iIf Provicial Assurant~e Compa»5Y. CÂPI25iOQ, ý;SjjZA0Eeffete unBcildls and thoir otents.Everv iformtionlsupplied on applivation to the uhderslgnod.KEL> R G~real . *d4g 4gmiss/r 11m4.b. q Orjaeo. Ufllciei-'V ldi3tagro* Street, British AmerigftAsrsuuceVoepaIsr INCO1W()UATEI) nudrir an Act of tlio Third Sessioni of tho EIëen'eth Provincial PUrtîs lment oftipp ctulaada. (jAPITAL 1 00t008 Itsurace effcted onIi aingus ad tiair cotns evcry informa.tionî supplied on Sp Il!srxinc lisks fur thie bougoni or for Purta. JOHNAGNEW, Travelling Agatît, livron Street, Whitby ProtedtiÃ"*a ainsut ILOOSandmuDamage by Fire. WESTERN ASSURAINCE COMPAN.Y, CAPITAL £100,000. IgXUIIANC'R aiYceteIon Baihdilgesud tbiur conitiit*. Every itrinîtiu pplied con app1liction to tlUi iaîlriigned. 1011N AGNFW Travelling Agiii, Byron Si rect: Wh by. Times aind Beacoîx Assurance Conp'y. TNIRN effcteiltd on Buildings and thair .1 oîai>.Every Iiîîforuntioîî supîlied on atpplicatîoii to thiijumderselgrd JOliN qÀt-5NEWV Travelling .Xicîît ami Snrvdyorof Ri8ks, Byron Street, Whithy. LIFE AND IIEALTU ASSURANCE. Thse British Americasi Frieudly Soçety of Canada,. E STABLlSlIFDt FOR TULEXASLTRANCE 0F iaLita antd lelth.Iîcw:.td by Special Aet of Prlliiint, 18 Via., lip. 64. CAPITAL STOCK, £1UOOOO. Iliad OfffSt Montrea.ý GîExrîî.o. AGEN~T R Csi. W., JAS. BUmLîan. Lu.tAa~,JAiîxs IloDuîso-;, Whitby. R.'.Clark M. D., Medital Refere,ý WHITInY. 't ~iri>oicice ilecttiear .upen Ielastisor Fat'orjliolfl ii very inforiiatlou 5forded I' t!ise L'out 'dAgent ai hUe O)bce. WIE SCH E3E FOR TUE CURENT vkitratwi01remluuisopeiato nsw Lttants ouly iil NIOMND.&Y, tfic ftitAPRII mixi. Oît tlîst . l bBuoke wi11 le mati p for tha %t1h Auactal Balance, and TU PVt lDCtH1 0 R NEIY YORK WEEKLY PRESS, IFAMILY NEWSPAPERt. day. A large or mixttieoîîîa(otdf ' iita m l ter, ai ELEOANTLY ILI.USTRATFÂ>Eîcr BAXERY AN» C4ONFECTIO-ARty, un~rs~ne l pctir~tasupply Tovu s l"rge su istock. Look at il sud comPalO tho pr'wca. whoLsae y -obolx or A GJ'Tarnfh.rom50e', te $1000 OS to U Spacial Agent fer tIe cdc et' Oyste, whtualo been t-qdimbcr)eýO rceptfby tise mu or keg. be rsa toiracissmdncr7eroo eeeiotcf . JAMES 'BATESI thse sitb.gri'ît;ixîsuony. Oua coetpy for one voir, iîd 1 gUif.... e,2 Po i'hree cOap.te oe aur, suda i~ .. sr o Five copies oua yesar, aud 5 gifle ý... 8 0 Ten copies one yesr, and 10 gifs ...-.150 Twotity-on copies oe syear, aud q.1 gifle, 86 00O Canada Stibserihars innst send 16 conta oach, la addition 'to the above rates, te pîay theA tuer- lesa postage, wlieh uatîst ha pre-liaxd. The artieles ho las distrlhnted are coinprieed u Iltullf'à iiî loIt- 1 Uiiitcd ',tata-% Trassnry Note $1000 00 2 e do do -t OO0O00 0 acli o tic do 200 00 escli 10 tdo d(10100 0ou acIi 10 1>,titeeilIcr Iliting caad Wiheh-liý.................lîta 05 easci 100 Gallo hc............... 50 atchi loti Lqliceu-141 Mtcllel...... 5 05 AO ecil 2h, Silver iitiat : 'a ahilîes, n (10 CAsi aotIlvw Wà to!i, .... k D3W te 20 Ott eucli tom (liirnard test min foib chii. '. ...... .. .... 00 lu 3o050 cascI 10ION îlipetietnil, 41lienuilsi. 5 00 te 13 OS sôcli ,Gold Lockeltý.iraeetBroteclies, Ear Drops, Bresat Pins. t'1f iii,. 1Sieeve Ilîittîint. Rings, Shirt StîidaV tîKy, (441 and ila'ar Tlîiîîlles, an I a ' .!rie-t y ni ear articles wortlî freuî 50 aIs. tW*4-' uOÃ" em I. Ouracaipt of the sîîbscrîpttou noneyt t e îb- scrihar's nanea'will habcutcred pi mr blieut opposite a n ieiiltagSarai..