ad e l illlt jý the surroun(ý1inrý(ýsgý,*-nýr "Rumour says, lie (encý Matthews) han 'How valuable would the surroundingCrown No *ý of tive f-loolund. bc lie late ludînn Tolegrttms. t Il 0 1 0 taken witli Iiim, so' e £15,M , of other lands then become? Instead of Iying rý,ý4 10 this gaflânt ûhd CI b 0 ý .; M lig s 1 Ic Z> W = 0 e and uneouglit for ad Jobti Lys ,5 120'- ý,lrvt liIivt,,rervivegi lilen of PRper., frolu SIIIAI band of hemes it cotild not long hold 1 1 &4 peolilm inoncy, To it the satine prîneipl(- wholly unprodiictiv Caletittit to the 24th of Decyniber, Boulbrty the ctins thus braveiv and daringly that prompt the "Glugow Treaeurte' tu they now reniain, they wbuld theu cont. ta, y Cs New York ? mand a price whi,ýh wouldgive a thoà à nd- TAVIF to thu 29th Ducentber, arid Ilotig Kong io tor(' N ilson WAS silo'. CZ ay Pap(ýft' rifie'l)iillýt th lu left Mr. Mact the Wth I)eeuttititer, -ThL, Boitil)t > § Again we a priation to a 1 rough., ski what did this ituply? ibis stibjec (Io liot, contailit Ilitly ntl(litioilitl lie 'ý% lis bI'ou!,ýI Il to eailip fold returii upoii the appro' nty min- l e Railway Company. Sueli a policy would 1% et take tilt- rrolu the Milirut- tir nivii and dieil %"!ifllllin tl%,-e C; -Ze If the Editor of the North American, 1 ri (if th e t)-Itli of Dec tittý,_ Calètaiiis M'Cre nd ligitit a-Id to the revenue, encrease th acting ni M -phy werc C lx wealth of The Bjr -1 . 5 là with ton-tic sharper than ad(lèlr s tocit las' -tiiig not bcen frUitful cot q1owo i%ý tilt liijor Stirling Was Z ci foi ht has c Z C: r. r- the 11rovince, and aid the spread of civili- in Illiportillit iiews, Ilu - 4iid. Captain M'Ki 1l, -_ Z', ýý ý bas slanderously belied the Editor of the n Coniiiii t wu senti. home ofli nm il and Lieutenant C. 1 z ci ; ' zation and progregs. ai reports froin vitýîoi;s parts of' the colin- tlll:tttýkellt.(I) livere lej't. "Il the field Z Globe, wellava olilv to add, that. no public ani ate is sn'id. and Town Couneil. l The nun ýbi0i show thas. our forces takillg is bc- disavowal of the slander has met our eye! ti;e IiseetiqlIilit, an(i:tllýit the ellv AýtýqlqîLiti- liVcll, to havr be'un hariged 1'.v the- villains 3. .14 It tiq therefore, very forciblv ýimited to Ille litýw Io l'lu e\Pý -il in (in the, gallows on w1ilch we m'ed to eXe- z 0 -2 -;trik-e. g, ected ù Tuegday Eveiting, Feb. 23. l Shop or Oixftl. Vor the lie ýent the subjugation of i ente rtl)rlq, and the latter fi) have been t file recolleetton of these truths il illiat IiLIlgý is, postpolled., l'ho boutid lialuls and féet to il vai-twbeel and, EM X, ï; should The Mayor tock the Chair at the usuftl 'P,,,crns we, inake an individual - place(I in so question- hour, all the tneinbers present. -t!ltîef will Ili Futtv- while silos litipless, I)rogicgl with litayo- jé E gour to'litit down the revolieil N tiers, and othergivise ýoIhereilIs, opeil flic colit Iliffit. inuli flic ficarfill, able Rshape ;" very chary indeed., of mak. ltvi.tF.F OF TIIE roop- Bowling ttjc'býs,,g0lich lie ast, knows te bc tition os a finit bi., î rit le, tion with Ille uj)pý k pool- U l(illlk-l('11 -r 1-0011(.0s, and LIP111- &titi ai 1*0 111) WN leti 7E in NIr. Watson presented Pie PC ri Administration, who3c w(,,,,.tii lit the Bay, praying Assesso of' i1tSul'1ýt'I'- to th there S-4 1 Ille oltit e tt Il l' ol., t1te Pai falsie, à &ftinst a foi- I-V Vl'ill file" iio b(larer,, in Q 1 chirf (Iclilltluellrv, as -e have already re Warq Isý tion ili Itiillilu titi- 1. 