Héo nd Ladder oopny-J. 'c.Mo. DLas4utoi-IL J. Macà oeanud re. U. Card- George itE DaittuelL InQ4#.-Oaimrm* AMacânnbe». Wà tohmake.v sud Jewe1er-ý.J. Johuso. .XdÀ&ae's, Olobrated ,Veroifuge-Nortl rup & )oge& Bpeial Notic-Northrup &' Mones. The Puker-oorge Yole. AUCTION SALFS. Important Sale of 'Freehold Propcrty X urniture, -D.. W. Clark ~Blof Town Lots ln Nottawasags-Au drew Russell. Whltby, Tlîursday, November 4, 1858 j Mo. 1flancis .A'lcr is our Travei ing Agent, a;îd is authorized to re and grant r(eilj>ts fur nmoneys dui Siigk copies qf the-C[IRoNsîcLEJi>r al, at 3fr, Yýule'â Statioiry More, nert do Protection or Frce Tratie. 4Expcerietice," says Dr. Jolîniston. M5t,14.great test of- truthndipr pet4lflly eontrâdicing the t/îeores oi ii,I" Now, history and experienct bot.h cst.ablish tis important tfiwt, tial Lwase by tb*ete-big au protecting he' kfa&nt manufactures, that )EngIand tri. rimphiantly tassiuivi lier pI'esent proud position, mas the great etnj>iuflmd supplier of the worId. The cucour - ageiunt whieh she held-ont to the IYq#ooi.sfixed porinanently thie wool- Iexn înanutîetturei III biernidst; the we91u0 a d support which she afford- ed ,te-,the banîshied Huguenots, wl Uio ,crale ini which she uursed and periected tiiose of silk. Sjitalfields, Leeds and 1-luddetsiuld, attest th( h iappy results. As regy.ards lier cotton fatbries, ber skill, lier capital, lier abun. dlauobecf ornl-und lien -Ilrile simpply of clieap labeur, eutrbied ber, iii these bgrguelarrs, iiti au afinestinri-aculons c.I.siity,-to assnune au iimrediate and deolsive supreunaey. Tiese ceuse-j -qumtliy reeded littie or- ne protection. Nôt so, 1er ilîka aand moollens. Con-j intlîl cotrpetition woutd lare srnru led these, int hir ver-y infancy, hit for tire protection, mu-iric dnirrg tieir gra duai developemueîît, was wise4ly cuit- el l.-Tire prodigious incmease cf England's weaiîb snd populainu,sud the. eonseqtuent ever-iucreauig cir-cle of consumions, rapidi>' eneoiuraged hem unîtli accnaiualed capital. anrd umrivau- led skili, reudered lier-, as regard s hem cottons especiail>', unaîîproachahie. TIre pro>ciixity sud skiti cf Fr-snce, togetmer wii tire fuel, tirat the raw mm-tonal mas exiiensiv-ely rom-ed in tiat - ceuItr-y, exposed tire silkt rade te a dcndîy, ad a daugereura cempetiticu. Nor inist ire omit' la our revi-ew cf tediffleulties which ihis espeiela i- brio bail. to cecutîter, tIhe tee ofton- mucrcefnltboldneus cf tihe smuggier, agist iwlose,,, arlug .sud incessant ~irood tth ceat-guamd cf ail Euglsud prcw.d -but -an tinaufflient blurrier- Witb1 lhcse- adverse odds, lier conti- neà inin negbhor-, pr-essed 'heavily against ttus brancir cf iudustry. Ir aa iiappy.moement, Mr. Huskino.sori, (tires n t tIre hed cf thé board cf trade) wîfth a sa&acHiy ýas be-id as it mas unex- pected, prpeived, tcé- dangers, anrd wiha disregtrd cf prejuidice, tirai ducc i irismuory amdIis discerumerat equai- hioîor, le renîoved tle Ieavy du1y on tire rawmà mter-l, ut tire anme - - - ime',rcdueiug thc iuport duties by se' UU¶ti a gradation, as iviilstitilcut îhe groufnd Trom un49er thc foot cof tIre stle naIled Athe,.m=lifaèturrer cheaplyIra aireladdoue hiretofore. Articles ut luxer-y, whielu bad-hithuerte- be«oelièdul wdt-tire -*cJatliy clases - soeMlyi were now prdduiced :in-u. l qn4Mtit ,and-"pnice Masplaceal teru wÈin î~the ireach o f ttéegonemalcoin- mu iity. The resulttu wQre tirumpliant FreJa skili nus br-ctght te 1cm-m tpon. ihrpri,rutiias regards-pattern sud the, amniggi'uf IIduerats teý imrnfactory was. cm-ýg$d tb au exteùt, - terx5 tht for a.- eryexteraded period,I proWtiN W oej<* tihe ciadi.e o r a tudy. The day et bengtm arriveal, w1it Engianachangcd lier eomçercW l>p - lily, and proelaimneaFree TgSU.L'et it nt, hewever ba fr'g tt1en ha t 4liî s did not do se, until ahli.toit pWwdsty3 -amourecalof hiripodtoë. - '. ir -musnt- - ie omit taobâserve, Ilat Under thet gonadie mal .glewiirg - phrase,,,Free- Trade, a blight diserepnncy exista, b.