TEWHITBY CHRIONIOLE THURSDAY MORNING, XIGGINS & MAYERROFFER eut.0UK 8TREET, Wll'rliY, I~Next Door to the flegi-try office. TEUMSI 8BSCIZI lmo N To TIIEVO . /&4 ir,« wilbc $2 per ialini, i tiMpceimmuiearî m um ice mmii lii Wlitbv midilms N. jueirrtim, or t. N o N pamiper wili b(> ,rlimWrmmmircd Li'm re îmUd mmj. Letr-rmi mtrimmm ei , Ir re,,t! icrit§k utflim2 lîmbilîm 1m-m B00K AND T IIT oF q1 jmbllie mut U mry îmîm' hrrî- "ml ]BOOK ADJOB 1PE Th l i Inmiimm uer mt îi-- Jt iLv <.1IPIw Imit.l uitinum l 1w -!rm îtr-m1 -ti - . it! i'.M m. r ?~ZACIIEUiS lhllNI' - 3J11N fHAMI PER IL. J. JIA(IONErt -J.OHN[N41' Il'ml un n.'-îî.ut-tî 'Y 3~~~~~~~1 1intnmiii i mmi J-1'D [,. V. 11 1, j w i . r-1 ljj\V -ri1 mI1,1yii JOIN MeiI1 1iI' XliiS jj -'R iH' m- j iy . i mlIslb A i lIEN AI I -î'U, & tirt11 ùiCi jîiris t% nnîrm rYn Dr.,n Cjr- r muni 1 NI,TE', 1LST .i I *ir r r -ii 5'mm f 1 t iuîioi cm l,î,i r- îtat u tirt n l itm 'urtm I ur JolEC Ai N ivll , 1 Aiiin-T1 n -,t itN iI\,e siri'tîl i't'of ij iiili n i nrnmtcal un d-LhîeiI "tr fîone lni.th 1 y) o-f -Le --ru-ofi-Ikiti-n-mru EUrimi, Esuîi LOr.N'.-74 Arjirn thî romh i nto .uin G. n. tA[[ECLE-e J)hUGGISTN. hIju mi ANDlh'c LAmi'rIîIinyi rrutut> rf utrrmm. - W ILLo hnd iAtil3IEStré, J.)A N. AGNI;W T, Piii. &c., ii-i i hN t 'hm ii N . ck 3 o -m'rC. hit.nwsCtr WILAM-4W' COP ADDE P.tiIIIrIlr Cl-VL AI Saertm~. S'e fth.'-,. malirN - J, PI &Q., GIEAV A:u l('ni INI E'oteAI cm- u rimn g JlMEURimS . 1rrr VîTiOMP . Es A urmiuikiuolu m eu &c.rimug mu on rm Ã" With calm Printed word., great thobaght. and untlrlng indua:ry, we avOcatc Peace, rtOgrj, ICnowledge, Jlrotherhood. mmm iv relser lit-î P. G. 1'ERC.Vs,- OYSTER viiutv a il blttr-r Dr. &-e., TRIENTON, Cà N.%DA W "Ir. hirbik N v'li r'i'drr- ' RSA SLO,4eufs ~ ~nr le is. tirrwamnilig C(ARLES PAYNE, ,------- SA--- - 1 - U'TiNIiELi, MANýCIIESTFY, IIEÂCII, ACraiUongWd 1 Ultiutl miiurremr- Ain mr ' i )utmrhr. '2 N . 1..rumuallace Buildinugs, M..nge VAU CONT.&O'. -i---- 'iil li, it -ALBERT SPRINCLS-emjutu.>Cre luis iam GLT EDR mdemmm u ', SIreis Modest, but flot bamlfii, S mmmiL-er CGemer..l, amui anrked " Tend r ,r "mtcand car-y, but irrt brui, mI &c. mI I'&Ti e* ~r' -,EPSO0M, TOWVN- BEVANS & DIXON, Mail Service."' wil l e reo-eived ai Toronto umtil le..,cpe ip n mehi ~ r Riumir.~,Toronuto, Jmdly 15, 1855. 26 IL, o'citîek,iiuoon, (mn Tlimmmday te'tim-i.llune, foir Notum-mie ymungcmand flit trio oi1; therctnoyaei.f We- M-. -styg 1»-11X ttni_ _____ititng,_mi_____iv - - A. PRINGLE, NATIONAL ]MOTEL, -tocne-ime tRrMjesy is. xtme, lat îvunlmipuiie JOB -'f uEî'Hl.NI' TAILUII, IllOtE STR.EET, PORT Wnmrnv. a hêt~btwe.Pmr 'e- ii rre l m,îe 1 r nwsy DEVERE0LdL, - heiLt 1 y t. Thiro lu i. ieing ilier (Ilummle J O BM N . T ii. comivey aiee t o c lu i due iii mu m t, ( litCu - -T irr. a da niger i n lier oye. 1 ter, N. - r 1i11h or pas3inger Lsm-ge ut thr cpm-briit T1IO3[AS e .m- îrrîmuii ntmin nmralo.Sie lias sîîried Iiiiinmn nammre; liE Wilhii'f E il &e. &e, GIIFN ST E T ci lim e i lrve lic,t heui ls;In pmiiriesrsmi T" oii. re Iî'imDj mirauebl-eul'orm- Perry Sire là smiemled j. i i liii art,-m; filIIv file ikeimi h TR£ET of([l ahve otu, te o i, Il .u nd mmii 'imhbv lii. uimt-eii miie4. sise linAesI iiher dipîîiria, mmmiiC NV. uii'ili 'i ite mii. Tir.' raie mît 'frac-i tri b.mflot les Iim Ou. m-imî'mtiri'i'miieur '-mur miin mrt- irm * ~ fuur tieiîjmr r ry (,ieiilo ir i ruimil iî' Eselit mAmîiie.m mmhecmiie.