'l'lie coutiti lie ch olis front 1 'l'lie lialidfill T relier. The Maviir reniiii(led the culiticil piarkvd, cot s ili its Wglit 0 ion, lit the last 4-cr (I#Lý isist f discern. of a sinillar peti-i Cleik t( iii whi(Il liV WÃ11 110 flint iM tglecape (,allie in earl lind tuent il, plitting, 1' qu 'Il a fellow into their alor and ct To refil Ti4l'ngli tlirotigli the iliglatilit-il-li', v _rz 0 1 froin NErs. Grillin. as iloor, if tho 'Irail or Nepatlleý;e >il! p c have bulldog, illuck ofý I;IiLo]I,ý, %Ni- filas. dav 1. >. ?t political wheel. The inconsistencîcs of 'd 1)v Il lititilleers, atitt 1 -as oi favor il( (,jeai. c to -Ill distrLs ed as iiiiieli as iny onc, btit con- il - tý) Iýcvp billi 7= ý-:t T.eailer arc so patent titrated at they are pre- If' lui v C: ý 1 - r- = - ù -'"- the .1tig Cor Il resohite d having sollie -Ill() front our ranipart , .1n'l 4ô 7-- 2 12 - ý; ai d e re 11 ce, 1 lu % , - , -= - flic -ilïfy hiin, fro exIJeýt trolli tileil, rileiliv, will gh Agir' angl Igiiiv j,%g-1ýots did taLc ;m - - - %.,;; to disqu. ni tulifleil that, (otiiieilg had no à t 6 o'clot thou, rifles A ":4 late, fullrl-; F-1r -,ltcli a pur- ýrù4ahlgI- llold olit. lis lon- kts le(Issillie. 1 L tlll.(,e us-liotinders and two inortnr,ý, v c t, rt-cci%-iiiz iiiy vote of confidence. Thele Ez le 12 se for 1,; ilot l.ýy tbese who kiiow file withmit a doubt, the g.11etilv hall the 1't-st 7 Zr -,et the ai power to approl)r' wriolus ot. if iLi ul el v Lil aý>11re ou (lot' - - .9 - evvr ulx- pose, iinlvsx in the pointed out hy .; Z', z 1ý - il Il',; Iitiiess to assurne any posi- -r part of Oude; blit -sIltItvrvd tliaTiý. a lit*tiýt luit _= :, the stattitu, soi-illittilig à ltv-law to the Il(., magie iii a)o wlit 1 iis - t1w f ,1I.tý in %VI lich Ilii; g-Iliufs '111(l chillât- liLý - tion more proininent tlian that lie so effi rllteliaycrs, and obtaining à two third vote 1,,,n 's v fiiltills lit Siýiiilui-tr 1 teneral- -for if if. etisconee towards his file Colli- own L;11", iiiut si ;tg -.1otïiriltlz' t1vit nritIrr nli wa, -i il fil bv aitil flic possossion of lýaIlIioI1 RoNve while agrevilig with Dr. N e w Ad% ertisements this week. Sir Aohn brute, in %voniait'igt cloths, lie J., that he, (IV Ili,, ith Iii: pursoillil lie of pliblish- ýi, pal for sporting. ttitiý,t lit- i i ri l ) Ji 1 g 1 q (ri'q M", l'ý\ Iaw t'oillil Il,. avili I(A I)v votin- Il (he prt Nýl. 1 Ul1ýgii -F(lývýtrkl Iiicli lifts lip Ille sIoall solo, slý -W), as ýaI.irv to flic Nfay- \ý" luiller this (.ait )0 M - ha ;à tl-l Iller is ý%.;Il To 1thil veil of' all 1,t)litii-:il Ilil, -1 ur.\ , vt-ill olledav or, 'tNliig-Il 1- -1:1,i Il) tlio relief of Froiiic JN- ll"*--?-ii,,.,ýi 01v' Iý,li- I)tii:irtitient of Public ir-;f init il, lit thur Mr. i ; i-(,rge Brown lia9 îli thu flulif ilitring ikIioth,ýI- lil-Jt riligi 1-è4mll ittg-tl Ili, piritv Ethig-ý, or prineiples of the llti(ji* ; tir 1, voting ineilibers or th(. tilt 1, Pl*t ýc I;tl)" 1 - hn I;or(lgiii. Cooliril tlieilis(ýives IgIly, sa% ('ý1 tLi, \u>ýiI N'va> 1 . - 1 a il-iv, aliti allil it is ilo mentis lio- 1,11,\ Information wanted tir Rilvard Moore. il' (if ()f one fiict,, we tliat altotlier N ý ar Ng, ill uhipse Y)v 1 halitling if tilt- Nlaliol. fil goiv(ý :11i'l \Na- HaHill 1 11 111 - ', 14 UZ., 11111 Il. I)Qel. fuel 411l'(e 'igt-Iliell i!4, flirts. he hig; #lV0rýV o)\ýn aloi citit, iii oa - idiati lo- 1;tt, Ili i Ili lu ýtgg(, ax draw il Iv M r. Nlcl)oti-ill lie I)qllit'\tgl Ilti(-Ii a liaýtil1 lb u, file., fi 1111111lant ('Vul 1 1 , louer lvitil flic I11)1gvo,%;ql of the 'Metluilles _W. il. Ilictul. correcl -gr iint. lio 1 Mr- Browli labor'; iiii- Leed, M Loough ilizlit that lie il- Ilc lýllcv tIý(- pariit- 17,)r reliefti, 1'tilcoi halil hur il> livi. tb01jj 1 Port be in a >t:bt(., and arg-iled dint 1; ýjijjj. of ali-sitiz th,ý Mayor Iiiiil othur il rt;rýor1 Kgli:411 pý1jWrý Qlll j)oýe, 1 ut aA Il eillier > 1 . oil tilt, -ilu, liav, :loil lo titi- Avit. (lf l.aild foi, Sale-F. E. ill'u gInt 01 11,0111 :%il o; 1- "' - cý . - 1 ' ' ilit-ii tiieir lit vate purses Ille ri1. 