Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1858, p. 2

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- -- --- ---- '-t _________ New Âdvertisffient Ateisweek, 3rd. Tac DOUBeaS MJeRxirr qubs1oi.- On Cauchou's~aendment, hn Ju1y-ý direct- kxaflhlnàtftiu of'Tescëher- in the Couuty of ly affrlrn*hg this singular absurdityi tLe' Ontatl- fl.Il Tôriton. vote sto>cl thus: ~b'Pok~er for'sale ai Georize Yule's Book YrCzs, Drummond, Foley, tLàberge, J. S ~tore~Macdonald, Lemieux, and- Uibeaudeau. Ltaies' Nurse T7ender-Mn. Camapbell, NAys, Brown, Dorion, Mowýtj Thus Noie- ourt!Amsixe-Nelsun Q. Ëey- was the Double Majoi yb-td poldIE. -4th. REPEAL 0F T4 14U,'îu.-Iu 1nJuly, W'hat What -1~tliuiWarren, Jr. Mackenalleti noved a resolution, afllrming giciçltural Society of the County o! On-.lits ni3(e.s*tty. Mr, Gowan rnoved , that af- tarin-Johii Ehier. ter 1Il ycars experience, il bad pnovcd a Ilou. te Lut-Fraincis Keller. great advantage tu the country. This AUCT ION SALES. anendinent was carried by 68 to 38, Lem- ieux, voted with the "Yeas." Mesans. Sale of hnported aud Ttîorough btex Stock Brown, Connor, Dorion, Foley, Labot-ge. , Win. & John Milcrn Macdonald, Motvat, and Tbibeauýdtau, voted 6Saieo! Land ini tbe ToWniuip of Pickering. witb the I Nays!1 1" Hiappy Fanilyl1 5tb. COcsNTEMI),LEÙTIONç CASsi-Grand 1~s~.y war.cry týisi of the Session ! llow voted Â. the Coalition ? Uposi the Qucbcc Election, ____________________________J. S. Macdonald voted Lu bring the Retorax- Whitby, Thhlrsday, Septembèr 9, 185S. andto theuxBa.o Leenit oted InFlo et ection case, Patrick ruuved that this etoction be void. Laberge and .4So sie ma týs of îîeilfflibiotis nature, Leiîleux voted '-Nay 1' A ru oittlier for tbie lix. or %vater." jGth. 'ruE NORFOuLK SH1UEvALTY. -This, Precisely of this Rat-like aptitude as '(said lirowrq),' was tbe Isat drop lu the theu recent union of the Browns sud Reds cp0fif In'!lic bad proneuinced in Tt cannot hinwever lbold long togther; and bi-rana n ecnjsiibeo ilt is :qt possible that the ilt-terupered the pei. (1csadintaofLbner mnontai-, which lias, in the liot baste et the advised 'nun-payment' of taxes ! Well 1 omeu~ bcu mpiycdby ic ritbha how did tb&blesscd Coalition vote on this *oen in the construction of the flouse that last drop, the pour thirsty souls ? Wby, <torgLn built,' wilt vieilte othe.rude trial - a i Lonh vin, an , rckheThibeaudeau their future 'Minister of A gi- - sixttttUculture' avas tho actual owe by whose vote building. B3odies lied together by su un- ; the'motion w-as lost, aud it w-as bu w-ho natuai abo" of nionas utua ha nednoved the adverse resolution 1 O'Connor (aud that feeling say w-bat thcy w-ut, fer- did net vote, because hoh had given bis pro- moents in aIt the intcnsity of ill-suiotht-red disiý% btivci th apirnglit(Àe, hefessional opinion that tbe compact w-as dhilie bcu-iiUic aspirnthete, eag egl. l>runinond and Laberge as blunt Chifni)aedleld, iiauin tue onnebenitn Mackenzie said, 'skulked.' Chi!,)ure weinantin îîl c "nct1dt 'th. Doiio-'s GICEsi- Ns ALE 0F LANiO thecir own rutui. The sole tink that binds BÃŽLL-The Grits swore that this sanction- thernis ta ----'--'----- itees, da os dngro principle! Tho Nuns noertehlîless wc oî)inc ýet-eu as w-e re peat it, inel ihat a uxutuail hatred and imîstrust wilt wanted ower- wnedte k0OitDniRe's rpecdiiy snap asunder even that over-rul-- Estate. Brw atdokilDio' iîîg motive fur~ co-hesion. WVc înay fear-bilan for bis motion se odBon "'1 asert ~ ~Connor, J. s. macdonaldj sud Mowat voted. tisl se twtî our able coenporary of Against it Dorien, Lemieîix sud Thibesu- Monrea Gou'te, tha nuMinztr i eau. Thus the Coalition bolted Nons sud in Canada, or- in ans' otîxer country, w-as ail, nUerity LAws." Al ut ixes sud cri-r brnxxglîit getlhur at ôa fcarful .1 Sacni-I fic o!p'ro;xxl esectsudlon prfesedseveus, on this point, until that blcssed principle." No e.;ýplanztions %werc tuade. CoaiincDwedy dnto vshgt ton 1 Li-ffy, te "STARTLING DîscLosViES Noue werc atteîupted. For once,- the large type was unemîîilnycd. lhure wQre ANDBÂsi Jolis." Now it se happens that inu 1extras,' to develope *tic Coalition Po- Letiieux w-as the lîead cook in Baby's ly.Thse "orgain" iuaintained sun ominous "Ciie5" so w-afs Druuîmond. Yet, after slc. Intîxo absence (if the great tGriL- ail "te lies sud insuits," ruutualiy inter- pani-ots, the miner 1parroquets, sucb ascineto w g-ilemnarsape Psrik 'f/uc d6~ oucj ttrd u t as dainty moi-sels, in tise gcnetîd lolt o! a nte.Thee lcisarcas -c tat tlem.persoual respect and principlo, by te a nte.Thee fctsaruas e sateilim.Browu-Dorion Cualitition!! 'The lieuse w-as w-cil an-arc of sucb, sud t; 'Was caiclulating rather absurdly Lu suppose Ilere are thcfacts. Biere are the votes- that tbcy wouild sanction su gross an act Wie court cnquiry as te tiseir correctaxeas. o! tergiverstion; or tend tîaeir support to 'WudVtLtsycudh s eeal a mehancisely minerity o! I thirtil," for Lise pcrused, as they are thuroughly exact. Purpose of ruling a body of four ilita rsnxi~i - t-lssi that ie ire 1 îituliber.