-m fal leutis ri d itmlg.tr,'fie-s iî,mmBr mu iîailIuis.ng5rimpte for cili pur- Sire ian tell ther. c mon îmenît INTERiNATIONAL MOTEL, l'<'r-t-r- Wihun tii sigli mnà wumeuute simili.; Cri ~ ~ 'ý rO ON O î rri - .-t. ED I D ,11)RAY. fîi( -m and mî ri miir r (f marrivai ami deparmirre 0, a miidL4 r-rrmummrmimecl., ug RIN £'rING lE -m s-imer- Mmm 2lmr-î r-*l'rrMary-lrr. ___1857. - - 16 tm e'busus ltri mmlt , r' i-'r- wuu off u irmrde rm,eià ti But au iiiriaii hlime lile. mmmtu flit I mtr 3Ai A EWESTERN IIOUSE, il ui $0j- tuie l>ii. 'tri imumurWlmitl)ydmly, Arc yu "cui fbrume eryfierionîs inel lv-I 1111M rtn-'r -l, iI r N'euVE IR MIF t l'mýIr.t i i ii ioou. rmrlrm r. Cm tr,irr i l.mmeî ILie pe'rrbY te u desg e ,,w eci r 'rvç;l! . . rri 1 Nli l rumiiirtimîmIil 1 ume.lier imuighîe r-ml mm0Trartmissin mno iruîmu rsidmu-ru' t lui, ir iir ie l ii il- I li rv ml-f mtl tiltrr- Iîm md tm ringuîm rum lrimerurrb I'rr W A K ,IR )'>I T , h l,t, i ' t iuiiime mmmn iiilîr- Imeant heuli ' hilr intr e t.I l rI mruv n t1-ituti-fjr-tmi r mmiii.\v", : Iee 1iirvliti-rmi mmmI I-- rit- I-r mu mkink mti mnmiiiIi.yii i immcolmtr-t"r. rt iI I1- -i I ,m'lliemi t-n w liiiill m-h1umt rvl"' to sliît ti- imnrrdr- miii Thetutium P r luhi i ,ii iiiti"s'rimt-er i Lntrsi -i m mm u- 1 hacmhi-n, ormr'momf'ii iir} 'mi r- es mi r a' r m T ru s: r - w ! XII i-r-mm r- ir ml ui t ri- I ir 'F r-lis . ir m %siîrm it'mmîi-yel otimu mm ii oirmî v)il C-il RAILROAI) IIOUS E, lil't ie mittram md il%* G ie mum-uilrr r limte WiTher kr-mmi'r. m1' mm'v I j t'a r mis irtrA-lmmAi N r..uN il Jr~:~l, - XIX '~'î'îîcî-ci', I[tTsLaif ute. ii I e m-mî'r-t- ' m Iiitim - hit ie mmi' -luit mIl mm-mmm.mi mml ibm irrrl i-ritl hiLs iltl tir\in ?lalll l0 ilu I n tre.i - itAILRGAi>I) 11 TEL, &o.,rmlr ail- rca'n r lltl l ilrir .-t N ii.i C(>llrnThn Atlanticfr-mur fm .trr rîl l4 \T.N(;, imîum'iim'irrm ;1,()K si.AUm Ii 1ii' mmm in i îu'rr-ri-. humnt r m t-' n-it, , mi - ,fjr mmm ni m aieTu Aluui1T le rn h - -t J r fi ~ m-f ,.;/ ('uni- 'm'~r immirl --ni q «ii--I mrtmm um:mari tie A-il tie wire et tie Atlauntic teleg epih i Il mti tt' -mmi>- smi%,C Irî ;îd i d iuiim.rm arnci hug l l ia mmm. N 'l'il iMAS 11 VuNiNC.- Keilivhamijrr-r Ai miir ui-frtliem - ON -kiho JOTE , - Madi hîfi istX 5 . m trir.m ur- W mPor oit ofthe tanks ait K-ham A t he-i J. hE'VlrNi%,gara hs received i 2 lmiles frein tic itîtmNir. 1uhmulhE1ST.,RumK IOBSlONIS IIOTEL, -l1iimt- imsr--tm-inteammi veisel .Xdoni, ,which eri-ivutifrom 'mi-. - r i course OfemOuulletmri4)mt time maîufaclory, 0 'OT.L a-my ltlvuemr NIm Xitbr 1immn "mfrimit(. hr- rf-msrev s xeced m-Flm~iT ESPLANADE r 0N lqtilI I atNJ~MERmi lXl iroto- vi o mihni 1i aîg h imi luitn refitt iet lmm i soi n mtm v-ii]r i xct tPlymoi-uthii ýST I E , ellnt tye fr rtea tIfe îlw - . Frein tir position o ebe - - i e.l ,I im Ký,t(ffi nkt e.. 1Evér% uilitjwiiui Iai rii i-iti I-gifleos. just-ahift the e iiumat, and'oetlhem t lr- ie~it, :lim îtfijm'-iS -tilie ir.m rrrmmi riiiiutrie-sti',rmmmrurfrmm rm' irmr i ~riîuT lr ii, mmbitiii extend fti,wuu-d, lier accoun- rît i:r. x'm j I - - urin~~~ho e. -1 -meariy 0m-)r-m-ie ayii i nmm i itiItm mlrtr ii lmmiN' e i vicii mts r mî>t JCOOKE'S IIOTEL, mîruce. 4s i mu ri am-m- FEELN ALS IOEL r" -.ijr i'u i'iTE-noamtion frtewe slosuetapacieus,- - '\~~1 iii I mr -n i tie i'mmiirjr' 4 -lit muiy orme ilmme as tirmt on hoar i A Ti u1mir'f.lt.u ri m tsi' r--jr it 1«,.