THE ~WHITUU1jRRNILE THUR8DAY MORNINO, CW Next »oor to tihe RegiâtwY OMOO-e riETEIR1S OF ' su11acÇRITîo ONT EI _& Witby will bc t2 por 4m~1II, +%bove ten linos, tr! Omrin .. _08 Everysubseuquoi n Tuertion, (par lino). . 02 A literaI di>conîît allmwed to Morc1Ââ,nts andi Viis pupcr lias aireati -un lmnsneoi lation Ilu t-he Couuity, bliîe sbomirond-isv ovory bu- sinesse înwi iii W htby asii se 1Ihty, a botter advertsiln ediusn vctldnetlbe soecured Inlutiis loeeiflty. Ali1ivlovertisc or thiuik we1Iof do- beur notie. 'No peper m 11lie discoltntidufntil alarrear- eges are Paid 11P. Itetters euoloinq bdifrg~eed illc ut bu rlak oft îtFlie tblihers wthcîoadîesecd - Wlîit-by, C. W B00K-'A" sSQJOB PRINTING ESTABILISHIMENT- TUE PlIOPRIETURIS OF TUE WIIITBY imode tv I je 4 .1 ' 1 fiotNCw Yori-n uaddi- 1 Litei- off e n i proieprd to extetste 9K AND JOB PRINTL'NG 0I lievry deriptPýion, tutilaaiîîtee that work ivwlllb;d1i lie inclu s -ttptier style ut thbe lowest reiunrttinnitr1hts T' he >P -1-ttrs ltttvttjinrç, oteifl t Pb1G cL LY C. luRDPRESSES!1 wbIlb enailis theto tirtn out t-ard aud tir- ouwlilu avortycx - ii u-tunor, Tliserhbave1 Qi h(ttldla ilm-ge ýi- hc or 'hhîîsu ancy (ards, .8tutloucr,% &le., wldcht ttuu>rlt lttutery low rates, ?î-iuI't tt u ' trti t- tt h- tt u. priceà tkukdl la tise shi-îrtUh te t -e. 1lîh(l (NS & -MAY hEIl 1 -I-EII. mutWhb , ' - .~h- 4 t With ,alm -Pinbt-adwor4e, prat thoughts anM< utrlà tIsWIY, V VOL* 2@ P. G. FEUGUS, M.D. &c.,,TRENTON, CAI<AnDA 2r CHARLES PAYNE, A UCTIONEER, I, ANCHIESTE>',i REACU, Collîîty et Ont-tsi-l. 24 ALBIEURT PRUKG, U UCTONETli, &--, &c., EPSOM, TOWN- mhip os' lt-aci. 3 A. PRINGtÉE,- M Ii('IIANt TAILOR, I3IImCK STREE, TpHOM1AS DEVEUELL, BU ILD1)E lt-i c. d&c., GREEN STREET, B Wliit-by. C. W.- - ___ INTIERNATIONAL JMOTEL, MANILLA IMOTEL, IIPO -I'ttS, ATF. tJOU-LTIIAIIDS COR-- .Nni-a. dJ.-ito Maititi, Pt ovitet-ur. 28 OAKWOOI) TIOTEL, A'KO(), WBAN,,Pl<9t-RIETOR. (0)(300a acQtmmiimiitioistfur traillers.538 ONTARIO 1IIOTEL, i-f NVDEI, P'h)l1tE'OlhCumi-rges t-o iTti - ti utleofgtthiret('htt e HURtON IIOUsE, 1mmli-Tiii TBSI , t. Wv,, -usts trr)tP5IZOLt-u PRORs-rmT(R- WH-ITBY,,C. W.,_ýT]fLIIRSD. OX8TER ORYSTAL BALSOON, ,4,' 1!5ýIvallace BualdIngoi Yeng tretLoono.Choico Liqssora, Cg&a BEVATNS & DIZON, Troronto, July 15, -1857. 2 PORT IVEM19Y. !'IE udarenet igsta lsforui hie frions -rand he puble, that ho la uow in poaoeton ot thoe bove Hotu!, the business of which, ho will lu fqturo eerry --on, on his nwui account.- Good Liquonq, Wiues and Brandies, Excellent Stabling. Carcfui attention for man and bsorne. EDWVARD IRAY. 9,hitby, May th, 1857. la WESTERN i IOUSE, OIJRDAR ATRiUT, WiIITiY. rriI E ABO'E PREMISES FhAVE BEEN hitopeued bv tennderigucdwherc Tise Bouse id well fnbrnihed,woll kept, aud thse aloçiua~p1tmntr»monuYsd airy. Thore tn ývtbIcStaliu-,ani thse best att-en- tien a-adto nuai e-i.Those ir-aoom la Large sud etuweuent. iand wel anpjslied with tlie Itest WtVîsa, LiquorsandtstiCigitrs. Baud- aumely fitted up sittiug rooms for private par- MIICHIAEL McCAULEY, ',Gî A-îîltmlîti.RAILROAD 15USJt, ArIlIII )f(Oi t((RNEIZ OF BR(i(K AND I) tNDAS Ste., RAIh.ROAD IIOTEL, c Nlhistv, (Lat-, Wi]cocauns.) Tise Su1- i-' lIWINiI. IhlR1ml'iIET0II, l3IOCK ST. Coi-ler be V mua"mîsnue t-o tihin habit-ants of 1. h i Ltî - U ttut l iititg astd ttet-ecOs- iVlit-hy, cddtheotruvtIfin' ctsifsîunlty-, t-alm ie LIM i tmttT\ , SUIt-OGATE bs_____ le_______tchs leuewhchb ~IJC msrtOTh o t- (tti-tlitut-t-. - -__________ lias fitted u[iinilus ien anti omirienieut imaneur. --onD; ONTAhtitthe-IO IlOse.11TE L, -Afie-.îiltlieiveisttioo.Di- BEY tN -jr lti-m)ttlIEilhl. ies-s Liitm-ht-tî-,&., cn cuit h at nt aînsnents NE1ZSO1'ý G. ItEYNOLDN, Bii- Y t-A NSj îBtîîîiZZatt-i-rt- ttice. Alî Liqtsoi-akejî st l tepretiiselt are Cl ~ ~ ~ A Vjltt'.~ j01'IE. I'T E COURT -t-leic ttht(ý-. 1 1 iiastdtls qîîmtmrtd' tîie(sae s ito ___ --__ _________TIlt IMAS DOWNING. - --- - -- ----- ESPLANADE JIOTEL, Iltby, Mai-iili1t-hi, 1157. 