Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1858, p. 4

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%"Il Itl NO N' JOHN SIIAW, Byron Stroe4 Whitby. TFItitby, February 18, is.57. à tt. FOR SALE. OWN LOTS ln M'hitby near the Bav.- AISO Villi %'Y, anl Port perry. Applý te G. H. DARTNEL14 8olicitor 22 LAND IN,-SCUGOO ]FOR SALIC. ACREB,,BBING IàT No. 3, lýlm' CON- 200 nossim. Put of the Lot is good, with vsl"éýtimbur, ana a lrcvf acroâ of gSd Cod"., % 1 t0ý MRT IL "WMMI Wliltby, Jan. 20,1857 1 DAIRY FAUX POIL BALEM TN TIIE TOWÇ$tllr OF ItEACH, ON JL Mh Con-j elxtý Acre& elemd, tuid under a Thercoxe a!Umtid on t, hé &M Pour Good PORTRAITS. RYAL ESTATE. REA Ir, -EST,&IU- DRUGS AM' TCHIYO 811el-D 0 TIS. VALVABLEPROPERTYPOItNAtiE LA14OFoRSAI.Igillgiq[AüïposA. îM OYSTER DRUGS ÀXD MIEDIC' A. A. G Il Fý III N, Aii)lrotvpe Artist,, 'i-X IF- ll"dOTý%igned _Içill fiell Lot No2O, 1, th, IF,,3,11),.qcTibprretnrn.-4 hi-, mine reiiiocibilly iiiiiiotiiiie Oblat hù lilas P 0 R T W H IT B Y . 'Oth Of hta'iPos'4 containing This enstomers and patrons; alial in C ldwell's Nairw Brîek CRYSTAI sAtooNt T a continuatrice of the libellai pw 20(= M illenet cleared and in a good tato Il lie laits been favored, since iro acre lie is pi ILL BE SOI D By PRIVATE SALE, crr on, rad lapon wilicla lnereetea S go(d British Ame au Act of the Third IV Ilace Building*, Vouge mit, -cl)ared te rica Assurance Company, 0. 135 a nexa on the proigraisell; fornierlY liant Nialitifi 1 NCORPORATED underli Provbwlil Parlia- Street, oro Photographie Likenesses, Three- Story Brick Building, zý x rib. and shed 2o >1 50, a 1-09 Buen 30 X 50 nient ofupper ciagillada. fito. Choice Lilu4-)m cigarft, J. H. Gerrie-nmiiid gay thot bis il, t ilc N mtvip of- the liait. lie bas late- d plied with the largest and inost col THIRTY %vith Graury atttcha A.géo 1ýý EVANS & D Xo.\, STOCK OF PURE DI IY illaile muill iinj-h)rt.ýtiit iiiiiii-oveiiigiiktýs ira liià alittint a liever faffini é -0 Iloguge, and Toronto, July 15, 1857. B ),I>,.IIiîlIg, li% which the mollit Midendid cd oit tllûN,(-,rthSideofFimtgtretýt, known , Weil 0 gooci WlttïS.. There is CAPITAL £100,000. ()feN-er%-de«eriptioliyot offored 1 Brick II(Iii-ile with hthm 'l' 0 'Yon ( Ichard Of 50 Imring trees, and a T0,ý,ru c;ý Vhitb g Inll»lllM sud Cherry treeg. 7 Te fartan NATIONAL FIOTEL, N.M. Ali, are fiiiiiiiied iii filieli a of an Acre of lAnd gfattigched. Therc 14 a irond """n"tv 0 cd with tnoetly codur r" tgna Trattiligrance dffected on Buildine and tiroir tllýklll,"r 1 hai t lieN 4zétii ai(,% air M 1 N 1 ATURM Barn un-, eaitable, Otit-buildings un the Ilretni- a. - le 1 thore PORT %VnFTBV. Brnrl I>aints, oils, Dye Stilffill, a '-el th lNroportv a gartifficient qua tel. Evem, inforiniration eupplied on np- ses. AI-II. »tilf Acre Lot oli South tidc orFirst ntitv or contera Pliv trians and farrail Pre-,4criPt plication to titi, guider d y eeâtar tu bnild iiew fer;cc% whe prel)Gred. with n ýjIendid GanI.-li. fum il, large and a hair filles ta reqnlrc"L or il Pnrtg. nn4ltl.?,siLyné.d bctts to inrrin 1 LOCKFTS, BPO;%CIIES AND RINGSl onit. All wili be $ola to-pet -l-,(?rtontaýtprgr- frotta and the pli F.lip, that [je 14 ait& frirrids Horse and Cattle M -l Twilatier. lit& TaylorPos Steam Militqi 1 J'(1112%; AGNEW, l ah0% ... in _ü IIntp!ý tige hIIý,%,Ijpqs a ill lhe il( For partîeiilar-% Tmvellinz Ment, Bvron Street, Whilby 1 th f whieli, lie e,"- --t Iijwrloirig froin P a.in., till 4 P applY tO the ttilll('tý4igileft. nnfl six lititeg ffibint Týiii(liqnv wliere thore is a de- will in friture carry on, nn ill navra neenlint.- ofali kinds, i acettrntely compntl"( Ni tI, tlif, THOMAS SAILISBURY, Lt of the l'ort, 11011e, and Battaverton protection agaîns l'ose and Darnage i (;OodlÀqiinrp aurl Bran(lip?&. F.\(,-elleiit ti) the lateSt in l'hit Il] elloi -Il NI lier lier w iýli 1 t la a In the ! 1,441bling ca a. t'r liol, il(' %%il] lit 1111 tillicci; be llitpl)y tu 1 Ilori lý*liitliv, 'Till% 2', l".57. by Fire. r fil 1 attention for inail grand liorse. Surgeonx lustrumen . 0 214 TITLE 1.,VDISPV'rABL-P.- EDWARD RAY. BANNi NVvclý 1% 4 lobe riq'y till forbid. lt,-,,7. 