Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1858, p. 1

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m «@4- - - - - - - ----- "VOL,,2. ALBERT SPIRING, UCTIONEEE &., &C., EPSOM, TOWN- shlfiip of Beei5 A. PRINGLE, ERCHA NT TA ILOR, BROCK STREEIT THOM AS DEVERÉL L, BU I LD E R, &c. &c., GREN STREÉT, INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, AST MA RKET SQ U ARE, TORýONTØ.- Eaic amesdathews, Proprietor. 42 MANIL LA IHOT E L ARIPOS'i lAITE COULTli»iARD'S COR- ryem iuýad rtin, Pro ,rietor. 26 0AKWVOOD HOTEL 0 AKW0 W I.BNKS, PR OÏRIETOR . Goomd accommnodation fur traveenA W00fr. , il 38 r o n tt W [tg -ra y , e C . ' ELIO(TT SPRO WL E, PFROPRI1.TOlt.-. _ ood Acèommriodationr. 11l ONT A RIO HOTEb, IBRY AN yJr., PROlRI ETOR, BROCK i àstreetWhitby%. Oood stabling and atten- tis e cOstiler. 1 ESPL ANAÃœE HO'fEL, T RONT STR EET. TORONTO. GIDEON LTurneûr, Propýrietobr ( Easït of the Market, opposite the old Gtas Uutilding.) 8 DR. A. WV G A MBL E. BROCK STREET, W11ITBY, SNext Door to the Rtegistty Oifice. IPEI TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE JLWWChmkde will bec$U per annum, rgable atItly lin v loTri • _iIen linesand undere......... $0 75 bove ten lines, tinetion.. .. ù 8 Tvryb*la hansred n, pimne).r.ation 'n the Lmny besildes eilng read by e very bu- tinents=nnm Whitby and its vieimity, a better advertis medium iould not bescured in this Jouality. Ã…lwoalets rtikwl fd- 1 ng so, wilU pleanu lotie notim4 in lorwarding hecir notices. -No paper w01 bediscontinued until all arrear &res arteJpadup. TAttrs enlosing cash, 1if registered, will be at he risk of t OPbi4hr hn adO s Whitby, C. W BO OK A ND J OB k»R-I N T I N iEST A BL ISHM1E N T. rIE lPROPIIETOit$ OF TIIE W.HITBY "uo*,would resapectfully Informi the eþible that they hae procured some; of the mnost niodern styèewof Tyr *fimNew York inftaddi- l:d their oillee, anLt are prepared to expecte B^OK AND B JOB PRIN fING of evéry demeription, and guarantee that work Will be do)ne t.u a superi style at the lowest teiyrrtn rs. - Thice opretors hiave pureliasedl one of P ZGGLEe' C-1RD PR-ESSE 'I leh enables themn to turn out Card and Cir- ou Cs in a very expediitious inanner. Tiiboy ha\ 9 ou hand a large stock of Plain and Ftune>- Card§, 8tSl" &e , which becing bougrht at very low rttèl, lnz cati bc fur nihod'at thea lowest un an t dtheshortagt notiýe. AkoffheW Iitby 1 (,W W. . TH E A N , w Atierney. Olc-nArnai'b Ne w Briek 'kSecond Fluor. l 3Al ISýT EIR-.AT-L .A .OFFICE-BRtoCK f MCIfTOR, NOT A RY PUBLIC,.',&c Shaa C. W. 2 AW, 1AC lY&CON VEY ANCl.NG TTORNEYATLA,8OLCITOR IN AChancery , Conveyancer, &c., main sre, ME18$tsq. W ILSON & BIL LINGsI, ,ý,Qb«'IORS N.. WIIM , C-W ARRISTER AND ATTO1.sNEY-AT-LAW'. Bemee-vqer th1e Smre o4J. Bigelow, Esq., opposite the llegistry Omeie, Brock St. 1 tädeen, acdoe & artnell, AURRLTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LVW. at the ComtilonAc-outl i g. Ot hon r frm10 tnatil5 N cN B, 431 ARTER A TTOR NEY, &c. Office- 21rerof h rch and Cot Streets, (oPpo site dt Cab stand,) Toronto. 8 WIL LIAM POWSON, ' W. 0. EAST WOOD, A. Il. &'M. D. R pTR PYs)CAN URGEON. &o. 0° enatelyoccupied by Jas. Hofdg- SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR, & CORONER, for theu Cotinty of Ontario. 