RN ING,9 s I. s i. ut 15 - ld p. 4. 'a et tiai - tir ha 'w ________________________________ I I P. G. FERGUS, U &é., RNTN 2x0AW M è ' RNO, Ac CHAULES PAYN-,q A UCTMONEER MANCIIESTEP, REÂCII, .tCunnty of outerlu, 24 ALBERT SPRING, UCTIONEEII, &ot., &o.; EPSOM, TOWN- lship of Reaoh. à A. PRINGLE9 NIERCIINT TAILOR, BROCK STREET, whitby. 1 THOMAS DEVEMBLL, U) I L D E H, &c. &o., GREEN STREET, B>Whlltby, C. %V. INTERNATIONALIJOTEL, EAST MARRET SQUAPE, Ti)ROTO.- E Jitînos attliews, l'roprictor, 42 ]NNILLA HOTEL, MARIPOSA, (LATE C(IULTIIARD'S COR- iers%. John Martin, Proprietor. 26 RUGGL51,IïP 1?D PBES$ESI OAKWOOD MOTEL, t Wili nsiesthei e ut- et CrdsudCi-- AKWVOID, W. BANKS, IuIolETOR. édienIablver>' axp euront aio Cr.Te'hv- .JGbod accommocdationtîfoîr rai-elers. as um baudsa langé Stock oet' laluu tuttiFane>' Cardhi, eTRO IT Mtatlouury, çct., -htichbeliuîgbougit t ver>' beOTAIO-ITEA h tls >uatg onub futrtlietie t tie towéat axAVMiTOi, e. e-. pileuanti ut ieairts eit.T SYTER, PRoI'lETOR. Carrluges te1 IXIOîN & AYEIXIFFE., Tuuand FrumîlteBout Free et Charge. Ceiitc Offlce, W'ithy, CAV BURON BOUSE, A.À Umiutorrmie e- n. titoumA. rtvvoTt C . - RAILROAD MOTEL, TD<OWNINO, PIIOIIIETOR, BLIOCE ST. ZACBEUS URNBAM, Whiti>'. (ood Stabtiuug anti attentive Os- J UDGE 0F 111E COUNTY &i SUItEOGATE COorts. Ofc i h Cutles. i ONTARIO IIOTEL, -- -- ______- 13RYAN Jr., lîIOlIRIEToRt, BROîCK NELSON G. REYNOLDS, 'Pl Streeut, WIluth> - Goot S tsbling anti atheu- HIERIFp. .- A OFFICE AT TÙE COURT tic e (lters. 1 ____ _e__- ESPLANADE JIOTEL, JOHN iAN FERY, J'RONT STRIEETf, ToRi)NTO. GIDF.ON T STItAI. OFFICEI _ON BIUCK ST., Lý Turnier, Irlprietar (Eeat of tie Mar-ket, REG 1 '.opposite t fi hI (i asBuiltuîîs.) H. J. BIACDONELL4 COOKE'S MIOTEL, (ILEUK 0F 111E I'EACE. OFFICE-ATI (LAiti WAL0SH',) cthe Court lIeuse. i 1JrIN I)SA Y C' W. Cenifortable socommoda-1 1 1-d IL ion for 'lravellurs. 1h 0-tR F TME COUNTY 1t'T. .XND'I DR. A. W. GANIILE, %J eirar ofthîe Stîrrogmte Court. ff Out i jEMlIlER O<F TIIE COLILEGE 0F PIYSI- thle RcgLtryOtl-, lre Stecet. i iT ltiti-.'t sud Soreitît, N. Y. lrov-iteial Li1- _____________- __________- I tîtîist' of lviae, ttrgerv ant i dlTiwfer>, &c. - D. G. IIEWETT, Blrooktlin, C. 16 %VTARDEN. îIESI1)ENCE, ATIIERLEY, - _________ Rîtuuu. -- -AMIERICAN IIOTEL. %a. PATOJrALE & PA'ITERSI)N. PROPRIE- T RIASItEI.OFFICE AT 111E COURîT WVtors, cornîer tif Young andt Front Streots.1 flouse. _______- r-ît, t . W~. 1 PERU SALOON. M.J. MACDONELL, i QOLICITo.R, &i CLEIIK 0F litE COUNTY To FAIUIAII, LATE OF TIIE YOUNG Cuttîcîl. iliico auitbCi otî-r atiuse. 1 riauua, eur thé Roiyal L>-cuen, Kinig Stre-et, Wemt, Toronto. Choise Suppers anti JOHN SIIiERLtIîrealit-uuts at attlbattra. - FOU'NTY ENGINEEII. OFFICE AT TIItE '- _____ UCourt lluiso. i METCALF, ____ - (.1 LRUOF 111E FlFTII DIVISION COURT, L. FAIRBANK<S, ûcutipriingo thé Tuwuslu4î Brook. Ad- CLERFtlI!1TDlIVP5ION COURT. OFFICE dre-t aiu!iti.14 Citat he, I_____1_ luit ue leuseGEORGE HODDER, MEltfIIANT TAILOR %LND <,UTFITTER I Kinîg Street Esît, tsmtv.V W. Slio1 -'~usilc( cxtuluertoauliu'o Carriagelcpia.itory. 12 FRANKLIN IIOUSE. W.7 l TE3A Y N Il LN-e.uîY, C. e. ARIt tIST ER ANli> c(u NTI ('R' uN F. JEWE-TT, PR-OPRitTOR. COMFOR- .8.>Aittnv, tlio-In .4ruals XcivBrick B be eo-amm'idnhiouî for Travolers. BI-i14ccQud Futur. lit WIitiv. Jani. 21, 1S57. *-J. V. 11AM1, FA RIER'S IIOTEL, B AIIITEI -A-LAW. l.ICEIill C r IE iIAIIAMS, SlMCOE STREET, B Street, ______- -A - j i 0t.lW.h mi-vt 'iliiauui NMadlî, Proprictor. s. il. forithe Travelling public. tSlîiV.t . W. R All ROAD HOTEL, JOHIN BILLIN(.S, FR CcPRPIiit'tti. r-TI ~Vcfi-LNCELiY & CiNVEYANC:« ) RER UPIEO.lý II 4 fie rmAbrIGR 61.lluse ucs-sses tcutiaeontniodaiteucCfor i "_o -lriceAtI. 5 Triuveet-. <'ooti Statiitg anti attentive Osi- A., MAIRS, Bl. A., leei. - -5 A<FI)RNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN miss îF. BUVAN, A' Chaîicvry, Couîîe>ancer, &c., %IaitiiSrett, OiN INUES TO GIVE IN Markhstc. strtieti on o a mEitilR. IIL ÃŽONi& BILLINGS, W-PIANO FORTE,J C>OLWiCTQ1I;, -ste. &c. WIlITBY, C. WV.