Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1858, p. 3

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.taid. desaire llrer, or l1irry vnenma. put vmate rrv U public ruIc Like ta v Coril- 1er' lia- a long let. itttkilig iUpc t oe thlie îatrly oCery ut Commt.c i I lleîm i G) have ïi, aîr : L e- t -li cili tin 1lîciila r or us rrane. he re.fus. iurcî thj b %vccas àr. ioes whe Mii Iote for ini the vyer iI'ulties ha! cari -bc con- iy Nir, Dry- i as rach t1idorsed, lui ioSition, b>' ieyenniadle vroît tirat I tyfor oc'sr il 1 w-aixnot ibic poition n.ý, mmd ain fi 9td~n t tuSamy. If. t cccnci ictd ne jîastî i3 wri- btandi, If vriitc>naatiotta aidue-n ey tei rl to ticisiq11ila , tct the ueý îiuejudgci- ltaii, whar ; su-i andi ýd" 1 aconld nltitttew-ont me any ont, dit thât Mr,' lir, nrh LO Invetîgte bu report the lion for aril Àrrival 0f Ihe "iagara."1 It is stated that Orsini vras at Swuttgardt INEW ADVERTISEIIEÇ1'. NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. Fe.~ when the Emperbr was thcrc iast year, but-_ _____________- Nxw Yoit, F 5 that lie and two or tbireother Itailians Under the Immediate PatronftgO of GOLfl I4fNS RE.POINTED. -Tt oylMai Sciiihp Nigra," were ec±pelied.pRwcE r5o CNI .Etclosc pet, in a letter tapt. Miller, from 'Liverpool at 10 a.i.,a Bnsl pp rutffrs tlat thc French M P $ BE MON ith ensh or pistrage stniînp,. mandbv retorn y ..e*terdaiy evenin. A Mrssinst? ad idpdalte r to ECMNITLYfrînEIIgOîII î ~lNnortonil ou wl rce the pelaas gOOd 'M n. W The !,;Niagara" expcriencod hcavy w-ca- toriguR aunone that tihe wifl give ai rajjci Con- tde% . ElIcIOTT, thr urnglî wolpassig. icirpotheUc British, Belgian, LSWÃŽis, aind Sardinijan ceert tthe %yacs ev York. 1 overnincnts, dellîandilg certiîn ineasures IlECHANICS' HALL, WITBY, paaaing9 on the ii0th the American SIiPS lw-hlii uaiy prevcnt rencvcd attetopts at O "Hcatnry Clay" and " Ann Ilooper," aind ssaiesination. F RZIDA Y E FFIX , D. 1I9th 188 bark IlStatesniîan," off Yarmnuith, N. S., 1TTIl Ly. W lin ghc wiil bu e sisted liv Mr. C. J. Machbc.i boutd for Liverpool. She passed thestcnrn- ApltnanttelfofteRgoftiç vVvrofSiltr% i..~.Ili r. Au lîsds Sticiil lic, POST OFFICE OPERATIONS. siIliria fremin Nw Yorkt, Jarcnrvat1î~ crred '<Žnap5e 1 Mr 'l sStne, i. Buruettan rcM. 2th, off'liolyhcnd, atIc P. ni., of the 3tlî; alFcîbnn rcsî obv eland. TCKý'TS-Rescrvcd sents uitc. ok scat% T IF POST MASTEII CEN ERAL 1lit E CII 1al rncien ic. rOt> t" be mmd otr M. FlIMiisictaai, tichliitci thc fitiwngNW cs (tlcs on theSlst site assed the Atiicrican ship cd at Napes tbcarry ont tie design. A Ni tto'sBooîk 'Stoire, andc4lit t e (hricieCarçîn-dmc mid lhua imithorized dthoca cw"g ebchan oncricy balsiobrio vc(t. (Oe-.Ici~ cucrt t omre IBenareo," OR K insiale-iconçOirr'been dtscoverlil. An Giheegc1)oorqilpeiielicf7.thu TheNiagarsrilcdfrrn lallaxtîti pt.to hiave lccc lni 5ed for tlice 1 khof Janu- Fcftirtier lparlcclars soeI.CQ -rs for Boston. airy, but tule polie frcîsýtrated it. Axnong lier paisecnge%'s are Ais Excellen- m~aNTC OCEIOS cthe lion. the Earl of Milgrave1 the new- 1 ti ý, î ua Bsi ntmito r1 îestore By V i f a Dvili f Asitcutct iikrcc -' y-appoinited GCovcrnqr-of Nova Scotia, aind ail nmarince saîclcon te L'rcassînfl coast, cdaie Jancmtry -.th, 1 lit- uiccdrrslgicd family. and suite: b~~~1ut min a tien v-steijj, wlujctî ciii invade usdi~mpciidd.cic.eclIl~cticc - The CoUna' steamicip "BalIe, tron eUc reary cf(JPari. A nccv Sobnstapo0 is IE~AI AIFE. iRY The Corllin tiary iltb "rIrait i -- algo icc'leitiitltil. Oftice Towun of Whcib%,;tcle ci.for tic be- NewYokTIIAI 1i 5. li a Iv-neitlof sch re<iitor,. cclcccîîupccrtie.c ttccre- erp ol t V. ni, n te 2 thIt-, imcier lice (condi tionic.c icccuc s tetIrLl' e- erpoo et ~/. ni.,on Ie 2$b. 