1 WI161IAU TEMPJEST, M.1D. 1y ST E T, OSH1AWA, CANADA -K West. 17 Js N. AGNE W, M, De ýYBICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHER, &e. esidnceDuffn'sCreek, Picker- abs 8. JONES, OCAL DENTIAT.--OFFICE IN BROCK t1RûetrOf ce.Big opo e da wMued Katurte a fair triaL 1 AMOS W. CRON, .ROHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER, AND Estate Agent, Whitby. 1 PRILANDER X. CLARIK 1011COýNST ABIÉ, COUNTY ONTARIO, 1-and Inae otor of Lice.nesin the Municipal- ty of the Towlnof Whitby. t hier Fat hr's riecByr>n Street, MW h thy1 H UG H FE LIT2, TECH ER INMUM C TU E organ, Piano Forte, H armen.v throngh Brabs and al kinds of String lutrutiw is ,Ï8prepared tu ýýl receive a Je w nure 1upih. at their or his reidence. © FRAINCIS KE L LER. 2 W ih.Agent for the P>rovincial Insur- ne mayin th c onuity (of Ontario). ute-itraBuildiuge, Brock Street. A. C. WILSON, A 1,N'TrE-U, G LAZIkER, AND PAPER- Huger. Painte, Oilà, Glas's, Putt-y. Pu- er-HIangings fkr Sale. Wh'itew-ashing and Co- orling, uies Street,Whitby, W ,itby, Ja3.u, 185 7. B. CAMqPBELLsg. -n0OT AND SHIOE MAKER, BROC f)Street, Whtb (nextoor toT. good style, and lin a workmanilike muanner. 9 J, W. CALDWELL BROWVN, ONVEYA'NCER, &c., COMMi.S!SioNERIN cC. P'. &B. I., Lau, Do Court Ag-ent &c. Offee--onie door North of A. D. W D)rug Store, U xbridge, C.W. RIUT HERPORD & SAUNDERS .(LA TE .J. SToVÈL,) EAST WINDSOR HOÙSE, WHItBÝ, Wy. G^USBv, ryOPrnrrOn. rVHE above Hlotel is ;Itulited ini a pleasant and JLretired part of the Town, ont he front road· Good accomundation for travellers. Good Staling and attentive ostlers. 22 IPARtERS> HOTEL§ SIXTH W030EastoN, PlCeRimxs N the line leading fromn Brooklin to Green- Wood. Good stabling,ýaid accommodation. J()HN 8NELL, Proprietor. PARTNERSHIPb T IE 'UNDERSIGNED RAVE ENTERED Sinto Partnersi:p as A UCT"ION EERS, under the sityle and tirm of Paterson and Spi8. All orders left at the Cronicle Printing 011106, Whith , prou-tly attended to, Auction Bills l>rinto mig' style, and at;àredud prices THOMAS ROBINSON,)$ F ,ASHIONABLEF. AIR CUTTING AND, A t air% n ms >Brok Stmt, h b.- long-tnd in the busminess, wil alwa-ys be found inr ness to attend On gentlemen. shaving is a process to which gentlemnen, for good reaoson are much avee but undefr Ob- imon'o, han 1 they will fnd the operation both .LIME FOR ALE. ms to the surroànding localities, principal plaes of rtâdort, Seené -- 18 JOHA NNA QUINN-' Proprietor. GLOBlE HOTEL, BROKLIN. job waiLnesoNAoK To HIu OLl.D oUsE AGAIN I r HJIE nndermigned bha gan resumed poses- of the above well known hotel, whîch will bc conducteds fortnerly with the atrictesit pro- priety and rqa for the comfort and coiiveni- eneeof the pub lie. The proprietor assures h is mnany friends that everyt bg isade ready as formerly to enter- tain them <at the Globe HRoto), and that he will be personally present:to ive them stuch a re- Te o s m we thdiDtigly apared, pane adrnovatdudi tdup n every ýtap e nba tu u r sto s, f w tah the bet etbe aa Blrookln, May 28, 185. - 1 -JAMES R. KIIMORN9 Mte isform his friends and the blio tahe is prepaed to do al kinds oPa P a M. C & A . .TS wun& ERHNT TAILORI, Thé PriaiirýbEramtàph. a Ueore lies his form ij;Fl B9neath thiis n"k %mth mErds errn tri-How mnisy cass, far worthertum b '~Neath Bomne m Bo E*. No co rra oiDurr declar Vih alm Prîied words, great thougtn ndutrngidsty tAdvocate Peacq, rogrèss, Knowledgel, Broiâèèiod, rh ielveila ro lýer 7theE W H-ITBY,ci.,W, THIURSDAY, AU GUST 26, 1858. 