fr The o oare u (st.nio 4uo A SnE01T CIATitAEFOR I Y5. ow glad I amthat m«qlieuse lay in week,'Il bav, th prop',e ofà 1lstire' dfrectiy.ti AfinM -ýAgdnewatunugial thlll ýt11î In a4ew moments h6 arrived 4ruLwe ine--ancl all belne weU t will do a lttUe were zAiU sated, prepatred te jo$u in, the ti p 1çh à - al, nd pRaS an he1ur 80Ci41 MOiti.1I natCed ClarW8a'o ls wt4ey 0 eIr. sbrtn boi he pefect orir whicb surround4ir on alouwt of te iane, rave ttgleot- adteegopnt but 4 e pl !aý S èd'f Iate, and'tben drap in -to taIc 1,a for he epast. Bosids-si w i m. fnIkup oftuaeà wt th rMy4nie cxCarit possible net -ta feltethruhcmrt - diffused arotnud us. I1aving cooplated mnu houxsehold, 4T- "My ulece," Îai'd T1ta mrs sbuti ranigem~ents, 1 8.êoOdliy set 0Ut, ater An l wais afraid of causing 'ou in<eavenience ea~~ dnter,~nd tesb>j>in do., nide by COfliflg in unawarea -and taking two tu'flirat Cali. MrsAshbisrtWn'nwirm Phc at Your tatble by tr. welcomen, pleasatt tli1 and oheerftil Rre- A ciuery Iaigh frorN Mr. -Ashburtonanud sIde, vrould havé ptoyv'ed gtroug tnpta- a brigirtsaile freim bis iqfllwJm tiens ta indure ntri t*ccokt lber invita. wo "MS Wifr, a4 gni tims eta remafn for tho evenîng. hat r1 ~net mari"Il arnthe OTùM fortuhuatéelaiow il, foai uous ta, su i iace, hose rosi-the ,World, for notbing ee assMy dence s-as mitch nearer my os-n. wifo iflconvenence. Yeu uuderstand me, On artttg at Clara's doar, 1, waa a I dare say-1 mutan nana of those donuestic little stîrprised ta sec no lght in tha front invasions whic4t arc usually expected, te p att oftheb bouse. I arn afraid they are cause a bilstle. 'She lbas a peculiar thieory freinu borne," tbought 1, with, a regretful of ber own, which she most thorougbly re. muental Élance 4~ck vard rit the pretty home duces ta practice, toà sequantly s-e arc-ai. picture Il had just loft. But 1 wua mis' w&ablaeI ta s-aborne a.friýunl, loweer taketu., A servant oe, in uauswer ta MY uiuexpeoted the gueat rnay b.. ring at the door bell, and ushering me into Cla bluxrbe ,and starnmered a few the dining*roorn, lighted thre gas, and -eut 'vords iu repiy; and perceiviug ber confut te summnruli er mistress. 1 bad ample rien, I changed the conversation. tinte ta look about ie before Clara muade On aur ivsy home, after speudin'g a du. bier appearance, and eould nat help ad- lîihtful evening, tiy niece was iîîuusuaîîv a i- ,-airiiug thre perfeet order aud good taste lent; but rit ben.-h she asked if i conij tell wbich prevailed ini bath the sparrînent sud lber s-bat theory r arîro lue its ftirniture. 1 s-as the mare picased ta to when hae said- lrshh"it. note this, wasni)- niece, whenuunsarried, ed. Ar h ri:t nfot promise to-becorne very notable as "I understand yoru, Clatra," 1, as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 1oswf.Isa f"u eau explalu it lu a vtry feiv words. waÎtnuf-as xny brîsk ivalk aver, 1 fuît Mrrs. Arhburton says that bcing sure of chil I'in the ri reless rootrn-wrlien Clara en- the daiiy presenceofo euesat i er tat tered, fas euiugr a little article cf dressbc -oisewsa abnraoaa eviduit' >tN yrust assumued. Iliý grecting others, she always proeres for that oua, was ilîo't cordiat; aud -yet there was a sud is cf course ready for any visitar, and shade cf regret itt lier toue, s-hen. aur first ut any time." salutatiouî over, she said; -"Why, my "But 1 aaw no guests besida ourselves, dear auint, did you nat let me kuas- etî3ui' were eom-ing, aird 1 should have becu but- Il)Did you not? And yet the persan 1 ter prepared to receive you ?" alludé ta wa there." 4 . SureIy, Clara," 1 replied, Ia priapara. IlWbere l'-wbarn do you mnean. Yeu tion ia needod hefore vonî can besto%- s arcjsin1 COp af tes on so near a relative as 1 ar.- "lualeei, my (Iear CI-ira, I arn net.- Prasy do not ilake any frieudly l.a11 into a The anc sà -boreMrs. Ashburton cousiderý cerernoulous 'visit, or 1 sbîll ha tempteti'rh falhnr sle tsad h te un wà yagan, n lac ofwaiingutiilsays, sud I think jrestly, that sha should after tua,,aud begging Mr. Whitford'g s-deeni bier marriage vow but là perforrned cort borne." did she bestos- pains to make ber borne at- n lPj'ay, dear anut, do tnat tiik af sueh tractive lu the eye of a strauger, eindgrudge a tbing.1Is-il igbe Ibis fircin a marnent, doiug sa for hinm whonî sho bassprumised anud the oom will soenihacwaruî and coin- ta love, lionor, audobey-hcrbusbaîdaud ftertabla." - the l'ather ai ber children." Sa sayiug, Clara s-as