Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1858, p. 2

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* - ~'~flY FaQ rei B's eun e ,da.tlirne' in A êe Jê ne Me t.. - Ocli 1 Bndget, înavoiuectl, joost open the 'wlnder And giî-o me a glitupse atcv oni boautlfttl sce, MY &nolent dddeen la ail burut to a cinder, And bugs-tare quite thil lu this ini-therimi' - place Sui-e, Bildy, my girl, Wt'sno joke for a gaulios To Walk aIl the day, 'nuith tuie botherlît hod, And thon, iii the mîght, seryLiade a YoUng Vauti- C Duie e, nhe p to his kuces in te nuddy ouid sod. Im udyiu' wid rulpture,îny jewelofl etqie, -Xnd uivor a lovyci- more willitgly iiowlod; But d outv let îacont wrikle up yenr uweet titureai, Beesune yotir puer Paddy hi-s got sac, a eowld The lightiiiu' la i-vert', te toonder Ls fla'li', The mou ta nu bigger thaît nottilu' ut al ; And satihau outrugioumi sud divîltih spiaii' 1 niver did huai', mince te daya I"wal al. Thin openthLie wiuder, tîîy qncen uf affection, Or, whta a s good-plsze open tae door; Nor dhraui that yo'ie sure of escuptug deLec- - tion- 1 kitow. y'r awako, by te iengtb av yo'rý atimiore. Terrifie Adven gare lalut; ' MaMmoth Cave* .Tit ouisvWIl ouirnal ut Sept- 11, givot te foilç>u4iug account out ererific adycu- turw b ie ro is uuderstood Lu bc a son -"?Mi. Prentiss, te editor : At the suppused end of n-bat lias ah-rays heon conaiderod te uongest avenue ufthLi Mamniotit Cave, nino miles fi-uni is eou tranco, thero la a pit, dark mund deep anc terrible, known as Lise. Maelstrom. Tout t o thousands bave gazed into IL n-as ae, whilst beugaîiglits n-cie titiou-ndon-n it to make iLs tearful deptit visible, but never bad te dariug Lu explore it. Te celc- brated guide Steplien, n-ho n-as deenied ini- sensible te ter, wua ofcered six liuîdred dollars by te propricturs ufthLie cave if it would descend Lu te hottomnofut i, but he sliramîktram Lime pei-i. A tew vyears'ago, a Tennessece professai-, a iearued sud huis um, rosolved Lo do n-bat uo one hefore hlm had dared to do, and înaking bis ai- -tangements nith gi-et care sud preraution, ho isad huiscît iowered donn y a sti-ong rope a bundt-ed feet, but, at titat point uit courage teiied hi, and±e called aloud to be di-waaout No hturan pow-er coulcd have ever induced biîn Lo repent te ap- palliug oxperinient. A couple ofn-eks ago, hon-ei, ael tleman a? Louisville, n-ho nover Lmembl( at moi-tai peril, heiitg at tite Menimo- Cave uitit Protessur Wright ut oui- ciL>'am ethors, deterniined %rnu mater n-bat Lb, dama go sund difficulties muiglit bc, to e: pboreLite deptis ofte Maelstrom. M- Procter te ento-prifsing proprietor o? tLb eave, gent to Nasiville sud pi-ecared a lori rope o? groat strengtis expressi>' foi- th pos'pose. The rupe sud souno other nette sar>' timbers n-ere bor'ne b>' the guide and othors Lo te point ut pi-oposed eli ploriton. Te airaugmenta bcimîg soui coinpIeted, te i-upc, n-.tba fiagmep~t t ro* k ffltced Lu it, n-as lot donu an-uit te snd fro Lu disiodge auy lbase raclksta n-ould ho ikol>' Lu taîl atthete unch. Soi oral n-r. thus dislodged, sud te long contiimed reverberatiomîs, risiog up 11k- ditent Lbuiudei- frotu belon-, pi-oclaimo( the depti ofthLie hon-id citsi. ThucîthLt young bei-o of the occasion, nitit several tu pisieagusflr aSeu5 , ss $iàfltn@ fi-oaa above, and Nitit a lighL lu bus lhan, and thsc ropo ftstonod arotînd bis body, took bis place over te an-fi pi, sud di rected te hasîf dozen men, n-ho held tbt ind oftei-upc, to e tLitnidonninta Lii Cimuicrisu glooni. - We have board front lis onn ips on ac. cournt o? bis descent. Occasionalb>' masses ef ertit sud rock wnet n-Iizzing hast, but .none strucla hlm. Tht t>' or ?orty feet fiai thse top, ho san- a ledge, trom wn-icit, as ho Judged by appearancos, Ln-o osrti-et "avenues led off in difeérent direction.