Il.. I I P . A 5ib. umiB5L., DUDORABSTAAEErý, W IITBT . NIEilIOF TIIM(JLi'Et F PI1Y SI- lA1(IlIIEMISES VE BENI - ~ ~ iCtt I II ejns sd Silrr-uîîs N.Y lProvincial Li. T at optard bh hue -uuderodgiied tahero 1recetiair of VIA-,sie, iSurgeny sud ýiidwifery, ec. treselerF"s eau naw tfud gAbd arconirntilion.- __________Bnookliui C~1 The î'ini, s ei rl foirni'hed, weli kept, sud theî ZACHEUS BURNIIAI, AERICN IfTEL. sgo teartmbeutrarnv sud tairs-. The- l UDGE OF TIuE '( WNTX & SUIiIOGATE I - gnu coudïantiane slahN lînsd h e ittn eCoutrts. 1)111cm aithel iCourt l-Aitse-. 1' t IZ& lATTERSI)N PROPRIE Lnlare and ta einsu ane. Tue har-roonlii it w dtAins CAA, r O n irete. bile at Wincs, IÀ,jilnt-e anti Cigare. fRand- NELSON G. REYNOLD>S, %VrAAtt W - 15 «omely fitted tir.A Sitting om o pîepr httItFIZF. j- lE T E OUT'tuas.folistepr 0.i-otisE A. - C U PERIJ SALOON. MIC'AL McCA ULEY. JOI[N 11A3 I'ERRI',FAliII, LATE 0F TUIE "YOUNG 17 Irpie UFFIE >- ~ S., ' cà lAial[,* fiel Iar h AAs-iitl Lýyûtn. EKi TOBSON'S IIOTEL., Et1.ONlITiXAST., r, vA. w e-t, fuîreîîii. lioleuii 'iAtlpeA"5su RJ llithy.: i lefrbrotnts lit al ltins. 15 AlrntrlCiitclr.WUIT r - - O "N TIIE LAINSTMR Ol AAD H1ALF Il. J. )IAC'1ONELlý. r JOHiN METCALF;P, "wev hetwcen WlttsitbIanlAd aTii, t LIM oCAVantEi oFise-. - .- (" s IEFFI TIIIN(ORIlotel lias beenreitrlci fnislied in an ex- the C At iAiAe.c e Aj .Ai~iAa hoTomiîsliip itrock. Ad-. cellent tvIe - fin heIA. i-" iiAiiuidatijiA (-f t r-J-ý, - ISOlAIt rt-i. 14 lana. Evý' itn ti iAi iAi tn rs---.hA JOIN 1'. IH4M, Ar- ____-thaehca iiraniîtiii irî'wi -- ' i (ý1Çtit o>F 'ui ltUNTY 'sITIT. AND <GEORGE JIODUER. horse,. '-SIAiOseru!.iahatui- 'a 1c~stur i' r-'SrrîCi o tiurt. hililce-at Ilî'lITTAIDI. NT) OLIFITTER StittI. 4 tie hloginin>' I 3ulcr ruiý-1.Streeit. . 1 Niji--r"lev , tt 0 '1.1I, C. W. LS1o E E OX FA L I T D. G. IIEWE'rT, -~TLIMMAIZTIN, iROl-1UlE'Roi.- Ai1i)N.IJSIENEATIIElILEV, FRANIîLIN ROUSIE, W Tiiq 1(iuutel . nnata-rii :l hl iitu i I .tît5ATC. W. tueteul utitîin a few radsg of the Fia.iii the F. FWF rPRoI>RiETRH. COMEFOR-. s ftî is l-ilt i -'an.Tlei h- W. PAXTON, Jr., aocadtia, four Te-asellene. itgognau luLakc4 S taiusnrpmsu-d. FixiAllAn ilotiar. W'Iitlv, Jlura.21,_. 1s7. 1 Taekeet a . r- le.29 H.J.XADOR LL,1I1LROAD IIOTEL, THE ILONSIN BOU.SE. OLICITOit, CEiEOVTIII-: 4î'îî2NTi POiuR cT IEI. -S Coaineil. (tîi--reui the- louint Is. i1b FAIlMEII, PRZOPlIIETORu. CW-r TS Rt WPlRAtI lN sLr,-'sa.ri ________ - - -- - -- - l * lle- ; L--,d Aii elaccmmoatîi o A.ôt ïîNPUIPRIET0Ii; TIlis JOHN SIIIER 1TerivelIer>. <toir tl4lîiîug îîa'attentive OsI- poAa net 1-4tirelterLre-t luthe 11Pus-me, andu ENC LL.C? IEATTE1er-i.eelîtiefur ie-orduinz su piir r aeni- 0tJNTY ' ___ __ iîoiahuRi o OFFICaEe-lr ATAhri.iîiîîllati CCourt flouse. 1iidtQit ietaeln uleuult h L. FAIIHAJLSMISS F. IIURYAN, be-et Eiii,,[-aAA olis. oi iit' attieir crat;lîiisb - - I i 'N'l'Nt't-r0 -ru GIVE ~ tient an lie 4n-ii-trie: i tai ti-i. fLEUR FiliTi' IIVISION C0LJllT. OFFICÃtE i tr, i-- iit--r TIIE 'FJRAPIN. C tu iAnmt t4 Lrie 2 ~ .~1.N)FORT,? l ul(PT--î~0FTlAiWL ______ - - ilaiee- F.atier, -.hl-e- t-nt te ,WhithV T lE Pnu aIZ atI.AiET01 iS ( .T IS OtiutAfi -the- 'luiST. N SILS iî Amt it I[I't.l IFELITZ, (auîii oeli n lnr.'flie jiernis .I~~J.IAIJ,1t1t,~rrj EA<CIEU .'IN Mh'IS, TIIlE- Aav- oe-ru tien y tuatverl iîuughut, andi - Or iii 'tenu oFort.