Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1858, p. 3

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p8d oA uuRt I otine %wrnoen porion ttti ey (salin 1reproveiog gilt) mn publice eellng lit 1aanst the. boli !y enougis to stap le the cark, tih. ou wol d ctppsty may ho weaknttd iu8piclous cotîrate yc$ s] dopt hope. a senco of juStice & far 1play wiii I Ou te give t1lîo exî)anatit' nhI., n vour next ,,liinher ernale t ir yottrs &-c J(IlIN ]bENGoP"111 Juer are perfectly a%ýtre tuait a speclal ee flad licets applointeti te inveSti- SBon lghl's 0onjuot wIsiU l~ e n-as ispec'ton. Thc'faict tisat stith la lthé aý:I g&fwtovarul' îb, iatint- otltcîî f mîir corre.spondent. TiiFo1 I~l 0 ti)t, tt ior Correspond. te, te Irove Itii .'cirges, NMri ;lu hd etiiteter g~ isefiara fac thtiesît.u' s'a.--' lval" cf the6& veaderbuïlt.t Nicw YtK, Aug. 1 muin,îg îccoiinnigLr Cs It tise 2SLt, aililt Lutîdie ta 1h.j of t1ie pete îity, be brnirgs Oit jiltttligrs. lortit very fiv. iv offitp w .ll' dr'te Start',11 1ii -i ali'; 1le ýNigra"b 'tile 4't'artnt ite.iîiîtisg o f b o~~~~~~~ v-~rîîitîait, btlsduIf r ta mîsot IIeW tIaniit "ouy etq5,. et ift Euaaul fsî'rable, and tijîs VeY 'Y iistg s) ieus tttmupt'is atci h %Vasdu, nut tî:rtildîlsors:sssCIIion I littiitry t1i ttie~lî iva at lîscte', fieccupewed u'îît~ti Is Mn. oriittuc oisat.is i1oiî'e' ittl! tt ebarnesd 1.l lltrak'funi or t coo - via i 'C(,îî iîj i e t r ,t r aiti t '!9Yurîîs to raie Iuou bi-11 aflii .Xtiît'rii bin h pli ~i n.î tîtttîttut, u thal titily- ofo tttî'ft itll guoa i'ltalil,ii-Sylte e cha i 1 , îiiIl iîîî i Sît iteîîa lier Ution loi u 1i' .st'îionc Eg 1.1iros.'he're llii u n- pt to il LŽuectî ; s'toild' 'l'a-t ta cf 1tirUire223cL 22ï 6(k -sot tlly itFee'ulc Ii2tbit n. ii i'iutttr tiyRte Ftrcn cl~ tiiit Colt quiet. Lin. -S', euiîaN.F., s frotta Eîr pojasset CsjpO Nnytuira, ani l itndettto unWer lsc ol'te Liverp-6oi sf'rn thtie 20th te tii. 28rd "itî' naîîsa n-s net ascer- cin'stsary deitpatstli troni'c ,iverpiol iaigfaiied te n- aet'ituibi. te say iwhat Thtè îrobtubiliiy iswesrn, the oyalî Mail steemasiip pans te iaidthe ii.foliewins bee Il rota eup)- niladvices tare UCnesu,,,tag nd Élealtcung of 138 guets,>at dti SlrUi txactd ftSm the new J>rmie a wrltten le thtthae'icutaeï bc tmc e n Qe Rueotah Ctb ', L sadiltisat a iiin to bac appointed and stent te rtiana0 nquire in to thue werking ca the NatIonal system' in that counitry, and-jhat if thse report, whiolah iflot te be deliver.d ià twê year, be aat1sufac1ory, tiib Irish Natioal ays" os f Education la te b.] copled b l its entirety,; but tuat if net Mtlafltôry "lan entirely txew 41Meaure,1" t haracter cf whiéh isa fot tated, la te 0intredücea. Ail :tlat bastranapir.j re. gardlng this new systoni la tlaat it la te b. nÏtigs&ctory te tise Roman Catholicit; ln isecurity or whIch Mr. MoGee holds a writen lor Tlaere la another rutuor tha Mr Me l istub. tho beadeof tËe Coturalealn te Ireiand;î and of course he wvil tà&e care that the. Roman Catholies do net suifer by the arrangemennt. Such' la the polio>' cf the. party who have ex. tircted thse princripai art of thele capital iout cf the cry, oe ~parate Sciseel."