"le urn5 aluqk-enere! il UIhin Inthe ii11 ligbh ni.ting puip, and xqutiste Bavor of the b. rA pucked frmh1y at homeç,whlch I.Jhome sent over frou tih. States , nev<dr re- tain. 1The at-b" iq seuillpiultivated, and nuis-varieties, tornee oftbem of gros& excelene, avebeen proedcd aliy.- Au open iifý on, and t11015loamy, soUl rathe, tToing là equired for mmttes, Ibid froos the. lalge m" of fllage anc i18trYers grown on the. stalk, tiioy must, tilt theit, is net 5, ha-ve o CpIogasupjlies of water. - The rowr culture will b. loundte )e t b.lb.list co*nient, and fr-equent r.- newal hIndtsYigorous plants, _and large growtk of &Aù~ The berry wiil makea paisthble jarn, orNtither Wine or vinegar mv yb. obtainet! by >ressing lc. Tihe beal way of presurving lafi Idtù b.whole, in ayrup or in wine. W. retalned a sample of t bclarget of those sent-us,, te ue offce, for show, but the-great sultrinesa of the woather ha& now reducot! the. lzo---and il must b,. added, the. printeraW patates theit qrtantity , .n e onster of Mr. Fairbank's, measuring batween 4 and! 5 inches, we have thomght-w*rtliy of preservfng iu a > box, and ho la atill a sight to b. acen, elfsiotigh ttiejuey follow loosea considera- bice f ta rosy iqior everyday. Towna Maters. Ttiore -wus nemeeting o et.tiaOotaxîc Isat.Monday eveiing fer want of a quorunm. The meolbers in attençlance *ore Hi. Wer- Bhip thie Mayor, snd Meuars. Rowe, and Trenssyne, '34r. ?t[cfrien aise ttendad, but ~wnt se-ny bore tis e mttbefs nanses were cail e ver. Mr. IMePherson e-as oe *-of tha catrliest members ln attendance, but baving (as we e ubsequentiy understood) reeoivad Intimation Irons a certain quarter te tisat .elet-toek ieg-baii te prevent a quorum assetnbling. Dr. Humta, and Ur. Watson, wero'both away Irrn home andi e-are net cxpectod tobe in attsnae, and ee-re toit! that Important private busi- ness esusat!Mr. Macdeneil'sabijgence. -A sPecitul Meeoting of tise Council huis beà aucliet for Friday cstaing naît. -The -report of ths pécial commîttee, appeiutcd te luvestigate tise prnusiug accetmnt, aili, lu a11 prebability, then.-be preseuteal, ai w itis otr loquaéclous frieumiof tise 7imeos e-e trust te ratepayers iU u-u seunhie in force te ihear the true ad.Wc desira thfis tisé more, bccausa il lias corue te oui- aursa ta ue or te-e rastiesi persens-sie-nys envi- oui; andi digeontented;; sud e-lin pariaps obeyin- only tise cvii principal lu tisera ewu natures, look vilth oe muchiiliu- nesat tise vii sidae fery inattet' relat- ing te othenu-havo Mken occî,îon te whisper arotidtisir cvii epfiitns conat-rn- iug this nilqerabiepriuting auetint. Tisa opinions cof (hase panions-avio (after thie fasiiono et.tiaTooioy strti-otailorm,) corns- pose1the rîatepuîFera etftisaTimtes, wue11r. ]y îiaspîse. If 1h03 peqgssosoc csc p of inaulinegs, or isônatt citirousltip, tiscy wsousia haste con.qidataîl tise mcanesîj, cf tise 7ipiws in stirreptitioîuslv oblaiiîing posbqet. sien cf îa fellewtradestuan's accout lte mt hii'savsistruistisasta gutidealduhepro- priators oeth t-bujournttlunturing the sauie accou% nd,*rou¶engenditttnthlie panticu- eîrnislitg il. Ail (hua, mscudasîouti- adling jutty voîîid ha-te cottsi<ercd -anti utboealal, thcy e-eîlil hâvai e fflettd thteitr jîatgmenîts ulsîi both scula-sof lise quetef a catît befera tlietn. Tite statenerîts cf tise Tirmes wer- en iui nt utiôseuet pesitis'o antd cuphatie manner iu this jeurtîsi, antI e tpem al tsit e he iemenitecf oui- aeunt came bafore tise Ceunicil, ner stato- ruants e-eîîd ho borne eut, aud tliseof thei Tirnu tounti te hoisettntio-tis ec raiteiate. VWitis e-at isety, erjîustice, tisu, ctis paries-having no earthîly kuow- .