îr- jmmm it >3riiNra b e 1;wR. Smmr.rIV. mmiiiM mii iim IrIr rTumeiiiiia i eitprrue ar imnuim.-i mrnrm, iýt.Itbietu rler lmivefrmth dols ir a IVELLIN(.TON ]MOTEL. h1r'3fl' lNiiftoria caleulateti 'H 1N Y2M R C NIOTEL. LT ETruI',E m,-. aim Ns~iin.jilistliutt n mummroir lIanii tri)Ncmr'tundend, ef j 1xîr ME'AN ,u1634à iiauiital - or PI statmite miles, TA K r$II F 14 mutm 'nmugmudFnuu m - pt-es-mut prom-J)it-mrrof flime almie w r mtr F rE1rW ~ tmE-siOiem'imuga siupis of iumr tiamu50per cenl C.LE Wi. & l'.î i.j-isu i. l14 WHEF W -IEAT TuIE lt httt( nedtI l>esm-i tirrimuire - r ieI, iIE itW t- i re ht ioe uietnd a it wou a n - ut iaidtin' r-auneIras file .t m i ur-air-',mm- h.'t-i-niWi IrEU S L O .lil idekTrmuîhlruv î i It1m- L-laidi livaesimiaml isteammer. 'fle Nigar mrte mi mit 7irmmme m-ti.,u.tia 01 .,maN lie' r i-Eu 'Zh A-- - -t u u ilr im-lmmîrtre mmmsurumij-m îrmrIonm te (4tm fiii 1 --a sue ajil proiaiiy have leadwindi, emuy 11 ulEiT u - i.LX, i, mu h p À21. l4 tlt-rOe uplace orft untion wilbcbu 61W miles m-o JoNii'- L-, r rlmurJr--mr th1 u ie vestmard uof a peint on ii, route ( 011ruiETC L1'-m m o. N. I. . En1I i. icmî -dit:mu mîhem-icomtinenrb. Fromt E.~ ~ ý1, r lihi îAd-l 1 TGnlîmS >IEE.s nni 4N ~'wR'SL, rintiimmutionivtî s-Nbewi Orloans, distant tmjnumr. tmiiiirmrRUSSEL ,imntr. BmI4)ii mmies. tloitming tiecourseofthte Ci 1)\ r Y imml E'OiGE iiO1)1>Ent, un u-mmm- i unin'hiir m smrimm ______-mwireandi wlemî irtmAtatim-c cabie is laidi jr r>.li rî imjnmr nie miii m- l lu- 15- nir'rmri i de 1.r n -b liilthuttv timieuits. I scac t Ietl t a nieutam iRANKLSIN' i W. lir1e i--r- Anrit cim ia(e oarndr. ' lmmmm 1 m t1iT tm -i iems~ sny on 1Monnlar afteroon, willreach Newj IANISYC.NN.bte Brl, r o ct. -, 1_4u- g! Orleamns ret six o'clock tic sanie crening. J~F njE ETj' uUir1~ilErr ml t liFîiR- . A. M.XStIN. jMmmr ienree mnîr tire firum i- t~Carupentrmmm'& -m it -, t lu, &C. mme Vi mL-rIrrM-ies. - - - - rBomjir imnmiris Jar iul voicth y iutumul ji h m-is t imummge rom Conis tiople di- 1 iI 'S O-rEL, fcnsrut. 1 neet lcft or% Sonde; uvenuîug, Mly 2, et hffmmIbîmimur-s ci u'2r-s I Prtuermli i mdi ie 1t1 4:, and arti-cd in London pt 8 57 in - -i u- - - - lulu -i, -mrit-d onuhy uram Brrvi C'mr Inuter, w'fi umu rui t ic e'- mge i am 'dy o d ntn FARMERS IIOTEL, 1.O W'ER1h'f0W N U E B E C - -isrind totlleut i au stm-m -i I. ibtuidue meaui1 hemitinieng ftiesncarlyî ondhuon.tii.e - fl ii\M S I.IMmOE STREET, te IsSt.riwwl- LmbLemr-mm i at ' r/jin#& > iLtIi t lm. i i,1-s.,1,5s..pa EYA uli; [j d mimun Xl,\i fii Mmuit-mmet, i'mrlrieler. the BnitrrimmJh r-memrft-um Enren-xnj t--Jmii11 ii IMi...fn.i-u. dprurco e uî hips on the experimental I ii, m-mmum uiim-mumfuir mte 'raiýc'iiz rz mlic. ilVEL'LEîeS AND VIr.ITOiIS ttrienr m- Wl.I M CX PEcruise wild preihmly aepae nte2t Mufi mtniut. RAILROAD ]MOTEL, -eomumemiiodain aiModet-recherret;mil tii. miumrme t.I.DAIT.NELL, Wilrt'esr. îv-tÇ. electrician, proposes ttso n ,hsupi i INr useittmîiîg miar tr on-O.le. tmetiie ' ulcewi lnicmaei.