Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1858, p. 3

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t&~a~hy~y.4 hSwînd~,4,kNorih.wster To ro-for apiYi m'1:ýy. Hving slightly N W À~ g E T . S L L N F I~ E L N F Oswa;Ob. w AnIytets TIdkt he meatan r ti b1 . Ilwe giali < atdi ,,ni thie wholgof it alowly witb a Pend ol.f lunar tAtST1,R A1TOI14ËÉVf &C. OfFice- I Ontario 6caustitvr forinfIlesteticsiqutt thnmsorderotothe gith ofth nd 11A and< andrair expet(oppo- quit homilvoson tie ~h uk ~nd ~Ree, m fai expofrLo f thie state," make sure tbtt thie influece of the caustic it he (Iah iltand,) Troronto. 8 J(SII R CE!!a~ tAi 1d1orutth Waity ~ ~ ~ >f~ HAdiAnlonb- entatIhiough the cuticle. Thée To toE ftrofteWityChronile. dispatagement concerning 1t or 1"y 'm. lm gn i >a,1kapltcal Ome- nitre of isilver ,in allowed to dry -on' thie CAR bar QI if With reference to a telet@Ance lette i &nger. When thie akin has becotne qUite prEERoAD prietof of"Rond'% ____ Szp,-ThG IEdtor of tilet On%4riê O?.àer. hown ;bon aked to pay the Natjoutît Ilio pPmnminTlokig astE, o fil féelit iomewli.t 13Ã"Ie biaccount of theAie ei 1can 5ay that 1 Bmw none of f fr as careful toilette can tend ta roate di rin cr s opoe Ti aietiIiîIt1"Du1&' rekrinsig amont e ci theinlit, the operafion,and a short timo ialfer- Crok uand its Violnity, foir thoe kitul, promptan report 1 furnished thie leonic4 of Mr. C. ïMÃŽ bhtd noue of If. They played it, &p. Airins, are te bc seon, and those net very ward thie jpain of thie whltlow dissappears, eZOftl,)I ar.utaaofhy famtregted nvr i tcn lce Soircels oftalte a ie deys sidpraprt of h ifn rn the disoterWtl (. Curti-s's apeecl deiier.d At tAie len- pafiinly cherfuily.%V il tAie Obauo-er b. remote eifher, frontitaroebutottebacsknplsfYfrafedysnd rtfteprnsutam the disau.strobutaire BeG TXEUNT{NST IERNMRT.S(TSOESADTEPnLUmd Venin noUxtrace is1 >nfthof6ttAietdisarder. oIfttiieoint? Pardon>epeepentnntAmmeer;g'butfwtare stmpiy i.,noGtnace isyeft of the deOrurr, Ifdtheouildisaypthateilwongtta itlit ifgthee.us uu tAieIrMaLeStocket ut. ; andl gives vent toabig% pent up lndig- for trepassing se long on your valauble minded of old À£sop, and Iincroduloualy ex-beome pulsafive, thie latter inctiu!es atter houge, Miud a ji i îamie torIe, wcctear ft riinrm th r, huit ver tsth e wl l hé sla rl N J MoU at i o n l u t hie o l l ina g "c r y m a s e S t r e . r s i s î u a e , C I Am h n , " 0 o p d u m d Lec u t i e n , b u t t hie t h r o b .3 c s e 1 t oi n rthon , t h i it b e r, b l r t amth !A L Le f t r e tf r C a A T i t W t t i slt ese i n t h saie n e s es1cr e leA N n th spcirMc - r.Curtiss, Reprter adAetfiteWib r. Our- oye now Stans lte d a frd eued with quai, curtainî. 