creasoth Tarif litimay bc ni edLe opro- vide against a tepom-ary deflcleucy, titay are ef A sdiklr- obUrc for frsens; sund eqlîity. fit- - .;<TB.-%= 0 -PubFc aitb prerved--and a vei od- Hlouas or Leîîs.-Lerd lglohnbomougb o ~ " I ~~ justed Ineselue Lb.heTarlg (seeig tat taidithocousithored IL Inexpodieut Le lay auy a I drcttain caniot iu our younig documenta on te table, gis'lug au accoottb*W coun1iy le&ÃŽR uEjl~ïul ou cft. Cawnxpore massacre* as liL vould En 0.hl, tesn bjeteeaub as. ouly b. -calculatod te revire oïnimastieg. % .p ,<î«ap e e hrte oragr-n ai" ltt G oveiiiet -ec nttrl-y articles are Lo b. plaeed 'eut of oum- con- nth t. leritesn nreligions affaira iu In- 9.aj temporsry'B rei. ho la & ue Ith lseof Couinons à long debate asm" shahl yet lmp"nt tuit ciarma te teck place on te thusucisi affaira of L. the e .~euotemporarys zmnbogany-MEay they country. r ' fe an sd suvetea bis mugged, irascible Thie bill impcaing as tamp eu choques a lan Iddismal disposition.- vasi red a second ttaie, 0 ~AstLe Lb îief ton ofthLie items Mr. Disnaecli's secondl resoînition ou Tudila Oaa vicit figurelunte Budget, Lb. tact i; 'declariug iL expedient tat tae Geverntent C -' i_ ý(udv oudiprs-L-uLt.Pbi b. cedfled te a Secretary of Stte, uii c È,ne r- Mid, as au antidote te Lb. scaudalous lu- power to-e panorn ai <biLes itereiotore car- , Il5 sînîattons se orecklesshy trovu n jutas te riedoqt ) th lada Copany wa de-profus. expenditure) sniating lavsansd battit,sand imaiîy crtici hlW a rotaetf251 0 0 liéeo .- customis, srisiug eut cf public necessities, Lu f10. e0 ~have donc se.mucb Loi detenmîne Lb. au- Mr. Disaeli atnnotiticai, incidentîtihy, a-t nual estimates, that te Govrrmeut, (b. tâtLite Ilank -cf Englsîtd lied.-iccouumnoda- - ----ini, wvinay be,) la deprired et almost ail Lad te Gevernimntt iit tu-o millions, ut New Advertisements this week. "powsen crer it.' tbreo amnd s quirter percent, for redemnptieut Let Our cotemporary point ont a tangi- cf Ezeciuer Bil, but titat te Govern- Marrnace Rgsîr. JI.. MarclortAlu, bic grievanc-sîtîl v shah net b. lowvin tuent 112 oncuirarîilai itseit, as i et, cf one . Lceilri Aîliezî-,ee.-(eî I-GtI rging for a renedy-r.or neci ve bave tiiit 1Court of Iieîismit-Toîvnshtii f Wîtby nuch hIesitaLion lu concludiug, that a Oit the 4111%itething iportant iinte Jeroîîi.îîul Frst. Govrrument iviich dosît se prontaptly wiit I1lousottof f erds. Once kivii it ver tdeta.--..S lidel tfoi-ta, hotu in te CustonuIlieuse asud-ta Iunte Iliuse cf Cottinouts Mr. Roebmîck Recciver General's Office ; mili ù ti e xer- gave lnotice dLit Ilie %vouldisaccn cal] aLlen- ii (rel gl-t riiiu.i, an equally pre-'mptand hômorable discre- ien te te Suez cantal. Tot'I-ee-r. î:,'-.t. itou <un anv r imilan sud vali substminti-ated Geti. Peel nuotincedti iat n more iimîlî,3l 'ire-tit'--. W. Il-t-sev. errons5 ulicther cf omlission or commission, tiii regiiîtents %seî-e to lie disîlci. } Ã~ in te servaints cf the publie. Mnr. Gladistonte imec an adihlress t ie etrriiitoi, the-î'e roefi..-0 - Quacun, pra-iti.g thittI intheii future orgîtul- Te fainirstd iiîes.->r Ms. inutas cf the Piekering zatianiof ifle l)aniîitlaîî Prnip. at liaio Fn-.tvsmae, rî-îained sut tunci.- Fitt reiýglit lic gisc t Li te V:llc f tilt-ieople T&- R-i tayer,.859 of Wfflahili-tn.%f ldavi, iil therword: Ile ( ulteet agrcotile te adjouru- that te lou.isocf 'ctnnîeîis îlotl eiruet nucîîî tat ..T .... .riîH-. itta thue Union ci the -I'i-iîtcipaiiti.i. le trged '1- iii-< ~ >l , .cv 'î-csnt--Mes.srs. WhitLe, Speana, Ciîap- bis view~s lt icI lîtî, ivii-ut a gi-tv--id hlatoi l, r i tl.-W o & ltilliiip-. iaantiMCrih r.itiîiiivli hMsil-ieiii tLv-i~-- - tc ii tet o îinuites cf Isat meeting resi ami Sp. te ltitit-ipffl i tics.-A ii-t ioi ti ou- irîttar(-. alfgeifrproveit. - -Lord Iaiiîtrstoii, Mr. Disraeîli atitl otht-e'" 17e- Il. V. Xl r. Spear.q moircs, Tht the Counicil ne- oppesetl i le moion itn s a di'-laîtinu t te I lierimip or. ic-. - l k-i'l it ier4. isois-a itscIf iitu a Court cf Revision. Car. Coiifumcuce, wiit-Iî ile-t- itii lanis, 0it1te Irie-i. lotit of M:y, anittfetrini; te aation of tae .~ IMr.Spears mores, That te Reere bc Brnitish lt>eiiîoîu :n' I1 'fî i" 1n~-A Chairian cf te Court cofItevision. Lord îlîîu ilýtissîdi tqpnîrtei lite motion, c1i1)tblJiY îhJ*lt 111lt te maLter cf tae appeal of theo Grand but ItLksas re 9 -cted l'y sIa 9uijoi. '~Tcuntk Raiivsy Companv'sa ssssmneiit,J Mnr., îtu'ger-î1ld titie~i ced tliaL Sanhlinia i ~Mn.Citpti-tan inores, Titat-te Assessment ~rZ~ rV1t~e u~e. of uttWhitliv, iuhu-sua3, Aay 20 RS8 oIjîhaamenied so as teuss thsa irrand *ngl-iiîCompityifor 121 ares et Roadway, tribihc a K qa valuation cf £90>7, sud 10 acresof riteI>îIj etqaso t- iftir Drl-- liîc/.-I</'i',ens L~eru'hcire~ -Statation groontis;, t a raluiaticu cf £210 Theki;y ep asers, f lori liory ÃŽIJ Aynt etlidioaithorze0Iore- in place (If Lihe amotilts nov assessai nicLa s 'it afaoiliopposiîtion, tic millire agslîrpcn sdadetsui,î gaimst tae Comupany. Carriei. dissolv e PitrltiitîMn. ('hapmam molief, ThatthL.eas The c utail li tte tnt-i lt t-n Kilî c-i /-îtr~ssafor sevescys duemm Lo ~ ~ ~ -r hatre îr hpt iiacf0men-~ tuaqZ-.t Rol ho amended by deduîting £50 to b iiereaell Vpvarfs o 7,01) roos 1/t &; qec.fromt Mr. Geddeg's assesament for te 1 et weve're enl ttcaiiii cdeui. - an aine. Canried. 