Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1858, p. 4

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itTns h ulietat ho hms on land a laeidfrimTo or hiall Beildings. W-A l" i~êdaemat *o*e'd for Cs 6Gnon ee teet, Whitby LuMWruber !bj W luts#oid Saw Mili u n Lot No. U1, lu tise id Soufng, Darïnbaàrton- rlkrnApril 28, 1869. A PJUZFP FOR E VERYDODY I ,VltO SUBfSCRIll3S FOR THE NE'W YORK WEEKLY PRESS, IFAMILV NEWSPAPER. rPTl R NI(W Y1ORK W EFXLY PRESS la ont -9 ofluit lUr-tesf tnd l emtliterîr%- plpers tftlie dov AÀI eue qu'une ccuuîiiniirT IV FN TY o' r 1sxty collimus rut'felitert.iiiug Met- ter, atud ELEGÂNTLY ILLU.STRATEI> every A GÏFTMOI't/sfrorn50C. tri $1000 00. cili TERMS: Ne copiftw oneL par, COul lYft...$s20M rltrecopies oîiu rer, nmd -inîiti...... 5f0 Tire copiee one vêt andlMtgiff ..... 8 00, Ton copies nee {cr,\ if' 10 tiftR .s ... 1. 0 Tweinty-olie copies i% c oie r, sud 21 gifts, 80 00 t Caniad Sihsculhen, mlst seuud 26 cents eich In addition tu the") x) - r ate,,te pnv t he A meur- ican pitîtwlie>I n 11.4t 1>0tur-p ki 1. The articles to e li îieribîîîed are coînpriuîed1 a the folowiîig list: 1 IUniteid States Treasury Notie $1000 00 2 do tdo do <600 'Xl cadi O>. (10 dan do 200 00 eci t I* -do do. dý) 100 00each le Patent lever lîunting castdt 'Wattcbes .................11p on cach 20Gald %Watehes....... l75 00 cachi 50 do ...... 60 0.0 each Vq . do . ........5100 ccl MW0 Ladies IroIlwatcec...a.. 5 00cOeaeh 2(Silver hinntngauhcd watclîesi 5()0 0 each 900 Sil Ver W&LtOlke.e, ...... $0 0 te 20 00 eccli "100. Cill gurd Test anu 11* ,iainms..........p10 f0to ;0 00 cadi 1000 Gold pcnA sud peilcila 5 00 tu 1.5 00 e4ch Gold t.eccets, Bracelet,, Brooclîca, Rar Drops,v DruûastIns, Ccli' Pins, sieur. Buttonsk, Rings, f Shirt Studi, Watch Ker>,, Golul and Siver Thinhies, and a varietv oci other articles worth front 50 etg. te $15 001cci Otreeipt of the suibserîpticnn lucy t te suoi- sorib)er'a nîtiewîll lie entcred apoiîounr boke, S opposite a nwnuber, cul the gift ecorregponuiigr weili htainnîler will hoct'orwvarded withlin oee week to hlmu, 8b maîl uor e.ures, "paid. Tiiere la nitiier lîutnbulz or lottery about Cihe above, as every sutîscriher is sure of s pfre of value. We pi-efer tu îniike this liheri 'dittsbution arnug lîcru lnstead of gving a kite Coniîssn tu agents, glving t'Oee uh- *sriibcr thse amoQunt that wotnld go tu the agenti -snd lu muuy eca ehîndred fold imore.t Ail coînnaoucatloius soîîld Wit, ddresscd tof IMMNEL ADEE, PtTiiLISIXE, TB: 211 Gcentre8Street, YKrw 1'Ork. t)B SALE OR TO LET. HO013E -& LOTS FOR SALE. L OTS Ncs%.1 sud 2, llenry Street., t'erSale.- Tse>' are Corner- Lots. Tise-flouse is a cd r u oe, a stor>' and s haitbigis, cous- udig6apartineuts. It sin lugeed repuir, sud w<Il pàluleK Tisai-e lise a seonuîd J.RAHE B UILDING "lmngeJ, but not eccoseul. Thse situation te à Yor toi-msansd furter pa-ti-uhurs, appi>' te ALEX. cAMERON, Cbief Constable. Or ho Otîleber 28, 1857. G-EO. WALLAOE, WhitisY. il1 UQUSE-M«,LOT-FOR SALE. t!OR S-LE TN TUIE VILLAGE OF BRO)K- JJll n, a flous ansd Lot tecccnd te noue in tise Cousi>'.-Tiseaboy pisa lebcauilly situ- sWd8-nowu s linrasîanc t litû Wss>. witi a d ovtei et'ater, ~~f~s1 -thd od el ieli e, -use, &ce., tiiereon. Fer fuitiser particuu-liara appl>' 10 JOHIN IODGSON, Witly, C. W. Witbyi April nt1. 1857. 