Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1858, p. 2

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1 UintDu> J4tw, Joly 12. off b" limensestor s ad amuintion. Ne resil tance was md-4;-00 reb.Is killed In thew q c i f calpe. le r.gýarded as ofgret; Importance. Sir Colln Campbel as at, Patt.hpuro one t IO &y. ,Chundare had beure- captred èomthe ilue ts. Th ebevite eurrouaded Shah Jehan- porcsa ta tirelief1had been dispersedby sheommatider.ln-Cii1sf, who after took Mohamdas vithout oppoition. In the. Sotithern Mahratta country.,1Mr., Nanioc the rîlcal agent, via murdered. as wpll asti hie escorta. Gvwaller had been attackede4nd plunder- @4 by inaurgents. Fiais er disaffection pr.val.ed al eover Southeru Mahratta. Mueh dtfflculty was experienced in dis- srmlng tiier.,and reintorcements have beeu sent. The. natives of Delhi are beginning ta b. Insolent again. On the 28di, in the Housc of Lords, -af- ter the. debate a mnotion was aFreed ta in fater et atrhking sunday epecial political servics, iucluding that in regard to the gu1ijpmder-pIot, &c. out of the. liturgy of th«Churcii of England. In the. House. aICommaus the. finaucial position et tth. country and the. manage * ment et the War Departînenttvere debated on the 29tb. The proccedings excited - verysllghf- in tereet. Ti gold discoveries in Vaucouver's Island attracted considerable attention. The London lime. in an ai'ticle on the subject urges the reauniptian ai sovereign- tyby the-Britishi Crown withouit delay, în order te prevent interférence by Ameni- Queen Victoria wil eau up the Rhîme tuîs esson, aud receive visits tram han ne- o ently married daughter at Cologne. *The Queen, accompanied bïy the King ofthtei Belgians aud the. Court, visited the * mammoth Leviathan the namne of which is *gain te b. changed ta theoIlGreat East- The. Directors of the Company inteuded ipplyiug ta Perliment for a boau of £200, 000 te enable theni ta finish the, vessel. Brlstow, Warren & Harrison, wiiolesaic grocens in London have suspended. -Lia. bilities sixty thousand poUnids. , .i Anetiien very destructive line iitd occurr2 ed lu Landau;7 large wahouseï ful0f pro't ducs vere d.stroyed, sud other buildings- badly damaged. Itvwas feared that se ve- ralI Ives were lost. Tii.shipping was hurt. Lmsa£200,000.p Steamer IlRoyal Chartez reinramAuet;a- lia, with ueaany hall a millionsterling in goldwas everdue at Liverpool 30 day4ut. 1T.&LY. à It wus reponted froîn Naples that Pied. nt intendetta persist lu deînandiug in. dimnity lu the Cagliari affair. AUSTRIA. Thte forthcomiug Liustrian budget is ex- pected te exhibit à dellcieucy of forty mil-F lion florins. Auîtria îe saicl te be hasten- i ing the. construction of new fortificationse at PIacena A correspondence inimical ta Austria is said te have been discoi-ered at Lamiburg. Some arrests wecmade. No details yeto LIVERPOOL 13READSTUFFS r 'Wexthen tili fine, but rather more mois-8 tume wanted, causing a better demand forn whe»t. Fiour-western caîl-20s a2ls 6<1; Philadel pha andl Batiiniore 21s a 22se .-.slew request but net olfering freely.f Wheat-%viîite6s 2d a7s perî70lbs slow % sale; Red-5s. 5d a 5<7d for Miwaukee mod Chicago-faiir denaand ý_Sonthern Red 1 &e Qd a 6s4d-in nmoderato requet. Cern-whito 3ls aS85e Ud; Yellow and Mixel 3Us a 34 per "80 Ibs-extrentely duli ofsale. PROVISIONS lnubeet and pork no change ta notice; Mess-no supplies of Anierican Park yet ieceivetl. Lard-sales made at casier pices. shs-potmcsier ai 86efort 12 bst FuiUser biy tii. Fulton. More Steamers are ta be put on tie route betwe.n Galway and Amenica. Dr. Livingstan'à arrived at the. Cape et Geod Hope ie noport.d. I A proposition bail been made ta, seifd clergymen oParliainent. Mr. Raey>', the. hors. taier, iiad exhibit- i .ed hie wondertul exploits before the. Queeu..T Tt -va ruli9rt-d t-bat Admirali hum wiii resign t-ho marins depfait-tment, n-hidi devslopes oni Prince Naipoleau, Ministrofa Algiertad theisColonisa. Thestrefomatbom et sailtug seipinlt-o steamers vws gougon vit-h mach actirit>' lunTu-ane. 1 Thei.e >rbeRoyal- et Sicil>' lid becu msnild te the. Dut-chës uesMme of -BaÈ&-i Piedmont persista la 'deunndiag lu-n demalty from Napeleii. ýaffair et the ce in uoh lsesed aantEgai neet lave quetion. a nt nin Tiie Pustrltuare hatening on t-becou- stet-oe eoft ten nen- fort-. Tise lutrerlugeoftWomeai. STRENGTH FOR THE FEEBL. l15t-ou fuaedi eI«r exare1 'alit bSe om" linr, restotin# to lthe&atrijute Ia sol- blod. g owuutidnted, and ln fuili tutÙ, te E o aondtes e an unholtyçnsiionf the fect c an U tho ledltten.à& tensafre oeIgtepyotand plm.an dei-t wlIfe, t 4n, ie Ia o moredactee- tmedlefiW'-o, 4was aiecnefre- -pdly iable, that tii.y ar the best and safedt nmednes ever olffred to the sex.