Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1858, p. 2

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lllnrrintge of the Priiicc«s Royal. prehiengins as to thic cflcrt whichi the late (jeep tulle flounices, over which fltll a tii- tic Quce, the PrmIc epeuit the Prince Ini ti whichcnliin Lte4WarDmorte o i heU Fruîn Ile .rTiî. 2. rai'Jan.i he5o3l.csof îaihthav nc u tllertrrncd it ruhe oltuletifPrssi ad tanrdnestherusiawcr Git Cookrn aThto had oo Th flloin acoun o ftIILiofficarnrfafo Tue liariageof te I nees lk~d ~ ad lupon lier %ajety% ,toilet. ConIrtsey- looped tup on nc ue dwNith :a bonquet of l' pied on four eqiltdstatnt bases, project (3ou tr u oletfei-i okpaei h eae tWsigolti usinadsget h olwn r > ya ith iii îckuowledgmcnt of thP profound plnk roses and white lieathier. J'lie body ing froni the plinth. riice Fi-edicricik Wi),liani fli -qIo gwihw ihse vloni Prîîssia ini i ith draperies of tulle, with The mi die portion corntained niches in tlîick-livadod sup)port ers witl its filthy bias its instructive points. The iors~ ons bu hc awaed ~ rln P, oiiioftteg. e itnthiallîrk whih ierei a umbe ofrtoneid, lier ingeis ts.dennwherecani he inn aiY îerldvsteri* in flictli4pcl ofSt. Ma est%- passe t oncecIo ber <liAr Of hlanging ee1 esaith amcntratn- w ch eranmbrostu icudg Itiiie.S l'aliice, îvitli .cli the spiendor cf mo- Stauc on the ieft of the - ar, ant i i-hich is mcd lwitlî ruches. A bouquet of tll.« ,anw e those afiinnocence and W'isilom.-Thec igrc1înt. ntt wbo rect oui JS i oins the taif onUicl deîiît stto creniîoniiil. 'rie dit as ec-t- euacdlî-w n the Avce enbroidlered set- tlowter,, iq worn ini the girdIe Mnd upoYT statues t%-ere separatedl by iirotid buttres- Titeir l n ùnea rct l t l t I on h iueua tho n c nt- snsii -aenui- yterouetT'iClt cioit de. es of an ornemental chnaeter, the lupper int isn%. gteea iito inomeTvilntutieea More geoecrally kepct-.ihlls h-aiitttl iih a a ilV u tx- en ccipiom ttii t -ina eniýt san n îîYEi0 U O t ?ITpTi~oAD arts decorated vith fcstoons of obirangebs een antin s in of onuvion toox ite. ac eru oes intlc ierhols hir-dbe;Ie- ,ecslarO TE FD LT0 -dGT asbo re li atct pwi se iceted tand t1ler LxI, tat coiletedin the jr the ore NiC i ajc-tN, even tlic Priti- [le ran ad i4,j -Ib and clIver Icai-es. c. ls ojc s wl Pn Mr. Crow was walk-ing down ti i -h txi Te ides of the cake isldsiryi ethrougli ob oea idi tile the demnoratic sida tif the hallwîn r pnaplainmcltohet.Tyr anglililopi ftepâaè ee ie, lio - tnd te ueeîu arnus of (reat Britain itan d uis pla e eredd We to ho forowaruuo l i esceeof ronlufionde uonteip0prpliaton r im, tuioti l h tiiplace <ill-t utaîîîw of nuh side ofthue ait ar. ani rusi paed foeanîd 'ui lio uul allis Kit atIa ren apracei îirX 3.eleI-rtofenoîmntmft cOPlahce a tordcPalmerstonaun tte Qlute diamonde, altcrnately on paels of whiite satin, and iuyli luint qaheqikyto lc onlto.beuM ite lIrri fîrII, iasetgis in d, 1Iù-ar-- tfic Svorîl of Statc, ivht - u sth t- -eebrte Kok-noir as a lu-aoc-u - hidi-I ;ow q and Mqtr.kl{eitt. Mr.lacitste Mr \f rco p tii. tmutand go fri i D liý1 t ala-theî e-brateof ormsnno-aasaa bnattchlion ,11tit Ci i- si D c isî ci miterliiLAD iesei ar - -i n 1ofthe nccçs oyna- PineFredcrick t o ii (iicyofa c i on naw rGo ,wknteprisvees )ucossohSuîhehîîd.I cs-l tI the i j'lit, e tîticirrt mauve Fnilgile moire î fIhePica n- rnce te %ild ccs it finî-ebeîlun. In a row we te utteswre: 4, 1i)t jr ADr N linost ruaIN al i lî,t-u-îuýceie ,-t iîîîliedoitvte Word, , nparcat dhyoange hasconnspetenln eperson. eponsi nd men -t- ~ ri-i is îtrC5 O irtiqu ae . ' tealrs a oaifldin-ide nin it y iperial crotynl. abeî e yti e n ec ad enaig na- " coeune robes. of ligantsoofoffi-tlis Mbsrdcre ofathe di'iiionaiî.dresiirthndsl"iPZotvçsof hnrd"is iorderererh divnsion i andtbagainhdeIîttaPitirtannoor theiorth ri Mr, oeittIgponitian 1h1cr obs f ininsan<h p-ari,. Dtbe ofthie rakle, ithichu wa ronate hc ttur uth eetrhztO iîoaal cudn TUEIittlrixil AtAl ~ O Rt lTAi Rîyî liliîî5 ueohM.Ie - Pag calinînhe 100 hilly on lMackctiziti's Mr. <roa-. bbe latterkokn hmdw Ç~îîciî it-C t. -", 't lDtV-iî Fg TOî T .- j iez VajAe ILcolictir r.lthN c2k1 niez, nilier kN-ni&s uck! - he rspecive riede oilîob patiesrus-caiisios. te httii ij~roii - '.- .-cdThe ec e. Vîridof î emesanbahthotnwspc t nareuppuwig îî:î ti0o t ii' itcî, ttIl aiain fille I i-tisaniilt rtîmîl- tique, lîrocntted villu violet and tl-ijîtîn i %vasdivîlddunto acrti nmihro o-e.cc side cngaged in the h iihttt N ed u il ecyidctete apoe place ".