Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1858, p. 1

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'h THURSDAY, MÃ"RNING, 19AYERROFFER Biiùciý $TRmý7r, WRITBY, ý11(exL»oor lin the ]RegiIjtty Office. < ýýb [%TERts oF ý'3UI3:SC.IiIPTIOýN, TO THE, AÃŽtby t'liruiiiclë, Ivill j'Il $2 per antillina, paylible atrictlýv îli 10i'ttuee. . . .......... Ton Illiets and landeri .................. $0 751 With calm Printe;l wordoq grent thonghts and ]KvvrysttbleilPlelit ýl)crliiiel., o 2 untirin- industry, ýýVe1 att ]Peace, Pro-.ýe". A libural iIi,ýcotint 4ilIovvýI tu ml,,reil ants tend roar. VOL 9 Villa papei- ai, WHITBYý C. W, THURSD.1Y- ltPý Ili the Coillity, 1l(Pýýides 1wilip, rend Ilv 1 il- M A R C f ai il ever, hl Whitbv lait ity, ai ÃŽletter ALBÉItT SPRING, OYSTER lupp Er St. Lawrence Tu- Service. u(irio.N EER, &c., &-c., l'I'SOM, T0WN_'ý liviio et( ur thiiiii, ný1l plua" lo.'w ILV tiiiit; ili fk)l-%vardilll M ystu OTICE lis horebv-gî%-en, that Tondem, ad- FROM 50,0., Matir notieum. M , SA-LOON, N drt8ded tu tièc ;tn(ler.-igtied, will lie releiv- ILL subîeriber A. PRINGLE, the 0111ce ufl>ubliý,, 'r'l'orks, uutil ýVu(ltje,- 0 Illitil all arrear' -1ýfERCIIA.NT TAII,011, BI.OCK STREET, -NOTICE. t2tit;4 ot' 'No palier wM Il edattjie loti, day ur March iiextý ut Lioou. fe)r T Ages are lxiid al). Wb itb.ý 1 1., yonge Vieustabhslirrient of ail efficient Iiiie (,f èI711:1 trv 0. M Building . , tient tic 111,19 tlikeil t' il Utters elielusillg utsh, ifqri.>gi,.îterf-d, %villbe nt M trcet, foruiitu. clivivu Liýikivi,à, cigart,, 8tellanierti, to ply botiveen the Upper eiitnti(-e tif herobyËivell, thlit the ho rieik of' thu Lil blisfier. Nv.it-il THOMAS DEVERELLe &c. the Lachine i,.t;utJ natal the Port of Kiilzsti)n.- ýf Ayop. wlll hold .1 Pied t'y ýV ! T'l 1,1 H1GGIN11ý &_ ý%L%ý iýl*ujliblF"Llz 1 DEVANS & DIXON, To of -ix ve-ý>e]s tu perfurui tit -t4cri*ic, liziLL, on ZýÈr DA(j UEIZR L% Tomnt,,, iliIv (ft fr terni ut' eix Pi, cura, front tilt finit GIREN STREFT 1 P)Wil c Tuesday *«)ruiug, at the bour of 1 li aient wlicrû lie illity lie fuillIfi r idav of ilext. il, %%'Cek for the ý)1*.Iieputiiiigt.t»;ill vhu inUI liitll ij, NATIONALL 110TEL, will state the iiin,ýutit of! collll),ailjts afýItIri't parlic, levr- the uly e)ft!lo 1*-,Iiovin-, d(_»sý BOOK AND JOB INTERNATIONAL IIOTEL, PORT WHITLIV. thu alaititil boilitte whieh tliev lvil 1 fr'-ill 1 ot'TowLi By-IUWS. Allibrotype:, cUýýt:oiyj M ýRKie,-P TOIZONTO.- thu lit M'Iditioti- lo tile rates to be B. Y.IU-";OLD l'et E -11-allles.\Iit tilows, Priblirittter. ;: r pid lit the ton P It 1 NT 1 Xlk; E ST A B 1. ls 111 M 1:ý"ý'T. 'T 4ý) -L-d' ILI.Sk, Lieu illitue. orthe Letather an 1 buaz, tel ilàl'arlil his frIetids rplIE PXOPRIETOILS oF Tiii. WIIITEV 1 JL tend tlec 1,11 I)li,. tleILIIIe-i Whitbv, fith Xat-oh, 1 sr,ý. 8 l l1MteiIlllýrý ty bl einj-1, vd ifi t'.t urvicu Iàatid thuir nIIý' ill the ftrtý Czi aiij 1 ýl s"()%% Il, horse jAý JL wolild illt>')i-ili the PETER CAItlMICIIEAL, tite UbOVe liotel, il c basillem.,l Pli M'hioll, leu ptiblie, thai thLý' liite oftlle iliq'st il liartlier detitils. with the raies to lie allow- To Brevers ér Business -Men Gener'ally luiI>dt,ýril e rt*litll N( W ili NONEEP, &e WICK, T-OWl',Silip 1,11ture enri-V u11, 'bal Ilim "Wil ed fi'r tum ilig, Clin bu knowia vil iipplving 2,qý 19.