Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1858, p. 3

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nie i, > T lý ý Tiurette te IIudiO-M Mctlment, unis or thé dulission of J the terri- lthut the nlng wlth ,Yeas, 84; mili inav îointoaia ffiighnt ua, I '.4 k i t n h, halu th itg ihorter bvhtave.. trif,- the In nrU 'II r nea a vhcne fariniera itaitire ai leCol e, thie -y I In. Judlcod Publie wtii net givo lim xnuch ce;. 1dIt for vera.èity or fiirnesas in a controver. ay; -but -wili lond hlmn with that obloquy homno rlchly deserves. 1 admire an kunor- oMsë and fai4r opponent4 hnt 1 loathe one that 'YHIII eirepresent for 2iersonal erduor -m fo'rprivcete pique, or forany othcr meretri. dota. cause. Vncs Ou lyeaisproves or atterripts nanlully ta disprove what was contalnedin ny last lettcr, 1 Shall pay no ~iiy Attention to hlm mental aberrations er his rhotorical abortions. In oonclusion, I reitorate that what ap- poarod In that letter in true ; and I daro #"Outselves" to disproT oe word there uttorod. Should lie flot attenipt a disiro. Val of it, It will bc a tacit aeknowlcd ge- ment cf the truth of what 1 wrote ; aride,,; equally tacit an aaknowaledgeaaent of the falmenesa of his own position. Beggin g pardon, lr. ~ditor, for occupy- ing 00 anuchl.cf your valua1b1e Space, 1 haro dtu onor to bc, Sir, yours trul, J. 1V. C. BROWýN, Reporter and Agent for the "Ch*ronicît," at Uxbridge, March 1lûth, 18ù8S, * Tbe--Port Hlope Ratiway Sqalabbles. -The folloiving letter would inake it ap- oi eoNvnTIoNs I3efore Justices of the Peacée for the County of Ontario, transmitted by Justices whoý,e naines are annexed, and now published b me' under Provincial Statute, 4 and 5 Vic,,, Cap4l2. H.' J. MACDONELL, Clerk Peam eCO Natice cf ProsçCctor . N. e of Dclcndsxt. * atrecfChrg. en J. LeCouartd, l . ig1 NCe ...ICBe ing ail.............. . i thotuelî1 BilE lu exceutiou cf hIs duty .... J. Leonlard, l, iiî. TlionnH g e .. B igdu .... ............ Robet Stewart ..... El lci Storcy .... 'omn-<n asgauli ...................... .... J. Il. àMeuglfatin ...1tait1 O'Dcwuali ...Not gl'-iung half of tle noad whett overtaken b Fcb. .dlhsîats atuutter ........................... Ed wari air. R ut Attelnptlig a roecue of propat>.... ..'... 1111im Emfll*: Ç Tlacîna,&iq ) ' husMarrio ný. T.,n Lft, e......... '- - A'xnliniicnriul criais bias occuared lu Eu- ýCIand. On Monda>', Pub. 22nd, lord Pal. mnerston--in the flouse of Coamuaous, aud Eaià Granville, ilutbbc liause eoftLords, an- nounoad that lu cýonsequence cf "the deci- Étiln'ôf the Moliso of' Commnotis ilu egard .t,c thea1Io1ugee question, andth ie Conapra. -c 1Bill, Ministtns ou the 2041% tendered 'tbs4r: rosiguathon to bhe Qutun, sud the ffle wus accopted. Lord Derby had formod a Cabinet, theo folewiug cof wbicli -Lord Derby. r of thi.excaurBnai d! the C oaacl-EssioetSalis- ceo-SrRTiiesger. y Seal-Earl of Hlardi'e. ssrtisint,-tpencer Walpoie. luparwmet-Etsai vc<. maines. ertày-Lord StaleyId. r War--Qneral Peol. -k boècal. i ..r.. L ea t.j..s.etn Iîmotci on -the importance ta France sud Europe" TWo V.asU 1LgRsdi'zs-FoaOR Âeà. ,of tihe parservaticli of tht Eîaapenors tb I KID G&U.os.Ds ts vs ntof sud hiaiguanti>' dencunced the o rciôus -sI hustociga>"ih u -ufttcmlt it tcssusnaten.PERSIÂN BALM amdgoft wator, sud tub Bo lle. trial uf tht- dinectors cf tht Britiah theni dry. e ]Bank tcrSiimated ou tht 27th au-verdlct T Rxv aÂaSpv o LT-O gult>.. tIoa.