Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1858, p. 2

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Be, k sait, omeve'e, injî it te Our O'vui tle cim'cus, -"Hure 'vu are hl'oi(me are' famil>' cfaupesoillinariautJohn (leuiti.'vi goti musux>'o! txie youamd cmelas a Lîuite a'e) are the GrecaL Cii-t Leadci,aud having receiveti an injury 'vas aow eut Of ared m ulyOs t he od-oiedgeontemae, ho bis nieLle>' Acrobate, prepareti te atvauce employuxxnt sud mnable tsi stipport i take te her gemtleieis uxuor lu goot part. tovards (i'fertmnanit buotse, witb au famil>'. The Mayor statedt Oit bucixatiaiz As Le thîir club-bing lW jjuire s wvriler equally veeifei'ous anti unanimomas salut. ready griven $5 himiseif anud ppealéd te Lbt "hmo bas ridiculedtIli, m-e shahl likete o!ofIlere ire ape Sir' Iidmoéd" That pilatrp.o h oni esnly o sec the kicking omrlicb Lie proposer of suieh wpbilsbc ropy o! tbe Coitomeil persoroalyAïfo sa plot voulti recui, uein au Etuglihsb çss-wuiileasursepthwe-e tic a. reem. <u jis net st ail likely to-eome off.k se, for But-h French, tbotugb aduirabie math- a wie, Lie Opposition leader, must main- h a~ ut ttiete u ~ rîticitns, havme umt yet luarnmt this vul- tain bus "political prodigies" ut bis owu ceîpts andîiExpeuditure ofe! iiTewn, fret .:r arithinetic. They stilI aspect Mon- .sieur Tete d'Or Lu sut liii huatiagainat Oint propur couL, duflrig sihicli mnl<ncoly in- te frst pf' Jaary, Oi e lOt i mat cf-Lieutenant Vaurien. -Tue>' d-l t liern-al, iL may net lie armias te suSggest a he'viog t heciptç- to l'e $6572 87, and suertition - taI bloeti is s derent for l'curriculum" ii in trouoult needeti accorn- te exienditure $6603 4; Idavinig due t - l*eil,-aud Ibat you. eau prove that you lishrnt ternmeI' l kTa re," lu 'viticit T*w, i tamrer $60 4. Th e tti amourt diti net cicuat t carte l'y proving thut yo as viewud fî'om Lb.e galiey of the lotise,- 85S'astdma -cun lunge iii carte. 8eoLley perit Ibir b-, whia moui th assossunemat 'hi- eg valuable ciliest uthlJiidul ' ie ramaitanti file'o! te G4ra,re soi'è- - t emsl h liii anybody who cati gea smali swordti nuitan1>' teficient. Thé suount rêquired in 1857 'vus UMetL second. - tany uttiiionalresnsbat beau i-e- We bave uno rigbt te coudeuma their ex* quire tünastisfy ma, ortitis pelat, the ex- po"IË srflB-Lw IVLamc;ail we say.ý is, that wo really bhibition ef pslti" y n-ietiveuuiis. wanton -i eia't nffirdt tspntndith thLien. Onu cf . - on ~motlmt i t,ý Ro*ê 8ewnHVI br- tos dxys-lIhey wili, berrcw oui- Cocker, teifasbood>, and roi-4s ms.ga" çnt'i wlicbthey siraîl beveryweIcoec «. the - I1h.qbe, unpari-ellel, as [lm 4ader W t1îvi h mst FSIVdisi titme Vaouien ilîs Ttu d'Or. l ant s fer plt cal bruatff»ll isyh -~~ e~h lot0r, Maceuptît the aca llgesd Le sab W.*4lleTItiiof~bL L fflcre ebiti hi~ chalener. Swoýdrocpityyandwhih 4¶edpyratin! cigro, anti iL e Pll"ýen n p pua-s ebaltr-)W-a "serzo n ti vu Wo dreio.o1seinfthe stl e ur m[th oÇ'gt phy6 objI ovtteid Fehoi","-.th ay me mn>'sIen b. ltlervmied. AlLeréaharp e nentr wiit'*alt -woficers bhindiothet. , hu!'p"-rprenomleetin- fth ; omrfL.lte chall~s eng er. , iresp>ii"Iuý ,Ii d neto i Sof t4he 8teamer P jyIinapttaked atâ l"taqry" thréw ito the into dempsir for the nationali Sectiy. He ~1ça1~~scfUm 1~~ntmof he ~ Seine. Onu dtikea toehiarofor ing as ini hopea,4pe-Àeathat we ahould tXea~ ti1ataen tt 1I1 )Jls&sppi are tu bsn4LF- Mt- Pmnh bas donc xearly taiil t1a, -y fend' throw ours;elvcs, lu a statu it dpi4rsahe left New Orleans on theStb viV ùpon htn unnarrins heaboe tfmatle despqrmion, întothe3ands oQfl~ie lasv 1 ng ou- board' 400 people of the thsot 'sMl ysiüch nsrraionî eing &utt o and TIa#àudertlki*i mitey haractêî': priusts, gambhir>, plan- a ý - testhoe nainen ters, bailet-clanccrs, setors, eioa ud uhinîu umita ut sv~ suc1à 'on WC are li o, aho Mi tierman sud Frenccuinimnts, wîthî sdue niess andi feu> of the me c 4 i iià' q'We 'ta $i proportiotn f qolte-eissd gunerals. Umiil Other , consid-_xensusMu b i<Fien mneftesnotc,k cwotla WInbe diuess fort tie bout hall arrivud i vithin 70 iie of civilias, whoina> thlibk it wortli white our sûrvice. tAku s elâbratèd Lord, (butt Memuphis, ait hall mîewull. About six te asai, inter alia, bow fur Uic supreinacy st <ta incalculable distance inu point et ta-,_ 'eclock u the îneriiiugof!