12-tf. TO LET. Prw[lOarge room elel adeopted for officEsý, -KI save lie subseniserâ 1hardware Stoe, in Wlwel'l*.i ew Buildings, Brook St-eet, Souths sud. Bout, moderato. AppI>' on tie prainids ete J. S. DMYALDSON & Ce. Brick IouOe ho BSlI or Rent. r IAT corninicuioua Brick Cottage vitis Brick h itleuot, Stablie and Sheds ' oecpicd St pra- nltllStreet, Town ef WMlmlby.ý -Tiss-Cottage eto8ista cf 4 Booms inuthe in #U]ldl1g, aud 2 Bedrooma oit' bie Kiteten- Terlaise atile te thet Kiteisen tint oeld ho amade> lutt e droonus. An excellent Gardon cf ocetj<sçare of-laud, a goed Weil, sudsaCeolli- oull ise et ioese. Tis sroperty wili ho sold cbcap, and ou gcod Worms parmerAApply te - JOSEPHI C. SUlRLING, - JAMES WALLACE,- Whitby. Wistisy, Marelu 01, 1858. 8 A COTTAGE IN BYRON ST. ,1Apply 10 H fAMILTOS &ROBERTS.ý Witl1y,2815 April, 1858. 1 TO ÈZT. 1NOTICES 0F ?AITNERSUIP. T LI Uncrsinedhereis>'gir. neotisai ItisEe>' have tus ý day ented 1lnte Part orsbhip (limmaios & Lits5eJfmui7aa, OosmAgmb* &o., utîdor the 4ayie o et'tIFirci of Aibro & Vindin. JOHN P'. ALBLO. - E.S. VNDIN. September 12, 1857. 14N REFERENCE TO THE ABOVE, Wie beg te infermii oui- frieuideansd the public ge- uîrall. itha tumiv re pncd un (gh1e.ee for tice tnuîrisuctimiîuuf ull buîsneuuuuentnusete ic liaas Agenits. Alec aYii.uuumtcr Yîrd fer the reoeili iiîmul sale ofll<umuîmlîcr for Loca-or otier purposes %ud wc trust b3 lproîmpt attetntion to ailIncti-s pII.l in-u u o.u: ds, te ituent sud obtelu thei confidenice aimd supuport. ALBRO & VINDIN. Port Ilope, Dec. 22, I807. 49 N 0-T I C E. 2ýM To Marchants sud Farinera,. _M T lESuberiber begs to seqîtaint hia trietîdi T anul ui-t 1p îic lt giîersliy, Utittih a takcn tise Grtat Mii, ltnuv a.- the KEN'T MIL LS$ and farnmc!rly occupied by MIr. F, Ileoare, near Breuuk-liii, aîud froiu hie loîmg snd vel kuewu expeniene lu t1iebtîeincas lu Wlfitby, hupes b>' strict suteutiuutu aud pnuctnatity, te ustril a ahare of tuijic patronage. 1artictlssr iattention paid gý' Meretuanta, Fanmersansd ether ihn te get tlieur WhtitFluiwiihdeî lileralI>'. Acliwilobligze Il. 'N. NEVILLE. WIsitlby, Nuw-eursler Dtim, 1607. 43 N t> T 1 C E. T VN punît ussd tise ctre stock cf IL i akI &. I.iul- UC., viti su addition cf ;ý0 A New Stock, MJ se flater etînstîvés ilut mioci i gve ctireatis- faction teoail i stuc ns, fari-1'iaWitt] a caii. îOSEPH HUCKINS & Ce. Brnuuî,lin, Nevenuhu-r luoth, 1S51. 43 CIR1CU LAR. Tli uluuil uur ou retiriug (romn tte Mer- cuttile llîuiume-ue. te rnetinîstianku, te tise ninmcuîeîttier e <suad tniendus for the liii- ci-ul supportut uciven o iit, %viille in ii >uueiusaa.- llieun oitnlurn ail iparties tnuiebted te hlm liv Bock Accoun*, Notes or Mcrtgages, New due aîmd pmeut le, that lue hi i large peuy- inenta tuu meet u isly dut"-, amsd that owing te tise pressure lu Mîmuey imatters, it le iecessiar>' for bite tte moet ime saine suad te oumble hlm te do ve, ho lue obligeul te hiîsut on immediatpuy- meuh ofals umoiunts duec te hlmn, ehisrwise ho sIlI heoebligeit te land tise sanme te hie Attor- uey fer collection Without Eurthor Notice, wlmlti it te net lits -tAti te do, sud ditiemit. froci siat buciicslitlmc-to doue; but frein tise prement ust peuiranmcs ci pasyieita, ho muet say, tIsaI ae fui- lie <ttc, ine chier course S lerti lîlu to ~eusioe. lIc tiiL4tisi ail wulli sOc tiselie- cssîty cfattueuiug t, tht,.-acuit uve tests. WILLIAM LAING. Whitby, Ocktu-buun2ý 1857. 