Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1858, p. 3

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VO1nn-the fir. lVrdnesday, a7618e %Vbat, 4sod f 46oct Oefej,A Bd l14di tiiy rton $'()10 si10. Bîtteêr, 71d @ go 6di per baie TrOfONTO MA1UÉtS. Wlîeat,4g Od 0 b4x. gd lPlitîr, so t% $4:25.,(baS le4d M hfd lod@ Eb 1m"811 Botter, 114 Ir, 2d. IIy frton, $10 C'nl~ SPIEOAL PIOS Negtttil t"'iipltnî 1'r 1 t-i Vegetl>l,. ~ I tires So're (iiemPg, totbe Cqll 8,ç l, resFd~r aund Agoe, ý'egQtAlc e t'tilkiîkIU<I I '«Cre,',, I îil l ever. I"r nt,-, thrie 30 <.qlî, 11 iiîd t r $b, EIe Tnrt a.s'1, 8s titSlieîte-iî, 'îilieii î<î<, l'wlng vkeeTati, l'ijl. ,Freeclie-, .Siin ,,jptq. Fo od liW I t >%, li l .ît lî iii:tvr . i ilas Street; W'. Il. I1iit,t. ruî. ; oi ll~lXt il le l'r pour ii îllildriiliat 'ii t loîsî lc&î'p gH)îl tltll,. 111Iw froli'eetiîtly ,I, o C '.' rt', l «;4mt-t i r"r i t n ilOi rili:,t n ( '11 <î týllj t!t < .l. 'flt! ir Itlclî'ti<l 'loilîlrtîî. WVliit :L al li<vse trials and tiillî,.i7i< i. i.ii'(' 'ý lli lealh uli <ais lt n"! 'i ;t i. t l r t '1.11d lîct i îlii, ty ru ;îi' s u i' <o., iijivri.i4ls iarc'tit rm Pr ig pfhiI me M*. iV i lor rive. iprocu1re tir. ti-l.'rs's . miasî nid rcid low ie lLeamseAre r'îîtef',li mi"îr l << Il ?,lîî'.î',, l<thi i îiiwé t. s' b,. rî-.1 ii; i -b ,';èiîs'e tlwv leiliî., ttir i Idît fiîili ~ iî.ri tli.a-i Uca-,'and în;to ;tii'h 'i A-.1i; a îùii rvese tî iid vlîuîtiîiî . il îr i,. tilti 11r. Sur,., Tu ni Iaîî lot 1l111-q ire I511 t -il fn J<<./lt1opmI.ît. 'e î.îand,î ii oiri.' ii',t tic <oqii. I Mu-n 'il ai es lo iili;r ytÎtio-t. It l" it 'i ni ri',umi ili<îitli Ptiîi<,îîl-f teiLws> nd(Lrr'î, lutiiî. ' m~i - 'f lis al ;îî1 o rs'î 4 aîSi iîî.évtil l i c li, J ri iil hl'liitellii' r l' t s lt il t a irw ti Mo îl.M I.f'y A .iti T I d11h iu t ie i h us- aiît)iinrzt'î gl ,. il'1s, Iîî. Iln'sl i],.'dt' fio Iieby r-n<u «<mi 1"r ; mo i i î)riîgiis.'T NEW: ÂDVEÊRtISEME1TS. NEW, m4ucxMERýAIRS"'XTRAI;NS. s~rM 1s »ex$ llarv24hl. Trai Tffriîn Sr) i Staisîs 12 A . M. ýThL.4Traint will fo~ lrleaXn., On &tîrdq,1 iglît, Train fol Guelh, ik-rin, Stratl,,rd, .V."- ..... .....A. 'M. Trni,, t',r ilo d< j', du 4 f6à 1 l. Freiglîlt Trahi,, w'lll eav t llut 1o(),, tatioli ald t 'îrrpett tîtue foiIosoObservatoi.y, to bo 118t1 of'.1. (1.j.0'plx1 & co. FîrIliîhr iaiicitaa"secCoisspany', TjIme * W. sTÂL' 4mintrn, eal M 18< S,11.M. Mssn;r joli, iI lleî t . i i i 'l"-l 'r s is S i r i Nsu , î\ rEN r. 'lit- ' p1.-t un;- tO. T acre 'onpi l t Ii, 1 Iii litl,.Iî'iili(-I riiio<.lr ini Ihor tîji.t ai;, 1311; Coni. . 4tî Con. W 14 NOTICE. C N qli t. r. iiIr li ii i ,f f .«t-c nî.r "h n' h< i i ;y lirsolsed Uiii uttial eni- i.l l u'1 ai e s'tlal il ebts du<e to ai i )7i'liti,,141< day ofl Muiy, A. 1. 