-the i3th, w hile of the-rmny' ta to bo1irit.<LTbïeIS6'êW S Tt) bu wouýl-d assume Lime command otf a miont of the- passengers weie lu bcdi ts tiaie'ihen a moaquetairo titi as lic pleds' fluet of guid-boatts on omir lates:- of hiatidît thinkiug et the terrible caiantity clse ug eti wth a civiliau, wbo was run thm-umgb if on thcmaý foui' cf the lyoilers burimt, blowmgb irî e uint eie hLbshurthe uot cempiex surgical implemlents, everytbhi aro=4nd hem te toMs. A sceue ýpcrao-e,rtwIé'cwats his ïéwnï lu opposition cven ini tte neat despeilate case of ithêto-t ut the tvÏl(tut confusion iuiimediately foi-- te the -vew-uf the Min uWitb the sword. My. towodï. Thoeuorfthe pa;isuugrers who hati.The È1iptOr . eltgiin'ot radi- -Wtu tuami anssute tlis very tdisintigrested Umoped unbarmed, came ruL;nnug ce to tion&.-tbisBYstem te o ctmong them?1 tlb. deçit hriuking for -nid ; the cries of te But the arîthînetical question is tîme one tc, Party, that hodwu7er ho urii5 attempt te ex- #offndcd aud dyîing weru fearfiml ;wble, 'which we spéeiaiiy« invite tIme attenîtion ef cite the feurs of te country, by bis exag- s 2il more te adtiterter or iti -aa- the French, wvho ike pCision anti metiiet. gei-ated sketches, thei gri5at majorit>' of nouceet that tie boat itas en tire. Thif,- la it ratiouiai fi, say- tbat'a gentlemnoinl- sôundt anti uuprejüiidced observers, are by however,- provetl untrati, or-tierbapa net telleet; position, sud ebarxicteî', abal go eue of the cruww toffliibhavue, waped. ils out anti be siaughterut hy AuLy hôt-becadet umnsprprt o lc .ircniec the wbcel bouse liait heeu blit ;Ni naway, the youugster-rth'n ec tiss af !wblchb otrgal- in, the daugerous renedius be bas sugest- boat drifleti dovn Lime strcaini a pcrfectlY ulen guest, Miarxaa the DFuke de Nillkliet, eti, or rely upori the nute-tedeTts o! an in- uumauageiy statu, andi %vas st least 300 'vouit, iWtltdiut ,iouisentx henitatl, 'enti dividual se rcpulsively sketclied l'y bis yarth tisfiet Lîxeslor<l. TlYe Cîmîtain, 'vue a bundréet Lubc killuti like shieep, if Lthe nîusen elitort foery eftbu Neôrth .me)é- seexas te bave bc %w villi admirable cool- killng would cuable bitan, ini hattle, te bold tifoi micas Llrouglîout, after suturali iieti'ecttal ton yards o! a muddy ditch ten inutes ?c(IP1,80lo lm lt annot crenZfri attelupts, breuglit aongside bis vesst a longer Limam if bu left <hein alilvu !?e, Kiflg.sL. te our Coun'il fluérrd, so long as lag lt-ottie otitt%-iihtepa-,iodiutre#A ttglyix anunot aeord te gve his Àppeais as te flic plrepriuty o! iiy i- >j lietathey doue se m-hen Lie steamier 'vas fülly invite France Civil Le do asum in aure mor e speclaî uldý.%criusto!-_îîuskuls thuserveitoe oci t i'e,amxuin uune inrit tse 1brciu r euseuatOa i ms ' otn ývswrapped in asotf lm,fronemn te bear bis ribaldry, SumIlil bt is 8ed lionQ1, gene iute the cabin Lo rescue their lug- 5 rdctswt i tepioopyw a gageliad no tinte te) get an, andl wicere - 4w b ~c ~ pc~atx,îihalto hlspyw a consquemtlybat ilîto> cir ti thse vho r~ bring te the encotmnter. wure in the boat ounéie, 'vcrc scorclied e0 I t The ustimates, (as aunuprejudîct s Iseverely, cru thîey emiil geL clear of the -J ~ -J -Z CIro sî ato o etds viipov, xîibit buruiug boat. A nu-c diliculty <lien arse >.î jtucSatsmn-liko sagncity, anti ajuxît1 ewn t im -ic lain s-rr eilsut-, F aund cbering revicw of the ruai1 condition baniks fur andi wide, (<bey 'vexeunablu u t2' cringcl-Ir aniai- atid, andtheicsunt 'vas pu)tirmg ,doîvurayé g - ~~o! thu evime diia e d-ts of intemnse lient; uddiéxg tîuicim te the siflor- r ;e i-c i z ings of <tie pour r carers wsmlia bilbeen ~~ ateoy rcpthy t Lit nuor f te oy, scaldeti anti burmît. .fer rcnéiimiug tuhîîs - Ybc z at movinedthu cdit f incoclusity o for elght heurs they 'vere xescucd liv the r~~ ~Fb uiùiet W anti ocumn e ~refrain fi-ou in1 fr u edr b steamer m' p<eir/. 