- n 'i - e"- ~5i~n' ~n- ýbS £at 'Or gintoû 6a i theihapmpy »À randb anquet lias licou g'tven te tle 1 was hemc ebfore Vsh ali lyeunliay; 1 mas tejolà isjatit mnagnificcul liarbor it 'Wouli wke. 1 W-s;o.s fli th iene ias htbthig btween il ad lime gi-est contineuit X>! Aiuoriua a s porfectly aw-mre of ils adystges-but 'tiefe Was ne Lever. 'Ilîie r as neo" uIl im'oui w-lic eh foundm île BstîîOlti-. M>y frie-ud Faller Dmly- <irttnualleering)-discoursed te mu, as lie Alirsys dees, nmsleuei-gehiunlly, amuiamost ùoqoetitly, con t-lue dvaitmtgcs of Galway, âud poiuwl eut that i;mima flic truc I.-li- way te Airçm If cloquent ivridsa mni goed w 111 conli bave tit-fectud Ihimt objeetbu- inuss aLéviathuan, t ltast, ivouli have sprung up le plonglu tle walors belircen ing.) Couslsuçy ud detemmiuxalieî have et leigîlu preuilcdi umîu I do neouice le saî - ihat uCi ouly laves yen ont Steamîer, but I tr-ust aiigîbur an ui îolluer will sili succecd. t'ut enl ave yen sent eute pionuer le Imake rossioîn oi tuaI gi-ual lughu r-end, but I 11opuê anotheri-sîiji iill Socun bc onuis w-ny lid i lies- ialue. (Louil -heees.) 'flere 1s s chango aise, as your chaiiiuait las heud y ou, iu the prospects of tIc countly. 1 ani ha'p.Y te 'psy 1Ieaui asutue yenthmt Imid fil uîuîmeivù il p)ossibiç', wlien I cainete tnclsnd 'that 1 couulhave feurid that suclu an extraei-diuary imuprovcemuet could have t-uteu place genraliy ou the racc cf thme euntry as I havefueîidsilice uuy arrivai. Agri-iullure lias flouri ShluLi, crilunias de- craesod lu thbe moal mycdertol casmer, sud 1 (de hope man trust luat suctariau ditier- enes lave tiuuuinishici. (Loni cheernug.) tde lot thiuuk that 1 coutim point te agi-est- er iustance cf thal, or te a happier preg- uosication o! future 'pescu stndltmaquiiiy ilian b y turnnmg îuy cyes Imu ithe riglio th!% tâble, manl seciig îmîiy friemîtiArchiemi- tonu0'eld a1d mu y fuîemxul Fatter Daly Sit- ting Sceéby side. (temiuuiclucring) TJhe Chai-nuailias umluici tu soitu se Ivle- Itoli the liberty et giviuugyeunvwlîcîu1 Iras at ilu his place-aivice whidi you tokituhuesainie spitof kimdxesiii ivbieli ît was effcrod,-but I fuýel ioiv IaIt luslier- fectly unecessary fur uuus te citer yen snmy £tlVîce or te rend yen mmy lectsure oi auuy pivumu subjel. (Lauglter.) - I believe there lis ne part of lier Mmjesy's iouiinicus lmcre puacealile gr- more, tranîuuilusu ntis part iteLlu-(lumur, litai î-mmî if tlucse thangea have occ d uring the six\ vears thatlhavcelapacti siîeiceuuy ast visit-if Galvsy las proguiessci ivith tle restolîIre- dI,, thlu lgmerai 1uosprity ivhiecli ins lildiffluse e i-it-lut us tlite astilI ,viie uterot;pemlmand look ho theucuamnges tInt haveéImken place for s longer luriod. Ther i u lerieo îuubt, fr-ontflue lmsitîon O? GahwmV- thcéi i le îtistiigreniaimis ôt buildings mhiclu stili adoura sortiîe e!lion slncts-if ive dii sot kmoîvaise frein lis- tony-thui u ciumiedeuil IlummI Galway hai avei-1y tluiiviumg hime withmSpan alla P'raneu n lu e fuk- ies,simd se fur, I douol dôilt, i-as imore prosperous li preoportion t-Ian aIe is nov. But w-tli ail mIat prios- .Perity-i! prospenty there a --iCiciii- icuna ooted luin îfýlor luit pemce maiitran-. quiity of vlieh TI ha-just i-ceuutly spekemi. They mure in pui-pelnal touts cffltme attacks of tîcun wsrlikc îîeiglibori, t-von fi-ouithie umcestors o! nauy cf tîoan I set bei-e join- lug vwith mis a h h15festive board, andsi-il- !mm3 lhe prospei-ty ho the chiy te nimosu pil- Iagote mii- foiefathcra conrutshd. (Langlu- t-ci-asd dhors.) I thiig il lsabmoiut ;Ji yeai-s agolia a predocessor cf iuine-a fermer viCei-oy, Sirlieunry Siiuîmy-vu%ýsitcd Galwvay. - licaine on ue pcacelmmi cirecul lI câmoe for thuepurîese cf ievisiui ume.Ls -ti-es te guand ltme city maitLlime iii-umim Of theO'llaim3-s mmnl thee Bui-'.ma. N" Sir iHenry Sidney îuileull incmi lî n au evve muer simd iuit.aimi, mu-mime-I te. ýtcl, -wil a guardni cf uartiali-talaui journQy frioutheli utrois or izof rlaud oc- eupyiugmore Ihîsu s i-co. fourprei-mum Victeroy coneste yen on tllcpeaueful ci- oad f iuaugtufmting a gm-cal triunîxului cm thce cesu. (Ciieors.) le domses lhue scemîiii le soost luxuricîma case, is e 'i officiais fer lits guamlm4. frimmîulhyamr' id lng otizons for bis rutimuse, 1is jcurermcu lupyiug tIice heurïi. (Loud andlcontinue( dheeng.) It las bceu muy happy lot o1 tire occasions te conuelucre à mmaitauupi elous mounut. Ouuuy iist visiti1liaiti On tus eiuî Ilis -nwio oe I trutn The Canadian parliament lsas st-auge conglommxrutioux,ms exhibiled isi tle i-ceunt Sessioni.lilouest mnuhave licou tîcre- designing, seiflis clisl--ers lave beau thene -mini a lau-go numbei- of ineapables have houri tic--a mothuy, lui a turbulent roup., iuTh uage oiastaîesumen, sud tle blusturing dumagoguî-s, lave eacis been hlt up te mie public gaxe, ytiitî uuidel>' diffèseut results. 