-5 tween thre tile -psee, sud tIra contenti cf tle, gi-et work. Free Trade, in tle strict * sensc cf tle terme , pplies solcly to, breadatuifs. - Partial duties yet nîtacir te most cf tire otirer articles enumerated in 'ire tarif'. - TIe admis- Sion of Cor-n, duty fr'ee, (or almoat se) y,- duriug île Irisîr famne in 47--48, seabeil the fate cf thec cer laws. Tînt n- tis n'as au inevitabie necesity, in tire then ngitnîed state of Errghumd, we admit. Tiratiti brouglut ruin aud dis- uray te thonîsands, la certain; but kt *provided for the million. Tiratitl %vould hrave deselated mauy additionaî heurths, is equaIly certain, irîd îlot tire timely, r- vo rysny, pror-idential di.-1 icor-ery ut qgo* itn Australia ad Cali- -fer-iri, coîi(- te tIre rescue. Meo shal snet enter- mte uny exact cabcuiatin of.eti etIre airrit cf geld iurprted fr-cm1 tirose rogieus duriag the lat ton year-s. Oui'routiers oaa do tînt, but me would re desire le impreserre fact npen tIrr Ir atteritioan Vhiu.'lis, tiraI oen erumnîce cf goiti seurm-on, cabis for, anrd receives ils equimaicmit iii articles et îuxuunv, or cf mecessî i whrvliclr. buti for tirai usce m-r-, wouid neveî bave been culled târ- or predtîced. EuîgLaud nahiranuhy )f 'vas buoyed.ilott by tis rrrtbnked- fur- e anrd delicicus ti-affin. Iler productive- ýt iemens r-er-e ftîlly up te tire mark, nom ýr is iL tcnssai-y te point ott ow crîti- î- cul and viral a sipport, heur uimmecnse I auiii impulse urîrst irave ireenu inîrmedt 1 ru ber by Iliese di-;cureries j ire li-1 C air-y cf ier iew vtieories. Nay, r-et -jîy alirreunt add, tirnt hut for- tîis muar- - elieurs influx cf ibe pr-ciulrs moisis, - sire couiîd scareely lame imet the dramma -foir breadstrifs,wminch du.ficient bar- i ,s vesîs, aud ieer-cased demuaud requir- , As we um-e alrea-.dy tated,lboîrever, thue terni Fr-ce Trada, ecept ini iircat, is net atogether exact. A redu' nà ditty stiui gives ils incidentaI aid le tIre silk manuifacturer, as.-aise tOuraay othien ntielci-t, as v-i-t net oqual te a baud ltulrand onrouier, %mm-hItire foreigîmer-. We neeri sear-eely peint qut eue artile especialiy I r hs-, key. Tis ffit-or-ie national beirorage, (fit for thue lads cf Olympus) cari b. bouglit la Ireland, aye, sud impmeved ,)y s three years iuatunring, for- 7s(Gd per- galuon. Fr-ce Tade, as cunstrued] lu Enghaud, infliets a duty tînt mises~ il te 179 6d, sud upwards, wlen it crosses St. George's dm-ancIl. IVe ar-ive tirereforo, affer ibis brief sud rapid ro view cf mîat Englard lias aà t Vluus conclusioni, tînt protection, ru tle infancy cf manwufactures (mi-ice raw mater-ml especialîy, simd'skuiled la- ber are cempetitorsý,) is -indispensable te sued4ss, ibat il was by adopting, snd adieriug b uthese principles, (nia- king, fi-oru limeltu e, such changes as expericîrce dictated) tIrat Eugland aîtaiaed au enlinencc, irlonce aie miglrt defy coit4partiien ; and tIai ilt irastIýen, anrd tb4n only, sue prc1lerod Tree Trade, on tIre footing of receiv- -lng Reenprcity. Tis ësir -iy rise- ly did, lu Uic conviction that sire miglit gala semetlring by' sesnurirg fresli mar-kets, -and couid leose racîl- As regards cur adoptcd counir-y, tle question liras reccntly -arisen, irletI- or il is desirabie-o attompt tle intro- duction cf iautntur-es, and if se, irloîler protection sheuld b. eonced- ,cd lu supportiug sude attompts. W. thmuk net. ' England bad ýa limite-I ber-iter-y, - anmd -a dense population.