Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1858, p. 1

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w-~ THE Wli'BY CHRONICLE Mi PLlI(I)ii Sut i TI4URSDAY MORNING, IGIS& MAYEREOFFER iîr Next Doort I to h (,ýiétry Office. T 1lIE 1.EIMS OF SJtltul T TITUE JlVAt-e (9lliniebl. .%l[ be-*:jcîîî ii payable tstriett liii t ît c Toni litiemicsîl iîtltr,.............$ lbnt it I ii-., tbr-t j,- - ..i. . . iS Eveiy ss htjt-tt l- i ( 1ti linv, t.-QT2 - .liboritî, l tll-t'titl îiîît1to - Nl t lki I / otliors advcrtbiiîgby i et-ir. 'nus îîtlîuîî ttiiii ýt ii j,î-to ,vortii lit, , lnn te Ctitly, -ib îî I . Ilgs ii t solie'W, ii~,k t No lîtîvi,-v itilblit :1 a-c I i Args arc 1itM nti. Uit't With calm Printed w-os-is, great thoughts and Utrn indu.s-y, W-e adrecate Peace, I'rogtésoi Knewledgee, BsotlaerYoodi OL. 2. WHIITBY, C. W.. TIIURSDAY, APRILYF 1580N. 1. t-SARLES T'AYNE, t, uti ittli titi. 24 Aitt -ti.1 RINCL, IîUTiW M I.,i - îW\V rTHOM AS DEVERELTie uîurt~ -ii- &-G.tii-EN STLEET, BOOK AND JOB I CxU. \W. tRI NTlEN 5G FS'tAIili 1 IlMIl N T. INTEItN ~îNLIIOTET., 4)V ,-, i . i - - i i --Iti ii. :ýuKt - 1 BiOOK AND) JOB PRIN rINGt- --. ft lart l Z/t- IIIA <lià IuII:I. 5 )il4>t î-r. ~lîIl 1 utti k 1)- 1101111t111.i NEL iON l. -i tiii (t Al-O l:OL' I*Dt C-. P JOHIN 1Il Ni 1PlSlIII , O-s-r1uio îo-m-îrî. Hi. J. 11 5r :.~ 1. 1-,E -i T 1 1 i, 1I - î:c %Drt ti-E tITE-L, c 'ou i~t - ,.-I i ~ ~ i ttiiu- 't ci t- ut- it' il ut -i -~ -j lu Ft- i lu N t-I r- -1 A1Wi. 'lt- l - JOlI C il S!!INNGt- i -f t---ifiM ai 1 et CO(lKE*S iio-rt, CEiOtto E I-I iOli EII. t- s I 1 t- I 1, I FI1T F 1111 litRtN KLIN I1101 SI-. r l A tI I ltiii L .t~ltt, 1 AI)ELPI i tii ititi il FSEANDIERSONl. MIS55S F. JIUYAN, ( F>tIIES T-î GIVE IN' i-tru iil m ttt- V17rtuIlNtI t- r. t-t. --Iii :1r -i: N tpt-tll IN lIUSlt', TIIE - i -- li-Il - i t t-I i - i A tuîc l t î-rte I-ttu ittut-,i!tutîtu - lu - t-- .1.Wilitt, Iilut-I S- I t- i i IlLNItYJ. PIIILLIPS, N.C. it, t-- ~ ~Pîi.I,îîFilI MANIUFAC- tlîîu - t-t t tut-r~ .u i lt-i i - ît ti ,,t- i ettiîr:iued tut t-uit-ru Ail alilitt- itititi ui ll* tit - * îPt-îîudut-tuIt l îtjtui- , Tîttîd sud lit-air. j) StitII il , - SIH lis -lt t t-i I -il F* t- tt-i'.lc 1 tî-ai-toe beautifuti 611 o ctate, J)-i-iliit.... t-,-1oi0,î t iii îuu-17i . l nieuu. 46 antte tt-ittlt-u-~ ,-l tt fron ii tit il---A. t. WIVLSON, , ) .-iIRSTLt STI- lIt- - ~' li-W-t- l-rt-tcw>uiewaurttg aUnd Cu- itlte tt-U ruthe ii i i- ciii,-- tt- ,..19. P-,57. - - St IIt-1-SA I (-SISOB. C(AMiPBELL, lt-t i-t-~ ~1>cuutXt-Litttiby t,,xt dutort- T. h t- lIliet t Ilais- rI-tW'N îEIK ANtiD -t..L< ii- gut -uluiw tud iti a ît-rktiiiu îitku tmaner. t r i e- -ut Iii. * _ - - -- - ---i -s - t J. IV. CALtDWELL BROWN, W. Ù. EASTWtOOh>, A. Il. Ar 3. D.ii, &<IXXISl)NR1 C uiIt)NJI11, JPu1utt. I &'1t- . -t. çi:ŽC i .1'.& .IZuý:rt-uultidiNistuutaCourt Agotit -on~E-ui-t. Prjl-ut-Stotrt-, t iuiutidgeC.W.25 S D7i.ïIi . W. CLARK. -ER, UTIIERFORD & SAUNDERS, Ci r ~ ;t1le A*ul-t;k!lut ut îcE &.eîlitiNEil I)t- (UCIIEVT A1L 0ORS8, & . EStTtill .i-I ,t , tiiI Iltl-F tSX(1 9ANU 1i4, lKINtiSTISEET WEST, TO- F, U 1 TOWN 1j 1),.d rtutu. Ait-o 49 Ring Strict West,llatnii- - J. N. AOINEW', .M. D>. GiEORGE 1WOTT, p I V S I I A . S ît î I - l u , A u i u U î li SI i C A D Dt I M Z Ai -N D I A E N E S S M A X E li , & o ., iutg - --- -_______ s.boit-luanit-SEut-ami. I have ~ope1ued il a rw îîtofiy Itit-iitusnaIElNiiui, w oIkeeî J. . iJONES, large -toul uitatd, tutlluesTy on thbe ittec 1 OCI~ iES~FSU. vîtI I , ulIt111i til h-a-tli-,lte saite as ut t ly estslilt- tie Ilegi-itty iict-. t-t-l oit-ttiit-tts vsarrat(;id. îitîrtie tilir uLt-n]. 