Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1858, p. 2

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I t4 lle eh -il&- eâtiàaý and wu sigteen- tioýYi M ingtheir acts and their names, H&Hfalri, JU'Y loth- tien, and thit th«y hhadd 0 two unsuc- ut home and Irbe P.Oye- IWI stcanlship C*nad% Gapt. omful attempta to lay the table. On fW,1ýeteAMer 6'Manle L«C" . -abroacý *Ith thm tferry and XO1qDVý EVENING, JULY 19i',!ý > M loft Llier ;ýn gâf Ïhe 8ih uccàd attellipt on the 26th thoy succ (>O The Cotinci pool nt M wu Land hîîctý.k. ptumal. James Rowe,' 14 X hi 'and t1ilî Imet at the ustiat heur. lü'04' fnsi., and a - rrived At nitifair at 9 on 'ng upwards of 40 wIl«_ýXnd Ica h- 'q a, Égintins, aut4à Micriscopic ins e& urs op the Mayor in.t.ile chbir. havin b6en detxlnO"85 i ni Pti&y the Idth à Ilnaly when th 1 M,ý ý 1 Presont M hoursbyfug off halifnxarbor. Thecým- an eý donell, àVc e7m, Voercial. details by the Canada and the mming the 27th of JUDO. t Bay done ý'4"9rdé Absent Messrs. Hini and T rein tu min pointa of news were publiçhed on. retffrned te thoir ats, a 'Ünt' pp 4 wu p Ac, lie TýwnI- 3- eý itb walting -for the retu PETITION. ar Tbesday morning t4a CRpe Ràm thV myixi'> -in Of John Shaw anàýe and VRlûn'nl.% and Rg seon as ë -rnet dg ne lný1 GREAT BRITAIN. y os es- ar ti'ný off the certain improvements on On o 8 W On the 30th the Idârds were Dot in gires- splice Wolild ho inade Aýà othe attempt New P t 0Èý_ P. 0. Dop tment. the Capital, ayo aýd in _eYen set - treetý Natnes o Ceunty of Ontario and what ubadate-,Uy,4Je* cabie, -_S 4qMý-,might ofC41ýppe --d »y' WEIGUT AD 8,4LE OP BILEAD. aient and the, Coanglons wem or4apg! In t - -1, , , - -.-ý1-«,e_-1 - -Il ý - ý,-_ ----,__,ýý the Xiagara at 8.30, P. il., nd to; the fog Vegotable 1ý- w' 6â 'Wh 10 the ' f- ff, d*ktilng the marriage law& o_ _ Dames or r. agson gave notice. that ho would net in scon after 1 du not t a squad- -Special. Noflc'Mý' pcwîý and ;et the 116%1ýlrnoetingof theý Couiteil -ýintre-, On the lot In, the I»rds, the question of ý bi lik ý ilu dminion of Jews into Pïrlianmt'>Wag ron tuet beforme tire 28th. g wenther for duce a by-law,. re e --wmmmý Most in everything that &Mcted Ibý weal token up. Lord Derbyreceded from, hi,.q, *61ne been fogu ànd un.ý;ettledL fflm 'gulating the weight and wý firiftthe T4ný ÎhÎ ck>ers biv*lb*lrý- imae,»£4bread wIthin the.muniçipel#ty, Piëleýf"rned te bu in pod spi,-its and ID& W ON oppodtk.R te the Missure. fle believed it they-*txdd -ygIr WMmed -in eem Aix «*rlg î wm.tinpmibte te maintain invitilate the L in the c*ble. ,;tM stoirm lier: pka for which thrir Lordships were y wut ad with all the pretentions to, petfiotisin iný:-ý)rpuàhtý,forwWdat,,theprev"gý the en. Mi riocnig cStending without briàigiý8 liem, In, theW uqne$4 whidi Pe*g wiih of the COÙncit..*asý rSd and brougfit fcdw- *Êvm.-.into collision -vrath the HOU'»' of - Oýý tous* by, tby, Thm-Àayi -Jaly littie âj on iminits knoid so Weil to.rrecolisidui-gtion, Ccmmons, 0èrefilée ho eonsidered ît ýthe and W-61 how to spreail and bout of; doty Ofthï, Roust te cormiderwhether floui issue wë t i_ mÏmber of the 4vu,.a-. W th th,â ubiliu a snpýle- street comera'- while- the truly worth thora wax Any ýos%îbility of sati.4actoril y C'ouncit:to b y -the Ave thé wmmitt«ýý,cri strects, sottung aIl difficulties. Ife believed that g1% -,ý4=tq of with tried talents and.unbonding, honor, and Improveragen , , 4, ta appointed te examine, the suggestion' of Lord Lucan 't'bat the - C'oriotit' les or p«ý1i4:1 ilti>iaditue. ove- -A umnB Of aPP«Iing In favor the Town, and tel Communs fibouloi lie allow ad to dispense týgeorot,ùônd the mpr th, of their iota, te, ýttIë W-ar politicianis. MontR tii be 0, rirespe Mari " ... » 1-;ý res'ol d For tiji"e ( ý c-taveOfý WATUS. tir 'b ution with the Word:i on tlio"faîtii Vitrions- art.'