Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1858, p. 2

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m nom iiiiron itailiriv j'ompa- en -..Ymr Jurther ine as 4 over 1500 men. Cf n'et Cimýb--Il fléftýD(I-li afap ol'utttwn,â Bay Teý.ritorj-. 111 ILý ily, are as s.iiigit' ver, of iLs exhibitions; whilc tbc Coli rý,l jjij beel, Co, tilen. The refusal of Llie ratt-,paVer-> of the '1,1_1 il,_ , constrile- the fort nf 1gainst the whole, 1114 - in the turc rooni, and ill flint tend Y -for t I)ç)-.v-r of Tiplinn SiLih. Ille elpiniiij;t SI Al. alLer two Count% to sanction the By-law -tkiiig tasýre ntifil elevite the 1.itçilec The formidable for(,(,, of Tippocb Lý;siSt il hion Of flic 1 Ith tilt., the fôllon-inI- nntîee Thcîr el -stocli inust nôt, bV any nicians, hv his French auxilliarieg, ron.-zisteil of II il (if qeveral inaps of the1.ýb_ terril 0. ju, iriv h dëýcrt0 h h fair -1.liii;jý i fil i) lorti'veon Bollile. ,t aria ly y t e be ùtkeri L- a defext of the .1-nent. overwhelming -irmv.of 191,00tnien, a r,,)rl)g -kqued in L enterprise. f t Common -'onTillôien ql)t"iljerdiý)âritoyf tllý ilotse or Ttellieqetgipineý111lis huit pnnrlv for o il t_ 11.A Ill int rven defer i trv under Colonel Co,_ of ý the rillafil ýl1 V !lt i iLl, pre)-,eciition- The nf Dirnpeari infin bY A* 1 l'i ;IL Dirl-tors have at present Nfurlieipal and sirnv froin the 1,,le of Frinre. iNfoii,.ietir privâte Qtorà siilbýcril)ed tai their books to ýtir own rown ýad, lié- lier complittiy tire very ciipabl 7, r fi 1 Ný.\, lil v's corpA of Europeans anil natjveý-. partmérit rtilly aclK 1 gh to Mil- an(j a in- and deligliting ilieir iiifl thf, .11nolint of an-J troop of disT olinteil French cavalry 0 fr) n Ill' i)leilanl repj»Iiitc, C'triton strurt the raitifi half tvay to Bc-iverton 'n"e il n à to its ta trii.-;t thit thuir next viý;it te and l'i-enc:i i the ýliitrititir,, tl,.e whole ý,,jppnrted 1 lented compiler. The plitilicity ý1h.,1s given mect with 41[fer ,in a-ssure our cotenipor.-in- that the Men hy !In piece,.q of mni-Inn. J'he *,go Instea > to the capabilities 'A of British North Ameri- Wu ýIire informed thnf th, T; 1, Alimîril lia 1 die coiriposin- thie I;o-eird of Directoi-y are n"t 1 from flic midille nf Miy, Ca cannot tint prodtice important resultj, in, another coficert in Whith (If* Cantin river aii týc part (if tl1oýe ývhu arc; l'ke'y te Stand Pt'l' 'ben 17S4, a pei-îibtl of néitrIv ninc montils., by throwing thé broad light or inst., and that the chir-e 1 4* 1) 1ýl beeli qent i tileY hive so, S ccessfülly carried throti-h day on a Ivill bc rodiiced to 23 cemnL,;, n when the - -on cýipitiila'ted tipon ternis vnst région Il i th erto shu t up fronitlhe worI 1, 0 a(,Celpt tii( , eater hilf of the prc)jeeL rhere. has hi, IV lionorIble, and jn3,fully accepted J'y but which is ilwx- gr 'irrir een P kind on the tn bc Uhequalléd tne exigencies ci the times. Il r rf>iillt i L. been no of ,Inv the rnernv. Detailr oi the "i-o are given in its fitne--s for colonization an flong Knr-,g, 4-, ]W; nt pirtoi the Directorsof th- 0 - à th, X_ 411 ffl (êïý 1 4R 41,41. e Port Whitby 1 À wares sketch(,ýq of the titi n t'xbridtre- (Îrammar M in ýt.ijor General Stc tension of eiviliL 01 and huinitil happi- and Lake Iltirlon Raîlway Company, wh À rA T 13RITAt"Ç. 1 1) ' Ilighland Ile-gîmenfis, ptiblisbed in 1825. neSS. It iq surprising that the e Are engl,-C-(l as activoly as ever 1 #3. 1 ta ý 11 ', 1 in seek-in- During the entire perind 'l'lie frstiviticl,: in honni, flff thý- approacli. Il -tle seige the TnE 11UD-ON's BAY QUF-STIOn plu of Vxbridge 'Shoiffil allov for other aid te oomplete the grent worli el. Prilicus Royal were the ! girrison was kept in close t1ockaile with mir School to fall into distise fjl>!Ili mlit U)pie in EI1ý;I.tf1d. they have underraken. Thore bas just been iiqsu*l là London, ont the -mallest stipply of 'provision.,;.- 1 hoped that something WM 1 by order of the flouse of comm ris, aset ljr*lý'I'll)tlb,. t gi cat inany vÎ,ý;:ItorIz from , Reforritig to the cituge-q which led te the The iiiisery and privation-, endured. by the of three tnapâ i1lSstrative thi « fbf, (.ýIntineTit, iichidi of i that tive new T rustees have 1 ng flle lýilI- of 130- defent of the Railway By-law, the impor, Trin. 1 el, th- gim . an troopl; proved fatal te ntinilierrý, m,,tny be- tant question. The flrst, d i ei111Ilý ýl1> Il itl-1 in'l to -, , r d ntimerotis Priç,4ian Ilritnices, #&c., says: ed to fill the vicancies that 'cloo vre the guestis of thç Cnilrt. came totally blind, Ind others were go %rr;)Yrgmitli4 shows the territoli claimed the %*tatute. If 'ffle Trustees 'J'livre balle. oconcerLs, and 1)4'nI]UCts at The Town.4tipq compriping the Nerth. weak ft-ont . litin-ger nnd exhanstîoh hat by the flutlsoWs 13ay Company ýn. -virtue botter, why don't they met tip err part of the Cetinty of Onta of the charter granteil to thein by, C Tii-- iruido, says 11-if-kînl):iiii Pýa'lacv, anil fé.stival 1)erftlrn'ian- , *the r" -e rû!