-. Ili lun ite l te fus-strt-tic. 17 ey iîî'iii thiuîgîu lînas eti. all kiiidus i' deliair%i-nbusi-vn.A;iýe lha ltrrq e W. . T E3I~ N - Lnititnn r eii tt. h-ir;îreîîar.l t,, parael i lito t-hich une- butA ihe st brand, A W.PH.tTEI 4E5(1 \rxtNE IW e-ij reels-e Aile-At tare 1ijirthivirtre- perinitied tri euer, AI ITl)NI 21N)' ',WNo hi reideiici. -4.) 2ë A'LS. & Mtr{O'NKEY. 1> Attorney. Otic-Itk Arcîll's Nli rliîk --___ - ____ ______ llck-.-.rtSte.iid Flipor. Id! HENRY' J. PIIILLIPS, IVELINC TON IIOTEL. J. V. H AN, i IANO FOIRTE M2LNUFAC- (AELorn', 15a.OISA AI<IISTE-A-rÃŽA. . JFICE-httîlCPItuArer, Tongýitla. Piaîîas of I~Street, C. 101 (xk/ il idg firuabrd la oordr. Ait {ItE îeeaont pe-olriet-ror f the aLos-e ll- Iibrýinzt,ýwrrnm. SllChcnp for Cah I nw oe ( l ln lwe ut the lu'Ah- or ji. ro PiL cit. Plaucs Tîîîîmd sud Repalr lie thîitîtheainestAtu lbulr-ie wt1prepaed, lin S. B. FAIRTB'ANKSL, --ted and itteilnp in t e t t'ie tuî silI publie OIOs-4, NTW'. BLC de.&c FrSale Clietap, somc beautifi %'actas-eateaseideoueit.noe. Travuileic. svisilirs ________%_._ Vi holeîoetellic pliare. 17 w-iul Ibid te s ry icat iceotiniuodati,à anaie-. JOHNIIILINC< Itesîtion, ut charges unsuaally tuaodenatte. JONEY t ONEN ING f 'FRANCI KELLER. An Otinnius frece, toanad froîti te Cars,. I4hltc,1>rIaAlure-t. AI> GENIIAI GENTGood Shedsansd Stabling, sud attenive .-O<slers. 1j_____Pine __________ N) ENRA. GETW ILLIAM MAIDN A. --___________1__________ goutf fin the PrasvinW lueur-. 0 -A- A. AIRS, B. A., aîîceContiy.intLie Coautv ofOutro. A TORNY r LWSîfl.IITR I îFllee--Vitii Biilliiiged, Broçk Strect. ATTi. liencens-, ",Cons-ytictr, èe., Main Street, 7rueti Irnii Ite..1AloIAN IOE,. Maekhatm. 6 A. C. WILSON, ?IE ABOVEFUZST-CLA.SS II OTELia tuov MESSIIq. IWILSON & BILLINGS, :>AIS T11 GLAZIER, AND) PAPR- &naiv arranlzed for the acommnodaiuti OLICITIS, &ec. &o. WIIITBY, C. W.- JE Hfanger. f>aints, Oit., Glass, Pntty. -Pu' visitai-t. Tue o Idislnbenfîie kept S < btîilîu & Ioboria.g fqSsle Whiuwaiiiîg .u 0<,. oTemperanice priueiploe--.-a Spir-it Liees* bas J Wilson, i hitbyý; W . i. Bliugishawe. 5 loing,u~~idit Stecet, Wliithy. inera, d hie hasttentiadon paide tmfer N. G. IIAX9 iîty a.11, and hanse.Lutae- ]BAÉISÉLli NDATTIXEY-ATLAW. B. CAMPIIELL, - ffl An Omnibus lu atteurlanoe tpansdfrt opasieeh o RegîhsoryeOftl J-, igeiow, le<., OOT AND 5110E MAKEII, BROCK tJ.CaA.frcaai carge oppositehe_____________ eBnttek St. 1 PIS Steet, Witi- ,(hart door ta T. J .MSN camer"i, Macd.eeli & -Dartnetî, Dowanua' R Aroad l aitel.) Repairs UNISeTL nanti>doue, sud v1on kîof ncil k md exeonlted InIN' HTL if)AIRISTERS et ATTORINEYS AT ILAW, gaod shylo, ud u a îvorkuasiike euner. 9 53 , SAU Ir-A&U'MALLOv T ATUrM LSoliuitoi-s ta thea nAay (acueil. 3rfieLOWER TOWN QUEBEC - ,nt teCourt Ithou.iso-Sokith Wilig. 01callhues J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, wC&oe CoUac &esamboa ilendiw ndq0~ troin 10 until i5. 413 O <NVEYANCER,&c.,C(MISINRN Ut mti~~.einan .