Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1858, p. 4

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'NSU1Uý;ÀCE onjf Buildings and theïr ..contents, Every lnforuation supplied on appilpiijon to tlesundrl&èd. Office - ViçtoTlg Buildings Brook Street- Wvhliby, tnuder the. Chronicle ôflle. 1 TNCOEIPO1IATED under an Act cf the Third Lsession cf tIi. Elevcnth Provincial Parlus ment cfUlppe C'snada. OÀ-PITAL £100,000. Inskrance effected on Buildings and Shir tneUta. Every Information supplied on ap- plet nto the undoms ned. matln ÃŽ gLasn et, fôcePhilo. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, lByrone itreat, Whltby Protection sgantqtLe and Damago by Fire. WESTERI4 iSSURANCE COMPAn - CVPITAL. £100,000. INS1JRANCE effecced on Buildings sud thier contents. Every information anpplied on application tW the iidersigned. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agenit, Byron Street, Whiitby. Tinfea andi lencou A4ssurance Comp'y. T?$IrUANCF, effected on llildinga and their coiteots. Etery iiîfq-ration snupplied on oppitcatiozi to the uudersigned JOHN AGNEW Travelling5 cent aud Survdyorofisks, Byron S treect, Vflîitby. HLIFE AND IIEALTH ASSURANCE. * The DBwitsh American Friendiy Society oif Canada, "2'SABLISrIEI> FOR TIIEASSURANCE 0F E U Lie an-d 1Health. Incol"':'.tcd by Special Aet of Parlianient,'18,Vie., Cip. 64. CAPITAL STOCK, 0£lOOOOO. Rensd Ofie unt motreal. GL'OERAL AQ ttT Co.ttJ'W., JAS. BUmmsîouf. L'oâ.m .«ut, J&ioES HnoN, Whutby.- 1tW. Ciatk 1 ., pleedical Refereel, flPocieles efrected sîther upon Healti or ie,(4r 1bth) sud svery informuation affordod Âjtrl nt5,167.10 TRHE SCHEME FOR THE CURRENT ycar-wil i onopen te new Entrants only 115111 MONDÂY, tieo th APRIL nuit. Oni thât day the Bocks will be madle up for theo 114h Annual Balance, and l4th flivison 'of Profits. XII irè4sddlth.re i se raaekas f one 1YsA4s longr tanding tluzn laterBE. tmnaet, <and wit,11partiecpate Oas Thar mirlier' cft te Dîvi,#ionu of Pr.ofit. LI FE ASSOCIATION 0F SCOTLAND- Lbtunded -1838, aud einpowered by Royal Churter aud Aci of 1Palrlmnt 1ItOXTREAL-# (Gýcat St. Jamnea Street. ]8INBI7RG-Aseciatîon'a Buildings, Prin ceesStreet. LOI DON-20 King Williama Street., City. £.rprmsly contituted on the prineiple c] reduding tMe Expenpe of L(fe Assurance a. ow tu iù conistent witlu permanent r Aunidu t the. nay &Md varions sgysteme cf ILt Assuranuce premented to the publie notice, that cf the lAs soiation cf Sootleud le undoubt. edlv well snliited to the cix-cutancee cof the mia- Jorty cf persoces Who eltect Assurances, se la ivident frQnl theii. ad dunexanpled inerme cf tihe Polie y hoîclera. Dong the luaithree ya alonie thora have been upwards cf Three Trhuneaud ýIuw Entrante, ssauriug their lires for nearly Two Million Pounda Sterling. The. Polley-holdtre of the Association lucur linocf Uic rishe cf partuereluip. They are froo frein al l eponibllity, sud the umuneAsured are guarattoad lu any eveilt. xZPOwtEx>&AT 18TU SZAm&L xxarse IAVFS ASSIRED to the nuînber ot...10 203 SUMS A,ý9UD............ £t,C1O,7GOdi'g. ANNAL NCMEfromnpremnluani snd irterest ............. £124,818St'g. CAPITAL [lu addition te aoceumu- lnted' prenilueus].......... £400,000 St'g. Thé Association rk-nov issulng Policiesfreefrm several Re- sticios onunnl hpoednA ssure LiAves nlipW. B. Robinson, E.FýWh ittnore, Esq., Geô. Duegaxî, Jr., lsq. GeorgeCrwford,Es' à, . floward, E&q. J.Camecron,Esq.M.P5 W. L. Per, sq-., A.M.Clark. Esq., M.D. iXon. J. IH . Cncrn, uneanM coucllE@q Caplalu P. Wallace. Àlaina ad Set1.