-- - ma-Ircsicin andeucnporton ar de tii jb pont i1ce- liet-ricri. vilt 'ý e rl% m placiaeuda ino!tu io ltiîd-the a afrniII heCol icitS--diin - iproe atfiuvbsd ueluai trcs uacfrm l T~tec plateau containecl fouirteen tilt lias- . îî Fli I. Mr.n g he reb fIll.cs, cngi uay aLiiinfrhcr itrinof oc-s in em (Iiii-- k, a e e( -antd vases of suver giht. flic fornmer Tiht (otincil uc-t at thc Ton I hallshort- lblonie.sp2e'alererka! he livsioanort.tomopevr t-~~~~~tliol alldr-,alt-ifsi ise Pvîmiialfî li-rI-f six oc-je fctli-rs i, Iti-lir itîtiir il 'lirtio. '-o. t-ý j . i tli -r . li, ritice Vlir Iletics, hitîmet- titî autd paint la-it. "llie îiaterittit-of a1lîiiPeet.t ao. aitri-e a e Iî0 :1 ,ràlr r. l ir e -tilon tue î- -d i-jtgriîxorn. tieîI;în tirencr-o SiaPrheTil ivr._-- l sa , liii Vorslip the Myori, M- Tafîcinrcrvn u ne~o ~ a i a omeir-- n o lt r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Isioi-iiii - ~ ~ ei ' i i - ne~ ~~:~~~New Advertisementsthuis w-eek.Ha, l-bnou-c, uuid TrielmNalriNe-. t îtli bis as.-.itnts.Irtd 4IcuinvuIeheJno ptim. gît ~ ~ li iUiîtj t u r I l ,tqiitaN ta îm i.-I1r-ftii-PIh[,ia-k hi tiri iI 1'1)-l. it(- T 1aie il trai h i îîor al lie airui - ts- . ntur v l to-. and iîO i llaub nn i ocs fte fgî.iu wiil t lat a dzt ndre-- u it.- sii r cl-rii lij- eruîiig. . u-tai ic - * * Rf i ' i n c(C W l 'i_<tal- ri-uvepca uîdarcertin estictons ta eca ît'frt lliiI vti j : ~ ' i j t t ' i ii iiîj-rî cou hitu-lltiîîclaa- t1îimuiisuîl c-iiie A tiiiaeue f teikioîlr Ntie u Vhiesdeniiniesn-reenagil the Of tht Iis Ciîmtlinietni-iiit ri lace. il'aiearaptiliinc momhuali.ion4M itbithe lceloeejtuet.enaiter. Of -The.MrîiilîtuiRegîstrda20ta haverthe t¼ifri,il' ttii-l f irjtrru.111nsthi ttto stiv, i-i iI i ixtii e1 Fl- tiiiimîi-ss Mry nc A-. - cîuctaîîy of the histice-w.t, and give copies ta ttenai m-i-i- uti trih-g- ii ti-noi -~ x-îiii- lai tti-t --te euirtîc. ai-ji tîuim: ii ptîl-mitfr-ni ti,-tîîk ;-t CyuIridi-~ x Ntiue Utuux Lad: p'patinnt.( oiuu-l nit ioîtsaloo jun cummjtec ai r. tutlaîurrotise th Sortie minutes offiers ani t othra emadin t' iealt'l fr t l i tittlu ttue 1ilit l )i 11if t e ac il'Ihe tra nt'lauu e I f î oj.t imnîtn le 'iumjc_-.1ohn e if tcage Car- .il P nn navstCock i tiitecr ( ibe u-te ano tethuin aiit.5 ti5 1:,i1lit&icr cnold. traiof he-Knsathessaehrr u0 lli1 .ti;,ltli I% ii il itio tit it ifîiuuci of ttpi iti t - tic thr.i ni.e tc re o lc hev r oo a , o e 'ccui-in I li SC -i- -trs Ft'Vilit S-i ai-itl t tc-andP iitch lt i, iîi tpC tiauiiil-mii NICt ra â iA rchesu of capuc'n ii.'. uie fîttii i. liii. I Xuicr -- A.i-T.. c-u cut. c i- Mcbteundrou teirog lity -lerepart t K ýtîr int(] i-untc anectt iîip-- - - --- M . f(.%tiiiiii'ii. Hitr-tier-z.tdo li r- si wpet o B rv, el Iue ai ii amoIr se,ý C rd-AISIiil, o enpe en Ie(i- ad un te alpositionicrt!iiè,ý ailîîîiî- i l 1 aîtunqit tI--i-îto l r t- ier a oclýljçl lW i d r uitu- of Notic-,E stlati i o k )prun f tue.tan.iig caumit-ce Ht-comîe iingSr earkmerT cil te gntilem n t ,a- t OZt'i i l . ii-i- x -t su mi- i ni ti e ter-i- i tb-ax-- i f si it l m tcrin e liesix araite aody tii- t- - itiuitfof- T £1itis -G1.ilcî tu.('.-uiîuu., c f -!iTtt-vil-esis--"chi lrr %vtlistoo-- 'is'îtîî eil tatissipsippiitit thrtrain.lDiataTknour fou trhein--t11\ Y'ti- f Pens - E.ItU iJ l.àIaio o npoigt tu- -tit'- t t I- ,-ie - i f -st ui p. ht"c-tic--rn iinda r <mai tii--t- Flc 'i- - '-r and le n <u it iiitii m T own.mtte Mr.îî C aelsa huis e fn' - ass!ivm m ti- e. IS The ied-te- - - I 'tii-ipecalNfc ce S.. I Ige-- Til« IL - À I ' 1I îkt, .-ý t r- i îî crthe rctu lNxr irîtr' i ur - îb a ii- s ucquestionsv - conne___ _ __ _ __ __ _ C-- il g iii iCi i- tViceiia - - - -- of ______________ __________________1__ iii' liteMr. tole llîu-i-u'tu, -icreral nep iltersrt--rt .-Ka -os.ag. Ci tt .i i: ~ ii ti - P l -c it a - u t i i i o f th e l i e.tt it. Ni- il p e t- îuof l' i .ariX V iiîels'IFsuin - NbSu- --- --T cie .3 er ecu t u iti terCm ali tth-eu e ol ibhl'lie la Mr.iuntuuums Alice i u vo ireîtaxino forseofcleeuc. it lu : v ! i): l i il - -'. lit e uIlllu cv - îîe d n cnre ,-at cu u itu r -- ' u n-a)eueu tztt eu d iv e t t- c anr1111 u c fr m t i b a t e r lue o îî u i -t e i- s , M Cak m p ba r e ul îîark t h e M n it i- 5 1 i , i r e - f o m î i a n c f t e h r t il-t i l 11i) -i I it t' i qilti - i'hi -s af ttîa utfIý 1 - i- e îîerrtittir tuttim oti-t thc euîpoli n c-i.tii. sil a-it ox-u jua c th Ila- u)t r tia ec .o lec nu ttce a .a- - t -ail itii- T e1 itbI -- t'i C ~t.