atbouit ta apply a Clarm did not speak in reply ; but wheu light hetween the bars cf the grae, s-ban se parted, the moistenred checke that touch- 1 stopped ber. ed mine couviiuced rue that thic lessGn ws IlYou rmust bava a tire sones-bere, rny takeaiborne. sud 1 bave littie doubt that dear," I1 said; Ilsud wherc you were ait- s-W'.1 I ext visit mnîulce, I shaîl fluti ber tiug %-heu 1 arrived, will, 1 amn sure, suit J oîniou is chaugeduas regards the guest aoc the*beat. If 1. arn ta tbsturb au>' of rnost dcserviug o!flionor. your arrangemients 1I s-ll leave voir forth -____________________ "'1'hen, if sa, aunt, yau will havo ta ex- Nw Avrielet t ek cuse my takiug you juta theuurgery." Nev AWriîntsti we. "Any-wbere ta a ,warm tlreside, lrAcinSl-aei d at a buti ta r. W'itford frorn bomne ?" Aito ot o 6Xa, bhaleahbo," replied rn uece, ber Parai for Salc-L>r. Allison. cale~r raisiug as sihe spoke. Speciai Meeting of Couutv Couuicil-H. J. 1 laughiughy caugratulated iber on 'ber Mactionell. husband'sa i iking of the cmarnay af bis Addrce.s taElectors uf Southî Otario-Wv. first-born; but, porceiviug ruo evidence of pleaure- on lier coutitenauce, 1 asked if the ILaiun. baby--vraîs-eil. Qutarter Ses'.ýios-N. G. Recynolds. Yes, qui te sa, thank yau autit." Greenworl 'ar-4. C. Sterling. Oh the' truth, it la rny doing that s-e fPraclamatstu-N. G. Reynalds. are lu the rni-ar> to-aiglit, aud Fr-ederick Euaiu.Ms ae i net taoa s-clleescabout' it but Euail-r. oe saves sa mutcb trouble, and the other roozusGod for the Ieoffle --Joal Bigelos-. aeattbeenu dearîed sud put inerder.-1 Do- Lost-J. Noiarse. But do trot say s wvord," site adet, as eI Fartu for Sale-W. Merrlck. opeued tire nursery d.oor. i CaIn%.t-loepli 'ioaiuation. -M'nephes- advanîced, abouleme warurly GadEcrio aXaaa1al-at by tL hbaud, and t turCng te Clara,Grn eu6ota-iga lsCp.i said; IlI hope, my> dear~, you dv net lu- Sciralleld. tend ta mixîie your atut a nursery gucat... 1 Carrnage Painter, &c.-C. F. Donovan. If you do, 1 I sah net vorder if lier visits______________________ becarne stilI more rai e."F I hastetedta t assure hlm ibat 1i ld been braught thorerait i> as-n request, sud ~ ,1IJX SfIrOU e begged no dilereuce inight be ruade; but, tquietly rin'y 0 tire balf, lie desiref 1 a ser- vant ta ýllilît "the diling.roaan 1fi-e, aud Thr briug word s-heu it s-as s-ail burt.- Whitby, Thrday, August 199, 18,58. Claira bit lier Ipl sud iôoked rcd an~dunu- cinfrtabie, w b i bt 1,feeling stili trore -Closcd titi Purther Notice-or the Ses- caulti, howevt'r distitîgulalu easily enougîr siousi Shutters up at asat.. ts-a or tbjree little articles whilîi convirrced ÂJ d u d d n 1- s "Ùood xigit,da aunt," aaid Clara, tbey pave"become abjects flot ainipl>' of affectlonately kîssiug me; "do came again scoru, but of darision. This hast faggot lu ver> scoor, but do lot use kuas- s-bn to ax- the funera 1 pyre, s-hich their as-n fol>' peet y (Y." cosrcei 1, by h otdfiu. "And tena dded Mr. Wbitfard, after o nure t thla rouly thuadl. uNo the dloor îrnclosèd, Ilthse diairug-raomrn !erue ' iser. btaL N wilU b. ligbted 4ifore yorîr arrivai. Dear 'ana likes toaiughad att.Hawever-tise sent, wiaat do you think o! Clara's nes-nofialsna help, for apilt milk ; sud se lb.>' muet tiosrapectirinoesticeconorny? When' bite, as bast tise>' ra> upan thiebidl,- s- s-are first ruarrebesas ratiier ig- W. eramember au anecdote, s-bîcb, if it isast of houre4old inattai-s; nos- s-e are 50 eceeingi' aderi' sd caofu, t a easfard thern any confort, laiver>' riuch, evi>rytbîi t aCo goad ta use. The dras-- ut tiseir service It occurrod ut the land- iug rôooru irst becarue so; titantae diniug ing o! Napoleon the lstaC ah Eba after b.Is roou unders-at t orouglu renovation; 'abdication. Wtb a audable Iibera4ity Cita sudi thse nuirsýery-, rasai-ted ta frtemporary te falien Emperor hsd a 1perse af 200'soya couvauiottce duriug the repairs, las bcorne it'btdaagtts rs u et aur regelai- abade, tise'otbat'abein* olydiârbtdaogttece n uaed ou stato occasio'rr. Probabl>' pur officers of the Uudauted. ,The' boat.ý aext movo s-ilbe 1'hoeMktchen. zIn l- s-ain, aun!bebaif of bis ahipl ptscap in to other bouses, sud find that thoiratiaistm hbu eure hua s-~hn i onor cértintlang life, and better îîliiek anothet- time."