- t alier Paiheris realîlence, ByrouStrect, thfly * I Otlcoruvr tmcîihîîu&Robaerts. Robert - ____ j,~Wisn Whitby; Wý. Il. Bifiiig.Utlise-a. 5 HUGH FELITZ, - à %EAC'IIER IN MUSIC, TUE N. G. HAM, LOt-<u i'i ane Farte Iluinon>' ARRI'STER AND AIrORNEY-AT-ILAW. f t-hrn lrs nt hknae B oncetîci' ii' .tir tf J. hIto., Es' Slriugh Icaimndsilrouuaintao opste théeItcgistry l>i-c< l3t-ok %t. 1I reocive a e- Morep ils at tliit or hbis rosilho49 Canioron, DIaieuelot& Di Iutnell, ' flAUhlISTERS & ATTRrtINEYS AT LAW. HENRY J. PHILLIIS, B~soIieitors ltte (uîtvCîtincit.ltte-lee-Àacw ~h Is Cetn IIo,-SulhWig. >11e.bota - T) iANO FORTE MANtTFAC- from 10 unlil 51..titrer, Toroute. Pianos cf __________ ________________ ail kindo furniuaiod te entier. Ail J 0117 MeNAIS, Instruments ivarrattot. Solti Cbeap for Cash - T> RRISEIlAT'rRNEY &c.<Iffce- r liPt-oi.etedit. Pianos TunedsudRepir- ite te Cab statnd,) Torontoî. For Sale Clucap, stinc beautiful 63J octaves, WILLIAIX OIVSON, fihtl uututicP1~1 FI(NVEYANCEII &,c,MAýNCIIF--TER, FRANCIS KELLER. -Reucli-TSUAC ANI.) GENERAL AGENT, ..LWliti>'. Agenit for tie Provincial tueur- W. O, EASTWOOD, A. B. & M1. D. suce Comyin yl the CeunI>' et Ontario. (iOUONEII, PIlYSICIAN, SURIGEON, &c. tr4F0ffice-Viet,)ila Building-s, Brok tit. C RIesldance--letely oceopiet b>' Jas. il' tdg- týl3Undethie Chreuile Ofice.M~ t'on, REmquire. 41 1 A-- V 0-- iSDV S URGEON,, ACCOUIIEUR, & CORONER, for tlie Couinty of Ontario.1 Dr. CIIECKLE Y, REDECBROCK STREET, TOWN 0F .Whitbyý, Cont> cf Otane. WILLIAM TEIKPENT,. M. De KTrINGa STEET, OSH1AWA, CANADA' .J. N. AGNEW, M. D. p HYSICIAN, SURGEoN, ACCOUCHER, &o.,1itesidcee-Dutlî's Creok, Picker- ing. ,1 J . S. JONES, 1 CAI, DENTIST.-OFFlCE IN BROCK 1j Street, over J. Bigelow's Store, sud eppoite the, flogisti Offiýe. Al operatiena wsrrantcd. Raterence. a fair trial. . 1 AXNSW. CRON, ~i~nrrurCIVIL ENGIXEER, AND Entais eAg9ent, Whithy.1 - J. PROWI) BEAVEN, yRn ITEOT AXD CIVIL ENGIN=E,, ADnuStreet, WhitbY. Etstets o!made tu c I id f measurlng wcrk carefuit>- atten- deý1 to.-1 -- 1UXLAN»ER M. CLARK, ~ITIGE ICONST'ABLE, COUNTY ONTARIO, JK3.sst4'Inspecter cf leoense hathé Municipal- t o th Town cf Whiblb. 'IKEICIIAIiT TAILQR, No. 74, KING ST. ±1Weet, Toronto. 10 - G (4 A. BAINNISTER« ~ DRTXGS AND) OHEMICALS 01jpathfa ,Dy s tsff, Colorei " 8 aI ývy n n.,DanuaS8treet, whily. i p AIN T ER GLAZIER, AND PAPER- Ranger. iaite, Oilli, Glass, Puthy. Pa- fper-1lanings fer Sale. Wbltewesbblg sud Co- terIlg1Dunîlss Street, Wlutby. Wutb, Jau. 19, 1857. B. CAMdPBELLi O OT AND SIIOE M AKER, BROCX III Stres;, Whitby (udxt dor to T. Downing's Railr oel u*X) Repaire ucatly doua, au1 werk cf al kinti axacuted In good style, sd in a workunanike mmnuet. 9 J. W. ÇALDWELL BROWN, C ON VEYANCIER, &c., COMMSSIONER IN CJ . P..&i B. IL, Land, Division Court Agent &o. Omce--one door North of A. D. Wteea Drug Store, Uxbridge, C. W.2 RUTHIERFORD & SAUITDERS ("TrE J. SToVm,) TAILORS, &c. A» A 54 RING STREET WEST TO- 52-route. Jlie #8 king Street WcîttUJlaI-- ton. 2 CRYSTÂL SALOON, N 0. 1335_lWalla.ceBuilding*, W'onge Set oronto. OChoioe LiqorasClgare, BEVANS & DIXON Toronto, July le, 1867.. i NATIONAL HOTEL9 PORT WBITUY. mIEundersiged bepgstonform bhis friands .usnd th e pubUe, thathe is now ln possession o1 the abov -Ilote], the business of 's'Icih, ht will iu ftuire 'Inr" n, on his owu socnt.- (ioodLiquorm, ieis su1d Brandies. Excellent StablUng. Ctrefa attention for uutnand boise. EDWARD RAY. Whltby, May th, 1857. 16 or lext »oor 20 the. Refistîi 1es. RE UEI8S SW RUIION TO TltI whUbr are4,llI hé $9 per annt» A vé on 'as, fit-at isertau.......8 %*r bit éi1uu ntt-otloe1,(iýr lin).. 0 2 Il, beraV diselunt 41loeedtoe *rchamnts sud ai aper hyal auImmenise circulation 4 1 1 h , &l u n u týy l u n iW h l s u d b v u adverisling modiatn Muli net hé secu-ed ti l bs le<telty. Al e-ho atvertisé or thlnkwe-llcf do- tu no, KII lonelune us ime ha fore-at-ding Nn appr wlllbeleontlinuad until ail errear- LetteNIft<eisterei, e-ill bhaiat rl~et' il o' te Pu Ihoirse-hec aultresseti RIGN iMATERIIOFFER, Whitby, C. W BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. rrl.E PROPRIETORS 0F TUE WIIITBt' puIlIcitha libve preenred esômo cf Ithe tuat ,iulrn plyies cf Typé frefin Nae York lui addi- te thair office, stit are îîrepsred te exeenite 80QOI< &I U) JOB FRINTING 01 éveey description, tuttiguaerenteeIat e-etk lll hc doue lu a uupet-lot- tyle at the be-est roiumutatn pi' - The îoreorubv îIctteeso eticitof' RAILROAD BOUSE, CORINER OF BRIIUK ANI) DUNDAS Sts;., CWhitby, (Late Wilcockgon'a.) Vhe Sub- seriher beg; to announee tu the inhabitants of Whltby, and the travelling eoonmîtnity, that ho lias takcen the above firs ornesa lîcu&e, wliieh hc lbes fttud 0) ) ju i cci and converuent mannor. A finrttsTable isservcdattliis Itotel. Diu- ncrs, Liincleons, &c., cuti bc heurta a momtents notice. Ail Liqiiorti kept on the prenli*eg are warrtnîted the gi'nwin, a rïcle-. Choîce C'igara. THOMIAS DOWNING4. WPhitby, Mreli Iltl, 1857. 