ý at lier Nlaj ce nt rio OPPSM they dropped frinwn when -;houtilering their IT., tiýt,ý llfýjý, 'rt the Br-law. A glan, tha 0 if the Crowý RCI oi tion list, and circulate it amon esWS followed cýa(:Il t qection of. possessions f. [V t effered. otlier mp Il -,,,,eeqson. reuntrv, a M-Ip or the firelocks. "The troops," qa3,.% M -ce- Russia hein- distinguis in à g Iiid down en nny ajor bed by colors. The and 'onr',Word for it, if they 'l'lie Diik-c of Devonshire died stiddenly 'I>rovincoi and a *knowledge of trm factg. nornl f,'ýtcwaM 61 were reducýd to nearly second is an jiboriginal map of the whole =n in on the l8th -fan., of paralysis. thata Railway ils almady bliiit to LînAday, 1 one-half their original nulmher, and one- oi North America, front the sa ý hand, Let Mr. Walks and i sbowing the boundarieg and - tics of Il and Oint is , the intention or me * in- inon-.L-tke the il The Court of I)irectors'of the F.4st India the Company balf idian tribeus which _rly terpris owiiincr ît to push it along to Beaverton the remainder was in the ho.Vital." the variouî Il er, Ille llf1i,1!ý1I ïi""Ie of the 1501. in its Coiïtl)iinv haf.], draivii il;) a petition Il IC!, ellition, a letter dated t', l'arliii G or lake linron lit the earliest pol;.- They were compelled te ont horsesf frogs, isthàbîted the continent. ' The t is a once, 'and, unqiiest-ionabljr, i hird tmclnt, again,4t the triinj4er of ov- - zible the re- erriment of India to tlie-Briti.mi) Crown. moment will nt once explaîn why the dog%, crows, catflh, black grunib, and it inap Of the Rudsods Bay and Ind e ritorjcs, and the northwest part of arfadn, crowri their efforts. LI t the ý.,' l-if lit, p.11- l'lie digniLy of à, Baronet had been con- 1 strongest opposition came from the qûartlm-- nnythingeIxe theycotild>get to support, tees féach'thli old osso file; whi wh;c -le they were 'harrassed on evéry h they will net rcadiIýý foi fil. iýý Cauchon, ÇoinmL-,ionler of ý Crowý Lands 1ýitýI o ;%ýI,! Cý hiý (the %yidou- liad be2n officiai- Our cotemporary is agnin in error, when gide by a vast force well proçided in every at Toronto. This exhî 'bits ' notIl;.(* ferrl pou the son of Gun. liavelock, and it did. dravrn,ý,by Mr. Devine, fW the on. j oncs a iladdiery, and 1Y Ilc-1-ired entîtled In all'Oie lionorg ivh,'(,h he q-lys that " the Townships comprisin of 'th' ýlY the Ji: éci IIýilfiIi 'IUA Ind private kziie would enjoy-M had her husband way- and cxceedin- them in nuilibeiý'in the ýltC]3ERTà" NE sur- the 'N'orthern tien of metieorology, thofiormer beffle 1 ý Elguebere, hl this i issue,, WC Si it is qaid. 1 vivetL part of the County Opposed proper l the Bv.l.tw." Tbree of the Townships ise new -building 'Ide no by. culorp,, dehoting the different, senltatiowof this; Against these Odil'4, the garrîkô.n.of -Vitill f6rmation.% and 114g l latw by ise hernul handsome as it looksÂts exte lie of lii:4ýentiii). The Theefîectofthe explo-eioli-ofthe tliree iiQrtii-ýlart and Mtma, Reach and Seu galore held out as we have statcd for near- fines The boutidaries ore laid dcwn,ý.&.Ç; ancQ-is f4r surpa&sed by the le cf illo iý4til Ilva.- admi- pmjectiles at the titile of the 11;1("Inpted 41 ib n 1 -,% ýý 'A xed b 1 suem..4tïi treafiéi and th exist- 1-irge m4jolilies inýfard'" y in 1 ie rlu),-Oment of the interior, of tà ;i (1cý wi-IlLe c1rirrý,e. Ma. 9n9sinition (if the Eikipzror Iiraved, on in- flie would also Brock and Uo- i ing or -prîýëctett rail*rï)-i ee sbo . 'T Vill'pliv ind Nfnerae vestigatioli, to lie fi i ar more diý,a..ztrous than rab. hiit.for the false promises and tais- An account of the casu authorities for thé lis are, I ' alties of thé gar- 1 fronuteip, te bottont. it<,-isin' walq ývý,t8 as first suppos-,d. The number of lier- rison shows the spirit witli wWich rchigon, Dr. relies- flitished 09,,in thebestatyle. intementg made in those àliinieipolities > pb "ve i Sir IL Mu Dalô ü%ven,ý Sir IV2 E -pride t hi: Peile-vliol, ýVilsnti mlint af- sons nielle or less frounded A-11 lit0e, if' s Highlanders resisteil all the 'agmalts ind iér Jaù%eý,on, [proprî ay: wÉ11 .,Z. = - i bY the aýentI;; of the Port Ilope Com any. J 1- igitor, .r be)% li vou li'ave short of 15(), andi, x 6ad died of 0 