Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1858, p. 2

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- n 'i - e"- ~5i~n' ~n- ýbS £at 'Or gintoû 6a i theihapmpy »À randb anquet lias licou g'tven te tle 1 was hemc ebfore Vsh ali lyeunliay; 1 mas tejolàisjatit mnagnificcul liarbor it 'Wouli wke. 1 W-s;o.s fli th iene ias htbthig btween il ad lime gi-est contineuit X>! Aiuoriua a s porfectly aw-mre of ils adystges-but 'tiefe Was ne Lever. 'Ilîie r as neo" uIl im'oui w-lic eh foundm île BstîîOlti-. M>y frie-ud Faller Dmly- <irttnualleering)-discoursed te mu, as lie Alirsys dees, nmsleuei-gehiunlly, amuiamost ùoqoetitly, con t-lue dvaitmtgcs of Galway, âud poiuwl eut that i;mima flic truc I.-li- way te Airçm If cloquent ivridsa mni goed w 111 conli bave tit-fectud Ihimt objeetbu- inuss aLéviathuan, t ltast, ivouli have sprung up le plonglu tle walors belircen ing.) Couslsuçy ud detemmiuxalieî have et leigîlu preuilcdi umîu I do neouice le saî - ihat uCi ouly laves yen ont Steamîer, but I tr-ust aiigîbur an ui îolluer will sili succecd. t'ut enl ave yen sent eute pionuer le Imake rossioîn oi tuaI gi-ual lughu r-end, but I 11opuê anotheri-sîiji iill Socun bc onuis w-ny lid i lies- ialue. (Louil -heees.) 'flere 1s s chango aise, as your chaiiiuait las heud y ou, iu the prospects of tIc countly. 1 ani ha'p.Y te 'psy 1Ieaui asutue yenthmt Imid fil uîuîmeivù il p)ossibiç', wlien I cainete tnclsnd 'that 1 couulhave feurid that suclu an extraei-diuary imuprovcemuet could have t-uteu place genraliy ou the racc cf thme euntry as I havefueîidsilice uuy arrivai. Agri-iullure lias flouri ShluLi, crilunias de- craesod lu thbe moal mycdertol casmer, sud 1 (de hope man trust luat suctariau ditier- enes lave tiuuuinishici. (Loni cheernug.) tde lot thiuuk that 1 coutim point te agi-est- er iustance cf thal, or te a happier preg- uosication o! future 'pescu stndltmaquiiiy ilian b y turnnmg îuy cyes Imu ithe riglio th!% tâble, manl seciig îmîiy friemîtiArchiemi- tonu0'eld a1d mu y fuîemxul Fatter Daly Sit- ting Sceéby side. (temiuuiclucring) TJhe Chai-nuailias umluici tu soitu se Ivle- Itoli the liberty et giviuugyeunvwlîcîu1 Iras at ilu his place-aivice whidi you tokituhuesainie spitof kimdxesiii ivbieli ît was effcrod,-but I fuýel ioiv IaIt luslier- fectly unecessary fur uuus te citer yen snmy £tlVîce or te rend yen mmy lectsure oi auuy pivumu subjel. (Lauglter.) - I believe there lis ne part of lier Mmjesy's iouiinicus lmcre puacealile gr- more, tranîuuilusu ntis part iteLlu-(lumur, litai î-mmî if tlucse thangea have occ d uring the six\ vears thatlhavcelapacti siîeiceuuy ast visit-if Galvsy las proguiessci ivith tle restolîIre- dI,, thlu lgmerai 1uosprity ivhiecli ins lildiffluse e i-it-lut us tlite astilI ,viie uterot;pemlmand look ho theucuamnges tInt haveéImken place for s longer luriod. Ther i u lerieo îuubt, fr-ontflue lmsitîon O? GahwmV- thcéi i le îtistiigreniaimis ôt buildings mhiclu stili adoura sortiîe e!lion slncts-if ive dii sot kmoîvaise frein lis- tony-thui u ciumiedeuil IlummI Galway hai avei-1y tluiiviumg hime withmSpan alla P'raneu n lu e fuk- ies,simd se fur, I douol dôilt, i-as imore prosperous li preoportion t-Ian aIe is nov. But w-tli ail mIat prios- .Perity-i! prospenty there a --iCiciii- icuna ooted luin îfýlor luit pemce maiitran-. quiity of vlieh TI ha-just i-ceuutly spekemi. They mure in pui-pelnal touts cffltme attacks of tîcun wsrlikc îîeiglibori, t-von fi-ouithie umcestors o! nauy cf tîoan I set bei-e join- lug vwith mis a h h15festive board, andsi-il- !mm3 lhe prospei-ty ho the chiy te nimosu pil- Iagote mii- foiefathcra conrutshd. (Langlu- t-ci-asd dhors.) I thiig il lsabmoiut ;Ji yeai-s agolia a predocessor cf iuine-a fermer viCei-oy, Sirlieunry Siiuîmy-vu%ýsitcd Galwvay. - licaine on ue pcacelmmi cirecul lI câmoe for thuepurîese cf ievisiui ume.Ls -ti-es te guand ltme city maitLlime iii-umim Of theO'llaim3-s mmnl thee Bui-'.ma. N" Sir iHenry Sidney îuileull incmi lî n au evve muer simd iuit.aimi, mu-mime-I te. ýtcl, -wil a guardni cf uartiali-talaui journQy frioutheli utrois or izof rlaud oc- eupyiugmore Ihîsu s i-co. fourprei-mum Victeroy coneste yen on tllcpeaueful ci- oad f iuaugtufmting a gm-cal triunîxului cm thce cesu. (Ciieors.) le domses lhue scemîiii le soost luxuricîma case, is e 'i officiais fer lits guamlm4. frimmîulhyamr' id lng otizons for bis rutimuse, 1is jcurermcu lupyiug tIice heurïi. (Loud andlcontinue( dheeng.) It las bceu muy happy lot o1 tire occasions te conuelucre àmmaitauupi elous mounut. Ouuuy iist visiti1liaiti On tus eiuî Ilis -nwio oe I trutn The Canadian parliament lsas st-auge conglommxrutioux,ms exhibiled isi tle i-ceunt Sessioni.lilouest mnuhave licou tîcre- designing, seiflis clisl--ers lave beau thene -mini a lau-go numbei- of ineapables have houri tic--a mothuy, lui a turbulent roup., iuTh uage oiastaîesumen, sud tle blusturing dumagoguî-s, lave eacis been hlt up te mie public gaxe, ytiitî uuidel>' diffèseut results. 