--Pour on the. parts three or four drops B. Cancron, Brow-n sud Esidabe, wore sen of tWe PERSIAN BALII5 Sud rab it tiic- N. tenced as et he lai elasa maisdemaeanors to rcughly.--waah -i oct wt otwaioçr- 12 mOtfis' imPrisonmaeut, Kennedy tO ,varn or cold. Owesato, andLA(cLee, ito 8montha. -D( isOlA.WRITBY MARKET & UV lusiiuîy ruai une eslter, ares' otI ai suez ou the ý28rd uit. Preparations mer. auakiug for invasion of Oudo (rom se- Vt" lpots aiment tht 2ïth UIt, . 8fr Hugh Rosa had dted the robaIs 1DeUil had been placed taudur tht autho- rity cf Punjausb Commisieuae, At Bom- bay irada mas icnprovMqu. The ýenean>'wara forif ~ig Lncknow. Dosaic aate tiai1utamhad been Tebaterc wassusthepaed. Grslesi, nRaiie sud lPistril ha eid te the Court of Caaetion agtausase- Itmés WuAn' -.a,. .a..î L Ste cf Naine cf cfaty Fine whenpafort .piteTwlunaicrbrsiI Metian. Convicaing Justice. penlltyOd tO b ad t-'owhmpadoer 5wéJus-I Ifluie, or Jnusic. t.;If not paid, mb3 dainages.j JmsS. Garnett Ij an d oiesb og«in ortil Jus. McPliearsonjCnnitdt esofrti' do 10 o - 0 Fortbwith.................... .Ditress warrant i8suei, ne effec .Cammittod fur enb monda. duo11) 10 inune.....t................... ontv Inuer......... IJames S. Garnett .Tesrr D. G. îîewett... 1eiv ............ ...........lt 16 .... A. luurd ............> 5 0O eaeh fothl*ltb ................. Cont>' Troasunr..i........... 136.... George Brabazon .... Forfeitsd wages ........ ....... 1... do 0 2 6 Forthwitb .......................o.... îpisïîuaîatd !0 2 0 tdîmmies and é7à6a edncalty Mur. 7y.psd 12.... John Radeiiff....... 4 8 8 weekm ................, qdeflundatt.......... ........o 96 .. -i do 914 4O s6îh arch..i jis................ 28 dud ~Ftre.îdî~...........I Net vet pald, -: do i 15 0 Fivodayq ........................o .Not yet psid. 1'2 Malt--tOn (illp,.pie.. . 00 O Fîorlwithî.......... ....Conutv Trew.isîrer lu L Iaruden .u... 1 0 O lectnher z80, 1>57 ...........lf L(;coin. asud hinf* îo T. r'eas*. J .antu .t-odgo. .. . Pnv cjsof arroat sud hîening.. r)- ... do rîssi............. (Id '2 Nipal................. 3.. du 16 A itit cote te bû oaîd with,,u 21 thavéa . Mav.d away; s.. - - 10...., --- 16. - - - ---- le --- i. - 4 4- .. .. le - , t i5 ....- 14 9- 24-- -24-1 2 .--- do 29 --- do do Ilaxutges sud coostsi............ do 'teint to Jail for lbd>'..... do W necs anm is.à..-*.. 1 do a là 0 sad c ).ts&'ithin i1 dam-s . do ido1hdd do Iloiind oe.uini two rtoegnizane titi neît Ammizes. do t i 11,a 1 Con . .. . .... . do 10 du Wagcs sud costa........... dle do d-o do '0 2 do lunes clîi- -'1 5 and d'u d'a 5' do do peartna'ut. asout rowuer as flot quite tile 1r,oîta, Ctethsu 1A,.emJoc,.. .........................'an. Tlmtnn iheeh.llieu nt.................................Feb. "Ivictinu" lhc wcuid wish te make hinist.lf îJiacob n . befono the publie. 3fr. George Tate (Mnr. I0eoui -Pr ....... vs Itgtsl........ct... .........ea Fowler's pantner) repudiates the îaîîers Win lli ~M........ .iÀ%o4eîîî Ç11ith... ti..a.t.Dofag...........Dc aingsat doiugs tcwards thc Port hoeWhiiiCaxiins ereWlim o Febî RaivyCmnyadWillhii -art ...