Rlèhxýfton, Sir C., Si npson, buildingtybich Leirran Sii - bixl!yi", fir:lish givis opt2iiud on the injiirieq ý41-liztil;neil e cajoled' Lepayers of'these lyle , 1 1 evc!ry attempt of thti enein -,The zýxMç- te 'who J'lowever, th ra tloptain m a good deat, tpý the aewLmnee ti dis, The Paris eorreý;nondent of the rfondon 1 1, tips'haïve since had time te reffect rous attaéks were il ived and driven baek- with,-a mpidity ýbatý-para- th s Wb thy, T11 eAowcT ,part i pon the matter, and te discoýer the de- Uàk 61V i t 1 - int, Ion Br tisli Govern- u ly d Tippoo Snib' nnipe- ilcr iiiteiltion to Geeii preferred ul, the i s à, Between thý se one wîll beýoccLlp ed -as:lthe 1 the n rthern )ý4nch o two distinet stores comi clini j , I twlni. I#Iree'limer ,ýity,4 that a forinid dellisand has ti 5 itpon them. They be- le l' i Vrel- lwan ilpt1ili ilient for Ille tiptil.,ion of VicWir 1jugo, '-e 'on p"' ctÎl ed of t leh; Saakdteliewiln fil (lie t lrcla-left f1cr4t, l[fe isi'- Mazziiii, TC, 11-ti Rollim.- and ... Loüi's' Blanc, lÎëred the stitèméntg theri -made, bf the The loss dfe the Zi' Wu a itti oi mill c-etirage (plir tl d- D lyelli L ut qýi; fMm ja 0 divüions the gneî« and granite for n tien ajiý the otber,,nl the 41r cer 4c, it froin tite.Briti.,4h terriïolT. Port ff6pi6, p&yýleý"thit the road frèm, Lin le ýý c )"Ç« extiends, rouni.n-IlOrtàw ke 1,,,( l)aLt1ký. Il(, %_IS Litatenalit to his II, is Said that Rtýfîko ;the. youngest ýof say tôý',BeàveKon liad bce'W aétuàiiy Sm. Kenzie and ýM i4 Suýerior to the *shores of t ç.Ar essrs. 11=940 -ý11 bertât yre ipe -çtic, i*fý-,ilvr, ii-lu) thti.,; de.4i-ribes one, of his acts i the fWian priààQncr.,. h S.,,reveaied. every- beyend the north polar cirele 1 'l'ht,,Devo- Staini lead te g.,14rge-,sbow-rooi ýbë'buiftýliyýthe Côni, soldierg, killed - and Captàm- lyin uartl, 'if ililzp:itr'ý) lýl5ýt Aliglist. In ; t1ilif connecteil %vith the plot to>,,,asuàysinate mith'ànd to partmen . The ng -, 0 Lieut' îhis enanire MUrrjjý, eo- rn part rA "m ývnptIrLf, -1ýii-iii(ýiistnt Have. th qjeror. S'm f, be'yisitciý toýb(-, pýqpcrlY ýLpprei ýth S-.ietut àiàxý tboýwestward nt the nOrthé . In,,k ii-aig jiiv ini). l'aie Gith re- The trial vrîll take place aboùt the loth ancè bëni, îhe à., en a binson zazisb- mapp, yérË.ý Since th ïnd lVelsh, 3 serge;mts, piper,4nd càrd.ýil the gin' iii iietll IC"Ilà Ulllçii iii0vr iii-Lilery fille of February. 44' rank iinà'àle, livolindelf, àý - CO and cucada Mogýtainjq lIvit it liail bifvi2l.01Y gliffered. Thé l'lie cortl"Ondent of the IwSùlon Homki eWô(BMckýthd" 'rÈ" ,ý ale on' t Other The deffence of Y1an6alo elf 'L lm onces p« re " hvrnr&,ôf tho! ilnà plorèd for f 1-w Pa-, y r so 1fI-lr)!,-,ý iniýwl:ry %vercf, lving doivin in .11'ayý,, that on the 21st.tweiity-tw 'thé se tvell des(oriéd at the 't Wé lé ri' rew ' A ý pertiffl Mufifeipalitlefý, s1hciwîriwý!thrè ýùÂnner In reave notice 'it of tlllïýniâc jný1":Livi;ig tilui c7ileiny had %veille arresteil in the 6tarden8'of the Tuillc- If- - ý.) teut, the last. roserved gun dès, eaeh wîtlt it loadèd 're'VO14"C.È. lü his- which it in sought to constrùët the ýýàd eimé in' Énglaùd," add4 ' _,ýZV4:M-qan« of niur th6-- e béén' -h y pôs léon., 1ý4r, xilà lvilli-0 ' Ilillying round it, 1 puck-ot. ng tewari fr Th test b dth f fi' »"ùlýàl r hytife 'p rit -H pe. cý1hwYl;' A" teeki 9 olu the Ortnaçaý' 445puyxiAl"py The opeaing of took, tbýeý aid of -thesý Tô 4 M w lier - là, nl) to riie and advancq. wi* ýs by âtock suib- the ùe-seý'iged ëf th - Wil 'e à Màiý-_h.Ï,- TËý fûe rbý 3ny (itýiv.r ivord Ikoin ine, Lieww Plue 011 -tigelw8,tli And tho F4ge,ý,., t kewlif, twýýitit j;4ý'UIock pIafýU1 4liailielf on 1 la' delivýü»'u4"a'6orùp'arativýly lenifhy Speec 0 p 1 .1 - . ôns4bf11helpurp6ý.-ý- Thedocument ýeftigm., urged on. ythe Îiivoteraeyand liorsc. iâ I's ().it (If 1,14e contre of tfie 64'th, onI tlie.nëc,4rioh. , ' - , 1 1 à4ý . 1 Il ý_ ý 1 ý;#ýJ ý. eâbt*elllk-thMplid, W nètiffl ehewhere &4.etrnltintioin-ý ô the $dl'tàii, é' &gpaý- Il$ 1 ' f ' ' ' - -'Y1 l ' 1 14 oppositic LI"ý IliklyUle of' the guzi. ýLîyor TheRai«dd Parïk, and-thobi*%IW tin pereelfio 61il lriddo," Ptl 1, whie gowâ !Atoý ýHU(wwp :Rayý,4a., .6,pe.ct«teur, formIerly the Aj«jÀbl« Nàm thàt the Poirt fle Ï1 'iWrIiiii, 1 tiietï,liiig the regiuitý,t)ý wab;ý ili LIC, a a platel, ýnèapatlý ýt r;ë,sâ gý 5 f." E pi Cotnpmy, have net appam yli but the liuUteliant, %î-'hoý tioAaleý, baygbeen ýQlfFeJi4, sïxpi" -éf thîi atin erod s(týàtlily el) in frunt ut & 'o, li, ton in of ârtlétëi' 4p '01j, ijjý FW l'We tht4vÉ,,ýiýud 1eXeà4ýton> 1 tb j4iilj-ý'Jit lit il îJý't i)UOC, un The pitinelfiles. ', 7 e!: ý ý , , *M thiUtheir guriiid Wiï,*ÏÉti' d t6l SlIQ', Until tlie ýTl1e fuwb tmoya'ntion'fiîdq ýffl, lyeh"cïo ofýdomg, se- 'Aepm% apen ge theilired ýtbgýtbrS pecenta cIo»dati61M.