- hme the ioatrary, lte cali or a r@la- tNo.daubt sormg'wags of tiiPowellOçitoimi tveevoiî, p-odgeea quita a d<>metie raya- bave given ir'a ilar asti'. s-lais tathe~ luttin; for plate, il n a ~fçt overytiliug abdt Preierrid-the Grits. pre entabios lad up ln laveau4ur, lketise ýel s-ebave gt tw,à rgaýd bilas. ' h. raoins, 1 wisbyoes-auid su>' soinethhng te ur ~,lt Claa on the subjeot, as I kiîow 1 1 pasa sp Flubae i-ey Bil, tb. Restra- Igi-est influenae b in tquarter." Cln o! Voqtera BilH, (h -au4onded lýroereu- ttIuie yoltaua4 te mathu-, Fro4e.- liai 4aaignme 1t;&Bih, s a that reatlng t-tk ?" j1askedn ' tadebto'ra, faisely ianpri&onýd -oaa fiirisf- " lOh1, y.., a lbowsandUlies, U tliink; pleas ef leiug about 19 quit Ib cýu-t7 utt I èannôt affect auy change.1 tmarue all uefmeastares, and es-esinta i yau s-lk be more strceesalful." riht dretin.The ItrICllW I. Ir s-ti IItey an>' Rat, aid, 1, MsI &--1-_1- _ _ -,Pl - ~, ST . . C r h- an-la s . 1 - a bttr tna. A aset off tothe mebrfo at-ldiiuaud's loqrtsctty, s-e ïïteunbrkeai4 ansd owllike so. lemit f brothe; dould.Dare>' ,MoGe. r,00ýwoe - titi'V '1rwel a1oih ion ins ha IWmas" t4ia*thft at n. *sfiay 'u rmpled up" hby tise fier>' and splendid reply of J. A. WiCh ls ýusnsUoWofI-t-,>lay, -tise - GZ<Jh'tek ne nlotice of lby fsi4 ortarleaidia' play -of tise Sesion. Apa-apos of MeGea, s-e uili-tender iina splace o! advice, pr fectby gratuitaus; s-hidhistaChat if haocon- fLî?ne'e aon 'r in paoziiîà y ta'bis 'pi-e- sçut politi tial el . sflassuradi>' hava to dropbis Ilfias of, lr>tot-e,>" sud gattsoppiy' o! fia9os-s g ulpisua*» vri-hm sap. Ma>' s good isaat, 4ravived commerce, sud a layailnsjaritv, i^naugurale lbe Session oL1859- Tisenostgm-tifying damaustration s-bich te Tas-n o! Wislthy bas yat s-itnessati saur-e iscniteuatok place on T'nisday evenir.g last, uipon tis ansnouncternut of thst Quira<s message b>' the cicrtrie Toho- afli îar-ros tisa Atlanutic, andl th nciraof tire mrît-essfuh aperation aof trha 'i'egi-Spf. JT ha Mayon Issueti bis pr-oclamration raqucat- înag the clizeus tlu luininaîte, andl snaoun- cîug the arrangements for a procession, Jand grand tijaplu>' a! ires-ai-ls; and ai- Ciougit ouI>' s fems- oas noticeisard beau gi'vet, lte cilizenss-ai-nil>'aneui ithtusiris- tir-al>' i-espanded te tise ral. At eigist o r-hock lutise ceîaning, WNisiCby preseuted ane o! tiesamtt noble ent beautiful spec- tacles sie hava ever s-itantned. 'Tlec s-hle Tes-n appearet te tiese pectator, liti-al>' sud figeirativel>', as ana gargeotmu a-a rs- ipienniant blauze. Tise balla pwela forth a ijoyous cîme, s-bile tisefiinug o! cantion. thta i-stUc ai mîukoîr>, sud the cheersf a ige 'l"'.ev.. --us - - -. st-ceCa andu irprovernants, ardthat, thaut tisa populace, i-eut tisa air. genuîair'ian refuaed ta allas- it toeha trne, lu obetience te tise Mayor's proclami-a-nur insisteti upon aides-ales hcing maîte iii toun, tise Highland Rifle Campany, core- otîter parts ouf tise'los-u, s-tier e- i'nabvno userua ç e ue-essaiy or reqatjsite. TisaI manded b>' Captain Wall.-e, tise Fia-e Bai- tise utier ruembar-n o! h. Commiitee n-ci- garde, tisa Ilooleanti Lae~der Compan>', sud ieaty. aveu Chen, <at tise Ca-rii) Caerave s large concours. ai tise eltizens assernilenl Cisc'drain matie andt ake tise approprialirina ut tise Tas-n Hll, at bah-pastt 7 o'cbor - off ai otiser placce. Tise>' absacisarget Mi-. andfor din roesson-iseadet b>' tis e MPhion s-lti haviug lise gi-ester part o! chelurnier hrougtgit uau te 'own, laid Whitby brasa baud. Tse>' mai-chadthtsao' des-n art a certain point lunCtae Centra fa-r-k streat, Dundas streel ou '10 Byron I Iard, sud for tisei-rerai of whicia to street, s-horc tise>'s-ci-cjoluet hy tisaeîohci-parts of theis s-a rte i w-as re- merhurs ai tue Courut>'cricket club, irisequit-ad ut r-st ema $ 0o r $12. Furehen marhedW te pocesio, bt i ha ,tise>'acun-cd ir. 2Mar-Ptiersan s-iih iavirag maritai u lte roessonba luliat,-lu Chic face o! au exptress résolution of s-iris a matit millitar>' air andi baring.