TUKDU L YMtON 11"D IIW GS,&c 1. g-à -à 'lia A.ie Oit iSuru ga is L w0 u takbCo o ft'y 5rptlOu viii wftw large «rumaUu =lingî. WA largo acountaiiwoêfor (asit. T. . LACI; 6Green Streeti, Whitby LIME FOR SMALE A T PORT WIITIIY, tw be doiivcred by the uLtderalgucîd luav tuantitv IILklll IÂDEN. Whltby, Aprilil,1858.s 18-S THE PRESS. P]WIOIgF iOR EVERtYBODYI ,WHO muascltiaca roc it RI SNEW Y'ORK WEEK LY PRESS, I AL A UITrstLLT ILL V T RA TED FAMILY NEWSPAPER. VIENWYORK WEEKLY PRESS am nc 1' AOItS, t(Prîity colorns of ttictertaitiiig mat- la, and ELEU NVLY I LLUST~RATEl' every = 4OIFI'worth front5or. M $1000 0(1 îril -(t se t ts <'tA uliîrib)rr un receipt (of (bioc Myy for onc >year,'tn4 1uit .......$s 2 tit ThCecopies olin yenr, ami 3 ..... fi14) Fiv LtiliteIMC one ycttc, <tidi.1 <iffil ..... tstil Ten c îl1Q. nc aîr, ali1) gifts...1.5 o>0 éé,ciitx ue-oplscouls tîtellctîr <tati21 gifla, 30oit in addfition tu the t almtytrates, l'< îa> lte A mer- cml li trae, wlîitil tuîuat..lt.p ti Thearatcles t be tîtaributîtet arc eanî;riseîl Iu the tliîîîing i*tat - 1 UniteiStat rreucitiir Note $i000 0<1ý 2 CIO do do 500 00 tuell 10 titi) titi i) 100 Ou itueti 10 t'Mient lever lîîu.îtiag otîseti watchees.................loio i eh 20 ...<l..... 6500 aetîl 100 Iti ... .. .... W it, l e lt 800 Ladies gîiti wautlct4s . .. 85 (ti utu 200 Siver lîinuingeastati wate-tîc, 3) (itPcaci -W OSil er Watelles, ...$1900OUta 20 00 eci Iffl >Golti gutirl icat anti t -fou chants ............If) O1<. 30 00 eaeh 1400 Galîl petits andtil lnile IaO tau1 0<) e.eli (4olil léokets%, Bracaiets, Trooieles, EAr lDrops, i4hirt Stitîl, Wtelt le'î.y, (Ittitandîti îver Ttinitbles, and a variety cuT other articles warth froîti 50 ts. te $15 titi clef. On reer.iil afîhte suitlîs&eriltiotnîoney),te sit meritiar'saitne wil l bu enteced i pnî<our itoî>k, opptusite a nutither, audthue gitt correapondinsi with Liat rnnîhar wiii bhe frwardcii withiuî onc weak tu hIin, b.y<>«cut or express, Mp oi#t. * Thora la tiititer litnhitir iottery about th. atlmwe, s a verymsn bserilier ie sure uf a prize of value. we rprefer to niake tiis iberai distrihutionn nînonjr thin insteetltiof w Iî a large cttut*î0ttii uuftet gIivîitt tîe iii- acriljar the cuotttt li tiiild enitii the agentt à iud lu tnun cases a hiîiitre'Ifl fîmotire. D)ANIEL AI)EE, Pri.îaîsim, *21i ('entreStrert,,Nr eteLor. FOR SALE'OR TO LET. 110USE hL TOl SALE. Ir OTS N04. 1ai 2, 1llatry st ret, for Sale.- -- hyare (rner Lit.î. Thoe lIîîttteL4a gôdFrina (4t, <attiry antia a laf igli, con- Calittng aprtectsti.ItiL- i gîtaIrepiair, and< weii liatitîel. Tiiere is elati a Ntcîtttd lilol, hý itl tîoit eitîloîîutt. The situatiatt i - deliplihtfiti alto. Fotr terint>anti fîrtlîar piirtîietîa~,upply ta ALEX.' CAMI?,TON, C-lîkIt* onstable. NOTICE UP PARTNERS11JP. T rIF tiK tdirsiglied hortthy give uotloettt Iteyhirtîe iis day itsîrodlâta Pattîerlil Gtsasaua LmisrMerchanUs, <i0* 4yat &c., tii-ler the style of te Firni of Albu-o 3OhN P. ALULO. il S. VLNDI. SCItlîtIilir 12,187 IN' 1REFEIF.NCI.C To TUIE ABOVE, We hug itiimfonntu r frietîtIN undth ie publie g- uendli.. tit w schave upotteti an OtihIt» lir éfor tite trà stact<ii<i faîl httiîît.ss cntrtîsitc-d Lu s & AXgntA14(>.ia 1,i er Iiifor tite retuillt aujt Malî t l.t1i11l-iii1I-,r Licat sor<lIer trlse etîti tri'trii b - irit t ,totîi titi 10t 1 il iatters plcdiii iii Itaîtîla. toiiuerit andti ltit i taoit ootteiuid sanîtîft. Poîrt lIcite, lice. 22 S7 & 49N NO TIC E. Ij To Merchants sud Formera. .-0f1 T l[F Stilscriltir lue,'s fît aiit tliifriands anithügpthfit. guilraltY, tiit lite lautakeau thze Grist Mi i>knitwu as thtî K E 'TM 1 ,L LS, andî fýrm,rlv c eiiîieii hv Mr. F, Huître, itear llcttakiitî, aià frîtî his iaýng aid welh kuoivit axparietailutheîbtiîslnass lu Witty, htîps. it MtC en titt tioti li.tiit uv , l to(eit a sIlre ýýtiic ttj;ttrii.îge. 1lrtictu lac atteiitituiiaiti rfy lM-ehatît,,Fartacrs andtithers wis1ii n ta gvt titeir WVleait Flmireti, wil te dent( i%-> l liherally. A caitI tili ittiige Il. (N. NEVILLF. WitliY, Nitîmer 1.titl,'1.57 43 CIRCULAR. T( I Etdilserilier, an rtiring front theo Mer- cîtitila llttiitea, bega to rehuru thanka tn hiîiiiiiitttcats eustouîers und tinonds fer the lie- eruatl tr ivei tuta Iitti e luintsinase.- î le lies ta inu(.run ail partiets icdebteti to him by Book Acconuitop Notes or Mortgag, Note due antipast dite, Ltaihoh.ie a bae psy- tmonts tii meet t cari>' datas, snd that owtng ta thte pressutre ini Moue>' tuattarsm, il la necessar>- foer [Liitot meeit thetgaine suad toi enabie hlm ta do t, lie 6latiiged la inata&t ouslinetilte pw, - nient of au autitts due ta hlm, otherwiso fi@ ciii hactîlligeti It anta ire saine. ta hii.Attur- ne> for colilotaiiî Without Further Notice, -wheli it ila <tIhie wish totado, atîdidifferet froti hat ho hlis iitherto doune;but froin tlà a lîretaînt e1îpcaratcttaof paymnet, lie nuït sac, tait utr lie si, no atiter course lu left hit ta puiîet. ilstruts âthat ail wiLl Seo the.ne- of it~attendilng ta tiisanti bave ecaste. WILLIAM LAING. Whtithy, Oteber 27, 1857. 