- ý1'b, Representation question la also te b.e ,helved. A crrespcntleoce la tu entered inte with tii. tôwet Provinces on fthe aub- jeet cf a Faderai Union; and twc yen"s are te be wastéd ln this way. -The question cf reprtsentatlon is ta, b. evaded tili the 1 'ext General Élection;- and thst safely ever, the. Ministry are to tako their own ,turse upon. In addition te this, the ,pmaty which lians had itasribed oni its ban- hers for thse last seven years «'Iýo Ecclesi- ostical Corporations," istutebrirft>in 1a &gei- brai bill by Which aoy nimber o c in- u torpertion cao hc formect. Suchis ltthe progi*nrme cf the new Ilîiiaistry, as far as it bua leaked eut thretagh confidentiel sources. î is a very cenfortable arrange. ment;i but unfortutnateiy for those by %rhu lrae t bau Jeen centrived, it vwill net go idown wiîb tise conntry. -what now becomes of the boast Qf thse Goveroisent orga tisai. tho Mânistry would have a belti and decidi-ý pohIcy-to drclare ? Whero s it? IViat is it ? Te thlese en- iquires tise only rcply n-e cao get is- el wait till next icl,rsuarN, untd voir shahste *what 3'ot uaI) te' Ou flte princi- >ai objection malleie.g:ilîst tise NMardtlid Administration tra-it itti1ticed Wnnt cf polir y. This cvii. we are ttol, -vas It e t cunatitise momentla iencw adîititist.:atioia camne in. A îtt:gnificcnt policy n'as nt cuvce ta bc aninounetti andi carrnet) dit.- But insteati cf titis, wvisai.do Ive get? A p remise that il n-e retttailn latent tilt oext lîehrtîary, an d ask tano<questiti, si ial to bc toil te polir'yotit n-luh the Goverru- ment hait been ttrted ! If tht'v'have a policy, Mwluy sitotîd it tct lie 1ilntîîsîed rin-w? Sur..ly tonte oeo f titeir stipperters l18 capable of îîîitkith ie snnctucetîîent, if Wecil sciaooted, ftr istif a diiy itlcreiti. If net il asititîi.bu una ti ficlt ilîttitt'r to put upots piatliete eatlittg iii iici 11tis of lte ldinistlniisl ;olii'1' tutdiNîr. Patric'k, nitît the assistantce cf Jîst'pi Gotil-. n'ould sur(-- ly hav'en dillic'uiîy'Ints sielIirîg t out. It the Wntis'trý hit:v'e nei pîîlits, il i% e:îsv to comproieta iti siitýîe_ *If tîtta have no- tising b cotts(,tatî'ttelitir tucitsrnît ili nîietattira.i.l ith ait cse-if tlsoy have tîio poiiy-crt whtît grottîti coulti:]tit expect the support c!fi.the. Legislatîure or the eoutry ? Sot certaitily upn utheir lirévieus pîoe .osfor thjs.,e liai-e been ust%\,d& aît tise potes -t.,stier. Not upott tbitfr Itrevicus consistane or cîsracter' for naost cf ltent have tiatrougih' itoxeti the compas 0f Canaduusn potities. *Net for theirdevetion' teo ny eue prinicipie; for tiipy anootiuce noeue, andi theo o.ly thing knowonf titeir atteecient conduct is tîteir utter itostility te ouca nolter. On