1lsi ad Dr tl nhh, n heite but it watt mtknoiritt9ed Ay mmny coulpe- nié ait TJbridge. but, il is a dismal vision melets US itse ffect after thie commencement ot s1uis> TO SBTTLER&-TO LEASE. - tti aettn ee lin________'_te____ (te éà. Uxrdg,8t arh 15.everywhere;% auddlu. are fri-Salte conclude puuatin ; at ailievenfe, thie cure rqio ra hwuFr lnes ."Thê' vitîpetieltIon l eidntywifh another ucrap of Lmtinity (wo are uîuarc tinte Ho ascribes thie succsfu F OR a termi of Seven or 1lilO c eTi', SuvenQoc,"Nnie,,Fines thC icie of the Reperteé. wiiô, gtinpy Jeki Smth0f Toronto ; hie Lamue, preparing you, may perceive, for thie Civil regult obtaned from nitre of silv o t F Lits of Land of ifs Altiy nucatdhe t avirig destroyed flue diseasedpart, (the ONE 1IHUNDRED ACRES EACII, Paetorys, TîckitguSitrgCrotDmas u aeulaa bccui~~ ~i2ufiu l~luuy euncate bi ç~Vid lark-lam £conomiîtt of a-clu 4tA) eretiuie )xamination) that the rata mate- iîîflantfîi e laodeeply leteel, and the1i nfle Towasshlipoft AtA, CoîîntY Of Ontario. setitimett ts tbodght fit te furie ltta hecufanrasrienhte la)ha eg rui s otteAi oudLanhewhdecap;atutriitonfathee-f iç-,fo fua) ut'ityL lno te littqiiiy ritotwn-i BOA COTSC& SIERSPUL LOES STIE'!0S rudcuO'thaplinmd oicile enalceToronto is in for ifs aid bit ao' fune; un d, titat aa BiniIUiihiki2t." We bave toa arevulsion or sakgvnt i at s hIij r "'wil ' î ifcafe Aecrciu jnýjq by that gLýntTie Spaker'u beauc.ioIl, tAeeupn- osofetus beard of IlRotten Row" in glo- disturbing ifts vidieus sfate afbv0he-gtt trcaon h erinto e The peakfà ben cose, th spee b oftAie Lasse. gai-bled tact afflue case le, the*ofspn been pk-rîu Hyde Park; whei-e the young Chu-j@rTae- - j. H A PERRY, dent afflue Chronie(ei i.àa sttatg ntirisfe- And l3rown, as of yore, &tt Mc-Donaid does vairy of Engiand, and ber peeriess beau- M. j-nisKelr oi-e I ve- Wib,9hMrlIf Proptitor.8 i-le rilist, tand ftee luotuct truth laid belare tAie des dazzle and delight, lireg Agent, and lis autrietau WtbtAMrcItSte spa e, n e r it i rt uai pe byif theAi"eder Q uuf kM ) Well, if aur worthy Inspectr General ceive uibscriptionlsaedadertie enft8 Brick Remue to Oel or Rouf. (Aeing tade np an tAie promise, he avr uavsdm e i o ycliy asut it. 4"Bt ewold ttild, Il 1AT eannnadîous rick Cottage 'with BrIck N. B.-abrtephaung elevee sdcdeiBrau iIAi ie o ah eity t stu t i ify c 4 a .Burson w osuld ave Aid deb L, and dou it fui, Most rue- suiggest, (as touching tAis recent giobuar ti. office. j Kiteic-iistihie anti Shed ., occpicdutpe .B"P risLvn Lu cott v ru ,aerqied taeu ad mafÀVEmmalatly, O a and itukted01, Wbit#y, 2ud January, 1858, oc '"' oîoîot~fuily rtcad, Athut-ukngtiiAris) Attiei. felot t 'i tii tftiiprit fa'ithfüly, l roeycîetr, r an "oa ~ lshades afth le Opposition, shah! Abe W li[TBY M MIKETS. 111Vt 't l i >î.lIdCY,(1k nioey-ollcto-sare SoiAn«goex ofelle.t. adtîc reliiri'tci lt:baîlrustitavar ore5 Ant ilitlîlads f the "I'înz robe" tAie cty ilth otise, nnd its meiancholy accu- "ll' jadu~I ~i!t t'iic IC A iet cii,, o tîî jrj î FLiti î baili alstlivoi mre of, aris, , loiillaux SUriStete." As t to any Wiet I kJ(} 3d Cr tl 41(lotf land, a good Weil, anîda trr s8rIîlsult a"uut l a""l t w hî whoiesome or osavoury extract, bing prait- îîty per ton $1() (1$03~. Buttter, 71(l fL4' l i.