- Canada las an unlimited oxteut cf soi!, and s sparse population. £ag- baud lad cuormous capitaL. Canada lias yet tiraitimotant fuicrunuvo dr-e- n:te. Epgýand, ad mIrer cheap. Ca- nada alaiborat a figure,. tînt if cmu. ployed op mauaîflatures, rceld e ira- cnvasça -,the pr-ie 9f îhecommodit>' pýroarc edas ,te -ren4er- generai ,con- unpioq, impratia4bisprqd4oe ni versai isaopteui4 Mad piutr od -gatiesof ilJegm-i eomrueppe teer ue' gice antd actiuily cf utherntggler. For mt, wc May &-î, ouf aueet effots of ile c-ntrabm-mdst on our 1l-not iung. iaMlîi#ç,p ( Is ih culties, the question 'of meenne pr-e-. isentss iteelf--sbitu eut foreigngoqdsN .Ala!iÉis tee lcat', thtMth.esmuggler would à w<»mld ket the, Oyse- teie - ~~p~à ~111be .1x~pIfemneu té 12- By the s0endûi Tbat l the hour for the, millionaire, w M- propos.d not, ' 91n tii . liensle, . an4the mMlomt. bu o lbaye iL at Ù soettnofthie W. confesât even wiiea view4 q rdo uInspe«»0T Ii n Mtioducuig iùetià t beLlis vlowq"on U "ýýbad lstelY Und«' yeule to stmed, rnelanohoI1 g Wdml eà # ,"à dene"ùi~g race, wbose lot iti Mr. Macdônell oomplained of the to b. engaged in manuflctures. To publieinconeniienee" - î nfrom the the. milt.ethe.soni, lWtn cding. It la'u ièi'kIltwxicy womIiavi dao hta pur vocation., It wMll net disappoint ter~ the-ConIndil hatin thebeginniug of our expectation& - Let our motte b., the year lal4id i11wn tbat there sheîiid te dispose of our produets ln, the deas, ý. b. ne ô> îuôýrèthan12. tavernen lleà ed,ý eS ýM4dauehse what ila-needed, in jjt wag go- proposed to evetr thie cheapest markets we eau lnd.- whole mattçr - with the Iùspectors. That, we repeat, 18 our vocation. As What wum tbe nieçeduty becasked for for tceori*ed, there la no more certaintY ainending the by-lav? W,.Lî k not in them, than thêre la in sheep-riear- the fict that thore were now more Town là ouncxî. Wus it attenipted te be urged that i the puulie good ar public convenience M1onday Evenîng. Nov. 1, '58. required further tavera accommoda- The Couxîcil met at 7 o1elock, at the tien ?, Ne s uch tbing. But the iteeve Tow n Hall.of Whitby had taken a particular hotel The Mayor in the Chair. under his wing, and this was how lie Momrbers proscrit - The Mayer, wanted te grace it with bis patronage, Messrs. Macdonell, Rowe, Tremayne, by ebtainiîîg a license4- for the propnec- Heodgson, and MePherson. toi'! le (Mr. M.,cdonell,) could flot COMLÂINT ÂGIN$tTTUBiERIEWVE. undcrstand lîow the Reeve of Wlîitby The Mlayor read tlà c folloingr coin- could refuse a hotel license tO one Inunlication from Alexander Caîncron, man ut one side of the street and give Chief Constable, coïuplaiuing of Mr. ene to a m.ii ut the otiier side; how one Hiodgson's conduct telwards hum. nian should be compelled te louve tIhe To the 1Vrorldîpfud, the Maiyor, and townfa fr want --of a license, anid the Cou*tOrs, ofît&Uw Zof 11o71W/it- ,o1,-,n b-,-law of the town repe.aled to byoblige anotlior juan-ho said, lie(re G~NIE~IN-Irespectfully cravo edoîl, eould not uirderstard hîew vorîr attention te the position in wliclîrw lue fiurb oudr 1owl Iarn placed as Chef Constable of rt-e b'imseli with qsncb a course. lie did Town, and 1 appeal to yotur sense of )nt wisb 10inîpute mtvubut he wbiat is rigbt to do rue justice. INY iilîad is own ilea about the ruatter. yearly stipond fi-cm the Town is e yTite person f'or whom the lby-luw was £15. 1 have a large helptess 6rmilyt erl{ft( ctrondtet4n ,to maýItaini, ami thcy arc whlolly de- tvln epe"htM.lcdnad pendent upon my earnings, as conista- a majority ofîthe Council bud a.greed bIc, for supprt.. Fer sonie tire hast f l support bis petîtien, and that those m~' nruigein his espct avewho did not like t i iht kiss iLs pu- bc-en materizilly dirninishcd, and lat- fro. a tpoe oak- ô tonyv, I have had but coniparatively mmbners of the Couincil to Jromlise little emlloyment, notivit hstundling Uth iie ftatkn ? I aswuIg constale business -of t-ho Town lias and shamcefully wrong. As far.aslie