- The'h@athen mytholoM, tell,, us of nymphe and deëi-geddmses upon whom the celes- tial powers beeàtqwed thi.- ift of immortal charme, but at this day trhie .only way ta preserve pereoral cent 'eliness and prevent premature* old ago, je ta keep the blaad pure and the skin spatiess. Bath these desider-ata may be obtaîned by the use et Hollaway's Pilles ad Ointment.-London "Ladija Newipap.r." New Adverltements tuis week. Surmner Graceries-Lawcs & PoweIl Dry Gods- do. Liqurs- dO. Whitby Soap and Candie Factry-Jas. -Wailame %Mcdical Hall, Uxbridge-II. D. Ilethring- tan. Found-Yankee Nation Stare. P. 0. Dept-Hlon. S. Smith. Negaciatian of Debentures, &c., in Europe -John Camoron. Notice. Maney 1 Money 1-W. IL. Daei. To Fe-males-Thas. Holioway. Special NXotice-Dr. Turnblety. Sundry Special Notices. The Great English Remedy--Job Moses- Salon-W. Scott. % Railraad Ilotel-T. Dawning. Executors iNotice--W. Hamiltan & Sami. Widdifield. Whitby, Thuirsday, July 15, 1858. The Recent Demonstraliou 1 Its Fat. lure. 1 A schises in the Grit Camp. A uing lias boom iuscmted lu t-e lcCear GriL Nase. Tic boaieted Ides et Job>'ai-o past. Fnida>', ani ts Ministry- annihiat- ing prajeets, are banishes! t-ot-ho condemn- cd ccii. A rude sud 'utt-tr arertinan- ta t-be Istigator et Insurrection, tic aidviser oftiau-paynutofataxes, sud t-ho niisperen ut Vigilance Cemniuitt-oçs, bas been tic unerited,t-bo' net-y uuloaked fer recuitoattho receat dangenous sud crafty crochet. W. sa>' dangereus, for suci n-e iîed tic sum- monimg etfsun excitad sud a taiet-bus gmt- erng ta ho,n-bt-hlm a quartecr oftumle of t-be fleuse et Assemb>'. Cr-afty n-e appi>', mith equai truth, beesuse w n-otor, amnd ail Taranta ma nare t-hatno exentlauihail boom spancd b>' deeperadoce, t-o gatier, (even front far off Bot-bn-cl, t-be bran-ny atm sud bcîian-ing voices of t-ho great GriL iunasuhcd. Imflaiîted n-ltlaieat, soiled vit-h -met, sud mauldeued vith aleebol, n-ha ceuli ferece wvitLdepionailo erecuite mugitnat have talion-ci, iad t-be plan of t-ie 1Canipaiguers as t-naccd ont b>'Lies, modern Cattlimes, becu left un-frustraled ? 1 Happil>', t-bey n-ere det-ecteil, toiled aud baffleil. Tii, boyaI menpf Tiranto san the danger, and, takiug a-icaest otthein advcrssry's book, Lie>' mot -lim vit-i n-capons et bison-n chai-acter, the' hsppiiy free tramnt-bhe ailut sud offeusivemees ofthi rnk sud file, n-ho mustened lunLthe Clea- lritt camp. And, se il came t-o'pase, t-hat aveu lu bis on-n Sarîbcdnim, Lie gi-est Poli- ticsl Ai-ci rlest, n-as driren ta despair, an-hemnil-un heeded-u-lametedl Ercu Iloodie n-s prcferrsd ta Brann1 a desceut, un t-ho scale of popularit>' huici muet lane opones! Lie eyes oatthoflusie! demaigogue, if amy t-iing eau- remare Lie scales vhlci dim hie vision. And, teuching tic ne- doubLed Meoodie. Rteally we are disposod ta admit hie resens ton t-ho course of ac- tion he adopteil. les sserts, tiat he vas induceil, b>' the broken pleilges nhidi île fot-met- Idol Bran mhad se sobernl>'glu-en, and se specil> disneganded, t-ouching sec- tsi-ian d>uses, sud t-be incorporation cf t-he Or-ange Society; ta.seven iiimseIt tram se spotted sud dismeputabi. a conueclion. Nrço can n-c blame hum. Lt-ms>' be jocular- ly ssid that Bob cen see beyond is nose, ;s tan as auot-her-ma>' it le asserted t-hait-s suddenu neta oethe LigiiL leuse lu tic Tronte Bay> kiudled tii, faim. of hie cou- rersion, sud euhigliteued hlm at t-lis espo- cial!moment. W., for ourselves, at-t-si to ru*eight ta t-lie iusieusting theet->'oe Iglit sud shade; et-, if it even ho se, -, e are quite ready te admit, t-bat t-he hero of tiheFers ly, le &r buttet-mdapted t-a overhaul eut- St. Lavrence gddy-stonee, and tini t-le reâ'olveu-s usefuli>'amnd loyal. l, t-han Boanerges Brava ia suitad te set foot withie t-he Coueil Cianber, ou-guide txe H1élin etSt-&t. Medie usay bigiten Our slarseme. Ru-neMost asuredi>' wotrd iouI>' meude- dau-knss yet mat-s vii-. bl o So,' ifttt 'hliglg da g Fortne, in the next gpie-ot ber tee-t-o-tain, shah provpmrthal toeit1obdie, vwe hould ftm mrefei tousseIt hat i îussher sm'ilng, on thei3 M<4ca utof:tLeYý'71à Ner diÀd n ai 01 ai 13 fc ti Pl ethle suftoiuo thi. lertt-ad lmat.,.n âv cllsa un- -w-as eii, t-lait rixt t-le [lot'ers ; meut Wu. agn- .Of their moba, we am not afaid to teUthetm ~4tiat th*#-,0rtcnôes formagitation d~ezclt.eet, are astaise la tie>' are x Whay iiedtriey~l, the. neutesUh'ad bs5s. 1eir rolis ar- 1>' plWýiet. . À-kuiveêcrtee maiy kéep thl mlser'e g Èe of 'Éeggartue Cowa- try' yet avile alive. Our solenin convic- tion howevèr«Ietht tue Grits abject te auy specimen im nprovements vhich le InOt vsldod at their evu fol-ge, by tllefr evu griÎm Volcan.