ëlý" d- s1;aký thîàt * Il.) cout4not under- Tht es an eOfffMunitatibns Compare the r. Watao ol&Chrigtintiwhun a inenibernfthe Iewisli W, cach bas in the stand Mr. Macriont-Il's consièr cy- 1 Flow in pli ri to'title. an Irish ni*ipaper,, the r M.> in( ptrsum, Ion applicri te L si'-Pe 11, la éver Io- went Of îou' re- Town, the taxes 'that each bave te pay ; gatting ùp^ alte hi8 seil ý bITord. nd by hi rés.>IU'tiôn oinS do cd the only solution et the diffleulty, and Fý Peat that we &WI mt hold 0' výne L'Ood and'smU.ýinË Îbýiýaà of Parti&. ?Àrgltw lî. the honest worth and 1onest naine of each, awaý,.i*hthe bu8inzofthe complitt Tt therofore, though with giý,Vat regrvtý he Ineýýtary p&përýéýnt4'. ., the national dis- b4rty ta retùm rejoebd manuscripts. the gooo:1 that each have done public. and and recurring to the ol was prepared te accupt the nieasure. Lord ýUrMmýgj1ts or 18$7, onut of wý-hat- arc et privateand where the naine of Hodgson & !à% each couricilinan recom nend the improve-, Lyndhurst cônsente-d ta poý,tpnne his bîll, tochliie;tlly çal4d Il Civil Contingencies.'* men «il xeëtà»gÎ la Widtby. s ments in his own parl:'cul«r ward. Ho 1 , .ý Co., and those of the other portion of a 'Id il )on what principle reâding of his tneasiire explained that it Our conterrip, coutil net understa amd Lord Lucan in itinvîug the second ory tâes the, oipportunity of dissatisfied discOntented crevr, who join XIr. blacdonell acted, in wanting one course pay ine the British publigthebandsemest When méri become deteià ined to ex - tléi gave the House 01 Cointilow; the p >Wer or cot;npl iments 'upon thei.r "prince 1 lyienar, bibit themulves aaý.tâdu with him, are unknown or only known to be pursued at one time-and the doinir Omitting the words 11 011 the true fiith of Asses, iÎ would be allowîng each melnbj ri osities," and exemplary serenîty under the, balf 8, pi to be sçornad-that ofilodpollls in 10heat away with it, and r wu à Christian "-by resolution, but required screw of taxation. This is a high eàeorÀli- ty te deprive the publie of -the instances excerated, and te bring forward bis own particular plan. thut eve member of the Jewisli peretia- sight, And it was doubtless acting on tûis Prior te this bir. Nacdonell introduced, thi ry tim but it i,4 really mo more thanOur duty, and Rowe stand proudly and applandingly. another motion of the saine kind &Ion should present Iiitn.,,elf in the tir-4t in- as ý%vilI lie seen by a few extract,4 tàen At impulse that the Mayor of Whitby gave te con, we stance at the table of the HauBe and statt: rrintlom from the document-rtformd te.- James Ilodgson Icave te show himsolf at before the public. Those names tglways struct the Court *llouc-t6 Me and in MR :Ils o*etion te the nath un the forru in Ilere are specimens of little bills for re- - guarantee security te the stranger abroû& tlis instance bu was only folloirîng that-- which it new ptood. After soinc (leb4te frestiments of different kinds which Mr. --and in the men, who cw , tbÇ;P, the, poor up, contrary to bis avowed deeWatjqn te h 1.1 the aecondre"ng was carried hy 143 toi John B 11 was ýgOnd as, te pay during the past. The tudîence thon had ample oppor- and tý Icare the matter in the hlanda of the com- U e needy at borne flot] relief, white in mittee. '97. In the cominotis, auention was cal- financial year in question for personages tunity to observe that Mir Hodgson wu tarit te the fact that the Peruvianý Govern- wh,) were very well able ta pay for