ýpropperty vill bceaoid chcap, ardoritgtitd So"iittnW4 eiX imyowncoieBeApr 0 's 44(D4.PotatoeS, trofpyncrit. Apply ta reaïrst-d inla îîraga'aph number vricîrticable, an thie ulobular Theory etsiofl efpr10 b 4~4.ldtufut OEF'C "ulIG cri,' ik i tN-, m ut y, tlituNfr,.urtiss uile' vey rcti (s agrmar ,aki'ing thir brais, vodespair. 9-sG6d, -per usîtll Pnopriîtor. iiiiii ivtitl wihout any qtualiicaton rtaît i Chemisfry, it is true, is aIl patent; and ETS.Oe tI,(E leli ruriîet at r "tt,îîtîecountry îtwi spknrifer. vre wouid respecttully suggest, as Iooking TOR.ONTO> MAP.ETSJAMES WL-A' -e-Wh - itlîy. lu o i for cainsia a fte neitnclasi-c ttaf )fc iht aeof- dc, 1Bon ni eCer90 ians satroaecnluin AtWednesday ÀMarcb 10, li"58 Whlif,y, Mardi5tilt.t..8 ý îrîem~ "tle o(ýwietiscr- ,a ive red rwan h lertenext bstthing te do, would be ta ex- \N'luat, Ils 8d @ 4s d-. Flour, $3:5() ' - - --- '- cuit ;" "thlîr rîigtAie ptŽaîle wuli (Tri tsthe as-tract tAie 'iPoiitical veriat," ouf ot tile $4:25- <lits. h, 4d (g?)I S(6d. ;git, J A M ES H. S AMO, OIttc4ý, gliett1t1ô ttic'lurtc Ica'lTe "knaves ot the pack all give tangue,as," pus," fuît permeates te craniains %tdtte 1,1 <>* îs "d. But1er, li ~i d î ,btîI t ih ltiuiriliiet ii, niu u, Clear Grit Section. Titis delicate opera- 1t0"to., ~~î~' i inîîîy îIliîr'lilti for, andtittvar- .ýnîî, for tourllr ars ur poir "Prt fian vo fully anticipate, tait Surgeon -- - -- - ri t:lt' tvIýs 0th . upyrfliaînelit, fte id Gcmotlcas '>rî jnecal Macdionald will perforin, <îiiring SECALN T ES i'tw aticî~îîiS t anla Nîw itîit [lure ~Srtiîîfo SMîer u Le~ tAie Session) as skiiifttlly, as the Le-st WSO E 1 Lît, a t tiii ewrk re soie sutAife raltihlai-, Ae Leeche" in the country' could do; tti anENdY.ST tuta oiiijerane -Cîreitmere tc ster- bs caret ve cn edthese 1lItt'KtTtF.T.'pîlWN (uF WITITBY. M lr'lSttl titttu, ihutfrictit <>lun-rrr ii ~ tilir ilies,; aho appear sel very uîrrvaîus, lest'- tlIs vue nIo-it t îîc:l o t r tatthe 0icggcii stoe) valuepillcint M însters stiaultl perpetrate tAce ery agree- M . t.~ ~î s iîîw etycî3 h' . tkI pt I c aî, no litilielle iuyiit inM . rot ri e e-, hi lrcuy t l!hig' lir ir ii" value1 ' ir-i 2ri5al.centi-,ii able larr tend vse ricto- 'c'lli lî,r"c'i nul fiiohsi ccr('%"(,r t'philti-STFP-, c., al.1r. TitV'sFunîiitlîre Store 1h uttars are etireimoreat uith re-a n i look&t, ta Par- 0 ah aîeni Iiua l..Tt Iilt'. Il Orlýt. ii;O failidRset. lau iii u c lutii'tiI ltenec lu it vii i hantent gent irn Sai, rdîîceî inther Lait cf ilasuu.il ýl,ý t-tcrîhoatc Nw icAniIa~ flc h- ~'o, s lie enritr," iiG. . ssalYours, ciiGe inîitaiti ite lgli.Iii Plaids, tjolso"r,irof - Nowl CIIR100r the l"" Whli ,, liarconvett," dd