'fIe pdsevering1i patient labon o? tle former lues carieti for lient, -- e boieve, the respect sud iuereaedu con- fience oe! the diseerning public, 'mhite tle luretenato and disgraceful - luiifyiig mani obstruction c! îlelatter, las securuu tise dslgust etfuvsiny-riglit minici Canaian.- The McDpnuahi-Cautiur adminisltration, lu Étmiviaxg te pusWl-trumiogis tise AmSumexbly raesure essetîtial tethîle -iai-o sud exis- tence of thîe people as a fi-ticemmunnit>', 'Waaimet at uvory lui-n îy-a 4-cieus eb- Strutton freuxt-le Bi-eîn-Dorloîý epposi- tion â.o-cal4, thc piinicipai -lentents o? wtil lare lien personal abuse sud uoisy doclamiatieux, We are auxougallIue se h bojliers t-li aIasesîîîy oppesition la eue of th le esis ga Qf a free State; but 'mTlun - utre an usleily cemlinatiuin as tînt- de- sig4m 1 L4 ajosmty's îoyai Opposition" ,is fonunci ilhilu tise muls et pariiament- umi opposition composed oet iithicito mis-nr esaisieu-ccunbined fer lihe sole pnnpose of driig frein île G(iensneult-luhe ouhy mua whobu ecr,rthue circutustances oftht-e ceuntir> -coeh uad se>Ilim-poe-enfor the geusra god, we lavé neasen te apprelmn the wor~st cyths freiti sudh unp-ancipI memm, ied ly incapable bands unAte five mths endurance cfunuivmpîoi leg- isItiv obtrutio, Mm. John*iA. Macdumu- SI &3ld hjw surtjtiors rciud hoii- trumsI,- zLcfpfhcGrt, as' lu peutformiý wIll fora moment lielieve ; but that t-bey sud their Lower Canaduan toadjuters would adept cveu-y meass b secure the parnîmnount smay of Fi-etcli Canadian pi-. ciles sud prejudicca, me su-e boundtô ru- couve as Ibm> foundatieux cf thei- r flm What, Iluen, beocis ci' Uppun CanÃ4a andi ils Protestmmtisrn'? Whisote C Ot chef sud bis pu-otestations? Nbat o!flRe- presunhatien by Poxulation ý Whah of ll.cfernn? And fiuîuib-, îîhah cf cousist- eucy ? "Ayo, tiuercm lte nul> 1"-Uppen Cmaaasud its Iroleslantisuu würm> te bu sacrifuced nathue suirine cf trans-mtImmutic in- fluence 'flue Gri-ilchie! sud bis tait irere te bu awallowod up anmd huriei, for lime psitry Censid'i-mtieu of the Inspecter (len- uralshlipi1 Repu-cactatien by Population iras te bu postponcd, until tius pi-sent Pîî-liauîeuxt dj'el anaîni-aldulath! Reteniu, ini iLs very tsscnuce, ivas igmorci, anm decid- cd te bu s lismubug 1 Cussteîîcy was e. clard-t lebu, eut cf ofice, Patriotim u itis puuity-im office, uuccuumig ini Cveryi- fluenxce 'IPoery" or nc Pmuii-y culi sug. geai, fur auslaiuig ho psitioni att vucd!1 New Advc-lisements this week. Life Associmationi o! Scollnd-J. Grant. Thme place le find it-Loirus PowNell. Masgaziunes for- Septeibe-Yanu Notions store. Sunîmner Stock at Cest for Cashi-Loi-es î Powell. Flude sud S 'e- ewuiNovel-Yanec Notion Store. A Magnifiuent Poker- fer Sale at GOorgO Yuie'a teck Store- ilollow-ay's Pilîs mmnd Iintmnul Di. Morqe's Indimîui Ioot IPilla. Once kunomu neyer Forgetei-S.S.Bledg-ett Dri. ismuuily's Vugulabie Cemmpunni. Cabinet Waurcotes-Wlliumu 'Til Uîudetmikei-, &.Wi Tmmxill, Whitbv Thtirstlar. Seiteffliet 2, 1858i thotoughly disqualify their author frein eftil~ecoming our.,eôlitical leader, anud ultuu-iy tifR hlm toi- tht-eposition cf peuht- cal advl irtte l nstîtutfousl sud ureog- niausl béad eou- grfree f*n et governi1nenLi 1t0R induod airuost tfeati ng the aubjeet io6 sonieusly, tl efeo uncb di-sloyal an$gus- tiens, for net obly are we weii assuromi that- the soliti good seuse o! teîle "ld stOcklai sufficientdF stnongly uugrafttd, te laugî te scern the counsel pf sncb <Jatalineax but i-e knew hu oui- hant et earts, lIaI the Bothlu-lh Chie?, i-eul as soon mount e second /Reduan as 4sk lis niassive linubs, or wcli iiued coffcia, lu île hunrly-bui-ly o? a civil sîrife. ,N-u-e-a-spsItt-y cabiage garido nlid à %wordy ucainensde' far lioI- ter suiltla modern political Doun Quixote, sud bî ish-lliSanchie Pauza I Gomieusi- iug these thuoughts te our -sensille and lai- abidiug ceuntrymen; me again eau upon thons te hold shcadfastly te LmVbîrn, aud ho fioms deiisoveny appi-osdlite RIi-eu- Thse EJcctiumm Teumemivo lIon. (lue. Bm-ewn bas bu-cm for Touonto hy a ajoiiy cf 180 oppoucul Mr. Camenoîx. fixe1 moeeîle votes polteil li hIe ivards. St. Indrec's Wai-d, St. Pstnick's Warsd, St. John's Wmmd, St. James' Waid, St. Davi's Ward, St. Gieorge's Wari, S3t. Lawrnce Wa-ml 868 508 431 art1 501 126 2183 2316f returci-l di ffercu t Bron. 9138 510 1281 2516 Mmtorty for Mr-. Browmu, ai-i Iee. Mn. Lemieux retirnecI ly acciaumt-' -NoILTuiru w-tRLOO. lieu. '.Ir. Fotey re-cectei b.y acclama- ».efi.v,, ?<ut fevolutloii. lieux. Cmîuaiais mro adtnttcdly s la'm--biing îeoule. Couxpesed sud imtrnixei as thc Caîxadiaux Colonial population is, o!flime ex- citable Irishîuau, the pcppcry Fi-crichins, ni tîxu niaie phuiegmuaic suinclsober Angle- Saxou,tluc lappily pmevmiiî ammongsi tîixi,t iitl allieir national chimrchristics, a loive cf tIlîir u-opîCricountry, anti aunmt- imchiment te Cousititi G Ciovernunt -uviicluthue pumsesion etfîteponsilcinsti- tutions amni fice inc-ueudeuiee coni-ys.