Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1858, p. 2

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yuii-, sa it 11< oi lInally toe tutruct 1.- Tino Dead'eSter Roturna show thn tni- - ~ -~ quently f fat aworae. Theo cost cf huild- The amount opf imouey ai-dors issuel ~ ~ ing anI keeping up bridges freintise pointi during tRi, year es-ded 80th September, Cr, > seleetel by Mr. Simpson-snch, bridges as 1857, was £8518,026 S&. 4<1. -on whijclithe à ir~ ould nt impoSe thie fro. navigation af ctanition accus.iing toe ho'vénuesa 1. ~'{ .. tise lake--irould ho sonethingsoeonorucaus £917 l d.,~ wbiie tIhe cot of incluSe- ~ 0'~i~ "-tuat woapprehool Mr. Sinipsnaa'sclseno nance ofthie noney ai-Soi- branchi sas -- p nuost fail--freun ts oSier iuupiaeticability. , l ils.4od On finis heal tIhe report ~ .The Goverrnient bai-e alreaUy issuosi Dc- scys,- %à.u~ bentures undor the Municipal Loan "it sbould Rie borne in minI in i-d'or- t- r 0" -t'î; Fund tothe Municipalities cf Port Hope, oc 0tei nflinyc ieReveonue 0 Hope, and Ope ta anid the construction of~ share cf the commissiens te def'ay the Expndiure1ha thut 2 r the ?ortS Hope & Lindsay Railway Su the Epientueofthatitugio1nthe yct oci dl q g I amount cf one niliqn ou dollars. M plur sae.fLIisistttin te Sof muanagemenut may oxceel the incom o- ~ u ~- Smpen' eCeo ioul h in direct coin- tainel froin it, a large equivalent foi' any ,Sinpôn' shem wul e * a ol poition to thue Port Hope & Lindsay Rail-tuîprr ofceylefndb heo- ~ wa, ad b eiiuu Mr.Simsons ieaUvenleoco lorivel by the public frein tuu ___________ ,an byachseSe(iîcont weulU i simpîyonduse cf the systoin, and in tIs e hnofits (o scem teGoermntwoldb smpythe crdinnmy 'Mail transmissions uuhicb z setting up tire rival prejeets to compote flew frein thie substitutionu cf money ore ~1 ~ o- , . ., ~one agaînst the otlacu' ith os-rument te se largo an amouint for romnittanco in ruc p- - ufnds ushl eSby sseuid îike'ise hoc de- Batik ndSe. W ~ crmrou'aSng tFe evaine ocf tue sccurity tRacy "tnder the camefuil manage-ment of Mu'. a Ilin-icltisLesuiesîr, tIe Suprintcnulent cf the Money z o p 0 C hlcîlfoi- lic ativni-es Su the Mni j ltisOrdtii- lrani-b, ste Monoy Order huiiuess 'ut - ~ ~ E s i antiouîed. j as heemu e'uauducted withicuit frasmul or luise <~ ~ : ~ Meeing f .of mi- kind uip to Suie puosent monionS." Meeting" of Boarif1cool TrusteeN. Z Théh o- ne jeiiuyo i folcising arc theue sS-t.fics in flic Satuul1iCounty cf Onutario,candire 'give fi-ca the I - es-îuiag iturtuan Se otie ettueChîam-report the atuacunt puid for salaries, cotu- NeK AdvertisenienIs tans oeku-1e. Allue menibeme préent. 1nissions, t&c., Se thie ostmat#r ofc ach for New dveriseîîeîîs tiis wek. The sîîbject cf fuuSlaer sciacol accoino-j the yecr oodiîîg 30tiiSopteniher, 18s57. gamner uocuds-I.wes lîuiCi.dlefion esas consiîlcreulanti discussel, enultAltoric----------------------£8 2Lu Fturoculu, mlis, r-.-Lcov& PoI. crsuîiu enecnmiuiei as-ltAnslsibuin te 30Jumie, '57, sub- (Ireeres, M'nee &e-Lwes& arésluton as jnninotily assd tat accoîlots noS ecisedi. . . . 9Il11 (irockgry.-Loei & îuuîvelî. anyfsrthemsi-f ooc commnnodation Se bc Athferly-------------------Il1 10 5j Auction iaicu.J C. Stinig. îrovidfcd shah bc aStlîuut part cf the Town ..... .......uiil1------------- )i9 Greent'ood Fui.- "i ýcrisS cofthie Sharitl. I Beavs-rton-----------------. 58 9 Il B.Y-Lai.-J. H. Peri-y, Mias-un cf Wî)itrSv. 1 hi-cik........... 51 2 ol House anti preixlilsed .finWhi %lvif- ts..iI.- j r. Brouin mccciitiuatne schacol aco-ca--------------------------- 10 Il 1 îîoîliutioîiîbce 'vide " ' i-thecunse-ut rkiu----------4811i - Il. W. Chaurk, M. D. of hera Sue iBrougham----------------- 15 14 9 spécial X3tinebi f thie Ctvutnuics Ceogt ........ ... 18 '2 Melui-h.jMi-. Bigelocv scconîeil hi' Mr. Cordioni Cîrreaunt ................1 5 IlI f Maret Stalle. toenui-Il. YViioll. Tcusi-ui(li. ioi i ituiu ieedm n'nîettChaît the uucrcu'ai- Cîuiinîbtîs ... ..............1-7 2 7 Cuid.-W'Vin. To iNi-t . DI,. uisliaiva. jorit.% - ble ims-itcdsocas ic îuîke tIt- e.- ibuairton-----------------Il'IC) 13 Notice Court of Quarter Stc..stiou.-N..SG. îitc% - scihtioiuî i-c- niurority of' tuce fce rs ......----------------12 9 21 l'lîi .l,-ih-- .i Te auuc-dieiit seas huisf on thé castinug G e-îaî----------4 1 f) Brougiuanu Steam iMul, &-.-T.J. . ..Lou'cnier. vosce of Sfche ; miuuii . ein-oii-Odl-------------------il a I Fortst Wiie.-c;. W. ltlNcy. j Yea-,---Messm-s. Bigehuîss. Gordon andhjK itisgle--------------------4 5 :3 * Oiitiunut and lPilIs.-Tiioi. lvllhhcîiINy. L tle iuaskuIule i(fi-ena Ist Feu ý,'57) 2 Periiiaii Balmi.-IS. S. lI1.gcc. N--es. SIicr, hli-psu n andc Mc- Manch'ester-------------------- S Cure.-Dr. Tanblety. , leruuott. 'frra-------------------------2 Ol Nom-e-i-oui auui Dpamurîat.Thuis concideîd the 1Iuiinese iefuue the ....a..