- -. cd commutin sense whîeh distinguisises otan Wce pray cui. readers to foi-gi ve thte lick coulitrymnen w-oald spcedily open theîn cys 0f m.Yc'ty, %N-iieh an-kr attacis te the foliow- 'te, the meisîîrcles.a en6rmity ef sei profigate iug details, but we led :issured Ilthat the a Co-alition ; aud even tiscir assent Lu tise inost kîion trutits, inuI4 b li uceRsingly verdict wliici w-c bave alreauly iuoted, tol, riu<-I uit~ui/;he a ele hit vi -"I hat nu Ministry in Canada, or tise enemny tries te efface tiion, the publice n te cut iavsee rogi e ftmighit othe cru ie forget ,luonli."1 getiier at su fcarlul a sa crifice o! personat Proecdw -tho toUicî-capiulaiono!respect, andi long pro!essed principle." îhe.u-t8 cenne-ctcd %with the formationÏ o! lIad this daita been sufficiently exanined ibis matuL moustrous coalition. in our otru Ridiug, ne member o! su unna- - ' ~ A ti. nrl ~ (r.slhn ,-t.îIAhaeéheda ,unite wi'li nien w-hou i tey iad fo many :& w-ary d1.y personally abused iu tise most A outrageous imanne-r uand w-be iad returued the compliment %withiu butcriest, -The lies and îinsuts' wtiici they lîad iteaped upon ench eother; the charges o! stnindliig, cor- ruption, sud nis-use e! officiai position, Wvere ail fùr-y<tenî! The w-rid nover %viL- tWsed a more toucbiug exhibition of te great cardinal vutue o! forgivLeucss! Thse public bowerer were icît in 'the dark as te their ututual erlanations ; for assuredly a '}' thcy vouc-h-safe-d noue. Se iiuclu for the personalty o! titc coalition! New for the question of rinciple. Ve shali bc as brie! as possible,. confluhîg ourselves os- sentially tg facts. Ist. REs mmuur.TIeN DY POPULATION. - jliàis wae considened a vital question, te great "show horse" o! Brown's poliical circus. Esnly in te sprng Lis questien *as uîeotèd. How- stand the votes o! the erow-n-Dorioti cnew upon titis point? Nays-Dorion, Lemieux, J. S. Macdonald, Titibeaudeau I Druminend and Labenge wene absent, or would have voted nay. 3Vhy, bore, upon "la vital question," w-e have une bai! o!fLise future Coalition voting eue. way, tbe other bal' anotisen! I Wbst course did titey adopt wlien actuaiiy in power? Tbey uuitcd, accerding te the confessions neiuctantly iwrung eut o!fLseni, toitliout aizy definite agreement as to the ode ÃŽ wicit this question sboutd be settied Tiiey unuttered sometbiug in s liai! sm tliered toue about a IlFederation," orsa wri ten constitution, which w-as to con- tain .'-'tarantees" for tbe igiiLs o! Lower Canada ignorng tise great !act that the- 'Province has already, in te act o! Union, mýuit stronger rivets on tisaI point, than axuy tbey could w-ld. According te lGlo- bular phraseology,' titis course would corne aùnder Lthe categçnpy o! " inf4mouuý," lsy WVeoeeal thaL fiewer o! nhetenic, ar.d thuis apply'it? Tiscir literary sud w-oit stocked garland will scance misa te -ape. 1 ïn2d. SEP.ARATÉ, SCI0oes--uOn titis point âptoéte monment of te Coalition, te Èiýow n-Dorion Minisiuny w-re at utter vanï- ance.'lo ~idd Ley act hbein lu? They agreedto des l'ii t i'a Illargt anid g. xierous piritl 1" Raremtegnltuimity trutyl Wihica n ether wordsrnieant '#a.Ling- up;l or thr ing overboard wh&t they h&d e-"r' previeu ly declared to be a primaryr article, cif bhoir plitical faitla. As a lsughable ap-' peudij;, te teir large and generous spirit, MeGee, of te IlIrîh flittiug higade,",was to have teuched £1,500, or £2,000 a year, tfnTijattoe-ï an s n tuituunT sud nesident candidate, like ,Wm.Lsing-. A i--action uili yeî set bu ; for bV is noV bu tise nature ao!tisings tht-t a !raud su palpa- ble as tîss ybrid Coalition eau lon.- exiat. T 40n-bit unravet ail. Parîty Lying. Tise pot'ubiciouls prac ice o! Party iying at tise pt-osent day, is becomo an abomidna- Sibon bu tise tant. Tise vice tas becu pro. pt-galet butte a delestable ay8teî?a, lI*iticb enen Lise appoarsacsao! trutlis are uttonIy diaregardeti. Cet-tain nevespapers of tise pi-sent day, unve b>' setaling part>' lies"in Lise service o! lhier faction, anti deen lte sel a meites-ions eue, tioserving lise sup- port anti patronage o!fte parby to w-hum tise systein prunes serviceablo. Certain IlChristian pohiticiami," n-ho tumbug cer-- 'tain otectona avit axubiguous speechses, n-bei-e te>'peak- o! lishe great questions,'" Vise gi-et stasuos hebore lise couutt-," "unr great iinciples," andthie tiko, are nuL t-hune spreadung te contagion - lu cro- ate capitatlunfs-sur o! titein on-n puit>.- Meu cating tiseniselves Christian Ctei-gy. meon, 'geL bnfeetet aviit it, and forgel their sacreti eatling, lu prune sensiceable le tht faction tisaI makes use o! tise systein. And titos spra-a, b>' artifice sud bypocnis>', to avouter titat mnen o! probit', n-to avouît scoru lu utter a faiselsoot Iorn lier un particulat- stvantage, are founti su reatul>' te gi-se bute tiselie nitIlbecomes lte noice o!ftemr faction. IVt i diffianît te n- dotstand.hon- Ilose w-to are mou o! benon iu their persons, eau Lites becomo aîotot-i- 008 liars bu ttoir pas-t>'. Tise pi-tdico Lsaa criminal une, anti full of tenions immot-ali- l'y Lu theo communit>'. - Monfn But lSd-excuses'lu lte pi-altice, heesuse titey are apt Lu tiuk, ltaIlits guulî o! a lie, sud cousequeatly tise punisis- mont, inaybe ver>' muait dîtinisiset, if noV avioliy wn oeut b>' tIasmultitudes o! titose wn-ppantake luIn,. ý houi Ushe aveigitb ot faîseboodi mi>' be toe hep'>' fo eue Lu beas- lb gnon-s ighith eir imcagina, ions wheu itlà is si auong mati." But luib is lte>,'deceive ltemsîves; gubît, w-ito it apreadus ltrougla numbeos t nuL su :rpnupely dîtidetias multiplie&- Ever>' uns ta culminalinluproportion ltt. effonc-e ,ho ccunanita, asot t te e uuaes o! those-wavilse isacoutpanions CIrL Bots ise ront-isansd te penalty lie. uaon eert- depend upoti the prupugation of!slsehoods for tse support of profeased princples.