'A culit.iot iý irrqî-i ii St Ge-orges liat. Tht Estimsteit for '58i. M r. Cliaptuani moires, Titat lte itel~~~~~~~~~~~~ bt--taî:uttgtî:itnit ti--imenut Roll b. amendai by addimg te namne zari, tiiiLt akWiîiicanutu-pi. t. li l'he age l intit-quluve v, iimquiegtion.- o f John ihind, slomg vith that cf Wig- Tlesîtiter Gteorge, lNitid fiont Lis-en.- 1u5,at h nli î'sltt trpriîednn nimsdcabp-lce p !l for thte Ni-t-r e.\Ioeii!i, aso cmitcs. The receuît elacticus, andte a- Mn. Speara tuies, Titat the Assassinent deredi 'iii Lite chtiîtei, alidtist-s- of ber tioitlS ht-uslon<s-, tee sncassfuihiy paittned tuoffiai el. L ritedw.i eno asia us-.v eeauiownih.i intitse, vitese zeasuinluientany cases Ms-. Spears mores, Tt thLie Court cf nLa~-usm terionalt tue of anemît vihotLrau titeir discraticu, is decisive ani Revisien do noir risc.' Carnie-. in- for tae successes iut hu(is. e Liofte tact. %Ve trust tîcrartitaîas, Tte Gounicil resumad iLs Session. i -00PITITIO!SS. rt ANt-h 'nt as Lb. uuqvontlîinesof those means to Front Trustees of Scitool Section No .q, Ociterai Epinâsse recoutueudedic itet1io- ndm, andth ie srorthtiessmess, [daily risi- ryn o nodro h mýue o non to sanction the ruitoval cf al i r-tv-ets. bic] oet iote vtio hava risen imb Lampons- tp r it of s oroL bTe asurver for Su-Prifects, Sceretaries, Generals, andî ry iiotoriîty l'yte eiîîleu'urnet.cof sncb, rasident lands lu their Section. Cotucilions cf Prgfueture. rhmo lisse aLla lu- ceule tu, hatriai uni Ltestdi, taeevil yl FoSnnl Be, m tes pamg el~~~~~~~~~ ceti aclldt uucrFron aid Le mprovea adm peetrosi ei aclae uimpair simnin- fidiLs oj u nthimpossibihity o on 7tb concession.acranpic fra Istrat lue possers.1 nLime o.sson 'iacirculhatiotn orte lîîI.pemîlî-n.e suocess oit amy future occasionL -Front lny hDoyle, prayiug te b. ne- 1ae h-t'-bee-ui nterdiccti iii Franîce ton liVe fuel assurai that te gaîtIerai public Ifliîdei part cf te anuunt psir' by.him ton eule iiit. is mot corntipted vit thLIe doctrnue se iîtso Shîop licenîce, hast year. . l(lao-i. son-in-lu.w cf Priiuc emtîy anguît by s factions Opposition, andi lftu*mi l appointî'îh Frenit Charg~e d'Af-- titis in t.'itia, vice Mf. De Bourboulon. ise iîtsîiously itistilled, for te vorst cf Mr. Citapînan mores, Titat te Clark b. snunoizcd Le tr-smsfcr te licanse gi-entai Th Uitlulet ton i185) bis bcenu sîopLel purposes, viz., titat our public mon are ai to Es-an Liarniscu, Le kaap te .Ver'noo iii tae Leglsatis-c tuey by 23ti votes agattst cornupt, ai inluenceti by neocthtenr iais Ho'.-l, lu Greenvced, Le Mis. Sterling 06Let -- Traie in Paris exlibiteiuausligit impros- hstLt o1 ea fslr nipae meut. Fleur rather higher. Witeat fi-m. 1 IL la oly te malignaîît creiuliLy et anry, (;-Min cmoius ar-e locking f4voîri-shl, andti iat dicLales sncb insinuationas. Itla s euy iine ca r pncuu1 Qin& useil. lne ani brà n- te ignorant uçho-endors. Iher. ilIe~ arêdulh snd stggimîy lois-ar. We musat net expeot perfection un men.- -'PhboCbatntien DeSmises cmn Actîsatien ams ntlo or divine attnibutes lu a( Dijou, bis-e deecidou saîtima befora ems ntlo Cerectiouai Police Court etf iiaion~s îhrty. created beings. We sail, nevertheicas, t1v. pensons inîplicated it reccut distur- if or j uigmeut la net varpai, find a tain baticas in tat place. public vu-tue, s reasonahie propor- Bhourse finmer anti 3 per cents. closed ou tion et publie spirit, "suad a decent sud SluoiayaIV6 te y 1 -- el reinulatei sensibiliy te honet fume A mote lias b0eau pnoentatl te tae Neapo- lilan Gcs-erutmuîutt iasdiing imuiamity ton mmpisonitamtt etthe Lire Englisit engiueecrç. iiTue indoinuiîy la sai amounits Le 100,000 franics, sud the Kn; appeareti inclinai te Armmiuts continuai in te Naaptlltau arsenal. e à notetiondaspatcit asysLhat tte inicm- niLy densiaela- 300,000 francs. D)anisi, Freudut, Enghisht, sud Ruissian Euvoys at Franktovt, reueteta the Dielte late te Dani-it proposais imb re-censidara- Lion, se ms Le Iriug te dîttarecea balveeu Deanîuandtithee blet Le au aiicable ter- rîluation. The tCommtission ou Doueis bd matie ats rcpor-t te te Diet. - INDUt. Iim tie newx tek-en u ocf tae Pergin, Ii -vas sai Cel. Wilmntu's terce vas cut np at Azimgtutr. An explartution showus tat titis vas a*- lcîaraltic bintiier on the %Vs)-&ris5-unt Up." Boeitlrýy lettels aid litthocf minesest to the tegnaphitc qcoits. $i-r Colin Campbell retuaimeti at Lnek- ainsi- bt usouid pmebaitiy nioeasitorîl>' ou te Suufolri, andt ilioiL ileint. Erigi-Lit hgranud anus liailbeau radistri- litteil v-lt a viesu'te futur-e cparalions iin te tllf. NamSbl d onforcasil by Barielhu'vKKhan, proposai le attack the Etagist. Tht Bmi- isit exponiautced a -reverse in te vicimity et Alababai. AUTRsiAIs. Ile steainer L"uei, ltau arrivai of viticit at Suez frcuu Australia vas annurtnnea byi lt.e Pà r#ia, bai Lire iundred sud fis-e titn- îsu, mi peundâ lu gold freigbt. At Meihorrua eu Lb. 17tt Mincit, traie wurssdepressai, aititoughit IL ai boon siigitLly botter. Thea ueatîter having beau atornuy,sevSerai tesseha put back mbo Liverpool lcaky ;i smmemt thumte Minnesota, for Memtreai. Iltite iuffsta usas tlly-dismastati. - Svocz.