Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1858, p. 2

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«t It in unqu«doubly the duty--as, Mon. Mr, simpmait New iload Ocheme the consolidated * 'm4'ûniéi'p-%l "' Lop 9, New, Advefflàments thki ewiah of the present rq" , oubtless, it Puna. ý1eý the Whitby rý, à t Hall contmcti. Devre. tâ , liî 'heM of the %Mitry--ýso to frame hie ,- -ý t-, rRE15, ýwQnM À*# box *ýwMUMp"4- on *4 b*býôéwýa âîrr1Vý ZÃŽ orthumlmdünd&Durbam$4 Summer Armngmaenta--G. T-X P. . 1 - 1 60,0001 Mfi Port Hope ....... 8070067 'QV. - om e' tR*M&"'t d8j ItW tt&' 1 avs, âra 000, Ys fer biepit Township of Crown lAndÏ Department.- R »-bwwwp tut««tmg, ous le 5»1000 empass tel Ify Doàr Sir, &CIL hw eêftýo l'eterburotigli.. an m'inlayide,& a& n--en' y.j the Donne' of îciill gkoborougli hàd-,riàIgn'edý ïnà à Dissolution.-W. Car I" Seo t4 9 M101, Townehip of Ops. ."ýe d Carpenter. verr'i..trang i S' 'il awi "- ertains ýË! With the toll took a working lit and- 'advan, àwtionW Snsisre âiWàst Goiverment wu ne The Countion of Düdý _Iùs iuue of the -thumberland bave had 1,kewse inessures Dipsolutioli.-Brown, powt Co. indeed, in order to Mt1fý the aspiring meek production in and Nor a stae Xfr. ÀlIey pmdinir In both ýHàýuàefgý of Paiîiàhl'ênt. Cabbage P14nt&--Jolin White. 2oth inst. Mow- tien Bill, Mr. Terhlrs Niaturali tbé-loth ià" tid thlëýlfôuse Firm of Br? & !e o"'oýd s' Ever Alert.-Uward Caldwell. d4Are 1 tmce tu tlwarnount of,"Ont $440,OQQý the FArt of Sbàftesbury gâre - notice that zo , Mi ÃŽi aM the-bill'to ý enable 1 thé G ri Ufical inso venc n the lut weck's ime ana Beek reifrý'- of the Whitby an", -loward&buud4th - pub -Montreat lw> diMmof som"f 6n thé 14th 6ýý*ould imôre,,& resolûtion ment in U1ýyV a--tnegý-ati*on, pfthvit r - . 1': 'le fbùïgde«ve log M less -than a on ore, among others, theugh PlsstereBèI&layer,&c- -Jus. P, Kilborn. after lieî fin wlikh h « 1 na - emning the tonduct of the Goyern. position, to whicli we have UUL41, înkieent T iliips -1 ge'n4üliy, -and' the ait' ' ler d1d Gor,-Yhmêii CofintjTýea stirer s Aoct.-It n h,-&iqLüeý pýý were sent abead and si ilsent, In -pqWthing the dàpâtëh tô the fi- jeher . Shfflon-in particular, ýf0r'da ý f-- - « - 1 -- -N l -- W 11-1-141 -Connues au uniçipa lm 0 W-C,*tlÏýn-Iffl-â-ïrirà lhais. ýan e r'ecorgi, Wli il L ingto.uk the OuveMment te, eonstruct a ï. Law. which ÉOW, mariville, fortii.4 rgn iinli-or. on the, SepariW l àýChôô* 1 qu(--q , Br;dge -îUke SeWoog; from CSsarea -Mt thegame e*eniný, in the Ilou". --of - t eôrý'g - i C UsIon, IV8 sec no alternitive in Cartwright, in Port 0 or, in Mariposa. tant portjýM. Fergusson haýIng-subMitted CoMmoniý a report was subnijtted, declar. der and. 0 etiliti -iln -con 1 1 1 Law.-J. W. C. Brown but to give our aàtietion to the reasgii. The editor ef the Ch,ýonîr1e wé don.-.ýider ý" fî- ;-aff Ilitil And Clil Irog the ileicent eloction In Limerickvoid, on It lins alwaye bSâ oùY desire te 'anworthy of notice ; but his lui.sreprusen. authorizing t "cý onbfsepar 'the xmun"t be Cash.-J(mph ljéwer. afid 1 In èýdeiýtèý ho Party 'W la êt unions, are ýRo glaring. ý thoit to àltovr tbem ViOw subjects in a brozd cbrnpreben- Xr. CArdVftn gave notice, that on the Iivery.-N*. Ray. PresODt POSSeMeS the actual majority. te pm currentý would bc to sanction false. sive genso, apart froin thu petty local. Drug,4-Medicitse--ý, &-c.ýW. Il. We believe it mill embrace every hoodsand allegations detrimental to the L flion, giving what he conceived 18th Instant, ho should rnove the followi 0 Il. sIn whièh compri4c-* the stock-in-trade 0 ng I'e(llars and Country Stores jsupplied.