G.B. àctsal. reil iclai iî- rilîlcîl îand uiILî Iî,î 1,r tTIed t oce, ltopliIlrSttr #, trer toîi.ove flint even eini acnmaler oi And thAt epithef vile, on i's. tore-heid P- iltlit, Irs tILa.k ancni as i vrvI~I iri. d aioter puiagnsptpil iirlilutnt wa. retuirned tflroughlt ie did nuil 1 Dr. Tumubietl'uVegetabie Comiponnal r'. li tr aFuIauISal i Li Wiiw itrtausuieterlidanilug îi nii rt t Iii tli i ;iI.1;ru . Llis Fui ---iîî îI) rl,tic htiii xcr. ttrr n hes. autyeAd i o - sscti'iîi ti t' contracy uufwatlîstAunîng. hom Is a sure cure for CatgAsc ol~Sr r aui Mit li0 r tial'>S. iîit -1w PAPER HANGING, &e. Mc. " Iunguige is isuitng tltAiMcK nxi,McG.-A or l , or Ir. 1). î uiehi ipa t XiicsiA stick o u 1t ailae Maîtruâse. Iitueuriber cf flue rirhf Go~~~~or a TArat Asthmta, pain in tAie Aack, sd ecî-îrcit..hcyli>r I tîctss lacce-c poor ul inotto th Me en'ie,-Me-n.-htic litrGdrcd uit 1ILTOprNn&i1{OBEtRIFSi iuîu'ligînt-',amu uiocaity deans Dow I îte"-weîk s mîîîî r Cal, Mr. Till'. Furnitore Store. jojýùijigqnce lind in-raliy of the ciectrr chrttipalitatfon cf th is'rt, andt, iltherîs . M 'iliI iliÀ l. whitit tuiic ienptwertAie present NMinis- ofuai uIrogv d a1o tcach, gericral debliiv, laits Of appetite, &C- cTir atisFatet " fiuhuris.tTiitr andurt Iluis insuIttiltacObsi.rreiïatteiilts dmntPrico 2.5 cents, 50 ccnt,, anid tPer îilsiîi. torlttriiirîtritîi î it-BROCKS ET,'VITY t, pa- ae i -lh y h ilvetdillugattenition froîuîtu- the1 er,'--o r care, o nt bs" ,tlan a e'lelv ibottie. Ri lii iîcç.IAN i ç t iL î i' i ttl i o cI ( k i n d e rt a kîige nr e c h t a î e c l cre c r t i nt p r-c re r v e r o tf A e a lth ; n; te it tit 3 t it id.' V ir la -t l ali , a n diîi m te tn t u t t -h v litfi, uieTtie Fr-tl.enfue hveretefatiwii onbeîùutiearynganthirexenivObTiIeCE.l 00f -ledos ôtdl - oe ta Que'Atc, speetr, saute anti effectuliticure l ae itI-rriiii llitî,îiieiii~' OIE titîo rtîtciced i uainst lis fî*tuîitt Have uduaa!by lAie iels tend tc the nigetinad ailStontacuplts Miiit la- d t i. te"Proi Ii'l" ' ~ Sleeygi*en, ftthtAe MATOU vi ic Gi sîîir;toit i iîîrel v Mtuitîett anitteck on re',a purifier ot thc biaod tend a sweeteer i îîss in Ilîce tiiiitlitli'i'& tutALL neck, uail Iitîloit retil pe.5ir Tuesday lUorning, at the ioiii-ofi u.m tut. uîd uei jiîr I niti cl !u Sira.Anti tho' lnaa Un ion," one's just as goodth Ae vitale iystem-25 and 50 cetfs per r it.' 'trlti n lui t e a rery1 inairyof th Soiee. asn box-toc sal e purpose of disposiitg Ofal] 3 - 0 E I~ E , S E S tot!iei', Tnublcty'sOfacc 111 toe a ithe New Store. ii cshwee, orti report of t; ad instcad ofturnistiÃŽtugtfaut WVetwanted (a lel le) t lome the îîstep. Kinîg streef, foronta, . c.V., and A>F-w feonpltiis fatatpat.sfo hecotRntuD t tAie spiech reporteti Aiec eprurduces H. Du.el Drii or -i .' . W.'t"tiitîi l\-Tts t Polce CortFa- tl olnetmaloni adteeyFoi- eveen ras Su-xoni uis fta aove Cuil. -thMa.hIn9.ltAie aooSoe iel rceEb i- ila î titi- ait lb atuti lhu-ccbv ~~~~~fa ntorroie evening. (Faiday). t' iTIi r i..