8 ROBSON'S MOTEL, 'xway betwvcri Whithy atîdUxbrldge. Thiis lictel htb eemrltted aunt furtitshod lnu n ex- cllent tylo for thm accmmodation <of travet- lors. Evtry attenilon puid to travellers, and the bo,,t aecoriimîîittit provitdud for stu anatd horà e. tW A stcady Ustior slw'aya ln attend- FENELON FALLS MOTEL. W I LLIA.N MARITIN, PIIOPRI ETOR.- vv *i-j Ilotel is arraîizod inuecellenit style te accomîîmodite Visitoro tandi Touri-its. 'It tasi- tuated witiiiîî a fow rails <of the Fells. in the midst cf thetoast deltglîtfîîl Scuery. Thefrsii- in% on the. Liîkes ti unrpais.d. Fishing Tackle sud Biat'. jrovidc-d. 2 THE ROS41N BOUSE. CORNI<ERt OF< Y"flRANtD JONC STiFETý', tiN A C. JOSIN, PitoPRIETÇYti THISj -A 9 hutel i" the lîrZes't lu the Prvince, sund pOaes.e-<. fae»itie.-î foîr ith.rciîg fsupertar aecoont- mîîaiticîî tuthue travellinîg pîîule. equnltt tathe begt Etiroîîn oaî iels<, or tii an3 other e.,tcblish- nient onthe Aiw- livraiî Cîntiuent. 23 TUE TERRAPIN. T 1ILd'PR;îIl'l{FTOR'ý[OF TVis WELL kunjwii S.~ii i"-î~î i ît~stt t1iw aid ST. NIl lHOLAS, l;iiit teet, rorotito, (faiorner kep.t h \Ilr. lur. 'lueiproisies liav-e brou iir'u I n.î,iete<i ilrougiotit, snd fitted tir, in tbc first syt. Evory prcîrahle dolicaey iu ecaLson. A elgar divan«flitcd îtp bu- îîsrstely ito e-hili tnue but the bebt brauds are pertiîtted ta eniter, 23 CARILISLE & MecCO.NKEY. WELLINGTON MOTEL. (LAT£ L&iO.NRi'8,) JKIN--u. OMSRWA, TRF, proseut proprittor cf the abute wel- Tkneiboter, begat to inouue tu the pîib- lie tlîatthe e-unie lias te-en iwly prcparod, paitt ted and fittcd up lu trio boit style te sulit public taste and convenience. ,Travellersazed vcitors e-ill fiud the very bout accomnmodation sud at- tention,1 et charges unsually tuoderate. An Omnibus frec, to and frein the Ca. (iood Shtedesud Stablitig, sud attentive Ostiers. JOIINSTON GRAHAM, 10 Prejuiotor. ALMWA MOTEL, TIE A0VE FIRST-CLASS HOTEL i3 nue- JLnewly arratîged for the aûccotumodutien of visitors. Tee Hoted hsving bceaufornterly kcpt on Tomnperence princlplei-e Spirit Liecose hïm bean obtsined. Every attention paid tu travel- lais, snd the bost accommodation prcvided for mmiansd horme. gýr An Omnibus lun attetulence te sud from the Carafrce of charge. 17 J. A. MASON. N<O. 3, a&LLr-C-1Âî O'nul=ttx, LOETO)WN4 IEBEC. M4, Bitiaâ Ainuicnoa *preu sOJLa.2 MA VELLERS AND VLSITORS te tie Au- dLcent Cty of Qpabac w ill Sund superier ac- commodation et Moderatoau hages a h tce btuve ictel. Thé hohel is ver>' convanianti>' ituatéti -near the Bank»,Steambet e-banc-es, an&i prin- cp)businessplacesf eticCity'. Tic itable anti bar are supplict, i th éi-erv procurable estailo anti drinks ble. Visitera e-Il âud every>' attention pidtteit'comfort anti couvetsiaeand evet->'intormationeuti direction as te thé stirrountitig ocaites, prntiepai plues of rasent, oceny, ui-" 18 JOHANNA QUINN. Propnietor. GLOBE MOTEL, DROORLIN. dones mw e-LKtS i 0 l o tata on tiAGAtit T RIE undersignéti ia again resumet joosses- cf the. aboya weal kuoe-n hotel-, Whuci e-l hé couductetisas fonncrly eitb thie srietesi pro-. priai>' anti regard for thie cemfent anti conveni- anas eof"aspublie. tion e-ltt amode neetiy asferme#tt unth Globe ilotel, andt iat y preseut le gic- t-iem su ms ice-oui. 0, hosbea lirou6n BART WINDSOBOUSE, WHITBY, WU. aUasiar anutuoL max e bove lIbeid lasitaaied in a pleasani sud JLrettred pari otthe Tow-n, ou the front road. Good accommodation for travelle. Good Stsbling sud attentive oslers. 22 O N théehUéeadiing fromu Brol to Or=e- wobd. GodSuamd*aeouaodbgouî iPlIE UNDEBIGNE» ?IAVE MnTiME 1 iUtetPtai»SM.huâA... rîrMR tund ..A Piano.Forte'u mmadaTuad sud tW 1paired. T B UNDERIGI;E» EEG TO INBXORM lime InhabtbSta of Whltby aittilte vl"lt> andthie publie -genarali>' thai thé>' bave ufunet anew banehof-bunulutcaTéWt cf Whthy wltieb asesthé manmhclurlng, tuulogu< lanoForesmanfacurd ei oder. Alse, Accordeona, Mlodeons, sud aU hinda of stiug instruments.' . Thé attention of parties Iu the Tee-n lu parti- calarlly reqoiestéti tethe convénieni facihit>' uow eiliin lhiutrémach, of haviug uhir Planes Me- loeons Accordéons, képi properl>' tun an sd repcircd eat thelr ee-n residuioctîs ud eitient trooblo or annoyacce to thetusolves. TIho objeci cf thieundorsignotila te giva fipublic sella,- faction Wbich tic> expect te do li thlrdeal- ,lug. W llr «ATPV P'iano rnakiers sud Mue Teachers, Hloward Cottage-ticetlioenery strect sohool. Iýîr Lassons and and instructiens given in music as heretefere. Whitby, May 19, 1858. 