'n ini.zt"ciiiçr liasarrive-il nt suez, forc e td,t lmif A1cril. ee.Siil liccd cof INDiA. ~~~witi t a i ctu fei" i ct cocc ticDe-c. I ci, .ciilc.ltIcalesittiific ct M..cl Tbe correspon-clccicc frorci (Clcutta. 'cr c .ichcl utc îirctc d ejiii t and S di c d te-1* h 'e M .~ elb «ois rnci i. iue. fii u i i ALWt h c sga Decem ler 24 tir, nafflotiing Of impjortaince in tulegrapllic delpaitel'ies, w-bîcb anticipai- ied the niail. 'lic Times Correaprcrmcint give.-ai circilin- ittantiail accotint of the Windbaiîi affitir bcut them, fadas do not iier froxiithocse al- ready bA efurthiepiUc Thîc scecs aftIcrIV ititiiiitaî lmfecat are suad tb have been fttarrul cThelocpitais w->1ere cre%-dmtd to suffocation. 'Thle ecri'v eirected Ureir ire cspeciriliy irpon theui. aind it was nio(t ilii iir tColimtn amipbell re- tuaricd, aatd, witi ai dozen ri caibt words, lrouglî evcry mcari tû hickplace, tlimat ordcr wais restorecîL 'lie Bisliop of Calctta (lied on thb ')rd lof .lnuatry. It\ti.Jan. 29. ' erin.,fc.,,aciitlin tcs rcivecd a decuatell fronni Maltîcacutlouc ilg thmeutarivai of thte ]iunuilic' ii1. of Jauit Sure-. T'hce ae is otf littIe îîittce- Sir C'oin LUaictîlcb l avccsccl accnuiore- ai.tîI Lct ci. lihe ccciiexpjcetd shiît l> ho aiccosae-t-a nei cliia îcocvrhuh force. Sir-JcitteA Ontraîîc. ntclAIIl îîtîlaglu. aitae-I rd anrd defîcateci the e-lit icictuon22D. I t-c rîc- eaptutidfouir gts i irc .aedbîut tritiing liul. tien. lie-rtIs., ealipinctoti lte- cnu- li asaeiîcblic ut ie ai ui ce ili ariclcon No frehi distiî"bainces'ia oeclirrcctii sny Ilarl-ohDeccau or ('e-ttrai Inîbia. w' e Puicîiii'.tîci i rairoî I.,ciuu-c. Jan. !>n, jTue-foliocwiig dcpt5Cccnws rücehve-d ite- 1ocuîcuA', Janu. !l. Sir C. ('ampbe-lh, or11Iice. Qtim, advanced tow-ards i-erticl-ald, aind irte-îîced 10uru, cecA tiietce tu 'cgîra. tz'dt Sctuci'a coliitic î re-ccccjied -M'ri - Poore on the 27thî îe-e. aller defectthue- robotis andi lakiiir,6gitnca. cBrigai er (,crc.(Ciinierbain jcrccc.cs with a acoliîuî i tiuiïiicamin ad aftet- wards joins Sir Coluat Acrcm ThoetDecca ncaîticueer-sbîccd crclered thce Assamo coutrty, uand ier Majesty's 24tii foot were In luursuiil of thenc. lThe eontiuct of lice -IlsI regiarueitî of na- tivo itiritry' has exi-iteci icisliciua. ý.The populationriohfI rîicîre- iucmccbeen dis- i ncnedtnnd tranuqc(iiiiity nestore-c. The 1îIijaub aîcd Scintde anccquiet, bîut strong sniacpicdiois arc entcrtaimccd of lime R apaire rnjailï'i îuicvcniicrc Kew-dcprciations Imu- thme-'Chanlore ne- bcels arc reponted, ancd te iacisi ne-bc lu. acu -been scvereclcahatlli. A g mncicnlertaiccctutnt lias been iver -b>' th niatice gercerais oh Boaabay b al Eu eau tnoops in garrhceon uail pla ice Tue c rrespQndetnh of lice Tiîme-s, w-iîini Sfront Ca on river, urîder date of Dec. litl sasm htait ceb lias netrred