-Excliatngo Consols for utoley, ~7k5-;iuio. or cctits, 97k1 1; Titre, pan Cent, 9j t . Arrt et«tIthe Aua'rta. llec steansip ,1,*iidri&, ve have London pîtpe'ra-f Lie 4tit instant. Vhuashippiogof tho Atlantic telegrapit cabia urss progw'suin; tivonvaity up te te - ~ ~ -a bee la ta;Acoiled on hoard thebtwoshbp,a opf 04> nf mles vbich uus ouri>' expocted toa s*via, Mucit dlsappointment vas manitelsted Inl Partis li censfeunce mfîhe refusaif etb llrectorm-faet b.Credit Mobilier te decium-o - i divlthend ounhast yeargsopmrtieus, -1 -, The Paris V'niom-nboa anotir blit «- jS -' cklen Euglaud, wbieb Baya, "ýLei us e noae " liane Ibs Us t..vilapird!ouý iuso- lent Enaian&ttis iliance ,whteh n" ami rapulation, stili extatut. These quahi- ties, lu our publie mien, ara daily sud mutb- lessiy deuied b>'lte Opposition ieaaianand lus journal. lappiy, tae valueo e iaChîlcf, snd te conscientionsnass cf bis papen, are more cornectly estimalci by te publiic, titan eliter vas vont to be.fRila renomn, on a8- aamied waul et dscrnîuant, are net quit. sutllciarit te warrant te conclusions at wih liiaeliat-rive, as tLte t sor-axist- ence cf ait iutagrily. Il itas beau fiuely remarkad by au emiment suItori$ty, 1'that a censcientieus persen srould rathen donbt hîm ouan judy-jiet, titan condainu bis ape- oies. Oun a> bave obsenved vithout at- teultion, or j uiga upon arremeons maxima. Sncb an oee asy grourv ise, as ho greva acqua;ntd vitit public citaractera; but te Globe aud iLs patrons, discard tes. nudrata notions, anditecomo'iulignauL.' va wcul rauini tbemn, that "bu us-hoac- cuses ail muankinti et corruption, la sure te, cons-ltot nly ost." They vouli aeek a consolation forthem oieanwortkine«s, bhI aittcas-ourngu;te establisit a general coma- muunion- et depnarity ii ahi aroumi Lbem. Sncb beiu 'g thair plesanre, in-t Lie slcugit oftiein eus-rtcreation, wvamntLleare tent. W. itave tion lad inte tes. remanka hy lte racont perusas cf the colmns etfte Opposition journal, upon te production cf te estiinatei for the yaar 18-58. Ac- coriing te te tbaory,-of t.e Globe, Hou. Mr. Cayley la made, on iL la attempted te make bina, respenu5ibIe for te falling effetf Revenue, during lte lasI faIl, sud te pre- sent spnug.Cen IL b. serioqsiy affirmued that rasuita es-en u-icha Mn. Cayley itad ie more control, Liiau bai ex-Viceroy Yah, in Canton, ai-e to e b.clirgedupou bis shliu- dors ? N",o oee ith theLb ains oetasIltick lu aaieep," mouid ao stultlfy iuselL Nom- la IL t. ilack et braira s, thlaLb.disincilna- tden te use thot'onestly, tbat, ve cgm- Plain cf Why, Un. Cayley la U- Innocent of -te panic, aud te nmonetsry vhfrlArnds tat'carm-ied sncb des*iruttemm iutoeery1 Eunopean eXrbangeas Teunterdeu Steeple1 la, ef heing te eauseu oftlte Gjcdrimi WStè*$uqoti pses vitiienictmment, an muuuesathIlavtv ~ai SW, N. IL U à ni 'Yoms,-Mm. Chaptan. Nays-Messrs. McCreigitt, sud Spears Mr. Citapunan mos-es, Titat te Reeve ho aultonizet te gis-e au order on te Trea- auner te Samuel Joues, for the suni cf £2, IL hiug te saet cf itis salary as lu- spector cf Licettaca for-te year 185.- Canried. Mn. Citapman mores, That tae Ree'e b. aîî ta gir. an orier on Lb. Trea- aurer te Dr. Fullarten, furrtLb.sanof £1, iL being tb, ainount of hissaiany as returit- iug officer mn the third Ward for the year 18-58. CarrieiL Mn. Spearsomes ton Icare te bring lu a By-lau te emend By-lav No. 116, euLiled -A Bylaw uo appoint Townalaip Offleen for t&i year 18M5. C arniaul. The By-isu vas read firaL, second sud third ime, sud psssed. Mn. Citapman mou-es, TIISL the Clerk ho autiterlzed Le tranater Lb. licence granted te Ethuard Harrison, to keep Lb. Norwood Rolet iu Gmeenwood te J. C.,Stanliug. Mn. McCreight mou-es iu amendimeut, Titat te motion lie-en te tabla until the nexL meeting of te Conil Carmied.i Mr. Chapmsu moresl, That Lb. Reero b. autitorized Le gir. ani ordar on te Trea-, auner te John Clark, for te sun et £ 10 4fsi 4t., hoing te à muunt erpended bjy hlm ou aide Road batwe'en Lot 2 & 8 lunte 4tb concession. Canried. Mn. McCreigitt mou-es, Thet Lb. Reere de grant su order on te Trasuren te bau-id Gilchrlat, for Uic auni of £20, heiug0 bis aalany as Assessur, ton 1858, Carrieth.1 Mn. Chaputan mores for leave te intro- duce s By-Iaw te tivide Rosd division No.1 90, loto turc separate Read divisions, sud1 Le appoint Ovs-m-sof Highvays for the1 sanie. Carried. On motion, te By-lav vas read tree tintes sud psseth. Mn, Chaptuan moes, That te Reere b. suthorize t Legirosau onde n te Ira anrrnte Higgins & Mayerboffer,-Printers, for te sum ofcf ire dollars, iL b.ig tLb. ameunt due ten up te thia date. 1arried., Mm. Speara nies, Titat tLî. !ýeeve do1 amt an arien on te treasurer fort £11 7a payable to Lb. Truastees ef seheol sec- tien Ne. 3, b.lug nont-residenL sciioci tax . Mn,; Speans morves %the, gm-st su order on Lb. 'Treasuner iar los, payable te trustees of achool sectIomuNo. 