8 JOIIN lIA31 PlAîtlIVT, -ClNT STREET. TemtlîN'Tl. GîDEON - ___ T) ZGIt'lAh! <FII tO lut-lCEST., FMi Ii-uier. l'i-prictI- i <Ett-'tthie Mair-et. ROBSON'S IOTEL, lt-m~~~ oppmosy.i qq ite tIti t il Gîta b liilthtîtÀ -ssilt-,l l ii91,11 cmutt-m'.SIîtt, s, urTar, < _ ____- - (tNX TISE LEADING STAG F. ltAD htAI.F Il. J. I1ACI)ONCI.L. <QOKE'S IIOTEL, x-J ay hýetmwociî Wlîtt-y id Uxbridge. Tis CLEIZK tOF THt E CE t-l-CE-ýlALATE îîr,Suît-', I Iiliats Iti-c reottued auîd ftiniseictiiiunes-- t-lin ou't 1urqise - ID xAP.W 'trtalIle accoinitotti- clut-uit-style tir thie aeetiisiitît(atiots ottravel- t)IT. -l ut il-i-,fi-ai -lusr. - _ i-s Evory attetionluut jtid (mitravellere, sud 1,EIK (F T1E moUNTY Co I) DR. A. W. UAMBL , htîîi-scUR. AN Gct-cszedyitlor adways lu attend- C eRegilt-I u Ti_1iiia- tutt. Otttt t - M 11h11IL lt NTI . mL ., it: t me iiI vlà - aie.4- t-he Rgix~ 'tce,[l-te Stltel.ueltîltitit îr,-î, . i-ttfclIllnd idui Lt- -&V. -NELON FALLS iIOTEL. 11 C.ciiltt u hi 'et- ogtî itil > cU ILLIAM MRIlýRltRET0l.- A1. E. (tATLI Ir,ÃîtkUî t N* __________ W___ 1This Ittel i, urianod isn Otcsllciit- style % V. PAXTFON, Jri., - tt-ALKEIZ é, l>,\ tRt(N >1It-I-ittdtot-t îutuiuttul t--iixîT--i-r ue fils- ITSEASt-jLjht. 0 I-Chi Xî Il E Ct-mUETI iV t-ni-. oe nier If Vttîi,c itîil Pr-uit-St-i-et, n- nntt tti. t- s ais iiisaisad. kFi-hins- il. J. 31WI)ONEL.L, VElU SALOON. ty-tJ - st-ii-TîI I RONSIN lIOUSE. s OLCITOIt-, &Ç.-uEKmo filHE (tot'NÃŽT -luCt.lIEm IEc'yti -nRatattcsTi- _________ J s t-itlttitht . olirti- t-tic 1tTtti 1.>e-lt N ONL'O OK ND K Com ei.ilji'tt- lteuu-t luuts - -~ t--ct- o ..-. l'ièthet;. î tii-iii King C. JtSsl.IN,.i'Ii,multtETotl ; 11115 I I -i m il hoc. U * hiotel 1- t-ljarg-et- lu tite Iroviîiea, and-t OU T F IEAT TuIE I lV - - - - - t )u-scs cà fitolities toa it-iiding tîtperlor aceorr- CÛUNà ENI lŽEt-À. 0F~iCE u ÃOIN IIETCLI',tutI u1tit bt-sui-tttraelit-g public equai tu tle t-'JOmNl lIuit-V, beti Eii-oî to hit s lmb, ai- to amîy otlseaubuiaui - b.I-AiIIXIS,~LECK m0Fnl --vî >\StI OIT nit ltti u the liiteiranCi'-Outiaeut-. fILERK E Fll-VI Dl tht-ION t t mUT. OFFICE, s-~c îî-ie ic t-i tm-itt1 iuk d----- -- ~..~m-t~ i~ t- mtiiti ii îttm TUIE TERRAPIN. "1> GiIODE, r IIE PI'IOPIIETORt 0OF TîIIS WEIL M Er.('11.\»T IX lt-m1 5-1 h- I b t kiiomit l ttîî-i-c tsv i-tît-Ocon samionoh Kinz'Mret Estt4 nti Ir.NICIIJ.AS, ing ârut oronto, - ~ ittu t-otfattliuXî Crritît-e15- --lt - e-Ty kept- -' Mi-. liai-er. Tise pi-cuses ___________________ --r î i -te-ii -les lvrenî tîtcsl Il rougIiout-, anti -- - - - FRANKLIN JIOUsL. fit- Iclu-i tii-cýt t-e-c Evr-iotuile - W, Il, T1J< L 1 'YI NE1, LINDSAY, C.iW. dl z-> lit se4Ls.-i. A ar ai tit-an'flt-ted ip se- AR U ýî'il 1 j)t T (Il'y lRV >F..WT. lcltlEoi.m l'O'-ii-teî ito wiotimâe but ttebest brad htt -i-tltS i-tiIli-Ti J , t-t-mi ttctlnit-slai-oti oi- îx -ittiited t-o enter, - ii1«- CARILISLE & 3kcCO-4KEY. Ȕoa--tuo mîît tt-hîil',Jai.21, l'-Iw. 1 - ----------L _ i. V. ui,-- WELLINGTON IIOTEL. ~ Stt-e-, wt-cv> - . - - ~ IE iitil PSr--t o prcil.T rsenttproprietor ut t-le aîLot-c t-i 5-,N'O IIJ I'huidx.s-e - a~atî-î& >.u--i Ile t-ut ttitosait.'-hü. ,, tsuew y pcepesred, pai S I r 2 -- t-i--il tutilitted up i-l th e et etýle t-o ttit put-tic ,Uiit -. - 11.41I OADI) IOrEL, (ast- etîa uimîe.Tiavèhberui i(1vssut-ors lOt--N S-ILIl t<;5,l'tttTPaRtir. ml isiraite e r s-rbt acootnni'mdtiton and a t-- ~ »Il t-mîN-Res u2î;truîAni tCi iiu' iet 'n Iontise Cars. - - - mu cItera5. tiond tl nîîl aît ndulattenîtive 05- Gout Il Il î S z i, and Oatte ti e e s, A.SL-It, l A, ire. *5JOILlNSTON GRIAHAM, C TIXE 1'IA1' -iLCt')lI"- __ 10 - Propictor, I1.Gttt-',kîIvisyanlee-r, &e - Main strt, ADELPIII. -_____ - -________ ltorisan. j ~TO. 37,CH-UIt-CHSTRCEET, AD- ALM4 MOTEL, ME~St-~l t-ViL~N & IiL GSToi-ont-o, C. W.- Luitxii-iservin u iHIE ABOVE FIR ST-CLASS It-OTEL la nom S ltitXJi~ dc.dx'.W'itli' ( - sensmo. T -s'lv &en-ns-lel toi- thise oemiuiotatioa os' tI ihli- ii iit-ii dxÇ Slsheri-u. tebit-, 42 FRAtNK ANIJERSON. vnuit-ors. Tiset-ot-cl haiins-beau formerl y kept J Wlso, liut5y;VIllittius-- -)tawa, .5 -- - - - --on Temperance priiîiçsý-utSpi-it Licence bhas, -- MISS P. BRY AN, boen obtahuod, Erery ttetioit puild ta tra-eh-- N.(i H.t1,INUS O t-t1E Nle, and t-liehuisecat-aumodation prarideti fon TARISTII!AND) A'V'TîIINEY-AT-Li. 1 sCmN.-t -it- nii utilo-me j.> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Lî 4ttuesr- -i tliioh..tleoEq,-~an Owiuiis in at-nacne t-o anti frumu app-mt-o -tc st-h--t tmiic, i-u S. 1~ ~~PlN -)F0TE,,~~ theCauraeof s'charge. 