-W. portunity of advgneing the 1 interests of this important county. emum of MbUcopinion on il W"Utiüflý-* -1%at this 1) :lu-se, whil.gt lt ab- ma"al of ffnch Jourrmis e the Canadian 1 11. Doel. In thefirst tpla&'hé atateý thiit we- have aed was aided by Mr. Brown, etillins ýfrom expressing any' apinion upon interests of the Country, and of intro. uked for moncy to btilld a rcad fr0m Port &';IateslAun, (?) (We would stiil&oqt the who h«weveri from soute., u ssignees-Notice.-J. S. Sprowle. 00 the -POIICY Of any proclarffation Issued by A. %ritholit Darlington; toi and t Bridge ati-Mtl ýscugo,, Magazines for June. -Yankee Notion Store duting social ameliormionsi, discontinuauce of Il Canadimi and rml;on was singularly tanS wh the GOfernOr Gënent? of' Iiidi-a In relation Lake. Now we have ask-ed for no quel, -te Onde, bas KeCh ý1With regret and serions A New Novel.- do do do re8l)e,,et of r-we, creed, or sect. We thing. At a great expense, the Town or that " Cliinie" or " C]iFwem" bie subgtiL all ho was expected te bc fon fiirtlier belleve that it.wili exhibit and Dowtnanývillu hu canstrueted an excellent tuted.) We regard works of a public questioh lm too gôod an clection, appréhensions,,. that lier Mijesty's c;overn. maintnm an honleqt; regard fdr tùacadetiiizt-ý(1 rond front Port Darlington character more iii-ýtlieir relative imp«- to bc P" effly dl.%poged of, and ment hu t«fdýé.t;ged to the Governor Gen- to Scugog Lake,; anil4it the grouiid.that fioclus pocus, that, and represc erai of' Inifid thffitigh a secret Co nmitt ýItby, tioý(1të-4d, Port llopic' and ý-o- t-ilfire to the Prt»jiýierï thari the inter- % who were the Pioneerq of Civili irge sinus of- Money est ofany partictilar villa,, of BONv. ulation conIJ be wîthdrawri of the Indta lloul;e' il despatell conlivili ling fcf-ýlîngs antl peculiar position ofy-t«Lhtoiostei bourg havé rèreived la POP lin titimý Our comillon 'r'olintrv - 1010se fiýr the coustruction of Poaels or llnrbors, 1 aireni of polittes as they would In Lqtrûn'g'taýigU%,gt* the conduct of the Cl ov. lt*(»%'eryvill.ifveati(lhatiil(-t èrnor 1ý f1theilil et Itidia, and vourage, 119 gallatit Etlglishinan can or hnth, we boive the 60vertlmetit to lie allowed to lay claitu. Ir) to the publio be, iF e (ýrît ý&iqistry were to that tl'eN'al" 1 M11114, Tharbday, May 27, 1858. gmnt a siiffiêient suin tù coniîtruet a power, thèrfe would be some dý Of OpÃŽt'iWtlint such a course Cil the part question; on whoý.se loyalty we lil.tre!-ncros.q Scugog l.ake, solthat flie Townshipg 1 fillids, ber:111 0 s"(111 :11191 811ch 19 Onc iiiitlgtfnm new cri". There ê# M(f (;CjYerntnent trust tend, under tlleý J'r full 1-ellailve, and '%Vllo sprîng fi, iiorth of the Lake mIV have a direçt outict r. j.ý,j liri$ licacir i.1 voir l'rfteýel- 0111 *9 to a frontier market. * The f4ct thit tilt. %vvre lienelitted liiv tiie exenditure of course, bc the generio Il >ý Pop Pèesent eiretim.-qtnnrûc; or India, to pro(luce ' 1 illighty nation, with livhoni, (thon Il Goverrinient 11-19 ailvanceil nioncy for the inuney for public iiiil)roveti)t-i)t,;, wliere to go and cerm rfpon, lot* ît j lilý( Ayunt, and is (tathorize 9 niost preiudîcinlcffect, by W to too fruquentl v at variance) we ar(. lloV Wnstruction of, the Ontario Bridge at the i wolild the claiiii,& (-titi ? ý'et tilis is a great many tunes and variati( -eý4t end of Scugog Lak-eý is no doubt authotity of the Governor General, and 1 NI on ternis of atility, nuli wlio, m-lietlier of the politioal ofthe hands of skilful perforiners, nnd oncoureiging further resistence on tile part 1o1Qiuý?1q (Iole at Alina or in . the terrible ('t-illical, quite in accorflianve %vit.ii the Clirtpiiieir's 1 conceded, the gunius or thu liore of tlloigowlio are still iii th ie principles of politimi econonly, but we of enliglitened BoNvilialiville strtirrgle, shared %vith us Ill ail itg Hownianville and the rear townships, have (),le word to otir cotenipor: faction M quite eqnni ta the ti., Qtiffl Victoria lias given lier rirst State nt leaizt nn equal rl,,Iiiýil with tho,ýe eait posing the niusie. Now 1, thon The Double Nnjority.