Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1858, p. 3

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The La*x'iÇ kd The. odeA dltini týho baythe Murylebone Cricket C01, e5Its ud ýtY -fist anny ý n . Wý4ne011W n the lion. lt G riimstQne, and M'aythêi onble çricketens wewpre mieut.. i pat -of the countrrbeingrepruaont4 y theo Ilon. S. Isytteltn, te Hon. J. teonno g (ho Ilon, E. O. Leigh, and MI% saasîfl sterling uaayrs. Tbity-thiee nov mneniî-, bers vero electeti, cvory nunuoq en thelist1 being freintihe uppeïr socialreg'ion. The. ../ institioiil 1-i n, a ltite cOf unidlnishod 4 1 ustre, lndeod it dLW acuirea nov atongth1 as ît progresses (hrough thé val. cf ye&r Twc meetings wve. old on Wedn"sdyt j one inh Tenn"ois Oourft -f«, the desp&toh - of bus iness, anud i subàequent ao eIni theo Pavlihc fr e hodégatch cf cuijnîjry oblations. At t6i.foruse, Mr. < lmatone1 brouglit (onvard bis moton qu ltona- tien inVaolaw »tebowlin& «hÃŽchusas P carrlc,,d tnntYD. stsvte is re- elly annemt cf tire criekàtlng paýriUmtent,1 titati0ci0cwhich sU playorsa uat observe, itq mîay b.ho ll te stu(o exýaetjY what moiens. 13y the oh'j lav, nuanbrd 0, iL vas pro- vided Il"thaa the bal Must ho bovled, netq -throvn or joeked, and-tho hand must neti bu abovQ the ashouider in delivery, andi whenever tW. hoYqýcrallait se closoiy in- fiige onl(bis rule 1in either cof (ho above Xamn(ctlars as tW maie. it diflciait for the unipiro iL tise boalee's vieket te jutige1 urbethen (ho bal l axb hn dali'venetiwitliin1 the-ruaiIntent and ineaning cf (hie rule, thtiampie ihall -ciii 'No bail"' This law is nover been strietIy enfcroud. In 1,S51 the. Marylebone Club pissed a rose- lution (o thn-seff=et "(hati Mr. Dan gIve strict injutuetjons We tise umpires ut Lord'a to sc tint Xiv 10 bô earriod eut to its ful- lest isxtent, sud Lthat tiioso who diarogar It hoim.mitiediately "no-bahlod." Ai'r, lhrk, irbo la tho -ppruietor et tordis, dld giroflhe îiijuaictionis, b ut tiae crrying out jirovuti tebW mtything but mn easy imatter. iUipliresthad great difflculty in sayiusg miietiion (lie nd vas ihove or below' ho -shoulde> rit thé- precise (une of the delivr-r Ing a all, cuti they graduait> came te gire up th1e attenîpt iin despuir, casting every mîan te adopi irbat nuetrhot ho chose. Tho crnsequenre, as describot b y Mr. Griin- Morte, bas beon, (bat boilrIos hasve seugiat (o liumpt rathor (ian howl thir opponontâ nuit, anti bitters 'have hiel more duffilculty In prctecting (bensolves (han (hein wickets froin the bail. Sir Jolin Bayley; a steteran irhayer, unie bas belongedt t the Metropoli- tan Cricket (luab upirards cf 40 -r", -gave a astili fmore forcible descriptioni cf the estit. liasaidl (uaL, unlesuseme mtera. tieuu n'as introduceti, gentlemean fond cf urieket, nl akilful i10Ildristiîg" flue hall, xuoulti thrniselves ho dren eut cf fleit.- Sir Jaîlun adtied e dash cf caricature b>- gravel !,stating,(bat lue hati a neupiteir in tiie b&int regiiiient, .aylîo lied fought in the luatiaut mer, andt lied foroseti one or tire ï,tormaiîsg pentu' et the taking cf Delhi- 'titis eflilcer wia a ver>- gocti criciecier, andi e capital bouvier, but, in speaking te is utick' tîpous tt su1ject, lic statedt (at lhe lied ratiter bu engageti in a stonmingoptera- tien, thbn staird up agËaitist (lac prescit 'I Rystenii of bowlinug. This anecdote ivas ne- ceiveul, as it deserveti, witii "rres-of latigter," If iL %vasnoct an invention cf Sir" Jolunt's it proves (bat our iuilitary lieirpeslu olul the (errorg cf