4, suet a, aseatorder'Ton 5sa914d-payable; te Irustees ot sehool semdutn.X. ,big non-resideut acheai tax. Carrloth. Mr. Ciiapman mores that bterue bc auihoized te givo san irder oun-tb. trei- surer te Geere Wilon, IL beitg for teses prsos.cting -cetain partis for bmpcbof Townaip By-iswrs. (Cam-ied . 1Û. SPeara niqvs That the Reeve 'do authorr5. ite freaurer to pay to euhl ceunelioreof thisaTowmffip or tther rdem- t.e sunuotQejeby qxeadedrn A&rlXI tlhé fi'korth Âimerce*." Quebec, May ilT, 1858 The Yortk 4rerican, which leit Liver- pool at il olcock ini the foreneon, on the OUi Iiat, pauoed "Brandy-Pota," atilve thus Caupbell'a oonquest was only an empty ç»ty, and tbat the fittal battle ground wilI b. Uobhlluid, andtbat nothin- furtber will 1,. atteznpte4 yet, owing the bot weatber. reptir as uns street, anti ulule tue, - - - Lite'! ore-iL laco. Lb SuL Wrdge çtetort lasetangressed oeestage, andtemr i scn apprSoprition as Lb vtq oulesord an sidered, tha more IL la approved ot appopratin ws te woleburenote The estimeaes bava been bronght itfand Base in. e bho icndored on iL, vtilo te theGlobe, as lu dnty b.uud, lies common- North Ward aud Centre Ward uhicit e Scd ils appropriate s landa"rus attacha $400 each had ouiy eue road botveen thrn. oun Mr.Calay, but thougi thei position et The Sentit Ward contrihuted tevardate, Finance Ma'nitcr la a vary diffctito eatitis purcliase et a tire-englue sud Lb. sinking vear, ha viii b. austained lu bi$ efforts Lé, et veiha, front ubicla it could darire noe fep up te roputation et Canada for ahi. benefit, eompared wýti theb Northband Cen. liLy te do houer t*,ber engagezents-er.n' Lre Wards, sud titis b. maiutalued, vas t b. sbeiould bc oblgad - Lirtat u net nov te suay to troat the peopleeof bis - poeugt *omtd g or t pur- wad.Efforts are beiug made. te r.ducfe .li- Tie- Mayor veuld go fer s fire engine aneca tpitug u nu o sud water ciaterns fur te aouLb yard urt cf te Comuitte. on that putticuilar. vhen Lhey wanted titenu,irrespectiveof g~ ra= fuci epeuditure urbichlli f-adopt- other itupnments. Titis vas notet i osmthing tpwvards .flecin aM- way to treat te mftter. Eust Windsor d ù o and te North Ward aigitt us veli" ~ing:. othier iniprerements beSause Iber bath no i.Sadn eumte uPlt scieo bus. hoaasneu amuiebeg leare te report: public building in t.e Nort Ward aud ,Titat -iLappmthât UIafv0 ofse he ii consequantly, takiug 'the 0 atin'a argu- -Journais sud Appendices 'bavW -hithertoi meut, the.Nortit Ward »outd b. -entitlid been printed [1AO EnIffihandê-1,40 teslafor additiouai improu-emen, becanse Freachbj and fer thi lautyeara moat lbera itadecoutrilbutg Wthe éeotlug erpub- diMstaitse1ion fa5smade, AtueWinjlin AU to lic buildtigsin thecentre Wru, ne de-.,68 psatgontbahuiets 8v precatod this mamner cf coniderln.g teaum0 ontl'réma"inonhland ask bitii question, but.if that vieu vive taken, b nuiuof your OuUittO tI lm' InUnIý voud itow. heur tbe Nor-t Wrd hli$ -é;of 2,M6,8 uuybeelUydnid, a80* oblged to submit toe b. blidZa.nu6rket thns uubi a jbI1nuim alssLalli-a market *h vawus wof cpiS -dsiuew dee1anb~4a~nu of <thêIratea-pay ers vsbw tii-Otl«UO rp sud» bythe action of the Cowiaeiltp~ou sdud b istbtd tL Atum- The XaI'r--ýreU -sncb 1 #i 1 -- ' 4 1-i -I . ia ai ---kt~ TOWN COIfl<L. tender et Daniel S Way, for lumber, be - accoptcd, on the conditions lu tbe adm. , MONDAI %venin&, Itiy 1 tiseulent mentioned. The. Cogncil met et the. usual hour, liteN'?xmco t!~s isb he à 1r. MemRa roeu; On motion of Gaptak R**e, h w.. o- niaWobiptl Maoe, Msa, .dp<"' seved t bat hen tiseGous>ci adjouru St Maceu~lMqPhra~, Rve-udTie stand adjourned te Konday *-evet4g, tho Mayne. Siat instant, at six d'cck, pm. CULT~, OAlEs &C.The Ceuncil thon adJo=cnd. On motion eOfMr 'frenisyne thie Council vont inte Comuitte.e o the whle ou By.. iaw No. , authorialng ýhQ making of cul PAR I M N  Y výert, draitus, &cý ' - Tihe ropcrt vas ameudod ll'eMmft« FUX ýXOVM ýAND» 001MV1T$ PIEPÂRED» 105 aud agrod te, sud the OeMMiteo roue and THSE WHITUY OBRONICLI. repcrtea the saie. -Tiei. rp6,t wv aten- adopt.d, TiMIL lie standing Committ Toronto, 18th ]Éay, 1888. on streets suad improvementu bceauthorized flEÂR SIR: te make sncb cuiverta, valet' hannels snd Cisar Gritiam vas druuL wltia delight on dfrans as may b. lecemary for carrying WcdnOSdsY eneiiug last4Jrçai à * drunk as away the balubater off certain premises. veTo soute o9 iLs hrofessors and ilinstraterg rOUND» aEEud a4 ith genuine Canadian usquebaugb. It vn motion of Mr. MuacDonehiLte Coun- was net that Oritisni conld boast of any cil went into Comittee of te whole on 14peciai victory, or ef any special houer the bylaw te regulate the. duties of Pounid but that it escaped a deleat, and s:.cceeded Keepers sud te repeal bylsv NWI a n sd in keepinga constituency froin getting in- 8r5. Captain Rowa lu the Chair. The re-tte bands of an honeit man, auJ a gen- potwsdiscussod, in committee sund ou tleman. The victery it gained vus over motion ef Mr. Macdoneli secended by Mr ik de éaserand m te b. fo Gsuva Perry, tLe. Comnttee rose and repotd knov it esrv L b rashed, adw Lb. ih vLhsecsnYldmt ortrieto therelore tortured vith horrible apprehien- fer adoption, Mr. MacDeneli moveti acà hd- . sc inipnsmnhneti ed by Captain Reve, Le reter te bill te a mm than mOrtal ouergy IL oxitibited, the select Committe., consistiug et Mesas. mure than bliman effrta IL put forth-, te Reve, llodgson sud the mover, vith lu- hl va Lhd eoeotie.Nor strctions te report Lb a t the net did it after ail g et mu ch lu Lb. vay of ho- meeting of the Council.