&res Qie'.. J1 JOHN )IeNAB, C (. P. & B. R.,LanAd Divisiion Court Agent TRVkLLERS AND) -VSITGItS te Lie An-.c J) ARISTE, ATTRNEY rtc.Offie e theie-anurdune-r N'rth of A. D. Weeke' <enict City af Qube-e taill ind supeuion sw- IC uARof her-tA TT0d('aurt&w.reet, opaDrug Storc, lxhnidge, C. W. 26 oommoatiouant Molerate chargesr et Lie allase sit (oppo bnd)To-at. -hte]. The hotel iS vee-y oanveuîieu-y ituated SitetheCabEtan,) oroto.RUTHIERFORD & SATJNDERS, -nearîlie Biinkis,Steasîhaat Wlarves, sud prit-. WILLIAM 1OWSON, (LA-t J. STOVEL;c}1 hanespare sute F5t. (>VYNCI, he table sudbaar tgli whevv ONFYIIjR MANCHESIATER, T A 1 L 0) R 9 & e,. ' urhetb *i WheeV -wrabletbla rnktl.Visitor. stlU Resca. <-.AND 54 KING STREET WFVST TO-. Sd e-ry attention pniJ ta Lihe- couifort sud, W. .EASTWO, .n &M . Lirouta. kI5a 48 Ring Struet WeehlauîiI-. ootvrnienceeud user>' tltoruaî<ion sud directin OIINE, hIti'CIrÇ SJREO. t. a as te lie aurronding loasllties, principal placesl C Rasidt-ea-latel>' accnpbcd b>' Ja. lodg-. -18orearl soaey, t> soEqie 3 EAST IWINDSOR BOUSE, WHITBY, 1 OIANAQIN son, ~~ ~Wu Gsuie.41lIopleor Dr. R. W. CLARK, UIE abat-e Ilatel la uituaed itîsapeaseat and GLORE-IIOTEL, BROOKLIX. à SURGEON ACCOLeCIIEUR, et CRONER,I retined part ofthu Town, ouathefront rond. 105 wihxnasom ek o mae oi> notS E itA Ofor thie Couat> of Ontario. iGoodl accommiodation tan traveilers. Good » rVhIE underegned'hlia gaiu resumneci aomscs. WILLAM TMPEI, M.1) tabling and attentive astiers. 222- .1,of lb. aboee ol known bhel, vhfebl IS SN<-STE ET, OS1IAWA, CANADA FARMERS' HOTEL, bu ooy ndcegd sfonrbil the sfotncteet prol- K IWe e;L e7~ rtcjcsaoPCEUG nce 'o-or " publile. N. AGNE, M. DON tÈei. le-aing fro.. Broolin «re-r-T >nplrasu'i oniauy rinter_ 'u'IitSIIAN;, SURGEON,ACCOUChEI vOnit and l a cçmoaston. y i l iwéra &. ' JOHNnia.., __ x' DA - -.-tain theni et tte Globe T nta'. andA ciat..-il IOALDtNTI.-0-lFFWE IN BROCK lj$tOt ver J. Bgelow'm Store, end oppositi3 Vie RegiatrY Office. AUlopertious warranted. Raierooce, aefuir re. AxOs W.<CRON,. RIIITEUT, CIViL ÉNGINEER, AND) LIAn Ipetr of Ilioea n lb. inuthe oI# i - y yof tioe Towilf Whûity. p. M1. CL'ÉAIiKtu jtqMn NÉTILOI, 'Nô. 7K INq' __ M~4~. ~ ANIITIL T IE '2NEPSIGJk HAVE ENTRED] lie atylte sud fSun ofPatteon& sd 5* JA.PATTMt8OYâ', , ALB wTjliw6' Aul ordens loft aIlla. Cbrwdid flntlpg omeeS A-fIrst rae sh rannkllDà & ' Ioisg e - ig.rthehuelicees, Wil - -- ~uvIgs p t'. 'h sealeailg reasantl - A - 1~ MO hy*l-ffi 6 i a, be pers folly-pem o -g -t u el 11,re piTe lo iità *b - thorogts'pr. paîtedïnTènvà ed,& tod np ineveny reaeehn namt-à - as -htO ineestli.. an> iep 85e!orinêrlr hies 43 ON.u 19ILIq5~ iio;uI~ A- 'BYW C. W., YIIRSDAY, AUGIJST 19,185 O 1 a UV £ 86 La £IL VnIuzlvA l PtVL~ix EVEA THUR8DAY MQRNINGO, b BROCK 'STREET, WIIITY W0lç-ert flooè],to the à ga01Ã"fc U T 0 liURi N,ý T Tont 1~ea ~dr.............$075Wt aît rne od Ab eto e,fIrmt iertion ......... 08 lAem ioèutaloWato ochnsand VOL 2. W HV others advertiing by the yoar. nà sjpepr"haS alr6eedyaM im'men.e Cirltlôn the ab Junty, beeitit1 bei»« roà d býr evory bu- ALBERUT, 141LoÀ ROI advoe an li au4 i ulno o eoro n N &C*.0&o., ' F301 A *luea naitI~iWhitby tt ~vinty, a botter TOWN- DDUIAS8t lomuity, . who,,dvertise-ort hik veli nf do- ________________________ - ta tb-o Ir g, illpeneloso n. thune in ±orwardin« A. PRINGLE, n tbi, htrvelngc imnhiteu tao, ho pr io lhes. ot uduti 3 ei-TAILOR, BRR8TRE9T e ue lihh ~ERCIIANT bu. fltothé, up lisud ca u@*j tTicfo L0aettn l e i~ Cash, i ed 1 t luaro, llbe at WhTbyXA FY RE L Â r T Th1eus rv dattli&Hotal. Thu- ,Ctero, wfllbc a erf, Ltnoegma, &o., osa -b. h4adet a uiOnits horisk of'tho Pu IL4shors w en aà ddrosecd ULDR,&<.quo(Ii ro k-ce.u. '~~ tha mprszuaesar IGIINS & MÀYER1IIFFE1, UIthyD,9C W. Q, fà UIT wrnétIà rýÈiOMSdCoWNTN4ga Whitbth, C. JO B -- INTERNATIONAL ROTEr, WAtyMh1h S7 BO AN JO 1AST iMlRKET SQUAýRE, TO~RONTO.