-ui- IA it)N sRETE.isan.M- Wlieeue h amau' -ut-m BueT- 1hlmmuk-im. er umbr.u irmeu ant itçiauu.j ouiodfPrte5j battery w-hich shall b. se arrangeti as te Im~I.INN, V> 'XllNtEt, PRIPRiE.IB ~ TiIS j mDissolution of-ms îrumtmm-maoumî. tChiow1 a cutriro . a currst nontanm-lyintoeLe wiro 1 tNm-,uC".iu1 .te.itu1 l.1,- rm-rThemimurmtab animiidnd mu ablu '. i limmm-im wiandtI uus keep it wlîat id tjtrmet Il rpermm- ilmt' r *lrri îrrnrr- o tiegmil a tt ntmo mie m-- it- m-unr- aamiib.im-u aie rin l ied m-hl c-s N0'fîIE i élîLrehroirei i t hti thle Ptrmncrmî eutycnredm uV crpî u&4i i x It-rna m. 1 II mi deemy attenrtionmu tii otri ur ecmimiim-rt ammdii rnum-fore er-Xiriur-lbtwmenthtimdei- e By th ed b c rrent equiliinium." c'l-el - îd mrNi.inmtittddieto mirid u. e h fn lsyl n iri f B ti enmcte ese -, ti x .41>ELP1iI. m~s ti)tii.e l-meuiiafug ititer-, hinimilmai plume-., rmm týîo ., Pr-r--r & ("îrmr.ur-mç,omuthlie m-ca-mmof wiim-by, pected eliiahI. te ascertain at any tîne IL ~ XT-t.XIXLn m- . CC~i'l'IISTREFT, AD- of cr. 't.-ir-n, t- (rmumI Frmiindctrm, ndmuntintmufmtmîcrem a this ticwire la receiving a current frein the - i t~'mn ~ it~mi-Ir~' 'm~ruitun isJOLINNA QUINN. ddi-- 'euiced ym itmuurîhmaicrimiut, ymIe miother Witheu atn e dfnt inl fruit Fn1 I R c rireetummk ru ru.w uiu 1- $muuC.}W. Luxum-li itmrnnnimrlin dr:ifrNrmmL-rwrnE, and num-îr, a cm W îen the wire la completeîy establisieci Ili-'oh1T 4 RA K N ESONamuiOaEuiOTeLmivlrnen. N. W. BihoWN, double tiat adby voitaiie pewodu I- reeiJOBlun- - -- ve-LKINim b iat emt irmub IC 71118VD UEri &m-mJt-It e ur fo yticr uii ii )rnrsmu rt e ratn.transis son o esaesmore ten r- xïîSuHF Lu'rzA , m-alun muiemm m-.r Gîtîled ?m-.i a , iîim-ibrm leti nie ahl In o ,i I S E lA&ncaat tPOotneteST.ro. r1 )E TINE ) 'SNT ML'IC TE I eroumiy mtscu e ie tl m y l U i i-t-dour-brl e tby e laieno ein ai n ilN, C tti timI tilcun ot eIht-miuis e toi a ýs friiiWrU vt. 1)AT]TuSLMriDetFLtE proOF-n ighberhoaed t I ul i for te belthrpose. jtm-i j us-N:mr 1 imcm-.1 5 î p m-i pmiited sd i.ene'tu ýrr-d, .c ..m.i., ilt'u à IIr lutq80ÈuwiibOR-G.19 M . jpt u é X F RD mt, ami e ey cut r description tCur- of-,.~. unît îîrhrsutt mcyt-uc.mmm, mui-Mr. . IIs aiso prpared te take (cAssi-n a-ClerçuhafrtePun.o aêî i unmutdB. CA PBELL,n Whitbv, Octoberlot, 1857. » 4t.ofthe Speio-Cotaurreof"iisProvince. :I weverrits or hin Pr- cetfa'. è ANDSIIE A KRBROOK P S-None btproso t mm-jrlo takr h iio outbt t1O r4 rie:n nti r --~ ~JjBstret,W'itby (uext dur m-o T. hubtsn e pply. -proae siitymrter 'attoUxmtib Dvsr i r oi etMaunchum aki O ng tghreon r- "meIn= liR nD metuy dowiglmuioueeetl) epai-nGC atadc, il lim reedy te attend tlïent oun ow under dill on the. Citae,9~ r ~ due atiwok e .1 tn eeetet l _______________- - reasonabie ternis. Mono) o aneadprm ti ie Ve ttennbrhe --o - uet tyle, and lu s workmmuuik, meuerut. > PARLEY'S BEST BLACK INK. rom-m-mus ausete.- LC N. N. BU-lfcs'ing brdte~vJo tnai oen enli8ted lHts y~. Thêoc ENTNEl, J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, i t.-imnnsa siruc.i - oeemma-e-u ensinitis et . rce. -hofqor on ON< VN > & OMMSSIONER IN use RoWtait e bytwîîo nia; ce. ion huni. Nonomineetihd b se rtre eeA s hnmiai<uoHlm- refui]> ctt(.mu-r Vc C. P. & ~B. R, ?=dDivision Ceai-t Agent ptati by r-oli-tuhie.r mr, -Ë ste ointoso &c.___ Office-oui. door N'ortir ef A. D. Weeka' ROSS JOHNSTO'qN immu.uesuct 0 Patroage of thie pue. mxen.n Sir BEhncnHçeadhbave to as -- Drmîg Store, Uxbniige, C. W. 2 ?'o tet P'M every IVouda= e ma (à tc4- 'feimayr-snètoned by tue IYuuI-,e of Cami &RK, --Whitby, e.9, 57, 7 lma.te 5, t-. ns. UXBRI% ý a- br-m»« e they si- fromr~r-- Y NTÂBIIu, RUTUgýîFORD & OUINDERS, UCash I Cas" I I May 22m 1858. - 5t ic Mtuitcial (LArE z . svO Cash,1 A -î at; Ij oeir a soýe np4 Jenut Uweà -rWho, T A I LO R 8,d&. 