T4U~M O.R N IN4 hlRt$STE1~, UTBY, te- ?%gt, Boer Otse <hp Rglter 0* - ~li UB,% 'I'1ON TO'i uîà ve3 or IVRSNO TAi unes nlos l '-'....... .... Aby> 1e ue rsi inertio..."" .... A libeîtielima)llaonit iloed tu Merchnts otite,'.advcrtliig by lté yeitr. . i l0Oio(!ýtirrvbaread lau iti-ieeaoireugi mliemse italitlia 'itýyam ilqv adt>-, a c r'a iied~ictiun A tti lintibe seentredt t lootity luWhoadventice or thhut s'eil or t4 --it go) wiîî pleuseajie ttO (tita> 'tnforwarc' * ear lilceat.. Nao pai-in wurl hod'sconItý-Iaed ucclil 11arm ages are paitttinp.. 1setters eiI~i~utaI'reiatencti, will bc ha> rush cf tluc îtnbllslîers wbatitineso -IIlniGiNs A AEjOFFET, W'!aiitb>', C. BOOK AND JOB ]PRINTING ENTAB»LIsIIMnENî lu lrie~cofrvt e front Newt Yorn iiiad BOOK AND JOB PRIN £IN( oiil ta cri tîicît ioj itit tti gariaiiie thaI cmo wi1 ll l letalu t c Caîaanîrkv ,t.vl..ut d l oit )vlii.'It vctitllg' thtoat tli tati it Card ttend i hmi en ltahtrv t'aSiIJta '.Iltia a mitta.-r. TlttitaL ouibaui ahage uail.1 ll"Ita ittltit %y t uil pnics îîand et tît ic ht't ta#tnli. J ~Ltsll ~I. iFluE taN [tRîtîRST.. il. -J. MACDONEIL. OP TUE taL 'TV 114 I?. AN C U- a.î.r ot rlie ii 'ttIgraîn i tIiri. t littu Il'. PAtXTON, Jr. St.î.îtîîîîLî E Zi lia' THE 4-C t.NTi' Nia1:5UNEll.FFjIltE AVTlT L. FAIRBAN(S, C -ERW M1)1VýSIN <t0;U RT. OFFICE ilW . 1 " ltMA Y N 1, J1. 1 V. I JE 1vr- 1 M. il. 1FAIRBIANKS, %WILLIAX POWtiNN, W. 0. L'AS1'W'OOI, 2A. B. & 31. D. 2 t -~; t >NI'aIIANI',S& COIONI, . R EN.411 llltOtK STRtEET, TOWN OFJ t- WILL[VIM TEMPEST, M. D. I N (G T ELTt j'~~CANADA -A J.N. (l1'%, 111. D. m I CLPNts.îitlEIN .3R(K£ LiSnreot, tut-r .f. iîaiaa-Store, aital tùpostle B n a Cn ir trial. i te AMOS W. CRON, VQc111TE0 j', VII.Eý IEEAND -J. FItOWD niAEN ADeIT îeeT, CNIVILENGINEER Dru Wte1,ý ltiiîy.i, stimaLtiesinado &N l ilkinda cf mcusunitang %wrk oaneffli a aten- P111LANDERM.LA , ]Lsa!d lui;etîaulurf Lice,îsa>s lin e Y uiiptî * ly oftbe-rcs'aof Wlaih. on - .Me CLARK, q5'EfCHANT TAILOR, No. Ã4 KI eT.th .ILWest, Torntom. -10 JA 'gUG<~'r TIIJG NTI CIIEMIC. W.>0Be., ooa i i, !RYII NA, GLAZ1ER,,PAI>R INQn tGE BRABAZON», CE. OMhýIS1SONER FOR ,svlti lutho t4ua>een's Boneh, Av. . - fiff TJiÃ"*1'O4rn hltb>. RAt.d.)GI<IWNWQOD, 26" e ousn alabecoad.io.h., 0 io 81nd e nZ n gwrné " j w i a [allaitf$OD.&!loY it-A B R PRY G R ST L8re _______ Dnlapeandthorofficr alitec ofeythe haert th.e* RI NT IN G K Ne 1Nueaa theSorhenmesquer% CTO MB a ., EY REL*N TI04 OEPSOM, TOWN- Ravlsoftis late pt . 