-,7. ta A uopf Broek. » \vil;,s atid Jxetoitýiit tu t.hLm .)tnuc,« lll'ell.P1'týIl tl Car, Jdl âttjjiti"lb It'r IJIJIII;Lll.l* 1 Two 1)ersý,n!5 ivill bo requircd te) M TILL lit the Whitiry liailiva.v Sta- joli,.; v ti,,n, tlif, I)retiii.,P- f a Wewery, ledANILLA HOTEL, F.DWARI) IZAY. Neeqirily fqr the Plue jocrforinai.ce f the - :) Ens té, BOOK AM JOB PRIN rING z'kl'611'OS A, l L ATE CO U 1-TI IA It DIS con- MI1tbý-. Ma . % l'le of ,,t4 âcrI.-ýq ot, I.Rilfi, La 'th, 1 ZN tables, Good the lire 1 Pi tend gliiiriolieu Il lut worli riw Touders tu ho endomed. ~Tenders fur eolitailitil wort v %V OW-e 1 partiviilar, will lie dý,iie lie a superior mi le at le loivest livre. Jvliii Mart4i, l'rprittur. 26 9 __ 1 vive> ili 5jIý WENTERN 110VE Tu iv i n t11l1ýe attention Ofili'N vilu ilà t1ie Lic--vivj Liii,:.- DUNDAS STnE£T, Vrill B, By order, OAKWOOD HOTEL, Ilite lire.. Vie have parciiiised une t'f fil, ABOVE THOMAS DoDI), C. E. lit'w vrecre-il ta telliliol THOMAS A. BFGLý', tu Alo, lie Wi4livs !') ilir, \V. BANK,ýý, I'Lut'IZIETOR. T jnst f-l'elied ley tho 1 hill, G L LISI CA RI) raPa E1;SEPý; f 0 ;jS travellers van 1 jov filid D IVItilby. prendseq, irliere lie cai, 1, rtrnent of 1,11blic Worlzý, Purt Whitlat, Eeht-Ilarv 1ý, 1 ,%viiîe[i thelli to toril 'llit Carll leil.d Cir- A * to, 16th l'eh., 'file llouzu i, %vell IvàI Llpt. Ulitl Ille 711111. 1 l 1 sinme tileil lu 11:8 "2ti4ùýL4 lit a verv tlxiPt,.Iiti 'rit(l% litive O.-iT.&RIO IIOTEL, !Ctelll,' upitrtialfýiÀlýs roolie P. und air: ' '174re is 1VATCHMAKER et um hand a larLe'e stt.P(,k elle,! Pativy i'urdm. P. w. «CLEItK'S OFFICE,' eod eoinfortat-ie Sý4ihliiij, iitiiî tbi! Ilest litl. n- St4ttiU]ter%', ai ver" lon ý,N% Dr 1 tion 1.4 1-àti(l to tenue àIi,ýI Thù bar-roolti is Havinir a larm î .1 R, to 1 large Uli(l firi-J wuIl 'lipplieti with re- IVATCIIES ANI r.iteK,, I*iiLitiiÀg P.tiiii bt., lui riii-t ýi il the Iý%% vbt 1 tIlv liali't W ilwiPe, lýiqtàL)rý unil Cigars. IL-tiati- .21st jean., 11158 J e tend t Iw B'Pat Fret, t'if oilliaiid, ho wili excitant >:olilel% ftletl Lit, htitig for priv 1 pair- IIE lime rir ret-eii-iitL, petitionzi fvr Pri%&*Itl. Au exP-1,,Il(qlt urtielu -)f BI.i4,k 'I'va, ditili expcu't- t i T ur Locul Iiill!q will expire un Lieu Twel lit vd, M'hi-le ujid 1;"Plitid Cellecs, be.qtqttàtlltle.;. vr MICHAEL MeCAUI'EY, Mltîrch, vile ti.vu.-ýaLd viglit htiiidrud and fitl.% - i 17 eiglit. , (-lPý 1, 1 1 To the Mouied Men, 1 1., -(1, lbult, kiel: Baril-) outtaicul, E W, B. LINDSAY, BréalIPLI, !ah-OP, Blitter',' Appies, &é.' Letn-àii> Others, in the Cou RAILROAD daily expectud. lit nORNEIZ 0l' BROCK ANI) DUNDAS Crockery, China, GlassIvItre, P&C., &c. l'ILliE%"S 110TEL, \%'hitli% Lttc WPdl"ek:..W..ý ri,(- s . - Il., ililluilit.ilit, (;()()D s tel U TO MASTERS O!Z OWNEilS i-jil' > i AI'), Ille euvt vulie-li âtwk of )Cr 1 beg 1 în tlie 4'-,LrLtv of olitai-ji). iligil- _îÀý_éï_1 Là, S' _ù Ù-lt-Nl Tir A"w ilioc"1111l'l aliii attentive (4tiers. 6 WIbilbi. VQ11.1111111il-, tient lie VESSELS. j eýt priev pidà fur zipplud, jPýtUt,,t_â, Fuos, l' Pt Pý, l, l' 1 ý 1 GAT E li!è',î taken the abovc lirst cla-, itici, lie &c., &u. CI)Gk: ()F TIIE col- ýN Il", fittud up ill il atid u-,Ii % vilielit inatittvr. colirts. a t1i, , ,il Ille t 1 Lnd:itler tbe i RAILROAD IIO'l'IEL QTIUE I.-; Ilcrehý Lriveii tlint on 10, _r attention ofthu Pa lx)w Ni.N(;, J'Itgljzl ETP Pli Ilotr'.. Dit]- in ',he sprilig Pf!