4yerise ýt5 (I") ça- _stUeMet et th a fa .Indignanit de- ~ ~ îabIe a! g theLb whole Province, a i l fron Hon. J. A. MIadonald, and that1 C~lr1.Incapable of! g.ning a pÉart, and L1hat whon required te point eut a single. i-1 * while able te determîne the. greatea'ques- stuie in support ofhlis statement, h. iras1 Ndtie~'-H. ~ Madorall.tionsý as ti: wuaL aeasures are good for the. >fable to e do and compellid te admit - otel to Let-J. Wilkinson. wbol., iilastili incapable cf dejtçm>ining 1 at. ho- w>aa4Ul - 1n , 1rgi gran.ts~ Du Stre-J. B. Gerrie. Lb. lisser questions, sas te whà iirn' u'ures g owyer annaII4ly gtvoin -to Heapi- LagS1le-Crowui La~nds DOpL. an good for a part. Can anythb>n bbc tais, -MYlIU1ms, , li lëtth rovinèe1> Caution-T. SuallIvaza. Car4-.J.W. C. ~more iniconsistent or absurd4bntWbt a.m~m t>'arn eh~t on the part of Stryed or Stolen-Jobhn Kennedy. listtsmfen wbo bave earn.l tily and litrenu- theex-m inastty as. te the manner In which Anotion, Sale-Wux. and John Miller. ousl>' urged, tlaat the. gemminating princi- theae granta irere ta be bereafter dis Notke-Hook aud Laddoer Comnpanuy. pie o! Répresentation b>' Population, i the- rbte&- -- - " . Card-Wiues*i Billinge. Lbcory that the wiît o! the majoity shoulti COUNEECIAL POLfOT. Ci&a for Wheat-Thonias Moody. regulat. the. Gevemmnrt cf the whie. Tii. moat experience4 andl talenteti Province, that these saine statesînen shoulti members on botb aides of the luse agreed yconsent, 'v evenai tvise, that b>' s me during last Parlianient, that Lhe 'commer- neir con ttutiona ragmnLevr>'ca depiessio~n se severel>' felitthrao u questions ôta mmicii tii. have been agita. the entire Province, taI largcly attributable Whiby Thrsay,Âuust26 188.tiii tiie ceuntry, andi clainiing iL s support, otei almost total absence of any manu- WhtyTudal 19 t2p 8& shoulti b, placeti beyond teinfluence for arngIn ret niis ceuli u> coxtrel of that ver>' maority? Tbaî t hyfound Liat w.aýlre.almost entirel>' depen- Priaclples-Unlaeers & Ex.miuIÂem .ahoulti consent, for Part>' purposes, te cur- dent upen tii. produis 'of tbw.forest anti tailthLIe.privileges and pemers of the people îul, fer Lb.e upo4y andi pe>meaiialike of W. bave always unideruitot that the. ire bave supported tiiemnind wmie. necessaries' andi luxurie&. the> found a a geetissue te ho tried b>' Lbe people at any rights ILt 1"! their dut>' te protet ? <l'bat corastaxýIi> recarrinlg' inierease cf Ourf eleciion, arîsing out of the. acceptance of 'Borne snob polie>' ira iniended, la the nat- foreign indebtetines, ari.siîîg frora thec an oflice In thie Becutive by their late mral inférence te bo deduceti froua Lihe slian, great excescf the value ef our Importa1 xnemi>sv, la asCote i.pmopriet>' af tbe stop der information ani explanutions furtà is- over our Exports, Lhey foundth aLt tus ex. ltself', andthejustice and stiabieness'et eti b>'the. îainsti.71 and iérebieme that ceas ias not covemeti b>'the importation the pelicy wbii.b such Administration nia>' the sanie conclusion mustat strhe L. ninthroughiicngmation or expenduturo on submit te the v'ertiict e! Lbe ceuntry, as of ever>' on.eirbo laIes the troubleý te ex- Public Works of mono>' froni abroad, Lue>' havlng beexa the basis an avicb, the Cabi- amine their oirn statoments. If the infer- fund that in consequence cf Liis, our net wua fommeti. Constiiutional usage, once is net-in aceortiance mu ichtir ien- specie iras decea.,ing"-andth te circulation and Iinvariable practice, have establisiiedtiions, the fault lies ilîtieni. anti may be o! our B3anks becoming monthly more andt Lb. propriety o! a f ull anti canditi avoiral remedied b>' a more çxplicit and frank more coniracteti. The>' discovemed &ac o of!lat leat the gneral featorca cf the in- statenient o! Lb. agreement cenie te. îIf Liai large expert.,,o! rair material in thec tendeti polie>' on ail Lb. leading mensures our reference ils correct, or even neari>' shape e! mool, tites, mootis, rags, scrapL of tic day, even mien an Administration se, wmut must be said o! a paî t>' iro for iran, &c., more being made.tea Liec le entîmel>' composeti of parties mie have years have been fighting tuis great battle Unitedi Statesan sd iere nianufacturetiV been knoavn te holti sixaîllr vicia. Tbis of Representation b>' Population, for the. anti aftcrw.ards fonmartiedte