a storing on- ga ýemelu rctty consideraliy ciueep. At nsratel suueli rus'are netluenemiter moýre s rioufsî dantger ut (ho mieket an>- longîýr, or it is now tChe law ta(lu irte bal ilarst bihon-led. If Ilirown or ierked, or c.r if tuheiriwer, Ini (le actutal deliver>- cf l1ia bail, or in tise actiuon iuuaiieditely piro. ur-iîgdelivtiry, sbal raise lis hanti or urnt lvt- bis slioulder, the unpre shahi caliii i>iîah."fare sîil no%%,Le litho. d:îîîger ii ilkgai cper:at ions c.,c:îping (he tîlpoiated pienalty, aluace erer>- one cati (cil %ltiolai- he hie lit ini Cr uîa ite ets ahoe tule lpt aatihouglt it la cci eàuty te <1<er- ine a lac-thie it it, ahve or heleni- at thle illoil< cfnt or elie". T'he enly cpporititu cDf aaler;tiotýi rs the Bon. F. Cavetndisha, wlao aren-d ( tri ink thse chiangue s-uldti i ove incoancici enient - t n i i.îina.uiiîhaed too ,long eîulsit teadt 0tcfis ba.iug t Varieal. %We iisý,t hope for, the lîost, but dibre la mucclireason (o upprî-iuciid (hat (ho haoanorabe gct-iemuen*s caîutions iili prune las haive heur wortiiy et atteiition-Loitdon Charoilee li ilcd it het Ring. l'Thte folbowing, frein the London Bet or of .iigas th, la an osidosce (bat tlit li>- of Lie EtTglish courts is oppcsedt letton cf the Bnglish lasurIn relatiei prize-fighitiîig, and thatt(he crîîtivatic tIse raniaterial (c cotaage, for army> pîoses, is set abostu an>- cffenîce whicha pugiligm is ciapable cf glving (o ther nofinoti portion cf society -" A1 il"i t.-Jamcs .Moris, (he 'Brighton1 su'li killeti Redmond in1 a figlît nean Gr Fenti a fois weeks ugo, lies been ,tniu Maitisteuto ASsszes, anth le trial sias il cstitsg1-as showing miel liethelawi s nes itsg (hile clasa cf, homicide. Tise Hou flenni, istiecotîtitctedt ho proseci saidthtth(le prisenen mas ltangoti, the crime cf mansîeaughter, andth ie cff resueut cf a prizefight vhich (ookp on tie 20mb of Maty lest, in (lie mar isean Grevesenel. T1he prisontan vas air bon cf the Prix. Ring, as it was caloti, lie belieu'ed Chat bu mas Letton knov the.1 Brighton Pet' (han by hie ownuni 06 flic day in question, te pnisenet (ho deceaseti met et thse spot ho hamer tiosiet, andthel figlat (hure teck plie tWeen (hem, anti in consequence cf thi junles the duceasoti receiveti in Liat fi bce diod nîery shontly aftorrvrds. IL net,1 ofccoinsý,iînputod (o, (ho defeti (bat lýi ntendedt L kill bis antagoniat,* lihe was pnobabhy ver>- sorry for vhal necureti; but, unitemuci as t ho deaLh rosuiteti front viat, ho île oye of thse1 wua undoubtediy an illegal prcceeding, prisoner mras reapensible for (ho ci, squences ef tht ici aithougla tie ligist wiat is calleti a fair-Stand.up.fight.A theb.fiîct8 hati been stateti in evidenco, tej ury lmd broughttin a verdict cf g i tîte'leanneti judge, Baron Bnmnîveli, dressed the pisoner, aid said. Liat ho cdean>- guîlty in lav cf tise cfenc cf c: elauightor, md te jury -huti only. puni oi (bain dut>- i fading bita guilty of1 ofi'ence. At the sane timeo'thare coulk no doubt. (bat ho neyer untonticti ,p.kilI dIecees4, anti ho va'of opinion - hg - as onlY necessar> tas pumýsh hum an sanie %ay as héoeuhtW o punishes being ocrneua ti îhe, fIghtwh'ieia thse origimnal îhogai ict. Ho bat mine been neiaonuiti prison, andi h. si ordor him teb ho urather inpni, kapite obard iubor for the additionil pi tuf tvc môiut*us The case appeas te eg that It ig but a tnlflutg offence, iu law kill an adverary in a fair stand-tpftg l -es--- FG' & olslmnm-A neir tede basl upa Up at Nor*lph-tah.