4.1 WESTERN A Pxxi ihikty"lM*av Oth, lî57. TFitum -lWo kitown upon alspliçliOu, if by SSURANCE COM I)gri letter, jiinst para to BEAVER«rON. WESTERN 1TOUSE, Dnndas lSti If EN RY ROGEM, 11gro --etora CArITAI, £100,000, whitbv Jilly 1,1857. FROM 50C., TO $6.00" pn -------- OR-. SALE CHEAP, 04,wood P. 0. grande tais fortigne and retired 1 -1-1 agi Buildings ignd tiiier E A ' 071S Mgarirffiosq. Oct. 24,tll, is.;7. NSUIZANCE c illst f'l'eneil I)V the wlière 1ý> illf.)rlll Ille iiilint ANI) TOWN 1, 1 content*' Every information iiiipplied on 'T ?Ïoli. to rite rte.lrrtnt] whiarf. IIIIII sl"r."IllItitig eoIIf!-ý -A elNtfliiltFilý tgravellerA pian non- tind Znfad 1 wili spetA the rentitilider of his d all)lieatiost tu t lie iindersigned. Tige llr)llçtn is Il-pl] fîtrni, lieil. %"(.Il kélt alla the tirai: dreadfiii dixe.we il lit 1- li;I. titlýq'il i lie I'n beLrt glild 1 eun lie donc SAW iliLla AND LAND. Joux AGNEW, 1 l'i .1. 11. -11111M, as lierc. 1 terni, iitià% bc imide IN il Il the lep 'ill", apartraientq ronniN fil itirv. There is oP ('ai his eltritest (Icqire heir Tmvellîiit, AZ-1t, 11vron Street., Whithv. Pr, It ici, -r Il, il Prract iclil NI i 1 ler. lZM corrafortable MAN A RTIST, r,:ýýjg PE ýÇ0fD nPa UF,.VTr.Dl th(; Ilest litt(-n- Ili("It(ý to tho %vrirl(l Ill% Irmaraedios tl in ion ie paill to antan raild hirsé. The bar-roolii is %'Pli ira more tirait thrée lý, i-ý.Iilgd u , wilit la Il iiii.-e J.\ m Fs ýý% Ilm Times and Beacoli Asqurance comp eV. i inrgr atid enivrellient. and Il sillIplied with se.. IlIi reliii-rtý4 excli r CI, iI11;1 1 li'li STRONG, S \ W 'ý%I 1 Iý 1 ITI 1 IAo A (IR ffl of 1 ý A n N'ai ri -rtr.lit tir the lieilit W i w%, gris. 1 fil 1 iniwite sle-Q -t-ilaion of tire svtlltýbit t i 11. N. 11, -Tlil ii; fi fir>t nitf, A iiiiii, nt Ik-,I- A 1--gI ncr- vl1 fIrefIý nt I)nlln*n Créek, lit tire NSURANCF efrected oli 811ililinzi; mid their 1 flttèl' rii(lif(ir4 and 411pi 'I'tbtl.ngliii) of' I'i(ýkt-riliLr, front nf the fiftit titirip.. (el ets.) tii Pay IIr Ille F Ilý cOn- content... xell.,)Iie.l on t tic Ili, -ittiin, rImikis for priviate li'n.- S hý.-rptTl cession. There are limi aerem or whiell lie avili reliant th llili his villa J. A * i - application tu the McCAULEY, tinti, with direetiojis for proparii 4 i (if)()D IIARD W001) AND CEDMI, il, Ilý( ;tir lii4l nbout -«A iiereq of PINF_ The wiloie te be Trnvelling ALr,-nt fard Byron i 1.1 1 17 The 9blil 1),,,ctnr hnpes t1int tl L 1 V E R P 0 0 L Sold or Renteil, tqjc(»tlger or gerniragil to salait Stral Whitliv. RAILROAD 1iOlsFý, will flot, ý-e nceý,IlrIt of ()F ltpi)lK emisiiltitie lait,, lie iiiakýA 1 41» Tlle pril 'lm ýýitil-itrqI glahnilt il. Provincial A,,çnratice Com pany. Ili-; w-le object in 1 Blach-sniiths & % frfr0nMqùer,ý Silops of the Vill-elge of (;re.cilwood. 44-ril-t-r leus, t(i nli%à"lltt" to thé mý." 1; 1 %,-/ Whitbli., iLlite Th,- he clin, hertire lie (lies. lie . Appliention to hie infil to r, a- liistiv eelebrnieil for tire cure of% i Fo- Nale or Io Let nt Liverpool, rAI"ITATý £125,000, Wilitbv, and the elItritiiiiiiit%. finit lit, HARDW ARE. GEORGr BALLARD, lin- takeii th(- sibove first AsthiiiitAironchitis, Nervoli-ýAIrcct Is. &-c. AIlIIreýK l'icke.ritigt :and tll(.ir r 1 I\1 t1;,ý Flis I 11ý ..\t ýI t 1. 1 T r I a fi k IZ il 1 - ori h- fitted Ill, if, a lie- fend enrl%'(ýilit-Tit man r." f DOCTOR UNIPAS 41 A figret -rat e Tratible rd lait fi, is Box u'il, P. 4) Il Il % ElIvIt lia. ri and a quarter ners. La &o.. final lie linIl nt la in"Ililetiti aplilicotion to tire undersiiied. ofleind tittileileil. rer-ted Il FARX- FOR SALE. -1011N A G N- E W, notiet-,. AIl Li4Illoýq ket)t rail the preiniltf- arla 11ALME-YlIS Tii(ýý4(ý j-reinises been Intel ' x QI warranted the, 170-lilin, Chnire ("if? -t (iititTI#,e I-f thr Nilirston Rond. tind Travellin JllIzpnt, Ilvron Street, Whithy. - N _ý"rs« - silit 41 THOM AS DOWN Nill 1'. Ný1 Ille lieill'Llft%- Vcjýot, A go(-XI 1)11%tiil"m ira both FARM ('OXTAIN*INr, JOA Whitb.v, liý57.. 1 , - Forest W ine ànd trtidt-s entile fb-ile I)v nnl go-1 N%ý-rk-, Acres. more or lexi% 30 nem,,% clergirea. hein Vifit THE PËRMANENT Ci'li 1-ot No. 1-",. ait the 4th (encelsigion of Br,>ek- - G 1. 0 Il E. Il I.IFF, AND 11BALT A88URANC la** qf Alp Yoir fitifflicr liitriii-tilar,,4 ni- 1 tn There lis fil 4rood Dl'* 11* Il - 1 offho, LOG, HOUSSE, GARDEN & ORCHAE Illailla American Priendly Society Shwnir', M, The Btrit h, -hi lie firr an, 0,etq -q an (,01)jtpi Li ù r pool. -of Canadn, TIE lindersiaziied hvIs le-gl the ftbovê woll- . /14, 1 tri%- find Ir nû% -fril Sprilig of Gond Wgttiýr on ý4 STMMISTIFI) FORTIIE AýSSV ZAN F T -tir lintel. nii(l'iiIf'ý,ria the rt-inis-.q; illilio, a Frange 'Barr4 Stable and JLJ and Ileralth. ltàfflrl-cýrat(id by Specin] the tac' he wolralil aille tir bile of 0Iltý bez t- ýïtnté that it 'ý 41 Illil-linze. w very, I. t ri I_ n Vý, T E R.