Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1858, p. 4

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I I I I -'-I ___________________ I - I lI#SX1ÀNO~5TEE PRESS5 A PritZF FrônEvEitygoDyl i'iiSO SJ5CRItE S Fo urTill: ý>rovIsuc1ae Assarace Compasny. NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS, CAITAL £l2b>O. 't tU'TiI.Y tl IlltNA 'E titcted on Buidinsgs sud thias STRATE1 i cesteitit. Every linfthr!tiioessu1spliud ou IFAM ILY N EW$PAPER. ttslsispllcats tisse - ___ F. KELLER, (l' kac d hUstgAýwirte Cto. tef Qus>erio.i l "E NN \V YOîRKWEEKLY PR.ESS fiq one <lio - Vittoria Blliisgs, Brook Street TO'ti1ti-cs-c,-t aie! 1%t11litt-y ar îecf tise Whitby, tudr tise Chroîiole Q<lice. 1 d, . A isru qssirtc otsc tsct ' FNTY à PÂtJrF:-, '~ r sx5 l\5 eott , s f eslttt!1!iiîui-s inûî- 1eýles .i LEIt;AýN'lLY ILLUSTRIIArDese- OÃŽrtlah Acerica Assuranice Company, 1 NUJOIPORA£TFJi) uneuîr aiAu-tof tise T'isrd Scissabtusi cf ttîusElausltlis Provils"ial Paslin A (IJET srerth frusz )Oc. tle* i000 00 will ieut Uîîrt-sai. bu 8et-ust t"u-/ st-ssironireeeipt of U\Pl'lAXU E1005'100-t/ecserut<l sue'. Iuui.uics etelfc-c(rton is tldlluigcs adeïiits-r TEPIMS t<owustcits. Every inl<truisitotiu . splsiid on a'pý Osu- eusjsy fcu oie years, siti 1 ifi-........ 0 riîesSixu o Ste inscs-igsesl l<r-te sit VI Su'1V. c-u-, cue l ftsi.... il04) Marinse Éilks fur thiess sus os-or cs- issrtet. ies.sccuevts-asISgil....8 3011 OIN AGNEW, Tus cpie,-ellue secs-, aussI10 gfs ........it500 Travin'siug %genst, B>-o Sr0l , l iiî Ts-ssulJ-oie copies unlei-er, tisnd 21 gifts, 80 O. Protection aga st Loss adcati ussge inlus dsitissss te s-sbve rat"eSupssytisa Anses-- bY 'i>re. leets isosrtee, isliili nistat le 1ss--pid. WESTE RN ASSURANCE COMP.lNY, iNSUIIAN ýtçlconl sis liu'!iss-s asneuiruls custitet. 'Ries-s- fiiuîiss-îs lsu ssssîie' iotst aî<i)llutiti ust.o tide-itc' JOHN AGNENW, Trsîselliuur Astest, Ils-rc'sSt-uW'iitby. Tinîtes andti ieacoîs Asseuruoce CompIy. INsUî<.INcE i-fIcetl sitcu iiliuugs anttsi ss csuuststsi'. ves t-s i rmus-iLct lots suulplic-sl ue JOHiN AUNEW Ts-.savIug 5v-t usi Susss.yoruici tukeý B,ituis ILIFJG AND) EÂT!ASSURANCE. The Britlis 'Lgneriotan 'rlaotiiy soecty cf <Canuadas, j"lTABI]k l E) FluTh IlE .\ISIRANCE0tF, E îiii uoo b .selty Seî ,Net dfaf Pitisuiett, ls Vie., 1s~. it L PITAI. STOCK, £ 100,000. lRende <ilico ut Mouts-oe!., G lENtERi.i AGENTsr;M-it CW, JAS. BcieiEIni. Lot-t .XOESNT, JuinES loui'o Wlbtis #~WsClark .11. D., »ledical Refèee, vvoiis cls'sc u<ilc- ci ,itiaffleî s by t1 uaLuessi Astsuil at lfilisrs- .\itss-ciit S.1M 7.1 lISE SCIEe!ME FOR TUSE CéRRUENT %ves i-li!s-s siocpeis to nec Etutrususs osly esîtil tslNIiAY, thue 'tis AI<1'lL itext. l'us tut adIs'the Boos i u-t >sss ussusiup fur Sise 1'Ith Dirison of Profits., 1 ..llt (its d tluuheretin. rilli resodLx o o Os easr<e loniqg'e.-uîtls hfist slofer lus* tras, and il usui/ ts'tCjtfuf<ec'a i eaer-s' it etDtu îiisisss suPrelif. t t'IS Sol'IATIO55N 50F S>> tV.AND- L.s founsiesi li idisc1cus suoy-cc hioyal i ts-er'atîsi ofii uthi isssii ZttNV"RE.î- <t hsc-t ut. .lsuuu-s hiit>NIIUlLII-Asu-sc-iit uiuclbidinugs, Ps-in cc-c set. b.I N - lýit is.s; ult s tS-,t. ( t uts s'ss ciît /u t /SLjeff 'm sicli j,1- 'ii ie ic lt»' us uth uil eorLlê Jsestu'uteîtî lor41 i ,î6ifstceîpi>d .-;it - e t fTisrstic-les 10 be distribistesiare counptrlsd il tue Mci cglis t- 1 tUîitcci Statea s-cses-my 'Note $1000 Os0 2 1<ho uiîs do 500 00 ascii 5 sdso ut-i Isic 200 Oui acis 1) d i, Ict d) W1<00) eeuI ..t.............--------100 45>cacis ,5uti di . . .. . . . 60 4)0 cccli lus> dss ....... 5 i c>aecb SO Iislieg, ut-o ss-<tclesa,-... 