0f Lb, n aiona4k iU&M ste nt ewY ork. ae isc ile h& iIpoestaao crfà lo b hdv al ob ol g£sae< a idb B C Ib k)EH, &. Av, URE N S0EET, - 133. alacer tlqp ym e d yt ue i fl no* t ciniedte Ch@ i h M~s e ch a~ty o PA mERTNi eraSING D opueair - i lae, etNog T.ret Toroto.eloce Aq W., thisl% a timCe oer ay S# lie ccvli e Mon aleofinnaitparCofFarangw ' "<e 18, lIZ Co taesInA Word.T ter it<turh werd,$dd 0sud ieason.il A. vii B utr crr oontaa vi&0.un. them n efod repect fllo va ei , ieli-teUin ià m an N -L RVL .E R C H A R K T ,A t,R E, RO T O .M , B b v i o e i E b At n a u o < w b lc h , te r " C a ] "o d ir e d t a l t , e ýer u d S u d N o Y R k. 4I N2G A cLe ,SL ot 0 2 u 4.Ey ..L o v e u i lt,, m i ~ i l~ , - , r o r e t r 4 o à o d ,p r o m p t r e m l u m umd B rM e ll e.s . x c e lle n ______1_oo_____1_18_.___r ivâY O te o lyeoh s The%,sa hepurThee o(the Estd cofnB.F.d tha&o it ocght to b. revers.dhe.Mea THOMAS ii, sud eaed acces.moovecraelleht iualdithain ohethotyppficants, but. bandCourt.ycf mps 1, [ E J, &. &r, PRI, arr . Ne la roë of he ttrelopqItldlte* o fer ub«', cnteW" ne *uacrdch t (e ) 'r ,% . T SQAKS, rTO RNTOo.- 01 N aav o e ,te i t a ll ofwiii r hmIlv. Ayu a a nd 4........ ........, 4 6nd nd N w ILork.n.au 'l PaA9WM idDbII O TN eLY orE N eEN il Oy ,J N assf roiî. 20<>L ov ,nt in s " D ' Sli i ftrecaroci O it o nqS ut. ten oyLl rspci l a flot:2M rlo LoteIohe decuaton Oi neciaodtie fr rsellrs 8 1' iE BO E 'emW n n m udSe s.IA Relent Wste IEN.Ns Bock W tb 17 es T I r o nt ais! she oîus ofiGrey$ X A N I L A H O E L P . E l ) W R D R A . S u p h â t e o f L m e e.. .o y;.. . . . . 1 , 9 2. h.e h i g hef ftn jgd i c i a l p o v erl , a d n K s o m OSA, (e1d btA udeslgwd hee..............COR-.....Carboniantacte ofownofLime ...............o TwdO 4145 aeai cfucbOi 0i h"Loa>. 511 lLoveitn"mouat. athoeermuyidia<o . ol4I- ______ e n Ma tinProiict r. l in ieha ayGohcd1 :i7 ONTAiJO HOTE ,ofavelerscalanow1{ndg........n...aîou-1,60 te lOWPrepredb -idet,,gc' jt>j naipa Tk oe . el 1riheî elkpsd l u I LLhe 20 ,-iMAcres pri 111 loil Cmonc I1 fl uMra..Or t, on rgdcaie h boaseyrSepewr futrte or A luintTia,........ ...... ..... ....n2,46 m y an d, cary01T hist n ligne tt lo ve and . A I*) I) W.B N S R P FT . e ...... ........t ,17Acr art 1. 1 Fr on anesi o urB. y htasn y,1 ll t.e sdow y a earodaptc ah bl t a g f uniFr.îiih Ilac Fr c Chrg. iitt- e l . aîn d 11070th T undreNl om d JA ES R.!Cth[UDow p.rD 511< t', CXet'tit e lAcre. pai 2, leiConeesloc OuIll ~n cin pt. e t m y a d a rv h r *p d t , a c e r el OtRhM Conce'ssion dcM utrraynd i ticng e o éb d w % of a acrepan 16 laitcothoiilneadolt.