%I,ý ; A(ft (If Parliainent, 1 -3 Vie., ('ai%. 64. rn. liti1g nll th (-,,ai- enilitIlaitit.-i firi-,iiijàtitijiz f Farm for Sale. --4.)nc lialf of the prirebaraie, innney il veiiid-iiec. and att(,ntiIri tu thê hloo,,I and iiiii)it (if the syýtùin, Getit t I'v 1 mill bc m..Itjîred (ýnali down. and& M,> CAPITAL STOCK, 910111l i 'RE LAND. ý,11ý)T m M 4 taketi f4r the balance, to bc pnid cotiIliblillitv that cati he md -tý»e.blV strate of thli P nitrillitition. RICE LEWIS 900 j If il, ;1ý1th of Thor-Ih . 15 grillai inswntrnts. k*,Ir Ladiv, in a %veakIv st.atc of d.0 1 lfcaa Offier nt I't. .1. B. 11 A Y \V A R la. ,i(-re> 4ilenred. This Fmnn i- mi- RIM ARD WIýIITINC,, Brooklin, Nfay 2i,. 1 M"ine iý ni, ,il Ille iravel rnid on flic remises. M.ira; Ille land i- ,f* ti- Ibtýý,t (illý'Iliti, failli ÎÏ.- in Or îf hy letter, "t Kid, Wî& il. Gr.%FftàL FOR C. W.. Jý%s. B seulement, il n,,elldwbl, Rrý,çki NI,% riiillerl.;4>, 1857. 4f; WFIITBY BOIVLING 8ýlLoo.y. L'ril 1 tihart. iziril.,st4)n- fana a Sgal corgiveiiiont. Lor.4.1. AGEST, JAMFA 119I1>6.iION-, Whithj mer. Alflo, North Iiitlfnf I,ýd 4, iii th(- 1(ýtli Cinces- IUNNEY REGS Ti) TO f Retitil Acents , lit Wliitl)v--%V. F 0 lit 9 A L E M ille itlllnl)ittilt!- of ýVliiti)N. ittid llr'îneeilll -i-,ii of Thorali, (if 19-*1 laiercisi, 1 y of ing, eonntrv. that hp hmm Ipffýpej ille NIarkhaigi Villial IN hich are cleared, (nid front 1 -%VEI.'N STAND, with Driri g Ilon,4ê R. W. oal N'a i llod% and Plirdoniniis,,. i )g ont r T. he 0 tige 'lark M. D., iledical Referee 1 il Iz .441 loin - - Neltr. b% ýtri,-t fil- -hy -Thornas C. Patrick. Uxhi ',?. 't A fand two large Shed,%. There lis Rien tit- il ff'r nelar ('aincroii*s à heIl &en acre of Land, plaiitud with choit: religion, týi illerit ft l'air %V(-1,ý*-. Call Bothwell, 1'. Allcvs haveali Ilorti fittiid fil, iii Mr-t-rnte -IN le TFII'%fS k finit Treüs. There lis a goýLxj Well of wat (,tTt-rte(l ûither iilian Ilealti, ,r i %,,th' new pilas, &v. Alil'IV to IN itb I'ninp. oit tire I)re;tiîjt«. it 1« SON-. D. C.ý % 1 , lâte, (or both f nn-l ever% iifflIrination litr.,rtl(,l P. M. jint--S. G. Ïkift; Evllti,.tville-l. %a eil og It No. 1, Illit Con. Maripona, an the lend- 1 by the L-eal Aig-viit fit Ili, tiltilire. liv all »nIgLiýtq and M t illir ruad toi lit, Toigni of Wlistbv, Iladeav and Illarel, 2.-,. 1 H. KINNEY, Prnprietorl lers in (ý-.%iinda*. BeaIterton, lgith Jiil . Il, 14ý.';7 'Il; Ilithv. Nov. 1 fit Il, 1 q.-i7. 4-1 Tray% lýx-avertoil, which PMPCM' wili bÃ" sold Oni libe- rai tcrrns. Fer ternifla aný particulo;m apply to GF. IV. 1 Il TUE BEST INVIGNTMENT YET thI. ÃŽ-wiier et Neil Bgrioek, (District Lffe Association of Seotland. -t li Il a- ROBSON)q IIOTEL, I»r,,prietý,r in AMMBIl PTn 1ýe ÇI'F_-PIN, Wifrrry, JOHN MCDOUGAM., " N TIIE LEAMNG STMR RO-fal) llý\I.F MIT YN'ý N_ TTIE FLO1-TZlý-IIIN(, Tt)'n'N (IF WHIT 1 è ý %% %%%%x ki-1 V BY, is to bc tý.IlljI ili th - -f flint wa% Carpen f hetiveen 1%'IgilliNý And This %la 1 , -k, If»,, iýik.;7. 4 0 Ilotc-1 fais been refitted rifla f#àrniýheîI ira on f 4 ore lu.-Illle prIIrx-rtN oit the lla>:. I., nvil k-1 ý I.. il 1 Emr-»Cerni l'y (,'Zrrf.,r and Art ex- i r, the Estait- of - Ille liate l'APTAIN (;Ft>lZtiE c-ellent stvie fir the laeliotientofiati. pli 'if tmvel- I£rg. EVýgiiv atteiiiiI'il plaid t, triveller., rand For Sale. -4 TI 1 EW. lin-1 niiv niferfil !ý,r sale bv hiý Exevii tire best i)r(ýý ided tor mal, and > t krg. Thi, si-13sciliBED C.\ l' 1 rIa 1, 101),000 Sig. 110 grilié. L-êr A steadv 0..;Ller always ira lartell ritly-q"t%-o' Acres of Land, A N N L'.