- te Caunefiltteh contrar>'. cxpeudad part Toa'chigisa acorupsuicr tise prrtr-essîon, of te lasI appropriation of $1(10 atitional beingprinipa hua-oneb>' tise members af to each coft'lac Chreca at-et, sithouuîau>' - 1torvciter farn tise Committea or lise hîlokanti Lattai-Campait>. Onu a-i- rnoru tisa tincil. ring lu tisa las-n opposite lieth jt' e -Mi-. McP'hersou tuede an effort te excuse sidearce, the procession halted, tise Rifle himseîf, auid coutended hea ar-ed propenl>y 1Company' firiug a ft de joie i excellant bocaniae eyntr-e sîrcet iras a " part>' styla, sud ssitis tie utmocst militai->'order se re potsa eoret--Caotauui anti pr-an-faion. Ater titis, Captair W allace rient On motion ion adoption- commande t tii-e e eers te ha giran fer I Mr. Watson ratavet in urnendoieut te re- Lise Quecu, andti hrea fer Cire Mayor antdr fer bar-kltae report with instructions Ce Nîra. Para-y, wrsc -i-c s-e ai-nil>' respondîcn amenr tise saute b>' a ubastileling a site- ivalle 4 fket el s-;dafoMaitlanîat-eet, finlteut ta b>' tae largo cras-tioo citizeus pi-esc-ut, o! tisa tso foot rides-ale ou Chai-les çtreee. as Weahi &-s b>'Irisas-n uten. for-kets îre r Ma. Nfar-doncil sacneud tisa motion anti heu seut up, sonne run ver> goti style, and IMr. Horîgaroat agi-cedtot support iL. rfortiatigi-ast amasuonn. Dnanug ChieJ Mr, MeBrniei anti Cat RPano coute'uded « agaiuat sueis an injustice. Tbeamentmeut urne a smah canon kapt hooming as-a',. i ss tet tôs-n, andth ie motion for atop- rut au immense bau-ire but-net lu tltetien crsaîlo. open space, east o! tisa Mayor's t-esidone. Tisa splendid mi- usioi o! tise Mayo a-sus il- luminatet tha-ougitoul s-ils variogattid ligs, tise nos- gas, nmanufacture t he it pi-etises beiîag tisat useri. Tise groundis aroundth ie Mayor'e resi- deuca s-are ikos-isa atudd t - h ligisi. AI tise autrante gale thora s-as a Iarce Iransparene>' witis tise itlto E URO PE.-The Via of Pec.-AMERICA. "WÎAT TTERlFOltE 00on tIATII UNaITED tO- GETUrER, LEi- NO MAX -i-r-NcXE-l ovar tisa balcon>' ln front o! Chie houa., s-e lilesise noticeti a Cransparene>', containing t-h odsd Il ZLECTRICITY 1 1 BYuuAxscis -AconiT, 55 tiOlSXTi iAMtD, DY FIELDO sacoICTarsmssis JOIssîs." Tisaca-os-t o! persans praseat s-as tise lai-geaIs- e eersas- assembleti iin Willby, sut tis eaaitiait pleasura m'anifesî'etib>'ail uUx>i thtisaoccasIon dithlie hatIgoad. Miayer Parryri s ospilabla doors scae tbiasn open s-lie " sud lte cilizeus re- gulatilwitb aubstuntiais saidalicacias in ;bhnaaadaic-Mr-s. Par>' andti he Mayor hoth heing tisa moat active amang t ltae attendartseontisa geets. Tiseras-as open bouse antis pleutiful hourd for alI. AC tise couclusip of ths ep t ap.Wha a. muatareai hie rifle Compau>'iluthe Hall, sud lu a ve'>'appropiareand coetpiimont- ar> speechstbasîket Ma-.. Pexa-yand its lady fOi- tiai lspitalîly. -gr. Andsv.FP. Mt: Phearson Assistaut 'Enginéer 'a!the 'Fire Bragaiealsoadd-essad sias-eal suai sita- i blecomplimentoen behalf of theFi-oB-dgt> -tà bath o! -rhiéh II.b s-urssip :delLver*eti most caurteaus repuies. AfCet-sardss a- lois s-as seul up, tlbbl - playaai- sere melodioÎus,4trînsansd s-e believe 1h s- as' naiduigbt before the rowdessiquit this-r-è joicine. of hebousses itise Town-p s-icSýwei-e' Mutl brillantI> il Musai-. Hamsiton tisai tua Senti-en bulere tise fit-st. t,élegtph office-- dencsot R.,P ruel, Esq., R. I-L.L T. Byrn-e, L.Heu suad sutahatrs-s. [suais met-r>' t- n,,i~ltjwi tha atm-a à , çrw 6onvasio\ - s-sites. Mr. Tremayue's natice ou Ibis sebjecî s-as cale on anongst Cisc ai-ters, aiflise ta>', but lic s-as fia thera quit. prepai-et ta enter fu llv inte lise datait, qo! tissubjor-t snd moveai, secoîrreti b>'Mi-. Hiatgaon, a rasalnîtion,-"tsant it la axpedient Cato ilde tise Tow-n itfuIoui- sarts luaur-h mannor as the Council nia>' titerrino." i-. Tre- rusyna gare bis aerasnsforrrnviug tiso i- solution. Capt Ras-e, Ma-. Mar-douchi and atiser membars olhjactedltiat-erassona given b>' Mi-. Trernayue as beiug insefficiant; eontautingtat Mi-. Treranuyu's conlaru- pluted division s-oeld gira rno satisfaction -hat Il sould ntt.c a firta tise tai-mers nasitiug s-ltin tb. municipalit>' s-bse re- pi-seation s-ould ha altogetisai-swamped b>' t. Tise>' tatino abjection ta dividing lise Tas-n inta four s-ai-as, puavideai lie di- vision' s-ara s madie as ho gi-ne satisfaction. ta tise ohi>' men silbtin lise munfeipalit>' s-bo compîsinad of oppressive taxation and o! beiug ouîvrited in lheir'rep-eseataio iii tise Cotîîcil-lisa fat-mers. Mi-. Hodgsoaa sas lu tavri- fretuoniabling, sud sires- inerence% a,stalb.eaffect o! unembera a!flue s-si-Asenteiug int a cau-' hination anti swamnping lise întarets of tise Chu-t Wuzd lntise pt-osant division e! th. Tas-n. 1-, Capt. iPase seouted lise.logie of suais an argument. If suembers s-ci-nadiapose t l combine in end instance tis.