ýý ting the Municipalities to subscribp-', neir gay in his VMtÉiý.- ýY 'l'on lu %velkt t112 cepâ, led the licv- 'l'bu 411M04U - ýOf tblg,-Ii*a:tiiiàùýW'Éithw ,-ýî A tzi tcýiinikt %irlw still btwtdily on the glau governigént i11L:jU1Sq)iýSéý1ýîngýtW à- mu" $424MO it ma>tw»ud papars Jý D 'à ùr alia- -tourt!4 for tltëw RiideiýÏhall jr ut tlie privZteA run Ilig -of t Of3fane0m Y LââjàLý -ME Cr thlaft the 10 W_51 - t je in- liv. ho -;rniletl ni], --1 . rd 1 v. - lert-st or 111ilicilec to recogn, tze ilfý etAy bec-iiiie à fine exeniplar of"% etual And now, %ftý F.tlit4il. -- ) e M. k- y 0 ', 1 Î 11 t tý s p i 1 i t 0 f f., i r. ,.iay, , î4î, jjjjyIirý: the Va'rti %vlio-n yoit introfince 1 s letirient in thégimple etý. ý of nrtho,7rýir)lty Lct mè bee ôf 11111migil vou nîaY Sinarfing tinder %relve-pennv infliction of yýiir rettim- iper, to -.1il anger fron, ý-oýw ;L De fricild1Y enough to refer«onS 1 tO the letter in- ý;t ventiire i cent, t it iq not t1je or. laphy, bitt the tL*e flon, 117, ray- excuse tÊè n.%_-ýý-.,ugg1y woni) i l1a13ýrUiSle,1 ynit, Bitt to prOccée.ý M. P. Il., next roge, '[%is order doubtjvý5sç; tu ýdrfc« >, ý rc of theex-med 'Ibilkik-P, 1 on. rtilv into siinîIryý nd re. ily ý;e.4'ativc det.'Îl,ýz; eloth,'t-tr inafing tbO dry-bolIc. Z" 4 or hî-; leel on8, 1ýif Il stilidry antique J->e Millers Il as, that A-llibiwasa-liej),e-wbi«j4 a nàan, g ot OIT!-tliàt thedifrérevjý& ýen a Barristér, and ail .1tforuey *jo that theý Olie,ýy&wa PîIL-ir nf the law, ber aèater-pi.llar.ý &r-,' lie then tn,-,Uage-showefl' thé sin.-tilar deri- a corruptiort or pipkin, napk- in. and fliât the English ýeord in the fact that the ,%in that %vas et'r-1. %vis prescnted by tin-adryndes, to the Temple ajupiter ion (A>m1Uoný 01elice co-ziveyed ý'y (lik-e our Lady of Loretto's npton Court, wli ere, a fLer dù-ly hang, 'e:Olne'tinle ' it W.-Ls tut down ; and, the Eng-Jish word this -mas soniotrilat ton jofty c for ther- Tlieb,%n.,; preserit-anti a genffll the 'Lioiiý citt poor Molwatt Short lneËtai k; raather D'iaosm- Suspect, and SOniewhat pedantie ; - sortof niai, to findan unijiscovered ty in-a PGIYPig, -or desrnbe Sotne e 111illeefled pr6ce-4s in the sk-eleton Ae! Indeui ., is not Pt PatronÉnic! lk UUaý now add ýrliamentary hoviiner to bis &Ï. e, and he'li onl.y be a Mole After Hýldiman(I "Lion" next pRradcd L Uliarit:e£ XC patriolie and paritôüdtnîà geffi arc fàmiJiýir to thepubli'r. On-lhe ý0c*Lýion he devotéd -himseittô an is or the UCLS or licrd tbe ard, re- Üýf se étued quite M'Ict, limita, %vheTu Mson be.-în&- Onèý& but led up a % t6 e *eem. le e n i lail 111: lie, mý'cd flinq reportt-(l bv f;(,nerIil Grant in ýllitie laq lit w rr m Th but n t 1,1;1 tnrnentio* Ici Ille wns lIln%'-Ii ilp. 1 tllux"tio* vrenditrit Smelli of file Ul iwo met' mf Imillation of' Ille Firireriz, t;lr.t, iI-ý ,iIf doivil. lý,-nIftineCI Itv r, E ()rie or IlltýIzI3 mf,,,, ppi flic lit lirffm, thr l-i oircrofi titi- 1 .1 s ittte-siI1)(, M. 9 il;"f et' IIIPI j 1411-li Ille by thie Sý%vnr" ýnrý Privite UY c>I("oý lit ilit, Rit Nil- of pri- i ite. pýjreIj's l'illu-d tinfivr hilm lit 0 0 1 fil, ilime iý Poi-IIIIII, K bain. ee.,n le. Il :,rii 1--e- ayrd. Ti 1 V Ait Iiiiii darvil rit Ilori ýiuirfIýz, Uri- E! î cz nf Pari. cri, fi)T*,>%ý on Th iiiItilq Y by it ».lm -Z il 011. 011 the Ubth of Jgn.tctrv. iz"r thtit the 1 1? 1_ '117ii- rniiiiilairi'l".ýi fil bucell m K m cý4 wl zums n lie a Il. fi Oeq- :2liIî tel Lil.. r.i;il, et- -!FI Sofile lim. lit 1 Irient) q1tiriný, fortillide- Illid persevvrineir mi 11 a fi ry 1 -:1 Jl fil 7ýt"z. 'IT(I :tri, multiiIII, jog in flir dt-ffýrir(, of thl- Preziàviic t Ir - now fier ',ý days, il. urir, ni) overm-1 1 nin- il t'il 1"ý il iliti iip ta the p-ri foj,ýC (il (lie (.11(i Thu fdiau ilig despritrilles f.-nili 'Q' ci grenli ICI r- c Lidia Il-,il rit 1,11cV ec fil' (lie il :t Vi Il. I ci 1 fi.(.)t fi Ni 11 fi: 1, 1 1 1:1 ( e. 1 a 1 iÂt Z _'z ment %L 'et il; c" J'ýliIc(l fit) file 14tli of J:ltmirý ýnnd elatud AUXANDRIA, Inn. 14ý IC nl)tairi(ýd bv tt'êllfl.nl Iloite Ï9 le. tl >1 lý, [I'ro tiw 1 . .. ... i r lýiC fif-i 1 ive Il infit iiiicriz Ii Q !i9iA liteil, I., ;,;I"i or i vil Ili illey (ljIIilijvlýý coin- r ; 1, lit; ., ý : !lI)ý .1g lil I Is 'Ili file (lisperidoil ýftllit l'ail V (If 1't'i Iww, fr on Du!iii. Il 4-nlimin Il Il f 'l'rit las irfF in trinquil. I lie O i-alib fri ý-:I i t il il 1 "Cjt i t Cf lie r, CI F. Il 1; T. 160 1 tri! T rnin ........... ......... 