41 NOTICE. XLI, lper*ons indlebteti tothe t atSf . FI .H ischofcdi & Ca., are roi< tiiectita nuake itti- utediate payaietnt tiloreat te lliiiam Scitiifieiil, inv Agenit, ut ite Stuoelately oacenpiedi b>' L.IL JOINNIIOWLE., J. V'. l.\Nl, Ne b 0r OT I C B. utorua 23r, itu. -41 f ti Ni>i rititlitutuetîtrestoëck oIE. - -- - 15 tuuîîuiel & ("0.,ai titatm iadditiont ut IIO0U8E and LOT FOR SALE. A.NwSok -r ORt-SALE IN ThiE ViLLAGE 0F lRIi)K- A N w Sok e -rlita tIlamse sai] Luit seo-til a to ine iii Lie co flittîr uiiuaief att-e cun igvoeaitire ctis. Çanuty. 'Thu uutte î ltuu is boatititilly situt- fictiont tuail wasti nav ftvir cis itha -iul. aILïoti, ktctas ie ceideiteoruthLie t ilWt. 1Jt)SEP'hi 1iU(KINS & Co. Iiaduzs eu, onuia egîsutdIN-011l ot dater, BIlrinu, Nuit tubar iuth,1M57. 4v StaimTo, Sieî antd &ei li -e, &t itreuin For tuither liartiehtiars atultDissoloution ofcf C-Partnerslp. j -Witttb>, ( . i, ilE e"- panlaekhîip lieretofaca exitilia lu *Itibc , À'riI 7t, iW5)7. 12-t u>TtInei tti tîri utedas tmatimt 'raumuar îm i1.-f oîi tes a tus ii, tulnder te Brunof S--- IIiR & ca., aiivýki by cfluxuin of tina STORES TO LET. ant i nuttut. contient, L te "wety-etgbthday ot Febrtsu'> lext pat, (185,4J .,plT Str. latly >'oemulpieti b>'IW. Il. Duel, Ail dut tdîe tautir b>' Lue tui fino, indîîding 1 Dugglt un Brock 'tract, Ikuowuas C<im- teetit.bs dite tut LbaTacatto.braiset Lieneol, ta etltt îiiîum%. Ais» the on iiuaittiooetu- bc coluuaoted au]dpaidit>' BENAIAIIQIBB, c*to peu bit Jesse Vtînlyke, cutieua, citut ver>'1 little b>' Decti of Agrecaucut auti Disoltituon ut Co- altoatltieauta onvnt ao a GnotenyStr utmmaship, ~bearing date anti exeiteti betore J. A 0mi-tfertal _yt S iit lttittctor. sIuiBB, and Iiseoileaguue, Noaries Pulie, &ftlua Stiroï, pouiasittut iven itutnedatel> .- th~e tLeent>' avonuLimdut.of Jannsi> asat puat, s g~1tct A yptu lans dft>' auihapiad, etîier indivii]titly or b>' moleAt. WALAE, hie mini>' oansttuted atorney tuscoiieut sud psy - JA ES W LLAC, te sauna. - Ass4ignoe.for Heur>' Cuînnîr Wi tté-& irsbondiauts, ut te sf blt" Inrel Wi<ilb>, 5tt Apcil, 1848 LtelmouieattCaea(luatm)1letRTi> -- ---- ----of.NARif, OUe ThioimaiidEigllIiuadetiaià 1PO L1ff'. Fit'eihti ~ -- BE ti ml IB T Wîilageroomi e ttl adaîttiurb ocoffices, I. colèit,mestimbAcriluos lHacrdwareroStore, inu Caltlwela utc hitildinge, Bnook Street, Sotit e-tit. lîuut, moderate. - Appi>' ou thao preuuises ta . .1. S. IiONALDSON & Co. Whlýby, Doc. Qnd,: 1857. 44 Brick l!ouse le Selu or Raut. M lIÂT comnutilus Brick Cottage, with Brick KKitotetu. Stable atti Sîtada, oettted e r- F'ant hi>' M. Joseph iC. Sterhiiitg, ntam ai oui 11111 Strestt, Toitu ot Wlsîhb>'. TIîi ç9tuelLgonslats ot4Rooins luntemn, building, sut] 2 Batironina oif elue Kitalien- Tuera ila alsio aLicà ies LiaKhtchuit Lat catîtiha mda idebta hodnoons. An excellent Garden ut bout X seraoailain], s goatiWell, anti a Celier f nil iuuz o Hloa".. This property wcUl bc sol] cteap, andi un gond ttcns ti3paynîuitl. AppI>' ho JOSEPU C0. STERLING, Proprietr JAMES W.ALLACE, RÂ.NltGN BEA UFtELD, JM3 .GIBII. w ITTI rafereuice ta ta jaboie notice ut Dis- stlttiouun tC-jcof eîtli ,the bîusiuuaas ani ta fututre te corrieti au bv Janes R1. Cibb anti RutunautBeauiithi, uder te firi ut GIBB & Ci., in the satune premisas li Luis citit, chu wihI kkec enstuîully at ià ait, at hueutofora, eN.- er>' antuelî u litirhIeo toite bast quaiity JDES DUNCAUX GfIYlR RAMaON BEAUFIELD. NOTICE. ALI.pcrautnc inîebte t otte laIe fret tGib 'o fiou Montrea, or te iUlaLe brancb at Toreo ÃŽlo, a s11peîî py thla'couaitu ta 'M., JAM ),ES D. G(13, wcita ismitI>'auttorizl eti ae- ey' thaeamine anti cio ciii renuin LuTorouato cnthe Lbi lt o?May net, fôr the express ebjeat utf coiiccting the sà aueounts. MMel,, Mach 24% 18M. -1w NOTICE TO CLEDITOP*S. OFFICIA&L NOTICE. 1. G. 0. CosrcaasDrrm<zTena, rgrytwelfth4, one ttuusuti igh~ teuodreti sud fl týliht, hâve biyu ismiif fi tlithTreuurit Departant lte Uniteti States rpnribitg qaanFo"r e ud RogulAiona tgl9 oohservd lati em t i eciruyruty-Paae Netiu- iAhetgiiùfs"lbrtb1elnfOnutltn and gui"ee or al icronfte p< i',iteto f the gracLit sud/proancof , eîite leuniteti State untienthte Reciprocit>' Tsa%'; Tthe rni sudantiglalluns atoreeld beiug ut the tenon folioslug, clx: *ci)CU.cLà AR 1'STtttC TIONS5TO COLLtCTOIg -AiDi OTREIt OLLECTORS Or rE us aoMs. PO0R T WHITBY. w ILL BE SOI D BY PRIVATE SAI:, taI Scaulift 1 Three Story ]Brick ]Building, ot an Acre oftland alisîctet. There is s gond Barn eut imitable Ont-buildingaounIthe Prami. es. Also haIT Acre Lot Outit tbilde ut Fiît Stret, witl ae 1lend?'1t dIlbe&.1 ouli . Al cilI beol 1 Àer-Pousup oliaser, on reasonabît Icnn. For particular appi>' ta thue utieralinned. Ounte Preue.. PorL Wlithy, Jily27, 1.157. 