 N Y ÈT Une t lieur Life Association of Seotland. t lut lai letý IIý:l 10M .'li là). JOHN t'l 1.>111.stle. .,X.tl)c lx-- - Ti 1 E F Lo V Ill 1 > 111 N (1 TOWIN OF M- 111 T,,ai i Eroek, beeelliber il;, 4, P IiY. iý fi, lit, ii Cm ptirchu-o 4-f W l'il I,\ (J(!l U--w LtrieWeIl 1 1 l"/ 1?,ý ' il'il (1'i', Irt of WHI For Sale. lit. Iv IIiý TI, fi,,. Sl"BSCEIBED CI LI £400,000 ý-tg. il y o 'îcîreý of Land, Fi' 100 A N' -N 1 c () M E, livalitiftillit milliateil Fn>tli;4ztý ý- NY A N'r E 1). of flic lialf %if L0, . f). 7, in tilt: MI Coli., ;il tilt- BLACKSMITII lit Ille Ar _n :1 1.1Jilf . Iliirtit MAir BK«P 1,111r l'f Fýi"iltv il.'l on (.()qnntv tif Victoria . . sitid 1m is %-CI 1 1 tinihervil il EA D OFFICES itiv %l% i i Iina Fu>i euoi, ç)i;e iiiiti-Irt-,i and ati-1 pii.eý nild 'itillitt-il 'itilils ý(Iiiibtirgl.i 2 Ilunover %t. l-ý, ravi do v )Gr Roll. on tliv tith il ie brjuiided by flic the (ý,-utl(Y alid terllii- Tiii, oiN iiý r eau lýavi Sooliand Wliitl-%. T I - London - 24) ', 1 -ý%:lt(-r I'ýýrt* ut 5îJý,eillît ilivi M, 'j'. Ji ýVtitýl t, Il's N- E ng'lll" tliri% 1l:ý pa., cz "b.if tillist "'Il bectime ILIiiiteltec"N 'alauble as The utiit-r,,igried will ileil on fil eral tf-riitm. or 44, tlie 1ý of the 'Fort, the gre,1113 litemasilig trm,1 excliangt f4r iniproved proiterty -lit the Tij%% il uf T 0 Il V N T Wliarrýize ri in Ilier n. ill N. erv snon bie. lluite in- 1 Wkilbv. For tcruu; of -ýaTe», &ý., applil- rit thil IIF Lif'. Sý,illniiîl whivil lia,-4 il l,îtll-kýt tu tiie rlcttirt:rneiiLý of the buýiiie,4*, to the owlier, if by lettbr w bc T now extendêd iLý Et ration., to 1'ritish NOTICE 01? PARTNERS11M ftnd thiý- freilLaieli, m,11.1 Nerv eLein be quite iimdt-- Nortli .%ilteiiea, 1S bi, ils 1 lu ilet lit' Parlieinent f-,r Iitý the ý,t ilie and iiu(,ii FEr.frz. Amstiriacci lia the A IL ;1-/, w y ( lli')Ill L'mieriictied lier IN Il tiJJt lis fr,,Iltjlke will %er% sooil bc wauw-El forward j t:itceïý-Altû 1%1 1 trbl'iP ingt sliip-I)ttildilqi iiLuLifaeturiii and ütlier thure. Whitbv, 14th Der-, 1857. 4,; 0 Mi plir t K l'lie ý.nü le i he iwlst exterimve Ilote, h lin\ inz .1cicrioýiiied'ul-:on ý(.Ilîng iiii)lnL,-xi tilt- fiiiii-li A-ýal-fLllt-e 1 t,, SPLEXDID LXVESTMENT. ali-1 fil(. Aineri- lle -riN in i.-T. ail. t iiiiiier tjjJLý riyle of the Firm fi' Albro flic IN Il, i TL NI>, ut less l'rl.\ ýc me bcnetit ý,t* t lit. ait- Lit No. Ail il i J' -ilives lia titun ii&lt tilt, %il.icli lit qx,,tiltt if lilial trailsacted in Great BritiLiri and the l"- MAIN iýý AI.l1l1ý(1ý O N T A RIO H O T E L9 i J.,l 1 1 Il '-ili. in 'itiall Irelitn-1, and the ample and c i>tatitly ucrmim- TO 1, ET. S. VENI)IN.1. Ibriee imil flirtlier jeirtiviilitrs aliply to BL'OCK STREET, W111TRY. Ilf.iv N titi iiii-,Ytti(, ý«,t tijýv6 unis S.q-ýellJ. t mreri;rJe jýr nimiitii. lýtiriV t lie M, IIE OFFERS F011 SALE lit iý,; t.id f'r .1 A NI L- ir f/ -tooa t'bat lx)pular HoTEL now L )y 1-V41 the ltl .ý'ERF.NCE TO TIIF %BOVE, t),Iï& in L'arerl,ý -iii -,ur irýeiids aii-l Ille pliblie ize- huivilig a frontage Un btrtui lie uf the risle of nvtif- bel, fi, îUfoi WhitbV, Jali. l'... T %,v,',) t of JA feet. Thý'ýrý ittcIir il.' et- arc frev Cri-w ail reml)ciisi-- MW Relit, 110 mmlip. Iiiiit l% 0 Illive. ait (ý)ffdG bere l'ir ROBERT il. LA NVI) tn Jiecoi 'y ýlI tt,,. pf tj*ý;is:tctîolil)f mil 1"0ýiliffl cilfrilstma il ýNVhitbv, Jan LIC). 