-r iii .tiit¾i li hiIlintrhat fitt ti isi-eîîcsentatiott. ei1pers-A.,tl clearly, a ri-lit ta tAche t -iIlewlt y iteSdit!ycci LOtiSTi uOR______________________ WC 'tIait , lv tirfa-hetif Cie e-'rtreît Winc --lltctmetnM .C r itaigbît inc» eut in lte Mechenics' Hall, at lpiist hd (LLi Is J hae nurrgeh u ifpeatonasloîg aui But, as ta resignling ta 'Crariat4â" te *ltad theamnual mieeiuac rîtau .Jl-. 4 4 lir Sîrîcît8 aaW. 2ldii fîivo oCate ruile, tittlisohoey liiitAie liehou ui-Montleuy even "Dr. W. C,. IILE.-DtiirSir,-- NIL %Wilti tiad I-iai. S pVlt imeieftrai 0 HEI O D SA D Temper tilsyqoth y tl'.btbell on endacevefI ialier wlitiir ay tem iAi prtie- ire herev caitiil tigaimst negîîum- i t e pl o 1a ta i n u cst in g l a sa - a o t i)T y l rbduters à îltatid re s th e n .,t-e vere t , 5 asne tu ue tl t l: ue u n d ruig r etd iutu i r u i er Tî1 peuceSîL d1 is tatlîdîn l îa l e T o ahuF0 ery1 cAaylor ei. . riii 0fi i le r r{vamdits. Wc CHARLES BOW DEN H & R O F R T E R M I D R 0 H I esntîthe pacgv et sts a rty p-luicil Ts aie- tlto. ___________vileSei- i u-r c cci At titis tiier piciirriug, MNcir, iii. crees, o tWli NventtoR art YrcOdicsK nOri, lB-R? totaO On B TE adp:rty batreis. 'Tiais gentleman 1am A Àhedy, like durices, we've Ac-nt aur Aa' fir aa eir eîgmtejutnn wr aretI4itr,)% caiticnd incanwTILT r tieul fAte bahut box"betaro lAc aoduciicetac, stablish a noi Divisilon Court focr te irittiu.uiytliirVel catai r as lte - al o t b ox" iief ex e ai n cena ' anesét e , ,A y a i ri îtth>rc-o rercd eriticel%ý. T ic cxt ina u a j . 4 , 6 IT E . r p r t rt fi r e î i g fL i p i gIyo fto s But 'en Cameis' Tuwrisbip cf E tbytAie Cotr eL iturwl C andtI L, iii enr-,ig tiy vile .t htfiîl at fchyar slciv i-n bc bekb elli if Oshawa, of course. Thie Beach of of, i rOniplaillt viich w uVi epce e ta trbe ain ouh hesok n N pa:lilly "au nsteuiti o lectu r n,, bacti- brceaks, lagîlt(hi bitter et, iiducaes ne, as a dafy we 0ove lIE anubacurLivesin bouht tAe sfca n2Tly -- "..,., aur deflled, vo sufler vers ...--.ivatecon- ta vourittif anrd fthc public, ta seuîd you t adbsns fnei uid N.i&2Tii.Bo an litndo gIc'aleur n il av u gaves edfl, ilresfr Maitafler egie Ian this rd o yToa ei h o wno.d e- t, Wiiey, Feb sentinient tfa ic. CultsfatAe ui o n airday evening next. SuAject-iî China anti t.vli.a t dicate 'n Ais qpteci -Diii e rat sa>'farcWaion, 0 ti tACW"Eudirections aceemipari etA hpackage. -t1et oti u drue cdliee 0b inte neatc5l styleoafftlui-t etIfi ova 1hit. pas an annl, as eue oour te Cunese. nsoieent fo teflic Unitedi suites and canada. Isnbscrlbtrs in Tarantoest PEWEK MARIFER more t'un 1 clîmiget i i a itîx? W as ul Nanot *-*-----SEVEN PENÇCE IIALF 'PENNY PiERg HIIGINS& lit atdi-es niaie ltet foc i politiaul gîtAi- u.a- îaw-osftc A zomplimenta->' 'ippoi to e givn2ILte I C Blud.wSinv &TOTttE Co.)i~CnueleOfcWAlyCuen'o toaî5IS ee> uvn ia m1eepnto OtawnIiOtt o the Rdhetr, C.) __________________ aniNaY.