- About s humîdred teet fromite top a catar' &et fi-oitise sido ofte pit wnet iushing çlown te shyss, snd, off ho descended hy tise aideô? Lise faling wn-aLo-sd'lu te mldst ote spray lie toit soie appreben- iema titat lis ligitt nonhd ho extinguisised, tut -bis-cafe prereuted titis. Ho es and. ed ethLie bottorn o? the pit, a bnndi-od sud uluet>' feet fronthLie 'top. Be tounti iL ai. Mo$at pertectly circuler, about eigitteon foot in diameter, witis a small oponiug eaie point, leading to a fine chamber o? uo gi-est extent. île tound on te fooar beautiui specimens of.black silex o? im-. mense size, vastI>' langer ten n-ci-cever disccvei-ed lunsu>' other part ofte main- Matit Cave, sud aiso a mutitude ut ex- quitite lai-mations as pure sud n-hiLe as non-. Makung huîseit hoard, nith great effort , >'iis frienda,-ho et lengtit askod ttrn tot pull hlm parti>' up, imtendiug Lo stop utisen-a>' and explore s cave that hoe lie ohserved opeuiumg about tort>' foot xy»VO te hOttoun ofte ,pit Reaching te raoutbe'f that Cave, lie Swung hiniseif witis mucit. exer tion into it, and, holding Lise cutd ofte rope in -bhis' baud, ho incautions. 1>' let IL go, sud iL sw.Uug ont apparonti>' beyoud iis rescis. Tise -situation n-as s fearfiel eue, sud bis fri-icds above eould do' nothing foi-hlm. - Socs, hôn-ever, ho ,madg& e bock cf tise end of bisla lnp, sud, hy ex' tending hisaf as :fsr ever te verge as possible withG*nt falling, ise suceodet! 1w gecumrng te rope. Fastenlng iLtoea rock, bc folowed Lb. avenue 150 or 200 yards te a point n-ors ise ?ud iLblocked 'b>'an impassabl6 avalancëhe cf-rock and esi-Li.- -Returning t te mouti ofttijs avnue- h beheld an aîmost sxa.ctiy similar moutis -et another on the opposIte ioLihe pit', but, iiô4 being able te swing hiumif imte 14- b. refasteamd the roes aiound ihg;lied.X, as- p.seudh in"geM pla over te abysti, andi ahote4 to bis fiMenda te tisetop. Tuh-e lqà ai ýa edemgly savemsoe,' al4î b&44&ie UL "' tc UP114 u tl01uts CU panions, overcomo by t'atigue, eank dow upon tho grounid, sud lus frieud, Profes Wiiglît,frcmever-exomion and excitemer fainteal and ri-oeud for a ime insensibl The youug sdventurei- left bis naine carvi in te deplits utfte Maelstrom-Lte iai o? te fi-at sud only persou that ever gazq upon iLs mystieries. The Victorien cf Perisoverance. A LF.550N FOR THtE STRUttGLIL( BRAV& The gi-caL successes of te world are Si dom te results of chance, and stili me i-ereiy te exploits of an hour. Wttu lay a bi-uad foundation when we ,wou oreet a lofty superstructure ; we mnust ha patience wben w o 8w tee din declaîi against the tardy proceases cf Il turc. The mtan of genius tory frequeni. fails to procure dui'g itis lifotime the di acknoWmledgmexf c f his position ; but whî goulus iuiitcd witb perseverenco and i doînftable will, ail obstacles disappeai-,as -ùe recognition et these quatities la, hc carneat sud universel. *Tho most striking exauqplo, pei-l. titat lîistory affords of ithat te sin-, hauded persolve-anceof one great intelle is capable-of accomplishing we fiud in Pi fessor fIolloway. Ilaving ascei-tained t iutriusic unity ut aIl diseases, and disco cred in te vegetable kitugdom n-bat'N may cal tuhe eternai and iuteî'nal principl of hocitli-tme remedies n-hidi, made up te shapeofutPuIs sud Ointmneut, ha, provcd thectselves oqaivalent to tl torouglisamîd immediato cure of Ail extE ual and internai ai mets-he ncxt r solved Lo make lus marvellous discui-cri availîbl o te cert- eeuber ofthLie humi faliiily; and, despite the gigamtic soci. peeuuiai-y and geographical diffiluies i vulved iu the task, we have beforo us t] mnost abundaut proofs of bis complete su cess. licen-as an-are that itis remedies, Lu i adopted sud estccned beyand al othert needed unly Lu o ekuown. Once uscd I -an>' trite or nation, liowecver barbarot Itonever ignoranLý te physicai evidence( theli- intalliblo curative poweri wouîd insur s eur univer-sal adoption. So satisfled )this n-as lie, tiiet, n-ith enormous lahor ai j et an outlay for wîticislbe could expect n -adequate reutunueration for ycai-s, hoa once appliid biimeilu toe establisitter ut regular medical organs lu al Lte cour tics sud isiandas of te globe, and inW lenguages uoîv nsed b>' mou for te cor 1veu'ance-uf tvir îîîutuei ideas. What pei-scs'&eîce ivas bore disjuiayet Hon- bopeicss Lu an>' less determincd mut n-ould sucit a task haeo seetued! But, deep ceuse o? tIse responsibilities n-hici ts Leci t te posussion ut superior know ledge, and self-reliant assurance that'-hi reinedies n-ouid be te instrumients et r, scuing ufuioîs train disease, supporte( lii tikroujgli the on, years of itis ye idoubtful stru.