29 Weekly tItbe couîy tili obiim. BEAVERTON. FOR RALE CIZEAF», A MILL PRIV],E(tE AND TOWVN LMT contigititustii tue Beaverten Whiarf. A X uiti l iliuig italu mewitltbedn Tumte'r Dzt'arîxxe, Propietarb 1r u<y etiul iMiller. I2LI Febarutar>', 19-58. Ap1il v la Collectons and tiller offlears utofte ustants of lit. JAMES ARMSTRONGCi, lima treutier ports ait ià streated, tlijt,, <ot <l im- N.. --Tiiece lae Rfis-rale nara tiîî LBoa- i ortationa tretai t4tNanirlth içaenBritisht ventt lfin the Esabtlltisment îîf u it rar. Provinces clainiiiug esounîmion fromdtin tider ..A te Rlipuic*ilits oatIle necipoct>'troat>', tua A peut~rednbadin actati8, rtie 922, utfte uave' i..1 TIii 2q, i17. tin u tue înoreiîatdite, ie re- qtdre Mà es osere hlctuVlOthel L 1 V E R P 0 O L. itoreitnnla. sit611 oce e .vaeooa lt- drodulIar%, sud citee tire la nu Conseiller «flerat orc aathé port « o' expnrtara t lie Blacksîuiths & Wuîiggonmak'crs Shops outt i rescribedit ornus Nos. 27sati 279 ita> JComý ale ot1Let it Liverpool, lie Lkeui hafuce a lacal niazgauate,' itli uitilimc- TY\11,Fý AT1eVT ON ( izoti by thelitis ofIlIte eiîuulry t aIo iii1 a<tiiatrcrWNVN L STl>>vGradTrnRl- oittis, ethiehutel~, 50 talsen, shah b>itoîte. h> ii t-iiifltîstdTuuRa- tiei iv a Coumalar cortflcate n thé I'>ulotig a-Ii i htl 1tîit1i i tI-utîgi tîilla <quaarter fortie tILU Att re fM là iitdilîtii-iteîi TOus îiîii--I tii- vitetu iat-I%:geetemi ithp- I eertify thet th ' ihtt silttutîg n a .r ~-tii,-f teKiuîg;t4ytîi 1usd. anti t ttitlails iuî bA Au-ithu tîuized u l îiliti isttt<01101%14,t)Itle W> et ti, t ,a traites cuti iii 1,yt i elva-t1N ttis lguoati* rk- ni(t itîceand li t 1 Ihelievt he t l <iteuItent 0,1- t I- il.- tanedl luate abuve centlicote lui te truc rfurthîur jitietuhuurs op 1itaI (h)tti.i - , 1. .~. ht.ul.M IL S. PlVRI)Y, - Thetrtttls reeriil m tinornts Nos. 2134) andîe1ted 281 are citit uielmitstiii. u1 - MR lu caes te fparccls A n saeegnf mcct'niise ut a value luitetcniug te itîtrtîcti iltlar,IF im fr1ae LIe samie. nai lue aduutttedtiietle ttitiý,tt the 1F rmhr ae ttttsresiil prouf, prtwid the t i>tletis l nttis- ~ ti~îri AI.<i cd titett tule>'are te grottorauprotitce oai lite ai iiuilaîî;tif tioi""1 salîl pnîvitidds. i - t >. t h *,w ,saiýfT %r1ý;i* A ConSular erlifeate ottheiti r ofttir c Aîtî.si1toiF;:l (titi si t tatatuh l ilulu Chatuulic, bint.?Tituni folîseiig, înîîy slaîu lere- ittiii. i it1itt otll t-iel tib C- icîtîtrsaz atUeii ltiit %ii-te I .rMest iw i i tit t ii f i1>t iti <it , i)t, u i s !n oigi laentitIe t uirlîmîma aeîter utîter thte lîîîîlrfajii-turuc t iî cuo reciîteaeity netti -eS t %ltil iie t 1 cett ivtai te goodiu tr aierclianiiuAe de- tAI'a.North itirf tiflt4, ut ie tutiCtare- seriteti il;îitla invoic areofuthLIe ractit or pro- w 1 ifTurti u--tîî f u i Ca ui dee t ti e oaîavtc f---, anti af the t iîta e hîit ii e a et iuntiuig (ltititacPortage M'ItAptNI. t flow'lI. <'<>151, .Secîtary qt the Teait,:rl. protoi.icgo on ett'trf tatils' aimiro exeapr- titîn.fntutî daut> ditr tMe Recipeatrily Tti'at>'. Art. 922.-là <n ittpirtalians froiutht N crti Anean BriiaiProtintes etaitiiiti- Cetetui'I ii tram dîîtv eniler te .tipnbittiatt.tifLi te rîci- prct'Loth iie idvit utfte ocuer la er-, quiretias £bla e JInce ofgrwt or pristluituî otîlie mcrcîiatudtae e nsud hoi Iessaneis lot poteti tcom a place lîreltere las CoVnmul, (Ne unti - s amenarcapgnt othec Unitedi staea, thie calut tonsal aao npauld by a t-er- igemelofutauc i otier lu one oet 0Lb, oloing forms,âas tee mn>' reqî"ire, sitowing the 1). CIAMERON. lmerttiluth .1ily, 1957 26 FOR 8.ALE CHEAP. L OiT Ni> 27, in te ti t'itý ncusýioiuioutWhitti t<ie Vuttiîs autictj,)itint' thp Town ut l5hitii V. Xli>t» iti, Ihîtît. Ji. C. Wiigî,Tcq, laClving lInhce, <i iii. wiuuimRa., Bellevile, or to J. V. H AMI< VALUAULE PROPERTY FOR SALE I'ilts PiLOi'EITV isîl ATL ST- >aM u.278. I uueîlld î iirsiin theToii tf WhtthN, 'ritige OtnrsaOatAiieg o-d90* ave b6ua - ou Brt-k .tneî.t, dietlti opusite Jutige Biaru- eetutit5t.te ltaies boea e LiMr hlar uu'asiieueu euituii2 Inalit otf au (eyr of OmlYs aiW ,"W1ts, L in MeBrisah gacreo .u t, .Iltll nI ii i tij;, -t rotuigu i. A. B., dioaoloimul> and tlv siecs; titt COMFORTABI<E BRICK COTTAGE, lte KoaetsIi, area or mmneandme, describet inl te in-oiceooeprodncedad mreunioaninexed, chitt itahie out Btliltiiig, t lexcellent Wel avare cetiaul>' piineimaaad sue an>' aCcouant gr for tut W<ter, unit a i tenattitiec aviit s tnn- acoltfmn"elf anti parluera lu thte sattipur- Iurof raitile Frutit Tracs Forurtiter parti- " ;an ht adInLvoice coun s truc adsud a t pitty tu r lîtttul Seuuit uoflte aual au4t thoreel', anti W. SHIAW, an ltae pnamms. ail charges lterean' andt ltIneotilacnnýis WIitli, Fe,)> 1-ts, 74 botnutiesq, or mtricttareceuotaiuet il te sii - invoica but ancheas have beeu actnallyalIov.e>l 'i FO>R %SALE IN ' , TOWN OF on ltesuie; andtittglsadg" daelliiigrgi«lu IV ITBY. 