18 LAW 1 LAW 11 LAWIII TW. CALIIWELL BROWN,- Conveyan- JY . cot, Ceunutesioner lu C. P., &c., and Di- vision Court Agent, begs toiîntorin the inhabl-1 tante of Epsentandi the surrouniding ueighbor- lîneds, that bh&,4aitpeued an cflice eit Mr. Thos Englilit's Hôotel Episoth, were hou may be found every Weditesd vî, front P o'clock, a. in., te 5, Sut. fully preîîaýrcd te drae- aty itîrtrututeut of ritie chat may ho requiru-d, auelh asMort- Mtîces, l>oede, W ilsl, Lbases4, Arbitriionu Bonds, Ciîtel Mortgges, ills of Sale, Bonds, Agrte- nients, atîdî cc-r>' other descriptioni of Ceuavey- ?tr. B. ir;u ele}rcpared ta tala Cass ii, au cf the Si.îeriîir Ctîtrtîi<of tht,; Provitnce. Ilie - sc enenuils the Divisoît Court both i Manches- ter andt Uxlidge, snd persios Nanting bis a.%- tqistaieci, e-i intd lîlit rcsti> te attenil thetn on roationable ternis. Moue> coflected, and prompt rettirti aîde'. N. B-la-ing seciired tho services cf an suie Attnjunetsia is îpreîsred ta aciituut aeilt e-l iay t catil oaiiiii. Noneît îted ho di.aji.. pcited. liiisolieitq the patranue of the publte. 0liresin 10ail mcases oxtremely uodrate- KJ14 O' M, er>' Wcdtesdey ntortîîîg frotu 9 a. ni. tu %, p. in. UXBRI15GR, every Mouda>, Friîlay sud Saturda>', at the mtinail heurs. Cash 1 Cash 1I1 T IE highe'eqt prie m-111ho paid lu Cash 'bv Ttho ntdorîuýigtîcd, (mt bis NEW STORII4 lirocit Street, Whlity, seotiti door aouth of the Peniteutxitly Boot ai;d Shou Stoe,) 1Cr B aller, Eggs. &o. &V. MICHAEL MO1IARTY. Whitby, Msreh, 3, 158. 1 AUCTION' BUSINESS ATTENI)EI) te as usual, l'y J. C Sterling. AAil arders rclatiig tii Axieioti sal*4 hy the iiidereigiied, sliî'oid ho 1tl thetuti ronieteO0f- lice, Wtiiiuyv. Me-ýsarfi. licrîin, & M-1yenheflor are îiity sithuirizel tut appoint nitathys cfsale, settie t-rins, &e., aindita cenuer lîît'îsueli otiier arrangementi-, tsritiiig t" nîy ,miction inles ne tliey uuay ceuiner proper and niees=ar'.i sut11 t) ic î lsitit' rstify suy agrecnt they iiuv make oit civ beltaîf. 9iulss attondod in ail piarts of the Ceunir>'. PlIOTO<iRAPII GA LL bitk. TfiIIE Gallery if the tutdrsigned stitoate lul j lroek street, ýWilkIinsaîn's cee- Brick Bloeis o a ne ofthie Isrgeîit, iricat coiuvenieiut, suid 1cerhtii 's ttht muid spaoiotii, sud best fitted- upî iUt Prov'nuîtce. Suparate select apartuionta for ladiesi. Jotrttsfete60< J. A. ýrKiî. W hitby, Jîue 30, 1853. 24 IVANTED. INFO1IMATION as te the wehrabents of DANIEL BU(;KLEY bite cf the Parlîla-of Teutpleciartin near Baun, ou oty cvf <Jrk. Uce la sutpîosetâ te hea t present lu Opper Can- sla, having Land. Any eue knoving of 1, and wrutnug te hîs Sister, MAnîsaETutrOseytNe, sho e-lit eetacun It a great favor. Direct te ABas- tiAit HAItS", RtqBalliucollig, <Jouet>' <brk, or te the office cf t h la per. 24 DAILY STAGE. T1'ROM BRO)UGHIAM TO FRENCIIMAN'S .V? Bay Stton, on the Grand Trantk Railroad, connecting wth tic Car Morun; gantd Eveniat; Trains. .~e JAMES HUBBARD. N'aoi-tib-cr rd, 1857. 42 CAUTION. THLERE13Y CAUTION ALI PERSONS agauat purchacing a note ef bandt made b- nî. lu faver cf idhriitopher lodgson, for aboit tsixteen d¶ollari-, marc or iotas, daitd sema- time ini the titi)of 1857, as)1hea-e net reeiied any vaine for the "aie. Reaeh Julv 7, 1958. ABRAM DEMERAY. CAUTION. % A Lbpersotiu arc erot-el.> sitioned againsi .tL purcha.4iug a certain cote ef hanti madie hy .Ede-ard Balle>' anti Jo"p i Wlkinson et Brook- li, lufac-or et one Crib, for te usnm of $18, deied 121h Jua, 1858, sud payable oe n mnti afler date, as 1, lie saiti Ede-arti Bailey have ne- coivoti no coutierehion fer theua se.- EDWARD BALEY. Bt-oL-l, July 7, 1858. 25 VEST AND PANTS FOUNDo F OU ND ou Satertie>' vouîlug laat, Jul>' 8, ou Dndus treéd, ucarthie rositience et Mr. William Blit-, a parool centaining a vcco anti pair cf pente, bothi naw, Owcn eaum have the. seméeutn, applicationti thie untiersigneti b>'-de- scribing propeni>' anti paying éxpénsa of tiîadi- IVertiseinent. 1Whitby, Jul>' 7, 1858. 