ccît insolenct ait liwen b lice ;titintctrruof thec Englishi ai), Frencht picriîpotctcituccniei, anud thuithlie Li forces cwotîd 1".4ew cc'days attick ('antoh LordEigim's (lcnuund w lis ofthie Ilosî Iony Icrale charecter. Ic e - for no mior than ticail(liet reaty shcuuid ttc carnied out that Caintonu sicoîd lie pucot n-mhie sain j - footing as i tIter Ire.ity iportcs ;ils giles t bu openi to7.coicimercc ;ticîtcoin ijcnsuthe- bi giving for d'amigeto BrIiishc uercîani and the occcupation oftuflie Islancd of Ilona o icqtîe-sced in «ias a guranttce, mauil n miailens lire sttlcd. i'sanuwcr lu Loi Elgiri is said tolu h ieiîniedIniiiîcsarcaiti -scii. tHctell is ialorlsliip tiraitte que thon of the treainent of sîraingers at Ca ton,lias be-en settLecîl b>' the Eînperor'sd croc ; thal Sir hioorge BIouhiîa as mais e s Baronet for respctirmg thal decren, ai c ecoiucnrds Lord Eliiri bfulltcw- hia e ample ; ant-as for ouaccersatiori, Vehlu;h deînainded il <of thno British Governîuici .,ý6r lband suiferage, iii' Chia, a fece da luefure tiis murswaer cracu rtcciyed. Mr. Reed, thec Ainican Coînunissioni solicitedian iutervitw ic the cty. andi Y ýrpeticitait lic aoutti Ieet himtoûtside the city; but taI nu barbaniains alcot ..jiut their foot withiiî th it <of Cairtoi TtmeParis Pays~ publishuts accourith fr (Iùciin Chiaa. 'flicpcmsemution of ù'In tihans contirnce i--ith unparar.cled voilcm The countîry was ini a state of the grdlît confusioni. Parliaimetit assembles 4th Feb. Prince Fmdrick William of Pmussia,1 Ment 3 orntaite folowing sentece ySr arKJety wants sohdierato r.eh t mo ~ zisIelln tItem haunti, we-liunnly1 c --you *0 d.ahgnt the 82nd Ragireai putf the admoeI guerdo! this army The Po. ha. addrused au autog W« osff<OWbt*im to b MIp~.Oa. ~-~-r, -w- T T - or WA.NTEI>, ~T I1t IX TYI'~ U'IVE Six intclligemît yocucgmuinn anBook 30 BAB.PELS No. i j' Agciite-. frrucîi l~cirlv tic ~iny itoiccatis pur accôîctiiiiicîy lce-enriie-ci. Ap1civ Ici HIAMILTON & ROBERTS. LJAKE HURON TROUT II1AMTLTCI% & ROBERTS. I LOCH FINE IN XZGSI HIL 'hlTON & ROBERTS. StTPERIOR SELLINU-OFF! SELLNG Mt ATr COST PILICE!! G.EORGE Clll!LIFdtP» Whitlcyv, licbict 8 1'. b.Nii it ttpir:îunâ f mtrictiy Ic110;14 h a b i t s i c d t ' 'î yG( . . JO'E&LOTS FO>RSALE; aes.1înd 2, lfime treet. for sle.-- B Giwn&llvfwr past It'c ormi, cnd wutild day, thw tuccn.gto u Ille in cc cc ti.u ey Markeit ei,od Frame otIc, a tOTcî »c 1110 iit~ccr tlcey licive a lige s'tck tf w aîî cic iitcmi clere lu acià lic a cicce-Oi u .A:L:L AWD l N ER RY G OOBSI1 .IilteI l ltecoe.Th iuto i Stii oc clucimud wclcc tcce ae teiicicc It..OcI cff utci rect ccc-rcfi- f Ccsi. Ti~cStck ciJ tilc acdfuricc prti-ciat, une.to Stllonlind ad ilel tcc.careit(7,cftrici i gl ,tfcciae ent Lcýc frCs.TeSok, F trn ù artE. CmaMERON Utiief Constucblc. Dress Goods, Shawlg, MVant1es, Furs, Flannels, Blankets,' Or ttc GI(>- ALLAGi, Fuictoru s, Tickingas, Shiîrtitngs, rCîrîceî,.I.icictFurc(ci e tîc ics, Ocoîcr lt'7\4 BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FUILL CLOtHMS, SATINETS. -IIOTEL TO LÈT. __________________________ llF Procprietccr beiccc dcc.