'or protiuct of the Pnoa'lueof- (SIgnai]) iAB. 0( S N<îS. 2, and -2. TtLE'i' AiSE SITUI lwr u sud suliscnibeti hatore ame, aL L «ted ait Diauttia4 Sreet' etwecan Mr. tIhe deyof hA D.18 Caehirte anadîti Italea <reck. soi] of lte indepedenceofutthe Unitedi St" sutOf ~ >Latli Atueen te _ý FCS1Irtl And 1 do tunther certita' lhittt1Iam sutaifiati Applhicatioun Lute matde ta thaut 1 w, c i*t uicrilt lte fore- MIlS. 1;I INE ST, gaing ati, persan liirejtreuitts liîasctf Lot 83, et cutecusn irlitigtuut. te bo antiIa u a'oediLablpersan; u&W tg«Chintian flffering" lesa eals taîtul fartai]. tati4 tatetneuaitale t»' tittintier li 0" l(O ahElruatl, fioe-mm "y béOiut rFOR MSA LE, trc.A T"AVERN STAND wtitit Iriving Ihanse IL. SI , 1 ('>oeut1l.cuiiL, large Suis. Tiiero la ilso aI- Fuiu.stNo. ~>taeh datun acre ut Landi, îtantu'i cu itcoice Foreâqys OtPsos'r 0aAen, <ac"« eas ,utu,. Aue FuitlTrees.Tîîare lha egooti WalutfWater, no u at diaWly puutîJuasem to te b dî'ai5'unip<&e., uta theetuI.ut is awituiat- Uinsslar 0,4«P fttsUi4 aeje qeioi a .1 aiCt.Mari tisa, titi tua leati- BritkhtPr s.~.itig rund tfic ttTutu iiof'lViti1iti, Litndsayanti Beaterttuiti it lroperi>' dît f4asoiti un lite- 1, A. B., tutf do suletmuit aadt rîll rai tcr,'n-. Fuir larmei aný atieîttnlursa api>'ta savear, tititeinvaiceîîoe produeeaJ, atnti erý- iui acer et Neil MîuîtrltîBrook,<istrict unoimo ttiestil, contains e trite amtti tttitil se- U ne1 e>ur t'artchftl'sTatfaca.r i cotit ut theo gaudi i tereludei.ribeul 4e. thele f JO N MeI)OUdL,- marktlvalua at iat the " t tei cpne Isalue avare i<piottitictri txuutu retias lime rcDenb 1,85.4 cuase mni,>' tt iofatîLI te charges thereon; and-BroDceie 6,15.4 Ihat ci invoice roittains no dstiian, touai,- - ies, or tiniebaeka, 1but surit as have hecit acte TN M T S __ ail>' atiacati]; sud LIti tt ldguotiJE are the givethi -------____ or prodac et lte Pr-avînue et Swcam Loansd ase-iteti batre une, ai the ý< dal of - _ A. D.18 anti orthe indepeudtlaaeof ite Unitedi States utf Anti I do furltaer certif>' that 1 unitsafi]d titat , hu cubserlhbes lte taîe~gr i ôgtll, inathopeeson ihe uspresuta hi neili* ani!dttut tlue ute à isbT prsoisaL tlh4 sftlenteun«bf by hin tinder cati oath (or at- filetation, aus te case tayc>'t,) are truc. B>' orauinut, K . M. BUGlWrFZ< 1Torunto, 21st Jait, 18Z&. TIl E, timne tforeaeýiviuig Petitiositifor Privute, or Local ille c8 ilI aspire an thte Twelîth- Mardi, one tisonsanti eight hundrati anti fil>- cigittW. B. LINDSAY, TO MASTERS OR OWNERS OP STAM VESSELS. NOTICE is% heroby jiven titat ou anti aller te upenînguf te. at-iiiiul tlîng uf thé preste tyeae, a SInet easopiaùae *itheh re- quinîutentsa o the aevcral Acta relsting tu the inspection ut Steani VesaIs Willbc halotsed ou and aIl penalties fer ah>' infraction thereu rigiti- ]y enforeuti. E. A. MEREDITIJ, W &&. Yvirtiof o f OO ai tc<g.mn atiui f 5 5 'Vhlî Mrchi 9L5, 15. ~ ' B data MardiLi te gdL 188thteunuderslguetiamima O S&gicia ur.e, etiEtia cas dm1>'appointeai sl blte estamle of1 1 ,.u is STORES TO LET. JHN1AE5MMICANC8 IS IU 18. <V IESTO ESIsel> ooui'ti b>' f the Toeuaiip Cf Whib>'ain he Cla~ ety>'otf OTCE la Ihebyglvo.% Ltain lu oim A I ~ u u t u u e îo rti t et O t a i e , e o n a n , on t e b n i t s c h c r e d i - .N i e i th a u O r d r l u C u n e t e t f 1 h buueapr tlt ou Im-ta staîafhotumnepaeu ster. cuder lte À ru uus~.ut~t ---,ugh. M fne4SO m eu9d . ut AsuIqÉtsemIo ot a I'saaaengl'ea tumntietel'.Apply ta lsett en ffce ut N. G. Ham in lu lu. Teof lestlaéceclar adtieed le Item b>' hile MCPIIERSN Whitby for signature, ofteItah.ll, parties lu- lonrmaelu n mMyean sd "aise tiSu- WltbY. ipiî 14h, 1858..- noqlneta tmito node. -whl s net hav _____________________J. S. SPROWLE, dat 141 andi 151h V'ae. Cap. 860elîl net be r. TO BÇ LET, - N. G. 11kM, - fo o>uueuddtr te miasi Le«UaivGrant et ~A COTTAGE IN BYRON ST. wiîît>, arla 9, ss. 1 1WlAI.Apply te ,A55IQEFWS WôI8ANflYn H IAMILTON & ROBERTS. 5LsiapiL~4Ol#$t#Jli Wi4tmg ~8h pri, 18851 A.Maée, eiler -on note, rent, toud or Mort,- Tqors;to, 221h Aprl, 1858. gage, muitioetile TICileojun. Ami4 EÂKERY. havingelabuts iaîalflSi dEsate vi GxR nCOOUho next. 1Itau nhlesuspeand thé Eleveulhi danse ofthlit DAXERYRNDM 1N£cT, -q-aOenerimbr Rgulationsef the lth Augusti BÂC1lê nD VNFiCIOÂRAgent tf or eAmstgne, Broklin. 1881 mrgau esail.e of Four uLh115. WIIYsUmI4 11AND aNTAIL ~theltpwp anQountry utomers *týBkry TbëlA, bu.Itt II1.