Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1858, p. 1

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mix Bitters q i el'itX. W iliT ydjidw le', 4 la ptliLlwtticu ENI ,77, j DA Y., 'm ôR Iitturtir have Lit TH Bir NJUGI ÀZ IrI>dýý,,LlI-l, cures l'or X, AYERiloÈrim peltiers. ÃŽiv" BP-OCK SUituET, WIIIII tlIý pub Ur Next »,Qor to 1be Registry Oulce. Il ne IM TRUMS OF SIIM(,IRIIITION TO TII E 1lkiMiy ('ýivs4kle, will lie tul, per awiliiii, ýtitittiý)II m the tlio public q evt5ry oity aLrLýk With wôýà., groat hoùghtii lu& u-trila du we. Irén _st .......... 0 r>veryg Libselque lit insertion, (lier litio) 0 ý41ý sr, T il, WHITBEY DA BÉ. Ilheral dillicaillit allowod to,ý u s d -VOL. 210 '0 'bithers tâlvoirtîbilig by the yetir. L1l(ý Lii. Me. _! i "m4_mý" M! M 1" ptiper)imairoadý- un immenrieul, m"àdb rgued, qiï' re» :11,1N Illiz lu a ALBEl RIT SPRINGe RAI-I>ROAI) ftOiJ-.419t' .ù the Coitittv, lieilles rend Il% ILI ery bu- lind if. ý li El'$OM, TOWN-: OPiNF.IZ (,W lýRoL*K AM I, »UXPýkS Sti., 811licris mail *in Whitbi, ý,ïolllltv, il I;ttttýr l'ileki, und NVIritby, ý1,,:Ltc The Sub- S1ý E mllip or, lï(lticil., c UNDEPSJGN,-ED BEG TO' fX'F0Rýj 'Igettlî4.. AI] W 114) advert iseI or tir i III, NI, ull ul* (lie- leriber be;L_-ý tri Ïfiiidttll(-t tu tlif, iiilIailIitaiiiit of Le Llivir '1ý1tïI , 1, !ipd the vieiliity -ill IiIcaso lorte nel lime lit foriivardinir A 1 %Vhit und the travelliirg eu,4uiutu)ltý-, Unit lie Inn t e ýMib1le IMndi'àtl-,-iffiat' M*1 1, 'RV lit r IllutitI L(AZ IIROCK M EET, a new branch of brieincse in the LI el Ili illit: rilig 1 1 T. eme Nu paper will bttilscotitintiutl tititil till arrelir- M ili il mille III coivrênient ruminer. ages arc pitid IL Il. A Ilote]. Din- wlaieli.oiiibraut-s the pi;&uùfW-,Uiring, Fitning ond M. D', New (,;t inilsifmil instruments. WILII,ýÙ CULLi-4 Lettvns ettelosing est-iI.if will Ille lit THOMAS DEVEiRELIAý nerý, LiméficIlIns, eù. Wil bu liftti lit a moinenfit re ring 'ET botiW All UçI c piýenilsés tiré (1iýÊoIrt" ho risk of tilt- Pablislitirm t% ÃŽieti itildre-I K I,'ý , &c. t U-, (i IZ EEN STRE warrý çlr.% kept on tilt niptiutkêttired'to order. tilt- qtreuiyie article. ÇIif)ice U are ieeoi-deoiiý%) Nidodcoui, alid all lindaý of striti,, The, iliela C. W. nchçlý- 4-li, are. çowa DOW 'the saddiýýltoeliLe N'car ' il, 8 et Tiéti àLýWiltWIl of prieiffl in the Town in partI 'Of wlilling Wý L, hitby, Mareli 1 Itit, 1867. ilieilv reqlýle.,k-il to.tliv convenient fitcility now Ili lis aiid« ii'ttk'-ed iwoôda, illillt ISA 1 Il, LATE Gt) 1- LTUA lZ IYS ('0W wWiirýtàc4r rench, of having- tifîir -Plttioý hie- And nieuilowx browri àn*d 4cre. BOOK AND JOB M 'Illers. J"1111 Ntltrt*iii, il,) 01S T E RI L-viIt ýiroj-,rIy tuued and 1,011PIL-dif, tilu li"Iiws of t<llc grove, MEN yep.,&irý(Ï nt thoir Il reî.4I. ent-ès aild, withont Tilt. u-itlier,:,l leave.4 li,- dtu,.1; S.