25 i.tIsai -100 Acres of Land fer Sale. to enter- the wl BING ouat l!f ot lNe 25, lutibis tii [eh a ne- Con., Scott, 30 acres etfe-hidi ar e careti paesudlu e gooti state eft' énIîvatien, thé secle R ropulyhe-lt 0 ben lhn offt' Their le = ave >we-nftligsnn featér ou tIe qmst galfa-A od 0utbetitilcvan. Forpitcli kmeià if 1'létrpelt d 1 fo" 19Sd. ol' , 85. ou th pretuâesa. . jQly 0,2-tf QTOLEN cul.ot thé Patiure o» thé Farina! Donna ftVioletta. A 1A<URDÂLL&Tt1lu ni LOOVLÃ"*'eULLIO$., Lythe and liston laies gay', âmd gentie galaut$ .In Donna VioleIa's eyos the pearly teAM drops Thé heur bhs conte-the Priost ban eonie--hsve- coma the Brideciaida ilirco, The groomsuîau'sa there, but ait lthé groom, s"I5 and 1 t a lie I Thien sadi>' sllhed that utother saga, " it !0 Pro- voking really,' What eau the gîoci- Iniglit menu, or plead te And red and prla'?«I tae turned, thé Bride as wore thé merning, Andi t'hre ah. atood autid a erowd, haîf &or- rowtng bWC scoroing. At lust out4apoiteo the hast Bridead, as on lhe Re laroe anr d l i er sal fout beneath hier r.,ba kept dancing, satI'di tIf 1wot.,yuonsweet oce;" she siI ' i blanpt,î.ring, who first put sligbt, bupon me, Violttait" And out bespi-eLtIe grisants tian-gay, a dapper hlle folcw, Who, tlWugh 't-es eartl i the ywusaliglit- Il 'tiiilied le uicilutî My lsttds are full as broad as big-iy name la fuit1a" noble- And es truie kuight I caunot sec a lady fair lu trouble- Se lov1sn utrtcru Ilst te me, sn u ee iosa sud temstssiedding Acep1 the hand 1 effèr tbee--and let'a net mai tht eweddiîîg.î' Tie laîr sigbcd, the lady smiled, thon placeà lier èuigcrs taper Upon Uie galtant grcoteîun's arm, who forth- wkil ettaà aper, The i--u-a e-eosaid--tba prayers e-et-e réu- S thee-oedledjîar dcparted* Abott the îuucfhcformerise-sir; hadl froyn hie loliginga startet-i Don hulggard entercîl hy eue gate as they> drovo oit the elier, And '-lîcr'se ho ould have fouun. the bride he onlv found hier nither- c lits dacen*swr welw ,"lie said, I"bis e rses ueeded haititg Anilthorefore bnnnbppily-hed képi lité hadie.iu waiting." Yc ladies fair sud giflants gay-trua loi--cr proue to quathLrü, I pîay von hes-d the rhymo you rosti sud medi- ttî it e titonulI Ail ailier tft8 src <igit as air, eeuuipared with thititat I iug, Whiolî doti dogtroy the 1fifecf love, llke ver>- e-irt efpieing; And if von are votirself engaeIpra>' yen dinh tue late, *cà Oun auoccasion suuh as thai. 1 sadlv do nar- rate, 01h! Or should vonî lai-e a youthfnl friend-a friand that von regard, oh 1 oh teatlt tutui, teaech hlm te bewae, the fate cf Don Sluggardo 1 A! Du .Sr Thée Beggar. À TRUE STOI1Y. #une celd weintry mrnng, te lusi Sun- day of 1856, a hall-naket mac kutockét lumidI>' ai thé tisofeà affle substantiel manision in thée ci>' et Br-ooklyn. Thongt lte weauser e-ais bitter aveu for tise season, the young mati ha& ne- clotiing but a pair et ragged pente, sud -the renesins et e flan- ual shirt, ovhiuicexpoeétihie muscular chestinj mati> large t-ace,' But in spite cf hie taticreti appael nd t vidant fatigue, as hé leaneti heavil>' upon thé raling of thé baseméni niais, e crjtical ohseérver coulti net fail to notice a ceuscieus ait' et tiguil>', sud thé marked tramesof cullivatijn sud refinément lu tie pale, haggard coatuen- suce. Théetaon e-es speétil>' enet, end dis. closet a comfortaile funnishet reeni, e-ic ils glowing gretaetofanthracite; hétoné e-hicb e-es placet i luxuriousl>' funnishet breakfast table. A fashionahlé suit-at youug mon, lu a brocadé dneselug-goe-u anti s'lvet slippe*a renclning ou a salI aofa, bu8ily réadiug théenienningpapéts.- lhe besutitul yeung e-lt. had i lgern ta the table, glving te thé servant ber bouse- coltidors for théta>', weé»thé tit»id rap ai the deon atiractéit her attenton.- Sic, comanaudit it ta é épnétbut-tSi >'oung muter liepliédtihai ie-wa quhtausa. léss--bcing ne ena but soeé liévlu'g beg. gar; but thé dom e-a alreadi opénét, andtie ti. stnpstiee efMm .Maywooti en- listed t ai nc "Camé lu te théefine," ciéti the youn e-ifé impulsivel>', Il eforé ye-uper"."s~ Thé eilcan t, elut éxhihltiug a"y sut-prisée t suieS unusual treaiintof a stneet baggar, e lawly enterait thé roa», rnaif1sLig.,ýpin e- eaknées atevény step On is-etmnrMn. Msywood,e-lt s disp1esmn air, geiharéd, up his papers 'sud left tlfeoom. Thé cznipaselnate lady ItteIseYpl=cetthe af-fozéMnnme» ten the flh,e-hilesbe prepareti a boe-l of fra- grant coffee-hich, e-ich abudst-foad, e-as pleceti before hlm. But noticing tie 'abrupt 'depanture o er anhiiebont, _*1 Maywoa, weith 'a aloudeit eountenane lfttharasefl- hispoed tethe servanut is reinain-izutil thé strangét' shaulti leave., eShé thé» ranbaaily up lthe iehly Mount 4o4 .stalrcase, sud peuisetibéfrthe b ný tnlhce-4 ias"sl lsoratery anti uaed7ica lllrarv occpied by! ber husbsnd, wha wà â hicé dtito i »nt refuse