- OYSTER PRINTING E ST&ULISHME]NT. CdJames Malthews, Proprlotor. 42 ri- utoR0PiEToRsi 0F TTF WlII3By - ILLA JIOTEL, ASr 't JL oul relwtiuforn thec ARIPOSA, (LATE COULTRAIID'S COR-.YS eniorstyles of Tye foin NNewYork iu addi- O OE,0 3j tathi oMcaa aeprp rd a xcueOAKWOD OTLWallace ]Buldinga, onge BQOI< A. D JOB PR N DI N G O Kwo OI). W, BANKS, PIOPR IEOR. Chi L ura Cge , oie orydescription, ani gnarantethat-orh God-OîîAnndîîOfl ___________, B857. & DXON viii bo dîne ii e suparior st3le et the Iweî lUOI1U, W,,R ~ reluuueaing 4i-rfe$. E rounrW IIT ,c.wNATIONAL JIOTEL, R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i UeGE'OBP?ÇS odAcnadloî PORT WIIITBY. Wlhensile.. theni ta tgirn out terd and Cir- -nONiAPIO HOT'rL, rMudrindbg oifr i rv ~ttiu f e ar uau er. ave Od bega ta infurra hie&fri1n 1 ereSokof Mal;m anîd Faney CIA? ., »tcîW} e t tea U0e hebsnsso h i on harud aîiei t0o Thcy BIIVAW Jr., GPRod SIIiTRBRU landtht a e p> l pssss Statiouery, &te., n-hibc b o ni t tverv low tx Ostiers God tuhioî sn f t r e nr M ot, h ie;A u a ch h rates, Pilotiug Cei e flAI' tnisheCd at the loirest «____-___1____________________ c arr n on iewu Eceunt- prioe nd ut tlhe ahorirai notice. 1 ES-PLANADE HOTEL, Stablilîg. rchatntofrninAdAra &îiN M.IÃERHOtFFER, IIONT ' TI1EET, T01RINT0. OIDF.ON EI4WAItD IIV. (7oi>iie OfUlele, Wlitbv, tC. W .F'Tonner, rrupinctr. Enst oft heareket, Whithy. ay Ath, 1iQ,17.18 J. A. AYERIJFFEAA.W. il. 1000-lY.%I pp<A$te 01Q ailGas huilditîre.) 8 ----- - -____ - -1-b-R-- -- A -M- -PVESTERN flOUSE, W CALDWELL ROVN, (aons-yan. vriinCourt Agent, hep 'ta intt~nî ie he hil.b tants of Epsoni nnd thee sunroundiug ineiglà har. hoods, t lat lîrie uilpned tan aie et Mn. Thos. Eaglistis IlAote], Es wi ere lier iaV ha fouuid e"ery Wrcdïïtsth.-y, fon 1P o'clock, a. nM.. ta 5, m.rr. fiîlly' trepared ta 'draiv an iii ntruluent of i? t1Otat iiion- hareilaireui, suichti s Mort- eycms, l-ra.Xlls Leasc<., .4rhit nation Bonds, hattel Nontizar, hisi af Sle, Bunda, .'<grre 'nents, aind emry other description of ('anvey- licig knnun. Mn.. 1-ts alsa lrepan-ul ta takç i ' îu ny Afthe.spro CAlrîî ouirt> of ths Pr" ice Ile ai- s)atterel. tlhe lisi Cou {nrt hA'ttletaudlite- tern and U.xhri.,Ia'îîvid prsoti wating hts as- 4litaiAcp, 'aill il iîd hA nad t bu etend theuî au1 f-asouAit lerm-ns. MUounc Aîh antdudpromrpt 'rAns miade. 1N. BlutigdA-- the -ei-n-ecs of ln abla lunriiitiisia ileiîrelaared ta âsccaunîrat aill W-ha îîay wcul op ui. Nanna ie-Jlic disýp- sAl ii-Is thAe patroai.of the public. iic~riluaill msem exiremely moilerte.. 