&L001qý .'ri t11ý' 0V TIU' W111TM' AXN W. 13ANKs, CRYSTAL ortile giiie filli litiblic ië.nie- Tliv% bugtle tu %lie edd Iw, gu.'t ilit.,I-iii Ille tttrtl-UNÇIIW.ti. 1 ý1%CIif111 Whieh tlit-ý expet-t to do in ali tlieÎïïleal- And te, thp rall.its trend; 0 - - 1 c à 11 g. The robiii aud the wrCn illiye iffowil, violleril ýtyI 11) l', fi Net% iiiiiItii- HURON IIOL'Sii'9 0 35, Ivallace Butitlitigr., votige Fi-ý1,TT7 lÇ- RAINZER,- And frutti tille, rlirilb Ille jtiy; to t ,ci Il II, t,ývIIlte r0l;T WliIT4Y, 1ý- Strovit, 'formIt'). Choice ('igarm, r. c ce. Uowurd And front tir w IL t w 1 r BOOK AND JOB PRIN rING I\ :YLess.m..4 aud mià iiistrnetiotis giveli-îli Titmagh till the gluoiiiy (lay.' TIir(liitI,, '1111Y 15, a, stN je Lit tilo ONTARIO Iti, 1,;.*,,ý. V'liere are tlic. the ùir yotitig floiv- .1t. 11.111, il,, BE IC IZ NATION',%,L ITIOTEL, IMENT Ic Ille. Thot Lacly i4prarg "ItT Ilaintiflm, Paper 11anging, 4;la7Àng> &e Ii; brighter . liglit atid motter air.4, rlllilý titi 1ýcrsigne-l ltcg- liv iiifrui h iý frjrIý,I, - A beittl*u(Itim >i-,ter I1Qjrd f IIOI'Llý, 1,7 (il VT FN TlIýoNTII. GIDYON JL Ilind U rliiii Ili C(>rntfll,ý b4." in iii-j'ýirin rind- I: Ti Alzill fliey all arc in t1icîr gravesi ou lutivla li -I' ;IIlý! Valiv\ oi Ille jj,)te!ý Ille j, !'. - r.,I'rnpIîetý.L: ý Enst of Ille mar'e , liaIs L-Il fi-vill the i re lreiitle rtire of IIIwf rs, " .r. %N ýr, .'! 1. 11 11, t. - 1 "'Il VII't lie Ti ill in fliti;rI. ont V, om çilil omi 1 À q n', l': -wi liIý il, býý jIiI-tliýl, d lit titi- IL11.1 Ilit -lit ýlliti of Ille imante fitrrrct- tablilig. ('itr(J'ul;ittent.it)ii lir nifflianIl harse. flirt D.Iei's ':i. od pf aur,. la W itli tho fair aýl 1 Pil Ygl - : 1) ÃŽV .'l, il 1) 1 1 M ediciil ieie h' ir fi) ri Tio- rail) i., 1,ýi litl-' %% IlLrv tlIi«v lie, àîl rain jl'iiitlv.ýlliN II B io tliv I-ý tri Pa «111 iiý ij,' PI 11(i ng Ur Cillim lut tr'roit, ont tilt, earth t11,ýýI:L1t., flic %V IL 1 T il li alill Ille sallie vl, il IL (ii>iIit(ýli ztill tip lil A il L.; lit 1 CA N 110TEL. E 1 il E \1 1 < I., il ý\ t K 1,EEN 1 il; lý,j à 1 1 U t t t. rit 1 t%.. Iý, 1) L 'A i 1 1 lieu u 1-at - v Il\ ILI, ariJ lil -,itittýs4.Tire m ild fi,,wera"d t lie violet PATrFiz,ý()Ný. 1111(bl' van Nli\, li lIrilu-,ý ('f ali kq't tri 1licy iý,ug agu, an-l Tite A il,, t'lit. tri(.r 1-II>e ziI.