ot repm tlit thte Coitmnîito,3 oIVteforo pel tidvol, atlI iuveigh. Of t e 1aket, the tiiîî înal<eî acre, e ( laicu -o ohpel itt1iiir purchase, Nuviiai, eohbect houbtb iînd ild shînow îh tiiY the maurket' clI'oulit te ltak11 reioîl ch (ie iulayor, t)vtni r-itured Atie ti herkt Ilt1iciii ittutrel ILI i t u InU lui I- til ih ,t 'c-t- utî tci in n M ti- t- -he for Ihîttu u t I oîf- tc EtOtitii Nsuth- a puîiIuclef tie iifl. n Iltut lie a ite. flclu -îepti 1tutit tîuuil th ti- nîten. Itf(y mio-i t-e sU lit im to t-luet of t ai t-ras lît auîiuett, 'iliu ant tt-t-e frttulit- fbut mui in îiotf te uos n sae C ith~e etiuib iit-trjilu-o it thetî culie cnhose, coi*elit prai t-ie. cmi eiuteneti 11( Iluei cutr. ns mL Heines )ut snhuuie nbu tîpe ntion bu k oppi et-ue ste-anttthetthe iouuo tît Mnpr' c-euîîlte- ee- ht poicon-l ceh il.ha lie-e utM slîubu on- tse pcnutta t-e lite ou- Lenul lua.d 'les-on lie $eeces iithth îe Iilrtt'ts if lktîî. m and freshus cf dette: lîttiers ili bnly aise froin a close îtersoti atquai: tance with Iik suljer, anti a dlotp interes lu it M~any of tlie Inut intelligc-n amout;Our citizen'; hAVe 're-cejut-tiintht-t' lectures a niincet cf inteîttottuel oçnjo-y lient, atitan aiîunlan tîatdi t ioîn te tlle"i leore cf usefîîl kcldeJ>,7ît omt medi .îner isr. Mciiî-'I NSTITI-Tr-.-On NMotil:t- eovening iras îlelivened the long aiitiî-ipaec ýeCtune on India, lîy A. G. A. Constabht FandI trut-ly a more interestintg atiit lu quent etidres matinover bt-en dl'ivert-î befone our institute, antdl ie nre happyi-ti Ireport that netwithstanîiig the îirevituis honavoidable dîssapeint tîitiît, the Alitert Uoomu was wcll flle. - Coli)inu r9 cir. Mn. Constable's Lecture, uptn iito tanosé ruannens andi custom e lmilvcî-d on 6aturday evening lest, %-as ories t respeta Ayîl iattendeti. It *as tersein-, t-lcýguntl%, anti, bftentimeB, elôqtiientîr worrled. 1:,tm-'sper- ecd witli aneedots,! enliveneti hy wvit, the audience wsius t net instnîicteil Itut umnused i wth thé Ltctrc-A coiiîliiiit-tî. tary resolution, uîoveîl lîl)',r. Kelloggin ntneat anti nîiîiopniatc- speech-i, sî-î-otîdI by Thos, Srott, J-dc , met iiti tue miani. ýnotis aîpt-oviîl of ail Jircîc-t. -- (;,i iujjo Assesncîîc of the- Town of Whitb>- ork cf asst-ssÃŽig t-lut Tons. "hevcercun inly ritserve t-hue ci-tdit (o say cf tiu,'îuîj bat-t-lie>'hasve lost 1ic tite- slncehvit-lu ~ soinîmuent. Viei total nissei'ic-îVtîîu: of lue-Town t-lis yt-at- li, ne finit,$1t-cl;. Lb» figures forthie dlflerenîî 'arulito-o - Nont-h 'Nai-t........------2- Cent-rue'Nanti-------- , 2 c- South 'Nanti - - - 1, 2 î - Ontario Cricket Club. Thescasoh of cric-ket is et-haut, unî titie piyers are already ' gettiug mt-o tritu tft- ,,ettcontestit anti haoodiesvictoriîus thue trsuing stumen. Ti emc-hcrstof te fOitaioClulh, sic-e býer-e, it-et- at Btyaiîs îlot-el on Set-unula>' cvninig nc-xt, lt-t- vi- li he fonces andtirit- ancuuues. Nl'e perceire Lt>'t-l it issue of the f51. ficial Gazette, t-tlt-hue fcoic-tion cf a rien- Ilghiaud Rifle Comany has beeni eut-li-1 zed lu t-lis Town. The gc-ncral orci-d ltas MLIT.lboItYDISTRîICTÇt'I31rlît nîrnc, t i1i'lcit -Oue Volunt-ter Miitia Rifle Conmpany'ut- Wbitby, t-o bc tyloti The Volunîteeu- lhie-u- landtifiteOcopatit>'of Whîthiy. Tht- mnuinher of Pirates te c he43. cTo ho Captain James 'Wallace, Esqtî-. The first quert-crI>'examnuation cf t-le UJxhnitge _Villagce Couîuuîeh Sulicol teck place on Thiursday thea st- irtt, iti tie pie-t- stuce of a arge nunmben cf sîîecîaton-s, Tht- parties mahock part- in huieetaiiinuîlioni \vere t>s teaehuen, Mnr. Lotir-y, t-lu- ler. i-. St-li Local Supernrttîenîn, Mr-. J. NN. C. lBrown; Mfrt. W. A. l'ringl-1 Wr. Tiios. BIosîci-, andl MnI. Bih iiborn, t-achier lu Scîtool Section N-o. 2. Tie exaniluation 'wu highly satisfatten3. Mn. Lotwry, t-he t-tacher, bas heston-eu le t- uiîmoutit- cf cane anti attention on big ptîpiis, ftir wuîicus he desers-cs rach credil. lHe lues provoti airaseif t-o ho an officient t-achet-. c- EAIOLYNaratos- . C. Drapen's ischooner, t-ebi llouier, of t-lis pont,'seileti for t-le Qnsce on Monda>' last, wit-lîaI -crgo of upirards ef 8,000 bnîshsels ofrulseat- This is the tirst- creflt rou, Port W'hitby scrosa t-be ak. t-hic seesopl. ScrsiDrxATII op DR u. tucî, If. P. P. -This respectei gentli!man,repu-entaivse ' - for Nort-h Letedsiluthue lut andt -lept'saent- Panliatiient-, elitsud de-lat is hotu-ding lionse, King Elfetît, Toronto, ou Mlonda>' lest. < ppoplexy uaa t-he imruediate cause mof d. Parlameut te-assenuhled on lVcdnesday -' efter t-be Euten recess. -e sZÉls Ti. elebrat-d TcZ eduMellfenry ees b~las beeu bronglit o a cIoÉo anad a verdict of u u "Xot Gulty" brouht lu by th Jurysr - Ogbe IL (loisu, Esq., ila sready lun t-la. field asaà candidate for t-be i-epreseutatbou et South Leedsansd <eonvtle, voaatt b>' t-he deuils.et Dr. Chur.i END Or T£ oumm Lnr-Theo XO York Ukrald of Friay sayr-The tWanusiilpeof thé ilIns line-t-h. ÂdriUo, altle1sud Adtc-weresold tégetiier, and broiu1it $2,000, Theiiens tuon t-hoproportyr &Meote to $657,000. Tii. vesseis are vtlued ah $,2O,OM. The.purchase r wu Dudley R s Fuller, ofthe frm ofFuzler.Lord & Co.,h im - -am t Arrivai or the "Juadman."t POaRTLAND, April flth, The TIndian enniîveti eat fifleen minutes Pust four this eftennoen, iili 209 pason- gens. tcLA. The Royal as,.setWeS gli-en te the Ecet idlloen and Lady Ilavctock's A inuit-y Bis. Tht Ecni of Derby said, thene w1.3ne fotndation for tihe report, that it iras in- tended te hcnporî frce negnocs frora Africe, and fut-n theui ile black regiumîeits. In the. Heuse cf Comniens Mn. Miles, cablvî attention te the incenvinnience te which Prtit-ish subjects are exposed b>' ne- cent eltenatloîts luthle passport systaam in France. Louve iras granted te iîning in nill te legelize niarinage wfth a dcceas>td wifc's siste-, by 43 cf a umijei . -A Polioli bcekselien o-es arrested in Lon- (Ien, cisargedl îvtlî uubtialîing e paniphlt. adî-ocetiug lime assassinalion cf Napo. leen. The Timex rtity article lip". that t-he itrietted abolition by hbat uiiks cf Xci- bisc sulq t wus understood wes te enaijît IIOLLOWAY'b PILLS AOND OiNTmivT.-Dcl- 113 WOrthip to relie>'. the peuper poor icate females who arc hanasscd and debili- < the town who wore in the habit of a p- tated bycomnplaint;g peculian te their ongani- teygt himu and the Town Couincil for zation unif oînly r-elicved by IloliOWay'S PIl For hysteria, spasut, hot finahes sick hend- The Council then edjourned until Tues- aches pains ini the back and the loins, they ftay, the 2th inat., et lïalfïlast six uco, arc a acte reliabie reinedy, whiie the bout- ing and cooling cffect cf the balsatie Oint- ~I~iConatblee Lectrei o Iss tunent upon htirns, scalds, running Sones, ir- f4ajr Costabe9sLectreé n juUa.ritations of the skin etrofulous ulcers, sait Tihe Comumittee of Manaement of our nheum, enysipelis, and ail extornel infla- Mochanlca' Institut, have sécured the sor- nuation, is a huiracle linstxrgony. Purchasers vices of Major Constab le, ti.e mimentt bt'fore using these rcmedv,ae cautioued te lecturer on Indra, to deliver tiio lectures et ook for the water-tuark, which appeans in the Mechanles' Hall titis wCek. l'The- ou. veny Icaf of the genuincboock of directions turcs, as will bc seen fnouî the -edvert f f the wvords, Httlloinayâ, Yéiv iorL and Mient iu this issue, take place on T'rlday Lonoc, i ,visible in the paper, the medi- and Friday cvening. Thuirsday cvni cin es are couniterfeit-s iftture will treat on Ilthe religions of Tri- The Montreal Medical ('lronicle lias tihe à ia," and that te o clelivered on Frida.y fclloç-iîig editonial niotice: veing on Il he ma?îners and custoins of l'ERsiû, Btti.W woild tdirect the the llindoosi' ¶The gentlemen of the Me- attention orf cor reutiers te the adventise- ci4nica' Institutedeev er preise for mnttof thîg excellenit toilet article, wliich having securcd the piWbic cf Whitby se aplpears ontihte Co er of our journal. ïWe great a treat, andI we trust that tîteir cf- ili-eîslitaeteniic.awhlafr forts will be secondeti as tlueyShoti:ld e', geniet-al toilet purposes, Âîîd car i rc*ominnI by the citiens genenalîy. We ,xp,,t to à ithlli, us lîing onc if thu morit efficient1 sec a truc representation cf the industrial1 anti ugr-cubit- prepcruîiorîs cf the liîd ire poýul&tion cf the ton prtisent et thest- have t-ýverenîlyd lectures. The chier design ofafecitanies' -- Institute im for tlîi benaftt anti i:îstrtîc- Cllicago for a yt-artor two îia (t hcs heem tion, and ire are morry net te sc a gi-ater illiîîg up litr streets , iiti'itfouir I'm, aber, degreetof interesit and zealousness tlispiiî>eu l ( l ti ll e >itîiVtlilgS have te hy ýthoîn in its surcess. Ive (I>o ct exper-t 1t>e aisi-il. or a iouoci-I-Ian itoi-rntt liast tà a-ee a bzarge numtben cf (Cetint-jîniion, toe >e nadli-te g--t into the-,,. Niimcroiis ichooffrustees and proft'silotal gt'ntlejiîit' hIouse rtiise'-s liiu%- arr-mol flicrt froîn the vt the lectuires ;-tlîc uîsîtal attentl:inve of t'ast, w-titieistf raiiig uam yujtiîîî-1 our geetry on stich ocî-asioiîslinovo-ni that t-o-nthem Tremiiiîiiit tItî-, %w tiih OîCîîtl(t Ih.ere 15 no' reoômforin iproî-enîmnt bin ta 0 îhot 1 >ttck. Tlht o!tj P-t if rî~gthe city' kluater. The followîng are a fev- of t),, is to etot flic o.