'Ehughest Prie wll bho paitin eCas M bito th. ..metin ue, m. *1 jLý2ý q 1 - mn -pah,-plc-adoh ýM 52 AND r54 KIGTREET W T O uithutderO. u.,(et hi.W STOR]Z Rmvlt~çRmvl1 1 KING ST. ton' oPute t and Shuce Stout) toutG E T X IIEE T on r, to nqaz t. TIE UNDMISIGND HAVE ENTERJLD P~aajutuii i-k xresoi -.er iit 8n~buÉI 8 II C, LS T itPat uerar I mis AirCTfjNyj5 uleer M nd*6hke 4 il U hoU -èýbi n j" tf ýM the it and i- of Whtnhm-nduMi-h , 58.-re.w oiaon bm-I 1 l AA S . W h ATm - b à , p o Nu t I y a0e tm m- A n e tl u t h e leTT I-L' M .e m i.iJ- ine r5 5I5i > .xmC >' s~~~t' 83nh -em~mIro 8-.t hmhy~. .-- ;l e pbaitis , lrge, cm-leier end,ïhoebI-è1w AU________ sutth Câ on d4 Iruiti ------- et ass andiin re'e » tlur i t uuay amielle A long aWh ttmadýFI u mla a n ..,, whIuelona lw . sii n ÇOTION BUOpe N & iE88to i: h Ou4 YU t ieald or<,- Il g aYa, ndet;oTT N XD t a noai ie. a adsiuase qÉî -- -- - -- -- - ACollas," f oed4 «ressenscare m e& h. vesk in bn st md ou4eX iob-e uuo',bn h eyvS ROiUj ti. Ã"pers À ftatthe he- Jr C tiona o- hu oYâ fttdi42sa~ - Wà . iThe r !L irtiat ter:,s - -i _x 8'CON;D )AY. WÉDfuInà r, June 2. Tire Council met et il o'cleok, a.m. Tîe m-ollmecs celled i uid il itie nîcînher (with the exception. et Mr. Spears) auuswcn- ed te their uames. Tic minutes ofthi provieus dcy's pro- coodinge meere m-ed anti confirme-. COMMUNTIONÂ'lS. Tic Wm-mLn i-ed a report efthm-e Coin mimtcee on Reeads anti Bridgesofethe United Cos. C6uncil etf York anti Peel, andtihLe concurrence efthLe Commuttà r appeunte- bythe Wa-deu etthe Cont; et Onutario tiuerein, as te tic Bridge acress the lckL river. Petitien from the Rogistru.roe thc Couu m-y, ilotting forth tic ativuntago ît'ich meoulti accroc froni a systeun et Jeounaiizing tic rogimtrica, cnd prayingmthe subjctote b reterroti te a EIpLcial comnuittec et theu Gouncil. A communication fron tiie Ceomity Troasmure,- ,wim-i m-histatemnent remîmmreti by Mi. hirammon, efthe emoonits paiel in, mandr nowr duc, by the dilferent iniciuelim-ies te m-ho Ceunty. ALîo, tic Cont; Enginer's report Mm-. Tionipson presenteti potîtion et Il. Jiroimnarinl seccral inhiabitents o etu- Townîship et Brook, prayinm for m-ho con- struction of c bridge acruas tic Black River. Mm-. Brabazon presontedti trce petitions frein tire iffliabjteiuts eftbis Township, praying'-for aid m-o constructt mho Centre rocti. Mr-. E wrs prsemîcul two poLluions treni the, inliaitntï oet mheTow'nship etfIteacb, tom- a simnilar purpose. jMi-. liîgon prouicntcd petîtin et Wm. jWard anti 504 otue-e, praying forer-im- provement of the Bm-eck rend andtimho as- suîuing efthLe saine by tic Cont;. .Mm-. lhDougdillpresonteti petitions of Chas. Ilbinsoii, in fuî'or of opuîuing m-lu Centreroacd, amuithe uMunicipalit; 'et Mare, concurring i hie-lcactiomn taken by m-be inhuabitants eft tirt townshrip et c pub- lic mecm-ing, pm-ayiîug for LIme opeuind et the Centre reati by tiie Couutt. Mr-. G.udioçt-ay jurescrutnti petitions otfluis Towvnshiip Councîl, fer tic inuprevement et the road. une un tic 4h Concussion et rSctt.; f Jas. V'arnon anti 44 ethers, fom- tic im'mom'etet oftire Breck m-ea. 0f Gcorge Stmim-iandumi ers, for m-be improve. nient efthe 4m-h Concession rend, anti et ilas Page anti otiers, pu-aying fôr tire con- jstrcctiem'oftc bridge orer Lie IBlack river. SPECIAL COSSlI*rrEN ON 5ECIST1A&-COM. MtJiiICATION. On motion etfMm-. Treînayne, secondeti nby M. IUotgson, tie communication efte Rtezistrar mm-s refemtedti t a special Coin- mnmtce, cousimting et. Messrs. llrebazon, Camipbell, McDougail, Wbj.te andtihLe movr. TitEASUIEWsS EPOitT. On motion ot Mm-. Brabezen, secontictib; Mr-. 