~ hIt ia5iiie - *r tieetat - GROONRIES AND) PROVISION%~ - stock. i~I*<tk At i unioemj.,arit tha4prioea, IiESK ,COTION AND LNEI a-ýj, C par, Brase, Cumaltsrou, ant ki Iid uoîf nS a el) lneange mut tae Tn Wa Stoe i'li tidesinei.JOHN BEVAN.., Witty, ga>' 19, 1858. l Stovts, Tin, Co»e-r, and shoot Iron Ware. rcnding couuir'Yý'l lite ohacreha-, se4lte stock et Mr. Titonma Whios suli teen4 err'ustl%-umlassl mllel» aioao heaiopeus. thateWi glvoe enticem lfacton. A met o COQi1iLdst4dnmtIcWe Whllb>, Ma>' 121h,1857.-1 CAPITAL £125,OOc. u 1&va, ', "%tiol ont E ry 0 ti*î au9p~ Gea.ralTrtzUdlig Agmatfor #A# Coi. of Orarao. British America Assurance Couapsar Seà sion of thoelaévouth Provincal Parlus- mient of UXper Canada. CAPITAL £100,000. Inantrance effeteti on Buildingsud their contents.. Every inlbrinationsi upplie4 ou sap plioatlou ta Lii uderalguetl. Marine RLik< for te Ileaon or fur Pnits. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron Street, Whltby Protection agalaut Loue and Damage by lire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPIT AL £100,000. - INSIJRANCE effected on Buildings andi thier contentst. Everv îufortiistan suîpiied en ap[plicatiou to Lte nideigned. JOÛN ACNEW, Travellink, Alenit. Byron Street, Whitby. Times and Beacon &ssurance Conap'y. i NgrRANC e ffected an lluildinex and their content». Evcry informatlion stîppliid un application to the undcra;itrned JOHIN AGNEW, Travelliniz Agent and Siirvdy>or of Riska, Byron streot, Whîtby. LuFE AND HEALTII ASSURANCE. The flrltish Amircin Friendiy Sosch.y - of Canada, E "TABI.11îIIEI)l>t' r[TIIF'.ASURAN(IEOF SLite andti lealth. Ilne.,rlporated hy Special Act of l'urliattent, 1)a Vie., Cap. 44. CAPITAL STOCK, 91009000. llead (>ffitc eft %inntreal. GENItAL AGaET F014 C. W., JAS. UVRLI.OIU. IMLociAozui, Jpws ltîno.,Whitbv. 11W. Cla;k M. 0., Medicai Referee, Wnîrav. .,WPnicien efrected citer up<.n lealth nr Lie1 (or oh and everv informiation aforded by heI»alAgntait hi ie . . THE SCIIEME FOR TUIE CURRENT year will remain open tW new Entrants 0017 until NtI)AV, the .th Al<Rilý next. Ou thnt day the flookï will he mai- np for the ith Inual Rlance, and l4th Divison of Profits. AU iauliided th.srei% wiill rank as of one. Ykaies' longer standing titan later En. trantà a4 and ill participaîte One~ lette carlier aithOe Divisions of Profit. L F iEASS;OC-tATION OF SVOTlAND LfoundtIs, and empowered by Roya Charter andi Act of Parliament. MIONTRE.-ip Great St. James Street. EINBU.RGII-Associiation'a Buildings;, Prin- cosStreet. LYO-0King Williami Street., City. &preaalyreonatitute-d on 1». principle qf redureing fte &peatse of Life Assurane as low s> ii taconsistent tt ).permanent aeeurity. Aiitttitheur nnudti 'sions systens t fef Assurance preseuitedt the public notice. thai tif tIi. Life Aaoeiatioiî of Sco-tIanittilentuut@ edly cou anuite t thei circtins.-tanoea of the m-r jartty uf persans w lia effeot Assturances, au is( evident trameinte apid anti ituexupled i itreaite of te I'oliiy-ioitiers. Dnring the. ist three tcars alone thore have been npwardl of Tîree1 'ltaîtsganid ÃkecEntrà énts, aItlujbltl for uaarly 'feu Millioin loundshterli<g. îioneofut titeriskts ot partneraliip. Tite> are tree train ail ruoueibulit>', sud t1h.sumnt assrti are gueranteeti in au>' evetît. aseatuTîn AT l8TIm AteNseL NEErifs LIVES ASSUR ED to tîte number of.l ?0201 SUMS ASSURED .......... :",519,780st' ANINUAL. INCOME fruun pciuitinus anti interest ............... £124,3lgSt'ir. CAP'ITAL [in adiditioni to accumu- lated premittuis] ........... £400,000 St'g. The -Aauoiatiols la nue Issuing Polieafreafrom several Re- stitoulo = Ol i pet , tiAno7ies aud rn%Ãeg ralt w 0 o her Assurance Offie iuCanada-. Wnrmr-Mr. J. Ham Peer>'. oiuîÂe-W. EL BiltfingeSlicitor. proviucW .Insuraice Comp'ny 0F TORONTO, C. W. SUBSORIBRU 7 CAPITAL, *1,087,7M0 PATD UP -CAPITA4L, $420,256. Hou J. H. Cameron. Hop. W. Bolst, ..~ieoeEa Ge& DugeanJr'., qI 1j ereratr~u~ *J. S. Uoear, Eq. La"r-nEsq .> apil V W a qe. q" k ofcMnte*depu sohcior.- e uDuggau <& Buru. Mm. O eToronto Street, T.r.tO' nt aIhï'Hleîd O ae t us be ratesm usuy> reset" 0ROô@essd &UImmusespreauti' st- ire sa ~tea,?7. fa?, 'y sioat e 16 4g A 'I I 1! - - I rrHAT a"celbonIfat tlii. liropent)' uf Mr. J.Wi l yiand, being compotied ni pits $1lts 159, 16 sud 17, intii. grd'Con. ut WhIutbY, eontaluing 160 aces,_ yea'all euansd triea fromsotnînpsg. Tere i aoatid dellitg bouse, barnne, stables an>l aît-touue on te <pnaes. 41gqlTS $g~4ic îid<et.- Terore It a o c4lIds~lgbs*004 uton itiotn theelsagouti 9 traun rtiuiu*' timIoug1i Nol16, lte promnises are well watered ant isue itiiatîoi nunpagseti lte Plare 1la wiLhtio 4 uiles utfte W dW >yutd4u ofsutOshawa-andi loguter.anfer.~ nvtshti a seldout ufferetid for ale. For paticiluunr appIVtut Meas'si. WIMSN EBELIN (18, May 19, 1858. 