> would ln anotiser, aud tise argment aulght ehasp- piiedthelietahe at-s->, tise gi-aster tise nuns- ber tise gi-ester s-auld hactthe oombination. Bet, b. aaked, s-as itproer te tijas-suais inferees andai se susp 'icions s-han-tiser. s-as ual a sisadnw aof foundatlan fth Iueru. Thea muni sho idS O <nI e t'hisos-n motives opens ta susp~icon. - -, âi-. Mactioneil indiguantl>' reputirated- Mi-. lodson'q imputation of'motives ta members o!flis. Council, sud urgatat Cisat adtfting;tisslmembars coulti ha guilly oa! diiug unfairi> s-fIla su>'locahit> lu tise Tou ad ta cissl and omtinbe, as tisa,s-astiseraeC ,tjuat as gocai reasbtr t sus;pect tise.wboIe afaler, thanu, as tisa presaaslîinemisers'of the Cou- cit, -Ifnmo tiveg couIn1 bc attri6ftted nos-, ,wnhat safegua-As 'v4*sd tise ?uOostrutliei of the Wau-dsaffomaiL-B'.' m- acnessbl . 1 Monday, Ataguet 14'. lIs Worsbtp thse Mayr< iýh'djr The Oowielmat at thesa nl heur. Ment. bers prmenri; Mousrs.Rowes1Wataoiî, ià e- dôél XB n TeanMePhugon ý.PÊià t xhMivTza or comni' cabcrf. - Ù rMaedonèll appmied -the. Conioff tise Spacial meeting about ta lake place for tise purpase ai rsfsing a large suru af nauey te cenatretctain rTasslunordea,- tiat, tise C ounicil nus>' haprepared to talc. s-at. evar' action wsaconsidered necessar->'thora. au. On, i6tiènu cHli. lldgsau sacoudad b>'1 Capt. lila-, It s-as rasolvadetisatishe rage. bar meetings o! the Cancil for Che remuin- dei- of Che rar tiake place au ths fi-st sud tiid Teesdays a!f te month, commenciug naît mantis. STttEttT5AX ND PIttVEitX5.M Capt. Ras-e brougist up thse repoXt of the Cammitte on sti-cets sud lmpi-ave. moerts, sud on motion, te Caunoil s-eut mn Cammittea oaieit s-oleChaeauo. Mi-. lladgsonintbe Chair. The repart stated Che Ineasurement of the laimber at 1). S. Way, as fui-m ais--s certaiîîed ta 1kb correct; dotailed lte aanuts appropraited for improvernents lu the niffercut îvard,-dea.cribiîig the pa- ticular places s-bei-on the expeuditure s-as madie, sud concludcd by i-egretting Che Commaittee's iuarbility ta recammonti the petition af Jas. Rice sud aChe-s for drebr- ing a portion of i>unia-'asti-cet, but i-oam- rnuded thse appropriation af a 'znail an ta carr>' ai the surplus s-ater Chai-eau, if necessar>'. 'h'o report s-s discu".eîl ut some length. During the disrissiou Mr. Macdoneil l hm: cd thse Coanrittec fornoua draiuiug tisatpar. tien of Bi-ock street near Mir. Dos- , us cona- teauphateti by the Concil of thse precediung year. Capt Ras-o sud lte Nayor expliarmud Chat the' fauît o! not doing so la>' sith Cthc mcm. bers o! tite Centre %Vard tiserselve5s -that thue quaestionvsspaît ta Mn. MPerso- member for the Centre Warnb sud une of the n,,rnI bers nf the' stannh-ing 'mmittee n Overs 13. F-RANKLIN 5CLUr-2ND IXtuSîo. F.'Souper-. '.. -ôbSNua-se, r- Clark. S. Chsterfield-. 3 b Nourse, e Nout-sa. J. IdeTavisis.. ..- 5 b Boyntau. W'm. Clinie .... 14 b Naurse. F. Cubitt . 4 b Boynton. Dr. Reeti- -2 h Boynton. J. lel-... 6 Neot. L. Brooks ....ib Boyutar. J. %lc.Nu'try ... 2 h Boyntan. M. (>dell-....C b Bcynteui, c KiîUip. StJ. Hulujuson 0 b Naurse. 37 Bvss--------7 LegByes'.*.i Widaa . i. Total b' Ch in'gs..81 Ove-s 15. ONTARI to r-IST xia 1R. Clark...24 b 'Cublt. J. J. i)avidsou - 5 h Odl e Dr. Ree. Win. Boyntau. .86 b Cubitt. J. Pliillippo ....54-r7aot. C. Nourse-..19) b Dr. Iteon, c Brook. R. Ysruold. .. .-() b Dr-. Reet. T. Las-lai-.....4 b ta. Juo. Kiip--O h. ta d. W in. Bnss-elb.. 0O iun out. T. Stuilis - O.. stumpet oct. Byes.... 9 tog Byes. . 1 Total-...154 Ove-s 40 Tisa Ontario Clais s-n lunaura inriluge snt 73 i-uns t-o spare. Franklu-Captaiu. F. CuhitI, &q., Unu- pi re-J. C. Sutton, Esq. Ontario CaptainC.'No une, ERq., Uru- pi-c-R. fH. as-t!der, F.sq., Sr-orer-e-J Clai-isEsq. è Uxbuhdge Couricil. Pua-suanitea djournmou tishe Coran met art1 Lieut. M. Cisapman's loCal, (aaeodO, #)n Tuesdta' tlOis mt., tisa members all pi-aseutý .xcept Mr, SItarrart. The Clark i-asthie minutes of Int meet- ing s-bl e -re appa-oveti ai. -- Tisa Rueeerasn reada lutter. fi-rn b.e Reevu o! Pickerilng . ppoinling Salat-day ltae 1415 instant for lisedAmy a! meeting o! tise Ruees. anti Local SuparintendeutS Oet lbose ts-o Towshsips for tiseu- pnmosao tisaolving s Union Scbool bets-ucu tbam. lieailsoeMd a. letter l'omthtie Reeve of SSot4 infaamîug hlm tlrkt- lie Coùunil et :Scctlhad approprlatenl certaian aya on tise Tas-p lina bats-eau Scott sut Ux- br idge, fisat-dur te meet a 11k. appropria- ies s-iich hadi ise msaie..ont thse saneý i-cadis>'tise Cousail of Uxbridge. Tise petit-ions et Scisool Sectios ons.&1, 2, , 45 8 Il ad 12 pt-ayitng fer speciai ammer ts-aIve laid onthtie tablet. .At ibis saeof e! Cl.-proceedinsaMr'. 