1>OM uîery %VtaIduoi-î- nrung tra 9 a o. ta 5,i p. iiu xBRWLk, ,es-e-nyMoulday, FiAAy ai IA I i.atirdey, ah the ual lIaursý. Cash ! Cash 8.1 T IIE ig lc t r o w ll bhie p iiîel i Vu li e0liteAJtt r Bîh t nd50e Store,) ion Wh tAit M r, E, c.1ei e. WÂTC1I-14AJUNG AND JEWELRy. tn:z 1iî iidci-signed ics-e opeuod T bulitiiAes iin thAS liw udinc J Iîtriy arected bv .Mr. .John Wif in uBroek struet, ishene YWatches, Olocks & Jewelry, 0 anb abt.iied. ?el)a ii. of a"Il k'id, exl-st&d witk Cal-0 A o"-t-~kAf liCi American, Geman AI GiAiACS'l, Watcee., Cloch,;anAlliAI Jw or a- itiAg cie-n' AiAAÇ. WvILKINSON & SMITH, Waztchniah-crs, .lewe-lers, &0., U -ti g P p B l n -k S G zit , &cuhs. w lLLIAM DEVLIN, Paiulor, Glazier, Do- c'aabe-, tc., hgata iîifuînu liifrtcnuls and te pulic linahebuji enasrdfront Lie Coýeiorneeial Bîiitdings, Be-ock etreet, Wlritb'r, tiri Lhe Opposite aide Q tifle Saine stret-onGie block font lAen Sbtth, j4rppogite W. H-. Doeil' meditîl HI.Jwiîere ha la prepred tau- de-t-ake aIl1 iuas for -Paintinsg, Papeî- Jlogiug, Glaziig, e anti ta execule tiAe sanie i-hi dispateh auJ upan nîolenuite tee-tua. Aiilriids ai lettSang,&f-., doue viti acurne>' anti liiahicas. Mixed peut. of al kinde kept coustauti>' an band. Atl st-ancecutid buae atiefactor>'maunen. XVliîby, Jîily 21, 185. 26 A LARGIEStSOk of Vamulehes, eoussttlg f C.No. 1 Copal, Supoiar Fnrnltrre, B~k sud ltrwu .Jupau, Cwiîeh, White Dnuma, e ry Pa' --- udus Str&eoy Witby. ApnIl1 158 1-.y - lÂA1Ly STAGE,.- 5c otrïg a Voi hglran.ý 11bitby SoaP' rùsd CaWnile Faoy iRffibsMtebeplworIiI 4slen sthat- w eghythe' Wt Workb Of aquaity ûqnd ifuot ttpenir*ajthe beet Tae. M: 4*e, aupv priooe fer Osas or su d as n v-. .lef10Buebr Wbitby, jInly 7 s8»5-' ffemora'ndumPooket BooL.,- - .&uy oit. lcaving it ah tthe store-.0! tii. eub îcies5 iiewar-~dd - T.-ý -S., DON4b)ýSoN & Co., Hfardware iM~o~ re., ffive Wbitby, 'July 27', 1858. --'8 ES. ÂCKZI 1PREPEHD : a. ý. - - W sU N .& , L O T S ~ Y M S I E go0d, Frine one, sasovtmutri sà haitblgl,'oou- taiuiug 0 spartmenîs. litin lugood répair, sud 'well painteti. Tlerc l.aeaoa ecouul 1~Jh4~ -RE UIL DI 'hln ie1 Db t u le ulo d. The situation le a For tonus sdftrtliar ppatiulare, apply te ALl8X. C AMBRON olle - tablj, CE. VLîLeCti'le GRO. WLLAO41 t fOUSE pnd LOT FOR SALE. 'Jn IZ SALE tN TIIE VILLAGE 0F BR(Y)K- JUI' iti, a flaoue mîd Lot second ta noue u inte Caîxaty. ThoAali"AAISptacci i'hhatnvato-. iata knswn as Mite resideuce of the lati, Wni. ilAd $eAnA, c., lt*itba s ood well of vater, stable, :ie-i aitd VoAîîlhoAse, &c, tiiereon. Fr frtlAer ptirtieilars applv to whithy, C. W, WVhithy, AprIl fIa, 18,;7, 12-tf. TO LET!. T IVO lrgo i-ome %i-lalpted for offiecs, T l thuc¶e Ilprt~ Hrdware Store, lu Cit]lilcl's niew lidi0 Brook Street, South end. RetiA. xnoderiitp. Appiy ou tue p'Aiast J. S. IONALDSON & Co. Wlijitbv, 1) c. 2nel, 1,57. 46 JPIAT cofmmaidiOus Ttrick Cottaga vith Brick e-îîc hi>' M.n. sepi C. Sterling, asum edon 1h11 Sterein r0.e-1. aftWhlciy. Thils Cottage cansim+ts r-(f 4 Raminlu b. main buihlinje,sail Q tidmoaîns off tilue Kitee.- Ture is uilsaatti,% o-slalta Kienu tiat ecoold ho mae iltît hedraatu. Ali exelet (cardon of abouut U. <ce- .tauj, a goca ll ansd s Culler Tiia Anproert- vwil lue sojld eiieap, anti ou good tee-i.,ut aii'JrylAut.A .li> luo JOSEPAH C. STERLING, Oe-to '- WhitbyIlirel 1W'thi 18yR T9- LET. IF TE tre ati .1a-ei i- IIuïc nowaocpc , y James Pringie, suid kuowu as thie STONE'STORE, lu lte Tataît af Wlultb-. Potsesion gis-eu on tie flrt of Sptemler fext. Appiy to JAMES IOWR W ithy Ju y 28 , igu . 