~t tt(tii'ii ixtitt't. îî- a uIt- ue uitiii it s i ne T) Tit t-,iOfti. t h-us ;vra ierbrsci erin-u he f avoiîec- lepemcs' u.i %i1vie' iae ott -it-uri attitithe ut nmut i Ilu'ur tillvte s-n vhi>u rcîtimi f tii euii-- ordingtre s athe ir 1r sd i-i Itkiu aterhnimu sate en - L la 1lt I n i e ip -N ih i -ni n i . c i ie un-ste t t i- #,f tue ; day,.taMF -h - - th cu -au e u t Mn <inuv ani Cttu. rep rcî b! i-ue rea uirrtanàeitctti-ueI2tira il t -i- t - - tl - - - i - ,(-fi - ' u i iItti i-t liii- i.1- ý a, tu eltt 'rt lu it i-h uu'd u--' i thi.- t ran d iî- e o lur , ii o i- Ii dIii a-ci o ur c t- n r - iiii r min uru s-t Ti o O.i t a- an ansuveMr. ra bian M r i- t M . i nu i - r p u - . - i ba i v , M.eI t r l v c i a -s 'l'lie i .t - Ilt î' I - nu l ' - -;I i 1 t i f i .c-at isr u-rlie l-iuî 1'ecî iiii - tutu in t(.-tut't - j unean jutnti- mu-ty o M . G o b ated i r i-' i- ' t i- rtl ii t igrc - un1i i 1li r tii'ru in-i en i aircci ri thutheli i-oelictinoaaanitittiltosi- -led an-i faim] . r>', 1-Mr.S. ititîne mpitannu irtiouta ierîg.ahchIrui-e rte e- i'- oft lenter -t tlit tiil I Cilttttt1î'i-tv 0the G pi-,of -12 tlI i5 ct u l tr . tutu' Ian tuo tiotu th e aCuuinc I f pîc. a re goii- ta abjectîts- I i» f -- -it er--b t tu Ii-tc i thni u rof itsIî.Pr ince Leit.id-mure s--mt- aat-c f -'îî-ls, supjorftlihuu - . - . - . - i- tee.. , - - it-i'-i ~' i fisBadi-meni'irMe--t s - i'-mrt matn-u-i tm-111 tîcs. a nikit-ct îg uvcii into nuutuujice o! he îvlîie ttieeo- Mniesti- ýr a freey halliîFiMn -t s'Iti, i- a m mi tierheî i-1n-svoua rc a taucîiediu l ie - t uc -i,-n-u l-ibetia b aeniM.l titi t Q -rItMr. a iMiiKt'-touelIl jet K lIteeni-beain.t Nr . p(hi a n ip . 1> M-. 1ii- . it, tof Ili-lucaiNi *le ; w o refoes>0w pi-coi-gthir e aîmeu1$tiwai n o knoekei uh t ir uuin( ttn iîe -~i utteîamta -i t 1iti-u11 thît mat- Il ý01Vb e-ic p - hiv- nr.ît lojgon 4 um up itue .the-treport tof --i ti iemitîr îui xml ttjrtlisttum- i a u int n lt u ' Fi i n fluic Ii- t mt s Cf, ot-i'igcilcr tjga et,.il M. K tiruw l'ihi.uurM tan fi - af RIitu iui it îî î't tc liessttit rtrci A, gr ', >..liai un or-Stic thliasrt tei-uu %vnt tin t coi, Cilcio- h hoeteeo tetai- ai a ck 1d h islii le tI .iOit - i-tus toit ' p. 'ri-i , , g a(îtuld uîlt Iii' tt icmI ilmmit- s îîgmîat.. n acltigînstin flicauseqîteuce i are a rr'rcfuuuing ia euh uiut i ne~îî-m~ Sei ~-- tuitu hei-uvi-lu.i îerujutlitir-tu ti pitt vo.0 iltail u--jr î sc r t t TheAepor-t rueoiCiainonstltie apin-îdIil.mm;n ai-noelît giup r.i,u-aI-nikt:nau anmarl uc leî -u ae h - t. i-. 1ual- - îtti btiidig autIiilietii--h sht-ttttufiet-inhuibe oux-. Vie cltu- i-ooiplae a--21tue V aîlenoMr.Iliibus n-a unler he anot jc .t rît i. til ia c -u- e i- u ilt q1t 1 I-'n i c Ilhe, ieai.Iý ilel r *k ii h i -1 S ifl sýt e r e v v d l)% r r a-ote apkin - i t u lica t 2 o'-ioc :1 . - i. l1irik - tkiltril ilil lîe i-F i.p. n itit ri n :il n t e I-v t u ndhi htii-v irn i- ceutre ct.s t hoîr n c a fe(ue u -u. ai i - l it- d j a . tme olio1, o n dth , S î b I ai. j~~ia t u îy n c s a > h t ib u t a -n i n -i Fi - it. c -b illIti' Fancelgnaionn--be -< ici.itriei Ili,1 Ceilry. letot il-l -u i it'~it t '- mi t ~ lt- fi-e ran pt tit t t a i th t wisîu lîs-ru. a .u. l, i ît 'u t hîv - suc m r a st iu tri th t' ouuuruuuitv eth i e sa 4rs. h Cictî a î Cor n stable. I rni4 ut-o catisituit tue eu-ra-s.fr T -- .-- ~ t î-~ , --s- lem tl -- -'ii ur i-uli il i etr - it-t f. boumip I iihe t ll I t it-i-k u tetL-lt. ij ir h ut dow-mia- Tr ie then n sit.t- br 1 -i, l -S ic l iII-sa a t -t lt-i- ANorttuemgiy p--hthauluv uhiiImm Vunagitraieuevoigt iorn t i i iîti~ i ti - ip eit tii~ttiiltr ciitatFiIiiLiii tu ta f tllst- ms I>iminutes-rtue îu uî- n su-ct' utu th No Sr e ns e t r ilus y mrtae îht t r l n, vl uc'in2C a e m t bls iia nuaitits ni ivn e ua wi;,1 il Vî1 ;I :1 Il,.,ri;i- i;;t'nlt- f ,ue't- Siiîî lIsai ai titi.