18 LANPuI! OR là ALE IN MARIPOSA. T RiE ,uderigned -will aoll Lot No2o, linlt :oth Contecssi,îî <if -Maripoa, containing 200 acres, 1(.00 iams ered sud lu a good stae ut cnîtivation, <<id nun chiaIti ii erecteti a goodt FRAME BARNI, 35 W, 5(j.and Shedi 20 >1 50, à Lag Barn 80 X 605 With OGnnry attaclieti, a gooti Log Ilote, anti a nmner tailing Well uft gond Wattr. Titae e as a>ouugOrtadaf50t>ainz truc, anti a qtnantity ofPluittiandi Cheriry>'Ltei. The atnu is wel feipecti itit uostly oatr nails, ciii]titare le yt unt.e prapecty a sîtilicient qtuamîhit>' of coder tutniltl îec fetices ehen reqsutrtiThe farm la une andI a haIt u"les tram Taylorfg Bleani Mill%, aind sixe mlles frotu Llnilsy etare tera i.sa de- u t fthe tort HopeLindaey sud Beavertan TI TULE 1371)IS P U T.4 B E. Tracs -Meut'e known tljuiiuapplicittot, if b>' lutter, 1551 1piidtot If ENRY ROGERS, Peaprietor, Oazleool P. O. Mariposa. OtI ?Oli, I157. 40 SAW 3ILL ANDLAND). TO IBE SOLD lt 0RE1I2TED, TowtIl,' Ii i t rlîtfrit 't t theftflt ton- cesIiotierTlcare li) acres ii G001) I W001)VttI AND CEDAR, antI abut Ja tre<if 1Pl N E. 'T'ie thîlit ta lie Solît un i ttil goiit r t es tateît>Suit pitre-ltiaers.' P 'tu entssaret" tate a1ltt1 l t<le Z'-thtiute tiut ;Eo<u«1;E ItALIAR]i, me(Ivîic2f), IF57. 41 F'OR SALE. T îWNLOTS ihl iiWîitby,otelte Bit>.- man% Bay,,suif l'1'ocer.. Apl oG. 1IL DARTNELL, J iutte 1 A, 13557 22 To Brewers or Busines% iMen Genarally lTILL lie Sil tli.tahewttitîît RtivavSta- VY Ilîtî, tcrettlte îîf a lricîri, cminsis ing tuf ott~ f î i.utut' Illitîu'llîmîse Stablies, iGis 1<Icetarittl tht lince foise 41iâ rttensiilt cuiutuiiedti herecti. 'ha s 'ail wteht thei atteniito ti ci>tue iiithe llreeing Li.- Appi>' ta TIIOMiS DOTD, (7'E. 1A N T E D. T 0 ptir7înmo r rtt, abolit .70 ceres ofuietw Wlîleu. lPuircite-r ciii or aiitholimt Builtdiuug, uu Ca'>trtui1refureiu. Niluritîs LF> If 1,>'iettîur leemI i itl. Febrrear> 2, 155.1 Ti;le n o u1a. FOR SALE ON EAS4Y TÉRXS, B Y t eilieai umatnIcitititi, tit artuof ltae e u 1ttitci cgodouttar mbousae,. 30b>' 4vi, ailiar .u111e aize, iiteitenttabttuesl, oithfttuses, nte. utittha, gutîttitutur, pguuniueut aittî out, andu ctueiteti nit fruit aguitunitutuntul tree. sitruha,,flucer rooLs. butte, &c.. ei>ntâiiuiug hlaI an sre. Titis Finttperlta sýitusutdi imite ceitre of theuat llciiiug TOWN 0F WHITBY, tnOitimg pnt çuii-, noat» lu Tuto, %wtitiaa popîlotseigîh'iiiitdanti conuine il li11the reqsit'> oticuienesfor aeuo tn4 Luty,citiî aguoi upuhuirfui-ii r>if~ssim- lin, thuéi reatt propruoLor haviug a praeliceet ne3rî>' 2t, ycrs standing. ApplI>tf tv latter, pl)l R. '. CLARK, NM. D., W/t ,itby. Wititb>, May 8, 1959. 17 ]FOR SALE, A Ctitnturtethle ,'unitl lesideuic, iiitetdinii tfue N'ilhauce otf epi ol, Tacaîsip ut Pick- êrlig, etijoifiiuthue 1renini's Bn>'Statiomn ufthlie Grad Truîmîk Railwcy, 16 utiles traita To- 7o0ite, cousitgot - oral ;4tageý C41atam* mat 3loci, s 1à i t -it.Z elit oermvor iauatica cequisito; a arge am uimd Stable attacted ; a never taiîing cal ut ce tee; bte Crounti are taa.'tttily laid out, anti platoti ciit Siade Tracs; aulso, e Largo Garnden ccli stoaked i ctitFruit frocs;lte choIe cotera4 lieu acres ut Grountianti caunotj>e au iisut u*pa4ljrt r rwatpp1ï4Q gbe mu r, Yý>tll~e Mu.WltnPl upon lte preutis. Posususiuugven forth-' GEORGE BOSTWICK. - YerkviIie, Ma>', 1858. 17 ~JAMl DRUGS AND NEDICINE. ,DRUÃœGS AND NMEDICINES. :0:-- T IIE Sibscriber retirrs ha sincere tîanka to titi ouqtaîners uti]patrons; anti in solieitiog a ontittrianceoruthtîe litera imptroutace t teichetlie haff batu favoreti, silce opeitg huai- sesson the pnetniaeîA tmunuerl>' ocetled b>' MnI. J. -Il. Gerru-wouid se>' ttast 111 Stare la ituj l'iledi cith te largeet uni] Muet complote - STOCK OF PURE DRUGS, Oftever>' description, yet offereti ouitsle in the Towouçuf Whjtbv. Piaîcae tent Medicine*, Perfiery, Brunhes Palitis, 011%, D>ue Stafhi., &ca, &c. 'iietcan antiFarnil>' Prescriptionms eflill>' prepaaed. Horse and Cattie Kedicines tif alil kinde, eeeuratelv cuuaîpannded aceurditg to lte latent îitujrvementa ini Phaniiac>'. Surgeons Instrumnts., G. A. BANNISTER, 1>naggà t, <&e., D;tndns Street, Wbithy Wittly, Autril 14, 1958. 13-1>' VARNISHIES. A LAPW.CF Stock of Varaisitos, eoneisting ut IL No. 10Cpal,1 Stpenlor Fnnnittue, Black Bun.ttng }itiid, Launp Ouaà , Cainpheîtc, Aiea- G. A. BANNISTER, 1Duittitt Street, Wititby. April 13, 11358. -y Forest Wine and Pil, 1Fuit TUr PERMANESNT CURtR OF' Jatit»tt lunudie, j9ue and i F.ier, lteline, rud, cypa, iSs U Jtimrn, I4fetioi of iti' .4n, Anîd aIl cominutle riginuîting front iîj)nne bloînd snd habit ut thtt ayem, Geitenti Debîhit>', anti feehie state tofte constitutionf. For LaflieR lu a aeeakhv smite ut tieaih, thua Wine is ad Hliîtfut etiti Wholesale Agettîs utfs'.