îîr vtu-f' r ~'opinions of tle pres' on Major Consta îtv istitattnntt ftit Uéls lectures whîc-li OCsel-ct ir-totos tfiinc:nioriici ico Siejon Con.qtble ik an ai-coteant il i- ptartial ebserve-nîit ht.gt-unni îiitît a pro.- <f ,rt.tit,,-i- iî-in CtOtiticiinstud- conceivedlier v utcih lis far-ktsire'R Ittuli"hItrtt1li. ttti, rua 1 t icoloured, rtmrlike tlle strainiz frogu, îîliti ituraI, ail ti-i ikadi iir ie iiîto %wliicl-h sonlttimes lecture lbefone a Ilutralo atiii- liet- lut li:Ls tio li%;îof uf t olttr d t-gnt Ice, dots e ,lesacrafice the eîîportîînity. cf aUI-N-m (ai4t ,stil>ttitii t rill ilîiis-l f toeyng t-rire andi useftul inforatin.- * ubstantial instructiôn, in -a forin Ioiease t î îtt t s fri- ulowîing Prititing ti a healthfnîl alîpeite, and suit tht- tigestivei-- h aeiif-u--ev( powens cf the nira-to flic '-air.-lof > tiiRtssitldh aeîi -os-v 'originality - o tuwdry flgnîrî-s o[sptecl.-. Ž'ur re u. nte-r quiictîr theit- iîFebruarv. e iîs.hcrtt. 'l'ho -Niericans'and.ti Ruttans bailjoine- j fttt-iuitt >iturîiu;in-c-s. it-be Etiiisli. Trasac vur u-irws.The Frenichibail raoe a ilemantiOn t-h( bleuîDont touchi !)ticvtit. f'lint-sc-E c-crni-uit tndtib% theii iiddie o c &~c-~ itttiui~ îîîîc.~î-sat1~MardhiIt triul hc K-nîownî w lat polie> b. ttSayt oîtingo- - FiiAiitt l.ogigc it ti c-oitrverî-.Chiira inteis u pursue. S.c-c-p cc-o fccîfricuthte stone, Ctu"innrcial afiirs thrcinglotit Fi-ce contnue greiat-ty ulcprc-ssei. ititîont tilk ttî Iltic uit-iic-u. ] t i- i suit an hîoîr bc-tor tfie eînperor'î 41 1,litiaruti<l tIti' îtptnîial-tn t t-le opera oni iis rec-crt risit ahl 0 1. Etc-i. off tei ttoit-t;andl fi. -the bouses on ili tic eiscL-îelletier wenî if vit cut i iv ciLc-tt tîti- lien , searclicui y t-le police. lien - ltvi;ntn-oo:., h'anch 24. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I0iP ito irutt llc,:-o:nl ney plienly. Golti cotinues te flows - eatî lvuige thîc Jpittcrs. ltote ltauk o .gai -t C * -lonsolhs 97 t-o 971. Ctîton decliniug. Su- * ltt itAu:-s1n- S-t I: î-Ttneigh. jpur sttady. henitoott cf Strattry tiis lientdigt-ceetl h an uct cf iîcî-ndiarisutîn whh ltîi oc-llWHITuIY MAREETS. niighi c-itsmil the oisri-is f a mire- c- ok -- o 1- fiithitg.andti iit lit ares-c-attl ittei nWioiiu t t i-tu , S v thue liosstif uicvtral ttc-s, lin Frlîlay futt, ch-su-, pnl7i5P. t- tbouit- huI-ýtf .l ' clit-k inithet- e-nu- W lit-t, -4s (i 5s 44h. lut-s, IsdC,I 4 1 d. -~~~~~~~~~~~~ bp lto r-i t-- aiu ru ieIi~ l-uy pt-r toîn 91(t (ii$16. Butter,. 7id (qo M P- 9(il %fh l ier i100 Ibs, $1 QM 4j. Potatoes,, litr ston-<ut- ai tatitî- Iic-htniit o Mr.'Nil- 2s*6t1, liter hushel. ccx,0on ic-ail SIrmt. i lut-t n auarnu iras l to:i-tti-g ivtil i nui't heluitnatti tuntus TORONTO MARKElTS. ttui i i it inpt-c-uit f at- d c h- <int of- i W'edtietslay April 7, lI38 Ilitchi-t oxertioli sulc-cdil i tî-vmnltf-neils t-Xc-nImtg ~c~~t te bt-ncflit * 1t IWc-leat, 4s e 59 s4d. Flour, $3:50) - rt hoti, htu-t- urtitui îtI~î~~~- -«4$4:25. 0ts, Is 4(1 îl la Id . Eggsi roy lote, boli -f whch bildigs-ere, i i>i d«)1s cil.t Butter, 1 I Uti t s 2d. Ilay loti- vu-r iuu:iiiittu.Il * iivtt Suèveyal jlier t-on, $10 @4 $17. 1)br(ý ad thr alab.eprpetyft. S-PÉCAL NOTICE. - îîroy t4s1the flc:u-t--I- riî .Nx.t us-l.îtA iuuoi.io tîiuttThc-N. Once KUôW-e Neyer 1ogotiéîu. Y. Tridîîî, surs tiat pravt-r nmetings bav'e If cen readlenswor:uIîI lucr -e~itture Iltxrr ltut-n h uI:il in iiunî t-fhie hurgc-st Jîint- uruî iisuet l-îof aîu lu: - luit office-- lu tliat civ-since the 6Ohmof lttueduz ýlaniti it ithe t-cSîeioi, Mancl, ith intrasirig ntenest. At- tue l"1 "-mn ,Ilui anue,Iliînî rtcke1SnMrs uaapn~ sjfie ite Skiii t-îînniîcnc-ientu oîf thet îît-îtinu-'s t-i. îwt-n il bits i, t- i tuil y 11 but- four or ire co:vcnîs, n it-l but- ver> îicluihrî, fe- partic-ijtnt-s, andtinoir tht- numhen rau- Feri- suIeiunNVittb>y W. S. Ptin,, otue id u tîn-ireon fureoi î ie t ;tG. A. IBeutilarer, bandas tStreet; W. lH ges asI tigli at wDot-o!, lirn. he triet. irterest uît'nif(ttid aI t-bestemeetings is ----- vrty grorat. Onie cf t-le t-ocetnIcenverts To F,%TiEni su Mniicts.