largely encre-aséd. Mr. Hodîrson, thr a re d-nî cngi o r.r Reeve, emipîcys othxer parties who on- stand alone lie would record bis vote Joy n uicnopoly ef the coirstable buer. against ik. Lot thre counecil cf tire next n ess or bis office. I amn intormed, and yertr repeal thre by-lnw if they tlîeîghît believe that at least oeeof tiiese par- fit, but let that ef thils year ondenvour ties, viz: Thiomas Bateman, is indebt- tO act with some cocnsstcncy. As fair ed te Mr. Hodgson for n lot cf land, as Mr-. Hcdgsoi's position was con- and~~~~~~~~ thtsi 3tna sepoe erned, Jie (Mr. Macdonell) as ho had do the constable business, in order already stirted ceuld net understand that said hbcdgi;on righit retain the that gentlenrsn's position, te Ixunt one coenstable focs ini payxnont. In the rman eut-cf the town by rcfusing hitu grexter nuinher cf thre cases in which a licens, 8.and te use al lbis exertione I have" beon employed befoe the te procure a license te be granted Reove, I have net received eue farth- another manr at thre opp)osite side cf- ing for my trouble. Sorne cf thre cases thc street. romai n usettled, sand in otherq, 1 Mr. Hodgeon fftated that lhe had kncow the Reevo to have eollected the only advised Mr. Caldivell te get rip a costs, and rctained theru te Iimsçqlf; petition, and that he had not~ told hini and il lie be ilet re-ele4td te tie office wlîether ho would support it or flot, thîs vear, 1 wîll have ne chane cf that he lad changed his mind on the, gelttlng them. subjeet of icense, that ho was xrow ini WVhether I amrn te main Chef Con- fivor of grrinting a license, or fifty te stable cof thc Townr or net. I lave tIns nov nersou- et Council, whose membors 1 believo support the petiaien. Ho tbonght that ,wculd desire te set in a spirit cf jus- Mr. Macdenell, who bonsted cf being tice vnd fair play-.-and it is forýthem te oppesed to elass legisIation should say, whether or net, their Chef Con- support the ýmotion for repeal cf thre stable la net the propor person te be clause lu the by-law. *Thc mayor rond a corumunficatien tiré former petition preseuted asýainst on behaif cf a poor woman nned Gib- gir8fting icse. ïIo»s for relief. AlNoa letter fîr-cm Mr. Mr. Hedg-seu said that if a isinillar ý idôùt, 'forpament, cf a small sum petition lad 'becu got up for doingý due thre Bank forintereat. away with èvery tà veruà in the toWn STEEr5 KD iIplovEmENT. lie weuld ma crihygo :orit. Captai» RÃ"we lirought up the-re- 'Mr. 'Perry stated that hç 41d an port cf thre comrnttee, and on'motion ameutdment te rnove, nnd tat ledid tIe Cuneîl wtin t utecorunittoe of soirdert iv Ir erug?f tIre whole thereon, Mr. Hlodgsenn theUi by-law, whielhwoul4 b. tIc ceue the chair- AftrtIpert hih l yaotiM. ilod ssreseolutn., ing'fidl .details cf tire xpeirditrre t il ore Uittlivet frôrà the ýteÉent' year, being reatee cnmr ttpe rose,, rcpc rtedprgrasand obtained ave-by Ms'. Hoa.n adbn ptws te sit ann in order te gve the absen:tc ôed M~ adnell- býing -the' mêruberIs a Iehaà ce cf behn9rgpeut .ant dse~i1t iti adopto. --- YTE Mr.Macd nel1 exr edidsaiowC.ij eofa, 4rih nornetion wamade d otweo-te Çouncil te epý h the petiti6na presented, "d he wih. rto o the comrittee Z<o rEport wbat i4e .y(*mee wjê'B J! It wasunuderstoed that the-' w6r o à ?? -!% noW1 ging Onx ih1d neot 6-- aloi jxeed ho l Tcacxr, Nov. 2, 1858. The Ontario 711m cf lust week,luu ./ rtp flC E eIexedd vetolswae wic M. Rorrea, mRe~haed JxsIowm, FâQ.1" b.- would show #24W qpgisât $800 au uséaly WltIr y<>rfr lut, 1 i b trayi £arMost suapiolotis axiety te lb-praiaefaciRîd.îpende& To ilusiratSi hls -probe iaI- ratber MO"e lehsure atpreet.thau i. de. Captais Rowe.IbrOus' eo.tempcraa'y were low me ta naine what-fel under my' owu mbal, Ill :o.cmalmmly a.ddresa you a inoere lu bis laudation, b. would have the Mrdir 'GLUG,-erCoiss obrvtn.