Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1858, p. 1

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lié TRE W-ffl Y CHRONICLE T MURSDAY MORNING, six éý To TlIr M'ill bu e-2) por aliiiiiiii, lt,ýlriý"S or With calm Printed wfordsq greut thonghts and imtiring induâtry, we advocate pea lit, cet Progris", Knowledgel Brotherhi 1 %,Fi VOU WIIITBY, C. W., THURSDAY, JUNE -1.8 yùtIFrFFý ,Il ow bil. llli- (qIARLrî: PAYNE. OYSTER QA Froin Diokon's Ilousetiold Word$.] mine li in the Hostel don Augustinm My bonoi lomil ýll and itlli vieilli. e on tr, MANCIMSTEY, RFACII, Mli Poomantie Breàch of Promise. iiit.,ilIqlll VIIIIIII lit)tl)ql sveured in tilis 24 Là lodge in your houx% it%--7 wM ple;we ne siffle !fi firlivarililig A 1. il Eý RIT S11RING, M YSTAL SALOON9 In fifteon hundred and thirty-ciglit, self froui you, wlài£h is EVENING. whcn ÉrAlace happed to, be at peace, vand adieu; but not, sir, witi Îll -lic IIII lirrr Ir 1 t sliii, ii* 1: - Z.-:iF il. -5 N O. 133, Wallace Buildings, Vonge nothing wu talked of At Court, say th very humbly for your l'rc p li't rite. 0 Stroût, Toronto. Clioltre Ligluore, vigars, lonl; iip, tilt, ralny hen%,Cllm M'itýhdmw le cl; 1 ý,i*s , Ile lit tiers, but festivals, tolirnamen the'roalli, As ta My PLa A. PRINGLE, lýiL'Ilt fl wil lItIùýV nt tliI4 chi) of day; tg, ':IL týt* tiie l'il w Iwik aildr -fi 1 Ilýj,,cIjý\N",I, STREPT, BEVA NS & DIXO LN, and bolieve the jzriteioild Iniv, have it ait dovra in writ Toronto, July 15, 1857. 26 incident écellnèd to gupply the towns (1, Hote, and plessisq MA) - 1', , ). 1 \Ii iilll,. 1 - ---- _ - - ý -_ -_ That 1,.o%ýueliail have the filial i5wuy. one tolks;witlýtalk. 'Titis no other than inatterig go well to-etl T 11 il AN DEVEIIELL, NATIONAL HOTEL, The grailllts is of a perfect erern, the breaeb Of PrOmiý4o of marriage, brought liveck 18 over we RhO bq Il LEN ISTREET, POUT WIIITBY. Ill IcH. tIIlt;l'tmtant houri by the Xxrqtâi; Jolian-Loym of Saluces, far as regrirdS- tnoney ; 1 I)apllled %vith sllml" BbOK A-ND JOB W il i t 1 c. \V. Thp Lrardet) walk i sp an elletin. against Madanie Phillippel tes Wind gliakes tho tears frours bousilla and flower. (je iqon nýeIiF to yon will be eternal. 'Il.- E IÎTA Il L 1 s Il M E N T. nit iiis friglndm don, witicAv- of Nlarsliall Ifolite.jan, wlio consider that thig sept, 10 Ni% îé- - 1-1-0- T-E- -L,- begs t'l 1 'fil Its flilest life is lit the nir, hall been governing Pierlino11L Soyne of Iv séParation; t1mive 1 r .1 1 lie ahove, the of whîch, lie lt ro ilifl-rili il j-ý Ni UKE-r SQUAUr, Tt)lt(>NTO.- wili in future curry on, on )fi% ovit acclount- It.8 fiflest inetre in the lillit the dIe3Wlâ, 01 titis case arc singlilar enougli you will bc pleasad. ù 1411til t1vi t 1)1 1011, (l-Il l If rire Illo-1 j ItttitI.ý l'roprietor. 4CI Gooti Liiiiiors, Wîtàes and BmiiFlie.ý. Excellent llwi sec, tlio rIolil- of enre te deserve a narrative en their -.ovn ac- she kissed hiiii, and 'S-LL ina'illi- - - 1 . - stabling. Illanand home. A re touviiewl with glory lui t1ieir flight. 1>\iiI'lllt> 110TEL, colint; others are atnu,%ing, ehiciflybecati-,e lhall meet LOI morrow a 1: 1 l'o., (,()I, UMARD's Ct)lt- EMVIM11) RAY. Iniscli ai, hofir im týit*e.rgtowl of their ofid vimilarîty with sentimental . The marquis wes 50 -t'lit, Prol 26 Illiitli-t, M.Iv 61:11, 15(57. 