11I«ý7- 1 bility. and IliP -quims a,,siretl are A Share of the Prc-tit-i Shippitigt, Formint-Eling and Gelier-J 1 S57. -d - the receipt OT N, 2ý, il, lit(- 3 Il N'rllitbv citted dýv"-.7 Ytar il, ttil hithv, Vive. 211, 1 BU= ING LOTS FOR ulrs Of live iýearf st4-tiiglititi, twill is atii!ied in «W and sale ot llittilIl-r fvi LoCal (Ir other Jirpo,,ý,,e L fi lie F,%izu.i alij«.iiiitig the Toitési of Tzlekle BY c jrtýiiiiIiiii.,4. A large reditetion la the diieilik, thvir ilex Faq., Tite A«ý o- wü trii.st 1,% to, 1111>tnallers plitveil in Uni Il. Il) illerit. alla obtuiii thuir CarryiAg Pluee, 9 ýu«- W11-1141-6, or tu i PRIVATE GONTfRACT. ALBRO & Vl'.';Dl'-N* Yl V. 11 m& anniud -lf pro- i tN -x-ysi»ffl 'BLACK 1Nr1i. ltmrrit4rer, LL the Teiiminder of thm Valtmble Iý,>t,- 1 fit to the 1'oi!4_vl4olders of the Iirýt -erîtýâ has Fort liec. -2t4 1357. 4tt of 1, mA fituarcd on the N.orth and South ilow rencheatfiperet (if the ýi If 'ti"YRY bt,',t fiftido in née. and Solution- tr), sides oç tire reilitir(5d to pair olilýý ai, Pàrtaet&Ml>. 18* P", ternile (or illeir I witil fi e,ýV Rete 4Y t 1 ROSS j0li N'lzTON -POU «-1,5 TOWN LOIS- irilirB Y RAIL f ri l' * 1 rel)v J-ri% ol 'liat file 1'.111 lier,1111, Tite situation in illieilll.dled in _etý Sl 1-,ý(, Ilbeirle 1ý I, Je - if j ç; W arin -r- ut chut -rUfJ;ý-J. G. -Ni.lekOnZie E-_ l"Wliîtb%- 47 exý,tiiiýt bet%%ecii ille illidt d)F ý%'IIITBY, IN TRE i britli ate; it luis abo a coin ilialidi n", ViL bliiF.9 lil ai (,;rfwtm in tljT(bwn of '%%«I)itiý)v, illý- N TIIE TOWN of Lahe Oitarit- ulid '%Vllitliy Ilarb43r-tiità Utir- & Notirc WATLU LOTS. hor lis adrnitted to bc th. best tiu the Lake: it Esq.. Ttirrance & ('o., Merchante. (;efbrize lLa Ille finit l-fj. - &- lias I)Ll,' if fil,. 'Marlet. (lav iILS401 %-vl by in il amollit Al eau bile entered in auy weuther. Tite Niotfiitt, Jr.. Fýq., of (;illeý,iie, 'Nt"lln-tt & co., buted tIii:ý -ît1l (Lav nuitrv, For Airtirer and ter-A apply tIý i -reliatit-s. Alexander Morri.ý, Esq.. Advocate. fford lELLER. 1 PO*T W 1II1ýBY & LAKE HURON ILM LNVAY 1 Mt Jo 1 Robert ard. Piallo, of ý V. ýs, No L' whithv, -hilv 8, t will ruts thmtigli the eèntre of the Fý,:Ittte, tfiere- ail AIP WF by ereatjug morne of t le begt BtL.1île6g_,,itob tllat 1 ';IOLiil&Tum,4.-.%Ieâsr.ý. Torraiiec C 11. e. BOS- .4 SzcRFTin-t-.-Iatites (lbeap tic Cash WILD LANDS.-- - ew, be seIýeted im the Province. Piati- 1 c E Port ed. IN Application tc be lande to For Sale Clieltp. some 41, lieta%'e11ý I.,()Oo Acren Wild Lmd fur mile on liberai 1 11om.ýs »OM), X. y IIE I'urtii(-rýhip hithertn exibtÙtg 1 'Civil Enginve, er E. walsh, Nierellarýtb -mllole illetelliv jiizitl-ý 4 4 T tlie in this day THOMAS (;.iL'r, .1 it Solicitor, Toronto. is,ýoI N cd 11% 1111 1',,, Iýl1 Ulselit, ail parties indebi- whith%, Jill% 9. 2.55 il A'AKERY AND CONFECTIONARY, t-Il lire 1. litake iiLiiiielizite imil ment of Port Whitby, 18L Jab,, 1858. Itf wniTu v. 1 beir acootimim nt titt 0111w, N.,ri Il part -I' FUI- TWO GOOI) LOTS FOU SAI-El. CABINET W AREHOUSE, Ftirnî.-IiiiiLr Eý4abli.dinimit, Itri,-k- Street. i Y TO Tilt ÀIROVË, IVM. mepliEpr-,()N, > 1 DDITION i là ail OR Sale, TNltl ex0elleut Lots in the Town of T110*4AS DODD begm to muy tilftt lie id prellur- wlitll%-, .11 I)tnUý statiNcit 1 rplIE titi lermiglied iý lirell-arcli t,, STEPHEN SEARLE, F F" tý frhe j ed ta croct I)welliiig,3 on the Lots nielitiolied. 