------------1.8 1.' riauio.-I . Jplfhipsa.Board ui-suhiehu tfiuauijoli-uat-ui.j lickerinÎ. - - - - -..3::l 5 S Alcui iuti.-J. . iusei. ..- - jPort ie3u'-----------utO91 -~ptedd cr-.Ciii-. Uabrîuge (.mammair Scbool. 1agau------------9 3 fûttlige fr o -.lI-ris i. - (i-s-----------------------11)301 '[fî- Lxfi-iîcr(i-animai- Schcoi sva'<. cotS iisd4hAi. 5 lP ______ti____......................j 01, uiccs ies<< - mfs-,1t.Ih i st., îunuicr i-r------------t; 6 < cr- uecsinurispices. nI. Strachalnu Iit 'alln<ii t..r-------------------ru1 5 Il M.î fDluicul ina>i un oil'thue (5 n'uiuntnrIio, ý>]~<, aS 5h ý < << <r <Crer,.........-2 12 !j ('iuusi ion, s tPruincui, and sueare sure- s..îuin.c.------------7 17 51 i-Pti-î,- 13 188. tifiduIr lissfis sntfhie L'xbrid W b f----------------------- ...247 9 - ~~Grauuîruar S'lui nîst suî'cced, r cituu hâ --------------71, t - i hie-fermmes- te reansocunt cf hwuiuîess NORTIS XFORD.toc, uni ac-ninîc-uîî Igrce. lie s rcckone-d NORTIL OXFOIÙ . i r.tr.ui'ac ted ut the Whitliv P. (. isec haseýi McOuîgahl bas beetî retuî'tccd by a -Peu-sOs esriîgtehiase tfucir clîilîrem iunjoî-iSy cf' 212 e-- proupucuIv nutil caiefuifly rainr-di s-ildo us-Il 1 j S ucrtrouiife his Gramniar Sclîool. W'e Tite Assizes. shalhluic glati ofits succu'ss. t Josephu Gouil, FEsq., bas agmeeti '~Y pnhisî n'eor' cfthu prcc to Sb uilîl a bri-k Scimoci House andi Îè, intlais issue, c'<ntinuuc'I ronc iii- gi- Stfi-ce cf charge te thue Gu'amnacr in ust. In the Cuie-t'jutsticeis h iu'c--Si-hec] fi Uxbriîigo 'Village. If fie-cuiu'ies f ttcI' lnst weit-thîe si-u-cs " ciminiin t hcitls lrounseit à i.. more than wee offéemu." shoîil eadcin upi'tcsa fi w juoul expeet fi-oie hueii Sue cause cfir 11hu bllsioess cf' t1e C'cîcrt ilias lai-cii Ieîucatiouu. justc a Word tu) a env -Osur lPo4naater ic.; "'2 maiîîîîg offices bcsiue heSfcti-acusiemuf cflices of Le-sklalc, W'i-k, Grecuufazuk, Bri-k, NVrootncutiseuu,Canuiiingtomu. Qakwsocci. Valents'ne, Vicftcria Corners, Beavorten, Lut tleliritain, Femelon Falls, Marc, anuI osheru'officep, b muhilac is coapdheî Si.. foui-ard msails for distrifbution Se, attenîd to. Duruig tbe re-gistereul, 10,9>00 a'nî past ycar 8,400 letters iree (tlic tiumrihm ini1856 wusi up fo ldonfhay, 1Oth 'May, the gene tfrodgh i)5stexîîc-îitiuuîî M '- uîuoe1c idis-a ,10 uS-dc 1 l'est aster Gencnis Report. ueceisiug c penny a leter on cami leter etussidi'iig ut'itsnnrnsc miiurbt< cfi -i mesistered, theo Wliifh)v Postnumstcr re- civl euee diposcl ~îl~',fbsSRo jWc tuai-oon!','es-thin a foutew as bafl s civiliofscascle its;uet tu reprt cfthueiioou'-i-!cii-es juîst£30t c yccr-ctiulas, icie Draper is tuote ibfr lis îItiiu(-tsurlitv. cibli eintspecîcte rae potacfthe or - ;uîcîmîsîYto cuak-e itpacachi one cf Rus 22 point atnd pr'omptittude, as uc-clna> for a -Milis fcr fic bac-k lost-,Offii-, sus-thouit Ci" i cf C-anict, fuir tise year endfuîg Se-lt. the soundriese ofh'lis ditrtunn amîl uî- '30, 1854. Ttc eport isseif is rathor eciving a sing<le- cent. Whuiie- the businaess thra c -te 0ee-Ofien htyi, in es-ery swelvisug inipnrtirity on thelac li. baskof the l'estit ad i-ontaine c tst I B3eiore hRiu thelue Iisc--'m fuil mtin- aumouîuu cf!stritisticcai inf ,oruiuuîicun. r e-pect, nîuch greryr andthle <lties of tire puncsility cand bauiboozlinig se bu-t t'rouiit su-clearn that the itumlueu' cf;Psnatrîsr rdestu Sooo t Suc Port hlope Post-Olliie,-tfie Post- 'tiolglattainun2ute quise ont of' 1 Poss (fffiies iii eperation in 'Sel)tenber-, uîatrcflctc'îlercies£ta place.7 %vaus 1506 l.'lit1414 uiue-s cf tien- yenr foi- l'oi-svin imiluty-bile tuc Optaofe94cases on th (Ii' t . iu iuehiillc- dlei iifii hecr shtby Postuiiasrer miciicbct£l. Ou8tcf' a'nI 533 087 tmiles cf atilitiona ni u weire tried bc.fcre Jtmie, cou]verdihcts fMi es-lTrvdeifrsith a e T cWhithy hîocstoffiic suess cte-eightb dehivereMilhis bosiulcs tu c'foruttiuîruitheriotn. mîre u'egitorcsj IetSers in a yoar anduieven -business, iluculigli- tute As-4izos ciOSu-ul 'flue coînipau'ative yeariy pogress cf the iretiua'-ficstnthPoSOie aS 1lq o'cloc'k onuaSrturîrî-brving ,doparmnnSin -the main fectuire cf its c jcfPotn-ee eoOnttèmeul t thise nuo i(n thelii ditissua k sfiosun iii the foIess-iig Scable : New- Towsnships ;--Ontario or Victo ma. Tmesclayv proviens. àlany cf thi i' r . ez tried 1were imuporant, andtiti cited a Wc' îr'ceive tlurt, Mr. JonCulu anc. ooc e ~~~ ~- c i1 lienebcfrV godl-î sal cf iutc'mest. Tho Cou'trcnzezr rti lc s sbrfr Veou-n, r<rwas ercavîed c-rch clos' le L e"" ihics cbill befere thie Assctibihy t50ca- Me. Treîaase RurtInot rnch ci f an ' r Iex to hie Couuty theao miow ecnslip1s oppo't<seit tomak 1- i5liti italai i of Candon, Draper', Macrtlly, &.Be- Aket cssay as (LouriSy Attorney bc-for'ees îz c fr gatgt m.Cmuo' îî a,Superior Court-tht ciiaiint iciss ' s-eeseld csggett ecosc beiîîg-hîpp'dy, se feu'ansd cf so litylit t1 "r n e .' îzdt - e j hlossetoeoxantte naap ; and ,shcy a charaeteî'. Iniissistîiîg the Giramind slîpr-lCCtit it iu c l s- Juryueu~ pectîiii c'itlvuceIci sho a- - escf tîsose Towunsh'ips'itact of ae- e Cs- 5' ~ - ss ry bcldi-ected Scivai-das le shories Crown, 1Ëe bî'etght thens'fitluso cf Lcc'eaty icodrcy rtoft hie office t ers. 31r. Ilcctor Crain- cCL È.i)o-,dretycoticfti ci-on was sentlues-n as Cown Co unsel,'sme--on - j Cîty cdRatcîsquulti and performed the dîstios entrstel s' s. cnyc Otrownllctetu his, quietly and offîctivcly, cul mth f 5 County toices-ciisit iroulsi ho fou' the eut lusor. he i-ur ani Ii-ctcm -~ in M>- nieme.n iintemest et soeaat least cf thoso new pstrived by Mm. SisemiTtReynoils, c- ~ ' Townsiprs to be annexeS, linjoinisug asa4fa~ ossrîl ai-cttîatie intise~aos z - -- j Ontna'io tRac ichabitants cf the Northa- fbi-amuo' f tse rîtuuisItuiescf is i - -_________ cin Towsnships would ficd Ccunty oui-, o aI cicc. ctî, wciidcci s j - - ~ e ~buildings ncready built, towrtrds the construtiosi cf, which they coidd not the rmaiked couplimnhuet paid te the n 0 C'_ C - nna 8f~iseiiq of 'the Pr'ovsince~, by the Chic-f c jho ailed ulson te contribute; iin joi- -Jîtice le- lis change. Dr'. I11m, Rec ing Victoria Shey will liai-e te pay gistrar of 'the» Court latt oui-t thanks fo rtîc'qutaownshe uetin f hi ateiioD. u e n serenscal credit ton looking after ltie the ite'ests cf lis eonutitueota. Ut- i - ~ ~ . forttanately Ontarie INorth iandI Southl Ne'w Rond Sciseme. -is without a repmesentatii'e in Pan- < lininient, wbo cither undai-stands or The Honorable Mmr. Siopsen, ,ol B-es- The postage revenue colleeteldnring canes for its interests. -manville, us-ý, e are nfre c et un foottShe yecm amounted te £115,840 15s. 7jL 'ie Roal ,ac, inormeSChroncee'andS tise ToWet a odsciee wbh ie oexpecti teSucrry Tho ibursenicnte wree£151,205 12s. rnig outSshreugis tie assistance cf Oçivermnent. 0ýgl. Tihoros-enue eriel' froni postagePrtig IL laSut consti'ucS a oud fi-cm Bowmanuviiic fieli short of- She anîcunt uf axpenliture Tise Timer ieisapprehoends tise position te Point Ceosama cn Scuigog Lake,-ur-idge £.35,664, vilai thie Yec'. cof tbe prupniotoi-s of thie Clusonicle in reIs- tise ale fron t hat point te the isand, and The nid required- for the pregent yueei - tien Ste te Town Printing. NoS inten- a *so coîistruct a second bridge lm<acru the 80thi Sept. 18b8 is octisuiatedt £38,O0M. Soniuliy however s'a would fkin bolier-. imîcusi Su Port Huai-or, andl thon carry the Thse oxpenditume augmeurqd flftéeî per Tises proprietors oif tRie C/Ironicie du 'net road through Mariposa and Elçlon imto the cent and the Postal revenue uasueatwwl2a objSe S'tisa T/sua ieeiring the Town new Towrnsbip cf Cardon. Mor. Simpson per cent i0 the tmeure:nunth. elrertiemrexts.-and cli tither adventice-1 bu e goS bold of the Rees-es cf sumne ol' he For norS yoam enling September, 18.59, mentsie cn gètL. Theyzsiwpy say Su Site #url-ojsnng Towrnshipsasnd oxpeets if le estinatel that the pr4tYble rei-enune Toit asei~..uehave a conbiW ewsitRi thsrotugh tRir bolp Su carry euSt. lus frein postrige wii ha £150,000, and tise pro- you for loirigr the Toma PtIntltg -and ad- itne WRiether or icuilI susececd er noS bable neceseary dishursemeuita £178,0oo, urrt/a/ug for thie jear' 8>- took Stie -isqute thr qutestion. Mu. Silaspsnn's educing thereforo the deticit li the jear contract tS low rates boeus#er -*6itenle& eqoct is apparentAt a glance-it le iciet. ta £28,000. isy it Su secore te aur jouroal thui beeit lyý&ï-ndâxrte bulî up the fortunes of The total leter correaptideuice-witR tise of biing tRie exclusîiveediuan fer thseiîuib B UMvleastishe ezpenso of the coun- United States for -tise yecnamounteld Su -licatîtn cfyohai- dfficiai -advértiseuîent- Tb l& fbuilding tira, bridge i8,695 gaintt $1é2 958.0 tRie pre - Yen publiais your àdvertiséènuts btsana j1;<-s--4 e scugog appears cetinly -viens year. - - - tiser jeùenat as veli nasis, aaqI wiio i @OWLbing y e agaiflcenS; lesu o4îse, 'Tho use of postage stainps appears fte are bound by our oontract prices tisat otior wo4l tale ,vr ruagnificcuit sein gauanlly gainicg greuna, and, as tise re. journal isa et liboerty tSuhrge full pl'ice. lu iByte -kepluieýkind of purS squ, " encouragez tRohe potat it 'The is leh'oedy In teflng us tat' jota OdV wu- , usI nceSu*ry SueaMay bh o futaSpracticable ahS oxpediet wilyl ealy pythiootiser pàper thes cane r-bekimtheoust of oonstruo- erelomgtoe akeýprepaymosstiiysîptahe pice jou psy ius; for the.