- WfteLher w-e Took Lu Mn. t"'unge Brown's IlAsvouzeNDRa eSCî.osuats" - MrNIT1AL SWMDsLL," GOVEaBNIIMsw tOVUPIÃ"utN,' "BAS? yJus;" "Fiuu-'rt ~iOUlsÂNb Acite 0F LAND FOR £50 oeËN Ae WAY Y svTiS MACDONALD M[Xl5TRý." "FRAUD IN TUE PUBIiC ACCOUI;S," a5 "DEENTLRE tÛBO," or stateenets w-it siuilar headings u inte Globie newsjpapcr, w-ewill fiud tei te bc baseless fabrications, or caluimutous mis- nepresentatieus, put forth Lu injure publie Or private citaracter. If w-o examine te statements made by Ur-. Mow-aL at bis laLo -canvass meeting iu this Riding-as te tbe sale o! debentures in Engtand, by wbicb be aitedged tise Province lest £50,000, witicb w-as pockettcd by Mn. Cayley, &r lest Vo Lise Province tisiougis bis gresa utisusan- ageieut ;-bis tales e!ofl pt practices" -" coustitudtluîal issues" aud his story about bow Upper Canada wotild gain £500,0O-by Upper Canadians psying the tonts of Lewer Canadian farinera; or Mn. Mowat's sinalien fibbing,, about tise writiug o! a certain letter,--dcuying Mr-. Sicottc's speech, made ut Lise commence- ment o! tise Session b is stateanent ou Vhe isusting tîtat tise Inigersolt Chronukle in w-iicit bi-. Uonoe's speech w-as reportod w-as a Ministerbal papèr-Vhý',>sauao boîng au Opposition pint; w-e find tise saine misrepreseustatiou, sud artifice practised in order te couceal tise trots sud distert public maLters capable o! tise nuest satis- fsctory explantion. If w-e descend Vo look at tiseproductions of tise Clcar Gril scrib- biens bu this Cotaty or elscwisere wo !lnd the same attenupt ut party iying in a mure infamous shape, wlecuudcr te guise of pubtic v-tue sud centrai-y te e dictates o! conscience truc isonon aud pnincipte, tise party wriVer is influcnced by thte w-cist motives Vo spread sud lovent party-lies, sud decive tise credutous multitude. Lot Lise mou o! South Ontario examine a letton elsew-iere 'in these eoiumuns,! sud i-cd a placard headod "Shamo !" " lSisame t" issucd ou beisal! o! Mr. MowaL durng tise iast contst-let tent ikew-isé read Mr-. Laing's spoeech at tho dectaration publisised bu this issue as VoeLite ovidences o! the charges w-c make, aud Visen teLtishen t Aink mark -w-el and lees' w-ho are the oiceivers amugst Viein. Let Llucun remember bon- tisey liave becu imposed upoîs by party- mon wit thtie plausible pai-ty-lie in thein moults, sud the pnice o! re tailing iL bu Lhier puekets. And in future lot thein ho- w-are or Vlite guilty mon w-ho trump up statotaxnutse srvec4iselr party; Above al lot titoi avuid the detestabbe hypocrite w-ho deludes thera hy decettful appearances o! devution sud piety. Tom-o Cosncil.- Tise Cutnceit met aI Vise Ton-n Hall ou Monda>' cveniug, Sept. 7tî. Ailthtie mcm- Sors (aviLis lie exception o! Mr-. MeBrien,) Seing pi-osent. Tise Mayor i the Chah'. NEW- sNunsssTotEMPANCE CO2NSISTENOTY. On motion, lise Ceuncil w-cnt inte Coin- mittece o!fLise w-iole ou Mi-. B. CaIdavell's petition, for a non- tavct-n icause-., Mi-. Watson in thue chiait'.- Mr. Hedgson spuke bu laver o! granting s taveru ticeuse te Mn. Catldwell. Ca1itain Roave aup'portcd Mr. Csidn-elt's poetiti-on, on Lise brut-e grounti, titat a tan txisjadjuitjreattxusleTonnougit en aln pci-ty tô--ti e St adralitage. lie liken-ise urged Mr. Catdn-cil's cîsint on the grount e! that geutlemn's needy cimeuuuslamiea, sud tis ihi-iteaItIha Mn. Mactonel sttaket CapVain Ron-e'a arguments, sud asked, w-s il for tise publie J good lt lioonem n s eloun-iskey te gain preprty-in order Lisat anotiser mem1 Ser e! tise cummunil> ta>' may drink iL lu lousc- his propenty. lie tid noV centpiaiu o! Ijaptain Roe-'s position, because iL w-s a consbstent une, but tei'e w-as palpable !slacy in Lise face o!fitis argumhents- Me. Hotgson, wavie tvocateti a men-license, occupled a different position. That gen- tleman n-ts siways test suxieus Lu appear a strong tempet-ance advocate, te tati aI the car' sittings o! tise Gouncil Liis year Srouginb pelitiens signet by tise Rends. Mossrs. Lowrsy, Willoughsby-Mr-. Rodg- siou himacîf, anduthierzý, 10 restit te ta- ven license Ibis yesn, aut te do avay aviLis saloon ticeuse altegether. Tisose po- Li lions n-cie acteti upon, anti a majonit>'oî the Cornail passot- a by-tsn- timiting lte numbor o! averus te ho tlicousoti Vu 12-4 lu oaitn-ai-a, anti doing away altoetiter aviLissalon liceuse. ILtn-ascunsiderati nu hat-dship thon, Lu depriro satoon keepens of lteo mesus o! est-nia5 teir bt-est, sud te hunt thera frou te Tow-n. No. -Titen1 Mi-. Rodgsou preacissd titasa sermotn ou, Lise vice eft tinking, anti-lie crime aviicis saluons hi-ed. And yet, non-tise>' founti1 te saune gentlemani stand Up anti