1< k sud taotl i: t 1e um- C: 2 smn o.ou etif dreti sud tlfty four lUves <ilvIast. lhaveŽ becîm io0 1 Znfeiowing pas.emgu from lion. Mr. Cayi'ey's lbst b)y Lisallai-. 'l'iée rapidity 'vith 0 spehao h0<bt n rdynii.I ivilicb the lire spîcuil, is iitLriltletlLé éthe F vig ic~ o spaie coue dbebtuon idslingadhl.It large tjém<ntity oftirpen)2ltilç iét nlbo:u-d. - 5alk cedtbl u u felns ni 'l'hcFigue Dul. j~ ~ ~ -1 Ihave heatti many muoxt reilabie stnte- -- ---.- ~ zrîents on Lihe part (if -iih Caîtiùots a 12 ré, IîZnh. te medise-atrùus efriiect cf suclo vritin,(a Wlxen NM. Al-rmî: ir mns dtscriht" - four~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dkeasciiLetrlovrim ieFC Fae'is liduget iniiiby Lime Globe,) on Cariadiai nigbt Lu try 10 xinudetr n i-n < iturwoiim a -credfit. Shanie 1 that s-hile we are ail they sttpplose to bu' LIeelover of La Reine "0 7F-2: 0o q* 1 amxious te keep up the fairv fainecf otîr Morgot, 've are amiused. 'lit, nimtlianisiim n4 .c0 -1 Cenritry1 tuere shouiti bc a journaliat i4coitie, andi norcéver, belonga 10o theF-- - anmongst u%, ready Le write I i iïté The haippy period w'hmclilun tée ilalfî'e- j*"* - IftcfCna finis c la.t vee <bt alarg grup ! ~ I - ~ -< j htiie 'ixcanirastrenîbling en the ba- relfuIl4 ZutL>hlanceît- re;éls tilte % eight of the Globe %vas t'rcicli otlice! q of 1858 coniteéleivri tote i Z rsmmit tléîbalance tLe deprcs tli Bois de 'emitiet iii the <iv, luh-te moii or- - - -2 - Z Fea1e 1 But the cii dues ngttidhure der a untlernaîî bcc-atx-e lic lus dtls1,eased 'M o ther discordant eleinentslIave been çet on themu y sieuepri-pé iutnedt te ru- wS Ibrin their vélgar haits anti u nee - _--ijotioa, toeibarrass our peitioni. Party, it titixîcébut qisagistecl. It la n New Advei-iscrnis tits -eek. aniutitiéty baS becri carfie t Leun extrf-tîme iougem lime crîiîiof ! i thý, 1c.tre, il la the - bigbllt, andi bas indul-ed iniian acerbity of crtime of tlie tncneelldIîi dspayd.ALeup. M. ihirîi(dée-Peritu, a Parisiari liter-ry Sieritrs sait o! lants.-N. G. Ilec>nds- Lu ee efr i1lye temî man, writve - uig'ijr' oncsinart observa- E.état$ o!f1B. G, Whitt<tker. bave been nmadle, te set race Agaiîist race,1 Lions on fili, umatterm of the inférior oticers Ntc pe<îQatrssin 1jjcreuti against creeti. Ambitiotis men bave of tue Frenchi nriuy. Ilc hitat.- oerném ~ ~ înî sougbt te builti up their party, by soîving that if inma a ixél-inntlivvdii u:ot ii-it'l( rlne ra-at io h hrce n thbI lad(ies;' trwsnsitî li iî uir,, ditiiot F iraigc of Flour.- R. S. 'M. Iîeucimte. jstanding boad-lasublieptutuLimeychnaer antie imacli of chenil i iba ; itI ot talk c ;éa.sllour réutlation Lachine Caiial.-Ccruiunis-saidgoflpbice tyr ppci ant IN dit rush -ujxonx uic it-fresabînvrts siémicr of Custommîs. te. 1 finir more frein thlxii cuse, thbm frein like iuiigxy lowns, aéîéi if they gereraly' p.r25aisc îcui-l~ ligbt harvests or biard timnes. WhVlat for- cultivatet i nllîr morilroié1tle tti-lt r tr lwe ioIt.BS.M bu ua <mxiulcnix gn--tair bose IlanTht iooclict-te, Coin, o! CusLoxms, - igil Caîitaliît 'oui canc eLuixvest bis -ic les it%%eleonté.-d s ttl t ixx 'pe,é- cîoiÏBea.Rt iil& iearis n nney iii a country svbere public nen are liewasincintd v t1ll é eii. hi- jTe cho Bll- sel &Rchrd.- jbratidetias jobbcrs anti s'indlers svbere terticidiari coiuél céraguï La tii2lt deti- 1Tlf e Tiripii.-Cai-isie &mccmmake. - grue Uiiiîtividiials 10 whoci il ldc-î:; ln cl- c dejthe intugrity ut the Beucli is iipugneti. cd, slmaNvei-s ol fontI éýîito-ziry l'-nîsn-liée Romin lus.-A. C. Jeselin. aîdjuricsaraie saidt e decide cases o! life andl Ktééonéé lilv a gang éof ollicens 1addahb éiiuo ainlpeu conispire tét lUI M. <lu lk-é'. Thit-v. te Vie i Mag:mziixes, t&c., for ,îuî,Y-- ()t OLL. imd atîm by crgeus. od rninare reju-t b niimbé.'r, îti i4 é-l d(and Iai sVu u-ouud I $pec.ial înice.-Dr.'I'îimblety..dices, s'inoseraces antilîdu céisa sat Loe rather disbelieve) 4 ;vîéy-evém .eSt 1 do do Prof. llolloway. «aryt ndai osiiyt abohr lots forLihe urdem istIieh théty shiaîl ut- Net- Ihardtware-J. S. Donaldion & Co. Do aîmay 'vitit this state of hiugs. Let lack ~ ~ t u*n i- x eevs ial.