%%illian tMcvsMier.Assà.atttsud latter>'............... ........D..e. %ilwy Copanyandits Preaiident. in ne WîîîîXailartnt. î,folii retwell.llnomklug the Satibatb,. ý....................Nov. aneasured termos, us mill le seen by lite ji Pidilsndtr cI In, . erge- orai Drnuik land dbtordenly .......... ........... Dec. felwo îte tra. Sinitli ..... irs. ........ Iiirdei-ty bouse......... followitg letterMr2 Iti(kler ...... eter Dilan ...... . h..., .... Tho îim l iî J liili . .. . ..1.. . .. . .. ... . Ila. JouN roWLE , . . ..ihî atli . eln-tquer witiîouî icecni!............... l m iîepyrge 'itip licîliiit.J..hn ItManini. Non paymieuîof nagus ..................... .~.tiut dniug it>'tetipoarya ee vuthîînas. o 1vnî g. - sud riilFighting.... ............................. li- haao1ted a lineott(if itîuit fot ofiY îvillialît Sct-tu. T hoiâiîa t,>tj .Unlawftultbctîu........... -danîsgiig te yotunsell aîîtl partfumrbuhia co isc îîaiitl:.r qutt Chance M.tthewt . . -Non lpay--leut cfwagus........... ta the coammercial interestsoê f-l'eterhoro' ihliiinDevliia..Robent Walktr ..........DO do anti Port hlope; it is a linte cf coninet BIot.lriers. lha tg........Th Mgn ..... Do do êrholy o-tustiitdr-2o aid ntno jVte, Willini tTiiinond, ait u e ie.lqltt.t rvoa oa<ct h- Iîrhand * oin Kller......Perjurm-............. .................... course you hatve îursued dtîning 111v ah.-*Patik Strrilier... lnîir.s IBruce.-.Violation ai Bv-law.................. sçnce. Nebling clin Iwarrnlt sitih untiti- Peter Goîltiaît - ... îwu . .,al.............................. Fc l ilti fer prerillitsnicy. especially- afien aur J ut"' tt."cel'h .îîhîiil .Mller ... N Oa1Pft nent ci mItges ................. pledges te the Boarlto f Dirît-trs li the l.Mllîiui..*Naul hcnd .d seceond wmeek in Jînusirv, thai il t1lt-V wotald suLo d arrange withi thet.' erlt;i-atian ocf l'nt iope Du)încn uMuT.îggart i 4 s.,atd,, ruuce,. . IBalantce of 'ages ......................... for a fuatheraivaunce cf £3000 w .u(l 'Tins tsl l .ild. ... i cril-rpýt.......Iii lnug ............. ntask for-env lucre uiiinel'unîi île e I.kiîsti ak M. ....Waclslf DCI ............ Brnd hîelîîu m-a f,; .ff< - ý d...Tubl[ rUnck.r . ..Forcit le cîîtry~ . . . . t;nhRîwywsopre o rfi . MeG;aîî..........h.îiîa e-bm. .Refusai )ùîe............... whenthebc iirector.s said the 'NIwcnld runke .î,din lhotdk. lJjin Seier....tezling a hnffalo skiia.............. _e.try elhitrlt i tlair pot-er tau mise dînai M îr .iiii,-Ni truî î iesi..... Aeiat,............. . . . arnoutait an I iînirstànu thntc on thîIl(- îh Jt.î1,î Ed'%% ar. l. illni0. .... 11 Jarmnî-, dniîg~- ~at>' Stephlî.o FuHIr ... î,îî, t-t. iilljHit-s. . îlDoNrcli Janlar, ui-ligily -alvEce1the piii ý.iepltvn Cotie.. . Juretiilt (Grîital... Do ytotu in cash £ and3 cuinliMunilcip-al Pro- -tiniciai I.îan Dehc'îatuntre £ls ,niaiite iGeorge Dide.. Lavid1 BWICso.....Do a tctal af £-1.225 ctîrt..îcv heing 23 .u1e lM __nsed1r, . o1îg-tm. 1lir, lite~liinson ...-sâtlî a-id isittent ............ Feb. ibîtopit.îe 1 i. . % k id di,ý>rderly....................... . ' p Yenr gnuîss attacit, tlrotigh tt e (10ilo 1 s), m-r D1 il.', uhion the Insîîtani irrt ors issýý,o 1- l eiIr.ii .iiî ,.i.:ti ir fine 10 stack cf w -cl........ Uh;<tdind do'û/ i hit 1I itu oin il Xlu 1 lii' ,c cý I r....... .................. ...... .... .......)