17 .Cuenoron £t-IiseSaelI& Dit-booS, at- ler F&tliera ro-tîcuice, Bit-rtsStreec h --it-htJ . A-N lx.I.TR.LSAT 4IAW. I JG H FE bITZ, QUINN'S HOTEL, t-scCont iomuiil I Ofie wit-~m~'IN MUSIC, TUE NO- e uiIt A--55ttuTSTRtEEi-, at-tise Coltrt 'ltt -toitl 'ag f ice i ai- fraisa 10 tnitil -. -- - - 48 Ja.J rt'-unsil 'luo Fort-e laruneuîy bO W EI R T OW'N Q UE BE C. -tîtrottlxît ht-ua nid et? kitîda of I7o8t t e ho t _a nibuttot Ledieg andet ppogitr t'i i-t- aiil- Uba reeicte tmti-oePulîils nt- lt-ir hu- tihAND vîSîrulIS tb«-ote An ARRTRI, or is reidé--e.4t) RAVELIERS ADmiSIi lutstspesn u-- tte eCab tsînd,) iu'-uiit- tPI5 IIENRY J IILP, comniudatioit tMot-ici-sc ciai-goet-the acle __________________ - J PIIILIPS, iot-ol. Thse hqtmel t-s rai-y conuititcuitly situateti t-t-~YLLIMPOW~ON, T) ANS lFmOlTE M1XjFAC- -ucai- t-Se Bmiulx,Ste.iiisba heut- mlîunds'o in ONEVA'C-d- &,,c, ANIESER tIiier -Torotot-d. o j tI uýjnsplaices ottîso Cit p ReasInstumen svairat-teuh. t-smld l'tiop fi- Cats procurableealse and dinukablo. Visitai-e mit- W. Q orapp-osolc-elt-. ian, Tnedtilhboair- fin every attent iin pitto their- coifoi-t anti l>tle-tCA.N titIIIGON,&c. -t-a - ouvenieuceat-tierery informatuonsand direction ftaidaoet.iel totilei iy Jas llodg-- 'oiSalo Clîaap, souno beauîifiît V- oct-eso, as te t-ho aurrounidins- tocalit-le, principal places ______ - 18JOHANNA QUINN. Di-. I. W. CLAÀ%RK, FRANCIS KELLER, JPri-onhtor. foi-t-ha Coutst-y o'mutiii Drfi. CIIlCKLE Y, I ESTDENCE, Bt-tm mK iIET TOWN OF- RWit-ty, -Clunt-y tf otitai-to. 1 WILLIA-N TEMYPEST, SM. D. - t-NG S £EtT, QSýIIA WA, CANADA j WVe-t. 17 J. . AGN"WM. D. THbYSIC1IAN, Sttit;tmACUIEi -~ ~ ~ - -l0- JNES T,ý OAil ]DENTIST.~-iFlUE BIN BROCK ,LjSreet, ors- J iýriciemw's Store, sund opposite t-t. Rga-Ir' Ofie. Iloperat-îons marrtint-tI. ,troien, a fati- tii, AliIOS W. CRON, ~ ~It~ETCIVIL ENGÉNEER, AND t-lstae Agouit, 'bittIy. 1 IJ. FROIVD IEAVEN, À-UIIIUTECT AN D CIVIL ENG INEII, 0 ' t-rPi, WItlbY. Estinaetee natie 'kindsos' ma3ea i-work ètaiefnily at-ton-- PlIMANDER M. CLARK, -IItHCONSTABLY 'IIOUXTY ONTAIO, .1-jg"lmeutr oh Ltcouses inuthuaMuniipal- M ~1 . CLARK, lv -cT Ia ti& CO., N 1TAîILOIt, No. 74, RING ST, 10 t Ç. A:.ANNISTER. - <*%IUGIST.. DRUGS$ AND-CIIEMICALE - 5~~>ye ~uffsColore dio.,' ai- TSURANCE A-NI) GE.SELAL AGENT, 1WIVitby. Agitut-for t-le ProviucW u ausr- suce Con msjy ls t-hie C ofostntai-lu. tri e-Vct-riliihdsueBrook Street-.i :2t-Juder t-he Clironiele Ot-icZke.éà A. C. WILSON, p INTR GL AZIEIIAND P P ER.- O J OT AND 5110E MAKER, BROCE, 1-St-i-et-, Wtit-by (udet- door t-o T.i Dojiwulag'a Bal-ced Motel.)' Repaire noatly doua, ati work of uit kinti oxeoutet inl goodstyle, ant inl a workinssllke munuer. 9 J. W. CbALDWEL4Ln ROWJ!, CONVEYANCER, &c., COMMISIONER INl CC. P. & lIL. Landi, Division Cou-rt- -Agent &o. Offic-one d4or- Nortis 'of A. 1). Weoe' Prug Store, Jxbridgo, Q 0- 25 RuT1itieFQR» &SXN~ (LAvTE Z, TPYEL,') 5 ND ù54INQ 8T E WSTTO ton. BÂST WINDSOI ifOTS, WIITBY,, 1 WV. GA »»-, aiOMIt5l05 't'etiÈ6d' Htella i-neut-etiin à pleaaut ans , oPrtt-hé Toma, onthfrn o. Good aeconu 0tlton 19r -travellere, Qooti Ltbis at t-eleoeSt-ers. £- 2 FAU*ks' OTUL,, st-aiseCotiCasrnu . GLOBE IHOTEL, BRtOOK-LINf. JOB Wml"Ioz 5Â050 1w H13 OLDu itt-SE AG.UNe T RE nudiereigneti bas agalu reennso ioees- Io f tise above wcli kuowu lot-el, thicis yU ho isondpet-d as fonoerly mit-htise'striet«et pi-- pit-y aud regard for tise comufort iit cad coui- oncef athle-publie. Tiseproprictor assunres bis msuy fricada t-bat cvmeryt-sii matie ra- a s forraorîy t-o ent-or- tain tisonsut tise- Glaisa hîtoie, mttia the vs il hc perîoasly preisent t-o give them anei a r- ception MAseW" hii>ot. Tie h<suse>-bas 'beautborousglly papered, painteti andi rezivateti,-anti8le I luevei- respect ln'ucusat- snuuner eseto -i= -afc vit-h th-o le« A tii-rut blesa OoC ai Boa.JDSEP-U WILKIKSON. BrWkin IT]3~%~ -d-9 ta olua*rm a let-doaa nt t-e-sePl"b VIENAé AEt4, tyjR unitien etisasing -beitaoîte ga i- for e Nde'o thsi er Iouia nt tme-xteuaoiso mille.ohMoeui Bank!hî thât his e oirpreparoti t-o fui-niaIs Meltià tg. anti Rotulen genei-ahly pI rates quit-aistom sa lt-eau bcefo-mas-teatfoi'iatit D ego Thg Plua- or ut any ôf te iorth sho 5-at1W1Mi- chasai- suite. Tise ollowieg anaysa atftbus flateorepa eti by t-ho ment- asinont Cheunsith -e (t-y oh Noir York, is'proof of hle superior 4ùliItias of t-bis article over any at-bar nowIn ust-ee ilI bave analysati a spmolnexuoh l iîVlsa Ploater or Gypssis," sud aIeo apecirnoo IlCa> ,gat-" ant Il Onontiagu Plaster," anti And t-hem t-a ysold rospottely as toltoma: VIENNA PLASTES. Sol pbat-a of Lima ............ 