-Oarried. uier. IL cftrried Wm. Mci)ougaII throngh STREM ANDIUPIOVFMNT Lte lection, sud let lue ask yen, vhat bo- 5T55T5 A!> ll'ilVRMETs, dy lu the Province, dlsimiug Lb. smaliest Captain Rowe breuglit up the report ef possiiîie înmodicunnî of respectabiiity, vouid the standing C.oîtxmttce on strectsansd deeni his accession te membersiuip au bon- inuprovemtents, ani on motion, the Council or. If te number sînongr the fraternity a vent iîîtoCotiinittte of the whoie thereon ; nucpable cf voiniting the iowest sud Mr. Hodgsoî lu the Chair. The report most revoîting billingsgsate, of seeking by mnade provision for expending sumn the llost coutempi ible nicanneas, te make on the Court lIeuse, sido valk sanni moey, cf eating up the most abominable on the construction cf a side-vaik fri filt", asu- generily cf exbibiting te vbhat Blyron Street te the market, sutu deptb cf degradatioti humanity mnay isil, on the base line, zsoin on I)undas te an advaiî'îa-e, titan the Ilouse of Asseni- street, sum Lte each et the North, 1 biy Of Canada basa got an advantage, fer South sud Centre yrards, te b. expended NNVîn. MNcl>ouga.ili la nova member cf Par- in each yard for improveluents. The -lîsînetît. And, ho sstonished, 0! earth!1 Couticiliors cf aach Ward te be Commis- rovs su car witit, J. Sheridan llogan, the sienei-s for the expenditure cf tie sînenuts conselrvativo tinember for Grey, sud the sppropriated. whilim editor of the whInsivo, lun-bis The Mayor movaîl au ameudinent te the sublime contempt fer bis preseut feiiov second clause that the side-waik on Blyron earsmî vuld net, for any conaideration, street bceketended frein the Mechauîic's bahve been snpposed capable of teucbing Hall te Ciiefflut aund frein Ointario street te hlm aveu vith a teu foot pole. The great the mark-et. Ie diii se becaîise he consid- case wi th which Mir. Browîii carried Oxford erel tat if any spt-cial appropriations contracts singuiarlv viti thLb desporate vere niade, the North %Verd was velI en- agollstr eflort.> required te plut MeDoug-tli titled to is share; andl because the slde- ili, sud fot a few ofte rauk and file Grits waik proposed in hbis amenlmntt oeul arc at a iii> Le îinflerztand wby the Ciif accoîniodate a large nuîubcr of the rate- ,ihoul(l have riezkedse muchto save sncb a payers inîthte Nurth-wt!st section cf te1 man. Itl saifl, (;odon cf Lhe carpet bag, Town, wbe paid s large proportion cf the vould bave taken the Riding with a hep taxes, sud for whomn not a sitigi partîcie skip aud jemp, sud that aven McKîunou, efamproevnt had 3-CL beau made in that te lanner man-the felloir urat used to' iocahîty. drair the long boy, aud that dees se yet- Captain Rowe oljected te Mr. Par- vonid have succeedad infiniteiy botter than ry's ameudmat-be regarded a aide- the practicl fariner. If se, lu theiame cf waik froin By ren street te te Mark et as a fortune, uvhy did Mr. Brown insiat upon publ'Ic benelit-and certainly as mucb e1thtrusting se disgusting a. creature upon a pulýIic impruvement -as tc side-walk op- tLeb. bhighlanders andat the sanie unme poit. te Court Flouse. Let the differeut croate a necessity f-,r apending nntoid sumns Wsrds improve thair ovn sidewaîkca, bntutofmoeay, sud uutold ntumbers cf lies- this siîicvaik vas su exception, and iLs There la seime mystary lunttis, aud the on- improvemnent vould net only b. a Ward ly solution is, that Mac bath George lu bis bonedit, but a ganeral public bauchit. power, and tbreatanad Le expose bum Tite Mayor venudpresshis aîîîendnuaent afresh, if he did net radeeni bis promise, ef. uniuiss te clause vas expunged. Ho makiug an M. P. P. of hiu. Sema ngly weuid b. satisfied to strike eut the,;clausa - vrds are kaewn Le have passed hetveen altogetiier sud bave ne specisl ippropri- the two worthies, net long &go. and the' ions. atery gees, that George hasd te kuock un- Mîr. Macdoueli ssid that Lb. sidevslk der. Well, ou Fridsy eveuing, Magsar from Ontario street te the Market was con- Brown sud Foiey introduced Mucfougal sidered by the Council for the year 1857 a inte the pririleged area, aud tet GriLs, pubiic improveÃŽnent, sud that a report wuas vith their nov Lberougbly bumbled Tory brought iute ite Councii makiug provision friends, the Burvelis, Dorlandsansd fHe- for iLs constructien, but that iL vas aihos'ad gens, citeared te the. ache! Did yen te bc lost to the Centre WVard througit the ever? fanît oethte Centre Wsrd Couniciflors of O! Jobn Siteridan, my Jo John, that year. H1e (Mr. Macdoneli) vould ha \Vhen we were first acquisint, ableLeo show et the naxt meeting bey it Tuera vas soea lonest pride lunttec vas lest. Thora vassoeahocuspocasiiug But nov, alas!1 there aiu't. it the maLter. Tewr ftewe- huhntvr Mr. Trenisyne fonnd upon euquiry that geTin o f L. vas sticgb net ry the Lb. Ceatre Ward lest nothiîîg by the ~' uaonvsstsicoy