1 r3 Tlie il)% ofu oc; '19 -ts of unir own country. 'su(Iden change, that f4 BOOK ANM JOB FREN rING J. 'lit Mai -1 Wù feel il lifé il . ivillu'ly L,..,.l es in the 1 il cý.v iii, el, roil-1 cil, rwit Il 0110 1%- %V 0M) _. 1 11 ()Ir fi, L WESTERN IIOITSE, Witliîli lis rilItl, aroillid Il> flow. folks, fronts time to tinte reveaIed to us in could âot utter a singl( Nil tri 't.sle al tilt! fil r r Ili D A a e Ir n E E T 1 W là 1 T Tt Y colirt,,; of law. and sobs, ho "Ver, si \N'. l'ýANKS. 1'1,1()IIRIE*r(, A sririt tranljiiil. fL:ý of -.1)(I 11-irklïtn NI4)nte-,I;tn dird in 1 bis satin 'T 'F All()VE I'REMISF-'; TIAVF Piedmont A il il 1 Iý Pý BEEN tic. ri,,w iti lpt 'l-li ý4<,ý r, Ilo:c rettitti iti.&t clwneti I)v the iiiiiiierisigned. witerr Sorne %v(-urit,,i 1vlài ttt.,, wIIrl, donf-, ONTARIO 110111el., eýr-tVeIIurs etit il.bv îIIIIII ;:(.)(A nt", Biii tlirFtigli mvil ri(,Il]% 1)10AL ly besi(llf-ýci with fillirers of isiarriage by vari- anYthing bUt a lovinor 1 1 tou'e il. well flirni,ýlic-tj, Weil kept aliti tile uns grelit lords of that state-â ciretitii- Millaine, 3-our auiet tir l and iiiry. il; .4j.ji-it stance at %tliicti we are rtqiieqtetl bv file ),ingr, but your la.4t w i lit! JI, (lirringe-.ý to ',tâIliIiIlý, tm li tIltý best '11-tilit- fil, rr,%vý cva- 1 iiiii 1011, rLI. F.1ill, ehroniclers tint to- niarvel.' leor, Mad-irne Ilvllich ' vou have honor ZIII-1 file 1;,-tit Free of'( itirirt, like ilo:trt-,iI, tire r;,iii,,ýt iiiiI)It.1 alid suffi, Weil supplied witil Philippes was a very respectablo and vir- i What revived me, th HURON HOUSE titti be.,Ilt, \Villes, IÀ,iIiFr, mid Cigzirrll. liand- tilous lady. ailornel Illrith I.,.reat hange, and promis 10 1 al ýjl, il nd le Il il il T W il 1 T Il y , C. W isIFilitýl>- litted Ill, sitiiiig roollirl for privitte pur- colite IlIlly I.,vice, ýVIIeil QVeiIiIILr,ý faine in flic fi(Iwor of lier vouth ; shc -straiiLý,c. Tu-tiiorrov iiitcisciý titi, 10 moroovcr, in addition tu ail theýe shall meet; but bear i il Sixl y tTiI)tisaiý 1 livrelli of revenue iii yol, have given fae. 17 i lier owri rîý_,ht, tisifierable expec.. Theri the two cornit 1*11-REVIS 110TnT., RA11.110,11) 110UNE, titinti.q. Fiist ainong the suitors %vho fol. i MIdanie lhilippesjoy loliveil so cIoseI.,ý on the funeral, the liberty to the litystel RN El, o F BIZ0i_'Iý AN D PU N DAS Sts., 1 tit1volive O.tli-tý. 6 , Mi 1 c 1 aboic illeiltionell Marquis of Saitices, Who saine eveniiig Vieillevi CI W Wile-Il,ý-IoCs.) The t-, tilt- iIIIIiII)iIl&Iitý of c'ad a% a su l.eC,ýTn.9tOl).,tvel)een a foolish ftiloiv, and and introdu' l'Ail,11C14S 11% 1%, 1 1IFR 0 ý% 1) 110T EL, Ili, Iiitli%, foilli tir(. trall-vllitic (-inliiiiiiitl'. ilirit Ile llli()('K ST, %vhf) Ilvisu4 c(,rttililv ino:4 seanl:tlcjtiqly trcat- lbichestiryon, who wa luis iak-ci, tilt, firIt lie t FI r'l ed. 