3,5 0Oc e Ste)olie- steuc $t' 8U 0 Qo icacis .no ii ver icie----------b uts>0tu l20 s>'cacis loootis tussis<cuse att- iv ste. 5 00 t t15 0W e.sc- GIhici oclueteuelcto. lls-ocles.tFar Drsops, i1s-ecsc.5i:Iýu, tuc1iist. Sicese ý littossA, Iiusis, ;hisrst sls, 't"useli Kese, lil îutnd SuIves- 'ttiti'us, sidiuus-lu't'ioof istier ast icits iortis -tut s-ccilt ostIse cbscrsptsssnuc'y St-O emuh scs-ibt<s-,s maillse ssi Ibus esterediuii ti tis-Ourbock>ý tsipoeiSe aàuiier, asie!tise gUiticurraspondsuug uitAiltIsaI tsc%'vuili isc ftrwsisdc-si witiusone eeok to Iiiuiuu, ailt <s(ir ses pstpu d Tluure î lu i't<sltuun<ucz ns- or ltes-y abouit liai tiulis seove-s- subtsribes- isdsis-e o- Iri ze tfaIlle-. WN pc istfes- tu îsske titis lihasal dji,,triblititusi nntutssg thesus tostassu cf gis-luge las-se c-usssmi,.siusus tus geets, 2 inug to the stohu- ocrii'thtie asuonut tIlsît suld sic i-o tIse sgent antt ilsi utsm ussa iuîsudsed fois! ssore. Aulcmmitttcationa s Id bua asdrassedt 1 DANIEL ADRE, PtcBLLSnsolt 21 (en Ire Sfteet, ,Vtt llork MISCELLANEOIJS. A-esrtts-e4tt'lsr--.s.stccY >aits pî1và& iicusuttîts'ft1sA t esils wseu ,sitesi tui thse cc'iuu os>tf tise înc otrt f pc-ssons i p uaelètAssu' st", is; tof tureIPul'sev i hucictu.l>riuug hue Lst tlssee- xeuss slcîs, iSur-s'bavue ecus iptus o f Tusee 1fssuu-uuzets- ii3r:uectS, aseuriiuust tiusir livs-s--I- sueof th is'lits -AlV.tstisluili. 'lce>arec.suree I s-cmt'n is-li sesyons1ilitiy, iusil theise <Atss AcciiSisti t isliitrcf thteVD UBIIC ' NOTICE 15 kru guas-uests--cd li uy ttc-i-t. CçtîsiNut'ost>itai-siI ie.o-gsci u tiute Éii,,iir.i -rPTi. NNA *i:.-t,ý :Dlu e. EtoctoscIutlü St-1sttu Ridt- sSci 55i'tsiAt ts-i isS Ltttc ti55. uig suf' tettCusty f i>uttsiui. tîsusiii stbe<ivaei' !SI*E S 1 REt1i~ u te tit us- usof.. 1>,,,2,3 t i-- Malety'e SVs*it ho ise sirseeted, ause!beas-- SUM% .<S811biSU > ...... 4,tot. ~îg dusSe ite Sixtis dit «f thiu<tittttotf Aitrust,- ANýNUAL INCISiIE frontukmtuuscusussi jn the >t-cr of otus- Lord s 1e Ireujuire thucuire- uu1intes-est---------------.. 124,2185t',-st.scnc-e cul tee suul eicti'ss-ui, ut tisa TOU N cf ITAttAL bss dltiolit to îtOitutit lVtll'rBtV, ii thue Lsuie! Couîsv of I<ilistto, ou latte! . ..........-------£400,000 S'g. tue 23rd day etftisa Muath o! Augusst, Tise Associatibon 185S5, ut otie- of te c-ock bnteut tetuisn for ts n ustSinsg. ssltc fuse f(rosis ses-es-aiReý tihe puss-ps-se ut eictisug a pl'c' tu orepreseit tsiclig.suuscustistiîisue I sus Asssss-etiLises tteuis Litise .e-isticstse Asssîblyo!fSiie Ps-o- ttsussilcuferitig ii-ici unîd isuitcrtsit fLsilltlcs risuce ; atl iii'1 tisse a Poui iuiibe detstsuued, uni pris ilees., wictu as-ee s-stitedl iy no otites- austi llowed isithlit îtîais- by Law proscribcd, Aesus'éuenc'cic Cantada'. sucli pt-ii silI bc oipens ciitisa( D1I1ECTORs AT MONTREAL 3th day of August,à 1858. S.G. Ms-sczuts, Eu1(. G. MNOs-sT-s, Jc., Euq., olt o i as fts ountfWuî )svusTasssus,-.,iAs. MoHusi, Eau. lestise ItictireWard cf tisa Town. of Whitbiy Soitesr-csu.-oes-. Tosraisce &Mosrie_. in trie tSouthu Nas-e!of tisaTowosicf IVlictbi" in Mlsusa.t>-rs-ut-l.i'itserliOssss-, Ebq,3LD trise Tuusss-tlu cf1ieks<uri;in t htie <owsil fleairs-s-.Jcius(71-LisuS. cf W1iihy ; si tise l'ovuship cf Eut i bý A 03 WEN'T S:andineue! u lcVilheis-si or-Oshsawa. 'Wtua-rn-Ml. tssuim es-si. Gis-eus-. nde's-mv hanuset Whiiliy, Sis 'riir- »iowx.sstvut uIMr. 1. lisios- Ontas-is Bsauk. tecistis day of tise'isstoisf Auguet, iu tise ym.as NÉWC.TLI£ let Wilusot, funkofiToronoto cf oas- Loue!i 18. 1-1'ttcs . iisst. - Setsu, itc-esitNELSON G. REYNOLDS, Proviuci-al Insurance Comp'n- GREWOPA. 0F TORONTO, C. W. 5LTBSORIBED CAPITAL,, $i,987780. P>AiI) 1IP CAPIT.XL, $4020,25G. Psesid4tc-J. S. Ilnwau'd, Essj. Uk-Press'dnt - Hou J.il.1,Camtrnn. t>IRECTOSS Éton. W. B. ltoicisiosi, E.F. Wiiticmose, Eaq. (Jeu. liuggaus, Jr., Esuq. George CrawforîlEeq J. 8. Howsssd, iq. J.Casusern, o,.P. W. L. lerrlsu, Esq, i.i..Ciark, Esq., M1.D. liou. J. IL. Cisnes-ot, D;tîiicasslMscdcnuil.,Esq captalu P, wallssee. .lCss7.r andStsets~-fos J. Loauder Starr. J. J wodhoiAe x4.-teaidtaset sretary. ubussars-Trotn-Jl~st .sik us! Motrea.- New Yosk-Batik of tlise Ucpublie. &ULr.-Mo#sm sDaggsis& B urus. Ikaad Ofice, ¶oreuto Streei, 1.oruto. 