ý M'hithy, Dec. 8, Im",. 47 Pablic Sale, 011 tiers, I.Liiicher5ný. cali itti l lit re- bc lind lit il pruýetit %,!:Pr, lit W Litbv. Goud iiiid aitelitiN Il ()S- il.iliee NELNON G. ItEYNOLDS9 T kept (lit lit(- vT-ùI11isq-ý are' -Pt 1 ijtt-% rai kuiý Iolatille te, 01,: 1 Y lp r4j- OFFICE AT 1 Il l COUIZT Monday, Margh flouse. j warruitivd the t "làteir" ctl,,ii iPfste;ý1.1 lvill l'e re if rigit'!' ZËj tall'i'nell penaltie-i fLýr ativ iiifractill bc.">, 1 - O-N-- _TA_ X t 10-- -1-1-0 -TE L Ilth. 1,A7. - l"> "te' IGTOOD - N.Ew s. iii I'.ez, JOHN 11.&M pERlty9 T li Y T H E siniâte lit the U)Lh Con. oi BRý*.%N, vu PENITENTI,%,ItY BOOT 8110 1 *'r k )N jý;, ), 'K G-ýoI E Liald. Gri2t Mill, ste.1111 E - 1 j . 1 GLOIBE IIOTEL, E. A. MEREDITH, 8TORS, 0 Liait Il,. l'S. Il. J. Pl Salé -to commence at ur ilndersizliçlýI Iiii> E E T, W Il 1 T B Y. LSPLANADE, 11OTEL, T il!,. TIOUSE LOTS POU sALE. LEIZIZ ()I,' Tili, lieu, te, ý1.ilù thuI il %V nle C the Conri r l*. the thet lie il ilý 1 lit' týlV IL. edec,.ý- -j- ili tht, tý!- 1 lial ufp. ý',trVet. il-r fur t:ie largu e u atroliiige %t ide wiliell Iiettell, Nfnreh, jPoýiW tý e 13llillilig>.) le st.yle, alid %ý;th lieu l;l:ý% le!, k-1.11- Tiýtl Illoi-Il iL, ;i tile jýenitig ut' tile Jolvi V. 11,1kif, vuliieliQu colil bo% ___ - , 7 f'.i1't ;illýl tu t!ýV 1 %1 jý.-,i 1 rý'iiiw (,lie, et ýterv :ijid a li;i1fI.ijýIl, ýilt ira tite 1,4)tvrl (Pf w hith%. LEIZIZ 9)F TIIE (ý'I-eUN'FY Cý)UrT. ANI) ('0(WE'91% 11-OTEL, buziveil. 1 repairwni fi ýý t ti iil,ârtilieiit.,. It i, ili -wild intiinutc thý,j t«liet% tilt! ULAIrI. (-)tfleU iLt S. J, B. T,éere i, iLý- i re'-elvi-il lurge iidditi.,tis tu tl:eir F'l ATTRAC the Otlit-e. I3rPelý >11,V0. Brook-liri, MiLY 12'. - :' -7t'. i au-1 Winivr;ýLuck ut' Itjici OF F La . 1 M E 1: t I L 1) 1 X G Baots aüd Shocs, 1 D. Il IA tioq I.,I lt011-ýON"S 110 ;'EL, litit iil)t Tite iittutivii i nýpII lit ATII RLEV, Icliglin'il ý,nIpI.% iià:tatifnctured initier! Farming Lands, M 1. 11110DDER tiwir iPer.ý%oiuil 8uperi LORGE- Tll!-ý 1AE 1 Di NG -S l'.1i G i% Io P.\ 1) Il le 1- - 1- Fir terrils land fiériber applv to Bouts, Sllwýi, Gaiters, &c., in everj- AND MILL Pl Ell.ci 1 tN l' r 11 L(elZ ALEX. CAMEliON, a. 1ýND (JUTFITTER ma% 41%veilli Whiti, %ariviv iiLd stvie iiii et' %viiich tiley. wili %V. PAXTON, jr., 1"iij&t ,tr-,t:t o- ama, C. :SLiop 1*;Irlýi,!t(.,l ili :ai ex- Whùleliale Mid lZetail. Cr)niitr%* etistanter re of Ille F_- 4EASUIZLIL oFFICE AT TIIE COUIZT çulltiiit bt% lu ter t ',il aile-111 Li. li:tti-,il -.1, Ira% ý 1- Or to, i reetPrtitneii(ied to udi UA foi- 'lJe die fb GEO. WALLA(j ý , li l. Ir, , -&Ilv làtted ly fur the lit 4 eh prices thut lit#- ýPCt pr "I ï r il ' titi -ait i enve FILINKLIN 110LSE. honte. :,1ý A iliteady tare: ra výIý ý il, "tte1ýd No SECOND PRICE 1 1 Ille J. 111ACDONELL, 1 w. alleu. Octolwi- 21z, 100 A res, East 34 Lot FENELON PA - L-X l][Ol'Elý. HOTEL TO LET. Y 100 A - cres, Sotitli 32' Lot N. YORK nIr [si N. 'ENC 3 0 1-1 N 'el 11 LIR la W T..; S 1 lec! i-l amincel 1 i,1 117 Il ro; ý ri etl)r bi. il 1 L' iei r, lits P)f rp t i ri ng front FURCE, Prupriutor. 200 Acres, Lot 10 21iPi Ci e l)UNTY ENGI.NîlýU. 0îîI(ýL AT TIIE OfEce-No,..48 11udson %rett Nev York. \*!,it(,r- lit- dispose ofiiiâ inter- rlie-u T!iree lotx', in til X-ý court jil a t*t.