-production or'ý, Ilour," for use at sea, &c. The pate ntc a Mr.ThurcF o, thia t e .t--a ...A 44.ý Tuu x 0#t G.-X GQ.lgvb'bs8reaa. e th,Àmiidescience on this. 8uh.ý .ion tw eeuag days qeiwb ,@CnduoW Woo aatredn geulen e= à i*tepted Woen- ter te ca. _ýThe mdooThre e toiný andto1dJilnm t*iat bywlt troo ge1dj i o enter tii. lades'ca be~~tituèytrting.The brakiear éey.dfthe r& woe=id.n toutii tendd oto ï iitt s* md h noerobthe. toTy dld flot l iktloa of L."et te troe.r dw îftgrin g iwmhul enr th thems d:-"ebrCog on e ta lt'sg Thec dat fôi"ird car. White folka gîii so sassy, now i days, dat gomenncr have no respect shown 'em." They took the for. ward car, niuch to the. regret of the. bralce- min, whose huge fists just then began tW itch for a feW' fincy stroke.- Cincîn.s«Ui lion, Robert C. Winthrop once spoko of the Atlantic Telegrapli as the grand ocoan harp. Wideswîrth thus writes : "Oh grandest miracle nt Tinie What mighty joy will spring, Whien nmen of diverse ongue and cine Shall listcn to the,heavenlly-chîtni Vint soniîdq the strain of peace sublime Upon a single string." Old Ronger, on ruading the above, a8ked the Professor if lie knew the key.note Up. on which that string was Luned. île ai- lowed that he did not. " Why, it is very plain," said the joliy old feilow, Ilthat iL must be on the lower C." As hisjoke is about flfteen hundred feot deep, ail are not çxpectedti t fathoin it, - " -0 "MR. SPL'RaOOS AT BELFAST-PrOM comn. municatiions whichi have been miade to us,it would appear thâat somfe of he proprietors of the Iloî.aîic Gardens are extremely ad. verse to (tie appearance of Mr. Spurgeon in that place of piubli,' resort, and hat the arrangements for bis preaching there have beeQl iade vrithotu the concurrence ofîat lerast a portion or thc sharebolders. We ourselves are decideilly of opinion that the Botanic Gardens, bcing pr1vate property, andi constrticteti for special plirposcs, ought flot to bc devoted to the accommodation of any open-air preacher, of ny sect or party ni ingst ccrtainlv coi 'vithout the full concuirrence of il the shareholders.- .Northern IVhig. A Doroît FATALLr (>î':ItATîînlPON.- A strange iatiair bas occurreti at Constanti- nopble. A resilent physician, 1). Zîilioni, an Austrain, %vas calîrd in te, prescribe for the favorite wifc a grent Tîîrkisli persen- age, andi questioning lier in the harem, he fouiti that sho oras sufrering froro an in flainatiori of the bowels. lie siigtiy touèh- cd -with bis finger tbe part, affecteti, on whlich, a eunucb, 'rho iras in attendance. misnterprcting the act, rosheti on hlmn, knocked hlm doirn, and beat hini until lie iras liaif dead. The %voman's hutsbmnd hearing the noiFe hurried in. aiÀ being tolti what bad taken place, stabbed the physîcian in tbe tbigh w vitb a dagger. 'The biow owas se violent tliat the acapon broko. The iroundeti pbvsician, batheti in blooti, iras removed le the 'tîree, andi left lu get honte as lie coulti. Dr. Zalloni, at feir dtys aftcr dicti of the injuries bebhat recccîved. M AR1111ED. On Satul-day, the 4th cf Seî.tember, by the Rer. %'r. Durant, cf Stouffvilie, Mît. Tii(îus IV iLsoi, cf iteacb Township, (o Aliss CTiiîEDEOEEî, of Whitchurch. On Thnirsday. Lhe 2nd cf September, by the 1cr. J. Boyd, Mr. Joi.N AMos.c, the Prprietor of the N:il Faclory, Mîrkham, the frownslbip of Markbam. WIIItB1Y MARKETS CINCîiaE îarOrîcZ, Wediiesdlay Sept. 15, 1858, Thue supply cf wabat ccning into market is very large, avcraging over 10,000 bushels per day. The best samples brin& 6s.