-irç,uq cf retîrilig fricni W cc - Icil ca pi cal-ctteiotc o 0 i etc. :k icf T li icte. Ii l ci Id ci-pic-ci of lhua iIteýi mccict ie -ce t , cf tueolri t lîii clllctîc, r~V iil Scicul cii tc ulc cîtce ir nt -~--- uIf~~2 t 'vi îc r (c cc îciic1-c1.t critîis.".ccc i Il tI c-c1ctitcîi -iiccI I,ciidon mrtc mue rcarket wcvilldeidcl y N. G. IlAMcNf,' . î:.I,-idrNcti m-e-uiliîc casier. Ciois l cicsd on Fridcîy ai 95j ~a sýicjctor, 0 i1 -it 11Ac Jrc-cc'c l-T8O1'ittROBERcTS., it 1.15j for icotcev and arcotict. 'le bciilion W11litby, Feb. l1,Y', £v ini the lBank' 0f Emcgiîmîd mis incraed te cu.cccfs, i.sccnic acîccctcB oc si -________ £M2~.lhoo. c ville StcitccilliîîcWccgive ficir iîcsertilîcîc. I-IVt'àcF buav , R.- ~- - - - î.culroL Iiocuiarirt.rs.NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ___-I Acîcu ui-tat i2s a::c for portsA and IaL D E'SHII.J lc-tWicer hci i. - Y Viritcmcc fa Dcci cf iiintclit.ti enriccg 1d~4 2 'îiiidlYcfii uci~ ht Smgar duil ani ('61i buer. a ilaaîcirt. s-ii--c ]J sct c<clE IMISSFSES IY AN WcV l1it) RDS P ECTa iicCecrauiicîtr.Ter I fui]% irîîmîîrcîcefic the inliabitants <f % hit- Te-a siigitiv advance. -1 .-Gh 1 ci ifYin [.îî cccaOc itc ni ovi d~bln4t 0 f t lie .c c.p cc c'Ii -iclh.fc îet Si -ico iti t, iictriirt oi f g de.fle .otco tic iccfmia-: Ric-icarison., jicic 0I . ic1îltct flour liicefîli îl'.cic i c litirs c- ic-c. lj i eiîîî li vre Thtîcîcrn oiuteflsto -asir i Tii'j- e fIl ot )ro, lihbaceso dia i Acp i intéalaioile- aîd c itotiticc it.i ccliil l-,h ctifllir 'cc-î,iî i hi tI i 1 lhrt I u îurioc< c ic<ti ii'r hI ct iicsi Ail U tceEcgih iance cfFdiclcci ,aci îmiecc'riecCofVc VctJ- C ta 22 n 2lî ilfore Illce- i« it i t - ' hrilc h1.. "ticii d-ci ccf'l ci .iciitc cf celcc,î lc liici L i cc i v ciii Faney Necclln work ant ui,îc-cc cill ieb al.cr1 E !l1GTcc aicci Bcti ntire _22c &ici a t-. jo m 2 7s ai r c ic -sc fW Iic fri'ccrc. ccl Thé,icr icîci, c thoe- fic. I littSI ThOcînutS, Ji rliStreet. Whitbv lIe. 1, IS7. 46 oss. V ei yt-I i iclliiic ii'ii ned 21 riihcslccciî a l ries icieres'cc-clarc-,rccuirc-ttclih ccclc citunfi Iccci t I t. I lie - 11i,-ia tec c0uetcrl 5 fsardi Agricultural Notice. FrSl rt e <c-rtc .î1cuîct. iccctj te14«c Ticg- ie-iliaini ilci . utIcc r .A al c. c tic-t f te Ccuciiccflut Ari ciii & -'~I -ccpctc alic7c.dsic lca-cacu1,1f,1-cc 1c ii- putut'c'c ds lchei.'c'lcitby V Tice i,._t (Jeý -i N< ttaîacia. s(ithe R1h or OfUit- c 1SI tt cf Fchirtîrc c u O N 81F.yJH M L O ND R fE T s ,sîc lu-siioprtotictb)tticc. 'i Il rk cjcict.loit c-c Iî Lard t. 'V lcto.tcucw;,clin- c. lue-. -if 7cl2 a ils t, (l i rc lccc-c-V , a c1 l lr i- iïii t el icî-m1oN ' tl1mcFrsithîrci r1i.loi.ic ii bo.l, C îîrcc'tmc élatdcii cr-i cfl Ii ic- lc.rtncrili i ie-c-ti-i NT F N. YORK ADVERTISING AGENCY, b eti tspcu, Ã"S foa ci i. itrg1-. v. lpu'ce -1 T Va-tn L 5115 t. FiIiIF. lrtlrietir. I c l icî I i1c-tr nl the M-- iri i'. ic ri i1t-c- ..lcc(c-i ii c Select ofic-N - rct ai O o dc 'rmitci tcccc.îlcctcrir.tF-m - i I A. T.ci -i c- d c cci, t ii i i i 48 Ilid.<cn Streoetery. &ircarYork. t8107 c cccalct.-J1c-cciii. ci-îcîî c îît -.BOTII YANC<~>~c c u -.- i - . ~A. i. B1.lTiN, a, l'ri -eslici'it ciil 1,cci it('iAii)AV).LR Tm1SiSiDS1IOSEr LTFRNAE li-c 1.. i zi. W Xlii). 4 YANEE NTIONSTORE. ici l ritc f thce Uiutctti ITESanrd .sn.ORSLIXTE'iLAEFBRt Ai 1 e--r 'l saura. lilt,n 'cii11 E C N A vE.)