-oukiowcnhs says-" Wiuttare re t expet ibeniulicftunlt 4 t, for youur ettituren thatyci tuuuîd ry- "Waar et re w n k'euit gîîout Ietitll. Itio ft-t-iuitî di tu-c st-t pruturg offii-es at-e con%-etted loto rouigi- lVitle upaurnti lnu.soi4ed i i tiii tî.i non icceuti eus ehIapjebu ? 1it le, as lan as mny knwitede piy it ks, -tçiî, hy liroîsen Pst-n anîd nut-i catentis, unlreedented in t-eht-îît- y f .al- l rasa, ru lmiiho tîd- enî- to .',îelî i cnb noedti uttejiarnîtsd an cuntry, anti iili, ne doubt, ast-enish lif0 ad itoitîîpinesa te the ctitd. tI.itur-thti iiany a reader. uctt fIuenttirsdv U h-1té tie unoces- Loe - - -4*- ity of ieselGodf'nt-'s Cordial aund ther i imîtluurnce (OGmpeutes. i i jutnîiurianarcoeufore riuge lildyu.îil.Wt-î t-r s-ovu, ns ws emire t«ei1rovet iee ct:tditiou cl uiraicee, to proeun-a 1r. Mo)rses ;Aimnansd Fi-cm (lthe .ltoiti-eal Gattfe. - rt-ad hon- dtoas-s are c-ai-,] n aitco-ee with - ~~~~~rahies las-s w ittui iioiýemit iitanilait. Wcare ho rocelpI cf a cireular f1ror thbe ucîAc- - Dtiriug thiis cniiocul pii-ct Morse's Induiuun Itiot Ils wil: ho reibuiruu, bt-- Life Associations of'Scotbaiîd, it-icli has re- cause t-boyetiniethue body fi-oui ticalet4ourbid centy stahhislued a lit-ad office frn Canada hîunîirtl. iii] uhtrotugh iu v ie aa alIýUi in ourc-lt-y, anti lias aise exteniie iils opor- oneu t c to' tioso Pills, talc-ui t tition thice dtios boltte whicle of Bt-lt-lsi Nort-h Amen- t-inos a w-tolkdornug pregicuos-,y, wil ai uelmeh n-hc- u-e enveseît-rauale notlier a aAi- andio t-I~u.attit iil1 ho icafront ichw ersuom aual re t-e 'ýVee ashouit ndlîealtîy îoait o infrmtten. 'Nonne gladt -esec t-bat lte f~ tile ut- entio cft-lt p-uuîlccf i-et B-itm l tr. Mct-ae's lindian Root Pilla arc sottI by aIt atetoI ftepol fGetBiani doaters iu Medicinues. non- direct-t-i more activly to Canada t-ba bitlutrtcantin-eshiai occo: To PAt-i-s-Childuîod, flim ntet teuder than itheto, nd w shal w c, as rnionouf cuir existence, la genienal]>' moii eg- e.mîiilcnce of tluiutthe establishmrent cf firt-uit let-ied,atid tliouisanads of yoîitlîdice evry year tls ntttosanns us-sucb s hefroinuiiogltet of 1tientit t-utitetiste toanly date iîtttotonsaiiigct as ICsyciptonim e cft'îleaséë. Elveryparent ist 1be one lu questionî. 'Ne obenvet-bat thbe w-eh avrare t-hit luetîdtehis, dizzincess, sick ste- Ibocks of t-le Comupany close ori t-lit- of m,ianLt-c]torgue, etc., iduete a dîsended stonîaelusttd blood, and moule violone lit cf sick- Apu-ii next, tandti-at* entranuts bt-fiîn2 tht-uasut se-un foutu, if the cause whiiehi gi yes in itacte muie]iyuî bcis eiot ut once cxpellcd pet-,lt rauk as cf one year's longer standing front tlie systein. Ilbm cniniiîal, lsunefoneis il t-alunbat-en entrant,,;. Tht Cimainry bas, for parents tu negleet bbc luesitît cf t-luin chllît- turing t-le lest t-îmee yers clone, ess-ediare sawei Éate à ru l'ee vsielof bpat-ds cf t-lune tiotusauti lires, for mnore lipending disordent Theszi nilti regutabte tlaun a niillicnand.a.blf'potnnds sterling.Plsatou>clsetm ttnsliaiboo lt-s lîîcomuîisî£1'25,000 st-g. per annur.- tien îitb he OForeotWine ilite-,faiy, oltI standing eolda ncoihn 4n ai eý lt-bas peut t-o t-be fainilies of assnred, ince seofeiuà a affecttous, audot ierôharouto dIeaes. its esteblishînentL, £203i857. The profite Dr. Msdsey*os dverttseraeut nia>' bc acon lu appollecolci-t-yyeart-opdlcy ol-another colunto. acaprioe r ea ôplc h lV holesaie Agent-s li Tronto»-ymmmBrus. dens of five years' standing, the share of & Co. Kingstcon-E. W. Painer . 1 eac beng mamdeo t- t-einlu edutio cf At- retailis Wlîitby b>' W. f8.lRoinson snd eachbeig hndedto hoi in edutio ofail respeetauleý Drugglsts anti Metiteine Y)WOrs t-hein ennuai prenaitis, £ild fr taîty in Canaida. Sole Fropnietor, G. W. liais.>, New years t-ht premi ums have t-hus elonu reducoti ank, t-o lesa t-bau tio-thîrds cf t-hé tipulated TiFt G ZTaa- IOGIHt uwi-SeJne ainount-. Polio>' holders fer £1000 stg- or Odo&;t's a w Fcs >â<maPiO ..