Canada. Thee propriety, howevor, beconies an actual ne- avometi pumpose of liaving legisîstion carri- freigiit andi chargea there anti back, theP cessit>', m2ere, as in the conibinatlon o! the cd oan in accordance ii Lie mies o! the profita o! manutacture, tic Public Revenue late Broirn.)oien Admîinistration, antage- vat malority o! Upper Canada, 'but noir contrubutable by Liose engigei in mano- xiatic principles on eî'er>' leatiing question by theire'.vxi mt divesi ibis great question facturing, te Lie resources of- the Govi-mn- are about equalIr- represen'teti. Matuud o! ail iLs importance anti value, andi me- inent, ail tiiese charges iandi bases weree compromise la Lb. natumal inference from ,move beyond iLs future influence the ver>' heing sustaineti b> Canada, because of the - an>' suet combination. As s malter cf questions iL iras expectedtet settie? absence cf Lb. manufactuning skill antic eourse, discordant reporta C'eL intô circula- The scbeme is inipracticable as the ques- capital necessar>' te the working of tLeIl tion as to Lb. parties anti priaaciplcis coni- tien of a double majorit>'. Will the British air matemial . Witi suci impressions antir promiRed. la iL top niucli ta expect Ibat anti Protestant population of Upper Canada witi a viem teatalr el this Province Lic tmder such doubtfi circunîstances,- even confide the interesta cf their felleir country- means andthLe men necesqary te obviat. more iban the ordinar>' information anti men anti ce-religienists te tic dieposaI o! the cruls ascertaineti, thie noir tariff i explanations shoulti be volunitarîl>' andth Le vast French anti Catholic matjonity frameti, baset uipcn Lie sounti îrinciîl. of a frankly'affortied? la iL enouîghthà t vague there ? Will the Catholics of Lower afferding I incidentaI, protection," firsi te anti vinlent charges a! corruption anti in.a- Canada consent te icavo the intercala andtihti manuilacturers of ail geetis matieouitC pacity shouid bo allegeti against tii.blac- nimbes of their ce-religienists in Upper of rair iateniai preduceti in the country-, donaldi Administration, as thi.exnl>' oui- Canada, ut the. mor>' a! Lb. vast Protest. anti second, te uicetmanufacturers o! aIl dençe o! tic purity anti cflcicncy o! Lb. sot aaaujority icre ? The scienie must otiier eiich goctis wih, b>' the introduc- Broson-Dorion Administration ? Are pet- incvitably entutil defeat anti ridicule on il, Lieoa o! the ncccssary capital anti skil, ttu>'SI sonal assertions of Lb. harinon>' o! opinion authars anti supporters. bc manuifactureti in Canada, uiiidat the existing amengst ail lb.exembers of Lie TIhe positign of Lhe MacdionaldtI dminis- saine time, withiout an>' continuoti on- ex.ministmy on Lie ieuadirag questions cf po- tation in last Paliainent mas Soundi and hancemet to! pice teti. consumers. Ti~ litical and commercial polie>', sufficient for statesmanlike. The>' saidt t inth Le pro- principie se obvinsly just iras supportetif tie renieraI of ail tie doubLa; anti mis-ap. sent hostile attiiude assumedti owardi, b>' Le lcading men on botha ides of the prebension whiclb ycars o! previeus bostihi- Lowei'-Canada, it %iVeulti b. olly te attonapuFlouise. M1'ssrs. J. A. Macdionaldi, L. T. fr t>', evinced th le samne parties tovrards Leforce the measure, andti Lait suc-h at. DrmnI-.ondý A. 1)orior., D. MeGee, W. il. (o each oaber, bave naturally arouseti? Are tempt on the part of an>' Governmcnt Moritt anti others stipporteti iL. fess. r, Lbe olectoma e!fLIis, or an>' chier couxity, ivoulti tend te a dissolution o!f cthe Ur lr r , iwatt anti otlîerspposeti it. Si to rest satisfieti uiti Lie vagrue avowai, that auci aa erent would br . -i r,? wan inbIronto, fon the pumpose c, tuat a bill te establisi Representation by bti Provinces. The>' saul -1.,, '!î.cuîg the favor andisupu1port cf tienth Population is te be introduceti, surroundeti neotaeasure couulti l, iratied %! îitesale ibnperting bouses continues te th miti censtitutienal protections anti safe- new censuis i:., btn ~~ O)i it. Nr. Dorien in Montreal noir guartis fo tie local intercaLa anti institu nary course wili have te he d-nc 1 .