< letige efth1e Ises-prenoauce thiai opitai- us ud pt. about " e vie-s et the -ratapay ers 1", Shaiss o on naisprejuilicers and îiisonsty-,Wae au s rcely commuaand oui- tguipe.r with (hemt. Attempt btu fel Up a Ge - Mfeaiag.-A Chesiter Di-sper andl a few efthtie Grit clique in tlisaTown-foliowing cut list-uc- tions from enisat-quai-tors, aie cndeastening te gel up a Gril meeting for t15e purpese of deuunnig lte Goecrntaent-tiayiap tha Ooeernor-Genîcrai (for net dismissiug bis pi-esent Ministersansd caiiing lu George Browuen & Co,) aud forth tia malter, lier %fnjesty tise Quecu. A preliminary itole- anal cerner concer t <tk place on Tucsday tveniug, ut Chssles -office, rcaultipg inî a total tailure te organise. Abus. Fai-e-ell, IL. Fraser, Jno. Bengoîsgh, Zapis. Blair, sud indeeci mccl of thcerespectable mnnfet(ha party e-ho reain a regaird for thhir 0e-n characters-as loyal aubjeets, refusedt tjoin lu sny at.xpt attisa siliy demoustration,- haying neitiser a plitiesi prnniple nor tise relief et a social griavanca iu view. Tisa conclave e-e underatana bu-e. up aitherit bairig aile 10 coma to any datcrminatien un the atttîr, but bave rasolve t t mus-ter thelr forces sud uleet again on Saturciay. --If hhereisla lyaly lu Wiitby, tue mry irtones- uict rise up te, dispersa tise fanatica, e meet te preacit armed ' nesist- suce le lis. GovÃŽnament of. the cotuslry. Oshawa MuniclIl Conuclil. The Municipal CouncU orflte Village cf Oshae-a, mtet at te Court Houa. ont Mois. day laut. The Reeve ine i Chgir; the. oth er m embers prescut ssci-e Measrs. Gibbsa ldwards, sand Giliriît. ÂAnt-Dr Terapest. O f John Foi-beisud othpsa.prayîng for Ow contstruction of!asisdewalk on Arlhtsr street,, froiî Sisiîa treet e-est tle MiU' ittmL-Nr dwardlu- - The. p.titl#pera.expreesed thir regrt at th tiIntention of thieCounell te abandort the cnstrisetiôn ef ti isd-walk tlîis year,and eamed a $hýbt tasportion q01 sny sppro.-. bpaseM Ist yoir, e-a Ordorod to ho caiw Ew A if ut. _ _ _ _ _ _ h 1110119 Tl0l4-COUM TYTAI. CAUTION. Tii. Oierk rélad a censmurtietltf6tl'rom the COIntyClerk, stathiat thé. amount -iersng an ie rai-y etsdaulýas -rcquiredfosOawattis yoer Ai~Od. pîrphtA~ng amertttin -Doteof:itssd mïdé by In w û tEdward ]3ahiy sud Jot4epli Wilkinson cf Brook- t y purpos ae-s $1825. lin, ln hinor ef eerifor thaetiueln,7f$}S The Reeve compiained that thi.e e4tli- datea 121h Jtt,18nsd wab >neMaofil zation o! the asessmeut rolli tiis yesr asud after date, as 1, te sid EdwCrà lBatiay havero- lat--as far as Oshute-s eas conodrned, e-a eoîved no e ousîdertiotý for tîe manie. unust. EDWARD BAILEY. Mr, Gibý .telied in the Reevesa t BooîuJIy7 15.25 Sment, but'a déà e, tuat altisough tise assois.- VS < A's#UI. mont e-as unfair asat year, il e-as e-orse VS N AT ON. titis yesr, for tise village e-as obliged te psy L'OUND on Satutrday cveîtIîglwqtf Jîtly 3 on more. [Some $120.]