41 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. BY vutue of c Deed eof Aasagument bcsin Bdate Maici tic Sut, 1858, thie undernigned sas dul>' appointeit Asselguce fer the etace of JOHN MAGEE, 0f tise Tuewntiiip eof Whitby, in tic Ceutîty cf tIntail, 'Àeoun, for tthe benclttoef'sncb uredi- torb s unta>' icoîne parties tierete, uuîcr tise condiicuu ieneiii ttùorthý, bofore the ieut day of Jne, 185S. Said D[eed cf A."lguuieut now les ch thie clice cf N. G. 1 aminl the Towunet' Wlîtby, for ei4maiturt, cf shici cil partieslu- tereted ai-e required te taeke tnotice. J. S. SPROWLE, N. G. HAMS, - Solicitor, &c. Whitby, Murcti bib, 1858. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. A LL persona indebtcd te tise Fatate cf John Mage., cither on note, i-cul, beisi or Ment- gagé, muet saete ianie forthwiih. &ud al persoina havtugtaIsu cisis"id Estate sîf plusse baud iu accounta b y the irai-day of Juue Bto6kliu, Apri, 1858. 12~n1~eln S NOTICE. XONEY! 1MONEY!1 NONEY!! M IONEY 19 WANTED BY TITE SUE- ecriber lu large sud umailanme, lu ex, chanjige fr wlich iehowii g<ve gd vaIne iu l-isting Poea, Kirsy aud imentck Hooks un gut aud leose; 511k, 6caweed, lIair Linen sud comunu Linea; Fiesta, Swuvals, ans sd ail thier kinde et' habit sg ackIo. 1 A tes Spoonesud Trlling linos, aeas'y for tr liig on tise back laktea for rnaikiecg,' "c, ou baud, Cal sud sce, ah tise 66Siga of the Red Willy, 'Je]>, 14, 1858. tLL P Uxisrld siguodmou And ail Esat aa them beoi ~,N OT IC E. us ludebbed ho,the W. il DOEL tMe et' bis DÙhîp of M"4,are te under- nber nexh. ol14 "eid mus ln te. iL - to b. entar.d luto De t f eno t* permt.i =iy of' the o 1 TUOMAS A. BNGLY, Meersi '~mlehloWorka, [une, 1888. f - I mI- St. cf igis lot; ro- - lsd 5 INSPECTOR GINERAL'S OFFICE, toréato îîth Jaina, 1858. il 1S ExOELLiWT yTas GovmtszîOc GENMEL île Couiro., aving b.d undor cousîderation ou thse22d ultime, thse Departmeutal Circîsiar cf lb. Catoma Departmont, dated 291h April, 1858, b>' whioh Importera of gooda, iiu every euee, are allowedto deductthe diecouni actuully ieule for cash, or that sisicis, aeerding te the customi cf Trade, la alloin-ed for cas, lias beau îI)essed res-cind the samne, sud ta direct tint ne antis deiluctieus lbe allowcd hereafter, sud tisat tihe duties bc ocîlected updîî the amotnni of the luvoire wlthont regard tesnc diseêount; Aud notice ta isereb - ,tentisa"i sncb rder appios te gouda t n .lubnd, aswtell asgoodaimporiad since the i aasing o et'tIOrder lu question. By command, P. X.M.BOUCHEIT4 23 Comnissioner et' Custemq. INSPECTOR GENERAL S OFFICE; Il TIoronto, 8151 May, 1858. NTOTICE la hereby gi-ou tliat [ils Excelleucy, . the Govrrnor enerai basbeen pleasol y an order lua<loimuil, beariuig thuady'. date, te erder snd direlthtia tise *tonaqecf icar lu the. sheda aitthe Liebine Canal Bésins et Montreel ti intil othorwiae ordored, govcruod b>' lie fo1ù0wmg rogalations, rvis;- 1-FIni- aali te alloed tle remalu lunflic shed# for two wlsole day.fNe. charge; 2-if kept tise beyond two dsym cr 48 hours, acéb tour to be liable te s charge cof oeacent par day per Inn-el, for thie irsI four days after thersondoLof the 48 of exemnption, 84olthtour I.. keptilàtise ahada bW yond four deys et. one cent per day pcr barrai, sî shall be llalle to psy twoocents par day pr barrai for every dxy suisoquent ttiseexpir- d-n a fa aq tob. conaidercdi oe dYBy Locad 28 Commissioner cf Catoms. ~Cowmr L&.cnsDrI'ÂITxEN, Toronto, 23rd Jul>', 1858. *1tàjOTICEIs isereby-giron tisai thVerimon- IN~ tloned Iot» lu tise township of Norl AI goulus, sf1 ho offcreul for Sale upon appication te tte Resideut Agent TuoxAs P. yîiNîi Enr.oz; snd atteitiei W ENTY-7FltTiI eot' NDE EX30NTH1 ai Four SîsillInge pcr acre; oneoMtbbo paid dewn, sud the remitluder in tour equal eàna uab salunnte, sitisinleret.