Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1858, p. 3

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- I - 1o thea Ediar cf thb *hltby Chroulalae. - »ùs Suîa,-As the-rdetnbers cf tLIme niipallty cfiohawa01overý*hich 1 havei hoitor to presida, canîot agree in publii lneg aebr.pt of their finanelal affairp, as1 law requittm,1 Itae It upori mygèlf to ha you berewlth, a satcteient of dur financ affairà up to the Slot Duc, 1857, mae( on the. Tht of June lat,'and which 1t 11fieta be correct, &I L %Mt as neàr bi "0, as auYthtng 1 expeý ot eset furnl#h, 1. Iiaqueot ita publicatlion by yen, oni count of your nutncrous reedetu inil local$y, and .thould its pubilcation be t nieana cf preducîng a lrerer statimnett the muai abwied ratepayers cf Osha*aý *hall b. aniply repait). I romin, dear Sir,' * TYours teeipectrully, Oahawii,2 D.t Jiiy, 1858 ,the >$lu WITR THE MtJNICPALTYQ44!EOFGE0 SIAA the POU' TRIee __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 87 the out b.. ing a. thie the ta 4 (To th.éEMiter of the WlItby Cliroulole.] siu,-! sent) you a eopy of e rasolution pasaed et 6aur Loilge meeting, Frit)ay ove. )R~eoirtx:-That a meeting b. calleil ta take place ini the Village of Brookiin, in the. d. 'Ir, Loe-raou,,,ocriSaturt)ay tha 7th Auguet, irs; ut 2 ô dlock, pro, when ail the litIiércnt orKanirations of Texiper. ance, whcthdr G. fI or S. oftT., or the ulil Tenipranice Sacietien tlwrogaut the &uth Ridlng-aI Ontario, Mie requestcd ta seuil two dolegateftta, sald meeting wth inaqtructlons fromn thair respect ive arganir.a. tions, ant) with fuil poeer ta sot on theïr babaIf as te the prcpriety of holding s Grand Temperance dcmoîistratîoîî, scias tma aarly this Fai, of aIl the friends of TtirpetruilcatlîruugholIt the Rdi an sd of inivting eor representâtivoi Parlia- nient, (l. Nlil t, l.-tq, tL> attenid stchide- noiistratieyi. Sueb delcgites shahl appoint ie tinia andl lîace cf holding midi deinon- Bation, andi inakacohier iceaàsary tir- mageiîbciittt for tînt saine. ~'ustinX tlîat yeu fsocl sufficient- intarest iun ha cause te gi-e tue aboyéenoiec an isertinui in yoîîr piper frae cf chargiaith axiy rcmarks ycu inay deetit proper TYoirs respectfulr Broilin, 1lttlîJuly. 185,S. ......... Fuii-Thc prLtini,.es known asi the Ce n tre (riow Bur1ei-lî'e.) INotel, in this Town, iei occupailon of hMr. $anil. lureilcib, jpd owned by Mr. W. Gaige, ca'îglit lire on" lit Saturday evenîing, and but fiîîi the exertînti5 c f the citetwouid have e ien corsnsmc. 'The fire originaÃŽed in the upper 1,art of the IbuRill'g. Caiuse n".- kiiîiwn. The fie engire, anîd hbook suid Isîie (cîiisiiv~.turtiiel ot Ircîîîî l(in the occasion -the'. worked like inezi, sud tri their efforts is uVirig the saving of a large ânwuto f ralualîle property. WVe notiýed tie Mayor, and NMr D,îw of the Montreal Banik and other promnent citi- zons to bli îinst artive in thîe xertionsi; and thie Chief Eligirielr oftteFire Brigade. Mr.. Rity, wîis cverywlîcrc. Titeecape (if the priiac.ss front total 'xlttrtictijîin was noeatlan îîroi idcn'ial. "The prciiise,. were iiînitircdl. Mr. Biîlili e under stand, bias 4ufrt:red considtrable loss in tie destrurtion of 1i sqtock and proîprty, but ïa fully covcred yinsurtînma Tait îîÀç.EsÃ",the Englisli Ptdcsirinn, îronpletéd bis task e)wnalfiîig filt-leur mîiles, per d.1% f cr ix uisecttive dayiî, for $101) on Saturdtiy. lHe reaclicîl - the ci-t9. 