'l'lie iiitrnitor %valq oil the 1;1(1v,.q 4îde ing brother of the Du alla attulitive Os- litt--I titte(i lit, iii ri nevi, auli Romance in Real lýîfe. A lirst t-tIl ai 1 tris 1 loull. bill- lie r-lively Stiltes verv factg' 'If )OU Witt bsuliev 1 iierll, IÇl-ý, (..lit l'e Illid lit il Ili',111,111M g 0 Nl::.,,ýI)N C. The Biicyrtir siyq that a inin l'Ililiplw.i leil-néfl tri acrept the mars fLI; s0on as pos.,qik ONTA Ill 0 TIOTIIL, illitice. Ait ll1,pl-rý l'q't l'Il il .4 rient- filet-(-, 1 u Ifiý %vife sortie ye Marquis' Izervicie, beratise it wottifi bc con- person !wd yotir weall il enient, tri tnake lise of hig escort on the bc purilous,' said bc Ni Il i 0, Il. G 1 Mal >1 i I il, 111 Ill ntt en silice, Ill IloTn ri Ntliv York that they i t«'Fminm, whither he Madain Philippes wer t it' t l'i 1, Nitircli 11th, 1-57. 9 11:0 1 lifflo -ii-1 livilicli lie the king. De.spite of another, and exchairsi .&titi left tilt- courity. lie Ne-im-gorse tel% hy expre,ý.ý;ordcr of Ili; 1 S,;,i F'. l"", 1;1'ý(l('K ST., 1 110TLI41 ILOBSONIS IIOTEL, iivarr; and i eturneil, but voulil find no trace lier richeq, the fair wil#.)ýv focloq tu have 1. i 11 Fi N A-31111l'UN, 1-ril Wil of Ili-, iliarks bv 1 been accidently %vithout reailv c&e;h, hall succeedlixl Marshi 1, t 1 Ewt lit- tire Markot, illowel-1 lier suitor to pay herý 1 govurnorship, liad l'o which lie inight kuoiv lier; one toc w the ^ ay from Turin to « Pari.; ; and tilese succeeding tu his %vilic -one Lnil she liall ri scar on lier arin. rie retiti4-1 ziii.1 1tirtiiý11(ýll in fin ex- tiIIl , lt' i e Illr op :Iz Iý), expenlirs Ilvère by no ili(Iailq light. ýjjI therufoi-L hall livricten ef- El' tij travullen', alili il iivrir Iliicli. rus and iii-trrietl. . le the of lier late lilishand, besides pleati Ilis CaiLse, and t N'. Il 't il. i hor oi-n, lier, l'lie Marquis ptitting thuir revien the bvý""t alleoilitill", illoti jiri\ iFt-,i luail ail-I we froin flint papier: 1 4orýv. A ýtL-aFIý (),Lier rilway. ili litt(-Ilýit- ýd "\!)ý)IIt i\ ag-n' lie t tl""I"It I- liali til,-- Iiis own hinds, tniglit inake up a huit 4" 's'Ill i -ye il, av r rar IL i pas', Ilv tliv rwini in hi.4 hmiýv- bli, the toriv of a miLster in aliti« Il 1V. (.A 31 L L AM D lis- il OT E. L, girl, vho hall rtý.qi(lt-d %I hitu il lit illirit'-il that the gentlemen, Oslo 11-it a prince. 1). l 1 Elâ ETT. 1 VIll!lI ý Ili Til V Cý 1: q)l.* 1liIY1ýýI and ofll(,,tlr-i of the ileconsed gliotlll w i th LI i is proposai, in I.i- 1 IN G týTIzj1jl' Il M, E.-ST, ]*()I.()"\ flIr nt-arlv two v(lars, at Il tinte wlieil S'Ile ' 1'lit,- llltvl, 'itti.11c'l I-lle iFilli- N'I'as .1I),),Ut Lo Il . etire, allil Liée door bein- 1 lie Ilisillissed, itl'ili half of those of flic kIliv fali-or of Dannebund.. l"ailliz..-t L'I'll 4) il lIerself, the --for'she had that LI' 0 Marquis of Sý pu:i, Il,- li,,r iiierelý- ' fil CI], but Isis positi :Il it, ali'l to (le 'd Ill ict. 'ir;re allit Fi iho 1,kr if chambre, and otlitr-, for Iliflèr(liit kind of i lýv-silles, 40 il; very di -A' ti., %vert., :t,ý titany as filteert or sixtven. Blit livith a big belly, fat, alil ýI.\, Fil 1l"Ill, Illi tl,, al lit aft or 1 L:!It (If if rit the tillie, ILI rvtii-wg, th(- ilua strilf-1, bills that il iniglit 11*ýiiii,,>es so prudent thât site 1 awkward. il. .1. '11A f' l'") N' j', TIPII LANIB, Proprictor. bc the dau-litvr lie hall rcarciieil for ,ýo never, t is alletrurl, alloweil a %vord tu es- know, iq a very prest 1.. 