- Ti c relsasereside on the land, and te elean sd plaeunder erep at laaI Iso »ars auîmuallyfor each onie httudred acres duriug tise lefi-tlre yea s No «I ignber te ha tut or remnoved nacles8 un - der Licemse, except fer sgrice;urafPiurpases. TOWN6SHIP 0F NOlITI! ALGONA. lut Con. 1 ,8 ,5 2nd" 1,2.8,4,5,6,7, 8. 8 O l,1:2,8,4,5,6,7, 8, 9.10, IL. 4ttu 1, 2; 3l, 4, 5,86, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19. 1.5,16,1 17, 18, IV, 20, 21, 201 tb '3 0,851, 32. 7th 27, 28, 29, 30, 3i, 82. 8th "27, 28, 29: 80, si,182. 9tb 28, 29,50,381, 82. loth" 28,9 2?, 30, 31, 82. 111h 3 0, 81, 32. .ANDREW RUSSELL., 28 AssstentCounmisionor. TO CONTEACTORS, T EDERS viilho raceired 1 for the eroctien cof a COURT flOU9-E sud JAIL aI cacis et tise toUjowlug places, Via: St.Scisolastique; Industrie; Soi-el; St. tienne de -la Mabee St. Germain de Blînonaki; st Josis as Baue; St. ChritepisadlArisaaaks; Se"r NOlseavlle h ie Tewnsp cf Durhsm CSLHcnthe;. Tise Tenders, assi d dndorsed"Tender fer tise, roeooitet a Juil sud -court Moisiena 9l'"addrsWaed te iùs dip- ed, and ceubaining tse umea of two seirentpsi- ties vise are willing te becme securit>' for tise due performanc. cf-tse verk.viii b. reoeived entil WEI)NEDAY tIse F17ZEMTR et' SEPTEMBER next. 1il]; Plans sud Specica- tiens eft'hie Bnildif cen bhomucn d au>'fui-1 tiser int'ormal<du leduai his Ofc-t bsa at Mn.r. Gairea, <ubo-tlhè me ahliaCama Office, BkuralM- Symmea' Offes, Three Ri vera, sud Ü îhi OW, es ttse ;Pi-ottaieS ofet' ofhet' i bove-uamed place's rugesptrc>. B rder Pulcr"Publi e Works . 1 Toronto ,ml , 285d. 8 'n.TOTIEl ierei>'1n<tiaItie isuder-. .L~meIlcieJlot,1n ousut>'of Reufrew, U.Co., viii ho ff01Zdfor slais>' Auedoln, b>' the Realdont Agoni, Wtau" Ràimusxoqima Adamo n nrResnfrew, on tise TE NUITR o next MONT11, tNOON., HORTON. Bih COU 6 3(58.) c»" 14 .--»àiMm n ILL PEIVILEGE AND> TOWN LM Scontiglcas W lime 33.aveitou bu. Jp MES ARMSTRONG, N. Ë-Tite lin -rata mt n ietBoa-- vortonu for tIhe ktablithmant of'kuy, Boavrto, Juyns 188, -J~. 1 LI:V ýER POO L. BlioSmhhs & Waggonmaker sShops 1Fe oe Saeorbe- Lotai Liverpous, T WENTY MILES EAST OF TORONTO (A Dep-otaud Station cf thse Gi-sud Trnnk Rail- way). Bach Sbep lm a Cottage sud a quarter ot au Âcre of Lane t ialed. Tise.pri-cushave becu lst"y sreted with- in a short disthneaof lise Rlimgson ltcd, anJ Y Deot Agoodbusiness lu both zeaau>'bcodouea by étcady sud god wcrk- For foi-tIsr partleulars 1 PRDY Liverpool. Juiy 28,1857. 28 PORILSALE, AComftnahîe Famil>'Bemideuce situa gd lu tieVilgec iverpool, Tewuuiiip etf 'ick- e ijcug tilî- Fretcnci', Be y 4ienn cf tise Graid Tuu alwu,1 iles frouîn To- route, ceuaâisting cf a Cottage eomtainlng Nine Roonsa, with evcrY calîvcnicnce requisite; c large Barn and Stable attaelted ; a neyr î lu ttof wa - ter*, the Grouds anc tluuulc'illr fid ont, sud planted sith 811ude Trees.; aleo ALreGardon iwell stockeul ,îitiî Fruit Tree; the wkole deverm two acres cf G(onend, sud etiiot ue surnnassod iu the. To% mshlîp of Picktercug, for lia couveni- once sud readyscece.se te the Iîiiway. Ternis muade easy. tr urlrpîrilircpytete