-upports il thon., ant Ir. Moirai in WhIit- tiens e! botb Provinces, mithout an>' infor- the>- ecomnct te their Supporters in Li)i%1)y, althoujghI lie voteti agatst iL in Par- matien as te the -charactor or nature o! or Canada andt ley urge tapon the mnembers liaruient, advocatos il bore. *tiese-qtaestiona te ho so provitict for, anti froni Upper Canada, Lthe cnItivatien of a 1)oes net Lie question naturally arise, tic niataner in wiich tic>' are te bc pro- spirit cf conciliation, frieuadlixîss anti fair bati the Brown-Denien Admuinistration uni- ecteti?.ý Are tîhe electors te ho satisfieti pl>' okardaricdi otier, as tie uni>' meani, commercial pulicY at ail? If se, irbo i., witlh thie assertion, that ail tii. difficultica b>' îVbici the existing animosities andti he truc cxpoenentut' iL. Mn. IBrowvn, ih' To- as te otur achool systeni are te bc met anti jealousies me>' be allayeti, anti in tie place rente, whe for persona] t-adacment, 1-oîîs f removet b>' the recommentiations contain- tiereof there naay'amise a spirit cf ruetual thai th. princillofo incitic:tal protection i ed In a repart te be drairo up and prepar. conifidenrce, suci as nia> convunce bothi s untgui, Or 1Mowtt in Wbhitbv, mite in cd after a porsonal inspection anti conside- partît-s that cven with increaseti Repre- face of bis previons votes, admits iî Le bh oi ration o! the national schoel system afin.e- sextaion Le cither, the Institutions anti correct ? Surel>' on ibis, as on ail te otb- u commercial pelicy adepteti b>' Lie Brown- rectness o! the thean>' tiaut nunaberasiebuldi sentiment or tiesire comnmen Lea ail ie .buî l~)uon Admninistratilon, ne information .as b. representedand tiaL mien the. census orsunembera o! Liai Atiministtation, iras .a Lii the late Provincial secretar>', te ruat is- tianal trainiang, are te be met anti aîer. constituents in Montren4t, iat b>' tue pesi- thii claimnafor renometi confidence on the. bu an. 1»' Lie adoption e! soejeatUros o o!nLienb iaaà meil, i. bas Itùpfrôde, «b greunti, that b.e bas been a tiiorougii andtihei National Scboot Systein o! -lrelax-d. - chances tLhe~re, -If Montreal mas agreeýT.,~ invariable -opponent a! the Macdonald Ad- Our haLe meauber axai> inforuas us o! one, ýupo n, mia>'net infanan Lb.eoaatrof ît? ty thinigtrtion, and on lis cira vague andl that stateti heurs on atateti days are te ha If ne $Àcçe y.L sgr..ti upoxi, how -çjýs th,,$4 buciherent al8uranea, thaItiheMinistr>' o! set a"arfor lb. visitofe!Csnie xio alagemei e rrivoi .I srksubru muet> io fonnietia part, bail agreexi te in. denominations, tieairous e! bînpartbug re,- LiaL vote b>' ballot in Lb, Exeeuutive Ceun. troduce mensures for Lie settLemexit or ad. liglous instruction-toe i bitren of their cil, woiild poeLequeetadcsetple justmnt Lof ait Lies. questians. Butie own faitii. Doea tie Hon. 0. Mowtrealiy anode of settlement> andt Lat after Lia, me. prot eloctors o! Southî Ontario mail knom lb. believe tiat Lie axientiment propose i t suit bailbed eoniel La long face& AIsc discordant eloments of wiheiLb.te cos- atiequate te .duftculiies vomplixet of? anti blauk coulîtexiucao tHoaiisesm tioma vascoxuposedtiLie>'kaow that we If se, 'w. w"Vrould auggest tLà bina, Liat h. dÎsappointedbk' Lias selection, moulil be rço bave nom on eut- statute7 book, measures. aboulti acertain Lias nu'mbà to! SËcoel.intereting andl fatu>' ftectl Les'anw- wiLla respect ta aIl Lies, qiiestions, anti Sections in tha Ridiuig, th*or*a bing onl>' brotypo. they mil net ruet satiaflil until L.>he . one Catholic Prb.a lti e h asutaîçil tht 55 IGao L ?uuui - oft fra-ithed iîltb at 1 ast Liigeneral featurea by diligence and seat, heoina>'average one B>ofr th#, ~ ~ b or utliaies e! Lb. mensures- promisedi lipisteral isrià te0r> day of'o. Shot Lo r ~ t.o nae- the order ta it Lb.! na>' juige mlietiier, Lhe. t eaucalotilate lb, ntiiber of visita #ltlcb or tenant, te, eoisute wvîthL. ele o den, efbvmsproposeti amie hkeLy to hbe eeficiî- mail falIt te ia. ab r set caçaaiool an Ltselfar Lb. yearly , re14e- &t or net..ÀAlittie enqqiti>'as tote i, pro- yesr andi, me ttial4 the.reîqit. mliievea ottena ari ~pe ~~ pr o ent "Wleon o *m scia, ! i.letaing ques.- iaty >'Mr'. >owAt> LIhatthe: s~aee O nets=O, aay Mons, mUt show Lb. necessit>' Lait existé poititila5uttL.ly madqiatet o ti.'iuply ris oifrl- , 0U. 2o-, iW"itiuaýoliDil rôr %b. produlcteion f bislaforniation. ;%o! the vaut ceutended f or--rullgbousla. this burdee,. uchAthe Louver (anaillaî REAUsvvosBTIOUATON tructiomu. - te ii spî~ tay 1 t Io beoxid ail othea,, tearoatpromiexin J 1 ~ ~B'1t0N.jis pd -etnW hc mestion of tie day. aaacl b ôtue w îdllflaIt- Tedlacoxaiiiuanc.