- ThIe w-mr-crics o et lirli>ichuusu iandl them l1ismuuituu arc bst, ini iliumeffort le secumme tueur ludividual nustt;ii-itpro- gi-oas, w-luc mli c.u i-e 1Ilc.al sud hapmpy lu the net iifertIsuite o! truc iin- icimniance No titlime or SLste Cîniclu te eppmruma Uic ene, samd ne dummsut lecrush the otiier. Uenutitulieuiui freculom slitmhue cijcyuicit, as ri-)c,-sctaie reforai la the sure cf all h-mie Canadians. flic parties' w-lic iaise issues uçîcî question o! Section- al jeamubusy or Sectiimu siti-e cienrims ote lfeedmi îî hidi Caustidanus cjoy, sud ,îsei- agitation can omly s erve te di.stîrb ti heirîineiy wim vtioi mosmii ervi.i e mr i i-ail aioril tItue Caziadiin people. Cana- mimi m,i.tors arcemmiii for timir cmxiiself- lupurposca. f bey divide iiideceivu a eouiiuuuity-y hîcuamuimunteetà is tecoumîbinie mmmi unite, aula t1iey levattu tîiselves npý oui lhesun, destruction sud honnI-break-. uluga unliel tiey cause. Sp il lias lieun lu biomi haroeliemiuxexpouicdinluFi-auueIrem tise tiraI fuartul out-lireak e!f île tevoluticu, ami mbat lias been ilium gain ? 1uigion! ivas ovrLlhrown, ansauimiseusdGedesa et Ilemso, in the pcison of a debancluci Coortezaux, supplie thie place e! tise altmmi A horrible muid ci-ul Conventiou w-as np- i-rcac itl'mithîe juillo f ic sud hue lanqs- puist as tIe gim coat-e!-arax, ihlicl its infernal Iîenali'e Cellegu affriglulud Ltse ivorli. TIen a Consuil; next thie Empire ii is di-ai Mesco'mv brrersi aud, umst dismal Wuiterlioo catastrophe folloeet. F>aà u upon tle nestouitieux of those aniuxat- eii Iluleurs " t'eBons-bons, came some- thing like alimuihui Moiuai-chyunuder Louis Philippe; fluîllhy, a Frenich Czar î le ne- suit of al lIeu- Iertjblcpoliticai appi-cutico- sîip!1 Foi-a Czar le ail intenta sud pur- poess s Nap: tIe 3rd, save ibat le glds lis aisolmulismn mith ci-att sud cuuning. flue Angle-Saxon la less o? s bra-ici-, but la quiteas mumibfapatt'ict. ButtléPresd lie Forum sud the 'Tribune, lave liy lugai snd constituilonal agitation i-on lis gi-cnt- est victories. I111e île>' iblhavesueuri-- ci tic Bill cf Riglits unuden Chai-les the -l1, and tIceumore recut Jeu-laI entranchise- tuent. flearing ilusu fautlu nur minis oye, let- us lie eager te nainlain in Ibis1 tle land of env adoption, the eleruai impress cf,île soli sense and îiadom i-bld dictaîci ibis souni course oetile. Lut us chii-al he remembrnicce!fîle happy, tîcuglx some- tinies tedieus rscanIf so tseialand pi- fitable a Éystcm ofet tcticsI Wc bave lieus led Iite 111e train cf thouglit by sete recent oceirrces oit imai ci-pelitiesi staget Fehiemes, perlaps thuougî acta of ir-ogula'tity, if ixot et actual fi-sud, liecontes- thc sittiog nucuxber.XIt mas lai- déOitltd tku8m Who thon is te lIante? - Cherly tle Law.4 Weil, t-les, almessZ the StaïuIe. lainer awsydilk gentiy sud, ooustitutionally te repair 1s uenens' ihraeer.,, Se in tle Mreer natter. We defeud ieitler case abstract- ediy. Ne pamtyspis-sior predilections shmil înduce us te preelii- blask, whlite ; but as "in île former case to, the law's declaloax wexefur litDQstors me kuo iss- fer ; and, o! a sui-ety Lawyes ar- ,ot all of onre inud. Foley baâ%c . Q'ýoii rpfloa- One scrn. uii~nt m'A 1au'; the lt-les lion. Mn. GaIt lias loe returucti by se- ie lIe. Mr. Slîcnuvooei ls ,been cdec- toi by s iliziarily cf 251 ci-or Ms-. Daim. Ileu. ..S. MNaciqualul bats blicu'ertcl. Ouly tue voies weèpumîlemhfoi-NMr. iFrench. QSOUTu>eI--iu' Toi-n e! Whithby, Oshuawà im Wlitby Toiu-uahip, Essi N Vhihh)y, , Ilickuiligi 312 120 i5-413 852 134u3 Mijuriiy foi- Mrmmi, - The Inanuguration of 1.. 0. L. No. 05~7, uit I)-aflln's Creck, Pickerng, CO. O? 'South Ontario. 'l'e >aloi-e Lcubge was 5o~oucmel 'mv ilial due solcrunti-,onmixe ei-eninug -t 'iýVu-mimîi- miay, tu 251h inst.,%at tlIc.exhurcsa dlesire of tle Loyal OrauigeinuoftDuiifflufs Ci-cuL uni its viciniiy. f luis desires moere ably scomietiby the I}uputy Masies of Loeige No. 860, ansi Biother Méululôu,&b, List Pamut Couuxty MasIer. lu accormunco te pi-eviomus notice lime msual preceedigi ci such occausions commmencul at 15 minutes ho 9l o'cloct, P,.1M. The Rigît Wusupn thue Grand Master e! B. N. A. _ yl.- Gi-inifresurr, mn.-StachnEsq.;thec Centy Mauter, E. McBrienu, Esq. îlte De- puty Mutecr of 860), Brotlie -Campbelli; the County Truasurer Brelluuli'Body; tle W. M., Brctie MeCulougl ; île W. il. e!' Ne. 130, Bi-etîer Caldwtell; the ieputy If-, Z. Clark, Br-othuers R. W îgnsoie, A. 'ralc, F. Green,' sun., F. Green, jun-., Cuthbert, Lucas, sud Oliver. B3esides lt-ese suça respc'-ittie pensons ens- ir-acci îlee pportunity e! becoming iii- atei as ueumbers upon ibis suspicions oc- casion. Froct the enilinsiasut cvinced, ami fronu otler general sppesrances, mtle beige epceci filDuffim's Ci-eckbbus tali- te risc ln respectaiilily ami importance.