suhacriber, York'-illc; or te lMr. W'illim l'îmrdy uruon thse premises. i'os.i4emsicu given forth,- & GEORGE BOSTWICK. - Tcorkvllo, May, 1658. -17 Ta=m for Sale. 2 Oo ACRES 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 010, Inlu oti Concession of Thorcis; 1.5 acres ciesredl. This Farc ilasîtuated wltiîin four mifles cf Beaverton, ounbthe r'ael rend te Mas Ulnd la cf tbe beetnialit ,sd li,,i ofs cetr cagood aottleMnicxst, wltis ciool, anmd a Sswmull envenieut Aise Norths liaIt' cf Lot4, itis lg10th Conees- sien ett Thorah, oooaâirtlngof 95 acrea 12 ef wisicis are learcd, 8nd frouting on tihe >rtage Road, near Cemneroiis MUI._ Apply te D CAMERN. Beaverton, lotus Juty, 1857 26 VOIR SALE CHE"P. L OT No. 27, lI tie .rd'Concesion cf Whitby (the Wtmxi,aFÂnie>aoinlng thse Town of Whitby. Applyv te the Ion. B. C Wtùtis, Csrryinglace, U-a». WLezs Esq., BelhIcillu, or to July 13, 1857. 26 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE 18IIPROIPE1ITY ISP-LEX5AITLY SITU- T ated inth ie fueurlslmiug Town et' Wlttby, loui Brook street, directly eýnsire Jndge Buru- bam's resiittuce, coutainiug îwo Ifium, cff su acr cf Land, wltlm about 100 fu(ct frentaga, on whichLs ueerected - CONFORTABLE BRICK, COTTAGE, wltis seitable ent Buildings, su excellent Wcll et' Wstcr, sud a Cieteru, toijther si a untn- bier of raluable Fruit Trece IFor fistiser parti- culai-s ppîy te W. SHAW, on tise.pfomits.s Whitby, Fcb. 10, 1857. -4 FOIR SALE IN TUE TOWN 0F WHITBY. L OTS NO S u ad 22. TIEY ARE SITUAm atdon Diundau Street, lietwutu Mr. S WTERnusLIBERÂ.& Application te ho madle te MR$. ANGELINE WEST, Lot 83, 8ti cotncession Darlingtou. Chiristian Offering" please topy tutti forbid. FOR SALE, ATAVERN STAND witis Driving Ropuge Aaud twiu large Sheil. Tisore laaliso ata tacied an acre et' Land, planted with choie Fruit Trocs. Tiscre le a good Wcll of Water, witli Putnp,>&c., ou the preznieepqs. i eituat- ed on 1»t No. 1. lot Con. Marlutisa,nthe lead- ing road te the Towu cf Whltby, Liii an sd Boavertomi, whieis proerty vIl be sold en lie- raI tai-mb. Fer termna udparticelars api>'te thc owuer ai Neil McDongall'a, Brook, (Dstrict LIna> ucarCarmlcbaoll'a Tkvern. JOHN McDOLTGAL., Brook, Decenihor 18, 1857. 48 Faq., 111- stCATINGS, o.o PALES-Y ALE & 00., E<tQ'IotohI thtie Publie thut tie>' bave i-a 00 strttt-tied extensive pi-coisas on Front St-eet, (ftrorerl> cuptcd as the Ontaio, eW, in theouosIenplete st-ylo for carry' ébuasiess cf hoin Fou D>di1g& Bmfthl'*ork lnàuaiabranches.W Tbeyinrita inspection cf licir nemerous Pat- terni et' Ornamentul I-en Fcuoeo, Balconies Varandsa Vit Do-es, Plan d Ornemental Cash hi-en oumnsb, Window Ceps, Sie %aud ARCHITECTURAL IrORK, cf aven>' doscripten; Cooklng, Parier sud Box Stores; Gritt9a1 Cveo* Meuthuu, Cauldi-cus, Sogar Kletilc, Plain Cfastingu sud Ferginga, ail cf visici te> cicte the Trde sud others ou tel- vantageous ternis. IW- Country orders puato tusîl>' attended te. Toi-onto, <doSer 20, 1857. 