ît. pelcît, aise thuugIll prs , pu1lclm- w o J., li-l .... Diiiiictuo cre-y,............... ........N ov. repaîduate ail participution l inta id-orî-ce- -.î....î... W I 1 îil l.rî-îîîl fui an.Yînuntie, as fil l: m r s iu.1 iuî .. . .- . . nke...........1)- of fhic Dîrecters anxtt.tr tii do emervîlî inî, La-..... _ti- t- i%%lsit... .. Hfîsing ta psy mages..................Dec. 1 in thea c in mmr te fýcrniîitaî Ile opeitiitg of JohiF--lt 'ii.n Bruriinîîtg... - 'I o tueBradi îimm-iV s arl ii lte prhg otus .1 ltti ti4.ah.................. .............. fheJBîtiuv- s I'rtiin rh ïp.ii oftlîityean as ipossibfle. Willia ... .-...c Do ow t' peu îîy retvarn lacre hast mm-etk 1 sati- c. it-o -or the in-.t titite 2-cdr publiIshed cttorns ; t'î i n1. e- D iinînediaîeiv llet"e. lifci D anilati eîegraphnut eil tî Il- -Itit ianAi l.. mnd here rilctiîîihe-et yoti ?'" but recivetid .ttt ltI ItruitisM.jno Breuikiri-' iigliwav Act.. ý......... .........an. ne reply ! 'To-d iv, h chu iîtforiiî dtht î(ou Nie itittiM Il îUiii. tu. b , . hI h........t... .......... . stated,thie reesca 'cii d iîot anstv-e t.il s Mi-v- ...I I îîà lhi.îîe.ttisla. Jr. R.. ttîsngrt , hev f--n Itbur . .. ....... 1 mas in consequente cf ejua iîhilleteî-r tPot.i0 -î.irIl.-rc .'itto.iaw .. . . 1<- plief -ut t 1t . . . Ier-,îant lî Urithl . ..îLt ")èa- i - ,, olt A . . .. . . . . . . . date t ihiFel.airv signicî, George T'le E d.,- .î'i.iîRî.ir...t i-.i,h lu Pay wageo..................... G 0c. Nowt- blet tetr wrs %Witteîî htmN r;y 1-»it rivt -h.....h.t.tîi.lmî.î o do parn (n llthe bain -lit) clîtnqi i lîg n j'- / ( . t ,Ii- . .. 1,- ~ tc!«'.liî IPo d- MIîce ;îevert h-legs lt is < t.c'q tc, Ej.hniidnîB,r.iur Bii-îriiiaîî \tii :u j do andi is iust .utýha tletten as i shlî haveiim 'i d-orge Petuî,...-r % i uiéast11 D, hu (do writen tînder the cirv-unistane-aif I lîaditHîigh Mustîind. .hî Bitîss Buin. For ncusing Io de Stattite labetur..............De-. b .een tic-rt. i have uist -i l h e Poiîît,' Jtthî shutter Sntihhîi.) îtnllstelh.tio.ol hîn%ii___ do con<iffl-îsel fluth iii a lviii, c. rre-t, l'rink andl mi~tt,.duariner, tie fats 1 certif*v thcat tuie above is a true, copx' of oV tt-"<tth ttl ,ml ame a e-rtiglîlfvtere-rd nîsnby refutatius,î of ail the ea'lutnuy youi' e c ,f rt i ~ u tr h l n~ a ' appear se desirous aund wnntonulyfi.)tet, Pap fo t i C u ty h l i 'r h mpo in ainsd the I)irev-ur>s. My o bject liitelegr:îpinig aiid isling te o t e, masto lt-arn u-iiat mm-trt-vour * nîmml, mhat vour givv- -avcnpartt nie-,ot os-ii lte 0 ît ffl V o f Clerk fliePec,7 es it itiuation îliýtt>-oen ere 1hic-igoîrun j- va".>,March l3th, 1858.f lp deîlt miîli ;-tiere-lu)reh 1 u ii nits t. ascentain frein veurs-11 mvlît ltouble ltad -- -- occurrcti OurÎuîg tny itIstLCc ;mad if peisi-1 Presilejat cf bbe Board cf Public Wonk.s]ITL. - bctacocet ib vtasetî- îtînt-cf-Lord Johtn Mîtnens. ~ Arraîts caulinueil te ho madIe lu Gencai action, wlîich %wo.îilretnes-e or lvssuia the Atrnactzo ely daîugin etectcf oîî 1itblih~i k-ters ~ >(,eat-ii~Sn Fîîne' inly fétar ef a repu bl ican-i rsîn g. 'daiagig efecm o yoir ublstiil et ers Vier aiotIrelad-The Enni cf Egtiuîg. VKY _.p.nthe coniruucncinl intlreuil cf Ieterbt-jt- 'h0n.T'tE. 