them- not only a thorough do'nkey, but a vicions the posstsion of such men the Town of Mr. bf"Aonell-in answer, said thathis ment wu selling, Gninn to the AmericA"q selves. For the entertaininent of theïr Whitby for bieing a Town, and whatever rensons for moving the motion were that ait! 10,Wer prîces than tu the Ehglish Govern- Royal ffighnesses the Princess, of Prussla brute, likewis& lit truc donkey faallion elge ît ytt grows te, has rouon te cou ho did net agre in the report brouglit in Pr( ment It was replîed that Peru hiid pro. ho kicked and bmyed Most %îlely and sonse- bY the committec, that the report was net te mtcd te reduce. and suite, and Prince William of Darien And'all in the endesvour te deduct g-atulate Etsalf as It will owe whatevar it8 in àScr&'nCe with the resolution instruct- ast- LoNDo!;, Saturday, J and suite, driring a paý." from Calais to leg'-IY- iIestiny May bc to their first directi On. îng the committee. He contended me UIY 3- Dover. en board lier Ntyestys steam-vessel Ae d»Uan a74 a h 4.1f from a printer's stesd of the comnettec that in tau ho lïtiia' City article reput ts- that the Fire Qucen, £8 ils. 10i _Expense in- ýbqI 1 makin as they' Wliat an enùobting perromrmec nt fufids opened yestèrday nt a furthe? dectiiie 1 - .10 should have done, a recommendatory re-' curt-cd un accogint of the coriveyance of the fur à conneilman- the Reeve,-by bis leave _rfýM-eltItiocers. ofibat subsequently sHghtry rcovered. eike of Càtmbrdgcý the Ductim ow POrt, thoY brought ii) a different report There ivas a very active demand on the bridge, Ptin-e Fredorick WilliamOf ýPrus- -oftheTgmnofWhitby,1 Andtoamom-1 Welcarn kr the 011cial, votes and pro. atto.nther. The report, was milde likewise discount Market and at the batik te meet sia, the Ducýèess of Mechile plisb bis a 1 DA, this pattern of a cititiSii, Rnd contrary te an ex ffl rule of the Cotincil, en iibiu-g, and the ceedings of tile" Legi4 ' r dri lative CoUricil that comm the'bills due on the 4th, and full rates Princess Hohenlohe, and their tiuite% te a touneilinm, did net disdain to ri»rt to the Bill brought in by the Ho, which stated tliaFa ittec sbould not sta weredemande4. and from the Continentý on sandry oc. ri. lir. pat. ronsist of less than threc. or of more than iivt A report was circulated that the laying cuiong, on boardé ship-pf the Daver, Cétlài-% every kind of little subterfuge, te distcirt ton, (whereby Cletks of Ceunty Courts, five mombên; and in the comn)ittee ap- ar of the Atlantic crible was nearly completed Rnd Ostend, MailContract, ServiM £161. froi -and pointed on this matter, which consisted tif 'Q tacts, and relate thetu incerrectly, Deputv'Clerks of the Crown, Registi-ars threc incrubers, une of the gentionien and Bharcà; advanced from 500 te a nomi lial The saine bottntiful John put bis band in opetill and shatuelessly in the face of the nf Stirrogate and other Courts, and Borne ord u0tâtÎon of 600 te 800 pounds. bis pock-et and paîd £40 for entertaining highest testimony in the Town of Whitb%- other officiais, wili after the passin or the net pregent when the report wax mikde. inz It wws roported that another of the -fait-' Lord Nortnanby and suite on theÎr Pas- (-the Mayor, Cept. Rowc, Dr. Ham, an'd bill bc prevented froin pmetîtiid 9 [le aISO enntended that it vragthe dist of Bri ures in Ri(p Janciro is that of Ashley, Wil. sage from Dover te Boulogne, and a like 1 g as At- th4ý,cominittee te have brotightfin a eY_ý.W. ha,ý 'ho other members of the Town Counell ýlr. Wat.:;on-w.,is net the -1 son il Co., for £150,00o. surn for doing the sumo for the Pemian 1 bY tomeys in tl. C.), bas bevii reail a second d hy