4o.tf Provincial A*;îme t o my. CAPITAL~£s$0 JSUENÂOB effewdoiiBihipn bi JL ontnts Rieryinformation aupp4e4d on application to the uÎndlrignd, , I Z. KELLER, Oduarl 2leslJ~ag g ad o p O. cf QeMùo. Office - Victoria Buildins Brook Stret Whithy, under the Chronicle ff6e. 15 British Amewjea A&mraa«e Compay, INCORPOBAME under an Act of the Third Seso £o h leventh Provincial Psrlla- nment of Upper'Canada. Insnrance effectod on Buildings mnd thoir contents. Every information supplied on ap- plication to the underalgnod. Marine iaks for the &iasbn or for Pnrts. JOHN A*NEW, Trsvelling Agent, Blyron ëtrect, Whitby Protection againsi Lou ad Damsage *b>' Fire. WESTERN -ASSLTRAN(7 COMPANY, CAPITAL £10,0,000. TNSUIRA1CE eftedM on Bnildlngs and tnier .contenta. Evory information aupplied on appleation Wo the undersigncd. J0111 AGNEW Traelling Agent, Byroix Street, Whit'iy. Timnes ad Beacon Aisuranoc Cop'y. TSTANCE efec.don adngssd, tlieir Jpontent@. Bvcry nla tIon aupplied on application to the underi~e Travel%à Atutand Burvdyorof Ulsks, B>-ron Strée4ýthy. LIPE AND IKEALTI ASURBANCE. The Britilsh AmerJean Friendi> Society' of Canada, E 8STABLI8HED FORTHUI ASURANCEF.O 14Lit'. sud llealth. Iliner'-4ted by, Spccial Act of Parliament, 18t Vie., Uaip. 64. CAPITAL STOCK, ic10,wOO. .lRoud Office ai Montreà1.ý GENRAIÂAnEST FOR C. W., JAs. BORLLEIR. LCLAGEN-, JAXEJIuo»osow, Whitby. R.W. Clark M. D., Medicai Referee, Wuirrey. ;wýpolicies effected either upon lleaIîh or Lite (or both) and every information affordcd by theLocalAgent ai hfg tille. THE SCUEME POR TUE CUIRRENT year wilI reirtadn open to uiew Entrante onfly untfil MONDAY, th .llth APRII, next. On thât day thea Books will be made uip for the 19th Annns.l Balanice, and l4th Divison of Profits. A Il included th'erin wîll rank ma of one Year's longer standing t/thaluter Ena.. tranti, and wiil participate One Year earlier at thte Divisions of PrqAi L IF E ASSOCIATION 0F SrOTLAND- foundcd 1838, aud eîupered by Royal Charter and Act of P'arliament.. MONTRF,4 L-i. Great-St. Jamex Street. EDINBUR(GH-AmWoiation's Buildings, Prin- LONDON-20 Kiug william Street., Cîy. E.,rpresly constit'uted on the prînciple e] reducing thse B'pense of LVfe Assurance as iow as i8 consistent enthpermanent Ucurety. Ainidtit the many and varions system of lf Assurance presented te thc public notice, that of the Lif'e ociation of Scotland ià; uildonbt- edfl, well îsdWd to the circumstancob of thse ma- jurity of versons who effect Assurarnee, as is evident fFom the raplîl and unexenip led increase of the Policy holders. Durlugite lt three ý,,eralone, there have been u-pwards of Thrce I6umd ew Entrants, asauriug thoir livea for nesrly Two Million Pounda 8t.rling. The l>olicy-lioldorti of the Association incur none of the riaks t' piaitnership. They are free frotn ail responsibility, and the aumno Asnrod are guaante inl any evetît. RmPOSED AT 18ME anwINOALmxc: LIVES ASSURED tw tho number of .10 203 SUMS ASSUBED ...........48970tg ANNUAL 1INCOME(rom prctnlema and Interert.............£24S8St'g. CAPITAL (in ad4dition to acomu- latedprnlis.....4000tg The Association le, uôwii.ssin« PolwesfruiMfr reaIRe strictions oînmonlyieposed on Aam Lre s - îu osteCcy T N ubssylberratnrna is alepere thankI t o l -a cutmr.sm atrona; suddlasolîmting w onituuance -cf tise libe- raipIoima w il piled wlth tise largssand-m tuehcmlî- t STOCK 0F PUREDRUO, - (I vn aeiptiln.iyct offentd for sl uts Tea'uofýWhit by. Clsomicai, 7sleust Medamelt; Parfuimer>', , BrimaitPÙ, Pi ~Oi, Dyc $eu&f, &-0c, &c. Pisysiclsus suùd ralyPrsrplômerfshl - prepared. -th eofi kna aoeuaey yoompounded aceordiug III te t ieaehmProvemsnts li-Phsrmspy. Strgeou Infiat*uSent. dise -Duuaatet,; y hlin Wblly, Aprîl 14,188. 