(l Ille orcliim died Il If' LI, e in asfltiýfjkltorll Inanliel'. Ali %%,,rk Xý the glow stLO O N. -lit Ill'i 'Ir 13lit iiii tIný V il I lit, r'lli, TIl F, t', il i> I.aiýI t'. lei:Iil lord T iu bar iltt,, tIF TIIF DAILY STAGE. AiýII tire iLt,,r ni tire wuod, file K-t Alid tilt- yellow suii-ilçiheýr by the broul, NELSON C. l'IL par- 1-4) I-_Izr 1 m .\ N Ili tortillon Ilfl;illItý iz 1 F II'. 'E T TI 1 Il', 1 1 1 at til Till fell flic- frost frkon tire clemr, colil lieu- ilzI% stiiii,.ii, I-n the Grasid Trmik- Aist. I- 1111v. i ý1 Il tilt- 'TIUAI ven, JOIIN ME fz'. ý;,7 Morning and Evening Trains. _ý, JOHN 11A.11 1'EýRR% LVlýK 40- Till. 1. il 1 il Pi\ 1-10N ('01 1, 1 1 A l' ýl the Illague un nien. Et,. 1 S' l' 1, A 11, f * F 11 E 1; j K S T., '%(j\uitiber :ýj-il, lb.-)7. b 42 ý,.d Le ot« Iýe;r suiile wns ;Illlillgi t'Li. VTil ýI- . ýNil[Tll%. l gci;e ()N THE 1.1ý*,\Iýl'\'I; S*[.%(,I"* Iýl IAI) - - -_ 1 11ODDER. 110USE A- LOTS F011 SA Froin ilptind, glade anýl gleti. LEUK I'F' THE IL V- l' FPt And now when conies the valiii, titild day, CI li'L' >:,li-1 La>t, )1'.-; Nl,,.l atill 2ý iLuitry- Strett. fur Sulv.- As still ticli Ilars wifl tnin-, -N art- Corritur Lois. TIle Ilolim. 1-i a JOHN il, il -md thé lice 1 1 Tu c.11 the Iý,litirruti lit* TdE lit 'l N ! leigit, ulir, 4, ;Il rUpi&ýi-7 alill Front uni ilivir ivtiitcr liviiie, TIIero is ýeý-nd wlivil tilt. :-jIuli'l (If is lieurd, the Ue, MOIS VTI'. l -il A, Ir 'YIZIETOI, Tilvligli LIE tlie trurs lire "ial i in foi, TrI% N And twiiik-Iiiiz iii the strioliry liglit TIII: ri ïï a m Ilýl, ILI IA! -IF Tite w;itl-rý (if t lie rif! W IZAIlito.il) ROTEL, npply to Tite soutii wind semroheà f,,r the floweni 'Ç. C.ýMER( fragralwe. latu lie bore, il E Al PIF Till,, m"d q Chief Golistablp. ild, 'iglii to rifla 1.1-lum in the wumid Or tri And hv tilt! strenui lie more. IlielO Il!) tir, r r TIIE TERRAPINi- whitb'.. Arid thon 1 tliliLl, Of olie, in Colilleil. 41' liltoN%.Ni rr lir týi' Till', WEIA. 111lei, tri i The fair, ineel, I)lI)ýet)tii that grew IL 1) JOHN SIM AC, Fi)lt And fiatied by my side; IýIllkt"lll, L old. Pivi- N IL "Ili L.Ilisi ý)UN'rý' ]-'Nt; 1 N ILPýi- ýtI-! 1, AT Az,,(-lLt, Vxirili2(-ý lu the etilil, moist curth we laid lier, Couil IJIii' N Il,, Medicill Mieil the fore.'l výrlýt the Itritf, j_ F,ý 1 lit il A N U 14. fiti(d ri 1, in t1w fir-1 -iý le. i And wit mýr_-jit flint enü 41.) Invely A iii- cal I!N FI i!1_ýT Ili\ J'P' T. -11 li'l' ' N. li- .1ýI s1tuuld have n lire Ro brief. G it 1,ý il 11 -r 'V". ll(ýrIrSit1vd t', Yet flot litirlieut it wa.4 thut fille Miss r. IlItYAN,, Mýl t)NIý 1 F Y. 