1 unil Voitiitrv (mistoitivi-m ivith lieik-(ýrN .1antinry IýMh, itbove Lotm'àe iteieèd lit, tma buatif41ýV sitttw- 1 TU the active or retired 1lellèhAut of Toronto, tionarv of ail kilids. 4the best qualit ted, w ho id anxiong tô ()btaitt a cheap tîitintry relsi- 1 e- GIM EMES M ) PORTRAITS. this Li% a mobtravombbýopl)ortliàitN-.- of the For furtlier jeurticulari; apply to Wheti a Lmt te selocted, and a plan Je In Dl lurge.and full I.,ýk at A 1111,1 compare upoti if preferred cita lx-- furiiisbeýl bli- the priellis. 1 7'ulilý,Va >11A -Do il -S. IL FARQUIURSON âuhbcriber) the whoic shall lie carried iico c 1 G A R S Or to; Port ï4 el. effacit toi incet t'lie winhee of gentlemen gi% Ille 'e dit kilicls, elold by flic Il. X Ur G R E F, Nt Ambrotype Artisit, J. WOLFENDENZ. thelr vriders-thereb avlug New W uLILD re,4petilttlty lt=oqlnee that lie h" JvAimy. l artitovance of the lbi1ý yerand u-.trpeitterb con- 'Nuw opetieil Rollins, lit Num- Brick 22 tinuld.wants. 71 A ty as tibove, titiller by latter or persoiiallvý Mock-, liere lie is prepared to ApI Six!i,'t4il Agent for file sillè iit'4)v."term, wholestile 'i exectile 1 Di i VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Il bý subscriber )1", silice the late tire, Te ýY the ean or live. Likoneasee,, THOMAS DODD, C7. 9.1 1 tilt Itis liremiset, (,oriier of rrock and JAMES BATES, Intll>eN-cr",Inteitgt%-Ie Ille huýk4e- i Ilis PRol'Elirry 18j'L &NTLY 81TUý port whithy. where lie Stijl continuts tu I InListifact&tre of ly made doute îI1%pýrt:alit in hint T o, Broek t,,eýt t1irectly opposite Judge Bitrn- Bti'fflus, S*I)tctitlbet- 16th, IS-17. "5 mode of orierating, Ill; which the itiost làlbleudîd Chairs, 7ýA1e*, lJeils.teuik, eU= ING » TF-RIAILS. ýcr eicille than e,,, ad boiffl re.-ilits are tbbtiiiiicd.' containing two fifths or an &e., (in a st1il larg T N.B.-Ilis likeiiè,.,ees art. flti'i.,Ilt.dl In mneh a 1 acre Of Land, with abolit 00 fect froutage, on 6tiÎït attention"to bu>iuej§b, to inetît a fqhare IL Li. whieh is trected a offiuýliù patronage. tlie Inllabt"t% of tillis whic OD NEW S illilitior that thrý- cuit ne% yr fallu. MEN LATUIMS 1 I.LME ]FOR »AJLË a ýepl1 pitt un in CO'MFORTA91,19 ýBR1CK COTTAGE, it; by inems T R Y T Il E ANl) Rl.'ý(iS, vilh ONSTANTLY ON HAND DURINO TRE iseetioil ofthe IOCKETý, s,,ttal. JI H, PÉNITENTURY ÙOOT AXII SIFIOE 1 1 i 'le ýout Buildings, :ni excellent INIell c eii.-ýtilil opiriiig alla Sfnainer Fre,..,Ii Burnt 1 M-All()r&,"aitended tillettinll"y._àu lit the i-ic-itte.,t rimaiinr. of IN'ater, and a (5stern, together with a nuin- If ouly, ut 2S 62 ' Ç'V' M. Ir 1 L L. jalied STORE, :-e- Ilimim of operatigg fr«I 9 tilt 4 Pl i berofval bleyruit i-, tgrftuther Mrd- Lime whie, 1 will bu Sula fur Cui Whit il July 9, 1857,. 25 SB lt 0 C K ST lý 1. ET, ýV Il 1 T B Y. i liq,. tvitljout rc.-lard to the Nveutlier, r Irrel. bY illid Ivlitalier Visitors "h à UBBARD êt VAHIlFNý= iz ficitai, thnillis I)ii-ttirejs ôr no4lte %vill attilli tintes bc liappy tu on t'he"premiffl. 7 jl"iit,,tbyý I N Sà whitiby, Fcbý loi 187,7. 4 Ofi fur the large share (ifpatroiiafýe with wliich ste tlieni. Itirî)rtn the inhabi- Brun they have been f4vored silice Il lie, 'peultir nt file Whithy, Nuvember Oth, IS57. Sub'-ileriber blexis tn gliove establishment in thu To 1 FOR SALLE IN TUE TOWN OF BRICKMl 1 BRICKS 1 1, i JLý7tciut* of Wliitbv mind, surrutinding country Ph Wlille doiiig no tliey would, inthillate t1lat ÃŽhey J 'w 0 Iffl y. BFICKS for me ait Port Whitby that ho licl3 business ut fil Old pftp 'have jiist reecivoli 'large additions to their Fui TO $6-001! Stand, e.