-gle, sud non- crann i nitit glory iiithLiteuoni- u lusard foughi and nuhly wnu ccees. He is te admit - ed conquerer ut discase; sud n-bile othei physiciens vaiuly boaL ofltaving "au cx tensive practice" it somo pai-tcialai-sectiot ut some particuulci- city, ho niay wnith ti-ufl aver that hue lias empires for bis patients, and that -bis 1'cunsuliîg roont" bis co. extensive n-ti thLIe inhabited cartit! n-eter ? And yot te constant attrition of te geutie stream ftîrron-s citaniteis in Lbe hiardee,àt rock, and lon-crs spring tip beside ÃŽL, and titere la beaut>' n-iere there n-a but desýolation." And n-bat, n-e ina>' ask, le deviser tan ignorance ?-und wbat more volatile than speechi? And yct te constant iteratioz ut Protessur Hollowa y's praises bave at icugtit etît a channel trouglit Lio'pposing bills o? prejudice, sud Lucre la heaititan i-os>' isugiter rnon-,n-bore before n-c hec but te moans and the groans o? maIedy; sud gratetul myriads o? the hunuan fatnily conspire to blesLiat union of Geniusanad Perseverance which lbes brougbt homeo tc ever>' race and natio>n atmounte pricuess blqssings ufthLie Universal Remedies 1- ffandtester Guardian. Terrible Balbona Aulveture. (Fi-uni the Dotrott Trtbnue.) We have learned full particulars ofthLie Bailoon ascension et Adi-ian, on Thuirsda>', iLs subsequent descent, andi its second as-, cenalomi sud rumaway wn-îthLie erousut n-hile beyoud hic controL.TtiL l a brie! narrative, butatriliig interest Aman leat in Lthe sky I Titere scarcel>' cen ho a mo-e terrible tbougitt. TL makes t e flesis ci-cep and sonda a abudder trougit oser>' norve. Te first ascension Loch place about nine o'clock in Lise marning. iL n-a an Lise occasion o? a lai-g Sunday 'ýdho celebration et Adi-ian. Tise hallosia nas a ver>'-large and n-cil couatructoti one, hoe- iug about tselieigist o? a two star>' build- ing n-heu infiateci sud roat!> L euct looe fron t is fasteuings. Mesars Banniston sud Thurston took séats i te car attattis cd t ite balloon sud ascended safel>' snd aLtea;ily. lAtter remaining abo,4t40OmInutes in -tise air, saiing ten-arda Toledo. Seve tai men carne to Uicassistane eof- Uic ed- vonuu-rs, sud U'tpreýoedd te -prépare thLit ballon fer paeking Lo b. tàtaan -bsck to Adrian. - lun doing titis, Lise mouster balcon kws Lui-net!oor sdpatali>' up idë-ýdon L disentangle tise ntting and- to i-caédi tho vairs. Te> do tisis,,-r. Ira Tht*stit,, cp cf te oeIonatst, teckoff bis ceat, âùcgl p àstridsefthLie-valve-bioik.Ho thon sug-' géstédt uit te car be detcd toi~n itse balbeoon #hile bei abotuld h - 1ý t: don-S M- took place als4ut 11, and et a few minutes ly naCatl the uuiversui p ressure produced wn pat noon it was seen in the town Of Blas univerndblgi'wibItii some tempers be- ;r field, Lenawee Co., apparently fuilthtii-c, corne ilOubly *aid. neimpatient neot on- It, miles higit, and about te size of a star, in 1yost emper, but çoimwn enme Sonie 'Se appence. It wm stili going upand ont sug'gmted a try st "Insurrection " others ed At a quarter pasi i oclock it waa imtdiui- tulked of " Viglace Voinmitteea1" Somie 'ne IY visible going iiin the direction ofKalden, were for abandoning titi ship, or replacing ed ait ageertained by corapass bearingu takeft the pilots wbo knew'scowahing of naviga- by parties observing it. tion, by a, set tf Juibbens who scarceiy 1What is his exact fate baffles conjecture; knew a. shirt,fr.'in a uiarling-spike 1 but that it la horrible, almost beyond pre- This ws5Lte favorable moment for tdie codent, thore can be no doubt. Tbereë js PDMIical bottie, conjurera; nor is it to be not one chance in a million for a su"ad wondered et, that whilht battling away ;efui escae. Wbether the unfort»te niO an with , unavoidable dilHfions orne were ore ~cridu 0hgt~' eon found ivho lent too ready an esr te those i5tL numbed and senseieç-, death ensuing-or who impudently stepped forward, and uld whether1 he fpeU Off at lengtb frorý bis tre- clarnorously proclaimed that theY could Kot mendotw altitude, te have the breath sucký work a miracle,; and suddenly reinove tbe nted from him ia bis fearful d a ont,a and to difficulties 1 But, we would ask, wbat se- n-be sunk in the litho or dasbed intoa shape- curity do they offer, that they cen carry tyless mass upon the earth, it is doubtful if out their alleviating measures ? What, leany save God will ever know. Thoeniind in fact, are those allevîating measures ? stands appalled in contemplating this- fear- Do they embrace the resumption of Banik nd ful disaster, and blindly gropos in mazos aid, on the former liberal scate ? lave Lbd of ivonder et where his place of sepulturo thoy the happy secret of