-D ig(esume'c15, few Ilues about matteta Uird ti sin pn - et f caklng trut*xfuîly for uoe4r U.Eio:thé suni e1 $400wsgranted ou a certain eral lu the. uretropolissud olsewhere, just~ Captalu Rowla well deser'es tire flattering Whie tire Iltepayers are voting road sud ccrrmissioerrs appeinted te ex- M m Y own m nd thappons W o i t r se enc euum e pa d to ris worth, by the T ure. o ie R n S leîe i a et be ut f pend the sý me, w o ad net gubscribed wlth-theptaing aventI. Butwhoeverkrow theTirnucliqueftospek, PIaço, te disrùrss in a caudi& sud cool mnan-nsd cf course lr'ad lest ne sleep te study ler eght lor ton days back there hag wortbily of the, citizcii of Witby-aud uer tire subject cf esrls iu generali, arnd ont the best means te expend it Mark boen a goqdýdcal cf feeling lu the tdty inu baucof all--of James Rowe, whoso usure tire present ncbemo in particular. 1 ueed thre resuit, some baîf dozen men witl% respect cf thre rebbory jathte Bank of p_, they 1hae Bo frequeutîy, heretofore, spoken Pet tell you cf tire trickery ef certain mcm-. shovels were placed in mach diteir, large pur Canada, aud (ho mystorlous t'èstttition' cf rdthý disparagement. We know that br ftr 3ut oni ncisîii lumps of stifi dlay sud sud were throrn on cf the o rte-.I ~lrbyeili(a Captain Rowe la tira Isat man In the Town intc. existence a sceem whicm the ratepay- tire pike, main fell sud nainscarme mAking the Chief ot Police,-the Great Saur Siror- tbey would speak ai good wcr-d cf-sud Mit xyMncpality have se point- thre already deep bobos deeper until it iris Wood knc>ws aIl about tire malter, and tirat they would fir prefer deprecisting, edhy sud uuauimeusiy corîdemned. No, nesrby impassible; -mils were o tlen front migt, f e cose stisy uble errosiy,4irau xtliris îigpcraacter, unlesfer it la patent te tire inuabitaritscf tlîis thre fcuces te ifleout the wagons sud fil fomigh the hosie satsfobient e rre rit, extadsoe i serobe - in(3cVun ty that certain uemdbors have at the up icles sud tire rond abaudoned -tilt near- rs Masons, like tho superier bt-ak lin,- Tbey have given Gaptain Rowe just credit experte ocf tiroir Municipaiity crnvassed- Iy tire fait, whcn the, road partislîy recor. self, I1arn net awaro lIai lie was under for beiug a far-eelng, clesr-qlghtod ruan- net the ratepayers-but tire Reeves sud cred by droutir fronitihe effecla cf ili-spent any obligation te screen thcm or te cou. ire can assure 11cm 11107 have spoken tr-u- Deputies te barter for' tirir votes nI the monoy, iras- again attacked lanlire next nive et if rýel assisit tcir escape as h isuy, sud tiraIt tey mIll fiud hlm tee ur-ch coSt cf the Couuty. 1 uoedet relu ycru <itch, ik iilike resit. I wol1ld 15k what chRrged mitir doing. Sarm las been se- 80, te ho st aIl deceived by tiroir speèious tirat wiîeu mon go front Reeve te Deputy beuefit mas derived from tis $40'>? If you verely bl4med and is i tink very justly fid~tery. When tire werthy Criptain seceks Reuve erith a skeIetcn cf a &chcme tutili want ie te answer i would "ay none. _ No sud altirough re iras fescapad wl rbuete be re-electcd MayorercfWiiby, me dou p lu a manuer l tosuit ecd, iutil a mn-.ircuder thon that our taxes increise, wiie instcad cf tire Ioss cf lis place ire lias nltnt kuow that ire miii consider it:necrssary jority is beugît, tiraItirore is sornothing mud' deepaues. It bourig more easy 10 find mnucir cause for crewring, for public opiio te consuit the T7irnea' opinion. retten lu Denmark. No, it-is but tooe ap- fitult thrun te dIo better, it becornes miete "T0sgnlmn wl roeum parent and stands eut in bold relief se tirat offrrrry suggestions ounrrlakiug rends; ho ùvegeclu.tl rrgit hlm sud bl usenamu mfraroef qur rendors are familirîr, ibas 1hlierbo runq may rend. There is o~-first, I would