îiî witilithat inu. 1 eîlbe fetrwrda'l itiîunue wetk to iu>, loiist or arpress, poeî ;iuîd. Therc ha uith Iii lnbthig or lottery about tUie abov'<. aag erY snsriber le sure cf a prize of aval le~. W'N rfer to rumîka thie libersl distribiutioni xiiloug t iin îstead tof eiixa large onainiagsinti t) agents, g i-sg tle sub- sarîhar the amxnnnt thaI would got )4ain sud iu'rnili'u'ca e. a1inîndr îf1m 1j Ail coiîliCuilaiOlson ît ldbu sîlressod ta DANIEL ADEE, Pranixisin, *~' 211 Centre Street, Nrt YarIk. ENGRÂVING. septemuher MOI,187. - NOTICES. NOTICE OF PARTNERSUIP. E IF.Uiiler.îireM licrebv cive notice that ..l tiiea. li iii d:o e iintu Part arship &c., under the st. le ni cd hFirii fAlbra Vindin. .TTNF. ALTILO. E. S. VINDIN. IXIIFF.fENCFT TE.\OE We lez flfaro.i.r i i .î'ic Ipublic ge- icurli' . l ui îîî..lun (Otitre ltrc for .Alciti'. 'lso, a.oi- 'I ar1 i s i xhreeeipi uilîl sale of l.liliblkttt h *-.4.or nlivr >îpca and ie tri-t h.% :01À,101,1n luili aittter.. pl&ced in oui La t riivril and ubtain theil coiuidc.ve and r'îpï%lt. Afli1to &VINI)IN. Port llpt, c. :ue. 1. .49 l4th Divison of 'Profits. NOTICE. AU iiielinddith1tseinmSifllrank au o one .e oNrhus nt'rea F Thrslonger stanrdig tlsc, aamloer Ent. t.T MrcasnmdFr r. traiht.q, <sud e>ll patsstjPau 00W YdlIE i )iigimtrietr taiiu lui: frian cadi r o t~ae Da-iai ms raf ~Pr/lt. - heul îl tuNi le geiieruîlla' lie i istkm L Il .4A'ttHIATIoN 0F S'OTLAND-iLLs oitnîletî it, uid ulwrd by Royal I-At'2'T 1ILL , ('lutrter anduAtlof liirliadicîît. sud frmcri> rtetimîe.d hy lMt. F, Hunt , ucar Mi)N'TREAI,-9 i urat St. .iînts Strcet. - llroairiuani fritti luis long' sud isel kauno E 111 I;lîl il A îainsBuildings, Priîî- eîrh'îfc lun tua h ill lxith.ll. xps by casa Stî'%t srxclepîtxaî tiatitnelnîl.e trit n sUsie L5)NDION-2I King 'ViiîuStreat., llt o sttiiWà tIi'~arm)n'ag. Iiahllcuiîiattention paiti Eiaarc~lyu~oaî anU.lusthie a'iiinp toraIl lii11N ii. I î Msru'u-tiî, 'uînrs aurtI ciera qwisiing 'us mloriS(le i ooii tc'ut witÀ m alen t rll. Acal ailIl 'mie secrcmity. J)SHERFP LAND SALES. Il. N. NEVILLE. Aiai- luit teruaîty îîîîd euiioas svstanîa c fût SIIERIF;'9S SALE 0F LANDS.- N TICE Assuirance' IticcIiltC.l uIlie puieno!tieuthatN0T1CE i' thie L te Amseîintlun rf Suu,laud ia undtusi-' cdl>' welntitvd'al ho i erolaiýUastacos f tie ma- 1AVING pirsisatheîf üctira it 'ýk ocIl7. Jority o îsf aa iti eilimiet A.ianpeFtas îs E1 1I ic1a ,& Qu., lxii ui addition cf evidattt r ix ntlîî'rapt I îimliixxlmit itîcreassa cf thlmc'aica t lis.Duriug the laî t trec Z- eJ A Ne'w'Stock, -M ears i4rmn. hlieis' lai' ieapaiîiuarsls of Tierewfltr u:lv-ibtw auge mt! Tiuîsand lNaw 1Iitriîti, asnuriîg tuteir liaes r iii'flîtoi'usul ho iat i'augiieiitira sali' fotr îîaarîv o illiiinI'ottîds Sterling'. i zttcn o l Uoru> unr is ItîEs n&ct. limie of tht' li»sn4cfpstnerslip. They' tae e.Cotterv W)ttvÀic, (TI'Y V4RTUE OFh A I roeakhiui, Nox-einouer hîttis, I147. 4n freni nl trespniit- aî iecmaAsrd To Wl: î > arit of Flan Fuicias j -- arc gitittelina axo' evetit. . 81ise utit cfIlIer bIii*jcstv's Oiit*tv ourt, of, CIRCU'LAR. s"ixuctAi' t5rur I ANVL MEETxING:a direcleti, igairîst tUa liiitI. iiultetartnuttafc i îE Stilacriher, o extîtring froîn the Met- lýIViEa--u i'ii u tw ttuuhrimf.. li21lThoins'iull etrî, iiudantt aIlleueit cf curutle Iniuia.lego b oretîtru thaimlc te 951N145 4sUl'l-----------..... ,1i,760t'X. lavinia T[irooli, plsititl'. Isuve siZEd i î ii.u'remus ea iuirco en, il utieutafor tha lib- ANNI:A I, NOhruprtauntakeaitu exectitimu, in"l tise aStittElandalutec'4ef eî uIi tt'inteIiîini sritila iii itîsiness stl itrat......... ...