- fTic business e! inaugisi-ation hein& chosci, -tlie lirutuien ami ollen guests preaut at doive te paîrtake et a sumptueus repast previded fer lIeux by Mn. Peton H14d, pi- pieten of 1" Heas 's otel" (again ei'egantly openci for business.) Tis gentlemn b as abw-ays lcoeuenxsu-akalile ton lis excellent billetftsi-e,andcertuiuly lihe hatlosue et lis reputaticu upon lts, pai-licular eccasion. fhe clelli bing nemeved, tle lealîla et oui- blo;vud Severeigu, île Prince Consort sud otelle- eniliers o? île Reymd fsumiiy, toguller wiII lIait fSirE. I-Iesd, iie: drauk avilI enthiaasin. aftur wicldtîe Husilt île Right Woi-ahiptnl tle Gi-sud Master, q. L. Allen, &sq. i-us du-unitwitl gi-cat applause, teoi ibc respeuied'in >vu-yecloquent sud appropuisie tui-ma. The leailt îlte Grand 'l'reasue, Couuty Master, sud Woi-shiptul Mastun weu'e tIen dranit sud u-spoided te, in vem-y stmiltale toi-un. Yutious tepics besides île premi- meut eues in conuection mill Orageisua lie- img xmsveited, mi th geci luian sd mmmu- aLI good feeling tbroughout île cveninws feslivity, the -cnpamsy sepsraled, gi-iog thrcee goosid hd rty cîcers for t-le Wç bu;te tocalI îlhe specisi satentbine? Onur s-eadurât-o t-he 1911 Mmnush Report sot 1hi Assurance, Conpanj, whil4_we pub,j ulah in anothen coluans.'The u-4mt of t-h, yean's transactions ist riy aatlsâeitery, ini faclt tie amouut Of bnsinesstmnsusatednot- witbstanding tliegreat seancity of money tiuning thepe~ast,-yat, j auing, and slema loi- poptlar the sy stem pU-sud b>' the, ompanyy la mitl île publie; Mi. J.> Hamx Penn> s Agent fo'r! the Association ail Whitby, aimd 4bliete bas aiready eff e a- edadnsideasblenumberefAuunan "a -aPtîtaln WiUace'a HighlandL Rive Coumpaniy. -- r: Our Town la etNamitjmellvouie1bu Seuth Onstarioe ilto, Lt appoars t-lai 'ê m w u-t bave a Tmrnto lasiri for oui-r epresuutative la South #n. tarie. Mr. Moi-ai n licou nro-elocW db>' a nsjoriîy of-41, 1ov" theu ident mèaà dl-, date, 1,r. Lainm 11Miny ef Mr. Luinwg fieods expectcd a di!I'reut reattît, sud wure et opinion thai Mn. Laiug'a being s r-mxident o! thl idig, bis bigil standing, sudgi-est persenai iifluente.saongst ltme eilouos wonld èuagure listsicus-n. But s spirit e? blini p.%rtizausip appea rs te have possed soulte of Mi-. Mowýmt's supporters. Thoso men i-hile acknomlIedgiug.Mi-. Laing' te lic w-cil w-oi-tiy tisupport sud canfi- -dene-irhle adtnittin- lis ciain te their suffrages As a residuli, irbule sppreving cf Ilus polilleal pinciples as set fou-hinlu is adi. dress, ti-aiîorieu.miy sud t-eachurousiy votudl agaixus i ii. Mmny f,tiium hitu ioing e omiog lime the deepeat pecuniai-y olul- gslious-very many efthtent iudebted for agalimil lini, te the support anti assisance hue has lent tbcmn te sti-ugghu ilîrongh lite. if lIuy votci inulupendcnlly te preservo any gi-est principle-o-ruoee ceuli bhanse ilium, but un thé contrai-yi-e shouhmi sp- jîrovu thcir inie1ueuiurcc. But suclui vias net tlie case ; lotI cmnidates Ield lime samu politicai opinieuis-tis platformu mas lime sanie, 'mththe diffoenuce lIai !tr. Lirîg iras above the shadom cf sispicieui, whei-e- as theru Was every nuason for suapecîing onu inopîigig tc suicurihy of bis eppouemît. Woe kuow thiat nsany s man aIrendy regrets lte vote lmieivas iuxiuced te give ; luit re- grets ai-rc r VUseie-a tIe tig laieudue. Mr. Lainug is defeate.t Eunt it i mt ho suppiosai thutMr. ii.Mouvatilas gminod a vie- tory. Fer frein iL At the gomeral cectiomi le 1mda iuiijritv cf 77S voies over Mi-. morr.ison. Nom se-euxîmoumlls attorîcaris; the mîunnier is reducci lu 1491. 1cm-y uearly tle sarnienuimberof votes 'meupolludmita cadi ciection. The vmitm>moi tle itmmlthe' I.o;t- 1.5i _Mue - . lin Patrmick O'Ittmrney's Vorirtspoixd- M-aime roonuforltr new e crik'pouhilixi, Di)îr Sir.-ms a -n-,î îiuy good îrmud ,- Onu yür,.L-,e wîîluî'rc thiutruthbla mbuedimît, l'd an1-!ýumd1y miite ai. P. 0OIE. Miybe Sur, yez seen tIe bari-k ov -a ui- de.g calléd 4"lŽinchur," pipcd tlIme the Os/si- wayQ p)enny wlust.l, a woek cr 2 simce. rMI lay s tusthun te an euld tiu-piimuy that yez put i un en 10 Wtby, as onue o#tht race ev Januies ov the pi-usent day called " Yankeée Pr'uufusoi" But this i-as rLng. 1IWI; only a shule 0v thusîi ranc-a pur- teuishus Yankece Pemieygeog latcly imirtuti te tle "Cern Cul Sbanty " at Ibis place. Ilo likes le emll himslf sa"pninciple" loir. andevei-, Andttedisplay bis -afiuity ho the Professera afoeisdliy pîitending te s mertial gi-mte nûleige of Kiinisthry sud irainuf. But stihi "Pinchien" la oniy an utl-bnci, ill-mauured unir, with Ail lis airs. Lite al currisli sîuimnls ho liarts sftcr da- cent pcepnu i-ledesire te pa.slin ly andmi l ncver sofeorcc-aud uîisy lu bis yeUlsas iren ho purshuc dufunelesa ladya. 