-i 1, 1 N (701M E, £125,000 S t g. M of NI( ce 'I'F-S offfllai Land. Illitiiiitairl in Il 49 I)Rùm ORSE, the inventer havinji, a Frolitail en ri a t Mils, lilas sl-ent the i;ý4 ^AW l'ille (if 'Yilrliti -and (In 11EAD OFFIC'F-S FENELON FA'Ljrs hiq life in tairavellitir. hiving visi Ili,. \Vvsi :Ind reliii ligie litiliIli -Iliiiid -I Ille liait'if lwt Noý 7, in the 41h t'on., in g, FI-ilr li-15, -fi the il iii S.0.1 L'.t is Nvell tinibercil Iqcolland-r-.dinburgh-2 Hanover «t. ýAsia iiiid Atrien, as well ais North A iiIi-rý cIf J'Irt This IN filer frniftligir. %%- it Il 1 I:irýl IN - -I iiiiII Pille, aigIl sititated Il P' England-I.ondon--2() King William st. J v'7#' Thi-i llotel i,- arrangea ira excellent *tvie ml:ent tlirec yeurs nation,- *he Ira(] -tillinhlf inilvýief tlie't',rtutit%- Town, grand teriiii- Canada-Montreal --0 Grcat *4t.James; nt as in this Itim'mi- 1ý esterai conintry-it ilitiý,t S'Ion ras froin 'lis were firlIt tilliteIl %çittiiii :1 ft,-%v rolls of thë. rails trre!ltl.% increrailitifiar trièdû ut' rite J'lrt. the rails ofthe 1'trt Jlfljjý fil 1-in4-Iny Railrood.--.ý in Ille Indinn Rocit Ili R, ý, Il 1 il ce i lie i ri u '-,; il wi- ni 1 1-- of gr ýI Il tilt. Ir' ra à a ca'rri a gr --S() 1110 "'e Il fW i Il li'm'ù w1il -N e"r% $(,4ýil bc il il(. în- tg, tlic grtf liée 1:1', t t4 and fr, 1 eic <' 'v i r.% ýr-n le wnnied f,,rwnrd- and ('11>er T in.-détennined lirgon sellinst the wh4dr ýr,-crT%- in mie lot, and prepomt] to 41 o J)ý VýT.%GFgI S TFENIS, Pt 1 t 1 t 1% , ilà .1nali 1,,,r prico mid l'itrtti.r Tin,ýiv;iIpr.s to LA W l)EIîý JAMES M. 1\1.1. ' \N Nv i iii ý\ Ni 1 rii i.w, FOR SALE Cil EIAP. )T N-. '27, ir. Cý(- rr-1 C-mression rr ýVliitl,% ; 1 ýî(- F.ýH)A ý 1 t Bellevil Or to 4j . :_. , I....,- 1. .1 Il ... &. -, .- Il. Li'". ruià%l in T'lie illuinti IX(fflt rom were H114L 4.1t.ýcovereti. li'r. The iiii etlai ftrm« IIF Life A*miei4tt;tn #ifS4,.tlajid * Ist or the delizhifiil Seetirriv. The fixli- %lonie watt the fir..4 man ta &. tabli-.11 rite £-ici Ixe!ittn_,e far iiiiproved prnperty in the TAwn of îng tli4 fý!tk :t _JTTTION , on 41. Fishir 1-«None lire Lt-niiine tinleý4,,4 For tennq orsaie, &' T now extended it-- llleratit-ri% la Britisit , ig ilint tilt ari*e froin iniptirity ofthe h1nod -EW Ytticy, nll-K),Xereel hv iis Tael, 29 -thnt loir «trenuth, liculiti and lire depended tülrlee words c-, aPPIý' Or this Nortl Amprien, îs blx-cil de aitil 13oats prlýviIéd. (lt4ccrttal)lïý aï a ineter-ewrrZ- in everv car ut T tillac, or te the nwràer, if by 'crier te bc pos llp(,Il tilis Vital flilid. t_ Act of Parliainctit for lÀfý Amiirniim-,,4 il; the NORWOOD ]FIOTEL, 1 wlien the Varions passageq bectime elogged tle "k (ýfdirýýetîoti.,4 nround - h t or box; Colonies, and is ennbled to otrer t'in wmai jacili % eac]Z ý JIUGH FELITZ, tiex and atifantages ta RT!sidonteq thore. (I.ATE STr6nl.fN-G"%,) 1 and do not net in perfect hannony with the dý,' the sarne niav lie plaint -con by À in the leaf e blood loqes itg ta the 1ýM1. A litind.4ni r.ird will u --trou ferent fitrictions of the body, th Pie reN Inillsy. The As-4,)t-iatitn iýs aile of rite iniý«te'çtetisi%-e IIF undersigned lias Intelý* ftted "P t'le netion lw,-cý)rnq, thick. e(sr;iipteçl -and dism-4ed rit aliv one renderîng %ileh inforra tica Wliitl,%ý, 14th Ilict, 1 ' and ant,,iirgt rite Briti.1% A-t«tirni T abovc weil-knowil old e-.itilblimFttiý.1 lT0iiýe, or par sr, 48 th lis ýlnsinLr all purtii, gickness nnd di4tyesi; oý teq mav 1=1 ta the deteétion of any portI Ottices. nnd l',ilieylinldt-,r.4 in the British Aiucri- witlithê viewl-faffortiinL, (-nnifert.tl)lt. clicar. evory iiiiiiie ; our fttrengrth ig exhaiffled. onr tics cýnntprlteitiiir theinedicines or veridinf, the SPLENDID INVfflTMENT. eau Provinces'ilave the besiefit (if the Inr.--e an- and entivenient neconitrilit lut ion to ;lie i Jimlili we arc delirived of, and if nature , in not Raine, ktilwiiilý, tficin tô bc spurions. Mý - nuni I)tlýitiess truiisacted in Grent Britain -anti 1 Brenk-ilistâmi, Dinners, &c., prejýared at ail hoiin.. reeimted in thri5wing off the Liguant humars, June Rrd. 1$57. 20 e Irelnild. rind tht nriiple find c4ýti.-titntlv neviiiiiit- 1 %Varm Stabling and ropitiv Sheds. A Izood nt- the blood will bûcaille choled " tid emQe ta net, L, Intin- fio-id.ý, n,ý%v yielding un incoine tA tij,çvard.-q telitive f)-tler nlvav- .il attendilln'e. t n 1 nnd tiiiis our It.irlit of life ivill BIWCK STREET, WIIITRY. of ;£121,joi 14-r jinnutin. 