£24,1St'g. tte saýlit ulas Sulishitrirmnn l r-r tôr'i'lIu liaus tluinuriilIrI sindebtaul te Ili by CAl~2.. ii ctili i- houuaiiîsi- ieluilî,4 eiirsiitu tlirii- rtniiv laîti ptaîtiiiii.. ........ £twomOsO Sg. 'iena .î t1na-isal u tiIxi rna-n Bock Accouais, Notes or Mortgreas, rTe Association a iusi -' rc îr..,a'îî~U f~ Nui lm 'id ttatiùL. Terc s agoýj ban 1 iv I apast e ltat ho lira large psy- 14n isdUtl2 eealR-aceofLment-4In ho cdet teariy dtes, anti thiat ewiugle atrchisiscumisuiuulî i ()Ise l îxi Asaîrctives induuilciituil l mi iitl t leo tO itehemni etiiises.- .tcr, iti e iuctssr> anudr coitrriuig nK.uival - iiiiorUtuîulfaciliticsA .lse ihaitt1' ÃŽ,ýlit 'iion ut<uside rtf Fi rst Street f-er î:iru ie le ale -i 4)eal nt anti prii-ile4re'ie, rt.are graxteti byno othar aith a spluuutt id Gcrden, ' .ubrtit.tarjdo .h û - lii ieto i i s'It t natalu ite, 9sia wsricîîlanuis mand, tasîsmaents or tesaut de- ~ naieilahllIn mcauiopt Assurance fiulaCaaai'. nu't ie I tluuoutn t de te Ulîuî, mtlrusiste fie D'ItECTÃ"RS. for saisut tny Office, li*the Court fliese. ait the coialtel tititi tUahesaete hire ABer- J.GMstc,tizr, Esq. G. MoFrsrvrJa.Ea Tos'mm o! Whîthy, itiithefilanty cf <Onta.rita, c iefrcllcim Dnamo ToRaÂteciu£ Eoqr 1 Am.mx. Mioui, ksq. Meuday tUe Tua'aity-sncitxul day of Septeuihar WithoUt F'urther Notice, SJOLîcrroua.-Metssrs. 'rneo & Morris. nat, a1 Iwel've e'lOCI, ucosa1. Muuaca.<enxmu-l4l'ltltmt'5d, Esq.,M.D NELSON G. RE"£NOLDS, ich iîiilt i ot bs ilais tam Wdo, and dlfferant Bacasn.ia.-Jauias ratît Shaiff, . o. fronai arliat liaeUsaIiitIrrlctinli; but truaintisa Sharlff's<Sferif,,hitUo. îpraseuit aî.laîrumiwe i-astpayxnants, lhe niwt Bt ay', AGETS S t 9 fleWity lîam u alie see o tuetuter cone la left hLi WrMaTB-Mý%r. J. liainePeoy ue24 3u~ ite pirraua. Uc trists tîmat al it n4fc the ne- BowxA -gi.IrMr P.FI., iltriarlo Bsu [, a' ue fLmda esî>iiittulig lx',e itt i s amae cots. NEwc&s'rr-Sýitnutei WiIotkank cf Tcreuto WILLLIMLAING. OenriWA-W. H.11Iilliigs, Solitor. -WlîiIbvOclobIaer 27, 1s57. 41 11oimr llor-M--r. James E. Wash. Mrchant. ____________________NOTICE TO CREDITORM* Pýrovi'ncial Insurance Comp'ny *DMrac Ue ' airutct crn 0F W. ONTO, C. W. Cotori' or Ou'rsauo, 1 [)'VMITUE OF A 1 t aMrcîî tiut- Irl, titsllîc ,ntlasignadà SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $1,981,780. PAID UP1 CAPITAL, $120,256. P,<Siii4-J. S. lHoward, E&q. Yo-radu liHon J. H. Canreron. DIItECTOItN; thlon. W. B. R»obinîoxi, F_ FAVi ttemcre, Esq. Guo+a. flnggaui, Jr, Esq. Georze Crawford, Esrm. J. S. Howard, Emij. J.Caiiiieron,Esq.M.P.P TV. L. Perrin, Esq., A.M.Clark. Esq., XLD. lion. J. Il. Camaroum DuucaaiM"adoullEsq iChptalun P. Wallsce. J. J, Woedhouse>, Asimat Seretera. eakere.-Toromto-City Baunk o Monitreul-- New yYork-Bank cf Ithe Rapublie. Soleiira.McsrsDuggsn & Br.' Miead Office, Toronto Street, Toronto. by ibis Co<pay atita vaions Agesîcis,!as Well una% tihe H.ad OtUo,ua i w ratee s aa n-ly yrpa0s~etbl 6Offie, and AUl lomSo promrp tly set.~ lrokors sud otliers a1ll6ud a cusmsion of Fi. KELLER. 