70,92 Car-bonat-e of Line ..- - -.....4,45 (Carbonate oft Magnesia---------..1,50 Alumina .................... 2,48 Siice ....................... 1,84 Protostitie cf lu-a.......-------21 Wate-r-------------......- ....18,88 Los----------------------... 29 100,000 New York Mai-h lotis, 1857. jÀmis I. CHilLTON, M. 1)., Chemùt. ONO7IDACA PLASTEIL- suilit of Lime-------------...83,20 Sutiphuret of Mine--------------..1,01 C'arbsonate of Limue--------------..,30 carbonate of Magnesia...........10 AI ituinla---------------------..... Silica--------------------.... Water-------------------.....22,10 .. .. ..e.. . .. .. . .. . 24 CÂtYL'OAPLASTIL q-ulplieof Line--------------..50,40 Sul phuret of Limie......... 2,00> Car ouate of Maguesia---------..8,80 Silice . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 440 Proto-xide ot Iran-------------.. 2 Water-------------------.....18,50 New Yorkl, Aiil 9, 18512. JAM ES IL- CHILTON. M. D., Chemiot!' 1 Tt appean r icitise above anulysix th&t thit Vietina Plester" le ittijiorlor fur land to that of thes Il Caytugu,"'or 14Ouoiudagt," inasumuelà a* it coitain. t-hc largetper ceutage of tise IlSulptate -Of bLute ' whicblaxtise most iseu0ficlal property ini land I'lat-r. CHIESTER DRAPER. WItit-by, April 14, 1858. 13-3m. Piano-Forte'e nmade Tuneetiand s-e 1 paurad. - fr p E UNDERSIGNEI) BEG TO INFORM It-hie iîhebitsubm of W huity andth -le vicnty Lud tise puli e ýenerally t-lut they have opeucd a ncw liranchi oh butine5siu tise Towu of Wlîtithy, wbich enîbrace tise maufactnrbtg, tunimsg andi repairiflg of imusical insti-nuents. Pi1ano-Fortes ,msîiîfactured t-o ordeci-,4Iso Accordleous, Mulodeous, and all kinde fntra The attenstion of part-ie lut-le Tuwn ie parti-i efitlhy re9uetedt te flic ceuivetueut factiity nomw %vithiin tlýîttis- ic, of htavinth ier Pianos Me- lodeons. At-eordctu;, keptproperîy tîisetj sd roptireth ut tiseir o-niireelences sud çwitisout trouble or annoyane o t tcmeele, Tise objeet of thleanudersiguicd islt-o give (full publiaesatis-i faction triaitht-be> exptet t- e oatuail thserdeal- g - FELITZ & RAINER, P'iano inaket-e anti MacLe Toeeeue Howard '-ctae-ceai-tise Heni-y atreet ehool. :e- Leeitous anti and instrutctions - given in itsa as lîcret-ofoire. t-Vitby, May 10, t-S-S. 1 LAW 1 LAW 1 ýILAW tI1I JW. C'ALDWELL BROWN, Convoyan- à cà r, (tniaoinl C. P., &e, sud D - vision Court Agent, Iegs t-o iuftorf.ut-le li-hi-h taints cf El-teous-andthe tlicarressudlng ueigisbor- htotds, that ho hast openeti au oflico ut ?i-. Tisas. Etîglisue llot-cl, Epeomu, irore ho may bctfouti ci-ery Weduestday, tromn t o'oloI!k, a. iu., t-o b, mn:fully- prepured to'dram aay istrumnît of trîtsug t ut inm u ar;qutred, ete-has Moi-t- age.-4, Deede.4, Wifll, Liss, Ai-bitrton Boude, Flinttçol 2Mort-ae, Bille of Salle, Boude, Agie-c ss-.oîtt, aisd vory ut-ber deseriptioms of Convey- :tisciug kuomun. Mi-. B. i lIse Itrepareti to talto Casxnan aau cftise Superior Courte cf t-bis Pioviaco Ho a st, uttûtd,4thtle Dieteon Court bot-b ut Manichcs- ter aud Uxbridge, anti perà ons wanting bis as- eistaure, wiii fttidhm ready t-out-ted t-hemoun ruasouable toi-ne. blone> collecteti, anti prompt returus imîade. N. B.-Having seccuredthetiserivicesaof an uable Ainmaueusss se propared t-o ucomnmodate ail wmuay eah on husu. Noue need ho -diiaa>- polut-at. ILe soli-it- t-he patronage of tise public. Chargs a l aeiesa& etromolfy - uoderate.- EPS>) PM, every Wciuedaymori-ang front- t-iLa ru. t-o 5, p, ii. IXBRLDt-*E, every Mondsy, Friduy anti turiday, ua hie ssus houra. May 22_, 1858. 19 Removal! Removal!' T HE heassty of a likessesa Ins ettinga net-ai- ailanti life-like expresion 0oftise eye, which, ime suhectiber canot buo aurpeesot inl (a, bolti sta&tonent, nevertiseleas truc.) lus calhgtiste attention of t-be publie et- laget thbeabeove faute, sud In raturna thanke ttiosemmîso have au lihoraly patrossiUzeti hm, heo old »ay, t-bat hha uretnovo t t-ý- Mr- 3. Wilkinson% sBrick Bailags wlere he lmaaâUeup a GgIlery ii. od-style,ý vit-h veo calaid lt h liista, ho lalprepa.. red totk4 liaaefù Iâ jalao ather,a CheaË ae t-be Cbeapat-, andi as good as the hWe -- JAMES -&. CLARK, N. B.