-lon. J. Leender Starr. .3anemg.-Toronto-Cityllankof Xnr* New York-Baiekcf the Republie. &oioi*s.MeeraDuggan &iBurne. Bend l oas, Toroato Street, Toirouto. Fire and Marine Insurance business transacted by thueCompajn t tl% vArtooe A«encios, uasl aÏetatihe Re fi t Mlow nt" msolu suy tepetable Q0ce, snd &ail oq!" sproucptly set- Estîkers sad chiera eliored a comîesson cf ton pr cent. on ail nov businea.s brought t4,Ueo 'abe. ti, eoossrfornms of afepl - FI K.ELLIR d-sRmaaZOOw I vn 'ViO TOCRIBERS 7rom Tu NEW ,TORK WEREKLY PR6eSS I LLLUSTRATED IFAMILV NEWSPAPER. T FE NEW YORK W~r=LY PRESS1le on. ofthue lui-est sud"best lîtcrary papera efthc dyA lirea, quarto conttluing TWFNTY PAGLN, or sixt" oltomus of eex.r-uuiIuiznta- ter, sud ELEGAnLY ILLUSTRATED cvery weelu. A GlFtsortlsfrom 50c.,tfu, $1000 00 wili b6 emut ta ewsh ubg~criber on -receipt qf the subteripUion Money. TERMS : Onecopy for oeyear, and 1gift.... t 2 00 rires copies oi.e yoar, anti 8 Fifta .... 5 w Five copies eue year, sud 5 gia .... 8 (0 Ton copies eue year, sud 10 gifla ...15 0(1 Tweuty-oue ccp1us ons year, sud 21 gifts, .80 0(1 Canada Subacribera must moud 26 cente each lu addition te .ahove rates, ho ps>ý the Amer- Ican postage, whîclî muet ho pre-paid. Tics articles te b. distrlbuted are compriaed n the folowing liet: 1 United States Treaaury Note 81000 00 2 dlo do do 5w 00 esch 5 do do do 200 00 each 10 do do do 100O00eacb ln Mitent lover huntlng cssed Watt-bts,............... 100 00 each 20 Gald Watcluta ............. ,75 00 ecti 50 do ....... 6o0 10 aach (X0 do ......_ . . 5 0 aclu 800 Ladies iroldl wstehes ..........315 oi cac 20 Sil ver lîuntinguîeeed wateiîts, 30 00 mcli 500 Sil er Wutches,...$10 00 te 20 00 saci 1000 Golul guard voi sun fob chalus,............ 10 010 te 80 00 usclu 1000 Golul poes suad pcucils. àlOU te 1,5 00 caclu Golul Leeketâ, Braceletst,Ex-coches, Ear Drops, Breuust pies, Cciff Pins, Sîsevo Buttons, Rings, Shirt Stude, Wutch Kevis, hold sud Siiver Thimbles, and a vaxiety cf othur tarticles wort.h froni 50 et@. te $15 00 esclu. On reocipi cf the subecuiptuon morte)- t te feuh scxiber'e rame viii b. sntered upea cuir bocks opposite s nicmbei~, sud the.gift ecorreepouding witic that nunher will b. forwardcd withi n e week te himma temail or, «pree., peutpaid. There is neither hunibuir or lottory about tho above, as cvery subscriber les ure cf a Srizecf valuie. We mfor tomake lii, libex-al Sisîxibuhion ameong sM n intead cf givcng e latre co«lnmnieion fo agetts, glvitng te tht sol>- seriber the amount Chat woeucld ,xo te tht agent and lu myany cases a icndred folul mort. "DANIEL ADEE, PuBuisitu, 18 211 .,srStree4ffow Yorkc RIVER$ & DERIOUSD GYMasUciAobatï% @wThié Xtablim.mbu. basaaha"$foo . m Sia* 1111101a, B" M.1etUas<al.I. g umcftmd siai , the aSSaut s losa of TifS 1115? ARTiSTS lit tua WoEtLD w a.odI i en. by .etre.S Aga,-eh4.h ait .a". " . opesau t. e * i a"t s.ecmadas o M au tabs ealuasm Wii Exhibit at WIIkTBY, On Saturday, Aug. 14, 18M. Afteruoon Performance to commencoe t 2 'ciock, sud Evcuing Performance to commience at 7. Te ail parte of the Ex- hibition 25 cents. No hlai Prime b. pft,.s aaiic-a EQUESTRIA?4 SPECTACLE Siège f Luecao! Wib ers.pre u.tamm se s.c. e ranh (anatabi By là LaW ulia raS tl.osa *au saS hp nas DAHiso EOUESTIR IAN ISM AaTouliaUepc- Gymnastie Feats ACROBATIC EXPLOITSI %y du.e a..iae PSsao. RICHARD RIlVEig, GDRIOS, C. RIVEI5S, Met. LETORT, TheMVOILZY BROTH~ERS Meas,. J. &T. 5O51IL4ll. OOffORTIoNaiTs lIsatTREXLO2lqy m Rosa.MAFITT, 0 The Amerlean