'Oaugiland Port lloiw ; but as 1 altîiîîtfonîaî. ' Iisie Chancelo-Justice fliackburne. The Constantinople corraspoudence cf: e cti, suit]peceim-e liy voîar ptîblislîed letttrs, - hief Secrmtr3-Loii Nuas. - ithe bei/g .N'ew- gives the detaîl cf horrible 1a thiat yoîu stîll lîenitÎ n bing alliit v>ou.r The ieiuboet-s cf the 'goverument net in'outrages counauitted upon su Amnenicanp pomier 10o dýinige (lite Brauîci îlmt1yin the Cabi-et-includa the Dlike oMntosfaunilh, ramaed i oocuyngafr whe r ititEATEN teeesedan as Chancellor cf tht Dhcay cf Lancaster near Jaffa -The A'uericau Consul had TiET! odelai>' peuiu'aig it until next IMn. C-iineis as Solicitor Gencral, Mn. Seyiîaken it up, sud tisa Porte promiseýd fu Seinemlj<r ! rnctviiltiudiiig cun sait-mu ni oun Fitzgerald as CUider Senretar>' foriretributiou. à c pheuîges to the Dhietrs ; te tlie harpera- Foreign itfairs, the £arh cf Caernarvoun as, .AESTRALIA. 'ios t e tpubla tegh andePt ecîae andVuvir - > cry f teColonies, Lord The 0tustraltan Mail Steamer resched 0 ýsta b ileui îien, t-,av t ., rc ed nte- ardin1gs as Under Sccrctar.v cf War. Suas, with 48,000 ounces of golti, but 'bnugh(e/icluier,-c., sr.,utfy eter- cd Tute .lAdrrtieer says Lord SL Lecuard li ens, 1adtctbentîe pàd s/cr.-d- t/ucr. ail t/înou.ql sein/e-r the t have a seat ini thte Cabinet without LATEST BY TELEURAPII. tiitlî o! oter /rczrIcttî ,,)te Pont Hope for ofti Ite Tiltes city article cf tht eveuiug cf; ehipnienh, as soon as tbceunavigationn ~the Èh1be Itighi office cf Goveruor Gencral 0f1te2dmtrpot htSekMre lake cpeis. I Tidia is saui te bc nesena-etifor Lord Stan-, Iiesvy and inanituate. A aglit deniantid Thenefore, us h consider-te arm doing ai' ley, li hue cmeut cf Lord Cananing declininglfifoety ou the 41h ; but applications uit iii youn paomen ta injure nî;tI oiîîy urselves, te serv. tht Bank wcrc vcry limiteti. buît Ile conmmeercial interests of Petenhero- The great effices cf ber Majesty's bouse-1 The commercial intelligence froni India mgh andi'ort Ilope, 1Idoc iîîrcby, gis-e yeuî hold 'nihi bc gis-en ta the Marquis cf Exeter,' 1was ccusidered satisfacto.y,. public netuce-, tîtat ti ni.-s wmmtlinî tîîc ioth aind EBansDelaware sud Chesterfield. A fait froan 2 to toS per cent, ln lh. rate froua the dac(aof tils înotice, yen atcry-.urut--------.. f iicount bati ocurred. lino ofeouidlict, und a4hept stiacha uîeastires Arrivai of the North Amerle*as. No neWs cf the City of Baltimnore.. as 1 conaîiulr nvcessaiy to ,eitnc<-ly 1 - 1 000 .------_ - .~ plete, -andi open for tmafileof boîh freight ' The Northa Anacican, froan Liv'erpool,- A QUÂnn" IOEA.-Jereauy Taylor, sud passengors, the salO Ilnanch liailmmam- 28rd it., arniveti about 12 last night 1 sekn ftewdwo lc-mtiF frouaMilhbrook ta Peterborough, b>' the brnging fort>' days aler naVmes 'speakiagcf tth w-ldocf a bhprocumet Cr tinat day ao' Maîrcbanext, lu accordane Arabia tirriveti eut ou. the 25tb tilt 'h es osaîl'lbuuigbprcr _.1tht "necesarn of ifo Ihuls beautitully butj -with otan soit-min phedge te the Directors, Tiie Cuinard Camnpait>' advertise semil- qcaintly portrays her character: T s tk th" e fi- asc Ptrbriih ud reuhy ieafseaes A mecng___selie, r-,ptin1sdrcinci f the Returns of Convictions miade to.die Court of Gcnerai Quarter Session§ Of the>l 1858. '.1J. MACDONELL, Clerk 'Peace, C. O.