softening Du-oc- )h sal ho. tors hearts, and inducing those inonied Mr.Thurston was an cxperienced bal- - UIlysesess" to enlarge their discounts te Pst loonist, baving but sevoral, and this ho- their old custoiners, ivhcthcr securities hc gle ing bis thlrty-seventb ascension. Ile was sound or doubtful ? Can thoy so înoîiry ctformerly a rosidont in the vicinityof Lina the cicatrised lowels Of the English ani Iro- and Rochester in Western New York, Scotch manufacturers,(backed evon bythe th but latterly rcsided in Adrian, where receut change in the law Of essignmont, >y- ho was extcnsivoly engged ini business as ais to induce prudent Messrs. C<otton-Twist Les a nurservien. Ho wvas awidower, liaving & Co., of Manchestor, and cuLe Messrs. esls hsWf lastgwier:utle laves a 1i Tart a & Ce, o Gitasgow, to slppy:un Ieof age te mouirt her father's unknown ter- ously constru'fled 'promises' of payment ? lie rible fate! - Cen thoy onsure us an Act of Parliament or- he olloinc wa i-ccivd lat eenig tat den slay the weevil out-right, and re yTeîuîowîn ivearecivedthe farmoer by whispering in bis Lesby oborapt ar, " No more rust ruy boy ?"1 Is iL la The belloon whicb carried off Mr. Thur.- witîîin the compas of their power to effect i, ton, the acronaut, on Thursdey last came sîîch meteorological changes, as shall, by in_ down four liours afterwards neer Baptiste any majority they may obtain, procure an 'h Creek, C. %V. Mr Tburston was seen np act " te accelerate a gonae pinesr t e - o n it a s h o r t t im e e f o r o it w a s s e c u r e d , aiou n - S u m r n a n i s h it en s a c and is probably now in the mai-shes near aureglrerStboper." anlensh thee.u hoLake St- Clairo. Search is being ni-de for 1cudo tlîis, hpe en do nies.st~hoat hladter sget xieet lruhSir"-suddenly leapitig up, exclaims se=' byout the wholo country. t;rit of the truc capsicuni species? -"Do -I you cati Reproseittation by Population of New Adverisements thLs Wecký. notlîiiug!" '-Settlement of thîe Scrtarian ire School qucstion, nothing ?" "Adjustmelit of First Fitll Goodq, 1858-Lowes & Powell. of Secit of Government, nothing?" "&A id Groceries, Wines suad Liquors-ILowes & coalition of ail talents, nothiug «?" Our i-e- nto Powevll. u'l. la prompt We fix the imai-ket value at Notice-Reccis-er General7-Offirc. Of these dazzliug comimodities, et this par. ut Card-Thornas Mem ticular moment, at ':i"aye "i"is i- Postpouiement of Sale.,of Lards-Nelson irartually the quotation %'fe would apply te ail G. îReynolds, . - oaclI. lu due ime, tbcy will ho taken up. )- A new- Noi-el -Yinh-eo Notion Store. They are importent, tlîey are essentil.- Magazîines fur Octobtr-V'anliee Notion We admit the feet. The next census in 1! Store. 1860 wili uaturally lead to tbc settlement an Postponemocnt of Sale uf I.ands--Nelson of the fii-st, ayd pave the wày for ils solu- a G. Reynolds. ion. The Sedtarian Scbool.question, is, to t- Special Notice -Thionias llollos-ey. oui mmnd, scarcely so important, just now, w- The Poker-George Yîîle. as bow te increaso -the erop of wheat; re-es- las Final Notice te Creditor-J. S. Sproivlo. tablish benk discounts, re-assuro forcigu e- The Uxbtidge Faîli Fair--Juhu i-i caîf. eredit, sud increase reasonable impor- Dd ACTIO: SAMS.taLion, so as to secure a necesaary revenue. AeTtNSI.S Seat of Go%.ernment, fails under the saine m' Credit Sale of Farta Stock, c-Wlim cetegory. It may ho important, but is noti iL Cochran. a miatter of lifo snd deatb. Members of i- Sale of Valuabie Town Lots.-W. Il. Tre- Parliament may ronujk iL, cither et Toronto r mayne, or Queber, 'vithout mueit damae, a short i. ___________________________Lime longer. Nor, cen ive make, any ex-1 n coption even te the lofty soundini phrase ~I7Jhihn ffix'ntxlc of " coaltion of aIl thse talent" We might, ~, ~-I4V, <3,perhiaps, have donc so, lied Gould of North 1- __________________________ Ontario been inciuded iii that bright Xhitby, Thursday, Septeiber 30, 1858. galaxy of coaltion terribles. As it ilaw The I3ottie Conjurer§. on no là~i, net asOur astrac f * ght to food, but how best te provide IL;i ie IVe are reminded by the re-iterated pro- and in tho terni food we ivouid compareg te fessions of the IlCoalition-National-Relief- every sort of national dish, to which wer LS Mongers," of an'anecdote eoncted wi tb have been - used in the days of our pros-t Charletan-ism, whieh positively occur-ed, perity, wlîeîuer fnirnisbod hby Lie onmmer- edI The bubble speedily burat I Hoed pprtaty. "i0ti ~iItadr, duped the fine believing public, pocketed must thse Moûo. We. Most a" uredly aw otekour journoy te te desred the proceeds, and levanted 1 Muchin lu Uibayeoneswitt-tte eaSiéer ethes by pu- saine fasition'do tic Brown-Dorion conjun- ting pes ini ur aliceâ, as sorne siily pl- tb rers propose ta amuse te Canadien pub.