'Irc;une, m-ho statemeut senL ini b; -tie Troarsurer-ordee on motion et Mm-. Br4auzon-as te ameunts paiti, anti fore due b; Municipalities toi tbe County, was r-ed; ffoin wiicl it appearoti that thre Towenship ofet hitby W-a $22, ncm-m-enr; ftb" li.immai le ihmmq.h h cm-As-p ta tlic Cout; in e sun et£958 14s. (Md TUE NEWW mcSmUîps. On motion et Ms. Mcl>ougali, scondeti b; Mr-. Tmemayne, a spetiel comunitte. con- siating et Messrs. Trcmayiie, Thenipson, Ewer, Wr-ite anti the. meer, was appoint- mmd for tire pm-pos.et u'repesting te Lime Couucil on the prepriety ef meînoriaîizing Lie Goverement with referenci o te cam nexatien f thre Toea&bp.s et Macauleye Carden, anti Draper Çtihr-Cnty. VasT ROIRS l aCumXs M. Brahazen, secndeti hy Mr. McDou- gau, moeel W reter the stvessu petitions presemîteel fer aid te construct the. Contre anti other roed, anti an; futur. petitiqns to be presented for the saine purpm oietea se oimittee te censist o fMessris. (hùailway, Gamble, Hodgson, MoDougall, Thiioen, WitLe ante tovr, withinc- structiona, te r-eport tiecron by bill or othirmise, as may s.em advisable. M. Dryden ebjectet t tic composition Ofthe commaittee sud ceuplainet thà t luis Townsii-whicm paiti soimcm taxes, was omitted froun ail reuurosentation la tue ceni- mittee, w-hile the. Township of Brovk bai ne less Lien two mombers on it. %Vitieut wishing te impute motives, the zmotion. ap- Zrer 8 th28 cka C --U tesnmtte~n tlat«ay icubçr f-mho m on f C pte d ~ ~ e 4 - - 1N_ 9b ý Bridges had asked fer thus upecial commit- tee, h. feit botind te support the main meo- tien (Mr. Hodgson'a.) lie holievedtheii larger committoe wouid botter represent the feelingseoftthe Ceuncil. Mr,. White was in faror of the. amsenti- iment Mr. Brabazon, as chairuan of the stand- ing commkttee, had feit a little deieate in > iiaving tIi... mattern breught befor, tiiem, asnone of thc niembers was absent. Ho badti tought the special committee could h lave been appointeti in five minutes, in- istoad et thiat, it bad already takien nearly lefiro heurs, therefor, lie should vote for the, iamendment. Mr. (lalloway thouglît the interests ef Li te Cotunty shoulti bo considered aven in the Committee rooni. He was in tavrrof 1- the original motion. Mr. Spalding's amentiment being put, tic yens and nays were: Yts. -11essrs. Ganîble, BeynWon, Wliite BRabazon, Thionpsen, Spalding andi Mc- 'y ;Ayq.-Mss.4. Smith, Tremmayne, Rat- ,y cuite, Ewru, G-alioway, Wideman, BartletL d l)ryden, C aînipbell and Hlodg-sou-10. Atiienduien lest. Mfr. Heodgson's motion was doclared c ried. MesRs itoA PL-riTio-xs * The Coimneil granted permission te Mr. Sm i th te bri ng u p the peti tion ef Ira Chap- *man and 109 otieru, prayingr that neoiip- k prepi-latuons bu mcd for rods this y ear, but that if any s5hould bho nade, ut b. for the s iînproemeît ettht Brock road te Epsoti, and theuce to tlxbridg . . ' * Aise f romn the Municipaiity ot Uxbrîdge with a like prayer. nSPECiÂL CesIuI'rrz ON TEItEAVIOiRnS REPORT. Air. Spalding movoti, seconileti iy 1fr. Rateliffe, that a special committo. te, con- sist ot tire imeinhers be appeintet tereport on thii special report eft he County Audi- tors, the saiti committee te. censist of the W'ardemî, Mcss4rs Gaiioway, White, Mc- Dougall, anthe moi'er. Mfr. Brabazen