cemmence neramree pike he \rhvc limaîf Il ennrkire pu-tis weck, tirroilgh tiere ciunrgf tire 1fîiw ron-J wouîd 1 ce-ld spare myý ham 1 couid urake tire propler shurpe. li deuc4 lu tire future, bis ter ureo f clIce mili frrorîele, ivrinrated that il is fot hii ~s el irianci-owtntorileo suri i old alirrys have a dtebr on eiirer s;de, sccun end. leuhion tli aganlusolicit rit(> irorofuaruscat; l h ai 1 nwthtorIueeadfi etlwi tad taseanth Yen wil bave accu tînt Mr. llegley te tIciltih Ceurîcilitable. *W irnîve fonud i Lenttoeouae usia1ut tsiii~ri net drî re î~tr Secretary cf the Deparîmout cf flîbic Ire:savonee or- îoo occasions lu c.-.r11e, for rit the Courîcil board ivere ieue butc buscagul îoettim~.tls ,,res disapprovai uf the cour-se erkerr ly tli, hoscu tcw rray s1reak. I look ntit~Irs shape. You rire velkiwrrretlirai the Worl's iras been remeved. iu otirtwords h oei ieCu i.tiîepiu!~-Iru %Ir Rwe n he ou cl. I tl pnirenw, c llr f ny c1.oice crue s-îoiri1, riitli mysucir gatleri nlurncba ditel s<) as te irake dismissed. For nacerîsidemable tinre past1 i m.tler, lor insr.iîuce, me were, anefjwrtp cs aencn- xcrc od sareii h'lne tire top cf tire pike is an xaululio ls benpreeeîuginocf opeinioïîr that lhe iauk a cour-e eas nîju- jý cnetabin lastin us lu mhicIeding ifCir-oust l rptti a ouclor our aflairs, snd hear hlm proclaiuriing, loud luna bad conditionbuit tins is net tir cerutainasctires inesticatins cogrn. - it iis olno-xiawrrs thie irrîvrest of tiresud long aguiust discttrasiai n % matter ni-j greatest îdivantige of sucir ditlis. During - ~~~~ratopayers. Thre momuler te ri wmas, hum remudy settled by rfixirg onr usures ta e the mne ag rd fsc aies cd IL becaure ovidtrrt tiat his couduc hart a mn miro ou ordiîrary oce-ar-ions seiliirr scieme, imatuired et lîw,,e,inidwmici bi rrca asofiemdlst om f nul been exructly 0. K., but I urni rabie jfiied ri uierit tire ajipeillatiori cf n cierr- ilyawaltis t, go tiroir n aforrai te ho- t *. sappeurs-- on tire pi«. anud ut te to ell yen muat uvas prcved againsti .gnoeu m art ui, nrrthat oec;%.r,îcî, ae a rire vory turne uhen the ronds are most<cut irim. cuuldgive yo rîrî ours r'r-e wirclr tire lrge riij<rity cf tire nilr- cornue 1mw. Arri when 1 sec hum cager urîfir t sla a rsu wîh sd mopeushabiitanits ofrftic toter, apirenred lu direct îîrey ure lest riiey lose tire îst cirauce t în u1 dmugebaiîgtr pk en inart lyamnwL uhw.p"' ppositiornrte rigt anrdjustico. But wilIth i aour ~ntsmi Icîu- eueiparrrtively surooiri. Tire resd-being once 1 rmay Irowever sttte tlint %r. Be-gley ike j nu tire histeion ldattacietthlie Capîi ' !er < rf bttrîr ut îe o inred I wctrîd stiggetl hmt escI leat Mr. Audersnn tire Ex F)cputy Re-elver oiminrg te iris corurse ou tire 1r>rilnti llria - lurnrisir a set cf lonrg muoden semapers iron Geucral retires witiî themirerewitl Lu ter, me imy ne urerus view hhlm aq-onie wiro arehpurcW-s mu a foui plut sud feel nuit I rus eau ess&ily le sparei(rouni the Council r>f! noî for thre fiN t Lire tumu jîroph>er, aud Cnjt uir~~tgthrsieln u~rp keep ~ ~ ~ ~ th Trownf oysdcofrnhcwil ir sr. 1 say, tînt tire vote ei oîrr Townshrip wili 1 ftrc.dmb ens rr fsdwer s s ple1sant rellectinîr -if tire afure,;.-tib Ne rreinbor cf tire prescrit Corîncilbas nIml<na iaprvbu iibi-ocr at ns a sapirug. i abetltn e.1 o- %-inerevi las core in thc rigît w-(f 1 borekuistieq tge cf tire routine cfyUcîîu- a>) cine.r kolig tr ouieefGo-Ispeýit fin pi-nu bikngmnage. Wc, 7rill orjitatrelrrpbeu-tiiy.fs «iii the Publie Depirtmeruts, tira t f>Public cil bUuinesSsîaid me restirrrrif arll iinf- jlîyrh e u o.erla een c pthe bIcs mnking thre .rondalmeat %Vurks hlas len about te ncst t fort- u îîcrrirashbeen iincra rterlarly tei rmttt-udrrr ut the rueetrugs cf tire Courîcil. As a hlr4ï provnce fau ihfi and trust tIrai ,r<iîadla eior>~l~Pi rg mte lu ira beadat-. There iras Me (.1i- .peaker, le catiucither le chargeil wih iP R& iio tr i-s Ç,î,i uJaur~ est at the centre ta Ic amare e(tirhe grent tbet, ajniiy feiloir, wm ie c vcr unîed lu iaying tocnuci r r tutIle. l~1 elseîetr aet&iîele isey a i god doo mi.11 a triffe cf liber, yen iris convivial (riliticii tir- came cf No. 1 ci 1.itîer a silcut ureuber, nor oue wîr extsctr hepwtr u elya(s.iuid Imnivel a rend vilere strçhe sudmir lyhoc orcrck prîmpa > seins enairor-ed ivitir Lie setirs cf bi.