êl e o lI1 a Jaîcor- bas te aine hia -b i i s i I I de4o &-4aboe., l orlc-pomi«* no the payinent of -teb. "ioda et ventas," iwhl Mr. Druniiond's bill prloved should1 paid by the. occupanÎts ofthe land4.ý' !ace of this fact, Cali Yeu place aany do îlenee on~ yoîav latei età ber, wbe whE asked for u, xpIaum~ion btherniristér policy, tries te hoodIvrink yen with the frà És4ertion, tIhat IL wasonly :totnà alcogood deflciency of £5~0,000 or_£100,000, noe sary to fulfil the purpose of thie fora gget-? Not ongly this, but'insult youÙr _ intelligence witb a flahy'story ne to son sciiene te be introduced by Mr.Dorion,1 wbicb this question id to'be settoti, noti a cost te, but aia profit te the country' £50,000! ! 1l fot ibis asmauch as prou iaing te Lurn goose eggs into gold. B wvaro, ask for, Insist uport fuli and candi information on every question, take r evsive arîwers. Thiis rnerning's Toroni neivapapers say' ilat this question involvi ah aiount ezceeding £,000,kto. Si ibisa part of the policy has been withhec frotu yen, wbo can tell how insny moi concessions to Lower Canada, bave bee prenisei, and arc noir kept secret. The Hon. Oliver Nfowat entereti Parii ment ptedged to join or s-upport ne Govert ment whiich waa net prepareti te carry oL Represérntaîion by Population, in alil integrity, which iras not pledged tad away with Separate Scbools and Ecclesja tical Corporations, both of wbicbh ho d scribcd aï; hindrances and curses te th country, ho profossed te be the very eu bodimient of henor andi consistency, - compromise," " ne surrender,' wireohi gratchirords. But a lew mntAis 'av elapseti, andti hcw have his înigbty broa protestant principlea, his uinswering aÈ herence te purcly Upper Canadian feeliie bis abbiorrencc of Ecclcsiistical Cerpori tiona anti Separate Schoola, ail comproîni ed and abandotned. The standard of ur Iiinching patrietism, and unswerving pri ciple, which bis own bands upbeld ther lias been lovwered under the feet of a col riapi coalition, and burieti in the dirtc tinjustifiable compromise, andi the patric of 185î appear.; te thc people of 1851, the violent partizan of a ministry destitut alike of principle or pollicy. Couaty Councul Proccedings.-specin nim, DA.ky The Cotincii met ini the Court lieus shorl>' afier three o*clock, ail the member bcing pîrocrit. The rcquisition câiiing the Special Ses ion vvas reand, andi frein it ire leare tl followiing programmencor the ROAD SCIIEME. 1ltL On thie Noniquon roati frein ti frnt of the tifth conceîasion of Whitby (on condition that the Nonquon Comtpani relinquisth aIll eaim on snch portion of tIi( said roai, te a certain point on the. thirt conces'uon of Reach; frein tlience te t Ail Sirncoc itreet reid, andi thence almnp ilirougli the sidii ,nre trec i ryzaý hraragh the r-e-Iîccive villages of Prineý .1l6eît anti l orelia, to the f)i4trict line. etwîeenti teCotnues of tOntario andi Vit nOie, £6,200. 2nd. On tbe IDistrict Uine betircen thi ait CountiesR of Ontario anti Victoria, euth nt the 5tth ciiected.ýon of Thorah, (011 ,ndition that the Co'uiy et Victoria ,rais-- an equal amou nW the sum cn Ê1,200.ID ýjrd. On the Centre rondtI eîween the ronit of thie Sth circessieiî of ieacti, ,rough Beaverton, te ict ilh e of Ather- ey£100 4ti. 'From a certain peint on the Centre ,ad frein lot No. 12 ont the Stia concessin dRoacb, direct -te the village.,o! Epsoru id tetce te Uxbridge Vilage the sum eo ' FG On matis tbî ough 'Pckering, Ux- itigýe anti Scott te Georgina £9,50t), in e followîng inanner, viz., aide roatil 1 The Oouncil met at'bsif-pasL il1e'elock Rolt calleti andi menibers ait amwireil ta eir nanies. REPORT Co r "McOUltitft Esr.DB Thbe Warden reada report from theCoQ4n- Enginee setîg (>ýr', t iiithesutir of 10 had been expend d on tbe Scugog ige, iluat tiae work be-,satiafiw-- 1>' don%, andl that a aditional appro lion of $100 irouf borequlr-ed o coin- dthe onbanknien at the east aide, and )teet the work fro %ho action of the l.î se StMing tbst Lthe upola of the Court as. ai fe dt mounts for ît> wore fura$s with th.e rt iiand ommelided wobe ad OW- bY-the Oaeftoigas-onuvwbfrb M.