-rat(,)--Lyman Bris,. &(1o., aul Urqtîtart. Kirgton-E. W. l'aI- liatail Agrente nh Whitha-W. S. Robinson, Jilua-... Suttîsu; 'riuîceAlhîet-Snttonà & ýTtiitin*siiti; Markhiun Vilae-I.C.Ihtnthaln; Wtueks* t'aittut-J. WBttlsc1' . NI-lirougit- eut --lýacagIttu& il utelleson; ,'i'fttl-err,*-J. Btigîte;MiehI.Mîelit.tt ; Mauiut lns- ani-. . . uik ; -ê- tsiie--..W. .Icx)tltrsi, ci far sulthlv cllI>t Q11t4a<,fMemiilte Dît,- tersm in ad. C.. W. IIALSEY, 84-1v .0ole lritceaNec York 01.1) IIJIAN IitsTtlht SLli Il-NS A.nîttîthiil-, lrtitutusanudtrettretiruti bTiine.ci ciit mtl-p tte e>uiituer ouilita IuV*latu lnig uiC Iiittit u - litsttrittt(le-ire teiug ta e-)iutnzii uitmte ia lte tiartl iiîreumueties ttmhuacine prqu- cesç. lie eqtiires eeicuh picmit ta sent i htn n iuteaidescnihituution i te >nitspius, ciLiteatw Sttnp., (6ict.-;.)ta pa>' the retuuru latter, in cuchle rl rentrathueun ii auhia re% rit tim,ut, itit directi',uit for repaiting t tale 0 Chutes.,<&e. 'I'iéta mii Radar iopes tît thtse afflicteul cll ualt, on necouint ut delicce,netrain trutmn coent-4ltiîg hlm becatuse lie itake!itNo hare RiU sle objeat ilu umetitisirtg la ta do *Il LIhe Ffmxu ite cli betore hituies&. lia pteca ttli tlîmautl> oulrate(lrtheir itacre uof I nsaîmptiou, Attins, roneitii, NruusAIeiitiCnle DOCTOR UNXCAS BRANT, 2 Box 115-31,. P INec Yonk.- D ~ R. MOR, tite inventor of Mo(rse's Indiant 13Roat l'uts, hmastpetut lte Lretter p art uf hiâ life in travelling, hsiving vittiteti Etîrape,i A.siu and Ati Ans, as Well as Nontt Ainerica-fias spent three yemarssong Fha itdiaus of aur Wesmtern cotintri-it was ini tiis way tttheite Indien 1Roc Pil worc fixait disooverei.1De.9 Morse wcas the finît mun ta eqLabil6li tii. i&ett taI aildiseases arie frot iînpurity of the bloati -ia un togth, heutt anti lite teioped epon titis vital fluiti. WheuLtevarons passages becoeoCIogd sud do nul sat lu perfeiétuninony wilit thodit- forent fonctions af the oduy,te bload lbacsits action, becounes hick, corruptedtiantitiisased; thus Cofusiug ail parts sickness ant itiatresa of citer>'naine; oure treugthî la exhaustedounr hWathw~e are deprivtatiou, sud if nature la nul nxeated in tiiroiug offthLie stagnant humora, the blooti wiii beeoutuschoketi anti cuas. 10 st, snd tiug ourliglît of fe wcli- forever h. blowu oei. Ruow important thton that-,ce uhoold lteep lte variona.-pasaages ut the body> free anti open. A" 4qhu plessu'nt tl.u as tat ce have iL in Our power te puta mdîinteluyour reh, uiel>', -Mom&là ianR tPilla, utnau red fru plan ts andrts ebîcla grw aroun t h. men- teanu e lli unîiiiro'e gardon for the -hasM- and reovozy ot diseaetuaito. bue ofthe routs tramWhiait lies. Pilla are iite is a Sudoriloc, &" huongtho jiores uoflte skin, anti assisa Natunre au throwiug ont titoliuer partsutfIthe orution witiii. The sieçoud isa plant ciaicli la au rtxpeoraiIt, that opeus andi uteloga Lthe passage te lhc lunga> sud thug, iu a aoothiuît nianiier, puennaistindt>' b>' hrowiug. off phl«g, a, ed thter.bumuis tyoi tho longsb coptosapilttn. The titrdita aDineoto, whtg givoes eanti double strengt tol lte kiduey<>j tes encouragati, lte>' crà wlare autounis iaapurity " îthe buod1w"aiaà lathon ltrowc.u out bunntitully by lte urtuary- or esterpassage, snd whieh cotld M_ bayebeen discltrged .lu au>' thier eay, TtifultleaCeute niaeoîs he 9t oLîme-prprtaf te l whil.en ' gediapurlfyuîglbebloodi theêcoar- Lge fm ly hihestutot peu a>'y tter cutlats,,are lite ukuup and qoun% e>' adela great quaniities by the, bôeda. Yroatlieabovei tL§a howu limaI Dr. M.rias' uin flan oLPilla DtiouI>' enter th, atonah but heaÃœOUmeniutedi dît lite blod, f6r they fu w«te every part, and caunpleol> rout out and Pu/IUFYTHE BLOOl., ifoffat'. Lite Pille and Phoeulx Billers Free fronta alMinerai Poisons. T KIE GREAT POPIJLARITY WIIICII MOIS ta>eLIà faPill., sud l'itsnix Blterlint'.nt', tainti lunconusq ie of utthe extrnabrdimnry etoes effeclatdb>' thoir-umo, rendors tt iineoe snsay flor lte pruprielar ta enter mb ailparticutiai auDIaly#§iu of thecir metiilîal virtîmos or Tpruperties. Hav ing been inore tait twaîtty yewAsbafare thie pub lia, anti liaving theue îtite-ateLstlnony utoftmors titan ltre niliions of' perwan0 cita luave bot restared ta ltae ûnjymuîît otperftet italîlu 1,> tbm, itla belle-ced teS thelr neputution auite haest vegetable neticime noc ha tire the public, stimuLaorna dispute, Iu alinnue very City'anti villaelulte' td tat l ier. ara nmyn>Wcit disese: a ri iu Ltt cale systean reneced Iuncases oQlermîfnla, IJlermS tira>y or,,îtp lions of the akin, te iperat<un of dite itf e.i dicines la tritly <.tnsiii.ileinu intu ua tee days, et.ecy vestige of ihiene ]boathiiautle a seases, br titeir putnifying efferts on the hiuîcti Foyer anti Agume Ivppit Du1shies, anti lu short, iutust 1i îiiseasuui, ouata it-d t tei curative prupertiest. Nu faîîiîy shiuiîlite c4itît- out thieni.as lu>'tbeir tr Lyîu inuch eulienitg and expeuise una s>' edt. Prepareti b>'WILLIAM 3Morr.sr, YM i½N<e York, anti forie ob>' BEAUTK-AND SIGENESSI CHiO OS E B ETW E ",îTifE)! IIOLLOWAY'S J3ILLS T II E itootl tticni.