., 'iTiG BL S L E:T D .clna-Tcu cbvc1lccet tiitcît st- - - - - ~25PE C NTSalimipromipt atcl krouct S ic rsicene cfIh lfeW'rc ficîria -c i ciorin ',-ced-n c c-c.cc .cicl -fdi it-irc JNBlc llihuC < laicgytr liceK, 1- fille. ~ <' c gsn un. shma od wi o ctr icatg u inîci -cir. ilI e-îted Ic icue l f c T lccîcîcj - c.!lc-c i c 11r'l'lIîr tî l ist.-l, ciiMcctcclucsilcitii clt it- h N T i e mcc-iii, u l tiur crccci dm ic1 icstcîîi-< dcitriilclicr liitile-iT. ici - cofîce r-îCP I ctcfccTccreuG aN dbcScKi ac W tc-itui2 c. icttc il i t i i l -n~ i c . il lN OTrI O N c i , cl c c c iic ci mS l rk i . ci c - e- o k V j uiN- W iî îî ',1 - f mu lie-ncftic-1 risIiccclchc irecicil i tic <icrlf -icciàtîc OId SiiV n i i.1.cccuItt 4%.RIT IN -AE R -5- ick Nc, N Y rk r i,,tii i tYok, j L " T 0 &cst-ii ccs i.ict tc i. cii i l -iMi ll-c ccii li- hl -ce-S ctand c-it andmcl i i ticc tucigIet cl-live iclcclathic e- A. T.-B-T-O-.BROC K STREET, WIILTBXr nul~~~~~~~~~~ f\cel-lîî i i ieci. îccc~ .BTIm~i 4 YNKI'F NoI iN STORE. c-ti-ittici kridcîceccc. .n îc- ua-1_ccci- -di__ '----. ictc -- I ilTUNING TIiANZRS Tri TIIEIcCUSTONIEIZS IN TOWN AND (O'N[lTIZOÃŽU FiE h iie, its i i<ttlîlof. TFli riucctii cît-%re- arrest-od. F41' 1 LIE B-ES 0' F TiIE 1.ATE FIRNI OF Lsuccehand ccîc liet l cciavecyC i le-e busiilii ic.ienhe 1 utIiotaiio ei 1IlE'6%RS. . ILSON & IIILLIN<;t, cSearl , m i- b pnttUhi if e i ilthat ttcevhave tîe iired ccili c ft dcarrycng on ic tr veteccucve bccinTwctfWîty j 4porting Intelligenîce. A ,cite or-I. fu lie reijucîté te-el cunfipid c cil jvll lcîlc -'c- liliiir u.lnu l îe le aiclîficîcndiltty, ur îhe*utcill il -itt. i iicie-licte1% lcancicd cer ttc the Clark ofth D R Y G&îîgîîst îtctlc, Isî iiThec racrs rcilcle off u lJice icoun i' 'ccc1.c-c -ogl.ae. itFrdav andaiti sii, ýf J MESBAT S, N. É.W-A fourDry Goédi lefI tQ b la ex-ci ____p_ JAMES l*it BAE, crgce' - Dole. J>or l'lûte- PAINING, Ir T BE.L'S CRNERS ai N E saeay wor WiilcLI 55.i I Iil pIl '-' A Baick cttli-ofiiIllocaridotlrb- Itmile bs ( tilt tt.$2RE .4Rhnrîrtar îtî. - JciccrýIl _ __si cuýndstclîtwuk n ere-ai aoed o ca i-i tr- cîce.fcr~4tiio Ti 'Ir lie -rlic. a orcc <cf ic a b- _ __.---Ir.-- WINTNGlPA ER J(i Till,____ t ie e-te c uc I l l) I ice- 1 1 1 1 i i c igi li.ed i ci cici-1 ccel bc- hraîn iclcîi te hcniy .1 lifis TL2 .. ',if 0 tctM.i îlîc-th t'ccurt1biciise. n NNR F 111Si 131 l 1h1>C Kr BLOCKîy u W îtiu cdilic îce.t c- tt 'cimltlZNE. 'riert y lcsimcc aie-în t rîîed AINTElI <>linccrc cirato -,&c.,Coniner i i NI- ~ E l i rutcefuoonrctmncts 1. 1" R S O. N A Loffiemi ud ertoBà hihrc a ;liig« 1e attlti&Rbrs N.iaR c i î.Jcctm I ~1 ~-î bîs',rîdtccktc oîe nea r aes Store.Blrîmck Stre t, W'iitbv. iniforms the- anima B L -c I Wallae-e Eaqcciren rc~-lidece. Aica one who- itants cîf the Torwaî tof W ittas and iilcitv,0FT LIR O iSA D 2 .. li e- i h <)eI a ren. -i sne adwlc-i(lvaI. t j - liec. cw ro-ared ut tunrîaI i__a___l__________rO F; BT HS Sc on d v th i i in t ii 'J hn"a nti, i 1 mcli'iStrConrs >libwiib h aîî~ï~2rtî~.tui~n littiirtî icia tci>'i--ns il rre calcer and' -ilàcr painjt wiilUeapf r l 1apal1afnolg0a Ig, 1. & &COF>Eil. E&RMR.NI)i-R <) TUE R - Lo No.1-".Rn OFn.TILL Ila J. llaght's Mccic"andîlaflcîriiecl capi- RA àROAD JIOTEL., -- - I ic L xoiic u sni -tiîdeptc8,cdu- WcibSptlne,147 fJuijport. Nole-sa timan fc o hîatl;ueri %iieramîc.l , jF.erlasHte o e itkcmsOPnminCLctern,&PEREY.TI n RST C OfSJi~ î O>S~-- - rcmciccloite îursle, rcitiîclr iiorc'r acinihccga P,-47- I Tl~tiQTi. ~' l I kn"o ran iLetrn,&c,(ot LiT WN O F W H ITB Y. haîîd.