- 1Dundffa atree, ettr thé rsi of let'îM. STATg5iT OF TUE I'XLAGE AIFAIh5. william Biair a i-cal contaltsing a veal sud plae oniesarengard 1rai~r cf pant i 'odeuv. Uaur eau liai-e tis conversation ln rop r sao! ine ou applicatiotul te tue utadersigned by de- tetisis statemenL andestoe p..l .ye fscrIt proporty and paylng expan.se of thisail- its net being published previeilasly. Tie uertiscitsent. Rece-stated that the report hasd buen given ISAAC HIOWARD. Ste Dr. Tompeat te ba publishet!. Whilby, Juiy 7, 18.58. 25 t Mr. Gibbs touclîtdad that as the report 10AceofLnfrSa. e-sa in Dr. Tenlfllst4s Possessiont ha wouid 10Arsc Ln o ae !la abi. te giva ail neoessiiry explahsations Y> ING eatt af of 1Lot No 25, luthtie 4115 inýrlatio ti, te the Ceuncil. B enCn., lSet,8o acres et whilîlltare eiaered AIT) TO TUE FIRtÉ itiîhiAtu-. asd lu a gond talale cf oiltivalIteîtsecond M1r. McElm~y attendedth ie Councili a rp ouiy baintu bee atiltn off. Thair is a tone of tise committea frer tise Fire Brigade nea-er fiailing sprînr of waler on tha pretuisest. . Au nttdiiupîlshla1e giu-atî.For particulara rto - now what action tha Counci wouid If by itittarpoat paidtl- 1 il takie upon a petition sent in Irons dia Fire S Mi-L JEMISON, -Company praying for aid te ptsrcisase & on tise prenîlsesm. ota, cap iand boit, as a werking dress. Senîtt, Jnly 15, 58. 25- tf 1 Mr. Edivards fretn the committea on -__________ village proparty rcpliad that that corna- $40REWARD. uittea under tisa circtststan ansd tIII ClTOLEN ont ef tIse Pasnra on ta Farîtsof Ing int account the pressuîre of tha tintes, S the stslaarîlaar, on the niglitl c o -dseud0 considered it tindesirabie te grant tho peti-.1,ltste 80, 2, a PARK BAY ItAliE, 3 years tien of the FiraelBrigade this year. îiId,abetst 15 bauds 1:gb; sitd on fore mclt, In repiy te Mr. Gibbes, 1Mr. McElroy rtghfoebfah, udlr-kpîtntehe. stntad tiat Uic sin e- lânabout Th atll white spot tunueriteel ilet iud fiot. sttdta h unrequired âi abot oeuaxiso stolan trous lte utthîa, cil stid $800. premisas i the sitise une a Ssd4lla, liridie, 't-I Anothor inembar of tte buathtrons MartiugsuaniRanauover-ooal. the Pire Conîpan ttdttt îad îs Thea bei-e rewtîrîl wîll lue paidtoaîuy parstOu weul ceI Imun 4 t $~ pica IOr 0 po wlfin %nid Mare, ûs u truiishIiaulÉ,t woud os fom$4 o apiceÃor60proftote cenvietitnof t-be ilhef. inembers belonging b 1the Comp1any, drd< JANE TWVEEDW-E. that ail evetlse-23O uuouldblacrcquired. l rodcdhiyJty7î'. e-as alsoiteated that the Couspany tiseat- t --- - cncd te disband, uniaits they gel 1the scOTT9S .SALOO>N. aitîtunt askedfor. rpulE $thhsî-iihI I1AS Fl [TEl)UP TIHE Otn motion-cf Mr. Gibbç, seconded by1T priali-ta-b c-pieil hy uir. lnrhchrt Mr. Edwardîl, a reitolution passod grantîng lt- ~ Ii $100. lu addlition te lte annîsal grant of ÇODA 1îU., 17t1? R FOrUYNT. 