1 ail tIlv Iw , -r ill"Ial- -1 * 9 il tir of Ilivestm olit l"( rrv. 1 lis lit iIg1ýiIi-ý ç jit't Iiiiii aý (-.lit (if Liv- wilole Io\% Il an 1 illitil ilir \", tg> ils liorilial Ilgiiliti.,i, hali 1W , Ji in fi. _ ,t if ill- C ltar 'Iligulil rt, !w \ v file easi- lit] ilig.. 1 aleil :Ill tI,,ý plans oNurt -ý l'nt lor sale-J. Il. C ard Fclitz. il Poli, il, ý,!1gI %N Ilig Il. ilcitlirr vst \\:iv \Nijjiýi ,i. jýý a s, aIl allim ilit the 1Iafivuýs %vill 111JI il ý il' t 1- N. Bit-ille n fil(- bruvzo \ggti,,ti iif.-Ilýit hilil (il at t1w M l.ý q'., f"r file in the siýiIJiliI\ et Iir1t1,ý1 1 iiiie. TIV7 N.,floil Storc. t1ý1 W-1t. agA S ýUI, VU tll-- -'N' pilig il, 7-1 iirtli AiS 'M r. 1!ýt,(,llllllti(Jii %ýaIlte(l of rican i.ý Ili- lii-i% Jl,ý incifitatioils. currud lit ý%ha( liad falluii froin Captain ât rý\, ýi1'1 iý1, t', ili', lo g1 tl)(. 1, ltov libl(is 1ýhurifi' sale 'Ji, 1,:irJf1ýq 01 tn, lilli ýlich q,,ý Illiv'. dri- ýi l,ý" ýi. \Vc t1w (l.\- %.( i htý afill (Irv ha k a l,';ý i 1 1 a 1 ot il'e- Ti 1 V reat l"il 14 -11 1leni C(l -lit Aili Io Rai blit file- l"i in Cil. ipi nit I'n t r 111 l vil-a', t1w Couil il lui 1 titi Igý)gvcr 1,) p r 0 lu r le ýN tNtll Vl', 111-r ill': il, j,ý)1,icV tir graidiaz 94)Venioýe11ULI a;gI Vote its iii tlie iii.ýiiiiýur :;ti!l Win 1-0;, 1)II tilt, tilt. ý , % , ý (, t';ý 't h ;Iloi[l u i.. Ili, i Iiolp "ear à 1, il: liur to lýur î0t,10t, g1vuille'l agaill-1 lias freiliieritiv gîî>ru>:ý(d tiik,,: ctrcut two yearm it.,; (Iý%te. In -D D - dJlg-ii!' 1'tr t'il Ille pliblic anil to 4orne extetit, has tIos resi)t-i-t lie WaS (Ir opilli'gil that the Ia ali you art ýj,ývîllz lwall 0oA Liil. uip ýo\ \1 à > Ill')ý lil', ;1111 01c 1 Il ;Iiil %I't*,'t, ý,WN0)v Thurstiay. F(ýtIruar\ 25, 1858. heci, aireailv a4loptuil by the Cg>tltýty ('iJllll(-ll and other Municipal bo- illili lit t>t n f illi. lit 44 sf-)1wý :l4g i ibi Canada. 'l'lie (lesirabilitv aild justlic. 4-liez', baa- acteil illugally ili Voting pay to aý; tc, t u, titi, Ti*dli*o,-I- of sticli a pialiov cýannot bc collipiving with the pro- rloii., 1 e lis (if Lliv li't. As to the cI-0g)kc(l way fý101 ÃŽX Pi r stiolled. Ili Callada .%0 liavoiiiiIii(ýl].S V. > rk Ili iiii, rr., "I tho clit. ý1, ý ;_ 1 LS 1 il a il 1*,'ý il, NN '-allior pi-011iell ail tlu -res of fertile lands now Iviir, %vaste of v lit,! Nlagor lie did JI ùîîimý1gî, 1ýý Wii! qk (1ý é '0 of ru 1 'lot be- th, rai 11,1 giviiii, II, if opel-V41 up to illar 1 iller -, tv l' a ili 'l'titi tilifi's 111) in that ýf1jj .(I"*,Iýst rilco, 1 pfs for tiit)it(Y$ (bigr setticiligent. nntl cult;vatinsi, woui(l atlU il,,- if the thing was to lie (lotie, lie would I)c U)tititr SOPIo llil ýA 't', tl"*;,ý, > c fil iloiarliolvill (if loq. Nla- for going thtc, plain. btraiglit, honest, open 1 ---- - - niciiselv to the protlitýtÀ.ve iveaitli of the :ý1qi 11czilliept illoill'illatelv tormed il ý1Iv N% l,;ýu al thu aille 1;Iiii. il none lt'\V willi a fil' Ilvailv 15o toit, 4-ouffli'v. Ages vre thestreanis wav .11g,,ilt it. t'lie lit il tilvu 1 a l'orma ti on ivanted. ),>Ii IJpý Afflur fijrihcý- rciiiaýks from nieni- ilit t F.V01) illi of ligd.g-týrv aligl ýlili1.l4ti ai, rtael, titis oVoi, v v1ii l1,o-,ý , t 1iý- '-i Cj', 1 lý :ii ý lý gýý - - vat titýt-xl)le)ri!ti territgr% ililless ý1T1Ieellell a iil0t;,ýn to 1.1v tile peitiLiolis 011 the," 1 J 1. t týt. 1 1- L 1 il il] t1lýt: 0 L(ý c t-, j-1, kii-1 l" It r, il, , ý l .,\ ý_- 1w !1-11 - lattlq, -tl\ý f*,,r;%ý:ird by Ille t:iviIi/ýiiig ivhich titl-Au, carricil. nieliii) 1Týi1 Ille of titi- Grit l'ariv tilds I) titi-; I)Ij)Jý11 ý ýll 'l' ý r has briioglit. to the alid of lit hoi \1 il il ilu ri i i 1W i t' titi. :itli 1rgýgjuvi-tIl> r:ý4 i, of P ro u> L'b t!iý rite l'Z:til and Steatij's Car." 'Mr. Macdonell flic petition of teilipt M lirre millions gf acrez iraný al, 1 !..1, !