-The State or perils, ivith -valeur, constat) ave (14),lel ltt)w IN-:L %ff of the SeRsoil, àt the Buck-iligliaiti ry and and west of us . and wheil WC tAke ilito 1 1 s tile Darlington Palace, Lontloh. ron.gifleration the fact that tlie t-ilk; which roLad built ? Was it soleiy I)y colin- testant, nnd hitiling trom tf;ie The Stock E.xcliaiii Had Messirs. Brown & Co. restrain-; w-tild be c,,Ilecttý41 on the Brîglý-pe, wl 1 1 school, have no hesitation -in saj ge bail been depressed ivý ald or out ofthe £i j;ý1000 loalieil eh di.qttàrt)s the la-un (if lie haS -n Jt--, us once ohserved t1iat l'partv ed their v-irtilenee of tosigue, -in believe there iq a very great err 1 " 1 t0ý the coillitivA of* N-)I-tlttiml)ciel.-in(l per C.anadj. under the în)lbressiotÏ àat arliffliel Mini-s- 1 d -,I,-r, wouli r(111*11- t lis respects the inst f %%,:[S Ilte iliadiiess of many for file gain of the one-sidrd elirfri ,terial crisis wu$ nt liand, and coritinueil i tlàeir insolence of tone, in speak-ing of" nerate the Governnient, we more cicarly and Durliain, out of tlj(! Municipal question. Their opponentm hav the, dog-in-tliti-manger poliry of il; içithdrawais of gold fortlhe Continent, of tlicir fellow subjects of the Lo'ýý-er e 1,0111 Fillid tO Prflplgato the idi-ba that nin, Therc lras no aiteration in the vaine of there i., niticli truth in this retnark. body %vho siiiités thý reenýý ý Provînve, hall tlley abstained froni Cliiiiie has acte-1 1)rtigl(-ntlv of the Protestant-s and neirly as detnighd for nionev. Iý1tljjI.,q iln(j fliere liave Let-il «Ilid :,rel of the Whitby Nalaidescope." titi generoilisl V sileerin 11) 111 accýeI1 mari Cattiolies are adverse to ti at dicir ori(V' ting file cIll lie lias lately re --beavy. Consols closed 611 the 11 (Il at (j li tliib.14e colisùientiolisly lori t) The is the art irle to whici, 'at -maligning their religiotts ence; wherms, if the reai il io 971 for moncy, and 971 to eý7i for ne. there still exist s wbose ends are the aniiablc ëlirL-ýfLiii parson ceived to the vaeaney of some Irez, andmsigiilin-them with ellîtht-t.'4' 1 congre-ation. Ilis known, 1 thînk, pullic sentim, c6unt. i :n -1 theîr ý Our renilvrs wili he at a losik, with our. >hevr not offly a hearty con.qent Sll('Ii as il](lXl>(.Iieneefl boys illiglit en]. 1 is very iiiifitt(,,tl fi)r dahbling Ili poli- but a large in The flon. Eflivard Erskine, Secrctary or rielit lialid c. g( to selvesto diý;rovvr a particle of fi)tllld.i- i ftjoriýy in their fi irry Inde llvacè 1 the British Legatin I)Iov, 'but which fiffl gro tion for the allegation tliat %ve - liave ticsor writing editorial articles. -31av fact that itnly 109 such ixchools il ai Turin, is appoir.ted ii)etjce envions toit i wn 1113111100d Others liVe , 1 to the Ranl§ post nt Wli,.%Iliilgtol). should have scornetl to seold iii; if is we liolle tll.l"t" lie wIll (li.,1)1.,iv a larger 1-stlblighed, against sicatly 4( Al r(,.g(lÃŽly admit, m-oiij(Iýgrýsji nt i ., Il abiegerlfire innorent ge-àie ;'ier'c'of lbu Atlantic Telegraph l quîte Possible, that in the diversirv 01 , sliare (;f christian virtiles al;11 ability ordinary Common school..:-, or 1 hâd beeil cofled on board tlie,,N'îtýgara RIi] ilpon 1)r0frxýq;0 political questions %%-Iiieli fironi tiill' , neriodly, am'l the 11on. john, il;ilýiiiý,qon 1 in Ilis, spiritlial, cillillo. thail lie el proof lit 011 that they are olbject( n'Il IV e to AgalftiItJIOPI, go tliat nothine femitineil tc, lxirtÃŽcuZar." did In lits editorial %-ocaiiiin. Il it proves is fluit pe-ple bedonc but te take on board a small pur- 1)'r, and NVIIO, eeekitig pover and 1 fýafIjil. MI C.,111(lid Majol-it. fr 1 t1l' The Ilon. Mr. Simpson, ofIlowinanville v 011 " ! has, we are irtfornied, set on ffflt a ito Common Srhffll.q, and thereasoi tien of new mille iivhich was bviiig done, plIret inercly fur selfisli end.