-ùs 3d @ 5s Oti, are the prevaiiing figuiresl. l'ALL iVitEAT, la 0d1<Q Ca 6d par buahel. .Scîtîso W'sîATÀ 4s 6d @ .5s id per buishel. FLUVS 212s Cd @ 15s &i per barrel. BmÂtLur 2s 2& bd per bîtehel. Gara laisOd C 1a 8d1 per buahel. Butas $5 @ $8 per cwt. I'oTATo.ts 2â 6d Q, Smlaper bushiel. BeTrnaCl Q 7Sd per lb. EcoS 5bd per doz. Weci. led @ la 13,1d par lb. SPECIAL NÃ"TICES. Once Kaowa Nover Forgouten. If or roatieram oult bave a Positive inxnry for t4e Tcilette, utça Biotgetî's * 'ram-î Bax Bua. For Cleansing tise Teh, iShaving, Chaaspoeing, Bahiing, -Beî.ntifyiug tlue Complexion, rellsovitigTan, 1>1 rpeï, Freekies Sua Mtarks, enti ail Idingreiable epmancea fron thae Skin it bas noecq,,iaa Sit i>au Drusras. S. S. BLO(DGE1 1' & Ce., Probaiees7gtideurgh, N. Y. Tti ruais GREAT Ilcma Lexeay. Fer scie inii Wbv b> G. A. Bauinaien, Dun- tias Street; W. Il. boel, Brook Steet. Hair Dyo-Uair Dye-Uaîr Dyo, W.A. IlisraicanlIsaDî-7so.9a anced i et a(he soid -Ail cîhers araeimore imi- tations, snd siteulti buevoitit, if yce uwial (o esScpu t1iM f%. Gra-y,JîeO or Jluetgh'air Dret instaaatil (ca beauuti anti Naturel Browti'or Back, ithout te leasIin> hy o (ie flair or Skis. VtMMlalat ad Dift e ae heave *rti- cd ho Wm. A.- Batcelon aines 1889, and crn $0,000 applications have houn nmado tute h fir cf bis patrons cf bis famoos Dye. iWatt A. Bslohelo's-Ilair Dye produios à cieor net (oo ctiitingealeel frein nature, and "ruaenueu ot (o iijureilathea lieowaver lo n mm beutinuei, and teliliieffecta of Dyas reineiei the EBain iavigcnaited'fior thh .i Fauo>- 8-Broadw ' , Nwoir k. 8oa ai. iio ntowns oft é u t te aniCndby Dnualwbtsantui Fay G<od <Tho Ganucnhi&sthe naine anti atditias pon steel plate or ~~ofur aidas cf m* fl,,t WffLI 4 . B42VHA70R, U Xcaisy <W York. ~, he;' are eeagant,4lgîteasy anujiramble Fltungtoa ~belli mn %aauamnouu iisier. i$hft îi4p A teg pqlysdensood andi madeo. us B~rçdwq Wý For alai,-. ABaalorsî 1101 , eWhltby; ni20îia ru V.qtabl OC polimOtteBc" ~cul, V'egtable Cwnpoind Vitres Palpitats, DR. TUMBL1ETY'S Vetable Coupound Cures Chil Forer, DR. TUMBLETY'S Veable Comnpound- Cures Choiera Morbes. Foridenttil 0500 M Ring iStreel . MW4 Toronto. Prie. 50 eents aîad,$l par boulie. Toronto, MAY 19, 1858. 18 TÈzi Gaer eMRxny..8.J1e -ar.gWe8.eer 4"Pilla. Preote" bj~ Uof sir J. a= , M *,Pkgea.&Sa- TlU lnvalt&atjqd le&np. la unhtillugi li e -coure cfrail(hase padifuian d dançouasea to wiieh theo fumeleooansttttignnt snjet. It .mcderaùtes li excgs anmd raînovea ait obstrtio- tiong ad a tpoedy cure nmay be repifed on.- ý toMarred Ladies it;isneegaryatiod will, in a short tinie, brlig bu- the nnýiîtiiy parlwithire«niarîtv. itébattle, price bile Dollar, beara the. Gor- ernnnent Staufp 1% Urei Britain, to privent ecuinterfeltg, b l al eue.% cf Nerrôns mad Sepmal Affections, Pain in the Blaok and liîii, lFati a' li1~t exertation, Palpftatitinof thî,}Ia sl a, and W1hiies, these Pille will affect a cuqa ahen mUl otbar mearni hava falled, and aithougit a 1oeru remnedy, do flot auntain iron, calomel, anuoy, or any thing hortibi to the constitu- Fou dirtctions amoonpany eateh package. Sole Agent for the Unitedi States and Canada. JOB. MO.SE.s, (Late 1. C. Baldwin & Coe.) Iteehenter, N. Y. N. B.