-.%rner of' for oved elbe, »ROCK & COLgoRVF Cash or on appr Kad whiter 'Stock ut' Lwlidn, and Gentieinen'l OTS N0Sý. ý-2,, iàt1Wý ýtùÊY ARE SITR 24,000 ie L attil tw= un re4fonablo tarins. Â ly to 0 will Manufacture ùild keep on baud 1 of ai Igoote and - Shoes, - sul«I _wâ. Ïà iàforin the iiiUbi 1 ait 1),uhdao -,i3trSt,,bç a Mrl Wh.re hi tantiq of WIllTBý, and surrovuiding colza- Cuvhrauô'd and Lyndo'tq Cýmk% au discriptiotitt-of Côma* tir to a lm well as, a large mtfjIpý1 n-anttûwtnred try, that lie Il" Uketi the 1bouls on &ibckiot, a-Sr TERMS LIBERAL ja & yq ulhêd with Brant plutesi "Inten fuice. -etipted by J. Il. Thomas, as 19 Or at, the Obrenicld OfflEice- ordered, Boôts, (,Iditers, &c,., in ýuti(M SI )cr-s forinerly oe "'46 'l' ' -, T(e 1 illi týr 'file atibâeriber attends Fu=" P«"n 10arlaty and Êty *lMi they wil- W DAUVÈRHIA-N ARTIST,-M J . &IMBLE Wholesale and il. Country etistorriers are where lit mule bc fourid telluIv lo *-Iltapon th . ôse Let 33, 8th eneenion Darii n.ý, " MN TILES. recommended k and exatiiii)e tha$tf)ck. A deptirt-rnent %pu(-iuuy fitted lip for tilt couvelli- wilu juilly livýr hiai with a Portr4jX of tt Cllitiwl Offailng7l p1epe copy untIl =orld, . baving been allipol ted nec of ladies. - àiiil)r<>tylLs, (,%iiiwotypes,-#3 T , ore, fur t4ô mtbU »fý No SEC()XD PRICE 1 1 83 Ah-o, Luather atili. l'a er Transfere, equal tu IR ÙF c IN TUE Whitby, Anguitt 27, IS57. y -lioldt 107S Call aitti Sec. Town of Whitby - beaditelly: sitdiâted lu Bowùiànville, they are now prepared ta OnT ut arty la the artý tltm vieinhy of the hLrket. 'rurnm LiberaL- GRAND TRUNK ItAllr'%VAY4 1 JAý S A. CLARX, W 1 lr»wqý, ttIý and Apply to. y- ýz y ý 1ýg0E wmtb JOIIN SHAW, .>ý - October 2% ý , Il 1 4' ýe ig I§auiplWlsli"n goirron Street., Whitby. For Land and Cellar Drainii 7 a ed pnimm "Srwmd a IIAMMTON ROBERTSI RAS 01$ coe- it)l;,WITII HARDWARX. Ji FQU SALE. e lîl-6t claies Rearse &LTM ÀTIO.%; OF TR.ýt-'ýS. BrSk Street W b WhýýY, ýwhIcý -rt- Stittfin - "' - > - ""' -- -- --"« «-*,*-- - - bg ý - Il , ' M !1ýj7 t1ýe .' , [)ýlh i tri ; 1 111 tl 11741, SIýjUr and lilluilillia- [Grave], i ftion Sçýcohdarj 1 'Niedicinc D&L 1 utor. Netv Y(ýrl- of all %litiiiifttç--t4irie--) of Profesm Luiù, Nitw Yoïk il -;tritrtl. hy ail Dru' aloi 1 tq-a;vrý ili ý11edi4-i11e the >t;tivý ýit- eivilized wi)r1d, in poii4 st alld el eiwli. 21 f N1,jný4j*s Initial! Thcre ie a ble saving by taking, greuter purt of thý« ini-.4 viiled Eur"pe, N !i in vý,-rv - 1i:ýorîîtr arc. affixed tu meil box; bis wav thut tho l"elilline ' je' CACTIO, -N the 1 c % ý,rdý YoRK & LoN-£ýD-4;1 lu evt-rv leaÏot ir;tv ý,f tin. Mv ý,»1 tLe book- of dirtctiî;ns aruulid 1 1 et or x; tLe saine illity bu leltiiiily seuil y Il tA-ý1mf tg Mde liflit. A Lawlý,,ine rew ill LfiZéý.d, (110l'e forniatkh witfii t1ie dit*- b. lie, Hoýxj ite 1 rituy ý-uI t,), m'wiv party or par tif.