îg- party battie maufuliy opon houexît, credi- Notir, in Èugl;îréé, %ne have uput ait cnd To tgrîculturîstB-ditto.dialntptioegruimvb e- te tliik kite!ofuamîrég. W' itlmut ruli-reuce t tabe n aroi rudvhwn te, the brutal foly ;in-dm ceéîeaof thée *--y -s r pous creditable to ourselves, te the colin- duel, W vbse pot ail ndciii tilnl)muly as (tnf n Q Y~ lC t try frein wbich re havèdn& nd tu t ,ational hings, wlia caitidoa suino ii sub- "z that, wbicb ive hope te seu Canada be- tractionm. MW has-e--after a guot iînatixyIcm.Tç hoîiw e h iee cars, ivu coiifess, cf NMoiaýl 1lotise and 1 WeVrnmwood ucu.-invr t the con-- Wliitby, Thursday, Julne 24, 1858. prosperity roll surely in, then shahl we se clusion, that dteling is tixfr because mîen capital iow towards us for wcaithuy invest- Are unequal in valué'. Wnow agre <bat 2iTr. 11'ancis .A'dler is oui' 2}ave,- meut, ton shalh wu ftiim e peer man FAJRLAIWE TARY, andt i c lbiliies te bu met fer te 55ame, periot, ilositig ils foliowa -- htao~~~~~~~~~~ OTSAÇ>OtIcv P8E 'R ICannot close my i-emirlix 'vitteut TUE sWUTBY CUoonîian.-- - - vei-iag teiteécours. i*fite boiJxý - ced b>' théesenior nt*i r Te te II W -Tornto,,J<ne 2, 18s ruany uuus .<s4 Bdth lhu*s iouIhflI DEAg-it: u r 'in bis Éetein luParIs - 4flI. isjomiriîlatl î[commence My Weeuk'asbtïdt*itlm butin made te vehic et a bries of vienlt the fdarful i'nteblgene that we are joisL 01 anti un pi-'cedenteti aselts upon te croiti b thc o a rebellon!! Who wouid bave ofi Lie Province as aninlsot-untierminideg thougittfeurmonths ago-mhen t lme tit-a- h dmnstaio- Ã"wIe e aopeut Whnevry>'hng is womkll pto erouxlyl -loyal Ccnvertatives o! Bast Elgin were barvestâ abuntsat, pibcs- ooeî snd rade b us>' ymnkting interest for' Mr. Bcrwebl a active. sucit assaulta bave îltle effeet. But c peliticinxo!fLmir Sebeel sud a i-eprmunta- -intrying imes like te mouetar>' ciama ef I cfa aunl>'uve oposet <oraduuhum, autumr. te>' may .bu attended-i withc ite oa àiyoo poe ordclâ,disgaaLroima iesuisLtg f b.hebout iifftsusLsor! S'ad even te libexali Refôttrmathat they were,- the country."Çluam,'heur.) lI8sf milieu lu fact, opening .up Lbhe'va>'foramugrant it wasrmotknow Whtherthe milssWhie!î bu- E imilitai-y genips wimo wouiui immnortaise. ganih 1 lew York *ttofld extendt t Canat'; t bimscîf b>'huai-ding 1 bu h enemy in bis the jôux<nsi in qpustion prognoslited'ruins and dacadencu frein day Le ta>', mmd 'veut strengbdid,ruod as tue event wiil, no tioubt, toe'veut. Didti he>' atit te oui - exit lu prova lu a stecitor Sei, routing ilium b>'En"hind? fllt Oe>gir-97cdntidentueoLite force cf si-ms a -las Cromicell. yes, Mr. critbi-5 1 dur moichants? I bave heard Bqirwmeii bas uvidently'beon ,raised," for i- y môat rtliable statommentg on Lime parti tue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o tTesanim>uolereadtasLm o!Engliabu tapitudi9tà ai tte idiliastroumi the nie; ad my nw buregrde astheeffeet t fsnCb iitings, ou dAuadian credit. -coimmimg maxi ;" Lb. man Whio, tiisregarti. Shaumu. that vhlilti we ttcre ail aflxibim te ing te ti'aismeia ot iaw anti constitution, keup up telair. ltne di our doditt->, heru - it ainob'll supetiri't>' of uinti ant i r-'vas a jouinalist auîougst us rend>' to write re.ïitiblçfe to-c ,udrtkest i itdown. TVie fate of! Cila riaiI sO'mitfemb-F e cf'vii, unertaes e tling in'itebalance, whd l titxwéîgt of ,the countmry a '<purge" mm'icb 'viii for (-ver the Globe was Lirowu in thé balance tae anud a>'ecamution te aIl Gevernments tiepress the cde. (Ileai-, hiuai.) flit tbu g oiat ! ifretOitit â-2o f CieuGiL ui Idouetiti nte ndîliere; othur iliscord- r tlregad st lements have beon sut lunumotion te clautus Le sOptinaCy.. Ycs, Mn. BurwelI, umitai-sa our position Patanmoi> mieL 'itiiotot eimxto-fcr I must do Ilîxi bas buen caried te an extreumu lengtbl.aud jésiée-gravely irnforinelth Iblieuse o! lias indulgeti in an acerbit>' o! toue umver Asaeumblly lastt reche that a Conamitîcu cf burore di;pisycti. .ttcmipls bave buen Vigla culd, xequire te bu ustabilîet madtiLest race against irace,' ci-eut mgin,4t t Viglancecrecîl. Auxbitictis men bave sumglit te te Lakee charge ofthLie affaira o!flime country ituil i tueti- pussition atic umparty l'y andu as lu ali -aLlons fer tIhe ramiug o! brazarimasî sianîlers upon thme ctoai-atei- anti coiuitliles, the mueser is Ohe ebaifian.