'Pin-cluer' douanit venthumne le rue afther moe, havie" ov ceci-se a most currish féeri- v been u nnemi. Perbaps u mmy tliiuk tînt l'nt net agkting imceut wid I>litcler," lunlirimigiumg hlm np aftlxcr huis fimun-an i huai- yen quotilu meth lmaidwi: "u If.l idmd yomu ivumlmi uknd, Yusi'll bu tmm nlutLui! iuîi." Wcii, 'Sur, thure ire naysues mimd excuses fui- mil tiinga, sund if yen livum inlu sivay sud fouai s supernipcreus bladhener, lîk£e hiio ev the Coi-n Cob Sluanty, emlli pr butilul village mlies nrishy usines aud nickumming teîlentiiiboys Cv or î-illage Tommemls," 'cmirdI-s" sk-znxiusl" and the hLyoii'(l fuel uiatnmhî d mii u- ai like mmmceif, and i-tul uv sazin vouri steel pi-yu'(1 bcho ure imclined lu sazo yommr Ireli.sh illmuii-mx, mmi emit s tice-r eî 8 iim île cranmnuev tii sliuiky lanky fauukce.. ,,,, ail limita livuly i nuo yez %vemld. flore la nol ammuthueranmuml ikii miici-avalcu w-ou liL-t-4uliye-m cv (aii- I l 'inm:lui-r" hus 'loue. Rsîidtu lime sex ioom pi-e- î-ktauv mai purîiludiui teoum1arible füulins froun (10111 se.l3- ids gemuerau eecion v,,ume- ,,-'i- e-,--. Qui- mn mi - - fair, rîson 730; imn ail 21% q TIheIreut edec i'-5 îu ev Ayri tien the' nmmmnhci-s stoem-l-Momvah1,843. r --'-ml thé l mmi-aime :C1'îiil mii-5id b.. --mi ii f---rtii Trie Iami. Laing 852. Tota~l 2,1915 ;cmly 4;3 votes s.ui less timau lte ninii- cf votes pmlIet'u uthlî ii ue iiinii ihury. .'tum'î f-awsi:te geiai lcleetin. 'flueweaiuiandi itt-I ci- riunnmrm a cv OÇl.lmm're mu-cuolL Ueme gence of tle iihiavlîîe iollel aI flue s de liesîcix"mm aisjiumr.immCoSitiry-wi- e! 'CO M lAuLig. IMr. Mewmts mae'rmty immxtix c mmY anke-'eI ilI '1umm-ler," utlthe ts imimhu up i lo-liand umi miiscftie -emmmu. ttîe->élu thme lCon-m. Amr limmuet nor nity, w4îiciu l ir OmL141l'e ciiu xau airse, ami-I bmhemiuie lssot " mc latn t iiiîa ioddesle mI.we me o d) !o. ý) 1 v. Bit i ummîmt ho miicdiA-tin i te plucîs Ci- theliant o! Mi-. Moi-at the most shammuefulimi- twui andple uaîltîn umte busi - - - -i-- - - i Ma partizans. fie vam-usbmusim presses wi-c m. kept goimmiii(iin anamdiWlitby, imsuiuîg Fr'm rI11 Jl-m, izit fliy hamiubilî eentmuuing falsehois o!fîlth e m4ciil - iim-l 1i - -,imîu nost atrociemîs description againat the Semîr p i1o ilti chmm. cliaractor o! Mr. Lmifing. Thesu i-crudis- T 'g -mmii - iuti-.-umdm-à rumie, trib e wlo!euaalo th uîgui tise Rîiding 13 fi mi--fa -In - --ucty! ýhe Git spaivu-in lime sanie manucri iat OcI i!inacrene (nmy grmctf) if ho i-mis lu the "No Porei-y" hbis w-cie ai thc pi-cii- 5vrcitFuni-lommn ci- tIh-mia 0 v Argyie eus eleetion, mni cf course they luolpu d to e boulgui-a cr'iosh kebn o! I-ish polfeuen or île the moi-k ofthit-ir uumxorthy coucoctors. ]0-tl ili u ia iib-rgCmo nm3 11.m11-t to lii- mmoii aru i ak himu sunak tle Evens1clekhiypooriticai proachers-oue mmtif i-, - mmmumîers-,mci ý-s mugiy crima .rïù iielp iii i-- tbemmiahtleuusth lidng u-n efihial sim.finationx - llmLi- p1ýCm: ci yr lîoelimY. - sîuro t al- lu lIme ltiimg,-i 'mv-i- imt abri' gung -i îI -min i- mu mi ýimu 1ouiî- u-ehii ib thv laiculsof île electors. Sncb v-ere t- e a poctL fu' soteeof -'lme m -1uýs i thirmîk -el of tiseiizalissusei te neui-utim."Cliiýti-an t-îm---the im'iii mm mmune-s-rmu -- A fîv Iluishu Cathseiics ut Ostumivai w-e i u uem-le. uem. u . base mîcuughu tcm vole fýrthe ncsuinceucf tde Lut iilitamv o-u c cre hre cf si-luiilas rei-CVICiand vilifien of Iboir race mni religion msPiihc-cii-Creimcmrsuuf- 0 1 ih(à Imau.-ieds,Žmls ui-ry w-ciîniuced to eunaimi aihome, i-suber Iluan oxercîse hîci- frarchise intai- ofeta junvei te tui s goid neighiior amui a frlcmui. biL-e tibis- ulews in TorouIe, the>' milh yeh live te lainenut tueur comiilusut Many pensons nov- say tuai Mi-. Laing cenîmi have beI ccu ru ri mmunly, liai lia frienis cxo»rted tixenssuves suicieutiy, sud w-ted upon min onganixci systens et action, as tîcir epponets liai doeua We lieve iL We liclieve ilual 230 cf Mi-. Me'mat's 4911 majoiity, coul-J bave licou se- oui-ciite Mn. Lmaing, mure couxceuicîl an- rangements ecei-cim, anei sfficient teamuix proeuîrod te takse the voIci-s U) tle pols. Ibis w-as net the case. I-. Ling sud lis fticuda s - liemd-tee m md u pen bis purmoiumî inIiuçece, andmlteck il, for grantci (liai thîle ctens w-ould t-unen'it eAM ia île dillem-cmh localities iillti tI7r Oms teams. TIns ibis vui-y' nocessary at-ten- tien te the votens i-as li somme places alto- gctlucu negioctum,. sud w-hile tIe Moi-st mennwme sappliem With b uilnceeof con- voyances, Mr. Laixg's fiands mure ebhigeti te tal-etiliir 0w-n tuantsafi-ic the pletIgl, our numain mmi Ioule. Wiîtl all e dramu bacla te Mi-, Laine's reliai-, las Mn. Memu st-achiue-e a vit-ton>'in île nesut o el eecien? We us-ci-net. On thxe lustingit Mr. Moi-at asserled thuIsho le1ud, anx encroiase '- axpemi li naj-it>' o!lest elec-iý lion, bhoavoultI taLe h tau a defoat, sud ibat !iini steriahishs meld, prio» dlamr it a vicies-y il thumy sucSçuiemi ln i-educing bis pi-uios us Ajonît. -Ri suppotte-é boasîci and bet, wetsulie've lsi-gehy, tîsilMn. Moei-ttms rint>'meuhd ledoublet-at polled ai -th1e-gemmraI dlc- lies. IVIlI net Mi-. Moi-stand lis fs-louis aditnowledge ihevin disappsulatmeuxl sud de- foat,mluIL ey find tat nt-wiithstà ndinig al Ibm iuxertions, t-lu musct respectalemuaras of the -Grit partF in Uppeu! Canada, bht