r maLter. Tite full amoutit approprIiateui to Alleyn's bill te protact Lhe omigraits froin the ente Wrd lst ear wu xpededthe harpies urbe fasten upon theni lu ail inth enr Ward hst eras anirpaenin our là rgo citica. came up for a 2nd raadiug, srbtcb bat beenu mat to the Centre Ward sud clicited Mr. MeGee's spleen, net, 1iiso- trongh any inadvertance or negiigence,he letnuly baliera, that h. dislikcd the mea- (Mr. Tremayný) vouhd nov b. preared Le aura, but thiat ha dislikea te tramner et il, do justice te -the Centre Ward, but lie nay, hates hlm with a cordiality vhich iond scb as et b. ase su asbekuova ne bounds. I can'L make eut the. could net hook upon iL as a public improee resens for titis intanse feeling, but thaL iL meu, n moe hansid-vaksreqire i existed, vas patent te Lb. Houa. on, meut.n moe that ielus e b i- ara n bability see a balloon lu Lbe air, viiere it ought te be n-ateal f.being ou term ra frma This prepotergus- mode eftdieforming the. female forn4 Whue no céection'ý vitb thieaig!îsof progrosa, iklas ther a falling beà onn one of Lb. ,mnctrens cutens of;a pà t age ardictîlene Ilold fashien 'sthat ofe=(1& lchsubject fer Lb. satire cf sncb men ne Steel, Âddion, anid t"rcontent- Its preet adoption la auerib.d te tbi. bet utiJeiï of fI'n'* w'vhé à luedoubt> r»ur*duaced thia remuant of barbarianu front two4buada of the wbole amount printed, and your Commttee have un, donbt thut the. Publie service would bc weil sadpled wlth the. number as above gtated.- Youw Commtte. rmemmend thatIn fil- tare one thomunul oZies ooly b. printod, this umber to indua both languagea. Cbl. Prince ' bu introduoed a bih hI the Conel te abrogato the. property qualifiéa- tion for Voml>er et Parlmrent, and propo- ses to proua it with al bis eloquence.- Whou fh> omea..forward,!Y Witt give Yeu a morstpeculanotice of IL. He vanta lb. twenxpnt isete act in the. matter ofe i.HudsoW'a Ba'y dompany, andthbreat- ena te bring in e bill hunseif, if tbey do not move soon. Meauwhile he ha an en- qntiry upeu tii. -paper, as te their inten-~ tions in thepremisea, which wiIl bring an anawer on Wedncsda next. ;ours, &c. (JOON. To the'd1tor of the Whitby Chronicle. Sm,: During the recent discussions, as te estabsh&s "lMirror" of Parliament, it wu s uggested. that a certain form of words should Ime adopted, as the. mediunm of ad- mitting IlStrangeru," te the Gallery. A menuber fer a Nortbern County; (having 1 presumne, a moment te spare froin bis Senatorial duties,) -ambitiously framcd what he deemed a fitting style for the pur- pose ini qfikstfol-und actnaliy %wrote as foilowrs. Tho originalipreUmne is a litcrary curiosity-but [ send you a faith- "Pieuse To Admit y. Tiarer To 'i~le Galery of The Ouse! Wclud4y." Ricb this rather, is it not, Sir ? Your obdt. servt SQUIB.. [For the Whithy (lronielc. Man isa mcrature of prejudices; fcw take pains te search into the nature of ex-I isting things or te comtcmplate truth li the abstracL t. I l what yl l rs. Grun- dy say " that propels the million. This unsatisfactory incezîtive controis at an carl y pcriod, and aff'ects cur conduct throughout the lengest ife; tor ne one can dispute th*-rareness of an unpr.'judiced NMid, a Mind which dares te mark out its evn patb without reference to precedents. With uuch reflections as these I pur.gupd mny way, and ua iu y vont, specuiatsng on cause and effiect the instantanous obe- dieuceoef maLter te mind, thus the req'îired volition te valk, hsviný discharged its office like a akilful enginecr, who, having set the machine going, leaves iL te perforni its complex operations, seoniy feet in ac- cordance moved on mechanically, until ar- reated by the commatnd te stop; bow con- veyed îny pbiloeephy knoweth net. In plain lanuage, 1 balted on the corporation bridge (it wantg repairing sadly) te admire the water beiow, being nearly as -great a worabipper of that element as an Abyssini- an priest. Tee, shaliow, thinks 1, see bow ilt chafes and gurgies, now it dashes on a buge atone, turus eut of its course, fnrms a littie troîAbled eddy until ferced along by iLs eighng particies. Why la iL that shaliow streams ever'present restlessness, and repose-Lhe nitimuni of human desire -b. fonnd oniy when there la deptb? Physicai science has selved that question, but as emblernatical of tb. mindI the fas- dinating harmnony ef repose may b. aller al, only on the surface, for in our trans- migratoîy state, perfect repose is uuattain- able, ner la it te he desired. This- fact must bu beld responsibie for ail the iliconi- stancy. and outrageous love- of novelLy which Lormient the human famnily: iLta aise indicative of progres. But, progresm la the antithesis of retrogressiot ;-hiere nîy train ef reflection came to a stand stili, by a singular dialogue opposite the coop- er's shep. W6at do yen ask for that tub ? euquired a purchaser. Dollar and a half, vus Lh. reply. A dollor and abhaîf1 for tatsmlafur Wby, lsatsaves looklng up ? Nemam, but boops bc, aince the wimin bny thoni te make puncheous ef theni- selves and givothenicolds in their knees Cold lu trie knees? thougbt 1, that is a new ~ ~ l-- ida- bv e r - ofco ld - 1-ehAd sud~ ~~~~~~- -dvstn omtsyeso hir v akounits, lait l inte contbm-. I cousiditor tbat bis lorSMip lsi ' ifimly aisycn onse ov, Lb. citikins Lbatcoeobel blmad outer- mak a extuhe r eeurn te lavyers en tbeîr cviiakonts vite cum before bLt I spako na a tbnue adrecate fer te rifornu ou- puablek noisauoes, snd riteimber thati f vas't t lhe divishuin cccvtià ei rme -qwn ukoupt, (protekt me from hbsrm), but oaly. a abursaned-witneds&- 1l*init.ttheim s inluduity boui-, viii take caro te steer suothar course. At [prosent I wdl make my boy, accompaid by a stal iitnt; I"There la oue sînong yen taking ndtes sud faitit be'ii prent IL." 1 am, - Mfr. Chrouicle, Yonrs faitbfuly, OBSERVER. 