Whitby Chronicle, 7 Oct 1858, p. 4

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IlcW Fmeshm iny Fcrmaing Without profit is a mnnyýlos- A B Y-LA W' 1oi., business. Farmting negleetful oet Iracticea knewn toencurre larger creps, is lb raisit, by sosj P of e 'th#asori f ir. à mOneOy-wasting businessn Fiirming wit 4'2hoa0b&d Pouend, aniintereat, psy., rniataken idoas cf ecnomy, Baves cents te aie .iicn twenfy yeur8, frtc m provement f fthe oad, hiceresc r rme* throW away dites-tupares a fcw days< tioned, in tice Cotnty of Ottuirito. 'wdrk andt gets but hait wlîat the soil woul HTIEREAS it isexeden te mi."o b>'w give wîtlî botter troittruent. Lot us give a WV of lbasuthce san of Thirtlt Tîmoisana fow illustrations. Potiuidt, for tlîe pure îsueof inipnovuing certain roads w;thin thc C7oanty of Onîtario, and ltI 're begin with a reinor instance, fumniers will requico tIe ti m of tîree thousanti and threo bec uony b> ncluctîîgtu sndythe hundroti poatis te ho raistdannuallir uaccrd- los tuneyby egiet.ti tf rtdy he ing to thie anc hnnîrou and sevcntly-ses'nth À1xu'T.AtIe.N OrCIIOPS TO SOi!.», section o"" the Upper Canada Muicipal Cor- It is well knewn tiiet almost every erep pAaon Acîît" of une tîîousand cgl îîîîîdred and tortv-u, s a spuuî:îl rate for thîe pavaiett and produet sucects best in sobine one> of tsueïlilota, anti the iutte-rosI Umheruot, vitbln kint etsoil ani tat tesepreerenes erytwentVy yarx fcom thto day on wtîie tts b>'let* kîýi ofsîland hatthe.ý pefornce var shail Žoune into force for thîn paymenit ant re; R&8 WidcelY as soils vary. One kinti cf sou tde,ption of thie Dehenttuces, to b;c issuietintier Il emn oilanohera wleaî an-tlîuPauttlioiitN, of tlîis bl-lasv, sudthie interest Ir, A onsiaohrawe soul, îan. reOn: andt ssenw e tewhole nteable pro- ethor suits rye, anti anotîîcr cat-tail fiags lieejty of the County of Ontario, aeerdingtel and-linîmushes. 'Lot us try, thon te plan t8i5 assegement roteras for the >ear of our Lord 187, antlounltedt t£2,463,38 316 8, anti it ailI our operatiens ao-as te give (as fer as arq4iea abnI ae o nthput judiciens rotation ivil alloiv andi our ferma on n litUle more than le isti on Uiceliundreti admit) each ci-op the soil whjch stiits it. - pouindtirpan sncb ceteable property as s Ant thte s rcui lure or caeful suit a eeial rate for the payaient cf interet on the And hot is onthor fora crefu stdy 11>-be turcs tii bu isetied uinden tluis hy-law, andi of the aiinities of sails and pnoducts ;;-sve ft'n tîîe uruation via aiîking fond te ijmuy anti ne- tein msiieli îleuutnres in tteenty yoars froint Uhc coiuur1nnn the stulject Iv the agn,*icultunal tiIuîe Ilis hyb-law sihall come imte force, as bore- ivbitiig Public. inatlen îIn:us'idud. -lFartiorw loseoniuev lîy atel fthie eid. 1<-il e>aeteti< and ti t uLuerclîv enactei hy imNn ~ CLI a iegeutcf beMuuiijed (uîiiucil of the CoIultýtir 'Ontario, tion, Acte uduîituumi .ali ant inia>'bu Iawftil lue tlîe Poitiut biw ST Ntuuin viiru-o uf the siI Mlini a ('Vo11r*1te reise hi'vn liev til)b> <-u il rodluctive of val- h% %Vîvltf'ibeau t a ate0if rue-s mot caceuti- tiaiblt' <-r»;J. Trogiou, a plail nt iiiit; lis ixru- çx>cent0ieul e annulaufront an>' persan or ç'ev><sutttiit lu<uu --l .~il ît- tianvul l-t-s:îbedv -î>rte or polie, wîuu iay ho (.,eve iliabll, oin --l en beý,tiývql q te a V>ncothesanie apon tise credit cf reaiuil'i- a itutauu or iI \bu' îw i u Iu-,>ut<ehercinaier mentioneti, a sain - Lt, ,t*tii(>ti-,v ut xoetiuiîg iun the wholo te sont cf olu i o h iuuuuIti>uîuuui:ll- fiiiig teluelw Thint ' %- iuîaationds, aînd te cauîse teosRae -pIî .ei îlts frntui il cuu)ihug 1v gnou- u'ulua ile bu :ititmuothe liabîts o't tltTreasurer of the Cliii t f()ntarin. 111 V011 Ml<>< Ii uuluuevl<i- s it i touit - ilt.1 t firtliir cîtactet anti it in cîtacteti uuuîu:t-î.. ilî ruju, forin ist:Liiu't is a by thîe tiithorily aforosai, tMat tIe Wardntinof t~î .u:lîluu u ai lvi guu id s tiu. it- s id u Coututy is b îr b<y utlio izcti anti t- ivewe lvtîhe letof Thîirty Thousand Phouîîds, l:uk ii» <<<l r-h>ly ire ir~u n louý al-l - -or p lermette, body eorporate, or tri>iiiî ue iastui ts gr <wtii uta ttiypoitic. ebali agree tu i-anc nçooutîe credit cf <<'-c, uit it isvs, i u - hau t au-n sunei t biituirssvlulbaîcl hoissueti ander reeellplaturty in vason. Ili eô te CoîuoralenSeul oftthte sait Municipal Coaneil landt, of snit:i1Lîu -uil i, (-tu , It 'Iv tleuanti ignudth te 'antien anticounty Trea- ut gou 8srar, antiruadueot inî snpb a iuanuer and foai îîlauîted igo;seikus:îII, littltlîu>nuuîtîlv nd yal e u -snb 1enotis net exceetiui andi clcamuv -îv tuoIiîîluer1le uîoreetweîîty ycar:5, astIec s aitiWetin ebaîl ticn ~ci ~î:ut ec crs, îuur kii-rilc, hieexpodicnlt, nuvidcd alwa1ys, nevorthllcas, that w"ri acespoo skiii-illd, ate ntueslétal]not bu matie payable plantell, alîd lit tîti an ud ut per. al>' eoonertlan tluis by-law provides for niA- hep»anchuat tt ejuu-iseoh ue attr. ie rinone>' for tboir reemption, andt t$ aiti hapsoneliaf ile epeue ofthelater. Dubeutures lnsy bho pays b le ini the Carrent Thte quesationl uui ueuŽî or skiuui liploughiiug Moîtoy oftthls 1Provinîce, cr in Sterling Moâfqy oh nec-ls anIsr uliktr:îiiu. Auackow.Great Britain, anti at theU imes anti P]jicesq nees frtlr iliý,itittq)l. Al akno- thorciîî