'fIe pdsevering1i patient labon o? tle former lues carieti for lient, -- e boieve, the respect sud iuereaedu con- fience oe! the diseerning public, 'mhite tle luretenato and disgraceful - luiifyiig mani obstruction c! îlelatter, las securuu tise dslgust etfuvsiny-riglit minici Canaian.- The McDpnuahi-Cautiur adminisltration, lu Étmiviaxg te pusWl-trumiogis tise AmSumexbly raesure essetîtial tethîle -iai-o sud exis- tence of thîe people as a fi-ticemmunnit>', 'Waaimet at uvory lui-n îy-a 4-cieus eb- Strutton freuxt-le Bi-eîn-Dorloîý epposi- tion â.o-cal4, thc piinicipai -lentents o? wtil lare lien personal abuse sud uoisy doclamiatieux, We are auxougallIue se h bojliers t-li aIasesîîîy oppesition la eue of th le esis ga Qf a free State; but 'mTlun - utre an usleily cemlinatiuin as tînt- de- sig4m 1 L4 ajosmty's îoyai Opposition" ,is fonunci ilhilu tise muls et pariiament- umi opposition composed oet iithicito mis-nr esaisieu-ccunbined fer lihe sole pnnpose of driig frein île G(iensneult-luhe ouhy mua whobu ecr,rthue circutustances oftht-e ceuntir> -coeh uad se>Ilim-poe-enfor the geusra god, we lavé neasen te apprelmn the wor~st cyths freiti sudh unp-ancipI memm, ied ly incapable bands unAte five mths endurance cfunuivmpîoi leg- isItiv obtrutio, Mm. John*iA. Macdumu- SI &3ld hjw surtjtiors rciud hoii- trumsI,- zLcfpfhcGrt, as' lu peutformiý wIll fora moment lielieve ; but that t-bey sud their Lower Canaduan toadjuters would adept cveu-y meass b secure the parnîmnount smay of Fi-etcli Canadian pi-. ciles sud prejudicca, me su-e boundtô ru- couve as Ibm> foundatieux cf thei- r flm What, Iluen, beocis ci' Uppun CanÏ4a andi ils Protestmmtisrn'? Whisote C Ot chef sud bis pu-otestations? Nbat o!flRe- presunhatien by Poxulation ý Whah of ll.cfernn? And fiuîuib-, îîhah cf cousist- eucy ? "Ayo, tiuercm lte nul> 1"-Uppen Cmaaasud its Iroleslantisuu würm> te bu sacrifuced nathue suirine cf trans-mtImmutic in- fluence 'flue Gri-ilchie! sud bis tait irere te bu awallowod up anmd huriei, for lime psitry Censid'i-mtieu of the Inspecter (len- uralshlipi1 Repu-cactatien by Population iras te bu postponcd, until tius pi-sent Pîî-liauîeuxt dj'el anaîni-aldulath! Reteniu, ini iLs very tsscnuce, ivas igmorci, anm decid- cd te bu s lismubug 1 Cussteîîcy was e. clard-t lebu, eut cf ofice, Patriotim u itis puuity-im office, uuccuumig ini Cveryi- fluenxce 'IPoery" or nc Pmuii-y culi sug. geai, fur auslaiuig ho psitioni att vucd!1 New Advc-lisements this week. Life Associmationi o! Scollnd-J. Grant. Thme place le find it-Loirus PowNell. Masgaziunes for- Septeibe-Yanu Notions store. Sunîmner Stock at Cest for Cashi-Loi-es î Powell. Flude sud S 'e- ewuiNovel-Yanec Notion Store. A Magnifiuent Poker- fer Sale at GOorgO Yuie'a teck Store- ilollow-ay's Pilîs mmnd Iintmnul Di. Morqe's Indimîui Ioot IPilla. Once kunomu neyer Forgetei-S.S.Bledg-ett Dri. ismuuily's Vugulabie Cemmpunni. Cabinet Waurcotes-Wlliumu 'Til Uîudetmikei-, &.Wi Tmmxill, Whitbv Thtirstlar. Seiteffliet 2, 1858i thotoughly disqualify their author frein eftil~ecoming our.,eôlitical leader, anud ultuu-iy tifR hlm toi- tht-eposition cf peuht- cal advl irtte l nstîtutfousl sud ureog- niausl béad eou- grfree f*n et governi1nenLi 1t0R induod airuost tfeati ng the aubjeet io6 sonieusly, tl efeo uncb di-sloyal an$gus- tiens, for net obly are we weii assuromi that- the soliti good seuse o! teîle "ld stOcklai sufficientdF stnongly uugrafttd, te laugî te scern the counsel pf sncb <Jatalineax but i-e knew hu oui- hant et earts, lIaI the Bothlu-lh Chie?, i-eul as soon mount e second /Reduan as 4sk lis niassive linubs, or wcli iiued coffcia, lu île hunrly-bui-ly o? a civil sîrife. ,N-u-e-a-spsItt-y cabiage garido nlid à %wordy ucainensde' far lioI- ter suiltla modern political Doun Quixote, sud bî ish-lliSanchie Pauza I Gomieusi- iug these thuoughts te our -sensille and lai- abidiug ceuntrymen; me again eau upon thons te hold shcadfastly te LmVbîrn, aud ho fioms deiisoveny appi-osdlite RIi-eu- Thse EJcctiumm Teumemivo lIon. (lue. Bm-ewn bas bu-cm for Touonto hy a ajoiiy cf 180 oppoucul Mr. Camenoîx. fixe1 moeeîle votes polteil li hIe ivards. St. Indrec's Wai-d, St. Pstnick's Warsd, St. John's Wmmd, St. James' Waid, St. Davi's Ward, St. Gieorge's Wari, S3t. Lawrnce Wa-ml 868 508 431 art1 501 126 2183 2316f returci-l di ffercu t Bron. 9138 510 1281 2516 Mmtorty for Mr-. Browmu, ai-i Iee. Mn. Lemieux retirnecI ly acciaumt-' -NoILTuiru w-tRLOO. lieu. '.Ir. Fotey re-cectei b.y acclama- ».efi.v,, ?<ut fevolutloii. lieux. Cmîuaiais mro adtnttcdly s la'm--biing îeoule. Couxpesed sud imtrnixei as thc Caîxadiaux Colonial population is, o!flime ex- citable Irishîuau, the pcppcry Fi-crichins, ni tîxu niaie phuiegmuaic suinclsober Angle- Saxou,tluc lappily pmevmiiî ammongsi tîixi,t iitl allieir national chimrchristics, a loive cf tIlîir u-opîCricountry, anti aunmt- imchiment te Cousititi G Ciovernunt -uviicluthue pumsesion etfîteponsilcinsti- tutions amni fice inc-ueudeuiee coni-ys.