ý,c (;1,ý: 1 - of gi., Hamilton anil fi glerts, I)rayiii;; foi- thf- re- II-0 1:iý- 1 - Irovit iý 01, 'ý.:P iliti. Ille olllo illea in t1lat 1 711 f a 1 1 il l il-. rîtes for à Publie, whoin lie now lie lockeil up and inaccessble, if a iiioval of ver-.tii(L-th's and other obstructions alid tg lwati, that lie. W tew titoti.,attd acres were given trý charter- ( Orang the 'l v %N t-t, Maili 1- of t!.iý kind, ývas to dt_ýîjjies a,--, ignorant, or call-illates 1-11)011 as in Bro:l,-,,;t- ho ai epi it. 1 %. v. 'l'lie weatiol. e IL-tilway coalpailics, to aigl thet in Cori- t-iloli al1ý1 dan , I 411MZACT FOR l'Hi«.\TfNt;. tbac 'te 1 !', \%:I., triictingg, their Railroads, to certaitipoints, - brit w(, position lui, .ýt the t That his doctrines tond to linhilige flic vlhersctri lýriiillit iip the report of fv ý 1 î-in :11A i'uit lit lit. 01t th(, effect woulil bc to raise flic valise of i1ea, i'f the the voiiiiiiittre on pr1ntiii-.ý. Ili ;,!_ - ! h an C vil in Il. i1i1mýirgJI ý, il),-, ý illiiii 1, ý t'Il il î fil 1ý ý;;ý ý ir(l1)1'1'itk:ll luié, raii ilp but as tl 1 ey lýutitry to set(letitutit, augil increisc thil, that the ci-gutract filgir Town iliritiTiý-, and ail- i T,ý t 1; il T 'equally ami .1ý esianlisfillig wuri afin ( 1>- vertisin - for 1 be givoit to the 1 'Id rvio ha;I \Ve rellirtic'l fi) c.into i- as Ilic tioiý i relleved tilt- V 1 Iii-itit w, the soo1iJl,ý or 1 population and wetgilth of the :ïate. 0, C for t'hu la.'t tastroils liolitical engendering as- si- pirations after slaapeléss soin J qecurc stieli advanta es, the truc p,)Ilr, ele Office. I',r IL, po: ethings, that _y of o oll 114)L aillt OJW C*Lil ac,'il The report wrLq ailoptetl. I,1(, inti) the, lit t1il, river. ýllic ii-N g-au ncither bc explaineil noir define'd the a governinent. desirioits of ativancing the %vi!ii '.'o' rg-tr'-at lis (1ý tilv arlil ivitil il(-Ii .1 low 1-ito iiii>ý,'ltief assuines a vet more nialignant iliaterial interests of the countrv tiiý. ,,- : 1. -ýý ! Il« il il, ýq . I..; lin- hoztel ilord thal tileg,, intill-nillotionts hail becil Conditionsil atl- Mx. 110,1ggoti browglit tilt flic report of siticketit and itearly tà k- oa 1.3- a L)oýI %. of, t lie i., Lit, adi. - Wure qillU, pl1ýhgcd wl, are 11411lod tile si i al nel *ss, baselees, an(j CVüý- rit .1 . -Ir - 1 ci [)Ieý t1w iv', t ý rivg: value of thé whole. Such aid to Rýtilw«.Iy furto r tee recoiii111endi:ilý that fi"-; awl on t1w 't, blMoili. relcurria- charge,; of gross corruption, Votui ý licenses bu grantc-41 in the reLreat was ordered, Ãier i M M e ti;t one ti)e invil in fil iuý4tVs Foot boi z to "il' h l aettial fratid. and te.)tal disire-ard of lerinci- H lie :Ill ilicelitive towar, tfint. 0 ifi 1 . - . . . .1 , the of national wealth. And un- On M'itifin the Oôtincil ivq,ýg._ culat le County nty of 011- 'Ëhe ÀtHea &ýin I.iidrpôél- ý OWSà ýrdà y1 The a followin the 6th in.qt., arriveil on- unday morning, pool or and DirS- the jjst inst. In latitude 47.4-10nggitude nt 5 .36 doi 'sîgrlaIý lçtith the Ilain- dettin( leilf. bufg qhip Andori ah 14ccimd..I;, bou.nd emst. ice T-Ile li-eimiiiertt. i On the 1 Oth nt ý; l1f) P. ni., exchanged sig- ton th( lpesjejeut. ' 1 nats witli the steamsgir) Cityof Baltimore, The Treaeu rer. bound cist. un the )ierson, W. GREAT litz 1 TAIN., 'Ille rge 'iýleCiil- The Britizýh Parlianient f on - tiOý wi thu 4.tit of Fêbruary. In the Ilouse of Lor(L- a bill fur the On 01, the ItLV Of .1ilIel %vas mail a Lords, ý nominated first -Gille. One. or the- Cial"s'es, gives a de- ýgricuIture, fencu to all actions fur fa;tliftil acejunts of Britisl ptibli mecting 14 -ey lya'- e notiec of hi, intention to, xson, John 1. FI Gl j!ý. tiols front the Iý'--t.