- ThornsîMsolt mttbhpol. -okeo t flo t. M-Brhbizo mas for - -tâking tit" rote the resoltiin pas3sel Lth.preoinsday" ich saidt Lat ho conceivetilit exuteedingl>- defl-eu t tis faîl, andt tere mas ne carttal> ne- upon Liis questioni as selon as p 'Îfi)le. Tho. second reîttirg mus carfieti on a diVt. b . Cuit e vote on le clause settling tLee ffl ity forsth e gre tihaste p eple sere m ak - H o co tait xat se 'wh > se in.uch a lluion io n of <9 e 7, ati l i - bc y-aw c enalm itteti lun amunt. Tiero er emeofhesereolu- #h.The 4Jun# old av0,1 nt leýst ulttd bemaeLo o wîsîîe!Reici.tocoiîauaittee of tht' mloSveri= ain à ttiens arici ho, Mn. Tbemp«on, coulti net le go inLo soee40,000- IRpà ch shouItiunet be consideretimu meiniig teL mre nauvet i ii counmittec i>' menu. conscientiauîsly vote for, alla 1-if tii.>'diii-, ýMr. Rittelili stateti that bis Opinion On tt>e'whe)IotLis CeunI>'. Ucreplitit'a tho ibers, andtihLe îtsii.in itihv-awkept )n, B -ntpass, o! course tbe macle amount in thus question bat not îbeeai, mteroti Pinceo. R. of , s te whiy tlte up uptil netari>'four e'olock, mien lth t'.- ral t4e finaL resoitution wteil viot be required.th.Le Conaicit hast ý met-this'w as net tie battit Towl* hpà -tid it ot nmakliac ir on ilaw was cai-ieti throughaceomuhi)tte.eut dro- is. e Mr. Ifodtitiargueil tlaitite &,sut clause -ime for making new routa anti lnvciving, roacas Lia ee ias littlhouse il, tLiepeu- poitea. On )itirfer recption,un.- da ihulti ho adepteti, as it cxli>' establisjiud a tue Ceouuty. 'itere iras a Wvry' dAeflnt peo ç'nà igt rroatis if tht.>' Whîte, seconîdi y Bar. Galiahlc, movua- Sp in cip e. n et h arv u.t,-iv h lch th e fu inn ca-a o !th e 'C u r ty - m oere aIc si )E p Iicd ai R iacli, ti are Lh e a it a in eid in ci t te p ro v ile La t t ii. d e be j o d ets e w u d av e on e d ,w ih T lt* ni ar eo le ie ll oulti net j i en H ur s sthit ulhim Ii t adiscount ier quiiin pon wielà tie special înoeîiîîg oftae ratcpaycrs mure otherrLi..v9r>' id nt a;nein whe fcil frouathe .Reeve I w-taicluau-aur Iton advso.As mawis i n'iascahei ioulti bo îbrown overbo'afifor m ùu i- h'dè pr ia-sac n iiateutut clo b o !Wib' s L e inau-, unotionmuo! Mr. Spenra tu ciacrease Lthe eun ne ii. nom plan. Nom coulatle undotstnti nevr-burlhtons, anti untier Lic circuin.stan -lihert>' La vote for tîhe proposition now anti e! £40.000. hair men mie bat set their banda t6- uat ces,lbe fer ciao, couatctconsent Le ixuvolve miet heing bounil Le do me hereafter, anti IOn the motion for adioption, lu. Rateif, requsition coulat noir veto fer aneiber -the Cont>' aitich prescrnt timne. cencluiti b>' slating thait if bis ( Mr.. Brut- fcî-rlclecl b>' nr. Gtuml, movth Laibt o!la. dfrentmior. - t eutonthe face o! '- Mni. Gapablo statedtl tac the iuone>' te be hazon"s ) restitution bail beti à adupteti-iin for. ils final pssitheLb.ay-lam siiomaitib. atfplan dfre nt f s'ro-naçi that b f oi; ,iewhtve.teJtatittepe5ntrouble mouit bave -s#otjjitted for lite saprovaic rutepa'. Mr. Mèraùsisogaveuhid e o !wn s aice irbatavpritetJuncfaIldthe i- M.Mtoiaigv is rossons for sign- t!>.bikTovsiea thie prescrnt tinie. been saveti. -peetcsa oIt oiîii iiiai dia etur ime tan tihé prosoriL coulti be aken laid ut on tic front 'Lowns ips- n Pick- pleased i titi ni te discutlssq0i iou f tii. The -byla m mas r unitd"ai bja iiativantage of, ini consoqiience o!fLb.hfil crin -and cise wbere, vh tire tue>'baril areati>'suatject breu"lat eut, anti couti net lelp affientiment -made - tue vote te b4 takexi se. ne tics for ohtaining British Capital upon un. geai'ronds. lie bil anoîher petitiomate, pixying Lb. people o! Reacihieh, acc ordoaig te nimanlicipalitie. anti net on the ag. ta dubLt seurly-tlie ci-annes.q cfth limreent !rom 150 rittopayeu's o! tihe'Town.m-irîg tu thelu' represexttvs acu~ r~L oeo i ae~'r !i'eît' 'es labor mârket, andtihLb relief te laborer s ip cf Rochc, fonmuuug uiti the p2titicuastreile se doplorabi>' ignorant. cf wat -he report iras tien adoptoti on a division tit7ich enipinymnent môulti afiord -for mak lt.sîeati>' prosenieti, a iiajoriLy o! Lb. rate- a'imutre doin';. lie conehuatedti at thîcre e!f<9 Le8, not, boYmever, befon. the prevnons* ang roaidt. pa>'ers cf tit Towniship againat tii. i toust bc semethîng,. wronglmn suci a state question mas- movetteCuit off flurtier e - tIi Mn. Galloiva>' complained o! the, manner sciieme. Rchating te b-aying and selfling, 1 cf thting,-i-alftlue ratopayers cf the Tôwn- bite aadtihie nîin questieoa put.j Ire of goLing up tic reujuiîuiîioni -andt tthLeaho kmaew suela ucas tla isc on t1iupart cf 1shîip petitionila" Lie Couaicil bra the one.,Tih y-lam m-ms thonirendl ant thLird ýen atten-its o! uis Temusiai pmr ovrcrcon ac io! the supporters ef the requisition i sîde againsi llîeir reprenont-atives, antid eraigo-eei o- L 'eebrneit. sultetiin Lii.niatter. Hie stated tiat ho ovorLures iaad beeon madtieL hi masel! te sign Depit>' Ite tLîîing -tiainouo Lte other (Secu by-lai on'tiîiril page.) - nevea-)lourd 'One mord cfcerning tb. ne- tic neqiisitien, but ic spîîrneil theii. 