'fi EORGE 311 1 LL, 1 Like tli4t N-lti'ng fi'i(-Tld OfJ)tlrS, I\ So -enfle itn&sd> bont tif-il, LS TI) C 1 V E WELLINIII-TION 111017EL. toattvild milivi in ail p3rtý4 of the l'Il t.je Shuuldporimli witil. tilt flower2t, i IAIL Ami-tion of cýer% kind î: U! 11. TH EMA 1 N C, ILI Jt.1 I;Nr(Ili Su,ý t, N9, llitL'N ilV e l rq.Illif-el in - we, a 9 )rd lice ri :IIhjý-Ia lit- T u i:;I ti.t. Il (if tilt- tr.vie. ,.1 i'i tI rl-,ï«,ýqlll.,I, IN' NH TIIF -1 ail i IIielvýi.IIj. 1 1 ' 1 Y it crain t 1:1 I-l bc-i >1«. iv I- i.,,ii i und ut lo 1 The Jaspeî Sîg-tict. HILIIANi. d n.1 Itl tire I)WCLIIIN(. TO LEC. P S. ut ýa tio-re 1'npiIý lit tileir lin 1)IIIIIibit- ti i\ 4,.- [Frutti the Magazine.] 0Y lit, _1 . !- "F 'l il,,. I.vt illillin.-Ii.ttj -lot ex- !,4 pril vat4l Aitillited iw It was the dusk of a suminer evening. - M) AGFNT, titi. l'imaltliv luid agrecâblu Part "t' fi" Isatin my chamber, pufling my.cigar, \.-,t , A.ý Il '.,f M flitl- , inile distant liciqittur Ille Pruviticial Illilir- j IN. and .. .. ... Iri- Illirom ig a ni-iii find frizing, listlms1v into the streeL 1 sa% The fbllôÊ, ilIg -aneédbtd is told bý Rear ,&dlil'ul Éobinson in bis new wOrk ýtîedý ý "Se,%,DrÃŽft ýreré -sta4ding -for =d«'OmOrn- t, dayligtI4 fjalr. in, tfieý*ind's eýe, __Ing a about t*olvýe-mil« dis"tý'9 Y&nkeW Pri- Ajýto.gùingafter-berwe gorie'aftei'thé rSé&ýgu1ls o.,ý or mir beads so we aUumod gtà'tiyuëll possible tlielool.* of-a meirchaftt I;hiý;'dml)- ed the hammock cloths -.over theýuîi446, Tan n the flyii)- gib-bootd puked- up the. NO, 40, 1lzzen - gaff, and- toppëd upý,the driver boiÊbi eised off- the -Lop-ý9iùI -shàtg, and settled the halyards, struck the tom-top TUE iVAYS 0-F MAN. gallailit mast,.and liauléd 'the jih -dQýw;n o'ïY û1pit the grc:Ltc4tý three or futer hànks, and got, as ý slovoy a ï.f ' .ý ý!ý' 1 ý , - Afier a lîttle, oý'into thé look up ag could bcdesired. 'yo" "a"ç our friend up hclin,. upl ýsqiiar» :and and t1ý sqener you . ubandthe, better for down lie carne. When lie apprtaëlied us - 1ýl1o.qtl . ierw . ise-would withli, threc or fouir =iIesý,hè sàdàetjly toddy-drinkiný, slick- etopl)edahorti of ivhich we- t9ok no no- is cone-Dialto Wedý tice, bdt,ýbe4e on our course-;ý,and 'aftér a- %Vi'ih'its Burin dý1ýs W.ile he.-.*agâin res.umed thé L ý vý t 1 6; and an îrÏ %vith 1,53t, when ivithin à mile and a half dfstantý lccd not ,;ce the spring ho lu squirre sail in a hurry, hauld his m engagernenton her wind, and out sweeps, We hacl ý the leu f embrace the chances guns "L'n Outtll(-ý mon on doclx lying-ýdown bc offered lier. First and cvery preparation ýfor 'makîüý sail. )ut " look before you We iminediattly w6resbort round cri- our 1 heel. gave the schooner o-uribmadside of ,randmother saying.