15's-enti arinie Isaranco busilueus tresactati l>y tiis (Jsrnpssn t itè varinuss Ageucies, as weu has*t tise Ileadilce, et as low ratas as Iu aisy tlem leI Office, anti aIlomsses promptly soct- Brokers andi otîsers alowed a eonsason o! býUnpur Goul. ou ail nae buinuess breugisi to the iléua mîôl ltigtra tëa ne8esaasforms oa applý tasilon May hbe di r F. KELLER. GRIEAT EXCITEIIENT 1 ' Il kenea isn1 k 6Itpiles!Qn-oi enùuot bestorpai ýrtseiesg truc.) 1publie a atIv "iistcsus ls nalige th- îo thie ave stilti b&,iaie aoeastes-tv Fai-uir ilhbchae! ut tise THFllg tG1iciýo nutis,, lisst IVodues- sity tis t outis, iscîug t- lat day of Soptember, 1858, i tisas- 'iii isa alarge shouwseof Cttie aisd!Fssssuissg Stock ts es-es-v descriptiosi,une! a las-geo nies- of ats-sngere i'ront a distanie hava isigssilie!tieir intention ocf beius- r ps-cent. TËises-e 'viilbe dbs- isosac cf by Ptiblie Auclion a qisstaitt cf lonsalsld Pruitue, alan a lls>reo anti Buggy, ansi c grpu at sny articles Loo nuieaoum te - ulaition. Dhsseer on lise table ut ones o'elock p un Tisere will bc a couvayante aSt tise b)ulu' Creak Stationio c tesueduuv usissUt cutdWadues- duiy mos-ing, Su biîug 1%rdnto Sutcies-s ati) atrangers te tise Fais, frac eo* chas-go, - snd ra- tus-n setistiseoraiîerwardss. UUERRAH FOR MIE QUEEN! AND J. C. STERLING. G-enwond, Aug. 18,1858. I BAXERY AND CONFECTIONARY, WNITBYs- WInOLSLiSANDS lt5TAL- tiossary of ail klitdse, of tise beat quctlity. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, a isusge susd fioU stock. Luok at it usicouspase the ps-ecs. C1G A R S if ail kinsa,üsuld! i-localesbcy tIse iîx -or tbossue!d. 0 YSZ-7EleS, Speelal Agent for tiesacte of Oye5tes-u, wholassslc by the eau or keg. JAMES BATES';, 5-n ift.cnhç-r 16u11, 1857. Pot-t Whitby- CARRIAGES, &c. NOTIQES. NOTICE OF PA&RTNEIO.IIP. T- I IE Us heludiereltty gi%-e notion tlt thu hlalsve titis day cte-ed irito Pt'is-tersh il, Cum nsssse&e Lumhcer IéM anctlUst, (Je nssi Agetste &e., nstder tise aI>le of tisa Firin of Alisu e JOHN F.iXBO E. S. VINIJýIN. IN REI-ERENCE To1' <1E lOVF Xie hî'ir t4,iif<-riu -;s r fs-en i-sl ic'i pubice u1 cur G:.laS 'se have -'pc1ss-d ncO tt1el'Jcs les is uw trissast-t lots pf iail iscsucsentrsi )t ii sc e lgett. Also s L.sues- Yardifor lise rv-e il-i anss auie ti Luîîses- fors-oLsesi or oats- p-pics-c ctnd s-etrst i s- rosii t attesntionss Sul iiisuatiùrs- psissoosi ili uissdâ, to icrit anid obt-isithte-i1 ecestidesusevisu :pl.cri. ALBIZOil- &VININl. Port liopu,Der.?. 2, is:7.. 49 NOTICE. ,~To Mcrchautà and Farmersu... T IESubeeriues-bers 5cc acquaàisit iL triesîsîs a"d thse juisee ciù-rliy, tisailie li.sc steit the Griet ii1, kssswss <sb tut ansd fosr-es-v oeoîsitAc by Mr. F. Il -aus-, stear Bs-s.ekliniu.;ud 1i,- c- citt- sissiws,11ktîcs-s exlsus-uieee suthse ius iillu tc hu l-teci b sts-îst ttteutitl5aispoc.si ud i L- <sert a suse ni Psttllic patnae. Piseculas- stsietiss.sic.sidi to (y tClTI NG.. r .- etîhaut.-, Farenîsrandci sier,'s hîtt tso L'eut pses-ir Wiciatt'Isusc-i. iiboc dvalis wil liihes-aii>. A cati -ilt sulig-le Il. N. NEVILLE. N 0OT'r1iC CE AVN irlselthse etire st<c-k ofIli. 114Y st Co., wt nadto t vs. flattes- usISituuves thept se Vau gis-e citire , à4i- u--tisslEiu ul Whos iuns Jssrvs- eitli t at ri, lirusokliu, -Nos-essuies- th, ls- 43 s IEF Su1iiecsihc-s-, ont retisi-i fs--tu tiselMs-r- hue iiuiisuerous cuutvuieec anssi rruidtforIsle lits- eki lpo 'vl tss li1uuisuts> te in iii.is. 1leu-isssutbit'sssell lis-ies tssuicted tO Liushi Book Accounia, Notes or Mortgagea, Ns<w dite and lpatduse, Ibat lie lic s large puy- mueut> tg)s nîet st eas-iy iteï,, aise! tiat ussisug to tihe prsccs-re in Mosiey ilsaiSes-e, il L% uuctecsary for lduit i c set thesisue ;sud to easise his>tsi s-o an, hlile ocliged tu ii. ict susl îscimiate psss -r msent cf aits esi,iunts drue t> hi, ctiserwl-e [tue 'viii bu bliLved tio Iliisthe saInie te biiAttor- uey fur collections Without Furtker, Notice, wlsielu tit asses(t is tsieiito s1si, ot1 diercit froin ihltIse lîsus hibrtu âis dc ; bsut fs-cm irie lîreseuit avlseuces-seecipaluest, ie untst >a,-i tisat smîi er ho ce.sso ot lier course is ](-,f i i tc pur'sîc. île trusts huaS cil iii:sc tise ne- Wftcscig ILLIAM<'LAING. j Wlitby, Gels-ber 27, îIS7. 