1ý 0. a32.' Ad " t ta)a oz& fIýli R AILROAD 1HOUSE, Pfano-Feorte's made Tuned adre TOAre 0trS f .he out D SCTTr SAOO ORNER OF BROCK ANÀ UDA't pairod. Tôt»Ecoso te o*S»TSSL0q CWhitby, (Late Wleoe)kson's.) The Sub-R$ OI* 0 the coRRty Of onQg. E£"rl SUBSCRTBER HAS FITTED UP TH E lThe orrofbit wront" scriber bogp to annoànce toe the inhabitunts of pHE UNDERSIGNE.BEG TO INFORY irmislteyocpe yMr uilh Te uoso l is ri-ety arether Whtyadth rvelli cm unt, that lhe Ateihbtnso htyadtevtU . .on Unds tree-tas a frât claiss Saloon., le And the fair title whch 'to truath beln ha& taken the above first Olus, whicsh he &ad the publie brally thdt they have ,.......bas aitted up a new Will PROVz hisTM£ritnir. has litted up in a new and convienin anner. a new branch o buamjesa inthe Town of y lENTLiEN:-- CO UMN-4 aWA rEM roNTrar A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e rt-aeTbeisevdttü ot.Dn-which embrates the manufacturing, tuning an :yaingbee soicied b-a-FmbuThghIeat •s a mette r r Io en new ntud .tuorder. Also, t to ue.g io for ÚESIbavE mvEslmzM looion beverag e --eeof te gra oomo ihep le ,oterlis warranted the genuine artide. Cho eC r. Acwrdeons, Melodùons, and aulkinds of string w he # o no f: yefa an rtd ob procured ait thiesaurt sreason, d ll rtapp it t the o,&t Whitby, M.arch lth8,7DONIN . Vieuattention of parties n heToel '-Forman e arè 1 he'been activeaiy e 0000, $i00,of4&R, $800, $200 L A G E RnBBasEoR., ' ' • _ e cunarily requested to the convemient facility now aogsgaigom ecalusut. de " -ritofalk d peneB-,nsas . Ã"YSTER within their reach, of havnhi PaoM forward utgod resident of the County, and with T , iAÃŒ)PRL'3,lunénu t all hours. Dinners and Suppers Ã"YSTÈR lodeona.Accordeunist hePtro erly tu"" *nd mo1st of yf can claimn the honor of a long pier- Lot& fur Business Puróe n provided as ordered. Purivarz Stisao oos. repard tthi onreieno adwithout sona tameà,'ndLmbter,,Sardines, Pickled Salmion, &o. CI- rbepam o eroneduo tesves. h berr On ut ltca etinobfreteLOTS POR PRIVATE R ESIDENCBS gars of the best brands. CRYSTAL SALOONoffil e undersigned is to give full Puic ie.s- counte,floodoe ly say thlat 1I hold those senu- rRsL NTEWLIMSO The London Court iruastesha CILYSTAL BALOON11lfaction which the) expect tu do inateir deal- timenuts ýëommon to all true Upper Chmadians. Town of Whlubyý County of Oùtä'rio 25 Propnietor. afiyi egai a enp inig. Iam topposeýd to, eparate &Schools. I am in T-- - - ~~KOW =-- a f gratii eram has n pluged N° 6. U-ace Bmidinge, %onge FEL1TZ & RAINER, favor ofthe iýabolition of the SectarL. elaused ZAsT dr naOC TRE UCNO.HUSitogreat r ief rmeancÉ holundms N Street, Toronto. Choice Liquora, Cigara, Piano makers and Music Teachler,'IHoward In the preet Sebool Act, and to the introdnle- CK o àad 8.F8Taf rck Sre L 11 srr sd e o pi z inglrcrusace.Tu h t &c. ~~~Cottage-ilear the Henry streeit echool . tion of suck eman therein as would nable L OSN.1 n 8 ato fe tet $ 1 usrbrwudbgt lehtruns. When,.Sir Colin.Campbel lftn BEA S&DXN :"Lsosand and maitruretons givenim the childrun of alldèntomtinations in the com--L and Soúth of 'ollard'is Hotel, a vàluable Ak frienda and the publiecrenera Y, th" a, mn brvadmnlbe Toronto, Jduly 15, 1857. 