- l 1 camiollades ( whicli did -tiot reýacl m- a good chance away, tovti the Othe d. ýn. Wlien your fizih is î Caine r tack, and a 't ay hitn about -W-i sail after lier. For a while isbe drew Way '11) tho line, but wind froni us; but as t.observ ed that, theý ýquar- ýur reel, %vith a %vil," termaster at the con, in bis anxietycé bug th(,- wind, kepL, the shil) tee. close and thon ýiiii imarly to land, lut' ght jeýli, tlïua lut papa yawed to get lier full, 1 ordered him riot 1eath the net, and 1101), to steur Ly thu wiiid, but loy a poipt of ' -Lho it. Cook lifin ahjioît compass".11111 on t'ais stuady line %ve drey ýc f Sli, (1q 1 n't hillell 1011,, up the for it had been blowi.t'If.- a fi r - t5 C> Some .4dy thev don't gale t1ý1C day belore. And the sw 'elis rplled the winJuut of his Iuýý sui,,. At two, [iïdieswho cari smutter >. Thcy m ish. Ligher oclock we liad neared withili gun-sliot, Noieil lie ili ýs«ûp.s ai id doN . vri.- côljk, Ill Seither (If, %ve want ase 1 couhl ilot havç bdrt.e tà,speak thc-r standin- collars, "'Y c théir cars a oit, with of sueli a wisfoi-Lune, and wo L*1 bave brooded îývcr it in blit luy eoston )lit l1ýjf a plu- of the < friend 1weferred to uiipït-ck lus heure witIC 7ülly in one side o mir words. "'Ilie pffl- said C ral ;ling 'round thuir caite.i Orp Trim, " will -never say a word about Master cir halidzi adorlied with hin- to il 1 o ý%Yîth tl B(iliby's death, and 1 pîty hitn the Most. Ï luge Mistrüss will relieve liers0f ý by cry, 1 iii-teittÎýn- They arc! ing; 1 t aiid,.Nla--4ter Shandy by tàlh-iii- about it!j n vour sofa,, turri thu je our Yankec slirper*toid ine bis story and your hi-.-tds '-throu,,Ii bis nosse, calling upo-a bis tuato nuss, and at the manffl t C - tto.cotilirm-h is snudbii,, narrative, nearly ýpli for all your. fancy asýf0'1lows. ', So whew 1 sec Yeu this mom- bohind ygur.elà.tir-,tt" i In- 1 said, gays 1, That ore is u Britisher humble _. morvatit at goiti.- to Queebec, (Quebec ;,)Pm ilest if -roonis, and serenuffle 1 don't havb you tre atree, szkys 1, didWt Il ce years' campai-,ii.- Mr. Jones ? ýSý) you sue "when wé gets ers off Out them dead withiii tour mâts, 1 was lookin". pretty ind begin afresh. If a 0 - j sharp tl.rou,->Iàwy and I tWigs Your te the *poppirïý,' peint m siglial lialyard outâik y-our braccà., That's icking be *ill riùt (Je, it i o - a little tisliy,"' says ldidlaýýt 1 Mr. Jones marrying man and you Hold hard a bit- ]lut 1 voir looked se lika 2_ ffi over to vounz sisters a lumberin- sloyeuly tiniber shi of short dresses, and ý 1 . ci ý ý .1 , P, ý that 1. at it apin, and would have run alo.agsi4e, ig nince and fresh of 1 but I twie ablack- but and apairl-,red who -have more time 1 ý shoulders pe,,.p out fer a minute -ovèr:tha U bave none. 1 weather bulwzLrls, alt-.ddc>wii.,.tgaiti.. ' "0111 for a ninn if yeti aresure 1 , ho! " s:ays 1, " îs that your fl-ure.