- utu_îei hiOMailtut-,iConrtaibaedCetattee i i-lie irsh luasv i-acs Mr. kuuarei-bat I i1T tîi ilvî irihti lI- i îrus Fa fie niî littuofcaa-n ofund, lrotnpict t (, i ltcluanduipion as choc luel isnaaul sugarf aven a frama 1--un1'Ilre.lierlt lic-cii-Ci eil t- ns eucts tleliaotl. If i-ho -vai-e o .Jakeesonis, luelebave knmowuu Mr.lirePs aibe la-rsaIilu;eprtaer oreasavai-u;ad -isItelet ipl- avn hu teaig pnofwy-.a>'p iimi-s uiml-rlu-r- Etca îeuuiofttiîessaaetioamî-utttiOtlMessert.de, endan, auuul t!ue bruie, girilif îîroîîatun .zv'; t v 'ý ..j,»ti i, Q at-tut-tr Il ;Z 7ui2fznLz Tliîi::cdo 721 repor anuiplican. Their$t br. Motexaliedin uUo(ifdtire ave-a--ronecus s.atcrnX? Di beseeorth t, -u--'l', ire-i. lhu-usm n-lu --ti-ifuise mii 'jîtu)I Itu1 7amIlle ai-i- asole mainue(-utinrierncetaanhuenot insui. avc teDr-.aous :11i lii t I j 'ivels. apti e lti-er tiiil illiiase i-imnamore, x e lihenliliefelig -lut hulilult-ui-îu;he-vr!lu-ar. iu-gs ot-fio -uanciosr i- Cnimticeai -b w-la- toug sarngutavs nt altnny, sut a ilu co mi-c encaorng a oi- ma ne s-iii-i u 't0f1ui1ufît i-- i te lamuiH ý:r-slr of aiuu agaiftm Mtie i , dthe-tmar- ettiid -- .1 - uti n lus cta-oni-ue Prncusflai rum i-cien e nîu tiu huteo t l-islactuci - easiiers-. h-cr-hu br -tel w 1t1ducP1vi-h Janîofary, 1'355, bave b hTttitfi'ti ' hi i ,t' -u-CUsaliimui t. tCi ttti't elarit ta lucît. icif-il uimidn mthrun ti lîftti'to tht' brmuiu-"in-noamn cuti-tig hetru m n oul wsl t tuILý i-l-it o'n'ei l U iP m Iut. li futtltCîuitt nl -ut-lkho bacilhur.Jdaactii'sokn.huimcuf ak uustIrdston'itacpnoiweerii-o vhle bric aitu ts betrcm fne adtiehee Mu. oryînanetaa e lier bri zit bliluosof.cstucr ij'roittechelyîtm. t ittiN Vt i\iutli lvt itilS av t Ors i- nunl hFOl U f b .ee ai-,sih i-lu i-lie i-carstîuheîlstul>' ofteîg owni- 1li-, itiloud r li il i-lui slupo rouhir lt O n aiin a o ap in aRouve, icc m odainle iscommthenitd strn -a --------£4 0 O o iost .% t-'Ii q - i lxiii i-i -iti- the 5 .ptIU r uni--.', tul 5it- lit-etnitOuai' t ( l e vin chue ln evhoes, vrf îîî thei- e -ias. - ' m -i-e os, rpardte pagunnnos s b ain Ima.ginnaertioinn-due---------7 7 9 cive l. i (Il-, 1 lona r. a hevexcite- ganth e i-larme: cati tter li-zv rua a'lunfa-urm-lme irooafhnsia-iifa l elo . If thehm re he f oii-n si- pinohi i. il' ut-ho re tînx-emu uean th i-lie ~Therines-c a'lPros-saof: ihdecreportoud hue na>' beiii ti-les, buni-a£07 13 ibai- g iti--it. lu~~i a tu metuuolal c - ni'fl e e t e a e iuunnr i ua t a e d iai a tiil rai:ml auui - uda-soioeZz andtV ae O oto i -.lednlih ]yla esinacl-.hsadnii.te rneo iI u 5- .ti, -Pr-' ii-> ut tme--'- sVll-lu fct n lir ma'ttt'furilefrterihn iinai -rsloecuchi. fuenoc-afii-n cn-au eillsuo -,wiliu apan-i1To-0e - sscod itsuin i uei huuath ra-r' ars 185-----£25IF n É r ri s il't i'- - - - - - - - - i.... a n t he-. . c . . . i . . .b r id-- - - - - - - - e.~ , g iT lrjimve n t e s11 C î k a v aslr e a i c h a i]ot r a n f i x i - h e i n;iaa dh e r e v c r f e e li n g h u is rnse r e s i - s i n c o d u c , 2 O m e f o u - - lti' mti tut - a -iait nrimr tri liii' muf- uuii--l'm"- -' tinii %v a, ii~u - eiicii, untiret ai'- ivi's ithr forare considre i-uhassIgae-i-oantitancivn- n dmci- c oti/ n-mte e uli-ojs, ier eûîuk- r' I at-iegneti lu!Mis-t JanetfFue, itue hrideg-oumunin a uheIi-aa',tî-, o eimc iii itelut at-i t'5i ilcc rmi am t 'Ii auIcatîpus-et oa arit-lui-nuit- aImoine t'- i-be latter set-moi overpoîvereul uithu tmo- -ment-santnedb eexica'-levîlo-une.M.Miphr Iliu.ul lu " v ' and - amI et eltiqicjm. arnait-uti-il siiiuret' fiaues ai tiouî aul i-luhefornmer, lifiter dîasping hin i (f it-i Mot.her Cotantrv-unuierstood lniheca litt l'r t--v i--h1-1 ti i ,tu-uiel.a nihuer lIaîiteutulire. tox- Iiei- liutart, kncît anti kisset his pa-taiirupnedc îau-evSeeamebsaiseitaheto irrr.ii tr:r. u tuiititandItr fitoldi-n -o'l' -t ielveai.hîe lace amîsiss cf îîîî- rct'shavne.the te -î le' li Ivi -1 tthc'u-mue sailin -qutete i-t open isork cf the-rase c humniraek 1 Thhe Quietn tîenu rote, tati, urru n" If ,therfore .11ahiimpoutact i-lai-iCe-ccua-'es-i-isiwhcuae - lîxli i xt't îti :em-nu Im-s uî iutc ît uni-hin uthi-cenetalliuis. A t i-le at-rocs Ith-cul »as ii tl rince iýOn bte ue lic. mmd cliaumîc le îî al de i] ees .i poot i il t tht- tht-mtre. suhucua play. tp ( i-t t-t-tflouttue it firont culfte ursare sr.euiaetihePics- ilusm ui tr 3 Mu-. Macionali mavt-i-hue.Cicrks c aluir> t-mu ~ ve gutel Cat-rinto lte jit. In-t-llasonaiange andm mlcloia-em4.; acsitr vni î rtîcafi-er longi pa-unîutrîmt'tlani] auy ati-copt ta 11istO £5ani one tic i-bei-ibe(ouancil hai i i-lie latter heig Ilue li-itial 1sa-ci- ai' fier- E'TttSt't "Ti: ' *tcmfior i-.teeai.4 AN )theuuuater-en av reitialfoero e- umg-anul -ti-nin', tb the Prince ai' Prussua I forrn, siiotuh be tonsidered as a blasa- no pan-er tacepnive theeleri- oifcbs hi ch niaytcet wtnt 5ttiOti. -.uuinatignu -h i gave hlm her hatd i. huicL ae stsopcui ios dnîtuth ile vitais of societyathe ilic-he waecani-huaizai ta take underi-be si-a- jboîuqttet.s i-f tle i-miam i-ci-es, ard ti-e isîse stoppetiflint, mni eclîncîl hi-e co.ao n Stvi Ln't î'îr- i.,;a ut-t- itir. andihei- lc ofcf t-t ingoaltei-h 0ta ti-scetision b>' eigle hekised rlt.toso nhfleo-esten-v, t (i'Pi ýteie.itecae i-g ri-lite appumarmince aof -uie cleflîmai hv But avriesu-iilfetiiv conve>'filucic-ai cmei-li>' f'srvcfosoD. i, am, i ociadteMyr niii.'