-4 eot1IltCrfýý!tîli(r de mcdiciLe.4 ýr veudiné the ed and i flicia to bc spitriond. and d'rstreý,ý,,i 4)ý olir 'i J"ille 3r.1, if 1la1t;f,ý i-, ",), , - -- - . c;iý'ijil1jt 11(iilvrs 01-1 ti) wt: t, BUFFALO 211EDICAL DISPENSARi forêver be blý,%vn Fr;TiBr.ISIfEri M TIFF CUM OF ýkrs.,jr and À e> oN 'Utrer,4, t;reýi Ïmparily af Iz ir rýe&vh, it:1,Iie!v 1&J'Wýey iii aýJ cdd age, &-r- MFRCvity V. m-Ë r(oind titu SE ýji, forthil lie"!tli DIt. AMOS & SON 0ne ý)f Cie rr-t-ý 1. i, u S 1 or ý-..kiii, Liid ti-4.'ists RF THE ONLY itier jvarts of tliê STATE- wlie are rixnibers ot, hçlrgs th ed frolu s 0 cloci, in the Inürni ne, iilaw4itilti' ri -1oýïIli%1etr M, Mtitrowing off )iý the 1utifý- bv Tw- tn-ev ijiopt i:i tLe a - . 1 h 1 wartIs ex telisivu il id tfretie, %%- Lie Dî 1 ' ,( jý!(lIIeye; i o t le -1 tice iri7 mi on. The ilivctomte lzt!,,e avieunt.ý of illP or D clay,, ând .11 se timu thrown - vs;, ât a iiiodý-rate or T!ie eureofeeted withorit uuatine or hindrance front I)ttsiue:ss. it ëU and 34t'-'; TAKE PÀRTICL:LAIC N 1 rties of the Pills blood; the cour-, Thert- L- au evil habit eoniciCLnie.;. indalgod. 1i by bov.-ý, in solitnde,* often -rotviiig U% c-annot p ýL"s ')Y. tiiviiitu inanhoied. aril whieh, if uot re i en lip and etnvuv- 1 - bowels. in due tinte, !114 ofil v Iii. fes hetiollâ, obotadïeg - iiitttitiiioylîal bapffil;e-,4iý glit xives r-L4o to a ser4m- duit Dr.. -Nfone's mitur the-storÜàL,, 1 ml, for they fi na Ftýiv-i)fthogëwitogive wayt4thispernicim ýte1V rout ontand practiec are itvaru of the wnuquum, linfil -,,pÃŽirity, and the tiley filid the *vestem -battered, *à blood, ara un*Ctou UtaL4 âculâauojlà, and vat" ly uU..iekueu and icars in tliýe mind- for they eanaot ruw., soýý ptI!é and An instritillotit for tlic eûre ofpuital Débifty ïo distresseil when or NecturjW tauru properly kiturL !Wbec-%n.ýe they du a4, $ciainal îtc. clin lié- perýaý Y ir to the affilet- ettrw.1 hi'from titYLteti t,, tweuty ilays. by the'um Il, n.-ittirul pas- s ilk..itrutlit.ýiit wlien ii:;ýà eoui,)iàtlr wâh of titi. me( wueà. caýt out hunes-, a li ter matter is Iod' etines are IitemjýV INRW IIE)IEDIE$ AND qUICIL CURU ýA FlKi-ss ; th us a il- atation, conWitlý' Dr. Auios & Son take p1ea.-urtý in ann-UCW 1 tjiattlicy liave invented a mo,ýt importauLxk il hrovvs the eor- i i;trtlllqcýt for the eiiric rf thp above disenseil.'it 1 vein and artcry' ' bas beetisubjectoil to atc-tbv-the mogeminot bod by dLe4e"eý-- to týemi4elve* Vi--,ý Iviiiiis in Lofidori, Priri;, Pliiindélljàald ig Bliffions of t1lu York; it Lm been douiared t» belbr4WY aiel'al instrument ever yet dLwovered rd tw ,utà . f ' mimil Weaktiffli *ed or terni, -cure o >,e, orany di»eauddw geuitatùrl;aniý, causud by the mecret habito d 11rtuAht and wholie ahed bý yonüt. . andwliohaveibmi - Dr- otderto hý k w% Li the InLritis of theïr iiu41un" "ýt l "I'unt orti4el,6-es that In sny ingtanee w1là vith t le il th provo uiieatig&eto" afteir a fair UW t"t'ýl U at' th. rful 1 dîE Il y ýyiU lie refunded* by retmmjz4 Sb After oriè or twe 111.5tri.liment ni good ordert tbe aboive uàcral Inâtrumem .g thoirabayüt- WHI oleerve that Ïhe ri ey glit lintüed' C% «Onth lqe ý!Dg directions, securSy, paoked and menll" fflay- all sicknes, presti, ý6 tell dQILMýi. oncego te wtjrk at ý, whichis the blood capecial by tboàe w Il 60 elleanse and M y cucnl.v-%VIU led Profezàon wh-. atteulpt mired but Devez m ofyouth and1eau- ecca. 5 prospect of a long- ahd.biighten your Dr. Atnon & Son havsfor a long imiries of ym been ýengWùd W in ý extatiève ý Pràd"L in 9 inuterfýe signed A. treatnIeutofthée a be Dame of