- ýid if ho is- poor-poor 1 < _ 0 Slie's a a ro-u " says 1. "sec one of lier. ýu love làini, ima lie me- sodgers - - liatil the wiiid," dîijret t tinA lie is in a condi- i 1 - 1 1 - :'l Mr. Joites Ifell, m-lien vour ishüt féli ut boît; and keép.it boil. ae that we drcw . up upoit - short, jtnd 1 sr- in--; U, sa 1-1 we Lave had a 0 sec-tlft-.- knot tied,- ptetty sqtieak; but l'Il 'n'ot is the thief of time ;!',!1 dine witti'ft'lý -,Englisli lord this da),," didn't ië îýëir'ýtUtkn.«-Yé1I_ - land 1 sue.you botheriri- 3jou; foremut ý 1 upl, is-11'tis te bc -or net to giIns 1 gue. sq nowli-f;ays 1, thév are go-, ing te give s a di--viýiofi ; pu tise to go aud io, when lier love ÃŽs bc- i catch ît; brail up the forésail, in seuILQdovit ;hanied te let the wür 'th thà, -.4tars and didn't'l, Mr. but I bate miteh,-Lnak- Jones ý Andthat weýveput Our foot iu i4 rile U,,ýa) W-M. clAIIIBY, I»R#)['It[F.Tf)lt. TIIF alid rite the Cab st.alid, T-nowto. is eilitatud lit a plutisantiaid r1illE, is 011ANNA qul". next, and teriruinate thè and of the foi- 1 his low moan 110NYSON, JL -t* IIU T lit nllad. N lowil Teacficd me.and struýck. ý:11 tir'-.1 Illot -,W11, 011 the fru I>rollriet-,r. q J6 In For part* amoliation 1 r t ravellers. Good -11. 'cularil jegardjng the ON course ed Stild)', Fec", reforenée li made Pang to My hearL From, time to timi Reach. -e GLOBE HOTEL, BROOKLIN. tQ the Il 4-1111nal a of tilt9mgh the day, 1 haýdýÉat by his bçi ci %%ýitivii iiiily bu had on lication t6 prav- 'Yi, side, holding his burnin-hands but whè JOB WILKLN.iUN BAC£ TQ HIM 01,I) 111JU4% ý1( IN STEWART, 0 1 u1g.,Uý W. 0. JEA-STWOOD, A- B. & M- D- lAlt.IlLe-qSý 110TEL, 36 tu the Madical Faculky. èvening cam'e I eould bear'it ýo longer; SUUGEON, &,(-. I;Ixl«ll 11F underi&ieùxl lias awlin j)0ýses_ Secrêtury by Ja- T of the fibove %Veil kiitlvii hutel, whiuil %vili C Res N' t1ic Iiiie lewling from Brooklin to Green- becon(luwd as formerlymrith the, striclest.pro INTERXAT wag sick- ý with pity. 1 , todk ûp -a' bôôk 1 #,un, 0 priýiy ahd ýregrf!rd for the ewmfort mid ëonvt-tli fOIqAT.,HÃ"+EL, forget myseÇ-. but 1 could. notinake ieni cnee*of the piililic. ST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO- ly-r. lit. W.