3. C. STERLING, - --- -- >~UCTIONEER. A DUI>LICATE BOOI AMON W. C(RON, IXoî Mr. Sterling's Auton Sales, is kept ai C lllTt- IV-IL 1tlNki-lNlilII, Aà-NIt is utitît-. Il ordors left authle C/tt-ondiOffl<t SE*t!ttý ttt , -t i, t'li. a1 itilIl eastteltdcdt-awitlîte î le tnictest panetuali. - -.. __11-__ __iv. Buts tif Sale tîxesi on. î sdneCet J. FUOW 1> i) Et-VEIN, kstrect, lieur the ans-t Hanse, utVitby. AECIIITE<iT .XSI)CIVIL ENG;INEERP1TERIIP A bîttit Streect, Vt-t- l ,uu. ii-tittuiite-n uîu,îte P R NIjI% attJ it Iioa I'iit-tuit-~~ -u-koureulty atuiti-", IlE U.NDERSiG2NED HAVE ENTEREI de,î te. titia larlnersltp as AtYCTIONEERSl, undei - - --- Itihe style maid lt-m ofl>attcrson ad psINa rIILANEJ M.CLAK, JAS. I'ATTEiiSU.N ALBERTtiPRIINQ, TIGiticNSTAIUE, t tNTY ONTAiSIi Ço{fsiI. )o llit hctls of lieu,ý-tise-s iili te aulttuîipltutî: j AI l e ft il it te i'ePrinting ofice ci* lîo Taxeti ut Wuuîiuty Wiltib-, pronîutiysucuindfd ta Auotioc- i 111 Prne ngo tlaat.Ireàtnesipricos. jP. M.- CLARK, t-t) ' t- <A"I -iStu & Cto., WYATT'$ JIOTEL, EROJIEANT TAILORI, No. 74, XING ST., ATE SCRIPTUEE'S, Wl IITBY. T H1 M esçTrttt.l 0~ istages passin NossI tht44ansi West tlas- r, G.A. JANNISTEt., Rt(;iGlsT .DRIOS AN I MCÂs LsnnsyDyé- titltit, colons-s&C., a î nIa d. Bdiiitt , Wîitluy. a AINTIý (LZIJ-,PAPER RANGER, 'iq,WiSIy________ 1___ -VE QRGE JJflAUBAZONi (IlNVEYAN0EiL G OMMIS-SIOWER FOR tu lng Atfléavits i lite -Qitiecn5t Bech, &o. rIIU*MTO3IPRON, ARES-Co tLA R &TRJNK, *.s gn ai'fte sMant cCollas-," 13&c., GRIEFNWOOD, ,4p at of~ - tIse. SP$O QIIIL!d t titi tudu i teciceo. - -r=Io A. P. WYATT, Prôa>U08tý NORTHI AlUERICAN R[OTL. T0I1XSIiEAýD, PRtOIEITOR1 TANEIi-TfIi U îîîiethod ot ibufr-inu bals faiecissasd 4tlu putîlie*gonorally, ilat h l"lisCOMinénees bligs nesu t itaut#e pramilss- bi ittlts titt li> modeof otding business, ansi sition lot-lir gnests, willtcieirit -a 1ita-Oof'publiearitg A"MA IOTELà lem-, &ad tébesi 0'Ëdiio rvië ý mans andhots.i SAni omnibi u Iautulsao.te sn4frh ib Cff.c ohmsp. TVie Solool wilIt open on lte ti-t Of JaanAT-uy fueoPe.' U(n Lhe aLler aide ai'ttebs-i ILud a 'table, où whsuctiCaemn riÈbt- e uid~idsebr -~~~~~~~~~~~i cei-AlIcEgslnteeai da-in s iti aong i'ofabout seventeen silver plate) and briglit Sevrs--eC(1s'--ast- ,îît. FnyNe work andi Music, w-il b g ayonhlir Cltugfî summers, w-us tle binant of hh- y î IasiOar- tw-o caaCitu ~s(Ta i contea)i iByron Street, Whiiby, beaetyOn 1, s1k57itei4&<f mea- H1-aY. an_ ba queraid 4n Msat- --- Jloney Eeniitted to, En and, Ireland, isegît, iit a fort nounsiesiansi wouaanly, at theiT rtan eLMam.Lmr VaA5USb Scottitd fasiwaes, yet gracefi'ulin the extrema;w-t dp asnwclad ina astiff silk owin,ý né tsî. -athe uffâl -ommercialîtfiUtI1f h, - r Billa payable fah Biglat- for os aon in 005 le -htabflt aii ses>ho e se si t a'-ýltts- g. en-pw-ards, by Buchiansa, e- îulusness bnsd-oIdem lpes VèY- ----- Wer tCo sud T& iis "oltsee arohly camingle;L w-it s-osy, pouting l-iii rso- ti-"5of oisty 5ei0ti1tue l*f Ps-oC )~ ~ ~~~~o ea1soif<5hbScOiiO oerumern d peasly teeti;w -tdimpiedch"k andasi ~aPb8<-a nsi até bis ta 31ii9 Dr in conneoion wih tise EmignidtionDpsitieutthresesoi'oldn s-a-abuIa atoa wlmlng Ëwaty - afltiolcd -noer t i tlasl aind affords the E Moncyas-eeesv- - w-oician th t bworvriooouning Y is Sbqtlsa eetakIncig L c .