1 1 '.Nltirlýli, is57. long- At F7r>t lie disiiiisscd the thoti;;Iit cape th'.1t %volilll bind lier; jaiiil i yet so clev- Tn this, bladame 1 SALOON. RUTHERFORD & SAUNDEIL-4, as improbable, lotit it still forced itself tipon er that site obtained ail the assi8tance site confirming lier eng EG tF. il)(.irtti their etilitoillerlI luid the l'fil)- Iiiiii, until finally he his wife to wantud. prince, and the daupl uvri: (IF riii,; ,YoUN(i Tll,--. fil B lit, , tillit t leN liaI Il re0ci %.(:il If lie Marquis, as 800 s they goit UM, drew lier propoul, a Iý i:tl lý%VVIIIlI, King go to the roussi and asc-ertain %vliether there CI fil The First Importation of Spring ÇtIocils. Clillict "Stipperr& il was or not, sivirks of a scald upen lier French grotind, had or es -,il (IL-tlian that te tuarry as tagt as io ;t!i IL lir-. Ili 112 d U KinZ Street WtF.,t, merise lie wws) ali his people te, lie on the watch king laid great Stress ri-ht arm. Site wentil and Lu bis iin to preverit . any communication being ntiglit exercise bis nt deliglit reportod that the mark was theru. 1. F, -il- inari livas so positive of lier bra-iFlit from a rivai ; for lie (iiii riot doubt The marquis never 'T, that sticti a rare peari woulfi lie ea,,-eriv 1 calIiii- tu sec bis mis 11- 1 11 1 i 1 Il 1: 10 N COUIZ 11.1.1ANI MAU171N, that the girl W.ýi-,; awakelied, and el 1 1 Il l »A. A-1- W This llItt-I lit ýtyIIl ils tilt! lit alLer. Yet, in spite of ail prùcttii- in- lier alonc, bealw iiiithlie of the night was questiolied 8 11;,; gitlt-I,"Itll,,«Iat(I anil Touri.,ts. Il ilF &Ï- tions, lus souri as the party arrived at 1, la Rochesuryon, whc tillatied ivit tiiii a few roll, of situ Falls, ili the c 1.'Olt(; L 1101M41111, Il She could only tell them that she did 1 uns, a courrier c.%me frossi X. de Vieille- thorn in bis side. B M l"I'CHANT or, the "kes ils flii.ýtîrj-a-vd. Fimiilig not, know her parents, that lier earliext re- ville, a relative offlie lady, and delivered could ho obtain a tefi Knc Eýtýi, tWIiL,,ïtý fi. W. fard providell. -j Ilicetions were that site liad lived soute- li i:, letters so secretly that no one lever sus- at last, unible to pui 1 l I'Z 1 ý,,1' 1ý R À 1, 11 iý-liere in the cast with a family named pecteil tlicir existance. Those lettera cati- ing pol;ltînn any lor %Y]-.LLINt.'irON MOTEL. the fantilystie hall beers taint,41 the inforin-ttion that the court had gali a le, 1 etiotIr, a FR N R M N 110 L SE. 1 fLATE beChre, flie narliantici The Mteamship Afr à ë;l frntà'Ëivéiml 5th infit., arrfie4fbis morning. bout 75 passén ý and U10,000. - fu The Saxoizia, from Nl'O* York'l st in&Lt rrived at Southampton at 814, and thé freigoi,$Lt noon on tlie 11,ýth- - The United Statu corvette ý*#aW«4W 'y« 4 In the House of Commons, on thD Istbi ,Ir. 13aîley denied that -Sir Colin Campbe)l ýas asked urgently for )israeli, in reply te a queryi xaîd ý1»rd ý,llenhôrougl'i hafl sent his resigna#oti ta ho Quen, without the knovlcký ofeven- he Prim iê*; arid that, lili'à ho côà-- ýulted his colhMgues, tliey--would 11ave manftnougly t. ý The nert day in the llotisew of -Lord% hi FM of 8h&fLý-bùry nioved ýý bià 01 je Il e of tordis rejgcted 19- àons cenguring, the niinistry ý by nine, ý ý0f,& nsjority., The debatýë-ià etilf pending 'in ,ho Ilouse of Commoni it was rumoured t1mt. '10ra *p1el ffould succed L.ord Êllenbor"gh as pres, lent of the B6-trd of Con'tïýdi and' Bulw(-,t Lytton take the Colonialéiaclo. > ý,.Lolc1 