butin loft i Lus iosity-eof 300 votes witbi n acres moulus? Aris4er <cntest iithia ~ 'iA~*a.,, 115 i ,oui , a-uuj poi-mus urenliowusaioimt inu tIe uiidmle ov a tih. De -vonm net liik it is m'miiy eneoun- m :nSir . te hiave yor.g minis auhjekîcu fig-era cul ont by sudsi individùmils as - Pin- cher ev île Coi-n Col " ? ifnulhai-e r't yet accu aîuy -v Corn Cols produckshiomîs, Sir, jest look mb othe Viju-licatluer ev a weecor c 12 aýgeandiyen'ifindin t tlmmdilectibie ps-mît (muiied se ofoîx scanlalexes tle conmuuity mii iLs caet about is-unkucas, amu itls un- i-orIly lyse chargea agiuiat d.mrciulmorm un tIeu- graves,) a litiue:ary cui-iosLty wvîuîch la le lic 1îi-tam -c-ifur-exhibition.' Illests al Ieihmmv aiylhimxg ever prodocci lby lIit lithern'proiigy mnid MP.P., Josephi Goiid, EN'I aire-. flic pcthuny ini it is quille cquil tote au ymxîpim.y uv a Giuny igrei-. Bot Misîhuen 6/ii-vniec, lm îoccupymii hec nLuelm e! yer l1>ei-iolis s5 it idsud au un- ivrtly sulijcki. Thu nexi itucie l'Il genar- ahizu uîyrei-crstamigive 3-eu s thi-ne ac- iceuni ev aih thefun mni fiolick li Osbiwmmy. Ln tise uanctulun1e i uuy concludu liy sayir cv our YankV.e e Pddygog, i-laI poni- Gohi- suaitis sii ev îleevillage scholinastlr-a - uttle varici ev ceci-se. t' Andd tili tîcygmixciansuatill thue uveudimer gi-cm; 'fial a ebamgu huai" couli carry uihb iemis. Yonr ilamittul corruspeniit, P. O'BLAIINEY. [Tethie lidiioro? tise Wlilby Chromuxlel.] Damas Simt,-t crave - a space li yonu eqîunxuat-esay a foi-wmerda couceruiug the manîxer lu w-hiche e - esetativca cf tl> Týouvnsbip, of Reacli duqcrtumge thon indtin in the Ceuni>' Cduâil. î. Bcîmug sa -esm.dent lu tle Township for uuioet-ban twehvc y-eans, I lad -pcssided inyseif tht 1 pos. sesei an suquaintauce with sy resudeçn neiglbem tlrengl llthe ownship, mni 1 bat fornuidan opilonibat tîuy-'mvec nuie deficiunt'lin itellgeuce mci- li s pi-opa kit ed~gcetftheir ci-nmaixls sud requis-c monts, ote eratepayers of ay otell Toknshflptiin île Provinuce, Bnt, 5fr> ac, ç«diligtemMr.,Emeus, the Depnty Reereoa -P.euuê's stateuintinl the Cennty Cetnci 1-juanst haveubeen wolliy uistaen inmun-) Tl SI ti c 01 r t r N t Jowislip çouincil, that the T.ownship shanty', n tho iHumber Bridgeol- ýhoU1cà psy tor his tiu nd robe nge-asked for a drin.Th aie n t teoy u.a Ling tlpthe$peial Session of the County ÙMiiIilr thttif asbe e iiitoyté -tie iyaric- o Coinicfl. This, bolieve me, Sir, and the and four dollars ÃŽn thero- he news byt lemPie Oithe avte- otheracts of-Mr. Ewers will be rcxneînber- prans d a 1ort Etilcaiz bridgestran a la morstlyatcpaeuyth .wb d for hum aut the next election. lhad p'-sed ,to th(br.sana- t hrlsof sgri.1,i 1 cannot cônclude, Sir, without publicly, temptwVaa made to break iliuate he ouste o 4e s 3tk44,600 ar the asuaie 14,00 on bohalf et mysôlf and the siused rate. the Section brbos C hh <>atch-laboxe agauum iit 4,00 at Nthe n pe payer' of Resch, thanking Js alwaopste side ofthe track fror-'î ersg as.itch- y' i 3t1yerEeliangeon Norter Ocois -~qm~c ite worthy P.ceve of Scott, ior bis mis'ssnt an xthirtY yarVds frou j 3prme»on oreuOb $ nlyrcply on oui- behalf, to the Deputy (lcro te body of tohed.<r $4. ReVeluth Cuny whncL t a tebdytha tbeund-l Coômpany The officers n om aufflcbrgÇ I amx yours very truly, intcnd teoffeTr a rùward for the appehen- Perkins have been -eited to appear forthé JAS. B. CAMPBELJ.,. sion oftbofdC5L(<e second fine te anzwer to a ehargoofbelug Iteach, August "01, 1858. Tetenhit Iy of Baltitmero which Mfforants Ring.- arrived to-day brings Liverppool advieff [To tire Wt111r cf the Wiiby Ciroiicil T h eir ?I dcfh-iuc to - the p.. in. of the lsth,i but tbey are Sîmm-I confess vory candlidiy te but 01We nau-4ît the one huiidred sud second ý mon- lysntiipad yteNot$trof regret at the puttiug Up of w'hat your late 0f L da . mt'uai el, Tceaperts hrtthem. issue calied, the "Sessienal Slutte--." It achfITri.na tcu nafqTlt Te odnTne ttsta h e- is, 1 sclfishiy admit, that 1 shall bu deprived iived the fameus and upriý-ht Jmdge Moran-, frein Queen Victoria to President of the treat wlieh yee.r admirable corres- in who5O 1ssessie wmîs, a ring of such Bu-chanaii, -which containmd 99 wordrs, wai pondenit IlCeon" wceldyfrihd eteionderful virtue, tlhat if putîb-omt the neck sent over the, Ocean Calole in sixt 'evi reades of our J urn lus skethes of suy judge or witiiess pmnding a trial, or redr ofapic, bl Joa.bIglchakeachespronouimcîîg sentence, if eilmir the one mithe âesg f'h ietrsi nln tic. IJra s vabe, ondqiet yhmoutr, ie swervcd frein trutb, or the other frein jus- Th îe -ùesluaincca the irc ca n tirlnd tcu. eposeiofitet hulmu ekatîce, il im lcdiatulcenttilctec itself lu s uch t ht nAneia hc aiap7 r coud epos th poitticl muntbatksa xauner, that, te avoîd death by strngu t-one wonds, wss sent in thirty-six Min- of tire hour, in pnctty effective style. Utainte eoolie pnyt e- e ts. o esg s en'etfr As à constant remuer, 1 