-Iatrctlusgivea ixheArt; ontms-s aonahle-tims WIth,April 28,JÂ1858. . LAR ilader civatim.eand tabhaw$tina 1ev mil. (M'trie 'gSZ-bs- Tisa » o" saz u~aat 1sum tireti, tie;tibÃifp,uothe Thsroam gst-t-iý Ioss d, tuni 1 wisis no maiaQ tsit- o-i-r Bach s irO lth rÉ-t- nybroet, 4usd matie it ache-ire s-lti uot-hor, As lt-e yousig ife -hst It-preseot. i?, ,t-her, 1 lied gay ti-cmauof Ilfo, mot-ber, Wisen fMondei were truce and kiud, And al dour onsnlÃ"d on nie, unotlier, Ou whotns my-lsopM eit rat*ined. But now huaefoi éht.ti gone, snother, His laneuomot8 I a - A lns urneth ln my htrin, For amne la markod of!me Iwà ki no ummi-s 5iath ià «à ler, I've Ntt-lie aïm Srdarielo; int iater eo~r Iwieh no more fori1rý, mother, Ci boni-t ilahreaklng now; It eavy tbrohbings eadly stesi hligli o'er tny btîrflîsg 1row. Tishe tllme Iouni Youug, not-her, And life lias iidà eisChai-ms; 0, rat-ber would 1 die, mnother, In tisy fond, foîdiug ai-su. Deutis ehilts croop o'cr nie noir, iother; 0-, eould I once more zo Tltîtt warns aud lovlug snile, tlitt tft Feil seft aud eneet on use! O, lui-y me iu thse oid home, mnotiser, Wlîero thei bloc iraves are riding »long, Aund the mie s ing luliehy songe, mot-her 4as thoy sweep o'ér thse flowery thrtug., Lay me t-has geuris- dowa, mot-lir, SIliere ths unA~inoe oftly gleamne, Beath, the iilioldtre e mother, Whçre 1 sang luinchuldusis drctun-. 0, i.t thon by my gzrave, niother, Whan these sua l siuklug low, Andi amlle whItn t-le lonely breeze goes by; That I arn gono front selin d ctitoc. Thse Lover?. Ueward. BY MARY C. VAU'GHAN. Earnest Willoughby sat holding a dainty rose-coloreti note iu thse heud that hung Iistlessiy over tise aim of bis chair. He was evideatly meditating, andi frais habit, or perhasup becauso meditation was a nist unusual occupation, andi requiret exturnal aids, ho hud ligisteti a cigasi-, eurwas puf. fing slowiy or furiru.qly in unison with tho curreuît of his thoîsghts. At length his tbotights would finti vont ir s oue gi-cater distsutricss tlîan the silent initerprotatiOn of t-ho snoke-wreaths.,- Speecis mcmi needeti, asnd lccause lie waa alone, he soliloquiseti. "I suppose it is mny fate," wore hie flit trordt "but it's deuced bard to boi-- Now-bere'e this liItto note, rd i ke t-o kis it if I wree not aumoking litut lNdau2 800( think of ki-sing Dora heracli take t-ho taste of a cigar out of my-- mouth ýanîd, by thbe way, if woskoscld get marià led, sr n habit Ili havre t-o give up-not thse lciÀsnj, but tte stuokiug, 1 mean-lor Dora can t abido cigare, arid-what mas 1 taiking about ? Oh, t1iis tote-hcro it is-pretty 8" 1 t f l f loviu-g mords, and stili it le haedt-out-ralits vont-entainsiply. Weil, I sspse[amn a deucoti1dle, good.for-no- tb7gfehIo w,. anti Mr. Wynrse ià quit. Thora t-as a aigb, that was - almoat groan, thon follomoti byea long silence, dur- ýng which tise cigar ment out urnot-iceti, 6"Pshaw !>' as tho-next impatient ex. clamsation, as'Earnest Willoughby dia- coverea t-lis fadst lie rose, ýthrew away tise useless cigar, pace th ie roout -witl - lon3 impatient etridas, thlen tbrew bisef again upomu t-he caucls. je raisedth ie noBe-ÎÙnec more, andt thi time the initiais; ofthedoa namne were'presse t bis lips. "64,D. 4,.rwiutsthit:cunning:llttbO-W.> stooti for Willoughby, anti 1 wish, t-bit Dora was >Dm'a WiIIotfgbby,- And yeti Mr, Wynne i iglt. Anile, thougitles extirap4amt f ollow -like me,, la t-ot half- gooti enotsg6 forDors. -And, yatt Uiou' must lie aaose good ia me, or ah. never. wouli have-, b¶'éd'me. Poor, Iiitle tbfng I dare ayael1 wish a thousand timea~s j- lad nover men ie." tof h ulee.alnretdeo expreedon- t more restogs Èîpctgthe ssii-rom apartmex4, andthe ccoine &gain. -- thntc~neue 1*4'ls aaIsa bnrnlng tilegna uato me; 1ace if nowl But, aornehoaw lite- ssever 'Only my -platsres have ben aher &su fui. nsany of t-hëm. for m-tnt V -hav 1 flutheratthlbbà k(asýtabe, theIollowlng A asbo nhîscOoff" pnd lhis geWpppt, Ap b~ut UnIÉ.riwn to _Dovit_ he N