41 NOTICE TO CREDITORSl. B Y virtue ci a Doce! of Asssgusneliî, beuts-lu Bdate Mars-h the - rd, tt>5,-, tise suidareigisesi 's-as duly acuisted .>ssignscs.fuis-the cetata cf JOHN MAGEE, Oif tise Tcwnssiip of Wlitby-, iiiLise Coutty of Mtisb, Ypoisaui, for tisa bondit of sueis redi- tors as may béeu parties the-seto, usîder tule cosîditiesus tisereisi uetiosth, befsrc th iset day o Jue, 18.8. Ssid de ut' ci s-igesiseut ise lies attise officecof N. Uri. lutin, ies tie Towns of Whitby, fer signatuire, cf whilctu il parties lin- terastit are reqis-ed io tatke ntotice. J. S. -SPROWL, N. 0. HAM, Slicitor, &e. .4siue Wisitisy, Massch qtui, 1858. ASSIGXEE'S NTC~ LL pomiénsiude te totise Estete o! John AMaqe, ithe onnota, s-cnt, bound or Mort-- gaga, muai setule tise aanse-rthiwith. kssti4ai psr4nssiaiug edaims against ma steata seul plesua, aud inaaoua by tise fitsday o! Jsue' - - HIRAM 110Wl8 'Aggmbs for tise Assignee, llrooklijL --7-tl5 GOVERNMEN T 1OTIME* INDIAN LA-NO SALEI LONDOIN, CANADA WEST, Wednesday, 15th Sept. 1858ï N D followlstg disys. aut TEN o'eltse-k A. MJ., Lswill ba offes-olul t Public Auctinuaisout- 25,853 ACR1ÈS OP LAND, sitoasse!onu tise Rives- Tsamesl, in the Towshiltps o! Osfrdund! Zone-,is Lots sarying iunse fs-ont 30 tta23-5 aeu'a. Thse tes-sis cf paipnenct tili bc 00e fiti of tise wuo stsî1iris-huse prîe icccii atthiîe oo!sala, auss te balacin ieight ttuanimaliutalmntut,r su.itliislitertes- t ci ccpece -nt. per annous. r Tie roisliuetsees--es to iteeif the psear tof .tt-scilig Vo auiy lot athtis Socf sale, tise obligation suis thucpat o uf Sthe isuscîa4ar 10is for muyiu -s'otut<. ut 'viiet say have bles maulitluc-scon 1 ouiI-sii.y<tise Surs-cy umsde bs- F. IL. L\ is. E-cj.. Irisuîic<ii Sfrver.- I<he iisi5it sf îrluiC1 %vil]iii55 caCiùsss haasdet Ic thue spet t-au itss5i)sll softtihuse!x. Ais Azuntt, t- îsc)n to couuduîct tise ale, sl be ut ltS Lssfou rcc ii. % itieSfi-,; t ctsc'ts-tise date of tilu,-ale. foi tii- fsirpsceci slorliusg te un- teli-fitsles--su-s s-s ,,s uu it tsssiss-- artieîtis ua Iuiu 4u rtOu-- Ns' rsc-sm-1l.irît-'a bid t th Ie sait w'll ha sieui-ia tti.u sn-. 5lsc.iesor 11iC utusll ss'tiiu tI u -s tiss- cii ii, sae igiea n article c-t Ms-le i- j asn-tsci..td suopait tus- l.liu u.t-t~uiX 1Ls. <litiing ttihe vas-bosse Los andse! i tIstis-s-, ctis e eusite'ut-"a, as-o sw bciusg asd tise> cili e sssiu-tssistttiîo issttisu >i4) e l aTu- nduue!1s Sansuuss. aiso au tise Ofrice of tue I>rud-ssfepu ili tise City cf Londuoni. R.1'. PENNEFATlHEuI, 1- 1!ý-- 1 F ip. tiesil. 1 iustistr irtu-susst. t T. ,rcusii u,J s l111 it.'t REMI EBTATRS BEAvER1rONY ipoR SBALÃŽ CRnAi A MILL PRIVILEGE AND TOWN tO±S coutigloîst e saBeavariosi Wbmaf. A larg sud profitable Millingbusisa'ae b*lad*ônt ba-e Favorable ters-ina ay h senW .iih tis Proprietor isy a Practiesul Milr. 'fi.JAMS .RMSTP.G;, N . B.-Tisere la a iraI-rate o=ooaifla- sertou for tise Estabslismtent a ~us'. BoaiVas-ion, Joly 28, 1857. 28 LIVE RPOOL. Blacksmitbs & Waggoninaker Shops For Sala t or te Lt atLiverpool, T WENTY MILES EAST 0F TORUNTo (A flepoîsand Statioes o!,tise GrandfTtssk 1Rail- wssy). Esseis$hop bues a Cottage anti suquarter o! u Acre of Lumd ustîsedt. 'These preusisas bave bectn iately oeceoti ti- hon aases-t distance ofis en5atiaca, .d tise Raiîwayflepot. A good bssslnaasbsùboth tradas casfba doua by £152551 5*Ctlgod work- For fezilser particules-a ep1tP D Llverpool. Juiy 28,1857. 