ÃU&ins upirarde, may aliow hait cf t-h. preraluma tino 4ký* P4#A r torranupi at interes4,ÃŽndpay fÉ tdixsai M Il , 315w<ssm O>' the liraI six yeens ouly half t-ho suicunt 'Ths invâaable znedoine la nwUfaiing inuths Tht ompay hotis uI eothe~ gral d cure of ail (hoe patulafnd au.iuerom 4sae Vi omayhod utaohe rta-t-o whiélhe f6eraiec t luaBbjt. mco"- at xessattirenËtofalobstrue- vant-age as efter five years, if thé fLit Ère. -OOmOP tIons anda « p *ly a-%rqra>'b. reptiet ou- miuna liasbeen paiti up, t-he policy il nôt T rn â,-4i VA'Iait 5pahan> tfeI ~7 I. -'i h ...-,-,. . NEWÂDETSKT. RUTHERFORD & SAUNqDERS, BE(; te informn their ciltomerra and the Puib- litlîat tliey have rocitvod The Firut Importatidn of Spring Stock. 52 & 54I<isg Street Wesit, Toronto, Aprit t, 1815. 12 Lectures at the Mechanic@' Institute. T Wo IECTURES wil bo dolivcred nt the liai] ofthe ,Mûcifnies' Inatitute, un Tliursday & Friday, April th & 91h, MAJOR 0-ONSTABLE, [Lâte of lier Mij-t>e lon. Eimt IlidC 'o.] SUeJFl ET.-Thursday Evening,-Tbo Rieli- gions of Iredla. SUR.> ECT-Friday Evening-Mantiers and CiitoinN of th lie inden. Admission to hlein1ei-m Free. Nen-t;thecri- hen, 7314denari,. Lecture to <utimctice nt hif- ' Z" lie O (tonral Coinmittcewil]mt a t the close of the Lectir. 12 NTORE13 TO LET. yllAT Storc lately oretied hy W'. II. Toei, A1)ruaZiit, on Brock Ktret, know ii as o ineclû f>itduoA. o the Sal1n,, itc!ycccil ped b,% csuVanyke, whoii,, il,,,- ry ht:]6l slt1ýcrüt1o,u*111 iiijocnet. nciloevSoe A cnfotatc )wttlawitt to .lot,lt ii fi i o rdt '?cO ppi.% 4'oniuîeatl- 3sti I 2>AMlth5 IV.%l.h5.XCIt, lah , .>pnt 1-m.litAr --TO LET. Dinig lînîî it(ieî Si1Cinrt re to TJIlliLlt-CINOW 1101 SE i lielunis opelle i~.î CLOTHIIqG STORE, O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i I tir iu it tiii-i ni-- D uc-ir u-r. -ut- ti u1-1mt.ate h i l ;~rte >1-unElic-l tu :-ciiurti nc-vd. la M. (>)RISC(EI in <iIuus-, îil, 15 t ASSII;NEE'.G NOTICE. _ LI, pet-sons itiIi-it.u hi the IRital tf . r u ecti.tlieri-11 noit-ec-, (initbontir NtIort- ul ie, mîtusî tttitii,ti ut. >'on fh-. Anild ail hioiiu, iaviuuzî-iitîs t t ull PaEtatea-i!li >-leue lîuîîtiii-ceouit, i t the fintalîeo f Juttie fy Aizè.nt foru the Aeatgiteù, 13 rook-liri. MR. JOHIN WILKINSON, ,e a B (Startr i tt.niti-tac partiî-ulgin, firttuiir viîluaillc 5,r- vies tnt saîiug bis effi-ots fruîn,îtlt- I-Ais-, li miales t4, inufîrnus the Pubhlic t-bat he h iis in ontictuti t rtiiiiionin- mi. tip oun i (saisie- prirîîsé,, î icoli c cîuut1 eîîtas o ii] roui]>-tu st-ive thin i u i) slnII-s act- tus liAI'C11MAK Fi & JEWELER, &c., WATCHES AND JEWELRY e -uni , t lî:ite til extiiii. the:u r Building Iat-niaI, on thIi, hat t ibti-raiterntis. *847,68 J TO LET. TlP bsnt,- luiviîg boîîgbt t-be stock iii inrale, an u] isiuosfomit.-ly ownt-t andi cltre> on b>- Thoiousim iatI, in the Tono f % NS-ltb,, frnitnithe Aa*sigtiees to bis o.estii ofi'er ti1;ew mile sic- k for sale, initui]ing IGold and Silye& Watched. Jeaultny uii,]Fuine>' (iiii]of sen>' description,r &.i,]Ua%'env largoeî~i i BOt)KS & ST.%TlgNERtY, S(IllOOL BOOKS, l'alleruicrangig, &c., &e Uuainug pstrcbîa.sstthoot eute g t-etreuuoiîont fernupsuc-l -"- INflitCEMENTS TO PURCI4SERs, a.4have ue-rnbei befeore d he puble in JOIIN BEALL. N.B.-Watdcluee, Clt-oksandu iJemeler>' dean- ed ant reiniircu-. Wiîth Clastea fitted lu au>' kint cf Watciu -JOHN BEALL. Wititbiy, Mareli, 185R. 8S COUNTY 0F <)TAnO »1 Y VIRTL'E OF TeNYr. -:Ja Wiit of At- taclînnerît ilescéi ont of Ileïr Ma.iealv's Cout-s- Couit, of tue Ctulio f <Otaiol, datà he tendu uhiy t- Xart i, uthe s-tanofcîîr Lord Onet tisc- saoul ciguht uitinreilatid fftv-elguit.,tentue direct- oui, ag&insi thte esîste, niai ;w well as lues-s oacf AARON CAINS, Anî ahaseouding or cuincealéd à eblten, nt the suit cf.Joel1li Nîîtrse, for thé seni of On-6 lidreti atnd Titirtu--aitreuî Dellaui ,ant i lftv ests, t have méQizejt aitlte oets-, ial as mcii as person-- ai, cf ttei oitiAarci orair-, anidnilAs e bMslt ,A-nn caimm etnete sitisiltht, juriauietion of the- sîld Court, atdîti n lsbail btnteactiou, on t-tutststht- manne t-à fe diÈcharged. mitin h hree ueuidnâ omilis, aleh t-t tf, t-tiIasno'211ifs luensinal, cf t-he îdAtiarnusCamus, or seoraiebi Ihereef as ter ha neeeasa i-y sI a leJdltià hble t'or tht heniefli, pà yrmeuit onr5tifactiôn of (lue snit elaiiru, or cf sucb ot-lene-Jalurif eonîlilutiffst, cas sd1 or na takeînnooec Ings agalUst tiseujln- pertu- suid cffjts oîft j e sutiA-u-eu Calmat, wtt-- uu sua uioudus cof t-tut nsuîng of tire aboie w-m-t. NELSON G. REYNOLb!