1.6 muie cas heretofure. ' munity to attend the samne schools, anid be .oet -edn1ro rcpo er e a pnd i ad mn v and'manly hearts accom-th Whitby, May le, 1858. , 18 euaeSoehr eiei a o htte treets. pne na ogwoiteeds o NATIONAL HOTEL, v~~~~~eryctdtlhr bestoseune wul ascernet the l-Lot. No. 1.17and 15. East side of Broek CL0THINGST farvrnd prelate, high in thec-r. NAWTIOLAALW ! LAW % ! I beg o seet o aving thhen f llStreet, Noth ofPllard's HRotel.Partiesdesir- In- the stand lately ocoupled.b Vm, A. Koltays This young gentleman left-a ladu ehn PoRt' WI"TEY. W. CALDW EI. aOWN Conveyan- aus taught midle bqy ide u p o e W a tnth ov(aake o e adfrCo g ndf u unhi, o ho hiws asioatly atah 11Eundrsinedbeg toinfrm is rieds . er omsnri C .LD EL P.OW , &C., an DinA h eitu seoojrut innitntr a ht f L t 28 nd 0 actornilier lok n ap e and e rd tershortest otice.ndft pfiseut ed and hadlpromised to marry. se ndthe public, that lhe ilsnow lin possession v ision Court Agent, begs to muform dte ihabi- R 70mtdeoutx o Pmmmx cannot Perry streta. - ,, e Ali orders panetially attended to, and no di .tune being smuall theé lecl ttr .the aàbove Hote!, the businleȃrwichl, he. ltnts of- Epsom and the aarrounding neié'gbor- long be denied the people eof Upper (Caniada, and Lote 71, 72, 73, 74, 'ée1, 77,and 78. These appoinitments. - od fits warranted. threatened to disinherit his s'onifh dd çvl in future carry on, on his own aceinnt-- hoods, h.jat hie has opened an uffce at Mr. Thot-. it is aamely ueesp toL state, that 1 shall al- Eight lots are in one Block, hunded by Perry g;î*The Montly Fashiions3 regularly received and to alienate his affections fromt'e, Giood.Lignorsl, Wites and Brandies. Excellknt Eng&liasii' Iotel, Episomn, were bhe m.i be founid Iways stronýy ad.cateand u por eveyimeaqandChiontandAeh treet: * O'tgggIL stablmng. Cartfnd attention for mnand lhorse. eeyWdeiy fromn 9 'ce . . m, tu :, sure forteacmlihet tat object. Lot t'7 West of PM Street, a dtttlyop- Oshaw, pil,158.. '2. ft ne stha eion, he twass ett Iar H ED W ARD R AY. n.i. fulh prepared tu drawv any maetrumenolt of Thte quiestiobn of a Federal Union ot the Bri- posh' e t l ta Fleu Mill.t n p- w, p 8. . fther chai mrge him lat h is eatr e Whitby, Ma 6th, 1857 16 Wr -ang t~hat ay be re-qmred, uh 'ir- ihNurW AneticairT'rovines is beginning toe otiko e oei ewse ob e - - - -----y ilf- g 18e7. Deeds. Wi i ll.Lasb rbtai od, be itae a h 1rsntt cc eleethat Lots 64,65, 6d 87, 82, 88, 84, and 85, East of Negotiation of Debenture's and ReaInme dbyhm Teovrgtsfeo WESTERN HOUSEChaýttel \Mortgage,, hiuls att*saa, BondLs -,roe- such a union, est.ilihed on a fair and just rry oSteeN o mrttamMlhro Ett.Scrtisi ngad. his destination, but his heart beatwtn DUNDA TnEET