2 AComfortssbia Fauslys-eidanceasitnatar Int ktise Villasge of Livesrpocl, Towship e!fl'itk- cr-iutg, adJchniisg tise Frteisei's Bay Station of tise Grand Ts-utuk Railseay, 18 isiles fro-euT- roito, (0osetsibg cf a Cottage eesstainissg Mine ]R*sikis, 'vill cvery Conveulcuce requisito; a larg Bans ansi Stable. attstclued ; a uevtr-fsuUlitsg wttlot Wa- ter,; tiseGroonels sire Iestcfuslly laid nuit, anti plausîed seti Sisade Trocs -t cIso, a Large Gartieu wstli stcc'ked seitisFruit-Trocs; thsesas-iole oovars two ueras cf Grousie!, anti cisstot b. surpasace! lu thueTosvuihip cof Pickterasm fr its couveel- cueses adrcssdT'accetesu ttIse RU1isuy ai uido eisy. lFor fuirtiser parielars-saelîytôthe gutosihar, Yorkville; os-to Ms-. WiltsmPurtiy sst>os tise proeuises. Psssescbioi giron forth- witis. 2<> GEOItGE EOSTWICK. - --~--- os-kville, May, lý-SM. 17 TO CONTE ACTORS* r ENDERIS 'viii Iswreece-d for tise es-r-uiont J, ia COURIT IiJVUsdausddAlL attacli of 1 te r5stl-css-tsg plce.,5.; St. sEtlliiet1lm 1e >t. Chis -i st. Il3ess- i c tîis ~stIol5itss, The *lsciid-pî s ii tlç ils- id l e a ei forth.ctioi o fij tac -Infrl;siekCurîî ulcu ed. andcotaisîs h jaii, sovntpr sa dr-sthed s ieudriu NK<E i ER s-cii. The' llatir; asi!Siieciflea- tiossotf te lttildiissgc cailesoceniiasd sssy for- tht-r isifas-sustio ,sistdsi slli st 5Office-at that1 ofl Mr. 1P. T+aisre-acs, LO.rle-0113stssIsine CIanali t1 Ma - ti' itrt--.Nr. bsssîai iti-e, Tîtroe hti-es,asiiela i c 5te aIlieco 'ad thse lrothonuotsssics of e"cht tf thse b-essietplat-es respee;tiveir. lis (tries-. TI'lsMAS A. BFEGLY, S-i-t-V Pulic Works. 1ksi-SissstisslltW'îrks, iltr)l . irisssl J til. i8s NT<TICE Lsle l.-slg'ises!, tisaStfise sunder- £~iliertttole- t nt is Ue t'ilst of Resfrew, C' ., ssiii bis str'i tfor c-n h y .'ueticis, by tht 1'-ssldesut Agoue' liuisiuies, ts~sseatt Adliiec-tosn, t sisus- tsïfc-, ont the <iVNTV- NINiTI of nsiS>1<N [ii.li. t stN. - HP.TON. 7ts C'ou. Wý'S, , 4>.) 1:t il%i (4m 5îtq.) w 1l 26,(. 11 tis W 6 , 6i3d.) W 1(7 , (e. 3d.) P'EM BIRO KE. t Coli. 6, (58.) --ANDREW RUJSSELL, 28- Auseta nt Commisbonas-. IVEY STA2BLSe Parm for Sale. 2O0 ACRFY 0F ýsPLENDID LAND>. LOT 2 10, isn iitti Consausof Thorali; 15 Acreà cleareti. This Farni l1% sitossted i ethiu fssur miles cf essserucn,(osl thse trarsi road to Marau the lansd le -)f tiese 5't qsîciity, assui L in tisc censtre ('f'a Kgosa~eument, w &th a Sehoni, sasd a s-tssss-sslI sssiieits. Ais*o, Nos-hilscf 'f Lot 4, in thse OtIs Coucous- escs cif Tisorais, esse.isitisgof 9.5 aerem 12 cf IIisieis are- ciuas-d, asnd frossttss# on tht> portage ApplN. lu Ilesvuritu, lottis .sssîs, 1957 '26 FOR 8.A,1E CIIEAP? L o T No. 2i, in thse Ird Cossceessiosi cf Wlsitlsy the W'sassxaiF&TZMsad îjoississg the Town-of Whistiv. Ap5yto th ise - sLR.5. Wissia cr-issg Pa-, ss.WsILeISx, EjBellev-ille, or to J. Vý HAM, Bsrrbter, W hitby. July I15, 1857. . 6 VALUAJJLE PROPERTY FOR SALE TIS PROPERIS 1PlLE1AANTL's'SITU-- Tateel isi the fl~urisisg Towss of Wlsitby, oni Brou-k street, direcely opposite Judge Bns- bass's russsdess'e.cuslitairsinceîwo fillis cf ail ge or 1..d, witis abosuit IG feet froulsige, on wlsieis le erectesi - COMPORTABLE BRICK COTTUAGE, itb silsible oust Buildingd, un exelleut Well of Water, sud a Cistern, togetisar wiîis a tisus- ber of vsalsusblts Fruit Tree. For furtbstr parti- culars apily to %V.SHMW, on tse premises. Whitby, Feb. 10, 1827. 4 FOR SALE EN THE TOWN 0F W Il TllY. IOT,- 5 NO. 2, andl 22. THEY ARE ttlTUi Li atx'sl oss Dunusse Street,, betweu Mr. S- Coeelsr.s.tsuaitiLyssde's Creak. Applications toe haoe 1 MIlS. ANGEJ.N-E WEST, Lot 33, Stis concession Darliugtou. 44 '-il, 1e5t iferîitsicvfl oscv util forbiel. ATAVILRN STAND witis Drivieg flouse Aan t to s hrie Siseds. Tisas- is aliso atý tachesan aissraaf Lasiss, plautati witb choice Fruit Trils. There le a gond Wcll e! Watar, witb ts.np1&e., ou the lprasisea. bia situai- ediou Istio. ,lttCon. Mearipose. outh leeti- iug roseti to tisa Town o! WbVitby, -Lintisuy and Beavierton, wiiebprolmrty n-11i ba soiti on usa- rai ternniesFor tarris ud rtiesaura a to the-owur ses Neil Ml)Dsssall'sy Brýck, (DitaSet Lina)>nsuear Ccrslhsstl'aTerni. JOHN McDOUGAI4. Carprster. Ûy k, Daesiber16> 1857ý. 48 Ë~ARU To LEASE lit icEKtlNGt "I OMTAING 1211 Acres more or lesa - %J unser gond csltlhaisoo, wli'Dwelllnsd eut-loseaa, foruleri1y cocpietIl. yMr. John ,cKa 1 now = otir leasa to A. Dun- lop, Eq. unà eUl bc leasati for a ternnse May li Opoos Possaesaion aithaegisen ouf siOtbrnit. Tartuses kusowu by applying on tise psa use eA snloîs, Eq.; or ut tisa Pont Offite, Wbltby, te JUIYSO0, 1858-. 