- Tic>' <onsider every asdr!antage wiiich the superior fore-sigit cf the. Mînistry "sugMets ,as wortiilass ?'ýi net Issuing tram their own depository. (iuided by the. vamnings, vhicii ail histo- r>' places before us, w. desire noither tumult for reterm, viiers ueeded, uer dream ôettrustiug that reforinita the rude iiands of Levellene. Conflding in the. en- orgies a Minister whiiletiorotigily capa- bie et guiding the. vessel et State, (if net tactiously pbstruecd,) sud proudly rclying ou s population as loyal as it le ludustni- ous, w. repose in perfect sccurity, tiat the. momentary difficulties, (for which the. Ministny are no more reapon8ible, than tiey are for the. recent euptions et Vesu- nous,) seall b, tiumphautly passed over, and s speedy victory assured te tthe party et Order, Leyalty, and Pregress. The Colonuet and the Goverument. Erer>' set-tig sun adds mcv ignmnin> t-o t-le course efthLe Colouist, aind aven>' suc- cocdiug issue eft tsjournai but- mat-efuiby dovelapes t-he destitution et pninciple sud t-le hollovneso eti. profession afits con- ductors. The tergiversat-ions et that- jour naa are t-be st-t-ngest- possible ovidemce.et t-le adage IlEmpt-y vessels muake t-hoeuost- eound." For alilte professions af at-tacii- meut t-a tic Moderato cise, unade b>'t-be Cokuuî ft, bave been mere sounds-sttaci- meatstatai- ouud utteraude tiraugi t-iç lips, but -n-ci-o t-angers ta the heant. lt-s receutunpiecodentes abaudaumout et t-hoMinist-ryvit-haut au>' apparent ros- sau, bas excited mare et diegust- ant i pt> for ts cilions t-han an>' tet-anfeelings, ut- hais ddod notîiig t-o iLs nespcctabilit-y, ai- thaughitILmai>'havo made a fen-friends ;. but- aven thase ftiemds t-hua gaimed, n-Il uaL dat-e t-a trust- I, lest iL betra>' t-iem t-eu, or descrt thenq sud t-ura t-irm nost-bitter vilifiers. Hcncetortii, t-le Coloaiat siioîld h. nmued t-e l"Weat-lar coek,'> as best indi- cative et ils reliability of vord, sud its stoadtastnet ofprinciplo. Ons.dsy tiie Mimist-r>' vas aIl t-hat as laient-adlionest and sincere; tic next day it is vit-heut- eue redeeminutture, all,al îA hlsuk sud rot-tam. But-t-be ricet pst et t-ho sceme e çt-lait- LicColoa-iât has been cating its oann yrds, n-lhout oneo -distor- tian otftestai-e ait-titi nauseous dose. Fat- sevnuon igit menthe t-le Colimat n-as t-be steady 'and uusn-crning at-gain ett-be Miubst-ry. Durng t-bat- penios! no journal vas se loud lu iLs pt-aises et Macdonald & Co, as iL vas, and svcry jaurnal t-hait- bai t-be temerity toLay a'onte yard agsitst t-be Minisît-> or t-ho Ministenial supportens, n-as demounced as tactieus, umprincipbes!, sud contemptibly mean. Non-, hevever, IL 1< un t-be Opposit-ion, sud no lanunage e istea s:-nlous ta appi>' t-o t-s queudoux f ieuds -tle Ministeriai aide oatt-ho houe.. Erery set-oatt-ha Govrtment <lue.lt-s inauguration,eaiys t-hie saule Co1,o,48i > eharsctetizod b>'Il"quinke antI quibblee." lu fatct, t-be ver>' deede ItLaiuded, n-hile a Gonmmat argat, n-ihsa much vehe- meuce sud taient, iL mon- vit-h us muci veliemence sud (prastit-uted) talents de- ncuunces as n-orthiessud caft-emptibie lu' t-lacextrome. What- aas aIl fait- amd noble a ton- <aye ago, le non- blaick sud faub, sud an)>' deserviug oatt-be Ilrigiitons indigna- t-bau otan inconses! sud ij ured people." Cau anyt-himg bc more nidieruci>' mia- surd t-ian t-b.-present course of t-h. Colo- ,nit? Can aiythimg ha more indicative ot tic wnt of moral principi. ? Than vhich eau *baero bc amythiiu more daimaigiug ta t-ho pt-osent sud futur. uxetuluesesud T-es- poctabilit>' et t-he oCîloist?1 Could an>' eue mare complotci>'t-uit-if>' hiseti ?- Stultifcation bas neyer boom mare thonougi 1>' exempiified, t-han IL hais bceu b>' tic Coloniatt. -Deepl>'do lthe main>'frieuds- of t-ho Colonigt regret t-bat- IL sieuld lu an cvii haut-, have giron va>' te mpta-1 tien-il is t-o h. depioreil.9 But- s more disgraceful case etfuattiug lime nover before ceme unden aur peu. Ca- naidian jeurmalilias iitbott-einiUpper Canada ait- lenet-, been uuimpecauled, sud, v. beiere, unitupeachable lu t-hie respect. IVnt t-bs pricsetfils perfidy hais been, v. k- n et,n- e care mot. Ail w n-ckon, ail n-c cane te kn-w, le that tie Colon fat lias moat- ehimef#îly and scaudalausly rat-- Led. Tint, ike Lic serpent, t-bat ws w-at-mes! inta lite in t-la bosom oatt-ho ceun- tryman, t-be Colonitt hais turned upan t-hases via vere lt-s best- friend!, sud le non- ma-i ignantli> st-iugiug t-hem; but- t-h poison of ils fange lase& uoait-y ail ils renom and fatIt-y tram the distance tbis sunk belon-t t-le\itim etit h It-e Lma>'isean-a>', noinin>'. It lias tt-utpeted forth Its ove iutamy, It lias heraldd 1 ibroe oown faithlegsues id disboteqety. ltw'ub- llshed its o*' nd.gA" t I i»oaled -the toscin ot its ewn ft=o mule 0&d.tter diograco Wh.refbre sllould ciedenC e b given tooy 0f, tsstatetnentai "eI>laffl it, net hecausé it left the X itluiteTil r ank.q, but bocause it hais the. audacieusesfirenteny tai characterlze the. vitaleGovernmelt pro- gramme, e a fraud aind a d.csptlon,"-a programme tee, thait it had4r montts b.