feei"""b- w1té f servantof her paie cheek ai altorem mas ited adIý per. He-wà sa a -fond ifndincest indulgM> en OC4 oh stood, iertatue d her -t-o e-ep jh9r- t,1Wejfeof ône mhoi *mut-b -kpo te lie roeîand. itii, anti tbo, ifheot d'à payo~adsiseipit.etiset..,,Atdb; bhplng t-hui t tieattà t-l>ism bolitwcen-b'erinti eà rn- est Willoughby, mas but-a' passtng fftcy, lie lad flrmly refusattalistenta theýyoung ut-n'a prop9oioh aiage. As -tise t-ira st t-lins Domra tvlung t-o secm occupied mit-h t-hoe ireakhetase couldt i t-tcis, t-be servant biouglat in a lot-toi- mlich lad just becsoieft- ttise toos-, âud laid ýlt- esitie- tsar 'platoe. er4iad- ant looket ekt- - il, bieshoti hasi-t-et, andi laid it dama unopenuct. Ms-. Wynne saiv ail, anti ho. asiti iL lassgtb kintiy- .- ,'IlWhy not tdatyo>ur lotbt-,Dora? I hMse my aet-ssp tîaor'.Iomspany, o Dora est a lit-tle gi-atefut glance at1 lacs fat-ber, luabeti uguin, antit-hon, as lie seemeti once mare quit-c uihorbet lans-ced- ilg abe-vent-niedtet-abreak t-hea a nd rau t-bemoi-det-bat -aRrnest Willouglhy lad pennoti t-be ps-ossvenirug. Joyhnlly, yet mit-b t-oass, sbe rouit hem, for ber sakie, anti lecause lier love had uakzenet t-ho dormant cnes-glas cf a man- boot litbei-to unconeciorîs or caroteus of tifet-s dutIon anti higis employmentg; hle lad resais-et t-o aka off is aId associations, t-o boas-e oseulber eooiot-y for a time, austgo awuay into nom scenes, t-bore t-a commence a nai carcer oh perscei-ring induet-ry anti louest aspiration. When le lad mate bimseoif ortby, anti nat t-llt-Ion, le moult rot-cin egui n t-o lay lis beartat-ier foot- und t-o caim as bis remurthtisaad ho cas-et-et alias-a ll ot-ier gilta. This bonest, many-lot-t-es--Dos-e lastenet t-o luy lihaoeIci- fat-bar, anti teesscame os-on t-o lia cyeaas hodot-octet t-ho arnest resaIs-e, andth-e eqully casnest love tisat s-u tlurougla attl t- e frtid sentences. ; I Tses-c ie a gl'oat deal of goot in -hlm," .s-. Wynuc e siti 1.yî 4isWtint ýcarrs-s- îagly tupon bis dauglte era u, >ilcand sy littie Dora's cholcelsjustiedi. If lie is- s-eaily s-osolut t-a enter upon t-hi - noes-r and nanlior lite,[lie shal sot ment- for sncb aid antiecusagement us I eaui give hlm. Dry yous- eyes, t-y pe4 anti gis-e your cruel papea4 kisla tokon - oh fori-gse- nees, anti I witI cii utndso t-bis li-or et youra o m0 îuydomui tain. - Dore not- only compâl itt-lhie t-m e- qrseste cont-inet la hier tuther's closing sont-once, but she alisolutely gs-em radiant mitl similea as sIc burougist bita bis cout-, anti hott hie nicoly-lirusbed bat seatiy for hlm, anti soîcth -e lit-tle s-cnt in bis glos-es, detectoti et-thbe lat-moment, mit-h'a mon- derons texte-t-y tîsat- ubomot lier unxiet-y ta expedite t-ha moraing wmd anti t-hoTîsit t-bat mas t-a maka t-mo bourts, at toast lightes- andi lappjcn tisa t-ley lad beon for many ticys. Ms-, Wynnc hutte long conver-sat-ion mit-I ,'Es-nest WitIotîghby t-btmruing tise re- cutit ohfmisicl ma ceeu -in t-ho, imnediato commltencemuerntoh prepai-attous for t-but yonng gontlemausgremoval t-a tisewestcin city t-o mhich Ms-. -Wyauo counsotet fls going Iu a meek lo mes on hiq muty, -bis fis-m resoleteursaliat-et, for, fer in t-be-futus-e, le cauglit visions ofhbis -,remard-z borne, mit-b Dors as lt-s mist-,éss,-a boaut anti life blesset liy Dos'aotar. Tlere wusno oxcisange oh promises lie- t-meea t-be bovcrc-ties, ueedeti none,, for eaci mas conaclons oht-hoot-her's layaIt-y,e- anti toul-ti n o t-ing te w,Èicl. hope Point- -et la tîseis-future," Anti bot-lt moi-c mll content- t- aaut t-h.s-es-oinocf timo. Anti dîne pros-et houtoit elzplacet badl lic o -ii-trust hTcseewere.yearsotwait- l yers-uuciousdt-hrides, s-eckleusyaut fat-o t-be masn oh iran mli anti noltepus-posa,, and tiiatpe t-ho eat Ãohmont-alilvomor-Un aface of unusual'usaniy peauty;yeai- a t totae t-le soft chas-us cf easly tmsidenbeod - rous Dor afcot,-lis$replace&dit hy tise t-lauglitul tonellate" t-bat-vasa thoextorssaI syusbot ofhclir beautlftsl, trutstful, nusselflsu lihe-à ceston cama t-be reward. tTha goat of ernoste- Wîitôughbhys efforta vas reuicl - oti. lu ti-prit. and st-rengt-l of -bis ma t-nie- meib bstooti by Doraus site la baeni-e-t-y hoame,tanti ber gay-isairoel ist-her wthiout one placQ4 i4 ith ie liand lt-o ba4 sa sobjýron. - Ho bas aot lôst- t-be rest-ige of his eus-Uer faune. Witl Doae ly-bis aide, st-flicto ciseer anti enstocu .ee:l skb st-uit- un IV Whb-Yl les-o o - June 4.