* ri uitonnvant,. sfld heli pi~îvla* noderate terns. M-L RIILE R l>snu mi;n t drea a 'r it iey wi.wrdes. Tu h largeandrinnvie&c.,nddoutestip liast wh n 1 ILfL s'P IVii aitaie iiTv tiTs ,c.v, sicvIc ps iîiigroi, o pivplja- 1lttif ie.............. INt0 i ted l'aiis u4 al Mande kept cosinatiily ou the village cf Ilatopton, Tows'uhip cf Dsrliig- IKeep lisocoy,mocked th, o;OtaedadL.aardodaee i LLITT Wltt t VN1EPROI»RiEOR.- Se. ICAE M1plE, i,iitZ of Lime ........ 'it bu. eeît. aiastsatr ton, -n rsuJ are.Thi e cexrV- ~teeoctc asn"ng rnpe ne et.Àhro MICIIAEtendercLt.,sympathievs cfeouronatureoar1 PILKE 'M JITEL,17-- -rlionate cf Mauririttiu .......00 îîtIre. .Lover auory cf stane wnrk, î'onpIeted u. heeouig eStpcu oudfltli $TUE~ MRKI A, . W((P R A ILROAD 1101116E, ij. Alaitt......................80benaandor ebhefoNthrtheexmpt .41Xe'.. ini.lst iien andi atenti %e ()siller*. 6 (IORNER 0F BRttt .'K NI)1) D S te., Water....... .. ......410 ______________ ttofBWranv'l e dUcriiero C- ..Wliitv, (L.aie ~Uo~ci'.The SipuLbs.............24 .J.LLsIIstsuiiiin o entol ir RALOD ITL ci*he r heg' 4r, a..snno. ct'. the iiatîsbitsriatacof - DIYSAE _ WI.OA O EL Vithy, and the ,travelling <'iuuilî>, ihattt. ..lie. DA L .lai, a auadngJclic ocnîo P>lV I li, ' I"IhTi)R. BRO<'(K ST. lfie lalen lineaov, fir,î dis.. lifouse,,'hicia lie 19,0) S AG uralsffborcintheIbs pivlegelis u stpe *Wlifl.,. Gon)d.Sîiîblitgiig îd atentiiîeOa lisite piit- r i es' sud e.uta'nienî mnsoer. i f .T W O -9 T W F rloin-ha lcaaiî.C-» ow hiAte peses a tie rs , L t lteiln e , & '., e a n l e lia i t t I o m e n i a. S u p h a te to f li m ét ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 , 0 c Ik ta tio n , i, t. i e G ra n d T r u ù k R i l i r a d l L o ts 2 .1l ' 2 3 2 , N o rt h C a m ro n S tre e t R o y a l I f i r r a g e s.a r p rt y n . r c c e ool o ONTARIO JIOTEL, nitce. Ail iqttorskeit .on the îrêtnileeare IStal t)hiret 2'w f Liliie..............l231,23p,.outhBright de. 'Ir , R O P R ' lI E T ~ K w r r t t l c d i r t v u e t j 4 . C h l i i z t ' t a r i x ; t t a t , , -L aO't a . £ 1 1 r i n g a n t i e n n g T r a i n s 1 B io c k I L n - i t a f a u . < , t c A S n R a c , l a g < m a r ean d l - t o a e d oj s n h s w l ' . T i , ! _______ I tl..ltyMari itîtisiTSileti....................... 4 40 l% i'th rX ml, . ESPANA)E IOTI.,G O u~ R T Wtotle of...................... --- H JAMPTON. teresting, the folloing remkkl t. STI<iET. itRaN'1't. ~ltF.iN L L H..' L," ecîcail(...........i......o...........tuo 11Los1Fi * j fer nd 51' utO iclu ent.dncacn i Kenucf, F ll'ir.r, lrt ,rieltr. l'st geftiela rketilttKN,.v ilamptota, ccctaining O L r«oPigi tPimporanceaedsr. patc .a. osru oiin e he _________enl__ iIidtis. TErnuderi-igniet inlas.imed hed ii.hoîc