- standing of public ii'mn te whmm'Ie im> arc i lia-ce a rigimte presunu <1mb limeis net-c upposeil. 1 lear mure frein luis cause1 busily esed, lu selecting is tisocintes hnf- iimtlavs c-mrdium. ipf Hui.) Wbmtt fbrc'ugn -capitaliît 'voulti sud ungaunizing a plasn o! operalitmus. you r care te ;nveést lus capital in n ceuinI-y i May Lîxesi iniagimic« ilte teerible sits p e neu n- Isliere public menx are brandet as jebléurs der 'vIiicb 'vO arc living, anuI tbe horrible uand swindiers, whèm'c tlieintegnit> o! the; ioré-botin<gs lat aIl aime are suspectti ÃŽ' buitcm i'.5 mptlgned, ani joiilt anc salél Lue r favonîn' luéidé ueustions o! life or du.'atui by ri-i ah dixs.iiineic-an tgieus orunational jirejimicess- s-iere racest kftolnumm's ut eo f-tiesîigbts mtlen iamnd ci-ees are saîdto luIcarrayeut inleadlyj ae arc fast asiep a baýidýo! thiuae e igtln utiltiv aguiust eâmiither. [)ro)ava y lois itiy ut ulo <ufi ieîîlf mu dng Sitht tis rIatse oftîimîgs. LcI part>' bat-j torsula ndtellef dfi'Iloigésand -rag l le satch mîanfuît>'. opn bouxest, Pa-- lit-fore i. llomrw'lIlte anuver fuir lIme un- L-o~ niceiibegoxds iuteél Crimex ? That Mr. PBum9mell lian., een i"aidlNviit css'e cu reditable tpourseumiés j in private crni-spoutde s itihi a number I le tIe coumutry ïnonîivîiclix 'e ha-cc speémng of Opposition presses lun<the Mi'lnury is andîl Lu iant t"ir 'uimtmiîc pete iS!M Canada evilenttfromime se attIloat Lime (lobhe puîb-jecutuis. c- lueuns. 'ihan shah st-e sec lises Ixer oinins mxîenmingtîx ~ tc tile o!fîrospérity riutisurely !lx;- Lîen lishe ther opnion ündosingtileprops s-ce sec capital tfow lu'vatdsutoifor j Lieux o! Oint tierce liatiojt. }'roiBradifori l tni'imIsestmetmt ; theux shal mme fiimd mWCi gel lime tut1loti î u rlniuig noe!u the peur mra i earieti isi th ie iifc-strug- Wilthe people," a he l)ojpeitt)r, 1 t ih onme ftoeLimeeaece-ss5ties of <'suuni te éuc n s-it r01'î 1 life, seekîiug tîmil lanti s-chiue intimisîr>' wiIi subnitte ucha sitéof fairs.? Bath- ihie.cenixin lu aucunre confidence, antI. Camus- t-r, will they flot iiivicvof the repeate(iida wiii bc free, prospereus and contcnteul. -fratida;, jobs andt rolbonries of publie 'und-s Au occurrence 'vhieb excites aftputn le~~~~~~~~~~ ~ a~eit i éltcuéft>t u-anti ouuinan'ls Lhankfulnessu;iis tha Oe liï ii8tliitiOt f cti liighor-t itGrand Oi-angd Lotigo at its receith nnuai rk'lutte C 'ti ites?'Anoîber print, gatîutiuing droppoI4 iLs boe lehgusie 1 -the Aylmcsr (0ltawma> Tàïtiss: xyeL moreSeretar>' Mo'. Johnu lhnt1 Ii% aignôý .i expiucit anti suggestive. IlF'reminte ns- mimiou-i fate-i sa>'ignominicoùa, Sur there "pedt o! tîtingo sat pi-sent," gays Lîis op- is net <ho sightest ?easoti Le tiouit Oint if positionu ser;b-3, 'Qwomrtit! lè i-ciy ie-lime 1usd trul>'repreésitethe Oider, imtend sn;L.ll 7c ijutsCénius0 f fas ho titi pro.$Ltutiug <ho offic,ite vouid -- /me1'rcùcî hot/dIit, TtiY, CiNDIF.X5, bave bren iu-,eiectod, for lu respect of-alcut î i'AND IIANG TUlE LANVYPR-GiOVE R-N- lue has at beast euodgh, botit et Lime gab antid i MENT I-ND mosI 0oF is SUPPORT'- cf the sriblbling kind, te mne a decent ' ERS, bof onu <bure tLri-mo! office rouit c., seci-elar>. ButI he o sRtitimscîf anît as " pure." And ail thuanid mure cf thue man), dtupes ameng thxe Orangu'îmon ai; bu , s:o<oxe sort, i- îuold appriovingly wi:hdu coîxd itinul te Captain (Ferry Sktipper) , tylxugiaphical hnr.b h ;0dtl Mootile tai-biter o! Mr. Geurge Bewn's .journal cont-.iled b7r Lbegeutienuan who ifnanti ie cseunusi- atoiluLm enals ia iscî leader- e'l"lier Majesly's 0p>'sunti-inomiîxious rej'ection. Net elle soli- i oiion." ai-y vote 'vasi-ecordeti for Captain Moodie's 1mustsamy, botruver, tlImt te Ministuri- lieutenant, aud I-suppose-at te nuxt chue- aI press is netna il beriifieti, or, at arxy tien for thie ciL>' bu 'ilI hardi>' bu ample>'. j i-ate, dots net pretunti te bu. Inticat, semaule i<o bnmboozle Lime Orangemen, 'vit at o! Lime