- fore meet tulsomely laude& , Býtause it now deneonces men as vile andd nprinci. pIed, vhom a few days go it iield up e the. tairet types et Statemen aud Patriote, as thbe oaly .Mon lu fils " hore Cauaida" capable ot holding the. reins of power. Bce- cause it nov applaudsans Opposition wiiicii but yasterdey it denounced as factions and vicions in tii. aktreme. Sucii an shuega- tien of pninciple is naviiore on record- ever ta the otter disgracceofthteiCo&niât should its treachery be kept befor, the [Pabie - xcii tergiversation siouid b. marked witii tii.otînoat scorn sd con- tempt, And se it will ultimaitely be, at least vo hope so. Town Council. f3'-.LtAn, JUIUt~l, The otanucil met- at t-h. Tn-n Hall, ou Manda>' oeniug et- 7 o'cloek. Bis Worsiiip t-ho Mayar lu t-be chair. Tic at-ber mcute bers pt-osent- n-ce Mssr-s. Hamt, fHdgson, Maiedoueli, Melinien, MePherson, Roe, Trensynne sud Watson. 111e Warsiip rnd s communication froni E. H. Tîtarpe, et Torent-o, At-torey'for Mr-. Hecnry 'Mnacdounald, reqmîcstiug tinat- 'ieaine ho talion ou t-le part- of tic Corpeoration t-e prevont Lnspassinc, on certain l1t§ cerner et Dundas street. COLLE(Itoii1S suuu-rES. Messrq. William Lainmg and Jamies Wal- lace, wet-e offcred sud accept-ed b>' tie Council, as t-ho Cellecters suret-les. Prsîrsvux. Captain Rave brouglit up t-ho report et t-be Speciral Commit-tee ou t-île matttr, sud ou mot-litn, tic Caunail vent lut-a Commiit- t-cc af tic n-hoe.tieren. Mn. Meedonelilu inte chair. Thot-oetstated-tiat tlic Spur.ci. Cent- _mIt.ee had aipplitd ta t-i. Cbcrk, tu(ilta t-le 'Chirminmu t e sConîmit-t-con prit-t îng fan tin oraiginial account- ftrnishod hm- t-ho TownoPrt-lu-cs, and t-hait-t-le Speciil Comumitt-ce could mot- oit-sn the sane- Tifat- tieneone t-be Speciai Committ-te cail- led au> the Taown Pritet-s for ai duxplicete accoit-iaud t-lailut-le duplicate aceoitt fttrrisbed, t-be prntiug n-as uparatcd into t-btce parts, vis:* tic by-lave unden t-le cent-tt; incidentali t-lt-g;snd adner- Iiziug. 'iat te accotnt fam ptinting by-lawts, &c.,.w-ss $-20 50, tram vici t-ho Special Commit-tee ueluict-ed $2 Z*0. That tic mc- count for incident-aI pintiug amouîunted t-o $47 2Û. Deductieus b> t-ho Special Ceux- nuittee $7. That t-be aidnertbsbng accoî,t- amomumted t-o $88 84; deductions $1 6i3. Total antount------------..$158 U4t Total deductieus------------.10 93 Am'nt tecanauncieddte bo pauul$147 'il 'fuint- luregarud t-at-be 8 cents cbainged for adm'ettisuit- li e advertiscunts, t-le samie was a mi.t-se-tbat atînl>'saune outhtei udvett-semaeut-sslieîdd beciargeti at 8 ccit-rpet- lime, sud et-ber, ait- pet- ine. 'lhatt-be severalit-crs ciargd as Inci- dent-ali nting, cauld noet-bs t-ged un- dei- tiecocntm st, sud t-huit-t-be saune (in aie- cot-dance vit-b t-h.ptit--e het-et-otore) had boom alloe-ciut t-le rregutian eut-teut prices, as near as t-le Commit-tee could ascentaui te camne. That lu t-be advcttising aiccout, the, Commit-tee lied allow.d ami>' t-le cott- pt-tees et 4d per lino (with s discount- et 25 peu- cent-) except- n-ei-e t-be advîrrtisemeuts n-ct-e publislued in bot-h papere, sud in ilch case, tic full changzs oftthe pt-apric- t-ors at t-le (Ckroicle-agreeable tea aireco- lut-ion tuf the Council-vere te be allen- ed. Tiat t-i. extra vank charged iiad been alloved (amount-ing altoget-her t-o sanie $4 50; t-be Commit-le, giving t-heint-casons for alleving it.) The report comcluded b>'t-i. Commit-tee necommeudiug. t-hat-fait- copbesoet tho b>'- lave t-a be print-cd lu fuît-une, ho sentt-o t-be Ton-n Ptinters b>' t-e lu, ik, imst-ead af tic original by-ian-s vit-h ail t-ha additions, aI- t-ciat-ons and int-erineations umade tiierein ; sud smngg.st-bng t-hatitnl fut-ut-e, contracte for Ton-n primtiug, tic aimount -tom priutiug one-egti siteets, quarter sud hall;asd1 n-halo sheets ha spccifled; as e ncl as Lie aimount per 1000 oms for prntiug b-lss sud minutes. The repart nas discussed in committ-es of t-he vhobe-Mn-. hodgean eccupying t-ho floor t-htle Counneil util 1S 'ciock-, se as t-o compuul t-le Conil t-e adjour an Sun- day mtiurithout- paslng t-le mecouni, At- 12 0'clock t-be Committe, rose, -ne- pet-ted pragresâ, sud obt-in.d