% rus], iw Iýoýéejr pý,0,VinqXj ave, et-ilisteil scheme whîch he expert-,q tn carry otit New TownshiPs Ontario Or VictOrÃŽa- apparent-the Comnion miglit Il. ý*nd'tl)b'Pftyiiie emit mnrIiini-,ry.ý T4 de- 1 to fille IX)lÃŽt 'CM areplie nÈ«tteriqer thy-, tltk>;v bý fi 'efficient. One cannot very weil armier15, bill, ýwkh the The0nienec Warder nays-.-Ife cop of the shiliq on un experiniental ill-concealed battle of" Il Apreq nouoi is to construct a roaUrom Bowinanville to i froin the. Whithy rtirosiiele nu artirle un- lie would, (Io in . a, diflk-runt. ce 1 1loasted and reitc-r.-itetlliost'l'tY %vilicIl P.înt Gacsam on Seugog U abov cruise was eNpected to take place on the leDdýuqe." Lake-bridge the der'th a-ption, which would lend life than bc i%, but 1 think i bat il lias IàÎtlierto r(-gi4laWd the * W, and lake froin that point to the ilanit and 1 âùth instant Elligland's liero, the Iroïe. in eonstruct a sexiond eridgee from the i.-land lis to bclieve that tho people of Ontario de- Romnn Catholie, and had chilotri Ille Impression of a ' ; Lrilideti t lie eliiefà ot the present. Opposi sire the new townships of Carden, Draper, catu, rwould.-us)d Llicin to, the cnolness existing he- j bis usuai terse bilt decillIed mariner, to Port Hoover, and then carry the road Macauley, &c., tu bc - attached la their twSn France and Alistria lins been revived 1 lion. they can scarcely feiý,rn surjn-Me through Nlaril)osa and Fildon into- the new Schoolti in prelemnce, but for à Once cliquirèd, (Mien the want of Ico- coutit egitimate torri: o.ry 1y the departwe fiIoni, 'P-iri,ý of M. Du if they lind a phalanx MOV#.ýd bv iu4' ',rowîL4hîp of C 'arden. 1 4r. Simpson bas of Viânria would bc arrested frffin 1 us, if wouId net follow that 1 X1,114 opp, Ilubner on the evenirig of file openijim of 1 he'sion in political parties -,eemel to ' ý ý1 . 1 - 1, ' . . got hold of the Reeveg of soine of the sur- either riding of Ontario had an indu rions Sepa te h F have broti-ht ill nding fownqbips, and expects thrbugli ra Se oolsý cw per.-,( the Conference, % jealous feelin ', Ilip to a dead- f antl raithfül repr--tK-otative,-stieli as that may It lias been their oN-n act and deed, choose tolive on rye bread if their help to carry out hi-4 sclicine. Wheth- which Victoria pmmewm Now the map. have good wheaten Io-tve,'but tl havo'been orcited iii Anstrin. by tlle np- -h lias tlitis 4 kolat-ed ý theni, and er ho will succeed of ut i quit anot r to which our cotcniportiry refers Il the Purance of favorshown tomards Peidnin tI ment to be cariieil ou ?11 Compýjjjjjg %v hi( n S e lie n if' Official promotion seeni remote, question. Mr. Simpson"s object ils appar- membeis of the llouse " fur cogitation, bc- not therefore bc regarded as b by Frante, and Russin, anfi the groviiiig il great, thill ivit.là. sinall, our proseut ent at a glance--it is evidently an endeavor fore supporting Mr. Cameron's bill, exhi- Now, a gnod many Roman Cathi 121 thev have but thenisolves to blaine. to b.ild up the fortunesof Bowmanville nt bits anything but the correctrims of bis the Common Schl compared *tcn*IÃŽFTPIKt"en tilese hv(y fatteT powers coiitlitiun assumes a soinewhàt 8ùlùlar ý0 rush mailly, for the sake of their the expense of 'the country. The idet of It is therefüre supposed th-At M. Dý1 Illib- aspect. argument The foitriiciv tovrnships which e Schools are M wheat tic elevation to power, -into nash, impra, c- buildi;lg tir 0 bridges acros.3 Lake Seu . . eparat 909 Mr. John Cameron seeki to have attacheu ney hall departed froin Vierinn to recui ppears certainly soniething very inagnifi- to thilis Connty are as we have said, legi - let any of them become po."es e Iet lis briefly glanre ait the condi- tioaMe and untonstituÛonal ti final instructions resFecting his I)i-artices-; cent -, sf, inuch sol that it would take a ve- mately ours, and the proper ingress and idemil, as many of them have, thai tion ot parties.