'orlv lîeore tîuiiîlib, sud %vas Inet bYv Scott's brasï bandi, who hcade-d b y a laeeo iecrted him through King StroêttW iforilclousc',, iu fl'!nt Street, wlîcre lic arrivcd about scvei ininuteii before twelveo'cl)ck'. ,This featorfpudestriunisîo 15 cric of the greatest of the kind which bas ,ever beeu ritcorded. Toronto Atasf WIIITBY MARKETS * Wcdneâday ..uly 21, 18S& F,*i.tL IVaU4T, 4* 0(jd p e pr hueliaj. Stii4e tWîiKT 1- i 6d )a 44 9d par bushal.. } r.ocu17e d a il 246d1 per barrai. Bssi.in' , 121îî te 8d er b oclici. {Icrt18t;(la ut li er bhu.iîl. UF4.ba $4 per cwt. Il Ort .i St ei la liilier buabel. EGOS (6d pee os. WOOL 10d A la Ij<I per lbý. NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. 4.ýlTUATlON waîted by a Tencherlmiaiedicie- 0, ywlhiii liad unis i y ers exrience, h ld i n g a e c o n d la m a c a rti e a te fr a î n th e f 1 4 tD bird cf Oiiutriu. Ap1lieutionsad i- dre'z dta tC. eatpi>Po8t office, Duiîbur- tn ahbe ettendail to. Pickerinîg, 2utilJîîly, 16%S 27 TUF, STEAMER Wit % L TNTIL EURTIIER NOTICE iaaWiltby aerySuturdav moriiîlWg t 1 'eleek fr Roches'ter, arriving there lui tia fof E k rub ',Trai i Ct sud Webt. - Toronto, th July, 1858. '1%TCE l e hrebv given tlhet lota Nos. Il te "LSSilclumlve cýn tbela iti bde ofA.eam AMrrt, sud aaiith aide af $teêle etreet, (18 actas and Nos. 18 to 24 inelut4ive-. ou thîe south aide e1ý ,Adini sad narth tcf Monk street, (14 &cres), iii lttue owriplot of Ieîpulbet, se*r lathewn of biarrie. iii ti,. eesuîy a! Sitneo. wfl be oderudi fur oale b>' Aarihen by t c ien t Aet Jase' ALrxarsiios. Leqsîr"i SBarrietaSOON, en the ELItVEISTU cf naxt MONTII. Ltpeet pries $10, (£2 Io&.), par ast'. - ANqREWV RUSSELL. *7 4ge1.tettcléimm1aelieT. Palntilngpapo.r Unig, ~aIg Srtr Ot btt gm te * i ende ýn tieeibioththébmrpoved fr42th te (ha m pteite t1d of the &,Mte otreet-onae Cash orn hand frot 185,...... £273 178 "Balance Tares 1868.. 17 6 4 Fines froin S. B. Fairbanks 16 17 ô Cash Tavern Lîcenissfor 18571 o 0 6Shop do. do. 60 20-0 Cash Clergy Reserve Fund, .... Il (loi. Grant to Schoe., .... Cash Pound Feecs,.......... U lse of Town Hal... A ucnion Liccuses,. Cash Proeeeda eT Note in Jute foi. Village pUrpoS, ... "t Pî'ttzs of Nôtc Aut. do. Cash Fines ; fioui T. N. Gibbs,. . 44Raceivet) on acceurit cf 14 129 150 boa i 20115 ZT9 U O~ 101* 8 O 44 . 1J."Sutton, Tresur£5 accunt on saalary........1o0 0 Pald ntcAslmTx ..41 16 0 to fire Company, ..........25 O Q "J. BK Warren and J. Penny over charged on assassinent 2 7 0 0, Paid Kelly & Ooodrnan stevesu pipas,..,.... ...........4 40 4akOrPrinting,..9 8 ' Jamies Luke account, 1.., ià JÃ"holn'Warren do ......... 10 18 9j ft m>'Siall do......19 17 4 = P tostage,..*.....2 3 3 85 0 69 8 7 47 18 2j ACCOUNTS XOSTLY ON ACCOUST Or pitmVIus TSARs. John Shier, Surveyxng,. Melction expenses... Tl.oto on account cf prcvious ycars Paid Nojte grantet) Sahool Trua. 4'%~s £0pa>'balance on Piudigeun anUicrenewals cf tabc ve Note,............ ~'Insurancç on Court House. ~Eltctiari expanses ... Bark cf Montreal, Note for 150 "Bik of! Montreal, Noe for 125 "DIscount rt-newing do. 3 2 10 0 100 - 3 10 0 15ôb 6 i Go Go 78 Pald E. fun Govrermeut grant to Schools, .............. 