- ThIe w-mr-crics o et lirli>ichuusu iandl them l1ismuuituu arc bst, ini iliumeffort le secumme tueur ludividual nustt;ii-itpro- gi-oas, w-luc mli c.u i-e 1Ilc.al sud hapmpy lu the net iifertIsuite o! truc iin- icimniance No titlime or SLste Cîniclu te eppmruma Uic ene, samd ne dummsut lecrush the otiier. Uenutitulieuiui freculom slitmhue cijcyuicit, as ri-)c,-sctaie reforai la the sure cf all h-mie Canadians. flic parties' w-lic iaise issues uçîcî question o! Section- al jeamubusy or Sectiimu siti-e cienrims ote lfeedmi îî hidi Caustidanus cjoy, sud ,îsei- agitation can omly s erve te di.stîrb ti heirîineiy wim vtioi mosmii ervi.i e mr i i-ail aioril tItue Caziadiin people. Cana- mimi m,i.tors arcemmiii for timir cmxiiself- lupurposca. f bey divide iiideceivu a eouiiuuuity-y hîcuamuimunteetà is tecoumîbinie mmmi unite, aula t1iey levattu tîiselves npý oui lhesun, destruction sud honnI-break-. uluga unliel tiey cause. Sp il lias lieun lu biomi haroeliemiuxexpouicdinluFi-auueIrem tise tiraI fuartul out-lireak e!f île tevoluticu, ami mbat lias been ilium gain ? 1uigion! ivas ovrLlhrown, ansauimiseusdGedesa et Ilemso, in the pcison of a debancluci Coortezaux, supplie thie place e! tise altmmi A horrible muid ci-ul Conventiou w-as np- i-rcac itl'mithîe juillo f ic sud hue lanqs- puist as tIe gim coat-e!-arax, ihlicl its infernal Iîenali'e Cellegu affriglulud Ltse ivorli. TIen a Consuil; next thie Empire ii is di-ai Mesco'mv brrersi aud, umst dismal Wuiterlioo catastrophe folloeet. F>aàu upon tle nestouitieux of those aniuxat- eii Iluleurs " t'eBons-bons, came some- thing like alimuihui Moiuai-chyunuder Louis Philippe; fluîllhy, a Frenich Czar î le ne- suit of al lIeu- Iertjblcpoliticai appi-cutico- sîip!1 Foi-a Czar le ail intenta sud pur- poess s Nap: tIe 3rd, save ibat le glds lis aisolmulismn mith ci-att sud cuuning. flue Angle-Saxon la less o? s bra-ici-, but la quiteas mumibfapatt'ict. ButtléPresd lie Forum sud the 'Tribune, lave liy lugai snd constituilonal agitation i-on lis gi-cnt- est victories. I111e île>' iblhavesueuri-- ci tic Bill cf Riglits unuden Chai-les the -l1, and tIceumore recut Jeu-laI entranchise- tuent. flearing ilusu fautlu nur minis oye, let- us lie eager te nainlain in Ibis1 tle land of env adoption, the eleruai impress cf,île soli sense and îiadom i-bld dictaîci ibis souni course oetile. Lut us chii-al he remembrnicce!fîle happy, tîcuglx some- tinies tedieus rscanIf so tseialand pi- fitable a Éystcm ofet tcticsI Wc bave lieus led Iite 111e train cf thouglit by sete recent oceirrces oit imai ci-pelitiesi staget Fehiemes, perlaps thuougî acta of ir-ogula'tity, if ixot et actual fi-sud, liecontes- thc sittiog nucuxber.XIt mas lai- déOitltd tku8m Who thon is te lIante? - Cherly tle Law.4 Weil, t-les, almessZ the StaïuIe. lainer awsydilk gentiy sud, ooustitutionally te repair 1s uenens' ihraeer.,, Se in tle Mreer natter. We defeud ieitler case abstract- ediy. Ne pamtyspis-sior predilections shmil înduce us te preelii- blask, whlite ; but as "in île former case to, the law's declaloax wexefur litDQstors me kuo iss- fer ; and, o! a sui-ety Lawyes ar- ,ot all of onre inud. Foley baâ%c . Q'ýoii rpfloa- One scrn. uii~nt m'A 1au'; the lt-les lion. Mn. GaIt lias loe returucti by se- ie lIe. Mr. Slîcnuvooei ls ,been cdec- toi by s iliziarily cf 251 ci-or Ms-. Daim. Ileu. ..S. MNaciqualul bats blicu'ertcl. Ouly tue voies weèpumîlemhfoi-NMr. iFrench. QSOUTu>eI--iu' Toi-n e! Whithby, Oshuawàim Wlitby Toiu-uahip, Essi N Vhihh)y, , Ilickuiligi 312 120 i5-413 852 134u3 Mijuriiy foi- Mrmmi, - The Inanuguration of 1.. 0. L. No. 05~7, uit I)-aflln's Creck, Pickerng, CO. O? 'South Ontario. 'l'e >aloi-e Lcubge was 5o~oucmel 'mv ilial due solcrunti-,onmixe ei-eninug -t 'iýVu-mimîi- miay, tu 251h inst.,%at tlIc.exhurcsa dlesire of tle Loyal OrauigeinuoftDuiifflufs Ci-cuL uni its viciniiy. f luis desires moere ably scomietiby the I}uputy Masies of Loeige No. 860, ansi Biother Méululôu,&b, List Pamut Couuxty MasIer. lu accormunco te pi-eviomus notice lime msual preceedigi ci such occausions commmencul at 15 minutes ho 9l o'cloct, P,.1M. The Rigît Wusupn thue Grand Master e! B. N. A. _ yl.- Gi-inifresurr, mn.-StachnEsq.;thec Centy Mauter, E. McBrienu, Esq. îlte De- puty Mutecr of 860), Brotlie -Campbelli; the County Truasurer Brelluuli'Body; tle W. M., Brctie MeCulougl ; île W. il. e!' Ne. 130, Bi-etîer Caldwtell; the ieputy If-, Z. Clark, Br-othuers R. W îgnsoie, A. 'ralc, F. Green,' sun., F. Green, jun-., Cuthbert, Lucas, sud Oliver. B3esides lt-ese suça respc'-ittie pensons ens- ir-acci îlee pportunity e! becoming iii- atei as ueumbers upon ibis suspicions oc- casion. Froct the enilinsiasut cvinced, ami fronu otler general sppesrances, mtle beige epceci filDuffim's Ci-eckbbus tali- te risc ln respectaiilily ami importance.