exprossotiwith intereet frem thîch'ru- l-dedd.nciuii-itc cf lare pnodnctîvcies s e tive dates, payab;eo lItymsrîy et th(-~ raie et six per centi Pei annua, ant i mo .. aiil-b A tDEEP 'ANDu uit' ot. laI neDebenturo shahl e isaueti iuuilur iii A large hlll of' coîri atîîity gnowtîîof byjlaw, fur a lesse qm thtaut Twely-flve poivi:ï of lwlu inoeycf Canada. lihmat, gnuv>s, oui», or<- banhey, musnt have 411> XAnd ho it fitrtluer' eneetuti, anti it les roots &titi rovilets eqîîahly large anti thrifty; luret;y eii-tcd hy the atitlorit>' aforusai, that anti sucli vîly grow il) a dcep, uîcîîew ail atuul e pecial rate of <4--od in tIe pounti sou. Withi pbcmty cf rooin and f oodi for apou I te wbole rateable proporty ofthîe Coant>' PfOn bLrio, accurding be the amstesusent niîtirzs the riOutg« thte whCle plant aili correspond ,fer tihe y ir of ouir Lord 1857, ebiail bu juvieti Witla a sliallomy or cloddy uI the ot anti rii"I atiuouLllv othe lîo <cod of tweutly yours, fier the 1uur1îusv of paytrîg tlîe interest 4110 onlyadeqtîsto tLo a sîîîail growthî above oiurar tlîe s:idielures, aîuudcnealirig a sinik- ground -they cati neithen fintitinrcarry iturefsît,,fr 1,e uu ti iuerîi. y-Uîîîg te eît- uep tlîe.nemurhAiment requisite te a large tiverte vo-ira fruon tlheUrne tluis bv-law s'mali Pout ýniy he sailti tluat sonie soius arc coine'inî: ilfre-, as lîecinater tiieuitionred ~ruduucb It ltiV i li l eil rate ihal bu lever and abuove,&au alneady too lig it cuti niellowt; huit sucli irres tv ,falulenrtsrist rlvieti, 1e rare, IVO have hlainoeoxpericnce in 1Pieio v eu'itfr Ieînloo ofth gid MIuniehpah ti rporstion. and ir- fl cem culture, anJd doîbt thcm bciuig vcry respective ef aiiy futînre ircrease <f the rateablu aittractive te agnricululu abor. peopertN -f th>e si iîl suint>', anti irreespoctiv-e of 0 Iul iîicsiiî-t>> lu>:derivel frein rthe t&.uulîîraeî. Paner>u, again, lbec moue>' b>' - iave..tr>Unt of's- uelib iig u5rfnd, or bai>' prt t. AndtIlue il firtlier ciaeteti, anti it i-i luc- l bY s;owitîg , n a untiug acion -otîly-L ne- hy e-uat-l. iuv the autht Yiî ufiieeeaud. Ilat this uiuakabbe 8e-t oitcutu> hrodluce a fia-orable fesuhI. Sinilgrnrlîs arc enu avisentin u-lame tutial corne muto uqreu, vtnulia cifeet on feu iii uud aller thue twsenuty-soven-ith de> ut Nuoeiber, iii tins yoan ut oui Lord, 11>58. tue usual course of nature tlue sumntr 611 lAndi le in eniacteti, anîl it is lîreby enacl- drouît uaiiiîuîr thiun onuusl ; ern hotu;-the autiri:'nty freatlt tlhe Saii sun drouh iustinjre hei Serousy ;ccr o- uirt y unîTfoa-san tti i'uuuuls le laiud ont onu tle le plariteti alieui tro.q sinoisi iktly 10 fenilt ro<s îî ulis, andin ithîe oll.iwing 1111( -ents, t Îi>thisrilli ;" wîîct ik getton n ltIo s. i lu iierndf<îutn uiut>c cesofu Vulutb>', uiar Phierrilt<e nill-ponti, te lite tOI vitlisianditl iitWinier, andîtijusi in Uttu)rutige Village, six thi<usanutipoutuda, te hc tinuei id uduetistuîs fioavs :-' lut ioisaîti poundts on tinior thîe initie-tlie fariner taking a ti» uu rn heVllg tUbigt h tisk n u sureuicocoouinî:uay wou1t vouture <s >lla oi r, tirce ioisaid pouuuie Irtin tapo witentlIteluiluca prtîtitu. tilt- Vtaof etEpsoni. te e u tirol>a Tomrn- mpo wthut heIiglistPrillum si1> of 'h>iisandt he reruutiiiuîg em eftiwo CI.EAN CtUtTtUttF. i>oliuanitipontiateroin thelurcaof the Townsbip of Vi'litby, to thue sai fuurtîî euncesciuuî, lear fui an acktioasleigcdti rocessity of profitable ltenilit's umili pond. The sont of vue Lliou1nd farrmnu. l h ritîte ohsnitil ntîor-Lonitie doit tlue roami eading fromen %"Vilae et e vn.1 i iate f'mllipr bri<l<'uth rougli VictoriaCorntersanmoii Xalen- tance to a gnoavtig plant avheteir u hstitie, ta the Lhirteentli concession et' lrock, the tise~~ fllititulftnwhche weu s uani uof iseelvutvusînd Xounts ouitise Ckintre thefied t itci, 0- wethr euu su- îton, froun>tanchieternu telv obuctiyiied Poundi it anti rob ilcf a portiionofthlie as uul<--T'iteusuuui of tirec thousani puueîndâ )Ntii'sinni tsupphicul la3 the soit ? Jp Imt'>the nui..1Cuîîîuuîeuîing nt Manchester, butlveen lXi-ILots isslse anîd tliirteen, thuneNiieli ie Plence teacises ihat if ml(to-obdt'rvatium'silb Csentitrlaselteulnuiad toua crtal»point boct>vea Show Fas that sae cainocti eda a ond ta sces-at lî nhe'osauuo vugbn rock, auîuh thie suin toi uur thoisanti Poantis tise breati .hich Islougs le eur faitlitul sec ou>itle roui nolaceuLots Imelve andti Iirteen utless tîuey go te iuuu-rgy for te thu-vtglu île final and seceonti concessions oh ?Ants, ktl>enee sîrocugb t'bctlmir, faurandt saiefiftli concestsions cf Broche , it herondi".stablsh- Lsst!y, (fotoi t m'e at tleust,) fanuntens wad a4u? teru, uulowbeithe l.ot et lose money by net liuediuti theiiijiîictivni, thIiixh conîcesion to thue aide rond betwoean fi 0t-r< Lote nutob)er twclve aud thirteun, anti tlence DO'TATEPTVi MdCii," aloiig thiemii cite rami tothe Tasnline ofTho- e. ., moet han îiey ' utcarry out tino- artg he tyd Tu wnlucf To toathe rond rougl and aîbsystetuuutietully. IJti't bel us ai i iteanco lietaeit Lais nuiubur ton aîd ehevon ette a i cuhipthence along tle cai rond atienipt le grow !cat-tub hfiaga oui gooti1(al)îee toalTîbut Riveir andthle rornaining ebm- sil-.to rmise uta"Iuouîiun cropfuutSîcm cf twu thoisaniutuutis ealong tle Centre