uesmspapena on <uaL site absefutel>' last, liate swakened <o <bu consÉlltinusot 1ridicule Mi-. IJurtrei l àndhis , Vigilance ha<uInxi* ben bamFtre t'ay i&e n dock of r ComiLmuitte, as if <bey w'vure net ver>' sbep, for gncb pa>' te Musai-a Moodie anti tireatiful people Li"unountei-, anti te tell HouIant, as thc-Y could S41ieeéed ot oet ie Limae tratit, now, tliaL 1 think o! it, Mi-. Dur- inuof broati PreLotaait Vt*ncpius. lu eior rrps.weul books ver>' oucit lite te Hght et <his action o!fim i-th rag -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Lh butrr«l a nara imtto ets:nfctod Cbi-L*iem <baa amigumaý&dt pAdmiti atio --w. e, [ite oEtor of loWldty Citioe.] gn;lpel'ceivc <hast vcmj' atuidôtln ( paptr te T imea, bas tatou Lthe lib'erty te sýoii5. Tme Editor tinta falt with tcl course khtich I tonceiéi iLte bu my dut>' tgok aithe bu Cuncil, lu meving liii-a speZ cial'Committue te luvustigatu the maLter, bre e lue uoo'f the Couxuittite on priutlng ixati eu referrut teCommi teof the whiolu. MFy feagenàt<or meving for Lime spociai ConirtIt d*ëe LWd-d.l'In ut<le fritpisbce, Isaw pubh'ubed in Lime limes your piiting aucount in detailanti s sUite- atut e! witLtLhe Timel deul1o-td 1e bhave been overeb.arge prerio C/ <o IutC Cm. raides ma piating reportinq g te sCoeaii cil; andti bcing awarue!ofa timmui-. cimai-ge ,havine; bcen mmmd6 1'Ly te ZIûPles iaaL yur, og-ainet the Tô*ol pninters, ant i'vîicit ou inestigatien Lilfncd eut tsi bu iiuîrtect; jutgieg <bu pi-userà Iby ltý la.t, i ednsi- tired IL but niffiutoLehiavii tfrii acceount, ana time statemunts atainst sud itsupport of iL prdpëiil>' iivësiItd. My scdiid re.ison %vas tat I sn'v bbC cbiimàn c i Print- ing Cominittee nueve te .has'e bis report adatpted w'itmout diacuafliun; tvitirlgoing iet ttutrilîc(;.fIthe Nismle, as is ms-arm- bly doné on rupotts cof a simmilai naimue. Andi I migili mud andîluen iusti, <baàt I 'vas a'vre freminy w>' wupursonai.kuicis- uedge, that ai theileullierg o!fLtme ri-tig Committec linatinet lièeu callet lguh o e mate oup lime repent; jn tact, t onue cf titen liati no notice mm'atevun o!fLthe meut- in-~ o!f<bue toer L'o iuomuners o!flime Coin- Wbon the NMayor remindeti the CLair- in o! the PriuîLing Ceomitîe LtaI L i- as usmmai te o 0imteCeuunihtec cf the 'vîxlu cox ail reports 'vimiclo tru-ateti on icone>' Irans- actionsu, I thon mittmîew m>' umotion-ju Lime exporatin that LIme cxplatîatious o! th' Cimairunan of thme l'i-titig Comeinittue', 'vouiti bc foun aclstisfactery te bbe Couu- cil. But 'vben Ibat gentleinon mm-s mskuil the reason Otatal he umembers o! the tommittCli 'vert mmol calledti ogetuxer as1 usua1 bu répliedth iat buo'vas net going le notif>' thorm te atîtnd,l'y mail, or otmur- mm-ie, unie.ss tut>' cheose to do se et theji- iewmo adeorti. ln fécî t limiainuns argu- ment muent teý the exteuit; tîxal the otiter memiters e! the CcuIidittéi± éIould mîiaays huve fierekiîowludge of thme bopi anti place (thnough n spi-it mumi, perbas,) wben lime Cbsirmen intaindet t investigate pi-- imag aecount SI But peÈhaps thbe ist0f aill'vas 'vmen te iMayor asteti teChai-inu buexpuain huo' lie arn-ced aI lime ccrrectue.éi cf the ecmarges suad tvercharges; anti mvbhen ttit gentle- man (alibecgb previcus>' meviîîg bcntiopt the report *lthout discus-sion) replieti that lue 'vas nul <heu preparedtaegivu <lhe iu- formaionm, bumai <at il the Conmuitbee woulti risé andi asi hua-ce to ait migati, bu 'oult bu pnupa-ed.to foirush tihi neceFsat>' infor' iatiouasia t h Ifàsincutiug o!f<bu Ceuneil. Ilait the Cbhoirman of thme l.rinîlrig Coin- suittxil t tthe Ediîuu cf lime - 'fier tol mieasmîre the work, et gi-cen iiatrmarioiis Le tbe TownuCier c he0lai-e it doue; wiieme 'vas thîe neceissit>'l'nforldenuiug limrte lruLh? Wb>' not t jufunin bbeC:Uncil o! ai! the< fadas, sud sIlow' Lie malter tob eal'etit Lbas te 1Ceuncil saw fit anti rpnedr Iu <bu absenre o! n>'saitfacter>' lu- fui-maLien frein the Cý,hai-inuo! the pi- ngy Codtntttée dg t h e crrecLess onriin- ei*fcties of. te accoout-anti 'ith n tuuwidgu eof! 'v ita reviou;l>' teck place, I considur myscht fullyjustiflet in pursouing Lime course. 