~~asv iemncciesiada' trt hîaXta ao iCcriITt aTi ie-. Flie- r ct îbic ic itcuciU~~ToLW'.ýII w erk mcecicnd in a satisfat(ry main Àk >X. Il 10 miitdtAi ' Il -bs, sIl. Nioséov, 1, 2, 2. 1, 1. To Brewcrs or Business Mca Generaîiy ENTRE bicîTEI. SITU'ATE IN fier. N.I&2 ilsBok pî ntepeie N.Lac", 1.hi.dclic-.. 2l b liiiic Vccc tcluv~Byronu Strecet, In lhe Towniiof lVitibv, Octolsur, IS57 40-ly No'1&î2hTll"byc ,_ i avLt ii, tîc'2,tci, 1,icca1,b Lt21ec.utBrüci'rtrecl, Wlitby, Feb. 10, t$itS.D . DO L SO , ies d.1 i i cc cf lie-is, cfla t t icîlii Iiie " ale c41hacavcSa-ie aites hePciacdiis ficoa u ttclts i c-c tr-iLe.aititce lr-u tctheîîd The l"ort TrontenliRceiEcaille ucr'c.irc l1ai ingeheaci. d lice aaoflo s mcs ft or, dateliiin che business acsbVE Y-URAforSt& GBESE N O T I C E i. Fuie coul TuE - - A1ji ~ 1)01>1) il. E. t Icit chancei c iaiftud;imK;:d. E. G-Shen tmfo ricthe Puic tnite T iiîcer3,tk iac:îcifircrA c- ctinos-'c cucattiiihihcc, uracy - FÀ um ' iIi.be IA ty t -oruolicîîStbitcaSuixei,-'eetshes îmmu0w reîcia b<pondi cuuc lcblatsotie uccanfdhitiyathecril, ur lIFecray.iScl. Aiy eso rtîrrîg htlyfand9157 n _iuî,M-d-0 etetaii ltecilzenoo 'cbitandf Cah m i habeXnanufacctory. jwmu-dc, nd iioccstor ae cersbyfobidmcuIi4Àil J FILLPS Fridav, ,-)tli nd 26th nstant.t;te atttitroitt alY uttOic tle lit-ucg Lice ofapiaitet, eotlumîtrvlal lh ier L Icun made v Wiatd an toie. blamlgucia aituicorebletef i Cour rfidy o sa wcck Ùc.aîscari cr laitr e asedWtheON. ail kiodfvoricarauahdd ý;ov tiMer. 4'tb allaoîcccitrtoBoceofroiitiipaeotit% an tUFAin- FUN FOcRui.T HEicd - FAeicug ias , ii o rice- - ih accue ntîd Ccîam îid ige amcd itî in w W T II A E &J WE E , c,, O P AISNDewee eiiow-tepbi htle T itfctl tk ev t tftLE th ii- itim o gn tt .r tIl'r 1>IA artt Fof b cie-kaofîoi. tl ii ig, Hal cuat Maýlireoofices harut- îarmt a i l'.are atok of ý tie la iinosaie Prîccaf. ijie a d ieie t-,, en Jta%- 831) i etr 83 mrl,0hw in.o bv thie itrfrr c ia put rhe ofath aor, tii lit - . licise are nittiaie lic tîce tisi ceirîrcl, au we noteItATCHES A O JEWELRY L exchuainhé gre~ît elagriiî oitue iîvcr of the jteraccet hgbî'cttf l e ten Mntrd feilto N. B.- lrcati prcrir a li candect "andt t!rîtranîacipensornsitdc Subirelalforen t>9T I (E a îcsieodhno rrcntuertcrg, fcch(î,- cciomizens ofha WhIeiela-roeth)n oreuildngic>r itepopppcseio coneinrifilrsse ntiAehcs j App1pfiiOi 80Paas mct. r tpeoapd eeuuti Iano Tanedord cpmi.r c- Te perne i Surc u t'brigtc igiceu, ceinîictl fonh iîc ditiîgi, aind lt u-Enrg hitby MaÇ ',.inuLEic re. jtrlumîc-udti rd ccd4hS tiî-o n c, on Saturday eve clçigicla<ciaurn oleAenaiz flusie aCoii hieitai a a rea&riabieLIERY c.JN OSP AN LNO e utcacdii h tlteuh cmo li aja AEYAI)CNBTOAY n )v te (oint rripccr0ste-f Uxicrge tiag ndNe utheOi- cci blciircii o-iea ciéHoftheTwnIc las onctiafr mî.wM rds RÂY'5 awlrge thcar t ie c;a cjcPrelinc pplit tIi, nmacxl Seesutuut tho ].eiiwhtute nieiJtn. 