O (lt'Eo.uiy 'ri, are required heroafter to BROOKLIN. ef the alied Monarci, (1814j)teevs wihw r eni epc. a[t't.it'lIe n,! t~ tatittuitt. Tl'inown litati. eutdinfatntnng îte 1,ie ocfr0 t0J deli'r o ne aucli u'i-nts nd returtru, sd ait<rT Lotsj85 ,,~ ln0 ro -.. h a ld wthakoîd< tie facl lie wa.dd 4ag lu itate' Ilat il sill bc cpî 'New' York, Apnil 2, 1012. »tt e s a tic V. a e reat r e f b(a, uCound lin. Less,4a haghd:ipîc'aPlan of Brok L -,2 ' hâd aarvlvwithli &q i wasliv î4 ii tre NeQ-limestu datotiebae her ote Rbaud ound blteabgdpo aiaut 9 Th W A LIt'sstyle,aend a%ith tht. îlt.s'of affording aul te eut- J M SR IIT N .D auiat c o t as>' Bugsxc n COOKE'li IOTEL, a. h watt li hi..JAMESitIL.c..or iii l...M.erD.,tatn o ed rn to ;:eoupsyi'er a>.amd ail tawlnd .- mF utateas ion -MoeIr cf as eueIlfIhl moetYnvetotat T IN Dsi. i -. WI. ('onf.rt Iae otrnitda. a'ellimcitce1 tiîf'it and tilteri iioi to t'bctravellinug C7eaiit." fà eyfnesilini as «Y 'm Poasilethe or goigpi 1e vy il e ad -~ appeara neta C nd e eceivabît by forgainquarters duringeg laterid erot abv nl-çh4tit ie Ces'forC5b,9u'pa- h u o h S. J. B.RAYWARD 1 Ã0î1uu 1'îsitier" i1, supenian for found to îhato à 'llMgitaeso he staCute si-vl~ ance on>' imes aybprae. Ri&Caadh, sud b.Ii 1) . A. W. G AX L E, lirookîmu, May 125, 18-57. 19 the II"( iaga, .tr Il(tncttlagtmi" îniuclsit a lrb3rqie t eie t i i iio .GE<). T. hALL, iiith heÉ &Y01u1tirlativre dangcseb d n'îedtel udc ie:t ENIRER PllVsit--. - - - -ç an h - etprourg frt l upn ln, rcg iedtice, onitioni> ad litr a- 85 ccc be-i perbapa, with mucandetalebtsv atm~~gx lam. uncrvttrc ]Iwi,.okli. yoC.biboauty sudEtaleAP.EA.frequent.l te tite eilrel çedtnnp pitceud nové '~J~lB Sun(etuat NTaHrEvînuaiLi-- cutumuu ih iagut pr uge " Ip a nt two theieroa Wbîby Fo. Th, 1. wu vaitorat tua eri e uLod' an Ai aaay vhity doi. itn.., îm., . W LE DIN ST tIERUAt I Witftbv, April 14, I1155. 18-31-i1. j AIERICN IJTEL.a> betletan Witîly aInd t'xbridic. Tluim 7TUEÊy .dUorna'y, C. f lbnîcI IOTE . l t i't eireifttisid finttihed ii su ex- - _7___l. 1.TREMAYNITJ L C N W O ? t thé Grand Duko Cnstantle, ~ O.Pla ovsrtunn ra h r.. Irarni ~ aaîg tifleurt itat. the bcî eeomir ja'nthe .aliod f r 'e aEnd crierwold Icitapalu .bit brother of an ai a nsd illlustriou oa LSs5.ro areak 8uel <a \l.. H & i'.i'FIt.ai"i21iltl es. .. Iery ulteation yci.l lu Inuvellersansd .O --NI frien n h ulie terai'ta a ale r anco. PENITE,-q t-t'T'HiEg And YOU( AiEESrecGR.AyE C LT YO~i.¶~ , t, inGermany, but vbo likeuanotedahahu. yaaw Tta am..<' FIISAON. i.tiîra.>. - 1La lcady VCier tiwaa a iattend- TR E EWhîySpsdTU TOEE a veinsa tanoy in y b" s oet.