-,%, rods ,I* ',Ilf. FaIl * lZeete-1 F A lit -11 ER'!ý 110*1-EL, i tel le'l Ivit in tiltý -I lit t:,v 1,4.3,e ot, the l'or-I)llztll%, il te PI T Il'. (, l' 1 ý -M S, or. SPIIEET, Ti- tiO cPitiiit--,f fille Acii tarai él Là i)ý!i.Pwli,'ý%ilii..IL: Ma.tileti, ilit, un til-4 "North Amc.rican Rotel," A-DVERTISING DON 200 Aerci 11, 9th, Cd 1 to Marliet. 1,f L'r P% uliiil-, plý,, i- T.Ielzle alid fiont: 1.r"\ illeI. iriiitie lit lhr, T,,%vii ý,f l',,r, w'tt;i Fiiriii- rtS nfille &et tltt Court a 'CTED titre, i'2xitirt,,. &c. Il is >c.-iretir t,, , it ail PU U--'tTFD STATL9 and C.JX --- - NORWOOD 110l'EL, siý lur it,-.tiii-ii al.d te, mure .',)LIL ' t 2#)ý) Acres. N-o. 1. ll3th Coli RAII 110.113 110TEL, ýL,%TF STEI! LI ai 1!1, E 'ýW00D- 1 1P,14m! lie f*ý !ce 'illid. unilproniptrc-in4tt-.iiý -A made No. 1, Prlmit rit :IE lifi 1,lr-iý-,ited l'a- ]aie!%- ý,t1e JOIES TIF iD N T 1 N G 1 N K , -,4'tl tilt, Fur liartie-ilitrs ttiýllv to M-P a 1 Goed Iiiii-dn-ouit "iid z5ý,iii rit ni. ýf- f t lie vari*,tts ýâranlIfitet LI rés, tonsuitrIv on liand E r, >Bý TIl 1 roprietor, Nnt-th Aincrie'all hl)tiïl. Printiùg Materl:Lln fttraisÈed 2o .%crus, part ll3, ICtli C(: Goud .iog, 2111,1 attentive ',Id C th*ýý Tý"vný R 0 [lltt,, it;j tliv i, I, ýaIl 43 1 Acru p.trt 1.5. «Il Colle et et!] lioljrý. Il. TRE31 AX te r i a i il% Il 1 i i t,-, et wl r, ï go-1 lit 1 i * 5/4 of ail liere, part l"', Ist lxi slirrt natice. FOR SXLE. New Ycrk S'if- New York '.1,ïevvs, -.New Yvik; '.\usztiu 1,jlIjIý le, lie ;ýte lentbl lit, - alivtl.\ New. Vork. 47 MILL PRM I es ittid Li-jilor, È'111% .011,1 Floor. 1 .1 t T4) elterv Brick Hotise at ý4jf-N t; IV Ilýdc tel cliultl'Il 114REET, AD- 1 t-4 uIýu 1-fecil Rocheîter, Ol'Usiedci6ahtytmi»«ou. Wé extract the followlil" account of Ro.; chester,:Minnesota, from. à letter of our friend Mr. Benjamin Er,ý-an,,-formýX1.70f this Town, now r. rcsident of the To'wn of' Rochester, w1hose progress and ýrûsp . erity ho so kraphically descri4s -- - . - Rochester, the Coutity S'eat of Olrnstcýd Countv, .1ýlý'-nnesota, is onc or thosoý nL,.v towns in the far West, whosegrcývth scg- almost likernagie, and is the admiration and astoilishinent of our saer * mintied friendj Il dottn east.11 - ft is -gituated upon tje Zutnbro River- à clear aud rar,.*tl strearj, alvout filly, wLst froin ýV nona, aind ne;!Aý one bund- red'south Casterly f. ow'St. Paul" in a rich, alid furtile Valley, froin wilich CUVf'r'se llvu-- other valleys openin- out to theunriv;tltéd prarieè, anÙ splendid farming lands of Olw-. bted countv. Rochestýr vras so caliedfroin the fancied reseÀnblance oflitg naincrous %%Iaterýpn%,rets, « tu those ot Rochester, Nev Yorh-, as %veil .9 therescinblance of its surrounding eüui,- try. The Zutubro ltiver, as also ils two tri but. _,s, Bear Creek and Cascade Crec k, (which bore forin a juitetion with the inair, st.reatu) arc very rapid streams fornie.d bjr ch rystal springs thât bubble out from thi- bltfflý, and %vhich, leapingdown nutùerouýi cascâde.ýï furnish within the town limit-, i ight uiifailin,ýr, %vatur powers., Theie pow- CÈS have attracted the attention of cýpita- list,; and enterprising.busine.ïs men. Rt,- chester bas bucn made tbý ýccûc of. mpit4 improveinent, and perin&nentý -healthy grovth. liandsonie Stores, dwellin-ge, mills and shops are quick-ly sprîn-ing ZPO -mectiaiiies are over-run tiith *'job-gi" and- in every port of ý the town Lburerâ, and artisans are busily ez)ga,.,t-d in building up a large city.