.ti i n t-utc ua ribe ai of-white s hm, ian-t-nws. The -apex oai hue floral pynriithe uu-rmi-ut. i-lamituc,.itumueni-ofa ffectiontiru eo n onakn. ne edtecnrry n ihdt aet- mii uuit-ii lu--ntrainbn ime byflue votitiii; -furmeti laImrge lua'lit sa-rn an i-be janti rienclshuip, asith slicb thuise greetit c i-5iofedrat - uako.Iie a -u ete>,at tidiohv h rc)iuties-. 11ut-hum. Withî he r RaiitiliTehirt.e Te h-mn.aini, u a ilu untealI ps--cainede-enru-'n-ib in-ie ibeei-ii puiug -lu Ccai G-us ntitlei in Pu-cea-ea ecevc l>' honirk the-b ne'- -une luer ligumcs-esl'rn- Aliet len-tli ai mare thani-bi-e 'unis, isaifuwhite j roomu calutec hier* Majesi->',i-le manly 1 it'tod leador (a more lunitich(to)amu-pu>ele-o-ueJui-,-nile j i amouni-fiereceiveti b>'e Princforbefinelianti feees, rend i.iii lit- ilciek <'harles m-in(]a Most-)ire autiqule, irimmt'u*t -lluta-a rami%- fafbmrtiness usi-h xx-ich hue sa-t-ontile Prince 1ti bu' tranctixi h-d binarfinessi-i-h -s iriiltfîitc <iî f 1-usr-i tcffte,-rs 'heflueIhnitn I-t-o mrmamîmnteu )i y treaflýs i- Consort's luani. fuir hu i-be worktng oa i bs u1-andgttmuuuu toian pari-ai his salai-y-:t--i-a le dduced îviîîe hrilint -ili-mîc Itiir. ebpet riscs initar ftat- zeon bbh ftnceq oaiti-luenas-s, faee ut n-as exilent luecoulti rat itrust his tlucir recemut utReuutinC-y"Wt -thiereiraa, amud creditetitihue gemural fund t-ye i-1:1,1) i luiq a-tilt-Princes-lloyul's ni-h buauquiets ai- citat intueivuîls. itnguai-a spçak. i-illish thueit-guili-, and exitit thucir joai i-e Town. emeit.u.a--eeb tpmus 01 amith-le ahtar. j TITE mm.uDciunu xALi-ED LINEAGE TfIri ROYAL rARTv RIiTIRE i-ROM TUE naa- Cdisloyau.h etmdencies. If ehave lt- otai This ga-e c ta ca cnsidemable discussion, 14,111.1ls-lau-c tu-y -cai--ithru', onri-hecî Nt i. iT intspublie vit-tue, amatiindepelndefnec Of aiien Mu-. Tu-ema>ne movetin icauenimeot, hvI ;ti iu tiul'ii leilchn- -u e- tfiflic intere-t eactt-ici bu'te p- Atlralen mnuesL. jbulgavewe rlfgi, a'u - efin, tii oteau ft henai-es ai'the i-ehue l, i- h luea- siisfa fesv rs hïrcnr ta h leksslryb 6,levn i-tiiiit re heind. 'hhevoemue ner rannea -ifrî erel i led on hi-lilîtrlouaspersonages ta recaver tsiistflin1-oo i.henc . y ibi -oClr' aar u 6,levn u min 1 iearen mu-id the lasi-trivaîs amng i-hue it t-remt-dIt-ih -e fuir hi-udesumuLis, as-lia ir caapocui c, during sabich i-le bride tu-amison, the 'counruty miglit hocou-si- i-he fuies anti per ccitge.ý-Caied. v*ziý),, I:itn o rrn' in glass cof satin and glituiner ai pearis." agmin lest liens, suhile due- receix-ci, n-i-h dcrcd ripe for i-bat dcspoi-ism wl-ad Mr. Mactionel maedti h -e commit- vtiluarst hu:ustrin u th am'htufe tan arrangea yun anlueereprscireresandb xVhiieti-li t- uiers oniei-luzeiiti al in- î1la m t-Il'arie iainru h il ib ha'iigsuau-ba yuga tildinevitttly await ut, to wthi tee do nowricreotpag-sniob utiluiilitii- unemuthe i-lc pmîiusay up i-o riclu iruai of telPinicae BaRvai bctîx-ecn mtiatci famil', i-be mcongrtulations af ber 'ti htanbetai-ean.-ared flucCie l ilmt ctlIer ie. Stcp hîy tep i-luirn. The ladies luamrcd ith ii-i -lis- tirailtieend sîsi-ors,i-hue procession lot-f-ile tamarchy wauld lbc the pruud,en4, dYc- Thoeend reiding>a!f ho By4law' tore- tle tuitaret-tofi-he tiutipeters ji,; ltlomnai tiiugutiisiiued mai-ltOai'royal fax-ar are aIl chîînch. volution ti-ficu.teI îMaeiB-lw istnm-anoM. u-t-icilie! ti-e thniug -e sti th, fleamang tîte pu-reonal iriends aifi-le yoîung There sias no ciistak abu -eepe- isnetss-'osuunii nea sittcsthe e ngiluar i-aitandi basi- afthe lbritde,:1,alnti.liIistll-siuuiular, arc aven>'clan aofi-be bride'ue face a- c hue qtiti-ci ihe ut i ee. tyhawever, e a %aadoucll, postponed - metng c4ils-en Iet-le di-l,ito bactneala auible anti i ac linemllir <es-codai fi-ami ihe grea t ras'- sacreti building. lier delicate color i--u dstactin ctwcn -hop elai-oana pasth e awgi-ourl tite potiuitriiiu'ilitîn't alu -i <i~ ii u. -s ofiEnia an îd Scntiam. 1'lev i-urned, her e>'cs spai-kîct iavthuemaîman sb.uiefr a>'o -oLnJumt cilili«s t.i t i'cti flier !Majt-cty. 