111 Ageît Omas mt ae.iO. i ovl! Remoni1 e s ubsribeur cannai ho surpsod nla hoê attention of ltae ushlic.',t Iia<mél siss ut oetlIer lMuîjeaî,y's Ceirt oet <Juaui Bonc5i, utni mto, uud to ea uuiractedi, aguimut th isa balidt taxîaxsuts ot Blisai i iodez iWhlct lakar, tWéutmeit, auithe uit lof iloutouis l'axtoni, plaititi. I1tiave seizeti aanin axacntiou &Il Uice ctate Ur iutrt o' f thea sii Bnci uood- ait Wlattnkcr bu tUat certain part or In" ocf land, beint etuposed -ofV IîgA Ltsnatmbr sixty-oeeasd sixt-tire on itua Soîxlu Ide «cf Qusemi strctaud Lots nembar seisity.oensd aeveîty-twc ou thuaNorth iode of Mui treet, in tia Village of Port l'arts in tisa Township of Rasas, l lis Ceuît>o'(>jui-. Ail wi hs lâasss sdtaënuîoek-,' or tUe saiti defenant'a estate ant initoeiastisaeraixi. Icl cha t ff orsalo sluay Officeri lte Court ntaud h te Town cf W4itty, lu the Cutat>' çîf Oetmrio,- O04 Saturly 1EglitCoetk 4d'x §8ept.y, NELSON G. REYNOLDS, {lnîisOffice, Whulb"y, C. O Jue 17, 18u8. 23 1 - - -- ------- - JOHN MAGEE, Ofthie Tmi\vnluilt Of' Witiy, un Ihe coiiuty cf Ontario, Yaouiau, for theiibondcit cf e ucila etatl- tors as tutu> licite pirtiçca tiarateuler'tisa cumniti»aaiscai.i atto)rtle, beton thie Iraitinay cf Jian, 155. SaieliitOf«5rsigxuutNe là ist-tfica eiicegin, te44,.- Whitby, for sita'-mr, cïihf f ý' a toreestatiara ra 1<>à dg N. G. fl'A3M,&4 p e L Lo n e U av e i leasmâta l saîdh. n 1i. t.. iý ý" pieoskîfai,- Weênesdayi, lSth Sept.- 1858. <if (*irfoi'd, PÈN -vwryhkgÀbrase front 80 b D285 acres. fÉ e sse t îaf ayomet will be no-fltbcif the *~ho ~puralhmfri ce luncash ut tise limeof sale, su tsebaifthecira eiglit- asntaI $istalluriets, witb intereat aI six -per cent. parann. 'PlmeDprtatrasrves ta itself thi. tmo*ÃŽr of attaeting ta any' lot t the lime of gale, tbe obligation onthé part <f lihs urehser te psy for iniy' mieveuienit -which mae' bave bies nmdetheemonmilrvîtysly te thse bcrvey made tay ~ ~ ~ q F.Pru~, s. 'ovluclsl Surveyor.- Tesnt. cf ai' 1:1i aiill in i ec b cahaddd la thse aipr a 'luatan -of tl sad. Amn Agent, or par,..imu 10 cen-ucnttire ale, 2011 bc aj Acdi, ai lasat tour tisys befoerthle date of Ibi sala, foir th u îAitoe ol* stording te lum taudinfg putre1lussrs sucadirer particulars as tnsy bç rpautieal. Nt. persei uriking-n bild st thc sala will tbc aed -ciau prchaieser, nîeasha or s>Ia as -%vithin 24 hetr atter sms'lî bld, have signectiau artIleof sale sud perchailo, sa i sd for lte irat ili.3auilt. S Linmpgrabie lalun, lîaing the varions Lots and tUii respaativa Conitente, are uow bclng rpaa , fr sause u('tinîîcîdl rgpîaeagers sud they 11 hp fspplilti et the ndian (Offices lu 'Prct, u 'est tSarnia, aIse at the Office cf the Prc4QWype ia tha aity nflA)nudon. R .PENNEFATHER, Indisu Pepartmact, Toronto, J ai% 30, ]tS. 29 Tît-ozirma. itrd July, 1858. I î'isnem imiýtai ilie tma-nhip o' NortuiAI. gous, ailil bis aireraq <or Saluieupon applmia le 10 lthe Ri'sidm't;h1iurxi, MArSî1'. IsaR-iNC, E.e<ratr. ors sud ntetrtise 'lWESNlrï-FtFTII of' NE'NT MNTi1 at Flic 5 tmitiizcsper sceau oxet e1ist'lt 1.aid- is.armd tti ranitaimuder in lotr qîîîmeluialtirtiiiiris.witlî intesrest- 'l'e pircsr i rmslme.oeu the landîm, aud tb 11-st to mdaratser rop t alsaI lin ar(e iininni> fir mch ue iiiire(t acrus rlrriîg tuie tIraIn lite yuru. Nu, Ilim1' r t,' teciii mac ri,usoi eut. li'csn der LiCnc ,ec1t S' i.-4t-xirîpa.iaes. TOWN$lIli11' Ot it->t'liTîl AI.G1NA. lai "1, 2i.3,4, .3 11rd 1 , 2, 1., 4 t', stI. luuà ,1. 19m. 5tIî "1, 12,th, 44, e,7 . S, l10 , ,12, 1 1, 14, 15 , 16 91, u.21 l, 21. 22. Gtî 30, 1 , X: Sti ~ '27, 2ý,,29. u.11 jdt. - 101h 4&6 25,i1 0.4, :il, :'2. lthi 1 0 e , 'no 1, 2 ! ANI)RENW RUSSELL, TO CONTE ACTORS. T END)ERtS :Uitî' iteti rcte of a Cl'IZT lii U andtii JAIL xteach tf the tollowhig pliiîco, la: Industrie; Soral; St. Etianine (di t 1i lii:iii, St. Gerniaiui ,cIv. 0 Mîantmtgxi% st. .houîp!