cojteuti1 bon a non- tavoru ticeuse-hecause tise manmi n-be reqîsired iilwn-a spot- man, anti aant- et lte met-is o! making a living. Il w-as tise ame kfnd ot doctrine whidi te (Mn. Mactionchi) bat heard ui-gtiby Ihat gen- tleman lunte Count>' Councul ou anuter occasion. Mr. Mactionell bot-o lesîbuton>' Lu, Lthequietut-dent>' manner bu avibcit But-- ieigt's saleen, andth ie other saluons of-tise Ton-n tatibeau kept before lte>'Wene te- molisiteetb>' Mrt. Ilodgson. Sti-ango toi am tisaI since tison, a saloon bas been openot du-sdi>' opposite Mn. Hodgsou's offlle-a emperance eue lu b. sure-but wters laget- hier n-as utti, anti Mr. lotigen bas nover allemptetl lu mettie w-Its il. The course of Mr. JHo Igeon w-as ltse reverse o! consisLet-Iasl. Jsnuary advocaling lte restcLbtou o!'tise sale o! spiniluona iiquu,'S,5 'aud nous seeking, tu establi a new5itav- (abaluRowre eonsbionedt tissIl i'.Hd- sou bati a perfect rigist toe hnge bis opimq. iod, 'If atoune lime Mi%. Hodgsuu w-as for puttithg dem-n saioou4i' ant ii nuw -tise si-- reoif b!his wayo, w-to ould ^ dispute bh Aftst- sots 'fui-thon reinatlki romtheIt Mayor taMrMaioeîl, thte Commtittee ruse, rs-e d roransd obtailse ey teu rit agai. JDIVISION OF-WARS. Oui motion o! Mn .Tresusyte, th. Coun- Oit SaLi-day iass, ut onoe 'iuk p. ni-,j teè Rctirning Ofleca,- N. G. Ilevatetutuu Esq., Sherifr o! tise County oh (Ontario, mnade tire de-clariation of leccioat of tise suie- cessfiilcantdidaute, Mri. Mon-at, fi-omitheis hustiugs-i tise usuat. marmner. A numisci-o! tise- moi-e-enuhusbastic of Mr. Monats rieudîs fi-ouOshsawa, ùncame m ite Tonaiualro- cessbon, pi-eceulea by a baud o! music. Fi-vo or six isunuired Pjarus ncre pi-osent to bear lte declaratuon mnade. AlLer Lise Retunng Officor had condeud- nd Mi-. Mon-aI adetresse thtie clochers fi-u thtec ustingut. Hle lhsnked tîtem lor hlis etectioi-spokze o! "Vise gi-caLcause lu avietics eywn-c i-clI so muichisitcrestod,"-(avttout-eutigbhcui- ing Lhternan-at"IIte great cause'1 nas, sud cxpresaed bis deep seuse o! " the protounat î-espuusibility," im poseat upen hiti. Tht iL avoulat net be long before I'"Repi-qacuta-, ion by Population,," sud "tise Sciso4o question," n-outd be sethicat. (tIcre a drauken Mona-tan madte a distut-osuce in tise ci-on-a, but w-a sueon bi-uugiufto his senses Sy tbe Shciut dispatcisin' s Consta- bie te keep it quiet.) He sabdata ho atas nol an-are Ihat te iest s sirtgle vote since tise lasI electioui. (Irouical ctîcei-s sud crics o! Ilonly 300.") Ho n-as uppioseal by Ifr. 1Laiitg a gentleman w-ehsund hon- oraSly knon-n, avio bure Vire ebaracLer o! s thîorougisty benest itan, sadho diat net avonderut te lange infiuacuce aviicis sucit s genleuman itad iunte Ridiug, but a tai-go tuajority o! tise electors "'I-o c trong Iu eiu'uiaod asonat Lte lec ofo a cer- tain lettor nbuw-htici ho (Mn. Mon-at) mani-1 foateti sailtingaiuas tbconte out in lte first instance ou the Mimisteriat siade. If tisat avere true, he eouid coeoeut as a Minista- .rialiat elseavisre, sud thiet e wcie iudbvidu- ats ready Lu assiat bit, but ho nover wrote a tino bu favor o! auy pi-buiplesa tisu ose ise bsd statod te tisen.' A gentleman o! titis Tonamado mention o! suicit s beler havbssg beau aritten, sud tiselacIs bunueis. ion Lu bL avere as !olton-s. lus friema, Mn. [logis Mactoateli, w-ho 'n-ss a stnong Mlinis- Loialaist iniseli h aving icaruiet-i s (Mr, Mon--a) inention le enter poltiicualhice, tati uentioned. bis nante kiutdiy te some fInonda oi bis in lthe Riiugn. But ise (Mr. Mon-aL) nover, l in-is hoeolite, isat s con- vgtsatiumin wilhtMrt Mtcdonelou polilicai mttem; ktMrMactionelt sud.ho neoolti acisoolfelleaa, and.thtie muai Bloendi>' inter- couse i-a s xiaedbeL~eeu Ltei.lrom. titis, ant iëo(Mr. Mon-at) havbng been s patter o!flMrt. Vankougisunet'-and is ia Is- thon baving sîn-sys acteti aiti lte coasser-t valive .party, Mr. Macatoueti, il appeareat,1 itat taken it for gratatetithttbctwunasa Ministenialist, but on Ibis Mi-. Macatoneti hati foi-meut an ernoneous impression. Tiese followiug w-as thse*- osaI> letter whiicis ho (Mirý Mosvat) ceier wrote lu an>'eue blte Riiiug at lte 3!MusLeriai site. IL n-as lu bis frlenti, Mr. MaddonehL RHe hatt askot. Mn, MaàcdtneIl fur a copy of tise leVIer,; w-hidi tat gentleman gave hlm, listing fortuaaatgly kepî a copy o! it-ihougis Se tatidestroye th ie original, Tis e tLer w-a mai-Itet'ii"latti dWâà as follow-s t "[PribnaLo-J - Noteuaber 80, 1851. "MY DIL é« lUex-YÊOU bave spuken o! "me ver>' kintlinluroba-nde lW Sout "Outario.. Yeu dit sa udortise -idea, i "bshie-sé, ltatIsitit honacceptable to "'the MIuisry' but Isaveo made up my "miisd tisaI an badeptdeu-t anti uprigit a' coui's cannot b. pt-tutet jîüît w>io "niLisoîllgoitîg tutu opposition. Titis "i stppose,.-WilI preveastyour .'uk-a cinegtau>' actiYe pat luin y fanon. -b 2uI I tope tisaIt r <daie quiatance t' sake 1wilihaeesyurgood wises Iuad :"ïapu84 sv/l&ott oZ -flort Msatîte l a stil?9 IanV.Ukp8tehuh erona4ll6r t/retug 49myjeiaý migt tleandZ aGtA se/usi cm, I ncfeiucus js- ttoa1s wi ot "forget awy- good ofilce you nmay - emder maie at inte mallesr outls Q saa.isc at- lleral--conaituency, and mg chuance - "coaglô$t toSb )cUpr, rat5her t4eun worie, oni t Ilth.t #i&!