- giluido, or bi'celiinghtntthe aid btf"boUtle cio lie, snd te remuedy thse temporary deprMsoijaer. sion which a financWa criais, sud tvosuc. t cessively indifferent liaivests ive caused TeNwC1drse~an thi-ougisout thse Provinces. lnstead of one ~ pr CtisisewpblI quart bottle, however, titey présent sundry a 8onwaet'netion, ainngs.-an eas _capacioug'piials, duly iabclied, to'their whil, ilfl befou on gated to 3MrJ. C open-znouthed dupes; tise condition howe- _B.WC>y, of - r~iipfa anw d ud ver being,,that thcyç the aforesad cenju- ci-imier, iarwrmdsuo~ pmliie ~- ro-,shall, prior te thisu performance, b. .bv emat~~d o july 1instâIled under the tLle ami design-Qj, awadiio e arpîingth "moel'éats, tion of,"regblar profosÏsion* s;" air aid, im otte ex cnati 1 . uas 4q te 'tbich tlbe "boxes"sand "Pit'"decided. ý t sx piicUy cf cU4 no, li a ur, sud te wicb elya"certain por- s-Dd t!fte" galiery" eien, i4friendt.- w eve "iti dftn4 Na hIii'esiIatioÙ on tie partof te ,alli eve lLao4t ishetq4 cpu~ro~i profeiwonscfkhSundaiscrimintion.-tve us4 yfaMes, now extant Wa. They have long kept a wary eye on te idM.Jsp or oes ,ptn reetly dièvered 'that teé t'Wbchiotetf I~yo4ie ~W k~Li tbcime prefessrs 'whichl nt uiitei-l± et v*riane.as td Ontario lisu Assise 858. bise followung is a suuamary of Lbhecases brouglit before thte Coirt ---.coîtimued front oui- lest. - *NISI Pttira im. Rowe V8 COttag.-Attîon on u n aard. Verdict for Plainif for £530 5t6d. C. S. PatLeî'son for Plaintiff-H. Ctamron foi- Deteudant. Paxion et al osm io.-Vritfor Plaintiff for £108 14s ad. H. Camnoron foir Plaintiff -M. R. Vankouglnet for Defemi- dent. JAwke eis Maaaing. -Action for value o? a quantity of Brick. Plaintiff non-suited. W. H. Trernayno for Plaiiutitf-MN. R. Van- kougitnet fui- Defendant. PerL'im s rEcry.-AcLion for value of horse. Plaintiff nou.suited. IL Canioron foi% Plaintiff-John Bell and R J. Wilson for Detendaut. Ramer tg Pettit.-Ejectmaeut on moi-t- gage. Verdict for Plaintif. Wilson sud Bîlings toi- Plaintiff-No eppearance for Delendant. ACTION AGAIN5T MAGISTRATES cOMi-iuIFNT. ReUGLESaHAM, Plainiti F-OR ILLEGAL ROBERT JotesoN and J.Ammi BAi-mos-i-, Defendante. Titis ati 'on n-as brought hy Lise plaintiff te recover damages agaiust tise detendants, wito n-ci- MagistraLes, for iliegai ai-iest tînder a commitment, by n-hichit I nas ai- ieged, Lte Magistrates excoeded teir jîtris- diction. Fi-ui te evidence iL appea-ed that te piaintifl's fatiter, Mi-. Jacob Hem, ut Broch-, iaving purcitesed froni Messrs. McCoy & McCorquudale, utfCGcorgiana, a 'uuantity ut lumber, et their civ utili, lied sont bis son,gite-peintitf Lu ronove te bunther ; titat suhsequeutlv, au execution issued against Lte gooda ufthLie veudora, and tat amuugrst uthter property, the lmm- ber purcha.,sed b>' Mr. Hmi, wn-s szed by Lte Steritt. bThe plaintiff proceecled toir- move te lbier, sud Lthe Sheriff's haglifl n-eut beore te MagistraLes La proitibit hlm, and ean-ai-eut isisued ftoi-eicplain tiff's ar-est. The plaintif n-as lodged in broute geul under a conimitîneut made ont by te MagistraLes, "for taking-p-o- porty omtut Lte custody of te Siterit,"- no other ofeuce n-as allcgôed. -,bThe plain- tiff rmnaiued in custody tron te 8tit un- tii te l6Lh o? Juiy,wn-ieheobtaine i an-rit ut /uuaSj coipus, sud was brought befure Mi-. Justice Hegart-y, n-ho ordcred bis dis- charge fi-un custody. For Lte taise ai-iest and iniprisonnieut, te plaintif hbrought bIs action aginet Ltte MagistraLes. 