î tie1: 1 st. 'liritist c i rt:îaîk Neai-elsatiiillc,iii îbcTie i c opft Durhams; st. l-;teiîîîhiv st. Jâliii; Tha Tatîdlers, :saed d ud cicurstender ~r the oeuîahiof at s l atsd Cotir', I-esa i ,~' ddrééscate tînt underigu- el, anmd contaixine tUe,- usineis cf two solvant par- ties wiseare willixagi q hectie secxrity for tise due performîau~nce oflte work a lit ha received mntil WEDNMIDAY tha- FIFTEENTrU cf. SEPTEMIIER viNt. 1 i Plans anti S1eclfiaa- tiens cftli îtlixg can ha sceauend sny fur- ther isfrtnainn ebtahnuthi ieOffice-at tlist of Mr. P.,Creuvrianu, Quebec-4i'e LsciiineCà usl Office, Mi ntre's-Mr.. 8yuimsa' ffice, Titre- Riversa nd.at thie Oficos cf the Prothonoitariça cf eseh of the bovc-naucd places raspctivruly. - .By Order, THIOMAS A. I3EGLY, - .Sec'y. Public Works. Deponý Publii Worko, 2 aroeto52ud Jsty; 1853. - Toronto, 23rd Jnîîy,1858. N OTICE',ix iere hy' given, tlattie niser- meùutiduede'otïs la the County csf Itafrew, U. C., wiili e offarati for sae b> Aneiman, 13>'tise Rat;iauit,,AgenI, Wes.imsx itnms, F*qeara, at - Auagstima, near Raufrew, anlise -TWESTY7- NTH of noaxt XONTh1sst2NOO. I IIORTONr 7th Con. WU8, (4F.) - Ist cou. W 3'2,(e)W j.-'26, S.Sd>-4 5tIth -&. w 2,(5U.) 611h' W X, 12, (os. Sd.) 71is " W î;< Sa-t~) E 1-1'14, (4s.) 11th 44 W 6,C(4(fi8d.) W'ýj ,(6s.a8d.) 'Ist -Con. 8 s- - .NDREWVRiUSSELLI - 'Taronto, 23rd Juif, 185vL O!T 5 liereby kiven tblia heunder- t méei éd uds ietheCoaii - btWollpng- Ann, U C',11 llie offered terrfwe by AueSAe FOR SALE$ A mnfortable a Fiilv Rl tidarice sitiiated lu t tlîe Vilage rt( vmpol ltuI fPciik- ering, Sdjriniig IboFreuchnîians Il ay Statinl -of the (Grandl Trîmk Railwiî>, 13 iiilts freIn To- route, ceemining cf a Cottage costainiag Mineta Roomia wîth ûatari conveniauce raqtaisi4te; a larze Ban asdtltUl'e ntasiieil ; a xiuuî-er îxuilig of niwa. ter; tlie Grounuti rc tftc'tuiia il oeil, suni pirtrd u'ith Sî4bade rrî'a- ule, laigaGardera weil srtaslîd wit Fruiit Tîsucal , hic wbnîace-ývers two auras cf Grounil, ud itiulUctiirpas-tod lu the Tuwiîîl pof licar'xa titï cissveuf- ence sud teadv fta as ýtote Ii wiiat. Tcruas tmade easy. }tor torthair paxticehiir niýly Ira the subsaribar, Ycorkîilie ; er te Mr. WNilliam PIurdy upon thea pramisas. a-siu gitan furthi- watb. Yorkville, May, ie.1 Farm for Salo. 2O00 A'IZES OU(SS' LENDII) LA-,%. LOT 10, lu luth ('enession of Thorah ; 15- Acres cleîîred. Thiîs Farin i-4ciînatad wilhin four ruila-s 4-f Beavcrti n mnthse traîvel road le Mars; the land is of the he-at qîndity, and is lu thc centre cf a gond ..ttlenct, with s Schel', sud s Sswuiill couvanlient. AIse North hlf of Lot 4, iu thse loth Conces- sion rî# Thnorih, conciitna eofi95 seres -la2cf whiich arc alearcd, snd fr(ntting on tha'l>rtsc- Readt, near 'smcerou's Mill. noarfli- pe<nses sui agooul t4eliiôl i,4aithîlu a Ahort dfltnce.Tliera art. 17 tîres u Sof iîi' teilot. Ti-.La Lsk of exiiteIi.aiit qnalily, anui-1 la aitiin 4 nîmi fid t'îUiiga \'Villsgi-. For fuir- i thar paatintrs5liy ta' GEORGE MIIRICK, tii the prpemie, Or te ('luronre Oli.-e, 117, I 1. I ReaIs, July 27,18. i-tm. Splendid Farm asid Premixas fox Sale an lViithy. IIAT excellent tarin tIsa îirn perty f'%Ir. Twiwlaii ylai, hainz COtiipKose ci parts f lots 15, IA andi 17, lu th' 31-d lCon..