¶ But isoweyer Ilîhamyh.,.v îdâ,-und frot m-tih!,tis Lb.f-ars of the County couldjudge bow ise rearded Iteir inte-ests. The sneer as te bus unflineas for Panlisuit h h*was givea b s !eèw o! bis uppercuts w-as i-apeîled by tise 800 cectors o! Use/ Ridiug wisoisad recordcd' Lteoir voLes in bis Laver. On--tbis, lthe electers aveie tise best jtadges. . is vote avould .51w-ys have bocu gir.on hodneitty- and iusdopexudently uad penhapa with asý ei ce te o a uthej'pubie as if hîlee capable ýf was ting fouir aIr fl-s e u-sinu usakingan unpnoflt,%bléspeech- And after ail, peritaps w-itoutie occasion called foi i lie coud4express bimsItaalltiésh b it migisL be in paiber lanuRagoe-iust as effective- i ---.-------- -~ i glviug the finemen dresses tre, lte Mayor, -Moss. Ham aud TriLyne - Subsequentty Mr. 'Cornayne inovcd a teiulution tlit a a it&bl« bat bc purcsèd for ecdiof the merubti5ofLthe ire Brigsdê aud Huok mnd Ladd& C{ompany go sbon ai they w-e, orgalslï*d fteording to law, d1t: expense sot lu eicèed ouo'1 25c. cadi.' Mr. IIodirou uudved lte tird readiug o! a humbuggaug by-lsw ou titis sujct-a transcrlpt ef a similan une in force bu To. route. It compels tise bakers te bake enly lbaves o! Lbe weightof 2tbi. sud 4lbs. 'isat alt lig'tbrod offered for sale shaît ho hiable to bc soized and'forfleitcd, that lthe baker must stamp encis luut$w-iLb bis nane-or be subject toe nsd foreit'thsl Lise baker must buy sud keep weigbts atud scales, sud w-eigb bhis bread w-heu requa'uut, and tisat a magistrale sud cons table shall have pow- ci- to enter tise bah-eils premisos at suy ime, sud examine sud weigi tise bi-d - and seize sud fine aI big disci-etion. Mem- bers o!fLise CouncîIl d net oppose Lise pass. in- o! tise by.lsw, but centented Viucxj- selves w-thshwisng iLs utter iuutility,fnouui Lthe fueL LitaI a nai-. coutd bakeonotside tise Town, aud-bring bu bis hread for sale-sud tisat Vise Council had uo pow-er te seize iL for w-sut o! beiug stamped. Tise by-law contes into force on Lise ii-st of October. It is as w-e bave stated Siuaply a iittty picce e! clap-Lrap un te part o! Mi-. Ilodgson, sud can mever bo caî-ried butte practicat upc- ration. Tise report o!fte finance committîcw-as cousidet-ci in contnittoe o!fte w-iole, i-e- consmeudiug tise paymeant o! varions siaî accotants aiuenuîtin.g Vo $46 27. The coin- nîittee rose n-itViset repurtiug sud ubtaiuod beave lu ait sgain, SIliEWALIC. A resolution passcd autborizing tise con- struction o! s tcmporany fuot-patti two feLt aide Iroin Dr. Clai-ks luMi-. Paxtou's, on Dundas street, provided suffscient foinds fuo- tise puaipose wecie left otut o! tise appropria- tions already made on Dundas strect. SENT OF TOWN A.L Ou motion o! Mr-. Maedoncit, a t'esuitutiuu passe-a autiioiisiug tise'T'own Cie-ik te co-t tort $5 s day fi-unitise Retnrniug Offire-r for tise use o!fVise Town IlaIt at te lte ctci'ti -n. The Ceundil tison adjoui-uectat 10 o'ctock South Olitario Etection-Tbe Dedlans- tion. pollcd for hit w-as au independant une. But contrast his opponeul, the ex-Provini- cial Secrotary's position? l soen mouths ie issd lest 300 o! bis stipporters anLthe Ridiug i - And itn-w-was bis rnomentany triompIt obtsiued ? Dy thse xnst sitame- fui sud unscruputous means. Tisera îi4i'er wss au election contest bu w-hicb mure disi- gu-aceful autd disi-eputabte practices hsd itoon reqonted Lu. Itsurassed tise IlNo Popery bow-l," sud te Il ciPopery" pla- cards o!fte last election. Placards had been issucd againsî hlm, beaded Ilshame!1 shame 1" contaiuing te muaI foui state- monts, ansd setting loi-Lb that ih sd Lireat- eued Lu sue aIt w-ho wero iudob Led te hum, sud te bis laVe brotiîer's estate, w-ho veted against hlm, Hu sskcdsnuy elector pi-o- sent te saae w-boiser lic crediLted Lisat statentent, Ho waited for au assaer.- (Criés o! IlNo! No!1") ThaL document ceutained Lte mosV fout lits, sud tisemin tisat w-rote 1V, w-as su unprinciplod scun- drel-tminu aio iad net tise confidence o! ton ciectors ivitisin te Riding, sud w-ise treacbery w-as eveu suspected by thoin. Be-fore tise election ho could nuL have betiev- cd Lluat Visere could ho a printing office in Lte Riding sO eluaractei-less as Vo publish sncb atrocieus tibets Tisey disgraced the cemmuîuity tisat supportcd tiset. ,Minis-. Lors o!fVise Gospel Loo--stcpped aside froin thei- catiing, sud secrotty and insidiousiy upposof i in. Oucne an -s Gospel preacis. ci-, stood foi-n-urd bi-uizcnly anal opcnily, bu Brouktin, sud dist-tbiuted the disgracefl fflthy placards sînongpt tise ciectors o! Bneooktiuii1 Sncbavas the Case sud te naine o! tise minu ho circulated tise infa- mous faiscisouds, w-as Robert H. Darling- touî-a Minister o!fte Gospel, analte Postinaster at Brookiu. Sucb, wiLh a lanluihexpenditureofo!mouey, avere te uneans used for luis opponcuat Vu secune bis cection ; sud s victory gaiîed bu tubs w-ay n-as une wh-iih ho (Mi-. Laing) did not eau- vy. lI w-outd nover stoep cLuo use *soda instr-umeants Lu place hiiusetin ian thonora- bIc position. And non- as lic stood helore thise-, dfeatcdI-aiitd att, as ie w-as, ie la- prsfer-i-d holading bis on-n iaidepeutdcuV po- sition, Va thaL occupied isy tise Itou.cx- P'rovincial ScCi-etary. lHe woutld tike te comupare lus expenrsc-s o!fLte contest aviith titose o! M4i-. Meavat. !L w-ouhît hc curioîîs Lu se Lie aiflerence. Wnîtid Mi-. Moavat accept a chatiauge le exclhange tteir se- counts o! expenises %vithiu six days ? The bisk would tell a Laie,.lue (Mi-. Laing) alid 110t cxpeud une sixpetîce Vo sectire sc vote, hut i-oied soiciy uipon te unaskcd for suffrages of!the elctors. -No clector of Vise SotitiRuuling of Ontario uuiould, as far- as lue n-us coucerricd, suftèr any toss for tise vote lie g1ava-againisthliin. le-dcspisd tise tnan ilspublie tire Ltttcoulil desucendtVo takeo advaîtge o! the pecîuniary atisli-cis o! lus îeigtshurs tu advaaucc lis ou-n anmbition. No ptan cutd bring foi-na- a charge o! ibis L-ind agutinst huan. (hco) Faise- isnnds n-ci-e circuated among-t tise menato! Euat Wluitby sud Pickeing, Ilimt ai Ni-lio w-ceinde-bLed Voaitint, or tVu ltLe brut- er's estate, sud n-li di,! nul vole for bina, w-uuld bc iuinedisteiy sued. A mtan w-bu w-as engagod ibu etcting tise d'abts due te isis brotiser's ostate, assisted in giviug cor- rnuy Vo titome- basa thbods, knon-ing thein Lu ho sqclý. Tisese w-ci- soîne o!fte means usi3d -againatiinie tcw-ouid only temave te disgrace o! tisetwithLiseir ori n- na tors, Lt baid been ssid hy saiepeople, t aL le sitould net htave coîne out at titis cleclion, btut tiesaw ne roasun for-te sîsternent, aithigisiL iit perisapa itave pruved a beuctit lu soute meu bu tise Coun- îy, 1usd lie been i-etut-ned Lu Parhiuameut,by wviics ho svouid be comipeiled te give up tise posi tion ho licretofore occnpied aîuiogst tise clectort. BoL lue w-otîd stili conitinue te eccupy thse saine indepemîdant position, te tise disappoinînuent penîsaps o! a le-t w-be aoulul ho benefittoal by bi-dgoing out o! businuess untl anotiter etection caîtue round, sud tison ho xvouid again be attse servicp ofo! is fiicus. (Cheers.) Wit n'as zaid at Brookiii uthe contclusiona o! te ee-tien on Tuesuiay ceniug-it aras, thtahâi t- h&Ua Ltienut, uhaaL .nas don-n Cte o d a busitel in WViutby.- He w-onu ho repeated continue Vu occupy Lte sattie indepeiudant position in business untit asenerai ciection came round--a- thuogIt perisap, it wud ho te te interest o! se ionb Witby sud Oshawa tisatlie did net. Mi-. Laing cantioned te electurs against forgyettiug Liscir 0w-n interrstau d mànd. Tt i sunhouer te biave sncb a » to ropresent us. Let Mr,- Laing k-0w who may-be a very goud iman in bis pro!r per place, that Ibis Place iS flot te répr-. sentative of'South Ontarlo,,and jet J4i voices swell the n<'ble chorus Of- the T,ý. route peuple: Down witb the -pet corrupt uqcdnstituitiotl g'rOvernuMeint dô*n. wtth &Hi iLssupporterm. 1 To the Edior of the Wh1I CrtnIte SIR :-l finid upon reading the ,Gh,,ci this tnorning, te m'y surpriie, that the îles. George Brown of mn(,lt epdtati<n *** supporting with ail the mighit of bis pap&, blaster Charley Romaine of "YaN A'orie ty," to a-seat in the Liesiatîve onc<o this Province. Ijad I nuL the above proj<e4 1 would net have blieved that he %wonjd have been guilty 4>! Iending his nSnýe t' such a Faney-ilan. Pcrhaps, Mr.. Editoe.ý yod can înform the electurs elt South Onrta. rio, whiether lMr. Moptow'zR Provincial Secrotary," (who rnust -be weil aware of the antecedents of the 2 4d (iharley,) is also supporting that geaije. man. IL cannot be ? If se, how are the. m nigbty fallen. We ail knuw the old pro. verb : a man is known by the coacpaay l keepsà.- xretelbety Iloping yeu will xisthlbey bave, taken, and that tbo dtmnber Édtr!6at Ontaýrio, or'somc o! bis friends will am"~ thé aboive qujery. j I reinain, Mr. Editor, Respect! ully yours CA USTIC. Mn. Mowat titan w-eut imte fui-tiser ex. Mi-. Abraliant Farewelîl caille foravard on te itustingsansd w-s met aviit a voltoy o! groans aund bis hiss'es -viLis cries o! IlAn- nexatioruist," Yankee, "c, andi w-sauahie obtain a itoarlng. Mn. F'arewell appaled to te 'Retua-riiug Offleer to speak lu Lthe crowd inbuissfavorm Tite Returtfiln officor requested te cîcctors Le hîcar MI-. Farewelil ont o! cour- esy. Mi-. 1?arewel-sften a ime was alton-ed 10 spea. Ife commeuced by i-eadîni- por- tion o! an artice in tl isi t /Aitbly C/luronicle, lie cxpi-eased bis symupatisy ailis Mn. Lsing's position, dccried Lise govero. ment, -sud coudemnedaviat ho sVted,to bo tise uîueonstitutionat course o!tbe Goveruor Genéralt-un net dissotving I'at-iismet at tise instance o! tise Honorable 11corgÃ"fi-on-n. Ho endcavored to expisiat Mu-'. owas btter sud taL gentlemsan's potitical posi- tion proviens Vo thuc isatgene ai éection sud spoke uaost patrunizingty bu bis favor. Aller tisis Lise Siscnif! dactared te pro- coedings ctosed sud calcd letisi-c acicer-s for tite Queen whiich waere given rigist iscaitiiy. Tr& eswer -ie ext giveisIdi- Mi-. Laing-threo foi- Ni-. Mon-at, sud Lui-ce for tise leturuing otttcea-, And tise gstiîering separated. I5iftccn Pence. a itead 1 Gooduosa gracionsw-bat liberatity! Onty tisink o! it, fiftenp'ene a licail, or nather fifteou-poncea hàt, Vo cuver lise itads o! tise devoted me ou inioing the' Fine Bri- gade sud Ilok snd.Laddcr Comnpany. This avas tise generous'sunisusaîggosted by thuat "purth," Tow-n Councitior at Vise tast mccl- inag o!fte Councit as sufficient Lu ciotise tise fireen. Wisat insuitiug îuockca-y? Mure tisaitelve monLis a-ao tise Fi-e Briado anas orgauaized, sud since thoen Lhey on every occasion o! tire, n-iLtiste greatest neadinesansd good avilliaiVuott psy or gi-atuity o! any kiud, camne !orn-ard sud w-oiked, avore sud soiled Lhier on-n ciething bu t-escubng sud protecting tise propci-ty o! te citizoîts, sud nun- tise iberaiity o! s modet -"perty" counicilman w-ouid ren-ard thonsils tha FiFTrEN-PriNNy HAT i IL appears titat te reton pctilioned tise Council lot a toeaV bat5-sud boIt, te n-uai-w-heu caticd upon Vo tui- uît ut tires, theo coat nuto1 excood $5 escis. Fer the iasV six unontis, LisepéLition bsa Sen hc- foi-o lte Council, avitoît anytbin- bcing douechacite -maLter, -sud w-oitouiw-as st leuigtishi-uught !orw-ard at te tast meeting Mi-. 'YcPhterson made titeffteeue-penny saug- igestion. Mi-. Ferry, Dr. Hat, sud Mr. Ti-emayue, aveul for git-snthle pétition of tise firn-ser~, but, o! course, titoy w-cie -not sufficieut Le carry eut Lhiergood inten- tion againat te uaÃŽority opposod te Ltt Mr-. Tremayute moved a resoltton, that caci th ie members o!fLise Fire Brigade sud iok sud.- Laddor Company ho sup- *plicd aitit s hat, te ceaI utoLte excéod uà doellar -and a quarter a pîecc-on tise gruund "tisat bai!a les! w-as bottertit nu bread," w-iich passed ; but, instesd o! Mi-. Tremayno's san o!fLise half lus! spptying, w-e subtil Lîtat titis w-s onty "making 1w-o bites of a chserry."? Tise Council canet avit any sense of jus. ice deny te firemen's pétition. Tise jgrounds ui-gcd against iL w-o, Vise ".bai-d tintes," "Itcavy taxes.," sud nnw-iiing te impose any additionat buedons on lte rate- payons. îlottLiese are not sufficien targo- monts in Vise cse; They w-ere nuL bnoughL foravard n-hon te Coîmneil subscribeil '45,000 stock in the Railway-n-tten £250 Sehool Trustees-w-heu £75 and sny amouint uo' C.truzs n-cie voted in paymcnt o a Street Inspecter-wlen £7'5 avere voled for a Grand Trunk celebation-and w-ban thon- sandus o! dollans o!fte fonds o!fLthe Ton are voted for otiser purposes, tisese argu- ments are .quilo fôrgotlon. IL is only stoulti tiai libe-atty wiith tise prs-s ! liseur, enn 1caitbeg; lis>utulilishe auuua's mnit>'ds so mueht l ad-sauce bis Bu tocatit>' as lthe Jounists; ho ia expeabetiai to b. constanîtly w-itlug à lup...tlling on iLs dtisenise 'uauheard d reattcesand led !atilities-lts mnactures, andtihit trade wl sud busiuess oi ' ey man in Use coin- letI munit>'; aud tisere is po mas seill.urequit-ý e, anti su frequeutl> wronged and cbeated- -For bise CAroatic - e w-bU ay, il bas -coastaineti mono copions snd accunale. re-4 Polis of Cout>'Couacil proceMedutgs lsa sas> oLbeujournsl la Use dounly, sandiltaI n-e bave aubtisted meoreOcouttn ounebl or g To lisejEàltor of lte Wliaiuy Ctiroisicle. Suu,-In Yoiir test (,'kreii'e,'youi have gaven publioity Lue s letter fri-omitues B. Ciaptiio! lbe owanship o! Reacis, in neply,Idid ibt betieve tal auy muan un Lthe Tow-nsbip -o!, Beach, exccpt sil ex. Couueiitor,-couid itave been foîmud su atu- pidly ignorant s(iampbetl lias proved hitsei4 iteitisr onuld I bave touglit tîtat lie avould have h tuh ie uijgauaineàs, te al- tempt te /uele up te centernpt, te chai-ac- ter o! oue, in w-hen the ItaLépayers o! Reach have pisced more confidence.thaaa iu isimsclf,7whio w-s uejucted by Lise electôrs nt Lise tast éeoction. 'fitLIw-as perfectty côHa'dt in ntly statement o!fthe ignoranceoýf many o! the parties w-ho signed Vise peti- ions, la proved -by Campbebi's un-n letter, sud iL w-as f'roni a know-iealý that many of tise Ratepayers have Seau tnduced to'sign Vise petition tîtrongi mîreprmn8t-utiui, made te tin by Cusmpbeli's parîy, n-lich inudcéd toe, in -tueîr nudicatien, ansd as t-heir reprcsisntatisc, te stato tisaI Liey vero.' ignorant tisi-ugh tusving been deceiveul. Non-, - f!. Editor, eitiser Campbell or iny8el!, us atompting Voetnislcad tise Rale- payera, isy stating tisut aviicis Unef truee; avheLti-e! o us bs it? I cati uipon- hum te pi-uduce lise resolution w-bicblise states tisat " I contrived te bave passed jn tise " Towvnship Cottuebi, tbat tise Townuuhip "sisould psy for my hune sud trouble lu "getling up Lise spécial session 'of the "Cotînty Counnil," or admit his stupitl ig- norance, sud tisat lie w-as wSritiug merety for Lise puu-posce! a eeing Jantes B. Camp- beli in pibt Luuà falsebood, s if bis on verbal statemeuts w-ee hut staffioient lu stamp btiscitai-acter n-itis notoriely, for I den.y, inthtie nost positive tetims, that sucit a resolution, or any o! tisat purpunt on na- ture, w-as cit l-eu- assed, intredticed, ar ever writ tea. Tise Ratepayors o! Reacb, sud te n-botepubîte, aaiit kuei allen titis, aviat confidence îhey cau place- in auys;, soi-Lion, citisen w-iitauuion verbai, tisat may come froun Jas. M~ Campisell. And ltal they gazed, sud stilî Tise avondor gi-en-, Titat a." cabbage isead" could carry AlIlite kuen-. - ABEL W. EWERS. St Dcputy Reeve ef Ileacu. Resait1 Sept.. .6, 1858. To tise ailor o! tise Whitby Ciaionicîti. l3ibloinod is tise copy o! a rascalIy isaud-bitt" tisaI aas undustrioîtsly cii-cuta- ted thi'uoutgta this tow-nshuip, on tisetiit day o! te éection, by tn-e Clear-drit avorties isailing frein your en-n Ton-n. - Tiese 1w-o' aspirants for office antd faune, si-e w-oIt know-n in Pickering, but leasI't toy-ýlsould tnt bc suiflleientiy kuontt home, sud in othen parts o! Ibis Riding, 1 heg to.give yeti s bind's oye vien o!ftem csat-acters. First-ouc o! theni is a recentty imorsted pi-inter, avio possesses fan moi-e impudence tItan Sraiîts, arnd s far Icas regard for trots -tissu fon fssebood. Unacqusintedavilis tise avants e! tise country, lie irupertinently dictates te thsepeopleofo thLs County, w-ot Vhey sitait dccl as Vhier partiamentary ro- presqentative, sud meaniy aîtacks tise cita- i-acter o! men avio are vastly hiea superior. in every respect. Tisis w-ettliy binsily ci- cuiatsud tise subjoineet ibet, Sy bauding ron ieprinited isand-hill, o vsctVt tutten-ing is a copy. Whom, Mi-. Editer, do you suppose, Ibis N-urttuy is? Wisy, Sur, ituone oVitlan te veritable J.' J. BIrownu, o! tit& Times. Titis non- fledged Orangeman sshlbc aveu remnemboncd 0by lte people o! Whfitby, for i- l-tuiiy circula- tin,' w-hast ho kun- ewecfuiLse, or atIctast, avîat hua did uotknoav te Se truc. 0, w-bat a reliablo juurnaiist 1 In lu bisisiunary zeal for tIl Ccan-lIi-il" ci-ew, hQw-as ab/y sssistod by Ibat 1beaving beauîy," cognoineuxed, John Rater Gi-cenaooti. O w-bat a precious pair 1 Do Lbiey noV avell deserve Lise "dough rmodal ? WisaLa pret- men as liseuse ai-e secured Le ad-sauce Lise interest o! an aspiring candidate i IIad tllCsatr1w-o vunis re-mained at botue, ttey avoiaîd have eai-ued credfit, bol as iL la, -lhey bave umade Ibomslvos Vise Iaughing stock o!fLise Riding,--Mr. J; H. G, bu isethéeleqsueuace o!his nwatt agailstL. Mn, La1ng, carnied ttassr'peors aroondaud banded liseusaMet in-andnce. îleUbh- A-4u-ýý --%U- -41M.Mc ýl4 IT The Cropâ, 1858. LE-fT£TEI OrFnWILLIAM tSUT T'TO, 9ESQ., stra TAS? BVIRAU OF' AGilieLTUliL~ Sî,-mA. nuinmnof cia-culai-s tîving bftn j ssued by1VisaDepartinent fer tise purpoe o! gleaning inuformation abouVtishe pi-ebi yicld o!ftise ci-eps o! lS5S sud te di, eases affochiug tisent, t is desirabitle'tt Vis- season of Vise 'year te lot Vise fai-neurs knov> tise nesolo! sernto! theso ouqumîies, 1i n - der- te guide Il ion utise sown-bg o!fPt-I aviteat, sud cuable tisemtOLujudg-e o! the pi-oprioty o! teavlng part o!fte landi fit Spri-ug aIiemaL. Tisirty-tive i-clu-ns fi-aa taa-ntysix counties have bicen received and~ analyzed. lu cigitteen e! those countia. Lise aviesat midge and a-uaL bave Seen very prenaIent, sud tise ci-up seriousia injuuied, -snîieiy, in Waterloo, Oxford. Grey, -Nor- folk, Dut-sat, Senth is mcoe York, Kent Weillaud, Victeria, Perths,' Essex, Weut- avortis, Elgin sud Ontar-io, in Cauals West, aud Verciseres, Brome sud Derchaester in Canada Est. Lunti-ce te musI sud uutct den-, itheultishe midge, w-ou-e vei-y de- structie-.;-namely, Waterloo, Peel asBd Pontiac. Tise w-bout ci-eps lu Sterniont, Carleton, Cretvilte; Lanark andI Russell, in Canada 1eestandsud nting;don---in Can- aa Ei at, ancsi a Le Sefi-efrona tdissus, ci any kinat dxcept a aligisIrust bu Rus- Tise average pruduce ui tisa n-hui tw-enty-six couitie-- s ix 21ibsheîa per ase' o! n-inter wiueat sud 14t Susseis o! spisg avbeat-sbon'itig s deflusiene>' o! about 4o 'per cent. in -inter avisat, sud 10 per cent. lu n-inter avieat, sud 10 per- cent in spring'- avieaL. A futet W-orth nOli n"'-ls- thtthlit spring avieat cahot Fîife on Glasgo w w at, is entirely escaped lins-ry from rutL,;and alsô that al. spu-ing n-ieat son-n after te 261h e! Mfay, bas escapea iiua'y frui thit inkige (or avieaî fly,) Seing totata foýrtdm fly, aviicis depesîLs its ova trouatise 20th June ta mitdie o! July'. iTts4aLtiths laW* snnis hot foravard- cuoiugl\4, receive Ibe depsit. A species of wavieu!,- ct-led lte Mediterraneats avieat, l ise sosai to te -e - Iros lte ravages o!fte midgce, Sut dosa nuL appear tlu hiigbiy app-oveid in oISon respects.-Tise spting avitat calted club- whieat is univcrsslty.condemned, as Seing subilect tl ust. Xce e ore ls inte itont- o! C'ausa4 itas sa e b csiujou-y beudoue Sy rust a titis year. . _%uy -o! tiieie rep orts sho* tisaI il arises genersly, if noet ain-sys, fi-ouAa avant o! pruper drainage, and of carly sou- ing<scl u-y kiatiLsif whmtest enanel-shp.I nudges, Weil -atcr-auron-ei, -n-laids area greal aid'lu te n-syo[!drainge. Lt may -be, taILise influence or hot, atp, clobei mutggy Wealher sfcer a drougitt, are la* tuide» ounivett.utrainud, toepypioult" avuaicultivateti land; sand Lbese sutideu in- fluendes are w-bt ae i b>'tise gi-est- ly t-u.îrssed Sap bui-stiug lte stran- aad fiowiug donnaads, istîead o! nbsing tu nouruiah lte Par. Thsis lus more prob&aul> Vise cause o!fsisIttan fiangi,' on anaects, ta w-hidi mnay attibat&ttis tnosL destuw: j Livo discase; the stran- Ã"! riastedl n-Ito avilI, on exausbnation, be fitundtlo Se crack et- longitudinaly. Wiit regard ta tb Mude'a ait t-utnn, 't n on,,6Iland 4

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