3i-. M. C. Cameron, oftLhe fi-m ut Cent- eron, Macdonell & Dartueli, appemred for Lte defeudants. Hie add-teLoLte Jury wra ver>' ingenioti8-andn-cnttousit- Limat eai-ding dania-ôs in a case like tise pi-- sent, wouid doter MagistraLes front dis chargiug thei- duit$ stogetiter, wn-hucalîed upon-that Justices ofthbe Poe. n-ci-e not lan-yers, but hou9st taiers, n-b tcould nuL ha expected te dren- up legai dacu- nicuts -ith cliLte accnracy utfLthe potes- sional mani -that bis clients nuL kuon-ing the plaintif?, Lhey could nuL ho chai-ged n-lth acting fi-oui am> malicious motive or iil-fcehing lunte maîtei-end titat in Lte course tcey pursued, te>' merely sent te case Lu a higiter court for adjudication, n-bon Lise>' tit Litseives tînablto Ladoal ed te go Le prison, sud rcfi-aiued fi-un giv- ing hoil in ondor te b. able Lu briug titis action te recover beavy damages-and tat no ini-ry had becu stained hy Lte'plain- tif. Mi-. Justice liacleami in his charge te Uic Jury, pointed out tat Lime taking proper>' fi-on s Sheriff's officer, oxccpt b>' foi-ce sud violence, n-as not a criiaI offeuce, hbut thie snhjoct cf a civil action-that titis par. ticular case n-as net withi L-te cognizance îf tise Megistiates-thatLise>' lad notiting to do n-îth %taitliongi t Lappears, Lte>' acted antse opinion that Uic>' lid juis- diction ini te uietter. Rie aise cisarged thet Uic MagistraLes«ddW net'tppe.ar Le set oppressii'ely l ite maLter., A verdict n-as retoi-ned fort' he plaintiff, ritis oLu liling danwage .G.Item snd C.S Patteorscu Counsel ai- Uic plaintif. Camai-n, Macdonel & Dartneil,4 Cunsel ri- tise dendaut. LiXPO¶'ÂT TO KA42ISTRÂTES. à ,ction t'O rrorerpenteyfor aoC u'eturniug tELLY v&. cowÂN. Tise plantiff brouglat bis action against te dofendat- Mmùitrate cf Lise-County IOuLai, for recover>' of apenalty f £20, tt-,Iek Ç f «4cPe cep at Le 4 ad 5 Vie, cape 12. ~P~teu t"éatL4 ati' ae lai~ An#îst-Iagtgvear.- s -fi-e to te bai-n o? A. IV. En-ors, at Man- chester, in~ the Township of Reacli, a short ime ago. bbe ovideuce n-as aitbgetiser ci-curnstantisl. The Jury returned a ver- dict o? Net Guilty. Wilson & B'ilinge, simd -John Bell, defendant'scounsel, nYe Queen r. JmLennon.-Riotousiy demolishlng s dwelling bouse. The lu- dictusent cbarged te prisonor and others, whose names were uukuown, with having rioteusly assembled sL Beaverton, lunte Townshtip oft bitrait, on the iStit ot July, sud Lliei-opuliod down te dweiiing bouse of one Serait Meinues. The prosecutrix, Serait Mclnnes, appear- cd in Court.witis an infant in arms-and on iser cross-examinatiou, iL was elicited titat lier itusbaud ivas deadfour yeara lest 3farch, and tat te infant was horu un the Iltit ofJune lest. bTe detence n-ont Lo show that te pro- secutrix kept a bouse ut doubfl utu'pute, sud that Lhe prisouer bad onhy gone there ta itriug home bis brotluor, n-ho, iL appear- cd, n-as teo mucli in te habit ut frequont- ing te wornan's bouse. bTe Jury returu- cd a verdict ut Not Guîlty. Messrs. Wilson & Billinga, and John Bell, defended the prisoner. TU/etecn v8. JcremialîGrfl-ssauit bTe Jury retnrned s verdict o? GuiIîy lu titis case. bTe prisouer ivas scutertced Lu' Lwo mouLus imprisoumient linte commnon gai, with bard labor-the lest mouti toL ho solitary confinement. FORUlt um. -viIElsQeRS VS. iii. rUKE. Tite indictmnent citarged te prisuner witb turging an order for £2, lu the namd oftB. B. Mitchell, 4 upon Mi-. John Warren, ut Oshaw-a.'Te citai-goen-as tuiiy cstab- ed against te prisonor. bTe prisoner lied nu mienus Lu tee count- sel, and Mi-. M. C. Canierou voluntarily uudei-took bis defence. Mi-. Cameron ai- guod tat tedocument n-as nuL aunc'rder to pay, but a request, sud conseqeîtetly, that n-bore there n-as nu obligation tu psy it, te prisoner couid mot ho convicted.- lie produed soveral cases fron te buoks shewiug te distinction tLaken in sirillar cases iu decîsions ufthLie Courts. The Jury tound a verdict ut GuîlLy n-it- out quitting te box, te Judge scviug, the point urged by Mi-. Cemeron, un behaîf ut te prisouer, for te docision ofthLie Jtsdges lu berim. Semntence n-as ormaily passed un te prisoîter-condening hi Lo te Provincial Peuitenmiary for four yoars, n-ith bard icitur. Prisonor nuL Lu o i-e- moved fi-um te Coutity ga, uutil atter te decision ofthtie Judges is inade kuowu. The Queet r. G6eorge Crandel.