moveti in amendment ' se- *condeti by Mr. Dryden, that the names ef Mfue&ç-a. Thompson and CJampbiel, ho atdeti te the cemmniittee,-Carried. Tie ori'ginal motion as ainendei, wau them put ati-Carrimtl, On motion eofŽMr. White, the Council tiernm(w)t untstefu -cek-d TIIIRID D.XY. Ilium-dlay, June 3. Tii. Council 1 acujibled ishort!; aftos ten o'cuock, m-ie Wai-ten i th. chair. Tii, Wurden resti anti laid on the, table a report freni the Treasurer, whioii mecs retennedto temhie commiùttee on Finance samd .seâsmen-. Aise, communication froni John Gem-don Inspector etf NVoighits anti Moasoses, stat- ing that ihe i nt esignedt ii office et Inspecter et Weights -sudi Measul-es for m-b. Ceunt; et Ontario. LAW. On niotioniuoetMr. Tremea'nusecondeti e; Mm-. McDeugmIl, a Speciah Commuittee- consist-ing et Mesura, Dryden, Gahuomeay, Thompson, Wimite ati th io er-was ap. pointedta t examuine imte the Jury ani As- I smn- mmav,. anti mWu'report thuereu ote-u meo zn tmhie Legislature ontire aulu- Sl'ECIALCOM5ITTE-eXQees -1-tILILL AND On -motion et Mr., Campbell, secondoti by nMm-. lrabazoju, Mema. Brazoti Evm Galoway, UeDougall andtih-le miover were nominateda Spoclel committee te enquire anti report te the Counil, on the expendi- ture cf £9,50, on tue Nonqoon Hlill andi bridge. Oui motion oftMr. Bruthaxo, secontied b; Ms. Galloway tire Wardtien ie lef-t the chair until 2 o'cleck, in orties W give the. difl'erent Comsfm tets ime to mam-eup thelut reporta. Tii Counciresumreti a&t m-mecock, the. Warein tihe Chaji-. errncuauy BETWENTIZ corpnN tien va> - TeWNeauP OI? metiBra. Tire- Warden recel a cemmuicamtenù from tihe County Treasureir, tespetîng a diffiouty hetÃréènh7mm aùdte-uss- rer et thse 1To#n*,rs-lipetW'Or' y. -The Count; steoaid ebieti th tImeTewri. sluip in Lie amouhît of a loan fer whicim iL meas te P7 th"c Tewnship intesect et.8 peut emL The Townsip becanle"Indebted te thme Couint y fer arrears et i 'axes- tdein- Dectmber lest,' andtihtue ountyTreasureu. souigit t cier ge jthe TownshiiiTreasurer' with interest npon.thte ameunt frin the. date whien taxes'hecae due. Tbla tue, Townsbip Treasuer rýefuod to aIIlow, aRnt I time Ceunty-Treastirer ahnimted tuenut tes for the. ativice et the- Counil. - on moétion ôot;M. Dryden, secondeel hy Mn' T{doden, thuC 1- ment mm-o coIa 'mnitteëôf the-Wbie M-ithe'taemet. 'Mi. Barthett h ii. 'Chair; 1 Mr. McDougall, acconded b; Mr. Smithi,ý moredthâL tlit u coummutee ris;, andti iat tue nat-em hua loft for settteenît.tethe Financ-e CommuiLeu-..[otion 10Les. -r, lf.odgson co4tendeýtim-at as tue Townihip rceired 8< per enut ntrem- freru t4 iimuntym- ferAtà loîxu i-W - * y a' tuat tw mlcCounty eaould, raum*v air îtee £btaz:~i~~ mentary, andi coatrryt thelgi. connciL. Mr-loson cucIsee 1 tllatif t4 ýcon CU1 pas.d the aia.ndinont woldtuti- The Warden deeided th 1eu4 uo ein order. me e aninsahesolntinnon] welit I 's t NO. 21. Ho contended that theTouwntbioWîr by had ne right W dcaim itereit frein the Counct rwhile it was indebted te it. It Wa" unjut te the Northern Tow»sip, which had paid their taxes when dii,,, Mr. WYhite lookcd upon the loan froni the Towngshlp to the County' and the taxes due the County, lis two dîfferent matters altogether. Thoe(Jounty wus bowid by its bargain with the Townjahlp, ad whýen it had discharged its responsiblilty, it was competent for the ircasurer te look for paynicnt of the Counity taxes. TheI present