(if W'iirhy, enrîtaiuiug 150 sre"a, iiriy :ill claîîrcutsud frac tfoein stmma p S. TItan'Ãha a goorl dweîling homm-e, haa, )aLsandîîlmit-11<mmi.aonmthetia reîîlaî'n. uALso s guoti oraliard aniriu aritmsi. T liteaare abott30aisaofi'excellaent a'rmîilonieha cut -ÃŽiirt. Tha lat iia i aigU sutle of aulhi'<atitîm, Ilîca le agool atramito rîiiîîig tlirotmgî No 1#;, tisa çrctiscA îra c eltit eariil -eudthie sitnatioun lsuurpste, Utlmilce i,4rvit-hiii 4 imilescf lte Tomwn of Vi th> sapd Il milan of Osliawa-and alto$)atîier aiiora déirable inî'astnîat sad oIl'cramifoat sale. Fer partieixur mis%-i'te May 19, 1853. 18 AppI> te SWML N A D Beaveroir,)ltti .;uv1iSl TO BE SOLI) OR JiEXVTED, - - - -- ______ -;ÀWNiILL WI'rii)() 1ItSoftLAND) FOR SALE CHEAI'. A noîteare" h arm.ut I)itlii's CrîcI, il, thnt Toîwnshiî ip f f Iikri rotîofothefîe 1h cou- T TNo 7,itietrli'.aanOu fWstIvCession. ofr rrIiiauren ho4 (lItaLEums Fsu) iuljtiuiixg the Touwti ci GOOI) hIARIo W001) ANI) CEDAR, W luthti. Aipply t t OicI liti. IL C. WiI.KiNa, anti iitttit Sti actes ito'f I' .Tuelio.whleote h Carryiog l'laca, Cui. WiiasN, 1emq., llaville, Seilî or liantet, tisgatiîac or saiuaratcly, toe sit or t6 - orchrtqers. iatrrister, July 15, 18V. 2 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE TI 11.5IROPEIITY fPI PLF.ASA'N'LY SITU- aatdi l xafheurisfuirîg Towof' ci vIalî on Brock- sîrect, tirectly cppoasite .Jtxte Brni- lIaru's ra4nîcî', conuîuiniig ltioflthsof nis acre cf Lauti, thl about 100) feet ftemîtage, ou w hieli la aractad'- COMFORTABLE BRICE COTTAGE, avith qutîlabhi'ont Bxiidimug&, naexcellantW'oll cf Watcr, anti a Ciiten, togetiier avitU A un- ber cf valaibha Fruit '3rcaaý For fturther 'parti- celars applyvi W. SIIAW', ounlise pjirss. Wlit.yi, Fub. 10, t'7a7. 4 FOR SALE IN TULE TOWN 0F WU ITB V. L OTS NO.S. 2, itil 221-. TIIET ARE SITUf ateti on Diiruinu Stee-t, hetwaan Mr. (2oclrnass ut ILyud&e*.reek. Application (o bchadeilta> MMl. ANGELINE WEST, Lut 33, Sth coueiou Dart'uîgton. IClristisu Offcring'" planss copy until fôbhid, FOR SALE, ATAVEURN-STAND, with Driviug flouse. suad twia lurge Sîd.Tisera la alan at- tached ami acre ôf Lanti, planted witlî eholce Fruit Tréeas.TIrea 'l a gooti Wç11 cf Water, witb Pni p,&e,,on the praiiisea. I. i gituat- cd op Lit . 1, ist Con. Mtari ptosa, on thé Iead- ing resdtthe Towno f Wlitbv, Liiid.ay sud Baeoswlileh prnpert%- ulîl butisolti ounlbe- rai teris. Forterni anal particulars agppy te Lthe>nacr arnihct slvt raDeceruiber 10, 1857. , 48 hm Qest rént; sd aUi luds »mgA' aîrýthel Titi Ware iiiilai South> of the \ illaLpec ut Graaciîwîîed. Aïplicaiton t'a ha nu' la 10 GEORGE BALLARD, <Salier 2r), 1857. 41 FOR SALE. rr0WN \LOTS lu W i muar the a. 'i lso, Villag e Lots atI DilIn's Creek,Freiuch- ,nnlu'm Bay, anti Poirt Perry. ApplN te ,i Jne 10, 18&57. 'arok sred 'h22 W A N T E 1) O purclîae orauet, about 10 ers of good oùa eas> ternis praferrad. Atidreen Il .MACTIONEI.L,Es. If tb ltti ur ostI i~d. Felruary 12,19~5A. Timet lu I2py. 100 Acres of Land for Sale. W EST haIt f f t No 17, lu tIsa 2m] Con. of Uxbridga, %ti aî'dsuviili x -goed, working order. 3)acres cf tUa landi ara cesred. 'Therca la i g onese sud baru: A1-A Park Lot No 78 on Jiondùe tatreat, in Use Town of Jflltby, contaiîiîîg flie iiuî, iwithî a gooti lieuse o-onrslngseveu uapirtnîanits; atabIe,barn, Omt offices. Apîiy t C. M 3. K ELLEWIý The Owner, L'nioxvill«F. 0. Xarl-ýhen. or E. KELÉLER, - 22 Whitby. 