the Couticil ? report adopt- Qidi FRANCE Ambassador. Thun bis Excellency Farouk whom he wu edrrectedj te persisi tu state- time and referred to a Committm e %Ir. Macdolncll replied in the affirniatire, cati 'rhe Paris Correspondent of thè Daily Khan pald Mr. and Mm Bail a visit, which îng thm whiçh.was totally ý4true. We bare since Imn informed by a pri. and went on to state thit, Mr. inal eews saYâ that the affairs of Montenegro they found se agreexblethat they thought Wekriovr tibese are hardl'rtaternentq tc) -vâte correspondent that the Cornmittee the Post Master, hagl in-,ide tire sidcý, walks W., and the ticklish statu of diplomatie rota. they 00111d not do lm thant pay all bis Ex- 1 ' L ut the ficts have or will âmend the bill f4y adding in frunt of [lis property at his oN%ýn expenBe, lie tiens botween Fmnce, Turkey and Austria cellencyisAxpen."s white ho, was their erks of the Court ni Appeakand Clerks agi(] t bat Flot Olle coppier hitd l lie *rnwn ypt are considered very serions; that France guest, It,,,wu only a trifie of £2,176 S& are undeniablo. They were stated and Ci given toivards the iniprovernerit ont Vil. Our Siamese visit= cost the fine old pr&"- to Mr4 ý4odggFon's face at: the inftt- Of t'ho P«S tu the iist of digqpalifleation x initie by I'Y bu sentan ultimatum to.Turkey, and if a ý1i1r. Mcllliei-oii. That portion of tt utîsractury answer should net be returnêd gentleman a lîttle mon; ho sbrugged bis in wliich shape ire héar thé-j-AIS likt-ly 'nouey appropriated tu t a ing. Mr. Hod "ri statedt-hat'he molied lie Centre 'ivargi at once, more jihips will bc sont tO, the broad shouldeM but lie paîd the bill, which thfaý' an the Special Çommitt,.e. te PIB- had been talien away te make a side walk- amounted te £10,ffl ), 6s. 4d. ks tx ppoin tofý- boit bomtes We have also be!ird a ruiner (though we. bY -Mr. Cochrâne's property in the North con The Moeiitmr eubliqlies a decres re-ap- luncheons, and snob fittle delicâte -atten- '_.OnO côrrià bis testignony. Os, Ward, and that it wagi net riglit te take pointîng X Demoing proident Of the dons, theytre scarcely worth mentioning; e contrary, tË Out of one ward the SIV th e Mayor, Capt. Rowe, br., cannot vouch foe the truth of it), that in money appropriateil corps Legislati£ A specÎ&I &mien of the but bore fOw eÏftmPles, Just te show Rani, John Bîngough, and we state,---(Iiav- anticipafion of the probable pa.etsage of the tu itý and ity it out 0 intc Lexisiature was anticipatud. how partÀclilar the type of our national, dine. bill, and in 'accordance with b"s oft es. inottey had net ri atiother. Thrit thp The Mitniéeur contains a âecree which botintifulneu is in îhsistîng that nobody ing beefi present te report the ptocet op. where the been laid out in* plactg gen pre,ý1,5cd dotermihation, the Clerl. of th mJority of the ratopayers tOntintles'Ïbc 12W Of Julie 1858 forbidding shall pay a sixpenco but himseli Lunette.- on the occasion) that lie expressed bis e 0 . ý1 C6rslc&ns to corry arnis tilt Jung ls6-3. ons, etc., for the Conunissionorý of ý the Ro- pmai of the appohitinent of the Special CoUn(Y Court of tlii-9 Ceunty, cither bas W UN derive the greâteSt 'bonefit ; what theï Sevrral districts in Fmnce werc suffttring Publie of Liberia, ££ 2&.