wniTnY. illents, and e\ ery other desc4ript ion of ve,y- babis, would tend litrgely te the tudvancemtlt d• • • he afcto, H ul 11E DA 8BVElREMIES HII BEN anlemlgknw.. of all, anid wuld more espcelally a4ist in pro- Lotif No. 60, East of Petv ;Street. This LÀt TH E UN15ÉRSIGNýED -HAVING TO m sedafcot.H culntaoi js opndby the undersigned, where air. fi. ialso prepared tu take CAsF.Ili1 au motiil the interestts and developing the .i wl ue ndherie improved. _[visit Great Britain al. the close of the pire- co m n aighscns ncadw tet trvler-a1nwtn gopccmndain-rovison CoÈ,, r t b prov n ble a r dr t our a oet Weïstern Caniada.- WRsT or IoÃ"CK STREET. 14ent liarliamtentary Session, *dn business, ill his beloved, aýurmg her that n tret The Éluei elfrishe ,wel ept ad lhe t and l(Iktlbie i asnd ert ons wantin ü A nioU . eir ,vanitagsit wilon d enable Lt 0,1518 n 1,buddb e-be prepared to negotiate such Municipl De., or anger of his unfeeling paré'tsol Th lue i figapr ine ns ,omy and tair d . thei Ltneolfn imr:ht tedte n orŽl tdLgltrs tre 0, 05utan< 8 K n Stree ts. Thselsa r ben tue rRa saeSertemyb vrbtihtetne eolcino hi gou .c mfrta lestbligan th b stattn- reson lete ns M ro i oHetedan dpo pt w thnthi n e ite o t tae eig tulystu tdadsai-a sret on pe nte ru Retwi t i t haStipr ps e. Hi b erc i al tasson. avn g re o c ai on a large~iv an o vm n, n els p lie witl i i l iraú erd h e ie fanal oes. miitan pay dntus rqi:e thhis sefrvi t o copr epo nd . B vi - the bst W ie r, iqu r a d Cgs a nd- m11 ill a ured t acc niomo t ) ll i e the 0vll>- ailr e be the dLogtfls 124 a d , acor n of K re t d J h i~ im w to td lyontes ethn h e diio al as p i oned ma d dt em o h goil fite p itm ro sfr r aepa- homa-e 1n mnrN nened e i-p- ofU Cn.l. hru tUp Caad Stees.- il b hpp dt avaertio -laew es e. d . u ndta ehdrnu cdhsisrs tn ie utal p5ulig adn lte le is teparngeo hep b i twon eet r g uia ed and pro e e ntnei ruLotNo 35,E art f e natcdStreetand bura JO iN. C M ONfore er. Bya osteun sforu ate ci'n nr Pl a d t l â l 'l ( o s . T e b r m mpr uiril m ae llr de d y o um1 r m nia e nt exa nd s sive and o l ustr ih ron os T eores oing hoice ots w e e sele ted fr m B an er an M o e sB ok erd d t eon e su pin e n d e d th p e n t f H n 1 l rg a d v nvllent uâ ell qu)Pie( 'itl N Frei r üd tthe sn il rsofa i. ï and C M the ari al e s t t e cotry dcter autanmvestm nt, buhare n w offeed forSaleht Ah bstals, 9- rnosciàdCii, Ia i a 2 ul1 t otrm ae ud d nero ail nfnLoty wi4nd p5a larernsac t;o lJon. ellMOIA P P R MILewo teld nt hs f h aet iNj ftu11)st TiELA iNGSA RA i All t- -p-r--- ther dselpemet..-ALon-e --. th later n rceit ofhisepislesen waybew en hity ndUxb ige.Tm cah Csh ,Tr. ee r tof NaieIut r an d ESbcibrhvgJteetd aii O NC N ex -back such a indignnot anwa s R 0wztel habenueite nbfroeditn em t enofarmedMan rthrecli eir rdmyorh KEDn sStree, teWve aellon pg. he wkenedtesonallete n gnan ce M-ersAE Evryateno aidt taLEr, ith ndal er3g n t h iy is E TO etene hemmevrydat m e n ti now m- ...'Th.. ..