<cet of pubiia 9ý,couirse, dues nt Sprevcilig i-tle in Canada, aa it4s* ia oe»ilitiWsantt4papoun deprivu arnof t he a--' i ueR bridges as forB-mre timn it he 7itte4 ýllid; ies .vd ntg1*W$aSisau10'oB'4 n- --p4Xaotis te Lakte in l'ranceain r te. U àit <8àý1 ýùý ý bîg sa "mdu e- - W- . plyling ulr and 'At the dat of the kuiepo b o,jUj«y - t '"ný wJ :f ets- î itj *OntarLo Spring Amaixent,1838. took it back and threw down a york sil Bn q otralv&Bdmn <ka - suit . Hi for f~it.fthe inajority beiJ'g 7 or 9, 1 fort thich. ling. ýVerdIit r paintif £129 bis 8d1.Ci. Ham- Mecil- Dartnell for dcf rint With theloisis of 'thtis golden Opportunity (Reported for the Whitby OAremicle.) lilm. Thew sworn and examine..Saw ilton for plaintifla.Gordon va. Strene. Verdict tor plaintiff the spirits of the'Upposition havée illIen The Assizes terminatod on 8aiurday at the prisoners the day of the Port Pefty- L!nde i8. Roa.-Verdict for plaintiff la. in eJettniont Wilson and Billings for -Very much and I cannot see they wi1l have [12 oclock. As. previously intimated, the i'aC5,-.--55w thein et Port Perry in the N. G. Hamn, solicitor for plaintif[. plaintiffl Criminal business .before the Court w.s evening at a tavern. Tbey were playing Ban k o lpe Andav.Fibnae Tg#o a uv a edc o laintiff. many chabdés df raollying thein -feî the very light. The following were the only carde when ho saw thein-, hg (witnessi) <.-Verdict by consent for £378 168 6d. W. H; Trexusyne for plaintif. fe iit)ilbi r ecal e cases tried: played with Sawyer-saw a one dollar A. Rubridge, solicitor for plaintif!. Wright tg. <joeiran et al.. Verdicf for garded with favor. CXIL.piece like that nlow produced pass. Could Banak of lpper Canada va. 1feDerinott defendant. John Bell for plaintiff; Il. Ca- The Ngrth Oxford election isq the topic vs.EDOS D~y.Sxnrsc.-not say whetber that is the one or not-ade et ai.--7Verdiet by consent £202 Ds 8d. A. nieron for defendant. t RRGIN-A f.E a\ h»Y-S[OIÇ(. ilole in it, but before doing 8o,it got 1mixY Rubridge, solicitor for plaintiff. lJaireii vl s. Ilowland. Verdict for 1t day as it wns yosterdeay. The Gi-its The indictnrient in thiai case contalned three ed with a number of others of the igame Dingmats. Smith-Verdict by con- plaintiff £C6. I]2s Od. Macîloneîl à- Dartneil boast of a victory bcfore hand by ýa etî- counits, the first courit charging the prison- kind. Saw a man get a lot of theirn sent for jîlairitiff Is. A. B. Dougali, solici- for plaintif!;i Petterson &t Ilamt for defend- jority vsryiîîg fromn 250 to 750, but its ail er with slîooting wvith intent to kill, the Moore oit thet occasion-afterwards were tor for plaintiff. ante brag aad slîain for they knowv better. The second with shooting with intent to do L-xanining themn tqgether and bis got mixed Miller v8. Loren.-Verdict for plaintifi Banof r . rs. Uton. Verdict for friends of Mr. Morrison are qujite'saniguine core gevonsbodlyhem ; nd he hid wfh heotler-tlien made the bol e in i t. by consent £75. John Leys, solicitor for plainitif! by consent, subjeçt to arbitration of success, yet thcy admit it witl ha a close with assaulting. The prisoner pleaded not Took it for a good one-founid 'twas bad. plaintif; Thomias Gaît, soicitor for defenîil 60 gulT.'o the Oburt. Did flot know eho got dant. fii eh izson rf M iller. Verdict for pletin- ruts. Mr. Browvn in no viaY de'taý by sHornand ilexmin, e s tton the the other pieces front More-it was sontie Braiiey vr.. ldgso. -Verdict for plain- itiff £42 1île. if. <ameron ffOr plaintîff. f<s ill sucess ont -omnination day bas gonte of anar lat ietrn-anger.iid Saw eight or ten of the pieces tiff by consent. Macdoncll etl)srtncil, so- MDadslai Plaintifnon-stiltcd bock to the sent of war and iq using-his ofJauay es h e't-ccrnnîie y with Moore on this occasion. licitors for plaintifi: C. Patterson for platintif!; Wilsîon and Bu i- îîf lty Irs as if for -desr-Aife. Tîhe de- bis birother-to the piioocr's house; that George Cairns sworit and examined.- Besîtley v8. 1if9ini. -Verd ict for plain - linZz; or dfefndIant. n lie ivent for a brusiî-hook belongirig te) bis lydcrswt Swean hwadtfb osit.WI.Tenyr, lc a father ; that 1risoner refused to let liii 1 îîî <'yrsd hi'adtf ycistt.'" ~Tei<ye OC- Mel)Jkîi-id vif. 1'-;nhet ai. Verdict l'eat of )îi-tîîîl îvîî'î- l II( ceit-tiily vhi'a avery- iniSwteinoney passetd on that occasion tor for plaintif!,1 for defendant. Mîîcdoneli & Dartneil forI sorc fîlowi to tbe GrtCif hs.saeo bave the brrîsit-book, until a dcbt claimied i th Moore. Jicntlîy va. I;laii.-Verlict for plaintif! 1dlairîtiff;W %ils<sn and Billing.e for ilefendant. thec coîîstituellev to ]lis benebnîan and old mo ho due bigna by îrosecîîtor's fsther wa Cross examined hy Mr. 11cm. W'ouid hy consent. %V. Il. Trewacyne, solicitor W<lker et al rir. C'ei,. laintiff non-cauniorwudtîebrcieas- firstpaid. Tbreatened to take the iam- of pri. 1flot siy but Shat Moore took the momey off for plaintiff. sufcui. Ifanuilton fr plaintif!; 11.aCae. 1.01c, f ue oud otgie U Se ruh-the taille and Shat lie iifterwards gave ut to Ountarioe R<,ddîaq ý .Sacîety rit. Quigleiy.