this appésl o heprofeosIon vaà ltye, for là é'imminaately' follîleéd her Nyihg los, mù %hé e . seéndéd ta thée basémènt. They foumd the méndicaht, Iying pulead- nconseiaua a n -thé arpotere hoa had lippatdinlubis eeknm~, tram,theéhair*ellcte XMo. Ma. e-ood hâat edhlm. utH Iénl ahefsdsomé féflle-," muiterd thl- doctar, shé béni aver te ascertain thé, atata et his pulse. And ele hémugit s>' se. Théegosa> tecks of raven Sain lsad fsMenuway frm l broad e-bite forchea& i.Ha closad éyelids ere benordb>' Ioutraven ahes, which iey hike a alin fringeupon bis pale, broned cceks, e-hile a délicate acilline nase, andl a square massive chin, dimpiayéd a modal*of mini beanty. "lla hé deat ' seketi the young wtt. anxionely. "1Oh, ne;1 tin jeouI>' à faîuttiug fit, iu- duoed by thé mmdcl.» change of tempéra-, ture, sud perias thé firi stage et starva- tien," repliait thé doctor aympatiigly. Reé had forpotten for théenmoment, hiscold maxima et prudence, sud addéd, 46 he miuet hé carrted te aouMmt -uit fille, sud placed ina ecomfortable bed.'t The coachuisu was calledoins tu assli in lifting thé sîit4 stranger, e-ho was soon. carnied te a root» lu the chambers, we-bre the docter administerati e-lu bit ce-u band.4, strong,,dosesoe tet e-ina sangarée. nie young mn s sau écmepart>' con- scians, but aIl conversaion e-es forbade him, sud be sunle jute a quiet sieep. Il Ei 15 ing eal; ic itlmrosi as long as ho cati sioncid bu e-sain eut' absence, give Iit» iteef-tea sud toat alib Witumn," saiti tic docten protessionall>', ns hé léft the root». lu less titan au heur ettere-ards, Doctor Maywoad and bis lovely e-ifc entered thé gorgeons church et théfitol>' Ttiniy. And tiheh'îndredsoef fair dames tsat eut. lered ils broati portais, dessed with ail thé tae and magnsificence tIsai abundant elth conît procure, cet une ri#alled, lu ! ansd béant>', thé orphan bride of thé rtch2 piysician. Ber tali graceful fIgure e-as nobed inlua violet silk, liaI elly iccigh-teneti b>'contresi han large -auzre éycs, brigbi e-ith thé lustrée!ofyouthfull happinéassý yet tIsaee-as a touch ef piety lu themr droopiug lidts hat won thé confi- douce et ever>' bebolder., Thé snoe-yet'- mine a tils wiich protéotéd han frem thé piérclug e-jil, nivalled, but conld net sur- pass, ýthé délicate puri>' of ber cemplexiout. Meut> admiring ayes !olIoed thé fanitiésa figure of Mma Maye-eod, as aie mevéed e-ith unceuscieus grame mp thé conirail sisie et thé citurch, but nouée-lIth more béarifeit devotion than thé youutg, e-syward, but geucrons meut, eho bildlalel>' eedted bat' in spite et ber povéni>' sud thé suéers ef ber frienda. Thé statlc>' rgs» hati peelceliUn lest rici notes wiicb wére stili feint)>' écioing lu thé distant arches, e-heu s strauger of vénerable aspect, e-ho had previeus>' takan part in thé services ofetlte tr, roseand announcet fer île tcxt, thé coft-quoted, but seldont epplied we-rds oet thé Apostie, "Be net forgetul toeuetertain att-angora for therci>' soeéhave entertauinsu aies un- ne-ares." Mn. Msywood faIt bis forebeat flnsh painful>' ; it appeareel te bilm fer tic moent ual the preacher muet have knoe-n ef bis e-sut et charit>'teivard straugars, sud e-isbed, te give him s public lésson ; but bc scon sae- fret» thé ténor et bis né- marks that hie 0e-n guilty conscience bad 1atone madie the application iu bis particulsi à case. I bave net apace non poeet te givc ,an>' synopsis et the seranon ; but thati, rcot»biuad e-ith thé -incident of thé monning, affectait a happy tesclution lu thé mmnd of at lest, ene of! is hanrr, Se neucit se, fthat on thé nétuirp Q& 1Dr. Maye-ood frets 3the cicurci, bc rep.réd et once lo the reo et thémendiaut t offer such attention as 1ha mîght stand" in tsaédecf. But theéyoung meut séeméd tu bu mueS rafreseétb>' rési suitd nuirions food, and comménced grae tuil>' thsukiutg thé hast for, the kinci atten- tions e-hich hé hati received, e-hicIs, eitit. ont doubt had savèd hie lit.."ButlI*11 inecompénsé yen e-eu, for, thauk God, I sm enet 'hbe ggar that I aéém I e1-asship- e-wreckeU au Fnida>' night iluthée uaut à W'we, e» t»>'yreturu trot» Indue. )My a neée-as doubtlea emng thé liai et lest - -fer I escapad frat» thée-wavais b>'as mira- -clé. Iattemnptedte moka ni>' e-e>'ewé tYork weae I1-.atvo ample fuuds ,in bank sae-aitiug t»>' rdert, butI muat havé pe'- cisbed fret» coId sud Sungér haît it net NO. 2~ Trait 0tr*<êt t~A~ VI6UbÉ, [Fremt leylald HoWà d a! ,luils1511 ing-romaneninterest, but e-ILS t# h' i., limnteneés