1 Thp R ', Yal", t'Ille, ilf, tliiI Il I %villi t1ic reiliaim Ier of file- is i by Ille, off ï1de r r-, -ire ai 'Z , Traite . ... . .. Th,, 11% Il V 'f'lle dvýI of file ti l v, iw of the NaNvah Post Offire llour%.-- lit' 1-I:týýzI)jo;z raille lie haild b-v the lri-il ,Il WIER 14y- frolil 4, a. m. t 0 ri.,Tl) et ;,I-ý, 'q' ý i f*r,,,Ii le 0. 'Il. llo 1t l'i-ni ýI-ré,uv ror Ille At fil, iý, 7ý New Adv-ertisèmenLs ihLý 7 r a 1 r sotnv (1-11 t lie. I)rV i Inol,1111liz. 'l Lo - %iril.l" nIA spirits -finiiiillI->Yl & ROI) eIi-(ý mail, for 'lieni Wintýr ( ýoods-- Ilainil ton le, Re: r livre ro- lin-tel 10 Let-Illi Gligi l'orti- .1. Cortrint. N Iiiiii.. 01 Notice %Voircndon. c'il D 1hi !I(,:Il Ilio ive lri va 1 e Ri'lý -N%7. Il, -(il- *(btilinq -.1. .1. .1. Min. C IL 1l-i:ý;rI t ""i, .1. ,Tý O tto. ,jIlý V, i i rVfIý r fil r Thf- NI iiib) itnd Ljike Huron Railli foi !nd thr Port flopc and Lindimi fil l )11>1e,! cei n ý-. te 1( 4* t'III ",!!i otir rra-le rf-ýijlf. l il fAct, Which In-Ili nat attempted ta lit !Il, fil, I%4.rl Ilieta nied. thrit th(- Port Hlipe nn(j tinflçnv 1 :i a, u! 1 1 î 1 n t way ( ',Onil-giny tigM eçprv exertion i' 1,t, defeilt the 'f .1m -lit- fil, 1 ta file ritepayfi of thi.; Cli rival Imilertakiriý-. no one calild M: Ili lit, %vlien t1ili relit faiti 1 iri.itiritýiiq ta flie, Whith v le, milil oi titi- lude n i)iIrt:oli- ai litc rritep-iver- of Cotitirv of ýPii(rLrin, hv I)IIncntlll)r aile] rh and the J>tll..Iic-niin( 1 ri,,-Iitly infç)rin(4 tlie uýieýno(In thc milliers l'In whir t J- adelressed, 1 l'lie Port Ilope (;ville of thp ">(itti %v ee'l-zifir. fmill in an ario.-le an the cAriteni 'p ', ýI Il Il n it t1à t L cs currency ta 1ý td rit Iiý ft)j jow; 1 te 1; 1 'O li 1 1 Il. 1 c - il. f Oic Tire roilstrtict:mn of Use 'il itb Illîle, L -c Buron-#ailway pog j adviI-c., r(,acherl Lait- l ;,(Iif ifiiii". T bv 1:1111 1 _4 el ie. z ln r., ýotlèlrr pnrt (Il the Gie;,Ielî é:t,.,ttement Colonel Campbell and the second battalion and traversiqg the valleï of th, Missotfri rkil report was féundêd. il, ail prýtnj)îjitV thot-"l'he inllitnitmit of the rntiher#, :èf ýthè Ilpeul 1 1 ýn'ow th 1-.rd tn rart snit-na, oppogite lennentivoter Island. thi- explanatenr letter wolild not hà - 1 gh'tWn(ler The interest which attiches to thi-R va.-t 1-en callefl for. tnmn-tiip-, -;ceý that (Ituj- r,-ruld bc g ýrcaf 1 V Regiment, we conceive nre iLs noble exam territory iuld-er present rirennistancesgilizes tilirs rio.spcvîlfuljr benefitted hy a R41IVmý-;,In fUt thut they ploq nq nny in 'i-ii.çiory." aààitinnal Vaille te tilCeë inap.,,yund es Pe' Te tin r,(.Iîtir f' t:,,- PF cm no Ionger Ire WItholit à rAffid Co inil- The rilixt India Company appear ow , ýtnqnre fuîlY te bave ciqlly tri ' the jast, iLq sh ing Thon 130winalltille B()hen.31,p JZZ nication ý,rith.tlIt grain nnd lulinher mar. been of the rame ý* ion, for thry nrdered th le urcffl of the country, and itf; fltnom IVIIITRr, 9CI Fé-ol.. 1ýi--,7. M elicur* and a monument to bc, erceted at Bom 4w flic muhtry", we Ailly b4Y tri for, colon izaltion. tilt, or the Tli t7je r'it4or we trust mat by this timr the poopie'th thé memnry of CrAohel e4tnpbell'ftn(l th Coqinty Cminvil nt 1 tý int- publimli. > 1 TOV", COUNICIIÛ. cd1n th(. "f tire- -!lit iiàstuit, 1 selv(w lire flill alive to the fact- TIle fol- Who fell nt the qcigcý andýa h-.indL4' nf ný i assertion of observe a report (et' a çpflri-il (.01111ilittee. 10arrn"int. fol tilte ý'q'rt- paper taity to lie given to the survivorq. nrisigting- of Mrz.j-ý. 1 vi- in vmir InIz' paper. l-if pn is m-tole in g r at geven no rentignorince of the factq: After flic surrender, it is rclnfeçý flint j 'nc Mayor tnolk the orliai and tn asvertairi evho f. vri t, whivIl il' fit, 1 tl*ee"etl)(Ir folite fi in. *'11««tll- the (flic Isnrthern I'nvnIzliipç» 17nlnnel C'.itnibell hnd an anilienre of thf' 1 rjof_-ý-. %il flic inenibcrý; prescrit, except in tire vrar JI4 cf-lit t4,r(-gfin,ý, Ili tel Ili(. Ilinil r* etnl)irkeql in the enterý)ri!ze of the ýý"1)ill)y $ultan, who gaid mimy hnndçnme thingeq INTr. TýûnIavnc. for P. fifrsing, I, large amenait of the Court SoVief * V. wýïýZ. fi-littl lb ly pnppr. N'en ri v 'Ïýlery pi-egition lzgttyri(lil oilih 14 ri fer. Morelle. thilv Wntild liolive lwen forerd tn pav sm- inade rrTrrtn-%*q rrr5z" ýN-rr.p. file, tm. mnre for rnMnvc*q cif r(%ngtrûcttn 1 ,Inn 1 on the gallant defonce of hiR garri. in the roilbort bviIVý twill Pliiiel- Iiifit. tir t1ili lIllqt r-*Ilirltls ell thItov niqctistM ln extend flic Port Hope, himapm,."ntof lin Arflbiayi rhitrnrantl Dr. .1, Z. ( "Iziuit vor tn gft Ynnf.tvrýz ri,-Pitt. on tir,- of1týýzioqI. f-,ir trio . linfltzav nnd Beavertnn Rn-Ild, tionS in spien- sabre.