1île aitiffuiat tbis- Cunstittuents more ignorant, À.DTasSLRa ýia qumiiountil ho receivedtihie Warden's comîltinet believe thi aiver-, in this scieme andti lai tho>' titinol lkmow hat tic' lr hmptn eoîlt > î. rto n- conmnrication aipprislngbim ofe the Sp.- Le be bone'it, for if Lie>' more, ibenta Le>' more deiîig. -1unovr.ltlac pyxncn e12 Bi, D;to e o ,ut cmal Session. Hoeuiaictithe Conimi'ttoc te geL uî a schianethe>' meulîl stirk te il, Mn. Stiitla tioprectitedthLe course puarsuiti thao f3cthe ymeudt'osfoi12tleprsetciaof ta tindersLandtiLatie houaitgo for ne plan anti not ho ininging fenmard noir plamas b>' menions o!fLia. Council, anti maidtihat sfiuon ru; ihair duties mere cmltd tagott1Pfn umtcina n ictcms ta- verylhutr. lie c-osidend it vrury desirs. iL reflectet but littie cretit on theun. Tueh' n~i do irDryen ssetedtha th tenissta- be t tet te mtte utonc onthemaigniLude o! tic sebeme, i ho etigoti.liati eti in the requîisiîien siios-eti piainl>'a ban- amnaiment o! tie Deptut>' Reevo o! WVilit- beema !ergotten, in dabbling hetweenth Ie FV»u1.ICATIOti07T-A le- gai,, anti sale amouguit the nacmhcrs aigul- b>'. Iuminens aieut iviat hâba t& -nplaýtc-esc- Mn. Treianue moeoth Le puabiction of lue ingîit. Mm-. White qtatedtiLait the question Ira(t] mier. 111 contradictod-th-Le staLetiierit the b>'Ia- ortire. menii in Lic c1kiroai. u-statteietmad ihu neipigtecrednie(,i titi. gavl rz s Curii iv ut oio.ge teitBrcroad- E~»Tiws, 'nvd Pant." dmnt neReere o! Wiithy. whlen they- laul alrc'tdy maitfon a fortnig-lai thi comararu'%vats the fi. A regintiet strike eut tlie Pbtf. lis Mnr. Gailoma>', éodrtiornter I in Juno, anti atijeumnétilititîaeut tuing able hlaîîamie ' Iteli theLa.position'tiat ira the Mr. Mc)ug bjecteti, anti a division iv MN. Drydein repeatet i, is ertion n'itî- Le de anythimigin tie naxiter. And the I'face ot tue lepre.4gion e? the individua ne- tu-as Lakura. YcaasMe-ssiEmrs, Spid- idout aceuGsinglIae Reeveocf Thorth, per-s reasn muas Iîeraus m beae!tCouncil sources o, the rate-pavose!teCen>' ln,hogari atioRijiSib AIly-auad %-cnt eta te say Liai thLe firipart hat, nover agreed tupan an'yplan, but con- thi irîletein-css o!furauîucipaities, ami- the Camnpbell, Boynton, W'iite, IDryïen,'Burt- d- cf Lie roquisiLion watt in Mn. Persuns sumacthie a-bobeofo!t-lactim-e in tiscus.sing Admini.,tration earing eau tic busine-ssrci! bit, anrd Wiemn-1. NatYs, Messm ig, landivi-itimag, amatithat a îlaink hait laen scmuetingib at noue o! tiom ceulti cga-cthe Couuntry Ibrotigliime têaid of horrouvetlMcl)eîgttll, Thorn pson,'Speaa, Trema'ue, ai.loi fr beReee ntiDeua>' ! icknuagupon. In the trosent instance, hacvover, meneur-nheu îatiîviuaals wene pi-mganti rlinhzor.-à . $o the ameandmn ionfiitup anti inscertlaceir on-n tormnis- fîplan hait Lîen agrecti upon andtihte prn- friu,20 le 30 pe-r cent interesi Le onable '~ ei ,îaiglant iiLa is r wucl tht- liait toue. lic refera-edteLutire cilule morcrs iin it lied pui t oîn tic conta- ilîcun te carry ou thein busine.ss, Lie pre- il r. Spaldî- an igler " h 0 petitions eofltme ratepayers of Reaclastrgtiens in aeickanti trite on uu-icb Lbh>e tountrwaisnet ttillte te plunge itire (7îrouitle w-tus the cnly -onc o! the tireether j mu-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i tuiierrpcehtvstiinet pess mioulti support it. 'rua.emBien w-liesignet Ceuîuty imbileht. ILtu-as nmue liie Le im- papei-s ia mhich the by-law, coulti be pub- o, iium onflhenc, ani cîuingupon te itfirere bounti te go for IL The>' soeilul'pose aditdtional hurtens umpoma tire fanmner.s isiotifomi-Liance ituaahas ceeri efore the r-rsganti saithaL if tîausegetemnrî anti jtdgoâ tlieuiselves te iL, anti couiti not uvlan t-Licy Iautiai delicicuut amat a îaulimi- 2X-tbNve --r, the dy -fiior the ibird une spark o! hiouer in Lic-un, i-la>' uriald ne- nom mittaicuor or laocuit> necette freout - crcp. c' uvautopposc-d te an>' uxpeiett- reailing-, mioret, sec ntieti b>'Mm. Radclifl; sigo ftem Fsusai once in aiccolitunce mitia Luit positimn. 