-, the Gon3ul- 1 COMmittee, but refused to act on it him-' aIrcady or itnmediately will place hi,ýj was the oidect of exýending $25 for making mat severely from, a great vi ant, of water. in Germral nt Ilayti, £4 3. For Mr. Hutch- self. Mr. Hodgson stated that lie bail the signation in the hnnolt; of the Gnvernme r'l- a side-walk on Hop -ins street,, wbere oni), por 1%r;s it was being Used veVýy spalingly by inson and bis cierk (tremendous luncheon - nt, une gentleman lived, and who, generallý wot the lowcr cluses. eaters). £89 15s. For the Rev. Mr. Coxo *full information in dotail in bis pocket as and that a certain tall Major, hailing from rode'in, his carriage. The principle agrevà :e will in ail probability upon betvrecn %Ir. Watson'and hirný;elf wu bj and anothèr, £76 4ýq. For th 3 grub of the te the measurement of the Prînting ac. a neighboring villa.- The Pàtrie says that a Russian frigate te make the improvementA for the Town, Bas juined the French squadrori in the Rev. Mr. Gribble, £50. - It is a Virious coant; his own words on the evenîni thât be the lucky receiver of this new appoint- where most ne sa the Adriatie and been placud under the orders and wonderfal fact that in naturel history the Committee were not prepared, and bis ment. wards. ý Ventre stmet where ho vrantel ef the French Admirai. This news had, how much More an animal of the genui; a 0 9 - 1 reatud a sensation at Vientia. parson eau thau a civil commissioner, or refusai ta give the information convicts VIDLBXT H&IL Sroax. -On Wedne.i the pre-sent appropriation was one of the divi day finest streets in the.. Town, and the aitiotitit, ph SPAIN. aven a consul-general. But it appears him. about one o'clock, p.m., one of theeeverest of the approprlatiidn would only be $25. 1 that Mr. Bull even moud the victualling of Mr. Rodgson stated that ho bad given -bail stormq have over been visited with CaPL Rowe-asketi Mr. Mentiont-il. if ho Roi A tolegmphir. despatch gives the fOllOw- three bishops in 1857. He vîetualled the , we werenot aware that the report brought 1 ing as Vie rmw appointint 1 no inêtrucdons as te the messurein -lits in $paint- Dihol)s of Antiguo, Newfoundland, #nd ont Of in this locality passeoi over the Town. Th votg lifinister of foreign affaîrs and war, O'Don - Ilarbadaes ý the docuinerrits sent te Toronto; bis own down hy the Committee bail bc-en laid on ,; and considering the ceclerias- storm Wsted for about balf an hour, and naît; Ministerof Justice, Nfagretie; Millis. tied rank, ind the ratioof abisbop'ý-.ttpj)e- i bandvrîtinz on 'the document sent--stat- iîd enn.*.,i.-ýii. A»-.- the table-for s me length of tinte before the M41M, WM& put fofth it is co . nv inSrthat such strenith cannot 11RONICLE. be efficiently exerted duiin; a large por- .tion of the yeu from tlie absence of suf- July 21, 1858. fiçient means of communication.% and that* should the unlic'Lbble Ttil4tiOm WhiCb at iow what to begin present so haprffly exirt between Greàt Britain 'and the United Sttates bc ever dis. gî have got con.sid-. e here. Repretien 1 turbed, ehe difficulty of acSm to the Otëaù ,s eceived its quiet- during the winter monthi might serioiLsly endangà the safety of the Province. ffie doubleinajority 4ý Thàt iQ view of the speédy - openîng The un of the Territories nowocSpied by the se again, but the gudson's B.iy'Gompany, and of' the deve- enri Quatre. The lopment and.saülement of the vast regions the notable crot- between Canada >and Pacifle Ocean, it is of Més4ral 4. B., essential to the interests of the Empire at )n ahd-rWibeàud- large that 4 highway, extending from the it'btit'itO adoptive Atlantic, Oceari Westward should existý ht for it and were which would as once place the whole Bri- rs. Brown, i1roley, tîsh possessions - in . Ajjaurïca within the e. I bolievi: that re&dý accw and emy-protwgon of Grut eçtation th at the Biitai», whilet by the fimùliUes for internal Ouse communiqation thus a«bIdedý the pros-, 1 of 88 the perity of thosô great Dependenciea vould Rajonty of 22, the bc promoted, theïr- strene coriàolîdàied