în~a ossnCanaa, desifo=b et Iltîle - t, d on -deoaiu, and a certûWi gated-for the uol I -s rseifabal f opur-, alk tut- rutt eer'-dt Patisrernittlag ttis oestifiaeWllb snt I.itvetw-liobaptiy 5lhow ntuoont3a-.esdtè~êicn tIich MY*7 ~ipd D1 - c ta hlitmo ïtsnot t u l ppe l acy fi'taes- eauliful i -îa skist ma&o aidm4ç- I-.a sed ose beautiful bIta. eyes U anki o~5Utbiet iiùkt tataâ pri">atJbius& T Thprtenmdôut ( ctawe d- satan, &nd above ihat a thayia1]1118_ ~ i fa ~ ss ~ ,.'a.s~Iag ietoasi'A f 1B6fr f ii ie.lWîin apron eesbsoidèeo l in ,Owei 4c et1hôt%ttePtôý. of" iu tt i54I0ît-u*G; f s i'ip, si an nas-sange O<r the ralsif pass-,wa ae{Wof- o-tmrq-~.mtoa-ik1~1~~s s tb($,th.t mitr-ýbe'- in:ia M~ *MlCnltmeWtt~rigrdIc lytn pre -adon ttc - t- Mortmer ra ..tnnavb a, osi i'letiîtsi:Kng.4ys~g or. llofb# êi pUt5tt4- s' ~ yIde n Y 4tao-Cats-i Ia y 6 ~ ~ S w aà etlcg nsusrluaynwiê4 èW b<e - bwwi t>ut tutOWt, rk""S»e't Anti ev& be lys ,arm& ~t 6h hsutÈuu.u,îia, teu, s utl ut -w ils a I-t- Il i. g 1 The Jtadgeahip of Feterboro'. The Po said, bas1 Wardoa unassumii conciliato thc respec tics. Wu givO an or otllciated1 equailed, tieman ir which he 1 e i-i poli, 1 wish ta drink ta Allan's safo aie- flash fbsdrk1ep9datcc i à ~ - IASUI 4 oitt5turci." was a face not oftert seoni, combining, as it CR ST L AFLO ...... -----T---- n5bedienco tothc bell a domestic tp- did, the polisîcé blandncas of a gentleman Wu HAV fulîtiYug l~E HOPE. Pe&tMî and soen placoîl a salver on ithe with a certain ceroo agtna t-trt-ii.lttiLttr, ttrt ltî-lteII titi-fttTitbk bèeing everything requisitt, alo tg w-hich represcil Ina-much familiarit,, the utîîîî uriii-q îtr wih ac~~elha fhlo wilj ax igbts main principles of nasculine beauty, with a Tiiîwtn .îi B11-ÀANS & 1)IXtN. Viwt iîtti, i~isrw The yoang girl arase, anti drawing t1h -ic oe 26 ~~~certain ruggedness of otljne hhsoe NATIONALHOTOr, T er&s tîyalnt car-s 1ncss k, filled ouI the rich wime in a sil4er what martred the wbolecffect. Yetbe was NA TIALWITl , Th-erc or ndterù'-ctlq I goblý,4whicl Mite prcsented la him. ýle hand.qom,, ay, sand ancourtly, as le lent Thitik no imore- saout sadiies, reoeîýed lit with a how and si" ile not iu.n- low ta kiss Kate Hloward's white lîttIe T II iccrir(,l t ifrnIif eis Tity sirrowiî lorgiui. wat i yLard Chiestcrflold hillnsçf, hansi, which rested in bis for a moment, i tlt i e tv- ii it-,-it wbî:-Lsii Tintnhi r ut nîrtorftyu mly poonig lte toast, and thon lariied tIaintroluce hisconpantion, willin iure vrryon.mi i-m l diý biaullycj).The Kat bru-Iý' prettv Nfianic West. Mr. Mortimer Gran- Sttiltt-.lttr li itt-îh ii -, nit- tai t-t--. Thltîti liit--ick tnd %seat-y îîgbif6' lîs meersclaum, and hle snioked by 1ooked pairticularly liappvandd(ignificil, EDW)~AIll>RAYÀ. Nilîrîetitiu-itu ittît si-, awaýt with sucd, calai, placiti eujiiVtnd.nt, as hoe presscd lits lips ta bof foreheasi, andl Illtîby.Mtt ttt. Itit7 1h Tlieîre s n e dwe-linsu-tcand:targtting his dignity, bega4i ta tWkI - t w-ti titlct -t-r itte ititipoor Kate gave lier a rigll sisterly w-cl- 1) -dTlE ET i& T Il YE011 Wio-iii-Ili> come, aibeil lier heart failed lier, for a mn- T I~;;E s~~S AYïî;EEl tlit~i-tt-it-it-~;\11i$PAlan will be hoino in a fliv daYý Yment. wbenitlie lîohceld tle ralliant, con- tIE ABOUt.: Il F ti wI-rt- idsII1li to Ii, î l re lihs ivuril, -we doiîît kiaw fhing lok, tîtat Minnie cat upon lber i-tut e rs t-- w tItîjLyrt t-iîtîtilîlitî. Tlitrtî