2 ATLAS IRON WORIKS, CHARLES VALE & Co., EG Wa itfonî u tepublic tit III.>'have e B e{nstritetd tii.,e- extenise Promîises ait 1Fronît Stremi, i forn-crvr' cutpiulasm thu Ontario Il an cri ii ther iAti nuiit e stj-c fr crry- u. lin the husîina-s of - Iron Founding & Smiùth's work- i all1iUR bronchesq. tritc,- lus-ut inspectinof tchair numanone Pst- Lous I'Oremntlpra F on B aicols VeIInmâishe Vîti)a-r,1lain sud Onmna AJWHJTECTUPLIL lWO2IIC ai c rrydarPt-n ; Cooking, Penloan nSBox SvaiGe-titai' a uMvutha Ceuldreus, luger Kti1 -s Plain Ûthg Ceatn u Forgings, ail of whieiî c I'offar ta Lhe Traeand ôtlasou ad- vautageou.s ordons puno tuali>' tteuded t. Tornoto, Octoer 20, 1957.0-l DEIRABLEIa NVïTftTï $600r$M0, 40, 800,$20 TOWN, VILLA, AN~D PARK LOT%~ . Lots fan Insinesa Pnrposes, sud Là oTsr FOR PRIVATB RESIDENCES roil MALE lxTHIvE 'ud thepublie generllYthatey hv Lb n a uew ofiuinu in the 'Yl55e'0iteue which ombreioe. the mauufà ctu*g, pg n Acoordeons, Meltsoloûssud' of u ii trl- The attention 0f partioq iu the 'Tovu la parti- cuierily reqneeted to the conveubeunt facility- 00W witii tIAcir rmach, of -haflntr ithcir Plsuoà me- lodcous Accrticous, keptproperly tuoieïd u repai ~ ~re m tthi oa ciehces Md without troAuhle or anyanre ta thelusolives. The ohjeot of the ndergignetilat i , ful1 publie saltisq- faction whioh the) exPeot ho do iun i theirdtal- FELITZ & RAINER, Piano makecrs sud Muisic Toaceorg, Iloward Coltaze-iucur the llo]ry street sphoal. 1 Lassons snd and instructians givon in iuuic s e retofe. whlthy, Mfay 19, lq...8 Lots 34D>, 8t50, 851. 852- 850h anti854,conutaiug nlearl>' One Acre auida hall', stI bsoi cheap inone block. One-fifth payable nexil December, sud te balance exteudud over a tcnm of framtire laoheu yearm. Pensons vho vilii ereet buijlInXs Ite Dneset euar, the firât paymettvil nat bocaîne due, till For plan.sud particuiere s yPER1 Wlihby, MarA.otlt, 188. ho Les. T OWN LOT No. 8 Eset aide cfiBrooýk S't M'et;, Lt No fxý;aon' Ocopie jYAlIn'a Liser>' Stale, ~rcîksIe. spe uie a 'o.5.For 'Business Standis IboseLotsare al.t un Tas~ia, sud 8l0b'siSou" Inost nemaaublo lems ato parties vWho viii eret good Stone or Brick Baildings ou thein. "> Il»U Ftu Frotegou nBro* Stzet, * eei' pp it."Bryataiirete,I,"Mfrtneoi OT nparcels of. 20, roe fontage --Applyrw - ---J. HAM PMMRRy. - S JX ý-T TO B T L R8.f>L EA SEL. FOIIatwmrni o veor A S 'e OE]fU»"RD A.4ORE ACI l onhp tKi& omê-fetaa g I 4 Teu ay iber akuog s-t y sppîin'an te . h"tensivu Paper Mfiii user Belleille, le pro- psred <o lMufacture PAPER MIL]BOA"E,&c A qnsntaty of Superien'Wnappng porblas b.eo manuhkolured, sud vilîho adis ose fah as-reusouable rates as ah an>' otier esteblîai- nment. 'As tha ontlay an theabovo ustabl6aianent bas befen large, tie subearter hope. teoulve e ahane et publie patrnaige. Bele-ilo JlyPHLIP F. CNNIFF. Belvle, 1I ý, 1858 2 0F- do os-E gT at o W; t e h e o f h E aU toR . p hu pui-ehasret-:-wi 100 Acres,'Buh Ut 18, 4th' Conoe.ieeni 100 Acres, South 34 Lto, liot Conceuion of e 200 Aes5 Llot 10, 2ud Coneaon Euragle. 'ThoTre Lots, O hie Ca0unty or rey, lai vers ~ pe ansnll- us- isd seleted oaase canot od flue unso[iéaei-d eaRy acuosa-Wit ho Minrket. 'Of! 260 Â.re -Ne il, Sh icen.-Mea, Caunty e1 trit (inturle. 