82 O00 .L>DUtin uli account nmunici. pal Schhtrl isasesmient,... 89 8 O Paid James Farzwyall Nota for Lutuber,..ý. .. . .........8 3 "Inteiest on rerietusio! do. 1 2 1 "J. Steverison Ns pare for Lumuber---------------..56 15 8 G. T. R. Road Co. freight on doe................. 20 0 0 2 78 7 8 71 s O -- 158 1 O Pali Wm. Marks cf Toronto fer Muose...................386 1Ioo Repaira an Fire Engine.. 3 e3 9 Pat) Wm. E. M'ark v illage clerk on accôti rittcf Salary ... t 0. J. Sottoix Treasurer do. Paid Thomas E. -Eck, relief of Lodeler,............. . " 'm. Bryaîîî account for Poundage refunde), .. "Luka L, Orr. Printiiîg Ar- Wim H. Gibbs & Ce., Nals, Wooid. & Luizber account. "Sundry peraeis,- accaunts iý for iimpruvementsaf streets Sitlew-alks, -&c. ý......... ITtlDisbureients to glet i Deceruber, 1857, .... £15u29 h8î 1 - 91 9 22 10 0 20 O00 2 10 0 24 4 ô 50 20 4 9 210 5 0 42 10 0 4 14 4 - 286 14 9 i498 ' 1-1529 8 9, STATEMENT 0F ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, OF TIIE DIÉOEMBER 8st, 185. ASSETS. Arriînt on band...................... $125 20 Amount cf taxes tircolhiscted............... 3319 37 Anîcuiit expeîided mne than hrovideil for to balance ............................. 23 12 - 47-69 $3467 69 Total ainount cf unavailable assets fër 1857.. O.qbowa, Juie lot. 1858& CLEÂR LUMIBER WANTUDe. THnE undarsigned will pay Cash'for an>' delivered et Port Whitby. CHESTÊER DRAPER. Wbitby, Tth Jul>', 1858. 25. Tu ube'bmhava maut r"Êvddt'e ofti c(udermntàQonad aticeaat i uesto sul the touesýý SNÂIS? 8TONES, &o. J. 8-. DONÂLDSO!X A Co. 1888. . fi4185 n ARPICRS PO R JVLY. NÂKRiOTION 8RPJ1E ùDYSFOR JULY$ GUESAt 8 YANKEE NOTION 81POIIE i E R LiR&U4A1rTÈ9'FF MPÂIIft1' e 1 LIABILITTES. F,~r Ceunti Tex . ..................$1186 12 .bal inca due S-hffl on* MunicipalAssessutaen't 442 40 - "Salaries ... ............ ...................190 0<1 siundry accourts for aurveying, and for materiels labor, &c., for imprevemeut of streetsg, waiks, ditehes, &c..... ...... ........... ........ 1137 14 41sUndry acequts fer îaw sella, icanstables,&c .... 251 07 Il undry accounts fer stationary, printitîg, &c.... 106 52 surdry accourus, on accouai cf village prop.rty. - 154 44 t$8467 69 372 79 Amunt, expendet) mare than prdividad for brought down ....................... 2 Balance yet in late Treasurers's lianda of taxes fer 57 89 25 Balance of taxes uncollectet) for 1857 .............. 260 42 $872 79Total anleunt deficicait for 1857................. $872 79 TUE POSTMAITIER GEIlt<M, ETÂBLIsH3EDIR E Fe L10W4iNG tw POBT OFFICiES lIN CANS.1>A, on, ilw lot JULY, 1858. Nusor Ortez. 99 on >sura Baldarmon .... ....ethvmt ..........Lnark S. IR.......A. McDoalad. Bêain............ Pickering........... (intario S. R.......Robert Dodils. BIir ............... Waterloo............. Waerloo S. Rt...W. Bown=a. <iluodon(re-opened). Clarsndon .......... Ottawa ........ ..... . Wilison. Lýtô ..tou .......... King .............. York X. R .......... Jopph LVimu. Pisyfair............ Biathrt........... LnarkS. R ......... Geo. V. MM&I. St. Aubert ......... St. JmIai Port Joli1....'