18.88.NOTUSANÇD CosmmESTS EA.8%D FOR Ms- DE.$ B is: Terolute, Aug.1~ 1858.' M- Macdont.U's by-lsw passe4. 'PROTacTIor. or t-esu PX Ma-.Mndaneirs by.las- fo, Ibis puîrpase PISse& s-EIGaor ai- a .a. Tis 8by-iaw s-asjuge&. ATLANTIO TtLitOSAYt., Mr-. Trenusyne for Ch.ealébration e! tise avant movati s resaietion, requesting lise Mayoa-!0eprocam in, IllumInation b> tise' buhabitanisa sdsvote of $2U 4y'tis.Tes-n Council for fi-e s-ai-ki t ta cmmemom-ae tisa eveut. (at. Ras- 'à aved asu amajîduseuttia tise Inerbera of tise Council subseriho tise amOunteouta!fliseir os-pochett. SMa-. Maconell agrec in tir h.Captaiu'a auteudment, but s-ould -,fui-Cher suggaal t hat tise Mayor- sud Captain Ros-. obltis subscriptous for lise purposo. Mr-. Watson agreed lu tisis sud s-ould go' for Înoving s vote o! lbaarks ta tisa Mayor- sud, Captain Ras-e for thiai- t-ribla. 1 Mr., Treayne aa te tshdt-aw bis rasalutio ansd s-bU.e ngagea -inbuwtiting out au amenduteut, tise Council adjaurueti. Cricket. A frientil> match s-as played on Tiusra day lat s-oek, buts-eu tise Ontario Club o! Witby, und tise Franklin Club, (Dur. lington) o! Bos-manvilie. Tise Wbitby club provedth ie rictar b>' long-adda, bast- ing, tise Bas-ranville people lu one inuings s-lth 73 i-us ta apure. Tise fallos-iug la thse score. FISAXKLTY CLUR-lsrT MNINI5. F. Soa'per... 4 h Bo>-ton. F. Cubit-...5 b Noua-s. J. MeMurtry .. 3 hbayutan, c Boyntau- L.Breaks. ,, 4 b Nourse. SCisstarfilti - - 2 b Boyntau. WVm. Clîrnie ....- 4 Net eut. J. NMcTitvisb.... 1 b Boyutau. M. Otieli-.....2 Run eut. D)r. Red ...4 b Boyntan. J1. Ileai .........2 h Naîtse. John Reed .... b Nourse. nely py 1ha1t the cote M.stie6W of our praspe -it>' mu>' ualbe long delayed. Is-ill net fart ta forwsrd te lBer fost- Gi'scless M.wt e Queen yctfa-idt-ea relaingto theýýr oftisheclaau'a Bay C Oomps u 'as s-ailatisaIbsosli- cits lier cod~tion for thse sciseuîof lihe Iuter-ColéiçWalFaùlaY! I paopeeln the course oftie recesto oinmunicalé -ilS lier Majeaty'a Govern- jauni' sud s-tIfth ie Governaents of oui- siater Colonies, on srnoê.ber m alter of ver>' rt *pqa-tancq.. liais deireus o! jnvit-: ng theh te d s - ilS uas e principias on s-bicis a bond a! a faderai à baracter 4tnitiug thte ProvfinçWe-fflChiska rth Arnerica mu>' peritapu saraftet- b. Prach I nos-releaseypq eroai r oi-labors >Yl protoguing lise preseuit Pat- Lartenl,.. Tite Ausembi>' then braie . On leaviug ltaé Pariamentitlhdlina lia Exceilene>' sas loudiy'said tepeatedl>' cisaered. Il n*o etmasfor meljuI to a uis.My bos- tIereaders o! ýtise On whca~ -on in1my ihumblse s-a>, I havaeudaavored ta lnutrest, int ud ut tintes amusaes-tth -My informai commenta, upan ttspssug a, long, sud 7b>' startit aud fils, te-, dieu, feiauïs anti ractiaus sessirn-.Fi-rn baviug da-agged s-b>' sund iscavil>' for five moutisa, iagnsiataon comrnenced -ils tise expulsion of'tisa Bras-n clique, ta ruah is sil an aimos aitsgaraus rapidit>', sud lu'a, fotnigisI, more teal s-k aiksu dan. than before, bunlise site nunîber of weeks. - I{os- aver, as tisa principal meastareshai beau fu>' discusaed, and al Choir good suad tiai quibittea del>' braugisl out, tises-as lom necesi->'for deas>., Tieaquit. anumbor o! membora bhcmme il, and ti isas feared sometbtng lunte shape o! a ahi faver s-ould break oct. Iuded this ad ha- gun te bu enletainedti iat tisa place s-as infested s-ilS s paisonaus atnoapitarôansd I arn tiipauiadti tbelieve tisera la sort- ea. son for lise opinion. Tisa collection -af iv.- hudrati persoan s ustisa t-nain, fer 10 or 127 itauis, otlo! ever>' 24 dering 6 moutis s-as enotagis t generate a pestilence, and 1 opine lisal al tise daika aisoîicti atken eut as s-aIl as lise carpets, curtains, &. sud exposeai la tise ater air for îveek, ho- fore ls> t ey au h fo trrd with a lean bill. I cunuint eaurerlata tis e tapassod aluce I lat s-rata you, fiai- ueti 1, as you s-ll sac tharu in tae list sauctiouad_ b>' is Ex- cahency vesterdt>. 'Tisa ci-emonial of elosing the Logialature s-as unusuail>' imposiug, arnd le. muse.bava beau ver>' gi-aifying ta Jus Excelle c>' ta have met sucit a mrultiturdaioaitise e po- pIe o!. loronta, assembled cicarl>'httshify Chair respect for bis persan and office.- Doubtlass, astise Coloniât ai Ibis naorning iutimates, tisa i-ceont emb-roilfenenat. snd tise rueau ttenipt ta fasîcu hume anFlils Exceliene>',s-han he manits special pi-aise, lisd tisa affeet aoftii-wing eut tira ma'uifi- cent audience a'iicis greetet isiaeyes in tise Hoîîse [tise Leglative Council Cisîru ber] anti ef giving cnei-gy ta tisa téinptstii- eus cisees ity wiihbis appro-eci anti de- parlueaqasgreetatihy tise outsiders.