Ellenborougha-eîterated hia as«%. Éïon that lie alon.e was responsibldu for tha de.gpateh to the governor of ledià an(l(lefendeditqprincipte-,. LordShaftr-%. b ýs me ion,,w tir 1 fi us supportDdbythýeDukee of ý?r -Ylc, Sonierset, and Lords ýCi-ýqwbrth and Grey, ýàn(1 ýthe-ý 9-Y-1 ernuient W'âà ildlan"d by tte FýWrtiý_ nar.ron. and Doi1jou-hinore. The EarLéf Derby jiistified tiii, duspatc1i and con(Ie'ýM' là cd Lord (i.iiinin,-'." , lack of clerflenç., wafà the people of Otide, but denied t ït asa body Was respensibls for the publication of the di>ý,patch. 011 thât division the vote stood -15,9 for the rc,,,oltitiori and '167 aptinst it. l'ho an- nouricernent was receivë(l with. rheerq. On the same day Mr. Cardwell brought forward hi& inotioit of uns(fre in thellougo ofCi)riiinotis. by LoTdJolin Rus5ell and others, and op- posed by Lord SLanley, 'Mr. 1 'inde' and others. The de-bate ;till cotititiaedý'y. A inecting of LeijO supporters of Lord ll:iliiierst,6n -was lielil on the 1ý, th. Atlantic cable bad beuti niade with Iltig'hcs' transniittud-througli Vie whole lenâth'of the cableï and it %vas çlearly deinonstrated tliat tll'e instrt.iments could be %N-orkeil-%vith ri)nre gcater rt,-Iiabil.ity 'thàn by any other niutliteL The centi(lenée',iii the sticcess of tho undcrtaking wu daill iiiercasing, in England. The London Tinl&q speaks flatteringly of Prcfessor HuiliW intrunient and thinks it will r-,vollutLotiiiu the prmnt uncertain symteiii of'tele,,,,mýh- ing. Tt is expected that communications with, Now, York will W coiapleted by J4y The British government, have granted a steamer ag tenlier to the frigate 3ýùiýaýa ih place of the 8,ixqii-fi4iin-ý. Williani liyur lias bgen appointtù Cun- stil at Baltimore and C. Tulyaa at Ilkbile. The last trips of the Arnji) and ý7vièoitit4 across the Atlautic vris a race* - They loft New York nt the stme. hour, on the lst of NIay--theý ing the Icatl. On th"oarth djy outý the- ragr) passed the Saxonbi, and flrud tivo guris in Triiimph. ' A fe-e fliys after*àïtL4, the &tx4)n ia. restinied the tend, flrin' ý threî guns, and kept it to Vie end, arriving'ýât Southampton four houri iii advauce of th-d 4rayo. INDIA Barcilly and Galpe üre still in the handg of.tue uneiny. The robels were aiso in force along Pettehpore and near Lletipxerm Gencral Relie reinaitied at Piiauri, and was reported that largîe bodicus of the èneiüy were advancing upon hiin. ne làtifi lit rl'il Nrect, 1% il Ir -y; -me BriligA Asimri*tn L17»-tW$ 0 -Plrance, Nn"ut ollJeu jk-e._jýj ingsi suir." The trilveller, not exactly that bore 1 ain arrive& ln fr',111 P ij11ýý lZAVELLERS AND VISITOP.S to the An- p1e;ý-ed %vith the answer, asked him:- Ill'(ill FELITZ, 1 bting afRanced, promised, or contracted th ever beený 'béture a Tuieitt ('ity of Quebec wii, find biiperiur ac- si %Vhût (le von inean hy such a replyrl- living man. 1 am .