- C> ý By reference te the inap, it %vill, bu seeti that the geographical position of Rochus- ter, is iio-t excelled by that of any to-rn in the %ve,;É. Standing as she (loes, in the di- reet line Of travel north and south, as alsu iii thu route folloived. by - the tidu of euii- gration westivard, she inust be Lh4-,ceiitrti. of immense travel, and constquunfly of ac- tîý;e iiiland commerce, a faut i0àch busi- nes8 L.;vii are not slow tu tahie advailLieu The valey in whieh the town is latd out i about four miles in circuinference, sur- rouiided by gently rÏsing hilL,;, beyý'ond ,vhich the spiendid prairies - of Oliii.,ituad ýouiAy are spread ont fur as the eye cun -euell. It %vou](1 bc difficult La illid in all ,ho ý't-ebt a Single colitity coiitailliti,- SO ,reut a Nvealtii ili resources, Loth agrieul- and m.inufaettirin'ý- toetliei-'wlth ucli -an agreable varie ty of scencry. The ýoil cf 01111st.cad county iàea blacl, sandy oam, of great depth, susceptible of ý1he tighest cultivation, and tfieabundant -êrop d the ýast season bear ample testinýôny o its fertilitv. The climatu is heulthythu ,!r dilly, pure, and free frow all a-uisli ma- nira. Sprinr- and spring brookos abound d pure cold water, wherein is found thut aost de'.îcious of fish ' the speckled' Trout. 'ho streains are belted.with skirts of tiui- ýer of varlous linds, as cah-, îack walnut and basý-,9plendid quariies of aildstone, and aile fbundAn the while in-the valleYs are bi ick- rJay and and lime. The surface of the cotiný ry is largely prairi-.,,var;ed herc and, theru y gentle tindui4tions and grûVes of tiLaý er, and scarcely an acre of wastè '.and cari e foufid in the county. Thé £tranger i.sititi- for the first Cine thîiý part of tho ýcst, cannot but bc iii.,piËèd vfith.,the catit-v ut our landýq, the salti1ýritv of etul imate, the purit3ýof the -watti- and the ealth of our soil ; and will Catifirui the truth of ourst:itewenýAf bu - )es not also *Lyrýthat the half 1 bas not ýen tolil that rugU bc-ijaid ài its favour. erf-, has. tht Great Architeèt spread dut ýs gifts with lavish han%4 and. it bât irè- Zins for, the art -nf ni-, - 11- IN to a] p1zwe Lý ýitli- j lae 310rning and Eveaing Traîna. Traîna. GE 1- ate(l. t1le rüeidenee or tilt Inte WRII. 1 JOIIN .11cýNAB, PAPEr- t't t'le of the Lez-. i" water JAMES IIUBBARD. Whitby, Febasti ia5s. P AINTER. '(iIAZ1Elý. i'cle the Tom, tisiiii, qèf I>iekerLll.,, 111 it«üll of Nu%-ember 3rd, 1,S51 111012, r. l'ailit', 0il,, lèlittv. lja- the (!Atllltý of Ontario, illto two lernîlrate S-itilli- '--itablei S'hei ali'l 41. riiiiiiiii, a S,,)titii iiiid C, il) Fur ftirther partienlarb i Cýý,riwrý,t Çýi in-1: ziii-1 -vet, Wi * L t-J Norrli, i"i tfie ýýelFîre n? said Township aud 11ARPER'S ÉOR MARC 1 t Orlug, Ditilitit.ýi 'Sti tilt )Y. 1 JOHN Tý1le1î1ý' tg) aitcN the cab jail. 1v, l'.- 11SWNT DAKERY AND CO-NPECTlôIiAlt Piclieri 'ov.iitii, iýe7. 43 14. t %VILLIA31 POWN c W111TBY. 'ON, J--IV. CALDIVELL BROWNt Whitby April 7th, 18t;- IMOLESALE AND RETAjjý Y-IINKEE Nol N ER IN MES, SCHOOL. LA VDEFS FOR MARCI! Rouch. titi 1t., Lai BLACKSMITII Wý,iNTICýD. Ný,v0l of A. D. ýN'cekb r 1 FI E Nt 1 S SI ES, BRYAN IVg)(71-D RESPECT 1 r 3urâigited is prepared . to supply Town y,ý At 'týý _111N VARNOLD, abitants "f JA Drug Store, Uxl)rid;e, %v, Aillv it[i11onnc4ý, to the inh and Conntrï eubtoiiie.rI4 witil Balzerv icojlfcc- Là A T BELLS a NKEÉ N07I Whit- Mh N ERS oud :tuady work- tý. . bv and vicinity, t»Imt, they piirl.o-ýe opet in a s iug 1 tiuuarY if all kiudzx, of the best q nujity. 