-u, yrat omileat eo eing tAin for utTemapecînce Sorce? Came AByta W. H. 'fremuVue, Esq.,an bis nappi- TRacitOF ter, N. T. i ':CORDIVOO..T it ie(an tAs Mr-'sares, Pou, e n fls m-N.B.-$1,OOind 6 postage siamps enclosed TERM <>Y'ADVERTý'IS 0 ~ . GD.eiey l u e AeCen-e cae Mc.O erer sîea ofie natasetro-But loftijust la gnosse, vbt Judge Draper uent fa tht office of Cout>'Crown Attor- î1at adfovzd gntrvi esut ae tm ttAivritmet, ra rsirin,îaliu, DiRnsertionglceWer crmiera- il ieLotcuuttieCaa-tbue 0 ti Tv dtiti eut tîtti i-cfurn i. ora etattuli or largo amuitilieFobysaeat-- aiWhnt#1, au - - 'tpreeai aa y ie> or fAis Court>', o lFiia>'eveitini- d il la b>' trnm i. Insl yaueuicfisubsequemut ifsertiou,O 1 p lied i, dy or polî a tcal ikesorwtelke an ,qi nxa yae o iug ordeci aif Hamilten a d 'e i, 4IdaotyAD yaugivnga si-igh frvurduni tneql-Red RivertI mu Ruila, anti acres 11-gaI, Noexi,eu yutsHtl-î-Ulfralinsert i,11lb-eta a - 28diod, f{oli Lur tTievaoeieZ e fvAlA vocl tave tacaA t hes iferaa-Prociain i tat thie Nation iS îYig o ot!a " Once Katown Nover Forgottau. -tO r ruaili sricupuitifnsertion.'- a ..074 JH $ÇDA. alCrnrJmuo~c haPus .osal tli.I aarp r,1a hre0M RTFîUL 'c.EVcouer-An olti vaan -Adtertîsemuueta orýdéecatib - lte mo)ntA, ar VtA>, ln1,81.-:hfanthseoorndwltkopic u ovu to. npririit3tImichgeiTher, J. A.Madonaldi, vith foui Aieexe ranet Winterburu, w'vlaAs Accu in tAie If oi- readers irculti Lave a positive urycevilbinrtdhrteDaeItoa e-Wty Jn.1,85 uniIa oiug i sfnng inifecallt."Thus tam a.a, habit et visitiug lAie ceoins et Mi-. J. S. forctAieToilette, kîî,e BiodKetts jjtesBALllt i5rediifle mi' ttie fce -leitensl le quite cantplimen Forsurl>'.Butut fo WtA tanifron tAe ,,is asiyrg ,.- n e', edh u - MO c~ar eli lAih flt sat ot te Eat8 'i hr> nituc -Fe te Suvn, . A1 ticerfisemenlt cadered tfcrlAie Dut.' 2,2'.RYNLB is -issamîîing ugiCcKiAnlaionaCherryri-ulnuit, eafi- 18 >"Fer J L. B sametue Olserer flat sd Acaf Kin, Al acîîp-s leti- &itiz Ting theCiapauntien *111 bAi iseru-ittthe Tri-weekia once. ci d 8a e'îe, cntelth Oîenrththala cor in tAiesaime hue adber accus. Ailtlasiuit, lite tttairks e' ia" ' bcri9' <fo Mr.-u tanastiqjously ssaled he reattes teTuat, îimple, FremdiluF, Sat uian-, w u ad~a ~ ~ hcf' fie Mr.Cutu a uujst>'assttuititAe i-ut~ wotit, i'an I coul," svifti'-'scuttlua Lia et riait yestfeiday nuacuirtg. eThUe, end til ii-sagrucbie ip peamci ces froîn thie Skia' hea ordcred. ' auturat au lihe Cleair Gits (Mr. George citMr&.King vas busying berei-f fbout lheite h io .stec uudialt ld yuall Dcu igs s. S.s, detlmeswiicrvileinnu- Wiib'F'.1588. S crat, LOt ET &i ftiuens, will Aie iuseitèd t 'l ' muid nd îmrccîh n , d cont andthAe ohd vonuin W v ais SL}DE &Ce, reoeis, < e-Autota u oao, .