1 titinu mumuvioog lot thacappoiut- ment cf a SpecWsiOoimamittee, wlbe- 'vouiti 'vititoui fusor furv« d t d eir'thity anti la i ail ima1uforuati !i ýthiirpA esi r'h -Govarm à thie Globe-d4111' pi'sets. If ic (IWIves ýpi>'oseone epitaufs-te <eli;gl-Iboai laies of( -z titem,bitmoia't-ho wrcught up te -a pitchof 'vitwoi Lne w ucras #Uttè-s3hea fPpeaymt i te patm'ioic fuir>', fifome t urns poliicàa- kiooÉo the'iýeqmiémenots of Lintiley MiLf- er Tid hTie spieeh cf M. Cay$oy, on bnaý f.iamit i$mdeo(tGstuk ing unp it budget, makes almi-sion te Lime a vile stench inêià&tuntiantly joistillos lthe deaperaté gfamepooranuti b>'the fleur r *v flt e otapJ3iaop lugies *hocharacter.- t- pitmaate -si-bse misrepreteafLtiona5Mr.i'%ed i hm as tb. niiforaeneiy of,uig r Slui'*ll i indebtidWfr lisinW ae,~ah ltttmoaiu ftl fumselfi and as&his words, hmfraaign ytethi -Fish pf 0511 arc siewortia>'o! repititiomi, 1 senti ynu titi- adaiet r l rlinl'-alI ite e ËUs and' cpassges, viz: tho exordîuma ni<apr- deeuss1tr~a.~yds t ration. After reitinugth 'ffimultieof hi, th o yb à ?éda *~la sm smlc~ If cent niml.iy troubles it tlig IUpltiSta150tes 4presoMî l/hey eb0cts -andEuarope, ho procepd-mA; - héhisemthdpll is. 4-jtxOr Bfut tlIose< arc mot La<the nl i>' 1.çe -agait wbic tliiydof"ant- 4 -tn-attemut anidméut djumgilitta .é n'gs E * W o ur apcèe &Ictrt .The, uxpedition starts cti or Weidnç-;day next. edinaycolPlultsfr'u ýAn atteapt liLd been made te & to r '~ré~r&v rechud nan corph~n fro i!e Lord Castlemuaiti ut Atin ~~~~~~~~~~~ aufr' reTootads former attendant on bispea otherPet Offices as to the irregular de-. bY.a11 em.' livery of OUd paper, and from subscriberi,, .rlv or tbehe !i~a. who recuive no paper sorie weeks ut , Jun Officm- . WC request the attention Of Post SL Masteés td tic rnattcr. Our paper is niailcd The Royal mail steamshîp Pe;-ja j(% on ednsda nghts o r iuri- tathJtdklne, froîîî LiverpoolonS ;4râ reguarlyeic 2til inist., fwas boarded off .Y, day ffiornings,bet,6ie niàil hour, each vweek; a8ocok aîdye cape Race wu arc vcryr partîelatr on titis point, and steamer aurayevni. atiy gubgeriber net rocciving the likronield ews yaht of the s niaewlpres. y~ regularly in futuro at lits Poït Office wiî l syct lteascatdpes pICaQ ptif us atonce ofthuféî't. The Péririà las 128 passengers for N R seen froi tiesubjoined 5'.>!limary Of 1, The Tiires persista in repeating its falsu- points. bciods about the Town priîtiflg. It is 3a lTbc AtLantir, Te!ewrapliaNet salueél villiandusi attcn1i t ii coin a braizuhlie intO1 the 1Qkh;. the cold'r of trutit; but U <Ytlsdn. TeMau~»arf luct ci Therc' tg.!ldlii iaxiffi, tit ."a lie stands at nine o'clock on thielOthi. Theýîij? upof, one teg-,truth uptin twoi;" and the lut under1 steam 't etelÃŽen o'clock. Tàý Times has not aecceedud. The Town squîîdron subsequently started under ~> Counicil hàve refustd td' credit the state- vas with a northerly breeze. nients of he TiéÀe, and, at preidzit, tht is The 4Goyernunent will despatch a steiltf quite enougli for our purpose. Fewý hoiýles to Triîîity Dav, to pilot. the ANkrgura 14 mnen will bu inclined te Laite the word of a neài* ns pf'WcUblu Ltu le point ivhereit t piinpingi infJ1iýn1e1, that gdes underhanded dét-flbdto land the câble. Thez A'ig and liea.-nd other word will do--about a will bc expectod momentarzly, on <dat felIlow-tradeSrelatl'g accounits, -in order to un- neî.L week, but froin tie fact that<the Éýe deriainotbrmn lila business: Thataiîneni- wotild use no steam in reacbing* the midh 'i ber di the Press shiduld bc found guilty of of thu Alantie . i¶ ta quite èsil tattl> P3 odiotis a charge, we heyet- could, have iýVjtja lu i a>ch tbi.i coest btrr bâlieveod;- and althôu;,h a ciý,ajurL- wbo the lst of July. This office haM been ph: Ides the dirty work lfor a very dirty slhuet ced in communication, wikh7 hecoffiE 'a& ira the Town of Wbitby, bas se dcmeaned Trinlty Bay, sand st ls undcrstood that the hiirrilelt, lbe will not, wo fuel pcrsuadedi 'rulegrapa Cdnip<îy wPilac Uer w flnd an 'bqual amongs! th,,; gentlemen of the hencu to NÇew Yr7k at the service or