2late. <lcld IieiicIiîi oiîc cciuy fOittr, onareacj itite ite i c entalmsuexioras ' S T . B ANDs a WELp Y T, nlvlxiby e. 2,15.8 c liti t i a A i- uiu-îpcrt h c I i Whtbc', A gulal 5,tItiT. ancd Cotrîtr'u couitoaenl w-ihandektreCofur- of tuem era ' Arrae t l rige ect u Tcicc, ci ce ftueh îe Cà iîct-cubs, arc cttoirc c'ciciaiuuncta eiccuu cuitIa ar mi, i E on. BI B G O N I A E t-pLIE uBra Be R itb anE ifactur A cciiite-d tthe exth. lE îcieutmedhsreao o uo>'Tw un -cu uho blelcielit ltas beloon elnuLte totct ciccr cfniifl-croelck cuou tf iiccehfuturetcl, acillcchf ilultîOisicllc uctanddcv, fi have icete rteed haola rgeantrid l e -- herc l' cc riicgw- cyDeo ofcP 1Whahh uaipeida r-c> Svb e.henSanode esrpto o ccd is uredooeline th RO E IS N P O ISO S lie , . yof Vihi er o Whit esandAA ,ionarygt t e Tf ail tdndy o poue oftiicb lanitee iig qilàali>i'. he eni a tics ie 1ale n d ha np ce, iaisd os-NELON .1IEY 'OL S, M. AIE. iacc- u-hruticwUiendfloicmiecapitale îî ofvitthen Pmes. tmatieofrqmiriîg mcl alrgniufciiutck. Lok e itnmlomiec md ros . IIil, ai aiblc.re nth t h lv oefhavenuluslve beri avord .h-ii tT, <J' O. toian iafa oel ais itifltah ln aîdyfrcr iicc'ih hirodnd. rd r .rcbaa Piitcicnua ttticleio OU TY(F N AROh Y eLRUE0 hpica aivilomup thegalirrt i n te2 rc e i nbt 'ail Cu ers Jusitce> r fleiée J. L 4tÀB. t 'ilcXVhi2, com icua t~ion1855. 4 a Largelcndid RE GSen oaemdOrNIAiThEsses aSI te ffc, nA lieIAV Nc'IIoNcemu Ace are are - - - Wjiort-thu, F-hi m 111bî of arrnocticgîrtandp rgotv, nd ailYiliithe neat at syle ftlie artianithe t e lu s'en fronit, thof A t- a G A Ra hav iifs ntrtc i înit nstecsure oc u i cIa ___ -- - NOiytIe fint eulias ptcd a erStig iu-at tes4,eor vingrt of- & MAlsERRÃ"FFER, j Nta ote T iciCilotni iMENrIyaCui> ii wooai ~ h e§e ani icamion as __________and i mposing as pus- '\î5SÃ"TIIAT T.EREARTLhie-e. - -AIlîGiNS , croîtilie Oili e, Viealby IiiimctmccUuitdtciand-lcicîcdiedticnad apifs. el'rritonaleltbcoiiaiBuld off d irecteV 0, 1eiairmal cathuir e.cutateri ie-ahaiasmaw- aIlcactioparUNO OF 0T ERARI, lr ibe Vehv fo a e be aiordo-J. B IL VI b ctw-can tUir 0 s59. st thed lIrteNianmhaventheiiavof Atigéie ut nc- Abrh aipoa mmarw-ie fqe, ocdy the bta iNOTICEmrcitmcbr'irrîdrtt Whby ac Iu87.In h el - -tyeo leati n itlelw sousi oflcmh IViigtnaa4:iigro- Setlgetfrtatl fytrwoaa te inc d uInmaytintt b licel uu aguis ic cie Frccra office ,Uc, Wuib',std~T B IDE S tahme l>ssu 4d t b uoft Dvd ne Und u b i. atorle %eae itca i iied thir jîeiliorite hae ', '!urTC E , sa.tislIlO OGR tlV île ha Faeell ac....cd haïrikcj Nr, ) 0uS T TEifiiC Eîc Srscrc IssoîEdBY uiuiîic TI c-sA aTIIs ARti Ti- R YCroe nihwmuy SWtatn athRuaerigi founr suad f thrvto-J M SB T , ace e-juccdtt fcrimi pcrilrscf lutergfinît mt tév tme s u sehi ars Ih i c b d irect ii t he ehhtia, ha ei eda bPoti btl i cii lketvi-c be inaitenIace Weaie îr nid 'flcum iua T ate t lime <c luis dohe ,uteM; FA qîars&o ., tfor ct nt dt lei R ith ctu u uis rsidecerear corcuuîirmaîa RoNi0, GsiRcACePciH PYas1i oberti aq- adýiinfossthe sailnghvtao Four 'cloc is tehiner. coîmu BAlberquharoma adBand mciin arereaarc Lesona setBélitcltu-c ccaihi litestodoit tercadurchitethemd Ciati Eet îicr, aiIlhoasatWeiliiossutt as .teacIlcIutf totnadsdl'4 A E innc shillingse o%1a# uiv. I tîcissiori 25 cerctela.in fo Vhiad all ParieAdinisbtratix pecinte ic iisndg at mcqittpat ca o tonse ilE Pa rie rati cc e;v e d biulucloiruto mit WhJauîîar the er1858 . I f Dvli g Il t8ai',w Lhbahed bè ofcirlehciSf l'o tc 01to!Utbr1*1 of te lt. iconasTate w-o uakejuca rceotttctUefira. heurhomn i Iiov aaicot iak itcon-coent _______________________________ nien oriuaisfic'toi of hiesal dam, r. tt Q EYdAREabot 5yeathoe1 anai sieIl li'y-er-tn, $1 ZÏainzitoek f jhie an Geu*am n re- 1& $16. Butter, 7id Q 9d. ALTERATION 0F TRAINS. 