ltr- howii iilnairperlîsîs to-illtitt-ow. cousin AIIon, w-hon duly relievoîl of ber it-tttitt iIltti- t-ritluotti ii ttairi. Ttt i- i i-i Naturebps %vt-O, rpcned r.ntsiîlu- apparel, and seateul bcsiîlhim near n' îi~iitt-rîtit-ttiiîittiîi. itlil tIll -, -~t t- Ai îît-utut-tir Mrtheùer, reflcîis-eiy lainm-ond le gl-wing grate. SIc w-as certainly a lt-n~~~~~~~~~~~ t-btlittttttti ir~- i~ it --i - Alrtit ittilet-f,-r Ili-t- Iho i>bringiag iMy littieiiQce, iticp lutritutit n-- Itt l-1att%%v-il t-iplitiiiwitilt F--r lte ntîniltt loveit t prcty ýgirl, w-as Minnie West. Uer fore- tit- iit lt--,I- hit titirl tmi. S l'îtil tii tii.atî tlthlm e - w.s 4aw-, yct îroail, and vcrv w-cil de- ( 'titU N E ta mii-o îtî:i.'Ki*Svii l ta c e-t-i nt .s ain s u r p is e fro i n ie r w o rl u - - i t-t- 5 tlcli.iii-~i Tc siti~ n- ~ r:' 1~ly ingetl îi-ih red, lips of dcep crimson, -cuiýr 1i-1, t ti --li Iti-fand ls-uîps -t ariss rouitled chia, w-th a littie tlimîle in j SitittlituiItt lti-- -tti-l ili t-r the Wlilîtî'tlruui Poar Kale turatil pale. anudllarge týars ils centre. Couple thase nil a -ratt-ful lit-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l AiIiu-iiti-stit-.th îitlr T 15Il, l0WYA R D , filledier uves for a momnîtrt. Shit hall carnage, and farm siender and spiril-lîke, A trsinever thaught of Ailan t rLnbyîs return antI you have a truc parîrait- fair reader, I ~ ~ ~ ý; oiet:i,,i;;L~t~;- ~?î withblis pri-lly cousin ini ît l glil, nt4ver. fAlasyng aîi.Wewiloe ptM S~îiwNNl a- icit ~lier mit had, onl y ri-crteil la lte tact t give sortie accoutit of!lier birth, parentago, illîlt: Mtri-t tit. t n,. -f; lîtott iirciîn,., ~ t-let-s' that slewasdbotte tabai-e a fetrale 'tom- anidearly Iifo. yarboreîedt ><NI INl. W.OTEL, nesg.edly oe tîniast recess.of i'lier Inna- aof aur story, Miss Mary Granby, lhc sister ,'idt-t-iiîii tt e li--ilii- tiul- 1-t I , - * * * à cent, gtiileless hiotr; onte w-haw-ould lpar- ofo! ad 1r Mortimner, retîtrrcul la lier home t l--cI tu1i.iiliriuii-1tii-~uitlt-i-t A aî omre tlia hl-tdivine, ticipate in berjoys, andi sharo in lior i sor- fa Londan tram the fasîtianable boarding t~ ~ ~~~~~I( ,î,-t. î- rî- -l li t tt i-t Vlere, t hrotigl saine shadesaofeartbly rows; W-la woej± be, int slortafred ta scIa-aI in w-blcb slî liad ust fiaished hei' t t-iiiiilt-ri tîtIltiit-l ti it titttife- eiu în glne stilier, a friend iniithe transt sense ofi the eiticatian. She w-as a beautiful girl, andi - -iiitttliial u, ititt eL el . ~ iYS~t1 i-e igl irntgl1,mnier foliage word. SIc lad nover reflected thatiJ per- soan mnado a cîiquest ai' a gentlenman' stealittg. Lnîtoreis X i .i- h ap herolé achoolmale w-as brioging 4ine laasting woalth and afiluence, namedWest. I ltu-ittta. ut'liS 1tii.---Minclie W1est as bis bride elect, athe lie w-as aof a gaod fantily, w-hase seat %vas ROI5r<NýN IlITEl, ('IPF i Lcaacpaniaa ai' lis future lot; andi Inaw, in te norîl of itîglandî, and thitler thte i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i X rti:ll:Iii tiiIitA>i'îî lis the bnur of stiiasct, and clown quiet w-hon Lhe possibilily ltai sach w-ai tle ynung belle ptoceedes ilaler beitîg duly ~, tlt -tt tc-t lii ttiiituiritic.tIiaid Maidea Lame, tin eliow beamis atray damseresîesi ta ber mmnd, she fet te pulses, joined in tIe Ialy bontis nof wdlock, la lhe i- I-tt aic -- it.iiiiiiiiiui uti -t~ftA' t tsît ald licker, antiduance ualthîe chimney ai' lii'pstay Ileir motion, anîd an icy ichili- victinai' ler fascintions. The oîtly fruit t. I-ur ttlt-tt-iî i-ilt id i ul p- îots an-i [anliglit ofai'acold, grtîn loakiag nomsareep lîrougli ber '-oins. Butlw-as ai' Ibis union-w-as Minnie, w-bm ire have tuir.