lbare ta sit1 again. The Council t-hem adjourued. tfoiroAn, 'Jul>' 12. Tie Ceuncil met ait-lie usual ho ur, t-le Mayor lu t-he chair-al sehe t-ber members bieing pueseut. Mr; Miedoncll presenteA t-le r"Port et tie select- committ-e, snt-honized te mako certain imupraretueuts on t-he plattýrm at t-h. TowvuHaIl,-sud mcmuseuding, psy- tuent et John Bengough's scoant ainount- ing ta £18 14s. 6d. iarefor. FiiAXN KD5AiO>"5B5xsniiT. te a large extent, but beyond tiie fit-st- sud second, or at tat-theethte third concession tram t-h. fronýt, tiier le seat-col>' an appear. suce of it. Tii. tollowing is anextract1 froîn a letter ef J. B. Campbeli, Esq, et Ashburu, Tovnsiip etf Rmah, on tic, tub- "Penhaps it miglit h. interèstiug t-o th, numerous meadat-s et the wîdely circulated, WAity (lmoicZe, t-.hear lhov the. cropa gi-ev in t-hie partofet the ouutt-y. 1? se by sanie oethe public Iprinte, that therois a god loi o'ecitement going the rounds àbot tho evisiaking ils appearanclai I - 1~ te those furuis he i.Count>' counil- sii.ving the.'Mde ef clsargiug te b. pre- cisoly tl ssme as ln the. present instance, aud they held, beaidas ht tas t-hie vas t-be usage eoftthe trad. a courtetflaw woul4 de- elde iu favor et tiiprintûs. Atter'tii. exhibitIon eh great amaunt et illl-feeing sud lîl-temper *t the. part ofthbe, felwwo enjeys tth. s<briquoi oet4'PW!~ ceFtor General" sud fer, whioh h. got nicii- ly snubbod by thé members ail round, the. ceommttce rose aud'rnoeted the-Toportý On motion fer Treoptien etftthe report,- Mn. Tretuyn. moved an ameudment te reduce tiie amount ciisnged fom incidentai prnting toe i.contract rates. This amend- ment vms vitiidnav'n, ahd s résolution pas-ý ged,:authomilung papm.nt of $1251ta-Messrs Higgina &L Mayerhioeron ameunt et their printing accaunt, leaving the. difference of $22% whicii vould be-between t-ho pricos of tlÉe incidentai printing--chargiug by contract price, or at the. erdinary rates aie cbalmed on t-le part et Mesrs Hliggins & Mayerhoffem--an open question upon ici utombers desired ta holut-thon iufonmed. NEW DIVISION 07 THE 'TOWN. Mr. Tremmayne gave notice et a motion for pmsnuting a petit-ion ta the. Goevnor in Council fer tiie division of the. Town lu- tb four wax-ds, inst-ed etftthe pt-sent yard divisions. SIDUWILL- Mn. Macdoeli, secoudcd iiy Mr. Me- Piierson, mrored for the construction of a 6 foot sidewabk tram Dundas t-q Colbenne gtreet, onCentre street, during tic discus- sion of viaici a motion was inoved amd car- ricd for the adjouruiment of t-h. Counil- and t-he Council adjourned ait 83o'loct, a. m., ou Tuesdaiy maruing, aitter au 8 heurs session. The. Twelfth thus Yeair.- Tiie mnnivorsany etftle battle of the Bayue, was celehrated tiîis year with great pamp, t.iroughaut Upper Canad4 and, we are giad ta state, wsithouL t-he occurrence of amy riat-iug, exceptinlut-be i nstance ai Tu- routa, wherc a serape is alrnost sure ta -take place cet-ry haut- lu the day. Tii. Orange- mcen frein titis distriet assembbed ait Oshawa this year, ta ceeeiiate t-be day ; anti were campased of members tram tic failowiug Lodgz.s, Port Whit-by, Wbitbv, Ashburu, Graeenvaod, Broeklin, Columintý, Enîtis- killen, aud Bowmanvile ; ta t-he number et about 800. A snmptuaus ditîner was servcd up ait McEiroy's hotel, wîîere nicet of the Bretheru dined. Ater dinner tic several IacK-s feil into order and paraded through thc principal stru-ets in full regalia te thc straîtîs et stirring n î,witîi "ýcolor& streauing aud banurs iavin"" aud presetîted a most- imposing spectacle. Tîhe procession vas marshaled by Thomas Maeody, Esq., Marshal of the (day. On thle procession being drawn up, opposite Mc- Elroy's hot-el, addresses were deiivered by Edward Mdlirien, Esq., County Master ; James Stabbîck, Esq, Deputy County Master ; Fraucie Clarke, Esq , District Master; Thomas Moody, E-sq., - Ma- nuai; Esq.(Dr,. Tempest, E. Uarsveil, aud Dr. Ilillaire et Dunhami. Teicfdèett speakers wncre loudly chîeered- After the, conclusion of the addresses tlîrec clîcers, were giron fer tic Quecrs, the Grand Mas- ter et B. N. N. Thc Loyal Orangetuen ef B. N. A. IlTii. Gloriauq, Pious and lin- martal Mcmory of King William Prince et Orange, &c." The severai Lod-es were also cheered in tut-n. Although the mornin.