- , - dif*ien vere rebuke. iîook. Pi isoner then <rdered proseciitor Tficw inu the course or play. Ejectnient, verdict for plaintiff. John 'I',<t<u<eta. u îî. Verdict for de- Oulerso hicacin xtiq Ou. rothe ou e.ot îrcurand lsoui- n Wilkinsorî. Jcwcller, swore the Dtîî,cn, wlicitor for picintifi. feunuantî. C. S. >atcrson for ýIaintifi -J.anfent the perforinances of Thalberg and brte hi etot n eni u-puriili-ne.g.qof the icete]. (i tariü Bui/diîig .lSociety r.. it..r-Bdll for <leferidant.1 1 sui f fî&frnt oîra ew îiîîuc.. l>i- Thii Wlacsworc hesfic iniiarity of EJectmcnt, verdict for plaintifi'. JoluieI)ug lJi-îi ..M-aîn i îtfrjsi ît.p h icur... hi odr soserfleni'iiPioitw lia oaic ~thecon ndth dllrsand lif-doliars i n,soîlicitoîr for plainfifi. piaintge,£16f9. Il.f <m iri i i intiff. fi ruso atra nlMn as ct lwhiî'fî fie i-oikeil nd presented ut prosze- circuliation in Mexico adsi tSs Ianrv.Bih-Vcrilict for piaiiutiff __ I)Ctore îis-pceIaudienccensisno cutor :îîic'itj myu ny; prisoner Mr. 11cm cdiiresse.f thc .Jury on bcblf I£139 1lis 6(. iir9di,ttcexcctiomi. N. P R N A Yal "tlie beausyaî .sîon fTrn cainle ti f ose So Ifîiin aund fired i orelbar ofrflhe lrisoners. f'hief Justice Draper te.lHaiut for plailitiff. - t an] ofthe wfioandmuil ciion sce ornt of re fUi ioidfuu iîiscuo -ru- civerehi-; ischiarge ifii bisusiual afile licid ( 1'n -alrcii/ &ikq1 f ('iaoila rr. Ilrler-anoftew ! ll;,i glset O iiup th(,gpin, wihils riglit ai-i aiid striick imarinerrond the.îîiry îîavîn- rctired for a MOet a <i-Verdict for piaintifi £7719S FftEE NOTES -5 -AND CitiE:vS PPri.iARFDFIi5 vsthe place Viciixteîiîp:, perf.jrrnance.seemu Sfic prisoiiîr witfîra stilikairis the boi-k. 'short tfinie hbroutiia iritcguiit<1 .Kirclioffer for puiiiiitiff. THE %sriiiTiiY i-iiiONiC.L.alostohvsilsrutlfonTilbr' ThîisNs-as wbeiîicheglili %vent cuRiThe: Pgis Moo<re «aii îîcqiîlteSaws'cr. Sa cou r.' . eii.-Vcriliet for piiiiitiff for- fi-5isliot dii not ttivh hiirni. Tlicgui-i ! or - ras ennic5e Srvasim£50î7 7s Ii]. N. Kiri:hofcr for pl.iiiiitf r 1Toronto, Iltii May, 1q5 tpopuarity, fnot that people tfu0îk less of %va sil i bnd ad e pr- 1hiim than ever they diii,bu tatle w ~ 511 iiîisncs iius ndhe(poprisonnic'ît i arîl-labor ini-theli>ro- Ai,«va et al r... <<'i-~uritfor DE:AiIt n:1 bt-htte soner-sjsteppel libaik a l'en-tards, raiscd the viiî<iai l'ctiiifceiitiary. panif yciiiu-iit t W. Ilic seincru think sucre cf' bis colleagrue thonthyee plaintf! t>'<evef. 1<subfccts occiipicii public ilfîlJ f limayI ssi gîi kiii- 1lifieratc aiiii, fircd again and i Tuii-.Qi i-rx ra. . -- Tepioe solic-ito>r for isiaini-iff. f csae htbt r b it praseciitor in tue siîîîiler. l'le charge11 etnIa tIis case NI as ;broiîght îîp for seuntence of iiieha,(ria<,ir.e. leie-Verdict for plii-n fltiîslaLweu-k hoth inii cou o t' e tistc- are as near to pierfection, each in bis w-as diiîk cminisniall sfiot nici. grains «f I,,Cou îîrt. llie ('1f-f .fîstice casked tiff« hy con.selit for £ 11 »17s t6Ii. ',wikon & Lcgislatir. Ainng thce sfith bill for Sue ! W partii:iuîiir hue, as ficy con weil arrive at, sht vcc .-ke oi f fi scilucran xlieficr Sfic prisener fîdîlany re-marks 5 t llais.soictr o pinîtfcorporation or thUicOrange Assor ition, bttî ei-nafbd Ore scope for the <fOie aiile»zr of thi iruoufof fus clotiieýS. inake ;prcvioutos,;nt,.ic.e hcin.srproneuiceiî. Béiteyird. 1" cu.~Vruitfor plait)-ior more prope(,riy spiakiig l'or tfhe- uic00r-btth ili ftjc irbicli d<liflot pciîctraic i sisbody . The 'llue priouuer apucaired -a goîi luaIaffecdtiti' luy consent. 1W. Il. [reinas uic slici. 1 itîitiritun tlial the piano, and hence Jîrisoner ttniiirau aiway rroujnel the 1liorise. andiirepilic S:thalue îad ia wifcand failiiy jtor for tlaintiffE \ t' i oration o<f Sfic sefarate bodlies, {(for it diiid ic.tni'niai-volions succese lUs as Toaflue S'iiirf. Niueirords lasseil 1)(-iof< p iileit , ,nit for siupport andiipro- ("e - IIi.. 1q <i. et at fr oSregaiI the ins.tituition as a iinitv * sîosfli edsrb hepnigo hs s wL.cfi Ine ai-nithe urisoner.flic îîrisoîîcr tictincivi ci 10 iiîilc-s troin fthe nentrest plaintif! liv con:,eiiî£5,27 7s 3d. 2Nl. Kir,-fi aaint-Sfic niost pro)iiiii-itTruc Si, iîs ric-i-l o me (tr.lis ifir irn.asi ettîchîcrît anîl pi-aveu Se u r fi>î to l ofIcr, szr-cito)r lor plaiîîîiff. declarîttiosîs aS 5h' openfng of the I î-isla- i- Sn tra urper.sorîs wlio have not f ml- unausi ir.iiiercifîill- wiifî f ir*.. 141114 .r.,. - (h.orilfu-plainsifi'tîticaîliir.cipîin o1oî e le<-lSiei eitngino Wiiat it sle k. Eruiuii u<inul..ft5he pri- lThe('bicf Jllsiiic ii scntencing She pri- fis'Cotisent £1<56s S. iJe-s scott, oi! <«< i. ad'n Feiton i dnt ýEven roigli un-nusi-al bearers were carried -lue lir-I ar lc -iuî1hai'fîîu r inrspiec-of tht erii hrs-<rof the citor for pi.intif. tome eeent otbis priiuiseand forSe fli ribii y la uî . is fiiotler uas prcseiit. at iOffelie cf wlui-lî uli aul been fouid -liltv, cri . I ial.