0WIN' 0ý1 Jý ANI) OF, o- 111) cuit (lu ho flAl. 1(.,et Sellool for the es. rWe The Sehool will oKil ,of Youligi, adi shoeingg and sniitil -urk in reticrui RUTHERFORD SAUNDEýM-,, on t ri fiNt ()f janllarv thrîvinir business in the Io ý ) would du a GROCERIES A." PROVISIONS, 0 eztlity. 9, FiSSLIE'S-G-42ETTE y blarch, IV 0. EANTWOOD, A. il. il. D. (LATE J. STril-EL,) 1iýxt. AI] the Etiglili brun,,h(ýs of 1 a large and fùIl stock.- Look nt it and com'pam J At ' with Fancy Necâle work and Muiie, wili b the priueb. NT, NOT tatiglit. j T BELLIS (juR N Ejis a blaek-mithla Sbo ý ýR S, oevul'iud l'y Jus. Ij.ýdg- Ç) AND -54, KING STltEý-T W EST, TO C 1 GA' B: roit. Street, Whitby, Dec. 1, 18w. 46 Zx. furititqiled, will be Lel to the BlaukiLaite )f all kin a, .ýold w.hol"e 'by the býu or ALLOITS MÀ4JAZJNE ioii, L,ýljuire.. u ;.),w routo.--Albo 48 King:Streut Wedt, Ilamil- sumwe thoueund. 4 At --- 1 toit. 9 'LLN K E E IN 0 T- Dr. R. IV. CLARK, RATIS APP'y tu 0 Ys TE.R S, LIVERY JOIIN BELI., - Aý2'(-'ýot,'('111-l'UIZ, * CORONNER, ';IEOR(,'rB IIOTTs Special A. VM ý -%% ' Or te ,Cent for'tjle sale of Oxstere, wholepale sý-7r the Gomity of Ontario. ADDLER AND &c., E S T ý-1 B 1, 18 H m- E -V T, J. C. BOWES bythocauorkeg. SIEEKIJ A N Ç Dr. CILECKLEY, S Bi-vokliii itild E Moili. 1 Lave opeued a Directly opposite Melchanical' lutititute Lot No- ", 7th Con. Picke'ring î6t te êllirîý, sit the- ýî - ESIT) ENC'F', S'FIIIELT, TOWN OF a unilichofitly bttniti.,.ksutFliý,ü in, wliere 1 k ep BYRU-1ý:ý'r MET, 'WIIITBV. Whftby, Septe 58 e mberi. 1854'. t Whitby. E a larce stlick- oit "iidl and udiýr% oit the business 1 sartembar iétb, 1857. Willttey, (-'tilttity ofOlititrio. hl ail its branvilem, the suritu aà ut my eý,tablimh- IIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO'TlN'TIMATE TO LET. 1 1- -.1 ý., ment ut Brooklili. 39 Ttu the ilihabittaite )f Whitby and the public CIRCULAIL ýJ. N. AGNEW, X. D. Litat ho bue opoued a i.ivery Stable ut the pl»bi)-;u ý,ý,jotr&e roorm- well trp J. Ù. STERLLN(À, place wherc lie wîll etidiavor'toùtýtoinraQdate ded for- office, 7»,r, &o. ÈICAT IN, T the sub-.ýcribers ware Stor . eùIlls e,,iu 'cîjber, on retiring from tb;Mer- U(Tl()NEElt. A L)Uý' E 13ooK all Lo inay favor Iiiin wîth their orderà. Caldwell'$ new Buildings, Brook Street, 8 T' - a tO E -,sevemlCierlm 444 outil, 'àmtile 1kttdneà*,4bëý retàirh tlwûkïi te. ia kept ut 19rSplýndidopeji-atidcovered Oinidbusei end. lient, nioderate. jjib piýt-numiu ettetorrien ýjqdtriendd,,er thelib- ýdihiti tlÎë éoilntý of outai .1. s. JON-ES, tui. offilje. A.11 orler., leil at the utrunicm Zpilible of carryffig eizitteau persona, and verv Apply ou the Pr ernuels te iven tu 0 the Couaty'eutirt, W-è. reilui IN BROCK wffl bu attetided to %vitii the rîtrictest puliettiali- adapted for ëarrý1ng pleutire parties, fir J. S. DOXALDSON & Co. IL ïarin ail IýfticeI1idebtëdý tèýhiiàby livcftO mû -Such accOuOtS, un tY. Daysofsalesfixedon. hire. % en titifilA as thoffiave lië-r,ëtô lti'f-M, ,ver r. 14,t ru .-t 1 l'i o 1) P": 1 4 Wh1ý4,rDèc-Sud, 1857. 