- fTic business e! inaugisi-ation hein& chosci, -tlie lirutuien ami ollen guests preaut at doive te paîrtake et a sumptueus repast previded fer lIeux by Mn. Peton H14d, pi- pieten of 1" Heas 's otel" (again ei'egantly openci for business.) Tis gentlemn b as abw-ays lcoeuenxsu-akalile ton lis excellent billetftsi-e,andcertuiuly lihe hatlosue et lis reputaticu upon lts, pai-licular eccasion. fhe clelli bing nemeved, tle lealîla et oui- blo;vud Severeigu, île Prince Consort sud otelle- eniliers o? île Reymd fsumiiy, toguller wiII lIait fSirE. I-Iesd, iie: drauk avilI enthiaasin. aftur wicldtîe Husilt île Right Woi-ahiptnl tle Gi-sud Master, q. L. Allen, &sq. i-us du-unitwitl gi-cat applause, teoi ibc respeuied'in >vu-yecloquent sud appropuisie tui-ma. The leailt îlte Grand 'l'reasue, Couuty Master, sud Woi-shiptul Mastun weu'e tIen dranit sud u-spoided te, in vem-y stmiltale toi-un. Yutious tepics besides île premi- meut eues in conuection mill Orageisua lie- img xmsveited, mi th geci luian sd mmmu- aLI good feeling tbroughout île cveninws feslivity, the -cnpamsy sepsraled, gi-iog thrcee goosid hd rty cîcers for t-le Wç bu;te tocalI îlhe specisi satentbine? Onur s-eadurât-o t-he 1911 Mmnush Report sot 1hi Assurance, Conpanj, whil4_we pub,j ulah in anothen coluans.'The u-4mt of t-h, yean's transactions ist riy aatlsâeitery, ini faclt tie amouut Of bnsinesstmnsusatednot- witbstanding tliegreat seancity of money tiuning thepe~ast,-yat, j auing, and slema loi- poptlar the sy stem pU-sud b>' the, ompanyy la mitl île publie; Mi. J.> Hamx Penn> s Agent fo'r! the Association ail Whitby, aimd 4bliete bas aiready eff e a- edadnsideasblenumberefAuunan "a -aPtîtaln WiUace'a HighlandL Rive Coumpaniy. -- r: Our Town la etNamitjmellvouie1bu Seuth Onstarioe ilto, Lt appoars t-lai 'ê m w u-t bave a Tmrnto lasiri for oui-r epresuutative la South #n. tarie. Mr. Moi-ai n licou nro-elocW db>' a nsjoriîy of-41, 1ov" theu ident mèaàdl-, date, 1,r. Lainm 11Miny ef Mr. Luinwg fieods expectcd a di!I'reut reattît, sud wure et opinion thai Mn. Laiug'a being s r-mxident o! thl idig, bis bigil standing, sudgi-est persenai iifluente.saongst ltme eilouos wonld èuagure listsicus-n. But s spirit e? blini p.%rtizausip appea rs te have possed soulte of Mi-. Mowýmt's supporters. Thoso men i-hile acknomlIedgiug.Mi-. Laing' te lic w-cil w-oi-tiy tisupport sud canfi- -dene-irhle adtnittin- lis ciain te their suffrages As a residuli, irbule sppreving cf Ilus polilleal pinciples as set fou-hinlu is adi. dress, ti-aiîorieu.miy sud t-eachurousiy votudl agaixus i ii. Mmny f,tiium hitu ioing e omiog lime the deepeat pecuniai-y olul- gslious-very many efthtent iudebted for agalimil lini, te the support anti assisance hue has lent tbcmn te sti-ugghu ilîrongh lite. if lIuy votci inulupendcnlly te preservo any gi-est principle-o-ruoee ceuli bhanse ilium, but un thé contrai-yi-e shouhmi sp- jîrovu thcir inie1ueuiurcc. But suclui vias net tlie case ; lotI cmnidates Ield lime samu politicai opinieuis-tis platformu mas lime sanie, 'mththe diffoenuce lIai !tr. Lirîg iras above the shadom cf sispicieui, whei-e- as theru Was every nuason for suapecîing onu inopîigig tc suicurihy of bis eppouemît. Woe kuow thiat nsany s man aIrendy regrets lte vote lmieivas iuxiuced te give ; luit re- grets ai-rc r VUseie-a tIe tig laieudue. Mr. Lainug is defeate.t Eunt it i mt ho suppiosai thutMr. ii.Mouvatilas gminod a vie- tory. Fer frein iL At the gomeral cectiomi le 1mda iuiijritv cf 77S voies over Mi-. morr.ison. Nom se-euxîmoumlls attorîcaris; the mîunnier is reducci lu 1491. 1cm-y uearly tle sarnienuimberof votes 'meupolludmita cadi ciection. The vmitm>moi tle itmmlthe' I.o;t- 1.5i _Mue - . lin Patrmick O'Ittmrney's Vorirtspoixd- M-aime roonuforltr new e crik'pouhilixi, Di)îr Sir.-ms a -n-,î îiuy good îrmud ,- Onu yür,.L-,e wîîluî'rc thiutruthbla mbuedimît, l'd an1-!ýumd1y miite ai. P. 0OIE. Miybe Sur, yez seen tIe bari-k ov -a ui- de.g calléd 4"lŽinchur," pipcd tlIme the Os/si- wayQ p)enny wlust.l, a woek cr 2 simce. rMI lay s tusthun te an euld tiu-piimuy that yez put i un en 10 Wtby, as onue o#tht race ev Januies ov the pi-usent day called " Yankeée Pr'uufusoi" But this i-as rLng. 1IWI; only a shule 0v thusîi ranc-a pur- teuishus Yankece Pemieygeog latcly imirtuti te tle "Cern Cul Sbanty " at Ibis place. Ilo likes le emll himslf sa"pninciple" loir. andevei-, Andttedisplay bis -afiuity ho the Professera afoeisdliy pîitending te s mertial gi-mte nûleige of Kiinisthry sud irainuf. But stihi "Pinchien" la oniy an utl-bnci, ill-mauured unir, with Ail lis airs. Lite al currisli sîuimnls ho liarts sftcr da- cent pcepnu i-ledesire te pa.slin ly andmi l ncver sofeorcc-aud uîisy lu bis yeUlsas iren ho purshuc dufunelesa ladya. 