Acrobats! Laify EOUEF<8R1AIISM, Usd91. MARGUERITE, Uad'Ils MARIE, Madleie (-uTtr Master OLi1r A, -Ma«« rWADHIJGTON. JNEZ; ELIZE sed LAltI. TMBOLiN&Bod g vlem Yvfu xondsy, W>Y.5 .1 NOTICE- 0F PARTNERSHI. T EE Underaigued hereby give notice ticat they have thia day eutencd luto Partnenahlp as O*ums" & a(tLesnabr Mèiv<inU, OGess-cAgents &ot., under the sttyle cf the Firîn of Aibro d Vindiîu. JOHN F. ALBLO. - E. S. VINDIN. September 12, 185. IN REFERE'NCE TO THE ABOVE, We beg to iuuformiOur fxiend, sud Lice public go- uerally, tluat wc luave openûd ami Office here for tht transaction of al businesm ent.rusted te ns as Coummîission, Shipiuuig, Forwarding sund General Agente. Alan a L unber Yard for the receipt and male of Lunier for Local or *otiier purpogse sund we trust hy prompt attention te ai I nattera Plal inicuir cands. to mnt ancd ubtain Ch(ais co nec ncsdsupport. ALBRO & ViNDIN. Port Hoepe, Dec. 22, 1857.' 49 NOTICE. ti To Mterchants and Femr. . T nESbmecrilor bogu, ho acqîuaimut hie frienda sud lIcepblic generally, thct hoe lu&stakun the Orist Mi1, kiounua the KENT _3ILLS, sud fox-nirly occupied hy .Mx-. F, Iloux-, near Bxookliiî, anud frrni his long sund well known expex-lemce in thue businesm lu Whitby, hopes hy strict attentuon sud panctuality, te0 nueit a %hare oi p llie patronage. Purticular attention paid te MISTING gr Merchauts, Fermersansd othiert4s ialinE te gui their Wlueât Floured, wiii ho dealt witb luherally. A eil wyul obige'N EVL Wleitby, Noveilear 9th, 1857. 48 N0 T 1 C i1; IAVINO purhebul thu setire stock cfFIl. Ht Dauilla&diCo., with an addition cf :9- A New Stock, el~ wo flatter nurselves that vse au givo entire satis- faction to alvin nuay favor ns willu a eall. îOSEPLI IIUCKINS & Co. Brooklu, Noivemnber loth, 1857. 48 s CIRCULARt. T IE Subecruber, ou retiring truni the Mer- ceantile Buiness, bege te rttux-n thaîîks te hms nuicerous custonîcresud-triends for the lib- oral support givun tu hlm whlle ln u u.incs&a. Ho Las to inforni ail parties indebtcd te hlm by Bock Accocmas, Notes or Mlortgages, Nov due aud puti due, thuut ho lira larg ps- monte to muet ei early dates, sud thnt oviug te, the.p ressuetiluMouey rmatters, ih l8 neccmsary for hini te muet tht saniei aud te enahie lui te do ge, he le Obliged te insifit on imînodiato par- nient cf ali aseuunts due te hlm, othex-wise fie wlll hc obliged to hsnd the saine to luis Attor- ney foi collection Without Purther Notice, wh* viielu l net hie viihto do, and different froni viet te lues hitherun doue; but frointhe preseut appearance8 of pucyxucut., lue uunst By, that oefr ho socs, no. nîluar course u-s loft hin, te purme. le trusts t'autai al uilI met the ne- cossii'y cf stteudhecg teothiesud Seasera4. WILLIAM LAING. Wlitby, October 0-7, 1857. 41 NOTICE TO CREDITURS. B Yvirtue cf a Deed cf Assigumeut, bcariu Bdate Max-ch the ird, 1558 tht un&rsîgued wua duly appninted Assugcee lor thte estateoro JOHN MAGEE, 0f the Towns§luip cf Wlitby, in the Coenty of Outax-io, Yeouman, for Lie 1benufit of suclu oredi- tomt as easy hoconie parties thereto, under tii9 conditions therein iectfortic, hofore thetfirst dal of June, 1858. Sa3d Ded cf Assigument nov les at thet office of in. G. Ham,, lu the Tuown cf Wiitby, for s4ignaure, cf wiiehc ef parties iu- terosied are required te tueke notice. J. S. SPROWL, N. G. B AI&Asin. Wbitby, Marclu gth, l19M. A L posomi:dbte tetheEkttecf John A bliee eîheronnote, ventonder Mort,- gagé mutsotte th UM oàwiiL &nd ml persone having eleini a sinet eald ERteSas ii plum a hsn.luacounte by the faset dzycf Je nais. HIRAX HOW, Aeut for tics Assgnes, Brookliu. Brooklu, Aprul, 1858. 