* In doiti- so we nuist, in a %voril, to, liand over, the reins (A' r CD y magnificent sum of money annuallY tu egress is by way of port and the mon Schools diîseininate With tlie-engulng Conferenres. It *.11)pear-,s.tli2t not divest' for one single C Il the Mllstriom enhinet regrards %vitii alarin i xovei*nsuf-ltlt t». a niinority, Li w 4t keeli the kind of bridge,-, which it would be mediuin the Port Ilope. and Ileav,,ton education prifidipleg inimicAl to the steps taken 1,*y the French -overninent moment of the refleètion, tilat 1jppor our loyal experiences and 'tlie 804- neçç&wy te build in repair, besides ýthe Railway. The Chroniole says:- -ire they notjiistified, nay boum n cost -Ci construction. Mr. Simpson, of and L(Tûýer Canatla are k-nit together itid-,irentof the Country Wilceforb" We perceive that Nir. John Caincion ccchia. course, does not conteinplate constructing the member for Victoria, has a bill before dmw their children from them ? in a bond of iiiiion-uu(ler un almost such bridges as would obstruct the naviga- Triumphant Retura of Oirie R. Gowan, the Assembly te annex to bis County the j ust as -reasonable in doing 80 ai linconscloilis (but Rot less loyalobliga- uîq. tion of the Lake and prefent the steanlers iew townships pf.Carden, Draper, Macau- for other means of educa'tion, 0 for' N'ortài 4eeds & Grëestille. plying up and down as they do now? The Caleùtta mails, of April 9th, arrived ut f tioll) of adliesion to the mother eoun. ;CY,&C. 'Ïèforé-ag.-ceingtoMt.Camer0n'8 would be whe suspected that as; County of Onturio has hall sonie little e-,c- bill we would suggest to members of the S42 Ott 4th May. The news is of As we întimated last week, 0,-IeIL 0 no try, which calls for intdual forbear. 1 perience in bridging, the Scugog--and 'l- -Ilouse to examine the map; and they will thîng the wheatbread ho waq in speelal importance. Lucknow was lier. st co -tion, and füll rt. GowAn, Esquire baa been returned for though-4heir bridge wm inadeÀàëss the r of purchasing was more -or le-q in anice, earnes -exez perctive that the trado. and business o *atly tranquil, and ilot a single armed North.,LQedâ,. and, Gcenvilletind by the most shallow par of e lak it ninch th tun wu' solve, that the conditions of the union 1 t th e, 'S go esetoývhstiipsmn-ý,! of neffl,.4ty ho "dî. with deleterious substances, won' -to Ille acon. The 4th Bengal mIltendid " -ajoýrîÎty- of ýà7 Mn' agected by the iveather period ' .1ýmit ically Lhat rected tovrards £bc shores-ef Lake Sîmeoe, lied in confining them te rye biý Cavairy, 160 strong, had -which n solemn compact sealed with in hi we believe it will Lake as much to keep it heen the Clear Geit candidate. Mhat will Mr. in repair everv vear, is it did originally te directly north of this Couaty, and th4t ed by a baker, în-whom , lie hid brouglit te a court martial nt Umballah ill national soleinnity---,,4hall bc strict- (irowan's sneaking maligners gay, now ? construct il.' 'Mr. Sîtnpson's pro consequently the County,, of Ontario c posed fidence. But agafin, the accepta 30 %vere sentenced in he hý-incrod nndi th. iv. f.tithfitllv and fharlessIv cariiii-il Alli 1-h.. - 1- . _t- 1,ý;A.,., I.- ---l wouId, bc the truc Cotinty te which it 1 ý1TEST. porti à of the tit c ý bave clai - fvxnnm vb-t: est 'Of the new townshijps to be annexe& - -7-- - ---i 7ý of a niost varied ebaracter, must be 0 cm u ncy le e northern to coun- -and those who eonsent.to thein,. upou hi will prôvé wnshipsof the n' Io be or) the part of the ýybi 'th' former are cèý m;-be is bosides acquainteil wità A' véry ' el ti e, an 0 lit 11011IM-1 Kong, 4s iiid; at s,>otlied, moderated, and, as it ivere, tbe ,wantg and ý,wikhes I' of the Wadintr _Itm Jùh Climie-the editor of t., ty of Victoria stIll. remain.. un8ettled auýd are e:çgctlýý tite reverse. LeL, lz ianibal the itupOrt ilialket had.been faewdinto one working s1À n- or those nasons, we expect te sec him Canadian Stato;na;z. The Staimman Ge es, ey thituk îli, when th UUk. 