ý shelnie (C. 0. Per J. L. B. P. Rbeiills (Ifile1 IVhiîb>-, Mrdi 21Me1858 Iil A I, ro-aare hereli autiouned frousac- certnuga' Bi! of vichange Proinussor>' Notes on Ori r fu or iteîS- Un Gouetison sccout of TAýIc- & Fo WLR, as liseeaon Cent-i-e tira foi-rlteconsarruiolu cd'j(le ie al-t hoe, Linsdi se>' snd Boas-ci-bs» Rslhwisyor lthat portion tuiereof extenmîing frous or k,>'mu5b'.tweetslits VillageofMittbroek, uintthe' usi 1ip of Cas-an, lu thîe Ceouit>'of Durhamn, andti hesTown cf Po ,kto-bononnigh, signeti b>'the liruni inIÉ'"Tai4m Fumier,' unlest-le sanie be stigutuit ath t-ls usmes cf eeh olthlie l'artrnsGei#bTaté ,n a John Fomler, in teir ut-n n hfi ifintluýastbe unt-iguel! ill lu no casse hoid hiraaelk rsu;. peusibie fu- tie peymemalor cf at>suc bwDI, Note os- Ou-tn -- Por M1i, Mre 2 GEORGE TATF. Port !Tô, Mmb 218. f 11 A-as P %lop. ec los d xaiiiuer of' Petenhorol, Star of'Cobur, Pooet ËBea-et-, ,anti Tintes, cWlafby 12u sud=02 chargeto embu->i' tinti BTJTCIIEJISSMEÂT -t S UPIPLIED lpaut-seiDft tA,-Wn, b>' 1h. CHARLES BRUME > vietuUe Wtli, Mailu80, '1858. 6 YAN1CE; NOTI0N S§ton& nODEY'S J, - - Atmm FîPî~,ras~, jtt~SEL LING OFF! kJLL1IN OF An exeellnt rIl fIlakTîdaîly> txjîcct- etI. Wleeand (1,on,.<.d le4,bet qualitie.-. Liverýpolsund Caniadienthsoaps. Stganrs. Tobü(u- zs, FlrSait, CendiesRicelIîntey, (tst:îeil,AT O T P I E B r2a(LkeliButter,'Appfei&(. LeioiniT C ST P R C daily expet-ec<, Crockery, China, Gîassws$reg &o.9 &c. -VIL AIse, the largest sud mes at uict stock cf Cenfeetionu lu in te nty of 4litario. High- et p neuo pai"for A 1îjts, P tt. s, e tg Fo i,, 1~R ~AP EL ROSS J'OHNSTON. -ItnTo RrrUui\fiTRNKS r rTo TîR ',I î)uu-r NESANi TUE PUBLIC Whity, oc. , > <c'47 t"iGnîîhly lor i îsit lavor.4 ciii wout I -y tlt ýi te thetigit ciiusli the ocy Market ti ey haea large-Stck of 71 GOOD FALL AND 'LWINIRB' OB T RY T 11E' PENITENTIARY DIOOT ND 11110E StilI on lianti, andl wti,-li they arc d itcniiîîed toi st-l (irit a griai sac-rt-tTc for C.îsh. The Stock STORE, o1isâoLe1tc4 n iw-tsybo BROC K STREET, W ItTBY ttti aiith 1t2t uIii-etsi-5c H URBIARD) & ('ARPENTER nttiirn tliayiks. Drese Goods, Shawls, Nanties, Purs, Flà innels, Blankets, fin tht lange shirt o«patronaeu-it, wthiicti th ae iai-tle tfat 'red milice t ie olieig ot-t u- Faceîrys, Tiî-ingî, Stii tinig-i, (Iarliots, 1)inatîkm, Fur Ccjeîsr4 'dItats, aboi'e eelabtistunietit l the Tow-:nof1it tf, MN'ille tiîing stt>tîev wîtutlllti, atettitat t. T (ravi-,i!!tst rueuived *largeiaddutions tu their ILL] BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, YFULL CLOTHS, 8.&TINTTS. and Ninter ttot~ f Iic 8 i t-s' îî:î G etîittl i____________________ Boots and Sh os, WC w )uld catI sut-cutI attention te Otur Stoei, of seq s-t-l ias elarge supp i-un~1>~t,, t-ildu1tîAor '- - ~~,- tht-jr pensuieînpwint e at-P tl-"t, the', îbîftotGatti , &r.l, n cv Seerc-jv NVhîtît,--ale atîtu Rt-ttaîi. Country uus-tt, tgin t-! reiîitiîtendîlte atIundxaninj ht-Stok. A ;i(Iiuinp uiale up ('n1 tii- î.rou iss, iw îtlîki vet-> Iiavy, and muit bu scîti. do 'îrince pull of d pfi-th uci,,i 4-'e (a Il tiifou-e p1iichtîsiu2j.u2-Iiwitce, ils lt til-I flngaitits u-ull tic g,-et efu il tu NO SECOND PRI E t I N. Bi. -Parties hiaiu iigtiir aic-i ut-oit-t-ediuo, anc roîjuistal ttueut] îand settle iiîîyruediately, TO Wtilthy, Aiguet 27, 1857.SA1V83 <I t,21dIlxtr.19. 51T N . Y O R K A D V E R T I S I N G , M ,E N C I ,_ _ - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SI LAS L- FO>R('£, t'ro~ittc. Office-No. 48 hludson StreiJ Newr Youkh. < -." AI)VEItTISN ilo ', F inU aipartsvif theîe siri) uT.Sr. -èd att-ilAù. andt ronitîpi ittiîn'--,. c4dt-. cf ilie vsnious Mhia-in- -îu~iîî~iiIaid 1 . Printiug SiaterÃais lursnished i à oui huort îitt-t New xtFNct- Nw Yr Tius -,Ni B1i tL- PAINTING, PAP ER Ti A t N( t- (LAZING, &et p I f.LIAM D EV LIN IL O N R B R S PAINTFht titaxoîr, Decocruton &c., (cî,im-n-ii S cia] IBuildinigs, over i laiti on & Rohertx .stent, tint k Street, Whitbv, inifornma thet ii biîîîîîu f thie Towni of lVkiitb>j and r-u tha ie l nimw lîrepartd tu unilejake al Jol> - In ttheI- Palntiiug, tPaper HanKingGllaziuig, &c _ ,on, w i s-CcMî liu hue .