12 NOTICE. MKONEY 1 XONZY! ]XONZY .qONEY18 WAliTED BY TUE SUB- M criber lu largoeaend emuelisunis, in ex change for which lbcieyl vagnoo vaine ilu Figh'nePolo, 'D4 1MU :kson INDIlAN-L'AN 8ALE LONDON, CANADA WEST;, da" sltestcd on ths River Thames, nleTvsus cf Orford suid Zoue, liuuta rai-ing in sue- fronu Z0to 235 acres. Thu'tema ofetpaymnleufl sllle oud-fiu0fthe vhcl pur i n e pig h a tiU n Is o! aet aud theumhlane. clu lgictt nimf saue vithi itte'est at i siXPeacent. imeàtInIm Thec DeparCunent ri-ceVoS te saf the poier o ttebulg tu auy lot ut tih ine o! sale, -the obligation on the part cf thee perehaser te psy 9 e iproveé vluwieh nisyhave ben ohmo ipi-oviouidyte the tlnrvey made b F. ,Lynch, Esq, Pr0vIuE1W lSurveyr.- Tho amoni c f hich yl li a cdicaae b.e dded te Uthet raluathoncf tIse lamid. An Aget, or peratun te cunduet the sale, vil b. at Lonudou, ut leust four days befcr. thdate cf tie sale, for thue purpose cf sffording te in- tencd p tiug esrsisuci furi-ter partienlare a m nay horequiuxe. Nopesî iiekiuig mabid at-Lis sale wHIi h decmncd a pîctusn, gWeAsleushoor a c al vîtlelu 2& houx-s fterevii, lbld5 lbrve slgued an article ef sale sud purcuaen, tand aise paid for the first instelment. Lithocgrapuhie Plans, shcwlug tht rihon, Lots sud their reepeetivo contents; are nov beeng prepared, for Lce use cif iuteudi 1uccleea aud thmcy willubc uilpliaulntet hie InuOfie ic Toronto, ancd PuaISar-nia, aise fig tht Office of tIme Pruotqmlu inM. oity cf London. IL.1'. PENNEFATHER, Indien Depax-Cîint, t Toronto, J tly 80,1859. 1 Tîoronto, 23rd July, 1858. NTOTICE lu's liex-hy guven ihat tie undermen- I!tioneullomt inChu-township of North AI- Z-urus, su hll ho cffereid fox- Sale apon appuliecion eus to tee hcsd-nt Agent TîtxAise 1'. im-rcu,. Euuquix-c. un ancd afler thce 1rWÈNTY-EIFTIl of NX N TII. nt Fouir Slrilliiegs Per acre; one fifthiro be puid ulon,nd thIme x-uaîuder lu foumr equisl aunnacl l sslîîrusnbintre-si- Tht puurehiteur oer res4idu on Lie lanud, sud te clear sudiplaceonuder erop ai heast two acres auxnuially for eau one huudred acres durlng Lie lirai fiva yuars. No Tmber Ce bc eut er rtnovad tuselea un- dur Liceuse, except for agrceiltri purpses. TOWNSHIP 0F NORTH ALGONA. lai Cou. 1, 2,8, 4,65. 2nd 1, 2.3, 4, 5, 6,7,8. ai-c 1 , 2,3, 4, 5,6,7, 8, 9,10,l. 4th 1, 2, 8,4, 5,6,7, 8,29,10, 11, 16, 17, 18, P9. 5ti 1, 2, 8,4,5 6 7,8 9,10, 11,12,13, 14, 15, 16, 1 îl', , k1,2, 21, M2 G(h 3 0,31l, 32. 2 tLuai 2, 21 , 80, en, MU 27, 28,2", 30, el, 32. lth ~ 21, 24, 30, 31, il-. luth 2S, 2?, 30, 31, 32. 1101i 30,51,382. ANDREW 1%USSELL, 28 Assgistant Comuimeioner. TO CONTRACTORS,, T ENDERS wiIl ho receiued for thtesi-action ofa CU UîrTIBOUSE andJAIL at oscl cf the hoîhuxu iiug paes iz: St. tSciolastuque; Industrieu-0 Borel; St. Etienne duehalit ium st. Geruucaitn de Iiiuuousl:i; Meutnuagily; St.Jsel de la Eiuue; St. Clirisuipte ulAu-habaskue; NeaxNelcuuillth îe TownsuljucofDurhsum; St. Hyacinthue; st. John; Bosuhiarueis; Chicoutimui. The Tendersq, teeled sud sndorsed "4Tender for the ureu.ou of a Jaàil sud - Court flouse at . a iddrpseed iýo the cndersigu- oui, su outginiugthe naniasoftwvo lvent par. tit-staie arm villingte hecone, seurlty fortics due. prformance of thework,,viii h.received uutii WEDNESDAY thoFIPFTEEXiTII cf SEPTEMBER ue t. hlo Plaes sud$S *fp tiens of tics Buildings eau b seu and sny four-- Cher lnforun>tiou ebtined atthisOfflco....t tbat cf Mfr P. Geuv-reatu, Que LecnoC*Oa OffIce, M.