88 W. ILLIJAM ' RE'I. IRA hIl. DMITN îl<WRpEN"s. lit e -D i ~1 MIJNICIPÂLITY E0uE(JINTY FO~ÂJ NU~i 'J- COU -ONTARIO ~ 1857. To balance or Ouah on band, from ligt year, ................ £1442 I"17 1 To dinountfl bflle piyalà No& 42 and 43, omitted in lu eM 'trle- turn ....................... 60 0 O AUREARS or ASLSSXE"t? voit185(L To amtount reoiei~d froun Mnilcpa. 1lity of Osaa, .............. To aniotint received from Municipali. fy of Town of %Whtîby.. .... To amount received frotu Municipali' ty of Marsi end Rame .......... 23'4 Q 0 480 0 0 284 0 O -2923 17 Aa55mosm'<T rou1857. iTo anîotnt recelred froini Mîniclpall. ty of Scugog in full...... dIo do Scout. ý........ do do Th orah... do do Pickering on ne. do0 do Brock, de do Roach, 1" (do do Towns'p of Whit- by on account ................. To mount receired per .egisçlttive Grant for Selîoolq......... .. Tlo amount recdved froni (loveronsnt W'urrant. for .Administration of Juostice ............ .......... .do do Sale of tion-rc'(idont ftind I)ebenturem £2400, proceeds. do do J. V'. liain, on accclnnt Jîury fices....................... - (1 do Fînei, &c .......... "do (Io 1iscount, bills payable No..lis..................... do(Io Instalineuut oni County Landei, John Frnclî.......... 04 do do dIo Robert Philips,. . .337 -10 0 839-16 0 160 0 0 104 Vl, O Du. 0 O Cr. BR' nosount puid to retire note$- OUtý stahdtnig, Sint Dmc, 1858 ...:1460 0 do tto for balances due for' NelAr1es, Road appropriation, Quai.. ter Mem~iong, orders, &c., for 1856,- 1028 19 !lly ai.nthîft pSitt on acconnt Salaries tO couoty jfficem ..........503 1 do*do: Conty COuncllorq, for aftendance........ . 3 î do do Seboil Supefinitetitl. entA ......................... 10010 do do Atryr'contIngcncen 100 17 loi do do for repairas gd ri'ni, 9489 0 do - do - yintiog, by order of ('ounfy Cauncil ...... ......... do do pire Insurance .. do do Township Troastrer,,- l'or Comisii on . . . .. . . . . do do for discount and tank agency on note............. lily aniount paitl Quart.er Sessions or- 999 16 O dors ................ ido do Judege's orders at As-. sIRc' . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 801 0 1 do de Jnrynien, per Jury 20"4 0 ô do do -Sierift ieynoilîls, ors iaccoun$Jury services .......... 12715 0 / 1 1 AP'PRtOPRIA'TONS FOR IMPROVEMEN-'ra 'Ry amoint Paidi01n accouai grant ta (,ficMY r oày* 1GSS G U6 154 o 0 bridge ...... ...................) do - do Contre roati on Reach £ndTbor.mh ...... ........'... 'or do -do Mars and' Rani.... 110O 00 do de Bridge in Scott ... 3S50 do do Nonqiion road ...... 25 0 0 do do Enffincer's orîlers for wu-rk atScugog Bridge......... O11 do do Biilga'-keeper's SaImW ry at Narrewa '............... 