-tît-h.«tte , nd - 0ti noot-brate len. AIl kiîudm cf Greining, Lette riu, &é., (lette w i th ai-uc-ureandti uatuesh. bani. l'aPtintà cf ah Iintis kept constanîîly en r-O1A11 a-cik exceuted iiha a sitsfiteo-ry nman- lhithy, Octeiter, 1837 - 4.y bAily .-. . . .STAGE VR1!E BROIUGHIAMT<) FI' 'Nf'IIMAN'S FRît> Station, on tihe Gra-nd T it liusÀili-cad, cîoocectîng mitit hue W- Moriaing aud Eveutng Iraina. fCk JAMES H BBRD. Itovember 8rd, 18T)7. 42 BAKERY AND CONFEC1110ONARY, WIViTIIY. tloLE5ALE! 'AND uic--rIm.. c-iE iersigied ta >urýit t, pply Towrn I sitF <kiuinîrr custouuos -ttiBikery Cutîfte- inucr.v cfucllkhids, cf tt lho t q . i OROCERIES AND R"SO , i barge surd fuît stock-. Lookla ut it laina cînnupane Yf al kindâ, solti ihol-ate lty - tîhelitaon liotiusamd. Apeilgent for tse "e f Oyslum îuucsi b y th îs ýn 'n o r k e g . - - - - THE DAILY 0LOMfST, Printeel ad Pà blhed evry Morumg, (su-DîhkXC EcPTEL),)u BY GEORGE RHEPPARIY & CO., Kisr. ST1E5lM TOROPO Price.peur nore, Six iJci-, sculsb at leas8 thi-c moublus in adrice; lI 4ellvried r, subsorihora lu Toi-ente, et SEVEN PENCE B IF PE2TNT P R WEEK, PAYBLETOI= EW& ad TERMS 0F ADVERTlSlý-T- Adtltieuiitts, final inettiiin,j>eper O4 6& lccit subdequteittuit c tiei0i No adi-ertiseet sSill biebanged, iýcn . thse finît insertion, loisttan .... 2 6 Or for tuahsuibsequent lcent-ion. .. . O071 .&iuentisoments oendtiby tise mth, mi eoar, wilUbc iuaertqd lun(lie Dlly *etid t-lrlne. Ail stiventisements ortieroti for thti Dai exil- tien wl b. e nb ltIi heTri-weshi once. Ail cmasal advert-aiennsa ugt e pai foi who odt. leAdveïltsemeutewillotîuittlen Instnue- tiens, te-lubcoiu*eted 1111 forbîd ati ~d éled amcntiugly. tIeonders for dioeotinuinig atis- 1-liefcts tein w-rtg-ti i an IludspebIé rigu- a o m. - I 1 b C P~Whitlîy. iIHAMILTON & lBEIIIS, BROCK STREET, WIIITBY, T UITNING TIANK'S TOTIIEt LSTOMERIS IN TOW N AND OUSTRY, FOR THE d nprt-il a mucoe-Ilsaud i eic-traierrtntthey havet rocea'.td ainee, ooninenseing (iîiîe5~ g te i tir n t that tht-y liavé reiited und willTho%; be fuund carrying on theirr ctetuiivc business, ini DRY GOODS, CLOTH1NG, GROCERIES, SEEDSý VINES ANDIPIÀ" IUN ln the abov e Stores lateiy cected by Mn .Wullutur riil, FIRSI BERICK BLOC1K SOUTH' 0F THEIR OLD STANDIé LI.&R. OFFER TRE REMAINDER 0F THEIR 1N R STOCK OF,.JLRYGOB preparatry to, reeeî'vitg théir Sprng Importations, Brock Street, 1bhitby, Feb. I1858 NEW HARBWARE STùOOL ruliE SIubaor%.ri he to tntimatc to thetr customnersansd the public generally that they bave jreautmed busi1ness iii CALDWELL'S NEW BLOCK, BÈROCK STRE' South of L. Il. Sclîofield & Co., ivitl, ai new andi splendid Stock or Shtll' snd. eavr Hrwae wlieh thev art deternîincd te et-Il ut priâeii to suit the cimes. They would latet partiedisir atten. td n te thicn Stock et1 India Rubber Belting, Cross-Ouit, Oircular and MMii îLWoe Bslopan1Bnd Iron, &(,., Peintî; Oilg, Glass, Putty &c., Cirpcntensà ', Joiner's and BlaI1~ sutthaTdlsPtsedWare, Table aQd Pooket Cuticry, &. e Tlis balante f tieir BRNT STOCK they arc selling nt any price.. J1. S. DbOXALDSON & C.' Wlidtby, JýaI H,1~58. 5 Late Golden Saw. it IEF sevenel Clenke cf-t-be Dis-ision Coumits Tv't-iin tueaCoutyo iiutriq, and the Cierk d e l lv hiit -é n ie s nic b a e o U u s a n ti en e- r u , s ud n t subh i houe as lii.>'have hereufore been bo)unti >bu>'lau t-o dotte .Tnasttrenoftliri seli>Ceuity cuti aise te etceouni for. and psy curer te nie aul foes, fiues acuti uuncys nrele ub>' hibra as ashClenks, as pros-iticti 4-t-hé stabute, 20 Vie. Cal59.51t Magstratet ftesBi d Conîntv are al- s eO hereb >' rquire ti to e iver te m e a i f uo a- t-mns, recog n zaii eos, o n licn l îph i l iti l -her P a- e- e on necetl m ith ctni7ual ii tgeýs, nenete- t ore retusruiedt-o t-he Clenk of t-le Pciulxuipttnsu- anst hote he t st-st-ute. -1- W. M. TREMAYNR, 7 ~Cunty A~ttorney, C. O PARLEY'8 BEST BLACK INK. VlERY best art-icin l use. Wholesaie sud ituil b>' ROSS JOHNSTON, Wiîtby, Dée. 0, 1857. 147 lsled sintlo etitic ~eav- ig rentiosat allrt-g. qtt-a dre-isoed t-o ýWhitty, Jan. 9, 165. - 1 t higliet price itl be -aiin> mCsh b tie uii ers (ut hil N EW' SO Brooek Stret, W lltin>', econd door aouth cf th' peuitentlsaJteîanti 1stbc8-ro,»lt -Old ÃŽ.2 i c 1?EIffurYs REAL ESTA TE COLUMNe, DESIRAI3LE 1NVESTM]F'NT. $6001 $5009 $400, tb300, $200, TOWN, VILLA, AND PARK LOTS, Lots fur Busiuiemm Purpesos, anti LOTS FPOR P]RI'ATE RESIDENCEli tOtSALE 0< '"L - Towni of Whltby, Conuty cf Outarld, FSIT'or BROOK STREET. - L OTS Nu. 14 and 33. Eamt f irock Strcet sud South cf lollard's Hotel, ia vutuebli, r'ropenty coxttuuddig froîn Brui-k tu Penny Streetâ.