4 T-N $100, I11s yosr, to ehopiucod nt the dtposali'1 lpyade cf thse Fire Gompany for the purposa of bau.srnlat cf'al ki 111( nl r'11tî}i adi equipping tise ttombersI, wiîîs ajacket ap 8 etcl'e-I t-a-t-t'< ,tcg .l~a-tc and boit. J erîtuuîîs tlie lac rou-une Itdltis tftrasoî. The Counicil theti (12 ociock> adieurnet!. L A G E R B ~~R , j As we cntcred the Council, s e- Fruiti <if l1 kiindu tr-cntutl.in ta ratn--- stion t escind a reitolution pastîattise Lttt-icttn l iiItttrm. iîuruatItpc previclus tmeeting uof lte (euncii, apr-pit %id-i as otrlare-I. PirrnE trîRot. priatîng haif (ha amoutttt lu ho receivod gara -if tic be.t -br.uîls.. frein (ha Cii-y Ru-en-est liis vo-ir-for WlIMî<OT Sciscol purjnocc-; %vas utiter considiration, 2 rîîita- but watt aiioved to 'drop after tome dýs-- o LI.RE RD cusesten.- Ir T t'il 'I', t-liv lu-t à a t-t ch INtt qr. - Atin inttl t was heit iherore RB. J L, i -iî t t-rner 1I-rt-d1;l Il W. Chut-k, IIs .M. il., Coroner for tlissi aaat-ttc!t:-tlltt Coulu.oun Frîilay laît, ini Ibis Tewn, on Iuc ti-a-i - Avr-tot. uiew oetihe ltîh o U ,o "ileus S:rgonnt. uv .ýo ittir ii! i nt i c %vi-' lh., satt- wuat teiî tstudtind by a ropo frouna abIN remît rded. troc ita Mr. Hlls woiothnltt da3y. The 1.FdD verdict of itisejury t-as that'thie ticeasIed (tirricigu Ma'cer- W liuî y- ctisiiittel suihiefrotu caustes tttknuvn't wit. i Itrîe 1no, Itî.4 l)occased usas albtat 20) veut-e of age. and --___ e-as IIpb-wv Mr. Tiitas Sargeatot Iis -0t Teown, pl-icreer. Albot a uoth ago luea 1efl Sit unets Itoîue oneSuutdaiy noruing y and lias huen -Itt euissittg utîtil found a h:it-,ing by statua hersons wue were shoot- itig lu thse wNtisý At Wliiîh.v, ou1 thte-601i instant, hy the Raiv. J. T. B * II . h Iilliai Waicely, te MýIe Mmtry Jinc Whice, ltis of Dariington At hiqi resiicnre in Clîaîham, C, W., on iffth June, (iilbert od, Esq. , aged 8- vars antd Ilîuoîîths, The decessed .9rritiernan waa, a n-ative of Deleharn, Suiîh- eri ndti. o wiv.n. f4r îuanyviiesr a planter in furitih Gî.nalîerivards rcesided ini ResýShire, '-tlandi. Fierîds andi acquaintances wiiI please ictrepî of thutuintimattion. %WedneedaNy uly 7, i it5. F.t î. WxTrx, 4m tld'a 5n id p.-r buà sh 1. i4plt!No IWnAT 8Sa Md per hulitel. PL0InII17m Gd a 22 Gd per bârri. 13Aniýf;v 2 a 2ît 8d per tuttbel. t)l"btfi a le 8d per bnshel. BLk>t#:)ia $il percwt. P'yrasrs 2,; Cd a itb per butqhei. BmF~r. 4dail7%,1 per Il EoAis d tw-rdoz. WOOL Il418 14l'*s'I çper lb. NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. CAUTION. I IEREBY CAUTION AI. .PEESONS actinuut poreit-asig s note otf îauid made 1)y n iuulas-aor cf Ctlitoplur or Iotn, Utor . liuu1ti siticu dollhîre4t, utuan rlest, daîc esmé time ini tle till of 1857, aIl las-e not rt(-ai-ad euîy valnt fon thesasune. SABRAM DEMERAY. Reacla July 7, 198. 2- CLEAR LIJER IWA!TED. T H 1E tucsgnad wnl psy Casl'eu.n quanlity cf gond Clear Pise Luniber deiivcred aI Pert %Wititb y. - CHESTER DRAPERL Whithyr, 7th July, 1858. 2-5-3iv. ST. LAWRENCES CANALs. FN cosequene etdausages %canseal te t-hemi- Itre cilletof s-ci-aal etfise Locka cf t-be St. Lawrenee Canais by tise parties in chtarge et Vessais -edaaoring te loock liseuthrnugi whien ioti[etcu a gi-caler dapitissua nine teet; lihe Stsîtenrinleiideutii sud i.ck Maters have e- acivientIrerm net-to permit assy vemaelso luaced te ha anteredtl bauiy cf tisa lookp. By srder, THOMAS A. DEGLY, Depatnaut cof Public Wemlcs-, Sre-Y Turoulo, MstJusnc, 1855. f 2.5 IrHE COMING TWEIr.FTU INILL b. celebratet! at Osawa titis W year bythe Loyal Oragemenefthis, district. -The. Ahbur, ,Greeiswoosi, Co- lmmi.,sud Benolclin- Lodgas, e-ili meet #I Whlhby, at haf-pggt tlau a. m., headec by bauds Of umusic anut! aili pyoceed le Oshawa inpromo here tise'brehiern of fhe 559Mbe to clbateeth day,. SUELRIFJ, S SALE 0OF LA.NIS. J pmaparc-d btlosttnd sales lu ah parts etftisa Couutry. Ageu lou5 hsiiçass c, f .avery kissa avittise dapcýeedIconditlil ofie tf ade. AU Qi-dem for solos recels-ad ant" t iiee Pnintiagoffice %sabèea s tlieaite book la kemnt atsd daiysund tarms ofe sleà appoilited. 