îalit............. F. jean. St. Jean de Maths..Brandon.. ....... .... Jlette .... .......i .Lsla The naine of the Post OfMie At 'f TAIfABIME" County Peterboro, ahîagad te 44 KEEN4," The. Foot OMOç a TRAWEL"CoutY Praaott, buabeau il*Séd. Pcm OezDazxtv BEU T CAL; I{E kIWNTION 0OP TgjE1 ,el g &I» çlY'roES 'hlch arm dâiil>'arriving Also>large additionaîl applies of 1 SUtDTo T=EsÂ~ each lied botter do seat once whulo the sssortment is gSo& mâiÙ,h.ce îo, otheg tbth y 17b.too latesbiould the Hon.Mr. Caley.succeed in h, gb rn eai,:: iffbi pst &P havicgreccived adviccs from }alifax of a-large ;STOCK O0F GROCERIES-AND LIQUORS- consigned thein, bel; to notif.v thle traite that they-wiII be prpared tao ell Goods, SAt Wholesaie or Retail, at Prices equal ýto tltus9 Of Torono Their stock of Groceries and Liqîtor, conÈist in part of Hsnnessey'aî and Martell's llrandl.ie, Ptje and Browvn Viltaire . ~ ems Gin. in lîodphead and quart emas1 otch and irisis Malt Whiskeysiipoiior odmici a rtsn hodirsbasds snd quarter emks,Port and Shery Wineii. London and Ilblin Porter, lPale u trn is ug1erucvdo, Yellow râfuen latrd orCrushed A, Groand for table uc, Exzgtra ou fr Cnfcicalry, Dry Cruaehod No. 1, L. & P. beg.to say they cannot wehl ennîîmerate &Il tbiiir good, l4utish the publie. to know they aro 1-ady andI Willing to Show them Whou Oalled On. 8 f ~BEG TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL-O<>FTHIR COMPIINO,,' ENGLISI AND AMERiCAiX S TRJA neBOXX1IE TS .6.veni PSI RIBBONS, PARASOLS,- GO£~A~8Ï- A ,-- ABEAUTIUL ASOTENT 0F BRES- QOBP, 6LOVM5 AND HOSTItRYe A FEW CASES 0P GENTS SJLK NDFELT UATS - 18 '5.SPRING IMPeORTATIONS.ý DRY GOODS, LADIZ$ DRESS GN-PJS, ItA-NTILLAS' HKOSIZ'eZ QLOVE S [LLWÂES MPRSOLS, o P'WlT ~ ~ *ui~Lotr.lan tnusii~allylage smok i yGo p - icsthe o r çtUe ohife fling aasr",'iat for. DUIrib4eys 8tyle, r lý88 Of Texauré, and Ohêapneaa, -tboy caneobe sqiial44 in this tun=keL. -The- usual $tçck, of' Sohlool -,SDzs, Statiqinery. Boom Pspesr, Grocezied, &o.' &û.: 'Whitby, April l4th, 18M&1 NEWw rosmi n~umebétonIt*tt4 ~ " Sil~#~ ,~8o SHERI 0F LANDU. Cemê, aOwAal, fl'fVIIITUE <op à Ta "Vit: j> ori f Fieri Fsclas issueld out cf lier 4jesty'eCounuty Court, of the C;ounty of Oiterioi et Whiby, and ta nie diretet), agidiithe atiidansd Leneuîett8cf Thoinas Salisbu,-y defeudarit et tha.sunit of-: L!tvàih Thiralp, pilitiiff. I Lavae.czet ud n taken in-oxecutin, al1 the aurate îîud intereiçt of the "aid Thoinas Saliabnry, lu a Sbre. story Brick Building, eontainiung thi rt apertuienté 1 mttoaled on the iîrthaide cf Ifirat trétI known as !Sosury's Brick Heuma, tuith ýfiA cf an* aore o Iai'en)attaehet). Tuer. i a gooid bina12 anddmiltable ont-bnilig ntepeie. witlî a splendid Garderi, Shrubbei ' & A U i which lîîndi atîd teneuu.,îit,, -'rtuta)dc for saleaet iuîv tulat, iin the .CouirtIflouse, tit the Towii cf Wtiltby, lu the 0'nnty cf iOntario, cmn Muday thè Twenty-se've-ttIxd&Y o! September à axt, ait twelvc -oClela, îîooii. NELSON.; G. REYNODS sheriff'e Office, Whit - SieilýC.0 Jl*tie24, 19,58. Cou:ý-r r i aaa.1 Y VIRTC, E 0F A Tae Vit: fi> lit itfkFieri Fichasg iued ontui'f ler- a-. 't ( onut cIqaeeii's B..iteiilet Tn,îîmto, sutirtine-dîrectet), uginet the laiîd.4 sud te .ti"tf %i!Vibiet -Wî toker. laféprhic~, -t t-te suit i T2toias ii;Pxtoni, pltiiî;îff. 1I ave si1ed uni take, in excunilan Il thlesate or i'îjtcre- t --f the a -1 ad Goct)- -it hVitikeî~r inii at, îctt.iî ilpri or plae cf asud, baiu., (if -oadotViiisre Lo)tsiiiibtr -ixtv-nna ami l t (-t- t ii Hi totiî aide of Qus1en i rect Rilo,l nt-. uîute osvültl6.:onosad .