-$l,0anti 6 postage 8ampâ enelosed te ary authorlt Agent, will ensure a boitle cif the, îils by ralurn mail. For msie by ail Druggîsts. -- Important t. Femmies. Dit Cnsaae&sPr.i.,-Preparad by Corail- lins L. ('beceann, M. D., New York clty. The combintisn cf ingredienta in the"oPille are lbe rosuit cf a long andi extensive pa'aetie. Thay are niiid in iheir ojberaýion, andi certuln in crecting ail irrepularities, Iaiiuful Menistrua- tions, removing ail obstructionsa, wbciher frein colti or otitariRse, headaehe, pain in the side, palpitation cf the hoart, whntes, ail nefrous aIffctionsà, iîy..tericà, fatigue, pain in the back and Iiiinbs, &c., dis4turbed sleep, whiaah arisec frcnîiîîterru,îi il cf nature. Il arrîed Ladis,--Dr. Ciaeexeinan's Pills are inraluable as they wmll bring on the inonthly Scriod 7ita regularîty. Ladies who have boei is ppoiîitod in the ose of otiier Pisecau place the timol confidence lu De. Cheeseman'til>illta doing ail tbev repre,"ent te do. Warrantecf purcir regetable, and froecfNom any injtirions. Èxplicit directions which abhouti lc reati, aceciupan)y caci box, h-ie si1 Set bvmrail on euclosing 81 te R. B.ll i- coiès, B<'a, 4;531, 1omt offiec, New York Ciy or the aitlîorized Avrent. SoU by enas 1)r«,qi4 oin erery Tout'Oine Uniie-4 syta c ad <isd li. B. lit-rcFii\ns, (Cena rtýi c -îfor the Uiii- ted Siates aînd Canadus, 165 Cliiinbcra-St., New York, te wlîeîn ail Wholcsale orders slaotld bic atidresseti. L.-7 For Sale 1'y G. A. Banister. andi W. Il. Duel, WhitbIv - Li jean Bros,ý & Co, Toronto. Daliey's Xagical Palin Batrietor. In ail dis.ees la mto more or tuss pre- deîinsîcs-ilow te allisy iuflamatioi i trîes at te rotIc ie-e-cc an iiiiuiediala cure. DalJ.ete*Ifa.ir4l Pitin Jlractor, aiid îothing eisa, wil alla< iiillainatiou nt once, ant i nîekaa certain cure. I)alk,*s A1.<ical Pus nEdrcctor mili cure the fluigainonir the cataloiguc cf diseasýe-: iurns, seall, etite, <lifes, -ore nippies, e,,rn.., huions, br[uises. stralis, bites, patison, ecliii- bleutis, hilesi.mecrofutla, ffleer.i. fevcr <ores, felcui,, ear aiche, îi..,sort e v<e. cilwellings, rlieu- inatixrni, s.taid f eud, s4atit rîcuni, baliuîrs, ery- stîe, rîîaxzworui, barbers itch, simU lp..X, Ine,!'as rash, &o., &c l' ouni le à av aipear ilîcrednl, us thai au inay di*eascs oshou1d bc rearned bliv carticle; mucît an idea w ill vaîish whcn retllfcrinîpcints te the fiet'lit tiltr salve Lm. a cenbinaticti of in- gretiients. carli and e very Mle applyllg a par- icet antidote to lis apposito disordor. IJ&o sMcaîl Pa i rractor in lis effecte i. iuagical, balentilt; tfinie isîse short blicri disea.ses and îpermanent cure; anti h ie an ex - traeîtor, as it draws ail diswa,&e eut cf te teted part, lixu nature as perfect as bütfore tilse in- jury. Itîsiw sareely iiîccc.arv (e sa>- Ihat nu lnonse, ivork-siiop, or mantifiîtory sfîould ba one moment withoit it. Ne Pein Extractor la geîiuiîîe ubcas (ho box h un it a ilet plate .gavnwith h j For sale bya*iebraiggLsts patett IletitIl: deamier througlîuut the tnited Siatc4 anti Canada. Principal Danpo, 165 Chaners stroea; Netsi- York. C. F Cnâcz. r4» For Sale by G0. À. Usistor, anti W. Il. Doal, Whitby; lynatroe. & Co,' Toronto. 20 y O.918 OUT i For Sale L George Yue's Bock Store. -To LuT. - rwo larretn a, - tdcpWlfo f ices, &buoe iubscrib.rs HRaidamar. e, in Caidweil sane* Baildings, Break u e*4 nth euit. llust, UIOâaate Appi> on tihe pu'aes te . DONI»ALD âONq& Whithy, Dtxo. 2nt, 85. 46 WKEÂT! WU, Ji Greuuwood Ag. 8, 18M. 3 A Rarse baftee for atý0Ib4 uuju oi WII118Nocvoffes thst fin Ciasa Jea Hanse GLOBE HOT£][-,tu ,-1rooklin, for saeext reaeosti.e terut!î -Itamiitu p s""ion ill ho given. -' , - -- J. WILKINSON. Brooklil, Auig. 24, 1858. 