29 FARM FOR SALE. L OT 7 lte t scu. ssf Rassois, consstulng 112 acres, 70 of whiuis are suder cultiva- u., Ternis £10 par salie. Tinte gis-en for pstyment. Tirie gond; 5tortýtwgc» on laudati preporiy tau ini part pacyuss. Appiy tO Dits. ALLISO'N, Bciwiniville. er to THIOMAS MOOR, Ou tise preiises. flôwotanviila, AMir. 18,1!858. 31 .6w FARDI FOR <'ALE. F 011 Sale the Eset 130 irs. of Lot No. 1, isi thesa ltI Col.ut'a Reseis, ,of wlsicli 100 arts ,clearati, asnd is a glôàsttucf esstivation. It "tisere are Two Saw Mill@ withiss a mile sand a hslf o! tise prerusiles, asnd a gocel Sehooi ntt&tise eorsser af tise lot. Tisare sare 17 screaf Susssner fslisw. Tise Laud l6 ex- -eelleatsnd for qusslity of itti ssssnot bts exs-essd- tsd isiitmn the twvô !isesss, atitela witiiss 4 smiles cf Uxbridge Visg~ For furtlisr psrtieslars apqy e O GM E MFR1ICK, unts tutpreim sew, Or to MW Il. HIGGINS, Chrousit4.s Q/ffee,JVstuj Rccs5 Jsly 27, 1858. 28-2m. gp*üdId Farc anad Premises fur sale in WVitby. T IIAT exeetlesit fssrss the propertY cf ft irWsîIlssm Hylisot1>beissg coinp.ecd of Vaste ofllots 15, 1 ôassa 17, su tise lrd Coss ofWlsstby, eosstaiislsg Io succes, early :JI alecred ssnd free ftom n ssspm.. 'reisal egsod dwcllng bouse,- barns, stables andt out-iousu tise p rasssses. Aiso a gond oreisard ansd gsrdon. There are about 30t> cies cf -ex(-cileut wood on the eat part. Tise is in a higis stsutss f ssltivsstioss, there le a gond utreasîsrsssuing tl-rough -Nuo ts. tise îsrrs<tiscsare %woii watred and tie sitisatiou uisssrpasstsd, thse place is within 4 mniles o! tise Town of Wiibyansuael miles ort' 4>hawa-ssod altogetiser a more desirabie inveatusent i.; seidosa offeresi for sale_ For riese1arr a s1Ito Oshawss. May 19, 1858. 18 SAW BULL AND LAND. TO R/E SOL!) OR RENTE!), A -AW MILL WITII 800 ACRIF,ofLtND Al50 asestcleated, st I>tihn'sCrcak, lititise Townt4isip of Pickfcritsss, front cf thse tiftb cau- casiots. There arc lo acres cf GOOD HARO WOOI) AN'D CEDAR, assd about M0 acres of PI NE. TIse wiîcc to bts Sold or RasIed, togetiser or separttiy, touait 1S17 Tht> proisssi*s are- lsi;iacd shoot ILj sîsiiet, Sostls n tise Village ci' Gresswoodý. Appilications tu . bc e.,fltk GEORGKEBALLARD, Greenwood 1'. O., Pickerinsg. 'tnr26, 1857. 41 FOR SALE. TOWIN LOTS luWlisitbv rieur thesaBy- SAlec, Village L.stg tI ouidas Crtek, Fresschl- sssan's. Bety, assd Port Pers-y. Apply to - âmen 16, 1857. G3. Il. DART14ELL, Ils-ck i 5 ses, 1 /Wsy. 100 Acres of Landt for Saleb MWET liaif cf LÀt No 7, in tisa 2ud Con- c f Uxbridge, with a g,,tond éaw miii iii gond workissg order. 380 acres cof tise lansd ara ceeares. Tluera 15 a gcesei sosse andI harsi. l Park Lot No 78 on Dousissi street, is the Tmwn of IWhitisy. *cntaiauu fis-e acres, 'itti a gond liîe ose itissv apartissuts; stablsx,isu>ý out cIies. Apply tu C. M. KELLER5 Tue Owuer Usslnsss-lfaPs ..0 2marklseo. or P. KELLER, 22 Witby. 100 Acres or Land for sale. w EST bai! Lot 17, lai (Cou. Uxbridga) 60 VV f a lcre eiasudaundergoodealtivstost, witis a bouse, ba-n sd stablest. Thlt ies aof thse very bisai qssaity. Tisa woodadis lan 6 mixeti vtisa sery isetçtfpise anti surdwood. Situate 23 uii fst m tise Towu o! Whitby, ansd wiltsio 35tmiles of StossffVîlle, is e gtsotisettiesi constry, and Scus-enleat té ttill, manuflueturea For ternis anti parielam, Appiy te lise owner,- JAMES KELLSR5 Uuionwille P. O, Markban.' ,or te F. KELLER, 22 Wsitisy. AN EXCELLE NT FARM TO LET. FtOR A ILIMrrED NTMBER .01? YEAý%RS, ngie 130 ACRES, N 4 it cicmn a tisaÏ$outh Waist 50 maces o! Loit 120 aces well eeitlvatt-alarg roonf N eu 4 " ' m a a s s 1 i o n l t o b p o f - e r 2 -]LAND»S Pit<ORS&JjL In the Coumt-"- of Viot.rjA.. rE UNDff1I-MRp OFFE98 FQItSALE - B~ERI BEER!! S I:< .