a-t> kimîOi ouilunexta-uStet i Wiii avlit t-'adlfront tlhe Talbot RIiver ta thec Village et luanur-to boullbaitsailt bnickbmts anti Onuthe Cotint>' Uno, troni Moon'u Taveru te Î-lort 8mubuui-tO Pluita-ilen save sîiul le -1uefitht ciicession cf Thorai, cight luntiret üoe*li-ott? ais gainandWoos a th l«uuuds, maud two lhunutreti îueads on lithe lftl iuecng-t t nuse euii nnulscotisut itec:sncusion liu>u of Beach-, trous tle sait Ceuni>' aime tume, c xheting buth to hbonrisht;- lune tg)lime Centre roadL 1YUt atetttî11Y aa'at<vo curI give due1On Siiieuut street, cemmoncin gaitisbe CoGnt> preperation, iaunie, trne, and culture ; hnc, Souttwardtieut>hle Town liue of Witby, I îlîuuîîcînîiîzd luoluide§, ut whicb ae uni et and th isa iunber utfu-a-s (they sem eialmosîtsv tlîoutusanu aîndtifivee lînoreti pendtu tbh tcuuimerhil) ir avîicî tutuîc-s u xîuenulîtNorthi of Prince Albert,amoithîe re- nintierabe) ii whih utîuiei mmiugfise l>tudred houide oui the saA ie m- 1îîeuuey'< tiihi hosigitl>' iess.-Gece8eoe, e, tetc, tram Prince AlbertttuteeTown ibe k'nrusîî-.e01.Whilby. ~ '~ Ont Beach rend betwoee Lots nuinhor eghtein À4 Boy'a Tiongh(s ou smre Faruacra antinincîcen comucneiog et thi-iKingetemi rond, Practices, in <he owsnslip ot Pickcning, tle îleToaÇvnlino ofUxînige, tavo lbonsauutipounîts, anti front thucoealong lIe suit Town line, te the allow- W lison I Seo .a traw-stack Standing yeer suce for Oun eaenîetin nitu-ucn altfer year,.a'iitbout ennîoîuung nny groaunuî0 ccIil of u thie Tc-wnslmip ut Uxbritige, anti tbiuks 1 to in seIt how btter latti t b-iery I lucuce slong thee si-JI roati alluavance te tise y ~TOm lnoueoftScott, tisree theusanti pounds. fer tise caunevo t' to l t pe anti fit bis luepo- >)n the rond ailoavanet betaveen tise tiid anti tatoe grounti, drep hîls potatoe, a oti ver fontîlcoineessions of the Tons,îhip t-f PSuiot. eight or ton incies waiýh thut sanie ctraw. Wisen I mcc a thautedrcppiug bis potoîs- ibliroava tour, Çmc etelway, cnd drop. ping tbrc or four in a hiihý,tiinks I te my- &cgt how mucl- btter iflia man aveuli dcri lis potateesi droppurtg tisen front lvie te elgîteecu luches apart oeesa>' andi four tise etier,-alavays cutting tisent, anti puttirïg exil>' rom one te tour eye ini a hihi W.hen 1 sece anman cutting dowrn tise ouf> ysa lu ie is asure hid, tiinks I te màyseif,. 'how -nuirisbtter avouldt tis man bye. tht treo stnnduig for his cattie e shete ia ri bot sommer day. When 1 ae« a wood pile Iying on tise afue of fle rond, thinkaî1 te inyseît, boe roucis botteri h hat ment taken bis avooti pile te ho back yard.- LéirAD -sAXDn THE Cnu.ss-In former lituas 1h Wkn thse fashion for tise woncn te bcut altn'ost as oftee, and ' as keinl', am menu; sud it is a'curions circuntstauce tht tise first work on hautlug tisat proceetiet rou e fl wu arsfront thse 'Pouof, a te. unalo--4ulàm Berntes, or Boitnea, aàuster -e Lord Bernem, ailtipt'ioress ofethîe un. ofy o! pewelT, about 18TQuocu 12izabeth sas extrmahirfifon f*Ith hmt fiseisandreti puants, thrce isandred poantis tram tIshe ai alos'ance hotavien tise thurd anti taurth coacess3ieus et Soit, ou the aite lino ho taveen nomnbre tive and six, lo the lune cf rond hotaveen île fifth and sixth onclessions, anti the rematning lave hantred pounde on the roand e- tablisheti b>'By-laavo e IcTownshijp Counailof Seott,, betaveon Lots ts'onty-tavo anti treits-- thrce, on ltaetisird conesion efthtie saiti Toavii- Provitietialways tht hotore thc final passage of tise By-las', it sIllcshubjeet ote capproval ofe âte saayers ottheCounîty, o e ho aibyea regularPoIl te bc helti for tlitaI u"ps e nsei Mueleipelit>'. Andt taIif lte ua3oty t fti Ratepayers awho record theu voeus fecropa'ut the B y-las', le auy MuniclpaUti hioU b nfa- voureof tlieBy-iaav, sno £i menuty shah hoe consideret lu faver cf muti By.lsw. Andt te if auntaorty cf tue RateMayr> who record their VOlE or oragainet th. By-law,, ha agalunthîe Bylw, l uy>'Mualeipulil>' adisMunicpallt shIll b6 conitareti agamns the )y-1aav. Aul that tuaeRies-e or Depnlj yBoee isal cmii a meoeting fthi.er poe of tahelgatuclu vote, ah any -tinte pros-tons te t Twonty-fourth-tiay cf November, lunlte yearof ourlord ousthumand eightluundreti andi flfty elgyias us cciRs-e or Dîptuty Boive ns>' detorutine. -NOTICE. Mun s d- unel pfllue CùiiPly of Ontano, ut wim p»eelaeoyWll~, ul apduPOO, #b OY *~ 15 The British American Fnicnly Society of Canada, E STABLISHIEl FOR TuEASSURLAN'EOF Lite ant iileatis. noo-""_rsted by Speýcial Act of ParlLanicnt, 18 Vie., ciiei. 64. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. Ibiad office at Montreal. GENKEAL Aazr.N FORt C. W., JAS. BURLaton. LocAL .Aeu, JAXUES Hot, Whithy. R.We Clark ÀM. D.9 Kedical Referec, ' 1eiisefl'ected eltisîr upen hlth or i> -- i-ti anid even>' x ormation altordeti l>---lAgent at ie office. -]Provincial Insurance Comp'n'- 0OF TORONTO, C. W. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $1,987,780. PAID UP CAPITAL, $420,256. Preaiueat-. S. Iboavard, &q. Fio-Prdssie Ilut . <I Vne. I Carnt.d0-ý capz-lti1'.W lteTchte HoJ .I.Rcnun . F. Wbitlemore, E.q., Ueo. Duuggsum, ailr&, h i.s G irCrwfrd Eq Head, ltwmi, Toronto.Street, orono.M. FIre andI Marine Insuranîe buainusa tranacteti by tîîis Comnpany at itis varions Agunce, as weil ma t the Headi tiffice, nt as low rates as lun any rcs<ectable Offilue, andi al hases proîîptly set- Brokersanaîd otluers allowcd a coînis.sion of ton per enat. on aIl ncw business brouglît te the Hlead Office where the ueieuary furrus of appli cation mey tuehati. F. KELLER 16 Agent Coua/y <Otario. . Sherillls Sale of Landis. CoUNx-v OF 0a-Ti-o, IDY VIRTUE 0F A Toe Wit: fI>Writeof Fier!i Fadas ismuod Ont of lier Mjesty'e Ç'outtoe Queeu1'a Bonei, at Toronto, anti te me tiirecteti1 onsla thc lants and tenenientu et Bnci Goodant Whlit taker, dotendaut, at thesuit ofThoinas Paxton, plainîiff. I have seizeti anti taken la execftion ail tise istate on interet et Uic saiti Buel Gooti- sit Whittakec in that certain part or place oz danti, olg oniposeti of Village Lots number sixty-one ant i cbty-tavo on thse South aide of Queen streetanti Lots numbur seventy-ene anti sevonîs--tavo on tise Nerth sitie ut Mary street, lu the Village of Port l'erry ianlthe Towusip oh Beach, ie thc Cousit>' ot Outario, AUi vIIe lande anti tenemeuiits, on thue <alt tefentant's eImte ant i ltereni t1ereiù.- I shah cIter torsale at n-iy bifice, in the Court Houseui thUicTownu eh Whtby, lu the Ceent>' et Ontario. On Saturday the Elgteentli day of Sept., next, et wlave -oo'ebock, ncon. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, grherihPs# Office, Witb i1 Jane 17, 1858. 2 The sale ef tise abovoe Lands la po - tponed until Monda>' tise igisteentis day et Octe- ber next, et 12 o'clock, noon., NELSON G. REYNOLDS, S1eerîff<C. O. Pet J. L. B. R. shenifi"'a Offiee, Whithy, Sept. 18, 1858. 86 <SHERIFFtS SALE 0F LA.NDS. Cocas--r FOzratI y VIETU 0FA To IVit: -,-t avril cf RFla ada isnl "<t etlier M jemty'R Lîunt>' Court, oh tit< (uýuinl>' of Ottarto ut Whitby, andti te m :le-'t'.aust tue mute andti tnenents et TuviasSedisabmry'ifontiaut, at the suit of Lavii Tluroop pndntflitavsesainoti anti takon n xecutfon, ail tIno altae ad inteet tise "îi Thona»BahMr>in m a thmte a alec Brick Buildinginta",, ' tbley patins iltuated on his n oruaieZfJrêulStioet kuov as EWIMiays Brick louse, vila th KI;etfan acre et Lent attacboti. Thons la agooti bain anti suitableouot-buildings on lte renmses- Aise hzall acre Lot on sme dai ! 0e aitI a splendid Gardon, Shrbbery"cuAUl ashihi ndesud lenements, or 11w adde- fondaut'u estuhe oriuettlnorel. Ishiiofer for saiee t my-.Offoe, luntino Court Boume, et the Town of Whatby, lu tue £buuly ofOnteulo on Meunde>' tue nymoenýb 4'ofSpen'e next, ua lvse , 0 cknoon.Iqo ra NELON 'G. RMYOZDS, Sheriff'e Office, Whitby, Shul;C.0 The a ie pftltea1,Voselandsa la bereby poët Mehr uart, uItavwelve oolocený NELSON G. IREYNOLDS Whitby, &ptu n, 858. 0-1 TH! NEW VOflK 1FA 1MILY rpHE. NEW YORKX d% A, lielargestquai toi, nt 1it EQLN Provincial Assurance Company. CAPITAL £125,000. TNBUN&Ee.td on B iigs and their J. cntenta. Every information supplîcd on application te the undersignod. F. KELLER, (#eseral TrcedJsng Agmitfor thet Co.ie! Qntrio- Ufiki - Victoria Buildings, Brook Street, Whithy, undor the ChIroiclte Ofie. 18 ,Brlish Ai'aerica Assurance Companyp TNCO1tPORATRDI) ndean Aet of the Tlîird ISeqAlit of the Elevenith Provincial l'anis: ment oi piper Canada. CAPITAL £100,000. Ingurance etlected oun Buildingi and thoeir C1oxtcuîîs. Every information eupplicd on ap- plication to the nnideraigned. Marine Ris" for the Scacson or for l'Yirtam. JOIIN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron Street, Whitby Protection against Lon@ and Damage by Pire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,MO. JNSURANCE uitucted on Buiildings and tiiier content%. Everv informaution siippliod on apiplication to thi nnderïigneod. - JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Iheon Si reui, Wl>itby. Times and Beacon Assurance Conp'y. INSURANC E effected on Iluililinganaîd thij contents. Every inîformnationi emîplied on application to the undoreigned JOHN AGXE W Travellingj Agent cand Snrvdyor of Pdsks, Byron Street, W llitby. LIFE AND IIEBALTII ASSURANCE. ~0DY 1 ER. I"NTY niât- evor>' ÇNOTICES. NOTICE 0F PARTNERSIIIP. T IIlE rnder,igned heroby give notice that Lthey have tlîie day entCed inte, Part. crsbip O>mmiioa d& Liîeaer erceats, General Aqeatg &e., under thec style of the Firmn of Aibro Vindin. JOHN F. A.LBLO. E. S. VIDIN Selitumber 12, 1W7. IN REFERENCE TO THE !tBOVE, Wu heg lv inforni our friends andt le public go- ne llv. tîjat WC have openeti an Office bore for thme transaction of ail business catrusteti to ns as Comnîsien, Shi pping, Forwardin.- anti Goneral Agents. A18o a Iim ber Yand or the ruceipt andi sale of Lumber for Local or other purpuses and wo trust hy prompt attention te alI iunattere plaecd ini our banda, tu it ati dobtain thoir confidence andi èapport. ALBRO & VINDIN. Port Hope, Dec.,22, 18s57.- 49 NOTICE. STo Nercliants and Fariners. .-2~1 aH Sbscribebegm to acqnaint bis friend., . adthe pu blie genelly, tbat ih astaken the Gniat MIII, kuntstlîc th 1K.EIV'T MILLS8, and formerly occupieti by Mr. F, Heaure, near Broeklial, ted frera bis long and well known exýorience in thse beitaicsi WhItby, hopet§ by striot attention sud punntuahty,to nienit a ahane ut Unbliceqtrnage. Pîrticula attention paid W- Mermhste, Fumera sd ethura wishing te gel thoir Wheat Fletrud iiodctwith libonally. A cal will obll>e - î. N. NEVILLE. Whitby, Noveuber th, 1887. 