46 Book, -&ccout1àý, 3i*tm Xxirtgageo,, ueir the Court llotiec, ýViiitb%,. X. RAY le lawtodotoiýhoTreutirero Whithy, Jan. 16,1857. Now duc- and pilzçt due, th4ý-he 4J32 'Iamepuy- a d allie to account for. untî pa j3kick Xtous:e to Sell-er Reut. mente t4t meet ut éarly datéaý ah'd flint Ã"ÃŽ14ç WYA.'1"1"8 111OTEL, eçe; boa and' m neym réceili the it is neccssarý y dedýby.tIj Axos Iv. CRON, ATE TIIE IIAT commodlious Brîek cottup ith Brick for hila ta,-4noçtthe &u. NOTICE TO CREDITORSO un iýýiàud W pliable him te c > Jerks, ag Pr*, ýjRCI[ITE(:T ('1ý-IL ENGINEER, AND iz-:t4tged parjziag Sortii, East aud West thro T Ritellen, Stable and elieds, occupied nt do %;o- lie lý obli eâ tu insiât, ou intùieA*t 'Pa Xüd iltlLvhtïiitéà of the ü lýst.tt,3 K,111MA, titby, $top ut Élie Ilotel. E% crv int'ormaLicti Y Virtue of a Deed of asmiprriment, be:trinr lent by Mr. Joseph C.,ý Sterling, and tiiitiuteir"' Iiiffi, «Uèrwise - zle eu to paseetigers. Careffil Ozitfer's ul ül B date 15th Januitry, IMS, the uaders ud , dû Ip wayd 11iIlý';tTect, 10wupf Whitby. vill bal 9bl; ,J. FROWD DE AVEN, ut. tudantie. wit> duly appointed ý£,àig1jeü of the 1!:btatetl KAýd tu liand the same'- to bis Attor- tit ne, rêcogllmanoe-s, cunvietio TIJ ýCottagu co"iàt,% of 4 Row4,in the, main hujýfovûoIIeýtion 1)ersouautotedwith crit Illul RCIII"I'EC£ ANlj D. P. WYATT, Propn*etor. G E R G E V A R R b ,Ë ithout' F thèr *1 wd to 010 ýÇ -Qjýtj Street, ýý«iiitliý-. E.4tliiiiitu8 iiiii(je OftJ)eTevi)sliiplof Whi*by, Yeomanforthe «Theile it4-eilso ûfflcý to ille. 1 tu. bemelltu stictiCtcý. itx)rm:ts beeonic parties tbx--m.- ul&d6 i f NORTH MIERICAM HOTEL. _Ï' di atu bodroomâ. 1 i&n excellent Gùrden wewh it is not hie wish to de, and différeut P v a T il U P to, titiller toc coii(Iltiý.)ns thorelit set-I abontXacre of laud, a 9cloewell, and u:(ýu or, front whatheliùs liitbêrÃŽo'dob-4; but fi-om the filfi of lieuse. P111LAIYDER M. CLARK# TAKESTIMS -fore the liti d-tý- of April, IM8. Si id 'de. 1) re rtbk- elont aî I>irung", of payu»utnj (ho, MUM Bay, cuus fi' 0 t(gAg1lQiunt'uoýv lierq nt the "iflôt Of te;rhist roperty w1il be su o cap, UCI o' flial- ur, lesee.4 noot qcour loft himi iiiiiL, aie t'rieiilâ atlýi me vt' Wili fbr PU UOTICÉ iid lmipector ot'Lîeultzýts in the àluuiuipýil- public geaumily, thut il(-, huit ecpuiitit,-iieed busi ry, in t4o'rowil t 'uiamsture. of if ply te -trilàtÉ' t bat; é.U'Wln tho Town i)f Whithv. ilese iii tue abo-vu preinisuâ; liu trame t1lut wtjcl& alIpartieâ are roquired te take il- 0, ùiL voise'y of Mfýljdu1îýtv thw and.Adve "_tK. mode of doing, bti.-iiiied4, and tattelition tâ iii; 110#0è. - date Maro4 th ûe4e .1ýý8 ue'of àýDiýýdùÈiÀî4 gueât5, will illerit a elhuro of publie patronage. il J. HAM -PÉRRY, iàil13ý kp"poi.ntýid ý,àiàâeý ýo ýUGG1-iT- DRUUS AND ILMEMICALS eurfailley, 1)vu Culoret &e., Datëd 13th Fèb. 185& 15 ýAL.«A Whitby, Marob eth, lls5s. 4u , hi 1ýîy_ý_0 U -hdý 1 'd 1%h , , y 77' Of ý,heTown 11EXRY IIANNAX, U*ý3e*3. MAzSol'Y' l'illLIIPS IIAVE Ily- Të 3% -cýù àim ere Xi Au ý 'ýio,ý ye6àùth; fý yý the 'be-él li NLt'itaud tau ubuve Jd.)Le4'ýw de-1 i»"IàOIW Oshawa V&îù'dlloator tokive;1hur inserti tu un rnay beeoine parties the arraugud ibr tau, of vtel.