- - -- The ex tesis-o est-at-es of he .artà (- - ai-,elsituate le the_ý_ounty <ofh - --4b have bueSnSON b y pi-ivate conta 4-X -~~ -,vFskeGeville,3MLP. Tse purchsae*f - -1)slln tria visiteti by -a tresueneln S torm' on t-ho 21rd uIt. 'l'or n early four- lhauroa t-raiefell mit-butr sligisIinter.- - - ruptlons, as thiough awat-er pout-hid burqt, Ã"verhea& , initervals beiusgfilled.,Ip by thèso ecet Ofbiaïbà owve?., ihich, from - t-hem- tioaaity almoât tiaikoee th-a5ir., Y-24 Somenoft-ho is !ilstoesere at-h aise of inial, oxbls, ad iticoinejderallê dam- aýge len<t-beamashrsng ofmbmtiome; in i Ioes - xpoeed'te the ilitfury of t-he staor". - -'A ire of rat-bora aeriouscha-actor occur- ttotf4trecliatelyjr n-Lisburn,',y liymieh- an'o4 osq~af À mass,,uameu¶ John Edmards,-,webasranod t-o:- rà eP deatb, Ire lied abuseý in a na of a row of - 4o hadstSt.t-Is ehcottagMin t-be-Bridge IEnd l 1, ia sway t-o4jleis upposetito bave bcft'a candie bur-rus ,sieti la îng-beW4ee his eà iem cl, aft-rise lad ial- 'sfi-y Kanga auslcep, isad Sotlire te iiThse remais- m a lt- io h t-h o d m n wmoi- o g t ont oh t-ho r ina- y,în Solenndryatewr uts bq -et and - o-r' snsry Edwýards me tise oldest mas int-he neigla- tt-o a Stream 'baihooti. M e-mas ose of t-he yeoman7 i having gat- 1798, bei ng t-bon about t-burt-y yeai-nof age..- wa.5 time t-O Tise-York at-i-et apiasing company, Bel- t-h t-o gstaîn fast, ai-e succeeding samail i-t t-at lirauici-- b.- Inime- of t-heur out-aiprise hIncis includéis aewing - fro, itighed by uaachlngry, that t-bey are at present--t d Pria eniarging t-botr pi-et-ises for t-ho purpýose of 19t ddn extentiing it. I a apling t- Tiaie have licou more, faction figlits in- Dd it lu t-be Blfust hut-men t-hoOrangeinea andi a e t long Cetholicu. Kan roio, Thrce dsai-tai-s mate t-heu- oncape, e hem "' i ls i diys ugo, froni the gua-tihbose ut- Fermoy. "tandoore' T Isey, beat t-hosent-mol aimant-t-o eetl,- Qnd'scà led t-ho barrack mail. ýTielve mont hi-ak ad blic olft un gsaard, butt-lie-y L le n eo;and - beon ret-aken., gnlly tilt e 'Artilousan, In Tipperary - howasmIstundt ly.- e0 game mas eîng ila a mali pond of mater -n lu fd4'.al, p with bot-h joln-ing hie lionne, mit-b hie bond crushýec4 5 my noble 1>y a bloir from somo abarp inîstrumeont rciat-t-ring Tisielied evidentiy beomia violen.t at-rug- id es-ar anti gle. As yet t-ho assassin is not kuomis. ay attomptoti A icarful at-aim prevaîleti on t-ha cousitof ai 81wMO ho lYoniogal turing t-hoeut-Ire of Tuesday. IL - île timo, la- vas- at-tedti it-h a lamuentable-ios f- in, lie kept tife. Upwurds. of twcnti fisbeFI-uç<>aiç eaping from known t-o bava pei'iabod,- egility, and MALANCIIOLy OCCUI&Nsa-tos -At At-lone n ho came t-a on Wetiuesdsy, on t-ho occasion of hi--,. le fuot of 5alanding of t-ha Rosçommon-umilitia, as - n. t-t ho coulti oft-be menamas lcnving batrncks, Captairs- sidat ohftise C- obseret a bey<>ile-t coilc"ed nntier ranite liot-l- hieaaat, ant.ilmmediatoiy ordered hhlm t-o- iching, anti deliver it up. The mans compiieti, and a- etermincdtito messenger iras sent -for -a.- guard Lt-o t4ke Ãronît bli t hlm imbcustody. IWatcbiug un op portu- Msnt, amim- ait-y, lames-or, turing tise absence oh tise her flvimg Off andi iaviaig rétaken 't-ho bay 1onet, st-ablie4 e bnk ntit-o otlci-,mio'endeevoeto tomalço bigl ,roo all t-be escapy, but ma pursueti by t-ebe helloir mit-h- g t- e er -li th reat-lan ahfjbng t-hoe eponGain, rsg t-bat t-h. AuotIer ofloer happen tu w ~ itosest-h >ught it tas t-vannuto sfrom a mbodà we-: an.-t-hoe t-i-et, 1 fort-buth andi obsqrving t-ho mamu'u aLt-eMptatas=-a 0ie mit-h my sination, rusheti out-andst-ruck lin-a violh ky t-ct-b, andi, ont bo on t-lie od miiis falloti lin t-o li Up te -b the gront antias-t-be report rus, kihhee4 iedoge, ditihin u -hospot. - ao get round FumssalM. Or MIL, JoiOIM Cla ELL.