This was-on the and added to the strength of the Empire, sud théir permanent lUiÏion with îhe, Mo. )n of this 11'Ouse ther Coutïtj#y gecuriel tion which would 5. That Canada has already nearly com- Provinçe in.oppogi- pleted: the construction within the Pro. * rity of th ince ôf à eliain. of Railway over'1600 miles a, would býe die. in length, extendhig from ýth* E-ý%teru of the Province, Frontier, to the ProvinS towardi; its wà- justice." tern Boundary, which is of the grestest idment was "en importance to its Gentmercial agd mat4*ial nd 1-was not sorry lemân,'has beconie prosperity, and forming paft of the gréat laite that he needs pý%»,el, Highway, but which withvilit ve. 1 subjoiïï 1 his ompletion to the Ocean in compamtively 1 useless in. a national point of Tiew, cither vhich was lost on a as bringini the Sister Colonies -gogother, or as bringing the sister Colonies wîth the Lrliament,-by énact,- Parent State, >f the Act 3 and 6. That tbis flouee, under t4sese circum- ýt tile part4 of -the stances, is deeply impressed wi th thé « n'ü- then constituting é portance of an litter-Colénial Railway, and lash 0-uld bu repre- thp necessity for !ta inimediate constrinc. AQS1ù'mý11y by an tion ; and desjrîný toeb-operate with the ntatives, whatever Iniperhil Government and the Provinces of ïe populations of 1 Nova Scotia and ýiew Brunswick, in se.. serteil the fuderal etirin.git.,;epudy.complation, this-Iloum bit'tlie Parliament approves of the Memorandum addreÇSW 1 stnctý)ned the irr inercas . to- Her àlajesty'n Secmtarý of Stâte W tu ientâtîves, ing, the Colonie-m, by theCanadian Delegéteý mdý by the laid bdom Parliament hy ;His Ex 'Ikne, ,er the ceristis Of the (;oivirnor General >in Ris Gm q IL,». Ritgç_ --inunicatedon the thîrty t &.7 ýrovinceq,,, thatthe the fu- of May la,%t, > and rcommends 1 rave it aryet more turc negiatiations shiulflýËe coriducted as anction by extend- tieirly may bc on t.ýe b&-,is W"by F'w Coivicil. by -the mitted. 1 .ý 1 and2f) Vie., cap YOuréý &c., )ers elertedshould ,er,.,ttvcnty-foiir fnr ty-lotir for Loer lal nuiffiSrs from la, ha, vu alito ne. ýle or the union. Where are the rowa Ç*»isij1ý1M- ýliimitii-tration the 1TU tý.,u S>lli-ý,,r Li'kiristittitirenal Act ýýpï olir Lhe en- 11111illistrastimi c-ui clýi«.ze-t wc the TiMet, ig ax.tile FWC11! ive ;jeem it - efflier lZet-tims oi. quite co 1 to ,e4ý the confiflence 01 'Ive- IL ptililî;--ity, will y the ruajority '), you be « OOJ te ýve it zen in4ertion in your valuable IV14imy C4rPnick and ir. Brn%-vn in both oblige double aLqurdîtv g his titinnst eflorÏs Yours very trufy, ittacks on theMin- The divisioniý ex- oxe or Tim To,"- Co.mTÀBLE- Poleti Bi-;. [To the £Jitor ottlie 0ateri alker, Powel, ev Sia,-là ytur, 14.1,t Paper you take--a iot Ls their chief great deal Of trouble to flnd faidt with the The- Ilon. J. ý,. 11,01M Cotààtibles, ynu chaîige thern wilh ï speech which 1 itsc..mpetency and dereliétio.n ofdilty-atid from the Atlgý wjýile dnin,- se, you fflroývn) join your appent ta-nior- fictitio.us corre-spondunt Il J,ýne.,à> .1 in paying nvin- - been care. n rnther rerparkable to tilo, îq à gf»)d deliyer- . e 1 vexing queýjîon. gentluitit:rl.'*Who attended a cerLiin pic-nic Party, and you (jesigriate as Il hi-h ýpplies, INIr. Dorion çlaqsýý rovrdim', Rattier remm.kable and the effect tilatthe very unwarranted language, 1 say Sir 1-r 1 te- her Nfajesty 3«esrs. "Brown & Jzo'nes" to ul;e tom'ards ýý1 ept the referance the-r citizen neighbors. But as a Tow'n Inir a vermaneiit T _1-11 ---I- .