'Pin-cluer' douanit venthumne le rue afther moe, havie" ov ceci-se a most currish féeri- v been u nnemi. Perbaps u mmy tliiuk tînt l'nt net agkting imceut wid I>litcler," lunlirimigiumg hlm np aftlxcr huis fimun-an i huai- yen quotilu meth lmaidwi: "u If.l idmd yomu ivumlmi uknd, Yusi'll bu tmm nlutLui! iuîi." Wcii, 'Sur, thure ire naysues mimd excuses fui- mil tiinga, sund if yen livum inlu sivay sud fouai s supernipcreus bladhener, lîk£e hiio ev the Coi-n Cob Sluanty, emlli pr butilul village mlies nrishy usines aud nickumming teîlentiiiboys Cv or î-illage Tommemls," 'cmirdI-s" sk-znxiusl" and the hLyoii'(l fuel uiatnmhî d mii u- ai like mmmceif, and i-tul uv sazin vouri steel pi-yu'(1 bcho ure imclined lu sazo yommr Ireli.sh illmuii-mx, mmi emit s tice-r eî 8 iim île cranmnuev tii sliuiky lanky fauukce.. ,,,, ail limita livuly i nuo yez %vemld. flore la nol ammuthueranmuml ikii miici-avalcu w-ou liL-t-4uliye-m cv (aii- I l 'inm:lui-r" hus 'loue. Rsîidtu lime sex ioom pi-e- î-ktauv mai purîiludiui teoum1arible füulins froun (10111 se.l3- ids gemuerau eecion v,,ume- ,,-'i- e-,--. Qui- mn mi - - fair, rîson 730; imn ail 21% q TIheIreut edec i'-5 îu ev Ayri tien the' nmmmnhci-s stoem-l-Momvah1,843. r --'-ml thé l mmi-aime :C1'îiil mii-5id b.. --mi ii f---rtii Trie Iami. Laing 852. Tota~l 2,1915 ;cmly 4;3 votes s.ui less timau lte ninii- cf votes pmlIet'u uthlî ii ue iiinii ihury. .'tum'î f-awsi:te geiai lcleetin. 'flueweaiuiandi itt-I ci- riunnmrm a cv OÇl.lmm're mu-cuolL Ueme gence of tle iihiavlîîe iollel aI flue s de liesîcix"mm aisjiumr.immCoSitiry-wi- e! 'CO M lAuLig. IMr. Mewmts mae'rmty immxtix c mmY anke-'eI ilI '1umm-ler," utlthe ts imimhu up i lo-liand umi miiscftie -emmmu. ttîe->élu thme lCon-m. Amr limmuet nor nity, w4îiciu l ir OmL141l'e ciiu xau airse, ami-I bmhemiuie lssot " mc latn t iiiîa ioddesle mI.we me o d) !o. ý) 1 v. Bit i ummîmt ho miicdiA-tin i te plucîs Ci- theliant o! Mi-. Moi-at the most shammuefulimi- twui andple uaîltîn umte busi - - - -i-- - - i Ma partizans. fie vam-usbmusim presses wi-c m. kept goimmiii(iin anamdiWlitby, imsuiuîg Fr'm rI11 Jl-m, izit fliy hamiubilî eentmuuing falsehois o!fîlth e m4ciil - iim-l 1i - -,imîu nost atrociemîs description againat the Semîr p i1o ilti chmm. cliaractor o! Mr. Lmifing. Thesu i-crudis- T 'g -mmii - iuti-.-umdm-à rumie, trib e wlo!euaalo th uîgui tise Rîiding 13 fi mi--fa -In - --ucty! ýhe Git spaivu-in lime sanie manucri iat OcI i!inacrene (nmy grmctf) if ho i-mis lu the "No Porei-y" hbis w-cie ai thc pi-cii- 5vrcitFuni-lommn ci- tIh-mia 0 v Argyie eus eleetion, mni cf course they luolpu d to e boulgui-a cr'iosh kebn o! I-ish polfeuen or île the moi-k ofthit-ir uumxorthy coucoctors. ]0-tl ili u ia iib-rgCmo nm3 11.m11-t to lii- mmoii aru i ak himu sunak tle Evens1clekhiypooriticai proachers-oue mmtif i-, - mmmumîers-,mci ý-s mugiy crima .rïù iielp iii i-- tbemmiahtleuusth lidng u-n efihial sim.finationx - llmLi- p1ýCm: ci yr lîoelimY. - sîuro t al- lu lIme ltiimg,-i 'mv-i- imt abri' gung -i îI -min i- mu mi ýimu 1ouiî- u-ehii ib thv laiculsof île electors. Sncb v-ere t- e a poctL fu' soteeof -'lme m -1uýs i thirmîk -el of tiseiizalissusei te neui-utim."Cliiýti-an t-îm---the im'iii mm mmune-s-rmu -- A fîv Iluishu Cathseiics ut Ostumivai w-e i u uem-le. uem. u . base mîcuughu tcm vole fýrthe ncsuinceucf tde Lut iilitamv o-u c cre hre cf si-luiilas rei-CVICiand vilifien of Iboir race mni religion msPiihc-cii-Creimcmrsuuf- 0 1 ih(àImau.-ieds,Žmls ui-ry w-ciîniuced to eunaimi aihome, i-suber Iluan oxercîse hîci- frarchise intai- ofeta junvei te tui s goid neighiior amui a frlcmui. biL-e tibis- ulews in TorouIe, the>' milh yeh live te lainenut tueur comiilusut Many pensons nov- say tuai Mi-. Laing cenîmi have beI ccu ru ri mmunly, liai lia frienis cxo»rted tixenssuves suicieutiy, sud w-ted upon min onganixci systens et action, as tîcir epponets liai doeua We lieve iL We liclieve ilual 230 cf Mi-. Me'mat's 4911 majoiity, coul-J bave licou se- oui-ciite Mn. Lmaing, mure couxceuicîl an- rangements ecei-cim, anei sfficient teamuix proeuîrod te takse the voIci-s U) tle pols. Ibis w-as net the case. I-. Ling sud lis fticuda s - liemd-tee m md u pen bis purmoiumî inIiuçece, andmlteck il, for grantci (liai thîle ctens w-ould t-unen'it eAM ia île dillem-cmh localities iillti tI7r Oms teams. TIns ibis vui-y' nocessary at-ten- tien te the votens i-as li somme places alto- gctlucu negioctum,. sud w-hile tIe Moi-st mennwme sappliem With b uilnceeof con- voyances, Mr. Laixg's fiands mure ebhigeti te tal-etiliir 0w-n tuantsafi-ic the pletIgl, our numain mmi Ioule. Wiîtl all e dramu bacla te Mi-, Laine's reliai-, las Mn. Memu st-achiue-e a vit-ton>'in île nesut o el eecien? We us-ci-net. On thxe lustingit Mr. Moi-at asserled thuIsho le1ud, anx encroiase '- axpemi li naj-it>' o!lest elec-iý lion, bhoavoultI taLe h tau a defoat, sud ibat !iini steriahishs meld, prio» dlamr it a vicies-y il thumy sucSçuiemi ln i-educing bis pi-uios us Ajonît. -Ri suppotte-é boasîci and bet, wetsulie've lsi-gehy, tîsilMn. Moei-ttms rint>'meuhd ledoublet-at polled ai -th1e-gemmraI dlc- lies. IVIlI net Mi-. Moi-stand lis fs-louis aditnowledge ihevin disappsulatmeuxl sud de- foat,mluIL ey find tat nt-wiithstàndinig al Ibm iuxertions, t-lu musct respectalemuaras of the -Grit partF in