-.~~- iît- t ~-tt-~,~ t~il ,î i-ti, - bouse, titat stands taciag the purple west only for a maîtenî. TIc ocxt aniht4r agi a moment stoce iîttroduccd. SIc ivas a -4 îitt- On one uide is a laie stuoew-ail, tapped by %etion lad î-anislietl andsi se w-as ýcaînt, pretly chiéd, antd promisesi ta "laud into t rENELOX FAiLLS JIOTEIL. la rtL-.y irîtarailing; whîile an the allier though îlot sa smling as betore. - Mîé.Mor- a flow-tr ai'exceedinglovelincs." Ere sIc \i-111S 'lSPi.iiiliUFi.~apar aili odonfaiwii I er rny dis nat itotice thec 4ane ad altained lber tenlh year, dealî, that Il-- a- rt-rt-ii tint-\i-itlti 1t u ets ofai'afeie aId eoints sîaviîig in the thh.t lad cre v lier ai lis w-ardsý 1Il relentîcas destroyer> lad gatsered lier poat t, i tctiithj i tt. itu ,-t-r-uitu-t titi, c-iý. Ili- -i-cme ve tttile ait ua t I-w rlu It. -tticlut,-ait..ii l-c light i bî-at-caliîaî-cil. The blldiag jtséif wintac, eariesîly employed ici lis oln re- matIes- otahîe tonil, andsiae 14-aslt lit ~ ~ ~ ~ Vt -ttiliitttlttisfitf-t-lt wikgcvgaiemsiea d ~ocs for tîsI, and aftcs- a sbontj tinte w-olly dependant upan herne gpa- upokl liti ui.un2t,-. -l i straîig-diepîaelitg, in ecri-y item, te pu»*d icisilenc, le arase ta retire ýo bis rent. Ms-. Vestw-as a man ai' extrav-t NO>ltVOi)IIOEL, c-ltittitterstic-, of a long past lime. lteolipber, wishing her goosi nigît w-41 lbis gant habits, fané of the gambling talle,a - t t i i t - i-t titi- Iigli 1ittrlotd t-tot; the sticîs of chimies tuqma i s devotesi disciple of tIc turf, and, alas 1 tisa rF:l: ti-IWttc-I lt tq-..ftIt- littli tî- t tdirlg il; the satali deeply sunken w-ici- ri"erelnained li-ed in Iough fo)r a' w-esitould have ta say il, an ardent love' %lîtI tiu iiiul -ttit t- - <w; card ->ie 'long"tiîe esidteI dying ire, tnd at- of champagne and sherry. During the I uiii---iiit it--ituiiilt - -i - -lies; the litige oaken door, w-th t is IOavy ié1ugjbw-hon sIc retired, thc candi s lad lifo ime aof lis goos lady sh liad inducci XX -ci, tit ii ~ î -I îîîîîî -.t - -- ~ ~ tîhît--5 -ape-a retere, a imguarly b rdown tt Iis- socîtetsl:ansid u ist osk toevcs u a-lt 1 k.., t detd ttt-itr-etofttnot-eruaet01 'fin-aisp - utitïî1 1.t-rs wv gtmmerît-in thebîoadlthere ias noied,-o trr hqi ofes- folid stecr old housseatowtlIa ihe might pus-sue any cous-setu - i a rt îîi î tt- eoit-tv îielt u i-ititiiît-îi u As tîltat raya ni' the setting lumihlas-y ntna-whieaeacmpsiysl.wisleé without rep-oacI or hiridrance,lie - t o. a t te tuterl% 1i i -11f Anit-ct-tttuitttcdpoed y et ticitO >~~ streant out 'nié a gap icitise distant green m- -il ittepiangesi once mare iaîlte <tammittal of Gr-iuwouui ,tîttir iitss.i hils ley glanas ils-aug lte wihdow-s ofaimeses, agdles-self ta aluinler, wlon ____ antaanttr 1, il aaiet nîeseodfuo. IiLreaders permission, give a short counitecessaisacnsqcieer i smal apatmet onthe ecod flurà otlis pl'aperîy and persan soon bogan la fée] TTN -LAMET V ST, T> îîITO ITF us enter, kinil reader. The panelles cci- of ab hs-y. the ravages causési by Ibis il-conducl.