n-lat grount, ten, wo repoit thte question, docit the present mini'trY a rkstppcrt? "Their trgans tell us îls.at îtey oîglitîte ie allen'- ed a fair trial; l+n-it lath lveoto lry? They tae nrigilt tit P>eriiiamct or th- totnty tesupp)ort tteii blintifoldeti. When a rsew Goverrtneîtt t'oa:c downnnith a distinct -poliies, it lias a rigltt te ticînaîtt the sulpport uofttese n-ho ia)provt' cf tîat T Policy~ ; but îv'ien it has u tlie cv te ani- nouîsce, on n'lat greuni ti aut ask a trial? A cimtnài lias a riglit to a triai -andtl OI b as such a gcvernmtent, in a certain sense. lit lias a riglit telic ptut nposa ils trial for Laypocrisv antidt'ceptiona: foý taini i opposition, profèssions avisichli tlado the' miometat il oituiins piver. ýucIiaatrialI zouid only tutt in condeuîtistion; ant ili was an act of consumntuate foily te demanti ]BIROWN MJNISTRY! (By SPecial Telegraph.) Wcd, IýpA,Irnust 4, 4 o'lok, M m . 'W. learra by Special Telcgraph, thatthle Brown Minisf.ry have been refused a dis- solution and have resigned. Wurther Postecript. A spocial telegragh, j ust as we were go. ing te press, infornas US that MVr. GaIt had heen sont for ýby HIs'Mxcellency, the Gcv. ornor General. Writs for new Elections for Ontario, To. l'ento, hc. ave been ittsued. 'Cricket. The. Vanke have beaten the. Canadians .~ ln tieir first innings.. On Wednesday,' 2Sth ult., at Epsom,, Mrs. Motgon of twin song. NEW DVERTISEENS. INDIAN LAND SALE AT LO.NDON, CANADA WEST, 'Wodneggdy, I5th sept. 8 . A ND fllo «lg du TEN otciçe.k A. M>., lwHI lxbfileA.uctioei boa't 25 53ACRJES OP>.&u A'JLI.pT:a'L J*AsJ PONTANIN(l12IX-&Oremior or- leg oUone aba o frMedrk ocotpied by M>r. John MoLy mnânwn nar 1,sasa te A.. Dun- lop) q Eaq t ill ibbe ed±b fr.a torm asama b. Ure pOn. possession can jse giron ud ti. lut Oobor next. Tonr ay bb known by sppl)îing ti»tihe mrnisos te, A« Duýop, q o th ot ce, WI4tbL A. NtIER0N Eq Ju]y 30, 1858. 2 MIOIRA PAFER MILL 1 Tr TIE Subs;crhber bgvng just erootod an ex- teniv Paper lli noar Bélleville, la- pre- paroed to Mannaeitre rÂPER, =1ILLBOÂED, &o. A qnantity of Suporbor Wra% p apin beenmanfacure, su iýll tnesposed of at am roasonable raies an utany othor Otablish- ruent. .As the outlay on the. abôvoe tabliihment ha been lare. the Anhearibor bopos tD receivo a sharo of PUblia patronage. PITILIF F. CÀINNIFWF. Belleville, July 21, 1858 29 RIVERS 4& DERIOUS' Granb Di.amati IQ[JSTRIAN COMPANY Gymnastio, Aorobatio, u... . t"t,1.i. g,..t1Y .ugq.uW dbjth* udditil. mmof THt lItS? AR1TIMTA INTHE WORLD .1.,W is l -11 lrt b ex poriewed g.t.--bich eUt rwvubfrtb. Sptopola IVilI Exhibit nt WHITBY, On Saturday, Aug. 14, 1858. Afternoon Perforniai'c to conImence at 2 O'cbockl , sud Evcening Performance to connence t 7. ' o il parts of the Ex. Iibition -.M centsR. No lialf Price. EQUESTRIAN SPECTACLI 'îgee tfL a kno;c' 14rn: %rr~ FOJESIR IAN ISM ACROBA1'IC EXPIOITSI E. tiElt Pl.