-Ejectnient, verdiC tfor peopile of 4(rifliiiTown, caii flic thiratg ta yterustiiisî n o h thre spatce (tufRatf%-fi-ru listmnt. lms iani of te viry serioiîs conseqiicncc.< wfiic-fiplairitiff hiîycotisent,.tficle ihe people uf Canadla in i s u nNewsa tc ia oerbfres! -.fiiiletr aiunaiui-i-c îjliic sore, and lue, niigbt lias-e arise-n froîî.aIluc prisoncîs ini flix/i r.q. .lii <roj-Do. £ 168 1-2s 6<d. 1 M- M; -opoel h urolu.ion isi-b iS sens. diiîu olOii-tiu i- tna<ct rili-it u-tL lic fi-lt it to be a verpain-.jSinrlair cii. t ulieret ai/-Verdict for othebil..ra to- - a, n u Lgi The gi-caS libel caseCof C. E. Anderson, iîr.ftil part cf fis <tily tu have toajpas - a son- pl.intiffiiv cotisent. 1 <l u îI tu uSisiu.norLgs Depîîty Receis-er (jencral vis. Beattvo h Ciocs E-eamincui hi-'N. G. Ilaîn. lie andlt-i-opoi lcii-pri> îiier, seti-fu so ulilnoti uujDi s nrsule t1fcrel earfîl- latin- uS auiy rat--, ter, oppose' the first i-cal-L-d r - rieof nTordy fler e lis irotlier svent loge-f icr 'Lote iclse-Sicouul ia-l1il ei-ieiîshîtefuit lvsef tic umis'trctionîsîl)- cf a ni-asirc, îîslcss it îcars u pou il utsscl otus urn bc 1 ii atepric.ncr iiithe ie u.lalcfl i/îf, of Motu/ Aface whcorne b iu.Prisrirs l'ai fir cud fruriu iii i'eriit, i oului tipou lioini irsuîî1rî Eu' crdîct for piaitif! £'à3 Os (;i. E. Croi- c oteprîuîciple vrong in las or in friencs of thfirmier endeavorerlto molli. ai iner, aildifirv ifrsî-u.rand-i> .iufsc-îlfis f.u,-.liiuppo.sitl,, the ri-fuic soliitor foilin<tifi. iiorals ;or, utile fa iitccsecu v fluint initn-bandloning tue rîdiculous idea iffaîl dtIiil-.>sîllu%:iii lji-st nskeuluiii i 1iu>luiuul-îî is uiîuding si), wbcn hi'knews-that sîillittour for plintif!. i ~<-rtinencc. Beatt- au]nI as noriglîtto hluuiuthe reins -a po srillu ucîeS eaat fAdro foi-r flic friihbol,. I i-f ut t i îîî" tfîe rci-gnuîs ssci-istil firking about Sfic Bi,,nk ot f eiuutr'a/ ri?. eiu'uu'e.i<n.-Ver thon svlîictoycuimekuuutyerris, and.if Anonasdn fîvî~ it- iliiiisafi iouhi iuiît-s l irienlises, lie uic-Ifrît il-sire b trent the du-t firplàintitl £271; Ns O6(. ECroinbie. coulc bave bc"uati wii friorer - liiruitt- tru fe oiiil f!euce is n (iut f a liit cfaruuac-r. lior tea. -olicitor for pîcintiu.iasumîuE e csaidelusiet iscai s f anyitifent io hc enjueral tnke f it ci iis tide, fbut suid iucw otlul niaku' any %emîrk u-ii-el u îih tl'ci <fr 1<en. «~ - liit. -Vesiliet l'îr pulm.tin bbtc casecof theOrangebfiii maie cf tus u lare-iiibie pebtnh i-oniut.tthlue I; %sould iilSsweas' positive- lr couraigctient t tuhers. te ,et asSfic pri- îifl'£167 I71 i. E. Cromibie, solicitoll'for a bjections irere alccd, yet Mfr. Mece Iy. t'oîilui ittrcuncîubvrr se fether the pi-- ;(iner,'Ilad doue, luit tukîng -aIlthSfic iîm- 1lriuîîiff. îrîîrtock toii iitiate ut ractice anti almeet uolltnunu-p~r "-o hy -onr in di- uci iu ui hatel e-oreorcfisances imto aceîirinif. Sficsetuteruce cf flue .hîi/,uisi?îk n. Jfsuueet ai -erd1-Sic î-eceL M.ioinscmieili f ucliîo onfre.&. n eodh tcr tSficocnversîatin. iirst sas'.tSe gun courS i-ouid be tinat the jrisonrer tue oi- fuir1<u«u<<sut' £1746 its 8econdedtoîu for t- ucarneiuone sa-lieb consigns l oavr lcieîîcpurisoir cr iale îuîîsiîletfiedefuir. finee i-i thei Sfic nuîiion t ;rI pcl u Cuut-îlaritiW 'forts anud lue sas ably as.sisfed aise by Mr. iigacfipoiin.Te ibeionsise iiiî-îîufîl iiiunonvie. serieiuzulefor oe montfu aS fliai-il lubtr. ' .ite/i r.. Ccaeui.-Veriiict for plaintif! i-olev Who îieciuired iheinstitution a per-inage-fchrefadng ndattn or stick, iinbis luand. Prisonci- foriSd lb.nu jThe prisoner si-as tion remloveci froue £171Î 17s "7îL R. Miller fuir plaiuutitE . thluînfug anciotherîriso treitted it svitlhe 0oisnnC I -utoi-) te)ul- fianLs oi hinu Strtuc-k the dockl. t i'uireu-y r.. Giwo.-Verdict for plain- « h 1rnaticot-mtrn BovnaieI uunge m n hue embezzie. p.ýoe ilan'-hade viel i p - Jerry f rilfin scio fîccibecs> confined iun tif! £'280 7s 8d1. R. Miller for plinutiff. i mnso h ruso h ako p co - gacl iri <uc-l'ailii .vasffniling ail flscei tue 1 *r-<' i-g S'ue-th.-Verdiu-î for'Plaintif! gave iS a feuv sounul kiek. for ushile rie- I cuon t uts-lienltne liaitucas treepktieCnada. of esbicb charge lho ws found. oulv thue u>lie bloîs. 1rsocutor's iuiothier îeac, svas uisuhargeioit bis owin rccopi. -£89-1j le 9d. R. Miller, solicitor for plein- knosslcdging hoi owed bis olection tgui' ei ouli g.Tehblas j iie floS inîterfè're. -jzance. if!aI fi-iiegOilO'fie bonestiy stated lais cons-ucaîgcioerrm-irtisgintM.A- TuuSfc Cuit.- tres te ae-uanie W'n. iatri~ arraigneil on amfun Ixxsset tei r8. Ltsîr.V-ui for !itiuus Shunt it uad donc mutch more haimm cîwc h-freth sciul ho scslj-et ditiieitfo ostcetui alu hss3 p;aintill' £117 14s luJU. J. McDcDociaIcl ayioîstyfr ' dersen in bis riblic capacito sDpt F-rnncis Gr-ggson-brotii-r(iftShe prose- i fîîund raS lasS rcusiues amuI pleaclotiguulty.