'rie tfoillan-the bride utwa by va-Laiv Stîtan anti there saas suclu a iglai-oai appinessi the aolu. r>tht ai-n ci-,h ewauutlas fortihown aii-o uac simd ht eursp. tuth;ll1-Cit104hIodçon, Trensyne, adWiatso ea l4i-s lule (ulI -it ut-hi- ci1-udiiuhe4 huitt tie tlaimurti'r tf the Dtike ofai Nêucmte; Lmiy royal busbami a lookaifi-he o si-suprene ici the, conminity, wbo are alike des. peaeo iteta -ttnx-mo- l.ctiStîrîrî Nnry.Cuuen-umeG-u c-ilaCtcneGrdnLennox. datisth. affection, i-huai-even ite mnasti-eserveti feu- <cj, i U>rd ePrhrv §S -lthle Prt-siuk-.ti i-cf it-e Dit eciRcuîni ayC-mxaaimnaîjl Gibahe"titioe,-of property anti of pril5hll.i, -n iCtnil on petiteaantslas fut îuîtmu, -lc îr Cutn-eiu'-i-u- ît-rtItherune lamulin.' dattehter aifihue Mur-passing iuom unout tta outilaaccompailt nita'eputch> ecUd--a heÇnncil i-heu- adj4utaudioTua of high rote nrnrm-, i-ho hasta hbarltDr 11rmulef au i eni iiat-et. Bt ti tîulm e ai-ou hSmiiIt ui . mmglter cof i-le Ea-I ai Majesty then passedti tihue i-bu-nc roanum D*ures i<oncihlatde wo wDr i-i-oef ill'y'r 1 nw ~~~Derbu' Ladfy- Se -anCafluanine M'r Mur-- i-bte saut-odu- in wbich ut enteredth'-b There are besite4I i, pre.d& h '3uclsdeiy ewr sryt th e lfn .t ei-n in cansoquunce a-i'Ms.Hemsboing. î'îîus -utP-ts.s \fr ofCla . tinu t t- iduitzliter ai'flic- Eau-I a i' umne; chapel, and again re-assemmbloditi ilai-peradocs" who 'ha emade i-hic*u-n- taken stmdcnly ilt. 1 lut-r traini bmorne b>Lu iy naulh ik-Li-lu'nCnstant-e liillicrq, da<iitcr o! i-be chamber. Ileu-e, in iront aifi-ho massive t auay a Ad having Oaiattd viliti-Vt.A nhilunutur ai -inatjon, ran irofCluarendon ; Ldy Victoria Naci.i-hi-anc on which bave caf in sa-ai-oaMaruit-u sy ua ý> - "-eiýkîj o - s-luttaituitlier ti-iu nr piaueo antuhu! alto- diluhtei- ai i-e l-irI ai' Gainsbotiih ; anti ai aur monat-els, a splenditi table aes set an ill-wou- popuisriY i-y Ru thn-ihe' VÂLMIIS ruUsA<sDÂr,ÂlA i o g-at-Item cuti hue, grecýi lbar as ciaeu-an ethe LadyCfet-ilia Maria Chamrlotte Molyneux, oui-; puavlicb is>' ihue regicter. elais'uwe have jusmaaned, woùuldtum r u"-sswua obsei4able in itbe number ai t-luipel, Itivinuag tsyjrtel>' eîegaia ~dau;uter aifithe Eaui afito-n. W " DNE ADBIECKL oi'p'iedowOWýtl oi-Ql8 Rosi- Va lenomisvs, a. t -h Tra i-eu- lier Royah ligliucscoineithe Diike of t'ýose nolit-mihens ujipheltieoitiho bigla Soon citeritho roitai-n of Hee majoat>' plcedai- ttop P. oboce i-le cuumber ÎÇ sidto ~b. 'luas Cimu-tig, i-t-tuiid >' 'oone Tnuthii. uadii-tutuna' lfambe afEnglund's beatiy- and thi-e coutti-e Qumeon ant iVPince Con- ~A he uitmut Ieib g-bOnW, tw1Wta-a 81.laWib' nitio i-la Dukçe alhca,tribtie ai cordial how brîohti-hue>'slit>n-d, even li an os- sart-, wl- hier Royal 1ighncsses Prince Natic-d -en a-i-u au -d flfà i4tir tonaiieoas < i1.im-erc4uêodnyam respect is pid, Tueeileciess ai Camn ccmhlazeofaitihue fai-et-a-andth -e nabiesi- aianti Princsesa-dterick William of -Prias- loi." na daepuar reuru-nce anuiste leDuchics iscnin -heofilin ar oue dibtiii e audierncetepiiu-- gll7lut lw-h 88 odhi u B-i-CmY riweeno aia. To hedslfOBi bi-iigu jeroa-'îed tu -iu aano'îîanîen bu the luci. Mi-by m>verîltavl' fravird ai, iho aya aait- ntii-h fo-ein p-m-meolaiU< iuîer ae baunti or r u>'ihhi--I th lient, whuo smilingi> anti as i-a itictuti, i-e. glaner, now andti-hen, i-ho linos-vii*esi-i-Nrtiui-iOOhah ti-ccdiew-aaec)acauseinir, ~asgned- Yinu b .1 îîurns i-le gu'cting. 'rituexi- great noa- Dryrden has apîmiedto i-ae-ho Queen'% ai-ien- wuas erve& - tihemeexista (i-haumk Hle&veu)aba' tk*8 îtiliiiy is itue TIeu-an Pu-cmicr% aho beau-c damts, ini-tho "Fleaverand tbcLoIju,tmlui-. The wcdtiing cake avaspiaceci in the-midof- 8ju-,,ag it which, ili vai he, Oum s Lenie otWhP ou ela the A ino i.eir ihu Q-iemi-e a ofaiSi-ai- ii is-ii>'o91 u- momor>', ani ibe Spec-sdli'i-lue table.'ut wus botween six and d î,Lve-U5 ui ibru-b hmwido! uuoticraus' solemoli->. Aiter i-lis ex-en thorsaia ralize t-ho vision -ofi tIi poot uhet, ce'on foot ici beiglut, anti aas diviti fotii--aa aIrga'c ettidplvei-b u-rios4y Un gti' O Royatl Piiucessare unnoticei, amuie-r>' ho Sung.