-' fin(I hella -cthcr in ft ninfiner s, The feu.ýt.,4 are I)ritýliv ftq folinivez ttlnflll Nfr. thn Btite.ht," for the te) tjI,ý reeeffl K111- did ru rast te his A not(eof 14foil, riI*»fle by t1ir In"'Jz order as fftr #IR lindRAY, and, whtrh Wtned' rf)mplete è1rint repenl if tio %farkpt Bv-livr. (Ir -Tante- nt nt file snille time. woulfl., ]IV qelecting liq weil as tri hiq own cruel trent- j t'e(l Amtz-,,or; j 'I*rtastirl!7 te) thaf le-id of Ptrirt liolle as theïr Oitt- 1 Il [)!!fier pot fer the C,,tTntr Wardeii, 'ýr. i lIlýIN-1 whie-ti linq fiiýtitigilil tel, hftýê hern inerrnq-n, t he ('0ý;t or ex. ment of the iinfnrttinntP prrgnnerz whn fell of 1,*dwirft Vald-ell fin, l'P npr>oiittefl ('of- Tti Inr, ont, %1in or be-eth. y e for rwoth. infrit their hand,-3. While Ille vnli.lylt (je- lector, or .ýss( %va-Z &iven ta Meý-;Qrq. i l', storni fo i chrincinz their prnfitie' "titttl,, ': tri rtoirw te) havf let'f'rI -1 Olnrer A the defent of the --k-now iq now the theme of ail 17th Notir. payalil-2104 %inrc)i, U-455, in tl- nr fonce of Lii fl,,tr of Z, l'lie proportion of (lie £100,noü CAlinty (Il nnel twill vrintititit, to lie hort-Ilftel 1 nt, Rarirz of l'P')(-!- 9'. frill'i' vi-hi, Il lirais ;nl CI rit trl.,iilIl Il to stir the Brit;qli QO141icr Io , nltnitte Iit poititp 1 t., cinf(,r xvith note frc>,ti (,il !P - 111. 111,11, Stock rcquired liv the ýViiiiiýiv corripnny, mlitchworsl tile I)îrector,, of the invia-i il Il.-irl)(,r Coin- innrf, irriervil illil f--jjjli,ýq whicli Brock and Thorali wolild llav(. tri ileeds of hernism, g (ov - linlihlor, tv in be-ir, would not lit ilvit .1 ý ni. flint th ilec iint" w av, liriii rfIýè" in l"Ir rio-Kt rptieli more ilian lant defenders !.hniii(l flot bc forgotttn. fliv "r fli- on fit(, of' i'lelto-1- Unimela, t'l 1 a f t"I. 01. lialf t lie rimoulit of,;tork - i', 15.1o) nvittrr 00-Têt-il - in Lhe and thl-ri, lpirT nq rýnIrIfV firtulic, -ý:I , prie- lit-cil llill%- 000-get doIvti fi)r th(-se mtjnicipnjitje,ý i How the PoÏt 11ope IP&.allwnv Cotupany tl,, Rn-ill Coliiipany nat fe-t-1- te., if toi %výtf-lje ýj) z, the j ýorf 1 lopc, Cotnpiiiy*ý-t plan, anti vh CI; Caradiari ri piroporiée, to brûlot the Rond tue ing at t,ý jniri in file- tri rrri,ýýv t!Iý note, tvi ir'i f.iiit-fl. tint (if ýX i 1 1 1 -j 1 nt-itver:on. opinion, %vithoiit firýt Ilieir Tate qnY (heY are Llif.1)'Ii-ticq fuivied :t),e)vf, bloq. (Il- tri enelorý4-lit(- rfýnpo--ii1. lent ferrad-,iýlol-lnifter. 1 g-etting. 113- adi-eptin- the Port linpe Ife&err. Titir. Fowler ý Vn., file Trý,sVcq il,-) Lit,- report ni )iolfl,-rq orOv. IeItç- i%-oillit hn s:tIl,;li4.el -vith If,1Vifý7 III(f tri file î ni the Brock and Thirerith lvoillil lvivr ln of the Port Ilope nnil linfiýqnr iiw Fin-irire 4 *feniniitffe. Ilitethieig, 1 le-4 111lil file- 1 liolv altif - Iillit. M r, ni a -rnwih, thit t!I(ý filor- %-,,! prtynient fer vilrinirg -tivill T. goli(»it(et. rat. tilo If ! -,;htv 1 cny double tl;,! lirneu-,t have i"ilcl a circulai, n(liir(,çgftl ln tir( lvltiili ivi-r- T'ar Colin )r 111-It 'In (lertn k in Z. %Vllicli their gliqro of ratepayers of the cni1ntiûoý ni 11,oterliotro'f-Il lit t 1 thp note, liaviivr to -il t.f. (in %vih Ille c,,r)tllmittee of Ci- while Ciervon, Dr. Ilain in irticin itziii,,t tfp, and arill loi the stock iii (lie lýL-tllwnv and Victorin, whirh rrqiiirf-q qn!n- little il chair. Tlie !-(-IiArr agrevol tný the Warlfln. ()n af« tire gi-tyitm; "r t'irý-î,-I in til 22 wofilil 'amintint In. Or iliis ont- friend the notice. Tilt- oIenrii;n:ý-lt is il ite 1 1 7ti Der. ,toit tilt, Çnnlinittve rc),4(,. -ýIvp %fr;ffitt, ýffirrar j-!- ..q.rlt ql rr(-îý çýcoT-% ln A-ý ý!.r4t rýiiik ld oo;,l#',1,ý iii-gy sati-fv IiiiTi,,%elf, hy referring ln hist, but came inio nilr bands 6111V a fo'W ()n innt,(ýri for ainplitiýi, Dr. 11,11n cli- a rInti, or .1t, t', 1 alli (ný 1; ;4.rr. I of Ilin fliffervilt futid the cqualizefl roll. pliblislied orlays a-- Niessnz. ']'.il We e & Ce). sIV . -z ta rvtr(ý 01,, t 1 ý!;iIIe till a. la i ûr limir, tiriiing Illilirers, as hf-inz to-, ilizil. :111-1 The aillourit V.*.I,.;£I.-), 1. il V f h e li (ý e with tlèe iiiinutcý oi the Cotinty fpel otirselves bouilli 4or 0'iroere? til-IVOI], in in ordvr, to, lie calil, the t%% fi et- tlir(-e 1 inif-,; thit titiv),int ,Itrilirrrr ieer- -ive the (,xten.,,illn (-nynplet('Il In netver- -r oltstc11ý g-il, t1vit caril ni in o-n,-;t.