1 Te E LUCKNOW IIOtTSE t fl~ frit-udët -til the- p îii-guu3 itba, JLt. lin la-t ipe"m la,fit CLOTHING STORÈ, itt iitu- ateuJ hui ctîud by Viii A. eîlea .v. i(j.. afi t- ndttilit toi as-liweu-.t c h t ha lbefound te> tîîkc utl41-1f-m<it fiit.tilt î h ls ceac-te- ut ier t-it t u-hî t i v atii-e. Ai trdet -luauîttulyr.tta-iku,l fantd ne dis- Tf ite Motîyha-Fualiouiinret-i aria ncrch-cd M. Oti*RISCOTi. WATCII-.MAKINII AND JEWELRV. 1W tuurIFiidcmuicued iCn-Oolaned JLîiitincs-iii tise u-w bîtildinz 1.J luila crectcîi lv Mr. JosusWii- kiu-4uiu., in lhtr,>ck sî rtot-, ebanc ir Iarngeîns in Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, eati be ocbtaitatd. 1.epoti <if oUa-hu;,eeruî el th îca,-e antd proupîucn. tlit- .1ue,~ Ge itaiesa-lcksand Jewalny Sm ri% itag eu-art îlui W1IiAONSON t- SMITHI. Vsu-it:lusikrs. Jlaccrs, &c.. -1 Brut-k Street, Wiitb)y. Wltbu, Tuî-tc2, 53.2 Strayed Cows.---Inoward. T 'T E ,VD fr--m lte ;mctii.cî 4 iÈtbe suis- J -enla-r -about two su-a-t--ht a.itîuris-a eow. one tul(tîti-il mcd aaniti., ias-tu fieftt-4s-cars- titi lthe etier leu-k elurel bciiy 55 iita, 3 Attu- herson birito tiie tli t-b th irae or gi i: if,î t-r-tima(7d lie -.&-ne W.1i1 le suit- abyrwre.WAL.TER [IVWARD, Whitba-,Jîtue 1iSu2- SELECT SCHOOL. M; CAR( tîtIT T roslaa tfti s atiitics Cllit-r ilt-i -ttu l tettior c -î-tSoh -t u>il atx M.1 N. 3t - l ,mart*s Hall. Bvron S'treet, Whitby.-i s <tir NTAtu, VDY VIRTUIR <)F A 1To . Wit: wrt of Fic-ri Faei.am it-lted out of lier Mtjeaîy a (inuîy court, oi the of Oly i taturi, ut Whilîby, and to me- direced-t ainsI the hîttifflud tencuteuitîs plit i ýhkurv, dt-idtra, t-c -t ni L'avituitiTlirop, paitîiil. i ?uîve aniz du ttdken iii sexeit7onl, al lte e-aîAte ui iîîtcrLc-4 0 the -iid Tlitnas Saititr, ili a fut-eorv Brick Iinildïig,, e'wutaittinll u lirtv alrtteuts, sitîttted ou thlelorîlu Ki e i, Firet ýtrcct, knom-tu iSaliaburv* s Bric],Iioîse wtl tilqf t acre of Land attuchi-I. Tlt-r.. i, a icond barn Aleo hi 3 i-re L.ot o o atlht i(e(i . 1it irxut Sreet with s spltîdidîd tStîrtbbe-î, &-c. Aui whicli Isuili and tetit-nrtra,or dthe nuid de- fendant', es-taiei r iîtil ither ln. I ,dtali ffer for salhe att1tu- Oticea, iii tihe. Coutri Honte, nt the Toivtt of Whttlby, iii tlite 6hunîy<tif <luthrio, <n MIonduîiV ie Teî-u&auhdy of S eptemtber uext, et tiwelve o'lotîou. NELSON G. RtEYXOLDSq Sherifi"s Office, whithy, lrihd . âmce 24, Si. I2 POUND. O N the promît;es<of the Sulaccrih)er, a GOLD PENCIL CASE, with a amali piece cf chain attachned. J. IL PERRY. June 30 1858. 24 LADIES' SELECT SCHOOL& tiR-3. MACKENZIE, SPlIEPARED To RLf recelî-e a liruitud nunber of pupis at lber residence, THE HOME FARM, Eitlier ;a.