48 SN0OT 1 CEB H AVNG urchsedthe. otire stock etf11. IDanels & Co., with an addition of gâr A New Stockt, . we flatter oureelves that weu mgivo autiroatil- fmntion te ail who mnay faver ux îwlth wa el. JOSEVII HUOKINS & Ce. iroiclin, Novomber loth, 1857. 43 I&SIGNEE'IS NOTICE. ALL porions indobted toe i. stto of John CI.Magie, elther on note, tint, bond or Mort- gage, muet moiti the saine forthwith. And al Porsons bavingclalma s utln4.gala Ftato wil pl s bad ii accoantes y tho frétday of Jue 111R.4,110W, .Aeulfuor tue Asiguc, Bnookilu. Bicokiu, April, 18s8. 12 Importer& antd Genoral Dedes in Dry Goodo, Groceies, Crockey, CORNER BROOK OOLBORNE STS. Whliby Jul>' lai, 1858. 28-IL ILpersonaeisaving ca es galeat us, mont.e- LIL SCIIOFIELD 0,&0G. FURTRR l<T]ICE.. ~Noteor Book. Acouînt wMlpisse Cali mndsetie isesa-o sithtdola-y, and sas-e coats< -u Whitby July 1.1, 88. 284tf be 4l tiore? rom 500. te $I000.QO vn One copyf«on fe -ycr,, anl 1 glt..... 2 0 Five copies one year, aou 5S îfts.... 8 40 Ton couies eole Ycu, and 10 gifts .....* ..150 Twenty-one copies one year, aud 21 gil, s50()0 CanadIa Sîibserihers mue9t $end 26 contseueah in addition to theabove ratea, to pay itlimer- ican postage, wliieh must bc pro-paîd. The articles te hi distribututi amre ipF-e n -tle fol lowiiîg lit: 1 United State Trcasry Note $IO00u 2 do do do 5"000 each .5 do do do to oo eaulî 10 do do di 100 0o esuli 10 l'atent lever Iînting uascd IVatelies, ...............1lm 00 caci 20 Gald %Vttticp>...............7i ()0cal> ,54) do ..... ..1 60 >0 eccl 30 4.is gold watellîua........ ad 2>t<ir loîîîirqq.gasi dwatcee, 30 >00o <a> I ivîýr Watcllîus.... *là 0Ute ta20 00o ach ioOO Gold giiîard %est aiio fi> chi,»............ 10 (00 30 <e> caei 1000 G l pîîandl iîîîcile 5 (00 te j") )() 0 cl CvoIii ,ockets. llrieclots, Brooclios, Ear I)ropli, Breamt Pins, Cuif Pins, leeve Biiîtnîî, itliîge, Shirt Studa, W0atuLh Ktvm, (old anti Silver Thimbk.a, andl a varioty of >tlîr articles wîorthi front 50 ce. to *5 l) >» ach. On receipt of theeaiîbserîptinn moncy t eo sub scriber's naineo asilI buc nterud îîpoî otr books oposito. a nimber, and the gift coricspondittL, ivith thatiiîîîîîiber will be forîvardcd itliiîiQue week b lîiîn, bg Mail or ei>rege, )081fp>îi>. Th,.re im ncitlicr lit - l o Iotterv about the above, as every sunhauriber is «lire (if a îr izuL of valuet. Ve prefk-r to îiajkt tlîi, liberal distribution aîîîoîîg the-îî inaî.eed of giving a largu coi,inisA»ot to aguias, ivitig te t1îoe uh- ecriber th inoîî>uînt that wonhld go te the agent andti b>many cas". a lîundred fu more. Ahi commînunications solihti bu aîdresedtiet DANIEL ADEE, PCauasn us,ý 13 211 Centre Street, Ncw York. CARRIAGES, &c.- D CAMER0O. Beaverten, lOtit Jury, 18W7 26 FOR SALE CIIEAP. L OT Ne.27, intite int Concession of Wil L,(lie WILtuutîFs ÂuM) atijoîning tlle, co>< ý;1 ~1 Y- ApplY te thO n. 1U. R.C. XVîLKIN.,, CarryingPlacc, Cbis.Vitu5,Lq,1> sîe or to J. V. HAM ù ~iser, W1 i I <v. July 15, 1557. 26 FO0R SA LE, ATAVEIIN ST.%Nl, with I)riving floruse - and two largo 'Siîu>s. Tliere ile a1-4odt taebed an acre (If Lait, jlaîtitod w'ltiîelî>ice F'ruit Trees. Thueru h ..a guot Wull of Wuter, witb Pnp eo e riui se.Inp iuI ingroad to the Towii of lVliitl>yý, Lîda î 13Žaer on, wbielî pnoîerty wllbc soldl on libe- rai termes. For ternisî aîîd le.rtieuilara applv Iv theoewncr at Neil e)î1:îls Brook, (District Lino> near CnîiuuesTaveen. JOhN XMcDOUGALL, Brock,, Decomber 16, 1857. Ca 4e8fr LANDS FOR SALE In the Count - of Victoria. rI'HE UNDERSIGNEDOFFERS FOR SALE ion ativantageoum ternis tIe followiniz valu- able landa situato la the Township of El on in Couuty of Victoria. The lande offereti are of tho irât qnality andi eoiain a valnable growth of thme best plue andi Iardwood. TIcy are sitte- ated vitîtin about five miles of Beaverten on, Lake Sîmeee-a flenrisliing village havint steama andi Railway teummunicatlon, and in the course of evonta, ere long destine o, ctehoeI capital of a spendid northeoru tract of country. - Acres. Con. 1 Lot Ne. 14 ......... t& id 8....... .. * 200 di 44 19 ...........200 tg Westx 22 ...........100 " Wst X 23...........100 '" No 23 ....... .200 " " " 29.;...........200 id" 80 ...........200 o2 Weat ~ 29 ............ 100 11 '81 ...........200 "5 Eaat m).............0o "7 Eut:19 ............ 100 N Portage Rond, Nout. 10 .......... 124 44 ci 2 ? .......... 100 tg tg "44 .......... 117 di' 4.........120 2"61 Also la the Township Nara, Cotuaty of Ontario. Midway bctwecn Orillia and Beavortou. Cou. Lot Acres. 8, North% 14 ...100, pantlyemrd. 8, North ý4î5.100, pirtli cleareti. .9, N. E.4.50,leared. Botter lade itan tnlatrfer Agnlulteralpur poses are net coLtalinluthe rleh (onnty of Ontario. The. ontrai road through théa Cocut of Ontario runs dlroctly thrugh lots .éandiS. Application 80 o i ade o thé Owner Bmavilon ê~. J uly, 289;1848 28 L-:emovai! 1 GRIEAT El T HE1ba'ntyé ota Ihitît mrent asalso a paae4d tt flOtSE aud,1OT 'FOR.-SALE. FOR BALE W TEE VILLAGE 0F BROOK- ljin, a flouse sud Lot meconti te none in tie County. The abov place ha benttfluily sita- atod ,wii as the nesidencoe of the lote - Wa., I Ioga ý sen, uitlî a ioud wcll of water, gtb o,itand Wood-lîuae, &.,thereon. For fanthor pantienlars apply to JOIIN 1HCDGSON, Whiithy, Apnil 7th, 1857. 