- ---- - - - 1 - - ---- _. - 1- -, b hion, l'à rultl'U Le tne e rouuddn sidewalks Oif thrée Sideà-n t--ad--l' it reinembered. is £20,M per onn-um), squabbl and remained at home inddiinirctrhont tboft lit the "me neio,>,hbôrbôg fiterally which u ti à fewý &ys irarrison nt Ra Lkaat. f ý1j eÀ, ý' eir and aétu w as 8Yý - __ ho héL4 raot bee d'ýfý Of the- £2,769 4.s. 8d. A souvenir of, Ur. Joseph ýto th 'most forwar by a awaro, were made by bi -' fight was s tiJ to be thât iustead ot 1 e Tuuit The illy mowed do n If eut' 0--q M" '1 MG- N-ipier, £923- Is. 6d. Cost of thcChéI80a zealousness toind fiult, were those wh mse as th Contin-e it bv A isrw to replite * othée 1 itri ' 0 scythe., We have bean told or #,,goçd deal were many pe in ý the Ce 1 itiq-jiry te nulify that of Sir John M*Neill tâ ntre the' Pruqsian tsoidier, siie -4Lýtt a lirger ;tnil Colanel rulloch, £1 1 8 are a ways found ranged at, theside of the -of, ýd&M& 083 DiL d. O'Bay, Word havinç no sidevra1kis whatever, and 'p M 80, dont ý ýt0w9rd6 tbi Xa' f6me, thorebv, say.,4 t4j h morý ho d diWntented which roquired ý them aMe. p.,perd, at- Publie exhibition of the Duke- of %Velling. envious an Who In the furrounding, country, in 1199 nelgh- (0aptý a ýCounc1l1or 'ndý a tempting to diminish the ice of I)ru..&- ton's funeral car, £76 7s. Conveyance of wouli not stop to pîteh the interests of this borhood, -thé dostrueon has'been'veaX could not in iustice te the Town and to Wa aie. The new1palier contn-ivorsy, which the Lord-Lieutenant between, KiRgAtOwn Tôwa-iutothé bottom: orthe u1ke toséryo ýýes g a rude- this dîfffculty haâ excited nagbà tiercely on and Holyhead. and Holyheâd and Ki itcheilý of thefifth own convictions, go for buildin in théir oweï fàïcti4usnes& li any emiig wnc'imeo mon in prçferoncetc both aides. town, on sundry occasionoý -0' M, Aîn this-,,Township, baà.num. waa fer Mr., MoPhoi agreï a neîtherforAbe one side the othe, W'era more Th RUSSIX worid wili naturally conclu« from thls in. bm--orthetreenýin bis wyode siwept dô*;n, the other placesl-where they d Thëre. Was no Man ho, ý (capt. Tt le said that i2oooo soidierg would as. discriininate out-pourîng, of wealtb thd neutr.aIàý came Along te seO the, sport; au ksHing many *9u-vble cattlè; wholé'fieldi p»Wo), resplw-tod more thaw the Postmas- semble in the camps uf Pawontiki near downright ftiry of: munificencie, thât the if a good row were &nt up te show fair of wheat have- bSn. nearly eut to the mots, ter, .'lbut ho ý=J«' ne1#er_ý efflent, ý to stop Warsaiv ut the end of August, fur the in. British nation bu, &et pfflogidion of , Ïbe "lion of qmcdon:«by the Czar. 11arcanutn mxgnumý Mr. O.->A.,11&'UU'11 ýgutfew indied attenâea whd un. ma &t the moraent it is aiment impfflible aside from bis daty., If the Coùncl tbi Centre Waixl àpPrOved Of ît, he haît ho The Cbolera had made its appearance at ton must bé a great .,an arithméti à ' ý _ i - ' - - derstood thee=t Quégtiohatýsffl and to sp=14te upon the immense ummto the'r MU objection te hïïing the sitlewalk made Qýt IMPrI St Poierbur-g. Michael Ca.*;sio, for ha bas actuallysui:- with the soie de "« te act.justl on. !ta of the Centre NVard ap ropri tio t pie- À lire héA almost entiroly destroyed the cecW4 in-summing up Mr. Bullî >dig. merit& -The May* ý and Captain Rowe e Ukay F.&VO orred , os sent unappropritt allipping &t Relsingfo m. bu-dernents, for the 'abo1ïo, and a bandrêd stated that, the only 'question, -of imi- 'in, roommending ther sidowalks to be sort TURKBY. others and no leu carious and Interiestin 1 1 ÂrriînU et -Ibo xwtk qme- er-on 9 portance ýwas on the e0âstruction-of the made-and overlooking Mr. Ucphersoilis, abjects; and informa theý publie thât, they for 's It is annoýnced that the Turklilb Gov. sT mgagý&pa Tac wumir citsoyieiz, -but it was an ërror of judg-tuent-one, of gonei &Mount te the grand tot-d,ôf £lÎ8,121.