100' Acres of Land for. sale è Ç TSTlalf Lot 17, lst Cou. IJxlaridge, 60 - n seasearad and undergooeitvabau, with g -haoe, barn aud stables.. The lalmd la of the verybeet qnality,,,TWla wooded iand.,id- nt.ùd with tisé very Wat of piné sud hardwood., .tituato 23 miles frons the .Townof Wliitby,sud witbiu 3 mtiles of Stonilaille, iii s go.oýçl ~ted c nutry, and 'aopven'ient te miille, mnnfsturaa and inarketK...tî.Lx For ternis sud paLrticulars, - &faply te iowner, * JAMES KELLERt - .1 ~uîiont'lle1P4 O lor te - F.-KE LLÉR1, 22 ýWAiby.1 IN ElUJELLINT FaM TO LET. ýF OR A, LIm 150 >Lat#o !1ý8 'balng théue Lî iASif'te eeneesion, ýatd'tliso toth West 5oWr*qs.aLot 120 aces vahi auliivatd-sxlà popottion of ti liihi-e baIn Pa"t-cieè 1audù ' o e J1OHNDOW, - >Wli.tby,' Jasel195 185-. *;.' 22 - . )$.DFQU. $ALE~ i In the 'Oount - of.,,Victôia. BSTAItLIu E 1852. Drmsggist and Âphc YDot.t. 1) BS te informMA he mstomersasad tise public L>jtneally, that ba ia naw dptmfgbusines5n in hiM',r sr'tuaewhere lh asaiwavP prpared te ser've tîxotua wio hâve bérotofuro favareti bi wiithti l air custom, snd aiso all éthsewli ivis to obtalu Gen.uine Drugs and Ceiies.Ç Anid at l>fices lu Suit the Times. Iltîlaer (loods, 'rrtoise ShalCombep.'l>issts <'Mlrs, (11hS fr btiriiug -yand rnachiery, ilcO)hol aînd Brntgfluiti, Var-nielica for wood sud A fluc-a aa,.trtniecnt cf Perftiimary sud Tehlet' article.-, htuck cf Urmie rtr an sd tubes, hrucffie?, -Tin, Crîpper sîîîl SilVer Poiils, Feil or Tinsil Pajikr of'Il C (olors. A feu' Picttiresfer Grecian,ý iOi fi Oellriental Painting. Itis (mnliti Powdars, Whil-e sud Black OiI. araeîîrcîarad frîîîîîEielsla'i iacaitc. Pisysïrions !r.e'rptiete cusandFIaMily Ra:eiptM aicrrt'fuflyprepared. ('1111 andI get aun L(uVa for 1858, and pkIe': rcterritbr thfa SIGN " THE RED MORTAR." ke- Padallrtu aaid Conut ry Stores, suppl.iari wirls Esearcas, ' Ca8mIr 011, Bail Ot a Wîiltby, Mai 261, 181î. l'J-Ilm Forest Wine and Pis, FUR 71ETU .'ŽE ti UOF s Pysspiu, (Ms>1qm'u, (MOI o.M11PitiV6, )epy .Stor'ii'iek ofi, ,Jh ,n'is', gn e ai F, the ..tn Ancl ail eoxnplîîînts or'îginine frein injinre blomndiasudhahito thUa yïtemi, k.eneral Dehiisty, andi l'aahîastaterof théa coistittîtion. Forlaslie4 lu a weakly staIe oSf hesîlîx, Ilil 'NUcîcealo Agaut- lu T"r;oîte'-Lvmn uBro. &Co., and Urquhsart. KigstAon--ZE. W. l'id- nier. Retail AIents uat Wliitby-W- S. Robluseisi, Oîa -m.1l. Snttoti, Prince Alhrt--Siitlon &Tortîlluson; Markiiaîu Viltage-i.C. Duuiiamun; Lindea> -Tuinal C. Piitrick t ltchrîd 'ge-A. 1). Wea'k. -Canton-J. Bothîwell, P. M. 'Brotîgh- arn-Laivion &Iltîesn Port 'l'errv->. Bigelow t Metcai-P. Matahat'- MenaI Pleauu- anta-S. G. Bas t, Evfu.svi1lle-T W. Jootfixaro, sud for sala b> ail Druggis-tsansd Medlicine Dua- lers iii Canada. 34-1 soesProprictor, NewYork, J&N oLD )INDIAN DOCTOiI NVI{t> lIAS AmadIs efrtaîje sud reiredfrom .buducais willt speteîiUcreanur of ikt days4Ina cxring op cii.tmsa; lus carnieet desire beirxg te comnsiri' nicata te the worlti lis reméadics that hairepro- vad aîec in umorS titan Ilîrce thouî.qiuîda- ca.la reî1îircîmeasclii nplicaiît tbsend lilixi a xaaintL deecriptii of thUec s3îutoms, villitwo Stani px, (6 ats.) to psy thse return latter,.lu wliicls lie 2011 retîîru thaxu lbi atieprascrip- tien, with dirûetions for prapari ng tliç,ucdl- Th. t ILIiDactor hopas tîxet tiiose à ffiictcd wi11 mot, oi ixcacnttcf delicaav, refraifroxîs exîi.nltiîî ti,- Iu ibecansa lieiakas I o Char g .