'facre ut-e ne restrictionas turc bcin-,ruade that >tronlt imareusi,-tui» e have the £î/uoîir1 mi-ruck eut. Mn. - lt flic rien-s o! bose tu-ao sontOmtheilu e or resenvaîtiens in the tocumnmt b>' mlielataxesi-a $ isyoaîr. WIlite n-lie %rus up te tLue me.jainei as Coumacil. lie accuseti tic gcîtor-up of! thc Uic>'coulti evati iL. Anti yoi what dit The tVairden spoke a feu vmords and tic-n-as t iti also Mn. iiod.gsonWhmi i ite nequisition with iavin- gomue t hbe Recru ci Lie>' finti, aain Ic Lic Reeve cf tic Ton-n hopedllte Coteiaî all cimne Le seme ý1 i biutiacqte goag-ainst lb. Okronice ScgIsianutiAnd ti tî-iîi bt£500 e-to!of Vhitby, eue cf tîmesigners ccmirîg for- cocusion- iaii tle iatter irithout !itrit.c-n edinot sec Liant ltc.iuuld bho virtuali>' s;-11 the r-iiste-tnlion hi a' gen- -yaýrd mitha amah>' t ifferent schiene, anti urasteofo!tinet--Lai hu-Cuarlwu kffing itie %>'-lau. Mussrs. lrabazoi, - tlemiaen refîmuot te do se a-lai w-as the, roputiaimg t-hait-t> iaicia hbuba pîcletl proccedti miii daactien as bc-camue it8 i liautieti, BIlvton, 2tiuillEn-crs, Dry. i la igu age usitLe fi n -,, youu ana> as mel hituasel! uuiler us oiun liant. AMn. Hotig- dignit>' amdîn such a mainerca-as montai ltln/S -ib, Sp-am-s, 'huiio,2unye haro "ittethin, as ne)t," -saii theu eputy son siateti thai laliinmtie rcr-bal condtionis prove beucticial te the uviale Couiiy. aNeau-iutt tid atubi --12, vetetll guinst Reeve of Reaci. Was Liis net bu>ing anti uion signîrg thie reqîuisiiin-iuîat tiat i Tii. ateneutaeit iras tVieilput- Liv tue -t' te motioni, miiivb mas acc rtinugIy tociareil sciiing ? Mir. l)nrtderm:aagdi-a theÈcve mach uppar-trby titi lie nul do as bis cul- chainiaiuand tic,, ieatvetiupon -a divisiotnll-L ni h uciu pseiodrng; lb. te suit l)pnty Reeve o! Pickering uvulaloli- i oigne nr. Treinatyne nid, andi peu tourmIl teIL hy-Iav teo i îualislet in the C/iroaicl ns imgifferont riews s the reaut'l scieuneo f 1bis condthicaîs i tltheuie. Whut îvouid mn Whlite secondeti h i i-. Spaa unl te Tiuiuc-hhe Cierl siating tuà tthLe- laîsit sion anti tuiti neur, n-linthie nuits bu Lhougbit o!fitac- imalivitiuanl wmiein Lime intî"%gt un aunui-'ai ltte encdîicc-the Sil Tie-îiliacoarc e eigh tvr p- p ou us t eLo h o n a ne c a rn e to b o h tIl iu m sa n ie na >' e n i te iî- r uru-d te o" c a p e p a ain e nm t o ! £ 1Ù 9 t4 u u £ 3 1 , 9t fu u. -th e atg. e t(tM oi tiiitiai;. Suc-h w-is tirucase )t's uoteuviuiclu tic liaitsigiioti IW'etulti Aioth iom tlqdiscissutuei.ti(,t iin; - hindi XuX'r 3IEETINQ. urili ail the si-rters of tic sclacm-ibo lae c- oaltoeutite neputtiutu bis signat r %Ir. Spea-rs aceti-ol tc-pantic-s w-leitt O eba f a. rinynlias aMe Lcok gooti i-une ever>'oeef e! Ihaaof m bm-iecatuseofo!-an excuse tni be matie vce îsiguiedtihle requtisitioiu uitit an iinîotiemao sou-cil, uhat luvIenL-tec týoncîIh njour-n, L ben l>aîe. îlie tcie tiluit LIae scîamc tu-uts tcenciLions ait ftic tinte of signing iThé umisîcati antI- sIcafid dîîmnd untiiLm2i- ayoN. Y. ea oolione,-andi contentedtiLbt tihelire- partntlkon b>'the iteuvco! Whiiîiy cuiti Mn. Gamblo uug-in chairger] the fhaputy reiuaîcr i-i -tttl hnteC uu-ac-s-t-oligcti to net lac Lue strungl'cli.racic'nîseti. lic tit i'vc-e!fReachu »ith atteunpingto pur-iA e 1itiupassieti srtierng payniet pa- t m>'en forandîîîrsîng its paaper, n-as net vttconsitier il niecessar>' fer himua te go iîîfo i-haselaissiappîti. Tiaut ri. En-ens tijl-i1o! 10 ýiiliiigs per ulay -te ihé aesne- th fnie iutoiteuni-en uaîn aima extravagiantithe qîaesîioîî cf exçtediicocu'; aas aidmit. lmini. Gibiil>Chat lie siauîti i .tu-COtTriuru-. te i.aîtc- liku thtueue befter.e t.'imniI-teil tha tlire mouie>' t-bc a alou eti- ome-aha itottaubua touaif lue signed tt rem- i Clt îkctheti Ceuunîcil lu pause scriousi3- 'ri-iLs experkîduture n-oîmhd î(Io tdu taiiisitioti-andtht I l(, i ta-. E hi-î al n cieenlrugtu ii e ( g lic-fore enLertn~~~~~ opta> iiîis muatu~~Tte.'inilite lprescrit Liiîue, andtihLc-disLnibution ci unadeu uiraîigeiuentu mii Lia.signorno! tl: i-~eaiteutia u on npoe lit--esilt un Lhe tic-bouLoes oultamotnt te Itymtnt cien a 1ucîo> fttcl'>otrqistium lL11cfc-iif 1uauîeiasti lttenu tire Couit>L- BiItdinaga, anti Io a0 ai auas'tx er-- -car, anti aitpreseit u tlil equacliztte bltiten. Il theieîîh- umV oiIl tîtigan iL. £5iîO tu-tas tire 'tjiitI n-rjt maaî.rdigth aymenc ofsonic snial lime ratepa.yers cf ate Coutthadit <1 m nut!Pickerniug ceti dnettae.Lv haLtihe-nenticlee t telc git-enu fcn'obaiiairmm. d-itslinfr. - eniîugiate beur. Once this *acine iras -chenie w-hicb lie ladiîsigucti uas fer htaroirA.Utibl'.