1)nrîný the M'ine- to,41 (ýn)v supplieil. f-irever bc blown BUFFALO IfEDICAI,, Dj[,%pEi irtntit thon tiiiit we çéttbnld kee NSAIZy yeir ejjý 1;i il 11n'n p th April. ]S.) . the riir traniweliona i _t -%v arrièti£rpiiip it- been made to _11SCRIBER OFFFRS FOR SALE arero,-Iel thowe of tijiy other OiXce in Eirt)lje. aýýrd Riiiiele and coll% ellient tu the varinne passages of the body free and.ope FI) Effli THE cir IIF SI 1 And how pk-asant to ne that iýe ]lave it in otir TYbîlity, Fr,-r and .1,7ait ii T t1int popular IIOTEI, mnw aceujiied hy i The Polieyfiolilers !nenr nonc of the rie4k-* of nt rite Qttarterly Fairs fbf(;reenwarKI. 1 x, tilt ving n frontage oit Brocl, Stroit Pnrti)ermliill: Thev are.frec frtj%%, ail re,,-ponxi- N. el ta pur a medicine in yonr rouchi n moly, OU E. 11ARRISO. 1 n Root Pillm, - marinfaetureil fraý l ýtzZ! 1.ho-fijiê. 1'eý» orý;e's Indin 'ples, FwfW.a. p;W, 1;dA4ýW of 6e) filet. bility, tind the 9,iiiit- li.-ýhréd arc giinratiteed. Greenwnod, Janitary 19, 18àb. 1 i pinnt-,4 and roots whieh rrow nround the meurt- litdrin;ttew ofyoi el «tr- ROBERT Il. LAWDER. um aýd ou m A -Sham of the l'rnlitý oftlee Btiiiiegta is aile- in Nattire'-i gardon, for rite heulth '.%IFICrLTICT 17ý4rD -Tién tA. 18Z7. 1 ented erpj,,y year ta tilt ptirticipnting Poliryliold- and recovery ofdi,4enft(i mon. Oneoftherantit 1 ors of flve veurs ittniiiiii%,(,, and i% upplle<f il) re- AlnrUercdnedon froin which these l'ille are ni ide is a 'ýý;ntlorifici Dit. AxOS & SON, -IBU= ING LOTS FOR SALE -fille preniiqiin.ýt i- The Armh xistrelqs just gtop 1 whiell oicciffl the pores of the gkin, and asihit-x nF MMN A.N D qr.%,y XTý4_ Look into My @hop f - 'NatiTre in throwing ont rite finer paý Of rite ci -liait haszilli'cited profit ý aý t'birticen incectisive At RIT the nice th ings take a blialcYor corrtll)tiigiiwîtliin. The étecond i-& al dant whiell l' RFTIIE 0NLY 1111YSICIANS 1-N- TITE anntinl and the antiftai réttirn of pro- I ait Y-xpeetomnt, that opens and uneloff-4 the 1 STATE who are itettiber-t of the Ifthete yon dont like iAý ' A PRIVA-rE.OON-rRAO+,', -fit-tO rite of the flrst meriel; has A bargain yon9l] st;âe im"nge to.the Inn;re, and thrici, in a ft(w,)tliiný Cillogg(c> of S-lrrf-An.ý. Londlin, inse-he e,)ti-4nlied tmw reael d 325) per cent of rite preminui-«--thiLt If you but La ut tÃœe Tinker- mariner, perfornis itiT duty 'bv thrt wing off fruui S t1ictrotruing, niitil !ý lit night, PO",Cbcvholdc-rg tire reqiiîred te pay only ke a- peep i lie retnailicier of tke*e 1d", il; and other liuniors'froýl the lunp D in every stotC and gytsil>ttmi of A l £11 --terling of thpir prëmfuii». of leind situated on the Nonh and Sonth IEW TIN SHOPP capictue sq-itting. Th.: thirdis a ÃŽle 'nie hby tmin*ül& thry adl:pt is th . e re.-iiilt of trp Great sides of the givee ci.mé and double titrent a of 8810 't Si. -fainci; Street. ellodý-emid autoçesge o7i thas, encournged, thov drâw tar ce il ýlaLun. ý , ýu_ _ 1 -, >ýý 117IIITB3- RAILIVAY a. Mach-enzie, Foj.. of j. G. (In Benjamin Brvttn't% -old mî&#>re and Tin- go maqpntw, t à S Mackt-rizit- &- Co.. Merchantil: David Torrance, Wýre SI hupririty front the bl(;)(1. whieh i4 thon tlerown Disea-4ait e ont bitn;itinillv hy the nrinnry or water Ims*à -1 mditated in 6 ý,kT417M &e, & elfght nature in 2 or 8 akvà, at a nioderate ex- E' ofl). Torranee & ('qi.,.Jtereluints: (korge JORN II CoÃŽld net have t;oen élischir The liitnntion i* iiiieqiWIed in Cenuda fur gain r BRYANZ- 'and whic _yod in penite. The outre effý-eto(fwitliont confilliernent- brity ofolimnte; it hm aItTo a cominanding view à In, Ir., Esq., lit* (,ill Mottait & Cci., E sulecRIBEIZ woulti) Al%,N(IuNCF., The fillirth ja a Catl IC5 and orý,higdrance from bbsinelm. e arly "iller wny. cf 1-ik(, ()titerio nnd Wliitl)v ll.irbior-ili' Har- Mereliants, Alexander Mibergrl,)%I' Esq.. Nol%-cxlate. Tutn the inhabitants of this Toqrti and (;ibuittv- other proporties of ý Pilla bar is allinitied tu bc t]iQ býrtt vit the Lake: it NIFDit-At I)rFir'm-Dr. R(Urt P. llon-itrd. thar lie hum opciiod the ahove -promises. i while ertuaml in Tinrifring the. bloM -, the cSr- VOVNG ILLN TAXE PAIMCrLAR clin be entored in nny weather. The Torrance & Morris. kindl; ofrinirilrAre malle and repaired. 13razierA er lý.nrticle-c ofinipitriiv whieh etinulit Pm by Therc ie; an ovil habit »Ott-iët*lnies il N PO'T-WIIITBY & LAKE IIURO'% RAILWAY w"r c--A L- of every de.%cril)tic)ià donc oit rite I)rcgniseýt- thici ather Anders, are tlàii-t taken up and èonvey- by bolys,, lit ý.