32 ATTRACTIVE SALE * 0F AND fMIL:-:PRWILUGE. «TOffena for sale thie foliewitsg vaeaiu %atâte,met xntah pnicstisai *viii provatui te purlitilir5 - ..,i- -1' 100 Auras, E'af LoLX'1411%l tCones~siona Titis.Thréé lot»i' inthe Cohniy CliGrey; wsre p.roîiiuy !im >eldandSti eeic cutit cf Iii. Atrku ltmraleoli, snd oemeois Ito Market. e <2=9MâNos l~, ith (Ccmf. IaX ><fzunï y 2 00 AcrsNo. 1,-13 o. Smrvillç. - -S (icoti sud HwoJ isomeaf th'but oil i ou TowaI , ;a'>< ' Wlaltby nop"d vaauli ýY#Oîyq, ~iqa Itof BRtD BOA the above oorr cf&aqiiiIr 4ll fyspior h metoonosaïe, at 1ev pitesfor euxaior lu Cash prald ( 3lh and othors for Taflcw and Lard. JAMES WAýLL.&CE, Wbitby, Jnly Y, 1858. 2 1WOOL 1IVOOL 1 i1HE utndarsignetl mlipar Cash for aaay .1. qantity cof 4OLdolivered cither lu WhtY, or ai lteSt ocf W. A. ldeCullough, GIreenwooti. WH Whiîby .Itne le, 1858. C4SU POP. WJIAT, T IIE undersigiauti laprepareti te pUr*neany quntityof FdlierspiingWheatd1twuu eiher ut bis, arelîcume, nexi door te Mr. Bite- low's store, Wiltby, or et thea biBis cf John Warren, Es"q., Osliawa. THOMAS MOODY. Whithy, 201h Anguet, 185M. - EDUCATION. P.S., POLE*.S Scliioifor rotung Ladies uwil D. V., re-oeon On Monday, Auîgnst 30,, ih8 Termi,tper lilftof eierosu mecks. Etiglish............... ..***1...... t4 o Two meniera or thane fily ....Ia0 French .................... ....... 4 00 Mesic ......................,... s- - <8 l)naming ini leutcilitnol Watcr ( lcrs. 4 O0 Engili, Freatoli sd Miasie .......... 12(0 A l)raiilg CiQSao' i e e k. Whitby, Angusi 518, 1$8.5 31-in TU AGRICIYLTVRToS T IIE Stibscribern bave joat recoiveti dirètct froua fthe ,nanflictiirers s aufne assortiateait cf (lie undermnetioned articles ut plîuniate suit the limnes: SCYTES, SNAITHS, CRADLESt RAKES, FORS, STONES, &o. .S.DON.I.DsoN & Cc. Broek Street, WIVitby. TO DIE LET, COTfTAý.1, IN BYTRON ST.- 1IAMiLT*N & ROBERTS. Wlaîîla%, 2S:iîA1 ti, 1bS7S. 1 :VINEGAR I VINEGAR 1IlI t~It uuideeugiedtiaes cru-e c hfoni thIe ho te non-tattifactîaring \ legar 0ofasUtpaa.ar quiut-s mhticla lie i-x prepatroa te suppi>- W boic- mîie t-a ýÀereIuiuits iad uthers,;at grei> lredocuti pnies. Thi-l'e.e liberaly aleait avit. AI'- NATIA'N MILLER, Cd ci z 2i w 'CO -u '<~ SCOTT's SALOONI. lues fltted up a naît SODA 11K4TEB l'O(,UYVIrff, lia syrnpsof aIl kli n dta< eau csuppiy a dcli- ciemis .1rl bvorage-oiie cf thé greatuat desid- erotiuie's tebchoprotaiet (lis suiltry Pacaon. LAGE R BIERs Fruits, cf ilikinda procitreable, in iseson.- Lunoheonsaut aU boeurs. Dinners anti Suppana provided masondoeî. PaivA&S-r i Sn o Rootîs. Lobsters Sartinses, Plekiti Salmon, &c. (7i- gar oth ýet nw;.WILLIAM SCOTT. 251 Proprietor. T4IE LUC]KNOW JIOUSE 1 *su t basntrbeotidbeg te apie it j ri an ie ad t e p u b lie r i"n u ra iy , t ea , -1Lliliiasopouti lus CtOTHING STORE, in flue stand latels occupieti b>-M'in. A. Kellyt (lis astoe xi aidtna-ho)'n licre lia lu ilIlibc touitd lu takùe edrs f-ýr Clo i ii, anddfit 11)ii eostc- mers n t(li ltrts-sl t oti.ýe, AIl orders ioiîetialiy attentai te, anti nîcits- appoininents. tr-ioocilfita marraiited. týi'be Monthlh Fealiioiias neguiiinly receit-ei M. ODIIISUOL Gsi awj4Ai, ml 58 HEALTH AND BICRES38 CIIOOSE BTVEXTIIEMI1 IIOLLOWAY'S PIILLS TEîîîuî«tis~liiithesaterial cf ex ory Vlien putre it seeturea heaithtu oersvry ergali ;-,.îietirru pt, il, teceSsaril>- proaliacua dis4euse. IIOLLO',VYS PILLS oi:xrato di- nectîs upen thes eleiients cftti, sireatitcflifa, iietraizmag the prinel le of diacaso aitnd thua5 nialicuîll>- .