and 44t0rmi etWhliwé <e- pét'sonaily Weil acqiatd Somé teéve yeans mg, te-o young ýmnn namneulClymaoand Pausl, livéê l in aila village-net fat' fnom;-ti sa coas iun thé extreffiee t fEngland. Bouc svére mi- ner& sud workad lu thé lin mine néar thé village. Both paiel tIsait' adsssés te thé sanie maiden tholgi net e-lu equal suceos. Clyma prosperetigoseail jn bis suit that a da eas appojuttei ton théo nmp. tiasan sud lut uécourue tise banda ot mânr. lego wona méket inluth% village -church ou th t iree Sdndyï presnibet;dby the thg. lish canon Ise-. Bafora thea second Sunda>' camé round, thé rivale met ai eae-réstling match in thé village, sud Il citanded tisai thé mmr camé fer temn te e-restle together. Pauli e-as exciled ati deinrMsd sreucouely la f bv is succesetul rival iu to a a 'eicked <al,' but bis eagerness.werked bis defeat. He e-a tbree-ute, thé greunutamit thé shoute eftihe villegers. Ou springing te, bis féét ha, swore thsai hée-wold ha ré- veuged, sud ihat Clymna shoulti neyer men- t'> hua intendéti bride. rrom liat day ha teok le drinkiug -deeLi>', sud was fierce iu bis impreciationa on bis nival. Tie day baera liai fixeti fer the mer- niage, PaulI teiti ailis acquaintauces liai he e-auld hé aube e-eddicg snd e-euld fSud méanste ptovant ilstakiug'place. Knew- ing hi e daerminet chanacler, Clyrna ap- pearedi elarmeti ai thé tht-et, su te smre friends te, intercédé e-it Psuhl, but .Iu veiu, Laie that ni ghi, Clyma lcft théeibouge et his inteudeti bride for isce-n cottage. The way la>' acness a paich et barren meor, e-heré tiare were several open mine shsfts e-iich bati beau desentat, andthti botms of e-ose black depih eegauce-coverati witb everýal fathems et e-atan. Abeutie sanie heur Feule-as seau crossing te thé saeépatch of -moor tram ancîbén tirectioni A minet- eho passat i lttle later towards thé mine wereie e-orked-it iéingis tum for nigbi e-ork- avent-éd thé nexl mornng ihat hé icerd a noise as if cf e dispute sud seuffie, but h e-es tee dank te d singuisi eny eue. TiCmerriagée-was te taka place ai éleven o'clock in thé m ruiug ai lice village churci. Long beli e hatixoun thé village e-a thé scené o east excitement. Thé hat sud necearchiof f etPeuh-thé latter tem nu d bloody-bad beén linneéar thé déepéat of! iêéebandoned pil-shafla, end et Panl himslf notbiug could e f ount, uer hait hé beau sean since te eu te.- e-aidate meôon te precading night. Thé greund whera thé articles had beén -founti bore tracas cf a scuflie having taking rplacé, andti t cree-u thée-telse, te-o but- tois, necognizeti as itélengiug teolCyma's 1ceai, ere diecovered amoug thé aartiî aud atones. To these onns fatasChIm coulti oui> 'repl> tIsai hé hat met Piutla-t the placé mcntionéd dting thé nlght: thalhigi -orte-refalîce-e ib>' s sufflé; suad tIsai hhadt beatan Pautl, e-ho ratincti cîîrsing hiL.This e-esnet censidenot salis- ifacter>', sud Clyma e-es takiug lu te custp- dy teawait futhtIerdevolopments. Several dlays passed se-a>' au examinaion e-as m nadéetfthé pisud thc surroundinSIlocal- 1 il>, buîno race comld be Ieuud oftlebody. r t e- arguet, bueaen, if a-stene e-en ai- etacied:te thé body before il e-as tihnoe-n jute the pit, se as te sink i4, térae-womît hé ne prebabiiity cf is aven balug foute-I fAftet' sévéral axminsiions beforé a mugie. 'taethe -accusetiwu e-a sed-fret» cueto- i dy, buteoni>'tu beshunad asea nurderét' i b>' thée-Isolé communit>'; In thée meantimeý a ýthé inteiÃdad'4dIshommesiek iicrengier- citement,, avibeut févén e-as etrncéedaç b>'& a asting illues 4suad, after 1hiutgen g soe mmntha, sIted f a brokénn eart. Thesé accuninlated 11ils eeatoo Iiutih for thé uuheppy abject qf général suspicion, U Andilu laestitan teie mnttieafte-bwat i shoulit have beau hie eddiug day, hé ho- - came-thé lumaté of au insane asylns, iL wherehé still ramainý s bopeless,.Iunatle. rA4ÃŽtgîthe reltives of Oiymà awmsasts tér,4slYt'ed tda farat e-lie, te-c or tbrei -yeah altet' thé uuhappy occurrences re. r !sied aboyé, réeveti ta ibis countr>' and iséttlét doe-n onua tarrn in fnontheru Illinois. *Abelit ten dtisysklutté,- theelater, e-hilst t ilengba sinl Chcge for heahonmé, WIheamI~t<Word#, g~ kulsadntru uuty ' dtit .oPo RoKaowlOdge, IUio', VOL, 2,IIBY .W, ý TIURSDY UY 5 88 kuoe-n U=41Iu Sl WESTERN HOUSlE DtItttAS oairT, e-utntv. rpIlE ABOVE PREMISES HÂAVE BREN JLjut ýoeuét by thé untersIguét e-hère traveîbera eu noe- Jidgooti aconumecltiou.