A. J. the only leely =rWfýfn1edd Phy-ý ; w» Do AW the signature advcrti-ýe ifl the lm Prem tp eure myb ethers are 8purion.6. complainte, or ûýom,-whomý oeuuinë,zùr" Sole PropriotoN, lteinediffl eau bee-obtaùie& 1>etmonie t ttw Wcýld'unq be-M PDA& tra sold- by,'ull ýe"fU11ytrei y of &eir Sooc4, 1ý>e ec, ' vih4h wili b6-îâlîý *itk ., îbéi clio î dsir theWne dispatch, and swurê fi-ôta obssjrý - os ýe 1».xes will ý,.t Buffalo, N. 49 ah ReBïëdý. M Mmffl REAL ESTATE, RE A ESTATE. INSURAXCE, SALOONSt, &c. FOR, SALE OR TO LET.' NOTICES, OYSTÏ,'ýIt VALVABLE PRO]FERT-Y FOR ÉALE LAND FOR SALE IN MARIPOSA. _îîý_Us£ LOTS FOR 4ALE. N'OTICE. -AT- T IIE tindersigtiefi grill mell IA»ýNo20, in the CILYSTAL OTS 1ýo8; 1 and ý_1, Ileill-y Sttrevt fur Sale To Merchant, end Parmers' po R "r W H IT B Y . lotit Marilloma, eoutailling .]LA-Thev am ('ortier Lot- The îcres, 104) acrïý4 cleared and in a gorôlil btute ica Assu =-nec Company,> Yrýinc cite,, tietery and il lialf fill"I 1 1, 011- 1 jý', beg-S Io ilet-Illaint lits fficilds W ILI, BE soi 1) BY l'ItIVATE SALE, of caltivation, rAd nlion whlëh it&ected à good British Amer Wallace Bailditip lw " Co l,']'ORATF-D Under an Act of t'ho Titird 0. 135 Wii ng 4 aliartirrents. IÃŽ iýý in g( rorout(g. C l'ice Liqui relgitir, wid tiod tilt- gelternll>-, thet lie that BeantIfi 1 Street, Thert -R I JL Be. -vent týjý t ie G -iýt NI 1, kilowil ààs the F RA M E '19A 'N «cri J'aliaed. is itlm(j ý iitell of vui FI(, Il Provincial Parlia 1 Tllroo Stgry Brick Bu-ild-inkrt 85x, and ',thed 20;,< 50, a Log Bitrn:so x 50 illent ut'Ul.ler 'atilada. d, 0. -VI? A M LI' _B Ul L 1) 1 Y G I L LS, CONTA;L»4mo TWUTY 1 ap"TUZUMI4 Witil (4r&iilaty attachedi a good Log 110 Toronto, -July 15, Ehingled, but nul, eiicIggIýud. 'rlio:,ittiatioli is a and formeriv oceupied by Mr. F, lioare, nielar ri., and CAPITAL £100,000. dolièrIktriLl crue. ond weil known illituated 0 11 the North Bide ofFirst Strùtït, kuewn a 110%-er faifilig Weil of» guod %vater. re ÏA Brocklia, and front tilt§ long , tr% , %ý., hýûIlês as Sailsbitr)-'e Briek Ilouse, with tlirm--eightlig aW a young Orchard of 50 t«ring trecs, and a Fur tortuit tititl furtljqzr apply tu e\leriLlice in flic buMMýs in hiti ) offtnAcre ofLand attached. ThereS a- qniuitity ot Pluin and Cherry tree-,4. Tite farm NATIONAL IIOTEL striet attention aud pillicitialitvýto niérit a share M-ý«d id Weil icileed with inostly cedar mil-gi, and thcre ftii(l their bl, illimilagre. ilartiý--ticni, attention lqu'd Barn au.1 suitâble out-buîldiffl un t m ll>rétrii- is et on the proixgrty a Buiticient qtlayltitv or contiento. FCrv iibt.)rln:gtiol, ýtljqlied oilitli - Poivr %viiiTnv. m ar tu biiiild tiew l eiiecý whesi required. *The Plieatq"" ro the, Or It, hiintm, Füriiiers aud n*îslliii Street, witit il ,4i)lendi(l (',ara-fn, Shrubbery &-o. . à' . thriu Ï3 une and a lialf juilL...4 fron, Mitriiie jýg),rtigeScusmi le rrIIE linglersi rnéd begs to iiif-,rist titille 1 1 witelit Flttirtý(i, will lie dealt witfi 01, it. jiil wili bû Sold tnrtlier, ur tu suit pur Taylor')q 1.4team Mill. A t-dl will ublige cilà,méN, (en ruamonnble iterinsi Fur partictilarit Aurent, liNron street, ýVititt),r 'il the I)te!. file brimine-s fil SPI.h tg) the ild :-ix miles froin -A liere there iri a de - fil Ot H. N. 