- contract-that it wm a legal -qq4eu, îGn--ý-and There wàs trument h" lnbde ample à&tÎsfàction for 'He tells usal», thàt the ýbîlI excëèds that thst their individual opin" ,weft favors- the bead and net of the beart, the atta& cm Un Von BaiDq ne, the Bri- New ySic, 2ýtb July. somewhat o.f. feling_ expremed en this fâh Coniul-General at Itelgrade. The re. of 1856 for civil contingenctea by- £84,060, bie totile vIow taken by the Tewli Print-I matters but ho had none "liatever. The Mr giment ta which the solèier'balonge4 has from wlifet, it is painfully evident that the ers. Instead of Mr, Hodgson meeting ibis The 84âýmsMp, Mor44 àtar ti+ived'at ý0ommiùee was appointed luid the re L public paterfài'miliai iiýgébWlhg more lay W, bftn witbdlaw'a and the àà1dier and b* îsh 10 'delock this mornirtËfrom Soýifiéwpt0n mq& in thig manner to obviste a feeviýg the 31 la' of hie Vid as years ineftais éWýhim - and question, faiýy, ho WeIM Off Wtý a ,Most officera 4ent tocConetantinople for trial.' JÙIY 7th., heretofore disPliLYed bY the ràtepayem of other we bavi only te ýprày 4hàt ho may -net end uhmitipted pitee of twaddie, a tAM -t their 4,M& ôf The Pasbé, bad.ponmm)ly eipremed the The-mou In brînging biameif and 6is èhîldi;iti' te the about:êvery concelvable thing elài-"Afteýn M1 Porte to the 0onsul. andor- _,c4jý&cço i,>ýd.ýappiý6priiti" wiwil «ork-bouim arrivm&-isý the faiture of the "Mpt té lay un dered salut« te be fired lu bom of tbe untiýi1y.' 'At nearly tboir %VArâL if ît, the Atlantic cable. -ýag,%îîn ho (capt- British Consul. Whou thè, 4 w tak 7 ýcpfn To tl» great bulk 4t tg do Éo, butsa It wu stated that the Pas 'ana. -ha had cony. rhé _ýÀt1à4t" ane 6rýrgeýs' a veà audiencW rpti tqd the, chair- MuAlcèted & telographic déwi h,- to thi The Nani -ýée W, 'In icipal 00uncil kthe, eownsbip ýQqeeQxt à on thé Týàx moao Ajority man doclaredby show:ý1>f baDcIx,ý1be ex- Yeýtr, hà '8eý1Sé1 Minister of Portdgn AUr4'ôl*FtrlaInce, gfy,- ù_fUxý4i, Ibo Agmgqbn" alil, f4vor ý-qf pylmsion of pëý1ic,4piuion to,4 i fA-fêt, 111Z frash assurances that " b sént on- T ho n 4 sboula Îw-gwervQ lits, uty. arrIled on thOtir toHemgroine wm not- îriýWnbd t*ý &et the -à t Ado t senst the )fontenegria ftohtIer.ý, The T". tuerý64" 44 ýrM ýthroý- t4 tommissioners moet atý Rognia, in the râId, sovemlly'of iý-ý0ut1Q* 0 the- dao of July. -oblýrtewi, ý'bow0V1er- This ««'Jut-wbatwîa.êx-i time p4ýap ýçpn'R- - r, 41 ý4 #,&in, 7;j." . 1', ý» 1 #«sW p-M éted by twAm :*0m1ý -the t4blo. titis .A. -j votm -, -The in- to dWover a dâigent pc dirWt4a resolu- andyon8peak6fibeýllignwantand,-,Ie 4"wWdýqPOn b.Y putting #ný,enemy .ýjnt0 theWýI , r roèeiiy-argued steal iway their braink" éiéeýS e- uougbt to meddle pur linr ý Si ly' nted to the muchin la r 01 -Your eùliÈbteàm=L or )ft e gislature 1 ' M, ý, - pmgremin itemtmýe;_bufpouî yjOur bc'c5O'u" long acquaintance, hemtéfoM-witb memm. It ý, and lexatintIs Whiskey and ,.-gigbt be as, facechuld Parlia- çignc-d as a ýaý tnd 1 c6ndiiâ;.that the 4 eliciny " 811 u4ed'to Muât biiie 6pg. enèe berert you of an M" of I«ia -or - in- e, tel r ýi" ltd since IWCCàëlusioft" Sirý 1 ômïoicw "LW"r«nârlo . ý tinn.7ý Thë-Oppo- of Brown& id', L -0 difeut the and whoUy uncalied for on, ttWpMt " ôt ' dié dçbauch persons upm Md MM4 çhoi(,:i,« Otia- on the prem , omgiô%, to thoigetW d', thit;ý they bad wëre botU nêjdocW W-4e WUmimî 10 Femm Leinieiýx the p"- 'Your cýdL thiir ONE OF TU To tv Ne 0 t agreed Afyattention 'h" b_"q rëý , Il: it MI, fié 4à1d t e lut T.GW ,aU lis trie co!n", cjqý4s cac,: h- 'i ffl ýML.

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