cannot refrainheai- tevuence or corrupenlydoision. t Tho late esg a ensctl in ordînury justice te on whe bas se byter.levdnororpdëso.Itadbt epth1 a our pae catencd for oui- amusement, this stiglît tri- was net enly in cases like these that lts be oenre tixeir. accurzicy. The bute of îhanks thius publiciy expresscd. wenderfui ring was employed-; nttwas made back ,t It wemld bu very discouragîug indccd, t h ntunudrtheo, lsn g i tyQuEn-l sagndantbenpbse Moac Ný,o'he-rcsigcned, of correcting eEgad meuacbainshootctbt a esr fgureldansefinal message te the directors lard orbaaotn. ta a igr h n any abuses, sud the crimes et individu- hdbe eoýe nEilntels lard or bacon. ~~ais, w-ho, witheut sucb s detection, migbtha beu ecidinEgldtelt île Ming i l e n"ual ofrs av'îm e e X1in u d w i th im punity. B y this th rLy-eight w ords ein,., t ans întted in bu sp tred te eeo fmc1îamtisi îauslimesled wilI was often bnought twentymseveOU>Minutes. iicxt ~C5i-~ nemalu, Si-,to light; tire unfceling guardian wlbo reb TesemrPcfa vst at h e urilS'rl, bcd ' the fatherle.ss, the orphan, or the Place cf the Tedimin Empire, and vould LECTOR. widow, was forced te disgee is punuger; eveGlayote thfAmt. r The LECTOL 0 'lattérêb;at is underging repaira. the hard-eyed user, te restore the sequesl- TelauofFncl'epetderu --------- 4-4- crud prwnand bis uncenscienabte iuterest; Tetn.fFacW xceçtor: Vro the Editor uf tîle Whiîby Utm-utol oundLime hp ýrte tconfcss îîis mcc ts ( eIi rate ef discutfen .t u Rea ig r.th i eço n t l e hort 5s. cent-> SusI bve ico htvi qute1nuocdl luri lis sçnu atl, hothue A deficil exiats lun the Austrian budget- perceivo Lireme ecp cî~mm h youm- ce- hkre i o l heur cf rest, il left an iu ef 4,000,01>0 pouuds. tcmnporary tire Whitby 'fi.nies mppears t es.sonthut eemtinutmliluiiîy slccp. hiave-in ait ufrair,. As yenappear to i ûnciÀVeul ityseif' iii a large sud leftv A ceîsiricyr bad licou discevered nt yoo, evbefletr e isn hlcnew(ld(suci lathe imcosistemîcy or Lcnîhorg lu A7uit-liasieuog scne scheel ho s vcv lccdcss r .101utm tvu I>, ný- liait with acoufuscd asscuxiage of an- beys frein 12 to 15 years nid. Elceneîuvere ft(M (elOpinions orcfrefli b 1 LI elmms ieamS come viîo.su yeirs -ive Iilm a.clmim te cIrer ememîit and- noderu characters. Tlmcrm 1 tried and scnteuced-eue te deatit, sud tIl mimîi a oîe wiumyenkmio t o sir lue(ui Ken, l im~ pdml>~u others te iniprisonint. be adth od cc- i hs Pai ad>hiîi- 'The investigation issaid te bave led to, wclldisoscdtoimiri vu audvom r >i--beg; Uic iiodern hlood, irith croppcd unirtedico -yfamnfondaecos- tourOsjo)lriiil tak leaive inot reslpcctftiliy and long breclies -,tlie'iatmmghty puni-cpi-.racwt anic osl nîidaenlnd te e~ci-a f- e gstionis for vomir guidauce.anxdlime suplemattonmi;thusteel el.md rhwvîu-itrt imi le ' *:rgueul.nlsin efath An ob-ucrvaimce of fic(, foilowin iretin baron, aund tliojessailly suu1ing; tihe stately crt sr e ofsuce d.F ircutons lcuvmmcr w-liber erorious train, mand UicSciavomi populmation cf.Austi-ia te foi-m s support cf tîmosu tire classes cf mum>îm flippamnt ccmîmtes5 ivitliont amiy; becsiuts repubtic. Nvimo nover pay tur debtasud irbo tiese, s countiosa Imrd cf lawyens, plij Oceaq 1bgi-sph sham aqnoted £8,0 ucc-ce nîenstreil loiig ueamî i-ap hecmos, kuiclit, soldliers, groomxs, peure, bis- « btuefýtit te tthemeselves. 'fhe-marminei-pi-e- ficips, pÉoctor., . givernolrs, jailers, paimi- ~LoNDOx IWEDNe.iDAY o. semîativei et tu-su classes i lu Wtlby sudn i-r ( ,pinue uinisters, lottery-meni, tiic'- Alio ioilai niaetupoa net fai- fi-oui it l, fruuîîî vlmIn yen iromli lue j ce 1 cetractori, and mmmmîy ethecrs I eau-n - ofau ie pei i indairate thmiagmuscaf -taùu c f support-huit ye tomîlut the o miel foces of Euoiui>eian b p rep a r e l t e rco n li en d o e o f ibe ri fo r A t ti e cmn d o f t tis ,g - e . t a l.F ran ce.I m ui c on e ? o i n d a Stîeriit' cf Victoria or somne other Cuimitv timm 1ud aise Ibhe apparanmce cf a comrt-It a- rs tu lie use o et mnâ Another von shoulul support mais imtxui-of justct-,1 pcuiveîk î ittiug o<> as>oneprevîoelste the prorog-ation, ordlened thé cf l>arliaimemmt foi- sonime coiistittmency whe~ benîcl, wiilua-plain i-ailinig lhefdru bim "mn returu cf gue landts of Vancouvei-' Islandi lie is miel kuciru, ani the thi-i. yeî i IÙo ld1 nan lii the set of adimiisterin-jiusie, f-oithe Hudson Bay Company te thé ilifofuilî'time peuiple il w-s very %wrontoe te irloi-n1 men uindei-stowl te buc(tie ven Ci-cm. stop fi-oi peaelingutil lic paui bis dums blamhe Moran, wbcîse wonîderî>î îmîaoiy 1 A vessul is te lbc put on the roeîobc; -auýl as t.iis lue mcver inteuds te de- baul hubeen ricmdiug. Otuo cf- lbis kîmeus sup-lirucu Liverpool andî BriltihCelumnhia. .rmat puer simnir ii u3r ui 0eprll porîclIlabcwlil uslf adkp The British (jû)vernîneut ai-e going ,te Insl i srvcaasIl Pulpit Pounder" open, ilim> iii lis nighlile lieud a golJen senî a coi-ps cf Engineers jtimene te build (jet