1<e@die'i speech 49t Damb Rgpme-tcd pmùafrmlyer ci. WAUtp tArmkile."l matt uncommon hsppy-higb hour-un- uortity (itean, bear) important crbà -e-idaiy- gene,sud arrivod1I eut fer Civilsud R.- ligions Discord, aIl ovor Canada!1 (immense citeeriug, lad by John Smnitht of T-oronte.) Yas, Gentlemen, 1 could observe, but IL la net uuuacessary tu aay, "lBricous nerer shalh be Slaves." Gentleman, naccus- temet us I as u eaddress sucit su as- embly as tbis-(sitem) itear, hoar sud cheers) yet te totu.can feel ubat the lîeart cannot express! Yes, gentlemen, I tain for Universal Suffrage, .n-(hesita- ion) Civil aud Religious Dis&%Wrd all crer tb. venld I (cries of IlLhaL's IL Mac. stick Lu that,'> vbicb ve are sure Le aee establisit- ai in this country, if ouhy true te (citeera.) Y.s, gentlemen if only true te, "protec- tion sud the in*astricus chassas 1"for I ami op- (itusit-hear hlm, hear lmn, si- lence.) Gentlemen, I give yen "lte Civil sud Religions Liberty cetLb. Pres!" (hesi- tatas> sud -sud te vorkiug chasses, f(pro- longed citeers, lunviticit (aptiug Mood-aye %vas distincLly audible). Well, gentleman- vili yen, aL any r#tc, 1 say,- viii you (the ' rest ef Lhe sentence vas drovued lu relie- ment cheers, aud cries ef, No-no-Neer> Withueut going into "lvote by ballot," sud "'tri-snua Parliaments" I shal square iny poliLical circle, -outheuaie principlcs, that bave se emiueutiy distizi- guisbeà tha honorable mambar for North OnLtrio, lu bis -eilebrated vork, on tue- - Occuit quaitias--of Grit Triangles!"'- (Hera a buge Fe-ac' bannar, dis- gusterl. nr> dobt, flappei tee sud iror.) I arm ducidedly for reducing tae uîmber of "cnSrd o cood" ccusumod lunte Pub lic clices. I1sam for cutting off te super- fluons suppîy ef watcr, at te Govarument Houa.e (citeers sud greaus) sud sppîy te Ilvsst savinga" Le Ltte erection cf a "ýVz f ion-rd Pantheon," l intwicita grateful people nay place the I"Viscera" cf Brossn -the Il Buse" cf Mackenzie, sud te ro- mains of ahi Great GriLs, duly, aud aua- tomicalhy preared! Titan, as Lb. Egyptians cf bldi presarvei their Pharaoits; se shtaîl tbis!or Canada, bcreafter exitibit ita fosail remaini', tnp- roar, sud hotid cries ef question, queostionî). Gentlemen, 1 asll ne furtiter trospasa on or patient attention, (lood ciiecr) after; Iifutezplanetion of my princîphes! l>nty at te Pool-book-(Pohs, 1 shoohd say), extinignisited for arer-(crlaa of yes, - yes ). Eyes of t.e country upon vcn--Crisis-cf or National Represemîta- iion-parient attentioîî-last day et my lite !-(veheiuaut chteors, sud soe m ud Mi. ODsyls Correspond.euce. Mistiter Edititer, !'d a gme mini te gî1vc me coutlînibu- shions te the Ontheryo imes, -since ta tuck se muci timte te shuparsada thanu b-1 a dascruin pubiick. Titis is not te proper sosrt elt tiratemnt for yer rinds, simd i, for 1, caut bare thiriflin vid i tell yo. Arc yaz rady mou te make Lbe amind oniraitie, as te frincit aay? if se l'il be aisy. LETTER TO. 1 friqtintly tbiuk wvit a biesai couse- iasiun iL la ibat te Town or Whitby pos- sessiis se many pathriots--min, whiî f tbey spake thtc- tirute, are reiy te do amy tuer- iai ting luintae vol-avin Le nuake fools or thituselvea for Lihe beniflit or te tevu. rre latiterhy attindidi eapubiick meetins or these patlîriotic citizins-and dudnt I see titet-likute Roitans ov onid (onhy thaLttcy bai un thiltunes te asini,) stand np sud spaka Le Lb. peapie. Whv dent yez report tbe orashtions _or sicb ginteien as Mistiter John, Shtaw, Mistiter- Biugy, Misther Willy Robinson, Miatber Robinson'te barber. MLsther James Mac- kintosh sud plinty ofsicbilike god spakers, wiicse discourses arenose ei ortit preser- vi frninstthLbeurhd sud hein handed idovu te tuth urngenerashions? I1cp;Zd lier it à gmt. dirîlickshun or dhutywlye mart --and ifyedei1nt pay mnre-a&ttinshn Ya wralahed " kernues nd1Gie-ise, Y. bravlig-iong air'd, Oxford !ess,-e So theît, by voîîr rnbilc-- met v-e, .Bs."ie",* ii r choie t Wiîat! couid ye titan, ne -Iiffereuce se., 'TwLxt 1ev, anti gentta pvd-i-graa t 'o u ode Apes dià -covr, 'Twixit nusty idsy-and a.ettd Cluvon f 'Iu valut ier,-aftsn >-e'Ilne-peu t That eacit a stîpeen, Gtm, Ya e"nt, A iblave utco now, th-)' G. B', mccl Once <athai116 Master <teanur o lF&Isd Ontce witb A pello, Psu did tIîIy, (Itidassm Judga, lin somg did s-te, A verdit a. tu -iti MidasPa. Fer uhich lie e yu dette cf ()If Witc chus. a SI Rejcttinm ie ( lise. tà kqth tei Mare Jack-aii-1 la, Ltat the GUn îsrned th "EPars ef Au!" t f tuin ne-neuve. spoiî-yc mtn Ite gaine, - -be-urond-Oxford ns aim i enxar for, or de-plurne, iLhvoite - mniea squatI - The vili pigeons are nnconironly nu- menons titis seasoui, sud mynlauis et Litai are constantIy tiying -to ami ire, fnrnish- ing gaue ftonLie sportsman, sud pleaat, todt tonrte hunry. There la a large rock- ery cf theit iabout saen tmil"eset oet tiis viuage, witere tltey are canglit by tae hum- drasIL. A Mn. Paxcn, frein near Buîffatlo, N-Y., lias canghut a grm-autty vititi net, aui iaititougi bis suiccesa bas beau skpfertdid am - ibis profits ample, yat ha mut neauls ani- pîoy te Sabtht day lu ne ttin; thase biruis sud tbas-eby înaking a profit- ef, at icastW $12 ou titatday. 