-ntreai-mr. Smu'Ofc ie Rivais, asu&st tisOfficuor cfth*.ProQhuutaries of each cftUeo abcve-nauued places respeýàv4 By Oréor, THOMAS A. BFJL»Y,, Sec'y. Public Works. Deqartment Publie Works, croule, 22nd July, 1&58. te Tombct0,gara Jdy,8M8 NÃ"TICIrin luei.eluZ glv îjli t ts enr -mentioneul lots min Wc cf oEcufkor U. C, vili b. offored formdae bx AueS, 4yths Igesident Agent, WraueXini uuî4- S 4dmieten., usai Rutre*, nthe11 '111 NINTI of Sixt MONTE, at NOX>N. R IORTON. 7thl Con. W34 8, (4R.) îlI Côn. w <4.@ 326, (6'a. .) 5th 41 W 12,.: 6tic 9 W 12,(6s. 8d.) 7Uc 1, <1,6s.) Il3 <%.4) lih-w X1 (rys. Bd.) w ~ SL lai Con. 6, (80.) * *AIDREW RU88ELL, Toronto, u2si-tiïyl îïsà ONTIGE là hereby givenü theb d N uentloned lands nthieCouý too, U,. C., vqiib. offred 5,cr l.1y AuctAceu (at upéet pricâss ttedl by the Rieoalet sst. Fou 8ALE EE? A.L PRWVILEQE ANDTUý aur., 0vorable terns b i< ¶bb PrOoltbr by a pré* lmi r.1 l. a.Teel trot-rate oebuga Bua 1'vcrto for the Esablshimpnt of a 2- lndry. J. A. L I VE R P O O ,L. Blaksmths & WaggQùmaker8S hôis 1FPolSala or t. Let et Liiveriool, "aY). Esh Shox> ua&a-Cotae sadda quarter Ã"f un Acre of Ian'latamhed-, -1 The,promiseshavi buinlately-srected wlth- mi a Mort diateof thieRin-gton Roid, and tielallWay Depot.'AÂgood business in both trades caue donsby uteady :and good.work- For fnrth4ef particulars 1 ~te July 28, 1857. ro TOR SALIE, ronto Villageingof v s 4TwnLpo ik Cott, age ointening u e R'i Y tone rond tl coiattn ac;anerfilgwIoa ter; the Grounds are, taLtefullyvraid ont, and plAnted with Shiade Treeq; also, l lrge Garden weoll stoced with Fruit Treecs; the wliule envers twa aores of Ground, and cannot bc surpasod iu the. Township of "Pickereng for its conveni- ence and rendv aecegs to the l.i1a.Terra usade easyý. Por frurtiier particularm apply to the eubseribeèr, Yorkrille- or to ý)1r. Wiflnei Purdy njon the premises. Posseseon giveu forth- GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yorkv.ille, Ray, 11.5. 17 Farm for Sale. 2 oACRES 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 20 1, n1th Concession of Thorah; 15 Acres cleared. This4 Fanu lq situated wlthln four miles of Beaverton, on t.he travol road to Max-a; the land le of the best i'înality, and is in the centre of a good t3ettiement, wilh a School, and a Sa'wmill convenient. Almo, North lialf of Lot 4,1in the lQth Conces- mloi of Thorali, consisting of 95 acres- 12 of whioh are clcared, and fronting on die i'tage Road, near Cameron'is MMI. 1W ERMq LIDERAL. ~ Apîly to 1) CAMERN. Beaverton, l0th tuy, 1857 26 FOR SALE CIIEAP. L OT No. 27, lu ths 8rd Concession of Whitby Lithe Wîasu<sFemm adjoining the Town of Whitby. Apply te the Bon. R. C. WiLiriNs, aringPlace, CiLa. Wu.we, Lq., BellerIlle, or to J. V. RAM, Barrister, JUly 15, 1857. 26 VALTJABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE TMES PROPERTY 15 PLEASANTLY SITU- sated in the ûouriahing Town of Wlîitby, ou Brook sturect, direetly opposite Juge Burn- ham's reiclence, cntci u 1* fAtisof au acre cf Land, with about M00 fet frontage, on wih in a roct4d . COMPORTABLE BRICK COTTAG0, wlth suitable out Buildinigs, an excellent Well of Water, and a Citeru, together writh a nom- borof valnable Fruit Trees For flertiier parti- culars apply tO W. SHAW, on the premises. Whitby, Feb. 10, 18-57. 