% boarder.t or daysytehola ra.Tax- ruade known ouappiealui4n. Wbstby Arril 28i, 18:s8e 1 lTARPEWS FOR JULY, Il At 6 YANKEE NOTION STORE GODEtSf FOR JULY, 6 'YANKEE NOTION SJXRR T ESSLIE'S GAZEFlE 0F FÂSHION for iL uy At 6 YANKEE NOTION STORE, BALU0 MGAZLNE FOR JIJLZ 6 YANKEE NOTION $TO4X. 6 Pupsîthfrottafittri t-ixdtett y -sr til meeciaed. mrzan, lî1G uri t -i <b LJi G mudliisuiN nk. -,LLdý)neLe Tùrtý eaI-r Qwirtei- - - --......... . 50 Ex(. tîvue c0 tri I z atý I-I \ -i ý1t itî c.*2 P.L F E R .E N C E S. .1V. ~~ 1tt).E- . h . I. Treatn.E lis, tCitity Gli-nuin îr o Wity 1is ps-il tt, h--.15 DAILY J2STAGE BI-,TWIeEFýN WIHITBY AND) LEN DS A Y ND\ il-I;'AD BEAVERTON. pui-t lu e ,ittt- lv. Tha tage frita itit-es îttdIlcverton an- i-Sue l li e fr tse arigatitig te-u:ttarte asest. N. RAY. Ittut ;tt, l~9. 124 Grand Trunk Rà liUalb SUMmERARRANGEMENTS 0F TRAitNS$ o N and aflar Minday next, Ma 24th. Traims wilileacav flay Street, mas unet TeQroix4 Tme. Day E xsTrain to [ontrea .... 8 7A.M3L Xigbt a-ll ........5 7'IP. M. l'ai.4nger and Freiglit Train for - Kixuçuan& way 8tatiens.... 12 7 P. M .n Min rday lia.g%trtiertaKinset Train for Guelpha, Berlina, Stratford, .1..........00 . M. Trafer 4e <le do, do 4 65 P. à i. '7!t!V5lt-imiOheDonStation snd Correct tinte frein Tronto Observatory, to b. ha<lefJ.eG.Joseph-& (Co. Ferfurthor particuhui ac eoipanya sinin irni - -- Lfentreal, MAY is, 1858. EXOITEM;ENTO ~thk tamethod cf Apprisiug thefr mnY frierids l1 in T ý i oWh 4býc sud fin the County generaily, Nort,11, Eastatnsd West. tlsdt in rouse4uétcfc i the'rapid disposa IXP gT D T T E M IN O W fl D OM E S S Pm N G, tiiey have been obliged te make ~BAITIONA2 RRASES e-iicis are now daiiyarriving fi-os New York, Boston an m d ftri. TIIE IR STOCK 0FIr STAPLES IS IMMENSE.. The subscribers e-ould cuill tise attention cf tise Ladies te the, Stock cf Superb 511ks, wii acu anuqusalled lus uiq Cotant>. lu cousequence otie gratntmo i-enlutheur LiQUOR BUSiNIESS, t ho Rlibserilacrahai-a beau oblhged le order large addltionl supplies, great iudueemeat are ofai-ad te WViolesahde purcbsscrî. l'île usual Stock of Groderies on Hland. CASII PAID FOR - ANY QIJANTITY 0F WOOI. Break St-set, Whitby, Juitît 9, I1818. LOWES a POWELL 21 HAMITON &ROBERIS, BEG TO Aý'NOUNCE TUE ARRIVAL 0F THEIR S?1R*Nkle*1YPOSTATI*NS COMPRISING ENGLt§i I A AMER1CANýI S TiJW rB OJVWE!S dAMD BadTS, RIBBONS, PARASOLS, SII&K OÂPES, A-BEAUTJFUL ASSORTIIE'-\T 0F DRFSIS GOD& fGiO0V.ES AND) HosiEpRYW A FEW CASES 0P GENTS S1LK 'AND FELTliAT: No. 1 & 2? Tii'% Block Brock Street, W 4hitbv, April 14, 1859 1 '58 SIINGIMPORTATIONS$ '58, IN DRi YG(OODS, LÂ1)JES9DRESS GUUDS, MANTILS rmed o rme8r an linnaùà lly'Irge stock of Dry Good.f to whioh T'he ivtethe attéution of buyert, f".ing aatxrd. tist foir Durabllty) Style, Fiîneess of Texture and Gheýapites, 1 tbcuna8ot bc equà llt4l in thia markeL 1WTi usuql Stac!k of Sohool ýBoôks, Stationeory, Room Paper, OGoe!!ioï, &"p&0.? alwayn on han& 30FL 191GELOW. .DTOO~ s357M5. lîitiy, April 141h, IM&8 INSPEdTUR GEMERLI$ OFFICE, Torenbo, llth Jue, 1859. « H FS llhciLLKNc T T u ovaou Gttqasas. ta CecUecI basting lsad audar censideration eus the 22d unîinio, tise Departusental Circutler ofet u steuss Departsoant, daled 221h -Aprii, -185, by e-hici lutînite ns of gooda, lu evcry case,are aiiowedto deduetthIe(diseotnttactaliy mnuade for cuish, or