~ vt usin rince.49_ nNTbilltBOO1usdD more Wbleo 808pand Cndiecuanuaidrym id, B 9 eina4tao teny an no Por pCaRUIà etove and tA yeung Àid'do-camp vascaptivtd~'< 1,ETT W i TIITBY. IN ITRET EST eRoTi. IcEthe nglah AdyKeandwhe t» .A' F YUU iW SIE.TWSTtO'r.'E OK T OG N T1 liaing ltasad the abovetlakoedors for CloJaiicg, andt up bis austo. ti hnti o-"hv T ~~~1. FAI&I iîi Fn, Ca.,Moelatat nami- IUBItARD & CARPÉtNTER reiurn ihanke liabit'oitso f the'l'own of Whitby aed viciait>,A.lprders PItnotua1lyà r.ended to, ant os. -oeabuteetutorugndva.,wt -tr.tt1 ,...Tononta t.iauce ttile u ce'. waik fronatta>elailwaiy I)ept iand a'temn- JL utr 'large haif* .patîronage wibts'j1jch ihat tbv wjl l d btnoedW haeu cxeotuct.h bitt e r!7 Ifot o lt81lor.1.5 blteLauduug, lisaklaen reititwth New Fnr- Uacy lana-e beon favoneti tlltlctlheopenaiugcfiOd fit> varrattteti. lhvhv ee hoeixithe oun'f hewe.k. I>clens oiprocuro Mn yFhon V gaI -e<'e trl amntthe SC ltosofbapseatMnelir.h tm' JOHN MET('ALF, Aimntiîeuî.. ara>Large ted s'el vcnlila.led. 0m-White iig M.olterv ouiti intimate tirai W -'SOAP AND C.&IL Gecd euwhewud rt.t i LF K F TII F FIFrit Ill SION (101RT. , atsse- tati nlitt ce inite arria-al cf tn hvi s ecaei er tcîtcn e the-à " a Wî-ILPrcea. udGras tke theEOsaa pr l 88 have DR7scorre linnces whariraeuadditevent hum folioM. Wtll, eue rathor-suugualsr la, aand ctm.,ttlr1.I14. iluToitvu..lmi1t Bruck . 1Ad- Ét-n. id iSt..tttihatA.. A U rpitr ad itteretockoi LdiW aned Gentlmeu1 i i gra1.;mallenib w aeud cu- 'rhc. , ef Fi 1M.si3L.s K £& To a uotad t a i h. abo rd b-ls o. " eth ov ht1~I,(evrof 14 THOMAS LAMBPingr tuc. N Bttrac ticrea. Lordil -egooot Teai. re otthe h. reLosliad-S Tow ----Ttoroto, Marci, 1,57. -t n hc, rrtepipsfff 0lcig rneadAhmcm obstbeIadb ap GEORGt<E IlOuI)n R. - apwvol! as à arlige a.nitply maeufaciured uccier fcrttaaittb, wtîctt errengîcin,, itii b. maodeoflbt "e F(*iltN'T ALib i' \ 1)4t >TI'ITTJJI RUTUERFOR1>&là SA ýN DERl, tliierma iu penittkanmno villa parties aupp~tltzie Ranme. -hm-h rts e.o& ln Nitig Streneîata îîa.li 'wI. S i ot i t iac t ir custoniers tnd the Puba- Bwa Soc (aterie,in uea'ery Encourage 1I'iîby Maenifactina. T OTS 122=ud 123, siuutoi n on t8 c.auapicicus circuamtance, &Wc n ore iobstoaalu uubsa .w iarralz eciiuag himr. <.1e3 Biet1inh Mec-v poc recivUndeaiet "Whyi, haaitthewhvomanhelu cadeel L Fo 31 i i~~laM. WholL -' and«: t. Cni ui ones r OS P OM, O-& C . a.iF erfupatelasapi I b ete o provd irreatable and the youcgG m u 1'JtO haad - Tb Fial mporatin a' .9rla St c tlenie a l t ai li 'en xln>'îuleeSoctrwA 50 ltD.' a.,15.J. 4. AYERHF M » y»~ flo , e î London. Ie w sp.eivi- rv FR.ANKLIN IlOUSE. 