-,-5 ti ______________ Jinowrius lue til'thfle Minisîn>', I veuit Anl vila e nwîhoui- Tcmpcriaae foudling Mrs. K,'s. littie 'girl, lte Chiait F Y.trse utHWL9 L ri . tlittou Brck cfer o isolnl defsne p 1 utteced a sidrp ci-y of distress, anti theistrict -G. A. Bmnuster, DutuduasStteot; W. R te lae in mwcinrg-ti ain mutzsensale regi lis course,-us I dit on Ibis occasion. -As W-' aCpan o klfl--Pat e'ohr o irhrrr-sw h rtce oicc tre.tion. as Aieitteakvasaganatflu Miis-~ aCîpuei auukiinit art' oaitaomn, vitia frenziet enorgy, stiiving - bée-- g Q theAI teîtteomNotEe caiMenrt pongeas th attauk wu-gaînst th Minîs- a long straag- ~~ta cnt tAie tArait ethec SAut v itAsharp To FÂTuIIÂtrs Mcvauateus-Yeu knov ow otuers, j inte Ceunit>' o!Otiitr. ta dmt~ . fi-y, no anemUlUt Baiy'a word ; but if are flrovn-Goai-anid Makenzie, caniti rot razer. Attnhl o> ebea i mportaniti is tor yea children lLtyanah4ould_ i. f matilie d avomncekeep goodalt uIt lw frequenl>'dc o scebec bas hieActemerity te speak of o saloc ie out long ;shegabbiee1dmeuw resetthe neurnng e aeauî BlddorwffettaiP4c Arantied villaevecy epithet LAt thie bilions ' ouvt alnli nt mp~vlavt 0~ gtMs pn ferat fAe eaensdec-df ehren. Wonaisot a~nx 0AL fancyof ~,Cher ril peste ia sugest. G. Brvutendeavoured te strangle ber. -Te Ibis aseplIil luts, wheut, b>' per caftu anti reies, i-NL~~ GBrwatideti an effort te grasp tAie razer and kill 12bs rasat ru scnAeaodt. Whe eltlu can b ho e-d tothe eatiI ' -- - ? xgarayw- IIad Mr. Curtis, ike Mri. Fai-avel, poken If t1h07 boast a Harlequin ; ve're gottl .bnvcot b ol'-te esi!f-u het aploa AecU t aotAa have ~been n e-cause of -complaint, but no, eij uoiia. tit. e uudaa o u u t üicdbl l fes7e an 1!.â; frý auCo t o u iruleSlo feGvrinutl gnri>,toa voli a utehe n A gisigti ae n Aoaffetimlesiyt-biaehetta- I,~a SQUIB l oo a t is ingers vere pneirly severedfrom lber hatit. inuions utaceelleafancynoude.W.rt p~~ .t, 88 ,,~ Ibi vufaogoti n ~perunt e ds-A second rtle girl oet Mm . IL, soutetwe ynasvadesire te imiprove theoonditiatilIsu chagcsoti o he urlu ble ad eig ---- 4t- 1 ur i-ac te proau r i.MurwsAelmae am ni ti 1itiCt'5Teveun 'easRch, oftthât a Vahnambli, ~ seizet i vftittfeairfut malady>, te vAicAi T4'the Editar of thie Whitby Chrauicla. 'erm .,are ou011 bndhd insuslucccod da nce vth w OM , tqriatory ktwa eMLG8niIsSeeIr4 andi sea soute persoit-cmmeandi arrestedtures lw, ive vinnucenlRcta SanaIjnm*IIIS siti n lte jlOn o. -of Beache, c o ns.-s - n us;of bigs calibreirm sub % vz oil- Eêa ga unBre rmfJcat Aeold woven. Sbcis evidoet'mi, Piusoatesev. - Danr Ibs th- icalî8d IAX1d>Aî-Q# MIII, teepEngino, andi Dv E xtractin Il Sunl Aie q ulreucum Ath-H m odtk ije&retdi," Aie passa t fforth tto te b3, i Scfn Ai rar thtAe Oppo- nani iaslaing unter flue idea tAit Morse'. huduîan Rocl p. i wicre vheAuv aI loi e aus4p tAiey--,cieansethe body' trame s mdSth to COOifLeUtiitiOO1i '9701 ~ ~ have bouta eîticed aav b>'lber neighiears-. a~i-aenicnteemr o thlag"r.