efflbrt appeared W him like ttyîng te make anether bargain, lHe charged tho County officers as being liable te- an in- dictment for neglecting to proceed te en- force payînent of thoCounty talred. Mr. Ewers referred W6 a section of the act, authorizing tho Treasurer W îwithhold moneys coming Wo any Towniship.iîn arreur to the County, Mr. Trenisyne contended that the W2owxu' ship of Whitby was liable fut the intereat upon the taxes due and that iL would ho unfair-te ask the County te payiriterebt Wo the Township and flot insist upon the saine Loing donc by the Townshij otethe Countv. Mr. Dryden asked whcthcr theo Town ef Whitby was prepared te. pay intcrest for the time the County tax was in arrâar. Mor. Camipbell again inveighed against the injustice of niaking the Township of-Whit. by a iscape-goat ini this inater and allow. ing tlte ether Municipalitios te go scet. free. Mr. Galloway,-Reevo of Scott-(Very scriousIy,) Mr. Chairînan-L rise W ton ex.. planation-For fear ef sending aby wrong- impression abroa.d about Scott free. I Le.#, te say that Scott i free. Thesê observa - tiens about &Sott free" are -uicahled for towards niy Townshçlip, wbielî lias been alwayas frue, and hasâ always puid lIs taxes. I trust, that.gentlenien, wheri apeaking ef - Scott-if thcy xni by Scott free--letting Scott go free, wihI stat. se. (Itears bfe laugbter.) Mr. Hlodgson conceived 1,hat the proper ceurse for the. ireasururr wot'ld lie te .dlow tho intereist te the Township up te the first of March, the tiînu whun the, taxes should havu been paid, and thon deduct the aineunt ef taxes due, and idlow inter- est upon the balance. A motion that the comittc do noiv rise, was caî-ried on a division of 10 e t. The coninittec then rose. Mr. Camp4icl mxoved a resolution te ho effcct, that the Township of WhlitLjy h net made te, suifer, but that the other Townsiiips ini arrear for County taxes, bc chargeti with eigfit per cent interest on the. amneunt The resolution %vas seconded. by Mr. Mcl)eUgall. The Wardeiî declined te, recuire-it, on the. grounti that the nmentioneof 8 per cent was lillegal. .Anothiel resolution was likewise Ésul> mittcd that ail the muuniciealities in urroar be cbarged with six per cent andti tit the. sane bu levieti andi collected as provideti by the statut. Thiis resolution aiso, foil tbreugh. A motion for adjourninent was negativeti on a diviiontio 12 te &b- - Mr. Dryden sucondeti by fr. amnpbell moved that the Treusurer -be authorized andi requiruti toe pay the Wliitby loan with unterest as agrueti upen se soon as lie lia the means te >de se. -3Mr. Spalding asked if the Treasurer hati net the poer te do tlîis butore. -, Mr. Treïuayne scconded b; Mr.,ft4tclie. in amnenduient njoved, that, the Troasurer bu authorizeti e sttlo with the 2J unici- Pality of thU Tewnsliip of WiVlitb9sid af- ter dcducting the amnount due bY the -Muni- cipality of Whitby on1 the first day of Merci, 1858, pay tie sait! MunipaIity the. balance due wituii itcrest à se seasaïlic is a position te de0 se. Mr. lodgsn seconded hy Mr. Thrabazon moveti, that thi. Counil do new adT;oum'n. - --carriei. And- the Council adjeerneti uzititFriiay RÂILWAY AU). Mfr. Hodgson gave -notice thathle Would on to-niorrow more- a rosolution, that _the CouaciL mbmeriilize the Go emenît for a- grant ofland te aid the. co'nmuructipo ei Port Whitby andILake Huron i>i4iay. END Op TAIS :DiI'v&I.TY BERRIesN TM" teu-.