-Larce- nïy. bTe puisoner, lunttis case, n-es chai-g- cd witit stealing a note ot baud, te pro- perty of B. G. Whittake-, sud pleaded not guilty. Freini tise videuce, iL appeered tat prisouer and Whittaker n-ere joint owners of te steamer IlWoodmai,"ý-haL Whittaker loft te boat, and thet tise prf- souci- found the note in the desk - on board te hoat-that prisoner being hiable toi- te desfth ? ie boat, possessed lhiseit of te note, beiieviug iL te ho part ufthLie as- sets ufthLie fi rm, aithougit in reality il bc- louged to Wbittaker aloîte, sud n-as bis private property. bTme Jury returnedal ver-duct of -"NuL Gnilty," witliout leaving the box. Counsci for the dctendaxst, N. G. Haem. Titis concluded te business before Lise Thte Assires lasted- fourdayq,-tise civil cases being got titrougli raLlier tediously. The Grand Jury, pi-crions to, their diachîirgop on te foui-Li day, made a pÃŽlesentment cf afto ne ins, -tating Lisat they found Lise gai dcean and In good order, and aitogether creditabie tô tise Couati- Pair, 1858. Amongst tise stock sisontit the Fair asat week deaei-vinigo? especial Mention n-ero tise Leicester shoep o? mr. Wm Je?- frO>'. Iu titis cisas 3Kr. .Jeffrey teck titre. prizes-himrported -Lecester- ram-a spendid f:ticwi oiging,.841 Ib.-.carry- ing off te iret prie. bt6e Mesa.Mmiller followed ne# th iis clamsansd abtaineol several pnizes Mr. John Spencer teckal tise pr*laesaiiiT oatit'Don-n'. In afarint ng implernents MesarsJohnson &Allin teck llrstprises for açwooden ýplen- ,an a ir o harosud John -K 1 eoe Uic secod pizeor he estwoon piýow.-, Mr. Jamuis a lyteR ebtained diplomas for -iurnip slucersansd stren- cuLter&. lIn dounastie manufacLures -terer -ie a godI main>entrîes and Butart com eito for Lhe p-eniluma. ýTfie - arts exibiitednouthingextra, if n-e except tise collectious e? Dàgaerueo- typeansd Amnbrotype portraits o? Messis Jas. lA. Olark =d A,-. ÀGreen. Titese' -N ol spiracy Luctd hre t get i-id of the pro. sent Sultan, and reoplace him by Ii bi-otheci Abduliit2. IL ià fu-ter stte thiat-the conspiracy had gohie 80 f&r thn the majority of the foroigu ambasus ao Contantinople, hadetlought proper toi..- foi-m coi-tain leading persons luntepo thuat if Abdul Aziz came to te thi-oneb7 y violent moanm ho would not lié iecpze by te Eni-opean powei's. Turkey aud Prussia are said to have le ou the brink of a complote rmîptnae. j The ýcpo itLGy. mn le f edapoitataantyofeumeu ha re,. grenades in tetoi-m af -fruit, wei-e abemg, bc iutroduced into the Neapolitan stit. with te exact conditions on -wbich te eraly migt welbe made tl4e subject Of more Iezîgtby enconumni. Thoug l lst, not loats we niuat not, omit ourselves fron honorable mention, Hi.- gius & Mayerboffer teok, as tiiey have ai. wsys doue, bath Lte prizes ewatcled. for te best specimens ut botter-pi-oas pî'inting. SWe would be guilty of s gî'cat negecet of duty, if n-e closed titis notice wÃŽthomît muak- iug reterence te NI-. Sîuier, the Sce.tary o? te Society. Tuhe greiît success ut the Agiicultural Society utfutftitis Cotinty, k mainly owing to tiat geiitleiittuýe xL-r- ions. Day anal night ho bits zealousiy ,worked lh iLs bolitait,sud certiuly bas cause te tfel proud sud gi-atiied et te ie- suit, in seeing Soutli Ontaio te foremost Agriculturiti County l inte Province, and bis Society te most floui'isiiing. Mfucit o? course,. la also due Lo te other officerIs of te Society, but n-e do not feel ourselves in a position te iudividuaiize their respec- tive moiis. The Fair dinner was iscld et Scriptu-es Hotel this year-aud was, lu every respect, worthy the occasion. Amongst te invit- cd guesta n-e observed te Mayom o? ýW- hy, J. Hem Perry, Esq.; John Bell,Es, Q. C., who ivas in attendance et the.Assi- zes, Malcolm Gillespie, Esq., Foroman et te Grand Jury ; J. H. Thumpson, Esq., the late Wardeu ofthtie Connty, sud sevéî'a Wm.- Lyon Maekenxie for May-or ef Toronte. The Lcadoi' montions te nameof tWin. Lyon Mackenzie as. uayor ouTobroute, and promuises Lu support hiîn shouid ho beconie a candidate. bTe ncxt Municipal election wili b hie first, witeu the mayor will be ebected directly by te people,iîîstead ufthLie Couneîl electitîg une of theniselves te tise Ex- A tult reporq woris tise fi beemi 'on i sisut i OfIthse be ex -Saicit tise L but ' on il sons officiai Appointmeats. SECRETALYs OFFICE, T oronto, 25th Sept., j&& lias been pleasod to make the follownga pointmnt, viz: John Grant, Esquir-e, Suirgeon, A 6,~ ste Coroner for-tise United Ceunties otf York and Poel. Alexander Rouald McDonald, Eýsquhru,- Associate Coroncu- for-te County ot rice William Fredorlele Lewis, Eàquire, XI. sociaLe Coroner t..? Lite Couuuty of Caie. ton. 1 Wijliain Kerr-, of Cobourg, ERsq., toboi a Notai-y Public lu Upper Canada. Wuilliam Baldn-in Sullivan, ufthLie dity of Tôorouto, R-squire, ?