-; tIns check aItirhe founitlire source of su oi clnsdcopr il omm'uveice. Durîug tire preseut yenmr me tmccl iig-handed barlcrinrg snd rhissel- iitti ren; otir liras made for him4elf a wmclli iud snd hanve beu ceîircîÎe(ite Ilsteu le seure cfliiug. But stop, I[ aid isn:.uss couîy anditlerteri. Sueminrhoing accerliisied yrru very ice nst. le isthe tue, fther f th ittot tedotismiiiliswc nddir mirwilI visdtewha res doue dnc w aili ver>ale uct. le s tc trc- athr u th rast ediois.chidis, nnrilu in> Jerrîer te de se must net' eveir tiir. eof- tire cmrbbrated Piers doua tire Lower St. ea os nousensic-ii discu.ssions a ticheCoînr - tî tIrelieshri .tire statute iaibor; tlu wirnci 1woubd say Las-reuco. Tiren iremas foliewed by tînt cii huardlirai couldwmcii lbc ceciveonuf, rpep ss tinake nie Uverseer cf Rerul sud I ml celebrated sicepor Mr. Lomieux, Mrr. li ems îetr Citi r-i rrjlf, ilyntrr ii le wb-irati gravel sud- place il judiciemîslr on neiîher participnîing iîr tieni, nom scerulu-' Ifuore ntake pencil lu mmnd and rssitMc Brown's neir Recoim'or General. Pour te reli,;nîr tirerone whiiibetter tiran me di ilu the fullowimrg calcuintion, sdcreinutpae ulmudhv ieunr ie hernieux mas just tire man le le duped by orîrseives. Poisscssed of gncliilon nrrrrarvrrei rv uorc udmics . f ire ould (li,-flirtirte rend, for dayte - j iIrpovo keoractan tdcesicemaronidy designing clever undemlugsansd te ayseuse, sud a desimo te perforau i isdaiu>t ur embaices tire Centre Rond i hhhocridoteomltote te w, ho iasm mca usef ii. me urigirî Tire b-a mrc1>h iteRod 1fa tisâsuo y aine mnmniYramudo ecuuî.rrtr vainable meunIer cfthue Counuil, and te Bearerten, thonce te the Nürrous, wiem eak aesolnt uf national morks conxuined b> Mmr. Chabiot, 03 egrettu esc Iis naurre exclided jjIfa rsasue <rptec MIr. Baby sioe can ,-tel. It is certain frein tire lisi cf Ceuncitllrs of- 1851..Sy 0mie.au extýemt tint I fear tire useful puin ay hemever tint nirder lis Audministratiou Ve hlo tiat proviens te tire Aictions Simece Street, rot le mvrth caliiug eut.- - t>rst ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i unwra otatrmîosm eyjiliilibe fornd timat LIc delemmination ox- itrock Rond, '30 &&rl, tha unveral ontacor ari soe - vpmssud hy NIr. Roue in Lie courmunieri- Froni do. le Uxbridge, or rly lraudsome specs. Whother ho (Loarierux) tien referrnni le is net irrevocable. %N"e tîrenco le Scott, 20A OCFRMIKEI2 . sirared lu tire pickiugs I kucir ne!, but have o e isir ru flatter Mmr. Roîvo, sill los iPcengnt xrge, 2 ratier inn-ine te tire belief tIraI ho dîd net teotiroir out au> reflecticîrs on tire inîtib- -Peeiu noUlrde-ectu re.-xieeirînies) Institute. sud tirtaIml l ismenit consists lu taki:g thautsicf treopnnte fditirdiar, ica ire sar * *-ectre-f te'p-cit Ihings easy sund lcîling otiiemnu îeîp treru- te îra u ceiiurLr>sii; di miut Making a total cfsome 150 iceeig-letr ftIepeci j t fid a sucesr for hm lu ait peituts ss *IVciaIactcf $00pumlecason milI ire delivred by thc Rèv. J.