ê¶'enLV-tw. ,itaic-Nei tii sidaof M -ry street, Ina fie Vilhi *ge ci,,rt i. rr': iii tua e 1o f RWueiî, iii te Cun \,iî .t i 31trciô.Ail wbîehi fàride sudtenîh- or the sittl decnd.aht'a astate anud loti-ret--otien-lu. 1 shiilofl'er or sale atmvUOffice, -.n thc Coutrt ILt-ti. the Town of WVhirby, l intae calitv a' iof -à On 'Saturday the EI!ghteentli day of Sp~ next, et twabve c'chiek, noon. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Slerff' OficeWhiby, siff, C. 0. dllei 17, 185s. 23 ]Pwlfipe the direstly opposite "b 7, 14,o(r2ti tau,,l andI npvmrda§. - Aply to TGSETTLEC SUMRARRA'NGEIIENT-s 1W 'RIÉkNS.- 0 N ond)afr<ar M udynetet,Ms .Tan * Tarontô Tinie. [Day xresTrain to Ilontral.. .. 87TA. M. Nlfb ai Train ............... 57 P, M. Paseuger sud Fsaight Train for I ingittcnarid way8statioîi. ...12 1 P. M.- *Ti'lmTin wl 1nu t gef£,rtl.érthan Kingstbn, - en Soturdey SigliîL ?5inutfalphi 3àlwe wsr. Er, H tâ>iuM* ...;Barhio........r....faert), M.!ETa Trainufor do dc 4o de461 .toPt m mht rîawllsUh Don Statien andI 10 Correct;titnefrom . £oronte0.Op7story, te b. j(% Lad f. G. JseïuTu & Cii.- Ee For fnrther particiilar e o-pplMe BUt -Th J5iO 2 W. 81HANLY T t 11e nfflruge. dbu - Xontr.al, Msay 1,15, * ' l4 N. YORK ADVIORTISING AGENOY' 'r 'a ~1 êtes -Ci ana i thea wimlîtueý pïcticii .Sir rm lible are So. 1 & 2. Till'm Block, Broci. Street, Vshîtby, spril 14, 1858 DEULEABLE INVEMfNT, $6OOi $5OO, $400, $300,8*209 TOW-N, VJ L.ANf I) P-.W LOTS, Letg forRBiiness i$pom, and IIQTS -PUR PRIVÀ'r¶ RfI1DÈ4cm Town of':1*hituy, coînatv.of Ontario T OTfN. tmndSe.Esa cfBrckgtraat, J..audSenit f "11.d'mHotl avinable rpert xtanding feoin rck. .jFerry Lots 1 Ne- 177 and i *i-de of bock Sitreet, 1North ?ofPIllrd's ilotelý,PaFtiesdosir- Iproperty ontie piine[ml* Étme.tbü the faWW Loti 203 gnd 204 ,a comenr blek on Maple and Perrytis. !fîuîi 78, 74, 75, 77 and 78. Thas Lot 37, WMt cf P-' ,ad*daro- poAite the 8iijt04 IZg Ia! d& oh1yo Lots 64,65 66 67 8 3 4 d 5 ,to Ferr Streetanâ aan>~~,ipi Eotc my onta rb Loto o. ê,5 streà7 . Ulu. 2, !e eueau tîerw1 aiuaprovUd. LU 104, x1&- 1181, sud 11,9, bonndde by gen- tre, Wio watut.an ;t str5ets. Thame 1a ara dlgbtfslly aituâtel, and hatiîg a upr»lOU throog aides; are Well adapted ta builnjg ur. Loa124 and 125i Corner Of'Keî{t JoInt Lot No1 135: Eust « el.nt Street, arE~ fecw roda Nqrt;h ofDunddi Street. Tha'foegaîn choie LOU *er ek d&.oi asi suinveanient, buterae noir oirered fifafly wlud np a lretascin 221.... .................21 m 2.... .... .0 Lot230.Pres........... "282,..n..... ...........9 * 0 . ' .. . - 5 Lot 9 ". . . . . . . . . . . "803 .............. i7,.. .. .. 1-ts849,.&0,35.-828 n .4, ont "3lt.e4 cr a 200W c .151l il lok ontft 60, le'.::;. em% IÀd- .em ]ers$-onawh 4 cre nt ah11 wlflbathe the irngt pak;n jnuý= = ct O-i us and pab* le ot1aemhto,~~1 'Properiy om Breck tret-.y.t Uu of toLease. r WNLOT No. 8,Xast ide of Rrftk t,.i .A being the f6n-t-voant lot nos'tl of t!Mo<eag;i.- ty 0lfleê 49 Iêat front andi 193 fen daep tasg -LatNe. .foveo11o.cn.i-j 1

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