- Disn:ssced withb 1.1*. i-e up po*semban sud psy ceats a J-tiveh 4ieiigniadersgt .. tuti c-cst-ivDKeý,t@ Saut ta Jail for 80 day. ah bard labolir suddfld stareties. ithi Febtu r-............ --..... n l reaittiter oui flOb Msrob. lrty wtb---------------................... PlaIttyf ....... ..... ..... - . -..---- -l'iîutif. - DWshaged-N ot gult>'. S do dg O0 6 Tçvcntc -one days........ do de 2 l -5 îeî-ui. iv Net pgid. 1 5 umiittd fv'sjjipywen .....DiMtrncs Warrant lsss.ued sud retirxod-Do gooda. j8ettled b>' the partite. Seatled. 4h O TwL-ut%--ore datys ...I....Jismimssd. O 1- ~ i'oipitdsnaNot paid. C2ip4ana .................. 1 12 6 Tmrctv-one àav .........Coluinitted to Jail for thurt>' daye; -2 7 s îasc4î...-..î.e..s.... Gave notice cf appeal. 2 12 6 nîsc-uit-one dzOas,.Appealed. Y Appealed. S7 6. Twcnty-oncdv : ......B smissed. - îîedaysNet P"l 5 0 3 iOî Jaîiuarm', 1858-----------Townshuip Treaqure,'..... catI snd goneral obsorvsclons. SNet yet psld. Not Yet pald:*ovr. Dlsa s tand bis tri a atbe nazI quarter Sesions. Dr. Tasasblety's Vegetable Cosnpouasd. Is a sure cure for Coughs, Coids, . Sore ['broat, Asthma, pain in the back, aide or chest, piilpltation of thc heart, weak stoni. ach, gencral debllty, loss of appetitc, &c.- Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 pcr icttle. Dr. Tumblety's Vegetable Pills, the niost certain preserver cf bealth ; a m'Ild yct speedy, safe aud effectuai cure in case of indigestion and ail] stotuacb compiaints ; àpurifier cf the biood sud a sweotener of the-whole systeîn-25 and 50 cents pet box-for sale at Dr. Tumblety's Office, 111 K~ing strct, Toronto, C. W., and by W. I. Duel Druggist Whitby C. W. SIPECIAL NOTICES. THE NEW STORE, VICTOXuA BUILING<S, BROCK STREET, TOWN OF WHITBY: Mn. N Il. DAVIS bas now ecopupleted bis Full aud Winter stock at'tivaht, whieh is, lnev- cry respect, the largeai and richebt-over yet in- troducad to the Town of Whitby. It coinp rite eyerytbleug in the Drï GeodeItlie. Frencb Me- ina,, Geredait sud English PlaidsI Cobouré French Delaluesi (priuted sud p ain) Roi, IL; 'laidsi DmusaSiîka, Brochesa lîawls, at eVoiy prie. In a wordd s Fancy and Sttple Stock cf rare beauty and vaniety. Ladies Fers--a Mr.Dais Mv neraSho R nm ust b sen ta bc fully apprectated. Every lady cf tate will rrononce the dlsplsy cf Bonnets, mandes rs'ad' Caps, HéatDrs6se, YFrench FlwrgadFeathera, Ribboni sd TrimminSA gperb. T'his dupartmieut cf Mr. Davis' estsb..i 1%hinent, la coder the îupe.inteopjence fa ladyj )flong experienoe inuthe ôrttMilliuery Howié m the Provint. Spoak'ing cf Mr. Davis' Ready-mado Clotbiug îua!y be oegh Io ay, ttlié teck thefirit1 ýrz. fur Dr.,, Costa at the Fuir lut i (al, andI à"t for style, hesuty, eut fiisud SMqualfy of 'Iloh e jàly callngethe. Provilic. Mrhs co Jatlablop a new tiilu inbu- nemi--a neessry oe E iothe"tmos-thât cf ýelllng ail bis (L>odsata a amali profit cf ton par bir iAdrance for Cash. £l3"VcaiI at once at the IfeW store. Once KuoýwaNonver 'Forgtteh If or readers wculd have a positive Itunr bteToilette, unecBiodgettsa etàx IluxZ' thé < S"kaoimâ )ng tii eiov nTan, imple, Prekes- Sua i.Y. Tar TRm GVXAs.ssi' HL' I. Fo si hi WiiitLy> W. tret )Gel,.rc~Iot 8PECIAL NOTICE. PALS.-ANO%(TntII, iSTa.sicB OF TUE u.oer F Cr-LTÎESOP -raz IIVMÂN sTWEsiREWnIosz» lotrltEsBDtatgi.-Mr. Jothain P.