-,signacture te the requit.itieît. Ounacien *e n I. Brabaxon, Lhe Cooncil the cxiei.ec noutltien.cuit.et'uiene-attslaenbîî haus. le cuinaîtvenueiupanu hie sioliei tikon-hc-dgi- ca it patrt ofsmbalnt sti-c iirpi-ui nihpoehea f a. poriseiet tntni.laiatI nilu-ùosi alinicelupu ir -m i nwiguiancteel, a hullneiul.tut nolet mm ialugulemhicuiîdc-idaytmo doaucl kfiinreai-ad nul pov, ca tf. f owrd htnclfndhi iiganb s ltraitlhie, for une, liat-il ea-or SOUTH! ONT,111O ELECTIO,7. ter >'oar ai continumai bill cf expense. îI, as Icoîheagît on t he paru o! individtnal raie- >cerfa-iaket b>' ar. Es-ors ho contrentLLo SirifnadLo ca, herîttù pt>esulsTeisiinihcrpliit L-iaatiqLttte., TUiE NOMi'NATION. utc ca-uc- v i ri e ie e m od v i-1 -tin e îr ul n-uri;ts o i n a lai>' a tit n t ,a anY nul ofb t e rud p ~ . il eu ui ieeiatot u h S tt iln ut na a- uoi i ei?îaot i t oul; be iatii.,4 but for ta tLhe di t net c are. T hmu du o e htaii e f te d b s--,o roi th ,;t tei i t Tire nom ination of can dlidtes for tii. rM -vul beiiîltc s i mutaclu less. traivel 9? lie s-as panc.uh viii triaLparties wnnao ppou-e a -.lf andtI cleput)- lte:eve o! lieuel a ct Li t iiý. pl tc onaMitiiiv-I-uh ;riaLi tmr aiîg te ntinniipahiicscotustnuci it woulaliave-oet vsfer a alraoct. ime lue signedthi-e ruauuoiabout 1ollr- Le Town et Idývhî)., hrie ibu Lus eort olero-aan u'ing e saauu i dans.e. -'x t ~onc: c. ile Sa4ieniff N. G rtlain omher busineýs. insle:u o! ceunpellin., ever o! a rilmoat caine bul opeul>- amnit rasnover oen upokemî e tin on à ni acei aIRbî the rà topayera o! one mumicipauit>' te pui ibaldi>', adR r il L e iapueople. jet. Thmerc orpuraoc.unteneÎtà !i-ienai Iftueur baudsiitaeir poekebus aniLtike îth emîtses Lbîe atircates o! a raibroad islo-'e-i tienuthii hici bae mas net satisfht llhicrtsCatidhe taîngdateslt J$a-~~a. Uu-ms~sjiobtersoxiea ita oir oulti b. sonereturu te te ihici cà homtoulti >becnaeet-vc t o ~ik tut i.uiiiic hera tmaoaat VRiasu-as-mpu 1;~~L... i-~-.ii. ii.e ît tr t.u .econdlers:, and he teautlceîieil u! iteprs-. e! flet-ah antutheyetîglab to b. aile te Ixaprovement trouaIt i.an eveailastinq; bibll eenetat oa net do justice l e ';tsultecrefimuadt ie~Atfra rock. Lhic-mouvn rouIts a Wiiîtiy dit. n.e!ofexpense. If Lie sun a raisapalm>' one mihe Ceuni>"Bofore signing ilu e- hue Wnî aritVng lac-en reat, saIdtheue aa Itlcel a b ieeattmo P tkh- Le obtwt mas pnn.Ma.D>teurfr i9siÉion h a aheihA .Il a lamaata _ro! ui reI1iwaiumnei. rruuii oiuit inu'oliyliegvtednglna Le..rlaitc ae fdeetuas n ts po eontupoucte mlhumetn hîti s-u nscuui-i ml. wspaoosi --c Mn. Jiotion coulci net coneur jn tue smpero n LiaI bis signature mas gootid M' aloma> comulained tiabh Ie COnid JiiQi.Gso , w mw s eandi Hearguedti Lt 4tii presaut Lime iragthef instance, ie woulti al"se6do in anatier. r eftuse te a-oestre bis otion, wlaaaitaea-e mosL!vbIeniemp~uuat~>f~h fiecon4teniedti Lt a ny gcntleman, mb&1 mas noting.taefor. I cmio lt euntgfi~' ssaue.L e tint couhl b. desirqtd as egarded the fai.- Ivolunltaril>signet a documaent witbnt force -Wartdaa-Orilerl ca-cer LI i OtrOal 1 the - "-eaa npd 0 r e-I, li't> for obtushiing moaanti teepeajfi-sait or compulsion, iras bounti by it. Mr. Eavers at leailab moyed ~scnded b> b-tc-MOaal T- o! labor. LI regard La the, reqmuitien, ib. Oenîtletnen who vmea'e capable a! sucb a 1 r. Boytaten, that theèouÜicit-uoW e ecoides id order81 55ttt5 Na-. Iloajirsn.aithouzbha.ho-d iSw i.,a. course, caret netuainir, fer nilie, cacnsure. 1lie cn od, n in n r itta rf- fumens t cndAtpz ; ik. net feel snd mci Iàs OPisr support as afini 1.not hoe ci as. -, -le tiiov -hhree ~. Losrius of a4jusLxaa9nt Fvoryboùud nvri ths~%aLt for an>' practical puirpose, a ne.4>untt i%of the constltuancles moslilbecoa n cossý andi ittWenmda uâe ensu es tbi takO. ia* IathLb Brown-Dorimen Atuniili- e,