UIý Canladiîn Presaï. pruss and the public, for ihe- tr.ansiniss!dli rOuft ccil corredt-S us and ettyl ti th± a of sucli cornmmtnications,,ccnnected wi fcliow ior the Tirncus-nan; 15 to'bu fourndin 'thý great ent, as îuay bu handedd in trd the IlC.,blbnge-head of the Odîawa P'enny few days subsequent -te the arrivai of im iiile. Wé accupt the correction. wètkl ueofaeamrs A nuw îYý-yUnofsemr of wbic Srîros ce!iN~-liWediicsd,.y last, 1 tie iidie, Luqiire, formerly, the Uniitl 16tH ingt.; e Mis. Buon; of AXslburin WI5 .States, icthe phiYneti', e*' reidy foroperrt*- driving home from Uxbridpi Fair, bier tien. '1l ifie la1àu Emnpire with the Cdlj-. horse took friglit sid rau. away %Yith hêèr, iai arnd unitcd 1 States %ai , otfld e throwing ber dut of the buggy Gîdeiu-(alway for Ilalifai and New York Ont Frfi. ly lnùimm er, and id it mmt buen for the fv She is e.ýpectx-d to run frenom.4W4 tprompt as:istance rendered ber in lier pcr.- to llalifax in eight days. 1 iîi,us situatiesn, by Mr. WVillianf BoLîter, of Tite tenius upon ivtich.thie Cagliari affii~ Uxbridge, ahu, ivithout doubt, %woul*d1 have ltaw ie itte f4I~e~ bllolv :--ata sufiered mucb more severely tta she (dii. aruees to coimpetis&tc thèengihi<i Tfie horâe ran into IEpàou, brin)gÏng the neers witb £3,000 to plaé6_tYme Uagliariif , buggy witl hinm, but nt, passenger, and Mr; the di%;po.sa1 of Qucen VbXd,6Aian <d tf Boîster, prompt to î5bey the dictatus orf rate thc- Sadan -isnr oiiih humanity, set out to search for thu ili-fated -fi çtîeprupftrLtionm- going on ~ driver, when te bis sur-prise ho fiound it France attract the attention of-lie EngE'slý 2 'vas Mrs. Bolan, whose huad was severely, Pilrliarneit cut and ber face coverud with bloud, aind la the LTotiee of! Co.dms; Mr: ja.&racit v most certainly she presented an aluriming repddiaicil ailtfda cfthe vraige picturu. Mr. Boîster deservus nmuch praise with France, andsaid Lime relations cfth for he mmuiat su timly ssianc totwo powers were of the inostamicable na: a loue fémalu in distress.. Mis. Bolan is ture. Mr. Fitz#ýraid 1ud stated iw+.n improving rapidly. Iloue of onou bthu31r. Masonthe Amurican, 3m111 erutlansbored-entier1 The Canadian M ail Stca nsiip Indian" grv e m isa pÈiehefiin S- in representiý9g Captain Jones, saileti for Liverpool, >on Sa- Eiradaoi'h â aô turday last witb the mails andi passe ngcrs. cîîghmnda acuitscing ztèfe ao movemeut. The "Indian" takes the right. Win- of the Th atsroiom yrcivdbt1- 100Lh R<igiincut-, consisting of 45() minn, gip rmMla r eUa2s tMj anti ~ ~ bufldigdles-Colonel 'u Rot- The fBritisbhIutd entire possesýon of PTLao1X; tenburg ; Captains McCartnuy andi Clark; m nnydsre aeUa h rih Lieuts. Versturuîe, Hlereford, du I1leieu aai uillc, Carrier and Duibesnay ; Ensign -aprchd nGuawse- o pecteli n a few dai. Oudle-was quietbg doutl Adjutant lices*, Quarter Master on irnt;dou Bank of France had incrcased its l FÉurer ly the Vanderbilt@ specie iiearly,70,000,000 frncns in a xont. STite Spansh journals say that conchas NKW Youx, June k reîins Goveruior Giencral- of cuba. The steamship Vanderbilt arrived ti a 1 1 isuniderstandiug hettaven -lustra mdLn o dock this moriiin g. Appirent ime to France ivas o6nsidered imintent. the liglitalip, wds 0 days Vii houris the ,quickeat wes te 0as&iÉç on record. Heavy LVROL~fEr- b oz-g ÃŽfYtati' betWeun Cape Race andi Mtintaluk Point, eausing seroes delvs. Saturday, Jane 1-2, 1She reports the *eather Ilovourabie.for the CY TONM AKET. -Cotton had declined 1suceessfu 1iayig dowrm of the cible. - -aA& 1A_1 1.. 12 1 At- for r Te, pae commercialth <shasmportan otion timi o! the. general noirs, visn(lape Rnc. q Iu the Bouse f Couirouu5 ouf ite 7th i iust., tue resolusion ir e a. peitmujent l cf a Commucil et frein 1.2 to 18 members te i ffoist LImei udian Mintsi->' was couiidereti. nd Mrt Oladitdui tôived te umnend ISlyappoint- are- inag Lia. Court ofDVirector -of te BaetIn- b dia <Cimpnry tlbc e . m fCounciL The. smnnett vasIdst b>- 263 gaifitt116-.~ Sie#i ihttditmnnts 'ers rlegatived. te riesr1t closine' du d. stet

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