4 FOR SALE IN THE TOWN 0F wurrnly. L 0 NOS. 2, sud 22. THEY ARE SITU- Lateud on Dundas Street, between Mr. S Coehrane,s and Lynde'ss Crock §gW TERMi L[BIMAL. Applicatlon te -b. ade to MRS. ANGELI 'NE WEST, Lot 83j Ou ecuýesision Darlingtbn. Chbristian Offerilg"pleas copy until forbid. F0 R > 9A LE, T TAVERN STA2ND with Driving Blouse .1.sdtwo large Sheds. There la alec at- tkehed an acre cf laud, planted with choie Fruit Tre* There la &kçdWeillof Mater, wiýtbPncn-a&;?-, ou the Proe. itsstufit- -WhhSbit May 19? lue. Stoyo.,aTin,Coor -and Oho r vao- 09^$IRkE. 9 E &0C0., EGtiform thepubli thttb y~ore frontStrt, (formerly mu &uthe Ontario Brewerbnluthe nieut cmpetstyle for ecrry ln nthebmlasc IoFÙÙÊdn &B; ft's ork TheylInvite luspectlon of thir numneepse Pst terne cf Otmietal' ron Fenuoos, Baldo i Verandahe, .Vàult Doirs, Plaliiiid Ornameuta Ouat Irgn CQoluni 1WlUdow cap%1 Sui aud 4RCHIT&CTUBAL IFOBKt of cvery cderipton; Cooklng, paer ce 'Bor Stoves; Grates, OvenMnteCideSur Kettles Plain CautinKhand ?orglngs,&aHlof ,whieh hsy cherto théoads sud othmors ouad- ventageous terni. S O ;u4i*, ordera puno tually atteudde . Toronto. October 00, 1È57. 40O-tf Iit REAL ESTATE. SplenÏdd arm and Premiesal'or sale %là Whltby.' T excllet fâm rth prope7 rof r. of lots 15, 16 and 17,10h the 3rd C~on. of Whaîby, centaining 15d) iacres4, nearly aIl cleared tand fres froin Btnmps. Tiiere i.4 a gond dwcellitig hoase, batne, stables 4and out-honseoun the rnmies. Aise -a gond orolîtrd aînd gardeu. he are about 8o acsc of excellunt wool on the eut part. The land le in a hizh itate of cultivation, there le a goond stream ruîîniîg tlîroiiglî No 16, the preinitsare wcll watered and the situation nnsurîeuss-.ed the plae e wi thiii 4 miles of the Town of Wl'ilthy anud 3 miles of 0Oshlawa-e-nd ltoethr a more desiruLble investînent is seldoin oneére fcr salt. Fotr partieffUarr aàil Cc Meas-s. WILSON &di E LNCS, Oshawa. May 19, 1858. 18 SAW DlLL AND LAND. TO BE SOLD OR? RENTE]), A S AW MILL WITII 800 ACRES ef LAND .£I50 acres clearud, nt Diflinai Creek, in the. Township et Pickering, fromnt cf the, fiftic con- cession. Tluert art lol acres cf GOOD HARD WOOD AND CEDAR, snd aiccut FU acres& cf PINE. The whole toISe Sold or hlcated, tegather or auparately, te euit pux-clusere. 94r Thé prumises are eltuateul abouÙt IX uùiles Senth ofhe Vill le cf Gxeenwood. -puic i o G E O R G E B A L LA R D , Ocoe 6 Grcenwood P. 0, Pickuring FOR SALE. TO WN LOM iluWhiiby ner the Ba.- Macs, Village Lots at DutIn'neesk, Franch- Mancs Bay, sud Port-ePerry. .Juue 16, 1857. H..1. J>A.ITNELL., 22 W A M T ED. Opurtc»eor rent, about 50 sertecf good T edvtlin five miles ofet aTownu cf Whitby.' Purcier~ith or witiccnt Bulldings, on easy ternie prtfrrtd. Addresa JU. MACDONELL, Esq., If by louter poat paid. Fobruary 2, 185& Tiinuste Cepy. 100 Acres cf LazuitooeSsale. W TEST hait cf Lot No 7, lu thes 2ad Cou. of Uxbnidge, with s good ssv miü i le god workngcorder. .30acres'cf -the Isnd ar cleaned. -Tbée lisaqcd house ant-i erAlec Park ot N78 Dainda street, in tbe -Town of Whktý otauMii;fi vo acres, vsth a gc hone S insovttapurtucenta; stablce, The Ownef or F ELR 100Acrescf Liaitfoc Sale. f ~ T IMLo 17, a Cu ¶b g,60 IOMaIc alsar d dundcrgcodcnltlvatlou i vi a houee, barn and stables,.,Theolanis oi the' t*.bsqlality. The woodcd land laha i'éell ftlue vory best cf pins andicardineca.1 Situate 28 miles frcn the Town of Whibyt, sndi vwithin 8 mllsof Stoultfllllïîi a gdosttlod - eonntry ndooveuient tW mxillé, manufseturs- Fpoi r su'ahd 1rte1ae -.--Apply wi-ho ownon, . * Uninville P. O or F. KELLER1 A ORÀLIMIrT!