« F. DRMUlS.u F. Wto5î THTE GO.OTEsQtUR COXNTRTION15STS The ieia reat ADY EN[JSTR1ANISY, Me'le ANNi.nlFar. at4r l.N~ Iowns & 16818[S! TON BOLINO. PICHARD RIVEIlS, DAN, TOUNG DAN, hiladolphia Brass Badl suI s,>,i.n efulneciv, 4b eb." -M p.epv,.5 c E. 'Bt 'il w w il 4 Tli$ Company is aiIexibit et Bossn-u. ville, Friday, August 13th. At Meirksm, Monday, Augîustî lotI. FCOULDOCK, AIJOTION SALE. X'ILL BE SOLI> 1ÉY PUBLIC AlICTION, VT at ti.healo RoonaoetWàxxywr ,du CCIIIz, Toronto, On Priay, the lâth tf Âtgtsuek* hy vltne et a Pwe ' I;etotaaned ina,*si mo ematie by In0 l% n l lte William Pronsifoot, J., Lukezrob nsai atiamesIIender»ou. Lot 21, in ati 8nd Cou. of tise Taavasbip of Pickeriu la thse Ceunty ef Ontario, calutÙng 104i acrus more or los' TERMs Cês.It.o Jaty 24t1a, 1858&2 eANDS FOR SALE Ini the County of Viotoeia. TÙ T1kKAWoTMT¶ïliGENER&L ESTAflLI8IRD TUE POLLOWIti« NEW POST OFCM5 IN A AD a. the 1ot àJIJL'y,1858. XaIS ior mm. TonaÊ ~ EB~RLCUT Slaamoar.Dvio. ~~deraon~ .......... aius.......... . nr 8 ~ A. bMeDonald. Balsam......... Piekering...........OtioiS. R.'.....Robetrt I)odda. Blair ..n....don .". Waterloo ........... Waterloo S. ii ...W. llwrnan. larenon (r-opend). Claeéndon .......... Ottawa ..........A. W]),'. .King'.............Wig.;ýYork N. R .......... .sph Lviil. Plsyfuir, .... Baîhlnrt..........Lanark S. BR..... C. ilis. St.....rt.......... L.J<a PortJ0!] .. Vtçut....... F. Jua SL. Jean de Matha..Brandon .........Jite... ..... ......P. X. LasJale. The fumne cf the oget Omfle t aý'UTAABEE," Connt8 Peterboroe hitiged te "lKEEN,"1 trans lIt .Augnst. The Fo POU lo.at ý'TREAD1VEL," 1Coonty Presot!, lias licen ebusod. Poou r nas xDmnArte, Toronto, lm bJuly, M'S>. 27in LADIES, SELECT SCOOOL M5ES. M&CKE.NZME 18 PREPARED TO .LJ.reooivè a limied numbor of pttpils at ber T;HE HOME FARM, Eltîer am bourdera or day scholarý. Titaxa- malle kno*sn on appligatbon. Whitlay April2,18 5- TuE SUXI$U IBE IAS FITTE D UtP TIi E pL rsiae.s 'atoly cctiethy 8Mr. Btirle* h on nitotav ttect as a liri j. îiaSlStloon. fl isa Site p a 125w -,SDA WA TEI'JF0 -%TANLZ, has aiyrnpa ef li kindai, ansd cau aîtpplv a dcli tiuns ettobevers1e--oute oftise greates: dttid- sr"8ta5asbc hapreenred et thia snI:ry saison. LAGER 81ER, Fraits Of Lailkinulm 1procilîncîbl, ta sainn Laticbetoius at ail iioiirs. Dinnern nti Sitpperi provided as orereot. Pl>Alvsng 5rrusNtîligOUs. Leba4ters tsdiîsiicieti Salmn, Ut. i - WILLIAM SCOTh. 25 ' Pnitrnieton. T E ILVCK NoW IlOUSEl I 'IIE subrnilver n-onld iseg îo appi tze hit AITfnientia andailie publi t-Ii eîsrily, tia, 0Jý"HiNGS TORE, ia tie, t tly oceimpiai Vuy Wm. A. i<ellia' (Mut a steve andtin unp hu1wierc ), W.tl bc 1f0111,s4 te take orders for tiot iiisg. and ti t p kils c.ot- mors on tho ahorîcat nutiet. Ait entrs lpunnrnsly attendedti t, anti ne dis. appeinesstst. :-vOGooti lits sarrnttet. 'Th. Montly is'itistregitîtuly ni'cciî'tl lit O'DlhSCOL OuhaWn, April, 1958. 