10 o o Ily amount paid sundry lMunicipali- ties on accotint their proportion ot tnon-resident Funîl Iebentîrss ... deo. de -MuinicipaîiiucsL,.gli§ idu du Scott, Scttgog. anti iThorau, their proportion ao' Muni- icipal school Amfflient ..... ido' do for intere4t an De- benture, anti Whitby Loan, dur. ing tht yoar 185 o............. I626 du d o to retire Debentures, ntulng in185............... 61.0 O P<2 1 h 437 6 48 4 110.I10noi 902 1 41 299 3 4 250 ->00 -- 1144 6G2 DIy balance of ('ash on hsnd lst Jan- uarv, I1858, in Miontreal Buk do do lBank of LUîser 'Caa da, Toronsto ................... ô 6054-j ,.86 17 -o -V ,'li iP ~Cîqj '61$ lt04M<5îVit) d~~p, 'Tiv nlu O li'è WgqIOttou 1equisdt#zolpn tfxgll "010;) oopoiu JO ;.nid u t "UO It!m .o1mlj OtL U ulli eq94lllàpuodsauLoo o; s.;iiad lu liq2noq uaaq oAuq { lq 'suooia Miî4îK jo, ;IlUtnb 02.i t1jo vluaau etpjo unmol-sno, puv opuou; a no1tnu ioqM omddu ol !âIl '58. SPRING lIPORTATIONS, DRY GOOPSI LADIES, DRIESS CGOOI)S, MANTILILAS HROSIEY, GLO'VES, SMALL WARES, PARASOLS, &C. Il V i >,încrIlee lim.iJtît rtcei'ed froin Motrealun titi tf'uîi mls'-lrge dtnmk Ur Dry (4rl..d, tii wicli The iluitue iîettentionî of bu) r, fecliî<gg aiircil tat ir Durbffity, Style, Fineness of Texture and Ohespneogg, thcy cannot bce qualleil in thils marrket. The ustial Stock of Sohool Books, gtationery, Room Papeýr, Qroo3riem, to., &éc., always on hanti. JOE L BIGELOW. Whitby, April 14th, 18,58. Llrock ,S'reet. il 1 000 10 3 131I7 19 il 839 16 à 83 6 O 1226 2 6 3912 14 Si' Wc, the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Ontairio for 1958, certify thaï the above iii a correct til»tract of the Treasurer'i Aç'count for the year ROBERT 11. LAWDER.~ GEORGE FLINT. STATEMENT 0F 111E ASSETS & LIABILITIES ONFISTJANtAY 15/X Whitby, 2 lst May, 1858. MAIL CONTRÂOT. S -1 TE 1) TENIIElI, strecti thie Post- î7tuuiftet- Geit'îl, iiiit inankvd '- Terider fin M&Lil St-r; hoec," illi bc' nî'î'iet1 ut Trortito intil J-) 'i. ',M i"il rîn,,Ivthle lltti .lnne, fort tie 11cr M:tivoftl;~ i.jesty'eý Mmsle mi% tire. r u- stok -eeu 'sas u1twOt r t 'îlcmr 'ala \Niiktir ronsand Ifroi hie Isi I Jlv next. lTtc rii clarwe ta ' liîide lt naznsni.(lit- tnt-. Ieîlklgt<uPZ.sseliger stage ai. theotio ousf Tt ciii ted ulltance hetircen Port Perr-v and M N'hIitbv l llieteen mileA. 'l'le rn;;t»'otf 'I'ra'tnve l e ovb ut lé-.ssthan fOve à nilcs% per.hou-i i<uu-ldtng stopîpages for ail pur- '.'i m',anti hîo,ît-a f at-ris-el sud deperteiro 1E A L ter Gencral te. alter thecrre tul eonle Sun .anlsls-s îje tlnam si blt.fie Pste- -W . .H . '0 0 E' L 1 r < l tfuIrrni1ig trais f1roniTôonuto, and tuarB-- I>rugtot aad .Apstheeary, Brock-Si.. rvniat 'i-t 'rre l iun-bnrhi'inaftenwaris. -To s uitlian h-or a- olîl esiuire lt(,e deis-eri'of tlhe tiE( 1oi iiIrtîî is iiiiihîî' i l;puîîblie< -naNut tle