'ILL 'vill lit future carry on, goi him -vi -tober t)9, Iýt5g. »M T110MAS SAILSBITRY, t of thô Port Ilope, Liii1ýay and lk-avertun protection against 1 oss tuid DaMage wî,;" an,[ llrntlglieA IIOVE L TO LFI'. On the Pi WB Y. by Viree. N 0 T 1 C E port Whithv, 1457. TIPLR Weckly (;I.bbu eOI)y tilt forl)i(l. TEaxYs -Mette known upon applieation, if by WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, lillitty., Nitty &tilt 1811)7. Ir the hinigitietis, lit-. wieuld -îlii, iiktur- AVING plireb"ed the eotircg t4tocýk ut Il. letter, poM paigil bn "et in Ille Iýea8eX the ('ci., witil an adilition cl' BEAVERTON. i 11ENRY ROGER'S, Proprietor, (-APIT.Vi £100,000. WL'STI-.R,'i 11OUSE "North American Ilotel," sittlate Ili Ille New Stock, _iM FOR SALE CHEAP, oakirood J). 0. n t' '.4 D À 9 0 T M 1. E T Il turc, fl\tut-t..s, &v. Il- is ilittt(-r mir,ýelvo!,t finit gie elitire wttis MILL PFLIVILEGE MND TOWN LOTS r iLarilx)sa, ùet. '201,li, 1 M7. 40 N$1*1"ÃŽlNCEý etrécite'l ùIl llttildliljzm --Ilgl thiur m. ABOVE aà filet ioit tg-- ail who inay f'xvý)r ils glvith a eail. coliteins. Every iiifuriiiittit)u Ã"-Upl)liud on 1 say for looatinn and di ýir;'tMc ;1 A contigions te the Nftvert4ýià Whw.. À - -- -- 1 JL ilist opened hy the itiidersig J()ÇlýFilif 111ICKINS Co. MAW M LL AND LAND. alillicativil tu tlie igýdersigiieil. ilouge failillit be folin, ý, 4.11 ; large niiil profitâtble Millititz eân lie glotte travellerm can iit)w finit gr)(,d Il Fur liartiieulars i- N«l,ýeinIer 1-at-oratle terins iii.L% be timide with the Tite ilouse is well wl-Il k F. lit l)ý I'r'q'rietor bv a Pruetie.il Miller. Tf? RE SOLD 01? 4 ing apartillents re)oiny tutti air: N 0 T 1 C Il Apply t" INV Villi, WiTil .1w) il Times and Beacul, -I-istirance Comp' mablille. and Ille N't't.. 10, Mft, JAMES MM A V>1 lirres clettred, lit I)tttlill'* Creük-, in the Y* lion iý raid tu niait tingl The F-tate lit 1 large and cotivenielit, and well -ili (le C ILI., r is a tir--'-ritte oir-uffiv ut Boa- Tmiwiistiilï)f l'ickeriiie, týrllit, (jr tilt. ililli emi- NSUI'ý\N1'E etifeotod "Il P"Iiltliii-,s ai;iI their th, 1,,ý.st Win",,jJqu,,r-ý and Ci,,, iluisle voit S I., L'. nu for Ille ofa Youti'lry, cesIgioný hergil am- loir aures (if titelittq, lývie.ri, hitorri ,ttig)II -"4Ulp icti it-lit tlli"7ý 1 un wolliclv fittcd Ill? ýittii1g rooloigt p Il ca ItIN Ajýý rit. lit Ilýv >t,-rr kit, CIOOD 11-1111) liý00D AND CFDý\R, Iticm. ' 'Itllv2q, 14,ý no-1 abolit l'IN F- Tir, Nirh',le t» bu A(;-NLV, 'MICHAEL McCAI li liv 1 1 - . 1 13vrun Si-1-1 tir Evit1výl, tigvilig:r lor erlaraticly, tý) igtiit ; 17 hv, Il L I V E P, PO 0 L I)tir(-I)ttsf-re, i t a . j-- 1 t 1 la t aTlýI 'I i1vl,ý 'li. Ni. Tite Ai-gr, gitilaited abolit Il-, 1 . ___ - __ - 1 11(1 1- a . i l'il ri, 1'. - OPS Ulile-Sonth ef the* VillQe of UgrccUW0o(lý Provincial A-"ura-ace 'Blacksmiths & Wagzanmakers Sli 17hv, L-t iiLtains 44> if. Apldkýation tg) bc titaju tu TKilms-Oti, tiffll lo Yor gale or to Làget ait Liverpool, GEORGE 11ÀLLARD, A lile(;s T.r V suit the Tw, f :11- 1 r f \V F N T Y NI 11 ý1u_, 1. A ST i ) F To H 0 NT4 Greenwù"ýj P. Piek-g-ring. wi'l titi- trit mtiiiitv, that lu Kail- Oct"Ircr 2r" Iýi 41 ,il Iiiiiblines tinâ their isi -te r ý^tabl' ied liotel, %vliCe ho %%i WjfV r-. %,Il 61vil) bit., a anil a qual J ,ýery iiil'.,r:eiiLti.-it sujoillied on the jtl.sjiiesý . il fkitiire. 