'Iest SuiaIbis "Gothlaniung" man busiedhiimusahfun catoiin; Lbmzm, sud su complet. vas bis auceess, that at night h. found hinusof. péissesaed cf-. tiodre. doiea birds, as te fruits cf labour. Ou Montlay, 'Mn. Tho&s.Belsterrvery pro-. pely lodged s coniplaint betore W. Smithi, Es.q., agamusittis Paxr onfr teprofanla- tion jet te Sahbatlî; but Paxon, by Lb. ad- vice Jand îbrongii Lb.influence of onebta-so Carlton, (vite beard tai Mr. Bolà ter b8d math. complisint.againsi Paxon, bWore W. Suttit, .esq., Reero,}at once, acco;mpsniod by titis sanie Carlton, vent te Abyabant Bsgsha,Bsq, J.?., sud iÃ"dge4* complait, ugainat hituseif ; vbereuponMn; Bagubsu flued hlm lunte aum cf msai namosi sud te- ouhait et viîciho ereturneul te 'Paxon; 1 suppose titis vas doe, in ou-dem- te fulfii the law; thatis, IltAat theG~a- plainant ."aIlrectieios alf tufin&." Iu thénuesutime, Mr. Smulit1sd iueid a Suimmons mequring Paxon to appear W. fore hlm te asaer te te charge, but -a Mn. Bagshav had-alneady deal it iLbhm, Mm-.,Smilb itoîsghit Ladrisable te diamisa bitmatceiyafePazon', dismiasal, a complait ras preferred apinst Ibis larsel Carlton for alding Paxon lun catebluig Pigeons. Mr. Bolatera de tiscomplaint Carlton, hea-itig wlat vus . gon c, Made bis appearanceebéfore Mr. 8mith, lu a itlgily excitedastate, andappeared agnrl.. Gns to-baive matters arnged.-Te titis Mr. Boistersagreed, on cosidition of Cari- teu's payiug the casts, $3, urici lké did,- sud lait Lb. place, eoeiug i he m iot' " raptutrouauîauner " possible, weIl pieased To'F. Tr end ad - bave e ingniy lied trie mtîen in- lest Lii - pletely1 but 1am I bave witbthe - day.i1 iu; jour arncouvi -kt the. Vsn Fnimîr 1,,r conqe lit of c i- uutof RzIecve,a -of P..I. investig-a amnounuce tite o 1. w u aud eo canne> ovued -4staoc 82 :', seam not to bedeprlved iev - lite of,"s LOIdS~ beamin kountenano. vhmn thoy go te Lb. Tovn hall.ML 1 undheratand that thtat apalpeen'.Mick - lualba g t orNerth Oxford. Whist- pi r rata tr edipondent na tLe Lest thuat? If lh. duzut date -wid tbe onthaceut - i'cIock, a raaclien,. Tim O'Day wil, i tel yez. eirn Depnt lpi th ie pour oiconlanýs-therc dis. rce i gracea s s laLb.parhituent by by miCi f1e a.contamiuated boccagit. Gud ho vid tht.e posite Lb euhd sud is littIa chaneLte lhes or biu- vyvit srud have py getiin a gâte theroe or gettin 7 twiî I daceut irisbmin 11ke meseIf te rote for hlmifu sn That ,thunderin Lbrateriu ekeunuiri h arsy fu tr- Migee la iterej!st *Iit ho *à s at home, a th-n' dessu-lu ragihona, maklii A brade ont or --botter 'k!. t ar a harted simpathys èr bis Kün- ho Fort a tbryrnin, au halpin George lrovn tLego*0lis-nt te dirisbîtin and stitrifa u intae nâLshun: Wont - - tcr they b. vai met Brown, Mîck Dugal, sud -lv bMagee togethar. The mimbern (m Lue tiraly . bouse ai' in'dthgcr htell yau, lu stch dan-.iteslu pauy, for IL mud h. but a just jugment e - te bouse conttainiug 3 sicb karaéthters fel dowu sud beried thim luiLn t un es. sMeanoise, es bîni biles aL Lbe thrason or te titratgr,.: Li-the grec. I porsave titat thered te b. graeadevarahun Lbey fiodA ahI over Lbe cuntitry on the Qtieen'i birtitor et t day, sud is nieseif vie feel proni sud ghact - y or tbhe kashun. Itll yea tliat thera iib ttk-- sente linttis place su onleyai titat tbey then intý dont noe tn tera queen vas botm1, -Lb,- - scendiog baythans. Titaras- te b. excuraituns and anya fatas, anà rreva sand marcitins i lu heit taegar Lovus over te kunthryou th. next 20 - - a _ r fourtit et Ma, sud wvitar wv aiem Ledeo îasag Whitby, 1isa. s. a or byalty an te. kar- gini actituir or tite-Leuvu te purtake er tae ras. w att, andi cally Clear GriL inoivasiins. Cimnt ofu eartb yez perrahecu, theo Mare te do soinetlîluL- - - the g:%rrc varda elebratin teé da. fin Lould tat MEstheor Captirf James .Wallis la goin teuie a revue is tltr ee rifle cavalry sud Le te impi- prasint- tbiiiiwid an sudre.s ansd a barrai of l e whisky, but sura yen ne titis is net enuff idutheta Let us; ber a meetin b4 band -sud geL up ant sornethtin Le keap tebys sM horne- sud phase the ginls-tue hadees 1 mana. Aint aboe t va as geod, aud as thrite, sud as liaI as ter vieviý Coberg or Port Hope-or sny ar thilîn nîer inclinti ainsl tevris thatare tryiu te geL up te n. us-bot catit, sud i cati tei yen Lbeyrefabt gem t tuhave titeir bitîlda-an ne hafea -aaolit i ethar. %Vit yez thur thin up iluhe Lba.f nuatttirasd oblige - - rs-, Yar thrne frini, - iiyl Tl.% OCDAY.