-,ýory much theiefore- 1 :îmý afn 3 0 l' UN .11 r NA Ill IN MUSIV, TIIEI et [Ili tig),Iiitiiiii Ill INIoderate chargue ut tlie ahove si repeated the boy, in a aort of 1111P2_1 l'i-lipt Forte 11rmnolly hinel. The liotel is very e(bnýenieiitIy &Itt1:,1ýýd surprised that the king should think 1 am tnàke me contzýadict kilitl-ý ot' -rieur the Buiikm.St(-ayntyr.it wharvui, and Prin- gottig tu bring him servants at tho expobse But te eût short ail eîttj jiýp t ri ig iii.,trziiiieiiLl 1., jlreparcýl to itai 'tockin" y tasteàI YOU i 1) 41.'i liwii lllti*.»m nt' the City. of iny good fortune, and against m are sô 'Proficien 1, tv i t iitrc Pupi 1 > at t 11 e 1 r l'lie lisble and bar tire mitlllietl mith ever stockings, you iiiipertinentsnapper, yoti?" I wifi never be an Italian; and if I were, clare befbre'yoü gent 411 ble aisitable and dritik-afile. VlAtoris wiýl il Wha, sur," said the boy with an unal- CON \1 attention paîd W thoir t4mifort and she lut man 1 shoùld chooKo to make me that 1 swear to (iod7 I1EýN1tY J. PHILLIPS, C()IIVelliûaeù and evûry iiiiiý.riuatit)ii and directiffli tered coutitenance, si ]Pm Under-bootait so tot j;Ijould be the ýfarquis Jehan-Loys-f« on the éternal ditmi 'o F(.)RTE MANUFAC- as tu flie siirrotttidiitu luilafitieâ, prineipui plaQem ha must bc stockings, sur." reasons% whîch 1 %vili give you -,Wheri.ý'we the t king on the cor jurer, ýj,ç)rtjut4). Pianos of ofre:5ort, Idecuer.v, âec. t*tiriiiiliud tu ordur. All 16 ineet, but, especially, because ho is not, and and my life-that I sý,I(l cheap tUr cubli Propriotor. The lady who saapped lier fingurs at ever wîll be, a true Prenchman.1ý mise of marriag 4.1 l'îitiio:i TuLit,ýdatidIZepiLir- But in spite of this docIMtion i the Jehm-Loyaof ýWuç gentleman now wislitts theul united as Srly 1 ' GLOBE HOTEL, BROOKLIN. beautifial llûàbme I%îlippes, ýremainemdýh&Ot neýér'thou,-,,Ilt.of dô'i Di-. It. I.Y. CI,.Iltli, I ýiI -ý1Ilù ('licali, Idoine beautiful rJY& octaves, as'possiblo. Lyons, under cha marquis, ; , 0 cou 17 ;On WILKINSON 'B.Aox M]a OLD licjrxx AoJkIKI ont twelve days in rimking prépârations, îlexiéïlleville by, û A- clergyman who lives on the seag1;ýM hais aguln retiumed posses- 1 i1l1ýo'io J'rilE un se rudi sj'î)r the ýow11, fit of t 0 abuve well known hOtý,I, whieh wiu sayà lie likc kdtgfit, ýr1îo" h -s calm Sùndays, because ho is, ýî"t;ending te arrive at;êonrt ln,.:spleudîd . -1 ý V - FRANCIS KELLER. opposed to Sabbath breakers. E i. 1 1111 Ji, y, AN ENERAL AGENT, bc ouilltiueted us forinorly with tiie istrîoteït PrIý- style. When the party at lewigth net o04 thL% court, to prgyi VI lie ýzT1, - . ', , le rd fur the eviafort and con as recontly arreste(l in Hartford their bafflgewas \_týi t > tite irovitàeîal insuz boy w. F,-T % . , - - Velu- net enorinous, and ýtheîr lies - alice 'aliv ili t lie Cottitty tir Ontario. elice of the pu lie. lieft. Ilis -f-itther plesded g Ity for train . tio numerouà,, that slx groat bo»As This warlike demi Street The proprietor sassireg his infuly friands that i ni ONIeTytliùig iii made rwdy te fonaierly te entier- him before the Court, but said, n extenua- werofilied. Ie:y.did ail their cooking;qà banuony-withý'.thé c tain thülli ut the Glube Ilotol, and tliat lie Win tion, "James is a good boy, but bc will boan Wîth tiiem they took a -baud ét and the,ý 94vaWf E 1 os.1 LA A, CA 1)., A. C. WILSON, 1)c perbonzilly pressent to give thern such a ro- 'steai il, K ftddlers, cn$aged by the Marquis,ýÇô amusé 17 WaI4 Mm wont. di him on the! river, andaU«itte the-eaîaui,ýof ou ýiNTEI.1, (il.AZILk, AND PAPE11- ý'On " What ugly child is that under