-riig tlite nizailyi, wietiter'iceuted i0 thie i the.te suiiaeb, the lia-en, the bonelu4 the Utiatacles, the skin, thebe tie, or any other parn ut the eo steti Uued Throîighout the Worid 1 IIOLLOW-Ar$ PillaS arc eqiielîr efflicus lu cotuplaiita .emsiiite t i uhe o f in-titrace and in disorders peusuliar te certain clim1aiteaaJ localiutaa. Alarnming Disordena, Dyspepsia, andi déranîgement ecf (li irr,te sorce fcininitîi>-anti suficring, andthetaceauseo ef iîtunumunahle deatits, yield te ihese cunatives, lu ail oadeau, homvever iaggraviuiod, acting as e naiil purgalivo, alto ltuv andtiotnie; thicu re- liure tite bowels, puo ifv the hîisit, ant i iivigor- ate the sveteinatnd t e critutout the saitue tinie. , (-enn'l Weakuiess..Nertoua Coaplaiets Wiian al stimanaits fail, t-be notoatitig tuti braeing proiiertio-as cffliese P illà riefirînîtiesh tu tlhe slkiig iicrvoaa axtial etafeebl'cd ititsele--s of u t iuln if getena uttibilits. Delicate Femaies., Ail raaataite ndl ailutexts iieida-nt i,>ftie deiiea'ie aid Sensitive orgams cf'thie sex, buin u xlier childrn*s' a<liu tcuîd futu thiave t e t îî it i a i e n r e e ia . - Tht Londion I"Lenoct." te ûLondon 'tMleida Revitwa,'* andti (ie itiosi enxinieîît aft fata-aiîv iti Great Bliutin eFrnce, axuti erutiny-, lasse eiilixgizcd lte 1'disandletatuI ivcixîun. iloiioway'a PillsamarcthaéLest remnet>iu th,) menti ion the ldoiving dia'zscss: Astiîra [plaints Ileadaces, plaintp, liomel tat11u- Indigestion, 1iles) ICeugbuu Colaisu Ilnfluecnza, Stone nuit aChest ÏDiscaiso, Infianaîna- l' [Gravai, Cottiveaiea, [lt Secondarv - Dyspeplsie, lImwarti Lak - -SrnptomB, Dianlsnaa,.)ropsv iea V eoiAf- Decliit>, Faver Lon'cesu cfr [fo.ctions. auttiAgile, lie-i [Su)initi, IVonuns Of AR maie Compiaiiiis!Llven Coca- [liis tt3ld aI athei baufactorieg cf Profso IILett.WAy, 80 luideîx Liue. New' York, and, £44 Stranti, London,ý by alilr nealc aDraga anti Dealars in Mediceine thnouugboutu tltytl'ite Statua andtiemiteevalire.oti o Id, ln pota t2 cents, 42X cent,aad$ el. 2 W~ Thera la a eon.idenab e saviagb> lakling tlie tare1r stucs. - i N. B.-Dro ofr Lthe guuidaoe Ptients in aven> isiordan are smixetitualc"ehbox. le- CAUTION h-Nuaêas'ogeneane mniess tha urnde ".Ulou.aw,NEW Ymtst&,»setx, are discernisil & l n r.a envery loaf cf thic bock of ireetions arcnuiti osoipot or bol; tha ami men a>-baialy seun by e sg5liu te an onf "ingasfluh 1nfona*n un Ma La e th det ctin f my Party-or par lias coca - linkthe mednes or vemdij»g te saine, ka#vlusg tW oboi#putions. Jue.$rd,J 1 80 J ôEi;jEF Q.êE1J1sulbAAMie BfU ialth, omîesà a od O e 0 * n i a PJiRIRY'S TUE PLCET II IXLLETT LOV I B VO H I P!Z OW .$4O0ADiPA OO T 20 f l E G T O N N O N C I T O T H E R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L o s ' f o r B u s i n e s s P u l p o s a n u d ally, thnt (boy are cleanluig ouL thçir Stock (o make recta for FOR $IlT"ksI1Ng Tono htby o i f 5ALSOta< TUS AntiSli orden te doseo miii SELI GOOfDS F11011TIIIS DAY TO TUIE FIRST 0F OUTOBER NFJXT, AT alian tluay lasse Cier hefore beoiiofrrlen t he (uCpuilty cf Ontarnio, TIIE BALANCE TIIEIIt W114L 13E SOLU unITc"AT CO ST FOR Brook StreetWfa, Sept. 1, i~3 C A S Il!U' LOWES & POWELL. 85 I3LG TO ANNOUJNCE -THE ARRIVAL 0F TIlit ÀS TRJa Fr B OX.VE TS <(1V» II 7Wt RTBBONS, PARASOLS, SILKC CAIPES, A BEAUTIFIJL ASSORTMENXT or BRES S GOOBSGEOV.MS *'AND £fOSIEt A FF.W CAIsES 0P GEIKTS SlLKe AND FELT HATs,*ý UN.. 1 & 2~ Tiil's liock, Brook Street., W luth>, 4pril 14, 1S8f NEW I*ARBWàaftàE STOe 3 IE 8ub3caihors iac(ltiinste (o thein cotners andt he public gee.nrally ibu$ thae,:bave raumeti busiiema je. CALOWELL'S NtW BLOCK, BROOK STRE'T,ý Sou(ii cf L. Hf. Scitofild eît n, 1milli a new -aad eupieadi4 yfS o lt .1'and Il:eftVyHardwvare' uriie l ye duterùitlin c suI1 et prices (o suit t1tites.Th wvoivi t il alur mat lion theisrt,,k cf Iud~ ~bbe Betin> rossOýýut, Circnilar -aàid ,(MRISaws, Ber,~ ~ ~~~~t letatiBu o,&.Palesl, 'lassPutI-&oCarpentrsl-,Toioms and MBao£- Tlabeaarce cf týeirBUtliNT$TOCIX (loy arc seling Atau y prlco.DKmDO Wldsh.is Jan, M ISatM,.