130o and ShoS, e o<f pohiio ti iae.,1>utidlar attention pgil - un- sa1 ATERMODÂ he?1a aie15enmitttii 5DOt. udor eto GRISTI ÂNGG Paambsud ltaeetmesokti' adr 4eC ieThcfAbê FEBRUAEC.1Y- - ereniants, Famersanatd others cetahi - linI d c. wlhciadiin ouaDE,2na Dec mli reswlTrailire>'lrruoagel Ihir Wlnoal Floured, will bu deslt witk .~1-- -~-~. uq At Whitby, on the l7tm instant, Mme. loatrWainlaaddition tu the night mail, froinivariety eand ast aii unrtzctulerwnesear e gâ :àf'ilo rd.rNAVewLLE. BySreSttoa olw Wh@1t5aie lBtai.IConty &ptmbn r N NVI -dre Sclxoficid, w-Uc oh L IL Schotield, Esq., Bi'Sreétiloidi olw: oocoTtm.- N TC eoiatialiliitndtexanifle the Stock. A Whitbyv, Npvemhem Olb, 1857. - 43 cjhttùai ourselvs thot we ýigvoitrt... n18. Day Express train te ontec .... 787 . mhdearaleu ad The funenal illuttake place on Satur Nghh ma ........t22 p. m. .0 To Wt: j. ht ou t o Ones K'seON PIE! -CRCIAa .0lut,18.r ~ î l next' at 2 o'lock, frout hem tate neidence, For fairheýr prudustla set Conipsua>".Tue quarter Sesions ofîhe p« ace Coainlv out No 'Mer1 ~,us > iwlII b holdeu in sd fr lice Count>' of O ao, W1t7 *8 q IS b tie , u rtnt b M r - - Ù wfoli onIof Part a , -fl duc-t Pot h it nlwh (Jr çh b ndu in.rQnd, Tale iW. SHANLY, -",lthe ConrLonse itîhe Tow of WlitbY, on T .uauffle Ettainfl, bep i * rtura tbaiaks b rket~~~~~~~~~ -oDhtj.Yinsan-sqauacs~T5*i ~ ~ ~ ,,W l hi pqncruous entoammmumnd ieuda for the lib- te asptotend. t hm hma iià'nsiie ' TExberW.cgAealNtlT E~a aie epetni> iîildleated M n~ e. 7 15s t the hour of Tw-elveo'cloek, jQoaî, of w o 0pt i'orrn4out 50 aceas of good lie ha. te ifnlbxua ail rn~tî~Mi' s ted tîtlic. c,êevtoum m ting b-et .11 Coroners, Justices tsllte Pence, and Iî> 1a' twd- ithiLui ve inUes of theTown o tp rotq s uinda Gee li theiTo.wn hles <#4 others couentr ilwlU taeinotice and w'Puew or wthont BuijlIcgs, J- col, oeo mrgflt à hn c. lioire & <b, abS NEW ÂI)VERTISEXENTS. ~govem atheMaclvesaecôdinW itie. o dFeau 4rollctihiwfe 1ai> 18 Thty JOHN BILLINGI, icNE82 EY Ll ~iL&OONIyI4, Esq., ~meute tê mt4i aêt1ity dtu, and thtlk5k a c- Ther LÂW, CHANCERY & CONVEYÂNCING BDE ORPITN. slxTam sOnn - 1r*surir. Ifby le otialpa. tdoe1rbecisinMl t voi ÀuIt 3ihiaJrli king 8TOCKLHOLDERS NOTIC O OUED Tenders .wil be reciet t b AIKUEfI<TÇ 04~1zr,1b<batàotme i. i . bkm»tc. ci ANNUALMEMINGOF TU.& CK- Cterk's OMet cutil Monda>' iext st 1OTC.9L t b"If rs of theickeringarbor au -Ront rd fr Ag ~al the PÈaing-cd A persona irs4abt.eI to thé- -- ore v-no ~1modee ecrm »..' orin CrpralePery,iher oniNote, Rani, Bond orn lent- .hu 1r otStock Comapaay>, for the pmnpofmec 'i T o o e oosa o i- ae us .i b~efutiii.A ~~~~~~T teDrehrafrth nalg tut -n Pt< orK POiT IWO CBforads <i. gaeipmsoa autg lteie aaUMv.th&.t Ane ý-Ru In au Momday forbe laaYeu, Marc figer.(w'onk __ pra>'aS E. Paesu'sRotai, Pttksîrlug, on Lofmutin. pIÏÏM*dinsteoqolc-l 1ê4mu- *aphW WILhe WEITESWEh& c -tco»*bu Fbethe rn Bof121h:FebIt$5iDoon.belk'continué ute.-mco'c the -u<c e( t -j-

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