- Thé I cute s e eh ttctiied, eohkept, anthli sleeping aparmne reomny sud air>'. lieri la CCoCC cnfetbéSblsantithé betiatten- ton it pelti te,man antiheome. Thc bar-rouie lx large sud conveuleci, anti ee upplied ie-th tue hast Wittcs, Liquors aud, Ulgars. ilanti- utinel>'fitteti np sittiuîg reunisfor private par- ties. MICHAEL lMcCAUILEY, 17 Pî'opritoî'. c «Il nié - t- 4f3Iuà eruITydrtltIon? 1. îbul4 like t à i adinué coe4 n.r ui i4ftlp-.- 'Why 50 ?'asked the huslaatd if),jouPe1W 8yd v.Tt*ilydo!pht m"8ilUl5 Yeuicau, 1I certainy -do, thén,' replied bis wieè; 4 flowas1ouIdIknow aythilgWt cook eh, huab as ilnt, la..u aisloçk of aatonlahtütltutpérplazcdand worried biS 'Yen leoked very mà ucla surprsi shestaldfteremomut, or tire had el&=,.d 'Ànd âermm,'Ihe'anawsrod las mtwQ ,surpriaed as&-î ahould ,be at ndiarg Urne ,captodn'of one-of my ahips uuacquaiilted wîth tlaîïigtidilî ýDoxsyou- k»ow.- te cook axndiyen théeniltress of a kly 4 Jane, if iheré la ai cooking sehoci anyÀ *lorse-in the cit, go toit, and complété oUreéducation, forîi l déficient in a voq iMportant p4rticulr. < Effeats of Old Fermons Sleeping watà -Young. A habit which is coneiderabiy preuralent in almeut évelry famlly,of alcwitig childrea te, sîeep with eider pérsous, bas ruined tio- nervons vivaciiy sud physical enérgy of mauy a promnising chill., Those hai'ing dear aid friands, whose lives théy. wOld like te, perpetuate sat thé sacrifice aftWi innocent offseiug, aloné sholuld entaour~ ibis éyil - but ever>' parent wha lova -buâ 'chil, and wiahes te préserve ta-him, :* man ervous system, with which tobuffet - SuccesfullY the carats, sorrows, andi labort of life, muai see te il, thai bis nervAn vi. tality -is net absorbeel by geamé deced or ageti relative. Cidren, coîcparad With adulttt ais été trically luaposttive condition., Thé rapiel chaeeawhici are geing on lu their bodi4. abndanily genérsie aud a& etena;Irely work np vital'- ncrva-clectriciiy of th*l tender organizations ie abiserbeci, theyatta pine, grew pale, languiti andi dm11, wil their bcd comipaniens feel a cerrespeonding invigoratien. King Davidi the Poalmist, kncw the effects-cf ibis practice, and wlio* ha becamae ld, got certain Young poisons te sloop with bit», thai bis days might be lengiiened. Dr. Hufehand, the Gérmait physielogisi, aitribuies, the frequtent long- evit>' of acheelmasters to their, daily - seciation e-ich yonng poisons. Inc-slid muthers oftcn protoiig tbcif existence by daiiy contact with ticeir child' rau. I once kuce-a weman wbcby weak lungsand iminerai docters, icad beau pros traeel witb incurable cousumptiorh. Ra infant à ccnpied the saine bed with her aI'e ment censtantly day sud nigh*.. The -mother Iiu'gered for mentis onue thé Vé rgç of the grave. Rer demisa being--hourly axpecteel. Stil she lingcred on, dally dci proving thé prédictions ofieér médical at- tendante. Tice child meane-hile, piued whotapparent disease, Ils once fat little cheaka felI away e-ils singular rapidif- - rty, till ever>' bone lu its face wu visible.- F!nally it bil imparted te thse motier 1Vs lest spark cf vitality, and simultaneouhy ibeLle diéd. - I sae- it- récenil>' gtated ina neivapaper, that a man lin).aissacbus. m ette iad.liveelforty days e-itent- eatit«à , anything, dnrluig e-hich pereel he-.hal rbecnnourlahéd b>'a l11W. celd we-tr, n "b yb thé influencé absorbeti by hlm e-bIlà 1dai>' holding théebond Ã"olis ie"4f Foot. WAiLntG e-In a.Diu.u, Wexà an.-??inht G- wu knoe-n et Londen as ai Paris; as the first valizer ln thée-eî-ild-ée-i. c d for an bonr itIcne extra beating ofilthé icbeari, ha ecaricd évery lady, heexhau!tted 11every'orchestra. One cvenlingat..4Jesacbu b young Engliai lady ef mmci beauty, t skéedhlm tg engage beo. Siae-was toîy :dsughter ef a distingnisbed noblematl *hoe ;had played an important part inuEsst Indisô 1affair&- Thé Prince waltze4 withhbai ,saon the other e-altzers stoppad, thé l5rincv' 1-uad Arabeils aloeacentiuned. It seemeJ à as if héwasiuspitéd whilçe waltsiug, hç 8kepi ou dancing e-iihout any cessation oi spuct and"théorchestra triadin havain te >folloe- hlm.' Thé young lady, her head -upon bis shoulder, acaei lu incstsv 1Peoploe-açre frigbtened ai ber palIer, a;vl à thea convulsiveémovetnent of hSe éycs1 L era reass'red by heringhr,a3 if itoïil. catéti witiijoy, murmer, 5Keep ont1 Qti;f 1- a rt quicker stili!' Soon aie spoker nu r or,- Thé Prince stili waltzed wbfrling ei s pMtuerwith his robust arm as though ube ere but agauze saarf Atilast th 91-mnusaiïusna se& The.é_Prince stoppedt 1 1