- KXîubtî-c Fit-st uiass Ia i ti tîîî, ol ~îe tniti- ing is low-, andi lnîvel'sed trom end ta end Iiery ie1r'Mrie ra4yh-Tw-a yars passed quickly aw-ay, ansi earl uttut-wal frîtît tut Lýlt-..ultîî-,utlti itti. sOtanti leaents ai' Lt vun-maose anc Jane rigMr-. West w-ascars-ici I-u,)it Lanîdlu,iri i beitret-tid %it New Fîîr- tbyîin"asa t o tmIes-; the fus-niture <at cuits -t anî m1wImsnn ititure, Urpctii aîd l'aiitiA.l The ttieeiieitt s beavy, aId faliioncé, andi quito in keep- hamie -as Ikwa-d1 a fine icl lav, 1saLler honte, a co-ps'e obasit-w-hile acides-the ýýtiiei#t tir ag iwI eti ltaied. 9111-ing w-us the sombre appearance o ai' sîwild ansi untamosi, bai generaus ai d kinil. influencé af -deep patatians oa i' wla,i il anss la 'Wttti-soit- - arauné.hePondes-aofs tabie ousted ta a fauli. T b ail 1eeci aI n Ca TIOtSLA IaPopie ar uiaasiy carvetlané asm-cItais-s, tTiseymultesi a notesi duelisi, andite conséquece T -înu T HOMA LAB, ti-cît, i -0ouly 7rve an chiselcé. a maissive college togethet became great fierds and w-as a challenge. Ho accepted il, anid was Toofl- -rl, >5.cabinet ai' solisi naît, inlais i iViory, and w-Ionpas-ticigpromises la write la cacî aloI Ibrougl te brain. NYlon tho nows BliRLE.IGIJ'S IIOTEL* a louage covercé culh dark bhue clatit, are otiter. Yeai-s passesi away, hclw-v -, and ai'titis fatal occus-s-nce reached Ms-. Mor- tÂTE iEttTttt t-TEL, tBYROtN STiOt-ET, WliMYt h Le principal ctoiases. A carpet ni' brow-n ciacommtunication ensuesi botw-eci tIent,tnis rayhsetdwnisonI T1Mis ttdc-t-niit- aiîtund i-t ittilihs 11,tt1- -velvet apreails île flnar, w-înéaw caslaina but aI iengib Granby received àlottes-lokmb is écoasosi brothe--in-laws ai ved fia the alite ltti, iu lit-b1le lias it-il "P ni' flow-erod danmask lang tram Lhe -dingy front Winchesiter, suntmoning lins -ta lte-- ar ndmksiearng etsabu ri inte very beztit ututtîer toa secoinnijILt lte -- .-fis nimk ai ragmnsao 1puiblie. Tfe tboutse hits becit put iit~o s tlorotglt gtlt carnîccs; ansi a staglounci, neatay bedstée of bis dyimg friead. WaLl ut 109s Uttle Minnie West. Thc condition ni' tIe stuute ut reisir, tutîs ail thé rot, bsave bt-t-n sculptas-ci in Cutras-ra mas-le, ados-ns tise ai'ime te obeyesi, but as-rivesi onl 'ta bisi estate w-as very complicatedé, but at lengt1 of tîie- aeetiuiun-dtiii, toindthe atteitttin tat- mantel-piece. In tle large hoartit a eouple hbutadieu5and take charge of the p oeyail w-as settosi, ans itiw-as discovered tLIs 01 1ut thr e ues ts,tîtît lihibiThe r- ogs cracîtle and blaze mors-ly, for it is ansi lis 1w-achilsiren. One ai' tl se w-as les-o was about eciaugit eft ta pus-ciase -a loumd talec second t 0i natte lîraviice. Aulumntinte, ansi tho eat they rondes- oas-fs-fend Kale, the aLler w-as r*lditkly entali annuity for te chié, ta continut SAMUEL BURLEIGH. titrougî lIhai olé clambes- is quite uScpt- lihile boy nam uies I Hnsy. Heocasr4d th'it dus-ing life. Iniduo ime that w-as donc, lc oseolé Lte heurending aew> al anged 1d btainceddoI.emu plosige frdt-thO' idLwit c-beton. île clt>s-1uitivéxL Thià ~ît tim h- Thé w-as truc ta he- promiise, and, a<-fter a -year - .ab1 laad pàâseý they w-èe nariole& sai ~ ber huàbandSiéà ihy tay~ o!comfos-tabiy ftid l i to- ý moiV ta wha "p eem t-irii «Apu '- Tlse -Nt -----=- lc. W Purfing & Wilow under Difficul» Nos-îler lic w-hich til The Ëitcys-as (O.) Journaal spi ns tle fol- menti bc laoving yann, w-licl, baw-ever faeuîty in bave acc uts facts, fa readalle as a rotrance. The es ai'fLth eilitnr w-as promnped tb uiperitotrao" it by lhey pa'U- oIsesrving fn a l4itlslutg taper'Ihe -nta- casesilt niage nnaotiniemetofai'couitple w-la fa-quarter. ntcrly residlodin