--iug·.......ots• tion fthelette Full alivetothefinestrok here. W A steak OetererWalweys in attend- treet, sou .h o lt e te gouernment cfçlou ats mumre han te *5.....U .........cd na f re d a t e on iteandd ot eing alr' dm a inn. 46 , ) I eil>utry cnlv;Seariauer nine ol bsear The rge t t t. il Te vET.f alig feeornt, uy 4n)R.g6-ofa efo the nintentdOna RENEL ON eF S HTEL . O Co pei ',atrl, a lnetsu-h um l . r itespo lngvscuefr a Loiet il0 , ..... r c...........Sale ment.errforthehladycominttedh estse of TÃŒL I A i A fT I , P OP I T R.- ll aÊ s , 1 d t4 o st re car , - u i tad an i u tor r dl n~ "th,.. ... . ... .. ... ...16m ees he utayfn t e þov e tab is m en ha T I E GST AGE a i A I I " er Ragp . 4 ...- -.. . . . . .. . .H6 Een la r e h a n.urib ero es toe ceivex- a ek s c n i d g a t a e lloel as .aruretedangei n exee i eho'nt syaiterEx- & .e& . r to ofe l pe n ie M rkt . \ " -iv i Lt24, ........ P " e................ 25 shareof pub icp atr n a cture& Ao O tsni les vr t t rio ai otrav.I r, ud n teMCiAEeOR AR Y. u ed ta eniter owi>-a -t5 er H >F.G N IF a s sun r(ay th son P t mid.,t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I otteiotdhhflSeey h ih heiby, Mrch, 3, 188. mesurs w-Nhinmy pinon oul prve lt1298, ........Pc. ...............8«200 - elevll, uly21 15829 sm latemrked. m yalwheryt vsi tng on.s thLk- , nrpaid d. futi h g --an- - - - bnfciltatecunrwihurgr ofhe "235, ........I" .. ......... .... .G800 Ross's Island, lyin~g just below theurailroad Taekle~r-l. anStarpeue.et9W tH-MAiNG AsevND JEWEoLRY uc rothchhy'uyeuat;a 1 36.....".. ..... n ATATV ALE .hi= wier etse gamble ln TilE ROSSIN IIOUSE ovrintli ke manner, rts h n hbioue al lgultionture. d.....« ...... .... .of et er nth'ota a .N w o n a d all i o oK N IN TeuT. T S j 'To.it r cut lner Ã¥ euii d:d te b t he m obderved atlatseoaisdistance about a doZe C mal PROPE'NR Tla o k sr e ,w e ihes of dte niuori, ha vecufr ienrot30 Pe 20FrmigLns onLt or eWs ndaodmtte sho fein l L) h ll h ags ntePo ne n bw i anrln ym unet heetynot o " , ....61 " ...... .... 2100 m nDtILP.IE E dg as sid tem n codn p re NE O faii A LLtr drd eSupIOeoLco.n esrewihwun l ur urbis t a -.upon. "........".. 10 Arushed towardsn theni barkin at the togba indaio o hetra elg ubeeq$ltote Rth 8,C C S W0 teinterieuts of nytpticul aliitoty. e " 3 ý1 .... ....5....10 HEeu a'e, t of t(&i he etateo . . er fhs oc. hsatakfrs trteàh Ratdwtii (% oso h al nt e pairs of all kal, e .reue mt a e noure.et esreprtedbal]on-rejsint .. sata uh pe h wil p rovsatitcor sdrbl ped ehrs a slce T E TE R I .and Pro Mp ny. -ypoeLwose298rtsarewho..searaed u-o - t........ o B plechasorly2.- 18. 29 sal th em ob e of aul, nh lnie ii s ot1.fi :de zlti1 i'r, Alar t oc L k 7gis Aien an er an fom ur, hua l nd who does not prioe Ltv0 5031 5,33ad34,otii 0 eeEat½ L t1,h Cnessi o aw as l l n s h co l how s d Ii E 11 RORi Ll ETØs O ils WE 1 adG ueaWaces ok nd Jweryar esileUg Lwothe Otrper t m t e'r Ic h dn e ayoe Acre. ad.a.. haf.. wi..be..ol.Co.hug ood. d e hd Talhe a r nd Ir&pidS, is tret, orot. IKINSOND& SITWLf luteagero n iilie ; or wethn&e ruillI ....... ...Eup.rasi...80among eahch oe fo r few m mntip atchinakera eweneri &e.,uer e r ueffhoaalenxse amber, and the.... 200...... . 