- .. LL5T cé BRGCIÇ EsRaEa. LJ QTS No. 14 andi38. East, cf Brook Street and South cf *'clarti's Ilotl, a valuabis prcperty extauadlng froîn Bncek to Penny, Lots No. 177 anti 180. Eat aida cof Bruek Siret, Northi cf lollard's Ilotel. . Partiesdosif- m&porryontiprinciya strectin (he Tcv 1Lots 20.3 anti 204, e corner block on Mapieaud Perry Streetsi. Lo)ts 71,72, 73, 74, 15, Y7 anti19, 1td El 1 t lots are ini one Block, Iannded by Pont! md ýàChaent andi Aah Streets: Lot 87, West f Penn>' Street,ttid directly Pi poite tise Sluam Fleur bliii. Lots 64, gr)Sf1 67, 82e,83, 84, and 8h,ERut of Par>-Slreel,'auaid adjcinng 1he Stuani Mill pro] perty oa lte NorIli. -Lots No. CG, East cf Ferry strett i i o ta mcli faneei ud otliersri.e iinprovet n'ET 0e? BaOci ST]titat' Lofa l0i, 105 lis acniaii19,bountietiby (luil' tra, WaInuat anti Kcnî Stracts. These lota are daligiutfuliy sitoateti, anti luving a i'tree( cit tlîrcsidesi arc ell aisaptedti o buildling purà pOses. Lots124 and 126, uernut. cf lIent anti jobît Street$. -otîNo 135 Eat of Kent Streeltiuta fon' rods iortl of Dundas Streot.?anbu The foregoing ubeicc Lots; meeascecteti front a largoeonmber, miîh the rien' cf holding tIli as aiu investnient, but are nom cifereti for S aie w fineliy muid up a large transtien. RENT S9TREET Liot 214,... . ride............. $7 215 .... . ..........2i6 "221?........... ...... ..........00 Lot20,. ...... ;.Pnit..........if Lot 23o . rde...........1>ie$6 " 606 . î. . . .0 309.......i...0 "84."..... 841,.........................20 845, ........ ' _ .. . . 6 Lot .36o,.... Pe............80 . . ..6. . .. . . .. .. .200 8167,...... .......... 250 3 79 ......t ....... 'Lots '.149, 350, 1151, 852 8M.andi 3 54,conleaa - nerly ocao Acie aad aaIsaif, 5wîll o soid o.hxap tatoua blck. . TERMS: -. One-fifth payable nexat December, and the balance exieu ernis tarïorcfmfrm fat o loni yem. Pensonts wm ite iireet bauildings the present- year, the firat paymenîrilI n e orna ne t(li ~i~,18-59.- '06r plaus andi particnians mpply - T. HAM,O ERRY, Whitby, l.tSreh tth, 1858, PropeitYca Brook Street-ForSle or to Lae. T0 N 1;>T NO ,at Ridef Rrocg- treet, t>- Office, 4.é foe front andti03S feuét d3e o t Lot No 8 , fonrmAenly epe b>- UAIL i veme IStbles; itrock.stre. aine sua as neNo. '1.F<if Bueiqislttutnds ltaseLoti ra e qnal tan> ini Townu, sud >miile bsolti on tasasi reasongiblo ternis t1crmties taise miiirect goed Stoe.uo Brick Boil dutaga>ou thiayn. 1L 14ý, ot 1yte-r, lu Panoala of 20 fout frcntagt aiad upwarda. 'Appi> (o, J. H AM iPERRI 'TO SET -T6R&...TO . -L-OR a teînaof Sieî or Niue y-Tian, Seooh -V- Lots of LnImdof - ONE IIINDRED ACRES EAOHI, ia the Township of MARA, Couuty of Ontario, The tond us cf the fiit qusii(y hithaaaTwùs, $111p moBoy viii bc aivueteeti for tbqs renon -fal'm-bntlduans, andi if a'equired, t.he Ikeffl< cýibâvtlerilitoptnilasaI utteteninaio Of the lesm. W'tithy, 9(1 mari,18. JAMES H.ia (UECRAWFORD kG~~~. flEGSXO A!NUNE TUE AM'IVAL OF RBiS PRI-ý.jN Pilftax Srie Drluea'euý iDrOes, .DoiibIa ok.j T UEV S(cm V -r-, a- Sa . 1 1 & -P 1 --1-21 La ocay

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