- JoliN Proprictor. A, The roprietw mâl;Tet.4 11U inanv friendb tliat E Tiie subtscnber now occu pieg the abo" ýjd of what,'l réad; - my i»ijýdmould_%îander UR(;F,4)N ACCOUCIIEUlt, &- CORONEIZ, oëtablislicti Ilotel, which lie hüýs'-nelVýy a in th midd e ûf s'p 1 ,ýHQw, i 1 1 ARTNERN1IIP.ý is inaaù rèftdý as to eùter- tain thetil nt the Globe iat lie 'tVill Sfor t1w Ilote), litid tl' et tenfion to and kir AcMiu , w,4çjreVer 'NTF£FD ho porisond g with the deed,, couldI forg »eýc1ù1d 'EEIZ9,"u4ndcr - Ily preseut to give tlieut emh ii re- WILLIAM IL D. Y iblle, lie expectâ to meet with, a e' Lhiu êê« loitaq« ÏuhisV'out. arc of ýÉüb- thing-in the room reininded me o <, îfflo CTIONI F Ille stvIc awl tirili tir Pilitt-M(.>Il a dg ýbe bouse lia; bueil tlgmuelilv paperac, le sup port. x. Withiii reach ýstoud his ro ini 401ýs 'JAml*l a ------ pqinted itpd reiicivatcd, autl le Jiited'ýp in every 4 'W respeut,,in miieh àý tiittriÃœeiý h4 te instire toys'were ýëatterèù oivtr the nofiâ. lin' d J. N. A(.Nl,.IV, M. 1). -%Il ordure left at the lllroli;vlc priiitinkýJfflee, tîou. Tlhe bot as t(irmoily TAE LUCKNOWi.HQIUSEI-, thée' e"ËiÉebook, eue say e J'el dg 0 1 th tïxs P UYSICIAN, 40gJ31112s Il-.., ý - -, , - «!»"7ý- 1 g Tst) e, bis littië shoes ùn'd on "the tâble 93 _00 siffisériber won l'icker- l'ri iitchi pý*Ãœoý -lý' and'àt redtièt Érlêes &c. lit Id béir to appi lu bit Brooklin,*.Mq 26,1858. 19 friands und the public gç.Ilcrully, tha, posy dày ýoè' tw4 bifotè. It wâs ünly,- bdb OCý4%L DL ST.-OFFICE U ýROCK Brock"ýýtrect M'fi' of wild flowers and they were witbm 'NTP N 1 Slitviii,, llooins, it )IV.- j'zýtre(ýt, over .1. ft11ý OPPOsIte A finst rate 1'tigl'isli Barber und Hài; 1) 1U in the stitud lately ôéct-ip'ied by wrn- A. Nelleys ee. in the business, 1% aýïB bel ý(a» a stlivýèaijd tin sh wheirelie will befqund Vie Registry ('1fl '-Ùl operations wurrimted. joug aff& thé ýftVic 'bÎàke!ýiM:eiý 1 would, havel, pre.5Qjýýe Çypp 'il1ýi; I.:Jjtly giti,ýretiue, a t'air trial. I0Iftttýiid t W) ig', nia fit! ÃœP"fits- c' sto-ý kwa t 2118ving iâ a proccAs ýto ýwhioh gu"meà, for État lm ie prepared to do ail kiii-ls oi gierd ou ý a ea weed. if hig hand, bad toucked itj., AMON W. CRON, ood mmsoiis, are'n qb- terciýýiv -pr'ý - ing, AU cp.Ès puý *«4,, fitten ed ýo, and no inch aven", but nucier id Brickla) s w k , aliso lit ENGIJNL In, AND will find the olefadéit"both linës of appôLaý "'ft" anLnted'. '111,TEC'r, CIVII, ?F iiisoti's, lialici th 11, 314 L4'*t;tto, Agenti Whitby. 1 agrýe&bleau(1pIc rint. ruainentul.work in Brick and Plaste -,UlçqWse t d Yv_ iiré 12. to, ëee diýtîpýct1ý- CII.ARR, 1 , 411tet, "Arew int;p til 'bouse-,;,, aild li-htpd TI1BLýý COUýNTY ON TARIQ, ffiu It land à-f ilà the mùnicipal- sounds in, ýhe âtrèeti uf;tùé rýt)ivn ýUf W bit hv. ()Piý ffl Or- M&o "Vkitbr;VÀaYý'Êt, lw) jolfi t 1 l- , u e -,461sie t4- eyiber lw Ille ï>(ýýfieu f 'an"el rp. 9 ri iie oilly d IIW6,ië 'ffle, ý1lid takèï, tav 'to riber b L.t C .