- vas vet and un- prepi tiaus -tie aiternoon ef tic day tîtmn- cd out fine, sud as aIl the. mombers wero well equipped, cit-her on horseiaek or rade in carniages tlîey sufferednoincouvenience freux tie muddy roAds. And however damp the. weather, the. spirit of tiie pro- cessioniets appeared ta suffer nothing in. t-ils respect, for thec>' venel"mernilyje>'. eus." Triomphal arches vereý erect-cd at Butland's Corners, between Oshawaa and Wiiittby; and aise ait the corner- oft-King st-t-et sud Sue.e street lu Oshawa, vîici were ver>' neatly sud' apprepriatcby dc- t-t-ed partizan came tiorôd ta moesaste- Woution -ceudeutuatron f t-h.intèided agit-at-ion!f It vas ver>'gi-est noe douit, and as hn'es bocominfi seiones and looking ugl>, t-ho faithtul comme.ced t, heet sd yellse t-hait Mm. Clan-r cocl& rnt b. distiuctly 1heard, tlth rl i a' snd rcsdt-lit Ononitie a besson ha yl not soon torgct. Hc husd ne- sooner doue t-han tn umps t-ho Oaptin-as -the 6<flud'enow 099a E NOTIAND» coxiTSersP5tPAR1D »Ro U!Keviuier dBOtanùCLe. Toronto, Juil' 18 15 Thire t-w or thresiiotieeabb, pointi lu t-he occurrences et tic week.'The. fit-st I shall simd, ta l e i, esurrettion et t-ho -Sabbat-i Observance Bill b>'lt-s tramier, the, lIon, Mr-. Dolilaquiere. Somc five or six veeke-aio,- ven Lieýkî" messure 'first chme up for s second readiug, IL accasion.d a gond, deai of delîsto, sud lt-eadrocatea seemed quite sune t-bat t-h.ylid a uuajorit> but as the vote vas mot. takien betor, t-h. recese, mn evciu sesion, viich le net ntyusiaI vi-h -h.Lards, vas held, sud singu lani>' enouçh, or significauti>' enaugh, steeight or mni etftth.eniembers vho, in t-ho afterneon, vrere appaircuti> rend>' t-o "goq it bliid," vere aimong t-ho missiug se t-baLwieu t-be quîestion vas pot, iust-end et a majanit>',t-le Sabbathariaue von, de- tcated 18 ta 13. I vas sorry for t-hie, not because I approvcd of t-he meaure lu lt-s originab shape, but becuse I thouglit it mugit- ho smcuded lu Commit-tee, amd madc ai vonkabie lav. WeIl, Cal. Tache, vie apposed the-i. ll, did net, eut et delicacy t-a tie feelings of lt-s trien-le nha cxhihited a geod dcab et religiaus terrer, titae viîat le very nulgani>' tenunod, t-ha six me)nthe bolet, but Simîply, "thait t-hoe>1bil met non- read." It viii, et couir-se, quile, pa- tout t-a t-he lIuse, tatlie niautnt t-a pré- veut lt-s bcbng read tisession, but lon. Mr. Delilaquiere, vit-lt a zeal wartiiy ai t-ho geod cause, chose te igne the t-ecog. uized abjectofethuemotion, sud os ny met vcek gave notice t-lit le ould propose lt-s restai-at-ian ta th-aerders aft-le dnsy. It v-as in vain urged t-hue voîld bc a net-y douitful pnecceeding, audth te grllant Col. eomplaimed et not buitîgw,311 treat-ed, but ail rais of me arail. Thle ruiles îenmitted Lie nesurrectien oathticbill, mnd t-latnas cnumgh. Delieme>' of feeling, ceuuttesey sud everyt-hiug cIsc, must be set acide, mien t-le laigluer luit-y interfered, se t-he bill n-aie rotugit- up again, sud put on tic ai-dors fer a Ynd rending. Youuxaet- t iti- denstaud t-hat-Il"t-licvoie-aile nneml.erl t-ook geod cane t-e tat-clufor an eppant-tnit> n-hein seeral of thbe epponients ef t-benies- sunre vene abSent. l t-heu> moved fer lt-s 2ud reading, nih naie 'arried, sud IL vai fontlnwuit-i sen tt-e a Cottirmîuee, 'ihici ne- pert-cd lt-t-lie mxt la>' riitIsevenail smcnd- monts, int-cnded Le ebvitute tlte oections ich en its fit-st appeat-ance n-et-e nade t-o it. Iu ut-dont-e securo a spccdy tuinunîh, ir. DoBlaqîniore proed t-batt-be ameurd- muen ts l>e aken nt-o consiberation t-le nexi. day, (Sunda>') but tis wns resisteil, and ver>' strange t-e say, t-lic ncsit-an.s arricd t-hein point net-y uuch te t-hoeuisgmîst of "' t-le veni-able unaben." 1 conntts.s t-hat much as i de-dr. et-e soina stngout an- guardiug tic Sutida>' tramdesenat-lor b>' t-ho authtih ofehet tin in. Ivite tater înioaseul at t-elieuîsluap, fot- 1 don't believe in 't-be doctrine, t-lutt-be end sanctifies t-lie means. Vine bill contes up agai t-o-day. %vlitu n-e chili dotubileshave suiotiien figlit but eveui if it shoiud p-ies lu th -ho Cncil, I ver>' ucli questioutn-boet-lir it n-ii go tirouglit-ho Asseibil> tor t-ler, aine indi-ý caitions, anhl,a "Ilpeu houer" 1, sud aisce- i of otiers, mite lane tat-ed liko slaves duuniuîg non eairby fine notiît-lîs, iii regard t-lt, delirerance s sounetbing t-o rejoice aven. Ti)c greait enent ot t-le vcek as voînliane ing lulu otr papers n-as ticmnie et in nSu Lawrenco Hall,caied b>' a nequisi- tuan t-e t-be Mayor-, nuiiiereusly sîgncd sud I must say uit-b slarge nuruier et bogue mnd unsuthorizetl ummes. The fubl num- ber vas Oct--cen 600 muid 700. I belice eut- oftese Mn. Wilson n-ho spako at t-he meeting sauul that te hie knawicdge 82 vere spurietis. Tic gneaîest -exci-tions on the part ofthie urits aud at-ici- alcontente, t-o vit-: Mr-. George Sheppard eftrLie Colon fat, n-ho nov goes tic viole animal n-ih Mr-. Brenn d v, be ras t-o bave socouded t-he Resaitut-ion oet thatgentlemnim, vereumaide te securo ai verdict of death aigin- t-i.e lMîiiety. This et course vaispenfecti>' n-cil nonnsd tudenstoed, sa kt is notat aIl ta b. woudet-ed ait t-huit cresponding xentions stiould have been made on tic Ministerial side. .