'Silks flrmer andprices of t ýà fully e eat an.4ti ilie front,-the northern 4tholi ëfgr 1 at tiOQ with, > town* areconduétedîn a.,omyý ession therefore, iipon points lmk--tfter -IM-IM 3iln Simpson Il. -settled and maîntiined. Latest bY London, the 12th er"W-&tl d- jhWeff th-O itself admits i3mlicient to prove -th thèî w& a$kea tbeý G6vern. smbipsor ()utarionreboth and vital eharactei, and un:lllinÙtY, Cuunty oi 0njàrio.,gSeiýdi with the roligious faith of nstânt., Funds have showil încreasée -- . y, when lir. rôads, which are i -essential (thongh still necÇîý-- J.hn CameroWibW toannex the new nient forgid to carry out his road ed,ýýgp4 possffl pW_àbIý upoil lion be.At to establisb Separa ileavilieu, to-day, but there was a parGal year being Improved. , Açomp'a'r- d > 1 ieteet to sàý, theré recovery froui die lowest point. sary ones) iiiiist arwdganiate the uiass. Townships oF CWrdon, Driper, Macauly,, emejii the TFe h Overy -an , ýk doubt seemis tor be entertained' that Te, suppose an ideal cSfornlity of &c., commbefm theî Bouse f* the second thý Gorerninent to gm-n ativelr>g,"l rond e#çnds thtOu'ghiDu't thé reasons Il to suppose some O-f"'tbe t a 8uf- entire length of the.Cmnty-ý-from Mitbl the proposed -veto of censure on the Goy- Opinion ul>on aU subjects is avisionarly reading, U pery leal dn Mt sti surm to-, csw&#truet C& te the Xarrows bride The ngýw town. 'lie' 'r-im '-Pn ernment will be adopted in. the House of irul)ossibility, which to attempt ensem' ing up, with their ingtriictioli ships in joiffin, i ý11 nly Commons on Thursay, and although it ù)g--%votild be a mad essay nt dictato 1 r- The Slandèrer.-More 4rmumur.-Re. le ý4le amr - 'Victoria Il et whôlesome abhorrýnS ôf Fôtüffi ý1 e', tion of the editor of ýhe -make theïr. oww mails, but, ý ilsé fý 'T4 Chronick in haee te sceme 41inost incrodible that a dissolution -Ao Ministry cart afford to 9 c9àr a lino of" icati But r MtLt piski om", ship, which ilowQ isthelastcalumaylliýial thWiQpftvê 'faw -,or- on "a Mther- b ' e contemplated or allowed; muke. upon the Ogh > âwa, Peany tekijtle.»' ô st 1 at ein , e4t, 4f the progent unopened-Aàwfflhip&ýèf "t "icotte (Mme-up Agait .the'existence of doubt tépon the point will "Jud,;Ing tà Cçtiuty,-'i'n' ordoï to obtain on oudet to the D*Arcy McGce, much -te the dis, exorcise a vory uniavomblia influencol 01, the Muell MoÃ"ted ",Double ni> 0 -t-- Ithat --the. Goi,,éhüneàt B wn gave itïn-ýablé't;uppor titis froùt. , In at" ing:'thtimdv*eaý,te 'the j &ity Il question, we, have bofore, n >w pqstý0tff.M, - - Écy for thé oonsthic" of tlwOu" o the Iriàlh p&ýîot, IM'pogted - 1 we should judge the circula. 31)Qk-eti out oursentirueut#., $olojig tion of that paper here to, be fifteerq atthe tk1pý,î - ýthds ýýwest,- end of gaegok exblemely well every " g, ni rLUM1àqiý Co.. rrpor.t.the grain trade as the LTIion continues a, -id munîcation alre#dy, n»de, altnost to, the _,great Na- e catidrie 'lin' -ahd ý as lit; AIVvlýj dult undçr the inguence of fine seasona f Il èmple nii"tat4> ýe -', -b eï el> of, týei,1 toM Whit iâ-, tho fiièt jAt i An ble tional faet,-We must regard an act1W Vy- pgi liv his views with much efre weather. FlOur neglecte(l, but nominal list -of sub"riben t'O whom the chroakk the RýV- , OiWr. M4 ibiningîhéËOuiýiy,--Of 10n'tarle, they like- ly nwjérity, composed of, membes- bùeelýai 44e expeffle Of t4 ÏRseý»ve tbemadves-hom the tàxforer6bt- t*0 auýb'-Ã"ûeneu apinst, Eh unelianged. Philadelphiaand Baltimore »f is addressed eitIfer qeýtîûn of ilie, ýprývinëe-t1k Týe Gqyernme»ý,wns nelver nfy buildin _M will figure as a 22s to 22s 6d; western, 21s ýto, 21s (;d.