- quat Al NI*, to- oc 'nt hiWý Pik0W cà, utioi;s thormelwn tsztttbrnt , A &Q', "en Lors. Tac lii)tf3l ilaviag buoit 1*ý)t-tnerjy lice 'un cd lisiroby eive- notiS that ýrffl,ý - -«- uu , MK IIE Vild A atidt ÇE 1ý ITOILg;ý Li& - T duy (M' dEO E DRABAZON, itèmd. wto Pari é iiip y 0 W ilà hueil obtitille(l. nvery LtttLittilili P.ld tu travel- ýV Vîrtti6 ofà Décà ýf Aiýlin nit CL$IblISSiii.NER FOR jurai u4à Lae boit ae*jwilioLtiou provided, fur cmmiiim «e Lumber i-doh"u, GmerdAg" KE T*" IlËtkiiie itl thcý QUOcli's Belle tuait and hbrse. L 8 B dM6 Jbài'tlàrlr 7th4', 1858, ick, 13M)ck, c. W. lffiwl#ml &o., ýndçr, the lotylo ýof_ the Firtn.of Albi 0 itâffly lir,ýlli 0ai;ljbýls in attelidaace te andfrom -Viadm. .aiý ôwn thu (:arý,freç of charge. 4ýà ERftyýj'ý L - 1 ! - We P WILLiluM TIZOMP89NI JOHN 'ALBLO.-ýý' ùÏPO -by E, S. VINPLN.. orna op Pm 9.ý_Witîwîn"iý 11411 ut BURI.*EIGU>!g MOTEL licilt -of istich Je mLIitoN'ýs bucome Ï" th, 4jk trcet,ýAvhItbv. LTE CLNI"Cb 110TEL, IIYRU2'iSTýl:LT'wýuiirny ta uuclor thp fbrth, be;ý uudvrýIgnéd bées to 1'ure the ilst day or'Aprij', 18,58.' $:%id Deud or JANJGS GOVLI),, nbçr liù_ý iqt ilke riflice of htf.- joint iïif,>rra Ille illi'ner- IN, REPzR£N(;Fj TO THE ýABov1ý,ý Patrontf tind ftj 'Ids, 111ftt-ilt b" remo- ilarï Pfirrv iii ýýhi-T«%inLofWh1tb:ýî for Igilia- leorin-enr fiiénds W j N.FýR (te,- &o., GlWYNWOOD, ved to thy abovc ill)tell,-'wL'iull bc ims fitled up tare, ot'Wltltoh ûIl ýpartiés Iiiterctited aired nerallyi thai in itave ýop.îQed.-ati-ýý haWfoi -ýi le. lit the very tipât ulail t-+,ý- T21, LET à, ej s - - . 'l, _- awroq iteàlwol i1pý lit* 1'il.ýkfp ýuqconjMW - w "'boeu ýut ùit,ýqu îhorougil u@ý 14CÉL le "of répAi r' ami al 1 the - roQtnetji veý boeit co"lrnwsic-n 'Shi un U$iûtý t ÎÏ, M MvIt là And reuovàte lu tho-4àvIlty x p.-ýPereçl Ta o wý11 42 t'ou, mila the r*LcQu ribé- of., the Suolnwüdu byipromrxiktý4 à i on the gite-ts, ut Ji n1- 1 " À m4NcunTEp; e ý"r gr-zed fe4rlesïjy in ý_-In" ti' Wolf m4de Ws_ -1 r 'erlýýtbe Wild ue, of India-ns' pMtiéd Pe nom" Ou Il ry >ïr .anie, or'mingied il, iavage war t;e now Sc m fa ý4 1 - atter.ed the bouses or white raïn %ýOrkgOfýthuir art. IYhere >then heàrd the fL-Àrful iiarhoop,-tlles . harp rk ofthè prairie NvOlf, Or the quick rat- 'OfIlle d"y serpen t, is no'w hetif d'tho ýce- of peam 4nd 'thanks6,ivillg, the, -ring- the artiý,aiis hamiuar, and the tle of machinery. l'lie huui li gu - and buâtýe ustneéw% cceeds the dmary quiet ôf t-,Wîfdcrnéss, and - fields of Min bave AR -theý place of rank graas, and prairà - vera Alla if in tw(I) Years we h&Vý dune j^ ý,IUa-Y we Pot claiw tbat our fu. e ful, f brilliant proiÙisé, and cheýj-sjj -hope thai thé day iý n,)t -faý,"diàtàrit en the 10che-ster of.3linnesbta; m&ý ce-,,sfàII3 Compete, in frieràdiy riyah7l à the Rochestür of New YorL: Ming our city %ýaý he.,ëcene of no lit. Ixeitenie::t cemq'iôncd'by the di",e. bat during'the, ni-htsê'the'tw*elïé-suyed -stolen the 'Unitoed States 14fithom ,--about tive tonsý and tend>er,, ta, Smd -and i:na made'ýheir esçap'e-ý't - 0 n'its bé- kno ing 1 Of me $4,000 ýwàs-eerýâd very of the sUvèsanitthelaîmemi-,- fflt&ý and-1 the M scheb6týt lidall started- in -séarch, 'The. pjlot s rçturne'd âïlàié day. buCtIie-_&'ýIUrI- m, deseýtcîrâ Or- ý of ihe )ns -are of theoÉf ri 16ii ý,t6j j'f', te,ýï, ,tcd tÉe Gýe ý la jh-ý--jzTýLj iý, e àw pwàe,ý'- ýreKüë a sea. '- The.escqpé m"ýWeW pi&M»d çy-.m ........ .........

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