Ilucyl-us. Ici ya-n la the riglul s-coled off in Ilis fsfo -As s ç Tieiîc years ago îhe bide w-as a aur s-oint yoîtng ladly ai'lw-enly, île daugîte- ai'a asdtihîe w-cîliynies-chanIfn Wastingtmî,Put. Ta ananinît le- iathor's eampioy w-as a youinggmnt'- na- cil, ai' I med Robtert -,w-la, the yaung lady le- yea duri i ngblewicl-titugly beaittifi-ilas mn duîy bautul Iarden fell dosperateiy fa lot-t w-h lier. She s-e- 76i7-1 ciprocatîcilthe allacîmeal, ansi they wes-e desi by lîctrailîed. Uni'urlunatoIy the yoltng la- Ibis Cnt dy'a tatites-catered iisprôtest againgt Ihis cangtt picasani asran,ýemue4t, ans i ccoréingly tle ansi gacl yauuag people lpai ofi'tlie htappy day tildet- ileir de initciy. Abottt a yeuir afterwards she ne- prs-sLth ceivesi a masl teiauti-liugraposal, wt-n i Waréen uis-gerl ly lier father, sItret>-tb, andi, ta anti abl tIc eterniti depair ai' ptaor Rale-t, w-h dislsnî tiiarried. But, naslas-olthe îoor bide- Itint dur groom !sc;xreely ilîrco inanhhall ielaptesi I bc pi cioen. skick frautu a vircfoas lot-sekihicé fite pou lait. Robem-t consolitie inidows, ansi de- t-osy ecIl ternincîl ai the cd oai'thc yea-orns- anta T 1tnar-y lier: Ife lad ina niach s-aspect Weo ltell for lier ta pt-est l is tait iàmcuia-tely, aitd .vci dué ual for filteca nionilîs, w-len le prapa-11 te.Tolus lions-or, aIt- ifuufrtrheéliit hat Unitei sIe wst tlrflady engage(], and thal laIls-ce Cma moatits mare, lier second marri mgo *auld up le conttintatué. Two yems-s paassd. Ta C'obinus rthe mosolime the w-idaw and lier lushané Çpool ta Itas renînvodte l Sys-aciuse, N. Y., ansi Ro- New Y( le-t, possossoil Iy anme s-range -hallucina- w-bicb t tien, i'ollowed tIent. Titat season tle cho- Csopul iles-a sw-cpt iliti city,,anil amang ils itima plî.y th( wms the second ltasbmnd. Raotert aibow-eé Unitedi s yea- ta piss and w-as an thte paint ai' as- Lv gan- lis dlaims, wl-e ho recciveil an invi- îeC tation tolie1r w-odding! Sht uslabetIh C ymas-nfed ta ies laIe lust-and'a pal-Ines.- the Li Robert neatonaînalcé. The lady assu-ed York hiîitt btler present sîep w-as. net ane ai'teme tlave, but pus-ely ai' necessily. The part- ovision ancrship affaira ai' ber fate lamoniesi wete pliosi t 0in such a stato that settbomont w-as impos- Anteric e sale, ansi ta cave immense lassos sIc lad oei ýtdetes-mineosi hpan nairyinglthe ss-rvivicighaei -r pa-ina-. SIc assunes imn, also, lIat bcr A fei ft sentiments tawarés liim w-es--unolangeé, bempti -andl tInt aloals ae ove-become a w-iéow île cit agt-m, site w-uld Sive him tle preference. es-ectet aSc w-as marriosi, ans in a short tintes-o- Esq.. Itmovedl with ber tird lulané ta Detroit, blose ,r Mi1chigan." mani w le But a i'ataliiy seemesi ho pin-sue 1er.- escape4 xi liesslf anid lasband w-cie on board a ai' $40 t steamer tInt w-as w-secked noms- Buffalo ai oe yca-s since. TIe lusband peniahesi cemduieo scpe-ociiyrtta-egh thesr'- Thue' le lamaisti-liants ai' a fniené w-la happenos ta luast ci of la on board. This friecisiwas- yoang, un- eapes tg ma-ied, ansi lis galianîny icispirosi sudh mri el sentiments in tle bs-astai'fLte w-îdow that - aIe mars-led IiraIotas-e Robe-t lad Lime ta The [y tilsin ier; Whon le aresi LIe state o ai' g is- ,d vFas ho w-as sontew-hat inifgnant, 'but littho il les 4e tLidhit the ci-cumstance, and tan- gapi 11-g dtlasaiisfy lainaw-ils Lhc promise tisai AAI ce lj'she ever beosmo w-aéow-od again sIc "Y a ~udma oilstively mar-y bina. Tbe Tise rs lady, w-ith