-. Condi, re-ipectable citizen of orange, N. J., senda s the fatlos-l gcrtifcat, of the ecure cf Mr*. ILId f pa[ay, by the. use cf che Fure t "Il , Anilsi-le "Os ucor,. J., Feb. 14, 1854,- "Dr. W. G. HA&LE.-D.JAI Sir,-Nly wfe h s stroke ofpelmy ga sevre that hon wholo sysoi wa 9peeydaralyrod. Site continud t) gncwweaerJ rlvtwo yeara lotsing ail tige and reenibility cf fier body andlimbe. W e altot despaired of ber recovery. At tlitstiM she began tu talcs yoîîr niedficiris. Thein 00 eifects mare $con expeniaîîced. 8h. ega gradualîr ta iluprove luin ealth, sud lu a0 inondhar ecovered eucirely. Tlhe cxtraordinary effect f yur ine and pus, in cilring ty Wii cf a couiplaint wtîleh me never expoctad ber r t tIie botter cf, itîdace, inmea&-a dutymc t5ovoursll and the publie, b ou=d yoiaU certilloate, Whoiewe eAgents lu Torônto -àyni & Co.lngtn-E.L W. Palmer. jAt rotail In Wbatby hy W. S. R8obinson, ail respectable Druggiâts and Modicine D>al au Canada. Solo Fropnioton, G. W. Halaoy, Nu York. Tiut Qex.e.rEsata nR.xSar.-Sfr J«ma Cfurks-'i clWebraW dF.ewal.PW.. P=c RopaJLeueèp4ts,,i. Pp4psid/rona apci> tion qf Sir' J, £!arL, Kf. JD., PhjtuCida fia4sir1to tu. Qean. This invsieablo modicino id unai tlat dureo faIt uc,. paaiafl-aud açcîoils 1d is ta w"lbthe fialàe constitutio nias sabjet t moderatos al xtoss and I ni #11s ilobstru tiotsand a speéy cure a a ho replied on. TO Ade;It ta poccltldy saitsd. t wiii, lu a short tinte, biag owu m aonthl penlod iti, fogult>, Ach b9tte, pria.One Dlar, beauthe. Go - ormoent Samap cf Gromt Brita, to >pnov t$ Inlu Clam.sof Nervous add Spinal Affection , Pain lu theBackand MLlrb, Fatguéou a .t oxertation, Palpitatioo fthé - B,'g anîd Whites, timioPlli wifil ffeet s cuesWho ail other neans bae (élld, andI althougha pomwerfta ely ontce rocl tien. JOB. Mosul, t - - locester, &4y. N. É.-s,0uida 15 pe to autbhM A g U nd Pca a bop o f 4h f8 w  âlm r db RA%ért Speaus, Esquir., Treaaurer, iacoutihthM- niciPality of the To-wnhip of Uzbridg., for the yeU sud- Jan.18lm.£ To Cash froan J. Plidah, for Tavern Liceuso 1856, omitted on lutt ers. dit.....ý. . b 71à0 si On bnd . crm 1856. f48 10 (4~ fi rdin Taveru Licenses for 15%. i . ý8y100 Prom Sbop Liconses fcr 1857 ......... 25 0 Prom Auctioeaeer Li. id cousus for 15.. 8 15 0 il Frein Beciver Gene- rai endor 16 Vit. Prom Clorg' Rusrv Fund ........... 222 1 10 PrMul Non.- Rasidout Ta: ... ....ê....9315 0 44 Prm Magiatates Fines ............ 100 " rom Pound-keepors Fines ... ....5,* " rom TowIISICol- Iector....... 04 o itro the undersiguec Atadltors of the. Townsiip Of Uxbdrig do hereby coatiy that thboia acorrect abeiOcf the aoonat cf thïeVreasaOf ethé 1 Munlclpslty et lUxbridg% asaudatedaaid c.rtified lsy us -on thae ighth day of Matc, 1858.- J a n . 1 8 7 . d . By Cash paldMlscliamos ax- rw! wiüfor pintng . .... ....ê0 fiOu Bouda pr By.Law 94M13 1 o 5iho sectonsspa- wa Aut.........510 0Oý petoru, and Coua- OMM s.........23 126o Count '1Ieaauro...125 O00 »B "00hacon bud... 885 â+ 1 rr iËgt, anc À n to u , ton-ul caled h . PriryhTo trtadabatte.ilsi J. - am I PUY 'Whltby, BFiXb Mnch,U1&8 iinesdLt o e n B tmntào MtlIONDAY, the 5th APEIL asert. On that due>' thellBocks wlhbo madIe np ttt 121h Aunud alancsue, and 4Uindudd t)a.'si» ii rani ai O are tthse Divo# oauf ji T. !FE.ASSOCIATIpN OF? CDTLIhI-, J. W. CAL WLL