-st 1ri-lia 'Itt#li it present là , pell Ternir Couipanyagainst ally alteration iff their of Ille Constitution. lity. Ohn sulith Lord l'a mure grave notiée Or .1 vote of receiv Cierinan- thanks to th-earniy and navv for their ope- plarta ili this rations in India. A geTl(ýrà I dubate theil of dit took- place. in of--vllich Loril Derby of the arter referrili', to tlie still tfire- till- -stato of " M pe.1tra ýn- to Flails- afraiFe in hillia, epoku. at soille leilph ti-poit gIiý'h chain, the tiie rucurit attempt on thlj lifé of NapoWn, ,moi teacher. Wid holied Goveril ' ment %votilil. taklc- the bouse of 1 steps for disabiv,-ing the illiulus of thic tu, col French people Ls to reft 1 ý,,ecs ili F11,51alid. loriv. ,ý-ir)onth, and Lord Patinoire sai(l that lýet.rtiittrig mt.q il in; co h ghly hall- pro- flvorably, awl Unit troopg 45 n r the li wel-C sent LO bli't at the ratc of tli4it) men worýed at ! a wet-k- ah;4) that in.-;trlirtjwî:ý 1 lait 4 the r it was Ont of. 1 .1 en to the. C lifýi-izil1gîIIe elili.ît. 1 reviotis ta nati-J ,,e,,t a wijo iiarll( ý faillily ont l'jjýrh t V( lllov( A to4ik tilt! , ili the (if C1'plýl ý'i11 Lo-rf, Palfil- from ivatch, er ' ston ga, ( ' ctir(! ý7f a yýd(" ý)1* tllallký' t) 'or lier, was the artily il India, ali'l t4at it fi ent ilitulitiol on the ', t.) a>1, mve to)l)ritî!' ver il, a bill ti) allivi)(1 fiî(ý> 1 tw i-*"I;liiltl-, to C011- 4ilith is ahi-blit to ('(Ptllillit til, ýil felattires, is to 1114u:t the C% ti f ri A motion t'i)r a sjelýci;il l:ommjmiý-v lo ijý. disi sliers, speaks ilaire iiito the tr.msmî.ýýî,,i) ýýf tri)Opýs tu, T of Ii ý-oTt 01 dark- to. Inilla was agi i A congratitiati-ry addruss te, Ole Quetti )n the Marriage oftltu ave reccived .1 vý>t2il Lhe Rev. J. A bill %výt* reail t'aci fi, ing, impri-oiâtii-rit for delit, ýo. te ýLtOCk- Of bi- , A Poprisitory il, pelision.'i; lA Lý 1't'; CýtrjI to Éh,ý wl- fru r, tto Sir Il. and tliý c« ,villin-ness in (low of the 1: we Cantiot prý1'seiit Baronet. iiai Affer sflm,ý Ic7ave mvas "iven- f. lie] to our m ' ; to briri- in .1 Iiiil to allflw the F-tst Indi-i ) insert ailver. i ('olliliý17V M'a but shall livil- -'-i el)tllttlres the tri ;il force 11 .4 f the çeý"4iti:i 1, 51 tO be paid till the end 0 ýf Iý 9 anil tir 01 te ropor head. a"101111t tO bc restricted to tel, niiiiioz toi Lord Palint-i-ston trave no bo r'e a e requiest g ti-cv that on Vie Stellting ot' the ilist., Ill- ývoýllil move. foi. leayo to brinir in a bill ta amend the Guveriiuient tir lence or 11111;a. in iling, 'rhe roiltimies easic. On bc the 4th the Ãœank- or EnglantI furtImr redu- se :fll.lleilce at ced ius rate of iliel,,,iiit from 4 tl) l3j per in ent. calised a sliý,lit if 1. Tiii-s annotincement to i tice the rise iii ftitifIs. M It that the Cà V of P.irîý; m-iLq r>-','-ý iayne &s.j., ci[ abolit ta raise a loan fur a. ïum eflual to :!0 )rney amo",-,"t million dollar,,. this issue. lis were inviteil fur £1,164 ÃœM) at fil per Cent deberitures of tliu (ýranf.l Trunk Caaada, and-tlie vrholu- amourit %výis-t,,tkcn durinc the day al, 07. The Paris, Pays i chie ta operations in Chiria. A.; ît im like- tipbell, of Ash- ly that Yell illay Colicical the fall of Canton 'eymolir Pr frolil ilic Elliptýiýi-, .%f1miFýI "S ci, i the foilowin, lit CUSe z duit i ts capture producus na cffýd on Vie stiibborn 1 .0y, . to tà ke' Teensingý, a q1iort disLance froui Tekin,- which draws; -.%Il itg 11110visîons froin it.- niav not bc on- thc brotficr or Llie- suin cotild--pù lon. rea4lers of yôtir gur plewl of %vliat the ettier bar., k a fé %v i te tus o f t ariatis arc doin-, happy to be alpie file oý tille 'Povli manifest a wartu It appears probable tha"t 1 ' 1'rus.sia -will ý1 the Im-ve to vange herself with Fr.,wre -liti Éti- Cotintv. TherL gland in nperatifiis ta reulice tho CUnese illee 1 'i')-civiliz.eil I1rwýýZ-1.1L i,4 botitil by forming socioties trcnty to pl-litect chip-z mider the 01den- ()lit tellli)el-allce, i' fla- to tle sainu extent as those un. the Snii5; of Tein- derlier , t .iy, thit all An 01detibarg- vessul betii %vrecl,-Cçl on Vie coist of 01iiita, and urcv plwidcretl P, îýeed of iiiiuwnsc 1) V,ýjjiýre, aliil i1iý, tho Bhola S-,1l1ibý 1 w at-tliglýs of timber on such aid; obtain a sufficîent ainount of divii. vessel's bottoiiirested, and which î titled tlip S'artit Aiiiericaji. This was for. ! 