12-tf. FOR SALE IN< ¶11E TOWN 0F WIJITBY. L OTS NOS. 2, anti 22. THEY AREF, STUrý ateti on Dtindru> Street, hetweeîî Mn.S- Codhrane'. anti Lynde*:i Creukl. [-w- TEICS -LIIItL JOA Application to bu matie 10 IMRS. ANGELINÉ WRST, Lo)t 83, 811 cuinues-hobn Darliitgton. 'ChrisatianiiOftcriutg" phee opy antil torhiti. F AR31 FOR SALE.'- OR SleVie ain180 ceres et oflt No.1, in îîf lý oiLe:ieli, cfr'sliell lot> are ecarel, moud in a guioti date out liltiuaion. It la avul wated. There are Two Suuw Mille witlîiru ru mile anti a hIt of tîme îneemiuses, anti a guiic Ioul i tlîu nerrfthieluit. Tiieneamre 17 neceis of SluIultut:Ir fitise - .The Lundtihl ex- cellent anti for quîaliry tuf s-vil cuijnot lue exu:ceul,- eti witliii utue tailakr4,:tnil i..4 iîuiii 4 uvles ot Ijxbridge jilie Fuir fntlîerpartietulaes8 appî>' tv Or tu w îî.îîît;;r xs (lnii>i-e .'b-,<lVlly Beaverton, Julv2S, 1857. 28 L 1V E R P00L. Blacksmiths & Waggonmakers Shops For Sale or te Lot ut Liverpool,1 qPWENTY MILES EAST ()F T'IRONT>) <A ILDpau Stton of the Grand Trrurîk Rail way). Ec h op ,as c Cottage ant i tarter of an Acre et LartIcataclicîl. Tlisee preîmises have bu-cii lateiv erected %vithu in a short distance of the K inucton Itoai. and lIme 141'uu'a Depo<0. A jguuvhtuniîms-einilt trades eau bu donc huy eteauiy andtigouot sock- For turîlier luuuticulare alpl>1 Yt MLS. PURDY, Luverpool. Jnly 28,1857. 28 FOR SALE, A Cninifortât<le Famnilv Rusithuncut, ttualuti lu thieVae of Liverpouu, Tow-nsi<ipik erirtg, adji îiriuug thc Froienciuutu'e BaySiti.i of thueGrand iih P rumutliy, lî riles froinT»- ronto, eultaietilug of a Cottage contmtining Nimie Rooms. witli over>' corîveniene rcqruimite; a laurge hBarrn andl Stuible >îltilicd - ut uever lîiliniu< ivlI if wuî ter; lIme Grounuds are ta-tfuusllv laidmti«it, anti plantid wilh Simite Treeca; mdcii, a Largo Garder aveli stoeketisitb Fruit 1'ruesA; thueabtîle cuver, two acres of Grouti, mnd catuumîibcle srrpmmssîiul( in the Towshuip et l'iekerumg, for ite cuinveuti- encu moiti resti>'acm%%e iv bhe Ruilwey. Tenus matieeas.F ornturîbr pau-ticumhIiureaplu - îlî suhacnihenZ, Vnkville; or 10 Me. MWillin urtdy uponen ipncnilsesi. oseeseiion givea torth- GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yorkvlle, May-, 01-17 Farm for Sale. 2 OACRES 0F SI<LENDID LAND. LOT 200 10, i 10t<«Cnepesuon ofTliirali-, 1. Acres cleareti. This Farîn tes ituisteulairîmin fonr mniles cf l"uvertonu, o<iii ictravel roui te Mars; thio lad imuof the beet qualit>-, anuul u» in tIc ccuitofa&g0od suntlement., aviLisa Selivul, anul aýs,.wxmul convenueel. Aise North lialof Lot 4, i tIe 101h <'<meus- biôn, j1 Tiserais, cuisting of> 95 acres; 12 oh ,whiih'ere elearedi, ant frauithig on tle Portage Rend, near Cunronss Min. BE 'BEER!! >t Me DRUGS AND MEDICINES. JAMES H. GERRIE W ILL he happy bu e lti friendâ andi NEW DRUG STORE, Corner Diindas anti lrock Steets noue hIiie oh plac of blusiness latel y destroyed Ly fine. Wlîitby, Aîîg. 25, I18. 82 iMEDICAL HIALL, UXBRIDGE. T [TE Siîbscrihcr begs te cuill the attention of Athe Public tue lils ew andi select Stock of l>rugs C) Pu.slatent Med ici ue, ('uniha anti Bruslues, ToiIt.e Soapa blair <i>s, l'efitinurNv, l>ye Sbnife, Brîng urw lIiud, Pce, Iuîk Loueýr hilue, a guiotS-i secini ooom lapura, &(!. -t X]DICAL. -URÉWY TUE BLOOD. Mloffat'î Life Fi, sandPhoenix EIUEbrs Free froin aillinerai. Foisous T HIE GREAT POPULABITY WIICH MOY fat's ite Pilla and Phoenix IBitters have at taineti in couscqncbce ofthei extnaordinsryouru eil'cted b>- thele- use, rendors it nnecessyfor the propnueton te enter inte a particnlar aAisIyi of t hofr modchmul virtues or properties.lav ing beenimore than twanîy ycas eforetha pub lie, and having the uncu testixuony of more thun tîrco millions of pensons wbo h)ave been restoeet t the' eijoyinonit of perfect healtî by tiien, itla belioved that their repulation as the hein vogetable medicine now before, the publie, adinite ofne dispute In ainiost ovcry city anti village ini the UnitetiStates, thene are mauy who are ready te testify te their efficacy in removxng d!seaae, sud giving te Uic whole systeni rouiwed vigor sud hWatb.- Iu cases of Serofala, mers Seiurvy or Erup. tions of thue kin, ithe operaln orthf Uic ie Me- dicitie4 is truly asteînshîihg, often. rémcving lu a few tilys, eveny vestiRe of these loatileomo Cu s4easese,, by tbeir puurifyjng effeete on the blot fever anti Ague D- ppsDrops, Piles, anti inslîrt, oaf Il ieases, seon yxeltito their curative propotrties. No family sheul howitli- ont tiien, as by tbeir thmoly use mach seriuig anti expone may ho aaved. Preparei by WiLux eMoirÂ,T, MX D., Now York, ani for -Sae by A kEDICAL REVOLUTION 1 TUE WORLD UNAKIMOUS! rTt W ibOK ulgaatr.WPs-c I FOt-ALE. ofthe firat lllumsinîSttauhm FORSAE.Il. D. HETIIERINý"GTON, ONL.OTS brutWtîitluv, uear te Bay.