12. Negotlation of Debentures ansdReali ELstate Secunitues in Engîstut. T IE UNDERSIGNED IIAVING TO ..visit Great. Britain ai lte cînte cf the pro- sent Pi'nuaaientar%' 'Se.ttiien, en hntiucaa' -il b. prepanetoten'gtiste sncb Mîtiliteipal' De botatures or Rcal Etate &wiiîs, înay ha placot in trnatn-ttb hib for that jisrptvtc. île, therafore, invites Partie* or Nliinicipaaiti" twlso mat' Oins ne quiattlita lservices, ti.e eerr'vsporst n-it b'.t nlttsout delay on tise aîiijccî, wbe, hae witL bc hajipy tii ictvisa us b triBr-tan-sc-e.,&de. JOHN CzNlEItON. Welltigton 'Street. liitker atnd Mfnney Bnitlcun. Terouuto, Juty 14, titis. 26 Whîîby. seap ïand L'audit Fiuctory. li tut"iîer izst ,îfonn eti era tiat T h lilannw îîseared o uVltphe w anv quaititiy of HADs, ath Worero f a qi1iti' equ.At if' utsu PC rilî,r h t bo.st Torontto inatýe, ui luw iiçpues San Cmiti on Approc'eslpaper. Vise Iligliest Prica ins Cash ual.)te to stehout anti abesrs for Talion- anti L-rd. JAMES WA1LLACE. Wbitby, Jnly T, mm1. 21 WOOLI WOOLII Whity, o at he toreot W4A.MeCilouaLgli, G;reenn-oed. THOV.1S MOODY. L. IL SCEOFIELD & 00., ayG"od, Grocitries, Crockery, CORNEZR BZOCK d& COLBORNE11 STS. Willîbýy lt, 858. 2 -t A Lpen hvngcaisagailot us, muent. L IL .SCHO0FIELD du Go. july la!, 1858. 28-tf -'FIJTIIER NOTICE. A LLperonsindebted te as, cither bys and setti, tise saie vitisout dola7, anal gtave cnts. - 1. Il. 9CHOFIELD duCo. Whitby, Juiy la!, 18M. 28-tL To Trustes of Conm*ao Scboo.. SIr ATO antesiby a Teneherimnediae- Wh bs i anmy yease ee ocatY Burd of Ontarie, Appliations asid- dreeseti toC. B. (pontpeld)Poaîîtice, Dunbar- ton, sabataeniad te. Pickering, 2uth ialy, ý1858. 2 ATTR.AC(TIVE SALE Farining Lands, Town Lots AND MILL IIVILECE. T IAm . eeof the Esate of B.F. erry~ Esýtate, at gdich prceg thait wii prove matqfnctoy 100 Acres, East 4 Lot 15, 4th Ceneosaion col]ineawod. 100 Aourciu. South 1'a Lot t, lai. Concession of Elîraslmia.. 200, .Xce, Lot 10, :it' 'esuonEphrnsifs. The-7e 'riree oniii the Conmay eut Ore', were pertsoniayiwIs. 'ceÙ41Iand botiecteti on et- comt. ut'fuineAgricultitra] ,oil, and ceasy accecs te M*titot 1240 Acrts No Il. 9th Con. Mara, Conty oi 2U Aers, no, i îZi'îî Suntert'tile. 107 Acres, Nt). 1. Front range (!o Gnod tlardw,"ud a'îyd ponte rotthe begt <ail l! 20 Acres, part 1,K, 1lOti (onecesion Murray. 1 Acre Part 15, Stb Ce>îesieuî SMurray. 8% of an ace, part 1t, lst Cîîciesion (Clark 1 Acre,' part 2, Littf 01 inîOillia. MILL PRIVILEGFL- Tinit wtt]ii,"'î"Milill'rivilegce itnied la> the village.ocf aupton, 'fv Wv.ip of Darling- ton, c-onpr isang - Iacres. "lie necessar eox- Cav'rtiot P fr tht Wiiter Race and NMiii, apnd the Lover stery t. enot ::pe .Tht ai en t o f th e p rop cr tv i s 01 .t , iMai Un1iîe et Rriad hetiece,'i ;w111î1itiaIlle uit,] the Neetheri T 1%aitî ,loi ',t* w'aslr, ]t'tht et t'ail. amdcw, 'i o,i ,t!anInx0cintreol the InitIe of ,~aiîi~,the ] tiilgehua@ nti aper< Mritu it lc,, TOWN LOTS-TOWN 0F SAÊN1A. Lots 2.31ý 32, Ntn'th C.uiêron et 231, 2,33,-1,1 Olitlfr'art i o. Bo) WM AXNV ILLE. Ton-it Lot. 1, Block IL. one-fifli> oftan acre. HAMPTON-. 