>NUMBIO F YXAYVS, bà4th Nrt ýWest, half,ifo!so 24, ýd tougcsdta; el, St CiiSonth, e àt 50 acrese oILot DU8AND znnU.NDCL -e_ _ _ _ __ _P BF TUE BLOD. boe(b'zotmna esula hoKoE&'s0LPeul h»dithoix lkI5tt sb~isosf4y~O0oUl~O~l M AT POPULAET~J~~) ontepoislesyalosels tse la - iIt,& ife pil ed iPhoeniX Bitters bave as t.Ii~uleduuoet%0I*~~ê - talnod lu cousequsuce of th àeosrscdiu5nui Swe wu tb u0W Mn Mt e ORli[46 - f oduyQu -as odeze St ~ucçssyfor wowa6hilt l ugbeenrmoretSimntwonty«u$oeii5pub g7dkht P #IiOyî lie, sud ha nathç Unitei-tosti~m of m0 nore erlàh1ees ià'ts, OQloe yê rf Oe tiien Q i-e nfihone of poisons ho haveboon- p~hyicias àd 4 ui1l rlptîm ufftuîI1yrestcred W b u 0y«nt cf perfootr beaiu !by )3leuad. * Quemin, z bell toreputatonmah Çattjý, Xe oiùea best vegetable utedicino nov lbsfcretheupubie dues uinutscf no dipute. lu alumecet eryc au ii.l s a oopeiOe PM91edW'n village inmte Uzted States,. Shere aae mny iiO impoyemtuIÃœ'huqO . are ready to testify to their efflcacyli r.monu chasse, sud givlng &0 Que nholoe it0m rmew Q p, vigor sud heltie. I ~~l à>EIS&, In caeseof Sci-cfals,-lcr@j Sçurmor EîW %3- -$ liby tiens of the ieklu, theocperatio *fti L&à» 1 Ap1u -ly cnsWt.ul tnsif 6ti i ,ESABLSH » 4in.lushort, Most all "esaccu ueldio their. - ~curative properties. Nofxuy ahculd b. vu- OE~L ont theni, e-bytbr ticlyu ueef2siug Druggand uolApothccary, Brock-St.. sud oxpena. may bc saved. - Whitby. Prepaird by? Wnms Morfr,M ,IL Nov. - - York, sud foi-Sale by ) W oinfmloiji doisnd Lie public____ _____________ lis î aheh l a lwavs-propered to A ]KEDICAL REVOLMTON 1 lerv hase~1~bve benetofore fivri-d hlm ih their ciusicuu, and iâo, sU oQuers whc TUE WORLD UNANRIMUE i vish tO otl Genmine Drugs and Kedicines, >Anid 3t -Prlsto Sait theTim.- Patent Medicines, Combesud Bruses lucha Rubiier Geeds, Torteiso Sbed] Combe, uiucts Colore, 011e for buing sud nuecîunery, Alcohol and $uBrnu1iîg,-Muid, Vzuieles for ved nd u iron, &c., -&t. A fine "titunent cf Perfunieiy sud Toilai articles, StockofCcolors, dr and tubes, bruches- Tin, Coppr sud Silver F ele, Foil or Titisil --- r per cfMailColora. A fe Pictumcfor Greclun, UlTlT U ~ fTt5W5Tf Ohfn IsdOriental Painting. WJAsI.sW ATS INk« III& Condition Povdex-s, White- and Black 013m, are prepared froni Euglîsh Recéipes. The Great Couater irritantsi PS yiciaus Prescriptiom ns rd Fcmily Recepts careully prepared. THE VIRUS 0F DISEASE OFTE1 Smukes ils -wvrto the inteunal.-gens Cadi sud'get asu4LMANYAC for 1858, tand thlui he spores cole kin. Thispenstrat- pleas reneuxhe Ueoin% Ointmezut, meltQinunder the baud at sa SION & 6THE R]ED ]NORTÂR." yru bed lu, i l moi-edtiroug e osaunachan- oe. ocha-s ad CoulsaStere, spphenls, aud, reacmiug ithe seat o! inflammation,, IW edes n outy trs,%p idpromptiy sud iuvariably subcloos it, viieQuer with EÀsences, Casteo 01, zil 011, &-c. locaCed un ithe kidrutys, the liver, thu lupg, or Whuuhy, May 26, 1858. lth4i n ay ethuer important orga. Je peostratea Uee HALSEY'S eux-face te thue lohcrio-, uiougictUecounitless tubes that coummuniceatu, witla the skias a s um; Forest W ine an'd Pi11se mer min passeinto thetfsuered esrth,dlffuslug FOR TUE PERMANEN4T CE09131-c!tascool uind regIietueiueg influence. Doseui , CWjenesLon cf Ael>Ui, Drapéry, Skia Dises. aacd Chaular Swellings 4Lompl4,dau of tkÏi-ie, Liver, ltert and Eves pecies cof extex-lor irritationu le quickly Siffack,.auundice, Âgim aced kýes , râceby tic suitiflnniaury action cf thmi fklId. ' Clnbankcd Chs<uptsuie Ontut.