- Uxritge, Jîly 7, Uiobu atiDrg t26 OL WA S OIT E T T AIse, Vî!luye Lotsut iim i'linsCrçekFreticb ____ --- The Great Conter ]Irritant i - iluBit>', ýy1aIndl l'for e>r. DRUGS AND IMEDICINES. O. h. DIITtLa -:0-- lIE VIRUS 0F DISEASE OMSE~ 0 . I . D UtT -Lo ,C , IE Suib cniber netutens luis sinrîe hank s ti» T tiik itsu av" te tue intentali gan s h Ijruucf- lis visutu<utmt>nlui(]u patrons; ari([inricuîiting tlunuîuurlu tluç pores etttie skbu. Tîmis peneînumi- June 16, 1857.h 22 Totiiiiranee (of the lihîcrul puiteoruage a i-i ingOiitntt, rnelîimg nden tle banda itla, I ue1,I5.2 wblîiue lias bucî en rusiieiiuigish,1,- ribeul inu, i ~etrt hlrurugl the sarne chan- - - ,>u~~~vss <ut tu»h<uie s fnirîurliIeu-tuieî,yv Mr. ielS, anti, reaehix;thetIcscal et iniflaummationu, 1010 Acres of Landt for sale. J. I. fî-re-îmid ait Ilis Sto-re i-> stip îînoîîuîuîiy anti iiariahby aubtines it,-whetîcr - plieti wilb îthe langeetand mos-t ciii ut hnatidui thie kititiys, the Lven, the langui, or TEST hait of Lot No 7, m litut 2 t'on. STOCK 0F 1PURE DRU(GS, un iy ovîber imnpurtarnt orat. It poctfètrates the Wi of Uxhridute, wiîîî a goilsîse ruilîl iin ,Ilrfticot thie itterier, though the ceuzilles giool workitîg <'rf l>-. ',i)acraet ofte lanud are Oteovery delscrîiption, >-ct oltereti for sale iii the tuibes ibat couuîuumuuicîmîe wiîî île ukin assumi -eleareti. Titere is a g,,<uit bouise andi baern:4îo Tawnt ',f' wiiitîus - muer raim pauses into thc fevereti eaeli,tiiffusiuÏ Park Lot No 78 on ltiuiubi setreet, ini the TomwnutCbcmnieit<u, 'tent Meiliciute:q, Peeturnur>'. if-*cv-ui anti regoluerating iniluo:nce. cf Vlîtbv, uttaiio fie cre, situ g tiBruebixl'ginits;, OCli, l)ye stuif-., &C., &Q. 5kin Disease anti Clandular Swelhinis luuse tOtitaiiiuIgýse Veui L eItrîiunte; stahlc,barn, Physiciens anti Famil> 1'roertis eureftîly EVry seio f exterinr inritatiomi le qnick> ourt uulices. Apilly te rqiared . et-* I'tire uitiuiiintor%, setifu> cf ti C. M. KELLER, O ate ~ <intmueuu. Angry -Eruuptionu;, sucl as SaIt 'fle Owiur £o1<Of lQ ndLat lL eieUI iOS -lhuutn, r1ipla Tetter llingworre, Scalti Uniril, P. o. ufali his, aerîiratc-li- comopouindeti aceording heati, Sothe Rus&h, Scalcues, (on Itel), &C., die Murkiuari. teflic htest inirîmurvouucmta n luiParinacy. ont, te retuiul uv more, nuier ts applicationu ImoputaI uvpvr-tuuee in ail parte of lteaverti 22or F. KELLER, Surgeons Instruments,.roesis lfalibilil>' lu diýseuses oh tie akin, l th 22Vlitb>-. G=. ANSTR uce, thajou anti the glands. 10.Are fDan frSae.iuni g g i., TtuUlcers, Sores andi Tnmor!j. 100Acesof an fr ale D nuàstret, Wiliitbs - Th c et fiis unrivàlled external rameiy ~7E T uItL« 1, ll on.Uxetige uuî Whlithv, Aliril 14, îi.mi.upirs Sýer#oftuandmitiother aiolaut ulcorsansd WESTeres, Lot 7,iust Con.iinaifuulons.ilItt firt duaclargea VY acres cienruti and iiuuicrgiu<)dcutultiviiiuiuî< tlie p'-ieîuîu-lieh produce eujuration and prend withî a Ioie, barn andutul tles. Tlucllandtieusoe VARNISHEI4. tcsh, aud tiimis thie cures avhielils hcaling pro. thîe very hast quîmlity. 'T'le wiîodîi laîndsi -pentiu-s attenms'rd couinlle ace safe asaveua 4& uixuti avithi the ver>'l if pimie uuttand i-.lwivul. LARGEst-ck ut Varislueïe, euiistirig of permtanent. Sitmmte 28 ruiiles rtn theTumnuft'titIi A N. I1<'opal, Suupieni<r Futrnituîre-, WuIilacke, uns adSS cotntry3,1 suofns-riilto tls, i guoxis ecrîlesanti Br<svî-itJapi,n, uieli, Whtite Ittuinar, o&e. la ca,4--o f tuiefrictuneflthe boni, injurie counry, nd cnvenent o miI8,ntaîufactuures Bre.untg Fluuud, Luitip Cilla immphotie, Alcu cuminseut) taiiBuxe un anti marketsat. pric lrihitl, &C. S-tî,b tai xuusue r i, .3u Iclueuuitism, stiifauss fleJltn For teris adypate u a-trf,G. A. BANNISTEII, - co:>rution tuf theue smîcwei lacmployeti andi Appy o he wier Piuia Street,- Wliithy. wanril> re<-urrmiirded b>' tlue hiculty. This 7JAME7ÈS KELLER, Apeil 13, 18:<9. 1?1Ir-1> muîruhus eîly lias benîiitrnoduicetib7itus uiiioîisilule 1.O. - -- - - uîeiîtu'n in iuesot n 1>1v îlthe Ibendiuis- ils itais oakuiu f aF ieprvt>', u>uho(lii b or to N<LiINsA r wwi < uîritie ... pîaolsnsoulblo i Y. KELL.ER, A uma-e bis fotuneuuîc îîuîîrvtiîu-.î fri nuumîiusiu itonil %vil flil te uiaide I) Ii- -:t,ýiinetriicUndeniahîbleseitimony. -- ______ - ttatuhîeîtut uhsi.lo-l'us'SU I--rtu" Thcee ln eftits-ltStiîf ofthîe Frenchi anti Engliel î~, î ii' O TP~~ u~ U.mmuu.-; lis -a ee<linbruiu lo>uii Xruicii(- in tlîonieuiha% elhheiullvstignoi iîr fAIN- EXCELLENT FARM TOLET. mu uatihie 'o, "rti l us -reluie4iit:s- Ituat lllvt pro)-apî< al «aI f IlltuwîY uiuluin,"the ocs-t vilnouou.fut i' <urs- thti> re>. tIiuý,iis nuva utre male <ntssirug t-, ubuet. sauanigi- kçes. lie riîui e auiiaîlian i ) 4 tu e> il lîiuîî alj ulQtitvuusu<1. It is i s lseti b>the 0tr 1unsv ORA LIN ITED NI'Ntl bEl (OF TEAiRq, iiuui>-u< Iiit'iu Ies utuua a<o->ti-\leIN> e 1501CREN, St.-iiIsif u . <ut paythéc rei<î1ruîtt rr>i ue;Jinm-- sn LLS cuuuaa e- hing t<o Non» o>--tlizit'fo<i' l.uuîNo 2;. nd irliie lie ic us iii eturuutiie.o insuîdî e, ccruçiiam oLwa aE C3e'-iela ndi uuittiue S u >West 10 uuee> <f 1Lut it oi, sittu thurcetiiuis in for uîr i ilitii- Buiueuu StaIls Ne 24, 41 ir-uaii.ii iut f*WIit>u- dc.