- Abraham Fairiffl ý"»MieRiordan, ýZ1cOu - ý Upoü;to pay ýbytjoiiiing victorw, ýYhieat qui cQlt8(itutioWdtitrdôfanT-' P to Richam iýA_ %A çd. ilbr, and never gave.a cent to- exiied et, biit steady; red, os; white rý 'ý mor Il , ' î ý rçMter L Allen, TtW4o" M*Iïty'lrmôie 7a fo 7s 5d. Corii, prime white held-:to; forin ah ÀÂnirustration. Âý other' Denis Dulll"ea&, cKittick, 1Cqàing,ýo, iýb t4é,Ç 'Of y Edward CarswéIt P614 Power Oup d* Wédnf*44ýy,' Eds; yellow in modcýato rcquust, nt a4s 9d r dingofthçýerM Unio»lco"itutm ýjjb , e QnUui%- thcy..ýwoùId boXMning anatha 1) not aware thàt theý Town of Whitby out tZ.-,nýîg2 iî -takèn Ãœl Pàtrick ý quevgn,, advantage iw âüdlnga beÙéý,market- than to 85s. in our eyps, a misnoiner, îilveving, ^M i 14 ally goleimn'aegt Mn , F'ri di-là atter týidnight iiii ever r.ec-t-ived' PY emer'm ý9 PitovisioN.S.-Beef very dull at previous ab"ute abfUrdity., Wifl.:anyý, one 8, B-n Job n 0J.ýýî ààtiÉ&ctoý a position M it W fjý the conigtraciionI'e- roh&. Part; round, wheat bristM!rm 3d to 6d Ralph Robinson, 4ohn- MéXîli4àý per riteéý pork. seils at full prices în retztiler- contenid"t an Opposkion. céffiposed' of tikê -»r-- th&ý busltel more at the loirmer than at - Mew& , J. & Muedonild, 'Cou John-MtËl Thètuas Mick. 'tfon-w in firât liands. Lard ina royi garbour làttér_ tOWnîàý,Àny, etive; or &,*Wufkcý " majoi4ty, of --TJp_ý John B.- Wàrien, Peter Taylor, were con-struoted.1y e Governuient baudeau and èhoice 579- Little enquiry fo"thçr kindaý, n urine, ý0anadeiùenjbSj, iha ýigno é Dru" xn re _tbe W 0--'SnUo oà'r Md 8ù'b,%ë'qiièntly Wd pn1ý4e it wôold 4 hettSl tutbehdër*" 'Aslie& L uiëhael 13 ý% Santry, j11ý6ct1 , 1 (1 yrn inÈuetitial ÃœU*Uorit 'oi 1011, an Geo s -Nirittaker, 11ALLOWAY'S PUj.&-Whon the complei- ride over the powerfui !üa*' Cr. Wàk fýXýij Tempest, fS ion., &munies- §aUO4 AppéýrAncq,. and the LoWér "PrOvinée a ýplrll.ï 1 ;dl.- RevId. Mr. P good ers trest vermip. ivôrd., are Idièliêl DuIl tesý of' the eyg» art es tbo. là, tingpà we to WýMQà1y'a HÉ'. pe'n'tkhatJilebitel Dull jr., 0auchon tried tý bc Mrmitw D' Mie to the, à " -tr' -Mt-Ilum ýAàfdx*ýnt lýow-e f jý, iim" ief at W" in the liver. Jýeyn Th 1ftqýM, Id Q4. n the the pius tw Win th W A 0 en arrest ew the jrýeý- or tlw'diseaft. and save much PO& or the W14M cauum, the ýý=jù6ritjy pdn jA,- a -'bktt ohodld the malady Ikhi»"P U the, ý4ne«j*c«, WtW-, D n éo ar t4M.U& th ýâïý* (bligwus Rtage, aild à e con Y, M'as M roi-jaundice, ý 1 V _kýý ho" t the stom"Il 11, ýIr 0 iüo 04Y "u .Co= the tgWkAw T» .Ive publîih thit 4iument in ou1rýSdTer. tkdmg': «tAutnng, as tuditeil by the Cdunty Auditors fer this jear. It burs upen if the Éïmp of hivring been propared with more t4à ofdinafy &re and ability. Ive find ata glance the dîgerent item-,q or ex.- pense for County purposes; fCw the ycar 1857, without hating td *ade through columfis of fIguy-ý,1s--aS wat - the case in' former acco-unLç Publisbe(L 7%e R-ccoont e»hibits not aloile a émicSelse staternent of the teccipts and àloburkthlentg of the; '- County, but iý pùblisbed ir? ÉÛch a éom.; paa férSf M W ec«mnrîze the e*pème oi publieati&t afid this ftrW tW eý«àii4,j funds. i The statemMf ûf îmeig ÈÏ4 1'm'bi'litiim. shews - à sati-sfactory balance of £2,194e eýýess of amets over Haldlitieg. The first item in the erbtint of £56»Il, disénunts, omîtted by the prcývio1tLç year's auditors, appears very unsati4actory, te our mind, without gome explanitinn.- This, we hâve ho doubt, the prementy«r't Auditon will give In a full manner, în à report upon the reult of the labot-s, whiett we understand it to be their intention ta ub U to the Connty Counëîl ; and as we intend bliahink the report, imniediaW that it FMUMubmitted, ire shall let that docuJ' usent speak for itselt lod 1. SPE Tmie, mf; bice K. If De th.