Uppeu! Canada, bht butin loft i Lus iosity-eof 300 votes witbi n acres moulus? Aris4er <cntest iithia ~ 'iA~*a.,, 115 i ,oui , a-uuj poi-mus urenliowusaioimt inu tIe uiidmle ov a tih. De -vonm net liik it is m'miiy eneoun- m :nSir . te hiave yor.g minis auhjekîcu fig-era cul ont by sudsi individùmils as - Pin- cher ev île Coi-n Col " ? ifnulhai-e r't yet accu aîuy -v Corn Cols produckshiomîs, Sir, jest look mb othe Viju-licatluer ev a weecor c 12 aýgeandiyen'ifindin t tlmmdilectibie ps-mît (muiied se ofoîx scanlalexes tle conmuuity mii iLs caet about is-unkucas, amu itls un- i-orIly lyse chargea agiuiat d.mrciulmorm un tIeu- graves,) a litiue:ary cui-iosLty wvîuîch la le lic 1îi-tam -c-ifur-exhibition.' Illests al Ieihmmv aiylhimxg ever prodocci lby lIit lithern'proiigy mnid MP.P., Josephi Goiid, EN'I aire-. flic pcthuny ini it is quille cquil tote au ymxîpim.y uv a Giuny igrei-. Bot Misîhuen 6/ii-vniec, lm îoccupymii hec nLuelm e! yer l1>ei-iolis s5 it idsud au un- ivrtly sulijcki. Thu nexi itucie l'Il genar- ahizu uîyrei-crstamigive 3-eu s thi-ne ac- iceuni ev aih thefun mni fiolick li Osbiwmmy. Ln tise uanctulun1e i uuy concludu liy sayir cv our YankV.e e Pddygog, i-laI poni- Gohi- suaitis sii ev îleevillage scholinastlr-a - uttle varici ev ceci-se. t' Andd tili tîcygmixciansuatill thue uveudimer gi-cm; 'fial a ebamgu huai" couli carry uihb iemis. Yonr ilamittul corruspeniit, P. O'BLAIINEY. [Tethie lidiioro? tise Wlilby Chromuxlel.] Damas Simt,-t crave - a space li yonu eqîunxuat-esay a foi-wmerda couceruiug the manîxer lu w-hiche e - esetativca cf tl> Týouvnsbip, of Reacli duqcrtumge thon indtin in the Ceuni>' Cduâil. î. Bcîmug sa -esm.dent lu tle Township for uuioet-ban twehvc y-eans, I lad -pcssided inyseif tht 1 pos. sesei an suquaintauce with sy resudeçn neiglbem tlrengl llthe ownship, mni 1 bat fornuidan opilonibat tîuy-'mvec nuie deficiunt'lin itellgeuce mci- li s pi-opa kit ed~gcetftheir ci-nmaixls sud requis-c monts, ote eratepayers of ay otell Toknshflptiin île Provinuce, Bnt, 5fr> ac, ç«diligtemMr.,Emeus, the Depnty Reereoa -P.euuê's stateuintinl the Cennty Cetnci 1-juanst haveubeen wolliy uistaen inmun-) Tl SI ti c 01 r t r N t Jowislip çouincil, that the T.ownship shanty', n tho iHumber Bridgeol- ýhoU1cà psy tor his tiu nd robe nge-asked for a drin.Th aie n t teoy u.a Ling tlpthe$peial Session of the County ÙMiiIilr thttif asbe e iiitoyté -tie iyaric- o Coinicfl. This, bolieve me, Sir, and the and four dollars În thero- he news byt lemPie Oithe avte- otheracts of-Mr. Ewers will be rcxneînber- prans d a 1ort Etilcaiz bridgestran a la morstlyatcpaeuyth .wb d for hum aut the next election. lhad p'-sed ,to th(br.sana- t hrlsof sgri.1,i 1 cannot cônclude, Sir, without publicly, temptwVaa made to break iliuate he ouste o 4e s 3tk44,600 ar the asuaie 14,00 on bohalf et mysôlf and the siused rate. the Section brbos C hh <>atch-laboxe agauum iit 4,00 at Nthe n pe payer' of Resch, thanking Js alwaopste side ofthe track fror-'î ersg as.itch- y' i 3t1yerEeliangeon Norter Ocois -~qm~c ite worthy P.ceve of Scott, ior bis mis'ssnt an xthirtY yarVds frou j 3prme»on oreuOb $ nlyrcply on oui- behalf, to the Deputy (lcro te body of tohed.<r $4. ReVeluth Cuny whncL t a tebdytha tbeund-l Coômpany The officers n om aufflcbrgÇ I amx yours very truly, intcnd teoffeTr a rùward for the appehen- Perkins have been -eited to appear forthé JAS. B. CAMPBELJ.,. sion oftbofdC5L(<e second fine te anzwer to a ehargoofbelug Iteach, August "01, 1858. Tetenhit Iy of Baltitmero which Mfforants Ring.- arrived to-day brings Liverppool advieff [To tire Wt111r cf the Wiiby Ciroiicil T h eir ?I dcfh-iuc to - the p.. in. of the lsth,i but tbey are Sîmm-I confess vory candlidiy te but 01We nau-4ît the one huiidred sud second ý mon- lysntiipad yteNot$trof regret at the puttiug Up of w'hat your late 0f L da . mt'uai el, Tceaperts hrtthem. issue calied, the "Sessienal Slutte--." It achfITri.na tcu nafqTlt Te odnTne ttsta h e- is, 1 sclfishiy admit, that 1 shall bu deprived iived the fameus and upriý-ht Jmdge Moran-, frein Queen Victoria to President of the treat wlieh yee.r admirable corres- in who5O 1ssessie wmîs, a ring of such Bu-chanaii, -which containmd 99 wordrs, wai pondenit IlCeon" wceldyfrihd eteionderful virtue, tlhat if putîb-omt the neck sent over the, Ocean Calole in sixt 'evi reades of our J urn lus skethes of suy judge or witiiess pmnding a trial, or redr ofapic, bl Joa.bIglchakeachespronouimcîîg sentence, if eilmir the one mithe âesg f'h ietrsi nln tic. IJra s vabe, ondqiet yhmoutr, ie swervcd frein trutb, or the other frein jus- Th îe -ùesluaincca the irc ca n tirlnd tcu. eposeiofitet hulmu ekatîce, il im lcdiatulcenttilctec itself lu s uch t ht nAneia hc aiap7 r coud epos th poitticl muntbatksa xauner, that, te avoîd death by strngu t-one wonds, wss sent in thirty-six Min- of tire hour, in pnctty effective style. Utainte eoolie pnyt e- e ts. o esg s en'etfr As à constant remuer, 1 cannot