8-1>' ditln MEI1)I1CA L H A- jLjl -,HA , 0E 0IEL, uta Drnggi d Aà pothecasys tSt. nsdg - WhitbydlP DEQSsheitifohin bis t4hme sud tliepblicYo 3e nerali'tiho lbe 09W ongi me n' w a Sw tore, mbere boisasvi upa to l serYe those who hauva, bore frfived hlm wilsthobir -custom, sud -.'aul,- ciera vise wish te obtela Genuizie -Druge' udedicineS9 And at FrIce 'Suit the; Times. Patent Meditinea, clubs sud Brahe India RetbberGeede, To cisc ShollCocus, lieluits ColraOuiforbu ng sud machIner>' Alco sud Buruiitg Fl Viisliebes for iwcod-and - A ftne mess et of Porerfoman sd Tolai - atceStock fColonrv, dry and tubes, irushe Tin, Ce p r d Si lvur coils, Foil or Tmunalw U>nerfal clom re. ftiPiclurea forOteial, - Odau Ol si al ulting. 111e- Co lîlcu Pouvuers, iVhite sud Blackl 011e, arc repsred fi-oiErigilshsReccipea. Physi ans Preauipt ionà andi Family Receiptu Ca'..fuI1<,prepared. Ccl udi n get ans ALMANAC for 1858, andT Pi c romemiber tlt Ti eEGN 66TEMREDNMORTÂR." y tg Pcdiers auJ ICounty Stores, supplied disp iti Eserees, Castèr 011, Hili 1, &muo. i whitby, Ma>'y6 85.19-aun Oct Forent Wine and Pi, FOR TUFe FERMA'NE.XT CUnS 01 Dt'apçe, My ;iwel s1 oasof Appelik, Dropq, (u.p.eUedia Xidneg, Lieu, Ileaui acd StumuucutJundke, 4iruo aiid Feeer, audCI'uhs, and' - cffuiO# Dec/ms, *Çrftda,Jsi<kç 62Ua klfearn, ,jpcttimie tu 8imé? * . Anid al COmpliEntâ erigincttiug (from Impur. hlood auJ hbhtofthe syetetu, GenieDebility, sud feeble stetaeofthîe constitutionu. FcrlAdtieiialnweuîllyatâte of seustlm, tits Wite la a, deiighiti lrcmuedy.- Whlcli Ageitts u T-retoe-Lymaan Broui. & Co., sud Urquhart. llsstnE W. Pal- mer. itel A gentsatai Wlitby-W. S. Robinson, Osicwa-W. J. Sutten; Prince Aiftrt-wSutton &Tomnlinuion; MârkhiicuViaeJ..nian Lindtsay -Tisomas C. Ptrnick. Uxbridge-A D. Wceks; Canhn-J. Beliswe-, 1P. M.; Boixgli- atu-Lawuon du lfnteluiesen; Port Pcrrv-J. Itigelow - Metcct-P. Machett - Mout Pless-, cnt-S. èô. inut ;Evansvll:c-J'%W. Jocuharu, andl toi-sale b>' aIl Di-eggista and Medicine Den- in Caada. G.- W. HALSEY, 34-1>' Soe Propieter, New o-k A N OLD INDIAN DOCTrOR IO HAS muadle sis fortune ansd rctired (rom boumiuiese w Ii spend tht rentainder oet' b i eymsilu turing' tisai di-esufuldieeCOSMT N-îz or Cnasse; bié caruestie ebcg te commu- -ulcate tte ti. wold tifs t nedieüs hitul have p e- yod anccomuil in mur. tiisu hbretîusuc- ses. Hie riqeines cai applicaut te send -lsui sa minute description cf lime symtoms, with two Sîstuuis, (0 ctm) te psy ithe reten ltter, lu wie'i lia sf1 retunti tImnshlmad ice rcserip ion, wi.tis directions fuir prepsrimug &et c'us- chiecs, &c. Tise t 'Id Docteur hopes tisaI h0.eeaffieictu will nut. en acocont et' delicte>', -refrainm fi-mn contelting liasbecaîux o seukes No Charge - Ibis scie oltject, in cdvertîuins ho do altise goit ho can -4btre lie die. i-le8thsli I h. isjistlycuaelmied eris ur6ot'Oluisumplon, AstbtusBroncbitis, NervouaAfeiuaCula Coliii,due. Addne" DOC'JrOl UNCAS BRANT, 2 ~~Box 31, 0, NewYork. Mi-s tie the IJaed Thronghont the Wosid8 1IIOLÉGWAY'S PILL»-mre etil 'efflés lu complainte conimon toAth&wisoibUntu and lu Jisorders peculiar to certain dlimtuse localities., Alarnslng Dlaordems -DYspo an sd derangernecut of tise liir aeu.oiuftnnlyndefterig ndtit»q lu ail ces", howavor asggatld, muId purgative, alteraive auJ to l liave the e wlâ,. plIit'> he laid», un lui ah. tise sy#teux sudheconsftitlati Ibtm time. - . arIW makneue-NerougCmt Wisoý ui stimulants ail, thse r.evall. bracing prepertias cf tises. pU ie a Iés hoi th»isesang narre tad eufeebab mus, the victuu cf general debility, Delicsbe enusal. - AU