iu- litl,î Otltivi-n itinte for tilmpatch i3~zeraîl, t1iit lie is li'ilhl>ii i itiess in l'yeseiiitt-t tin aelaid Wet-,t, lisNi'Stiru', 'slitre l, ie iîi ps .tred îît.' e 'j 'jtrntif ,tlat(Trîoily expecuteti, will mpv thmewh 1i'tol '?u 'rr,1*,a$ýr,1 t iit-r inn2 !i fo"ce t ior teni~rîni excece the ou wîmito tiiu>alit nirilt tii tentiistoi-tue ai'ecnîîent ntat ,,airs ie nis i;;o liii.nxtirliiî)n of tire, f-sun yearx, Genuino Drugs and M~ediines, .'ii;id the p1iiiuuiinterc.iit neuitîne it, lil-sorugisv-. -' '* ~in ,erontrri"ttort'rec ithiîtîs evloue ttotice And at rrices Io Suit the Times. ' fîiý P'atettnit-t C<'s, ('na<îtuund tîleiméa, IdlAlt .1 'eii-. i ltii t t i te tfar Totîsu Ferries, luiihitn flud,, 1r"inhii-su' Shlilut ,1iîuîs .". iiist tc lr'as.Ihi ti,te'i'istact-r. I il lfi ît tMwaihiae tTncvlulii u;ii1 'c-nde tO -si<utheîcprtici. o-.kcd lu wordef an i<irttiiit 'i, Vanii.isliesl'or wiioîd atnd utt1tilit :11ul Io icb c Yliretuawrtten iroal, &v.'., ! -- -giin t %% l'ti, ncspiissitule pîunti" itdertak- A5 fii67às..i rttîuit of' Pcnriuiii-rv tîtl 'l'illu.t ;itt t i tlit er-el<t he Tu'lendier LeinR se. art-tht,.., St~~io or'rîloiîi', ire îîîand lis brtisiîee citsteiteittruet shall uic dulv eetid by 'l'iu, C'î]piur nîi i'lvrer Plm~,t, Fuit uor'T'ituil ttl'nitiitrn--ntiir, lfor tlie lînice detnniu : 1'aîîen,îî t I ',iîiurs. .A.u' i' lMettiretor (rlin tu4t- 1ni iintaiigal<uute, Lecoinc bî'und witli the con- Oild Iriftiî u lnt'î;j îii 1,trnuton iii irice soni ofon <e liusdt-an dfliy Mie .'oiiiit;lin lwîl,'t-, Whîite anti Rtaek IiO111i,,h it-te upertlortaca oh'tire service. ON11, art linupareI fro'nt Eîug'isiîReectîe. 1wJln~k irie 'ufTenider rmev be obiti ed etthe l>/~yiejuu<e -i <'id .Vmily L>ut (JffiesutairItookliui, hlAnohesuer, Port Prry eeolis ad WIiitls. pr ' ii/ypeptered. J >WI Chi oand 'upt ai>tILJJ'I ( for 1853, andull'ost Offie tnpéate. l)Ieu es( reuîîî tiir the, Toronîto, Miav 1S, 1 536. S!GN "TE RED NORTAR."' ;ý-Pletresud (('oiiutrs- Stores, sllîideti uAittlu Osee,(i'e il, fiaitil 1, &0 Whitb>-, oy 6, 114- Iîd L AIVW1LAlWt11 LAWI1ItI 6<' T,.J , BI)VLLIROWN, Cons-eyan- . *cenr, (onrilionet- int(,.11., &e., anti Pi- l'mun ('ourt Agetl, egs t'n'ntilîoinliabi- tatnte f Epens andtilae errc'ituliuug neighbot-. iuoacts, thanth lias ëlOî)nyied u ofie etM I.Tbog. Engish's lnctai, Etuetunis weneîie iu îy bp, fousod e'-r>-Wedeueavfroîuin>'elock, a. in., te ' 1Ï. fuilhy p*ret-et Ii iw aiîy ittrtnieuit e0' "' 'Witn thit lnav bho requit-at, uiioli am Mort-. RHtsDelWilt ,baise,, -fbitnstiôiu Bonds,ý %.h;altei '1Montgacs, [tilts uit Sale Beiidm -greec -î easîs, and every othet- deeecriptini of èonvey- sinaing knowvn. Mni. . lt le sIenirared tb taesCAs"sInhouny nf thefSlpenlor (tonU, ofthin Pnist4nce. le a - w) attenids th ii1>vieon Conrt boi.h et anefie-. ter sudUxuifeanpnsseastnhe s mietaiuewi îlfind lihn reatiy to attend thenion Anialielsig igprapaneti to alcotnt-ndate al wlso nmy call op lin. Noute ueed be disaji- lti.he olicitii tbe patronnre ofthe phîblie. ie al mse extretuuey vmct-su.