te hc s scimol ti2sehtiutaIibolit £300 houp, or ring. theli~~Sglt cf whchsecined romds and bidges anud crel lc-bue ~ ~i. uun u 51h5 aiye-sclrkcfavarioiisly te affect the suitroundin rwd e h ncpinegu , ud aho e su rather Gi-emmcomposition, sud ou thuesever-al cf xvh,m appzarued te oub t i-ut ou slia- Igmiin streigth cf tie scbool lumndi;atià assisanrce talisnxaiuic virtueg, ilie semu, ruot imm cet Te mnca >p be Lni0 nh cf tire Gvii awyurs elei-k, you uîay suc- se iulluuuîe, x9esu uter eciw cd u èti au iy aee cucul iriestzbiisming sai-agge.l uuwsiapei- ceuntcuancim a mesiru thaI il mighl be FeWluit,-'ByIleo famîous ôrily foi- the scanudai, -At centains, tr-ci, sud a fitlîh lu its operatieus; whilu e T Pal dsaewaîiacn l p mni desplscd by ail tire nuwspapers lunlime gruat unajrilty of pensons pi-usent viuwmmd l .Po sostewlth a an net peanance.wth oro 1 rovnce '-lithime stighte-tt pietomeus T henre aniet euunixorued t one-of Xnetlxeisteami- la sannouncud te talco respectmîbilitv. li is net dia sliigbtest con- iuveial aenirode-d n sf l Glsyh1 ! cmbncpce abment yoxmr pupils. Domui't trouble the couipany holiebu i-ouglitforard; bu itslace on th eacfayUstae. ae e .výrefabout Iicin. Lut Ihein take iras an suaieut pui-veyui, ibe, under the coThe- v ey n ofi. staiÀar cmre cf themiuaelves. -oi yn tmke caru pi-tcîuuof pneviuîîng fer thebeuccssities cf 90 ,0 emd fAmsruingMi a-n i vomiriouc for LeachxiZng -hin. bis sfivereige, had duslle ete P-,-kueivu toe-oth a rmAsal. 1 AtmýSl-oTuqcý,1ei;hut i o vince by bis extcrtiîs. 'i T jhe ea-ked i nîeW fenAa-la th ti ell frst- c jeyun C At anmeeting orîthe Burepenu sud Aine- 1flivoir ly iiMimimi; the- believu timmt yom i owi t an P '3,ta euld .-cimen Lenpany lwa nslu ha ea take tire saine vic ci attera wicld tire fmther was but a poo eas eumant, mitteribualtypiutt are&obe i1teuataCis: uopedo. This ycu 0111 aise fiail te bc in spieuloti nd liexpeliso the niomut aucient iCrteseysc pin.aeuuto oo it esm tire w-av Vomi iili catch Lmiycrs. Buie suread opulent famnilles ?-The cuipril imuros eiug &ury msiciîl ui.LteC-ip alisei, tiid«net let thme sirx>mriistarb yen nmute, w li-en, the rnixgbcitig mppiiemi te îiîs FiealuiliienuldCenrci ýin scheel heurs whilu vo' maru cogitatin- thi-cat, bis pi- i iiitintly forsooklîim, sud frein Bembay. suue oitoiaicalîuxYmgilst lime Gev- lu the îmîteming accents of dutected viiiaimy, ' ,eruxîmmeet ef the Country oi- the QmiuuusxtsR- lhe cenfessemi a tluxan<i auts of unféclin opnsna i- anomuela ptI-ma.ýeiittivo, or axy ltte - scadl yen iapacity. I"LutI bis 111 gmitte-i weaitlu acut, xd tmu- er'cxetmdteli imaii te oparade ilu voutprintud sheol umid Ithe judge, "eedow a"i imespital, sud 'Fîore 1s a fintucl.-i- risis ni Sha'gli. 1. mmumtyuruihis.YUr even&ugs o!furet im bu tulietînîd te bcg bis bruad inl the The nemnco ?tal ir ne o- 1 euse vl bc occnpied.in m3t1aun-mni-- mttui-s suuuuied te lie settling dewn ln . -- . iif .y~~~u' î s'ihepo The nexi i-as a illaiting widow, Wbhio an fIda mihuhtmeem'r - cure yourself te lie'amppmintem.iSuci-iany, bein aslzedurhy the sou ef ber laie wîalthy ,oo reWs a is h tlfuhd ud givu youn cm ccoloring le the proecd- haanb1afrmrwfe4nuished lu le igs of lime meeting;- Sectmne te yonrseif a Prison fer s debAceutracted for is suli- BREM)S1Fsm rmandle cf Ioyulty by bùcorniung a member sistence Irexdeavdured ait fi-site oplaY cff The mealler lias-bliuslowury andiun- c f the Orangre Association, sud then join lier arts sud biandishuients; but fludiog suttlmd, but the bulk et the i-huai cneo shlow yeur endersers te suffer, B (E..- scienche corasiaongss ofn fnecou- The Northeii4îiht friui ý .arý - ouse, fi-ou wlom loie inied -moting rr II r ~ ~~~~~~but. imfmCaaurab't'ideas Oet weatl mand BY a ' val othe rpl - k'Ià v i. - Tise Ittebicoke Mmmrder. grndenuriwhicllbe doerminud to e al1~ i-po ilie- et -bys voyýge tethIe Emat Ladies, where4(oee ""iy, "dnt te.Ii S' TuIE MuîmMICOSTÀTiIsmesBIEs N. TOI AND of liS uricles leld an mi pioymnt. euot ornaitatnsu,.tutntsm - foi-a number of years le pr'actised e'uery - e ~ ~ ~ -art,, severit*, ideceit, sud rpamëi-, that piÇ o u-itm hebrbAfim. - An isîquesi ivas huld atIeas Taveru, eould aecconplish Ils end.- At lastjsfter ..-tl~ ýt Laite Shore -Romdion iVriday lme 27t1 uin, h avîn ngghômi îngeremi on ihmse golden que m sýq ýiI '1 li' Dr. Dixie, Cei-ne-, on îhelbedy' of shores, li e rturrud te hk isutive country 'ý - 'linmniz nn rth,.,. l, h,. mn: Lunxusontertlie e;,p,,1uuA ixa.xmlwuth thes surmil of ru- Brtih __ial r f érwudt-I ireleus-Q nD ta u a to onintet-. pendi, bu- budTspem<1 bmaili iai p genr allc Lu - pnd bt io bi ws rlunpc s .e tluxtion mi wlke pami. ILS Es4s JamgesiD b-n oua f txe tit> ls l anderth IL ilue oct -u tnentiomet Tuer DE Desjardins l) th of Mz cd& The anud ahso G leug'.mniof ]"elof? i cerected b1 as a lom x roadj niai- the tbicoeub-idge os t-lai lino. Fi-cm eviienco adincec i Il ppeas- tuai decoseti,- slalmrer ot.lie Railroad, 1: