MHEWHITBY OHRONICLE- TrHLUR$DAY, MORNING, 4 KRIQGIN$ & MÂYEIlUiorPEp ÉRlOCk 8BlEE; wiIIlnY, IW" NazitDoa o le ia e Rgit-y oîice. r IE TEIMS 0F SUIISPIIPTION 10 biUE 14 fýieiotile, wiU ho $2 per u-enni, p esrelu in adscce. RAStTE-S 01P ÂMiSvaîuIN_______ - Tp nes ced nader . u $0 75 Wihh cels Pitcd W-ord Ei-ery sulsequcut insuorioîî, (peu-lio)0 O2 A liberal disentn aulewed hote jrchjUthiasd '~~ ~tiers ià dvertîiiug ly tho e ' OL.2 LtIupper hmbalu-tdat iiltteuse eiueuiation - ntheComîaty, besîde,, bcing rendti y bit- ut- ALBJERT SPRING, RAILROAD 11011,, hinecmaa la Whhiy and ils a-iiiuty, a Setter UCTION EElI, &0,&o., i T~tM OWN- 1OERF110CANDU ASt. reria îaoiuneo-îd ct ue dîi-ei ii its lsîi of Rzeacli 5 %,J Wltitb>-, (Lute Wilceclai.') The Suh- jO dlyAiIstcadvertsurti tiunk'ciitufl- erherles anotiîte tu tlite ittlnitituts tef In& s0, w-hI please 18oe ticiu i tv-audbaig A RNLWuty tt -u rvlige.îîniv i lieur notice,A.PIGE hby lnth hile T<o poper witt bcotiscothiinedtiittliutt trrear- FIui('TA'NT TAILt li, 1311CR STREET, huis talu e ctboce irsi.caiaics-;iîblit Sgca are pii il p.ilfiNbra -TablIis e-vi litbhislote] Pin ho re t;lsf hel>tî ItreZiutereul, it - TliIOMAS ,DEV4IRELL, Cere, Lîtuielteons, &e.,betc-n l'eli t a îuîuîueît ,burio ofthe Ptblithrs hei adros>,d&ýe, (IZFûN SRETnotice. Ait ÃœLilnors ku'pt t-unte î.reîiss/ are & luiByW. WTHOMAS )0W NIMi-. BOOK AND JOB - INTE RNATIONAL lIOTEL, VilyMc-1,iitî5.s BO K N J BST M,\tiET SQUIARIE, Tb1l0Td.- OYSTE I .PRINTLNC. EST ABLISIl M ENT, Iiltuc.-l llrtt, trrietttr. 42 T "('ttttt)'FtlLE,"' sionitirespeeiltuils utl ,u tttle 1 /_ altSA (T- ' <tl IICO I.T .i DIS CORt- thli tt t ave uis c ie tstoitt u î tc- u.l"t - j ~ ers,. , lîuMurtii, lProurietuur. - _,6 ltustdIiertu et'.lestf i Tve futum Nc-sî Youk it cul - %_- KVO lOË- ,- 3,'alceBidni o te thîclu- Olicec, îuutt tutireu-tîuîruultu exc-\tttu. <).IKIVCOOI) IlISTELigan OAKWuiutlt. l ltNKS, iitUItIIETOll.ruto.Ctlc-L î.-,titr BOOK A-ND JOB. PRIN £ING O(utiteiulutl,tiiir ltstl'e ' BV'-N DXN 01ci Oeu-ydescription, utruul guiratutte tlittI w'rk .rnnJIlv1 wiiîleudatte Iu cti-pcriorc- sîvle utlit e luseei HI 11<) îOUSE., - brt1t, .lul---, l'cultertiîîig priées. p lT Wt 1 it Y- u a- . -W., NATIONAL IZOTEL, Thbe Popiers]latve pnruussoti oe (cf AT1,LU uT SPrituW'l -E, ltItUl'I',ETOR.- ivlilehetutelles Iheu ho tîtriut ntCard andl ir- - ONTARIO JIOTIEL,T IIE uîc-îr-irît. .,-ittluir-Iu iis ft ifltrs Ia a vs-o y spec-liusîîq ntteîaîur. T 'fl ate iTr., t'1<uutt:-'ui, lt s' g andtie i lc-,îu t l) I'. i w, - .7 Fi "-t- qtt D'u u i a lairge iStock ci rluui tîtd tney r 'tîi, SaAngadJttt- i.tiolblv 'tl( b'Iii ý it jjýb'h $tatituîury, &e., wîirîî ttt-uig bt.nir uit sert It- titi .îr, ltb. e -l.tu'iugtnitto-- tcltti.u r rvt.î- l'11 t., utt-- f si-I. u ruiles, l' iutng C e ftul . uriIui tutlit e letss t-t - - < "il..quu-. Wiî.i , stt lrîti,. ltt luices atdîtut hhte eîutrte-ittit- ESPLA> NAD)E IIOTE'L, Stal'li. C'. Ct.rtilutti c-îîeîî'.ît be ua ut'.I tre --__ 11. W 1 -IJL' o- ES'ERN 11015E, lu tl'lie t'i-,t\-tItIt1, .li'tl Il"t i AuCIEUS lilRNIIlUel, t'IIhUAN ICOl i L. ttrtut.,.,tît' ittsIttN r- I - l'e"ont'wil NELSON (G. IREYNOLDS, I'l-i' t t.-t- % ;t- .3ii'~ ttt. ' it S IEh'IFF-. -ý-- OFFICE AT a-I E ut oîl-u S_. uase. , ----- ,, X1 uO IIoILlic\I! E(;l-rttAil. >Ft(u j; uj eBtjtK ST, irttt t-,> - itié 1 t-tu % -zà I ittttt <'tîttaII TE Il11. j. A-4D)(NETLL. .1011N M ,r,-wî, i-lýlitv-elu -i-i- \u;î i 1 utl\,À, C LEIZIZ <OF TIlt.FI u'EAu'E. I-'FIt'E 1 >' I î Kt i Vi l' t.11 E15 F, r.111luiVl'-;tuiN 4ut 1îrr Il-tel lutte l'-n 't--- t 'lila-ItI i , li i ___ cI-utN t-V.tuu ",tttlt i tcI l " 'u I- 'rl, alif-ual C Iie Ist110 TA 1 % I)) l ~ it- r "A-t..< se l i uut teté gitr tilit.t, flrovek ti'tr. I~ \ î-u2 ~ Tt i l it%%tu C . t . 1,~'~~~ ________ I: -t. KI.< . lu it -t I FENEI>ON F'ALIAS HOTET. 1). (G. 11EI'WETTItitIEfîl AIISN. l1lut1OUS11 tîî-v.E- -.----I t-i'~ %.PA'lkON, Jr., BttSu ~u'u -il lti-.-li tf- t ii <t îtit l . I !, 1 i-",7. I Tu-kIt- t t-I l4iI pro Il. J. IACI>ONICIA, , I RAILR11> '1>IIO'rEL, 'Eioii 11E Or~î'î'rîuî.~- <tî~îu~ uu'TlE MOUtI'SE.I A X~lIN li S, Jt IV uttWIA. B Od '-t1101 lttl t. Ç t10, lTIi(uî r t ii h-. t111E11. t-'ltt. I "t- a 1tt ________________________ --t 4r'îtt i tt -c . rf t- -.. . w--Im IVu--.rst'uuîî.îH . , "ulà t3liY Nl",-. , t it;e - --a'. ___ __________ -W'ELLING'TON IIOTEL. ME8.S. hWILSO>N & BILLINtuS. uaeLtt'ti.ISNGt.-cs, -0 ARPttSTiE1 f'lIi-vi4"t t e.s., Ar1tcti;\>lSIzbl 1 of ever7 c- tu< ever> iIdI tW litlI ta t tc-u t-thecs at li e r la li littae t ll.t hea 'e LirtcAs 1. lt s It it )ucia- iiI voî lehithei i 20ut ifl 'Vll, oitrtf t se w-cii- tetî ion tu t.lttr.'e- t itt l l utto et t-. lli) Ji'-tuaiii'.ttîtsitillu lu utUtvi fr.iutzlie h'ttrta. Cod llitno i)-tiiiuahhiu1--t S ttitct ettteo 10iiiii lctt.tiel..rmi 1.o uae- an-r.trd 1v tb ite ndatî-uin.itt\ e t 'lrutwN,1 t.t.c e ouunda-uuputld for tiatn tii hr.( -SprtHei u e- An C>iuaiibtus hin attetîdance te anti frein tuie Carà ,li-ee. uf charge. .A O. 17 QTJINN!'S IIOTEL, NO. Il, SAt'LT-,&AiITELOT LT ud-, LOWEIR TOWN QUEBEC. týFC6osýe te thte Ç?e,7,ed»at Ltredietq miced ep,iie tha BIritîmhlt .-cireuî Eapu-etsOixj, tf RAVELLEItS ANI) VISITîfiS te tito An- À cicut City of Qutebec wili lic-d stipet-lor ne- comunudatioitt Mttderztttc charges ut the ûclec liotel. The luotel L% vers ccnvinieuhh ,ititateti -ie-ar the Jituiakt,Steaiu6oat pstuse1uiiIrin- dp al bhîiriîecsplaes of tlIc Citv. ~The table and -bau- arc a spjlied ss'ihbet-eu- prcruable catuulle anti triuktîhIe.VL-itors wil il nd evq..y attuition paid htetiir cotufori. aud cons-eniÉnneecud es-euy intortuation.wnd directitun as te the sttrroenlng lclteprinci1ld places of resort, seencra-, &e.- GLOBE HOTEL, BROORLIXf. JOB W-LU5_1-80N uiAtK i-O unS Osa Sltr-EsAcALre TfIE iadrsigncd is igain roeùietu o sses- bc conduceet as fcrteriy iih îliistrictesh pro- puity ced regard fou- thcecnnfert anti coaven- ece cft-o pliitlic. Thceîau-pridhtoasu es lis uîcey friends tliat everyinîigs ucade reudy* as forrnerly to>enter- tain tteinut uthtecGlob- el uti,îud litli. i - be perttonxtty lreScnt te give tlimcru scb a re- cept- %N svashaik<ccit. '11cc ouse lias leen tlioroughly papeu-ed, peintet-ud-enovutc, îdi ltep in ca-eu-y regîpet ie sud enaîul5 m iteleisitrosatifae- ltion> Tho bau-sud talle snlipled,mu<fe>rteorla- witlithl lestaches anti drmkablcs. Cuilladi Sec. JOSEIqI WILKUL ON BroînMy26, 1858. 1 JAmEBS Re KILBORIr, P-AÂsTEaËBRickLÂi-Eui, &c.,z DUS'.LOP-ST., thatJ1ho is pujcl e do utlkiutdso Plu~ tei-es.iid Eu-iOkJtaNye¶> wouk. ýaslthipg,.&c., bui c g.îbd w-îtikinti5liké tuanner. Ail1 kids et ou-uametal w-ou-k in Bu-iekcnd-Elster lileewlse exeeuted. - -- AIl uors left autbis residence alo t-ect, Wliitby, H etwl 'Wbâby~, May 27, 18S& 1 DUTCIVHy 1MEAT ,gUPLII) t'al prtýof he Tow-n, by thc. - 4rrivae of tlio 4Srca. NEW Yo04XiSept _27 The Royal mai steauîahip) Africa, fronti Liverpool, p.m. 21st uit., arrivod at 6 p.m. The anhouncemËent of-& collision between Q JI) the Arabil andl Eurps, reached Engln4t per.AtlanticçTele ritphidn the SOt anid Was the ftrst, pub cLýhd tessagesémt elîý - through the rxible The Abia would sail for Boston on thý ds, 'grent and grgitsgKcildg, rthrooThe Jura fromNcw York wstelegraph- <IT Y C . Tl R DAýSPT. 9.) 1858. N .3 .gold, had arrkud fromUelbourne. Piano-Forte'ts made Taned and Ire. -huipi Mr. TCeda Rmnic!uiîe.aa nb les facn Hose iiy paired. tA iipeaaniCnd.A greatwontyeteedeondaion l; hork; T HE UNDE1ISIGNE1) BEG TO INFORM ~ ~ Ol1t [Frot the Morniug Chironicle, Aug. 4.] Deputy Coroner Constantine recently of the suesso,1 alws'en e 1the itittîbit uts 01, Vhitliy and the viilnitç _A________________________________in_______ ccd ~ ~ ~ ~ ý (11 ubi uetll tui he u cpŽeïe uat telgnce from Canada, which held an inqucat iu-New Oricans on the ganizi h hp fsbu Ae ubls i aoter olrn, nnunesbody of F. Ringeiler, a Germant agcd about quo-t to the directors -of the, Company. a c rae iz buiue i gtu ng.hib AFir on.theoOccurrance of a snuunîoiiclep-thry-sour or tit- v erWhoCo pje w nfo re~iiu~ci usici istrment. ~-Ploutîai pm-thîty:fvo ear, cen- aprjectwason ootfor running a ral: 'at-FOrtes uîialuufaettred t4i l-der. Also, aDY Muuv ANNSE icWXE. piain o sceyaspst the selec- mitted suicide by takîng laudanim while in way toVa}eta - tion of a capitalt'l fnds o ttrii4or the United Provinces a bouse oi 11-faine, Graver Street. Verdc Atameigo hLiepo WI Acerdileing ld. j u ilknsofsrtg Froiun 1 laider husllîes; w COMPOsiflg Our (Janadian colonyi bas in accord'arîce iAtheIa a.Th ecas oue nig ithei vetrported that Tire ittention of parties lu tire Townî 15 parti - Freon tdt tiré ' home, bon a subject ofrmuch teat,0h e-e i al tteronthe tabltf The drooni- hirt-fe esitte eig aSr te ho as itltr1cît. ision naturallîy tdwthtéclnst hr odicd, i whch ho pve a detailed sage had been paid from the United. StaWý; eulu-l~reqesedto itzCtiVej ilite-CoEntle, cdig ronte,rsc h h olnsawceh ~lt1iu 1îei ree ftavirolheir 1tsà u.] I -i Cor, cont, CuCtcn le;but after iciterated discussions account of the cauigs c ebs on cdbe lodecîtsd at tvr r cut eie u rlpe y tu-d I-st et w f ertiin their gsaucdt i on-la enbrought te the Liverpool *oik-é reaielutlIe (Vureut&tt~s ud uttWez fte tu eiitre, it was found icupossi- rnitting the rash act, frorn wlich it ap- bouse; on-flfth cf whomnwer uais t -I' tU uîust-I l oju wctîld be a titire. jbIc toadjudicate betwcen t.he diverse clama perdtt lie bcd long loved a certain The fact that ait ënquiry could bc e aet f etlttn uîîtersited)is lu ie t o lilpublie Salie- .At iy all o , n-îithIud conitendiig, dvocates'of varions cities, Miss Young, ardeu i hida-Ltl radepcilyo otel ub oo-tly aud paSsionctely- fror Lohdn and -a eply . tf some iengtý îittio wuiet Ite ucpel u d lt al haidel.. Atuvy.ilvus s k une, ad Oteciay Nof orealQubea oronsthatlit first Elle pretended to return bis be received frin Newfounidiand in tworanc Littie RANERofaassonaniatesffrd Pittîto ititters tti EIT RIER 3yyîî îai, tiit uet, u Otwa o eidduîjrtycy psioat t ifeet une luotalaf ers cdbendmocrae l h Cctne -tttu tt. Mnice~heslIwrd FrumsVotteulce! votes cold le btaiud in, favr of either of ackrowledge ht e a brbart atter cf cllinbtenteAal n îî~tî-v nîrtttttriçi l tie ltess hulowtiiose candidates fer motropoli tîs dignityhowei-er, le onuthad entire- Europa, and was regre ihgetai tîttzvçt ]iront îb lu>'sdootue, sud at lengtb Lt was detetmlinedýtl reert.a l cangdaudsh colyinfrmd ln acton utiicltrttr Ftîllow, -follow) tlltquestiute toe ome r el hneadsecoyifre i Nti&v li, Corneë,come, eColte! to îte101eGoveruumeut. orth#tlio was flot the man for lber, tlat aIe rather te tIe Qucen herculE This refer- couid not abidle a Duteîrnan ;cnd iastbut FR.ANCE. Cs1 .-h11Shil tc to tire river ? once was accordiugly sanctioned by a for the severest cf ail, that silo loved another. Some Italiitna bcd- been arrested at Câ% Cash 1 Csh!! ~hlîw metotte itia, ruai vote of the CîaîiuParliarnt, p biacs-hesao fhfa-s iner bu Where qug Tariseand tIe ,tpolice wereaei. Wluer. witht1)c pam itisaqt 1,elF sed sornetluiug lucnre than a vear ago. corne te tIc conclusion tatîrie waerbourg a n arke ad uvWea the poita:reex- ltirlttt rie vsl e niî luCusîtl'ý11 ' pi.-xaîtl.,c feloilyhLsroeedothth Coonilmoreia-fotrung uoe fr hcu e ivefor s hetiesc thoGratWeseruRofrcathTh lStroît . ltttî ,c nn'l t, io triil 1t-Ilt C.'stri 1', tutre bu t cept tiltctuoico of ttodrg store, pufchrused a vial cf Governmont bcd boen informe4 that Mas titrliîv ltcî il itt. "Iîre1crFr.îî i tt ),ti rtîueliTer Mtjes-îy, 0oit wllicltî-ve of the cîuîipt-ladaursdgiguteoullesen niadefLndn ltt-it-. w >.IttliIi dp: ing fi Lthies it Miss Youul's nilbruoprs Erp 0tiritsue, Lriti' ut u1t iýelre-s ko- ta-awsfî.As cur readers M sYu- nýiiolodwhere lheoFreni other pr e f Eroethere. iÉ Pail las B3%t1tw. t-iw-idf , '* itnutlelected ; for could gain admission, teck the dose aund nethiug te add to the acceunts per Propel: Buttert - Çs<t*IC ti t t1t;ttt ttCi 1 A E 1reos l cluweexiautd t uetine howc acops. er at St. Johnts, Newfouindlaud. MJCIl i ~lJUART. f -. it selecticut va.s furest 'auulûuuuced in tluis colin- Miss Young utb n eaus yotng in Commercial news bcd be nt- nl 0i. t- Ue w t er., <walo Iy nd cui hcil par- oleiitlen gc, aving ceeu a gpcd uuauy more thau cipatcd. WIitlt~ itîre-t, , I...Nettili the, 8sdece good tirltri stflci(nt. Itflune, îtow- tlirty-years,. ~er weight fiq s ~near as we LTS ct-or. picaiseti the Ctîutdiian Parîtamen' te an estimate, 2u0ta 10i>*I st-i Paiîling, Paper Jlll Gn- Clazing, t&C..,ttitt uiCthiuik olews.litadc epigtcsho lis ucI des a rkcryhtr ODNStrty ei Il'ltrdecisioft>uctltir seif-clîo.cuu arhtsehybu t e is uot rulia nguuclldbod RNE rnr t i.-- t.tu,- cji..t.,, Ita;tv1-;c.- Y.y1.ot onIy r-optel hch>,tîc.-radier onithe cofltuary boing, ,the celer - 111 i.u1a o5 r.ojor- i ti 1eblcdecid- Tlîe bornbnl-dmont cf Jeddlah bas ccused. lt'ii -ut ht'1sir wlie ity til. Bill estanulusiîuneottùîîîa as tlue fuîture edly black. Wluehn interregaited about the g-a eeaii0eôylerbtsIl C:u. tnt. ~ ~ ~ W IL?' or-r -- it % Muuu.t l Se t obc ct (IthTu e c creufruae tnguller, - .eeoxclaimed, mains uncommented on by tIc press-., Aî. sl ,r. wt<.amtouît t a efat f uecoIonial Minis - Wl h ,r saî<es; wîat a fool that - HN. t ît î.t-îitr-.ît.' ut-, .-...,t (" Illti ýe'tr iilz - try, Who have it once resigîîed; aud i white ten wato ite.esrt a htl P'fer ltt,7ill (, &c.strict arcordauco wltlî coustittitina pro- b(lsnigrger,"asd thon l icvedber 'Tever-e publises h ololtdl j P-u~ù,, Pt;..îll.tawq lîtiuq î.' ~ Si.t tuttjtsc.'t:t- -codent, Mr. fBrown,lun cenmuietion witî cbarged fcluwith :1îaugî --Patchi * t wulueMr. DroWh per thaehae It. Saturday, O030 aLmI U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t wct~~ etri-,-. tti. -i îrc ritt th poiio utcdbato, bave under- TI )Lrion I4ee'11e of Saturday lcst, "The Moititenr announces tfalt à trcaLu - j ~- ti vîuio-, aknt costîit aoterCabiuet. The bac tIc L Yes. las bcon cencluded with China. The portig "ýlw ein.. Legisi.lative iqsmterday nrigaltef Mi1,11p1*.ý* f lI IqA ee1seI1tV 110bly hall consequenl d i nrtuy etr~as licuded to Dr. are thrown oen. The Christian, religion- cfai ktti k1. i ______________________- ounD eallow a proper itovl o teNeflus, our city coroner, purporting te be is allowcd ta le frccly praetiscd, Forcigut, ina mne.complétion ofth tî inisterial c wru- tten byamn are R tDunlop,an osusaddiplomatie Agents-sie obl Il tt.' - ttic21. tstS.'t. ~uatnnt c dt eations;hat before thc said letter -Would admittte Pkn nldmiyl DA&ILY STAGE. ianeso ber craton itîcu- in b cd tIcthewriter would be ne ieerdi Pald e-ngand dFrance; ___________England r e colonies, are net se rare as TI Icttelo- was adtresd to agoynttran Ul'iMl Bî)'II TO Fl~(lASte occasion anysecriocse4e cs.Te nariel Clarke, <tho istrvelia gent for LO NDOX MARKETS. Fn~- li, u it GautiTriik itiituî Oe lVomtîn Cewhiding Auuotlier. [tresent instance ,lleJ10< the flrm orf Hntilîllld and Ashi or- un bis SkTunWÂ.-Sugr,. quiit Ceffee, nd - .5t.-ttglitjtilt. if cf xccptienal clrcurnstances,whieh givo alotetuce . o te sabccs. neecte ahetpresent by Chi-- -e-t Iîcirtiiigcaciii uîg an liciter it a reuuarkable, iDot te say oeinouýt char- r Clarke boiug front bom,/the noednews. JAME Monîî adE- Uiig rain. - came off bctwLeeute-e feicales in Prospect acter. Local Legislatures le vari us deý letter wcs-git-cn tu Dr. Nolles Who du open- DESTRUCTICO ÙATÈ JAMES l LeIr 42. Street, rieur theccrrier cf Lyniaru Plate.- pendencies hveoflon __mdatlcmencdn k..ý H UAATN ttocte l.,~~As exaggcrated reporte are in circulationha en ore 110w op cd ad.the probability cf the writcttbaing ieo TATION B AN I.NCEN.DIARY moB: 1IOUSE , LOTS FOR SILE. respectiug tiis trausactionu, w-e bave con- ven repuiatd e,teythrc Cjopesed Sec away witî himseîf.TIo letter f utrtîreic-NEW Yonx, Sept.2 - - ~~~clîuded tQ jgive thc public s statemtutof retary. But this fie thefr fimetl quosted tbat aIl the effects cf thec ttTiter, TeQa-aieSainaSae aai '2 Iuti% tce, h fles wicihaeden nour posses- sucli Assc-mbly y cousisting et a herse, two buggies, a Td e stakod lutatont by & iiio l o L 'Diu\r are.Cornter i.t-'. Tlitu lltlitilisien a day or tweo. siasewly basrr te Sovproiion ad5 cf baud totnibibyaîobof onelastor r eealti l1af-, cirnae- tIafct, wuilulite cet n as g ronet thea propsiio-nnotes fhndtlthe arounit cf foub o-ce 1v0c fto ulig <rt tjrltîutr,'ii. iýii gtt'n e dlatir, and tiitappeam stîtat a inarricîl gentleman, re- heu-self.Any bcliiuîten hundred dollars sbould bc banded ci-u- TIen>andge dpial bolins;the building fr¶ 'ySelcliinbtenPar- tdu.Carc ewou I.lter hnedfr elw o- aie té sud Pn; î.tî.e,. l.ce s-c-îd iuliu in lPtopilar Street, lî.icbeen on luti- liament -ced tIe Crown le carefuily avoided taddr. ss e, audwho iteuetdtese Tms Lýa"gelonw p ve resitients-weander-É je A- j- E B t- I r D I<. uuute terrels witlu s fe.îuale wh«'litgured inu by the Ituperial Leglalatuire, and shoeuld hoctat leswan ood hoc eqet Tcw roe.Svrciosremi uldnso cur courts c ftîc moruhlîs tge as thc prose eciv-d«I eqa cuueiybCoo elsbe uth mîy n u. tbeptuis, p e re s uice- Dr Tdes: 'lt.t',but îlot ett,-losed. Tire situtation le n ettrix of two police otbicersof thc Fourth îial Issernblies . lui titis casetteieerloyainetfMe.d bath- eeaotrsnlbudigol Fotr î,.-î., utteilter 1.-îrîailcpiv tlu Sîatioît,aud Ibis itatiracy lad proceeded 50 excuse fou- au act whicli eau le regarded as Cic -l1cr 8 uni fwwekssorcîeafrecf10ml ndri fttr tht h 1- i psesin hflirdaguer- noth n hr , "since, hnleetrd - ragmnssnrlidafreo 0 e n r. AIE1X. CAVMEzOX, 0 v.n-rusiu psshsson cfitcan insu] silice the dcci- -,whnlcotrî noarneinsdeavored te pr&eet bis dwolling, but-they Ciie C-t-ti -ruot ypc and tliinttý. A fcw da S ce eune 501 ion rcjcey u aaie ei-with Messrs Pichiaond cnd C6., wholesclc eraldienctQecfhodtr'- - -of Lite gentlematnus cîtillu-un, whfIle at play, aue'-spotuet ttti ~~ 1-bot sud shlto dealers, &c., Duins street, pat-y ashtdd.Beo lrgto Or EO.Wtît fLndLe pctuu-c and isecu-al letters froru rcquest. No oeiE lnBglaud presuined t etae o îeapaac ffevoý- bspitalsi the mob rempved the par Wn.itALA y. ~tt- ra k0 iecoicealel entIer the eau-pet, ilîterfere witîî the chcicoef cptal ethe tuaitwill doubtiess le retoncie Ytionts o tbeir matresses tesa distance, leav- an yi Ol acknewlodgedacedin asmany cf our i-eaders,as lic lad a lumpi- ing thet$ton tle groumd. -2,u<-t.4 ttliy usmsilhywr pac nCanada. Itw acinattera nwede oback, and migît bl ery rqetyse oi e f-h pessestuon cf the injureti ivufe. Of course beloug oxclusively ta the Cauadians tlom- in theuntil 3 d'elo utag eà 8 titis c-etted a rtestimonial breeze. 'The,:selves. Btît whcui cfter vaiulycatteunptitig tctcihaurl d fu-rceque 0etly scon ia eIIige8aee ofth - orge î w1ie wiesu<ttefiraewohl here lhe boardpdc h ci c-e.... M~~.. - wif soulît tc fenclew-liebaL u-jLkh tdtlaJiui~caîrauri-Lteedtitzrdu i vtun - abothalf-past two d'clock,whn-e-ctfivce --- -t - - - - their interview an arrangement i-as mcdo the matter, cnd aftcr al repudiate tue de otefor fM- Aslwhr eld ii- Tevice fte4aani~tgti IF ftue teris cf whicl tIc lotters whicl cision cf theîr sclected refui-o, tijat u-efor-teu tae stre o r. Alic ct ii tuongeiel h e witm The tIchsof-tena, annýifcdrsg-ih lied passed betweee thc levers weu-c te bit beiug theur Severeigu, the w-bIc prcceed- la nihtHatticieet mcitcndtdth ysiu lclr alufiefa. n h GiEORGE Mc(.1Lteecla-lTe letters whlich wotre cd- i- asumes a charseter cf whlich t is diffi giron up fou- tIcke hei lies i rNSD.7îINEIWIIITBY. 18 dressedo te theo hîîsband were puouptly cult to say wîetîeu-it is mco-e deeply tined oheMras flong te brden tatstful,lansh-P, OF' NNQ TTIÉ.ÃœU J t reî.ui te uttend bales iin cil liarts cf'lte landed over to the young womcu, ced sIc witb gratuitous insolence ou- ludicreus a nbic,-lbul sau-avrmrd LC0 HITANI E~GA~ ,rttuic tt vrratgtd and tind to.tit . iidence ruturlied bis biflet-beux, <ith tliceoxcep- surdity. bisdliotbîng and bis -se and tire'bug- - es; tti..XeetE-t'itlt.iti2- tien cf cue, whicî cIe retcined, as w-as Se f3u as the Home Goverumeat or tege tsilthoeeDr - a i-ade y, r iLoadon, England, SeptIt ttitit U.'iuaitstii rtiuucedtin iiienrdaiutc suspected, fou- tuegeod or honorable pur- Cu-own are cQncerned, tieci-cut is perfctyth %%il tïlite deî.resttelecndititufcirtîe trîtie e. . mtri0 tisamtorc c t rivial -hief cf Police1 Mi. Aycrs, muade cveryTo Cyrus W. Field, NewTorIL ilrdrfrtusreicti v1tt tic to 1r(ticle 0f possible searchl. the mbtdyryestcrdayrivTal Dirfietors arc on thoir w+hay ta V.'Mfr TuE Sub~ci- r betr te lufoin ----t----that le seouclromains t la ticIccal aomuniti' ac tiot crndivistons ofîthee.i c 1 hoe Li4nuow pItrc pa re t te _'I -y-ttri-üwith ----- u, anduucrbare,à t> le ,mL(Qlyl C urui OIiQ ns t aîîy quaîîtity cf IIARI> SOAf r I bv m - mitc'yectrust d terrilyfrigîtencîl sank under thceE>' at heabvecially, tbat.-embi-ejng the sce Woi-]s of a quality equal if int-bpro to the OprivilcgeofrepreseOFntativeiîîstUltu- epu and d t <ras athle un-en ; - gqe- d ýîîhrédted*iof best Tuoretonialit ,at'îuw ricesepfor CCccb'sPorîout-îs o i-1TELEUÂFU ti-Most' -- - at'ty pîd duy 'rtiAto yoeg-ncîl w Apîtroved CÀsa o- -1IiiAddisou's Spuetetor, printcd, 140 .-'ccewhlaecptitccblegsw- I'tîo HligîIlcl e C' <çinQLh puidd toButehen ycars sgo,. le the follew-ing accouet. cf a D a-te a- -lg tbýlsruà ce tlîe 1,dir TuilIew tttl Lard> disc là :rr uunanetiec!Outtuliitin d- 1iè ctori s of Science. Iei4led -fronu IIil biuîng.>iheInta the - ~~streaman s tihing out boldly, suceed6d . ~ ~ u JAMES 'WALLACE. te hebaio cn mde* 250 yeavc before. It sy - acie- -hihwa' omf% Wlitby, Jniy 1, 1858. -2 bas the" tmarks cf- a mytlb, but çurioius1y K IQIWR 5ICl.lL I 0in~tc pcuiî n uo sWn hu 5t GRA AE~IPRE < eehdistic piescunt resit7, lic somâe Y cougrsfl nd daged e&r te*f rnes' iidrpeï T R O R T JGsBR D S <iJ . - oui it ste a a r akjî g iip,'sn ys t h c ourseanth er a i d e u-ofte at y -h ad l-g ei ià t Y * i6 '-jt GRE T SAE OFEXPOTEDAND agueproýeeyscntentiioustpractitioner, -w-hosocs tebut s 'sd - ë~ei -l~ ef.kea- - _ ptIc' É «,St-adii an- Italice Jesuitiluoee cf bcdily strentia cf hic patient u nipg-daj aatyimuma-fes'uu sd restoreud TILL BE FOL]) 1Y' I>TJLC AUCTIO N, lis -'Piolu ous,' gîvot an accouet cf a cor-' bY dyadtîùsuicserdsd iahck 5a_5 oQcnldrtirt fthtl o onWcîeds- ndTiivsay rspndabetween*I t- fbnd Ftiae ucycilstimulants bu vainu .s-iiSir- 1,>îhppýîughtjh..yo~g-~eka the 15th aid l6th of Sept. iîcxt, < on t hclp cf a dertaiil londstôuiet cf such virtue c als suitquuwtui, sd lie Icayèthe rictuin'wiee grated absolution-. i ero No. 17 le the7th (ton.;cf the Townehup, of liaIiiltIdtwcucde1iib e f ofdebili4y,-iiîkeastaudp4iedrc-'Il,.inIik rsuro I cn1l oc'i;'li~ 1'ikerughicfoUo*>uproPe-tv o f thme utder- tic, needles se touceb etgan te ntc-c, the or. awbi<'survelor-pers,?'1tt,ý ii3f &tbe-scivc't.ioia1, 1 ny -The [fll.c6 tigueod,cou.i tin cfeu-t Catie aahShoepat a dsacm e t h eýmie û he i i<dtog bn e h,$&uIou.the-cor- thro~îluccatu~ ~e titnecandin uthe satne mannier. Tlhe-doned*ý,r0 y obc e, q aenais s~ be sett1edm wug nu, po v euy Druinglt Stullieuî, 2 ycai-eld,<Lpotc)fw-cfrbeds bcbagecch possecssed of oonefg q chQer,,, tiie t5hes14,tth'ais à tytîPé à i de do o - u-a by Ou OYthescu-uedles, made a 'dialplatea44iîsuJ>,$t eX' wji-PJhW>&YPri r .0 1 o Q do 1 ar odmae >u , alred s>.-serl3>etltweaty-fejer lctersupen W Thoy' realedes is fost .unlîul VAc~ Rob Rey, datif a Clyde mare. ' tet dn r. i edce et ~ N ettr 4- w4nb 4po- - '- . - lGclding2yearsoid, aiu-d,by Bob Roy,dau these plà te~ssoth4tit cold 'baôù& ti d aclyde Mare, ilhot i iudlncat Afler, s stIu lel14eas ine THIIOUGH BRE]) DURHAM*O.&TTLE. « theho' bd44nile I~UyfO~S ~t _ ~w~nrsu .rs Bull 'Yonng England,' 2yemrs qlid(izaport4d) a w t he Oob years old do w-eue 49 o aluniîcate apd est theirinèu- wJ1eit ei Theq'.ast,"t Boitery.' selXLbou-euIn-tercqujid,; W a tic n-,xiex- w , eeisly5 4 Cow u 4 auusc1Alâ -d e ti n ' by irecting the nc h eo t e lâ e b ea p p n-nou i s~~~~~~ .Bui Cl1e, d 4e SIalLa ent-Pocthe xtorko tef 1 feifr Y . oà [CÂ1oug bed. eci-e lth êa t he bil4 io'noi sa i c&mbf"es= c~~~-Ã4aù - -& 1ia e u"nt oii..II 1 lini. , lit___ If,'? r Il ~ ~ (t ,S-eti ttr tîuu e n 'ttt C W - t -,t~aîtiItlrhil>iu. utid kttstf Wilsco r itit ti.'î& iuIte euu't -e~-ie atelu.niuvre P .urlîtt t'.i tr iiie, rrsteuiv-. t J. V. 11.111,- - ____ bAlilZISThiiII-AT-Lil, t'FCEIIlt(FRA-NCIS KELLERt. iJStrt.t, W'l t' . lw. _______TNUINu Ni tuN;I AGENT, S. B. FAIRIBANKtS, IV iiiy v-u " teI,.rte-lIutr (sti C-u- ,. W. 2 -i tteit-cottile uuîliStreet JOhN iILLI('.S.A. C. IWILSON, 1 KI, (ClL<NtIEltY & CNEA(it ..~ NDIA'R L.Oice, Irint eAlbtert. tJ)\INTEIZ, A\ li ~tN i> - u - ltuîtt, ui t, P.,. U TION t:x-A-TLAWI, StOLICITORIN 0î""Lcrin" ui-' ituut li-u' A hterCut-ey'ttuee r, A&., Faut Sîreet, Wtit, Jt.Ut'7. ____________ - -B. CAMPBELL, ARSEN (t. AN .T1,-A .u-Bu'Vi 1'NI 0(E MLKLRJIlOCK I3 AIITIElI AiS AitIINE'ATetW \'it4 ,it iexl dîtur tc b. OMfeu--over the- Store tf ý. NIileow',Esq., ni;' uiir d ilote1.) i>Lopair-s oppos ihtu.lietgibr-Y illce, lrtek st. 1 tîctutie titu. tutindsîîrk'.1 Il]kitldeeceutetl Ii go(r tutit.t e. u iitln t .l nt niuk atiuer. Iu lèsmpron, Maedouell & L)trtnell, -_____ BAITRISTILRS & ATTORINEYS AT LAW'. RUJTHERFORD & ?iAINDERS, Bsolielleurs te , tue Coty toltneil '-s, l i tîe sat the Court IoîeSutuWiîig. tltliee tuurs (.acJ 'ttiu from 10 until 5. .tii T AILOR S,&c m.,6> .ANI .51KING STIIt.ET MEST, To- JOIIN MeNAB, r.tu l, 5KtgStctWes-t, LLutuu-- I3 ABRISIER1, ATTuIiNEY, &e. (fllic- tout. -I Cou-tuer ef Citreittte tuttSres ott _________ ____________ bite le Ca stand, Toroitt. 8 EAST WINDSOR 110118ýE, WVIITJJY, WILLIAM POWSON, sea., c--ufToiRx-o ON;VETANCEC, &.,ctANCifESTEII, ULe above Itettell-sc-aed tit a îieasaat and C Reaeh. - - L tet art t *tIliteTo'itt i, jtualitefront roati. - ___________________ Ioutiuîuuîuî u iuu lr trasehlers. Gooti WV. O. EANTIVOOD, A. B. & MaI.De Sltblittg iituttei itice osîlersl. 22 fORONER, PI11YSI(ClAN, SUlt.(tFtN &C __-_______ Rcsidtiuci-Irtty oecutiid îy J.îs. l.sig- F,11ARSI ' IIOTEL, iD R W CLRK . N lte lin c leiiuit'frein trookliin le ('rceu- QURGEON AI'Ci)IICIEUlt, & CORONER, JOILN SNEI.,, Iu'prietcr. Sfor tice Couîty ut olttr*1o. 1_________ _____--PARTNE1ISIIIP, WILLIAM TEAMPEST, M. D. HAE-1-EE K 1NG S T EE T, OSHIAWA, CANADA imt uuturlpasACINE,îae- West. 'Tin1 o _____________________________________ ltie styI dleiatii nutf 'utc-rsou cîtnd Spriin1. - Je No AGNEWe M. Do J AS",.'ATIEtR S IN AL13EIT MIZING1 nUYSICIAN, SURG t.ON, ACCO1JICIIER, 1'<f-a 4t80Miu. &o. ltceidenco--Iitin'sCrcck, l'icker- Ail oudors loft ftah te <tuf-ePrinticg Offce, ______________1 rielingupru dt>latuttten etiîAtd pu il),s 3 . S. JONES, i TOMland aROBINSON'pcsi -~OCAL DENTISý'T.-OFF[CE IN ITEORK TOlA OISN1 l.4streat, ni-eu- J. IBigeluw's Store, cad olupoqite -PASflONABLE HAIR CUTITI),44G AND) tîe hiegetu-y Office. Ail opurîtiocs wa-uuatd, XIShatrug IîtOme Brook Street, Wlmblv.- Rafieoce. a fair tu-l. ~A ftrattieitgxÃœlsahrler cund ar Duotsecit,-cf long estutiding hii tliebus;iness, w-i Iaais le >AMOS W. CRON, foeed Ila u-eainestt tu> allud, on genuien;o- k RCHMTECT, CIVIL ENGINEEII, J ShCIailui l a pu-oceste whiclt gentlemen r'u .tlAtate Agenit) Wîitîy> 1 gooti reisns;, are mnch a veu-se, lutt under fiel- hislon'e, cad tbey w-ii ilnd tihe oearaucaoth PIJILANDER tM. CLAItK, eguoealandileaaant.2 ~IGII CONSTAJSIE, COUNTY ONT-UI0, LIME FOR SALE. HLaud Inspecter cf Lieenss itethIe Municipal- Iy of the Town cf WIitl'v,1 ______ STNTLY ON HAN]) DURING THEE Po P.x. ÇLXR 1< sinepirng ed SumetFreel Bicrnt, -AT GiB & 00., ihum hl ¶swill bosold fQr Cash auly,et 2, 6d MîERCIIANT T&ILOR, No. 74, KING ST. -MATHEW C.NRL,- G. A. DANS XSTERQ ' T"RI<iGGST. DRUGS AND CIIEMICALS AU IO BSN S ' J.Pcrftiuiry, ])ya Stul's, bleu-s,&e., ai- A [TENDED te s m i, J. (C, Stering. #,-.ys onz aud> D&ndas Chu-eet, Whihi'Y. 1iLXAUile i-s -oAuýn manc - ENIIX RANNAM, fare dWl tby;Meseis. liegbns &r Muyarb -et- A1INTEli, GLAZME, FPAPER IiANGMR aucduyaelho-iitod te appoint niy da>ts ef èale, P ".~q, Wiltby5 -ÃŽ6#h1e'6-itsü, &o., ced te enter ità Ac'omiu asSi ______________________ pu-uagmea i-elating te my auetlon bîuosi 0 BtABAZON, à s hlMaycoisleu' ptopor uiîand<O4c f (y.. teaify aniygr Qn COMMSSIOÉR OR iauaeke on mru ltf. tro,.. J.. TRe -G WILIiIÂM TIOMPSON,_No NT.4j'I* ,I tige, e 'uhiO, te, v.) ýS 1.',; IE 'c.>SuIt of tp' île cuses tif utIII1 dces o! umdeaLteu e- eonfil tit itaIige tti îgutilii lm, cuit.. aiom Uw jeu*