24 Tow-n Lots in Hainipte.., ~ntaininlec frone-litIL of an r.ere and utp*ards.ngac I3ROOCLIiN.' Town Lots 34 andi13. Perrv'* Flan of Brook lin Binganxiotigtto wind uptie Y itate, us opee dilv as post.t)]e tht e :î~p, Tevrty n-ii b. gord Very bw or (Casth, or pa-t Cash; and ba- lanceou tinas us gay bc arratn àd G.E9,.-rE HALL, w Aget, Whtb.s ~~~~t' ~ ~ ~ N. CVI~INo ~ER N3A>JSTOMERS are da-ly r riMving., A li a ï& ad'da ition~ sp sI* sf Sun=., TO T, SE~N TbtALdl'os nis lha, net pre videti thoruselves 'with à tey m baite ter0dcmsth ie assortmant le goo4ý'and thse prie, ion-, dtlierwiae ti. sy .telate, sstîti lite Hon. Mi'. Caile sticceeti se bvisi'e Trbl pas.OCK & OF viG rcelyR dI~ES fAND LIncUw aiR bi coesigned tisen, beg te> nÃ"tiv thé tÊ'ade tbat tii.y aili b. prepare4 te Bell Gootià, SAt Wholesgje or Jtetall,. at Prime equal to those of 'oronto. Tueur stock cf Greccies andi Liqîtors, consist le P art cf Henntîssey'a and Mtirteli' IBranid t, Pale andl Bronwn Vints-tes, lteKnvluers (litinb ltedg,îtted anti qnart a&s, Scotch and In=i Malt %Vkiàko-. aupenior etti Jamaica Spirits inhotiggbeada anti quarter casks,Port anti Sher, Wies Lnden azs;l' DOAin Porter, Pale anti Stronir Ales. Sngars, Mnscovado, Yeilon- rained ilsador Cruahet A, Ground forasble ait, Extra grostti for Coafetionairy, Dry Cruslaod No. 1, rL. 4- P. bcg te aay they canant avel onoumerate ail their gooda, but with.tiio publie te kneaiv tiley are 'Ready and Willing to ShÃ"w them whi Called Ã"n. HAMILION & I{OBER-TýS BFXI TO ANNOUINCE TUE ARRIVAL 0F THIEIR COMPRISING ENGLISII AND AMERICAN S TRJA w -BOJVW-E TS I.VD Iw44Til, RIIBEONS, PARASOLS, SILK CAPESa A BEAUJTIFUL A.SSORTMUE"iT 0Fý DRptil OOO.s, 6O0DS AND HO S'iRyl A FFW CASSOF GENTSj - S1LK AND F1E .- HÂTS, SIIERIFFYS SALE.'0F -LANDS. Ccrci -" 7OeRIcO,t'Y VIITE 1OP A To Witt: 4> nit of Fier] Facias issnet ont o ler Mtjecstylms £bitnty Ceunit'tIf the Coîînty o 01t, ci.tWlitby, andti te tub direetei, ag snt tho landIs sud teileuents cf Thomnas isi isbnrv defonisautai thue suit or Thwplaastit?. 1 Lauve acizeti nti ='enmxention, a]) tha e.%iatc andtîiierest of .th saitiThomas Saiisbnry, itu -a thsre stMr Brick Building, conutiing tliintv apartnLs, aita>ttsl o ieanerhsiie ofFinit hîrùe, kuiova Us Saltblay'e Brick Iltu4e, lih %uiaa of an crecf L4uttiattiseiT'£ite.!a agooti barn ad auîlile oiît'bnîtditars §on titie nae Aise liait acre Lot ona seiltis tilde cf ist Streae n-itl a @splendid Gari-den, Siitbbeny, &e. Ai) n-bibi riands and toainecits-, or the' i saicl de- fentiant1, asiate or iuuO'ncstue - 1 Jaluait offar for sale nt uny 01tilce, Lài tl;c lXsîit ieuse, ut the Tonsof Wbuîby, ln the Gtuusty cf (>ntiriu, ci Monday te Tnenry-aev.ectl day of Sepiombar next, ut tn-oiVe oMick, 0000. NELSON G. PLEYNOLDS, .Slacrifl's Office, Whitby, Seif .o JIitie 2t4, 1919. Aherxfl'a Sala et