- Lots No. 177 antd 18o. Esat Bide of lBrook Street, Nonîl cf Polland's Hllxel, -Parties deisir-' ithe principal jt]-bt In tht Tewn wlYi hmtcLot, ,,l sîtuatei. -Lots 203 sud 204, a corner bltck unnMapieân4 Louts 71, 72, 78, 74 77 sud 78. Thtsd Eighlt lotrt are lu oiie'Bltstk, Itound-liyFerry and Ches:iut andi Aslîi Struetô: Lo,.t -7, M'est of l'enry Str et, sud 'iiretly op - pesite -the Steînî FÉlour MitEý L"tuî 64, 65, 66 67,i> 2 83,8-, uJ,Fandt 'f t'erry -S'treet,'anti acjoining ti-StanMit pro- penty on1 tue Northt. Lo-ti Nuolt, Enst of Pînny tîtrect. TIhis Lot. iki weII ft-îîced sud cemise iniiîrovesd. Loe 104, 105, I11 and 1'19, hotuded by Cên- tic, We'jnut and Kint Streetm., ruie.se lots anc tltightcîiiily mituatstl, anti hîavi:îg a street cil tlîrou etdzbq, ans ivaî t aditîphtu buiIdinig pur-- hittus. Lots 1?4 t-ni 12,5, cerner of Kent andti JoIin 8tret-us. ,1 Lot Nu,, 15litS Rt tçf Kent îStreet, antd but à f,,w rodn 6Nontb uf'D).ndûsStreet.ý Tht ftinegoig eî-Ioj~icts .8wtre salecttsdfrôu1 a lange nuiintr, aitt hb. -l ti0w or liohldiu therte -asaisuvetiîîent, ht-t s'rl,uwoq%.ffered f(un'-aie te finatty wiiid iltsa lange trailnuéii Lot 214 .....nice .........$27CI 'z-f. ..... .. 2t( Lot tlt -Pic5 160 -' 23u -160 Il 34, ci 41 3 1, .. .. . -'. .. .. .. .. ..2 Lo 6 ... ..41 ý......... 2dE Il~~~ -6..... l...........» ci . . .. . I l . . . . .. . . 8e 60- Prte* c-----------......... Lots 89,-O 81.35-8- - - -25, 00naii nerl 7--.e251 à 1 wl b sl ch 7p i.on "blck nearly n ce ud - rllh o Oe- tefitpyble netWiDeotcmeadtiti 1.pans aniid sII rct uldingUs1t-leersn on pb,'las ad pathcuans1858. - Property on Brook Street-For Sale oi rîriO*Nq LOT No. 8,Eî*t side of Enock Streuit ILbii tifl uiý,t vièt 1 tit îoi-th iof the Rega- ltîy Oflice, 49> féct f1rit end à 1M fhtdébp te à Line. Lot No.6 fcnmneriy eccnpiud b>' Allin' i'ry St11ajble, %rckt ree , satine size as'No.. LFei Buines tt thosu Lots- arc c9îial tjantu id Town, and 'ill Itbe soîd onu mio4 e&ssou;bld terni's tepartit-s- wiîtl bm4ctgood t»Uen.of Bnieck BuildingLion theuru. i 1- -.Tb ULese. ONEo HUIXDVRDox FrFoutaeou Broock Sreset diro-ctly epposiife IBryanls htotet," te iftcrm o f 71, 14 0r 1 eets, lu psu-cel of 20 feuet ftouiati and upids.à i TO SE TTL;ÉÈiIfo iLE E. FOR a tarin of 8vïi br'Nine ýYiars, Seveà Lots f 1"d of ONE IIUNJâ)RD ACjîS EÂCH ln the Townaluip cl' MÀEA, Cuùnty cf )ntaig The Laod la of the flnrstqua]ity, lathat T1own- ship. Mongy will b. advanced for the orection of farmn buildings, -and if xequired, the,*è cun have the nghtto pnrchasostthueornuinau of the Leas. -J. HAM PERRY, Whit>y, 9th mSrch, imà . loue and Lot on Byron-street lor Salo TrITE flous. and LUt on Byron Strct, coon .Iaining one qnarterof ac"2, atiay .,,u.i pied by B. F. Perry. Verms reuonable. ,ATTAC.VERAPRL Whtb, rdMrcOP8 Farming Lande-,1 To*u- Letà Assigne.oftthe1 Tofers frsale t-ht tel Estatei, oamit piies ltait tu llur.hmooe f R ~ Pèrry' valuabla Mail t. nos No wwitby, ,IA'NT I3ALAMANIDER YlFM 'Q of auperbor qnality, and one lil CHEAFR T AN »W M RTEDI ,Madeeollalszes, and ftted up te sithe pur- For Sale b> the Sole Agent-s. t wls SON ,loronto, Mat-eh, lu@M.- - t-i 1 ;;;-_a Yîtk f-i- ..nci-e1 cf- lw--te- mS(i..i cli current Ilepiosits, it.ilipli-e altil: inluptîse tii t-li conîsidet-ation cf tîtat, pebr in Englanil. Thse Fuitts closeil fii-mly on Tumesday, a e sliglit ailsane. A fui-huer reticcîlon ii t-le rutt- fduiscount urus antie-ipatet. Int ii-Ales cf lnoitui otwspapers via Bon lia> t-o Fclhrtiary, utddsîuothui:îg iportun t-o tt-legrtipitic a- bcIut pires risc I tiope Ihmat favouradît- iîmt-ligoîee isoulti t ru-cois-c i l'y ot tmath. Il n-as runtîoc-t-etl thuat Nena Sc-hiib sia wcndeting aboui. tht cowtîlry %n itb a feu folîowerts il, the- last cxt-rc-ttiîy tif ltrto ('ttouail- tits t'xiuecte4 ru opten oi Luckitos-ouià tii- £fnil lctinary. Thcfe 7]ii:t mcail stc-uuic-r itt h'lisi littes t-ta Ft-lt-itty Ith,ut-rit c- ut utc-liz the lt il tai-ci. cii w-as a îurisonen on liuîurult-l T rî9ez JAMES RýTE.S N-t 'ývl;itly. 7. i 35 1 soptember l6th; 1857,