~.Ue t, -- DRUGS AND MEDICINS. DRUGS AND lUEDICINES. r II uKeie retssrns hi-.4 isseere thassks <' w oàtiliussuce of tise liberssl psttrorsssje -wit*li hilse h Laî [)cuit fsvorssd, sinon opening buàis- on ttq it e preisisea forssserlv oceupied by Mr. j - IL Gerre-wouid sav thât bis Store isa sup l'lied witls the lsrgest indsd mosit comîsiete STOCK OF PUIRE DRLGS, 0f every description,. yct oll'ered for eiala les the 'roru cf wilsitb-y. Clieltsicssjs, l'aIenIt Mc<ieines, Perfttisnery, Brlusheis Paints, (>ilss, Dyê Stusi's, &. e Hortie and 'attle Modicines of al kissdà, accurately eos-Ynponindbd aceording to tihe lstteet iisssprovuests les Plsarae'y. Stirgeosss-lisstriimeflts. G. A. BANNISTER, Driggi3t, &c., Dundus Street, Whitby Wlixtthe, April 14,, 185s. -1 A LAXRG E Stock or V'arrss:lshe!, roswsstsîg of No. 1 <peSssperissr Fassssstsre, Iliwk t snd Býr 'ws Y ssi C oacth, White l)sssssr, &c. lts:s'ssng Fluid, Lansp OGi, tassphent*, Alcu - (u. A. BAN-NISE - Dssssdass trect, Wisitbv. ]Porest Wine and Pills,l FOR TU'îE PE101AN ','T itRE tOF' L-teeue."~fg":îj7fpet;P.', Drtp,,y, .StolS5dLh, -Jauads<e, .-1.pe 1mA F-t, t hesgs Y~twe< Andl ail comipliteolttsstrs t t'Ã"n lssysru biood and habit of the systens, GCtýscr5l Dubiiry, and feeble sstt cf tihae ontittttioss. For Ladie in a weasklv sttu of isealîli, thi.e Aie is a dtlilhtfssl rse Wbols,,aie Arent- ýirn o B-~issslroi. & CO-, and Urt,5uhsrt.Kstn--. W. t'ai- mer. Retail ARents et Wlitby-W. S. Rtobissýqnn, &Tounlissson; Msrkham iiseJ.1ssi s amu Litsdstay -Thils ..ne tX triet;iz Lxbrid-c'-X.1) wueeks; (sestou-.J. l$otlsweli, P. M.; BrouLit- am-Lswsloss & HsessenPort Perrv-). Bi<gelow 'Metealf-i'. Niateieti -'.%ollsst l'lezus- ansd for cale by ail l)rugi.is tsnd NMedicissjclies,- Suu r oPri u-*r, -New York wiil s sessdthe reusisder uot iscdavs iiiu trin-s, tlsst druidfssilesss(>ÇtÇPls N-is oir Cils.sssls euhscrnle.t dûetre becig cg o fllsisss- ulesire to tise world lAs rémsedies tisai have pro-I vcd îcssft in mûre dtit dis-ete lsoiti'ssssd ca-I sas ele aqssrssseaitts ppiielissto seud ciil iai mist esrpion 0oS t RIse sysstont, wîti tvo (ri ps, 6et-.) tu Pay theretors, letter, il, wicbhe %wiLl ret 'ires Ueus bic sîtedie e ccrs j- tdon, with direetinssa r jreparissg the issedi- Thesc011 Do'tor fh0pce;thatth,>sfltd wll n10t, on Ae(cA')u- f di.arefrain fsrosn c>1sssltissg hic hcaz o l ..N, Cia- liPs sole obitet is adverrst 1< tif) o sIllie good haiesso before bcse te-o lie feri- t l isjisstly Geleisrattd fiir tis.ellsrus(;f( . 1sstion, DOCTOR rCSBIlANT, 2 Bo~2521,P. <.NwYork. B. MORSE thesa ivesitor of 31orses.ssIde DJI) oot Milsa, btssptrit tIs e rester at1o Mas if ini, travelling, Ilzstvitsg scstette£srsoa, A.si asnd AMrica, s àWeil aM North Ausericss-fsaa epst thrue "ara amossg rie liaîss of ourý Ironst outrj-it 'Ma& la ttis wssy tisitise ludiu Hot Fiis wre iraI discorered. Dr. Morfe was tihe lirit Mu to 6steblis htIsle fi tisai aIl dbs*ôa:arise frons izaluitf of tha bloua -tsai ur strasngih, -lshand lifu dependedl nupbu ilsis vital fihiiid. Wiseus tis anronspu s e eoacloggd,à and do flot set lu >pCKrflarusuy with the di!-1 taérant ftsctioss ar tise body>, thse blood loses !tg acion, btuesnsss ltiç&k, corrtipteci and diseaaed thug i et siekuend sd siiresis ïof ery ;our ,aireugti l aibted,cOr lsèaih wa a4ra deprli'üd of, and ti ifutro, 15 oct1 recistati lu th-rowifig offh tisa t t 1siisise t iea blond wilisacoinee hoiretiall aslse tossci, and. thius osir ligisi of lire wlL byraver be blonu ont. ]boimuportenit tben tisatitve asossiikacp tha'Vssrlona p4ige eof tise body frecansd <open. Ansd h0ew Piem tte us tisat wu hhave h lis our wve put ilmedicine in yoa r rasso, is0nly, mIndtilesen t PsUL4e isauuffctured ft'esu p lqt a nti rooto wbluls grow al'otiuthe fisoitt- Rinieoa £%llffm uIn, vdate's 1cil- for tl Ass-41s BHERJYF LAN~D SALES. SHUÉ15's SALE O? LANDS0 CosUrur0] To' bamnati on tise Couse dis-atod, Tisouuwst Lavsnia 1 tIkn in m.t St*vesp TUIii JOUX BRYAN. a or, and Shootj are.. PU1IÈT TUE ]%LOOD.