- -tho base te i-be top i-mb thuot camPant. iion5 sand rec 1$ imtaWter li- wtltO d rSOfDi <sce ,boave iowl>'. anti deepl>' as lier Maies- A train ioaa fWir. as unelet ea utlerm tell, monts, cil in whte. Telvles pl ti-ônW heë t-< lading, in eittber hantiPrince Art-hur tUdnSedte son% af Renveuu te rtbel.'Tlue upper pan!iwas ft'arueof a doue offTti 1V1111Pom tiôn ld o eéâtb thoct hs y si a anti Prince Leapahti, enfetaSihochipp] f Iaaihi -ns-i exeu earnopen,,tu, > wo- .rk ii, on, eswuaofdohtd to1 - ie ldi aîîvcf -bt core nthoceoccasionsi-leu-o is nia ap- ]'bitrhu ue-aai. &b6 igiht a s eoxat3t.Wi -t sp reï,flléfi,_Feoiw a cors, n 8etthi trau anje ltL$bieo irwnd. h titîuth -oufte aud- cir ealn-l aap - 'n1QLi1#4 wiause, anti noù-1ing bui théi-hoprlonge4 ihualple bet i- tlbI i4 nih -pm y uufi4 pr-ail~auoid oniculusÃ"seti anfahetpeople -w«rId&y) «enî'&# le -W of Me obeisarnce donott-oiho depopilolyal wol- wi ahu-Wit"iia*w the troonws goa, tspOii-wbicheb tro ac upids hig-a #>u-L<iC? came n-i-hvichib oa o-e iileTheo soama mitl mpaliér1uîja«els ataroanti. ~ttutliihe proeiei-t--thàPi4üuu.- -à - 'u-id.i s velcomed. The Queçn los, as fTh rooeesu i' -bs àr -vinar o n 1o ne s ad e< Pince <f -e Fite uiways liokls.-kindt>' anti amiable, but fi-aadesigni furisheilud by ti- ll.,tuau riiio-Willam OfP 1 m-uacslao i-h. oc *1ý nowt'é l.hou'.ri fe.it poscusd.sud tai-Oly. Onerb is bride hul~ieIe£ -qonsl -aiso a whitep tWt - tfioea4veuttlb0sti ctaý,m a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,3 crv fo.s uc-s:lvnahjxgae ,iot 5n-i.l~eo.,~i-i ti-uosp tubfthe 1i- lJ~ a na-bùofth as eose, e bai-b shaîl ranîlle; soi for i-hue iimo, et lt-ast, hue suatsiand bt-fore i-hue woanît, naketi, tleeuhing, shuixeing anti tis- piuted; i-o bis epecica a i-ling ai scornu, antI ta Iuitseîf a ti-noai shatnc. Office shal no more I-roi-eu- îinn i-an nank. Is hue e jutige, wsusîici-ho pou-ut>'ofaihi-bench wii-h i-huemalice ai e partisan ? His or- mine shmll not gunti him tram' i-be sav- eei-'siniignation ; andtih-le tribunal whicb hue disgracos. shall, in ifs x-ery tofi-iness, but make huja ignemin>' i-e mai-e conspi- MOiUS. i- is net, ban-ex-on, the pao-ei-ofICor-an s etaquicoce, hui tihue purpose afit,avhich huas rebaiini-oi-his lecture.i- n-as fou- iho weak against ti-e si-rang. Curren bix-etin iles wbicb tiled mecis seulsq, anti mamu> iseuls thuere ne avwhich iiiniai ciandti-ho triai. Saune avii-b ea-a-i ar, sunk lue- fore i-hue si-aum ai paner; and tii-ers wl-h aelflsh piene>', <issoîved th -e cunchine ai patronage. But Cunran was brave as ho was incorrupi-ible. Ini 1798, hue haboreti vu-th a mari-yi-s pctience, andti uh alue- ros courage. Heo leatietiunit-ni-e sa- dow aifi-be scaffohti. Hoetiofonteti aie cliente-et iho deti baiy>ofai scai-er; anti while ti-lictiim is. expiriig an i-ho gaI- ban-a, fou- wbam yesi-erdey ho struggledi vu-h na hope te chem hia,,bôr, he si-rug- gles as matuful' to-day rfoiane who will lue lie vicimai of na-orrow. He vas'up- rigit, whcn honar. vas rebellian; lue vas itue, wbenini-ogrit w astirmaon;he stooti lu> i-be ecetustantfLhe doameti, vhenti- pi-y vas to a riipc-e ; cuti h-e vas layal te -liberty, whoex-eeni-o namne hon as aI- mostt ide. Anticipation or Lanent fer George B., tiatîtiPe0Papl] , wl-h ane accord, S Lauiion greât'GeouTo Bým'.i MeDaugail aldotu-posetibis door Bûi- allavayafounndhlm elan.-iabt efo~gve hie"' Botlào£ JfSr wh-I i- diii fur-nish., ne Ho iove bsea-i-- oUo 0leo 1;i-thuneneu-a wouidruàs.m'ning; And ti aerifollaxeodwkeotways, Uslesas vien hl uassinuing. - HIuit iri rauîhtIdaPuai-oct, L'est af prai-esi-. . Bill dume 31si Jani., 1855,.* 1-teresi- aince due, (J'osi- ofpratesi-,. - Peud Ma>' 4ih,-by praceis ai £520 0-6 3 --127' 7 O 250 O O 3 16 6 07 6 - - 254 4 O - £7s9,6a3 notes,---------511 17 -7 Cas-h frein3r Latug 2M 8 8 -- 79 Bull due Icist Marcb, 1355,-..£460 Intenies- simuce duc-------------1 OCof a puatesi- ....c.------21 Paiti 141h Apîl, b>' note 3tofi.-uit, Murray' & Ca., Lesa 82 days it. 6 14 10 3 percenti-em. 15 i-r 0 500 4 5 15 9 13 6 ,3 81 .21 1,1 101 £4"f8 5 2 Tuvo bibis -due 21.-24 March'511£1050 0 Ici-eu-eu-clu-cedu---- 6 15' ,Cash âf'prai-est, .-------------o10 Paid 4tl i',ey b> 2 blUls, M.,'M.7 -...1000 0 aI tesf dscu'n-anti prcent corn,, 20 10 0 Cahýfiam i-le Gibus,------~715O 1 have nai- sWud, anti - ?aying a yard ta injûre- Ppury or au>'ai -uer gemi Im arn o - write un1 perbape ho sllowed i- o o O o 105r - 5 0 taît nair foi-eau- Le felingu af Mi-. ,manm; buti-siaic IIt.dofnce, Imay ill f vhict -a,,paui to a r Mmrray 4- Ca-_noparit b i' menti!. as Mr. PermassentF'.'p10 .rry QVZ sa r up,Mn<i i-u ' uvas tinsi- enulonser on the a Gyr- kngueta bltcotnie gi't no tiit--. Frmttilîts irlat-ber ~ ti nat-cntuu- iuc 11rpeai Mr-. Perry- ilitilnmîtc.uh tuj i- lave- sino tînillut ItOit iseu and ,cf time ishcunn a-i coqîs of Ct 1 thitik tucl",;eir, mmusî u, . Perrvr'sils'un Qr tbenîtor -i-, i- u trels-Ivliilutil ruaithe q fnt. i nptt ili-ludi.:un-kad (if malter cf atu - otsan' ut tic ami uct-cui Il t ipqtOlfe i itciorlits iiuitau-at fuirsu---h'lu .citi nt- stuler froem t tii]eii-sci- on n'i.itlinteiad ai' ntei note, fuor inunthîjs thintienci to a Cauluillur ttm~~i'itt foru f-n ther mur or uxih 'z-i-rtý 1-îiim ( -,1c) vacCapatitt' v, 'tiC{cu-ei1 Mn. l'eu-ny 'neiiusîut,. tir t ini- n- avend,=,. 