- T,.i',! ý, B 1-0 1 K; ri 1- X.T. Tuv -rvý -(las Meeting of the Countl Conned. The CSlnty Council assemble, pursuant to notice, at a special tneetin- on Tuesday neXL We anticipate thalt this speriiti Sesgion vill supo-,r.nede 'the iisual semi.ý onnual Sc-.4i&lnn, held in Jtthe, this year.- The fiuWect of Rode ill bc the principity one for consideration,__41lt of course, other matters concerning the intercçts 0 the County, over which the Cnnncil have, 111 control, will bc likewise con.,4îdere(l. vre, would suggest to the Council the adnptim? of some action in relation to the new 1'owtmh;piqnorth. A petition to the Lep.q. T latu're setting forth the prop-riety ofanner. Il ing those Townships to this Couritfwould flot be amir's. Temperniice Neeting. A public meeting of the Tffirn of Whitlil Total Abstinence Socliety, will be held in the'.%fechanics Hall art Thursday evening, '27th iniçt, nt 7:-", when the Rey. Mr, Willoughby, and 3ft,.çsr.q. N. H. Davis and J. J. Brown will address the meetingý Doel has reinoved his medical Hall ta lois ne'w establishment in Brock street-sign of the ".,RED linV TAit." The buildin- hu been constructed. especially by Mr. Doel as a Medicai Hall, and is in every r".pect well-fitted up for the purpose. ft is quite an addition te thè- Towrî ett we t-wqt that it will provu na retmir-crittive, as it ifr eriffitable, to hi* indtigtry and enteyllfie ,Èùe (ïueenis Dinh-usr. M1 oveýP flle eoo*ince *e hôtiée tÉài Quecti V ffiltid du has beeti du1ý celebrated.with -loyalty by Iler Muj ty'f 1 Canadian subjects,- kt ffl tW jicrý;_c cie there were krm4 turn-mits,- revî*n marchings, and àxm*m4ji->ý tf« witne* which -large crowds - frour the- f"tal dis, tricts atteuded. ý Long, my- eanadîâft loyulty. thus- aiTmtionatefi à6ptay iéqeIý« Iý 1ove and reverencé for thil Queen. At Whitby the Xstiôn.&I hofidav Wq celebrated, -as uitual, with ail, joyeusna% A Il *pInceï of business were closed-we had' firin,-,, of t-innon-muqie, an'd continûfxw fixing off of juven-ile fire-,*orks during-th« d Y. i -ir n In the evening, the » was quite à gra, ýdisplay of fire works nt the 1fayor's residence whiéh -attracted large crowfis to- wairdsthgtpirtof.theTowm- EvMthied passed off in th« grentest harmony and the truc Épirit of Britiab-louýyaity and gw Mr. 3fisther Editber, The*etherhugot gmtely asthray, îs -me opinion. 1 bave bom longgiven ta think th&t, the wurld Imd stthrayed out ov its lisltimçt coorxe, from the way peeple acteý but tia'4uiet a new faytbure in me thM, that the wether shud takie afther the wickit wudd Jin badness, and . conthrarintm;' Purtçk-t jas fum harmý tia hard to say w the -, ind iv things ill be st ait ! Ève 20 onIý middlin since i last saw yez-this * savin wether is killin me id the rumtiki6 1 cant mrthur out tô geri;l btÏof nme to ýex, pubiste upun for yéÏ-wid weye hadié publick ineetins latherly'to spake aboe. ,7vetàken to poethry lately and rodbiw ;à -the followin which yez am at IMY te make use avîv ye think fit.' -J Thére le which ý ý4ý bed IT has handi sud fedt- à man--w",e It And yet Itit univ' a eabbagýe-fi" The thina 1 OVCM 6d gmwn, Whieh*bv Ch2UlSý Wft$ PIOWU- In a foreigu land; - Ànd'ýxeinre obusin, T6-bè milFin, Thanght the q imm thing to walk and atul& lu ùIl a nual, thin -The erathurli wantin, Býtehrij§tin cantin, A u' apple-pie.- neler took a born, S'in'çm hè w" born, Aud Ule might of Mate:.- Och! 't would make hhn Thla tmricnu cmythur, ,ou the face of nnythur% Tck IInP'rtaIýt i', - ý Ir tif t1w "in truc ym. Mouf rWy. pu, M low duc, Deuwe ow, a; M Aud Mue sec a, one to th m. f MUM A U Igure tngive a the ehud.. Tu£ tu whici; -!i., ïr4vder-irc,., tionxalkil Faich bop la el mon C, I%ân in tky nid nis.c - :K--r, to îttj I-) Seperally hfiq Nûiý Store Perve thoýic vç ,erth thejr cii wish tàri -btali

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