- Sarne idle sCories bcd beau eii-culatted of att intention on tise p i-t o!flise factions frieiîds e! Mr-. i-os-n, ta show Ilis Excellencv semae isiraspeet, burt tiscy tCoul coant.-il f pru- dence, anti net a boa! af thern s-as accu. And se, ended a Sessionu productive after ahi af soreaaitihever>' hast and most pi-uc- tir-aI manss eve- iutrodniuced. in a Cana- tisas Lagialalure. Oui- nietual augngament heing ennied, andi ta mituai satiefaction, I hava nos- ou- 1>' to a as>fies-ail. Yeurs, &c. COOY'. Pr aati oofParliamaut. &i-ECH FaROM vrII. covatasos CEXESAL. Parliamanl Buildings, Monda>', Aug. 16 At ana o'clock Chisa ftei-uean, tise Gav- aerorGeucr.d 'roceetie.the tsaParuiamant Buildings luntiahetusl stat-, for tise'pur- pose ai g-iving tise toypb assaut te certain hbis sud af pi-oregeing tise Parliarnent. On tire arrivai oaIl[is Exceilene>' rithlie Legis. hatihe Buildings, te mat s-iris n entliesiars- tic reception at tise banda o! tise assembledi- mulîtitude, s-ho graatcd hlm s-itis aepeaaad cisacrs. Ilis Exeeilene>' beiag seateti on tise Thi-one, sud baving srininerd Cire pre- serace ai tise Legisiative .Assernbi>-, linte name o!Fifer Mfajeat>', gava hs ussent teaa number o! halls. Tise Speaker ai Ch. Legialatire Aaçsembly uddresscdFlila Exehlene>' as folios-s: MVay if pIeass >p-ur Erellcncy- We, l'ai- Mfajoity's ndifiianti loyal subjacts ef lise Commons e! Canada attend yaur Excelien>' s-ILlt aur billai Stappi>' for tisa present ycar. On revias-inag tîte labo-s o!flise session itli -h hafoundtChat tise attention a! tise CoMmons bas been tii-octedtet measurs- for dirniihiug lise exponse sud deas> in Cire administration o! crfrninal justice, foi- tisa abolition cf imprisoninent for tebtinl certain casas, for tise ameudment ai tise las- relstirtg ta municipal institutions lu Upper Canada, for lise ievlsion cf Cteý tariT customsansd excisaes-itb tis a svies-o! msintaixaing tise publiecrecit, for setIIing tisa elective franci'se aud praviting for tise rogistrutian.-o! votersansdt- fr-regula. ting (lia raCe ai interast. Othar massues have aise engagred lthe, t. eUnion ofr ieas Aad Euope 1)7 taie- [Copyl - The Gpvernar Genarai of Eritioh.Na- Amarres preseuts bis humble duft>'te lte Qtten, sud respectfiully congratualâtes, Ref' Mi)jaaty ai tCh. completion of lte taie- grphie -communication, bets-ceiGi-est hutain sud thisese Clioraias EDMUND HEAD. - -Toronto, An9guat 16, il P. Y. Tisa Queeu's ,Message s-as ual compte. ted in thie abova despatais on accornt af s4ame repaIra beug made lu tbe Cabie At -Valentia, And-tise foliowing wa scub. quenti>' transrnitted: "ler Majesly dasires la congratulaté thé Pregideuî upon Ch. succeafel campie. lion a! tise gi-est international-ai-rk, -'lu which ber Majesly bam laken -tie.greatext interest. The, Qaeen lu cnviced that*Ch. Presidenf wiîl loin wilh ber lu fervéntîy itoping Chatlte electria cable wiicis nos- -connectsa iest Britan swl it.é United Stats sw-tiipi-ave an atidtionailink betw-en thse nations, s-base friendship ig faundad upon thisaI common interest sud recipa-ocal esteenu. -Tise Queen has is cc pleasure in Chias rommunicating s-li tise Presidaut, and l i-crnesfn gta hlm er s-isbas for thse pi-osperity ' tise Unrited Statua." STr. Jaiss's N. F., Auguat 7. 'l'h. Uuited States mail ateannshtp? "Arogo," C01. LUnes, f-rn Havre und Southamepton 28tis uit., passed Cape Pace At ire o'claek onu it a-ay>, p. mn. Tiese cres- ateamhip s'Ainglo-Saxon" from Quebec ou thse I7th July, ai-aived ah Liverpool on the ý27tb. The sbip "HleuCher Bell" bard ariIeti fl-rn Australia s-iis $i,500,ffxy lu trea- sue, - i .There hati beau soeainfkresting tde. bates lu Pst-hument Baron Rothschild '-as as-arn in-mas a rember o! the Ilouse Of Comrnuan sd toek bis scat at thse Monda>' morning sit-. tin, s-heu h. roted for ta flr-t lime. The Duke o! M:klakoii' had a-aceivad Air invitation from Lard Lyýons ta go lu tire Royal Albert, tise Flag l9itip of lte Ba-ritiais S'juadran, ta Chai-bourg. .f bhei-ehatibeau an exli-ardinar>' dis.