the lie hoüse hua boeu thoroughly papered, wi jý- -Ï. lit. D. P i lanirer. I'ztiiitm, t)ils, 1'titty* Pý- paititéd and renovated, andîs fitted up ill every ndow, Susau?" di Why, that is miné,- the lady for the Ides -o£-ý bot hùttn" ý 1 l', t > wiliwV"Idugdalice-ý re8pcçt ùiý tsueh ab mailner au tu inoure eatiâfac- L'boy eux oùthe Loir# at ltoniüne, 1,)[-Illg, 1 owldws Street, %Vllitl)Y. roplied Mrs. J. di 0, call the dear beauti -lit lied, au terni 1 fui, pretty little creature in and let o kW qur paffl ýVllitl-V, 'rait. 19, lý37- 1 P Iiig. wîth the boat eàtables anda)inlkableg. . calle.2â ber. Pted B. CAMPBELL, JOSEPII WILKIeSON. which arrived as sôonu they.Àdid, ait Bri- .1. S. *1 CIOT AN 1) lillOE IIIAKEU, BROCK Brookliii,:May 26, 19 St;rTi-No gis HEARER&-" Oh, Mr. lin" enother rôàd,; An IN BR(.)('Iý ma B > ,trcLtý whitt)y door tu T-ý said one of the Rev. Rowlmds hearers, 3L de - Vedlenllô ý bail news ôt théir Thon àddÏeffl«ngý îfi JAMES IL KILBORN, "liowisitthqtyousaysoumyoutofthe InOvementsnearîÏ.,ýêVeryds b thecoùr' si We14ý sûr, wh&týô1b Ali Y' . A in, -- d. ort th nefalv dinie, and work of jill lziiii-1 exoeutud lu LABI-qUEM, DUICKLA)r;ER, &L, Dux.LoPý9T., way things in your serinons me, whe passed un their ýâv goý)d*styl(,ý, -and in a %vorkinaidilie inatiner. 9 said the eewnu-te cuyme, btiyou gré warr»T. et«t as far as corbéi4 with about ci tyi: hooe; person, Amos W. CRo,%i, out of the way sinuers.11 ý 1 1 . 1 y EG8 to Wlorm Ille ±rieztdîb and the publie on the eventu wben,,-the trav ý ys_ R(IIIITE( r, CIV1Tý ENi.;INEEIZ ANT) J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, , elielits arrived up'ec-t of the Ud -1 - A , 1 O.N-VLYANCER,&e.,CoMMMIONERIýN tbat ho is propared to do ail kindâ of Plas Some one, anxious toascertain whether sent a - messenger- direct vviiit-a-' B E. Land J-)hijýlou Gourt A -erlb and Brickht-vorlâ work-ah6 lathing, " Kean was or was uot- a élusical scholtusi, Ve gent t .,te.,,XwbmoPhil!pW informing, ber of bis dUf shWioý)nthive J. FROWD BEAVEN, i;Uth. of A. D. Weekâ, 1 a good *OrkÙ'ih-like"n M'nèr-- AU kinds 01 wrotetohimfdr beuefit Cickets-iüýlittin-- , moyements, ý "d ýgot buk an ý angwer ý not lier,,, aud.there'»,4n CIVIL 'tort, C. W. 25 entai work "M And how did ho conâtèùe lt ?"ý îàkeil R, With ý the" worý SLI-t',11 litude - who hoard the st«y. I[ùtýo,àà ý"-wu ut Juirzi. and -IeÊ the-, Coq-d alill Al Idut1m uf (ýjLriýfilIIy attuti- RUTHERFORD & SAUNDERS9 i AU orders leà Mt hi* T" ence Dunlop etree4 ded t). wthy, willI nmt wltli I)Uu>dud atendiweee the reply. (LATE J. STOVEL,) The, W,ý appeM toý,hav% bom ýgfraid l thàt -v- 0 Rs t e JAM 1L KILBO '"risyýwhom'ghé:sI RN., Sbuter, the oomedlin, thus exp1aînedý iftbeîîghteatýaüspièiôoof bis intiérition T A 1 L 0 R 8 , & C 0 - COU NTY AND 51, KING STREET WEST TO- whitby, Maye-j 1858. is hie reasoùs for preie'mng to weàr stockings' bâ4ýome-to thé =r4uj4-'ý be ý--*csî.U à,bave Swemd in the affiaù R -ik. 1 [iïýpýuWr of ilk Llle Mill 2rotito. Altio 48 King Street Westâa;nil- with boles, to having thern darnee' "A to be reja 1 ton. hole,"'said bc, 41,i4,iýbethe'ýaeddent,6f" , Vioillevi way ty ofthel Town ý,1*ýN'Iiit1jy. Ue;-po«t6ly,,,kept out'.ofthe- -effl Or Six Intellifient, ineit w Book -day,,,aud.will pus péon