1-W 20M Aces, No. , 13th Con. emmervi]I.. bit <lood Hà vdwoojad -sa he habesh aoihi thosa Tovtî.ippm .4«" put i8; ioUü oaemsiep Iurrsy.êb rrnM Qu-la A'» tells theflw doIOnpft .A Corrspon~dent 'sonda $. fthe ii good -tbing for ihot, wCatbor: K--,*5tld fulker president or & Peiïlsqlvauia ai- i-oad, dutiug tbo confusion and panic last faîl, caied upan tbe W-iBak, with 'Whih the. foaadlept- a largé, - regulai acs cêount, and asked fût an etensuion of&aPart oftIte paper ralling due n'afieWdca .-The Ba.nkPe.ieut declined rather abrtptly, W ah,. u'i tone coon p o that fratcr- nity. Mr. K., your paper -muet be paiZ at mawtiritg, We carnot renezo <t «Te;ry'wcIl," our Quaker rûp1icdý snd left the Batik. But hodid netlçttbe mat' ter drop here. On loaving' the Banik, hé waiked quietly over tei depot, and tee, graphed ta 'ail the, agents- and conductom, on the road to, rejeétthe bille on the. W- Bank. TWa few ,houra t*'this bean tà arrive, fuil eoftIi. pano,.auid blrinÙtig tku news of dietruit Of',the -W- Bafikail along the' lino of the road. Stovlûidirs and depîositare fIlcked ino the .Bank, inak- ing the pânie, inqu*ing, "What'e thcxnatz "tor?" "'Te tleBank brokor "Alitto lu- quîry by théo flccras howed that thé trouble oniginated lu the rejoction or tbi. bills bythcraiload Tii. Présidenteized bis batsud rushed down to the' Quaker'g office, suavd 'cîire bustling lin with thoin-ý quiry, Mtr. K., hato You dt'roced the refusai Of Our currency by your agents? "Ye,oI was the quiet' reply. "Wby jethis? 1h wiIlruin us.'e "Wll, ý,frlend L-, Ianpoedt4y bank wasabet ta f ail, t ii.. c fluld not rcncw a litte paper for ii i tis mng." Tt j neodiese to gay Sir.L. rence'ed ,ail the. quakor'e paper and enlarged hie. lino of dîsc'ount whlle fhec maglc wires cr-4 ried ail along tho ioad, to, eloy'agent' the on, riceltl acpe by Mn. flur] k~ ouundsltr eet as 'a Ifit cimes Saloon. bas fitted up a new SODA A YWÂ 'l"i? F0 UlPrrAJ h,.s sym*pa. ofail kina, aud oaa stlpply a dell . mona cool beversgo...uo ne* t ho g =ateat de"d L AAGE"R.,B IER, Fraita of alA kinda proenreable, in seaso,- Lunebeoiue at aLil houes. Dinnerg sud Suppers provided as ordored. PRtyATU Snu-fr<oIlOM. Labqtere Sardines, Fiekieti Salmon, &o. C gars of hothe .:tbrnand. 25 Proprieton, l'dE LUJCKNOW HIOUIEZ1 II uRrbrwould beg to 1hi OLOTHING STORE, in the stand latey ocup led by Wmi. A. Kofleys (as a sto-v snd tin sboniwherehe *fl b. found to t4e ordera for Cia g, andfit up hie custo- mers ou the ahorteet notive. AUl ordo"s puuctually sttended tn, and ne dis- appolnutents. lrG.od lits warrauted. gw The Mouîhly Fashions reguisnîy recuived M. OIJDRlSCOL. Osbawa, A prfl, 1i8, 12 Negotiatioîs 01Debeateeres aud& Real Estate Securities lu England. TII' .11 RSON ED HVINGe TO sentParlain ntat Sesion on usinsswill, bc prepared teliaegotit e uch Wunicpal De-_ boutures. or RI% RsateeSeoutltes, tay be placed iu trust with hlm for that Purpose. Re, therufore, invitesPs icis or bloucipùUties wha tn~thuis T~e .4servie", 10 Correspond vi .pyte a' au Monthe subjeci, viion h. wil behapy a to y-lws,&C.,&c. Welingtoo Street, e nsd Money -Broker. Taron to, July 14, 1 8M. 2 oîît-houses, &c. fonriy lu )ipied *by Mr'. J ohn McKà y,4anaIow cuer les.. to A. !)