-te Lte teriiulaf ee r7 banie, niuuacte, glandl iand fibre uî inthe Ituiiaut traîne. W'iin pure ut saeirî'a itaîlthtaoen>'y organ 'iniinu1î tue-irity îriitute ructîy îujpon the ülements of the ,ttcman of lite, nentnliîiug te pr iul jîei u Iaas ant Lite nuthi(leut> eîîitufg tttetmiailvIethter iocuatetl ilu the lierves,, tl# toatuutîlu, tt ,lthe bottela, Lte ntsiuthe attîtu, Lte('rein, or titttlier part of thîe >slenu. Ilsad Ttruughont tha Worid 1 TIOLLOIVAYS PII5 are ceq uiuiy cfleaeioasq in uttmptaint-4,eoîuîrîîou Lo lte hoiltinait race tt1d lit tisardars teuiar ti cîtitn emLfaes aud loeulities. .Alarming Disorderu. Dyipepsia, antI tiemneincnt ultite INerj te source ai intinui!tN an tut ilentitu, and Lte ct** tif iinuntrable deuttis.. yiclt Lattuua etartives,- in ail cases., iuover igg ata cting us a tuilti rrttivc, aittite tudti oiiie they rît- hutte t u'tie tAs> ptnify theuteitis, tntti nvigur- nite ltaestainanti ttheouîttittun utai te sutie cie. Genr'l Weaknens--Nervouft Complainte Witun ail m!liîitnîa fitail, lthe ccnovatmng-iaie braimig priujirliea t It-- 'ilis-trive lirrrneu tie a ietlîtt if etnldîiility. DelianaeFomales. Ahi ircgut4ritics andtîl itu-tts incident Lu lhe "ieliuuite attîl t>eîustive titufa t he.ttsait, but in- fi lllible atrativis. N> t ier at hi>regards iter iicuu tr Itet etiiriea's iietl sîtaulti tuttahave tlieutu titîîîîlter ceactu. Ttc Lmtndon Illasicet," tue London tici]l Review," anudlthe utîtst eîmuiient omttto fuiculmy lu Great Bnitttin, Fraec, aeumd Gennauny, have Clll%.,izethemaPilla antiLlcir Inacutaor. - lI01ahlouuMaPlla are' lite bîstt.rexraedy hinliaé wonldi er ihe loitîtwiîîg duuîeuaet Asfthioa fplantas'Ileadaue-trs1 i pamts, Baol Com- lnieto, luls ('ougis, (Colt, lulticaeza, Sr-ue anti Citot Disease, 1 luttna- -1 GavI Coativencts, Inrd tiuSui.bv 1livepapsn, isar a . [S> apttîms, D'usrlims,1>irosy i [u en tereal Af- Debdbî>', Foyer, .1Lowns oef' tent 1 anti Agte, Fe-[' [suits,.Wo'tut ut AI male Comnplainte sLiver Caîui- i [ktttiL, ga'so1d ut the Matltihctorhes tir 1,rtuesor lIoLLWi&Ts, go Muiten Lana. Newv yacht, cc 244 Strni], Lîtuttitibt al cesipetbIe Drv WygiSs sud Deniers lu MtliuttOî tautLte utuitet Statesti ite civilIsa] c lainlupeas, at 21 cents> 62S cent*, and $1 eacl . t-0-Tier. e s austeatesvn-yak the lungr aises. - N. R-Dîctiena for lthegwnidauSof epatients in evon>' disorder arc aflLuxet uait box. tOWCAUTION 9I-Nono are gsppine mtles Ltae cOrmIS " IOLOuA.uY, Nue Y0191C& .QNuoNI<"- are Alèierutable est ,eoter-asrk lunfovoay I te t, 'buok of diretion% arountieneit potî oibox'- te »mnmy ue plainly aeeim b>' Un iëîà It» t/i Mq* A hadseiae reward-ie$)- be Siven ta uuy aue reuderlng &audit $nUiwiLiticn as ns>' hea t u the4etectuon of any peaeor Par- tie&ccunlexfeiug lte nnadium or réiiding te- saue, knoeing thena ta heaspurions., âmaar, 18M7.. 2-0s BlUFFAM MEçÂtCLns18Ejw0ÂRY 28?T.BLUI1UD 511hTUEI CU" or0 DZPS gi #steru2 ,Debility, F-s-ct 0W filr., ~' kret I a ndttu fÀ ~~ Deb9Wy, Jnli4reti f f uth and &Uagk dx. ýcasîtxs'Or az t aa . r rn.a, c. rJ) W A RETIIE ONLY PIIYStC;IMA7S IX TIE STA.TE chu are mauthuere of tte $uyai Cullege uof Muuouosna>'he consAtid frean 8 'chcek In tuhé tuaciing,ouilttil 9antIilgitI, lu every sateeant isyniptona of Diaietuse. The Irealmetlte>' aà opt la lte resuit et upu cardeo! 80 youtrâextengiveani sitceeful prae. lico lu. tLonu. Theitonat inateeruîote, râ"quo Di à amusslaated- an-$er 9d>uae,aniehs s alighttnature lu 2ior 3 dayei, a a noderaLe ex- pense. The cure effeclei lauthntconfinemuent or ýhlmisrace frointbuiaeas. TrOU'4ti 11116TtKE PÂRTICULAR NOTICE -Titere la an idail sme in dulgeti a b>' beys, ini solitude, often growing u swltm tem te mathooti; nul which, if net refermet iu due tiT nt u> hi 1%roméouaee¶ ofrurstdiaaiousa bu serions 14> s esto~ THE WIIIT v-~ URS DP HIGG1N~ & a- i. T - lita - T~t~ * - Ai> i Ev, r * - A Otîtiri t. r huai, ait, i ittuti. . l>iîZt lu N Le =~= J h -~ i BOOK PRI; t~. I T1' plu i,. tutu - i ai BOOX MB ciii rettu 'I r t - BVUUL/<S' .< * Wttuttt tsi ~ 1 - * cuiîrilut~ i t j oui' Sîltîf t t . t ) cas. 5îerr. :1 ~ ~ i-I ,/ ZAf iii jku~u~i. t NUL'~u>N S ~ I .IJIN I Il. J. ~i - ~ ~uihii~2 .16>11 lii t> Wl T1 ~ ENi; I.. F 1] (xi) s e iViI' ~ - 1y.ui I ) A l~ 111 T E t .\u n . Itti ~. . - t I;:.t~vTït i Wi4ît * =51.115 Joli i~iji~~~i - * ~. ~7j~; *~, - MES$RS. W - V. ~ J Wila tu, WL'. - N MCI:1sTEII l)uiit.e-t<vee * Camerca, U at ttc Cuttut 111 Tcauua lii ~iitt. I ~ ARR1~T~ tocutie tf t * ~ tut :ab ~50 WTLI Dr.1 Kjfocthe céuo, P l L Pe ru li e O .Il' 1