-ý. *Yoti rtiiit bq-ar iii -ýîoirll t1tat ilis inn (et> nir ',tir Ce .ItàjIe tire hý nve tlic niitti )!fil t V (or Il )ri 1 air lie . P. M. llow -siflecting Whithy instend rff-ýPorL :Apn, likewise titi,- cýnnro-tion from Petrorbn- t ho, arrounts Il(, 1 t 1 note ri-it in Ow fer Cana. 1 il') t-ýi)rc v.,)ii, Mr, il a. Ili. Ilopoc n,; tlicir (the Northrtn To%%-nqh;p's) 1 iýôugh telle onem(,P, - lopropriWed tre rari, rr ixe m 1 arnniltq iq thil (la not - 7rri fir file,- ff-i7av mitrrtain, flint it t riwre Cfirninitte Nort't litarol. position tir the ïï 1 th!ý Btirik. lewl lvaý; willi tu Mmir 1. ', 1'll;q tlit-v fIn nent ffopprir te t oiitlct, would increatic file coAtof exclinng. 1 1 0 ""th Wnyll, I nothing to 'l'i, %% it1il, *,Wý lIf Cii,; là;ir- inz4ý, wid (plito ak;11 tfý tir(! ing their I)ro(lTjce," vre :zhould lik-c to-bitve jre§ard as nny g-rrat Itintir;tnce ; nnÉi 11-ini ;zfrongly tïo Ille lZ'i-tiirnitiý., ticiiiRr in prýv;tt(. so tl*,-,>ý, ilIý,tT 1 Ibt-IleýItt t'foi ilazziirig oxplairied a little more explicitly. ýrMn 1 propoix4to adopt the fg,ýlloçt-ing Iblan for tir(, rliarginq *t prr t!'tertl, ege-li. Il(> far ý:n gnoil. Thic nt-Nt jroirit i.,;, illat t1iis Nfirthlirrt Beavertan tire Port Ilope market wntiltlbe i purpw,-- -l a4lay for Llwii, atil di-f- if) r(-iný theý lit- dif. 7-2 miles; froui the saine point to whithy 1 FQr courities or Peterl)nreitiýýý anfl Vir« h' jl)je,-tt-tl to t'l(ý tir(, nnoil olnrtt-,'n ýs r'Ortily tir *114. tel(j filli, for z. fo r titi rolifitl". Miriftti . rinrIn, wollId be tiLstâtit 42 in lenviti- flf) njilf-m dellienturen tir, 1 ýg to tOria te - issue wni; ora W-z; r-olveilf-il .4ýf-in, ho, w:ii(-h ho luvl e I ,- Dr. Il tri, The, rupoirt railmay travel, going and retitrning, in i file atnount (if ............. oiltailied 1(civc thiî sillif.,Ilfl- Iln(ivr the fer favor, of Whithy. Throtigliolit file venr The ('otintv of Peil-hatil ....... 5111, 01 if I niront. anil iiiw-ed a i-ellt(,iflr fil(. n'nraint rt* wý)wIf f-,k Olo- rziriii'e--» lIr(>(iiit7e of everv kinel brin,-q a Township of Brocl, ........... 15, of I,-) n-c-)-jitý for titi, N,)rtli thp, Ir,' nt,, ie-i n 1,;,-Ii il,, 1jlýIto-- 'IV tri -% .triol ýzIiitIi W iirill; ta E l el IIII., ' tf) lot- 'l -1rh, nit 1 Ihat t-il' had je/ M!' higher price in the Whith l 0,60 ) :Itlfl tIlýý 1 !la, - y than in file Town hip of ThrIrAi ......... Mr. Variiold for t'he Cemire, tel -£':' - ' I)iltf.ltl, t ' - 1, 1.) 1. :; per o-rtit waz; t (7 e. titi IIlSert tfl') Vort linle inarket. A t this, dzv, while flic A grant of Governm-t-It Land.w; 5Aý0(eo) 'Ilic, raisf-1 lit orir-Il-Lir f7)lil) fer- best Fall wlicitt sells in Port linjIi-, for 4s, il M01 1911,1,13 pli tliel'%oati ....... 1 ilfi, lafn, 'Ind M,»I,ýI,---zI.ý.-ý. pt-r t allimint (if llî-i fýwÎ-î if 4N. in W hitliv. N%'Ilitbv jet Rotîvc i -, rz, - -fil,- oi lit i'f ili.'z a, ýf'-i w IIi(-ýh pai'l ire Irirt il%*) nfitf-ý (ef i?;ý*»-.,tlý-e Fli, the natural nifflet for flic Northrrn '1*01%"n- M-ikin- in ail ac(lonril, and 'Ir î n- ri Pi.11 te I 1 Ninvar intininov(l t'i, týIi 1 t ý!, at B ilik */n. ozilipez, illid beillor the Cotility Town, il ie 1 Quite qijttIrÎrn! In hiffl-1 Mnil eltin. 4:, [lie Trv.i-ýL'rç-r*ý. boliell cofilli tilt 1ný fi)unfi th* Il fli'P't l' ni T! I v theretite iiiii-ibit-int (,ý flic Colintr il-,, to miles, if ro.ad -'Ili front liri,14.'IV tf) Ilenver 1111lrI-1,1 tliii late Mr. abovc :Ir, rill, 'tir. tranekact ail fiPz Cotint.v bii-iness. WI),,It- ton, and 13 mile- frnm Peterborougli ln that it wnillil lie ' v Pir file Colinvil flint a %vas givv'l ,ri Iw- ili î k-ýi4airýr#y evvr oitr Port flotte frientis ln.ýv thilik- 10 Oinemee'; pý #rù1-1 fhooý art, toi take sortie! actinn ini t7le niatter.- -Illair for Liw * V. Il -L V%. on file roiitrarv, we (fi, tint lotik tipon it ,tý nt ýri14nq to imioire thérir and the Coillit v, 1 livv %, ý-,- Ir,- 1;%, .1,4 I-l1iTvý iriz iva, ilifendroi) tilc ail likriv_ titat tte farriner, of -North OrIta. grant ofgovcmTn(.nl lands to tir(. Iin,,Int ititrý,ilii,-el n frer A fIft,ý. .j s i'toi, Ii7jl"aý)It, m K c li i-If lfli>ti,,ýIl iIr0sIifTifý) inol fhq'. i f.li 'rkl, the 'tl)PlýirItmc-lit Of'l«o%ý I Ori-li afid Tre-t I rio, wili prt-fer len inz feter 60 -à-lilit,înntl of £àt),000"obt:tirieli. MI M(-izqr-, Trite Il, hv il,,, oý'o- s irvr. w liie-;i %va,; rend a, f îrýt tirtic-,, atill 1ý(-_ ittr,-ritýr%- ýI cet lie !i-b tilt» fýivl, trsistirg riiiir., of railronqi travel fer flic ple:tqiir(- of CO. reqttîre of, 1.,,, deleenoporre, aril. the'e collet rrntlin.- poýtIlolf-I Illifil rI(ý 1 Ity file- e,ý,ililz tort Port ilope of Wilitiv. t, tholoy promise to tailie rit p-ir. Flirther. Ciptaili Rovre, Nir. NI lorien N. an-1 I'ý in;! 1 flint Nff--rý. ;1.