Çud Lie>' ncie made m th s yull. The irfarnous tet-girersaition ef t-le (Jolonist sud t-le publiahed faiett-hait lt-e leadiug edit-er Mr. Sheppaird, vine is s main n-el giftcd vit-h yards, vas te-be ou t-ho plat-erni as s speaker gave interest ta menot epsplle itie a>'incsdoue, nint eshtionae t-atheagin use dut, sud b shm-ty dtterad s eHoas enajmur ètYha mato i>'dr euthsiaaeeiaor t- ai lo, te SariL bsrvncbllMm To daym th o Sabbthoteaeed, nd m Cop franhe s an amtemend edthedmotion Col Taei ch sh aerimen t-othaeit bta ak ltluconsidemabu a t-bnoeo-. idered tuiday tva nitls. A e> vrarin debato ensued, and seue ratbpr un- ,charitabl.espeeciies were made on betht aides a& i ' isaldoo jb eli gï persans who, maneged ta get a heairing wore oppouents ôf M. Brown, or aid frienda heopme adeergdrîed. Mr J, Wilson, tommnermi'nember et the 'Corporation sud fora long time a varia admit-er, continued C t roô"dhierecaut>' mcquimed disgut arit-o c "cson ta as>' that carrupt offere hia4beeu made hlm au behaif of M. Bt-ovn if h. voeld vithdraw hie opposition. Mr. John Iioblaud bat. se pramnîlent aud lu- fluential as ta b, employed as à sort of -polit-bai miner:sud sapper, bjusiivacker sud ranger at the gene-al eboction and fugleman at the gatherings, çvas biait-aIl>' nov 'hero sud in* net ehowing hie lut-oligent nase h. .xhibitcd a ver>' proper discrimnin- ation, for I doubt vîtether lie, would have beon tolematod fan a moment. Mr. jrown seeing tle gaine vas up, withdnew, -suad teok ave>' vith hlm perbaps eue tit-aioe the audience-I gir. hlm a muci langer proportion t-han is gonot-aliy_ cancedcd- vie escorted hlm ta t h eGlobe officewviere h. speechified vithautlet or hindrance, Ht-. Hoblaud biingiug up t-herosi- in oeeoa hie vspid oattions. After thei. llbIia& been cleared eftht-e Griti, Councillor 0'raig vas called ta the. chair sud Mn. Moodie aid- dressed t-ie cit-izens, bittbe or na perceptable dillerence lu t-i. numbers icing apparent, since man>' via could natbeforo flud roosu eutered sud filled up the, places left vacant iy Mr. Brovn's fricude. Tie Hall centaine 2000 pensons standing sud iL vas full. "lBoai" t-heu recounted Lie treacieies ot Mn. Brown, sud speciailr t-latit it-î a day or t-me, ho haid been eaimucstly impianed b>' that- gentlemnan nat ta forsake hum aind prouxised a provision for bite in a goed fat cille., se soon as t-le coming CriL Nfinistry met-e instailied Mn. lBrown has uot dared t-o cont-radiettii statemnent, veil kueviug tlat Moodie le ready Le airuito it under osti. It mas tien roeulq-cd, lt, Thatt-ho con- dueL et Mn. Robinson, tic Jutrior rueuher met vith t-he fuli approbtion of tho citi- zens, snd 2îd tbat tla-atofth. Senior mena ber did nitand '0at tiereter, e i bcne- peettirîl> reqiîcsted ta resigu.Tc ui ence Lien praecee½lSd Lat-ie inusýie ot(fin baud, abong King'strct, striking up " tie Rogues' Mt-crh" viien t-bey passed t-be (èIobe ofice. Arnived at t-li Panliament fleuse Mn. Robinson aiddrcsscd t-hein q tev words traom sa cabstanding ou ticestreet sud Lhe cnawd checed hlm necifeýronel>'. Tbey aise clîecrcd for John A. -McDonald, sud groaned fer Messrs. Brown sud -Mci3ce. These iîîterest-Ung exorcises vere nmnicd vith " La MNarseillaise," " Sec t-be Con.- qîîering liera cames,'" "tle Brit-ish Grani-t- iios," "ltRtle Brit-annia" sud " Geil sane Lire Quecu." This exhibition et ait,èred feeling lu Tarante 50 exai.perated Mn. Foiey that that noi-tii>' enlîlnet stand it, buit get 1m1p he-ide iniseif witli passion and sauti " it vas a diegrace t- e city tl.iat stuci things coulad i.(lone in it. -Why said lie tlîere's a meb etfion- ruffians ataur doors, caine t-hon.fath-le pui-pose of inti- iucdatiug tic Legisiature, sud M. Speaker aut of athemeuniers ot t-be fleuse is ad- îbnes-;ing t-hetn freont t-haetos" ereupon, Mn. Robinison t-be porsoaluded ta sprung up aud weubd ait once have pitcied into t-be confidence man, buttire Speaker ruled thbe discuss4ion eut et order sud câlled uipon Mr. Cayley vie vas spomking, to the.Tarif, vhan t-be erovd cama te resume hie ne- mark-'-. Mn. Cayley pirncccded aud fiaish- cd a meet capital exposition outh-e finances et tic coutry sud ticeumens ibcpraposed ta tise for repleuîishing t-be 'reaenry. At-r ie bad doe.Mn. Robinson nisked lettre te repiy tn t-be at-t-ck et Mn. Feley sud lu a momentt-be House vas in a sit-te <et ex- tt-eux. agitation. Mn. Robinsen vas pecu. ian>' haippy and tordube, in tact be vas elated vithis night's wurk, sud ncady teo figit au>' eue t-hat epposed him:.