- Aegry Eýruption.,4 aucic as Ssii Declia,. Scrqfuaa,£yps, Rhenm~ Erysipeles Tutter Ringvorm Sead cJ fAm,fecti&as of i-fl, î ettIiRasi, àcabiebet;orlteh) -die., die Audsd cmpaitecrgiainet, te returu ne more, tun erIsp% to Andallcomlaite rig'atng frounlnItmpure iospital sxptrile i n all parts of t c yard hlond sud habit C huesB-stem, (enoi-al-Dubeity, p-ve tu' inhlibility lu diseasce cf tic sekin, dhs sud faeble satiocf tUeconstitution. musclfejointe and tUeglands. For Ladies lu s weakiy state cf healti, thia ulcers, SoresanTa tuera. Wlue iea dellghtfül remedy. Whoiosahe Agents in T(,roto,--Lynian Bron. The offset t tu". uurivalled extemel renady- di Cc., sud Urufuhart. Kingte-E. W. Pal- upen Sci-ofula, sud ether Tiolcait ulcersasd mer, acres, ilanidet miraculcus.-It lirat, diechai-es Retail-A genta aS Wiitby-W. S. Robinscn, theposn l' c produce eeperaion aud pren-d Ohaa-W. J. Setten; Prince Allueri-SuOton fiesiandh nsLe curesw inhi ts .he gp- & Teinnn;Markiam Village-J.C.Diiuam;prte alrard completse af"e au v a Lindsay -Thoma C. Patrick; Uxbrdg-A. D: Permanent. Woeka; Canton-J. Bothwell, P M Bro-ngh- Woumiie, Brulaca, Burnes, a"d S"IJi an-LIaveon & HIutellieson; Port In v-. ucafss ftce-fricture oethUe houes, nureà Bigslov Metcal-P. Matehàt- Moutnt I1has- uaused bv ateaen explosions, Brumae, Born sut-S. 4. Best -,Evansvîlmý-J W. Jenthan, scalcis, Rhlienatismt Stiffoocus cf ithe joints,a< anti fer sais by ail Druggists sudMedfficlu'b ea- contraction of the siuows, it le emploeadu lues lu Canada. varrulyrecommeuded li the ftic-uliv.This, G. W. HALSEY, mari-rus rernedy has lbseu n itdnc;d bv iti 54-ly sols Pi-cpibLe, Nov York inventer lu peracu intu ail tIi. ,leudiz- thsp - cf Europe, sud no privais houseolAh o b. A N N LD IXDIAN -DOCTOR WHO: lIAS vitho 1h. miaebis foriuns sud retirud frein bsutesasUdna>cIetm viii spand the.rencaluder cf luis dayr- lenring deib 1staoy tint dresuiful liseoe--C(flNS7UM PTIOnL-Fnts TIse Medical Staff cliChe Yrreuuh and Englrul oir CuuAx; il4 earuest desire b.ing te comiu- Ai-miss inthe Crlmealuavsofflclallyasigned lueir ulet tew i orid his romedies thuat have prn- proya l oiloinsys Oitmusut, mse eo ut yod succeseful lu mcre than tirc huecsand ea- rellable dresing fer suluse tsahsasd gun- rae. Ht requires euch applicant te sed, hlm sasicot wouuda. it la aise oad yQuthe urgeens cf *minute description oftheic ynitems, vitb ive thue Allitd Nave,. Stm9 6euL.) to puy the returu letton, lu Bo=s nues Omxc-ums-v N» P lLatoteiastu w cg h ireteun (he lisadvice presen .n u otoîeiCaa tien, vlth directions fer pi-oparlng the meefi- Benions, uha aines, &L - Bunra ,rseldGuanb, Tii. 011d Doctor hopes thist Shose afflictod Chopped Hands, Scie Lsggs, wiIl not< ou account o f dsliescy, refrain froue Ch lliu, -Soi-o Bc2uts, comsultug bin e Sease ho makes No Chare.- Falas, Se Head a4, Bissaole o>jeeS in sdvertltug is tW dc ai tic Goret, oe rl ats, foodi ho a efore lho dis. Il. fiels thIbo e Lni Iage, Soi-sos f aWkurd# us jastly colebr.ted for theocure of Consuniption, Moi-nrucl Euption 8pesina AithBreaiioncbltis, Nervous Affectios,Cogme, Pie, Stiff Joints, Coldé, &c. *Addrei - heumatiain, Tett, - DOOTOR UNGAS BRANT, Riugvcrne, lucerà, 2 -Box a8581 , 0 -fNew YorkL Slt heuIl Veruew iSes, -- .Vs<eui W unduof alkind3- F eàvclclai tics Mannfctories cx Pjrosr ITOau.OvAYu,80 Mulien Laite, l% Teir, sud- 2StBrand, London,"by alflaSf...Lt and DeaeinluMedicine tiçrou ut ~lstheefis Statessud thc clrlized-w Ilnipoi4stai2à thai ail -th"e anici fésadtl ont. the vu N. BRDi-ebom foir he e0 ofPatents pu.Pou NOICE. t "m wM prmnt tefiut. for P'ayr LH. SOIIOFLD &dgo ullc5 COULDQOK, 1 ( I*er" 1

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