1 - - Mý. maednnell wa.4 in favor of the report. %viti, the. calf)et. i lier weiglit alone L-ept (lown. The police, ; iiierly edited by Mn MeDoiif,,,ali-a party stock to construct at lfflt half thfyleügth lie 'bblieved thtit it wotdd bc fer the vrel- e Of the of tha roa£ fare of the town te aboli-gh saloons. Ile ll*Ooli,ý;. sxolie '2 1 ine:1 alid -ý4*) fliererore, liùd to take uPustial at present hi.-h in the confidenc 1 ç,iinwiuný,eçl à dvanoin- qiniler a;lniýîr;0) clear of lier Clear (,rit Leader. Between those gentle- To bc more parti lar iii the application !i bulieyed that therc was as niueli vice and j icovels they foliti4l'ili the yet ii,ý14jetiloiis 1 ý4l ývlile thý wre& of the cra4lles men we must leave the settlement as ta of our argument, we will take the propos- druniennffl carried on in taverns as sa- 'aild and public 1 in treniendous masses as each was rûlea-eil , i by the OnNvard inovellient 01 the Lt-viatlikin. the aceuracy of the charge-q ; and the ex- ed Port Wliitby &- Lake Huron Railway. loons, biitýseeinS how nimierously and res- itl'i)tlllql us, restin- Cieir ri-lit liatili It was curious to seu liti-e 'roup., singular re- The Directors of this Company prociired pectably the petition was signed, lie feit it 1 On flic e1t',- 1111(1 illeir luit ait thè, burial- 1 of' beanis etnerg,ý froin the rivet-, rising ra. furence to woulti bc !lis duty ta go for it. i the inatters - hich il the impeacli- a charter to build a ilroad betwee -atid U - cast of Iiii-1 -oin the surface of the water -)fi or grâ J dit k and co's. pl ')7 fi 'L', with a. s are correctý rend-,r Mr. B s. attackiý.ý Whitby and Lake Huron, and have aire'a- 1, Thediicu".ion on thismattcrwasprolong bat] slow. lieuvy tnovernent, and ui)orl lis )')isoý, !v11 on the river. Front nient tileïr je(t anil centre fliey ni)(ýnud a inur- thoii tz-liiii- ir) with a -reat crash that political opponeiiLs, sa utterly dy o)ýeu,* ined stoc'x mubscriptiünn sufficient ed to considerable length. lint aiil weil ý,aj)jiortfA tire of tli-. w.ater înto foatn arotind thein to ensure (lie building of the rond balf The report was reported, and the &(loi)- con and kept closing on us under 'Zý . worthless, and hîmself so utterly unfut te hy a vote of 7 against 1,-Capt. ry 1 1 ý -)ine, brokeii and sl)lititcre(l by the vio- guide, or evea touch the reins of State ; wny. Thi% railroad wotild have- the advan- tion carried lir(il allil the lirotectioli of' the covers 1 lence with which they were thrown a(rilinst as no form of language can accurately con- Uge of being the shortest that can becon- Rovre bein- the Only Nay. liýtv,ù iiýciitii).ied, untU our oiitposts %verc eacli otler, formed a lonsc. tan.ý,Ic of ilillilher - b CLFRKý.S SALAM. driveil in to %vithin à few liiitl(ll-c,?i vards wark, and wctit sloviy driffinc, upon the VeY-as wc bave aireudy said,, of the truth structed ta unite the waterh of Lake lIuron and 0 - blîl orour own battorie;s. 'l'lie .2ýsçcînbly-;Or)itls river in a little iqland, whieh rose some i or falseltood ; of the accuracy or inaccura- wîth, Lake Ontario. We are told that it The report on the by-law apponting the 45a Miles shorter clerk was re-considereii in cointnittee of the with all they contiined, corisisting of 1 fi- four or fivc fuet front the water. Others, cy of Mr. NicDou- li's statements, we ivould bc no less than 75 the ý1011 rounils of Enfield cartridgeg, the mess long after the great mass had floated upý 'l know nathin- Ait we assume to do, is than an'y other route between the waters kec rawiv i)ltýn-in- to, the surface, fallinr, -1. . whole, and on motion of Mr. Maodonell, plateýYf soine foin, Qacen's çurf); payllins- ý ýn m about ; to quote aorurately front the document in of the two grent, lakes. The efféèt of the £-65 watt struck out and £75 inserteil in- col alid li;iggttgc