- solicitor for plaintif!. i ngo0 lblls-Rhecie nrandB typlde s ctutor wsi-usexacoineil and icorroboraetShe 11e entered ilîuo bis ovn recognîiance ilu ci'!! Lauîkr.i.le-ron tet ai.-Vertu-t for ,ius notiv cf the opinion ho aulvocated flle, ci-r1nrcadBetypeae s testituîony cf tfic îrosecutor. £0t perri h ta l'intif! £13303s -u Ns lonforplin-ce gotuS the Orcler ias eafnuisance and Ilt9,lYte lee svrlposo aor the nhetdafsucesthe ri isaner'Kc.a.ano quorepammi.rg 1 justification cf svlat lue bcdl publisbed. 15 andrnituert cilefence tued adrisoncrsstor£0 eaper caîîe o n yrcg Ct akre a. iaexey et al.-jer<iict scl ept(oi-lwt lestogaeteas iroved that Mr. Anderson did cause ami nuobîcu' si-i-c examiinecl auît iritiessos Johin Keller iras upnb 'c I tj/Lii Yet lie ws flot. for i- ikilg ocut the billi;n %vec-.pr<iured as Sa tiaeprisoner's char- nizauiccaaud< diotappi-ar. ltccogîuuzineai fuir pdiutiff £_358 5.s;9d. Nanton fuir îlami-bcisutn.mîcaue rpoe y m umrniotst n n th- fi'- 'sof he an ructb ei- F u.iry etiriedl.a serilmct 0of omdcred1talue estreatedl. i ti f!. tei -tngmrnrpopsd r - iui,'oituchethird ceint cf a conumon MriaSs--retru nomeoni ît/hsr ..fu;se.Ve-rdict for iFoleY, andîlieodiuî nul kîreo u t ha fat lie I - ctoîscn~.ros - fieausnuS rot 13' ywithout usuthortbu aA-ruu-iznce in £50> te appeaci-ntsthie nexu es;izo, pllnttiff' £403 i 3s 3d. A. 'Nuntori fuir s-cuîcvote for i( nS a second e Mriru . M'1 11Soros.i M.Il Cairieron. assieled by Mi'. Tro- if ichoU uîjuuînti uiarîsîer Su Sue iudicttit1 pinrtifl. Ninua Sfc sicceso fur Nii'b WnS-n doingS thuis, I doubt tanCcîunty Afbornev, prosecuted on foumîîiagaiuîst iîinu 4(rix8 Pr..UOVeil/ et ai. Verdlict for plain- anoiSbcfireolues sororu or h uis < fucfher thora iras any crîiaialpurpose h-uIf of tic Crouu. Nlr. N. G. Hlau, de. Mr. P. Mi. Clnrks, ligb (Constable cf the t i f! £ 21uu2 5s 0s. A Nanitoruir ucîtf. ec.~s-ooee for li euirsciSfo houe, ndmcdje fuided file prisciier. Crntagainsi is-lonu him -aiiJr uU ('/ucu/uuuuaî r.11maiciet cal. Veiuii-Sfor tclcciumn alfogettuer SoOrangemtiei, gis- t trtu-esefniîorse Sfteo bans, jand rneho l tSATrOSAi, May, 8. fcund a truc bill for nhiowing a prisoner Se plaintif! £109 '2s 6d. A. Nacuten for plain- jthe benefit cf his opposition. Soi-oral toherj escpe roii cstoy Nassettened y teset owcltiuy man, IL is cîcar tlhe bankwaii esaefrGîCb\olyca eutnodb hu ifOItppoasition nîenuhc'rs uidtlue-samnc ais you aîi s-S NGCol*r', Er>Ol tuutS fu-cf$u.Dîîggatc vs. JuîIo'e et ai. Verdict for ic -- R FG INA mu. S.y-A i x,-Di- oonm-Tbe Th'e Grand Jumry iadc tiiefoltuussing pre- i plaintiff £28J9es Gd. - A. Nantomu lor plain. 1tbi- cenb-Sh iisosuvibThnu d,., uuc.'îi-onu imuen sra, csun iîutcmun cege fu pionr wthbs-.setcint'ndN--d W ýi.ïuêarg cro 1fr-jtif!. < i-o hueulupoua it.Ttue fi-st i-eau ng sha frr iso dlaocahiwer oft t iig n te tfthcf ebiuar lî, p5501 . - ndance, anUdflic Court Shenu ai r lf7ifteunore et al rot. Ru)bee./e et i- carriec by Sfic casting vote.cf Sfio SpeakerIîouteiBîk t ntcle'bmdoi ses-ci-l couutcrfeit NMýexicuni dollars and Verdict for plaintiffs £8-2t11.s 6d. A. Namî-and usien Ni'. Benjanmin moyed for flxing 1 hldolradAnrcf Mqucheterand r ESNTME'-T Son. soli-itor for îlaitiff. a do)yfor the second reading. thuelion. Mr. iappear thaS in the pumc'hase-of Debontures lppslitcI theull villaaugAnerifa qnhetersand1 MichelPva.IIrSF.NIMhNTerdct fr froinMm. Anderson, as D. R. G., the inter- PortS--vii tue o vnçclip ou'R er-h 1 COUxa-a- oF (>IÇTAttIiO. ThecG randil Jumoms paiCiauchosnU Jtu oDnldlortnici-cUiniamenulacrut thaS t h bdacmodo tbcapur I xauiao te aîdclc',(hahf-dollar -pro- endency Su estere criminais to societv, S&lerei ber vr& Dow. Verdict for plaintiff sihiehowaa speciaily sent Su the Legisia- quisite for coliecting opinions, 'viz.ý e duced aod identified by witness). Moore after their Serin cf incarceration o LeY 12 . . Cr-/. frpiirtfu SreS0prfaa Sscmebic attci-scamdï askcd for a plut.,of tobacco,inPrOs<ed' £102 1e r. Wih.Vritfrplaintif! o hdis es i ort e nnte ort9witmg vr gavc wsituîoss a dollar piece un psymect. Thie Jurera obsevedl thiat te recuis anid £654 12.» E. Crounhie for pisintifE constitueîits ut is netSfor, the Ceen te sa, r.diet er e efn intheavebytà- ssls~ (Coin produced amad idontilied.) Wilnoss colIs in the gcol have noS theuo noscf fettrJ vs. Mo.D&rmott. Verdict fer but it cannot have escrped yen that hois m udro uhaycsa probabliy eturnol bina change and Sobeeco, drieoV- 9suaffient-entilation, the efh'eet of --vhich plaintif 2.53 18s. N., G. Ham, fer plain- l'est uiddingr hinseif of &Il responcibilis £500, and confirming aIU the;1legatU6w eromo next day tucS She mneewias bal. Siaey painfully toit on enteming the app&Ét- tif. Yâcinwihte.