%oIitndE4 often powing u - with 3. ilitin Perrv. %w- The 1"rop;ýûtor in a working-titechani ed cd lu great quantitie-et hv'the bowelx. trient te manhmýd-; nai w" ,if;lwt yeýIbnrwd ik. Port Jt wili nin throngh the contre of the EAtate, tbore- mnoville-lir. 1). eîf41Ïëý 0ntaria N tinker who works at MA trade Mid is1ýn( Froin the above, il il% shýwn thaît Dr. Morne 18 in dite týnc, net only brts-moriong obM«Iesto hy e-rentiniz monte of the be«t Businesq-Sires that Ilope-Mr. Jamoit Jil Walmit, Merchant. 51 ilshameil of it. Ail orders fur work exeqýt Indian Pwot 11illlit net only enter the stOmaeh inatrimoiibd Illappine5;ý* mt 'vos tel mil bc "Ijectea in the Province. in a tradesniait-like mannerand with d"patelà. but become imited. with tl;e blood, for they fina ofÈrýýtrac-tediamidiftL.4,anddge nggj&et;o" Application ta bc ruade ttri Ev ry-deseriptttn ofwork malle and repaired av to ivýeQ, part, aud eaintiletely rout ont and THOMAS DODD, and genarniateed Izood and sonnd. 1 Fow of thalle who give *&y te- thie f&VSIO#11 trom ail ond the priteffre are aware M.UW.O" Ch-il Eilgtlx-c-r, Port.Wliîtbv- or Ail kinds of ut) work- (lotte elicaper and bet- lit, of il,, of the Cou lie Il tipi. i.4 the blooâ, -beStnes they and the nervous xvrtem %1.112MI, f.,1ý_ THOMAS GAL±, CABIN.E-r W AREHOUSE. ter than it eni ý)e donc bv anv other Tiiikt-r in I1effoý41jj beialtýv: eoiiftqnentlv ail itiekuem and eirjnp and niuwSuntabl' Solliciter, Toronto. town. 6 àcn"tiolis, and painis riven Main the mý-ttein,' fi)rthçveannot Jéûr, In the rnind., l'art W hithy, 1 Sr Jan-, 1 eig. itf t--ff» Old copper, en-st irait, entrant and linen romain wben the belli ýcome&. se ptlt&A and rùgs, Sheep Skins, &c., talien in exellait el clear. - - A MnST SCIEXnFle IN ADDITION7 TO THE AMVE, J011N Bizi-A-N. . The-relleon why people are i4o distrestied when Wltitby Arril sth 1 s.ý,7. 12-tL Rick, . and why so ilinny -die, is beenme they do An-iffltrumeilt fimille Pure orgenital Delility TI 10'l.1% S DOD'D bM te sý not get a modicine whiell wil pa" te the-Wffiet- or NeetnrÈal Etnl«ftlnnài, illore propor1v knowiL thnt he la p '%VHOI-ESALE AND -41 ta ereet IhrrIlin on rite Lotti iýý STOVE PIPES %utinal Weliklie.-4,q, ite- -cun bc I)erÃŽnaitently t -19 - - ed part% and which will 0 u the naturül P-&*- crired. in froin fift4.--n te twenty jjj- rite uf4 To the netivc Ar retired Morehont of Toronto, anges for the disense te re mt ont q hence a or tlli$ in@tnImonrý %yben, -rutold , - ** J7 ith %Vho il; nll\iml-% to olitàin a elleap country prri- argo quantity et food and other irtsttcý lz;:I(i4 inellieines. denre, illin is a mo*t favorable ôpportýniii i0mi 1' _11)]? y -1 Y ell, inil the ;tonuell and int*%tine are fitendly When a Lot ig selected. and a plan ddenhfned overfiowing with the corrupted rnaas; thus un- QUICg CURES ifpg«erred con bc fumirthod hy 9 prepared te supplyCon ntry Moreliants wÃŽth fermentation, ce 2sto% îlm the 13qlbseriber) rite whýý lthaU be carried lut* ESTABLISIIrED 11qut 5. tntxiie with the blood, which throws the c-br- Dr. Amos &Son take pienstiret in armt>unciý effoet ta ineet rite wisbe-n of gentlemen givine N. B.-As the coldtycatlier hw; commenceil, rupted matteirthrongli ererÏ vein and une that they have their oriter.s-tlierebv* saving tlbeumlveê the tl)e-ýudersigne(l uMi attend to culb% for- putting rYq invented a ýat*ct- importânt ln anito,-itnee ofthe bric*kla)eraM carpeuten Con- ibacriber )jas, ginec the late fire, re nutil life i% talion fýo-in the Wy bv diAem.-- ittrument for the'ettre ofthq above diseàem ýjt; hif; PrL.111ilque, Cmriler of Brock and m..«$ Pills have ndcleil te t«heýi*eIv'ý> etc. 'hm been L4tibjected to iL tw.tb,.- th'a mc*t entinent tintià wanta. T b ii"t' OIJN BRYmN'. te'. ) » * ColbSmo St,-eetg where heý ittill cointinues to try npoui % ictory, by Xes rm Millions of the ýiysietm in- London, P" , phi Apply as above. oitherky letter or portional 36 SICK te bl lin heultil and ý1 Ixtelphin M& IYP nunufact.ure ail âescriptions of Ë,.ýbitby, serterriber IW#. Ontil , g %'APPlnes». ý Ye%, ew î nrk; it bas beon deciared te . the oply tbounicl.4 who ave bSn moke or torménied usAil in-itnitne ' Chaire, Tables, Beditteads, Burtaug, ,"ja,*, liIII nt e'%*Ér Ver di-seovered. for the, THOMAS DODD, C. E., t»Ves, M Copper, and Sheet with &c.j nu a stili la"-,er %enle titan ever, and hopeis 1 Md- whotte <turc OeSemilihl We&kne> 1 or-N- dJîý of the ave bmit :0 MIre [M&I LN' the hum.; gellittil org.