0 A efr, L1, 2ndCoIneeSAn Ehr sia. r n t h onsu t nw at ws es tt IE a nt efr OSt syle. US E enuro urbl roeg r e e hitby. ie w i ou ow --v e o utuf l ovedt lutenteal an 34e tedd_ o er..er.of.rm i..tot...Th.e.hre...,.m th..uny o2G ey0do ne. A I monalsy, the a ism o w rd i aoreNL per OK'mitted4G-rFL'4 to enter, p. e.s iii Ile iegbig g diig lu an oae, Iaton s 1s:lb upportas anum he yar hefis py entwl o e co u ilt aks.m vddlbrtl ogtenalnwt 28 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1htd CA LSL &McON E. carctr Nloturnwntoyoohoenntr. Mv 159 2Ares ns, ToCn. ar, oty ofheadnoard thoniadhrsr horl s dv n hu ruest, nd and r ourd ar inseparablyicotee d; au nd of drolansand artinlar ap y toOntaio.n.d .a (Lem0 AiiiE E o lor dEto- sT. o cu uatri. esteitra.ti red unestireuty sl ud t se\ y uftf ull Prprltr.41,Ace..o..1.rontrang00'd feaed. tw ev ter succeeing aly'nmi ' andon ttthervelpnubuliicqà that at he haoc s &r e e rm the'nitothe bes of y abeir. hty acàt,188 CdHrwondsm fe etsl i at hycniud orplehmtlh na ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I r--7r -.....-."'.. ........sa....e...d'e. 'BdtiFt bezd.îSevaa, * ofrrtyhe urc aaree -ofo sae or ~. errs, to1s,~1tí unisionMuraT.isg ys oaEgrz ,asi>e re si be knon oteliseport ano uct e pub - wbk urt n hi "o oit WE1.D eps W f-SujiOtài- uiL Lv aNG.toaea...1 Arofe prt 15,me th neesinM rr cows actaly proecntdtero m soit te and tittAed up n h2bst3tletosut ubicdetae llEn fr WNLO N. , sdeofRrckStee, Are prt2,1s CncssonOlla.frm easautso her oiy yaer wilûdte eybs acm oaio n t auingo Paper Ranging, Glazing, de- tvs* % ....... ....y..O....ee,0 Fa49efeetch fiflonit andpro193ti feet* s deepepadi The ods tetin u hags nsalymdeae. ad o xcueth am it usuthan po tes.bad e nr S t re t f orbSale.- Lae.ht wl nwnMl ri'eestaec n EN1oR. ee fri0 Y An E Omib R roaPnd r. h as moe ate termipMs. ThI) eae o trer ts.rehe l'Houe a A L SO, h vlae.iHapo , 4Thp ofD-ain- e aian e tll s flom g -tor W1 LA M MA DDEN, and neatness. tining 6 arte nte. It iý-s inulgod repa-,tand tales, 35rock5stree, Mand35,ine ie aiN10or Ava cn ortWtreRaceFand ill, and th e eensineas ih rosu gs,,e cald n BowEANKiLi e. ctWhitb, Juy 21y185,,26 .l.grickBtu ngstoathe.oTohelua; Frr wme ..f wteroeigh of as tice epeaed, nd te oterr .y W vistos.~Tre tlaing en fliorel kept Ê I_ N&ýSM1TIr ufr trm aur thrpriuas2apyt0iety0 óie"ra'sItl"fratemo irmtAtsLclty1 d. U of her nkin rec lti e die rah tel oowh manî anh rs.c Nnect n withie 52 fGLi ulsEO.A Lu ,c iyLiA , ,.HAyE RYta fl i-agenmer.. IlAn Omiu s 1.A i kar(nce to ad fromp Moring. ad1Evning),'rais..2 Whity Whi yf3dlMaehr188. ~7BOWMNV bILL ndE. a th ar sfree. liof chae . ol bttebe, M 11JAMES-HBBARD. Oco nter fr28 W 1857 41 Proutwh il rct uldn» h e T ownMa lott, Bnock H. onefifth ofunacre. aru peJ. A. MASON. hovembei'Lrd, &C anofc. uefnt. TO SEnT wERS-nT ëoiiEde'IAMPTONeTheloinmtelowter1inces No.