5'2 &Ul K inrStreet We-mt. depnntmaett 'îecially littedti îp forlteeconv-erti- .-.- - - vs saiith1otorw4. INSAT C.. wT,,rct, April 1, I58. 12 oce cof lalicts.SAPE S i SA ES , W1tyA p i 1 ,10. . -troduced t, ant i stiguised y te no.heth sa ietcmps, va. r 1> uie:ceitt.ltju orTi- cin.BUTCHER'S MEAT NO SECOND FRICE 1I1l mur-je W1iiîi, Jn. 21,atIon l'orl artscf (ac Twn, >' Whlîhy, Atignet ,, Ni?851. a3 ATENT SALAMIANDER PIRE PRoi'ovo a lindp w) ce th e rkn < ay,,but ha.'.h vmn lo u. ie a 21,ageiv.th the EL) nto.of orang ofht!e"To n, but.he-PoShave6pasavd suothier th at% - FARIER' HOEL-CHARLES BRUCE, va ber of pCAND MACKa& Elier J REI OEvctalr 8728TO LET. puof srt-perior qcunity, antionne l-ti-M livue >e'&Thw. i salg cvlti, o et-oc. a ohv totebu ViATE r(C;AP R IAN ANiAP RT D T H A OlE F A M-eruO WSINIsyccpidthCOie, l4V vS'-.V ocaine h. c L 4 <"itw Ni W ii M tei î'. î " lîîy adi3,IxSi Ie.e Ide. rca'mc<aa AiI oeme1hs Lviit s aliintmiintn.yîeaug br etsat =AN 11A mt nti ree. HE be ci o a Iikent, '% â g uagos', F GIREENWOOD FIR nt taliafiu tim rihe ai atacih ta-Rit> reso tatteA'a>s'bicla - in a-reinE esal" tPand freoin aT t] UFA - a ad l f-Iie presin 0th ev wich I clAIh ei itrer, Torcano. - Fil'AnOtniu l aba ora thescifrin (la>Cl)gc4ibler cannai be uau t £S i .) Z I H !'EN 0 ntttoi igrphly, , Uygto u.±t oa~ ca ali kind rtmsthette cnter. AIti re.17 stateuet, ieveiteea.truc.) l btcvîl-a i-B p sLe-r os aisJw m0 dn haadyÃ"te osj hd& 1 ç opto 0r<. yn .a ng s.t 'lrtittetite vaanteti. SôltiClueap for Cash -J_.A.MAR N ieeiecf pcIublic; atlalre ot~. ~ D reu PT vl .ac~vy~ t-L.Vt,,Pr.ue viosihl uk»Btbw nh ratîrcedrîiî Pitee ueduadItapir Q KN 'S RO Eattu ient l amrc iion ofthe nwouletiauulgthe- Tôrcut butebfiasa'i stran- comap" Sudlrveeei. insTneadebar eâ, sud in netuihg îbalik8 te these wohave Cr o~aIonon Tu" 'eio,~ 5 Vird vini wthoh «INXSeRdEuy ufond.a p! dnaed iwihe ouienayhtbn For salt Clmcm i~,.nebettil 6% <octaves, Ne. 3, salLT-ÂU-MATEI.TSTttEba ia eiivd eM SOCRBE EiST NTM ?g 4 'j, u1iiAvt tritwgf-te ieo Xejsu, fiihrsi- 'lioi. rueaicl ate. 17 L OWE R T WXN Q UE BE C. mn. J. Wilkiusongs Brick Buildîngf, T uathe luhabitasntsc)fwh!thy aM! the pubi fe ris. iBil5i, tbey n<speý4,ia he P14Mp is u oabid ayu ~ p FRANCIS KELLE~1. ~ t~ ts~ .ç~,em~oee uidj~g cc whcre bc bas fiuîcc up a Gnllerv in p<odstyle, tal.Ivattsho . TE LIO, Qonine 4n Umuaçae1rpaciaStdaubapefet.fuy}:11W cÃsu FN$U RANCE A N D G(4EERALAGENT R ELJSAD VSTR eteAm- tca>ke>sail k"<e±.