111.1ze 111 1411lis in tut uiitintairns, i1 t-i mhuml u it-'t ns' privai-e ut au-h ic lutt M. P-irt- dit. verv limu lu- piàîluitlïxiV - a tb iret-iiiug mit mtâhiaritimus-11 rtlOCm mie ct-en tirs nsi dmursen. ung thmt Mn. l'en-v nul teke- o th-l d fui f-teItniereil itue Cons. mrud tint repart tlI qic iùýtten bas ye.shîgitel. - 1 be-g io r-an ti Uitorti-- ' c- Witi-bv lirtiîcle. -1 ce in v-ami- hast i!e'suie a long iet- iJouhn hhamn Perr>', Eiuq.. takiuug up iri- ai flic pecial Cornuii-îtee of tihue Council. mppounteul ta ewuquuine ici- e percent cautmit4i n, &c. <eur>' hutre staties.-huatmniy cver i ssitmiai iin ile repart-lt inctorrect, y mnî-Iesîl tuinetîkestmuset nuat. ht. As ;a mntober -4i'fi-bat liormnit. %,(ci- cui ilI nut clefs' nue i-le pni- 'f xiricaîit -g uMy'couîrstuu iough utuinus afi orairjournal. ta use hiÀs axvuI-inigmagr, -I1i-hiuuk iris ct-env pos'it-ioa7àiutiiui -s- çrhua ci-ter i-t iîcoi-uct, ai tial i-hoei-q. the maipr i correct and i-rue, wl-h cpilot iihat part. wlich si-te, e cuotc a î-Cenionsci tir Mesmr Fer uITttii-, faI tiîueon itbe )5,bwich uatglit ta wr ýMu-. l1crrv bas st-ati -C-bJanua- i.'lhui slighut unistuke. urlichdoe" -.e t-lie ulumtter tbettez-r u>r orse, oc' un copying. Thihs n-esi-le note -huai- -i-a refusci ta i-cnt-w,in damsaquence lu, it, stas pi-re>teii. i-le Catiity l:N hie ta 'ke it up fonrniant ai fonda. lieu-*s fel uduc ti-cia ne nmath, ont un i-ucil tst. T*.-usmai-lers pu-acêe- i oser £20, tas undt-r jîratcst,aad au £4 i-,nisuit. unseqilenute ai Mn. Parr-.-s -eiuSing 'n i-bisnoIe, i-be previatus arrane i-b -ilie Bank for accommodation ho Iaebexature-ýs ceuiti hosolti wu nu 1p. report sa>-s -hu'- Nin. Pcrr>' refused .-" ThLlile admits, but gi-resauia i-lai- hue aouli tic placet] in a-woi-s n b>' tecoming tIi-st oetd r-, aind ai-, unidai-huer i-casons, hue - refusl- rene-, -Que>-,what averée-fb rcm ua alu N ow ., 1 esuk . if 1 4 tn any one, upan wboau siuuld acat. I1tdo net pretend tta sa>' uit ni-y n-as legmull>' bauîd ta entiqe. ýpr for ibthe uuia- neither - thue thon uW7aiden, itbeTea te chic. But, 1 as-k, icina the Cotuini-'have been_'h in anti oui- ofaiCauncul, 3fr. Perr>c says - "This- Ma ertueirui, butI cao dnly fài i-bei Mn. Dryen hlas endorseti one note Wo i-hue Ceuni-y, andti-la- four £ 150, io tbo ytsr 185'T, afi-&r alli-lie(Cau n-y diffieulties hai beco curtmautte& io w ,t.biseau ho toni-' si-rut-i ini-eutorsing lIargo!>' b'-Mr-. Dry - det-, bei-h when fin anti oui- ai Cauucll, .s pasi- un>' omproemuüsionuj' Nov, if Mr. Perry baildi tkn as au-cb pains ta se *-huat notes I bad medorsed, U lie hec i-a plaqc4 me in -a taIse position, b.y attributing i-a hue leniug e noer ma&d use o4 lac uouiti bave diseovered t a-I wacean enido rser fou- iho -Cotanty forerv £1800, insteat of £ 150, sudi-bai- I vas ce bike himselt, ini fhe ver>' favorable pesition ai second endorser, but i-le fia-st, anmd ini oinstO1iiance-he nly one. - Wii-h reg ard i-a iha phrase Ilenà.b largoiy,".which Mu-. Peur luas attumpi-s t-a casi--upon me,1thuave aitle o say. If uiu endorsit4ons -areç io b. comparodti il M*. Pera-y's, tbéni-bey mcy be coniere& ici-go, natwi-hsteutisngi-boy su-e >is- bi compreuen On . the otha-lier baîâd, if i-ho>' ai- o mpared ailiithe endorsatie.5 o! Mr. GibiAs, i-bey avili be coiusiderod veey On. .Zeword are, with regarttfl ICasant>'tiffi<,ul-es beuxng.su-rmneated. ask, wa3 i- nai-on ma n>'odrsailn thai-Ibg moue>' was pracuredti i-aetet*jise ment Pymm v&.Cotant>' afOntaio, Wb=o i-he exuio waa abutmniicinoe isua ud Jti-as br , Mr.1 The RA3* The'i tmer duntng passing on 1 &àHenmry CI bark IlSi boumd for L g4aip IlAfriý on i-ho illat -.Benantas' The Ni-al -for Esti-. f7 lypit Th-Cil1 New Y -"' ci-poolat- Thfle co ittielegrar tedi-be n The Tj uuts.aiial ae but i-be fa reai t-f h d.atite lt -and it turued,a braugh g as rest - IThefBi 1fmau - Tht-C, fron mMal Bomba>' îs-rlitti ai- hagt a 1>' toim -farce- capi-urc trifling, GenW uman ofa iassecu ta Muffl NO M an>'pa 'e Tht1, The i luti nigt Sir C cee tilhi rt-bols a S1Brig vu-h ai 'nhe -The 1 9

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