ùarister- et Lan-, Lu bc a Notai-y Public in, Upper Canada. Paul Finlay McOuaîg, etfte bon ofe. Picten, Esquire, te hoe a Notai-y Publie in Lipper Canada..- Palents of. Invention.- LotLors Patent ut h'ivoutioa for a period1 of tourteon year s, fron te dates Llie4'e0 have be2u grauted to te tollowng pi o' via;_______- An Iren-Norton Colo, à? Lhë TonnOe, Brockville, County oftLcedsDentist, toi-g nen- and useful instrument called "Ccýlei - Gravitatiîîg Pluniliasd Lcvel,"-jIatedr iStit July, 18,58.) John Addison, J te city-of HeÀmilLon, Couuty ut Weun-woý't, IMaeiuist, for "A Woo-ien Spring llattres forBes"Da Led l3tli Juiy,-1858.) Walter H ursL, ot the Ton-n o? Peterbo- roughi, Coutity of Peterborougit, Miller, "tA Bale Universal Joint,'t-Dated It Jaily, 1858.) John Hopksins Thomas,,etfLise Townsipi o? Whitby, Cotant>' o? Ontario,, Photho. grapi tist, for "A self-oilin- Boxform Carriage flubs," - (Dated l4t i Jt, 18.58.) George MoDotiala, ofthLie ciL>' of Battul. ton, Count>' of Wentn-o-L, Pattera Maker for 'An însproved Axie Box and Journal Relieving BearinIg "-(Dated 13tis Juiy. David Sith Reitis, o? tise cIL>' o? Toron- 10, Count>'cf lui-, Plumber, toi- "A Self acting Cisteru Fluat Valve,"-. (Dated 13th Jul>', 1858.)- Tho Rflevrend *Robe1rDick,oattse cil>' o? borontn,-County uf York, for às nons tom O? Book-xecePingt called "'Dick'sAtt. caunt tPatent,"- _(Datedci SGL it J>, 1858.) - The Rcverend Robert Dlck, o? thé-vity of Torontu, Couaty cf Yo rk, forla an-w Macisine fer tisePurpÃ"seof sddressing p. ç(ers'and periodl.cal- ipare1s, for thc paging oftBâoks, *and for-aIl sirnilfar eperations of a recurrent nature, by tise application of pi-inted aBtaps or labels, tohbc caUds "Diek's Dispatcis Patent,"L-(Dated 26tà Jul>', 1858.)- William Douglas Westman, o? the Towri- sitip of KinugCoctaL>' of Yorkl, Mlllwrl4& for " A Turiipor Root Gr&ter t "-Djqte 26th JuIy, 1858.) Joseph Thiriseil, e? tise Village of ingsr- soui, County- cf Oxford, Machinist fr Il" certain new ana im,,,io...IgIt r-,- tiesea the 1ý lâit alti" ted witit fi donn ter- de( &I uný est iblis titis change lunLte law-and por- haps chosiug hlmi the fi-at Mayor nder it, would hcounby a fltting tribute. rovinciali Exibition of 1858. Thei- Toronto papers speak of this as ex- ceeding cul its prodecessors. The nuinhers of cut-les lu ail the classes are immense.- lThe city is crowded with visitors. Tire Cuunty uf Ontario le iveli represented by the Dows, Millers, Tlionpsons, Jeffreys, Spencers anud Piersons.,, whose imported sud thorougli bred, borseseatte audsheep wilu ho sure Lo bear away a fai- share of the prizes. Crickt-ntaio vs% Dartîncton. Thoei-eturu match betn-een those two clubs ivas playel un the, ground et Bow- manvillo on Tucsda:y lest. The Darling- ton w60 ini one inninga with O9i-uns to' sparo. Ouly 7' members of the Ontarilo club were able Lo Lui-n out, four strangers bciug takoen in to mnake up thîe eoyen, Wu reqtîested to state that Ui-. Thôis. Beau, lias beau appointed Agent for Lte Cosmopolitan Art- Association thi; yeai', and that in about e fortu'iglit ho wîll be pa'epared Lu - uriitfull pari-Liulars, and teroceivo subscription. Fis INî,10-TRtEA,-FlTUrN- HOBBES DBUR.NE». À. Fire brokéouot un tise roi-c of Bonevu atm- lt Montreal, on Tuesday morning, in an omnibus stable. Fitteei Important te Jlunicipeîîties. Te Lime E&itor of thse wiitbyChuioniele. MIL go res,1-Peaso di-ei attention te votem-s election. franichise law, makiug iL imeaieuponCierka cf IMuniipalities- Le file lista with the. Cleri of Lte Puace on or before Lise lst cf Octabes, next, other- wlae said Muni ci paities neglectiu te er. ply witb te set xay be ddisc-n<itsed ... By 5e doing, yen *111 e ufè à ftyor on te several C!erks, agweIilas You.r obeient servant, EJ. MACDONELL, Tisefou-LthSection of tise Elective Pi-an- ýhWs Acte Provding fur lthé registration cfj vrotera enact, titat thoerk of esei Mun.- ipality of tippor C-aa'shsaUl,-after tise finai revision o? the assesslnent i-cils, forth.- ici-sons cntiled te votewithia ueitmu- Dicipalityi witi-a esciption. of* Lh' P'io- îerty of aul parties cuishe &e8 t i-cua, ritcMay beenttled Le vote in ý f i real pr>pei- t-eertify by cati the cor- j rcttess of seid lista, snd to deliver a qiq7 plicate original,. se Certified,,fto the ".Olerke of thse Pesceo f Lbe Cnty, en or lisere e lie lji-t daY of october in caci yea'. fi

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