ý - - , SIGs AND 011, ho is uw pr% 10 011 ýsafwii-,wltwF aie -f herý 'rt ainu Co." pýýrpno, juf noQý,e or the à licenlètt quit oqein re ýt.qi CAMTý&OS ïtft ý 'f , , 74, KING ST. mur W, àtb any (lutit o! 'T TAILI)II, N, *&X 'luné West. Toronto- lu . r4p, De3 brun or , ýjý wèrku huil. soi; ýw 4oý _,'f T lie ut Iue Prices or' cüH or flot 'fË NXISTEMe '14 tkh EGS TO INFORM THE INIIABIT G. Aé BAI qc,ç tqý1ý. AU fêd Il,ù naà iëti itd ëf tht -,,-T# rf, 'e 13GGIST, DÜýG 4 ANI) (,tttýmîc a 'fa 1. , p»yi t la î nf ýý;]4igho 1ý - - D colore ý"i 1. to th# qp4jiý;t 4) 0 WilaU prnaulen- eijdý bthere f5i aJ wi o sielýblfe L'r,. -iiý nà1àthý ','i lT1-'lý -ýýll ýj_ tair triai, Qu, jiaUct, et,, whil ý,j g Painting ou the shorteW J >,W"iàe led C!Kqggo, wtwk "t; fi wxw x0ý1utfiêri bu,,,09 k îlin pro- mlig IlI.0 ýjIýîffiIy" &bute mâmV-,ýýb T Il orders roldting to 1lý -7 el n4; niidersigriedahouldbeleft lit W*TCH-eAKIW( ND ïf. gq-BuitýliýtY o CO.NiblissioIN-Elt ýE0x -are auly 1ýut1iprUxI4 t'o ýP int Myais. e = èW r A rock, U. W. ick t nia eo e Pr 10-1 bu ngi WB Lum u rony"iMom he4il- -ý*;Êj &DDLE, IIA4 eSS, GOLLA11ý1k.TILUXX, bbèbq1,ý ......... .. a U y ý . il j b«M't mi SNîIaker- 1 - -37u7ý,.,ÃŽ Sie ôý the TU L oe in the la "ýau e 'o cortaill J, onwahip of 1>ýcL r IHE undei-sizped re âd Te- ppre etiel eftilà el , - 'th-' 'p-aht or ", KT r &_ 1 l P. »q:FEIýGus# , ; p ý - 4 ind ilýewbm;j '11,reem and Gâi*vs ble suci TRIENTON î CHARLESPAYNE, 7- ' me _J. rtrq. hilm. and'do the best- ý la4 àroýsed the briny 'deep, 'and'landéd >, Thînk ,pf fôrty,,-Rve in with -the American W New Oriea"ns,ý -ke4g needle-s, September, whffl the 'were duly' -heumý%t* y 4jûmediutelyý.thereafter-the pair Ètartèdl& 1then of,'hbme with the jthe gentlemans jiome, near Bosto4,aûd rote. ýîî'de., ýildok-ôn- this meçr.ýfbietten forty-five 4a opp«twùtyLof ý7ing .-eaiw-'of night and çjay ivill y 0 , u Il Yeu - Say y , es, t St Logis, the-,,husband was tAk=>ý Èick qf yellow tever the -ýWifQ ý &M gte[)tiQný to him asalg* attaem ýdth S'UIRT TRXË,iN>-' -lWe, 1 the same malady., -Sh sàch àd-'cinligh apdhM go ne.op çut,,t9,,ý4eý,4m of er sartath bu-tý thà't 'dért ýti-yýu -hadWtý O'Ugbfý,iýb n'ews under, lpwe er ,40 M Y$' 0, UA ahts se.%ý up t11Qý âofth?,r»k Ë US'E c"> "0 t t'a 'ep4 t 10 IC 0 liMM, or tind given ,-à qiêtw d ih jeP M"à d e titi? rg vf 0 ýXc. itr U. J tizon neversteï , le

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