-' eveny 'Wegilnem(laJ mciniig fOo if Et . in. to I5, P. ru. UXBRI IE, bi'<tt-y Monday, FrtIdus7 ao&,Satoirda,,utt hue tuual hoors. - gay ni I 18518. 10 -. e¶.lttix:a 1i.cunA.sa1. Tvwo &et o<Jaua4wtth ouft lousyasd Gsol Pt*bgs tad flaroli ................ BImaue due On ýLortgages reoetved for County 1-ndas ld.......................... Balance aterodit of Non-reaident Land Fund, on sult Der-,, 1857, £4014 18, Dd; M uýcurity for 'eeupionh of DebuntursIe lUd on îaccount ut rrýt. f it«« threo f which-tbe <ounty Balance of Cash, perfrea& Acoun ttis ae Baluunce of Aumnment fq<r 1857, rewining n. péid by suudry lMunlciptallsule...<...... Am.unt to bereeuve from., Goveenet ou aocouattof A 'instato o duial Justice for Semions lun Âpril, 8ept-u.nd Dmp, 1857.,. DebentuNg 11 ilta 84, stediud or Bylaim do o d0 o Iya2..5 0 8389 deo - do Itol6 do en accot tof Municipa.lites undL.. . .... .. 0 #.O-.0 Bills payable No. f8, due 14,17 Jan"ury, ISSa. .-. 'O0'>0-O L~a front the Township of %Vtdtby ....,.... . l«".li10 Blance of proceeds of us ai'f,NWoptresideut Fusu4 25 6 e4 ntu i'e not yet paid over $sexm dry ' M rn4.. - 392 14. 8&Municipdai 8cIammseaent for 18b7, nyç~ 5783 I 12 îommisoveS.to i îlowod Treasnsrérs, on 851 I 2 nients fWr 185. ..................... ...83e18 <i Aurears of Sataieta due Côunty Oflicers..........1i 5 0 54826Qutr SeSSions <>dersisa=ein 1857, 'remaining d.,- ....... ....424, 1 10 Eptt f hoif, Eeyngldaaocamant,......... .40.12 9. do o do'. 'iuoSr4. Coninent&= d ofar s uWtobi'idge. $172 4 0194 IIAMILTON & OERS, BEG TO UYNOUNCE TIIE ÀRILIAL OF THIEIR COMPRTSIGLISI ÂND AVERWCAN STR4 Tf'WBQJr./V-9 TS: .*IrD - lTs IIRRNSPAZASOLS CAM OZ, AFEW CÀOUE' irOMM~ SILKAND ELT HATS, o. I& e TlyýiI. E o k Ihruek street4 1l ibyAri 41858 il JI Susrbr ort ninate ta thir elostoniere saud thé Public go uýnerdltythat tiaeys ave .Ire u ,sed b a slu Ww 1 . R s<~C, Wt~avs;uffd ~ull$okosefandal j whicl e li#u«* t oiseilstadsuittfieise. They c~ui i Indà ]Rubbr .Estigaç4 4sscUt &Cfrul"iand tii ishaToolu,, Plfcl ado, aleaf 1Oite ls ry, GIS -~~~D' . 1OALDS8Q? 1&i wbt iu. la s{;' # Zks4.Z i16b gluombi- F F O R a teryn iof S osen or N tie ear pu <lven li the Township, of MKARA, Consnty of OistNj~ The Laud ix of the ùfit-si uat lu iitiutTownl sh'IP4 Mouy wlll bes4a<xêofed for theetietÇou of, flsriabuildlngs, sud if -required, the .e<eui can have th, rigbt tu parchase antfthe tormunutiots of the Loe. Wliiîbv, t Meli, &is. hepit~ flue oa Lot o B yon St~6tr~e to*.F.iierry. 