-iii,4, causcd by the secret hubitit ôt Port Whitttv. bvt;trictitttýentiýn-toboeineostonierit aohare hion Ware. fover, and "o have beeu yonth. of hile patronage. i In 17oeis: well known I)v t1w ltihitbîtnntq of thla C>1ught,ýûf, icit were, within a iiitirl) of the ailont Dr. Arrins & Son, ln order to gatixfy the moiil, soetion of the conutrv: ilint. IIE Snbscriber brgs te iuf(üin th em>'(!4 Oblv Ilqtànd nady te- teStIfy û1ilt thCý sk-C l"I. a-,& te the merits of their ilixtrunxmt 11, ATTRACTIVE SALE «ÉM T inhabitants ofwltitbvnndtheiqur- wciitlil hàvý beeu nnrabercd wâh the dc^d, bit il- gu tnemll;eives that in sny instance whe rounding cotintry, that. 4ý hm, purcha- it nott«uforthisgmitgnd woiderfid niediciue OF WM. TiLL. aed. the àtock of Mr. Thomtte Walhmt MorýesIndiiàýltootll'illý. Afteronaý,ort.wo thev may prove idnmt.igf,«,ry after à fair trbil, Wliitb.V, jn1y 8, IS57. 12 «-b t'le mç)je>- 'n-ill bc reflinded bý, returning, -thé 'ail dmi hadbSnlokeijl, the , waroutoalýhe 'M"s dintendmtogarr%-or obaslumifi dwid la , ntýn g-od qXde' Parminr Landa. Tawn Intq. bmue,)ièï. oiï t1W *àniý ll'arrister WhitL3-. 0 uly 15, 1 r,57. 2r, FOR SALE --- 15 TOWN LOTS. 1- TIIE TOWN OF -IIITII,)', IN Tllh;: nr thi- ii . Nirs Par tilt lit-r tilt. -ind re. i lior ill tilt, I')n ý-' pmple clier- t' iw il 't-1- ý-,ptî iýý viali miony --i very çzol(-tiin 1 , 1 týif" lliiflistvr into Ille oiý iuld ', ne-, f niiýiilg- thum iil't vVý-i-y liil-zI>-,Iyiii foan. 1 derlrire 1 1 Patil pýlt tli(- 11111-b- 1ý'lj oit my Onger nnd pil lwàh ait ilit-il g) t le ille .1 1 i , mil lien, and difi not liiiiv tilt a!*îci-war(ÃŽs, tImt it nicant offly 11, i 1 e Cý'I1 j t o , 11 u, 4ý ýý y en r. 1 aiL si... LOCLUUUS ýAuwu -&wbDI AND MILL PRIVILECK ÃŽ, cs. For fiirthûr F. NEUER. 1 BUILDING MATERIALS. Whitby, Jiiiy 9, ili.-)7. WILD LANDS. LIME 1 01t ISALE. (res WM Laild for %ale on liberal 'Priliz alid stiai lier Fre-îh Burn -ty. KELLER. asb only, at 2s 6d pet. liarrul. 1 TWO1 GOOD LOTS FOR SALE. Port Mgitl'y. S IV" r-xet-Ilent 1,,otit in tlir Towit of: BRICKS BRICKS 1 1 I)tinel" staeût Fast. 71ie in, and beautifili)v mitua- ted. filirselle lit Pý,.,t Wliitl)v tý;r t;ash. or An approvied credii, AI, ý For furtlier-paili(-iil.ir- apply to 17411 NI. FARQ'UHARSON, Port If-liiiby, Or te Port Ilope. --13 Or at the Cliré)ri;rle ()ffice. J. WOLFENDEN. Ir" In itby. DRAIN TILES. 22 T IE bf-en nblireiijt,,l 1 VALUABLE.PROPERTY FOR SALIE lAgýi1lt'1 liere, e'r the sait, nt, Smarts Drain Tiles, 111-S PROPERTY IS PIýFAr-AN-TLY SITU.- i eted in the flonrisliinz Town of Whitby, thev nre nom- prPpln-,cý,d to offcr.,lt (in Brock street, dircetiv op". ite inage ittirn'- 1,ow ail of Iiittyi'rt remidenea, ec)ntýining two lîftlitz of an PHIL, 'IND ii0111ýýEsiJ0E TrjE,ý, acre of Laud, mitli about Mé feet frontage, on I'm- 1-and and Cella- 1),raininz s.,ttnplià6m)iown whieh if; erected a on applie-ation to RT,,IBLIý' BRICK COTTAGE, ItOMMITS, 'ith suitable aut Btiildingit, an excellent Weil ot'Water. unit a ('iitern, together with a nuin- 1 niid 2, ber of valnable Fruit Treïm For further parti- I;i-uck Strt-et Wititl)ýv' culam appIN, to IV. SHAIV, onthepremii;m LUT-MBER YARD, NHFNGLES, &c. wilitby, Feb. 10, 1857. 4 r IIF RÈ.,-,PEICTFULLY FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OF f inforins the publie ttint lie) lims opened Oie WHITUY. 1,uniber Yard lutely helit hy M r. Thoinas Galla- glier, (;reeti Street, irbem, he iý cou- OTS N01Ï. 2, an(l 22. TIIEY ARE SITU,: 1 mtaiitl%- stipplied with Lumber ofevery deeerip- L atoll on Dandwi Street, betwecn Mr. 8 . liiinberofîdtlengtli§4. Coeliraie'r, and Lynde*s Creck. Ahso. tribni ý3 to 10 inches. 2-'u, TFigus ILI.BMAL. Iiiii1g.1illý, blaterial Application tri be nulide to itiriiimlied on the -Imrtest iqýitiue. MILS. ANGUI-NE 1VVEST, T. C. LAÇFý, Lot 38, sth conffl. sion Darlington. 7 Green Street, Wbitby Il Christian Offoring" pleaise copy until forbid. POR SALE, 'MISCELLANZOUS; A NUMBER OF CHOICE LOTS IN'TIIE ,ââ - - wü î - Town ;ý Whitby, beautifully Fitimted in A RUNK RAILWAY. the vicinity of the Market. Terma Liberal- Apply tu ig eyl*newe ut, this country iLq a W'O le'r'V.A.X, RE ýftb@eribûr'bep te ý inform the iiÃŽI#ÈU- &ud: m F.jýà,= fer t4 Iftgt ý pevren ý for tants of lVldtby and surronikdÃŽng COUIltrv Meurs. Geoffl B. Cle»y & Co ofToronto' thât lie bas rociimmenc-ed bitoillest4 ut hie Ola he feels cotifideut !n,8tatb:ýg that:.