luit wltlab, aeeonditu te s custë o f Trade, lb ailoa'ad for cash, fias beau pieased remcina lte same, sud te direct Ilint ne suais daduethotis ha aihoavad isareafter, audîhat t-be dutica ha collacîed upen tise ansount efthtie invuolco avithett regard tte suci diaceeit ; And notice la iîeneby gi-au tbuut qudis îrdar appiiez 10 gotuda tes in bond, am well asg gods insortod aince the t assing efthte Orceinl question. ByCommuand R. S. à . BOUCHETTE, 21omi Cusi in-but-m e t simc INSPECTOR Get s$RAL S OFFICE, CEOtot Ds.ane Tonto, 819t XMui 115$. NTOTICE IA hereby givan tisaIuM4 Excelleuey, ~ tea (los-entrueutcrai baq bacu pleusei ri ans ci-sen iii Cunnel, hearn ttIis day'a date, te ordar snd direczthtiatise aturuiga of 1our lu t-he shsedsat thae Luicisitu a CutîîlBains ut Moutreuil ha til otltemwi-ic o*dre-1, goeraed by die ttuoaviug regîiatiuans, via :- ,- 1-Ficur- salilkaealiot-calte remain in thse sheds fer te- oe Ii yï% frecharge; 2-lt kepi lisare bayocci te-e ciyà or 49 heuirs, suaiftour tu e bitale tu a chuarge etorue cent poi dîuy par bannei, fuir thea firat -four day.. after tise expirallun of lise 48 ufeetisption;1 5-Sieuid tise fleur ha kgipt lu tisheds* ha- veuddlotir ditys at etie cent par t-as' per bernai, it sisaîl be hiabla le psy te-ecet;îuper d ay jir barraI for eaery day subsequaîrt te tis exira- tien et suais foui- duyâ. 4-Ausy patIoe a day te be ran.aidaretl as on. day. 3 I2 . M. BOUCiTETTE. 28~ ~ ~ ~~o Cetteeee Custerne. Troanto, lird Muay, 1858. TOTICE 15 JIEREBY GIVEN, that "tue iBonisaaîSteaun ?dlls sud Furnis1iun Comupanubchcondtîcted taunder tisa Prova- tioilla e an tAitnthî ue Patujmeht.ntt tissPro vinai', lutlandl 141hi Viturie, Clîspter, 29, iu- titiledIlÀ At tutopruaida tom lteîitfouna- îlotsen f luteoritoruîed johît rh6cLk Companios1 "for Matfctrtr iiuMeeltatical or -Cishealpupua"u a iFctuf attotiter Act et tht, Pros-tuitits1,51 îctiît, (C;epter 172, lu- titîl 0, IlArt Met teuiertd tise Atinr tisa "formauitions of huîeorpomîîttd J duittStork Coin- 4 palliesI sîeîtfietr tîi-tfitan ptmposes.t1 lfor tise ptrposc ifrntutcîa ir uîcenBtaird- ing usaterithu, I&*C.. utit 4 ll o tf, Ertînlilun, iu tisa Tuwî-thiiîp cf 1ikrtî,ialte Ceutty nt O>ntario, unid1'-oitit, o pnI u-udan..ban-a du]y cotnpiied a-witb tlie ftratteiiepre-cribtulinhu! 1i Actta. -By Cuuimaîil, T. J. J. LORANÇFR., 18 Svvrmttiy. CouXrr os OiuTAto, Y YVIRTUTE 0r A Te Witt:».J Wnlt Cf Fiai-i Facuas isstned ont etflier Mlajaatu-'s Court of (qneetts [Baisai, aI Tome, tua tý nmadircted-, agauiet t- tia"- sîand tlentientsof Buel Goodmst Wluit- taear. defeucisut, at the suit of Tiomas 4Paxton, pleilîtiffL 1 have aeized sud taketsiluetin A ah ie estatq, or inlert>t ftise salal Buel Gooti. ait- Whfitthakcr luntiat- certain part or place cf lsad, haini couilposeal et Village Lots number slaly4utse andl la-i-to on tise Souths aide of Qusceel Itreeétda Ltaumben aei-auly-cee sud Reeuy-te-o nulise Koiti saida cf Mtuny ahi-ad, lun u lse VI Iiile tf Pot- t IylëIdthtisToe-uiaisipf. landeansd lenameitls, or tiesasaid defondsull' esIsIesud intereat t-serein. I s-hall effer onsale et inv Ofice su tise Couirt fli sa, ;t the Town of Wi(by, lu tise Ceuitty of Ont-ail, On Saturday the EighteWnth day Of SépL nex ta te-alve