- ll«us sale tcc i advartisng Li'to do al tlîc eo t cn -ora ha dics. lia fueul4a taIhei -t, -lte dfor the cura cf Conaitiuîu, odAstmi, &c AldeisNevu DOCTOR-UNi'C..S BRtANT, 2 Box 3581, P. 0O New York. ILR.MORSE te l etor of, Moria'ûlî ndian DJRoot Pilla, 1maý spent thse gre'ter part- cf bis life iii travelling, havsmsug vîAited Eusiopeg- Asia stud Africa, as velli es North Axnerlea-4as set tlreo yearu +110op tho lit-II& sof iII4 Westrn contr iiiwseuthis Way that the lisîl iloot P s ee ietdsc -re.Dr. ýMorsewalta lIrsai n ute estiibiiah thé hct tua ai dieass aisefremiisnpmityofths 1blbusd -that otir sitrngtlu, hasill and life do1mna ipon ibis vital llcid. - S Wbenii taoise passages becoeieclogged, and aobi net et nperfct hà hxsony with thedIf-. ferent fiuixtion8 of thse body, the ond ]os its, action, bécolies hilek, dornpt dad Wisèdu1 thius a1au munt'eiekmess-anid distreu cf TIIE WORLD IIX1OI Thse Great Co0uss$r Xritmt! TlRF VIPLUS F DIAEASE OFTF2N T oiais ils v eteOtise Internai o!rgais througli tihepores ni the sîta. aThis poxetrt - irîg 01iiituiit. neltinag under tise, and i si rnlbd in, 18 abserbeti Itarotîgli the saine can- naist, anti, reacliing the -seat of nlaalion suoupivad inaraiably suladues it, whatisar îctdf liekiaîeems, lthe rthi languieor ûny otber mporan oga. t enïrtth smer tain pusses jute tUe feredl. tlr, dlfiieing 1Lui cool anti regeuerstiag influence.- Skia Diseaeuaund Candalar MW ellings Every spacies of exte"i~e rritation si quickly red ucetib> the antiflsînmattery action o.f tlui Olutuient. .&LÀg r rptioxa. sno as. -mSait RetixErysipelas, Tatear Ringwonnrm Scald baud. S Ne lelIr cahib, fr- ltch), Zu8 eaad- ont, t'a ratura nbôtiiore, mnder ite apyleauon Ilospital axieirietica u Il 11pxirta cf- the Wordl proie.4 ils iuftalibility iiu disasses et tis kin, thie IniosCle-«, flia jîints and thieglands. Ulcers, Sores and Tonton. Thea affeot cf tliisunrivarlled aextarual reaedy upoln Serofulia, sud other çiolent nkcer.ansd the rpo'tsou whiahi produce suj-ier alin id prond fleimi an sd ttIVL' themara-s % wuils helmxgpo Iscrtilesafteriârd - onsplete ara slmas awel] as pemn.iaeut.1 IVoumîds, Bruises, Burne, anad Sealds- ln cases of tie frietuira cf tUe bonas, injuries Caised liv3tenietuex Iotdons, Bruises, Bu sgaidis, Rheuraatism, 8tiifraeýsof thiss Jinnd contractioncof the samaeirs, if isa mptoyed and niuuy ecmmended b by tefaa-nltv. This, niaretou remdy lsbeau introdnaied by lut iîentor la parson bute al tisa loadin 1 foepxtlu of Europe, sud no jarivat. lsch aobodsisand b. itit il Tlix Medical Staff of tise French sud Emîglsl ,%rnaies lu thse Crimea bave offlclaliy signedîhleir approvsl cf IIOlDlea'sOiatuIeuat, Vse tue mueru raîxe adre.siîgfor salua cuti, sabe. andI gua- litat-'.%oxads' Iisie üused by tho 'Urgebonh of BonTî'ut Otxrdxx Àian rmÂe ns ieah suxb- ii< ME YULLO WIIOCýsa llits, Ssts Chapei lr ns5 . swreld ad, - i neà , Soie Basais,4 F'Litls, 4Sos lumdeà , - Goumt Soe Throsai, Lum~aago~ Sara*U il lrds Piles, Stlitt oints, Rhetîttas, Tale-r,' qsllt tbauima, -Vernitill Serce, '%V u-leof mll kinda tâFSold £4 tisa Mainaltoriae t professor IIOLO-Aut t', 80 Madon Lane. ila1sYeksMd 24-1StranldAMnni tulubY alrespecctable Druïgista anmd Dealers il, Medicine tisrougliouui ii.Llnited States ad te civilisad vo Id) lupots, st se cents, 62S centt, amnd $1 osai. 'DiThora aconeldenube saing by taking tie arger aizee. -I.B.-Diroations Ofa-u e tisgfdna<fpint in"eCverv di#sordet are gnffi caffaibox,.. te vsi plante: tainujit sud re( VNSHIP o: 1 1