ber fous-lb lusband, sethlesien mo-so, ,r. a fara ncea- Bucys-us, wbitle Jtobottre- ci- at to îcovcd ta Mansfieldi Litiho migît boJciear talk aI f- leo. Ici the course ai' a year tley retioyedSii-Co, it ta Pittsburg, w-le-eîle huslans w-ont w-ith ie icito îhe mercanile business.on Liberty Oude i th Strooh-siéing,- howeve-, ici Alleghany Thei .1 City. Robe-ioilowed thom ns,~d tlnéicg the 0, a enspînynent; determiccé ta waththîe oai ai oe chances claaely. One day lacw-as passing gecit -S e, te atoneai' Mr; t--,w-honlie saw a terrsi- banda aterboro' County Judgesh"P, it is been filled by the appaiatmcat 01 Bouchier, Esq., 'Of Coiboïne, lato of our counties. Mfr Bouchcr'a iing inanners and "ontlomtinly and Ary deportmootl have wont for biai ect sfnd cst 1com of, mon of ail par- (c lcarn frara thase qualifled tô opinion that during the year hé 1 s Judge Boswell's substitute, hé ii hot excellcd, that learned gen- h tho ability and impartiality Ëith iedisebaTgcd the duties of tÉe of- re rday safUJy céngratulab a i -Trionds on the grcttt accelss iort ,ey will reccie seýhoùld this tippoint- omado. The Goveïfimeht ii îded ta the wcll undcrstood wish- e people in this instance, and it rsue as wise a çourse in aIl s1iat liey rl-ay dcfy assaulIt t font any 1Empliatically, in this instanc3 iniaIt will bc iin the righlt placen- convincing proof of the truth ot irks, it will bceonly necessary tsi efollowing resolution which was Outsly paKscd by the Colunty Coun-' thtse Couinties. at the close aor thé ring whielî Mr. Boucher acted st Movcdl hy Mr.Mcugtnseon r - r. Fisher, That the0 Members of mcqil befare separation forlthc ycar Lulate thueacives on the harmony nd feà~ing which. bas charnterized eliberations ; tlîcy cannot but ex- teir thanks ta I. M. Boucher. Es- n, for thec gentlcmnanly courteouâ le anner, lhe bas prcsided over and rcd thc ar1uýans dati-es imposedd axi ring the year, -aid recoîfnnend that prescated with thc zum of Scvente inds as same counpenbution for hià icicut services.--arot-RVeC aU COMMNI!~CATION WITII AEîA- Ile wc are correct in statin- thati vof the anticiaated retarn of fli Statcr mail steamers, the Canard- my' s screw vessels, instead oftakiag te dayi formerly occuipiod by -the lino, wiIllho despatchedfrom, Livert ) Ne% York direct, or ta Boston and iirk, on any day of the weck in the mail stoamsbips, of the Canard iy run ta lHalifatx and Bo§ton, and z as may be found necessary ta supî ie trade-, In this wayt with' théi 1Statos mail Uino (when it returna orpodl to, recommence its smTice), uiard Cexnpany's mtiul steamiship>s,,- nadian Coiapany's scrcw vesseli% ivorp?ol,'Philadelphia and, New screw steamers, and thie screw er of the Cun.ard Company, it is ithat Liverpool is ta be weIl sup- with steai communication iwith a, quite adoquate ta the wants of' îtorested ini the tradc. ew evening agao another m>ilicioi.g Iý Sat incendiarisuv was perpetrated in ty -of Ottawa on the house lately , on Metcalfe street, by Wxn.Pdtkr. The firej fortunately extin-geished emach injnry was committed. " was seen loavin- the ,reiesbuh ed The Mayor bas offcred a r.w"r .0 for his appréetnsion- eStcamship Hmnia ar ivd 'h iighti and brougbt a London evening. ts aof the 20th MrhandLUnden ing papors aof the sanie da.. éBombay mail arrited 't l lay morning, but details of newsgivê interoat in addition 'ta the foul teles le despatches -already ,publiahe&i

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