&ti îîr. - Sseic ln 120 acres well i-utivatt-il-a urpîunîori > le<li otrhI- tît loeattcelCofc-~iBnl S<eLge tbe flîrin mia bu.uu liastore landîforueuu 3elles wilb 'IIuton i-)cît of oluehau-s relu îu 1 CmILuîillands, ' s< ie-i- basl. vsesiutiivet in Oetoer.] b oo w:,il llimý,rfanfo 114 AI1,1l> tii curt<'nltîig lijuui hIecuIuîs-e lie iaIi--. t'o - r"- Iistilla, Su e a d 1 , JOIIN1D0W, Ibis sife el-jeut in aiitisiîugi4 " 1, l C' - l -turcTiiriat!, IVii> ouuullueii,te lie tiiu--.' ilu:e ttit ule Iunb:'gi., Simca '<l'ail lutta, wib. - ujumsîly celebnuîtietifor thue v<ire < iu>î: si Irunî,rjtoiSpeulis-, wlîith>, Jane 191<11S57- 22 Atiir ' 'tliîs N'«u«\lutiuiîuu-II: -,' uIcle, stîJin, ______________ - - Col ds, &c. Aeldre-ui - Iieuuutisutt, Tou, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE >OCTOR IXCAS BTT, liugoru, aer, - - 2 Box, 8531, 1'. O, Nti-vorkt. at tieaulli, Vnie oros. rr SPOERYI LEtATYSITU- - « Skill îic S Noud fai i on Broek inthoct fianisieg T, fWbitbs- l,« î:Lc-oÀv, lit-tae Mleu trIte evs crife, and, lmare ridone, contuininir two flftffs et an .)Il 4 Strantis-LQUdntirb>'à-il resj.eetctshe rugeeite whichle s ereutetl' ý;tattu.,4îndtulhu e iileti ao Id, Itnpas2a8u COMFORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, cteu, 6234 Clnte, anti 1 uael . with sutitahsie ont Buildings, ail excellent MWelI ;"Le cTuele a eonsitlorab, e aavlug b'tikn ut Water, anti a Claterri, tegethier aitl a nuni- R. MORSE, the inventer cf Monse'e mintr the lanr a izee. lentf valua-hIe Fruit Trees, For further parti- DJRoot PuIst, hba s cent theuc grentier parut cf N. B.-Directiong for the grl lace oet patients cuises appi>' te his lite lu travelling, Ias-ing visitoti Euno<e, in el.ve-r> disorder are=fieiteea box. W. SHAW, ou tise premaises. Asie anti Africa, as welleas North Amneica-las- Whithy, Feb. 10< 1857. 4 mupnt three yeurs among tho latius ut car CATO - - Wetern countyi 'W Ii ve'ta Ict> craIU I -Noue arc goumne nisios Indiau Root Pilla avere fittdise6voýreti. Dr. lillna)IL a t, Nr Yik e" Loeon, T .Mrewithme firnit 10 oestablisb îlhe tc r'bs-ofeasasutr-u ueseybta Morseaastlue book cf iircetiens pyon acet or box; tînt ail diseases;arisetfronu impnrltvofthe cblotitu an îa h uat> euhveLiolZs - ~~-tlat oute streng"th, bealîl andi lite tependedti '-te 14V)I. Ahndoe Zr,~ iI's upon this vital fluii. Ate -Ie rgenad gaveib Wben tlic venons passages hecomoe leg"edte al n Y eeretuti e-sc i rnustic anti do net aet lu perfect haonnav vli the"dit ssf-t R h oee eayat tpar terent tunetious of the body, th<Çblood tcsis cunterfeitiug the tuediclunes or vulglm action, becomes tlick, corrupteti anti diseased - sane, knoss-lug Uien te be spurimm. . - thîns esusing ail partst siekuese, anti distreâs or' June Srd, 1857. even>' name;ounr strength la exhcnsted Ont- leltl ave are tiepriveti et, ant iIf nature 13 net 3UIFFAL EIA IPNAR re,4isted tiîlroviug ot the stagnat hamnors, A OM DCLDSESII the blooti will become choke ansd cesse te met, M.À ;BLSnEn FOR t TE CUa Or and tus ourligît et lite avili oraver ho bloava eut. lew important thon Uiat ave sîmoulti keep DhsPepsa, CGeMI ro2 eli, Feio nd,' aisi e. the varion passages ufthIle bedyr frc anti opent. - Scrufel, 08l 7eerg, &6tàet lmýp-.t, Ofitlou4, Anti hew picasant te ns ltaIav e hav uit in u ue SUUl Meiula, Psc-aples, .Fctt&i-u, P a7ies KIa powver tepûa cmed.icine lu yeuar reehi, nantely,', Debility, It#/rmailîm of euv«M andl OUt ages &4 Mors.Indian Relit Prnls, mainnfactared froun planits ud roots aviclh growvarenîîd tise mena- C ]MoItaCUuvuso, F Jtaineus cliffs lu Nature1s gardon, fer Uiche halI anti receverYO etdisaseti tait. Oneof tiseroots DR.-kAMOS & SON, frein whiici Iliese Pilla are m ideis a Sudoriflo, whieh opene tise ores oet ts he u, anti assista (COIL'EIM 0F mita-ti ASOQUIS I!tS., tuJL, le Nature Intbnoaing5-'ýout Uie fluer parta-ocf the ~ ~ OL IYSCASI' U corne tien aithin. Theseondilsa plant whieh ETH NY USC A N.TI la an E6xpctorant,, that epena anti unclegese > TTEWho arememre o et U oyal passage tte. Iungs> ,andti iss,_ uina uo ~~Coliege ot Surgeons, Londo n iy ho cosalita manner perfrthé adaty'y thrwn ro vn.0t eleck in thse morning until 9at agt pllegni, anti etber humeor&freinthl lnge by" îc os tead YPtm0?Dse copion ti Tet sdàaDiaretic, whigh Tise treatnuent Uiey ad o$ la the reuit ofup %lbi trength, te tihelducysav ards eor f as'etnsvanieccstlpa- HE KNCOM~N AND LINEN alnorgdte rw argcmut ight nL 0 h 1 ivteâeCmo store cf Ilimed ilk b Imurtyfrm h'bcý.w t iras'haren mon oc eas e . fi t t L7,'11 rto Str-ffleundersgnet. and,-wbich coulti uot bave beau disthurKcd in pense. Tise cr f %totuonlot JOHN SAN. au>' other way.- Tise fountis la a, Cathartue, and or hlidraucie froua business. Whithy, May' 19, 1858. 18 accomnupies tise otlierpro'ertiesofeh' ie Pllu whiee cl n Siýurufatle blood ; the coar- YOUINGBIN TAKI PAJITICULAxI nOT brpartîi esof npurmey aviiiesunaot pane b>' Tsri yoi ai oolnsldler Stoven, Tin, Coippor, and Shoot theothr Ontcts, ametustakannupand o ><-ý-T eebaeil habuituuie, eie s oinàgeSaviM iron Ware. de!t-betq 19t bth.bael. Lmn lmuoc; af bibi o xuo~s FronttWb above it insswn tht Dr. Moursoisindue nie, n>e uilbeguit. srions obstacls o IESabscriber 4a ute inf _ neh t r tise Idian liol Pilla flot oiSlatr IM 'o 1i httno tua' bIl ~res ic~to anefi« e Rizhabtaut ofW 'tylan th surbitt«D6ileuiteavili ti.bloedi for tisen ý gobu= RE-AL ESTÂTE. BEAVERTON. FOR SAILE CHEAP, A MILL PRIVILEGE AND ToWN LOT,'.S lXontgious to the Boavorton Wlîarf. A large and profitable Milling business' cani be donc hure. Favorable tcrina îîuîy ho inade with the Proprietor by a lnaetieal Miller. Mit JAMES ARINSTRONG* N. B.-Thrc i sa first-rate opening at Boa- verton fur the Eatabli8abnîesît ofa 'oun ry. -1 f

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