Bandit. COUSrr Or OlivAIo, yB VITU OFA Ta Wt ýB WrI ofFitýriFaclat, imseti ont c irMseays lnof HtQîueen's Benoît, ai.Tes-ente, andsti te directe(i, ugaiast the lund*,andti euneuelt of it: ooduit Wtsit. tatker, defendaist, at the suait et' Tî.omas Paxten, plaintif. I bave seizeti anti takenit l exeltton ail tii. tate orn ittt-re-t tiftlise ii ataI Oood- ait Wbirttukan lls Ihat certain puant or picce of ia bel nic ceairpoact of llasge Lqts sattober tdixty'àneanaud sxtvy-tvo on thse Soth aidaet an satrettanti Lots nuniber svauyendt tqevpnty.to on thse Nos-t aideao ci' ty street, la tise oiI~u f *I'rt' lero n t h e Te¶nslip cf Resadii thîe Connîaîv oiTOntario. Ail nhieb ,cuuade piat tenonnants,' or tise seuul detins' estate and literest therein. I shudi otf4n 'etîëu5i ut my Offie, ln the Conu.rtiose, et theaTown aof nu ht tîtIelve o'elcikmon, NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheffl2ia Offce, wliiîby,i S.lf .O Jane 17, 18581 DESIRABI TOWN, VILL.i - Lot. fer Beý Taowaq of walZey, commit « thU$SuS â4ST 0of, BR005 STBarP. M TwoN, 16 vud 83. Eut of Break Ebeet J Sr8outh. cf 'otJrd's Hetel x vaupble goet xl'àzidxnj frein Bmit4 eFer Lt io. 17 âmit dc: -ForÀsi4ide of Biock Street, North efPolliid!s lHôtel. - Particedtsar- op~ryn the. pria ..stree l iisEôTùm r hegeLols viii situast 'Lts 208 sud 204, a corner bIfsàk où 1a adjj Lets 71, 72, i;74 5- 7'nd 71K The"s Elght lotâ are n caoBiee;k Cýcdk bbgPèrti and7Chsnt andi Mb Streotga: Lot 87, West et Perry 9treet, a»a dir.eCûf<>OP posite the Stosai Fleur lui. 1,ote 4, M, 6,6 7 82 8 84, andM Vtc Ferry Strteten'd adjelnLagpr perty on th, NOrtla LotI, No. G4otti, f esi o"-ry Street Tbfl . Le la weIl feuced and otherwise ins prevod. W-EST OPeROntC&STREE. Lots 104, 105 118, and 119, bonnded a- en tre, laont anti Kent StreetA. Those lots§ ara dcllglatfnlly sitùataci, and bavln o treet en Uta S124 àand 1525, ebruer 6 é f R i st ha, LctNc 185 EustofKert Street, and but k fen roda klio f Dundas Street. The forOg9OceoLots vere selécted froài a large tunaber, wîh the, vlan of holding titem as an anvestunent, bat are nion-olfereti fer Sale tis h4ait7 lnd ap a large tgealon:- Lot 214,...Frice .......... "215, .... . .#-7 225, ... .. 4 ..... .. Lot 211 .... ...$ 4 .'........ -Lot 298,.....Éice......... "8.8............. Lot .... .....ré........ ....... 3678.....< Lots 849, $59,851, a52,3-58 and 854,eoatdlniij nearly one Acre and a 8 1iu14 viii be'aoI% elaeap lp on. bloek. .-TEINS; ($ne-fifths pnýzbJe nez;1 eQrbèr; sud tit# balnc e hedail- eirst8nuEi ef ltica'flvsgsaj ~ca, te Sat ayient avili net aure duei la zat articunlaa aply W " Pronerti ounw. ... *»0 N.I& 2, Til'h Blocc. Brock Street, WWiatby, 4pril 0138 'I '58. PItIN NIMPRTMIONS, 58 ESS GOODS, TO AGRLICUJ.TURISTO. S] Sabseres hase mai.reeeive dd iltee frein ti(,. nalnikcatir a fmei assonîmeut Soho fetb.unelerwntioued uice>tpie ea4 C'. tI 1 - 1 M

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