- caver>' of aid coins lu France. filavy gaies bird beau experiauced At Livripool. Tiairteen vessaIss-eut ashai-a, but came off at lbe flood-ide. LIVERPtOOL COTTON MXA2rKE. - Tho adrices front Mantcbester- are favor- uhiLe. Ali qialtias a! goods, yards4,., bsid cansidai-abi>' adv*nced. Tisa Liverpool Breadstuffs mar-ket ha beau, genarahi>' quiet-The s-cater bird beeR favorabl e-for the ca-opa.. R. Speuca & Ca. report flour (fliat. WVestern Crtsal, 219 a 21s 6d. Phiia.deipbia sud Biti-. mare, 22&. Wheah steady. Ried Western, 6s s 6s 4d-; stri te southern, 6s 9d a '7a- e CudiI.Yclllas-,B3s; s-bite, 32s 6d a rRoviioN.& Tise Liverpool Provision market ws gaucrshiy quiet. Lard is fira-nsd itolders demauti an , advance. Good ifa.quoted aI .Sîîgrar ffrn;At a an ativance, cf 6d- Cofice ls quietasud nchauged. Ashes are quiet ut 85s for bath pots sud pearis. Consols Sud deciined sund ehosed, At PourT Hioo, Cape Bretoýn, 7th MAg., ,iS. Eairly- lut aveniug Ctelina bats-een Ibis place-aud Bad4ock ecaseti to wavk',ýd has but jiastUnnrepuired, and wse uaa*Ieamî ltait Cime line la als<> das-n Eip of Baddeck, aud braIs-eau liter. sud tspreyt Bay,.wlslck la tise point wisure ls the esfoundlaisd Cahia ta eonnached s-iltiste land line. Active tasures have been takeue ta bave lise lino pet lu arder, but thei>' îuy aoccîtp>' ail day te-zuor-os-, awing tsQ lie long distance belwee the. teiepraph stations, snd tise nature of thse ceenuy-y w spee.ýliSesteaorthi TheCu~pt tbis day (IZir session o! tise ta brougit, fors-at- are tiserafore unI as an ils moitis b. ratsei b>'1las am utnt aud tlu lo e b.pi-att>'gent out the County, tle dtiblt tisati meata lb. kwdet-,' ;picîzeesl>' .1 b good cause a sue- Aor 4j haie bis p . A. * t' v , pres Prie -MMI. , -77 RESIOXATION aOP XFMc.SACKEN5ZIE. li-. Macenzie gave notice ltaIt, signet. bis seat; anti, on 'motion'cf Mi- SCiiton, s ne - Wit o! ahecîlon for tisa Count>' sas oadrea RnOBERTY. eautrr.AT.- On motion of Mi-. NoanamsuAddres ta lis Excellane>' lie Go-ena-a-reraI, spaking favorable ai tise daims ai Robai-t F. Gourla>',s-us adopted. Ab.- Ewarijl GravaI Road Mcheame Cou. dcmnad. Thee Reeve sud Deputr caîhei no Reaign. The foiloriug saCte i-aoIittioua passet aI public meetingsbhat aIEpsoand utAsis- berri, on tisa Gýravai Hast Scere ta ho brougisi ferurd at tîre Special Session o! te County Council, wlîicis ire hava roceir. et for puîblcation. T tiste Editar aofCire Winitty Claruile. 1 CCira, Arigust I i, 1858, i)aiRs Stp,-Wi'l yoîî do us tise kintines to publiis tha-ougis yoer widehy cireulmissl paper, tise proceedituuga a!feue of tise lai-eaI% meetings avrr elti ii tiis county, -hîcis took place uat Epsomu au Sataardnry hst; said umeeting hoingaesla ti >le i-ste pavai-s for tue ptirposa o! takiug juta coiiaidcration a cera-CiraGravaI le-ad ar-bere prasposedti t ho car-ied jutoeaffect b>' certain Reeves sud Deput>' Reeves o! thi.; tCouoty,- heu tise frllos-ing resolu-tioins s-aie carniet fort>' Ca Movet hy A. B. MeDonail aud sacandat b>' J. B. Campbell, Chat Chia meeting leairns witis deep regret Chat aur Reeve sud De- pat>' Reave liais y senie nicaun been lu. durc-dtot.. ale ansuuns-airentable -inrove for Gravai Routsaut Ibis parlicubar r-riais anti financiaI arba-i-ssnraat, atepswic-isichIis meating disapprovea of lu tise strongest tairs, tiserefare bu il D Reaadaed: Chat hes.Rervansd Deput>'1 Reece isaving violattat evet->'pledge -given1 at th'air alectian, andti Utreb>' bat aur cari- fidence,s-e s-ould ruait raspectfuli>' cau otiser Ca tender ta ibis Towshiip tiatr trust-h;ci a ssdelegatedt t îiarnb>'tisa rat. paye-s ut lte lest electlon. Carried, CHIARLES MARS11, D. mkECIERCiairan. Sei-eta-y. Tisa folloaving resobutionws-as caried 'rînanirnousl>' nt a berge meeting at Asis- hurn, on lise 1itt instant: keeulred : Chat ilu le opinioii o! Ibis meil l a inexpedient lu tise pi-isutI stt f h inuanaces a! tiis Coutv cap- prapriste au>' usemao! mono>' for lte built.. fng o! leadtig Gravai Bauds Chi-ougis ibis Qouul>'. Cenied unanuimovgIdy - Wf. IHEARN, - Charman. "4.aggmag" VeraIts-. Wo ara perfocti>' contpenteti that 1the 46 Jvkitby Chroaicl.," sisauld ais-sp affard1 a subject for the irtà ple product4mo! -l'Ontar-io Tnes"Tisacomplimient-aI. hsomagis îrniuteuîfoaa-ia lu resliiy'a gi-astfarar. Ii asecisa tavrow sever, as. s-e cannaI agrea Ici reciprocate ;--à rsei eau ahi>' condescend tanotice the7 21Vmei s-banwsebavenlotki#r$ ais.tawrite ahsat. It is almoat' eusneassary tisaIs-e should contradiet the "Gaagging" statemetii"tbu hast issue oai»0liteÙr&Y, il heurs lte stampý adalisod, on!ils face, sud la qui te of a *co s-ith th tis îraity o! Chat Journal on ail previoe5 Occasion&a Byeq .......- . Leg bys .I Total ... 35' ti a, ti i