tintojil of officers in -1-way that showed the necessity of the i WC] 4nid tue( féli ilito Vie lian(tý1 of the Philis- precatitinti.9 Lah-en by the police, and the 9uef;tloný Mr. "lel)- Yt liveg- A file Of construet:Ãon of this road, woùld be to open stead as the clerk's salary ; this to, inclu iivho dislod -ertaità destruction that %vould have over- the iVoitli. Ammîcaii, is yet*extant. Te t, all tees except feus on copies of by - -la :the gefl our ni,,ti, bât whoiii up the uneullivateil lands IyÃng "fth, eus tic] m , c , a and percentage, on monry %vë could noL ia retiirii disIndge thoutrii i %ý,lieline(l any boat within their reacli our work. and west of the Coanty, and toi offer aid te the Coun- notmorc, tt-rt.ýLitity, than 400 yard.ï froni 1 S'oon zifter flic craffles %vere elearcd, and North Anierienu, March il, 18-52. quick, chcapýhigÈway, for conveying their ty Trensurer, ing our býýittetit."4, lýetVee1) the Assétubly- the surface of the river rovered %vith their Toi rixiiiis and Clvirch ('tvliieh thev afiso occu- fr:iý,,ments, the Leviathan folileil thebarges If like the Globe, we had levied bWl- produce to maekèL ' Mara, & 'Ifstà à ,"anà d ý The comtnitte having - arlisgn,,.-Qiý - tno. *wd) flic cticmiy plact mail upon our political, friends, in all di- the vast ùnstul-vcY .>cd ýtetriOrY ti(m for 14 third -,roadýng,4 tho,,by.ýlew, , moored wtth, treinendous ehains. -e that tyoriiqcil iis for m tiens, if a p, itru of fice Auudred püundo of these Te tel g à long Capt pý0w boing 'Ir siv,- %vore formerly used ta. pull her doivriward il vrnship and stre un e and vr', Ilain, vote a,' j . ç .ý ý L11_1'.;1ýý'1 ikt)-A Ditrili'r the aftIrtioon taing as- 906>d: iu .0 f1,£Gý and feee, tle toward the river. On this Occasion, te ý:had1q",tnadc up for us,, 4s -was made up the shores-of LakeýHUron-con iiiiiiiurt-ilized t1iciuselves.- judge froin the liberal proflerg of advice for h i?14 by men, ho is' nýw vîlifying-if land for asTicultumI.-Pumoses as éan bc tion DQsýe4 aUthOri7'îfný the. Wrîglit, w4h saine 3(1 iiien, lield froin jill sides, everybody on deck seemed à , _- 1;ýove Of the. "q A ca the roffil that le.itl,4 eminently skilled in di:aling with impra jobs been thrown, in our way, ý-to the found anywhem - Thé ilaber,ôn,,thiela Mayortoý 'Treasurerà bond t1ic Il 1)ýtieýt C iript e- . 1 - 1 - * fc 1uneof in Df the îvery bwt.qùiýlfty, Ȉ dý would'or and Co g. preiiii-ses, and the old _,&ppLW,&TLong TÇ -01,FFXCIL ticable barges, and Îît waà quite refreshing 0 bitriaU grouind aboinirli Plitlan',; Ilotel. ta lieur how thý'mcn in the barge were de. it ýbç-oxning our position to. say as littie as -îtself;, tre*Ãœ - em--iliaï sà mht of W ý P"" ý 1 Tho7CoUDCiliernûe 4ttuig in - commi, - -cm, 1 le iuoir the uneniv lWefflag 01, his oulpost, 'sired ta undo tnooring chaîns. and cast oft possible about Bribes 111 freight traffic for a Tailload. Ibé4nmt _" of tee orthç *hÃ"le oh ffl e- of zorà mittee on we wMý placifig bis foiv men lit skirmishing hawsers which ithas been the blisinej;s'ôf Can Mr. Brown giLe Us a key to the se. *alay mode of ingreu or egreu - PrOlfénts all to Oiste order, openel flre on theni. While thus* the last threc,,months te fasten. and rivet Sýp1ieg 1 got lution of this pfissage ? Did.he, as the ce. atitempts,.- itt.settlement of -these lands, andý detachnient, of titis Corps, sent firatly; but at la t p in , ï 1 1 1 1 , capt -R gn,.ine87ectual Ça (4 U arrison 1 - on r sul hy 0ie goneral ta capture fibtir gans that ahcaring, andundèr hia directions, every lebr.%tççl did, who, whon' bis, noble. ý iwith«.tlie Crown nor the, publie reap the - - tmpt ta amend the report hy substituting - - wcre in po,,iition beyond Nirk and Coi's. remon'stmnëë whkli mledge-hammers and patient presonted. in one iiiiuni, the epsemblîe ýel1gbtest, antage th of Fmncis.