-f1gu-a. t-inely of course. H1e indignantly st back lu tic' t:eti oftht-e memben for Waterloo, t-li charge of "1ev nrufflanisîn," aud assert- cd t-bat t-he gentlemen who had at-tended hitu ta ticlieuse, vers eve->' hit ares- pectable, as cit-her t-hat ion. member or himaclf. lHe tholienet on toa msa glov- iug account efthle deingelut-h St Law- t-once Hall, sud cxhibited Mr. Brovu as.ne longer in the possession Oftpubliconufldence H.e acouuted for t-hig li> statiug t-bat tint ban- mruober lied been guilty- or the.gros., seet treachor>' and assentod t-hat if h. vere to test publie feeling ta-mo-rom, ho would ha ignomiuieusly rejected. If ha chose'ta ta try it, h.(Robinsoru) woubd. secommo-> datehum b>' puttug hie own resignatien lu t-h. bands oatth.Speaker, wiieu tic>'could mun tgother agiu aùd ho would bertt hlm ass-i ithou- ex ti -niu iaPis , u flext he ondes all'opatli>, ho1 ria, mntu-îsi& t-be thbe To tliin diton et the Whlulby <Crsos" tl.itriglit, Sir, that an ludv-ual- nt-oust'l nslvant, and pMing $lot moitti undersanerdet ft-h.e unt>'loumt, ou aceunt- of 'a judgnnent obtained agamnst him tiierclu, shouid- eccupy a seataI t-he 6oai-doatt-h. I&umicipsi Ceuntcîl ofthe Tox-n. et Whit-by? 1TlaiL rig itt$r t-hpt a pers n lu such cli-cuinstaucce eiould filthe , Reeve's chair, and take upon hinuseif t-ie duties cf Msgbistrate, binivrtue' otan officeo vhich h. le legal>' sud memal>' disqu1ifi. ed te tilt-? Yus i. - A RATEPAYER. Tiicouduetof t-he indiridunsi referr.d tO, in c0ntinsllug t-o metain île ecat lu the Municipal Council, le, centtamy- te al pro' ceedent. IL le contra-y 'ta t-lieStatute Lav oftthe Province.Notmain et igit feeling, sud pessessing a scintilla oftdelica. c>' nould thuuk et holding the. office etf (Jauncilman, sud acting as a Magitrate in , ,virtue of hie office u atter heousd. been dii. i quabified thi-oughlm inkruptcy, or insai. vency. Tie scaudaIaus comduct t-f t-let ReeveofotWhitby_ lu doiug se, is t-he theme ef pi-ett-y. generai aimutmadrersian inaide sud outie'rtheii Ton. Tii. Tovn Couni. cli siauld take sane actIbiwiu t-he matt-or. We uindet-et-aid t-hait a petition iii lu course of signatture, ta be pmesaoted te t-le Coun- cil au t-he subjcct. Slaughter o e -UB lemols [To tii, Edit-or of t-he WIit-by Oiirouiie.] DLrAft Sii,-ln t-hoeblut-issue ofetOii. OA awa Vindicatn- I'observe a cevert sud rnost unseeml>' at-tack upen allopathie pi-sctitioucre et nuedicine, laingeneral, snd t-baset Brfookiu in panticular, under, tie fnigit-tul icaidiutg of "MSiught-er ofthle lu. naccutai7' Wit-hout n-Ailting te enquit-s inta t-be abject et ths writer oet tbis nnMost uucalbed for sesuit upor, gentlemnen, for trioe.kuon-bedge, selent-ificai sund practi- cal, b. pnotesses.t-o entent-aie t-lis higheît respect, I viii vith yeurpermission, make use oftasmaul spat in lu your columuns, inu- u-don t-hat 1uns>'diseus'ge -i. its af t-he article. Impn-irsie it - h. aemted t-latseau- let tever le a simple disease, yst almeet uani'e-sally fatal as ruanaged 'b,? allopat-hie j physicians. Hon- ut-t-en>' devaid et foun- <laition le t-lis aisserutien, sud hewi completc- iy docs it prove t-h.eut-ire ýant oftiq aint. suce ot thLielt-er'vit-hthe disease sud -a fortis-i bis perfect înability> for t-h. tesk n-hidi h. set-s huhuscit, 1fatlecturing mcn- upon t-ho practlêe sudd it-esofta profeission wicit-bey bares peit .t-ieim litetinne l in st-udying, aissisted by, theoexperkaece oethli. past n-iich bas nov beca accumulatiag tom simple disease,' riteleiLtalmos't' universslly fatal. - Acccrdiug t-e sllauthititlecions subjeet it-accurs in t-me. principal forms, t-ho simple, tiiesugineus aindt-le maiignaut. Tic ftiret-lh-e ruuldeet fe-nuand la gsner- ail>' kn-wn as scariet rash eor scarletýina; tIis I tiik Inia>' et>'igsmAzet-,A4 anises trout improper' treatmsn4 someo ter dis- case couuplcstiug iL, au-clapasQ or save ifthô sfegiteloe et setlfoer vhich are -sapt 1w" fohîov t-hie ais t-lac severr ft-ms. The se. coud fe)rrat, which affect-s t-h. throatefl.W7 i ey e-'severe and -under the 1>st freet. ment soetimes faltsoccionIlytiapasse inta t-he third terni. Mli n4 tariet fever le abways ext-reniai>' sevem4e-aad lut t-he a it>'aicassfatal, howoy , , it Mas> bet-neat-ed., The fever whieii'acccnnpanies ift-esembles t-ho >rerst typhus an d scia- t-luxes it et-rikes demrrît-be patient a if b>' soinol deadi> Poison, almeet before any rash makes ils-appearano.Oftcoure inmet-ual practicev e lad even intersuediate grades bot-n-en tlisethreepxinip4f.ms.Con- gestion efthUe braie1 infiamatiaofett. lîleumm and lung, inflamat-len et thIid neye, dbarnhoze,' and Sde Ma-e-Ofte gottls,. ter lui 12 it mght 1 rui

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