o'oleck, neon. - - NELSON d., CENO i P; 5eerts vuce, Whaut-y, F Jece 7, 188. f23 o TOAGICULTURISTS. et llu4-itii i -em haes axtP-i1505 " te oflise amlianes:iu o ut t the, ES - C-ee: u - Cf t TI 4, and HAMpe-arY Whilby, Srd Macli, vJ. H7 PRY TO SETTtLUB-TO- LI w, 17-, 1È atir di- j _5r its. Yeairi, Soya-s :OIXE Huii1EIb ÀÈS RA lu tisa Toe-nship of MXAkCouaty of GatairW. Thse lanmdl, et tise fi-at- qnlty athsat TOav s-hip., Moneje-ili ba.adstanflisdfiirtisa ersedlle et faus i u dinga,'anal if reqij t-he eio casahave t-be riglat toparcsaso aItlsfeWiminato of tiseLeso ATTI JS. DONA N. Yitlt Jno4,AIIE BILAS L..P Office-Nd. 48 Ht-do 3 I g u lbe r s < g t o n U it e to t h C4ALDWELL'S NEV' lis- PERRY'S - " D E S J A L N E T E T TOWN, VILLA, AN!) PARK LOTS, luiefor Busine ss l'arPa" es1 ud Tô*a «t #Iatllyg CoUty of Ontario! J'OT ôN. 14 sud 8W. Euat cf Broeir, 4twt, LudSetis of 'ilardes RtaiW, a minamble rPr tetadislg frou Bnork te PeMr Lts N1%_ 177 -sd 189.- EBoit ide of BMOk tre e, N oitia fp o iias'cl's otle. p aw lt iti s - in~popeîymaIheprincligzureettn fte Tee- Lotip e 1e-aiaat.1 1,eMs2M8and 204, a coftex blocke on Xple hm' P 1 u i1 y S tr e e t . - - - - Lots 7i1, 2, Y3, 74,75, M Ipà ..Thes4e E ht ot re itn ose Block, bô"ibdd by leerry sudt U ansdÂ$h*streetq-- Iel2, es f Perry Street, sud diACt1 op.- postaIte Sý1teansFleur MULi. 1 Lots.64 05, 00 67, 82; 88, 84, and i.,1ý*t 0 ienry Street, sud adjelnang the Stea n II i" perty on tise North. Lots No., 6 0, Easlt atiStreet. Titis 1Lot. la aveU feiseod sud otiserwiaù im toelt Lots 104,10 118, sud 119, bossndoclb. y Con- tne4 Waiuuît axlnt Streels». Tisas.lotsarem deiighîfnlly sltuatod, and basting a street oi tlirea aidas, are wt-11 adapted te building pur.; poses. fiels 124 utilti125, toepr of Ren Md Johu Lot No 1.5, FuI t f ent Btru-l, ana buat a few roda kJortls eDl)u stsiteLh Tise feregoing elteice Lots eares eleefea froua a large nismber, vrith tiser-aicir et holding thetai as n tvemtuteut, but si-e uow cifencd fer US ale 2"1 wisUneld uPa9 large t-osae.lIoa Lot214,....5 c ........ 27i Lot 214 Pn .............27 .........16d Lot 280, . neu.. ..........*1 " 231, . . . . . . . . . . . . . "282 ci7 .223 P.AC SRi? Lo ..., Pr... ... . . 82M3 su ,.- ; ;.i, .. ..; . . »0 '41 .... l - 2W1< "8451,..... c6......- Lot 86 .Fric.............. 1 361 .... . .. ti37.... ................ 29)( .. . . . . . . 2 5 0 -ALSO- Lots840,8350, m5.332, ,38and 5,otsnu ueary eone A cre and a lh S , el a s i ieaP in ee block. Ono-fifth Payable neit Decen alla d-th&. balance ext.uded ester a lerns'offifve te tai years. -i Parsona avio aili arect buiding1,thr. prercu-f hes tiefr$t payoeat e-l ne mbeomadelii For plans and pas-iétulars fyLc W itby, M a ie h 9h, 165 . ? P te PrOeety Ou Break Street--For sale or te J1ase. rrowN LO.No. 3,ade *et RrocStreet, JL bWg te fM-rapntlot utnrtix of teRefis- t y (Ilfico, 49 feet front sud-lai fêti decQýte a Lane. 4 ALSO .Stables, lrck strée , sauinesiza as o. . Fr' Buiness Stands thosa Lot* are eqtual 1i any i? T o u t a ns d e-i b1e6 s e l o n ouet ra ss n a ternis te Pmetioa-ho avilI ara-et good Stone oi tu-kBiidný n thena. oxz Hasotin FIr ,r ntaUge ou Brook stmeit direaîh1y cs6ata"Bryau'is lti-, lSeaterua e 7, 14, or 2 ,euni, 4ma Var"is for % fena