àl. work en-7 1.$tand,4.1ý"er Of. 1 ý: . ý ý ', , 1 tm will-be pert" ed Wîmânner BROCK e COLBOR2ý-E STBEE115; Wherc bc will and keep on b"d au dise tic, or-Cofdns ofýdîfferentsîzc% fur- COOK,.-pARLOR A NrD BOX STOVU ulshed 7uth Plates, cor, of whatever , kiùd al wa'r e on band. ,.,17 ,Tbeâttberiberâtteude Fou«àbýper*on _P Evm, deý;cription of w3L TILL.I,ý'ýý' eO p il E R w a R K niade to or-der. lgrpaswmld J, amewiton Pa id to Job Wo,-k. &A, -TROW CnIRAP TIN WA more ron- !rlivr lie hefi11!ý than froquent !iXý i1voulu, ljku tbe ladies, mike n plut ol'ilicir- religion, and theil- lieuven ail elvsilmi, m1mundiii- in de lirions illi-; rodolont ivith perfumes. If our lad- ill"4 %V01ild imi1me thein in this i littie more 'Ir'ilig-1ý1ally wo. shofflil have ni cerc ý-.11iti111l, allil far vioru Ilealthy wo day in whirh iýz preured a -v (iri>bli-; (et" tA al eiegent Persian give inipre rosy cheeh-m than 1 t1lu romrg. in t ýe m-mrlit. This beau- 1 ýfti1 iren reyiioves from the bocl.y unplcseant, oltý)r, nuil imparts licalth fragrance. 'l'i-.v it forthellath. all c.vge.ç of weak ýte)mach, whÃŽch arc- usually attended with v mit, of appQtÃŽte, naciqen, gripirig' 'disturb- r 1 and a g-neral of the iý041ily P()ýve".;, thcse Ni-il] bc found a -ývî and certain reine(ly. Aniong the rinst conimoi, indications of a dismsed aï-e a sense of f ulness after eating, ý1 dry yellc)w tonehie, fiUulenre in the ýnMornen, -ýeepiilsive taste in the inouth, iii all the limbs, gi(l(lines.cz, pain li e ey esi, %vant of etirrgy, aversion te, CXe7CiSC, And il-relillarity of the These syniptoms dim.cappear aller doses of the pills lilve been -idminis- 1 ýrçd_; the stoinach, liver, and bowels, r6s- ýviic- the ro4nilar and Vidorousperforniance the Patientes strengrth and in a short time the etire is t T IIE AsAgnee of the Fstate of IL 7. Ptm' ofer# for sale the lollowing valuable Ràl. F-mtate, fit ituch. Prim tllat will Ërore Plitintemoy tf) purchm*rm:- 100 Aeres, Enat X Lot 15, 4th CÃ"neo"n ColIjngwood. 100 Aeres, 8outh 34 Lot 8, Ist C*nçmlS of Euphiwia. 200 Aeres, Ut 10, 2ad ConcýegAion Fuphnmia. The" Three Lots, in the Ckmnty of Grey, were perg"ly ingpected and edécted on se- coutit of âne Agrieulturql bolli, and easy aemg to, Market. 20n Acres No 11, ýth Con. Mara, Courq 91 Ontario. 2W Acrex, No. 1, 1-Ith Coù, gummervine. 107 Aemg No 1 P»nt r.w'*o d (;Sd ÎîA;âiýý ma a (n 10 or thv, bèst soi! ' 'in those Townshlp14 20 18, lOtb C6nêesition-Xiirmy. 1 Aým part 1 15, 6th Conmoien Un X of en *crc, pwtit,,iët 1 Acre, put 2, let Cmý"Qn 01 Ilfis. MILL PitiviLEGL Mmtiiell known ÏM ziâ dealers in Mai A LTERATrO'N OF TRzkiNS. 'N' A*,Nl) AFTER MONNDAY, DECEMBER be di, thé Dav Throngh Train for Montreal ll continded duriug the Wînterinontlm; mid Trains will rtin » followai: Mixed Train [Pàwiqenger and Freight] for Kiqyston and interinediate Station% ýîU jeave Toronto Tinse. Bly Street At ....................... % 8 09 à.m. Night Mail Train for MontrSl, and princil )al Stations, at ............. 4 35 p.m. MAINS (40IN(j>,Wl$'f. Stratt'ord, «te., .............. 6 UX IL 'jý,4meiI erWain for do do 4 05 P. X y * Mit Trains will I«vç'ý Nn sta" mââ QU en % Whart da4. For further particulan ý»ec ýRmP=f& ýfîIiQ -Table. Mo !041 I)m 8, 1851. TG MASTERS OR OWNERS OF STE", jbtTPTICE is t1W on mdaftar the patriot.was reptatÃŽng ý!jc old national boist that "an 1,',iirrlisit. is, his castle.,, 4'l am 11%tive n4out -that, t.said a critîc' »f the E hî?,inýter Revini, ; 'tbut 1 am s(UM that 119IL911 lý-O!Dan's (fiess is her càiitleý; br it im IMI ('110,ýIlloug size ilow, that it ii; niora4y --ind I)Iiyi4îcally iinppqsible for m'y oS, friend or ý enoiny, to come, near 1 60-6. and Cioldsmiih wore, one day f*iiiing together at a tivern; the repastwas ý;MR1l legs ols lamb. Johnson, who liked to V,ýaso tho poüt,ý nj;ked-.- Il Goidîe, how maiiy of thelqe edibles woilld it ýke te 1-cacli tlie nioon "One t. of it was long enotih," lrf,'PI.ÃŽed Goldon th. Np More t LicL phîlosoffljic questFs put that Mr. S is your cu8tomer B- ,a ta,,, to be truî,,tc-(]? 111knowof nenrW inare so. Ile iis tO be trusted f0reT6ý,ý fQ7 helicver Psyli V, comma", BFJLrNG 0-2ý7 11 nt surmugry, cheàr Prieè&ý; Alw stove pipes

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