- moffist's Lite Pis aand Pho.eniBitters Freo frofflail lluîeral ?qisoI% T RGREÂAT POl'UL.ARrTy WUCiaflmoe fat's.LUe Pillaand ?hoemîx »itteris "Y88m Wsned in eonseqaeùee -ofthe extrwrdinayde1W ,ycoadb1their aesc, ruedera uxneii th proport n rtter ituapâtcua -itg been mr- L u t asbfretQ lie, ansd hâvhsnx e sssste2,teosSie5of mo% thmn thrsm liii» naof p ueswlso &,e bae5 retorsd te the qoyI=sssst et pa*ct hcaltisb- thess it is ' belsv t - lsi ytti Isest vegatable seue esassw * aretisa<'b vâ in i thé Unitéd Stâta, thorere ,ssas>y wlso are rcssy tu tost3fyto thoir emlecy in removsn4 d flsewse, ssnd givbogtu tls he acvfe vigor assd hbath. las cases of Strofssla, LUlccrnÇScurvy or Fiw tiont of tis, Skia, the Op<sratiooutbesoLife Me- diduâisss5 trssly aatoublhiig, ofte Là teruv v ig in a. few duys, eve2y 4ob 1 af test leeti.)e a Fever sand gue Dvi pa I>>rpey, Piam, aà. ini i0t susobt àsoonmy1eld te tisir essr.tive îsroper-tlea. . Aqiissssly thossld b. with- ont thent, ad by tber tisussy use ssuth sealssrng and expeun a sy be daWVd.1 ?rejsêred bY WILLIAM MornI, KILD> Na York, and i r Sale by HEALTE AND, SIGKNESI LJ(IQW5-OXE IBEP WELN. TL&I Vj lEbloufl furuisieo i t miterial o! avrsy f.re suss,-Ibcapglandandss-elbe inthe llunsss oue; w'vii e erru pt, il uceessirily prûtiteua dOsU s. IOLO AYSPILLS ceperete db- s-etly opon tise elemeutus of tise stressii o! lite, ueussrciibg th r n ii lecf diteie, andt ts raullilieeussiiiuli tusu Y, hts-Iualda thcue-sc, tiesetonlai, the livrs, tise boseel*-' th-iusc i-4, thi'es-ius-tIse braisu, or. any otlseï part of te eysteeu> 1iactiThrosighoui the WoridZ lItILLOt)WAY'ii'PtILLS as-e eiioally efficeeboas in cessusplaisitm cnSlsnontu tise wisolt litimen race) aind in dicsors mpacuhiar ta certain cli'tusatesa nd Alarming Disordera. D>-spopelàsanti des-segement oetLthe lves-,tisé im cusrc c'islrunity aise! suiies-ing, aud tise cause o)f iiiuttsueable deustis-, yibeld ta these curatives,, i ail cases4, however agg5ravateei, stiisg as,& seil timp artive, uitcsattii eanîti ue; tisay s-o- îlce ctSéhbos-c-is,'psirify tish ut u d nvluos- nIa titissyàtosu anti tisa cosutttttionaet the iteusi Genn'l Weakaess...Nenvouds fomplaiata Wl<cu ail stimtulasnts fail, tIse s-os-itmsg audc bs-coiingps, p ts1,,f thesse PlUis give flrnnes to tlis ssuksg ners-es anud eufcahfed mffeILiS of tise s-ittiuu cf ger.sl dability. Ali irs-egaiarities ansi silmtsnts 'tiscdenit t is deltosîte ansi enseitive cssgus c f tisa sox, but in fsltiblss abtes-tis-os. No àmot'ho-t ho regarde fief owi os- ber vltildrtss'e s h lti s housditi uhlas-e titIuw w'itisiiiilses- s-ut. - Scieustifie Endorsemeats. TiieIondou " LanonS," the Londonst "'3edical Reioceilr," asie!the 05e1tessiueit of tise faqulty itu Great fls-ttidt,. Fs-cita, aise! Ges-mauy, tua-u etclsgizéd tise Piles ad tiU- nvrtsr-s-. Hrt<iowcy'e Pillsa sre tise hast s-cosady lan tise wQoslu rtt ir otiiswîisg disieases: - Iloweli Ciun-, iiiisso i~s ColigisCisslceuis, 1S Qtû,<i-ssund Cheet1iase, IicSsstsn- [Gnss'e11 r Dvsq<tp8i4t, -ms-e-i esk Ssntea Debility, Feves-, Lowmes of 1 [fest!ions aud *Attue. Pc fspirits, Worusss cf -ai nusCouspluinsss-'Liver Coin- s Çki cis jý Sobs iaSt te omenuiaci-4 ornsProies--tw IILOTO e Maidst lane. New Ysterk, ud 24 tratnd, Loess-on bleral rsîelubD lruggiâsa and Dealera si mediciisetseotoîttL'eUited stat.s aue!tae iillwsd 'va Id, busiîut, ai 2j cuts, 62, e nt!4, asi $ ec.. SW.-Tsero Lï a e taissaviog by taking tise lsrgir aizas. N. B.ý-Dirotlconsfor thsa guidiancecf patienits la cvMz dicortisr are aflixtlio aeibox~. I~CA1TION -Nona aroenasuire unles tise worula " 1 (OLLsW, Y. .e],.s..s-&.5< rax- ,Juoa Srti.1857. - 11UFFALO EIJICAI ESTAB£IStII FOut -Debily, lersdsL 'y&, stases ampet Lton.1 -1 5<- 'h <s-si -14 55 -- iu <s - IONEY I change for wh A !ewS"Pooi "c,oun ind., su11ad sm - i WlV Whitby, Jais. 19, 1857. 1 % r

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