iragelaitias muid alnietis 1ncident t delicateand sens§itivýe organs or thoe net, b t'uuileltraivsNo motherwbêregig Own Or ber cbuldren's SaBh shsould -amuito lisonsirithin ber rends. Scientif c Eadeeea1f Tse London " Inet," lthe LeondO;-"ug Roivies," aud ise niost enuonst Ofthi ý lun Greatflnitain, France, snd Germnyn enlogized tice Pill and Ichoir Iiventor IIlooay's Pille arce ien st iwod. j venid -or tise lowiniadsaa«a - ncases of Serol ho et' tse ekin,1 onee ii trely mas dsys_,, ever>' f. ab>' théepo ai-sund Ague,1 bhott, Most I ativeproperiel them, am by tt ?repcred by Wuha Mois k, sud foi" leb>' ZAL a Am» si HO .By-E2'WE. IOLLO lEbileod fu-niaise the bou musc4,gland sandl ne.. - >Whenpure It "econ gan; vison corrupt, It ne iase. UOLLOW-AY'S 1 il>' sîpon lise eleniants et' utraiizing tise pri=clo o liccliy curing tsunla nenves, thse uhmacshL emuscles, tlis kin, lie b, 100 Acres cf Land for Sala. WERST baif et' Lot No 7, lu tise 2ud Coul. I eof txbrldge, wiîis a geod ecw ýin ui go.e workiug order. 80 aces eoft'he land arecI ciaureJ. Tmre laa mecethou"e sud baun. Alec Park Lot No 78 coi Duuds atteot, lu tiseTowu et' IFiitS>', contalning hi vaeres, vils s goid lions. onhemmmgseranapurtumeute;,,atable,lisr, Tiie O*Wu Marfâ-kh= sWtW 22Wbtby- tisai 100 Aces t aa&. for Sale. -tIl T~" hait Lot 17, It Con. Vxbrldge, 60 W ares clcvad ud uîmergpoil cultLvatio, sud wîht a ionte, lbai-n and tihaiulee. Tii. nd la cf f'a the rai-ry SuiltaUlit>. Tie wooded land la aeli* m.L.th u1tise ver>' b,ieuiho{pne and liardlood. tb.f> sîtuiste 23 mllest fror tise Tjgwn cf Whitby, sud evet3 vitlhs 8 mlsofstStouflvii e,lit a -goeutsattled ho country, sud tetvenicut to culs, maftiftutii-s Mi-e sud nuarkteê. at4 -b Foi- terv nie particutlers, anut A&pply te i le owucy, 0111.' - JA-MES KELLE1> th - - - Unlenvilie lP. 0. Anid - - J 'KLL Plan- J p-~ns-~ et' neeC= t msex0hmue store Ot' tise undorsiue d. Wisitby, MaylIo,18e8. aIw as E, I >omelgIroÇ~ REÂAL ESTÂTE. Splendid Farm and Preiàolses fer Sale in Whitby. T HAT excellent, furie the propcrty et' Mr. William Ilylanul, btiîîg co,îîiosfed cf parts cf lots 15, 16 andu 17, in the 3rd t'on, cf Whatby, coutaining 15r) eeres, îienrly ail cloared anud fret bernal, stables criel cuit-hu.e ou uen prendîs Ae a goed oreliard anîd gardonî. Thtire re about go acres cf excellenît wunIon the part. Tlue latuitt muina lilgistast 6feuiltiv loi, tlitrete a guiculstrtucîurîiîîiiiiîig tlrouîîli2 the premi;cm cru well watercd and tie mi uation uîisurpagrted, te place te witiî 4 Tuile cfthe Towni of W itby eandl 3îiile ut1,l)., l 'w -au alioetiir c acrede.4irauule iîvn% eî aed ciffred for sale. l'cr iirticirlarr a v to eesiu.Tere are ltSOàN cres of GOOD ILA IND AND.DR 1ud abour.4aclere ut ln'e. Thtw -h<lte e Sold or R,,uited, te chler or 'separ.tely, te aiti ipurchasere. tirTite pro .miee arc rituated aboutîIXîj n-ales Senti of îe Village of Greenwood. Application be mode ho - LGEORGE BALLARD>, Grcunwood P. 0., Pickcering. <ktot*r 6, 157. 4 ]FOR SALE. 0~ N LOTS lu W lîitby, fleur tue. Bay.- Bae, ai<o ot er>.îql' Creek, Fi-ctI ~~,4.DARTNELL, -solicitor, &c., Brock Sireet, ;hý Jue 16, 1857. 29 W A M T E D. P pra»or rent, about 50 arres tsf, gocu 1Ud, witlîin u remiles oftheii.Town of Wiitby. Prhs iho ilctBidns ou easfy ternti prcferred. Addres 1H. J. &IACDO'EKLL., Euq., Februar>'2, 18-58. i yIUe etIi 0' Nave

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