*11;lttl .1.w l T'i-l-l'ir, feil Ille- get a liii!zhel lesç for their w1wit. thev will furnigh ail the ralliliz Mrtrk. rizlit Mr. tbl- Ward4-1, aflfi vi,41orvr 'VIzý of way and statimwe, and let-ti tire- reladi. 1 !Iý, tilovi.r. and flip (TI-ýý. hoI a, en the rultc, lit in: frl)tn honiv. %1,-. Ilixt,,ii "Pint. lie, Irli', ri,-:, %vlif E ý1lZ n. de- : f 0. . ý __ illillituiftý'e ro'l I ý * '%% , linifil Mangalore. when llnishe-1 for '21 vrarq, nt lier rent questvil fil#, tel of the, jf*he'ý;4 Iiiiit L'le týý on S fi -y yetý ilie dil'en- wilich 1 ri. st, i)l*tjrlc.l th br. lia-n jolaced I;i)"Fb T4 1 their 'Ilie livriiil- nr ltic-!,now lins neret, 1 il re'q'. tilt. fii-xl i,,ieliýrxer (tri % refi iril f)r a tintf,. on ver ' v ;%pproprilit4cý (If wIiVýh çlib- if îs, alývrte(I, evrr lerci I)v ,Irly 1 Tije 1111bi ioil 1)»i>«--tl.,ilter toi-1111-11 1 was in Ille 1)0,itif>fl of tc) vou tako. no, nre-,icc -.Vfj-4t- Messm 'rate & Cri_ oz-iv. - Ire ire sure the tolite tv.«iý; proritested. s*cnt ýinii1.-lr event ni) r,ý(-orl. Grent %net glo- N* f e T Il T.. niere w2s prorote,,teil in the saine nionth lion. nieinbç rcel-; 1 of the usistilire of Brork and 1 the i ton riatio -Il %vas flirt' lef Lliý ive bcÉev Mn ;:IV(, that lit-, n-')tjld - nt tile 5:1rile B.Ink. a filet(. of £375, on which 1 or his aliditory, Lai-kleil at doingtwig, Vre train »%,.Qure thnçe gentieilirti . . tI,ý MaOli a. InInr il tn be fiffly IlinterlitIll Io%- tbegallant dc- ,if Ille, 11(ýxt sc.,4111 a to %val, "fit tirs ; in whicli. :;qt ri ci the i they roecklin tifInTi -Il -,r--at f1rril tori inucw ri il, Il nii- fence- (if NI«ing.il,ýro lv caffipiwil Ily-l,,tw pai-1-on It.ý*,%Ial1 blit hiq senatorial -Btinchof Fives" in the Colotiel Fiillarfon, 'i' his Ille townships of Brock '1911 ' rhémih whicli On nifttiolti of Mr. NI I,ýt](in«ell. Iz-l*Oflll"] by n, ne.,v n'itrof i5-2oi, ansi 11-dantri, in o--.I,ýII' tl!o%,t 'Ili n l-, he kralock- refti"d their a.-,-e-nt te) a lil for the- hY liff'. Ool- Mavfir %v.%4 alitlli'riz- aied in «I-,rlngiiiý, ýv.lii:-Ii not mli' toi' t'Il e1-1%VIl .1fl nftlie pealrilng , . - 1 lie rüUj&tý qf Oliýar;n fik-ing -,t,îLýj, "'I 1't i zi. Cw fain. In olke., %%,I.; J'aiel il) ariv celle. Thi-i iýi ivinsling 1-P art of thé tilt, ni fit(, Inilian War (17F,2-1-4) 1ý in Meïr nérii -ire i-er £,44) fnr nt et riic-);lllt lot loss. fil- ýtirti t,)týil if :Î; -,wi tri et). i % ith a chariiiiw, es - Ont tilt, ilefelni-v eef Ma1g-aIiin,ý Il olte-14 C LII.-III (tlIf- per rý-iit. pvraniiiiin. To rrel Dit 10ah. - IAý ", Ire -I v ýn" tn flIII l te: n%6ý;t intf-r(ý,titig i-.iniiic-tit irif the w,-ir," and likely ln ta:o; theinqelvem to btàloj à ronel '11w then iintil Tiics- giveýi (In ïï il, ritirc fief. tt,)t;- fýiY(,n fol nrIýj wliv, iiiiMide the Connt v. lle!-içItýýs Ïhcv kilow liv. tire IlIth ilisfiant, In. CýInibc-l"In'i Çý strirn!. whif-h not fief pet"4il*l *1 lit'ir-t thO thé tlirt-,e (I of thit II flic m-irri-4on limier its i thitt the Whitby 9-'nTnp-tnv-ha rllllljé reneývçti rrovi thiý cu-t, oint ulie h( Ili- tiv- ir, eý;é roilmariiier, Colo)ý_ùI lvid inade haf the storiz 4ilbý;rrihêd h il .11 r S. lladriiJT(,*$ Concert. er of tire flotte wlitilfi not clpi-i,ý(,nL' t!) a re pa i i a defen,-iý thit hi4; been equa.1col i Cenunty, milroaiL wlieren-1; flic Port flope ri-wal. t swar Lot>(] Nfr. Itt,-t 1 and n y - e; t i rp ris s e il. Wv -rere sorrV not In havc scen a larger , -ipeil 1 liq r l ý flank Aý.-cncV fi Yýý; e tFa litrif lQomiitnv liertre net gire tire fIrsti cent. ýf If! ,Ittendan(,e at thiQ lady's nitisical entertain- per re-,iL %va,,; 1) lid oeil Io tw(-) flic Tiie tofec, of this -1rriýzrn and t1jic arnvýrIé[ therè-is *m little cbàneenf gettinwthe-61her nOt(-"ý or tlie Coan"v' if thc [;,,In!£ ilf 1 pper s;torii nptun to catch m L. î ýL - ÎS il: OEIL in nec - flic Fcr'ôýà battafion of the 42tid, very , P ..ý - - ' Il 1 1 . on iviiicli 1 wn.; not in endortier, their NI. 0 harming Friç,li,,sIt accent. to Ptibocribe foý stock âýq 1 eve7 d*e1liý -3 iLq-Itil n (11, à lefr nien of the lo()th qr( ani ont te in'numberso ,etnefl riblc tir e:tilve thi.4 _g ba« 14b, of .£ reil dirc A,; no on- thuc of ThQýàrb and "Brocli, w feur that i.,%t tire -Iiiiby,(orl whicli sphinx sine rcgImêtitýý a dettehmierit of lZuropee in-, àcTt,ý1ý Ill D y of Mo- trente 1% -)einy-irili Ileç Ln 11%vait fantryand -artillery. anil sienl talent issolk 1 wis on one vote of 44vi» ve iîv'-,- 'ît '-.ID they: býw theïr J'r el, 1(Wý_ - 1 pFý: . 1 iil -t the coiiriter in the listiiii Y Il 17. don' the 1 The, at G ý -7.

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