10o i of ;in Acre lit laticl FARM FOR SALru, t o tho Il ndeMiLYnq,ý 1. -4-11 4-It lit11lý igig! Ng)tliiitg hto lit, ehort jwtluice (4 Ille Kiiieýti'il Izoatl. and V NLU 1,I3IýE VAIV CONTAINING loir Tri%\ (1litic A-ci-tit, 1'%rý)ii ýStjt:o, Whi I)V. Bv ttilýl il',tcilti-,Il, ki-C For Sale or te Lot, halids 'if 1 the I> - lit clvaregl, lieing ý%'jjith K, 12 tly' tilbl-V, 111141 [1(,Iiel)littlICbIL!'ý4t %Villt!lg t-l' itltifO lit flic ftllvn% -ixit. A col:X1 I)II"itieït§ in both 1,ý 'bu dolie 1,N. ýttýivly unir good work- N 1 1 JIU N"10,11111111Y s1l1E ý l.1l r' tralle., c4gii 1 )IL , gi. 1, t 4t i gbF i iiieli. Thore is ri suRA Ncl,. , lie tir werit 1 lZUN 1. 1, ýl11v tit, LIFE ANI) lin.lLilit 10g; L. A, ýl'1e, ill.1 M t'ý1 rjýc For furthier 1 te th - y 1,0G 110USE, GAIZDEN 5, lýý:l7.. ', ira il .4,1, lit. 1l-RDY, The British Ainer riendly Society ttï"l"iq Il%- il tl'iii-t%-, t., pl- 1 (;um RAILROAD 11011%; ,,ne. Tir(., M ill lniý fi', i:,>,. NIýî, and a iieter igtince it,é atý iý,1l týt .1 1 î:, 1 57. 29 flic Friiiiie Iýarn1 '-3titlilt- lind ST IR ( llt-,tllli. )1)*-, Elt 4 lF AN 1) lit fititi. 14 I!re r't lait 1 rlý Niji;. 17ERMS -.-Onc lialf ý4 tjii, plmba>e (LiIe \% * er, ai Parm for Sale. will he mlgiireti Casli demi, and a Niortgn.,l. 44- if býv i,ý,tt il' (ýL-t tý, fr-mi, Iliv Nfer- ýcriI)er Iý1 11:1u, ýi \cIt Es ()F SI-*LEN-DID LAND. LoT UMI Ire takýt-ti fi-r the brilulwe. fil lit. Iýý ail- 1 ffl aitil t1w lrn%*(,,I;ng voillint nuai ii),, ila. ý,o ùlù -taliiietit-.;. A lllvt,, 1 ll,,i lit, r, eill'l 1 rigtile Iq'r Ille lil of' Thorali; 15 1 .4 tit,. ý i 1ý l'ri- in iv RIM ARD W 111 T INt liait fittv 1 '.i", !Il il Fulrm le sittiatied williiii 1 i i ilcail olb,,gý lit ili'ri ýI(ýil, Port lien r A ïr-t -v, fjvl)t-ii-irý ill titi il f.,ii r iii ilci, of rion, (in t lie tritivel rond v, Or if bý letter, jKýnj p ' I"r" &i.., clatl 1 Book Acroutils. Note% or Matit 14tu lailli L, of tilt- Ieýt and i.ý M e 1 EN T FI 11. notice. glit kvjýt tri& and LOT VOU 1 Bry-ork No% niI-gcrý3ù 44, F I.: 1 1. ilS. tilt il 0 l'S C tilt- .gýigtrv ý,f.1.L jT<,gýd wiih 0, warralitcil tire rflAND SIÙkftSs 1 SE LOWAY'S PILL.St ooil fliriiiil)cs the materhd .*o*f every rie and fibre in tile huruan - Vhieil plire it mecitres Ilicaltil tO Vvery lion c--,rrtipt, it neces-wrily IIOLDAVAY'S ý)perate di- Offific-1 lig, tilt prinel If», of illiel deus t1ic tiiziý,1,tv, wherlier IqýtUted in S, th 1*1 t'ile livor, tilt de IL-ilil tLi. bralli, or ally cetilu; ,d Throùghout the World )WA'FS PILLS are equally effle-acious Jnte common tel the whole huràan ruS, iorder.s to certain cliinates Alarming Disorders. and flerangement M the liver, the itifii*rtiitv jind"ý'iifiering. and the cause L rable 6ath.4, yield to'týllë.st- curatives, cs, liaivevtr aggravated, actiiiý aà a rgý4tiv(','j aIttreîtrvc and t(,)jiie; t ey re- pitrit'v the Iuiî1,s, and invixor- elle a Jïf tl)Ïe()IlýStitUil4ill Ut the Saine Wedkaess--Nervous Cômplaints; ali Stimulant, fuil, tho -ronovatîng and ý "t' tIleýe PilLs give firinuefis of Delicate Females. ecfflarit;(ýý anil aliments ÃŽneident to the 10VI cergitit.A of tilt- sex, but- in- LItern1iý,". N,,) mot lier w leu regards ber hCultil should rail to have 1-incet," the Ionelori "Medical U:lý 1 t1w lti,,,t eillinent 6f the fatUlty ýt Rrititin. Fmnee, illid -termany' ha-ve A t1je 1111s AmI their Inventor. 11Y 1 »ýi I! -,î are t Ire best remedy in tho

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