-Thycletu Cross examincd by Mr. Hamu. Tiieme niens--they tliereforo a'conmend, the ,fLendali vs. OReiUyI. Verdict for p nlucinaihSoi.Tay eltdaan yt hi haiacd ter girn -'e t, As'i irroraesonSh io ha Uy-boe ree doption cf noçessai'y morsures ta I eedy titi'£40 15e 8c. N. G. Bainfor piair.tiff! £500 ferlm Sto eexpended inpublisbn _tioLudt'cis tojunl1 sin s cveiýau persons in bis bar-rooni boforo thie the cr11 as Soma cepossible. tey PeMrvs. JfirLauek/in. Verdict for thei .Nelm Era ccd u'tei bav'tng comrn ed dt ond ..Audro- seigned- th. pruonrscam i, erbpemoe tanhulf The.- Juryfurther prosont thiat plaitife£90 2s 6d. J. IL Hamilton fer SlaS paper wit oiili-be i rnoxt merning, amnd rumlor says1 w Dot. feundae fendle linatie in one of She coll, plant'-fhlie h asdrop>ud 1 itbt'mb tridop i lucU no other change as Sirt tSuc like thtSnppo it Ti ySucb purposes N.G. tiani& lor pî'uamict fo pa aboislI when. be emerges, fron the gi-oh cepted. In itis a fternoois f.hatdiy,)tr. ho ~ ~ ~ ~ h gori h rsoe or.sois be pro-pri fr o sch ratgcose .f sNo. e. u G. s-r Hfeama.il'saSfohnro irp he nit i'b.'.Dorldinu'rd -the-l- l he gt frin tesirsfnraMoreete ,erJ. S.e o urem in o1d l3otsy Ilaystead cworn cnd examined. Shacinte prevent the in mates fron approach- £125 5... ames Pattersen for plin,ýtïif. OrangeisnaIfliehiaoî t gnlei' ne priseîu'Moore and etheme oame inSteg the store, and whilst the !tgore -would .Sac/tA mVr.t-ph,'pA.Verdict for platiti mibre almn tlbryS ietAndei-ssn'aiosignîtion,, whqei týe Premer be larronaonthe lak c, eah-aloru tise minseof beatihgS t6ie 4 thé ,John MçitDonalfor plain tiff ecue st ot ~~ stafed it bad been açcepteei.johnA phy aill for a ater efllarin ealed rgrating would prevent - thu possib4iîity of' Wood et ai va.£lui# nt a Verdict for naeeLasalatr ndpLYu tadfroc.It, and nte aywhof S s.th e cupm uanlg tesoreaO-tsOpaitf £2 for.Patronfrpli-wili have sean hie reinaris W rMca iliseif in Court, and oviucd&4is n _ aiet.Ih udnu t ay î' t wag.- buildings, an endapgerimi tht lires of tîflk -retuarks ivhich fi-nantrpron -lit ti'4b5tinithe pi-uceouJgn, so.tla.e That ~ nd naiked a tor .otliershby tre - -ïâ'Aegà&Izkqf U2. Cuns. MMa<.Verdict pasâs butL froin thse auLlior ut liefln otuie0ftise 'l oam h b pouclTheyfurtliucrjpi-osent tisaS tlacy inta helifor plaintif' by cotisent £7643 454d. n.Bu- oth fto niaeh ocreneifh There wcu'o agoosi mîny othor persans i1in etr urios o hegol t 0o rthou- fo ' go ati. 3fUImuipal/ty O!-W/Iitbi. flag of Englssndi-" n.Bteoga f etfhS Ostr-t tis hr-oci. cda uspdin hemne p-uperndsac*ssay raana foi- ubtaifuiug Vierdict for'plahiti' £209-12s. Wilson jM&, wo is 0Ro estl i i r- yoftie esrictw aapo-nt wsnoS good andd sud net like Sa Sako k. -exercise, requisite te naintain hoalthand iSBillings for plaintiff; H.-Cancrouifor de& portanit cnIctiors uiilly allowed to thenesol a Mooresa-il Ilwbcf are yotî lookIuag At Sisut hire t se oausue of tluç tomates are, suf- îçssuanIit. . - - - .f acoac.0ç,t t th Orgig and 1 have.msg e iaud à_m, u n dollar se ranch fb-.' SaitucRie wu a rail îse - ,inconueqstence as thereis sno airing > Bnk qp I'ontreaZ a HdaoVerdict maSter, ariich hôwevrr prdei n ~ til thi i 15OtBOally Sniinei , 1 lt iS was bal. Meore said "Il cîl it's gXI, à îted sith à h atise frpaitf £1 34d.- W. H. Trmyebte e- od oeta sod if it le noS <yusuknaw wbe yen g'ot i5they therefore beg Su <1mw thse attenution afor plaintiftrd - a- 4. , aiL t à c-ýý frein." Gave hîn thu'e and niceponce of the propor uthoitie'as tRis slefeoti in Bank of4V-ontrcal vs. Qlarkaon. Verdict- mintiilslI, thie test question su far, dsas' Tb e change. Once before goS a had vi e.dofter'gui accommaiodat>ti, - -- for plaintif' £1514 18ts.,.W. IL Temy eattention.' avj r o ret 'f akâ 0 bill fruinluloe-about "t-e yars- cge. The J<r rýfàrther recaunnen t tRaLtishe for plaintiff. o- - y bave - imYOtl prteettyivobullml &ni- 6 0 thdro ifpto Site boy togêrsas twen- S Mayor aý 7 'ic' Mayor. Maissr, - After tshu' Mayor inifonruuc lied be-en takc. o f Juture Unrr- suice, fi ehai D ir. Ifan m ý- : 4tîtiîu-- i "'anti >ta 1--z - . bec-n ummrl~i- rai - l i l rr-, Comsunun4u -- .--. tions c uuuoI Bhili tl ive nuitteeit' su ii'uîfî te& Sto n . Mr.i-. uuie * i Dr'. Hum lii' it m.'s the 1tf;i - lco be-en os antiicull iu tenSion WSiC t altogether. ( cnechis B-a-E- te tbat of ' 'l - Mm. Macdioln ise-wsmontiu t I - pau-edtivre - tisaSth ue C-tac thm. Mud nalnrclticil u-0O spto rcon Carriedonu a - clause. bu' M n that ther<up I division. Mr. Tre!ni-se ,uuovethit th, of tbe NVioe I adeptec. i- Mr. Msco. j thie folleilio -The Maycar the camendmuîeuc On thecquie-. - ginal oucion.ý Mu'.Matdc By-Law Ne> j CapS Ros-e r hidse bei-ijse -- botter onie than amendmrent ial TheaTiy Li, tiune-arud if'!c - - Wbhole. Mrs. T IMm.%f Mut-Ion ira Cnumittea , corne anoeruuleui '-For r-- i-ii te cmnd thi- - clause 1.5, amci Lîutchcrscecap- thse Inns'l'iS as-i staîb oif-i 'c cou l la. - The n'i vr-u- The repcrtw Bill ea 11ri - Capt HRomtE. tino Union i 4

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