RO, Uxbrldgo~ Maieh 9~ 1858. mm~ - - à. Amount on hand a la i "Dueon nonadei Tax for 1854, M 56, andI 57 ...... Du 1>tofoma Towm- T L d.JL8S a 88 0*E-sh 42 8 By b"lm W i h17,1lus. lVbeut 4& lI.Otto, la 8d qbla #q4 ffIY ou$10 0 $16. Býîttou5 71d ï tubs- y not 1 and gwieral observ"rw. 1 JAM 185& PERRY'S SEtAt EST6TE COLU.MN. - IÉÉSIRABLEINETK7. $6009 $509 , 400,830mi $M00 TOWN, VILLA,' AND PARK LOTS; Lots for Business F.nrp«seu and LOTS FORL PRIVATE RE£ÊIÎ1»CEO %PWU Of Whitby, Couaity of Ontario& ËÂST OF BROCIC STREE?1. TSNo. ~4 aod.88. Enat of fBrook Streeh L and'South cf *'ollard's Mots), asvaitabid groporty exteildlhg froin B o , e erry Lots No. 177 and 180. Faut aide cf Brook Street, Narth cf Pellard's Hotel. Partie, dcsir- in prprya h rnia tre lu the Townt wIll find theso Loýte, woèiil utuated; Lots 203 and 204, a corner block on i kplo an& Ferry Streets. . Lots 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 and 78. Thesé Eigçh' lots arc in one Block, Lo;uuded by Ferry and drléhwùt snd Aïsh Strecta: Lot 87, *eat of Péiry Etreot, sud diéc* op- posite the Steain Flouï Mill. Lots 64, 6:, 66 67, 82j 83, 84, and 85, Fst of Perry Street,'anâ1 adjunnàg the Stan iMlli pro- perty on the North. h à1ô LortslNo. 60, Fat cf Perry Street. hiLo is well fenced and otherwise improvea. WEST OF BROCK STREET. Lots 104, 105 1 ',and il19, bounded by'Cen- tre, Walnn't anâ Kent Sireetst. These lots arà delixfIly aituated, anu l aving a statut oa thfte aide; are well adapted to building pur- poser. Lots 124 $Md 128, corner of Kent smd John Lot No. 1165 e'of Kent Stroet, and but a few roda Noril of Dnnds tret The foregoingchoiice Lots w'ere Ieectea froin a largeln tiber, %ith th& view of holding tham as an Inveatinent, but are now affered for Sale tô finally wiud up a large transaction. -ALSO- Lot 214,... rie ........... $275 I215,..... "l........ "221,..... d ........20 "225,......4 .......... d UCcLIo wTr£Tr. Lot 280,...Price............. s160 281 . "l.......... 160 "23- . L. .... 160 PALACE SiTREET. Lote98 ......ce ..............20 %tS" .. ..i' ......... 800 I806'.".:.41.........su 809i ... ........ 85 "341,.........................200J "SI5...._ .......... 140 Lot 360, .. .. ... .Prle ............... $2o6 861 . "L ....-...... "367,....."l..... 5 "878 -ALSO- Lots 14; ,850,851, 352, 88and 84 wenainn, near]y one Acre and a hall,54 '1nio soid' c in uone blück. One-Afilih payable hn'xt Dtccînher, aud thi balance axtended over a tjrin of ft ftva-tô ten y'earm. Personis who will erect building th0 preset ~athe inrt inyment wili not hecoina due tilti 18-59. Yý"vr 1plans and7particjrsm~ Wbhby, BMarch Uîb, 1855. - Propeuty oùs Brock Street-For Sale ot to Lae. ý'NLOT N ,Ë t le fRrftl& 6t ALSO, - Lot No. 6, formerly accupied by Allonsa Uve*'r.* Stable, Brook strc saine mizea No, a. Flir Bunsiness Stands thoise l otri arc equal ta sny lu Town, alld wiii hoQIld ouun oat reaaoustt varns r rties vIlw ~ill erect gûeod Stoneoio Brc ulfnsou thcîn. To Loaseà 0» Qxqg "M hcnt Fzwr Frontsae onBrock Stroot. directly opposite "Brysn's Mlotel, for a terni o1 -7, 14,r 21 * ears, inpah~ele of' 20 (eut frouiag and iprls.i Apply t. .IAo2RY -Whlt"ly, Saci Mardi, 1858. 7 TO SETTLERS--TO LD1ASIR& do d'a do de, do c-o ild jaunes unuoî 1

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