ý.1Glarke W that, of illi the,ý'urii ot' road lcading axes !otýd'iirge "ô' n the retmetOrY taeklO of the Fëe;s,'which. tiMy the boetor had cm, . If a amail pprtion -were giyep to the- -jimes -)Iclntdsh,' as "e&qor, but ftited,,i ta Pertint Ohat(and doitig dieadfiii mis- havîng been ùqed in vain, it was due idëil ta refused, exclaim, singly, I could bave, Railway Company, on, the condition ttât, chivf, in sight, coiWsting of about scnttier the barge. The etpedient was, 0 1 L - beingSUPPOr6cdbY-ý,Mr W*fs0n ý Y. refused them, f oiý efer, but tgpther, they. tbey - . 1 Il ý 1jý ý '. Il ý200 or i),430 men. commanded. by Colonel enume, decitzire, and the - LeviathaA was Railroa& t4e resu t ýfôuld' (À t. ýýUrc1shou -lit slowly are irresiitibl Again, the saine palier, bc different Witb, the mSms ted to Wright agaii,ý gof under way and brou ÇI.« Mr. -fervam M.; an advance(l giiard, whieh down to; lier ranorings. oppo4ite Deptford. in FebruAry, end ogmu -a&rd > ailk- pughing ôn -until bâ, Ilere she w ai inftafitly made Wt stetn a d Tlobe-" It iii per Ãrye wouldbffle. unavold pdolodgm4wwei;ý'. ý0,«iAë(l'the ralgeil platfortia on the'ilorth à tern toi the ($av , m t oMiýgg in t o ý1tî d étiýitkt,&'bungaloe, whence lie dîstl-jictýly Sntre ofthe riîer, nt &.part wb«e, ýeven gà W thd four Ktins in position, an« played Utlowwgçr, $bc lyij titi hands of p00ýj -,,gnd,,i= 1 t 9lý, ulera Witt1 hiii, r&s. Colonel W ilson's.t the Aepth to float Il it n.4v&nced bir the Toatl. anil a!,m-,t fijri, mimp a 1ýeYî1 Ffh e 1 1ý ýt; 9 un--li P-R, fi% '-,mi QrLtý ê-te 10 t 1 freR I&nil'tl ",.AA VM4'%.' di rritory - 1 - > *iù 14,112.1 Q fl.()In the th to t1je 1.1th of Decmbier, ý,cj)nrnvj obliged to derer to eie çlesir3 of the . _1qý-ho1C ýo;ù1ation_ of *the Great T(-,herchnýünd give in hi.; subnli iOn tO- The XIcerey cf Egypt haý, Ka p very - and Laliiiribi-à %Vay nwqnfjîqye of sa that the ingenimis prog 0 pec- ters et Suez $Iiip,.Canal iniLst henccforth tru.4t tn sourcC's to mike the de- qert blooin like a gai Saib Paý;ha is Rt leillyth fiffly awakened to conviction that hiý own railway connectiii- thiq fine na- tural- port of jýlexà niiri-.t ivith Suiez and the port of Attakaîn-the, (.xulr of Suez is a far mnre magnificeut project. Lonil»n, Friday, Feb. 5. Mane ver abundant, the Bank of Eng1an_ý vesterdav reduced tfieir Win.imum rate of dfwýnnt Co 21 per ce-nt elnueolsý el(>-setl nt q3j Q 951- for- money, for acceunt. The CoTii Nfarlet continues very dull à ncl'prièes bit whcà t ariS aÈtinleo 2a per quartier lower. P Indian Com in very, fi &MI 7,-' apin easier tci-day. e quoté 58 19(1 to as- for ýYcstevri,. to 'és 2(l fôr choice N%ýhiJü ai to 4 Gd upt,,P,,ýs Dd 101!> Flou'r Phi1a&1phi&_,nhd,-B&ùîýý*22s 6d to extra Ohio 25,s- Pork, AînéricÈn, -diftiêà 'lt. bf Mac. -.very LATEST. sttillis very duIL der b4e in littie: Ploûr Unsà 1emý e. Indùm Ajow wu off Kin"ýé W -,sa 7jý r ln de Ich inct- ý. tii., with 71- lasi ied 011 cap, ' ' 1 le satue day fr N e Iuic-rica c niorning nf -,11- e unite(j mis Mt à kxaeh the' Sth i!,-t Liwi.i L% î o r 1 Éltinienti(fn 1;;-t 1. !- sh and FrwC certain C"n lie inent by te Més. bol ,NIr. Wol ùIMUL W adme wem le ,mile il l nMCný ord Paluwreýqi g in a IAU et mr- He W C Onsorence en 1 Es of de Erny.; of a ý ý1:-t 1, alvl Liii- (:-ý1 ... .... ve: mon in à - Al nion by tu, & Che S-ps 1 refaws. TC - qgpyl Il ulsi- ý The Bank Y CC France xvSi jina. Tiie L,ýý- oroi: elil in M . ppeaw. la ta. 'Bsancon spi 1. "'ef e V tý ip kW a c«AC ng the f jýU nç )esobad Ont Ah' wnd or a 1-- a nteilti(-,Il fhe Id MO p et et an! U!c Y ku&hmu mas 2" icyson tnok i in bot wyMr- éup of tea und wý Jeft at aloi T - C on, 1 a candle APS e,-ijî)itie(l 1ýV »L1ltý Should lie rko-d Ir In owmanoz w up b) seu Iiiiii. 11- ceuils wil Pui inour. ýý flust '-" inade of hi., tu have rwUpw'ý and théierv imi neeee'eur- Sw p)aziit.s-, thmn ans ta lâct ne aM p0n, -nOtý the adminisar LZA Wà r it