0m btreeào con- -Whlthv ISrai nh. 9. ; s:1 "- IICENSETi At i prepârlk tu l Country- A àt Anction, Countnx and i ce4ify thgi the, àbO~ve 1i8a orrects -ttun~ 0 e-1ii Jaxaf~8S q i aube deterniined f informatioýn' W WhitbyM-y1,86R.t!-. z fil -TOWN,;-VITIA, AND> 1AflI< £_OTS; - L&W efor Btneea Pnrpoail'and ljotsFoiNt FRVATE RES!DENCES 'f oi#n ot iWhittbrir oun.fyo f Onatd i" n 4 anâ I8:l, t pFam i >ë> rtreet iroperty exftnding, frin 'l 121, 't1i Perry Lots Xio. 177 and 160. r.astplat, of BAii'k intrXet, othprinri's lotte!. I'nte d.*i- Ldts 1203 ,and Ê04, À a cir .bhoclc on Maple ,and Perry Itîrtefs; PLIlit lotil are lit one Block,,otddb et and Chfieîottand Afïh 61 reeîA -uu, d y - . Lont 37, West of Perir t8triltt;hli direetly oji pofite li the 4îiFIor ll. Lois 164,6.5, 438 A7,- gâ1si 4, sud ý Pjit 01 Perry street, ertiladjtoîuiig the Steam-MilI prO- perty oit the North. Lote 'Nô. 60, Esit of'Perry Stteet,. Thb. la walf nîced and otherwise inipnove'l; IVReOF DIIICK STRPPT." Ltst 104, i 05 118, nd it , bonnded by Cap- tre%'%Wtliiit t i l nt ItreetIs. Theelots *rd- dOahghtfuul i siîated, and lîading a ittreet okn tiirci sidept, are iWeil Ildaîîfud to building pur- Lots 124 anil 1C, éofnef oifKent und job»n Lto,1'35, F.aet of eont Stt ansd buta. f'ew roI,. North 4)ftDtfuddxsirtet. aThe foregoing choiee Lotq vwere Relecteci front alarge nulnàler, wîiitlheb..view of iiidinjrth-ein ite un ilnvesmtirue,,, bt arenow ( ffered for Sale t'iý tioally wilid I«p a large transgactionz L.ot 214,...,,Price .............2.. L21.5 . .. i,.. ..... 275 221,:........14...............20 Lot 230A. ..Pre ................ $19 23 1,................... .......16(l VR" ; 9.. . . l ... .. .. . .. .16(y PA.E uTRE.T. Lot 299 ... riee ......... .....20l 533 . n...............a 1, ..,...~ ....0 <101 TREE?. 1.t 3e6a0... .... c.... 397 .... .. ..... ... .. .. . ...2 t.Àt txf, !:*0. I.M..3_2, 9M alic 3,54, eonta!olni tiearly one Acre and a haif, will hbc,'oId chenp ln one bloek: - . CEjs~ otherillî ii-nbhk nvttDenJianbl dte balance cxtended orer a t2rin f I m té tuéi Persouns who u*ill èreet btild1hie fbe p3*eiteït ï car, the iit payilent wl l ot beeomne ditet iti Iorplans sand parttilarft Y in' h1ibv arcb tits168.i rroperty qu Brock Strfet-For Sale or it0 Leaae. Làne. Lot Nip. 6 f'ormcrlv occopied by Allan ia lterÊ' Stables, 1?lok mstre ,aine ME 4m eNO. S.,F* Bnxinemi Stands thlle Loris are equal 10 aoy ifi Town,- anti will be eold on ino>.t easýonahle fermen to arties Who will orcet 0eé oodeof Brick Buit diotg on tiîem. To Lese. > '0." lltnrn Fr.rr Frontitgc on Brock Street§ directl qp . .. '14l-a'sihel,"ta làpi uto 714, <or 81 es li pnruels. o 0uîf it ons alidupwards.i. 1~* .11IAM PRY. W3i'..idMarcli, 1s.7 88 s - 1 1

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