-t- ,o tise t-<ma- Tise-mo-ta romains of t-ha favori te San -of 4m'ugb;-ciSo tise Lilieratarmi-o coonsîgnet t-o t-bel s-est- Sharp'st-eel ing-Place iu Glaaaovin, Cumeteiy on Fridayt foi-tard, anti follome tly t.housantis of his elmouir- sure, mit-h a trymea ofoh ery i-rk anii oh evçry shgdQ- iming round af polit-içgi uîund gInsbeief-C rom aut -s mut-or mas early boni- lu the usorsiog ot-ling t-as ta ike e tiioms- be seen but one continuon;s streà as oh car- Ippar bast te ilges and at-ber convcyaneps dr-iyîil in~- oh tise Po01, t-be direction of htie latt-e geeience -of h le et tieep, Anti decoasoti, antias t-le hour approachidfats t-be. cohdý, it -t-le fuaerab t-o teke it-s depar tare,- there- le a lQre Anti could îsot lie lesa t-bant-t-ree huudre4 jumping, into vebîçles drawn up in coe-long-bine-ami t-lte t mIy gentle. roati l iy IchisTvoli Ter-aci mW" ap ras sa boas-y i proschod;-At- eighto'claek tise coffin côni liait-s moe taiulng t-beromains mero brouaglt front tbçt, timlit masbouse, and placod witiiuat-splendidioamae,. lgeluandi toi-e. ti-eusb y six hlaclc horses. Thse cofiuâiei intO abredaof Solit Trili Oak, richis- nlotinteocLana buaf theNeltyr --r e, UW e- thefcInt-relvedi- d çu ernail terrndered >oaly *st raok doégiér ani Pn&e rl it incidents otlîajduvney, maya:. aAitarbaing t-oiled sny yc Mountains utqd valleya tli 1 got lun t-b&Toolussgur- ran, and' rat-ber pcking 1 t-losght it w 1ook fýora li--tine te mi myseif afte'rnMy moi-y marc diately seit dowts anti matie&a.i my pipe, had a chat mit - m&y amxtJacky, teht ail warttlrabe ar by tise fire,-alarpened-',,amij seme as spear, s- adouee fire, t-ook suy tomahawk, antia behore I saited a luge black kaomss by-the Australast soet-- or Is lams." Awey-mont thle dop,,btter tbesïtis te - igeit ansd -lt-et firat-; Pries kaeplng-t-vl m s«sf asts 1 could, in Awey mu mont over lrockÇan distant baying to14 une t-batt-b, bri-ogt tu bey. I iras soon'u doge anti kengaroo; t-bei-e mu gentleman on t-ho top ah e rock, defiance etbis canine focs, ani enon knacking t-lernoff as t-le t-a scato up ta hlm. Wben le again took tobhie oos; but- ti at-est ah t-aking to t-be niaiatali up tle biecf t-be ati-au, le rock tc rock wlth surprising a mall mseesly distanelng us, irben an immense-mator bale at tb laigs anti perpendicuier hall t-hi by neuseansgot- p. la t-ben muter isole mas one soits-y gr dci-, mlicis ho succeetet la i-o t-bei-e le took ble stand, dei fight tilltht-e lest. One dog s- hlm lu front astit-be atbe-be ming round tbeluge benet,, fis-st $eoneaaant tbot-t-heoti tise atone, inyscif sittiîsg on t-b ballooing t-hem au-tbe kaug mile dancing a much flserjî dit dancing mauter, tilt 14 seein doge ivore neas-ly dosse for, t-ht t-mie te, go tothei- assistance. tied tise depts of t-be atet-s apear, took my touiollamk la us pluuginr, in, oautiomssly sani geme, W ha, leing latent on tb not notice, me, saa 1 managet to bis i-car, and mith one nick- bamk sovered bis t-ail seei-ly tt to t-be rump. On feeling,,t- t-la poor îfeletigave aaejump f fcll lseît-tng tnto t-be pool, mi hem st-rngglcs (th-bedo-n sius hlm anti biting bis neck t-Iitt stairset mit bhlaad), ho aank Ili cd man; ant -bre iras my etl ail appeareace la tlt-- bttoiq misics st-s, ut boaStthisiteen te I sbivei-ing ou thse liesk mith1 being tinter. Weil, 1 mtadl wnrmed myseif, andtithon ju t-ho malter, dus-et anti.liuiught Mt-an t-a tis us-lIce ; but ho io coulti nat lift hlm, out, as. t-le s-eu-y at-cep, anti ho, I.have-, no eigst foot bigli'-90SOiI got o04-t-l up nty-t-,,u o aintshi- anit-y hbt-- a1l tà sgtisçs- à e i-paiuugiag ove- t,-li fet-onedtoeamit pui*se treea a t-be atbe- reaehing t-le matar, fortbutla ent taisn foritbe1 t-hon t-jett-hearo pe t e tsefo s-enlson, anti so koept hlm asi topý of hle es---r, snd, takius cut off ai t-be t-lt--bit-s, not eut asti toadinz myseif mith t-hosl ed to my opossum ru asti fire 46a. glaons t-ightener,rat t repos.,'iesiag in t-le ma-ui tise XMoîntyre luces-e night bards o.karsoo on t-4e oà e allai uMy dogs t s-si t-bonr eee life destsoyot uselcs&ily, s to say, too usany of my* cour font, oftioing-lavssg, as 1-bd knowma, rbole troops oh 4ead Ã" mith-eut t-beslightoct nueocaait 1Flue Chance ïo Mal sl atbem toft tiseraILS uic, onse end Lt thetotiusd lest tinte, 1 repau of at-y pçne-utaos thle sut-y kaife, l. ifting t-lot-ail, ipoil, retusn- e, wmis ai--tt be-n tettt-o 'g, I reacea aWis seeral i, but diii not à ,I1 arn sorry strymçn arc, ve frequently os t-le grouseu ýy, and caling à i-r.