refrainheai- tevuence or corrupenlydoision. t Tho late esg a ensctl in ordînury justice te on whe bas se byter.levdnororpdëso.Itadbt epth1 a our pae catencd for oui- amusement, this stiglît tri- was net enly in cases like these that lts be oenre tixeir. accurzicy. The bute of îhanks thius publiciy expresscd. wenderfui ring was employed-; nttwas made back ,t It wemld bu very discouragîug indccd, t h ntunudrtheo, lsn g i tyQuEn-l sagndantbenpbse Moac Ný,o'he-rcsigcned, of correcting eEgad meuacbainshootctbt a esr fgureldansefinal message te the directors lard orbaaotn. ta a igr h n any abuses, sud the crimes et individu- hdbe eoýe nEilntels lard or bacon. ~~ais, w-ho, witheut sucb s detection, migbtha beu ecidinEgldtelt île Ming i l e n"ual ofrs av'îm e e X1in u d w i th im punity. B y this th rLy-eight w ords ein,., t ans întted in bu sp tred te eeo fmc1îamtisi îauslimesled wilI was often bnought twentymseveOU>Minutes. iicxt ~C5i-~ nemalu, Si-,to light; tire unfceling guardian wlbo reb TesemrPcfa vst at h e urilS'rl, bcd ' the fatherle.ss, the orphan, or the Place cf the Tedimin Empire, and vould LECTOR. widow, was forced te disgee is punuger; eveGlayote thfAmt. r The LECTOL 0 'lattérêb;at is underging repaira. the hard-eyed user, te restore the sequesl- TelauofFncl'epetderu --------- 4-4- crud prwnand bis uncenscienabte iuterest; Tetn.fFacW xceçtor: Vro the Editor uf tîle Whiîby Utm-utol oundLime hp ýrte tconfcss îîis mcc ts ( eIi rate ef discutfen .t u Rea ig r.th i eço n t l e hort 5s. cent-> SusI bve ico htvi qute1nuocdl luri lis sçnu atl, hothue A deficil exiats lun the Austrian budget- perceivo Lireme ecp cî~mm h youm- ce- hkre i o l heur cf rest, il left an iu ef 4,000,01>0 pouuds. tcmnporary tire Whitby 'fi.nies mppears t es.sonthut eemtinutmliluiiîy slccp. hiave-in ait ufrair,. As yenappear to i ûnciÀVeul ityseif' iii a large sud leftv A ceîsiricyr bad licou discevered nt yoo, evbefletr e isn hlcnew(ld(suci lathe imcosistemîcy or Lcnîhorg lu A7uit-liasieuog scne scheel ho s vcv lccdcss r .101utm tvu I>, ný- liait with acoufuscd asscuxiage of an- beys frein 12 to 15 years nid. Elceneîuvere ft(M (elOpinions orcfrefli b 1 LI elmms ieamS come viîo.su yeirs -ive Iilm a.clmim te cIrer ememîit and- noderu characters. Tlmcrm 1 tried and scnteuced-eue te deatit, sud tIl mimîi a oîe wiumyenkmio t o sir lue(ui Ken, l im~ pdml>~u others te iniprisonint. be adth od cc- i hs Pai ad>hiîi- 'The investigation issaid te bave led to, wclldisoscdtoimiri vu audvom r >i--beg; Uic iiodern hlood, irith croppcd unirtedico -yfamnfondaecos- tourOsjo)lriiil tak leaive inot reslpcctftiliy and long breclies -,tlie'iatmmghty puni-cpi-.racwt anic osl nîidaenlnd te e~ci-a f- e gstionis for vomir guidauce.anxdlime suplemattonmi;thusteel el.md rhwvîu-itrt imi le ' *:rgueul.nlsin efath An ob-ucrvaimce of fic(, foilowin iretin baron, aund tliojessailly suu1ing; tihe stately crt sr e ofsuce d.F ircutons lcuvmmcr w-liber erorious train, mand UicSciavomi populmation cf.Austi-ia te foi-m s support cf tîmosu tire classes cf mum>îm flippamnt ccmîmtes5 ivitliont amiy; becsiuts repubtic. Nvimo nover pay tur debtasud irbo tiese, s countiosa Imrd cf lawyens, plij Oceaq 1bgi-sph sham aqnoted £8,0 ucc-ce nîenstreil loiig ueamî i-ap hecmos, kuiclit, soldliers, groomxs, peure, bis- « btuefýtit te tthemeselves. 'fhe-marminei-pi-e- ficips, pÉoctor., . givernolrs, jailers, paimi- ~LoNDOx IWEDNe.iDAY o. semîativei et tu-su classes i lu Wtlby sudn i-r ( ,pinue uinisters, lottery-meni, tiic'- Alio ioilai niaetupoa net fai- fi-oui it l, fruuîîî vlmIn yen iromli lue j ce 1 cetractori, and mmmmîy ethecrs I eau-n - ofau ie pei i indairate thmiagmuscaf -taùu c f support-huit ye tomîlut the o miel foces of Euoiui>eian b p rep a r e l t e rco n li en d o e o f ibe ri fo r A t ti e cmn d o f t tis ,g - e . t a l.F ran ce.I m ui c on e ? o i n d a Stîeriit' cf Victoria or somne other Cuimitv timm 1ud aise Ibhe apparanmce cf a comrt-It a- rs tu lie use o et mnâ Another von shoulul support mais imtxui-of justct-,1 pcuiveîk î ittiug o<> as>oneprevîoelste the prorog-ation, ordlened thé cf l>arliaimemmt foi- sonime coiistittmency whe~ benîcl, wiilua-plain i-ailinig lhefdru bim "mn returu cf gue landts of Vancouvei-' Islandi lie is miel kuciru, ani the thi-i. yeî i IÙo ld1 nan lii the set of adimiisterin-jiusie, f-oithe Hudson Bay Company te thé ilifofuilî'time peuiple il w-s very %wrontoe te irloi-n1 men uindei-stowl te buc(tie ven Ci-cm. stop fi-oi peaelingutil lic paui bis dums blamhe Moran, wbcîse wonîderî>î îmîaoiy 1 A vessul is te lbc put on the roeîobc; -auýl as t.iis lue mcver inteuds te de- baul hubeen ricmdiug. Otuo cf- lbis kîmeus sup-lirucu Liverpool andî BriltihCelumnhia. .rmat puer simnir ii u3r ui 0eprll porîclIlabcwlil uslf adkp The British (jû)vernîneut ai-e going ,te Insl i srvcaasIl Pulpit Pounder" open, ilim> iii lis nighlile lieud a golJen senî a coi-ps cf Engineers jtimene te build (jet te hc s scimol ti2sehtiutaIibolit £300 houp, or ring. theli~~Sglt cf whchsecined romds and bidges anud crel lc-bue ~ ~i. uun u 51h5 aiye-sclrkcfavarioiisly te affect the suitroundin rwd e h ncpinegu , ud aho e su rather Gi-emmcomposition, sud ou thuesever-al cf xvh,m appzarued te oub t i-ut ou slia- Igmiin streigth cf tie scbool lumndi;atià assisanrce talisnxaiuic virtueg, ilie semu, ruot imm cet Te mnca >p be Lni0 nh cf tire Gvii awyurs elei-k, you uîay suc- se iulluuuîe, x9esu uter eciw cd u èti au iy aee cucul iriestzbiisming sai-agge.l uuwsiapei- ceuntcuancim a mesiru thaI il mighl be FeWluit,-'ByIleo famîous ôrily foi- the scanudai, -At centains, tr-ci, sud a fitlîh lu its operatieus; whilu e T Pal dsaewaîiacn l p mni desplscd by ail tire nuwspapers lunlime gruat unajrilty of pensons pi-usent viuwmmd l .Po sostewlth a an net peanance.wth oro 1 rovnce '-lithime stighte-tt pietomeus T henre aniet euunixorued t one-of Xnetlxeisteami- la sannouncud te talco respectmîbilitv. li is net dia sliigbtest con- iuveial aenirode-d n sf l Glsyh1 ! cmbncpce abment yoxmr pupils. Domui't trouble the couipany holiebu i-ouglitforard; bu itslace on th eacfayUstae. ae e .výrefabout Iicin. Lut Ihein take iras an suaieut pui-veyui, ibe, under the coThe- v ey n ofi. staiÀar cmre cf themiuaelves. -oi yn tmke caru pi-tcîuuof pneviuîîng fer thebeuccssities cf 90 ,0 emd fAmsruingMi a-n i vomiriouc for LeachxiZng -hin. bis sfivereige, had duslle ete P-,-kueivu toe-oth a rmAsal. 1 AtmýSl-oTuqcý,1ei;hut i o vince by bis extcrtiîs. 'i T jhe ea-ked i nîeW fenAa-la th ti ell frst- c jeyun C At anmeeting orîthe Burepenu sud Aine- 1flivoir ly iiMimimi; the- believu timmt yom i owi t an P '3,ta euld .-cimen Lenpany lwa nslu ha ea take tire saine vic ci attera wicld tire fmther was but a poo eas eumant, mitteribualtypiutt are&obe i1teuataCis: uopedo. This ycu 0111 aise fiail te bc in spieuloti nd liexpeliso the niomut aucient iCrteseysc pin.aeuuto oo it esm tire w-av Vomi iili catch Lmiycrs. Buie suread opulent famnilles ?-The cuipril imuros eiug &ury msiciîl ui.LteC-ip alisei, tiid«net let thme sirx>mriistarb yen nmute, w li-en, the rnixgbcitig mppiiemi te îiîs FiealuiliienuldCenrci ýin scheel heurs whilu vo' maru cogitatin- thi-cat, bis pi- i iiitintly forsooklîim, sud frein Bembay. suue oitoiaicalîuxYmgilst lime Gev- lu the îmîteming accents of dutected viiiaimy, ' ,eruxîmmeet ef the Country oi- the QmiuuusxtsR- lhe cenfessemi a tluxan<i auts of unféclin opnsna i- anomuela ptI-ma.ýeiittivo, or axy ltte - scadl yen iapacity. I"LutI bis 111 gmitte-i weaitlu acut, xd tmu- er'cxetmdteli imaii te oparade ilu voutprintud sheol umid Ithe judge, "eedow a"i imespital, sud 'Fîore 1s a fintucl.-i- risis ni Sha'gli. 1. mmumtyuruihis.YUr even&ugs o!furet im bu tulietînîd te bcg bis bruad inl the The nemnco ?tal ir ne o- 1 euse vl bc occnpied.in m3t1aun-mni-- mttui-s suuuuied te lie settling dewn ln . -- . iif .y~~~u' î s'ihepo The nexi i-as a illaiting widow, Wbhio an fIda mihuhtmeem'r - cure yourself te lie'amppmintem.iSuci-iany, bein aslzedurhy the sou ef ber laie wîalthy ,oo reWs a is h tlfuhd ud givu youn cm ccoloring le the proecd- haanb1afrmrwfe4nuished lu le igs of lime meeting;- Sectmne te yonrseif a Prison fer s debAceutracted for is suli- BREM)S1Fsm rmandle cf Ioyulty by bùcorniung a member sistence Irexdeavdured ait fi-site oplaY cff The mealler lias-bliuslowury andiun- c f the Orangre Association, sud then join lier arts sud biandishuients; but fludiog suttlmd, but the bulk et the i-huai cneo shlow yeur endersers te suffer, B (E..- scienche corasiaongss ofn fnecou- The Northeii4îiht friui ý .arý - ouse, fi-ou wlom loie inied -moting rr II r ~ ~~~~~~but. imfmCaaurab't'ideas Oet weatl mand BY a ' val othe rpl - k'Iàv i. - Tise Ittebicoke Mmmrder. grndenuriwhicllbe doerminud to e al1~ i-po ilie- et -bys voyýge tethIe Emat Ladies, where4(oee ""iy, "dnt te.Ii S' TuIE MuîmMICOSTÀTiIsmesBIEs N. TOI AND of liS uricles leld an mi pioymnt. euot ornaitatnsu,.tutntsm - foi-a number of years le pr'actised e'uery - e ~ ~ ~ -art,, severit*, ideceit, sud rpamëi-, that piÇ o u-itm hebrbAfim. - An isîquesi ivas huld atIeas Taveru, eould aecconplish Ils end.- At lastjsfter ..-tl~ ýt Laite Shore -Romdion iVriday lme 27t1 uin, h avîn ngghômi îngeremi on ihmse golden que m sýq ýiI '1 li' Dr. Dixie, Cei-ne-, on îhelbedy' of shores, li e rturrud te hk isutive country 'ý - 'linmniz nn rth,.,. l, h,. mn: Lunxusontertlie e;,p,,1uuA ixa.xmlwuth thes surmil of ru- Brtih __ial r f érwudt-I ireleus-Q nD ta u a to onintet-. pendi, bu- budTspem<1 bmaili iai p genr allc Lu - pnd bt io bi ws rlunpc s .e tluxtion mi wlke pami. ILS Es4s JamgesiD b-n oua f txe tit> ls l anderth IL ilue oct -u tnentiomet Tuer DE Desjardins l) th of Mz cd& The anud ahso G leug'.mniof ]"elof? i cerected b1 as a lom x roadj niai- the tbicoeub-idge os t-lai lino. Fi-cm eviienco adincec i Il ppeas- tuai decoseti,- slalmrer ot.lie Railroad, 1:

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