-I parîgrîpiv 4tlu, thie Ob- 'TAie ver>' impossible task, suggested l h aibe ui> eiiint vi iè,aet he i fus I1 4a-v liae~ethig~.peebee fo vicbai oure, is&bsevaton Wehav ah hord ! t h,. 'ben fllcffi mited o ane ier one mfhe e atese dli tr>' tedoriitho I prtsuhnl gaefl vuch 1ev ii ielelier o equiries a astdO'fl ie itôitlerpys hiny ucht tm ekdriipéu Mrb 88 ertndr e omane gen ra te alitera. b e utemseotee, uli v eo.r-UutrgO1d.5riaele>a. Yia.fDedf<- 1~ eer~î,lseteObawrtobej8ttebm- hoerer,~ ~i-~thî mudweoiue Y~mt1the proa-ly esunandwe D. aore,'a vdiaeeEO endllaerimô bc ja~igrg Iit huy5LiaIm ' gi ' on e Acuo i ftr mc titan an.. TOe! EDTQ-z- to epotin spechg orwieh f oursie,'si âi Weuhav l us ofIlofetold hue, o b i ' i àt m'part iculrl gatf. Ie a l, how. theaw tsaaam.ies.isat tasla t!*l flU¶lr sî'e., al - ' F William, Fordaa, fîsnge -,eAfcunai- r, ah l pe t hut.bfiiýrteyaea !àU h "ju.it ari-i- ly i'ti uw 11Wtiayin aefteTown of Wld1bAi ,'- ROBERf FORDHÀ-:W Whüiby Pd1O û Or aitAie Ofhle oft tllepapen. LjI perssiaebted ta ime etato Of 1. hile soAiofild & (toi are tr airecttomsii- 'ile payiuaet fbeneoi to Itiiliaitkt odtd, Âgenfa thlAis tore Luey oMupWdbyLUiil. JOH14 BOWLES tohar LOfA, 1857, Y air basn or cent, ab ont 50 s- eS'< of Lid eeitAin lye miles etflte 0*~c biçbj Pui-chAse itAior vîtlientBuilidings, ss~tauu~prtora.'Adîitees l-by ler pet pauL, Tium tb Capy. HZE folloWitqg Dabemtures o e!Ibm or- Whitby, jute resu sud mutinipler aS'ehVit ia Brnela uitheiaBâbik.et Moatri,Wh by. . 7. d» lut tkna- 1863, 8 l esA.'d te, "182 10. 1866, 83 69. Sdr Apply to J.- -HAM >PERRY. hitby>, tend Ma-clu5 lSCS. S za* * rZ z~- -44s.> e a ~~cA0 Q NOltE TO CONTRACTOR8. iLEh! t':e Btiiding cf a Brick Saltool «isdf inl Soctiutie.12, 1un tAieTowualupoflý%uk- 3rin. Tuiteris tun. the siioe vili i i reaaved XitiMarch litAi t, bytu b' iiof theituderïlgit- il Treustece, froni vh oa » pcla ""DOut f fia plau nia>' le Ob Uaned. CHARLES PIL - Y- GEORGE STRACAN Piacerilng, Feb. 25.-1958. WANTED, .]RY s yenng Eutý1WinAi, a situ flou MaCiom-i 1Inra Dry Gooda or gereulSoe ithar Town r ountry-. flusesad"cora!denile e rionebath ilu England tand C 24 ds h~ea give gooti refe-reucca. Adres t cauxRi, toit89, 7.4w Wkîtby Pý 01, Vci T H E s e v e r a l eC c k e o f t eé D i IL [ f a u r ue a i t Ivitiu tAie ceuntyocr Qt#aenâthe CIe of lte Ceuni>' cort, a-kr eqnurmd _be~ tg delvegf-a-n-eaut a-cot an udretenue, entuuà% 1 DE AND .891M, Aà!4OYEL ~ Ilkie Celiua, at the OF RE Amuie aof ine emO<u T e2ifotr sale flac folIe "l= nitate, ut t utelim ioat i lip-e 100 Aeéreecleet .Çý15,4t COflo 100 Acres Suath .t lot-CosM"Of x1y ofi icrity 8U nuo 1 sc*t-uns ictioit l'ver, a bunul- se tjvu vîlicd f OIuu- inaieti i v e i l i tot - i-ek, -ittlu andte- pe di,- si-i. uet ri- 'i -I

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