the best, gentle-' until t1i6dinner,.1W -oyer, and tl*nrode upýý a Rochqsqryoll, Agený- ortytoFifty-dollun per ià"pýremediated' ý -tr" ýwi&h-his troop. TUere were great reqeten- IIE 1UNDE'RSIGNED IIAVE ENM ED to, wilu c'O., ho üaruod ffl and salutations intl, di uum -mon - -be-; Çlmed, 1Aýing thht FIIZCIIAgT TAILOIZ, 'No. 74, T into l'artnemhpas AUCTIONBERSi under Why 'a Agy oFie Of tlu tallest, din5ects ? kan to talk as well about thet,,-good ebeilrý do ut Because heý_ s" over six feet ithà't ýtbey,,1ï&d mj",odùpontbit ro4d,,U-WOU as Ai JAS. 11ATTERSON ALBERTbýýPýPIM GI the adventures ý:wOXe ---ïï Î, ý h W 17. ï. Ïïïïd4î 4**ýtn' -Nono but peraons of stricltly moffl Scarkt All orders loft ut ýtheaM*ýk, Printi P«er-ý-The Balmoral T)RUOS AND eifEmlc.,L g fflee, 1-ts noed apply. ýAt A, tingl"M î &o ai Whitb y pruinptly attended te A"ý,ri Bâià G.O. ia ereading;.-its red glories audraçiimiv& y, -thèý,.Udy whitby. 1 PrIntU in good style, and et ;ýâuî»d pýîffl'. townffldylllq;ewu.b>ie -011 wayà on hund. I)Lllktbtti Street, -MIEST BLAC HENRY «ANNAM, TIION'" JRO]31xsorf*g K llqlï. etitiemm 0,.her #«Iit*i 07deïadi tire as My Sort, if thon wilt we ArNTEIi, (ýLAZM , PAPER IIANGER, A-9111ONABIS IJAMI CUTTING ANI ERy best. grticle In nu WholSale and 'thére âfýe thîeé ffl th' -thoü *iff iùëvt-' Shavinj, Booins Brook 8 W hitb MP , ffrist raw 'aglie ,Uetailby 47 badc*mý bi4j, nie Ubli Dr , and. EoitC.Ll BliABAZONt ng fititudhig !il the bilshauje, ý'*W ewayis bi ROSS per., ýP StAie 'y FOR und in reudinem tu attend on gentIoniénýj kfi' shaving ià a proéess te W t- hi9hý gifflûmeà WI&4, Doc., ë, IM. Aiffilavits !ri the Qkêen'b Bene et ood --q are rouch s-ý,ërg% but nn&r 'k, Brock, (J. W. CoýIScý hand they *M "d ýth oýeý g jWq d' 'Z qpoea Ç ý* 'WILLIAM TH lès ý.,de4,V APDLE IlAl:NM$, 'OLLAR ln" 11-n- S bUkgr.'8* of the .47 4 B6ý,Ik tgreet, W hitby. rl'%IIF,,MISSES IMX-liN WçRLDRMW Z ý,1- D1,4èeëoý m4, a- 'th oîtho Inonnec to vie inhu-bitanta of WU ltg GOILJUIJP tbQiý by and ýIo!nit3r, that dioe odw NEER &et ttkhol for th, im of j!kk The S&Ool will'oisqiil on h" isih f., 1 *9 FI' î;ý wU]i yïwà,itle ht. ee- "M ffl "ta, . . --l' 1- 0 ý. _ _E - - ,, -j 1", :, ý -.im - PA P ffl in.Russis are more -g legvt "eral: than been.ïsUpposed, and -in SOM-2 leadeýýàot the re&actory euFfs had bçen mze& The-à--itationisexcluýivelydiiýý'Cý>, ed a,-,ainàt- the C, Îatided propiiëtersý ý The flifflte between Turkey and Rusda is claïming the attention of England and France, 1 and they have resolved to, r3end,,* r COmmission'er tý6-effut a settle-ilnent. TURKFÀY.' The Paris Mânîteur " that ln 00qe quenceof th.,ethreateiiedinvasion' ý,oLMo* tenëgro by- vUrîeýyý ýhe, French. 'Goy, ment hail i'nvited the Co-operatiçn- o Z-r land to prevent the th C-dd hoý 1tiëÉe -A ba-ttie fiad already takeù plaée : befflm n the Turks-and Montenegros at A > with ricavy 1, ffl-ý-to latter.,, VýE4 ' hffl :w£ (1 - .ýÈ subsequently burne , by, it'à JoýrDoxr 4U J 0 ed great prim wm "P- d Jng, J»matîd77 77, ,but M, .0-pen ý[îar eC.- rat4er- bàîýùejü The Ërýéiït-em -0 tt catta tû Apiuý 01L' ',Aù 0 kt gmp"h 7MI, a t The ffié mons, Thei p'w anüéiÉýtlià the refitem- tièn of the Uberal nîr- tr7t&,power, b ;eimL

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