=--- ]op, Esq., and viii b. leused for a terme s May 'UeI<&oernxt. eauliegiron on e o EAST Or BRaOjC wrSTWrg, L OTS Nô. 14 and 3. Eut of Brook Street an sd Soluth of -'oilard'a Rote)lis valuable etoPeaty exteuding tram Bnoek ta Penny Lots No. 177 sud 180. East aide of Brook Street, North ofPoiisrd's Montel. Partiesdeair.. Lots 203 sud 204, a corer block oon Meple and Pennystreeta. Lots 71, 72, 78, 74, 75, 71, and 78. Tii..e Eight lots, are lu one Block, LionudQd by P"enny &ud Ohesout sud AsitStreut@: - Lot 87, West ofl'urry Strout, sud direetiy,*op- posite the Steetu Floun Mill. Lotsl 64,65, 66 6, 62 83, 84j sud 85, F.hst of Penny Street,'erfadjoi<g the Stesto Miilpro pe rty an the North. Loti, No. 60, Eaet of Perry'Street. ThisLot WR.? or ucedand o c a eéimrasr. Lots 104, 105, 1i8,asd 119, boundeti byCen- tret Walnt sud Keu't Street$. Thesc lots are deliglîtfulty situe ted, suit lîviug a atrcet ou limée aides, are wel adptd t buiding pur- Poles. Lots 124 snd 125, cerner oftKent sud John StreetL,. LatINa 135 Eit of Kent Str etnndbt tow rmds lkot af Dindu. treet. e ax u The foregoiog uhoice Lots were selectul] froue s tange nmber, with _the slow of holding hheni [seu uYc.tmenît, but arc nov oeffered for Sale te fisally wiod up s large transaction. -ALSO,- KsE." m rir. Lot 214, ....Pe............... 275 "1,... .......W 225. . ...... . ERCLIO ,TRER.- Lot 230, .... Prici ............ $8 "2811....i ..10 " 2321. . . i ** .* * *.: .. 16 2 701 ... . . l . . .. . . . e..2 PALACE antsar. Lot 2948, ... Pic.............. $200 306,.... il...... . "341, ....... ................m Lot 360.... P rie ...........20 il8614,.46 : 6362,......I" ....... I ' $67,..... . . . g oe- ~44 t!] t!] i 'se- - >Ax AI'RMôCsÂvIC e=h inaniage of-La laugliter of the Ma Daoipbull, Bart, hi hfficiatud. The, yeu 'I te the a] ter by;1 ior. ho-r sistur; Lad lagbter ofthe Eari on; Lady Susan mi ýai of Lu-vun-and -ýi laugitur of hem Ri-] LP.; sud mis. si t,,.. i.4 . . -AN-iv mesae,-"Th W - sn i Il London correspondent of. the Noer York commercial, ln referonce taeIthe alleged extensive wsnlike preparationa ef France, sayR tiietaenew developemieuthaà been muade whicb bu regards as ýone of the uit-. toast importance. It is aseêrtainedtbâat. immediately after the sttenîpt of Orsin4 aud as the reuat cf the addreses- M the. French. armypubllsled in tho Xmoiteu, LordPalmorata» 'waupreparing ta aunuch an immense fluet- agaînst the sberes eof France iu 7ase tii. proper apologies- wers uotuîwle. ThePremier le raid te bsave beasted ofthis intention subsocjuently, and il wua partly upon thia boaut thà t Mr. Di- racli felt autborised to deotin his Slongli speech, tint wbeu he came itc power, the COuurywas ou the oeve of a-.warwit Frne Rhis'believed in - Franco thatit I is froni a kuewledge ofthis lhet, aïd of the. aggreseive teudeucies of Lord Pahnerston, tbat the present Cabinet raeçha auch anex- hrserdinary and u nexpectecLesu t inuthe He, udelu inthe"conitry. lFrancode-. clares, therefore, that she hasthe right, eveu se ialye-of England, te put hersell ona War-foetilg with 'xngsuri. Eh. de-- Ciarahlatuisa eùof *Ëngiand that requires lier ta bauid lp her navy, and netsa necear sit.y ef iuyaeng' England, ef whlch smli ne-ver tiouglit. Sa it will b.e am that tiiere are t*cs aides ot the nudal, and thas thc fear is quit. as rational as the, 091er. - -t' 'v rf w P, E, ri 1 r'hi 1