~a ii bi ros ovrato lrio!t~r~ ~Vatb.Agn fnIh rovinciial Liasur- TA ELRSAT IITRite Clatap " .the Cheapoatsud na goed'aa the boi, .W 81nddpe nui eaaered 4>ýfl>gy-- pè T oa in u ttCttt u'Ot>no CiIt of Quebec wiui nci 'rirs- a le C igte rs sade ta--Vit ne uidigs reitStee.commotiticuat Moderattecharge« at Lth ie NB I ' JAMES A. CA K am1 N.B.Intrheinagi CL i AR K, aple c i' gtenpom. Èt, ifer ttiis. boo 'irsq w heir -%, 'de i(t riaJ Builngs, koboiel. The hbal Iia si"efvtintyvtaujsr'atca<vnlubcatsea vl ditdfr suia laur uis i - - jomw - . - -near the Baiiks,Steanlout vbtrvea, sund prae.soable ttms.-hre C.WLOciiaI business pliaees of'the> CI. JAMSA.. CLARK. Ju e ur ow' roru~Ia og- - lltng'r. I-iint. 01.. Olsa. Pu4e- tabl~e anda are aup pleaie. itheesWitora Apia't28e , x s s e8. 1,5.a~ O ?ot. Ti ZI )AINTEIt ULAZIER, AND PAPEPm- ue t'bl a re ial'ctihbt' WbihbyA ' i c il fà ýS 1Dpm -èrp Wpitewuhïe ad Cattennpalci te ttin conibi anti L um tran, 'rrme ' Ian WdI-to. a t l-ttie. 1, ______ ersoiacter',At. . 14 baatl lorslen yie Pa-l lmeATLOA~LS RAAI,4.E .2tte Cui Rogemn.te 4uetr -Fre&i'10,a " arille etinso-i____________by as t h surroaanding lottuliieet principal places MF falkno oo ou u h â t ,T U191-5.ofMRRR Bu y catal orailenei7, ot suti sud meijmewu--- iUIp ftV , leze 4 q*~4 hot B . C M I B E L , 1 J O I ~ Â Q i N N . W b i t e y ' o i d S a s ' M i i i c e o t N . 2 l t h . E s "e î ý n t e p u Ë b t t b sy hl p t t I& W r i e , t h o h e o l f t u a lo f e p < r t u ,g 5 l , a n t h e r ~ i n 5 l l a u -u>O(TANI) SIIOE MAKERBROCK Wonoo.tdoceuse fPkrn.a~~l CB Ot"cWAexei y $31'mlesOgv=r, thée9 W&-vet acooof.. xm>a.TJo-and, lg7 13sînZee, Wbiîbv, (next door to T. WANTED, Duabar;tcii. _ . aà yutaj»oroei.r ai> d un , ilnto îi kintiex eut VIVeorSx inb.îl&ntyotn mns Beo& Pickerng, pf2s78 &IHJ AC O U.4 Oii' du eind's rk îoJ ind utai.> epaira AgXents. Proim sOrtv te 'fty dollar% per A ý(x;5~4 c -t~ .0 tuia~ - Ocd style. andnatie oe'krnljka>manner. 9a moth mac> ed to OEI lSL GY r a o ng s f w w ~ <~ ~*wt~v,,~~ tIdès J. W. CALDWELL, BROWN., -V.one.~pvs ~s~ O. P. &JA.R.,E tttcivIien Court' A et Otbn-15.tarèsà Y. c<t ti_ g t a 1 ý 1iudtox b &>iezýO-1èi c. (>loo-oce door N'ertla of'A.D _Tk~ ha0eue oe cl . STERLINO .- Y.- eug Store, IJxbrigo, C. W. - 25 -<.. og 'd p ETà h e ro Jâ- .g " wo o, gi ___buMu__- 0 -1108 * ,hem . tr. . aUS4 ' zOi!tVs a i *t4 SveTO m BE 0.4 Yeém AN 8RE~T WET - b> t - s co au~ eusWoodI f087 !s TÀitg- P A T h ~ g ~ . l l t y , D c . 9 , 8 7 a id ý o f t 4 9 ra? e t l ¶ . ! 0 8 t * 4 4 ' e tà 1 a a l a I w L R 'C tire. ~ Pl~ m,~ pk8re.W-tf ROS JOtIooNSNt, W o" Oi - ;t-- - - t a t - Y F aIoNi long at-an1 feund lu 'e S*havînu la n a I t 'A»1E~gc1foOL prou Streai, Wluitby, ».s, i, ,ý&