- seleslibrrlly M. Alcn cur uet, ml ifltcd te servc tireni lu refi-reuce te i ,Sirortt, cf Port Hope, on Tuesdmy croula5 but extrome ihI-irealtir eîerteok hmm rer-y ftire Mnycrlty, tieugir mc are net lu auv Makinglire routuîI sum ofcf $750,000. j9i a., ltr elric al ujc accu afler hre assumed office sud ho courld mesura pepared te say me uould support But his art oan end tire nitIer ? Ask -épuIlr Falzi. - net de mmmii le referau ime Depatment- Mm. Rowe iii preference ho au>cthIer can- aiiit didate mire inigirl coule fôrmmrd, &titi frein Mr- Itemeo, Mm. Ferry, Mmr. Dryden. or sny - We une pieased te beamu (bat tire Insti- Hemamr l dd cmmnceti ineaig- hIalong services, sud abitities, iL laisa crier Sîccklire lulicPort Wiltby & tutoiras met miii mucir success lu sçcur- tienwhic ha nowresute ite expul- loor m-udr bis fionds illiglit reaseuabiy L-uke Sýigng Rond if il costs anything te î-tesri1cso eei mnr tien uoicr b easnm es icd 1uud rst nd misir te ueo couferm od upen îi m .--î- ie se v ce fpom i b en e -u sie cfMm Beiysud îl tek ire imrtn'ur- rJuSîce ô u lmua. Mr. n c up~~ fias-e. wmmcli wil e publisired lW afer a ~roeôte inplaid lrr. AbcynRome is neperseusi rird cf ours; ire is "Yes iL miii cost a trille, say,)or14 The p'c ocf tickets las leen an-updas Socretarysirip sud iith characteristic en- net avoir a nubscriber te tîre Tires, atilI years equal te lire first cost." Did YOU follews: .3fembersticket, colnstitutes s erg> hireis pushcd tire inquiries se tfar.- me are uoue the boss disposcd te amnird ilur aer- Iraoftire olid drkie, w m iro ibu1p meurler cf thc lustiturte for erre,- yiar -mlii Thal ire miii net rest uritil satirerougi rme- mintever praiso lir is lduo. ingiug sud face elongnsted,* siewingcv-trplreesftieibryidadrusr erganixatien cf lie Deparrîmeut la effectl, 11his miat tire liane8s uys of Caplaindetsnscfrobeppohdii m-e ieiolrmdte. ebes f(l yen may safely take for ganted. lly tire Rome. Wenuerfni (rat il couid net occur brmtala os«Mss boedetruithe - treandmiree urs cf (thev may peniugcf icoteabteugr le 1 ti amrt ouu spr-.iimorslu amaa-terd ibdneverPmdssab l anl e bctmedpec -h.Letue icet member la ans-lIed mitir tiexîme e t head a nrstadiung s, ml ini mews a a xei"- et ldSrbrer acrrefthaIe ,wle cursie of0 cen failý te ris ne, mre, di' if rley do risc, il miro lad ccnsoled tram min iMe ili o ï- bnefttbed b rrbm1Olc iotea-e Hi b e, net asfrieuds, but as fees. -Let roirful; wlrô -Ià IIrejolccd wilinj pot- cr fmo.e edof.dtmtfn~.t n.fr elr . il e an,à as - yr i 4. - raic-I aiu, rd if -Urne dos net vihidicate fraying bregt acenes --nithtir unknomu"wYn icr-xrikt-i s~iWm&~4----- Usth souiÃdhresm-of tis predictiori. and umtried future; miro lad.'guidîrd mry luiarpYQrrotsaa ilgs"ad IJI Krw u.s~1l Yors &. mymriiee _r 1 9,ain , r îomyshould any of y0uc adva ace Ma omd(l o rof Dr.-Witei4 T"i iithe - - COQN. paiIhway o er; and mIme-mss now« a4Ã"uf I- 57urla o!Wh "---- ' 'bs ebâ» to e lasedintha ebraewheh on such Town' or -Vfflage-hias rurrlotsto selo V &r,hi'aei qs ofÇpgra 7To -hec body cf a r -can - t mete iý-~ conie sGog esa nian, and expressive cirntenanee.; and, muni-- 1 , lproorn-.ips pinit tia i c .Was dinôvré4 A1otÈg cii Scrgo- mrtaid unran dfrnothey~r, eamiiWhiuo - -Buiy unoe - XinJrià 4 Lt 4hà s luuer halte ou 'rid~P ià II7glast. Air, J. cyca-scaeesi ae.sparkle miith aew jifr;and t u-atiil hlkr dxurlr<TI~Of Bigebw, <ç~>~r~ ~0sn ~.- ~j mI gsxe lon sud dvFn upoi uw ofré ces the saqie distance fren udtha ty , WP iýýpgUara,.,raised Ihem ael&arO£may, "Assedt les GSÉ' os IasnPort ery o han--r- t e dayOçtoerJt~1jap4a~>pai-4'tobanfigure nom stretched îinr er-Ianitest; ithb t.hiL4sèiný$tuor one;,mi tr~o i.J1rOIuaue d O-Y n édé sult ns rge stoc 51 eaI noor ste. rpean dcil ctowork1fo* 't) -ti dà b4-xe-w. R baséà Se"a'& la l5~$4d~ii~li5 ~ py;inpnt yoii do 4go, yô U d<£trkyýifof4 a-"ndià tft ihfr rôw4 . rsiià Wn- e , set, ~~i prii 'y~i@.~ ~ ~îe r?~- f itu A - __~ uh p-w d -- lru j eerixtatiosof being, a à 4bm id -Wi dtt abc ec so vini s u s l Dom Ma nei to i by te ~ Jeu Mai crd yenî qer m and p Al. Rn r - r- - lu. .1 r-. r - n