- Ld V nAarr.ET H ab ouE etevonaor .fine Years, Sn n tnnario.on sa tla r L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i O pa . BTENOhNn ynesCekFnaHn acnnn .h-OEH RtiD CrE a CH ROKIsegid oitenogundatov ion t fë WELNTNoTL LIn ededay, 21st int, a atrý e oTe e 1 inth wshpofMR lo Tow0 ernla i andns5: Perryarmo i eete aeis pernc h c hoteý)I Th&ocli vr ovnetl i ae., . DO nfiSON & CIof he lnse. y ld i esev o utiflypp4.lnon teasmayobe er wd.Abe mor han anran -nearthepuBanksSteamboattaharves, andfprin-th Whitby-, C.bîitv W Ag ac 9h 88 oe ado inddi'1 ut füejent jh iIl t eerlookiedeto evus sibuee>ilpe olottefityied withcev--hituy,-Julyc27M858 28 WhitbylApolrt2, 1c57s. pa1-t .8Whi0byu9thtiehl1a 8. myWhity, Fely.1stjs858 ourbeeatabte an inabe. Ve ileitoewibUIBFR ANES t ell erydtte l n t hn paidto ;te i mfoirt a d erukob haabutieonn stfeidrth oo tseuconveiincedev rydntortionaddieton TI EG in Ora TrcStFOmR SAdtE& L b Pab-ili aat o otho h Rg will ~~~~~~ ~ l t th have rer ceivdtm(lto n i- a e lyOfc,4 ltfrn n 9 fe ept Tha O n il "^v v s A EXS^. Ly. Pl. ". I.A Ul V 3EMBERt OF T IlE CO LLIEG E OF PIlYS - ein adSu1onN. Y. lrovincialLi- eenltiate of Phyvsic, Surgery anilidwfr,&. Brookkin, C. W 5 OFACHEUS UNHAM'AXERICAN 1HOTELi. t-Codýrtsà. C(geeant thie Court 110u1e. 1 A L K ER & l'T ER N PROPRI E- tors arnerof Y ungad lront streets. NELSON Gê REYNOLDS, ýToronto, c. W.15 RslERiFF. i OFFICE AT TilE COURZT 1----- - - - -- House. 1PERU SA LOON. JOHIN A M PIERRY, FMARRA I, L AT E )F TIlE " Yo UNG EG1STRIARi. OFFICE -ON BROCK PT10• auid, ea the I1 al 1L%.weumn, ing Whitby. Street, wvt, Tortomo. (_Choice 'Suppers and Rermnoat alMoI ,.15 H. J. MACDONELL. cLEéRK OF T11E lPEAC(E. OFFICF-A T JOH N M ETC A LFi C t Co-t --lforuílel.OCoLT / omr ngth o suship Broek. Ad-, JOHN V. H AMd :Cuntn14 L ERK ()FTIll: CCEN T Y 0>U RT, . NO--- ~ ~--- - RZegiâtrar teAroaeCourt. ofie Lt G EORGE HODDER, m, Regîtry 01110e,lhock Stieet. 1 ,ER('ilN TA Lu LR VND 01'TFITTER D. 6. HEW ETT,n drt ph armoDptr . AR1EK ESDENEATIIERZLEY, 1 Rama 1FRAiNKLIN AIOUSEb 'È EAS;UR ER. OFF ICE AT THIE COURTÃŽ a. c noainfr rsles H. J. M ACDONEL ,- ---- ' -4 L [CIToRZ, & CLEERK qOF Til E COENT R A11 ROA D IOT]E L, Co neh tieeatthe Co t l loU.Ze 1 lr 1r: iRur- J011NSH IER ~¯FMZIME R, IPitolPIIET4)B. :If-T HIS C OUNT.ýY E'NGlI:LR. oFFICE AT TH E., r ýillr ood Stlm ad attentive fOst- Court llous I les.5 L. F AIRB.ANKS,MISF RYAN ait thei, Court 11011e ti tlst n c n tq1 e Uot aM ffey e e e RS. CREN, 18PREARgD TG The IrttIsapè«rtotio ogpinïgstock. reside ~ lý cev iie ubrof pails at her 2 5 KngStreet West, ' Toronto, April 1,1858&• 1 T H E',14 O.M"ÊEF A R Mg, Either as boarders or dav scholar Tzaus_ TO iEET, Inad known on applicatin. 41ý1-!D Whiitby April 28, 1858 5 tHE store and dwelling Hlouse now oceupied th. -AbJaes 14ngle, tand knowasatha 1 & 3& , ST0N E STORE R , en the Town of Whitby. Possession gij1ven on Importers and GeneralDealrs in App'yoý, ite I JA MES ROWE ,Pi »Èy Goods, «roceries, Crockery, Wi Jy, 5.28 lkwc OCORNER RROCK 4;CliBORNE ST& A ý Whity Joy lt, 158- 982f.' • § estStreet, Toronto. g tHURSDAY MOltkNING, A RK, nONSTANTLY ON IIAND DURING Co., U. onsuigring a n umr Fresh 1 No. 74, KING ST. ILim hc lb od o ahola 1lu pere. AND CHEM&ICALS r, CUoos&,e., l- Ame BSNS -mot, Wht4. 1 maßEDto aan&Ud,,y-.tg Allrer relating to An ton sales k ARunderiud,.should be left ut the Chronied P' r- liANGER, ce, W itby. Messrs. H" ' m& My 1 are dftly authaized to apit my dy of settle 41rerin>, and t enter int.,Bia kBAZO, - arangm6uentUA to my sUoionbui gupm, m Rasteymy o Dresud nena

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